You have such great work. I just discovered you, and I’m so glad to speak with you. I’ve discovered you a long time ago, and I finally found a way to find you through a common friend. So let me. Let’s start with this. There’s a lot of stuff I want to talk to you about, and I think for the most part, we’re on the same page. But, yeah, I’m gonna ask. I mean, I don’t know if you want to answer it. What kind of Special ops were you involved in? Well, basically hunting terrorists. You know, Seal Team 6 is the, the.
The Tier 1 unit for the SEAL teams and like Delta, you know, direct access to the President or President has direct access to them. And we trained a, you know, grafted terrorist. And then when I left the SEAL teams, I went to the CIA and started doing the same thing pretty much, and, you know, was part of hunting down bin Laden and so forth. So interesting work, but they both paralleled in a lot of ways. When you say interesting, because I used to hunt terrorists too, when I was in military counterintelligence in Africa for the Russian government.
But then they tried to get rid of us because we saw too much. Okay, Some of us wanted to live, and so some of us survived, but they certainly made an effort. I’m going Back to the 1990s to the, you know, Yeltsin regime. What about you? Have they ever tried to bump you off? Oh, God, yeah. Yeah. Now, now for me, it wasn’t because I was doing such a great job hunting terrorists because everyone that I work with, you know, wanted me on their team and were always requesting me. The thing was, you know, the, the alien agenda, I kind of like stumbled into that and through my remote viewing and, and stuff like that.
And once they found out that I was a threat to some of their programs, they. They really came after me, tried to destroy me and kill me several times. So one of the more secret, obviously, agendas I’m not sure we’re gonna have enough time to talk about this today, but I certainly want to have you back to. And we can discuss it later. I want to ask you about the SEAL team. What happened to them after they killed Osama bin Laden? Yeah, that’s such a good point. So the. The SEAL team that actually went in and got Osama bin Laden, and like I said, I helped find him, and I was there in Pakistan when it actually happened, and we had a.
A backup in case things went really bad. We’re going to get them across the border into Afghanistan. But that was my old squadron, Red Squadron, that came and actually did the hit. And Seal Team 6 is broken into several different squadrons, and they all color coded. So the one that actually went down in Afghanistan or supposedly went down in Afghanistan, I’ll say was Gold Squadron. I believe that Gold Squadron. And the people that were in charge of that at that time, they knew that they were going to be taken out, and they didn’t get on that plane or that helicopter.
Helicopter, yeah. Yeah. So Extortion 17 was the name of. Of that. That mission. And they did. I don’t believe they did, because I’ve heard from several different sources that those guys have been active in the background. So the. What they’re trying to present is like, yeah, they went down and there’s been people to come out and said, yeah, their bodies. We saw them, like, you know, slowly but surely, we. Because there was somebody up in the. Up in the sky watching. This one woman came out and talked about it, supposedly revealed her, and she’s like, I saw their bodies glowing, and then they slowly faded away.
And I’m like. And then they came in and they cremated all those guys, like, instantly. That’s never done. Well, that’s how conspiracies work, Michael. You kill the guy. Remember that film, the. I think it was called the Shooter? Okay. When they’re sitting in the. And they were talking about. And he said, how do you know that Kennedy was a conspiracy? He said, I still got the shovel. That was an amazing lie. I mean, it was an amazing lie. It’s like, you know, the Toingo. What was that area called? You know, the people who killed, you know, they were gone, you know, the same day.
How do you know I got the shovel? It’s always a bad thing to get involved. They took the shot from the picket fence, behind the picket fence. So I went there. You know, like I said, I’m an intuitive and a road viewer, and I saw the shot from behind the picket fence. And I actually had James Files on my show talking about how he took the shot and all the things he went through. His affiliation with a secret military group behind the scenes that George Senior was involved with. We’re talking about the Kennedy assassination. Yes, the Kennedy assassination.
Let me ask you this. So how are the SEALs different from, from other elements of the US military? Because again, we have millions of people going to watch this. Most of them have no background in military operations. I have no idea what that is. But seals is a very special kind of. So what do they do differently and how are they different from, you know, regular US military? So the siltanes are, you know, because of the water aspect of it. It’s, it takes a lot of different skill sets. The army and, and all the, you know, Marines and so forth.
Marines kind of work in the water as well, but mainly we’re working in the water, you know, coming out of subs and jumping into the water, but taking our boats and going across the horizon and then, and coming in and sneaking into the land and so forth. So the, the water aspect is, is very, it. There’s very few people that can do that. And that’s, that’s the, the separator I think, because we have to like really reach deep to become, you know, capable of some of these missions that we’re in. The cold water is basically just really takes a lot out of you.
So overcoming that’s a mental aspect that I think a lot of other special forces units don’t have. So digging deep and overcome things. We have like what we call the hell week where it’s a full week where you get like maybe an hour and a half, two hours and a half of sleep over a five day period. And it’s constant, you know, one evolution after another where you’re doing physical activity, you know, rowing your boat in the ocean through surf zones and carrying logs and doing O courses and running and the whole time you’re being pushed and hammered and you know, it’s pretty, pretty amazing what you go through.
When I came back, I was actually instructor there for several years before I started the hand to hand program for the SEAL teams. And I, I was like amazed at what I went through. I was like, I went through. This is incredible. So once you get through that, that, you know, oh, this is amazing what, you know, what’s going on here, then you get into the mindset that you really have to push somebody to their limits over and over and over again. 10 times beyond the normal human, you know, capacity and it’s amazing what the human being can do, what a human being can do.
And that’s what you’re tapping. You’re tapping that ability that you can do incredible things. And you take that, that knowledge of yourself and you apply it to missions going forward. Let me ask you something else. Change the direction of our, of our interview. Let’s talk about the US Government. Just a very good, very good question. You asked a very good question the other day. I’m not sure it was yesterday before. When this corrupt US Government, referring to Biden, is eliminated, why wouldn’t we keep the President in perpetuity? Do you think that elections every four years is an effective way to run the country? Or do you think if you have a good president, why, you know, why change it? Just keep them there for 10, 20, 30 years? Yeah, I think there’s a possibility for that.
But I don’t want it to get, you know, back to the kings and queens of old. No one does. As if we really, you know, escape from that. I think the politicians now are just a slight separation from the kings and queens are probably behind the scenes controlling a lot of this, the, you know, elite families and so forth. And you do an excellent work job of exposing that. So I’ve noticed this over the years, working the CIA being, you know, behind the scenes, listening to people talking, know, because I was in a security mode, so I had to, like, make sure they’re safe.
And I would hear things. I’m like, ah, I wish I didn’t hear that, you know, so. But these guys are, are controlling the world in a way that most of us would not agree to whatsoever. And, you know, pushing, pushing into those zones where we can see that stuff is, is what we’re definitely about right now. You know, all the people that go through PTSD know at this point. Post traumatic stress disorder. Huh. Most of them are from knowing that you did something illicit, illegal, and you thought we were doing the right thing. So that’s what we’re finding out now.
So, yeah, it’s just very, very disturbing. Very troubling. Well, that’s a very. Actually, that’s a very interesting point talking. You know, if we’re talking about post traumatic stress disorder, doing something what you thought was the right thing to do, and then you realize it was not. So let me ask you this. Does once moral rectitude overrule, unlawful orders or not? And how do you deal with that? Yeah, it does. And when you’re in the higher, higher realms of, you know, special forces and CIA and so forth. Some of the places that I work, you determine what you’re going to do.
There were some times that, where we give admissions where we’re like, that that’s not going to work out, we’re not going to do that. That’s a dumb, that’s a dumb mission. And so they had to, they had to come back with something else. Or we said we could do, we could do that, this is the way we’re going to do it. So normally you don’t get that option. And sometimes they come in and they sell you on something that you find out later was B.S. you know, and that’s, that’s very, that’s disgusting to a lot of people.
And that’s why a lot of people leave over time. It’s very hard to keep really good people in these, these higher levels of, you know, you know, going after people. I mean, a lot of these people are controlled. Even the terrorists are controlled. We know that Hillary Clinton said it the other, we created Al Qaeda. But yeah, the question is, it’s like, how do you, you know, you’re dealing with, with governments or government itself? U. S. Government sells drugs, U. S Government kills people, overthrows government. And a lot of these missions have nothing to do with democracy, human rights, freedom of speech.
It has to do with control. So how does one deal with this? Because again, that’s what the governments do. But the US Government does more than other governments because you say we have to deal drugs and inundate this area, decimate this country because somebody somewhere in an office in New York or in Washington is going to make a lot of money out of this operation. We are not, we may be killed. Okay, so how do you deal with this mentally? Because I know you do. You do conferences on empowerment, etc, etc, and you show people how to overcome these elements.
How do you deal with these barriers? Yeah, that’s an excellent question, Daniel. So, you know, we’re confronted with this and once you discover this and we’re part of helping people awaken to this, the truth of this, of these situations, and more and more truth is being discovered and revealed it. And at a certain point it becomes overwhelming. You know, it’s kind of like what the world has gone through for the last four years. Everybody’s like, how much more? Yeah, there’s a lot more coming. So for me, I started going into what I call the love vibration.
I have a mental state where I’m very much at peace. And this is where I get my intuitions, how I do remote viewing and all these things and remote influencing even as well. But I, I have to be in that state of consciousness. I’m not in fear because they want it. They want us in fear. And your, your excellent work with Tavistock Institute is basically how they come in and they mind control us and they, they try and position us and push us in a certain direction. They know what buttons. Angry. Yeah. Make us angry against, you know, some enemy that they’ve created.
Because we saw during the COVID lockdowns there was no war because they were completely in control. Why would they need work? They’re completely controlled now. They don’t have complete control. They’re starting these wars up again. So that’s, that’s what. Once you start to understand that and you start to know that there’s a lot of other people. Because I would be in places where they’re coming. I knew they’re coming to do attacks, and I’m trying to warn everybody. And then I got to the point where I can’t just warn the regular people. They’re controlling information. So I’m just going to connect with them on an intuitive state of consciousness and just send out love, connect with people that are in the love vibration as well that don’t want these attacks and then anchor that into, you know, I, I would think of, anchored into the soil of a certain area.
I was in Pakistan in this one area, Perat, which was having lots of different attacks. So I eventually got to a point where like, you know, I can, I know they’re coming, so why don’t I start to push back and do something? So I started connecting with the people in Iraq and there was, there were, after a period of time of doing this, there were no more attacks. I was like, this is incredible. And then I would go to another place and there were all kinds of attacks, and I do the same thing. And then there were no more attacks.
And there haven’t been attacks in these cities since I did that. So consciousness is a very, very powerful thing and awakening people to their own power and then connecting people that understand their power and, and, you know, using that power and pushing back and exposing and then anchoring and so forth. I think this is the way we’re going to overcome this evil that’s been in the world for, you know, millennia. So let me just follow up on that. So how do we create a new paradigm that does not include violence and death? So a paradigm, in other words, based on love and empathy, as I said, towards your fellow men? Yeah, that’s, that’s Fantastic.
Then that’s what, that’s what the goal should be. So. And that’s what we can bring into consciousness or into reality everything’s frequency. So if you start to understand that everything vibrates at a certain frequency, then you start to focus your. Your consciousness and other people’s consciousness on that. That’s what they do. So they create, you know, the mainstream media comes in and says, oh, look at these people. You know, you know, they’re racist, they’re and all, blah, blah, blah. And then they divide us. They divide us and make us angry and fearful, and that’s a frequency.
And then they can work in that. They can come in, ah, we got them. And they start doing their thing and controlling us and making their incomes and. And so forth. But if you, if you push back on that in a positive way, like we’re talking about, you can overcome them. Now, I saw, you know, over the years in my groups, we wouldn’t let someone come in and talk about they wanted to get, you know, like, all macho. I want to kick some butt, you know, I want to, I want to, like, get in a shootout and stuff, like.
And we’re like, hey, we don’t allow that around us because that always attracts that. And we started to notice that. All of us started to notice that all the guys that talk like that, those guys are dead. All of them. So the guys that started to focus their consciousness on, you know, the positive aspect, you know, staying in love vibration, because we would, we would actually start to talk that way. And people in the beginning stages goes, they’re like, stay up, stay off this road. In, in a week, there’s going to be attack. It’s going to be.
At this time, it’s gonna be explosion. And everybody’s like, what are you doing? I don’t even understand that. And then I start to tell them, this is what I do. I’m in this consciousness and I’m reaching out because I have empathy for humanity and for you guys and the people that we’re trying to protect. So. And then I would get the vision of something coming, and then I would, you know, you know, tell the guys. And then eventually, like I talked about, I started to focus love at all these different things. I focus love on Osama bin Laden for about a year, and then he was gone.
And up until that point, we’ve been hunting him, you know, trying to kill everybody that was near him. And then eventually, when I sent that love out, there’s like one boom, gone. Let me ask you something else. How do you overcome fear? Because again, it’s having to deal with near death experiences in a sense, in a literal sense. Like if you’re in the military, you have to deal with bullets hitting you and killing you. Okay. You can die at any moment. Okay. So I know how I dealt with it over time. I also had to go through post traumatic stress disorder for a certain number of years after I, you know, got out.
But how do you deal with, you know, with stress and fear? Because again, stress is one of the key issues that the global elite used to control society. Yeah, it’s, it’s a, it’s a meditative relaxation technique. And what’s, what’s crazy about this is how I learned this was I, like I said earlier that I used, I started the Navy SEALs first hand to Hand program and I found that when I went into the state of conscious consciousness where I was completely relaxed and very, almost meditative while I was fighting, while people were coming at me with clubs and, and knives and all kind of crazy stuff, I would go into this state of consciousness.
I slipped into, I would slip into it and then I would fight like at unbelievable speed. And then I started to apply it to my shooting. And my shooting, I could like, you know, hit three head targets in less than a second. And all of these things, all of these amazing, miraculous things that we’re all capable of would come to me when I was in this very meditative, very calm state of consciousness. And then I started to apply it to, like I said, to the remote viewing, the intuitive aspect. And it started to expand and expand, expand.
So first of all, you go into that meditative state. So you’re tapping into the alpha brainwave state because most of us are in a beta brainwave state where we’re like, you know, like, you’re listening, you’re taking in information. It’s very beta based. Although you can have alpha brainwaves. Like this information I’m sharing with you is very outside the norm. So you’re, I’m activating some of your creative aspects just by this conversation. So you learn to go into those deeper aspects of Alpha theta delta. And you even go into like I was talking about when I was in, when I was doing the fighting, where you’re activating beta alpha and you go into a whole different brainwave state.
And, and this is, this is where all of us are capable of going to, but it really just starts at being very relaxed, very comfortable. And it’s. A lot of people are like, well, that’s easy for you. To say you’ve been pushed into these zones of, you know, you know, stress and so forth, and you, you’ve had to work through them. Well, I mean, look at what we just went through. Everybody just went through Covid. You know, everybody went through. You know, if you’re here in America, we just went through election. That was very stressful. So you, you learn how to just stay relaxed, stay focused.
Stressful. Especially for the left. Well, it was stressful for the right. All these women shaving their head and saying, you are not fucking me for the next four years. Exactly. Let me ask you something else. Putin said the other day that Trump’s life is still in danger. Do you think that the deep state really wants, I mean, now it’s a foregone conclusion. Trump is going to be the next president and if they kill him. Yeah, Vance, but Putin, like, publicly said that Trump’s life is still in danger. Do you think that is the case? And they’re still going to try to do everything again, not only until the 20th of January, but then beyond to get rid of Trump? Yeah, this is for the rest of his life, he’s going to be in danger.
And just when maybe he’s out of office and he’s out of office for a few years and he’s relaxing and bam. So it’s just gonna, it’s just once you take this on, as you know, you’re always under threat and will be under threat until all of these people that do this stuff are eliminated. And that’s going to take a long time. Although I have, I have hope and I have, you know, I can see this coming for the consciousness of a renaissance period in consciousness, but still it’s going to take time. It’s going to take effort, it’s going to take focus.
We the people have to stay involved. I think we the people have gotten us, gotten ourselves to this point where we’re kind of like, you know, at a point where we have great strides. We’ve taken great strides, and I think we’re going to continue to take great strides. But yeah, Trump could be taken out and he is seen by many people as almost like a savior, which is not the way to be. It’s like the anti Christ or the Antichrist. See, I mean, either way you look at it, the guy’s like, you know, he’s win or lose, he’s in a position of great influence going forward.
So you mentioned, you mentioned with the people. Do you think the deep state is being decimated by. With the people or we’re still in a position where it’s kind of a tie and depends on which way the thing is going to go. I don’t think it’s which way the thing is going to go anymore. Yeah, that, that was definitely the case maybe four, eight years ago. But this, at this point, they have been decimated massively. They’re still out there, obviously. We just had a massive storm where I’m at right now on my bottom floor. It was decimated by flooding from a hurricane.
And it was a hurricane that was 100 miles off the coast that magically, you know, raised four and a half feet worth of surge all the way in here. That’s never been done before that I’ve ever seen anywhere in history. So these, these, they have very high tech stuff now. I think that when they brought in the next storm Builton, the intention was to ramp it up just like they’d done in Acapulco several times. They had the same technology where they’re going to come in here and just devastate. They wiped it out. The city was wiped out.
Yeah, wiped out and over and over again. Mud, flooding. That if they’ve had one more recently where it came and hit them and they went out and they came back and hit them again, it’s like, wow, they really work in that place. But here with Milton now we know the central centcom, Central Command, where the special forces are. And like I said, the special forces are very high speed at the very top of consciousness as far as like a warrior is. And you got guys like me that are, you know, in, in those organizations. So they want that shut down.
That’s why they tried to kill those guys on extortion 17 flight. That’s why they’re. They went after Tampa because that’s where centcom, which controls all those special forces guys, you know, not just seals, but Delta highly, highly, highly professional people at the very high end of, you know, the military, the lower ends you’re going to have, you know, the, the bad military. Right. They don’t make, they usually don’t make it that high. Very rarely if they do, they’re going to get, they’re going to get taken out because we don’t, like I said, we don’t put up with that.
If they do, they usually. They were aiming at it and they shut it down. They shut down that hurricane just before it came in. So that was a white hat operation, obvious. So we see evidence of white operations, black operations still. I hear people say, don’t worry, the white hats are in control. That’s, that’s dumb because we, we’re still getting action from the black hats. They still have their, they still have their high tech toys just like, you know, the white hats do. And it’s a, it’s a game of cat and mouse still. And eventually we’re going to probably see these guys get even decimated, even more in the open.
I think there’s going to be a lot of military tribunals and so forth that are coming. They know that that’s why a lot of people are leaving America right now. Well, one of the things about that is the fact that, you know, the left, the left, the other side feel that, you know, they’re about to lose. We may very go very easily go into the civil war scenario. So how close is the United States to a civil war? I don’t think it’s going to be a civil war, but I do believe there’s going to be resistance.
The only place that would have civil war disobedience against Trump, which is already starting, is in the big cities, the big blue cities where they’ve been controlling the vote for a long time. I think I’ve seen this for over four years because people were asking me even before 2020 election because they saw what was coming, that, that we were going into a civil war. And I said, no, it’s not going to be a civil war. But I do see cities which will probably be surrounded by the military and cordoned off and, you know, put under siege for a period of time.
And you know, all these people that have come across the border, not just here in America, but across the world, you know, we have Australia and New Zealand and Canada and all throughout Europe, this, this mass illegal immigration to replace us basically with people that, you know, we’ll just do what, do as they’re told. And you know, people like myself and you and other people that wake up and say, no, this is B.S. we’re not going to put up with this, we’re not going to take it anymore. But these people that are immigrating at our taxpayer expense, they’re going to like replace us.
And that’s their intention. We’re not going to put up with that. But so in those, in those groups that have been coming across the border are probably people that are going to be terrorists against, against us and you know, take out the grid system and then what’s after that? Well, probably they’re going to start to, you know, open up in some of these big cities where you can have a big impact and we just saw a guy just assassinate somebody on, in broad, you know, broad daylight. Talk about United Healthcare. That was. That’s it. Let’s talk about that.
So United Healthcare CEO was killed the other day. So what do you think happened? Is this a part of the bigger picture where the elite of the losing group are cleaning out the field and eliminating the evidence of their evil deeds or something else? Yeah, I think that he was. They were going to do some meetings where they were going to expose some stuff that they didn’t want to expose. He was going to, you know, be asked questions. He was already under investigation by Department of Justice. I’m not sure if he was under investigation or indictment, but in any case, he was going to spill some serious beans.
That’s what, that’s what I believe was going to happen against. But the question is, against whom? Against the Deep State. He would have no choice but to reveal so. Or if he kept his mouth shut, that would be good for the Deep State. But they, they weren’t going to take any chances, evidently. So this was a, this by him being killed and, you know, on the street, like that is a signal to anyone else that might, you know, think about talking. And that’s what these guys do. They’ll take someone out and there’s like, see, no one’s above jfk.
See, no one’s above us. You know, we’ll take out the President. You’re gonna have to start killing a lot of. Yeah, you’re gonna have to start killing a lot of people because the losing side, they’re gonna lose everything. That’s what usually happens. Like, look at the, the Cold War. You had the, the United States. Capitalism against the Soviet Union and satellites. The Soviet Union lost the Cold War and the country was decimated, dismembered, dismantled. Everything was stolen. The Constitution changed. 27 million former Soviet citizens died between 1989 and 1996. Not the result of a war because again, remember that 25 million were killed by the Nazis in World War II.
Okay. And 27 or 28 actually died. You know, drugs, overdose, depression, you know, suicide, et cetera, et cetera, as a result of the collapse of the country. So that’s what usually happens. It’s quite violent. So in this particular case, because we’re talking about the Deep State, which isn’t just the Bidens, it’s the Bidens and the Obamas, it’s the Clintons. It goes pretty, actually. You can really say the last American president was Richard Nixon. We know how that ended in 1974. And so on everything after that was part of the, of One World Co. Ltd. Corporations. It’s a, you know, it’s a global corporation.
Whether we’re talking about BlackRock, whether we’re talking about Vanguard Group, it doesn’t matter. That’s part of the deep state. So if they lose, there’s a lot of people they’re gonna have to kill. Do you see that’s happening? Because okay, this one guy was killed. But I mean they’re gonna have to kill a lot of people not only in the United States but globally neighborless. And do you think also to kind of tie it in together with Epstein and P. Diddy and all that others, do you think it’s part of this overall things of control? Yeah, absolutely.
And that’s, that’s astounding statement. I never even consider that about that many Soviet citizens, former Soviet citizens dying because of collapse of. This is. According to the United nations report. This is just a number I pulled out of the hat the UN that’s what they said. I think that’s a possibility. I, I see millions of people dying as a result of the, the system here collapsing. So it, it doesn’t, it wouldn’t surprise me. We, we in America and Europe and so forth get numbers like that because it’s a collapse of a system. The, the Soviet system was deep state basically worm their way in there.
It was controlling it. And then fortunately for, you know, we can say fortunately or unfortunately how you depend on how you look at it. I say fortunately that they finally threw off the deep state from Russia. Maybe not completely, but I would say on a massive scale. Still cleaning going on. Like we talk about it. I’ve talked about this on many shows. People are like, well, Trump gets in, it’s going to be fixed. It’s like, no, it’s going to be like decades. Decades. Come on. That’s what we’re gonna see. I agree with you. Yeah. All these, all these people because they’re all mind control at birth.
They’re you know, pedophiled at a very, very early age in these elite families by family members. That traumatizes them. And then they, if they live through the trauma and they’re able to be worked with like a Hunter Biden type, then they start to use them within the business, within the family. They rise to the top. They become singers, they become Hollywood stars. And you know, we’re going to see a lot of people are going to go away. They’re already running because they know this is stuff. This stuff is. I think Barbara Streisand, Barbara Streisand and all these others.
They went somewhere. Speaking of the deep state, what do you think of Trump’s nominees? Is it about making America great again or making Israel great again or making whom great again? Yeah, I think that we’re going to see, you know, a lot of pushback from a lot of people because they don’t understand a bigger picture that’s going on. I don’t understand it completely. I’m not going to say that I have all the answers. I believe that we’re moving in the right direction, but it’s being steered by a lot of us because there have been nominees that a lot of us have spoken out about and they’ve been withdrawn or they, they cancel or they’re not even put up.
So that is happening in its effect. That’s why I say the people have to stay involved because they, he, he might come in and he doesn’t still know everybody like we know them. Yeah, and he still put. Because I was like, I’ll be surprised if he puts everybody in. That’s perfect. No, it’s not going to happen. So some of these, I think you look at some of them that are coming in and I’m like, like a Marco Rubio. I’m like, I don’t know about State Department. I worked in the State Department. That’s a bad place. It’s like bad choice number two.
It’s like, so I, I think that he may be vacating once one area where they couldn’t get, pulled him out of that and someone else is going to take that spot. So he can’t go back there and they’re going to put him in a position in the State Department and he’s going to be, either he’s going to, you know, draw out deep state people that they can find or he’s going to fail and they’re going to fire him and he’s completely gone from the system. So you have to look at bigger picture stuff like this and it’s hard to do that for every single one of them.
But I think a lot of that stuff is going on in the background. We’ve been involved in intel takedowns and all kind of crazy stuff and, you know, backdoor deals, triple agents and all that kind of stuff. A lot of people don’t understand, you know, the process of, you know, worming out people that are really bad. It’s, it’s a, it’s a time consuming process. Lots of money gets involved here. It’s, it’s Crazy politics is not a linear game. That’s what people need to understand. But again, like, how do we get rid? Because I think the question, the key question is especially you know, for the American patriots, and a lot of them are saying, like, this isn’t really what we voted for.
How do we get rid of. How do you get rid of Israeli influence? And they’re meddling and their handlers, and they’re meddling in U.S. internal, external affairs. And again, Epstein is an example of this Israeli influence. We’re talking about control files. Okay? You don’t want to vote for so and so initiative that’s in favor of Israel. Well, do you remember, like, 35 years ago you slept with a little boy? You don’t remember what we do. Look what we have. Do you want this out? And this guy is like 60 something years old. He’s, you know, a respectable member of society.
He’s a member of a tennis club and God knows what club, and his wife and his children and everybody loves him. And he goes to church and here he is, you know, a little boy. It’s like 35 years ago. Oh, Jesus, I forgot about that. Well, we didn’t. Yeah. Now all the intel agencies do that. All of them, Chinese, Russia, all of them do that. You look at the movie Red Sparrow. That’s an excellent example. You know how that system is done? That was actually written by a CIA guy. Of course it was. Actually. It’s like, who wrote it and why it became such a popular movie.
Be too. Right. So it’s done by people on your lines, on your. Your question about the. The Israeli side now, I. We just saw Hezbollah just hammer Israel hard just recently. Israel’s like, oh, uncle, okay, yeah, we’ll do a ceasefire now. So I think that Hezbollah has. Has, you know, turned the corner and trump one of his. His daughter. One of his daughters is married to Kushner. Yes. Not. Not Kushner. No. Well, him too, but is married to a guy that’s from Lebanon. It’s a Lebanese. Right. American. Lebanese. Okay. So. Don’t know. I can’t think of his name right now, but I’ve been to Lebanon.
Absolutely magnificent place. Yep. But unfortunately, the Muslim community is ghetto and they’ve, like, you know, really taking a lot of those. Those areas down. Whereas the Christian area is like. I remember being there for one Christmas, and I think that was the most beautiful Christmas environment that I’ve ever been in my whole life anywhere. So you have thou. I remember going to this one guy, one guy’s house was in the military, high up in the military. CIA guy was talking to him. He had us come over. We’re like sitting at his table. It was like 300 year old table, wooden table, and was like.
And he was in a 700, 700 year old castle. And he’s like, look down the hill there, that one down there. I was like, wow, it’s amazing. 700 years. How do you, how do you get this thing up? And he’s like, you see that one down there? I look down the hill and that’s thousand years old. That’s fine too. It’s like, wow. And that’s what people in America don’t understand. That that’s what people in America don’t understand. Because Your history is 200 some old years old. We’re talking about civilization and cultures like China, it’s 5,000 years old.
Russia, that’s over a thousand years old. You look at Europe and you look at anywhere the Middle east, especially the Middle East. And so it’s very difficult to really get your head around this. And if you don’t understand the historical element and the United States, unfortunately history is not one of your best subjects, especially world history. But how can you appreciate what other cultures go through? How do you appreciate historical integration? How do you appreciate, you know, things from their perspective? If you have no idea that there is something beyond McDonald’s. Like when people go, I see Americans when they come on holidays, first thing they say, hey, where’s McDonald’s? Why did you come here? If you want something that you have in the United States, go back.
Why don’t you eat something from here? They don’t because it’s not part of it. If you go, go to the Parisian McDonald’s, you get macarons. Oh, you do, you do. I was like, what are you. I, I had to go look, just. I wasn’t getting any McDonald’s from France, but I was like, had to look. I was like, ah, yeah. That’s incredible. I can’t believe they have macarons here. So in, in Lebanon, French influence, the invader, the, the, you know, Christian invaders, the Templars and so forth. And then, you know, before them, you know, Constantine and you know who else, you know, over the years these guys have been conquered and you know, they’ve, they’ve been able to deal with it.
So I think the Lebanese might be showing us a way to overcome some problems. So I just read an article where uh, this, this uh, this businessman, billionaire businessman, uh, is, is maybe going to make a, make some headway I’m very excited about that. That’s where. And the peace. So we’re seeing peace. Is he involved in, in the peace process already? That’s going on there. So I think that the, you know, the Nazis that are in Israel are going to get taken out. I think they, they, they, they’re not. It’s going to be the same thing that’s happening here.
The same organizations, the deep state, so forth is going to get cleaned. They’re going to get clean in Israel coming up as well. The Nazis in Ukraine, they’re going to get cleaned. Russia’s been doing a good job of cleaning them for us. Thank you very much. Let’s, let’s keep sending more Nazis to Ukraine to fight for Ukraine so that Russia can take you guys off the map. That’s great. So I hate to go that, because I’m, I’m a guy of, of love and peace. Right? But at some point you got to go, okay, we got to kill these rabid dogs.
They can’t, can’t live amongst us. I think we only have enough time for one more question. I wanted to ask you about the solutions, but before we do, you know, we talked about control. The important thing that people need to understand when we talk about how the government system operates and controls, it controls by force. And force is the beginning and the end of how it controls. I mean, I’ve been talking about this for a long time. It’s the bedrock, okay? It’s very important to understand that whether we’re talking about Bitcoin, we’re talking about drugs, we’re talking financial markets, we’re talking about such sexual transgressions because force is the ultimate enforcement mechanism.
And the people who control, they do so because they can kill with impunity. And that means that they can kill without, you know, worrying about the law. There’s no accountability under, you know, American law when they kill, especially if you’re talking about, you know, black operations. And another key of control to focus on is disinformation. I talk about this in my book on Tavistock Institute. Fake news, fake science, fake history. So this endless number of visible, invisible systems used to achieve control these days, and the effectiveness of all these systems, they depend on the ability to maintain physical force and control.
And if you look at how the government system works in general, the establishment, they can assassinate a sitting president in broad daylight. And when the establishment wants to go to war, well, they can engineer a false flag event, whether it’s 9, 11, whatever it is, killing thousands or 10 thousands of Americans. And when the establishment wants a gun control, well, they can do the same. They can engineer a series of school shootings across the United States. And when the establishment wants a war on drugs or war on terror, well, they can do the same thing, whether it’s fentanyl, whether it doesn’t matter what it is, you know, cocaine, crazy crack epidemic back in the 1980s.
And control starts with hardware. I’ve explained this many times. It’s not the computer, okay? And we live in a world where people think that, you know, it comes from a software, from a hacker. No, it’s not. It’s not a computer. It’s a gun pointing to your head. And in this sense, the global reserve currency, one of the greatest control mechanisms ever created, is controlled by the people who control the physical flows of information, physical flows of trade. Analog. It’s not digital. And they control the ceiling. They control what’s above us, what’s below us, the cables in the ocean’s bottom.
They control the satellites, the drones, and if they don’t like something, they can blow up, as it did with Nord Stream 2. They control the physical force or the means to produce the physical force, whether it’s seals, whether it’s delta, whether it’s US military, doesn’t matter what it is, whatever it is that they need to maintain. And these hard assets, assets. And this control gives them the ability to apply financial sanctions to countries that depend on access to these trade flows. Okay. And so I particularly like listening to some of your conferences that, you know, if you have your own mind, then you can navigate the road ahead.
And that’s very important. So to end this, you know, magnificent interview, I wanted to ask you about the solution. Okay, I’ll start. I think you, me, us, are the only person who can. You can make ourselves free. I can make myself free. And for most people, it’s not easy because the first step required coming up with a way to generate an income that doesn’t contribute to controlling or harming other people. So we have to find a way to generate an income that helps other people, is useful to other people, and if anything, helps them move out of the control and become freer.
But what’s. What, what, what are your ideas? You mean, you’ve talked so much about this in your conferences. So what are the solutions? How do we become free? How do we free our mind for of all this stuff which has, you know, been. Been taken away from us and make us literally free to do, to think, not to be afraid of all those horrible things around Us and also to be able to deal with them on a personal, human, societal, family level. Yeah, I, I completely agree with you. It’s, it’s. We. We are doing it. We’re basically breaking through from their system.
People come to us now for information. It is the. The mainstream media of old is basically collapsing on a massive level. All the people that were, uh, controlled within those systems are leaving. They’re, they’re moving. Some of them that didn’t like being controlled or moving out, like, you know, I don’t know. Some. Some of the people, they’re coming, they’re leaving. Tucker Carlson leaving and, you know, starting their own, uh, you know, uh, news organizations and so forth. Yep. Uh, that’s what we have done. Uh, so this is the thing that’s going to break them because they have to control us.
Every war, every. Everything that they do, every new, like the COVID vaccination, they have to convince everybody that they have to get that otherwise, you know, things are going to be taken away from them. They’re not going to have a job. All these things. All it took was just a few people to push back. Yeah. And then it started to collapse very quickly. And that’s what we have to get people to understand that we, the people always are the ones that they want to control, and they control us. Then they do with us what they will and they have done.
But once we see their patterns that we’re. We’re, you know, telling everybody about and helping people understand, then we break free from the system. And that is the thing that happens. And that’s what’s happening now. So it is. It is going to be amazing going forward. I mean, you have a massive following. When I have the ability to have audiences, I. I have massive following. I mean, I got shut down on YouTube. I was blowing YouTube up, and they shut me down. I came over Rumble, and I’ve been suppressed on Rumble and my channel. I had a person, a private channel, that came in and hacked it all up.
It’s like, it’s crazy. But when we do get the information out there, people are unbelievably awakening to it very quickly. Now, I think, again, one of the things, as you said, is personal responsibility. You have to say to yourself, you are responsible for you, and it all starts with you. So if you decide to get a vaccine, you are responsible for the effects. It wasn’t me. It was Trudeau. You are responsible as an adult for the decisions you make. And after responsibility, I think, comes integrity. Because once you take a responsibility, you have to be absolutely ruthless about who you associate with.
Because in this kind of an environment, with increasing lawlessness, increasing corruption. You know, we talked about the, the massive corruption again. You mentioned it in one of your interviews. The Bidens, the Obamas, the Clintons. I mean, it’s a totally corrupt system. They’ve stolen $52 trillion. The Comptroller General of the United States between 1998 and now, he can’t find $52 trillion. How the hell do you lose $52 trillion? You don’t lose it. It was stolen. It was stolen for black ops, all kinds of things. So there’s a lot of disruptions going on and we have to associate ourselves and, you know, see if you agree with me to the extent possible with people who have integrity, that means that they both competent and they’re moral.
And I think it takes one bad apple. You mentioned in the beginning of the interview, you have, you know, these people sometimes come into the group, let’s kill the man. Okay? You don’t want these people. You have one bad apple can destroy a group from within. Yep. Yeah, I completely agree with you. And I think that, you know, as the integrity, you know, people build their integrity, their own personal values and so forth, that’s. That’s going to continue to grow within them, seeing the different things that are taking them from their integrity. You know, your word, like the four agreements, your word is the most powerful thing that you have.
Yeah. Take responsibility for what you speak, you know, and what, what you say. If you say that that person made me get the shot, like you’re talking about, it’s like, no, you’re responsible for everything that happens to you. And when you start to see that it’s a ho’oponopono thing where, you know, you take responsibility, responsibility for everything. You see, I take responsibility for that. If there’s, you know, problems. I saw problems with COVID I spoke out about it because I took responsibility. I’m seeing that it’s my responsibility to speak out and help people see, you know, what I’m seeing.
So more people are doing that. I think it’s fantastic. It’s great. It’s a great bottom line. I think a personal character of the people around us matters because the higher the integrity, the greater the likelihood that your time and money will be respected. And so for a protection from low integrity can be the difference between life and death. Especially I think, standing again, as, as someone who comes from the elite of the elite in the military, who do you want covering your back? A guy who’s going to run, you know, the first some. When, when the first shot gets fired, you say, I don’t want anything to do with that guy.
You want somebody who’s going to have your back because it’s life and death. And I think also get serious about. We need to get serious about understanding and investing in our health. You cannot enrich a country by destroying the health of its population, which was what, what. Which is what has been done in the United States. I have never seen so many obese people. Okay. As I’ve seen in America. Because the health of a society cannot be measured by corporate profitability. Anyway, Michael, before we go, please, how can we follow your work, what things you want us to, you know, go to, how can we support you, etc.
Etc. Yeah. Thanks, Daniel. It’s great interview. I loved it. You know, talk about attracting people like mine. That’s. This is, this is it right here. We’re, we’re demonstrating it. But Michael, kjco.com is my website. I have all my stuff there. You can you follow me there, text to all my other programs and so forth. So perfect. Social media rumble, YouTube, Twitter, are you on them? Yeah, I’m on all that stuff. You can, you can pretty much. Michael Jayco, you look, you just put that in. Also my website, it has all the links. So. Michael Jacob is Michael J.
A C. Okay, Michael. And a K. J. Okay. Michael K. Jaco J. Ako for audience who may not speak English. In any case, our interview is also subtitled in Spanish. Michael, thank you so much for joining us. It was an honor. Let’s do this again. We have a lot to talk about. There’s a lot of bad people. We need to peel back. Okay, we do. Thank you, Daniel. Take care. Good luck to you. Bye bye. God bless.