Top Horse Whisperer Animal Intuitive Michele Lowry shares Miraculous Stories only God can Provide!

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➡ This text talks about a show hosted by Brad Wney, where he discusses various topics, including animal communication and spiritual wellness. The show promotes X39 patches, which are said to help regenerate stem cells and improve overall health. The host also interviews Michelle Lowry, an animal intuitive who shares her experiences of communicating with animals and spirits. She explains how she helps people connect with their loved ones who have passed away, through their pets, and how this has positively impacted their lives.
➡ The text discusses the concept of energy transference and harmonic signatures, likening it to the way we communicate and connect with others. It also explores the idea of spiritual gateways and the ability to connect with loved ones and animals on a deeper level. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding that we are all interconnected and capable of tapping into these connections. The text also highlights the power of animals, particularly horses, in facilitating these connections and the profound impact it can have on those who experience it.
➡ My friend and I often experience magical moments together. We’ve recently shared these moments with a group of close friends, which has brought us all closer. We’ve also been working with a horse, which has been a healing experience for everyone involved. I’ve also had experiences with a street cat and her kittens, which ended in heartbreak when the mother cat passed away. I’ve learned a lot from these experiences and from my work with animals, especially about their wisdom and their ability to heal. I’ve also learned about the importance of allowing animals to express themselves and to live in a way that’s natural for them. I’ve also had some amazing experiences with my miniature horse, Sunshine, who has taught me a lot about herbal medicine. I’ve learned that animals often know what they need to heal themselves and that they can teach us a lot if we’re willing to listen.
➡ Animals are more intuitive than we often give them credit for. They can sense our emotions and reflect them back to us, helping us understand ourselves better. They can also communicate their needs, like a cat refusing to eat fish due to high mercury levels. Listening to our pets and responding to their needs can lead to a more harmonious relationship with them.
➡ The speaker is planning to teach a five-week course on animal communication, after many requests from people. The course aims to help people understand and overcome the barriers that prevent them from effectively communicating with animals. The course includes a two and a half hour introductory class, followed by more in-depth classes that build on each other. The speaker also shares a personal experience of receiving messages from a galactic family of beings, which she believes is connected to her horse, Echo.
➡ The speaker discusses their spiritual connection with a horse named Echo, who they believe is delivering profound messages from a galactic family of beings. They express excitement about sharing these messages with their audience, who they describe as spiritually awake. The speaker also mentions their collaboration with other spiritual figures and encourages listeners to reach out for sessions. Lastly, they promote wellness products, including a Trinity Pack from and X39 patches from, both designed to improve health and performance.


Cutting edge guests, awesome uncensored jaw dropping information plus funny memes, good deeds and roads of laughing kind of have it all. Ladies and gentlemen, if your soul is awake, then welcome because you’re in the right place. Hey you divine lions and lionesses, you amazing sovereign souls, look at this powerful, affordable x39 patches help regenerate your stem cells. These were developed for Navy Seals. Burns up to 500 calories. Acts like a wearable med bed on your body so you get to wear your natural wellness daily. Order X39 now at catch the life There’s Monday to Friday phone support so you can go there.

There’s zooms and there’s a 100% 90 day money back guarantee. T@catch the life the x39 there is nothing else like it. Help activate stem cells, reverse aging and rejuvenate your life at catch the life welcome back to the Sovereign Soul show all of you divine alliance lionesses. I’m your host Brad Wney. As you know Sovereign Soul show we stand for love. Depending on which way it’s it’s aiming for you right now. Levity and liberty. Because levity, laughter’s best medicine as we digest taught us in elevation. Elevation. Have yourself a laugh. As Russell Peters would say, somebody would get a hurting real bad if they do not laugh or oh show on our Fridays.

But this is not that show. This is about animal communication once again. And I’m joined back by amazing Michelle Lowry, the animal intuitive Guided by animals. And we have an incredible expansion in her gift set as well. Right now we’re going to be talking about and what’s coming up in April too. And Michelle’s back in Estados Unidos, lays a tattoo knee with her horse with her dog and she’s up in northeast of the United States right now back near Vermont area, but not exactly Vermont. So welcome back Michelle. Good to see you again. Thank you so much Brad.

It’s really great to be back and I always enjoy our conversations and it’s just amazing how when we step in to whatever life is calling us to do and we really commit to it, the magic that happens and that’s what I’ve been seeing recently. Definitely you were sharing in the pre chat. You’re actually helping people with their horses who are also working with loved ones who just recently crossed over which I think is a new gap bridging. When your title is guided by animals for a long time you’re actually being guided by the spirits of the animals in that family and everybody is working in concert together.

That was incredible expansion right now for the spirit and the soul. And I’m really wild excited and I find it wild to be sharing this right now with our spiritually Awake audience, because we know this Patriot Awake audiences. Spiritually awake. Patriot spirit, spirit, Patriot spirit. Here we go. So, yeah, and everybody knows she’s obviously raiking master me now a decade. So great. Quarter century. Love, love, love, Raiki. And you can be doing Qigong. Anybody? It’s all good. Anyway, so over to you. So tell us, what have the last few months been like as you’ve been tapping into this, being guided by animals with those who have crossed over in the family and what the experience has been so the audience can hear.

Oh, yeah. Thank you. I really feel that when we sit and really engage our own self development and surrender to whatever that might look like and not have a framework and a structure, which I couldn’t do if I wanted to, I’m too flowy. And, you know, I don’t do structure. I don’t do academia. I just live my life every day in the flow of nature and my surroundings. And the challenges come and you deal with them and then you grow from them. And I really believe that all of that has. Has get. Has come to a point where I’m so open to what is being received that we all know it’s multidimensionality, but I’m actually seeing the multidimensionality aspect of it as I’m working with these animals.

You know, you’re opening a portal, especially if you’re working remotely, just like with Reiki, you’re opening this portal to make a connection, and through that connection you receive. And for me, with my work, you know, I’m receiving messages, I’m receiving visions, I’m receiving guidance from these animals as to what they need, what they want, answering questions from the people that have asked me to do the work. And so I’m open. And I’ve always said that the questions are important, but I also want to open to anything else that the animal chooses to share in that love portal so that they can bring that soul to soul connection and those messages to the people that they’re living with.

And so it’s always been that way. And I do that through writing. So I have my own method of doing all of this that is a little different to most people. And over time, what’s been happening is that once you open up that portal and you’re connecting into these people, you’re also connecting into their loved ones, whether they’re present or whether they’re, you know, they’ve. They transitioned and they’re just around, and the work has just expanded exponentially into. I had one lady, I was working with her dog. Her dog was super communicative. And right towards the end of the session, there was an energy that came through that felt like a grandfather.

And I don’t know how to explain the difference when it. When it’s a mother or a father or a grandfather or even an ancestor that goes further back than that or even a child, but there’s an energy that feels grandfather ish or grandmother ish. So I’ve just learned, no matter how random the messages are that come through, no matter how bizarre they are, no matter what I may or may not think about it, I’m simply the channel. I’m bridging the gap and giving you information, and then you do with that, you know, whatever you want to do with it.

And this grandfather energy came through. And so I wrote it down and just said there was no particular message, I don’t think, but I just wrote down that he was present. So when I shared the transcript with the person, and then we got on a call to talk about it, and I. And she said, oh, my gosh, it was amazing to receive this message through the dog from her grandfather. She was actually very, very close to him. She missed him. And so just knowing that he was around and she was going through some changes in her life, so just knowing that he was there to support her and guide her was.

It just blew her mind as much as it probably had blown mine. But so supportive, you know, just to have that kind of blanket of love around you with somebody that you know and trust that’s not present on the planet anymore. And that’s just one. They’re happening so often. More recently, I was working in person, this time with some horses locally. And one, the woman had not had this horse for very long, and she ended up sharing that prior to getting this horse, she suffered nightmares. Spirit coming through. Not very nice experiences, scary experiences. You know, sometimes they show up in the form that is not very nice, and they’re not necessarily wanting to do bad, but they need help or support.

And, you know, if you have that light, they’re going to find you and they’re trying to get help. So we were talking about that, and she said, interestingly enough, when I got my horse, the nightmare stopped. Now she doesn’t live on the same property as the horse. Wow. Right. But the nightmares stopped. So we’re continuing the conversation. And her mother was there. She’s probably in her 20s. Her mother was there, and her mum piped up and said, you know, I wanted to leave earlier because I felt I didn’t need to be here, but something was keeping me here in this session to listen to more.

And so she then shared, and I think it was new to her daughter, that the family is a line of mediums. So. Right. So generationally, mediumship is in the family. And she went on to describe some situations with the grandmother, her mom’s grandmother, of situations of mediumship and psychic awareness. And she said, so I feel that I was meant to stay here so that in this moment, I could share my grandmother being a medium. The mother’s a medium. The daughter’s obviously got the same skill. Right. So, Brad, in that moment, there was an energy that came in to the session and through the horse, and it was the grandmother.

Holy smokes. And did mom pick it up as well as you or all. All three? I suddenly said, oh, my gosh, she’s here. And in that moment, the horse. And it wasn’t a bad thing. It wasn’t. She was taking over the horse’s body. There was nothing like. It was a beautiful synergy of energy that I said, oh, my God, she’s here. And both of them went, oh, my God, she’s here. And then the horse just relaxed like, okay, now everybody knows there’s a connection between the horse, the grandmother, so the. The other woman’s great grandmother. And I said, she’s come in to support you and help you in your mediumship gifts.

And it’s the grandmother through the horse that was helping with the head, with the nightmares. That’s amazing. There’s a number of things you said I want to unpack for. People love the way you said it with opening a portal in Reiki, because I’ve actually haven’t used that terminology before. If everybody can look at it from a standpoint, depending on whether they know what Reiki is or not. You know, just energy transference going between people. You know, everybody’s had the experience. I’m thinking about somebody, they phone call, they text me, they email me. Right. Well, that’s a harmonic signature.

If you think about sonar, whether it’s a submarine or it’s whales or dolphins. Right. Making the clicks, making the sounds, making the low groans. That’s also a harmonic signature of vibration. And we have acoustical abilities that then kind of stop. That we can’t pick up with the normal cochlear Human ear. And then also we have about 9.9% or 0.09% of the light spectrum that we can see, which means like 99.9. We cannot. Right. Wi, fi, LG, Bluetooth, everybody. Yet there’s a harmonic signature sent out so they can pick up the signal. It’s the same thing. Like you’re, you’re opening that pathway.

You’re opening up a channel of communication. So what we’re seeing here as well, since everybody has the foundational comprehension and understanding that the sound of unlimited love, your soul, or your sound of uniform love downloads I had a few years ago, is infinite then. Therefore there’s a harmonic signature of your soul throughout the ether, throughout the universe. And we have quantum entanglement. So now we can get into the physics aspect of Michelle’s work and mediumship. Some people have their antennas attuned because everybody has different various gifts depending on how awake they are and how they’ve practiced it or they’re just born with these, like the Starseed children, especially coming in now with full awareness and almost full recollection of who they are, where they’ve been, where they’ve come from, what they have done, what they are here to do.

You know, and the kids like 3 years old, talking like they’re, they’re, they’re a president. You know, you’re like, who is this amazing individual you know, are playing piano and they’ve never played it before at the age of seven. And people are going, who is this incredible. Anyway, so that is a great foundation as you move forward to leverage horses and the horse connection. And in my studies, when I was writing my movie script and then the book and then the show, I’ve discovered that heart Math institute and there’s other studies out there, the heart rate variability or the, not the heart rate variability, rather the ex.

The, the, the expansion for horses goes up to two miles from the heart center. So typical human six, eight feet can be a little bit more, a little bit less. Typically, in what you can feel consciously in your space horse is two miles, right? Like freaking four and a half kilometers. They can sense they have those vibrationary senses. And now you’re taking this to the next level of leveraging the horse human connection. Everybody might have. Remember horse whisperer Robert Redford? Some of that was body language. Other parts being calm and being still. And my goodness, now you’re taking it up another level on a dimension.

It’s incredible, incredible. It’s been really exciting to. I’ve always said that there’s no Separation. And I’ve always said that as humanity is now evolving at the rate that they’re evolving and the earth is changing, at the rate the earth is changing, there is no separation anymore. You know, the veil, if it’s even there still is really, really thin. And so we have that innate ability to connect. And I’ve, you know, back in the day, if you wanted to meditate, you wanted the perfect spot with the perfect music, you wanted quiet, you know, and then you would sit there for an hour and, and have your experience.

And now if you can meditate without any of that, you’re truly meditating because you should be able to meditate in any environment and feel that connection. Well, I feel that that’s even easier now than it’s ever been because of the energy and the one consciousness that’s going on. And then you take all of that and you open up to the fact that if you want to go and have tea with your Grandmother on cloud 75, you know that you just set the intention and you can go there, you truly can. And obviously it’s practice and you’ve got to flex that muscle and play with it a bit, but you truly can be that connected to those on the other side.

And so this, this is showing me, because I have to have things be palpable and tangible at times, this is showing me how all of this can come together and that you can work through an animal and connect with a person. You can, you can connect with a person and receive an animal in spirit. There is no separation. It’s all one, right? Yep, Lovely said. And just over the last five years, John Burke’s books, his first one imagined heaven and I forget the the next one. Maybe it was doorway to heaven or heaven’s door. This is a guy who was a pastor for three decades in Austin, Texas, who had his own near death experience, the nde, and then went back over a century and then created a literal database where he went, okay, every continent, every religion or atheist, children, men, women of all races and backgrounds, creeds, skin colors, then he went, okay, over 80, about 85 to 90% of them had a positive ND experience and came back.

The others not so much and came back and had a choice. And out of all of that, who they all had these experiences and all remembered it as real. And almost everyone was the same, whether it was an imam in Somalia, Muslim man who woke up, was pronounced dead for a day and a half, and they were pouring him into the grave all wrapped up, and he woke up and he Sat up and the doctors all pronounce him dead. Everything across. So when we’re looking at that spiritual gateway as well and tapping into it, many of the people and these are New York Times bestselling books, anybody can go to Amazon.

John Burke, he’s been widely interviewed all across. Right. I mean there was a doctor, a medical doctor in Chicago who fell off a three story grading on an apartment building, smashed his head open, brains declared dead because his brains were mush. Threw him in to the ambulance, he was dead. Done. Like you’re not allowed to do that paramedic unless the skulls cracked open, brains are smashed and then woke up in the morgue. Fully healed. Chicago, fully healed. All done. Right. Healing of Christ, of consciousness and light and documented. Right, Right. These are. We can’t explain it well, we’re talking about miracles, we’re talking about realms, gateways, spirit.

Right. We’re in an finite life walk at the moment. All sentient life. So with this I find it wonderful to hear for the first time that we have families connecting with loved ones while they’re also connected with their animals which are just as tight in the family. Like the dogs, the cats, some, for some people, parakeets. Right. And, and especially horses, you know, like brothers, sisters, members of the family, a collective. And, and everybody wants the best for each other and to leverage each other’s gifts. This is awesome. Awesome. And, and is this the first story that you tapped into this, Michelle, since we have last done our shows last year.

So the grandfather with the dog, I mean I’ve. It’s happened before. Yeah. But I think the one that’s really kind of expanded me the most was the, the horse more recently because it was in person. And not only was it in. Because I’m all about everyone knowing they can do this. That’s really been my premise for a long time. Yeah. And what was great about the horse with the grandmother and the mother was there and the daughter was there, you know, standing and the horse between them was. There were other people there that were part of this barn.

Everybody felt it. Which means you just opened a door for everybody because they all witnessed it, they all felt it, they all experienced it. And that to me is what it’s about. You know, you can do one on ones all day long, but when you have that level of healing, that level of loving support come through, you just shifted everybody that felt it in one way or another. And I may not know what, what that is. Right. And that’s part of the, part of the non ego of this this kind of work, you can tap in and you can touch somebody and you will never know that you did or didn’t the outcome, what happened to them.

And that for me is also the beauty of it. You know, it’s like a friend of mine always does this thing where she goes, I can’t do. She goes like this, you know. Oh, yeah. Hey, hey, hey, yeah. And it’s, you know, and you make magic happen that, you know, Jimmy. Right? That’s exactly it. That’s great. And she does that, you know, my friend does that all the time when we, when we hit on something and it’s like, yep, there’s the magic. But to have these people now walk away with this experience and they’re all really close friends, so now they’re all going to support each other.

And the horse now knows that everybody knows what’s happening and that is the healing with the horse. Yep. When for anybody who’s new for the shows we did last year, Lisa had joined us. You know, she’s hanging out in Mako at the moment. You had helped me with the readings on the lovely little street cat who had shown up and then gifted me the ability to be around to help her be, be the father to four new munchkins and, and being Brad dad, you know, and unfortunately with whiskers, you know, and I picked her up and felt her.

She was still warm and wasn’t breathing and trying to give her ar. Artificial resuscitation and. But she just didn’t go. And we all did a blessing for her. It’s really, really powerful too, you know, to find out where the soul came from. So people are familiar with in the audience. The Starseed Children show, right where I have other people on. We talk about the souls, the incarnations of the kids, what they’re here for, what they’re doing, what we’re learning from the, the new starseed generations who are here. And little do people make the bridge, Michelle. I find that, well, why wouldn’t it be the same thing for your pet? Why wouldn’t this beautiful maybe Lyran soul have had another time on earth and, and maybe in another body capacity and timeline and before anybody is like, wait, wait, wait, now we’re talking about reincarnation souls and, and animals, even.

Bishop Jim O Connor, US Army West Point, 1976. Now 45 successful exorcisms, has now been privy to over 50 spontaneous miracle healings. Witness to them himself, a former US army airborne major with access to seven hundred and seventy seven books of the Bible. Not the sixty one, sixty two, sixty six, whatever they call it, seven hundred and seventy seven said, yeah, reincarnation was everywhere until the fifth century and Constantinople came in and they tore it out because imagine how much easier it is to control a populace when you say you’re here. You get one shot, pay your way, by your way to salvation, and you bring everybody into that bs.

BS standing for belief system. Right. So now you’re the animals. And the readings you did for Al, Andrea and Patchette were absolutely incredible. To know where they’ve come from. Right. And you could actually see it before those readings in the characteristics of their personality. It was amazing. So, yeah, no, thank you. That to have that opportunity to speak to. I love working with animals that are not domesticated or animals that have come from the street or, you know, animals that are feral, that would normally be contained in some kind of domestic situation where they can’t express themselves and they can’t.

They can’t be their full self because now they’re trained and they have to act a certain way and they have to eat certain food and they can’t go out and forage for themselves. And. And you start to dismantle all of that wisdom from them. And they go into a place where they fully rely on us. And they. And we actually take on far more responsibility around that than we need to because of their wisdom. And, you know, it’s been shown with horses, many people have shown this now that if you. They have these gardens now with herbs in, different herbs in them, and they’ll put a horse that’s sick in this herb garden and the horse will go and pick out the exact.

Yes. Because they know they’re wise. They know. And we try so hard to do it right and get the right medicine or get the right this or get the right that. And we forget that if we just offer them a range of medicine, natural medicine, that they know exactly what they need. Yeah. And so I’m also, you know, part of my work is nutritional and it’s. I ask them, you know, Lisa and I have talked about this a lot with herbs and homeopathy and. And I’m not a herbalist upfront. I’m not a homeopathic practitioner. But the animals know.

And do they know homeopathy? They know the plant medicine. They know the vibration of the plants and what they can do to heal us because they are still tapped into that. And they’re teaching us to go back into that medicine and feel. Feel it out. I have to share a story with you. So My miniature horse, Sunshine. Yeah. Who is a stunner. And she, she channels poetry. So she’s written over 80 poems. I have two books published. And then last year she had me get way out of my comfort zone and hand draw an oracle deck with her.

That’s right, Yeah. I haven’t checked for a while. Nice. Yeah. So. So that was a big, you know, out of my comfort zone. You’re going to draw, you know, judgment and I’m not good enough and just draw and get over yourself. So she’s an amazing teacher. And right before 2020 or somewhere in the middle of 2020 and 2024, we were just walking on the trails. Yeah. And her and my horse Echo have always loved to walk on the trails and pick plants. And when you track it season by season, they would eat different plants at different times of the year because they know what they need.

So winter into spring, they would pick certain things in spring. Sunshine loves to eat blueberry leaves. She likes to eat wintergreen. A lot of the anti inflammatories and immune boosters is what she’ll go for. Interesting. And a lot of people panic. They’re like, what if the plan plant is poisonous? What if it kills? And I always have said, but they have the wisdom. And so why would I deny them the wisdom? Why would I try and supplement something when I can just take them out on the trails and they can do that for themselves. And it’s fresh and it’s clean, it’s wild grown.

You know, what’s better than that? And Sunshine had said to me, you need to make white pine tea. And I said, and this was before white pine tea was anything. Yeah, yeah. White fiber, amazing. And you know, me being me, I don’t go out there on the Internet and go, oh, my God. Sunshine says everyone has to drink white pine tea. So I went out and with her help, we picked the pines, the pine needles, and I made the tea and I started drinking it and I would give some to her. And then it was a few months later that white pine tea, like, hit the Internet as being one of the medicines that people should be taking.

And I always just look at her and she’s just this, this herbalist in this tiny little body that has so much. And I keep promising her that I will continue to share her medicine out there because it has never failed to be completely accurate. I love that you have. Many people are aware now that if they or members of their family have been sick and there’s an animal there, the animal then gets Sick. Because what the animal is doing, the pet is doing, even horses as well. Are offsetting the illness by the human to save the human.

It’s an unbelievable, incredible, well documented aspect of the relationship. And now you have the herbalist. And you’re a little stunner. And I think there’s another whole book in this video series to get done here. Yeah, absolutely. You know, she’s. She’s all heart. She calls her poetry heart. Speak. But she’s wise. And, you know, any animal that comes into my life, know that. Knows that they can fully express themselves. I want them to be in their fullest personality, their fullest wisdom. What are they showing me? What are they teaching me? What am I then sharing with others? What can I bring out there that they want to be shared? And really kind of working with that.

And even Maui, who you can probably hear whining at the door, but even Maui. When Maui came into my life. He was really, really clear on what he was going to be doing in my life. And one of the biggest things he said to me, he said, I’m going to teach you how to play again. Nice. You know, because everything’s just work, work, work and moving and this and that. He’s. I’m going to teach you to play again. But the biggest he brings me is his reflection of my emotional state. Nice. Literally is the mirror. Whatever emotional place I’m in, he’s the mirror.

And I learned from, you know, a few months into his puppiness. That whenever he would get what I would consider annoying or mouthy or pushy or barky. And I used to get like, come on, dude, enough, enough, enough. And then what I learned over time. When I just stopped. And this is my big thing for anybody out there. If you just stop for a minute and be still and witness what’s happening and look within, you will find the reason for a lot of the behaviors out there within you. Which is to. To your point, right of the reflection.

And when I realized that and I went, oh, my God. And I would. I would stop. I would take a breath. I would ground myself. I would find something to laugh at. And then he would go, okay, here we go. Where are we going? What are we doing? Let’s go for a walk. Amazing. Yeah, amazing. So they just. They’re continually helping us. Because they see the truth within us. They see who we are. They see what gifts we have. They know what we’re capable of. They know the magic that we can create. And then they come in and people misinterpret behavior as a problem or an issue or, you know, you sell the horse because they’re acting out.

And I always say, but if you didn’t figure out the message, then the next horse you get is going to do the same thing. Same thing, exactly. Yep. Yep, exactly. You know what? When you were mentioning about having the winter green leaves and going from one to the next depending on the season, you know, Al. Andrea would. Because of where I. Where I was, like, all I could really do in a tin was get tuna or salmon, but that was pretty rare. And then all that, they always. You know, typically in South America, they have all these different crops.

Like, hot, spicy, like, can you not just get, like, regular tuna? Right? Because it was easy. But the thing is, obviously, you know, you don’t want to always feed fish to a cat, even though they like it. But for convenience, like, crack it open. Here it is. Put it in a bowl, right? She’s. While she’s pregnant and everything’s going on, and then all of a sudden, you know, she’s crying, crying. Got the hungry cry. All right, time for another feed because she’s eating more because the belly is getting bigger. And she’s like. Goes up, looks at me, cry, cry, cry.

And I just get the image of chicken. I’m like, okay, so I’ve got to go to a market and get some chicken. Like, it just popped up. Like, she looked at me, chicken. I’m like, okay. Went out, came back, she hadn’t touched this. The. The. The tune out of the can. And I’m elaborating a bit more here for the audience because it’s pretty wild because this is a pregnant cat who gave birth to four kittens in two hours with me there. And this is maybe a week or so before. So, you know, when food’s placed in front of her, you know, especially with what’s going on, she’s gonna eat.

And it’s the morning of. And she hadn’t eaten since the night before, but she didn’t touch it. I’m like, that’s interesting. There’s nothing wrong with that can. Obviously, she knows there’s something in there not good enough for her. So I go, I make some chicken in the pot on the stove, fresh chicken, give it to her. She woke that stuff down. I’m like, I wonder what this is. What’s going on. It turns out that cats can be hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic, depending on the food, especially felines, right? And since she was a forager and a feral Huntress, street cat, Kitten, really.

When she showed up and worked her way into my life, nudging and having coffee and. Okay. And then just hanging in the morning, I’m like, oh, okay. Hey, munchkin, here’s a little water. Here’s a little milk. Turns out if they eat too much fish, there’s too much mercury in it, and they know, and they’ll just stop eating. So I bring that to the audience to share with them that. Listen, if you have a pet, a loved animal in your life who is like, I’m just getting really fussy over the food you keep shoving in my face.

No matter what you might have done, to choose the food, pay for it special or not, listen to them because they’re listening to themselves. And there’s a message in that for you as well. Just like there is a message in the example you gave about the horse that might be, you know, bucking or going crazy or acting up. And they’re like, oh, I gotta sell it. There’s something wrong with it. Okay, well, maybe that one’s talking about the reflection from the inside and mirroring it back to the owner. Like we saw in Buck and Horse Whisperer with Robert Redford, especially the one with the buck in that documentary.

You know, she sold the horse and they had to shoot it and put it down, or sorry to put it down, but she got another horse. And the same thing happened. It was all that woman. And he said, problem’s not with the horse. The problems with you. She broke down and cried because they had to murder the. They had to put the horse down. So, you know, it can be very serious at that level and also very enlightening, like me listening to Al Andrea and then finding out later. Yeah, she’s. She’s like, no bueno. Too much mercury.

Brad, go out there, get me some fit. And she sent me the message. Chicken, right? Like chicken and dark meat, too. It’s awesome. Yeah, yeah, it’s incredible. I mean, we’ve got so much to learn from these animals. And, you know, I’ve. I’ve had animals. So my latest thing is I started doing flower essences again. And I’m not a flower essence practitioner either. Nice, nice. But I found this lifetime, right? I don’t paper, but that’s my life. So I found this amazing kit of remedies in England that has no alcohol in it. So it’s just the flower essences and whatever other liquid they’re using.

And all of a sudden, now the animals are starting to ask for flower essences. So flower essences work emotionally. Wow. And each. Each essence has a very specific emotion or two or three emotions that it works on to create a positive aspect of that emotion. So if they have fear of something, it’s going to create courage. It’s that kind of thing. And there’s 32 different ones. So you can really cover a wide range of emotions that you’re looking to support. And it’s not a drug, so it’s not. It’s not an antidepressant where you’re shutting everything down.

And now the animal’s better. You’re actually focusing directly on the emotions at hand to help the animal turn its, I guess, physiology. I don’t know. It’s a big word for me. But. But to turn that emotional way of being into something that is much healthier, more positive. And all of a sudden, now I am making up remedy after remedy after remedy. And I do it through feel with the animal. I do it through muscle testing. And there’s more than. If there’s more than one, I’ll actually hold the three bottles or four bottles together and tap into the animal and make sure that as a blend that still is working.

So it’s still an energetic, awesome connection. Right. And then if it’s not, I take one away and I go, how does that feel? And then I take another. So I literally create the blend by feel, and then I make up the blend and I send it with instructions on how to use it. And the feedback has been amazing in, you know, nervousness of car rides. And the flower essence just brings courage and support. And now all of a sudden, the dogs aren’t nervous of being in a car anymore. Or, you know, they’re struggling because they’re having to share their space with a new animal.

All of a sudden, there’s. There’s a place where they find a way to live together. They don’t have to be best friends. And I always say that to people. Or the birth of a child, like a new child comes in the picture. Mommy’s pregnant. Dog and cat are there, especially dogs. And all of a sudden the baby comes and dogs, like, what about. What about me? What’s going on here, guys? Right. So that you have. This would be amazing, too. Yeah. So it’s. It’s been incredible to. And really, Brad is. I’m just listening. Yeah. All I’m doing is I’m listening.

I’m honoring the messages. I’m not questioning anything that comes through. Right. And then I. And then it’s my job to then act on that, whether it’s bridging the gap. And now everybody in the family is on the same page. Whether they like it or not, everyone knows everything. There’s no secrets is what the animals will call it. And then you can move forward and you can find those resolutions and you can and figure out how to bring that family back into harmony, if that’s the problem. And then an honor that the animal does know. You know, it’s not always about training.

It’s not always about harsher methods. It’s not always about drugging and medicating. It’s about asking. Yeah, beautiful. So simple. Beautiful. Yeah, beautiful. Well, tell us about. I know we’re going to get into it in maybe two weeks time, a little bit closer to it, but you’ve got something coming up on your, the five week course, the animal. Tell us a little bit. Oh, yeah, thank you. So many people over the years have been asking me to teach animal communication. And all I ever do is send them to my mentor. Like, no, go over here. She’s amazing.

Just go there. And I’ve always. People are saying, do you teach this? Do you teach this? Do you teach this? No, no, no, no. I know how to do it. I don’t know how to teach it. And I had so many people asking me that I sat down and I said, all right, if I was to share this, how, how would I share this? Because animals know how to communicate with us and we innately know how to communicate with them. So what’s the block? Yeah, so I designed a two and a half hour class and then this five week extended class that is more about what is getting in our way that we can’t hear, see, feel, connect with these animals.

And as I put that together, because that’s actually my own story, my own journey of the blocks that I had to clear in order to channel the way I do now. So I created, I created these classes to help clear those blocks that are human, created for life, you know, in life. How do we clear those? How do we open up our hearts? How do we unblock our hearts? How do we open that channel? How do we trust that what we’re receiving is real, is accurate, is true? And so that’s what I’m teaching. I have a two and a half hour class which is like an intro class, which right now is all in person.

But you know, if there’s enough interest, I can absolutely do that online. And then I was guided to three different extended classes that all build on one another. And the next one that I’m launching is a five week class that takes all the aspects of the two and a half hour intro and expands on it. So we have time to talk about it, we have time to work through it, we have time to. What is it that’s going to open up your heart center? You know, is it a poem from sunshine? Is it a clearing? Is it sound? What is it that’s going to unblock all of that and show people? So at the end of the two and a half hour class, people are bringing pictures of animals, past or present, and they pair up and they share.

So they do a reading on the other person’s animal and then they get instant validation because it belongs to the other person. Right. So. So I’m reading your animal, Brad. Right. And you’re reading my animal. And then we get to share what we received. And teaching people that it could be one word and it could be a novel, but all of it’s right and all of it’s accurate. So people are walking away from these classes, communicating with animals. Yep. And transforming. I had people like opening their hearts. Oh my gosh. I’ve never. You know, one woman is a big hugger.

She always hugs people and she was crying in the class because she said I always hug people, but I was never hugging them emotionally. Yeah. Wow. And this class opened her up and now she was. She’s hugging emotionally. Beautiful. Amaz. Yeah. Totally amazing. Totally amazing. You know, I can’t, I can’t wait for that. I’m definitely gonna take it on the online one for sure. If I could be, I would be doing it live as well. So hopefully 51st date soon. Now an experience I’ve had in one of my horsemanship classes. I can. I’m sorry, I didn’t conduct any horsemanship classes when I was taking horsemanship in Arizona.

They sat us around the ring the very first hour, first day, three day course, SAS around the ring and okay, get into quiet meditative state and feel which horse you’re drawn to. And then write the number. Because they had the five horses and stalls. Just write the number of the animal on the piece of paper. Right, okay. All right. Yep, got it. Write the number down. And then, you know, we did a very quick clearing. Great. Release the energy, transmute it. Excellent. Detach. Okay, how many people had number one, number two, number three, number four, number five.

Go line up in front of the stall with. It was a small group, maybe 20 people. Okay, maybe line up in front of the stall. And here’s the thing. When you bring the Horse out of the stall, get to know its name, and you go inside the stall. On the inside of the stall, you look up, there’s a picture of you. Because a week prior to that, the woman who is running it said, part of the requirement is send in a profile picture of yourself. Okay, so guess what? For an entire week, every one of those five stallions and mares had the photos of up to five different individuals in their stall, and there wasn’t a single individual.

And we’re not talking. These are, like, Reiki master people. Some people are, like, coming up from Phoenix and, like, okay, I thought this would be cool. I want to try it out. I don’t have horses. Everybody chose the right animal that had their photo in the stall for a week. So when you’re. When you’re looking at the animal, communication, remember, it’s. It’s a vibrational field which is all out there for all of us just to be attuned to, to pick up. And I think it’s so fascinating what you’re doing and helping remove the blocks that, for the most part, been placed on us by society.

Yes. You know, so we have to trust this, trust this, trust this. Because we’ve learned it this way. You know, three dimensional. But this? Nope. This heart? No. Intuition? No. This down here. And. And a final note as well. For people on Heartmath Institute, our heart is 40,000. The energy that comes from the heart instead of the mind is 40, 000 times more powerful in a harmonic, resonant, vibrational signature which goes out than a thought in the mind. And therefore, when you put these two together. Oh, I almost kind of did. That’s. Maybe there’s something to it.

There we go. There’s got to be something to it from your third eye to your heart, Right? Amazing. You know, from your quantum communicator, your God source to your intuition, the soul seat of our unlimited love right here. Wow. Fascinating. I can’t. I can’t wait for. I look forward to it. Just real quick, before we sign off, what’s another, like, success story? I mean, this is how we kind of frame it, right? Success story. Grandpa dog success story. Horse grandmother came through line of mediums. What. What else? You know, little stunners going out, eating the winter greens.

Go make some white pine tea before it becomes a success online. Yeah, another story. So, all right, I’m just gonna put this out there because I. I’m so getting pushed to share this. That’s all right. For the last three years, I’ve been receiving messages at 3am in the morning from the galactic family of beings. Nice. Yeah. The Bill Stin. That’s the time I never ask questions. I never go, who are you? I need to know names. I just receive, right? I’m just a pure channel. And I’ve been writing these things down and I’ve had them sitting around and I’ve had them sitting around and I’m not sharing them, right? And I had another message come through right before one of these two and a half hour classes.

And I’m literally scribbling in the dark because that’s how I do it, because my mind’s not in the way and I can just pure receive. And I was in the car the other day and Echo, my horse, who’s amazing, there’s a book about him too. Amazing mentor, guide, support, kicked me in the butt every day to show me who I was and to stand in my power. He comes through and he said, okay, I am the galactic family of beings and I need to come through because I know if you know it’s me, you’re more likely to put these messages out there than if you don’t know, because we have this contract.

He channels, I share. He channels. He did it when he was here on Earth, and he went, I have to tell you, this is my energy field that’s coming through with these messages, and you have to stop procrastinating and you have to get these messages out there. So it was amazing to have received all these messages. And then, you know, one of my biggest mentors and guys coming down from the ascended planes going, what is it going to take for you to share these messages? And I went, I’m doing it. I will record them, I will put them out there.

I promise you. It’s you. That’s our contract. So you just never know what’s coming through, when and what else is going on. You know, I’ve always envisioned Echo as this beautiful black horse that I had in my life for 21 years. And here he is now saying, and in my ascension, I’m the galactic family of beings, and these are the messages we want to bring to humanity. And they are so profound, Brad. They’re unbelievable. So I’m putting it out there, putting it out there. Gotta buy animals. Rumble Channel will need to start being seated with all of the messages from Echo, AKA Galactic Federation.

I think Edgar Casey’s, you know, looking down from upon high going, thank you, thank you. Amazing, right? Channel love one. Amazing. Absolutely phenomenal. I can’t wait to have you back on and see how things have developed. And between now and that, roughly two weeks, are you’re gonna channel or receive from Echoes channeling some of the galactic messages, too? Because that would be really. I’m guessing, I think now that I’ve said, okay, I’m. I’m out there and I’m gonna do it. Yes, the Sovereign Soul audience around the world is spiritually awake, not Patriot awake. Patriot is here.

And then we’ve all had our grander awakening, and we’re like, they’re spiritually awake. They’re all. They’re hungry, salivating, ready to go for this. The Patriot awake. They still. They’re not here yet, you know, but we. Lots of room for them, and we. We hope to bring them along. So that would be amazing. That would be absolutely awesome. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Then I’ll give a call to a few other friends of mine, like Laura Eisenhower, like, okay, guess what? You got to hook up with Michelle here. Hang out. Hang out. Absolutely awesome. Fantastic. Well, folks, the best way to find Michelle is right below the description.

You can see the link if you’ve been watching the broadcast or you’re listening to this as later on as a podcast. It’s also scrolling front of our screen for people to get in contact with you if they want to, you know, have a conversation, book a session. Because you also, I know, in person, the greatest. But you also do remote work. What is the best spot for them to go to, to reach out to Michelle? Probably the best thing is to email me. I’m looking at how dark it’s getting. Okay. A couple hours ahead. I know you’ve got a work already, so.

So the best way is by email, which is Nicotherapies. Proton me. That’s probably the easiest way to get hold of me. And then we can build a conversation from there. Cool, Cool. And then worst case, if you can’t remember that everybody contact us, the contact form on the website for sure. Awesome. Thanks, Michelle. Really appreciate that. Say hi to Echo. I know you got Maui right there. He’s like, okay, come on, mom. It’s time for the evening walk. You’ve been working all day. Give a little bit of back over here. Yeah, chicken, fish, whatever. So we’ll see you all next time, everybody.

Thank you so much for watching, sharing, commenting. If you found anything that was really remarkable and eye opening for you here, which I. There were several for me, please drop it in the comments, let Michelle know, and she’ll be back on roughly two weeks with some more updates. So looking forward to having you back thank you. If you’re looking for groundbreaking nutritional products which revolutionize the way your body operates, you have to check out this cutting edge American made all natural wellness brand. Root. The Trinity Pack from is a game changer. Let me show you.

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