Panopticon Prison Surveillance State is Humanitys Current Reality w/ Eric Glenn Meder

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➡ The text discusses concerns about global powers using technology to control people, and the importance of being aware of this. It introduces a product called the Love Pod, which can turn devices into satellite devices and protect against harmful frequencies. The text also mentions an interview with Eric and Glenn Meter about the loss of privacy and freedom due to surveillance and manipulation through AI. Lastly, it encourages signing up for a seminar to learn how to protect oneself from these issues.
➡ The text discusses concerns about freedom of speech and privacy in the digital age. It suggests that governments and big tech companies are using tactics like censorship and manipulation to control what information people see and hear. This, in turn, can influence people’s thoughts and decisions, potentially limiting their freedom and opportunities. The text calls for increased awareness and resistance to these practices to protect individual liberties.
➡ The text discusses the influence of mainstream media and search engines like Google on public opinion, suggesting they control what people believe by controlling what they see and hear. It encourages skepticism and independent thinking, warning about the potential threat of digital IDs to freedom of speech. The text also highlights the importance of standing up against power and fighting for liberty, even in the face of persecution. Lastly, it emphasizes the need to leave a legacy of liberty for future generations.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of standing up for our rights and privacy, especially in the face of increasing surveillance and control. They warn about the dangers of digital IDs and the potential for them to be used as tools of control. They also discuss the role of artificial intelligence in surveillance, such as Microsoft’s Copilot, which can analyze user behavior. The speaker urges everyone to fight for their freedoms and privacy, as complacency could lead to a loss of these rights.
➡ The text discusses concerns about how artificial intelligence (AI) and lack of privacy can manipulate people’s lives and opportunities. It shares a story about how AI can use personal data to influence emotions and actions, potentially leading to harmful outcomes. The text also mentions a free seminar that aims to educate people about privacy threats and offers practical steps to enhance personal privacy.
➡ A free security seminar is scheduled for December 5th at 11am to educate people about privacy and security in the digital age. The seminar will be accessible through a link sent to those who register. The hosts emphasize the importance of individual responsibility in maintaining privacy and security against threats like hackers, scammers, and big tech companies. They encourage everyone to sign up, learn, and spread the word about these crucial issues.


That we are living in a time where the globalists have the power to basically enslave human race. And I know that sounds, that sounds way over the top when I say it that way, but they have, they do have the ability to all of the technology, they can put this together in a way that enslaves us all. And this is what they’re trying to do. And so when I talk about this stuff, I actually have a hard time. I don’t want to be, I don’t want to black pill everyone and just be so negative, but I just want to say this is what they’re trying to do.

I don’t necessarily think they’re going to be able to do it as long as we wake up to what they’re trying to do. Just pausing really quick to share this with you. This is the Love Pod. It’s an amazing new product that’s available. It turns up to nine devices into satellite devices, but not just in like a satellite phone where it only does text and calling and maybe does text, mostly just calling. This is a full blown Internet device where you can do web surfing and video and everything. But what makes it so remarkable isn’t just if the grid goes down and turns all your devices into satellite devices.

It also takes the frequency and turns it into a frequency that harmonizes with your body. What does that mean? EMFs are everywhere and we’re in this toxic soup of danger. It’s pollution. It destroys or it hurts you at a cellular level. This changes that and makes the EMF harmonize with your body. So it’s frequencies that are not doing that that works well with your body, but it does even more. It’s also a VPN so all of your data is secure and nobody can access it. And the more people that use it, the faster it is because it works on a distributed mesh network.

I know that sounds complicated, but it’s not that bad. The more of these that are out there, the faster it gets. It’s only $200 plus a data package so you can have peace of mind knowing that all your devices will work even in a grid down situation. And it’s private and it doesn’t hurt your body. So check it out. Makes a perfect Christmas gift. Welcome to the Sarah Westall show or business game changers. However you look at it. I am interviewing Eric Meter and Glenn Meter today. Some of you might have seen my show with Eric Meter before.

It’s probably one of the most popular ones I’ve ever had on rumble. It’s past 110,000 views by now. And we’re going to talk about the real life Panopticon that we’re all living in right now and what that does to our behavior and our psychology and how that affects freedom itself and what, what that means. And then we also talk about how they’re using AI and different sophisticated tools to manipulate people. You gotta hear Eric’s story at the end on how he, how they used AI to manipulate. And it’s pretty absolutely incredible. So hopefully you stay for that.

I also want to say that we have a free seminar that we’re going to be doing together. The link is below so you can sign up for it. Otherwise also sign up for my substack. I’ll send out a notice of it as well. But please sign up for a free seminar to help us understand how to regain our privacy, how to keep yourself from being sucked into this mind control AI situation that we’re all in. We talk about to a certain extent what we’re in. And then in their seminar they teach you ways that you can, practical ways that you can shield yourself from it so that you won’t be susceptible to all the games that they’re playing.

It’s really important that we become more aware of this and take responsibility for it and push back. Otherwise we, we’re. We’re in trouble and we talk about that, where we’re heading and why it’s so important that we push back. I did the 10 part series with Bridian University on mind control and 5th generation warfare. It’s all part of that. How do we fight that agenda? And this is a big part of that. So please consider signing up for that seminar below. And also my substack where I have many articles, I have exclusives, all sorts of fun stuff there.

Go to sarah westall.substack. and that is my newsletter. So if you sign up for that you will get updates on things. I tend to write a lot of articles. I also, I like to put the shows in the context and give you more than just here’s my show. I like to give you what the context is, write articles, give you more information to go off of if you are a subsequent subscriber. First of all, thank you for signing up for my substack but also please share it, share it with others. Please help me get more people on my substack.

It’s one of the places, one of the best, best places for me. It’s one of the few places that aren’t censoring, they’re actually supporting my work. And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the platforms that support my work. And we’ll talk about this today. And I mean, I can’t. I can’t tell you how much I’m appreciative of the platforms that actually do not censor me and that support the work that I do. And for all of you who share the work that I do, I. I’m so thankful, too, because I have been really oppressed and persecuted for getting out information I think is important.

That just means I’m a good person. And we talk about that in the show. And it’s not just me being a good person. I’m not patting myself on the back, but it’s like journalists or anybody that’s just sharing information, being persecuted for sharing things that we should be sharing, because that’s what we should be in a civilized society. We should be stopping things that are bad and trying to promote good. And that’s what I try to do. And people are being persecuted for that. So that’s what we’re trying to fight and not get to a point where we no longer can speak truth to power.

And the very essence of freedom is based on that, is speaking truth to power and being able to push back agendas that are harmful to people and that we reclaim who we are, you know, as a people. And then we also have opportunities to grow and to thrive. That’s the whole point. So I hope you sign up for that seminar. And let’s get into my show with Eric and Glenn Meador. Hi, Glenn and Eric. Welcome to the program. Hi. Thanks for having us on. We have an important. Yeah, well, we have an important topic to talk about, and that’s privacy.

And with everything going down, we know that the Internet and our privacy is under attack. I mean, there’s no way else to say it. We pretty much have zero privacy. And we’re in a. What, A pericopia. What is that called? Where they. Yeah, Panopticon, where they can see you from all directions. And it messes up people’s minds. We’re seeing it a lot with free speech because it’s really chilled. You know, that’s the. The Supreme Court said they’re more worried about chilled speech than anything else, but yet they never do anything. So it’s like, well, then do something.

But that’s what we’re seeing is because people are realizing they’re being watched everywhere. So can you talk about, like, how. Just how extreme is this problem? I. Am I exaggerating? No, I think this is exactly right. And this is, this is really, I think it’s really the issue of our time. This is, you know, if we look at all of the stuff that’s going on now with digital id, central bank, digital currencies, the coming social credit system, all of that stuff, the foundation of it all is surveillance. And that, that’s really something that I don’t think enough people talk about is the surveillance part of it and how we need to, if we’re fighting for liberty, we need to also fight for privacy.

We need to get away from them gathering all of our data and knowing everything that we do. Because that’s what they do. They know everything that we do. And I’ll just say, let me just say this, that we can see what their plans are with watching the UK right now, where they’re throwing every. They’re throwing people in jail for just for tweeting something or retweeting something or whatever. You’re right, because I saw a stat. I want people to realize they’ve thrown in four times the amount of people in prison for tweeting something than Russia does. That’s just the uk, the amount of people.

And they have a lot smaller population anyways. Keep going. No. And this is what their plan is. They want to crush freedom of speech. And they’re doing this by setting an example in the UK of this is what we’re going to do. This is why you can’t speak out. This is why you have to be careful. And that’s what the Panopticon is about. If you’re always being watched, you self, you self please and you self monitor yourself and you self, self censor yourself. And that’s what they want to do by throwing people in jail. They know that most people are just going to just kind of be terrified of that and just not speak up.

And so they’re crushing freedom of speech through this way. What do you think? You know, there’s a lot of naive people think, yeah, but we got to control. Because there’s so much obnoxious behavior. The fact that they don’t say, well, you got to speak truth to power. And the chilling of this speech and crushing free speech is crushing being able to speak truth to power. And those, the same people who are supporting this kind of lose the whole point of it. I don’t think you can. I don’t think you can support this at all. I don’t think anyone should support this.

And if they do support this crushing freedom of speech, then they don’t Understand what liberty is, because freedom of speech is the cornerstone of freedom and liberty, as you know. But privacy and anonymity have to be part of that or people don’t have freedom of speech. So you know, these new words, misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, all of that stuff, these are words that are designed, these are manipulation. These are designed by the government to justify their acts, to crack down on freedom of speech. But they just don’t have the right to do that. Well, and it’s worse than freedom of speech, in my opinion, because not freedom of speech is like the foundation.

That’s why it’s a first amendment. But they never, nobody ever realized that they would take this information, they didn’t fathom this back then, take this information, change their behavior, and then use it to manipulate us online. Those kind of tools didn’t exist back then. Exactly. That’s what makes it even worse is they sit. This is the mind control device and they can control you if they watch everything and surveil everything that you’re doing. Yeah, I mean your, your reality is made up by your thoughts and your thoughts are in great part based off of the information that you receive.

So when someone limits the information that you can receive, they’re changing your, your thoughts, reality. So it’s not just freedom of speech, it’s freedom of thought, freedom of opportunity. You can’t take an opportunity if you don’t know it doesn’t exist. So when we limit freedom of speech, whoever’s deciding that is getting to decide what is right or wrong for you, you don’t have the opportunity to do that yourself. Yeah, and it could be just complete idiots doing this or they have nefarious agendas. And so now you’re, you’re being sheeped into, that’s why, you know, sheep, you’re being sheeped into an agenda that is so self destructive, it’s so bad.

And you know, they’re not, they’re, they’re just not. These good, good agendas rarely happen at, with the people that have the most money and power in society. Right? Yeah. No, that’s the whole word. Oh, go ahead, Eric. The whole word agenda, I think is kind of loaded too, because if you’re trying to sway someone’s opinion, that means you’re trying to manipulate someone. The, the beauty of freedom of speech is that you’re allowing people to make their own decisions. I don’t think there’s a good agenda or a bad agenda. There’s just the freedom of opportunity that everyone should be allowed to have for themselves.

Yeah. And when you aren’t. Well, I’m not allowed on LinkedIn anymore. So in a lot of ways, you know, it’s okay for me not to be, but I mean, if you reel that back as a professional, that’s where the professional, you know, my background. I wouldn’t be able to network with other people in the business world in a meaningful way because they won’t let me back on that platform and they’re a monopoly. So in that way it greatly hurts my ability even make a living. Yep, yep. Yeah. I mean, so here’s the thing is that we are living in a time where the globalists have the power to basically enslave human race.

And I know that sounds, that sounds way over the top when I say it that way, but they have, they do have the ability to. All of the technology, they can put this together in a way that enslaves us all. And this is what they’re trying to do. And so when I talk about this stuff, I actually have a hard time. I don’t want to be, I don’t want to black pill everyone and just be so negative. But I just want to say this is what they’re trying to do. I don’t necessarily think they’re going to be able to do it as long as we wake up to what they’re trying to do to enslave us.

Yeah, and I agree with you. The problem I have, you know, because I wrote an article, for example, on LinkedIn and that, that was terrible. Even though they, they admitted it was accurate and they re put it back up. Then they found a whole slew of other reasons to get rid of me that were made up. The thing is, is that. And unless enough other people are affected by it, if you don’t realize that you’re affected, so many people seem to not care. How do we get, how do we get people out of this apathy where they don’t care? Oh, it doesn’t happen to me, you know, I don’t have anything to hide because I’m not a criminal.

It’s like, well, you. How do we get people past that and realize that they’re manipulating what you see and what you think and you’re, they’re manipulating your mind and you’re not aware of it. I mean, I think when Glenn. A big way that Glenn does it is he does these classes. And I think these classes, what we’ve seen is it really opens people’s mind. I don’t think it’s a matter of Apathy more so the average person is just kind of ignorant. Ignorant or naive to what’s really happening. They think that they’re treating their, their con, their freedom for.

They don’t realize they’re trading their freedom for convenience. They just think that maybe they’re getting personalized ads or you know, maybe they’re doing surveys on them. They don’t understand the depth that this goes to. So the first, first step is people have to be aware of what’s going on. And then from what we’ve seen, as soon as people get aware they really start to understand how important this really is. That’s right. Because it’s not just the, you know, I talk about I had The Mind Control 5th Generation Warfare series and you know, and then I talked about targeted individuals.

So that gets into very more the advanced tech but the psychological manipulation with social media is really advanced and I don’t think people realize how much they’re being manipulated. Dr. Epstein, who is the Harvard psychologist, he was showing a Twitter feed where it was a study double blind. It was all set up like with all the parameters and they did it in Australia so that they couldn’t because it was on a political campaigns and so then that people weren’t so tied into the Republican Democrat. It was objective. Right. And people could look at it more object objectively because they’re not tied into the political parties there.

But they showed that 97% of the time people didn’t even realize that they were seeing biased information and it switched people’s vote something like 90, some 92% of the time. And very few people have realized they were seeing it and it affected how they were going to vote and the decisions that if vote is like a decision you’re going to, it’s going to affect the decisions you make over 90% of the time and you’re not even aware of it for most people. Yep. No, I mean that, that is true. Robert Epstein has a lot of different studies and he talks about one of the tools that they do is he just, he shows how Google manipulates the search rankings.

What are the, what are the first thing five things that show up? And just by manipulating the first five things that show up on the search, he’s able to get tremendous change in voting results and he’s tested that all over the world. But that’s only one small piece of their arsenal. I mean they have, they have other things like auto, what is it called where you start typing things in and then it. Auto. Auto. Completion of autofill. Yeah, yeah. So the autocomplete is another thing. So you start typing something in and then you see, okay, Trump is a.

And then what does it autocomplete as? You know, Trump is a Nazi or something like that. Just by having those autocomplete things in there that will affect people’s results, and they test those separately and those have a pretty tremendous result on voting. But the most powerful tool that Google has is censorship. I mean, by far. Because if you control. Google basically is the gateway to basically all knowledge right now. I mean, 91% of all searches on the planet are Google. If you can control what people see and hear and what they don’t see and hear, you control what they believe.

I mean, they essentially have a monopoly. In some countries it’s 100%. Yep. In our country it’s something like 92%. And they went up in the last a couple percent. I mean, how could they go up? We’ve been all working at it. Other search engines, engines are growing and they still increase. It’s because they’re on all the phone devices. Yeah. Yep. And they pay to be the default browser. That’s one of the ways they do it. Yeah. I think the main thing, going back to your question about how do we get people to wake up? I think the main thing is can we get people to question what they hear? Can we be.

Get people to be skeptical? And I think this is one of the most important things. I mean, do you listen to mainstream media? Do you trust mainstream media? And if you do that, you know, they’re. You’re gonna believe what they want you to believe. But if you’re skeptical. Yeah, yeah, no, go ahead. But if you’re skeptical, if you’re skeptical, you can start thinking for yourself and you can start. I mean, just because I’m skeptical doesn’t mean I’m going to listen to everything that, you know, so and so says. But I’m going to look like some independent journalists.

If, if I listen to just independent journalists, I get a much better feel for what’s going on in the world. I can see what the motivations are, that type of thing. That’s much better than just listening to the news because the news is all owned by the one person. And, you know, I don’t use Google, so I’m able to be more of an independent thinker because I’m open, I’m aware enough to break free from those things. Well, and there has been studies to show that more and more people don’t trust mainstream media. What people haven’t connected is Google is mainstream media.

That, that is the same thing as mainstream media, and people haven’t made that connection. How do we get people to make that? I mean, they know mainstream media lies. Well, so does Google. By only feeding you what they want you to see. Yep. I mean, that’s what our mission is. What we try to do is we try to get people to care about this issue. We try to educate people on this issue. And I think we are making a. I think we’ve touched a lot of people and a lot of people do, like, what we have to say and they are affected by it.

But, you know, we want to get out, get the word out to more people, obviously, because. Go ahead. No, keep going. Yeah. I mean, it just comes down to, like I said, liberty. There’s a lot of people fighting for liberty. There’s a lot of people that have woken up. Let me give you an example. Freedom of speech. There’s a lot of people that are fighting for freedom of speech. And we want to, we want to really, you know, keep freedom of speech, but they don’t realize how they’re doing a runaround and they’re always attacking from all different angles.

Right. So what really is the danger to freedom of speech is digital IDs, and if they pass digital IDs, and they will pass them in many different ways, like in Australia, they’re saying, oh, well, we need to pass a digital ID to protect kids that are under 16 from social media. That’s a great cause. Right. It sounds great, but to do that, everyone needs to be identified online. So they’re going to identify every single thing that you do online. You cannot get away from them. If they pass the digital ID and they make it so that you can’t get on any platform without firmly identifying who you are, then you’ve lost all anonymity and they can throw you in jail for anything that you say if you say something wrong, whatever.

This is the biggest threat to freedom of speech. And we, a lot of people want freedom of speech, but they don’t know that. What? Digital ID is the biggest threat to freedom of speech that there is. Really? Did you ever think we’d get to a point where in this country we would be talking about being thrown in jail or being minimized simply because of something we say? I mean, the fact that we’re even talking about it and the fact that we’re so persecuted for just having thoughts. Yep. You know, did you ever think we’d get that way? I mean, I, you know, I, I Think I was naive 10 years ago.

That’s why I got myself into the situation I’m, I’m in because I was telling truth to power. And a lot of the stuff I was tell talking about is now mainstream now and, and I’m be still being persecuted for it. And I that back. But you know, just exposing human trafficking, for example, or exposing frauds with the election, or exposing things that you think are, you’re being a good person. Right, Being a good person. And I’m being persecuted for being a good person. I never thought that in this country being a good person would cause you to be persecuted.

But that’s how it’s always been in history. We read it in history books, but it’s hard for us to internalize it in today’s climate. Yeah, I agree. And I think, I think what we have, the advantage in the US that we have is I think a couple things. So first of all, in the US more than any other country, we believe that our rights come from God, not from the state, and that the state doesn’t have the authority to infringe upon our beliefs. I think that has to be the core belief. Everything stems from that. Then we’ve got the Constitution which draws a line in the sand.

You cannot, you do not have the authority to cross over this, which they have done, obviously they have done time and time again. But really, you know, hopefully we can get it to the point where people that have crossed that line get prosecuted. They have to. There has to be a penalty for doing so. I don’t know if that’s ever going to happen. But I know what we can do is on an individual basis, we can protect ourselves. And I think that’s where the has to all start. Well, we can’t. And we have to be brave too.

Let me just say we have to be brave too. I mean, what you’re talking about standing up and speaking truth to power, that’s courage. We have to have courage. Well, and we can’t stop. You know, I’ve had this thought a lot. You know, being persecuted like I am, I had to think a lot through this. And it’s like I can’t not speak truth to power when it’s so bad, you know, and so we can’t as a country, as a civilized society be beaten down to the point where we allow absolutely awful things to occur because we’re afraid.

Yeah, yeah. I mean, that’s what persecution is. They’re trying to get you to bend the knee. And if you look at something like LinkedIn that is just a punishment for what they’re doing. And I think it’s also a sign of a social credit system like system that’s coming in the west because in China, if you score negatively on the social credit system, you can be limited on what jobs you can have, you can be limited on what loans you can’t transport. And we’re looking at these things in the Western world, but it’s just not as blatant.

You kind of have to look closely and it really shows how deeply you have to be alert of what’s going on. Well, I think my example, if people think about that, what would you do in the professional world if you’re trying to get a job and you weren’t allowed on LinkedIn, you know, imagine being me, right? I have my job, is this. So I’m okay. But imagine what. And people need to start realizing they are fundamentally impacting people’s livelihoods. But it’s beyond that. It gets to the point where people are afraid. It’d be like in Nazi Germany when they’re rounding up Jewish people.

People were afraid to speak out because they were afraid they were going to get rounded up and they were going to be hurt. But we’re not that far from that. When you’re afraid to speak about what’s just right and wrong. Yeah, I mean, go ahead, Glenn. Well, the way I look at this is we’re not just fighting for our liberty, we’re fighting for, we have to start looking at this as the legacy that we leave our children, our children, our grandchildren. We have to leave them a legacy of liberty. And it’s not enough to just leave them a legacy of money anymore.

We have to fight for liberty. And I have a, I have a quick analogy. I think that that’s good because I was, I was talking to a self defense instructor about a month ago, maybe a month and a half ago, and he made a very interesting point. He said that he teaches women how to defend themselves and all that stuff. And he said unfortunately, women often when they’re attacked, they, you know, they, they kind of give up sometimes and they get scared, they freeze. Yeah. What is it, fight or flight kind of thing? Yep. Yeah. And they, they just don’t, they don’t fight like, and this is his worst, they don’t fight like they should.

But he said you put, you take that same woman and he’s, she’s got her, her kids with her and she’s going to become a mama bear. She’s a monster. Yeah, she’s going to fight to the death at that point to protect her kids. And so that’s, that’s my message is we have to go into mama bear mode now because we have to see what’s going on as this is impacting our kids. This is, this is. They’re trying to enslave us and enslave our kids, enslave our grandkids. And if they do this, we will never get out of this.

If we let them put the system in place, it will be very bad. So we have to go into mama bear mode and papa bear mode and really get fierce about what we believe now. And, you know, there is no question that we need to be courageous right now. Well, Harari, you know, the good old World Economic Forum spokesman says that he said about five years ago, we have about 15 years before we lose our, literally lose our free will. And it really is. And for those of us who’ve been on the front lines and understand the technology, you know, because I come from a big tech background, telecommunications did a lot of data analysis and, you know, mapped out the Internet kind of thing.

I get what they’re doing, right. I get the ability for them to do this. And so for those of us. And then I also have immediate background and I’m being persecuted. So I’m like, I get it. It’s like a perfect cross of all this stuff where I’m like, wow, I get what they’re doing here. But for those of us who really get it, it’s a holy crap situation. Like, we cannot let this happen because it’s that serious. And I, and I can tell that’s where you’re at because I’ve seen your information and your content that you’ve had this God moment.

Like, I. We don’t have a choice here, people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And when you start accepting stuff, when you are too afraid to speak up, the, the people that are pushing this are really smart. They push it in a way that’s slow enough where people are like, ah, it’s a, it’s a small thing and it leads to this creeping vine violation to where we are now. And it’s going to keep going. Point. I mean, it’s, it’s the starting point, basically. And if, if you are too afraid to speak up for a small thing like, let me give you an example.

In the Creature of Jekyll island with G. Edward Griffin, they talk about passing the Fed. When they passed the Federal Reserve, they didn’t care about making it look like what they wanted. All they wanted to do was get the ball rolling. And the same thing will go with digital IDs. They don’t care if it’s to, you know, prevent kids from blocking porn or if it’s social media. All they want is a digital id, because then once it’s in the system, they can slowly, over time, form it into this amalgamation of what it was intended to be into this enslavement tool.

And slowly people will be like, you know, they justify in every step along the way, and the people that aren’t questioning will be radicalized into believing it as well. Well, I heard Matt Taibbi just yesterday. He was the one that championed the Twitter files. A free speech guy. I mean, he’s like, you know, the champion of all of our free speech. He had a falling out with Elon Musk, and so now he’s being super censored or suppressed on Twitter. And he put out a substack where he’s putting his. He’s has this podcast with Walter Kern, and he put out this thing, and he’s gonna.

Now they’re gonna air it on Walter Kern’s site, Twitter feed X feed, because he’s not being suppressed and I am. And he made a comment and it went out to all his people that he was stupid, that he called himself dumb for putting his foot in his mouth. I don’t know exactly how he said it. I’m paraphrasing because he, you know, he just said he shouldn’t have spoken out. Right. And that hit me hard that somebody who was on the front line fighting for free speech then put out a message that he should have kept his mouth shut is essentially what he said, because now he’s being suppressed.

And I mean, that’s exactly an example of who should not be shut up. Right. Who should not be shutting his mouth. Yeah. And it’s disappointing to hear him say that because he should be saying, I’m gonna fight forever. I’m gonna fight to the death on this stuff. And that. That’s what I’m doing. That’s what you’re doing is we’ve just got to step up and the. But I would encourage other people if, you know, maybe you don’t have a platform like this, but. Okay, what can you do to get the word out there about digital IDs, privacy, liberty, all of this stuff? We have to fight for this.

Otherwise it’s going to be gone. We’re going to look back and say, how did we lose that? And be honest. Go ahead. And you have to be honest with yourself. If you’re self censoring if you get kicked off of LinkedIn and then you have to change how you are just to get a job. I mean you’re self censoring, you’re complying to it. So think about if you’re changing how you speak with other people, if you change how you act because you’re afraid of the social implications of it. Well, and I think that we’ve already crossed that threshold right where people are at that point because it’s affecting people’s livelihoods.

And so how do we reel that back and admit to it and realize that we’ve lost so much of our freedoms already? But you guys go beyond this. I mean, you guys look at all the different ways that we’re being watched and surveilled already from cameras, from. You look at the full 180 or 360 degree ways that we’re being watched and controlled and manipulated. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And you know, we absolutely live in a surveillance state right now. And we need to take that back. There are a lot of things that we can do individually to take that back.

Let me just give you an example. Microsoft has the new Copilot. Copilot is the AI that is built into the operating system. Now they have a function in there called recall. What this does is it takes a screenshot of your screen every second, every second it takes a screenshot, it records that, it keeps that. But then what happens now is the computers now come with a separate AI chip built into it. And that AI chip powers an artificial intelligence on your computer that will then analyze all of the images that it sees on your screen. And it understands it.

I mean this, you know, artificial intelligence is incredibly sophisticated. It understands everything that it sees and so it will be able to make those judgment calls and it basically learns about you. So your AI on your computer will learn about you and it will learn about what you’re watching, where to get your news, all of this stuff. And it’s only as good as it’s programmed, right? And so I like to say it’s only as good as it’s programmed. So sometimes they program in BS too. That is not accurate. But you’re stuck in the wrong framework as well and you’re going to have problems that way as well.

I mean it’s a double edged, it’s not always perfect and, but that’s a problem too. You’re going to have all sorts of crap. Go ahead. Yeah, I mean, no, no question. The way I look at this is it’s like an FBI agent looking over your shoulder, looking at your screen every second of the day, never blinking. And they will say that, oh well, this stays on your computer. We don’t see it. Well, do they see the analysis of it? Do they see the, does the AI talk about the analysis of it? Plus what I don’t trust is that the Congress passed earlier this year the new FISA rules.

And these FISA rules give the NSA the power to go to any company and force them to use their platform to spy on the users. So NSA can go to Microsoft and say, okay, we’re going to use this copilot to spy on your people, spy on your users, and you cannot tell them that we’re doing this. That is now legal. They pass that with the FISA rules. So even if Microsoft says, oh well, it’s just staying on your computer and we’re not doing anything with it, they, you can’t trust them because they can be forced to do that by the government.

And of course Apple does the same thing with their Apple intelligence and all of that stuff. So that’s just kind of a very small snapshot of the world we live in right now. Well, and it gets worse. Once they start deciding they’re going to sheep certain people into certain jobs. And I mean it can get to the point when you start losing your free will and your thoughts, they’ll start manipulating what jobs you’re going to be doing. Certain groups of people will have more opportunities than others. I mean, it gets that serious where you will literally be held back.

You and your family will, without even subconsciously you will be, won’t get the same opportunities, you won’t have the same abilities. You, I mean it’s, that’s how serious it’ll get. We will have a tiered system and we’re starting to have that already. Yeah, it’s like what I sang earlier with the social credit system. That’s exactly how they do it. And it’s a very scary future. If we don’t control, if we don’t protect our privacy, we’ll get back to the feudal system. I mean that’s what they want. Elites. And so if you were born into the wrong family, if this isn’t set up right, they’re going to, you’re in the hood or something, they’re going to, you’re only going to be able to see certain things because they want to shape you into what they think is best for you.

And you just won’t have the same opportunities. And you think I’m talking Like if you look at other countries, you know, United States has this attitude of freedom. They won’t do that because we always have these opportunities. Every other country does that to these people. To people. Why do you think we are going to be. Be able to get around that when that’s the mentality of the rest of the world? Yeah, yeah. And I think it’s already happening in a sense, like what we talked about earlier with the LinkedIn. I think it’s a slow progression and I think they’re radicalizing the West.

They’re attacking our ideals, they’re confusing people on purpose. So people will eventually back this. For example, censorship. We’re seeing a huge push from both political, like the woke left and the woke right that they want to censor their opposing views. So, Yep, they’re central people like you or me are the ones they’re censoring almost the most. Yeah. So can I share a story about AI and if you don’t mind, Eric, I’m going to tell your story. Is that all right? Yeah, go ahead. Okay. So what I want to do is I want to just kind of illustrate the power of AI and what they’re going to.

How they’re going to use it to manipulate people. So this is a real story that happened to Eric probably 20, 21, something like that. Ish. Around then. And Eric at that time was just out of. Just out of. Out of high school, and he got a job. He was a chef. He was cooking. He was a line cook. And so he was also going through at that time some pretty hard times emotionally and that type of thing. Right. And so he, he was at work, he was in the restaurant. He was a line cook. And this particular day he was quite upset and he was listening to his headphones all day.

And he had, he had this one phone, one song playing on repeat the whole day. And he was kind of just very angry and very upset and all that stuff. So he gets off of work after a full day of work, sits down, turns on Twitter or not Twitter, TikTok. And he’s flipping through the feeds and he comes across this, this meme. And it is a, you know, kind of like a angry cartoon drawing of a. Of a line cook. And the words above, it says, when you’re a line cook and you’re angry and depressed and you listen to such and such song 24 hours a day and you want to kill yourself.

Oh, God. And that. And. And the song it mentioned was the one he was listening to all day. And so this. And when he looked at this. It said, okay, this had been viewed by a thousand people and been liked by however many people, but that was totally lie. This is my view of it. I think that was a total lie. I think it was made in the instant, in the moment, by AI and it was made to push him over the edge because they knew. Hold on. They knew he was listening to that song because you were playing it.

What were you playing it off of? Whatever your online. Spotify. Spotify. And they knew you were playing that all day long. They knew. I don’t know how they knew you were a line cook, but they could tell maybe by what you were. Your locations. Text. Yeah. Geez. But this is what AI does. AI learns about you. It knows who you are. So he. He has been on TikTok for many. For quite a long time before this. And so this is the way I view AI is it’s kind of like Google Maps, where you’re at this location and you want to go to this location, and it will take you down the path to that location.

I think AI, I think it’s, you know, President Z from China, because Tic Tac’s Chinese President X got together with the president of TikTok and said, we want to destabilize the teens of the west, so make it happen. And so the president of TikTok went to their AI people and said, okay, we want to destabilize the teens in the west, so, you know, make it happen. And so the. The artificial intelligence looks at where he is. It understands his emotional state. It understands all of these hot buttons, all of this stuff, and it says, okay, we want to bring him over here.

And so it knows the path to bring him that way. It seemed like it was targeting you for suicide. Yeah, yeah, Yep. And then what did it show you after that? I actually. When I saw that, I was so creeped out. I actually uninstalled right away because actually help you in a weird way. Sometimes that stuff helps people. It knocks them out of there. It felt like a black mirror episode or something. I saw it. I knew that algorithms existed. This was before I was into. Well, I wasn’t like studying freedom or privacy or anything, but I was aware that algorithms existed.

But it was too much of a coincidence for me, where I was just like, this is nuts. I’m going to uninstall this app and get away from this before I get too freaked out or something. I didn’t understand the huge, big picture behind it, though, But. But I will say this too, though. The AI would have learned from Eric leaving Tick Tock and it would have learned that, okay, we were a little bit too blatant with this. So next time we’ve got to be a little bit more subtle and not go so direct. And so AI is this self learning software and it can take people in diff wherever it wants to go.

And so when we look at AI being on computers and phones and all of that stuff, it’s a very, very powerful tool that can be used to control people and manipulate people. Sure can. Yep. Yeah, it sure can. And you guys do classes for free. We do it. We don’t. The classes aren’t. But you do a seminar for free and you help people understand what this is all about. Can you talk about what somebody. We’re going to offer a seminar which I think is so important. I hope everybody goes to this and they can learn from what you are going to share with people.

Because I, you know, Eric, we had your other show with how kids are being mind control of kids. It’s one of the top shows I’ve ever done on Rumble. It has like 110,000 views so far and people are really interested in this. So I hope people share this with their friends and family and realize that we have a free seminar so you can learn more about this. Can you talk about what people will learn in your seminar? Yeah. So what we do is it’s a one hour training seminar and. Excuse me, we talk about the threat of privacy, why we need to care about privacy.

But then we go through five very simple things that people can do right now. And these are very important things that they’re able to do and implement very quickly. And I mean those are not the only things that you need to do to get private. There’s actually quite a bit you have to do. But this is a great starting point to get the ball rolling and to get yourself private. And then we go into a Q and A, live Q and A and people can ask anything that they want to and I’ll just stay on and answer all the questions that they have and I’ll tell them the next steps too.

What can you do to take the next step to really get away from this stuff and to really kind of secure your privacy and security. And when, when are we doing this? This is going to be next week or next. Let me see what’s on. You have it on the schedule? It’ll be. Yeah, one sec. I think it’s December. Sorry. It is the December 5th at 11:00am Security seminar. And how Will people. I mean, I’m going to be sending out to my substack. So if people want to know about it, join my substack. But. And I’ll be sending out notices.

But what other ways will they be able to. I’ll have the link below. So you’ll be able to use the link below Adjar, my substack, I’ll be sending out notices and we’ll have links to how they get on. It’s just. They need zoom, right? No, it’s not zoom. What will it be? If they sign up for the registration, then we will send out a link to them to. To join us at the appropriate time. Okay. Will it be what will. What will be the. The platform. Will they have to do anything? Will they. Will it be a platform that they have to make sure is on their phone or their computer? What will the.

Will they. You can access it on any browser. Yep. Okay. Excellent. Okay. It’ll just be a link. Probably running on your website. Private like Vim. Is it just a video platform? We’re working on that, but we don’t have that yet. We. Yeah, we’re building third party. We use. We’re using webinar gem for the time being. But. Okay, perfect. Building out a personal one soon. Okay. And. And so. And it works on any browser essentially. So. And, and so they’ll get the link, they’ll be able to use it and then they’ll learn all. It’s a free. So I hope everybody gets there.

I’m going to be sending out notices about it on my substack. We’ll have a link below to how to sign up for it. And then you guys will send out the link. I’ll sign up. I’ll be sending out links on how to sign up for it. You’ll be sending out. We’ll have a link below on how to sign up for it. And then you will be sending out the actual link to. To get on the seminar just so people understand. Okay. I’m figuring it out too. I’m like, okay, what are we actually doing here, guys? Okay, but it’s gonna be free and please, everybody needs to be doing this so that they learn and we gotta get people moving in this direction.

Like I, you know, I’ve spent. I. I spent so much. Almost a point where I was totally burnt out. It become that serious for me over this. When I did the the 10 part series and I have a whole bunch of extra footage with Brighton University on mind control and 5th generation warfare. I was like you the hand of God is like, oh my God, this is going on. And I became really burnt out. That’s. I’m getting. Overcoming it now. It took me months to get past because I was working so hard, but it’s that serious of.

And I hope people realize how serious serious this is. When Yuval Harari says that we only have another 10 years, maybe if we’re lucky. And now they’re saying it’s going even faster than they anticipated. We got to take this seriously. And it’s not like overnight you’ll lose your free will. We keep losing it little by little by little. And in 10 years, it’s all gone. Right. Each year we’ll lose another few percent until we just have none. Yeah. You know, one of the things that. Excuse me. One of the things that I think is important though, is I don’t want to.

I work hard not to black pill people. I don’t want people to just kind of give up and say it’s hopeless, because I don’t think it is hopeless. I think there are things that you can do individually that keep you private and secure from Big Tech, from Big Brother, and from hackers and scammers, because we talk about the three threats, hackers, scammers, big tech and Big Brother. And there are things that you can do to secure yourself and to get private. Really the main thing is, though, can we get the word out there to a lot of people? I mean, it just happens one person at a time.

If we can get each person taking responsibility for themselves, having self, you know, self responsibility for this, getting private, getting secure, and then telling other people about it, that’s, you know, we can do this. We can do this. That’s what it is. We can do this, and we can’t expect anybody to do it for us. We have to step up and participate. We just flat out have to. Well, thank you so much for joining the program. Is there anything else that you want to make sure that you share with people before we wrap this up, Eric? Well, I guess just a quick little thing about privacy.

One of the things that drives me is, you know, the last 20 years has really changed our world. We have become a completely new world. We’re, we’re on the Internet and there hasn’t been any time to figure out the checks and balances for it. I’m amazed that the Fourth Amendment exists in a time where the Internet wasn’t a thing, where they understood the value of privacy before they saw technology like this. And the Internet is an amazing tool as long as it remains free and it remains private. So by you being aware of this, I think you’re very ahead of the curve and you understand what it means to be free in the new modern age.

I think privacy is what it means to be free. So I think, yeah. I hope you feel inspired to take the next steps to become private, because if you don’t, you might lose that freedom. That’s right. Yep. And I guess I’ll just leave it with the. The call for the mama bear to come to come out and the papa bear to come out. I mean, this is the time to be courageous and to do what we need to do. Yep, that’s absolutely right. And we can’t expect anybody to do it for us and the politicians, whoever, we have to get involved.

So thank you so much for joining the program. I’ll have the link below. Hopefully people look at that link below. Sign up for this free seminar. Sign up for my substack. They’ll get a notice on it as well. And thank you so much for joining the program. Thank you. Thank you very much, Sarah. That’s.



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