And this will just screw on top. You take your bottle that you get. You don’t have to open up. And I have one in my pocket. You take your bottle that you purchased with a product in it, take the lid off, just simply drop it in. You don’t have to fill it all the way. I usually. About two thirds or part of the way up. You take the little cap, you screw it on. That’s it. Now it’s filled. Now pick your vape system that you want to use there that you’ve charged you. Hopefully you charge it up.
I don’t know if we did or not. We charge these trace. Are these charged up? We’ll find out. Let’s see. Is it on? Instructions are right there on Y. It’s good. Oh, wow. I don’t know what the reading is, but there you go. We just screwed it on onto it with a 5. Be able to press that one time. It should be functional. Oh, when you. When you’re. When you’re doing it. When you’re doing it. Yeah. All right, so I’m gonna try it right now. I’m just going to take in a nice, deep breath, put it in my lungs, and then I’m gonna push it up into my.
My nasal. There you go. That’s it. So one millisecond. One millisecond, you coded your entire lungs. Then when you exhaled, instead of just exhaling 80% of the oxygen, you took in by volume, by pinching your nose, you. You inflate your sinuses, and you. You can feel it sometimes. Good. Put pressure on your eardrums, but it’ll push it up into there. Okay. As a vapor product. Okay. And that’s going right through the battlefield of the lungs into the heart and the brain and in the blood with that technology. And then you can use it topically on your skin.
You can use it in your ear. You have a sore in your mouth, or if you have a Sore throat. Okay, the Alison M product or the V product, the M is not made with the right viscosity. You put it right on your throat, right on there. So, you know, let’s say you have really bad sore throat. Put it right on there, let it sit on there. But you put it in your, on your tongue and just like swish it around and hold it in your throat. Yes. But there are 40,001 coronaviruses, so you’re breathing them in.
Most of them aren’t bothering you. They’re bovine or feline or whatever. They’re just cleaned up in your body. Don’t do anything. It’s the ones that are active, like the SARS and mers and the ones that escape in the lab. Those. The second you did that, it was on your lungs. The second that happened, it was engaged hand to hand between the Allison and that molecule and it was cracking open spike proteins or the envelope protein on that capsid busted open. Now that rna, which is super sensitive, comes out and your lung, it will be digested immediately on your lungs.
That RNA is the part that, it’s the most dangerous part because the whole purpose of that whole caps in that virus is to bring that RNA inside your cell to replicate it. So, wow. If you can get the rna, even if you, even if you hit one or two spike proteins, okay? Now your body can make antibodies to that, but once you bust open that, even if it infects you, it’s not carrying its payload. So you’re not going to get sick because it’s going to go inside the cell. Just getting cleaned up by a junk collector or junk collector processes.
Now, when I, when I took that in it, I mean, I, I’m not a smoker. I don’t, I don’t. I’ve never liked smoking. I didn’t feel anything at all. I was like, did I really take anything in? So, and then I like, you know, I felt it, you know, I pushed it, whatever I took in, up into my, my sinus. And then as you saw, when I, like, exhaled, there was smoke. And I was like, there’s. There actually was smoke. But I feel pretty invigorated right now. Actually. My, I had, I ran today. Usually when I run, I get a little bit of sinusy stuff and my sinus feels super clear right now.
It’s. It’s incredible. No problem with the lungs. Now, you were saying that this is a hundred times more effective than ivermectin. A hundred million times? Oh, million more. Okay. In one millisecond you’re on the surface of the lungs, okay. Anything orally that you consume has to go through the digestion process of 48 hours to make it through the intestines and get up, absorbed through the colon and come up in the blood. And so it’s. It’s a hundred million times or more efficacy to the surface of the lungs. Wow. So the. The big problem with all these drugs is one.
And. And actually, Bill Gates talks about these things, but you. You’ve got to shield. The environment we live in allows you to shield without any kind of resistance. Well, it’s not practical to be eating Ivermectin. And there’s side effects of it, but it doesn’t shield you, okay? This will shield you. So it’s destroying those pathogens, whether they’re bacterial, fungal, or viral, on your lungs, okay? It’s destroying. Because when you’re. When you’re taking Ivermectin, you’re taking it into the gut, and then it has to break down, and there’s always that. It doesn’t. You don’t get as much of it.
So the problem with. If I. I can eat this, okay? I can eat the Allison. This is a problem. I can eat a little. Little, slight garlicky taste, but it’s. It’s. It’s nothing. It’s great, actually. I love garlic. Okay. Once you. Once you get the Allison into your stomach, it’s digested, so it won’t make it. You. You literally have to eat pounds of it to get any into your blood or. And the body loves it. Or into the lungs. Okay? So you can eat these Allison products that you buy at the health food store and whatnot.
Tablet form. Even if they’re interrogated, once they go through the GI tract, they don’t coat the surface of the lungs. So in order to coat the entire surface of lungs in one millisecond, okay. In order to do it that fast, the only way to do that is with a real gas, okay? A real gas, which oxygen there you breathe in. Air is a real gas. This is the only way to do it. The second part, which is a patentable feature, is pinching your nose and inflating your sinuses so that will dilate and then allows you. Let’s say you.
You already have an infection. You’ve got yellow stuff in your sinuses. That’s bacteria, right? Coronavirus likes to come to a party with its friends. It’ll come to a party with bacterial pathogens, and you’ll get side infection and pneumonia anyway. You can use your favorite 80 proof alcohol, which is the perfect stone that will kill the. It’ll break up bacteria and wash it out. And then the sugar from the fermentation will rebuild the mucous membranes. And so what you know there is. Let’s say you have a real bad infection is stinging real bad. When the stinging goes away, the infection’s gone.
That’s how you know it’s gone. Partly. Then other people are. They like to spray flonase or whatever. But the problem with those sprays is they don’t, they don’t get deep into the sinuses. And so by dilating and pinching your nose now you’ve dilated it and similar with. You’ll have the similar experience with Alison B. Drops in your ear, but also Jack Daniels in your ear because your ears are like barometers with eardrum. And you’ll notice that that ear canal will. The ear and ear canal will dilate when you lie on your side and you treat it with those things.
And the infection that will run, it likes to run from your ear to your throat and then it likes to run from your throat down into your lungs. Oh yeah. So what you do is you, you protect the lungs but you isolate it to those areas which are sometimes manageable for things like strep, streptococcus, strep throat staphacus. And these are infections that. It’s incredible because you were telling me about your mom who was deaf. She had an infection death. It was like two months she was deaf, put this in her ear. Within a couple hours she, she could hear again.
And you also talked about this woman whose grandmother put it in her six month old ear. The six month old was had infection. They were going to do an operation when they put tubes in the ear. That happens a lot to kids these days, unfortunately. She put Allison in the ear and went back to the doctor and doctor’s like we don’t have to do the operation now. What happened? So homeopathic, you know, remedy. But tell that’s. How is it doing? That’s incredible. We get stories like that all the time with toddlers and babies and all these things.
This is a processed food product. So a lot of people ask questions about sensitivity. We always tell them, look, if you’re concerned about an allergy or something like that, just do a scratch test on your arm or your hand, on your skin and see if you have allergic reaction to it with little pin. If you don’t, then you’re good because that’s the same thing. The allergy specialist is going to do if you go there or you can put a drop on their tongue and see if you have allergic reaction that way. But this is a processed food product, so it’s food and that’s why it’s tolerable to babies and toddlers and things like that.
But I always say parental discretion because you know, you want to do things in moderation. You don’t need to to overload by doing this every five minutes. That’s not necessary. You just put two drops in and you let sit there for 10 minutes. Maybe do that three times a day for somebody with an ear infection. You don’t, you don’t usually that all the time. You done three, three or four times a day with a vapor will shield you. But what’s going to happen is you’re going to build immunity to coronaviruses. So that was the thing that Gates and the other said.
And the vaccine doesn’t do it, doesn’t do it. Because the way that this is allowing you to build immunity, you’re leveraging your immune system in your spleen. Okay. When you crack open those spike proteins, you expose targets for antibodies to be made and your body learns it. The body’s brilliant at doing this in terms of what the spleen and the immunity of the body does. And then that gets engulfed up whether you’ve been infected or not. So the proof is in the pudding. When you have people that aren’t sick anymore and they don’t get sick anymore, I mean, I, I’m one, but I have a lot of customers and their testimonials.
But it changes your life in my case. I used to spend a lot of money on Claritin. D, I had kidney stones from Clarity and D, I used to spend money on car cough drops, cough syrup, Nyquil, all these cold medicines. And they didn’t work at all for me. Nothing. They all were after the fact technologies to help clear or stop an infection that I already had. Wow. The whole idea here is don’t get infected. Yeah. Ever again. Because one, you’re, you’re breaking down the pathogens and you’re avoiding the infection. But if, if you don’t use it that way, where you’re not shielding, you’re destroying it at a high rate.
So. So not not only Covid, but you know, bird flu and you name the virus or bacterium, what this? How’s it kicking all their asses? So what we learned was that the spikes, if you look at these viruses, they’re all spikes. We learned that the rebar in the protein, okay, that holds it together in rigidity are these disulfide bridges. And so what the Allison does is it breaks the disulfide bridges, breaks them, expose them. So hiv, it does the same thing as cyclone HIV as it does to these other viruses. And it turns out when we started looking at there, there’s two things really that we learn.
We learn we, we started looking at what it was doing with the bacteria. We’ve looked at Lyme disease and the spirochete and the Lyme disease that this Eric Traub that came over with OSS and what he did, and the disulfide bridges are on that protein, which is a lot like a spike protein. And that’s when Adam Finnegan, who wrote the sleeper agent book about Eric Trab, he’s got Lyme disease. Eric. I mean Adam, we found out that there’s this little lipid, it’s on the spirochet that causes these immuno effects. It’s on the spike proteins called PAM3 cyst, like lipid.
Well, this lipid is part of the whole thing, not just a sugar coating, it’s part of it. Well, it turns out that the lipid is a fat molecule and instead of being joined by disulfide bridge, it’s joined by two cysteines and a single sulfide bridge. And so this was a bonus because there are some other things in the Allison B product that are from the garlic plant dialogue. Disulfide dial trisulfide along with the Allison that will break that lipid off. And when it breaks it, there are protections for you relative to what’s called toll like receptors.
And the, what the Pan3 cyst does with a toll like receptors in terms of the immunosymptoms that occur in Lyme disease that also occur in SARS, COV2 SARS and MERS and these other spike proteins. So when we, we started looking at the whole thing, all of a sudden we find anthrax in the middle of this with Anthrax is related to the, the, the BB bacteria Burger ber, Berrellia that causes the Lyme disease and there’s actually five that cause the Lyme disease. Amazing that I have a picture of. But once you start looking across these things, you find out there’s a common protein architecture with the disulfide bridges and especially with ACE2.
Okay. Because ACE2 is sul oxidation changes where you’ve got binding. The whole binding process, the whole infection process is related that. And so by, by negating it and shielding it outside the body and if you can keep it on the outside, you’re good. The other thing we know about Allison, it has a hall pass, so it is allowed to go through your cells safely. And there’s a Roche assay and this is all published. It’ll go through your cells and come on the inside. You’ve already been infected. It’s inside you now. You got to be able to do that work on the inside.
Right. And stop it and shut it down. And so Allison will do that. So the whole thing with the lungs is one millisecond. You get it there, you get it to the pulmonary tract in a few milliseconds to your heart, few milliseconds later to your brain in order to do that or fight the downstream battle. And so Allison has that ability and it’s well published in scientific literature. We, you know that that is very well published in terms of that where the systemic effect is taking out telomerase. Yeah. So not only is it, you know, finding infections and we, we actually talked a little bit about cancer as well.
We’re not going to go too. We’re not going to go into that right now. We’re have to do another show because that’s a pretty, pretty impressive information. But you also talk about, you know, muscle soreness after working out. So how that’s interesting, how is it actually helping recovery? So here we don’t have enough information to understand the entire process. What we have is in 27. So we have two things. We have inscriptions in rock on the front of the great pyramid of Giza, chiseled in that says, hey, we had a fight here because they took away our garlic that we were eating for breakfast.
Raw Garlic, which produces 4% Allison. We had a fight. We had a labor fight. And this is what we’re eating. So we stayed healthy so we could do this work here. That’s thousands of years ago when they built it. Then in 27 BC, we have Roman soldiers, okay, that are going into battle. You know, full male armor, metal plated, chain mail with swords. These are, you know, guys that are, you know, blood all over them every day in battle. These people, before they went into battle, were chewing raw garlic, okay? And that’s 4%. So when, when we produce the Allison B product, we add an ingredient from corn because we didn’t have time to do the DNA coding work.
That could have taken years, it could take a lifetimes. It’s just very complex. We were able to hack the reaction of alanase stitching to allene molecules together to make Allison and drive that yield from 4% to 100. Wow. When we did that, we got the published dosage from the molecules paper that discusses proper dosages for Allison relative to bacterial pathogens as studied and published. We got those numbers. Then we, we had those numbers. We went and looked at research that was published by people that, that literally are. In the chain of research that went back to DASIC in North Carolina, they were studying all of the sars, MERS and all that.
They. There were papers published in Journal of virology in 2008, 2009, one for the spike protein, one for the envelope protein. And what these people showed was, and this we presented to Surgeon General Dr. Joe Latipo and also Dr. Kenny Shepke, the Florida Deputy Director of Department Health. What he showed was they took out one single cysteine in the S1 subunit of SARS and MERS and a bunch of different coronaviruses and disabled each one of them in normal, normal mice that were normally infected or diseased mice by taking out that one amino acid, whether it was in the spike protein and then later an envelope protein.
Envelope protein is the glue that holds the capsid together. They showed that that single amino acid mutation stopped the virus in its tracks. Okay? They proved it right. So when, when we learned of that, we knew that it was a viable target. We knew that the, the research community, which published a paper in a prestigious journal like Virology, had other information they were withholding from us relative to the mechanics of the proteins as nanomachines, as weapons or pathogens. Okay? We knew that they had knowledge of it because you don’t just publish a paper like that with those results.
Okay? You don’t just come in the journal Virology and say, look, we took out one amino acid and the whole thing is disabled. No, they were, they were looking for pharmacological targets to break. So when I saw that on February 1, 2020, when I found out at 11:00 at night, the sequence was available from Dr. Henry Nyman on Jeff Rent, right? I went and I found it. Once I saw that, it’s, it’s kind of like you’re up to bat and you get a waist high fastball and you connect with it. So. And I played a bunch of baseball.
So it’s, it’s a gimme at that point, right? Or you’re a golfer and you’re eight inches from the teeth. I mean, the, the hole. And you’re just gonna tap the ball in, in the hole. It’s a gimme so it was a gimme for me because I was looking at the Allison chemistry. So after that when we went and looked at the proteins, okay, first we look at the proteins in GenBank. Then we found out the GenBank has a problem. It’s AI engine bank, to be specific. So we went and looked at the actual crystal structure. All right, Crystal structure from the database.
We looked at it from. We have crystal structures of these proteins and we look at the structures. We looked at, oh, it’s full of these, these disulfide bridges. Okay, there’s the one that you took out in the paper. Oh, look, you crack it open. Well, then things got better. It got to the point where in May of 2023, now we’ve got Chat GPT and this is where we are in the world. Chat GPT and AI knows all of the crystal structures. And instead of being an expert scientist sitting in front of a quarter million dollar computer with goggles and knobs and looking at molecules and doing it based on the trained eye and skill, now a person, anybody can have a conversation with AI and it knows the entire crystal structure database of every single coronavirus spike protein ever crystallized.
So I came into that and validated the work that I had done with which GPT AI, okay, first for spike protein, then for envelope protein, and then for telomerase. Okay, men, they shut that feature off. They saw that I did it and shut the feature off and took it away from the public. So today, today if you go to chat GPT and ask it questions about protein Cryst, it’s like how 9,000 from Space Odyssey 2000, it doesn’t know anything. It’s memory banks have been pulled. So we captured that information. We, we live in a world now where we have to, when we’re using these tools, one, capture the information, validate transparency, all of this stuff, Number one, data is real science.
We’re all hackers. I don’t care how many PhDs you have. Number two, transparency. The. The value of a technology. The value of a technology. The, the value of workmanship, whether it’s craftsmanship of a table, a machine, a car, whatever it is, it’s self evident. It’s like Arthur Schopenhauer is ridiculed at first, then it becomes self evident. This technology is self evident. So where we are now is we, we are working. We have been working to get it to the general public to understand because we feel that what happened in the beginning of this was not honesty.
We feel there’s been a lot of dishonesty. We Feel that that transparency and science, okay, allows people to get accessibility to it in a cheap way where it can help them. And that is not what we saw before. So, right, so here we have, so you purchase this, Allison B. Comes to you and do you get one of these devices with it? You don’t, you don’t get this. So right now, okay, where we are with this is, this is more of the rig system and the laws in this country, okay? Number one, in order to mail these cartridges or these vape pins, okay, you have to get identities from people, validate.
They’re an adult, number one. Number two, you have to mail it to them because it’s lithium battery. You have to mail it to them in such a way that it comes to them and, and is shipped to an adult. And that’s validated through process. So we don’t want miners getting equipment like this. And then, you know, the reason I’m not selling these products is this reason, right? I, this is a processed food product. So when you, the whole thing with the vapor arena is we’re full of regulatory things, okay? We create regulations and they are, they’re positive.
We don’t want children addicted to nicotine. It’s addictive, okay? But this is where we are in the world. We, we, we create one rule. And then now, so I can’t ship these to you, but these are readily available on every street corner and convenience store. And the whole idea with the pandemic was you can buy this and get off the shelf and use the technology. And the other technologies are these are all nicotine you can buy. These are much more expensive. A lot of people have those now. Yeah, well, these are for nicotine people, but they use the flashlights.
I mean, the batteries that are in the Cree flashlights, you know. Oh, yeah, yeah. Military GRA flashlights. I have one in my pocket. I, I don’t go anywhere, especially not around here with the way we have storms, these flashlights, right? Tactical. Of course. Yeah. These are great. I mean, you can you actually use that as a non lethal weapon. Actually it is. Look, flashing somebody’s ey. Well, there it is. I’m flashing it at you. But the edges on the. Anyway it is when they’re coming anyway. But I, I, these are great. Especially in Florida. We have a lot of power loss and we’re not the same batteries here.
So you, these last longer. These are for people that are. If you’re battling cancer, you’re battling other diseases, you’re trying to do long detoxes. I had Long coveted. I was using this. It’s cheaper to replace these coils because these cartridges, they might last, you know, 30, 45, 60 days, depending on the amount you’re doing. These are going to last six months on these coils. And it’s, it’s, you know how, you know how, how do you want to spend your money? Which is more effective for you? I recommend that people that are just trying this out for the first time, you know, get a ten dollar battery and get the empty card and try it out and then go from there.
Yeah. In your experience. And then, yes, it looked really easy to fill it up and, and then you said when it turns brown, you dump it out. Right. So what will happen? And refill it. Allison is a heat sensitive molecule. So you don’t get any in the frying pan. You don’t get any. If you, if you mince up a bunch of garlic and put it in a jar, it’s going to turn brown because going to react with itself the way that we produced it here. It’s able to suspend the Allison and protect it from thermodynamically causing it to collide with itself and produce Halloween.
So it suspends it in animation and it’s there for you and you can just keep it in your pocket. So you don’t want to put Allison in your car and let it be at 98 degrees in Florida or you don’t want to heat it all the time. You can store your bottle in the fridge, right? Yep. But this is going to warm. And all this is the little heating element. It’s a little coil. This is basically a battery. You’re just creating heat, warming it up into a vapor. So it’s simple. It’s simple terms, it’s practical. In the case of cancer, where you’re wanting to put a lot in your blood, that’s where, you know, you might, you might want to consider a system like this because these little, these little pores here, this one has pork coils in it or eating elements.
It just, it’ll last me six months. So it’s cheaper. I don’t fill this completely. This is five mils, so there’s two mils there. Okay. And as it wears, it’ll, it’ll start turning brown as well. I’ll take this out. You know, I’ll, I’ll open this and I’ll, I’ll use a little syringe and suck it out and put fresh in there. That’s how you can tell how fresh it is. And then if you’re using it for blood pressure monitoring. You know, when it’s very fresh, you’re going to notice the impact to your cardiovascular system and your blood pressure when you’re tracking it like that as well.
You know, when it’s fresh. Heating. So heating is the whole thing. I mean, it’s. It’s kind of a balance, but. Well, I’m going to try it out for, you know, a week or two, and then we’ll. We’ll get together again and, you know, talk about the results. What my. What my experience with it is. Okay. I know a lot of people have, you know, had great experiences, so looking forward to it. So real simple, Real simple, you know, to put it together and start to utilize it. Look forward to doing more of this. No hacking and wheezing.
There was no hacking and wheezing. Not at all. Yeah, it was like I was like, did I even do anything here? So the smoke hadn’t come out. I wouldn’t even know. So easy. Very easy. So hope you guys enjoyed it. Wow. What a. What an incredible amount of information, right? So great product, and I think it’s going to be something that the world’s gonna be using pretty soon, so we’ll.