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➡ This episode of Truth Mafia News discusses a new project launched by the host and his father, which includes a prayer group and a platform for spiritual growth. The host also talks about their sponsors, including Nanosoma, a product that has helped him personally, and Body Line, a wellness technology based on energy frequencies. The episode also delves into the concept of personal codes based on one’s name, and the belief in a divine creator. The hosts aim to build the largest spiritual community on the planet, helping people step into their power and become leaders.
➡ The text discusses the potential negative effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and technology like 5G on humans and the environment. It suggests that these frequencies could be draining positive energy and altering our natural state. The text also mentions a coming ‘judgment day’ where people will physically manifest their true nature, either becoming more godly or more animalistic. It ends by emphasizing the importance of protecting oneself from EMF radiation.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining positive energy and focusing on oneself. They believe in the power of frequencies and vibrations, and how they can affect our well-being. They also stress the need to surround oneself with positive people and to avoid negativity. The speaker encourages everyone to step into their power, focus on their own journey, and to be mindful of their energy.
➡ The speaker discusses the power of positive affirmations and the importance of self-improvement. They also introduce a new spiritual community and ask for feedback to improve it. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about the pyramids, specifically the Great Pyramid of Giza, and theories about their purpose, including energy harnessing and weaponry. The speaker ends by criticizing capitalism for prioritizing profit over people and the planet, and calls for change in this regard.
➡ The text discusses a new online community focused on positivity, personal growth, and spiritual development. The community offers free resources like daily affirmations and guided meditations, and plans to add more features in the future. The community is moderated to ensure a positive environment, and there are plans to collaborate with spiritual leaders for further development. The platform is accessible via an app or browser and is designed to be user-friendly.
➡ This text talks about a new spiritual community platform that offers various resources like guided meditations, energy clearing techniques, healing frequencies, and journal workbooks. It also plans to host live events and group prayer sessions. The platform aims to help people improve their spiritual, financial, and social lives. It’s free to join, and the creators are looking for people who want to help others increase their spiritual vibrations.
➡ The speaker is excited about a new spiritual platform they’ve created, which is attracting many people. This platform aims to help individuals grow spiritually, connect with like-minded people, and step into their power. The speaker emphasizes the importance of deprogramming from societal norms and building a stronger relationship with a higher power. They also mention the impact of recent celestial events and natural disasters, suggesting these could be signs of a spiritual cleansing.
➡ The text emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive spiritual connection, protecting oneself from negative energy, and continuously working on self-improvement. It encourages fostering a community that supports each other, regardless of religious beliefs or personal backgrounds. The text also highlights the significance of manifesting good and love, and being accountable for one’s actions. Lastly, it underscores the value of gratitude, forgiveness, and the power of prayer.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including different interpretations of creation, the significance of certain numbers, and the benefits of a product called Nanosoma. They also mention the importance of self-love and moving forward in life. The speaker encourages listeners to join their community and try Serena’s water, which they claim is excellent. The conversation ends with a reminder to step into one’s power and become the person they’ve always wanted to be.


Welcome to another episode of Truth Mafia News. This is episode 25 of Truth Mafia News. Step into your power today. That’s what we’re going to get into, guys. And I got a bunch of video clips for you. This is a new project, me and my father’s launch, and it’s going to be amazing. He’ll get into that more. The link is in the comments. You’ll see it there. You can click on it, go join. There’s a prayer group over there. Just an amazing platform. He’ll get into that more. Before we get going though. This podcast today is brought to you from our amazing sponsors over there at Nanosoma.

Amazing product. It helps save my legs, save my life. You know, matter of fact, before we get going, guys, let me go ahead and get my little five sprays in there real quick. You know, I gotta. I gotta update myself on that. I’m getting low. So that link is down below in the description. And we also got the body line products. This is all based on energy wellness technology. Frequencies, vibrations. And I’m going to show you how real this technology is. That’s what a few of my video clips are about. An experiment that these kids did in school with WI fi and how plants grew and how they didn’t grow around the WI fi.

Well, our technology gets rid of all that, you know, it’s going to take care of you and protect you. And of course, we got our sponsor over at Gold Co links down below in the description. And if you want to book personal decode with me, Tommy Truthful, you can do that on and that links down below as well, where we throw your first and last name in and break it down because we all have a source code. We live in some type of organic simulation. God spoke us into existence. So based on the first and last name you’re born with, you have a code and then that code, you know what synchronicities to look out for.

That way you can tell when your higher self, your higher state of consciousness is trying to show you something. So before we get going today, let me remove that. And Pops, I. How you doing today, brother? I’m doing great. Just checking out how they’re doing the live on the Truth Mafia Facebook page. They’ve changed it a little bit so it doesn’t look like it goes live directly. It looks like you got to click on something now. So, of course, yeah. So it’s interesting that they’re doing that or think even a bank or something like that. But anyways, I’M doing great.

I hope all my brothers and sisters out there are doing wonderful. I want to say off the bat that we are giving this link out that my son put on the chat for step into your power. And we’re just getting this stuff together. We will have all of the stuff under the. Under the power portal and the pray circle will all be done by the 5th of April. Okay? I’m talking. Everything will be back there. And I’m going to walk through that tonight as we, you know, get a little, a little more into the show and I’m gonna talk to you all about it and what we’re doing.

And you know, all of you folks, you’ve been following my son. You know what he talks about, you know, you know what our beliefs are. We believe in relationship not, you know, getting into fighting over different religions. We believe in relationship. Divine creator, the point of origin, what the Indians called the Great Spirit, what the Gnostics called the invisible Father, the good. There’s many names of the point of origin of creation. We are made in the image of the Creator and we’ve got to step into our power like we’ve never done before. So I’m going to say that not only am I working and my son and I are creating this community for you all, but we’re also creating this community for ourselves too, and our family that wants to join.

One of the things I’m going to say, son, and you know, this is that you’ve got to. And can they hear me? Can they hear me right now? Yeah, yeah, everybody can hear you. You guys can hear my pops, right? Sound check. Can everybody hear us? Good? Pops, volume seems low. I can hear them good. This one said your volume seems a little low, but I mean, it sounds pretty good to me on my side. Okay, you can hear me because I don’t look like I’m on the screen. Well, that’s just. Because right now we have that right there.

Okay. No, put that back. That’s cool. So. So again, this community is being built to build out spiritual leadership around the world. And, you know, I’ve got a database right now of about a hundred thousand people that are spiritual that came into Circle of Life that will be getting exposed to this. I’ve got other spiritual leaders that are going to be exposing it to their network. We’ve got other spiritual leaders coming to the table. So we will build the biggest spiritual community on the planet. Okay? And the free side of this thing, the power portal and the prayer circle is going to be very, very powerful.

For people very powerful for them. And then people that eventually want to get into accelerating above that, ascending above that, and becoming more of a leader and teacher and being involved in building these spiritual communities around the world that look for self sufficiency and all of that. You know, like taking personal responsibility for your current situation, no matter whether how good it is or how it’s not good. You know, doing that and helping, you know, taking, you know, into another level and helping others. Because this frequency energy on this planet is accelerating. And so we’ve got to.

I’m working. My son knows I’ve been on this thing and you know, when I’m not on a call or I’m not doing some other tasks, I’m on top of it. To make sure that we can give you folks something great that can really help you step into your power, become the person you destined to be on this planet. A hundred percent, brother. And yeah, that’s what I’m all about. My people know that I’m all about the higher vibrational frequency. And so the first video I want to show today, it’s about the 5G and the experiment. And then I’m going to show what this guy’s talking about.

A matter of fact, I’m gonna show this one first because it was about what my dad was just talking about. And I just found this guy on. He’s a postman, actually, drives around the little mail truck doing videos. And he’s talking about how the frequencies are changing. And. And I found him through my homegirl, Rachel Christina. She’s been following me since, like the beginning. That’s her Facebook page. Rachel Christina and Pops. I shared that YouTube video to our big Facebook truth mafia. So I seen what they were trying to do there. So when nobody could see that we were live, you know, that’s what that was all about.

But we’re, we’re live on other platforms too, so they’ll see us. But we’re going to share this one first, then we’ll comment on it. I got another video. This older man, he is literally boiling water with sound frequencies. So I’m just going to show you how this energy works. And then these children that are having an experiment in school with the WI fi and stuff. So let’s get into it. Also known as the sky, the electromagnetic field, the veil, or the firmament, which is a plasma screen, it will fail, ending this matrix reality forever. We’ll be able to see the real sun, planets and the stars.

That’s outside of the area we’re in, right now as I mentioned plenty of times before, we are inside of a black hole, which is the black hole sun we all seen during the eclipse of last year. This is the event that will wake everyone up to the lie that we all been living. When this time comes, if your frequency isn’t high enough, you won’t make it into the new world. This is why the propaganda is intensifying ever since the election. They want to trick you into staying in this matrix reality where they can control you and you can’t control yourself.

Essentially taking away your free will and energy, use you as a battery. This is why everything is being reversed to its natural order. All the evil is being undone and exposed. We are clearly seeing who’s truly evil and who’s truly good. Judgment day is coming and it is the exact same day. The veil will be lifted. And if y’all don’t know, the Chosen Ones are the Watchers. We are consciously awake and watching, observing and giving people the knowledge they need to know to be good. But we do not interfere with their lives because we are giving them a free will choice to choose their natural order.

The choice of going to Heaven or to the Underworld whenever the cycle ends. Like it’s time to wake up and stop falling for their psyops. So once the Skynet fails, all the electrical poles and towers will fail also. In turn, it will stop draining energy from us. What those things are doing is literally pulling positive energy from us, right? The input. Then it transmute that energy into negative energy and pushes it out to the world, the output in turn. When this stops, it will allow us to maintain our natural frequencies and it’ll be nearly impossible to manipulate it after this fact.

So you know the way they say the Matrix is all code of Zeros and Ones. The Ones are the chosen ones, Positive based entities of heaven and they are powered by the sun. Then we had the Zeros who are negative based entities of the Underworld. They are powered by the moons. Now when the real moons and the sun is visible to our naked eye, it will power these entities, reversing any damage or genetic alterations to bring them back to their natural form. This is the final split. You see, we are already different mentally, but we can’t see that.

So everything has to manifest physically, so it can’t be hidden no more. If you’re an underworld entity, you’ll get reptile eyes and sharper teeth. You’ll become more aggressive and animalistic and you’ll essentially lose all your memory of anything that happened here. While the Chosen ones are becoming More godly, healthier, taller, stronger. Our memories will return along with any supernatural abilities we have that’s been laying dormant because we were genetically modified and placed under electric fence that we call the emf. And it’s been draining our energy this whole time. So I said all that to say this judgment day is coming.

So get your life in order, be ready for major changes in this reality and see that electromagnetic frequency, they, they called it End Lil put it up there, what we call the firmament, the net of B. Dell talked about it before, I forget exactly what it was called, the net of Eldria or. But it, but it’s, it traps the soul in and hides the simulation for what it is. And when he mentioned about the ones and zeros, that is so true because I’ve done thousands of these decodes guys. And the number one person that carries that Neo code, that very powerful archetype, is life path number ones.

I’ve said a million times I’m a life path number three. So you think I would promote that, right? But I’ve seen the most life path number one. So I found that interesting that he said the ones and zeros, and that’s why this technology that we have with the 5G protection is so important, because you heard what he said there. So what do you think about what he said, Pops? Well, no, I mean everybody’s heard me talking about, you know, EMF radiation and what it does to you as a human being. It’s destroying you. If you’re not using the body line, you know, body line band or body line emf, the cell protect stick around your phone, you know, the disc, your ATP channels getting shut down in the cell and the waste is not getting out and the nutrition is not getting in.

So what happens? It dies. I mean if you stop eating and you stop going to the bathroom, what’s going to happen? Sooner or later you’re going to die. Same thing happens to the cell. And all of this electromagnetic pollution and EMF radiation is just getting people sick again. The cemeteries are, are, you know, looking for more space. The funeral homes are doing better than they’ve ever done in their, in their entire history. The crematoriums are fired up, you know, constantly. And it’s only going to get worse, as he said, because people are not preparing for the vibration, vibrational ship that continues to move forward and they’re not going to go to the other side.

And that’s another reason why the divine Father is put on my heart about getting up this step into your power, getting you know, working an hour here, two hours here, a whole Saturday and really giving everything that I’ve been downloaded into there. And then sons, you looking it over, whatever we’re missing, we’re, we’re adding. And then we’ve got other people that are spiritual leaders looking. Because our goal is, is to make this platform help everyone, everyone move into that frequency. They need to go and continue to evolve in order to move into the light and not into the darkness like he’s talking about.

And that great separation, I’ve been talking about it for how long also a long time. Yeah, a long time. And that could be a splitting of timelines, you know, but it’s going to happen. Some people will go through a 3D horseshit down here in the three dimensional planet Earth, while others are ascending into a five neighbor of love, unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness, manifestation instantaneously abundance for everything over just massive joy, massive happiness. That’s where I hope that all our brothers and sisters want to be. And some people believe that the great separation, certain people will make it and then other people have to die in this world.

They’ll be the ones that die off and they’ll be reborn, reincarnated in the 3D again until they finally vibrate at the proper frequency that you know, raising their vibration and then ascending. So there’s many different beliefs on that theory. But yeah, you’ve been talking about that for, for quite a long time, Pops. And speaking of the emf, brother, here’s a little two minute video of an experiment they did to show you the effect it has on life. Because we all know plants are a conscious life form. I mean they’re, they’re conscious through the soil and the, the microbes in the soil, they communicate with each other.

They’re living and check this out, be exposed to high levels. And the whole reason that we’ve covered them in tin foil is because the environment of this classroom is filled with that. Right. So we had to try to isolate the plants inside of there and not let the WI fi get in there. I don’t really know if it’ll affect anything because like I grow plants in my, like I have WI fi in my house and I grow plants all the time and they go find it’s going to die. Think so, yeah. It blew my mind that the WI fi off like the plants are growing.

Yeah. But WI fi on the plants are growing. So I think that when the WI fi is on, it’s affecting the world, like affecting the whole entire world. What are people’s arguments against our results going to be the WI fi on might have dried out all the water from the seedlings. The heat will evaporate the water that’s in the plant. The FCC doesn’t say anywhere that WI fi and radiation is harmful to people. I think that we have to explore those different variables to make this experiment as sound as we can. What’s the first thing that you’re gonna do? You get your cell phone in your hands.

You just watch that video. What are you gonna Google? Does WI fi kill plants or other living things? First thing I would look up is what else can it hurt our brain, our arms, our legs? Does WI fi hurt our body physically and mentally? Could it affect your sperm count and decrease population? Given the fact that you have been part of this research, looking over all of these studies, do you have WI fi in your house? No, I, I’ve been in the technology industry all my life and I’ve never had WI fi because I just didn’t feel it was right.

I didn’t feel it was safe. And my wife has been very, actually forceful about not having that. Now you can run a, A longer wire. It’s a bit annoying. Signaling produce heat. Have any countries or cities, like, banned WI fi? Foreign. So you could see the kids in, in there that was indoctrinated and the kid with, with the black hoodie, he knew what was going on. You know, it’s, it’s very interesting that the girls like, oh, I grow them in my house. Fine. Well, you. They would grow a lot better without that WI fi signal. And you heard what the former president of Microsoft said.

He never had it in his house ever. What do you think about that, Pops? Well, yeah, it’s true. And you know, they indoctrinate. Of course they indoctrinate. That’s what they do. As you can see, that one young lady was indoctrinated. And she said, you know, the government’s not going to tell us the truth when, you know, they’re. They’re stealing like half the budget money. You know, I’m hearing that this theft is way worse than everybody thinks because of the fact that they don’t want us to know how much. You know, it’s tremendous. And, you know, so they’re gonna lie about everything else, but they’re going to tell the truth about that.

I don’t believe anything they say most of the time. And I think it’s important that. I think it’s really important that people under. Don’t under. They understand that you’ve got to protect yourself from EMF radiation. You really have to do it and you know there’s a lot of ways to do it. And one of the things we’re going to be doing within the community, of course we recommend body align. I’m involved in the company, everybody knows that. But it works. I mean all the testimonials over there, the five star testimonials war start podiums. I mean all the testimonials over there of people saying it works, it works.

So doctors saying it works. So you have to protect yourself. You’ve got to really start, you know, paying attention to your energy body and making sure that you’re taking really good care of it. And we’re going to have a lot of the stuff that we’re putting into step into your power is also going to help you strengthen all aspects of your energy body. Really manifest, you know, really get into manifestation and you know, of, you know, what you’re here to do, you know, make sure your vibration, all of these electromagnetic frequencies are affecting that. It’s affecting it in a big way.

It a hundred percent is. And anybody you can go to my backup Facebook page, the handles at Tommy Truthful 36. The page says Tommy Truthful 369 but I couldn’t get that handle. So it’s at Tommy truthful 36. And you’ll see a post where I showed the rollout of radio frequencies and people, you know, didn’t feel well. I got to be careful because we’re on YouTube. The rollout of the mass electric grid, Spanish flow rollout of you know. Yeah, yeah, I would be careful son. I’d be careful. Yeah, yeah. It all lines up with different events though.

It blew my mind when I researched it and that post went viral. And just to show you that frequencies do affect. What are we made of? We’re a human is average 70% water. Right? Well this is a 40 second video and this old man is boiling water with sound frequencies. So if you don’t think they got weapon systems that can target you with a certain frequency, you’re out of your mind. It looks like a desk lamp is cool to the touch and appears to be doing nothing until it comes into contact with water. 92 year old former Spitfire pilot Peter Davy claims his invention uses the power of sound to boil water.

Dsir they’re a bit baffled how it works. Nobody really knows how it works. Davey believes high frequency sonic vibrations emitted from within the silver bulb cause the water to boil. He says the idea came to him 50 years ago when he noticed different saxophone notes caused different household items to rattle. Pretty interesting, pretty interesting there, pops. Well, no sound, frequency and sound, you know, God spoke the things in existence, right? Yeah. Creation that came from within expose things in existence. Then Christ when he was on this planet told everybody that you can do these things and much more.

I mean the, the, the life and death is in the tongue and you shall eat the fruit of it. All words are vibrational, all things have a frequency. So we’ve got to be really, really careful about it and pay a, a lot of attention to it. And that’s what I’m excited about. You know, what we’re doing. You know, the journey we had the llama until he went to the Dark force and you know, you know, the journey with other people, I mean it was great because it brought us to this point where now we’re, you know, able to, you know, help people.

You know what I mean? Help people work on these things, really get to understand these things and start protecting themselves within the environment. Making sure that they’re keeping themselves surrounded by positive energy, not a bunch of negative people. I don’t let negative people hear me, I just go ahead and ask. I’m not going to have their negativity rubbing up on me. Yeah, I even, I even, even certain friends I grew up, you know, this has been in the last 18 months. I’ve implemented this even more, but I’ve had friends where you know, every day something’s wrong, it’s dramatic and, and I just cut them off.

I mean I still love them, I still pray for him, but I can’t be around them type of people because they do. It’s like their energy. Vampires, dad. And they feed on, on your, your, your life force. I mean that’s what these entities are doing that these so called elites worship. You can call them aliens, demons, archons, which is the older name. You know, you read the book of John, the Gnostics, pops, and that’s what they’re feeding on that, that loosh. It’s L O O S H energy. Just look it up. And, and that’s our life force.

This is why they keep us in a state of fear. I mean every time you turn on the nightly news, you know, you think the world’s gonna end. I don’t that garbage, you know, I, I mean again, garbage in, garbage out. Garbage in, garbage out. What you, what you sow, you reap. What you, what you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. I mean it’s just the way it is. It’s the way the divine Creator built the program. That’s the way it is. And you either play within it. And again, you know, son, and you know this to be him.

This ain’t about braggadocious, because I don’t care, you know, nothing I am steward over is mine. Everything belongs to the Devon. But I have stewardship over things where if the divine said to me, jimmy, you don’t need to work anymore, I would be okay. That, you know, I could do. I mean, I could do that. You know what I mean? You know, so it’s important to understand that, you know, you’re on the right path as you’re moving forward when all of these things are coming to you abundantly. Not just finances, but health and, you know, friendships.

And all of this stuff’s coming to you abundantly. And, you know, you just got to, you got to work on it, you know, I mean, I had somebody talking to me today about a situation they’re in with their, their, their, you know, their significant other. And I said, it’s not your problem. Worry about that. You know, you have to focus on yourself. You have to focus on yourself. You have to focus on yourself. You cannot be worried about everyone else. Just let them see your love, your life, all of that, and have an effect on them.

But you’ve got to close this off. So you have to. Yeah, we’re on our, we’re. We’re on our own journey. You know, like my mom, I love her with all my heart. She’s like one of my best friends. She was an amazing mom. Never did drugs, always, you know, worked 16 hours, made sure we had Thanksgiving, Christmas. Good mom. We were poor. We. We didn’t have much. But she, she’s got her belief systems and I try to teach her affirmative, you know, to speak things into existence. And she just thinks it’s all evil. And we disagree with that.

Like, pretty much. We can’t even have them kind of conversations no more because she’ll just get mad at me. But, and you should, and you should, because your job, your job is not to upset your mom or get into conversations that accept your, you know, significant other or sister or a brother or a cousin or co worker or any of it. That is not, that is not just, you know, talk about things that you are in agreement with. Leave everything else out. Yeah, you know, leave everything else out because you don’t want to be involved in it.

It’s not good for you. It’s not good for her. It’s not good for Your energy, it’s not good, period. Yeah, it takes a lot to learn that though, because at first you think, oh, I’m trying to help her, I’m trying to wake them up, or I’m trying to do. But we’re all on our own journey. We’re all own spiritual journey, you know? Yep. And what did Christ say when he was on this plan? What did he say? He said, take the, you know, the log out of your own eye before you’re trying to get the little toothpick out of somebody else’s little splinter in somebody else’s eye.

We gotta. What he meant by that was that you got to focus on yourself. When, when his, some of his followers came and said, hey, I got to go home and bury my mother or father, he said, let the dead bury the dead. Pretty profound statement. Let the dead bury the dead. So you got to be careful with what you’re doing in your time and, you know, where you’re putting your energy. You’ve got to really be super careful because if you’re not, it’s gonna cost you. And, you know, I would like to see everybody here that’s with us financially free, stepping into their power, doing what God intended them to do.

You know, all of those great things, right. I mean, all of those things that you’re, you’re, you’re here to do, here to do. So it’s so important to focus on everything that’s going to help you keep a positive vibration and going to keep you feeling good and all of the other stuff. Get rid of it. Yep. Yeah, I do my affirmations every morning and every night. You know, I got a list of them, the ones that I write, because I believe in power in the pen and power in the tongue. Any of my people in the comments will tell you, I mean, there’s many of them I’ve done decodes on and I write them all little messages at the end breaking it down for him, how to do it, what to do, you know, And I don’t think I know everything or got it all figured out, but it’s just stuff that I’m very interested in.

I’ve seen it work in my life, you know, I’ve seen it work so well. You’ve been around it with me, at least for the majority of your lifetime. Right. Think about it. I was always talking to you about this, you know, law of attraction, positive reinforcement, because, you know, it’s real and it’s biblical. You know, that’s the thing that gets me is most people that Talk about religion. Don’t spend five minutes a week in their Bible, right? They’ve never studied Judaism, they’ve never studied Hinduism, they’ve never studied Islam, they’ve never studied, you know, Christian Christianity, they’ve never studied Gnostics, they never studied the scenes.

They never really, really, really, really looked into them, you know, really, you know, and then prayed on it. And discernment came to you from the divine creator because you’re searching out what the truth. The truth. You want to know the truth, you know, so it’s interesting. It’s, it’s an interesting time to be alive. It’s an exciting time to be alive. And I know that all our brothers and sisters here watching this live and watching this in the future, be excited, be really super excited because it is an exciting time. But also take action. Don’t sit by the sidelines, you know, get yourself, focus on yourself.

Yourself, you know, vibrating at the highest level of vibration that you can. 100%, a hundred percent. I agree with that totally, Pops. And you know, we gotta constantly be working on ourselves. It’s, it’s, it’s so important. And yeah, man, I got one more video and then after we watch this one, we’ll have you, if you would like to walk them through the site and show them the step into your site. Yeah, yeah. And again, it’s not, you know, we’re let, we’re just introducing it to truth Mafia community because we know we have a lot of spiritual people in this community and we’re going to want your feedback as we go through and do it.

I’ll be, I have a place where I’ll be doing updated videos letting everybody know where, what’s going on. And we’re going to get this thing perfect. We’re going to get it perfect and we’re going to get it to be, like I said, the best, you know, spiritual community on the planet. Yep, yep, I agree, man. It’s already pretty cool. I like how it’s laid out and I think it’s. I put a couple posts in there, guys. So let’s check out this video. It’s about the pyramids. And you know, certain people thought they were ancient structures to bring in energy.

Other people thought they were weapon systems. Nikola Tesla’s technology was all, all the reason he did these experiments with the type of technology he was doing. I mean, Nick, Nikola Tesla was sending frequencies over the Ocean in the 1800s. That’s crazy. No one was doing anything like that. You know what I mean? This guy, he, he, he, he had a machine that could literally destroy the world. Then when he passed away he stayed in a hotel that Trump’s uncle owned and they went in there and they got all that information. So who knows what the government used.

And I will warn you this guys today’s date 319 and 2025 is a date with 67 numerology which is usually tied to human sacrifices and stuff like that. We’re coming into the spring equinox and 322 which is the anniversary of the Georgia Guidestones. So I would even turn your news off for the next couple days because it’s going to be filled with false flags, propaganda and lower vibrations just to warn you. Now let’s get into this video Langa from the University of Pisa and Filippo Biondi, involved in radar and remote sensing research with the University of Strathclyde, published peer reviewed research in 2022 via MDPI entitled Synthetic Aperture Radar.

Doppler Tomography reveals details of undiscovered high resolution internal structure of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Their research was conducted using SAR data Synthetic Aperture Radar, along with proprietary software developed by Filippo Biondi that transforms the radar signals into phenotic information which allows for the detection of millimetric vibrations. This cutting edge technology is capable of revealing underground structures invisible to traditional methods and revealed internal structures never seen before. Having established their expertise in using SAAR to explore pyramid structures non invasively, a recent press release on their current project was released last Saturday. This March 15th press release summarized the key findings in the team’s research of the second largest pyramid of the Giza Plateau, known as the Khafre Pyramid, and what they found was astonishing.

The analysis of dozens of tomographic SAR images obtained from different angles enabled the 3D reconstruction of inside the Pyramid of Khafre and deep beneath the surface of the plateau near the base of the pyramid pyramid, five identical structures are seen connected by geometric pathways. Inside each of these are five horizontal levels and a sloping roof. Below these five structures are eight cylindrical structures which appear to be vertical wells, hollow inside and surrounded by descending spiral pathways. These eight vertically aligned cylindrical structures, arranged in two parallel rows from north to south, descend to a depth of 648 meters where they all merge into two large cubic structures measuring approximately 80 meters per side.

The entire structure extends approximately 2 kilometers beneath the surface and extends beneath all three pyramids of the Giza Plateau complex. Mainstream Egyptology tells us that the Giza pyramids were tombs for pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure and that they were built around 2500 BC using ramps, sledges and levers. But the redundant mathematics in their construction, which include PI, the golden ratio and the speed of light, along with the testimony of today’s expert architects, suggests that the official story does not hold up. The massive underground structure revealed by the recent SAR data shows what appears to be a mechanical or functional system.

And this has been hypothesized in the past. Nikola Tesla believed that the pyramids could harness Earth’s natural frequencies. This arguably inspired his experiments in wireless energy transmission and scalar waves in the Giza power plant. Christopher Dunn argued that the Great Great Pyramid was a power generating machine using resonant and acoustic forces to convert mechanical stress into electricity. In the Giza Death Star, Joseph Farrell proposed that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a weapon of mass destruction using a type of physics that he calls paleophysics to focus energy as a scalar weapon. The cylindrical wells could be conduits for energy or space sound waves.

And the cubic structures might serve as energy storage or stabilization units, akin to components in a large scale weapon or generator. And the detection of vibrations in the pyramid’s internal structures reflects all of these ideas. The Khafre Project hopes to plan an excavation in order to discover more about this underground structure. But history shows that this will be very difficult to get approval for. Very interesting, right Pops? Yeah, very interesting there. Again, using frequencies. Whether they were pulling energy in like that, many people suggest with the whole Tartarian theory and how we had all this wireless technology, which is not that far off to believe because that was Nikola Tesla’s whole thing.

He could add all this, we wouldn’t have all these power lines like we do now. But they couldn’t make money off of Tesla’s energy because it would be wireless, pulling it out of the atmosphere. And how do they put money on that? So they went with Edison’s motto with all these wire, which is dirty electricity and it’s not good for us. No, not at all. And of course they’re going to go where they can make the money, because they want to make the money on everything, right? Of course, instead of caring about the people on the planet, they want to make the money.

And you know, that’s one thing about capitalism that needs to be fixed. If it hurts the people and it hurts the planet because of the profit, it can’t happen. You know what I mean? So you gotta, you gotta put the people in the planet before the profit. You can make a profit without hurting the People in the planet, it isn’t like they have to give us all of these terrible ingredients in our food in order to make a profit. You know what I mean? In that industry does, right? Maybe in the health industry, the medical industry.

Yeah, maybe they need to do that there. But at the end of the day, not when they’re coming to what they’re charging for the food, like to make up, you know, a profit within that food business. So it, it’s interesting to see where we’re at. It’s interesting knowing we’re rebelling. Some of us are going there, some of us are not. Some of us won’t make it. You know, some of us will. You know, some people won’t make it. Some people will come back like you were talking about, and you know, that’s okay. That’s their journey. At least listen, God will bring the right people that need that.

It’s ready for the help, right? They’ll bring the right people that’s ready for the help. Are you ready for you ready for me to show you this? Yeah. Yeah. Let’s see it, pops. Let’s check out this new. Now, this is not done. We’re only letting trick mafia people come in here. I’m not even going to be talking about this in my Patriots network until the, the, the fifth, you know, when I have all of it in place that I want to have in place. But let me, let me go ahead, show you guys where we’re at and where we’re going to be updating things so everybody understands that, you know.

Thank you too, sweetheart. You’re an amazing moderator. Putting all the links in there. Making sure all the links are in there. I really do appreciate you, Eric. All my moderators. Yeah, thank you, brothers and sisters. Okay, so let me go from this topic. I just said use the golden ratio for meditation and they mentioned it. That’s synchronicity, Laura. Okay, so you let me know when you’re ready, son. We’ll. We’ll get on this. Let’s get on it. Let’s go. Full screen layout. I like that, that picture. You, because I remember me and you were going through different pictures.

What should we use there? And I like the heart that you ended up using. I think it come. It goes good. And the purple represents the higher chakras too. Right. And we’re gonna let people there, they can explore, but they can’t do anything. You understand what I mean? They can’t comment, they can’t go into things. They can’t look at anything. Now, I’M by the way, this setting is just going to be joined when I’m done. I’m going back and forth, just testing it right now. But what happens is that link that you shared, everybody can join in, they’ll come up, they’ll come in here, you’ll land on, you’ll land on this page here.

Okay. And let me go through the free to join guys. Yeah. So you’ll land here, you have links to all of the resources in the community. Again, we’re just getting this up. I’ve got like three days in this over the last couple weeks and I’m planning on putting all Saturday in this weekend, all Saturday next weekend. Okay. Into this thing. I’m by my phase one plan is everything under the power portal is free. Everything in the prayer circle is free. So I’m going to make sure all of these things that are in here, which is tremendous.

To help you step into your tower and to get to a higher vibration is done by the fifth okay of April. You can look at what we’ve got up, you’ll see some of the stuff we’re still working on. But you can go in there, you can get in the community, you guys can start sharing positive things. You know, this is a community about positive energy, about positive frequency. It’s not a community of negativity, it’s not a community of fear. It’s a community of, of stepping into your power. Right. So you know, we will be moderating it to make sure everybody stays on a positive note.

We’re not going to accept, you know, negativity in here. We just aren’t going to. This is about transformation, healing, you know, financial blessings, healings, all kinds of good stuff that were happening with us in the circle of life. Have you seen that stuff going on? Yeah, it pops. We could pick people like my cherish. She would be make a great moderator. Very trustworthy because you know, have them measure moderator on YouTube. They, they can block your people. So you have to really trust them. I mean this community is built on mighty network. Okay? That’s what they do.

They build, they have the community technology. It’s, you know, you, everybody’s got the link, you can join for free. Join it. Testing out the public private side, you know, just there, you know, again we’re working on this. We’re going to want feedback as we go in. But when you come, when you come in here, okay, you’ll first land on welcome so you can read the welcome information. I got the links going in health and support. I’m Going to be working on it this week. I’ll get that up. Upgrade your journey. That’s not going to happen right now.

Okay. For the ascension mastery. That is something that I’m going to be working on with other spiritual leaders. I’m talking healers, I’m talking beyond, you know, re masters. I’m talking people that are reincarnated here for big things. They’re going to be part of this, you know, being here to help support that side of it. Because our goal is to build people around the world that can lead other people and help them, you know, with their getting to step into their power. Right. So we get more people doing what they’re here to do and feeding the light.

You know, the step into your power is all about feed the light. We got to get more people feeding the light and not the darkness. We got to get more people feeding the light. So when you just had someone join Pops from my link. So someone just joined. Yeah, all there’s. Listen, it cost you nothing. The, you know, at the, the power portal and the prayer circle cost you nothing. Nothing. And I promise you, when I, as I go through this, the amount of free training and stuff and live events that are going to be in here will help you transfer your life.

If you feel in your discernment that later on you’re, you want to support, you want to sow good seed, you want to become a leader, you want, you want more than you go into the Ascension Master. Okay. Which will be, you know, second to none. Second to none. Okay. So going in here, that’s the welcome. Then the home feed is where you’re going to get messages from me. What’s going on? So this is only for the company, you know, the second year power. You can comment, but you know, I want messaging that is related to the community.

You know, maybe we’re having a live event. You know, we got this, we got that. That way that’s there, the community. You can post positive things. You know, this is where you join the conversation. You introduce yourself and you share your journey. You share positive things you love on other members. Right? That’s really important. The resource library. Now this was so cool this morning I went into my cell phone, I opened this up on my cell phone and you can open it up via app. They’ll let you download an app and then it’ll log you right into here.

Or you can just do it on the browser. I liked it on the browser better myself personally. And then I was able to go through here and click on each one of these daily. So I read this one, this one, this one, this one, this one. And then tonight I’ll read this before I shut down here in the office. And when I’m in the ocean, I’m doing I am thankful, I am grateful, I am blessed. I am the Son of the most High Divine Creator Father. I am, I am, I am Everything positive after. You can’t get enough positive affirmations.

But if you’re not doing it at all, it only takes you a few minutes it only takes you a few minutes to go through these. Now also guided meditation. So when you click on this, you’ll be able to read it. Then you won’t see any of this stuff. I see this. Then you can take on the next one and you can read it. Then you click on the next one. You should do this when you’re in the throne room in the morning, right? You know, instead of what you’re doing in the throne room, do your affirmations, just do them.

And don’t do the night one until you’re done with the day, but make sure that you do the night one before when you’re done with your day. You know, it’s really important. Evening gratitude and reflection. Affirmation. We’ll be adding more to these as we continue to tweak the system and there might be some additional ones added in here. But this is a good foundation, right? A good foundation. Now, guided meditation, Energy alignment meditation. It gives you a step by step guide on exactly what you’re doing. And we will be putting a voice onto this that will, so that you’ll, it’ll speak this to you too.

So they will speak these, these guided meditations. Well, yeah, we want people that are blind to be able to enjoy it too. Well, even if people just want to go through and you know, have it, read it to it, that’s great. But here, every way to do these, man, these, these meditations, these guided meditations is here for you already. Energy alignment meditation. Manifestation abundance Meditation. Deep healing and release Meditation. Divine connection and intuition meditation. Evening relaxation and gratitude Meditation. Energy clearing techniques. There’ll be seven here. Okay, we’ll have some visualization techniques. Yes, seven here will be here.

And then there’s going to be journal and workbooks. Oh, I love that. So you can journal your stuff. And then also healing frequencies are going to be back here. The best healing frequencies we have from healing frequency music will be back here. So when you’re clicking on something like clearing frequency anytime, it relays the frequency you’re going to Be able to open up those frequencies and play them right from back here. Okay, so that’s coming in. So that’s going to be the start of your research resource library is your all your energy clearing techniques, seven of them.

Your journal workbooks, your guided meditation, your daily acclamation and your healing frequency. Okay, that will be the next thing that I’ll be putting in here. See how it does that. I’ll be putting in healing frequency. Yeah. The frequencies are so important. And again, it isn’t. It isn’t. You’re not paying for the power portal. You’re not paying for the parish circle. You’re just supporting, you know, this movement that we’re doing, all of us together to support other people. This is the place where you can sow good seed. You can go in now. Live events. We’re going to have live events for different things here.

We’re gonna have live events, help and support. I’m building out the help and support section, getting started video. We’ll also have the getting started video linked up to here. So you can go to it too. Fat FAQs are in here. They’re putting in here. Upgrade your journey. That will be something that we’ll cut later after we get the power portal perfected and the prayer circle perfected. The prayer circle. And that’s for people that have the, you know, the. The spirit, the Holy Spirit, whatever you want to call the divine, creative spirit inside of you is guiding you to.

Do you know what I mean? You do, right? And then welcome to the. The prayer circle. And this is where you’re going to have your prayer request. You share a personal prayer request or others that you want prayed for. We’re going to have group prayer sessions, praying together with me and my son and other people, you know, we’re all praying together and going through and really having group prayer sections. We have shared the testimonials, you know, and also healing and blessing, sending your light, sending your love. Right, so all of this is set up and ready to go.

So. But what I’m going to say to you is here, we’re pretty pretty much ready to get rolling. We’ll set up the prayer live events. I want to see a lot of you join in for free here. And then, you know, this one, like I said, by the fifth, I’ll have everything back here, probably earlier. Okay. But I just want to promise by the fifth, I’ll have everything. So everything will be under the power tool, a power portal. Everything will be under the prayer circle and I’ll be Working on the Ascension Mastery with a couple other spiritual leaders that are going to be bringing this to their community too.

We’re going to build the best program for that anybody’s ever seen to help bring spiritual leaders around so that we can. Do you guys like that name, the Power Portal? I think it’s a pretty cool. A pretty cool name. And what dad’s talking about with these certain frequencies in these healing frequencies and healing frequency music. I’ve showed you guys before how each one of your astrological sign has a specific frequency and then there’s certain frequencies that heals tissues and organs, releases fear, removes negativity, DNA. Prepare, repair, transformation. And we got some of the best frequencies out there, you know, that’s what this community, it’s all about.

Stepping into your power. I love it, Pops. I love the journal idea too. I didn’t mean to cut you off there. No, I mean, it’s gonna be. It’s gonna be an exciting thing for everybody. What. What do y’all feel? You like that what you’re seeing so far? You can say yes or no. It’s okay. Yeah, give. Give your traumas opinion, you know, but we’re going to continue to work on it. I’m using it. I’m gonna, you know, tj My son here is going to be using it. We’re. We’re using it, and we’re going to have a lot of other people use it.

Okay? There’s a lot of people out there that need this help, that need to be able to move forward. And if you’re not where you want to be financially, if you’re not where you want to be spiritual, if you’re not where you want to be socially, if you’re not where you want to be in your relationships, if you’re not where you want to be in. This is the community for you. And again, what we’re going to have in here for 100% free is going to blow people’s minds. Because my son knows one thing about me. I always over deliver.

Always. Yes, you do. I always over deliver. And the reason I’m doing that is I’m looking for the teachers. I’m looking for those people that are being called to be teachers that. That want to help others step into their power and want to. To bring others to a higher vibration. Because the more people you help, the more you get him. That’s the way it works. Yeah, it is. And I put the link in the. So whatever platform you’re on, if you’re on our Facebook. Facebook, the Links in there, whatever. Facebook, my backups, you’re on all of them.

All my YouTubes, the links in there. Step into your power. You see it right there, you just click on it. Boom, you’re in there. I see a bunch of you joining already. So that’s great, you know, thank you. And did you see it, ma cherie? And I’ll definitely talk to you because we’ll definitely need some moderators because like said, we don’t want no negativity. This ain’t to share conspiratorial stuff and stuff. We do that on Truth Mafia. Look into the truth seeking community. This is for higher vibrational and stepping into your power, you know, that type of energy.

So if you’re, if you’re a teacher, you know, also join, you’ll be able to get a hold of my dad and you know, you could talk to them about stuff like that. Well, yeah, we’re going to be looking for people to step up and we’re going to make things. We’re even going to be having retreats here in the Dominican Republic. Spiritual retreats. Okay. So again, no matter where you’re currently at, if you’re not happy with it, you don’t have to be there. You don’t have to be. Okay. And we’re going to show you how you don’t have to be there and how you can have financial abundance.

You can help people, you can, you can help other people increase their frequency by inviting them to the site. You can invite people to the site, to the community. You’re able to share the community. And we’re going to have really cool, you know, things coming out. We’re, you know, people will be, you know, eventually the top people inviting will get rewarded and all kinds of stuff going on so that we help, you know, help people by sharing this, you know, once we launch the, you know, what I teach in the in Mastermind webinars is about what’s called the value ladder.

And you deliver more than anybody thinks before you, you know, you build relationships, you build, you know, get people to know like, and trust you. And then, you know, and then some of them who want to move up that value ladder, that want to become teachers of other quill. But the other ones that are in the, the free part of it, you know, that are flourishing and getting healing and financial blessing, that’s just wonderful. And if it ain’t meant for them to move up, that’s okay. Hearing is people joining guys. So sorry about that. I don’t know if they hear the dinks maybe they don’t.

Is that games coming from your side of the equation? Maybe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean I’m hearing them left and right. I don’t know if you guys are hearing them but man. Yeah, yeah. Lori joined Shout out to Lori. I can read their comments as they’re joining. She said she’s been a Bible teacher, told me her life path or sun sign. You know there’s, there’s many people joining over there so that’s really cool. Yeah. And again, you know it’s free. You know, we have the free power portal and we have the free prayer of the, the prayer circle and, and the value in there is going to be tremendous.

Plus you can, you know, connect with like minded spiritual people and build your, you know, build as this grows, you’re going to get more people in your area and then you can start congregating with people that are like minded in your area, in your backyard. That’s where this thing’s going. I mean Eduardo Gonzalez, my boy, that’s my boy, he just joined, he got a decode before shout out to him. He joined. You know, we got some amazing people. I knew a lot of people would, would like it and, and be into it. So yeah, I’m really excited about it, dad.

I think it’s going to be amazing and help out a lot of people, you know. Yeah, it will. And, and again, I’m not even looking to start promoting it to our 1 million some Patriot database which I’ll go into that database only looking for people that are spiritual. Right. That you know that because unfortunately a lot of people are brainwashed. You know, they’re brainwashed. They don’t even know Christ. First of all, there was no J, you know that back then. Yeah, sure. Hamashai. Yeah. And that and the Christ. They don’t even know what he was doing during, you know, after the first year or two of birth.

And then when he’s dirty he shows up with John the Baptist. Right. They don’t know what he was doing in between. They don’t know all of the things that he mastered and all of that stuff that he did. They don’t know no one, you know, a lot of people don’t know. That’s why I’ve left up the Patriot Dalama videos because there was a lot of good information in there, you know, about that kind of stuff, you know, that was going on. But we’re gonna be, we’re gonna be bringing a lot of great stuff into that platform.

So make sure and we’ll keep you we will keep you updated on it and let you know where we’re at, what’s going on. You can, you can again, you know, come now, come later, come never if you don’t want to, it’s okay. Again, I’m on my journey and I’m, I want to help all of you as much I can from what I’ve learned and in continuing to learn. And she joined too. Good, thank you know, Rhonda, I knew you would join. How’s it going out there in California? I’ll call you later on. You know, I always a few of my followers, Dad, I stay in contact with them.

They tell me what’s going on around the world in their neck of the woods. And m, she joined shout out to her. You know, we got a lot of people over there that are, that are stepping into their power already today. Lori. I’m, I’m just really excited to see you guys join and I really appreciate it. I knew we had a lot of people that would be into this in my community. Rachel, she does kind of like what I do. She has her own little Facebook page. I know she’ll be super into it. So I’ll hit her up, give her the link and then you guys can share your own link with your family and your friends.

Make sure you fill out your profile page. You know, make sure you fill out your profile page. You know, if you have a website, website, LinkedIn, you’re, this is a place where you’re gonna, you know, network with like minded spiritual people, people on that journey, people that are, you know, continuing to improve themselves. Right. I mean, it’s gonna, it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be very exciting, you know, to bring other people in and also to watch the transformation that happens for all of us. I, you know, I’m planning on, you know, I, I 100 feel what we’re putting in here is even going to help me step into my power more and more and more and more and more.

And that’s why I’m using it and that’s why I will continue to use it and I’ll be an active user in it because of the fact that I’m, you know, I’m using it to get my vibration up higher. I’m using it to step more into my power and to become the person that God put me here for, my destiny. Why am I back? You know, as you get revealed more and more that to you, you know, I, I, you know, in your discernment and you just let Go of it. You live in the now and you let it flow the way the journey is going to flow.

Don’t take anything personal. Yep. And it will help us, Pops. And, and you know, Nate here, he said I am becoming help, help, you know, help me to be. And then, well, there’ll be a lot of help over there. Shout out to my boy Brian Faust, who just joined. I seen you YouTube brother. But it will help me, you dad, because then we’re helping other people and it’s going to make sure we’re doing our routines every day because it’s so important. You know, it’s easy to get distracted with life. So I, I just. We, we need to hold each other accountable.

Right. We need to work together as a team of spiritual community and pray for each other and send energy to each other and really, you know, help each other other, really help each other in a big, big way, you know, in a big, big way. And you send it out to other people and you know what they’re going to see in here under the power portal and the prayer circle again, the prayer circle is, you know, if you need prayer for something. I’ll be checking this daily. Okay. Maybe not on Sunday probably, though. And I will pray for you no matter what you are.

My son already told you, you know, my, you know what, what my numbers are. And that’s not about bragging Dosha stuff, it’s just about I know why I’m back. I’m very. Yeah, Pops is a very powerful first player character archetype. He’s carrying the near code, just like my boy Eduardo here. Eduardo’s a powerful first player character character too, dad. Like you, he’s got some powerful, powerful numbers. I remember doing his decode in detail and it’s interesting because, you know, I’ve done so many of them. There’s only a handful of us that carry that signature, that have that code attached to our first and last name.

You could throw your middle name in there and, and there’s some cool things attached to that too, but you really don’t need the, the whole middle name. You can use the middle initial, the first and last name. If people want me to do the middle name, I will. But yeah, Pops is a extremely powerful first player character and a carrier of that Neo code, which is rare. These are people that can bend and manipulate reality. They can create their own reality. And the first thing in doing that is believing in yourself. Guys, everything we’ve been programmed.

We need to deprogram ourselves because they programmed us to take that Power away from us. You think they want to put us out here, stepping into our power? No, they don’t feed their system with that. You know, they don’t. They don’t. You know, the system that they’ve got set up is all to take everybody’s money, make it sick and poor and die. They don’t want to. They can’t control people that are stepping into their power. They can’t control them. And all of that stuff starts to fall away the more you build your relationship with the body.

If you know the Father, whatever you call. I call it, call him the Heavenly Father, the invisible Father. I mean, you know, hey, many names, but that stuff starts to fall away as you get more discernment and your connection gets clearer, clearer and clearer and stronger and stronger. Like this full moon, blood moon, almost took my wife down. Like you know what was happening. And a whole bunch of people. I was talking Becky, who’s got healing powers like you don’t even understand. And I’ve had it happen to me a couple times. And I gotta tell you, a lot of people were experiencing massive anxiety after the full moon, you know, because there’s three different things going on with that moon, you know, besides being a blood moon, too, a full moon.

And something else was going on. Well, we had the eclipse, Mercury retrograde. We had an earthquake, a lot. Tornadoes. Ripped through, like 11 different states. Tons of people died. Well, that’s them getting out of this frequency because they got to start it over, you know, that’s what I look at it as. Are they using geoengineering, harp, as a forum of population control? They very much could be. You know, I. I’m. I definitely think they probably are. But I do think some of it could be organic, too. With the Creator, it’s just the way it’s. It’s the.

This cleansing that’s happening that certain people ain’t ready for the next step. Rhonda, text me right now your date of birth and all that stuff, sweetheart. I’ll knock yours out and have it to you tomorrow. Give me your date of birth. Spell out your month, first last name you’re born with. I got you, girl. You got sister Amy said I call him Father God. Yep, I call him that a lot, too. And so it’s. It’s wonderful, you know, that we, you know, we’re. We’re focused on, you know, this side of it. It’s so important, I tell you, it’s the most important thing.

Assistant Laura saying time is short for some. It’s very short. For others it’s going to be eternity. Yep, yep, yep. And you know that I love about my followers because I’ve never seen them argue. Like I’ll go to other channels and watch and they’ll be telling them, oh, you’re, you’re Muslim or this, you’re a Christian, you’re going to hell, you believe in the wrong God. They don’t really do that in my community, you know, and I, and I love that because who cares if you’re praying to Jesus Christ or Allah or Hashem or whatever Buddha. It doesn’t matter what you call them.

I think it matters where your heart is and if you’re working for light or darkness. This is my opinion anyways. Well, everybody’s got their opinion. Everybody’s entitled to it. And you’re on a journey the closer. No one’s 100 right. And anything they say, you know, the divine knows about, but you know, divine knows it 100. Everything else is secondhand information. But at the end of the day, this is one of the most important things that we focus on is our spiritual connection and making sure that we’re cleaning our environments up of all negative energy, all negative frequency.

We’re protecting oursel against it. We’re using salt lamps that can get, you know, salt lamp, that negative ion things. Like one of the things I’m going to do is put like a little, you know, like all the things we discussed. We’ll have a little, little you know, place where you click back here and go, go to those things and get them because you can really do very economically, you know, start protecting yourself from all of this negative energy, negative frequency. You gotta get your, your energy body is being, it’s under full assault. It’s under full assault.

And all disease and all unease comes from the energy body. So if you’re not working on your energy body to keep your force field and your shield up to full, maximum 100 and it starts weakening and it starts getting damaged. It then goes into the, the matter body, biological body, whatever you want to call this, this what were our spirit, our souls and taste them. Right. It’s really, really important. So I’m excited to see people joining. You know, I, when people are ready, they’ll come. We’re going to be really talking about it moving forward. We want to have a total focus in this community on helping people again step in their power and become the people they’re destined to be and to have wellness and abundance in all areas of their life, not just financially.

You know, you need to have it in all areas of your life. And maybe some of you have it all. I don’t know. You’re not. I don’t believe anybody ever has it all. I think you’re always working on it. You’re always improving yourself and optimizing yourself. And again, you know, we’ll keep an eye, son. Definitely. We’re gonna need some moderators to help us, you know, keep look on. No negativity. All about positivity. Unprecedented. Done. You know, on. You got to be love and forgiveness. Unconditional love, forgiveness unconditionally. Right here. My Shree, I trust her full heartedly.

I mean she, she moderates for me. Donut, paranoid American J dream. She, she moderates for like the whole crew. And, and she’s amazing. And all, all my moderators are. They’re not all in here today. My boy Eric, he was having a bad day. I seen him mentioned earlier in the beginning of the stream. I haven’t seen him comment again. He said he was having a rough day. Eric, you know we all love you brother and I appreciate everything you do for me. You’ve always been very supportive. So we hope to see you over there too. And yeah, if you haven’t, if you got something going on, put it into the prayer request.

Let more people pray for you. The more people pray for you, the faster that goes away. I mean, and don’t be embarrassed. You know, everyone has weaknesses, but you got to let people pray for you and help you. And this community is about building people up. Life and death is in the thumb and you shall eat the fruit of it. The words out of your mouth should be uplifting to others, not downgraded to others. And hopefully we all are on that path to make sure we do that. We all screw up once in a while, right? We all screw up once in a while.

Yeah, but we got to try to screw up the least amount as possible, right? You need prayers. Brother Charles, please go into the prayer circle and post what can be prayers on, on and let people start praying for you. It’s really important that we do that again. When we had that circle of life community, I gotta tell you, what was going on in. It was, it was incredible, you know, it was incredible what was going on. You know, the healings, the financial blessings, just people’s lives changing, you know, so quickly. It was amazing. Know that guy that had all kinds of problems.

We told him, you know, just. I told him, you know, don’t ask, thank attitude of gratitude. So good seed. Make sure that what you’re spending Your money on that you’re sowing good seed, that you’re not spending your money on things that are bringing negativity. And you want to send the world. Right, Right. I mean, because you’re. How we’re all held accountable for that. Yes, we are. We all will be. Judge. Karma is very, very real. And. And another thing over there, you know, a lot of places they judge you or tell you, we really don’t care.

We don’t care what denomination you are. We don’t care what your sexuality is. None of that. None of that matters. It’s just as long as you’re stepping in your power and working for the light. And m. You’re right. With that ego at the door, leave the ego out, because we get caught up in that ego all the time. You know, ego destroys. There’s nothing wrong with having a confidence, you know? Yeah, but you gotta. You gotta not have that ego because I’ve seen a lot of businesses, I’ve been involved in them where the ego destroys the business.

I mean, completely destroys the business, destroys. Destroys lives. And again, you’re held accountable for that. You know, you’re held accountable for the. You know, you’re. You’re held accountable for the negative things that you create on this planet and what you bring into existence. You got to really work on manifestation of good and love and light. Like I said, feed the light, not the darkness. Everything that you do, you need to ask yourself that question. Am I feeding the light or am I feeding the darkness, which is light or darkness? And I would make sure that I’m feeding the light as much as possible.

Yep. Yeah. I mean, yeah. You, you, you. It’s pretty much that simple, you know, are you being a good person or not a good person? And I try my hardest. I’m not perfect, dad, like you just said, you know, I. I feel bad for you and my mom. When I was a kid, I was a bad kid growing up, but I learned a lot along the way, and it taught me a lot of. A lot of things. And you’ve helped me, you know, just amazing, throughout my life with so much learning. And I’m just grateful that I’ve had you as my father to.

To be there for me and help me along the way. Because in the beginning, you know, I was in a bad place where I would speak negativity and stuff like that. You got me out of all that, so, you know, I wouldn’t have learned that if it wasn’t for you. And I’m very, very grateful, you know, to have you in my life, Pops, so. Well, same here, son. And you know, again, this whole thing that we’re putting together is not only for our brothers and sisters, but also our. Is for ourselves. And we have to really take it that all of us got to take it to the next level.

We all got to take, including myself. So all the brothers and sisters that are watching us right now, myself, yourself, all of us have to take it to the next level. There’s no one on this planet that doesn’t need to take it to myself. This thing is going to explain. Yeah, you better be ready. Gotta be ready. And if you guys are seeing any of these synchronicities, I’ve seen Rhonda mentioned 333 different ones mean different things. This is why I say your higher state of consciousness is trying to speak. That’s why it’s very important to know what your source code is.

I know, Pops, you said you see that 1111 in that 111111 lot? And then. Yeah, two, two, two today. I mean, it was, you know, I get, I see a lot of numbers at the right time that it speaks to me. Multiple. It’s. And the more you connect to the Divine Father, the Creator, the Heavenly Father. Again, let’s not get into words when I say this, I mean the point of origin of the first creation, how it rolled out after that. There’s, there’s a lot of opinions, there’s a lot of similarities. Like when you read the Gnostics account of it, it’s very interesting.

When you read the Secret Book of John. Oh, man. Mind blowing. Mind blowing. It is. It is mind blowing and makes a lot of sense, so. Makes a lot of sense. But TJ son, that would be a great thing also to post in the. The community. I’ll put it in there. And the 1, 2, 3, 1. Dad, that’s the one. I see so much. And I was born at 1:23am too. So yeah, I’m like, man, I see that one a lot and I pay attention to it. But I will, I’ll post that in the community and I’ll do a full breakdown on it for our brothers and sisters since we got them joining now.

So we’re coming up on an hour and 20 minutes. Dad, we usually knock out an hour. I just. But, you know, we went a little over today because I, I had fun with this podcast like I always do. And guys, them links are in the description. If you want to step in your power and join that free community. That link is down below. If you’re on Facebook. It’s in the comments. I will add it to. Of the description because I’m gonna have to re upload the video on the Facebook. They tried some weird stuff, so don’t mind that.

And if you’re looking for the body line technology that links down below as well, as well as the Nanosoma, which is just an amazing product, I can’t, you know, talk good enough about it because it really. Let me, Let me say one thing again, son. That product repairs the energy. Exactly. So it is pretty significant because I couldn’t. We can’t even put up the testimonials that are happening because. And I was looking at these things and I’m like, okay, what is the. Why is this happening, like to all of these different things? And again, I couldn’t put these testimonials up because the government was shut, shut, shut something down.

But when I was looking at it when they. One of the naturopaths came back and she has one of those machines that measures the energy of body and also measures everything in your body, every organ, okay? The frequency, the energy, all of it. And it looked like, you know, the energy body was hit by a meteor shower and then that person took five sprays and five minutes later, the body only had one. The energy body only had one long ten. So that’s one of the reasons why it’s so profound and what it does to bring the body back to bringing everything back into alignment.

Right? You know, everything back. Because it’s a lot gets the energy Bob and then it sorts out. No wonder YouTube took my video down of me and Richard talking about it because they don’t want us learning that type of stuff, you know. No, it really does. Aggravated. But they work for the dark, so we just don’t need to get aggravated by it. We know who they work for. No, look, we’re gonna have. We’re gonna talk about it in a compliant way like I just did. Okay? Nothing wrong that I just said, we’re going to talk about it in a compliant way.

And people with their discernment tells them they got something going on where they want to try it and they try it. They don’t. They don’t. Again, I’m on a journey myself, just like everyone here is on a journey themselves. You’ve got to really pay attention to yourself, love yourself and be kind to yourself and really, really, really, really, really move forward. Like you never move forward. We’re giving you, as you know, a tool in your toolkit to do that. And Step into. Well, actually Amy, this is. This is streaming to multiple platforms. There’s. There’s a total of 80.

I think we’re at like 150. Usually we’re at a couple hundred people during a live but they didn’t stream it to our big Facebook that has over 328000 followers. They tried something sneaky there. So I have to upload it to that And Serena, shout out to my girl there. You. You may better make sure you join Serena. She’s got the best water in the whole world, guys. She sent me a. A package dad of her water that she. She has this brand and I’m telling you, I drunk it for a whole month, dude. And I felt amazing.

So she, she went into, you know, business for herself with their own water company and she’s got just some amazing water and a lot of this water out here. They tell us it’s this or that and they’re giving us freaking tap water in a bottle. But hers I can actually tell you it actually works. Really good stuff. So pops, I want to thank you for coming on. I know you got a lot to do and I can’t wait till next week, man. Yeah, it’s gonna be fun. And listen, love you all, brothers and sisters, have a wonderful and blessed night.

Love you son. And looking forward, looking forward to you folks coming in into the community and you know, stepping into your power and becoming the person that you’ve invested. Take care. Take care guys. We’re out of here. Smash that like button. Share that video and Serena, hit me up girl. Truth MAFIA music this is where the truth begins welcome to Tommy Truthful TV where we break the illusion Ever felt special, a different caught in confusion Are you the black sheep in your family line it’s cuz you see through the matrix design we’re living in a simulation ar controlled most are NPCs their stories already told the Saturn moon matrix runs the hive mind But a rare few of us break through and shine 1 69,000 first players awake reality benders born to remake Then there’s the Neo code Rarest of all Like Jesus Christ and Neo answering the call the Matrix ain’t fiction it’s prophecy shown.



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