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Hello there, Jersey. What’s going on? Have, have any of you guys. Did you, have you, have you ever seen that movie before? How many of you put it in the chat? How many of you. This was your first time ever seeing it? I’m curious because it was, I mean, it’s been, I can’t hardly believe that it was 25 years ago. So it’s just, it’s crazy to me that it, that this movie came out 25 years ago. The second time seeing it. Oh, no, he didn’t have many friends. He didn’t have any, he didn’t have very many friends.
I, I, But I did feel that it was, I felt like it was apropos play. Just, you know, after all, a lot of the, the JFK files were released, even though most of them weren’t that. I mean, there was from, from every, everything that I’ve seen from people out there that have talked about it say that it was a, it. The, I guess the, the, what they released was mostly stuff that’s already been released. Like there was very, there were very few revelations. But I, I don’t know. I, I honestly, I’ll be honest, I haven’t really paid that close attention to, to that.
I mean, there’s so, there’s so many freaking storylines to follow out there. It’s, it’s just, it’s just crazy. So. Oh, oh, you were so mad when this, you were in first grade when the Cuban Missile crisis happened. So you’re saying. Gotcha. Yeah, I, I, that’s, that is, that’s a very big possibility that we are seeing that with, with Ukraine. The. I just, but you know, I think in looking at what’s going on from, from a geopolitical situation, I’m, I’m kind of of the opinion that the, the stuff that’s happening with Russia and United States, that Trump and Putin essentially are leading the way to basically destroy NATO, the European Union, and very likely the United nations will follow.
Certainly if Trump makes A deal with Russia to help them technologically get out, you know, you know, get, you know, get out and process a lot of their rare earths. It’s going to make Russia a very, very wealthy country. It’s going to make the United States a very wealthy country. There’s going to be innovation on the likes of which we haven’t ever seen. And, you know, when. What I see with Trump is what he’s trying to do is to create a stable business relationship with all of these parties. Because when you have, when you have stability and commerce, you have, there’s, there’s a lot.
It’s, it’s less likely that you’re going to have war. And that’s kind of what. That’s, that’s, that’s my gut instinct. That’s what I think is happening. So. Well, you got to understand that Ukraine is basically a tool of the deep state. It’s. Ukraine does not represent the United States. Ukraine represents the deep state. They were. It was the deep state that did the color revolution back in 2014 to destroy the, to destroy all that, you know, you know, everything was going on over there in Ukraine. Get ready, you know, do a coup and replace the president.
And of course, you know, I’m sure everybody remembers the, the video of Biden at the Council on Foreign Relations when he was, when he said that, you know, let me find that, actually find that video. Let me see if I can, can locate it. Let’s see. Biden, cfr, you green process fired. Yep, here it is. Okay, let me share this. I remember going over convincing our team or. Hold on a second, change the audio. It’s coming out of the wrong place. Let me do this again here. There we go. Yeah. I remember going over convincing our team, our others to convincing us that we should be providing for loan guarantees.
And I went over, I guess the 12th, 13th time to Kiev, and I was supposed to announce that there was another billion dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t. So they said they had. They’re walking out to press conference. And I said, I’m not going to. We’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said. I said, call him. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting a billion dollars.
I said, you’re not getting a billion. I’m going to be leaving here. And I think it Was what, six hours? I, look, I said I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Oh, son of a bitch got fired and they put in place someone who was solid. So, yeah, nothing to see there. Nothing to see there at all. The, you know, obviously the, the prosecutor was looking into the corruption at Burisma where Biden had a. Biden’s son was. Or Hunter, I guess I can, I can say Hunter and everybody knows what I’m talking about.
Duh. But yeah, where, where Hunter Biden had a, what was it, like 50% stake in that whole thing? And then, but you know, what was it, 10% for the big guy or something like that? I don’t know. Yeah, quid pro Joe. Exactly. But, but yeah, so, yeah, real special ed Ukrainian, because human trafficking, bio labs, I mean, everything that was, that was dirty. Everything that’s dirty in the west, it’s kind of originated or not. I want to say that it originated, but, you know, but, but Ukraine was one of several places that were essentially like a ground zero for all that activity.
And you know, whether it be human trafficking, arms trafficking, you know, bio labs, you name it, any sort of nefarious activity, that’s where a lot of that stuff was going on. So no argument we pay for at all. Well, you know, I want to, I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but we, I guess in, in a, in a roundabout way, we pay for some of it. But you’ve got to understand that when the Federal Reserve was created, you know, it was signed into law in what, 1913, and it was, it really started to function.
I believe it was in, in 1920. Well, the federal Reserve is, I mean, they just print money or none of them printed anymore. They just hit a button on the computer screen and next thing you know, there’s a crap ton of money in an account someplace. And that is how the vast majority of money goes out. It’s not taxpayer dollars, taxpayer dollars that we pay the income tax. You know, the United American Citizens don’t pay enough income tax to cover the debt or to cover how much money the government borrows. And so the idea that it’s taxpayer money that’s going to fund all that stuff is not really accurate.
Again, in a roundabout way, because we still have to pay income tax to go to the irs that covers, you know, some of that debt. But I mean, what are we Like, I haven’t even looked at the debt clock recently, but the last time I looked, I think it was, well, we, we, we aren’t, the government is, and we aren’t responsible for, for the debt. The government is responsible for the debt. And then they, then. But what holds, that, holds that whole thing together allegedly is us paying income tax. So. But yeah, we run deficit at every, at every level.
So no, we’re not. Now, we’re not technically on the hook. I mean, they, that’s how they sell it. But I mean, if the United States defaulted on its debt, I mean, you know, they can’t, they’re not going to come after us. I mean, they may do what’s called a bail in. If certain banks collapse and they have to be liquidated to cover debts. You got to understand that the dollar or the Federal Reserve note is not a, it is not. I mean, it’s currency, but it’s, I mean it’s essentially a debt instrument. Every time a dollar is created, it’s not a dollar, it’s not considered an asset, it’s considered a debtor.
So, you know, assets are things that are positive on the books and things that are considered to be negatives, which are, you know, which is debt. Those are red. So, you know, we’ve been in the red and ever since day one of the Federal Reserve, we’ve been on the red because the Federal Reserve creates money and prints it out of thin air and charges the government interest for printing it. And if you’re creating $100 and you’re demanding that 110 be paid back with the interest rate, well, if you’ve only created 100, where are you going to get to 10? How can you pay 110 when there’s only 100 in existence? Or let’s just, or let’s, you know, make that number larger.
Let’s say that, you know, they’re loaning a million dollars out and you have to pay back 1 million. 1 million. $20,000. The $20,000, let’s just say the $20,000 is the interest on the million dollars. I don’t know, I’m just using theoretical numbers. But if you’ve only created a million, where are you going to come up for the 20? I mean, we always are in a debt situation. It was ultimately designed specifically for the purpose of making it crash. So the, you know, I mean, that, that, that, that, that’s what the Federal Reserve was designed to do.
It was designed, it was designed with the ultimate intention of the destruction of our country. I mean, that’s, in fact, if you go back and you look at one of the one of the like, like the 10 core tenants of, of a communist society. One of them is a central bank. So the, you know, you know, that’s one of the main, that’s one of them. That’s almost one of the biggest things that they need. So it’s, it’s. Yeah, it’s time. Well, I think the Fed is going to stick around, but it’s going to be, it’s, it’s going to be.
Yeah, exactly. Perpetual debt, perpetual war. I wonder if I can find this. Mike Maloney actually did a really good thing. See here, kind of describing. Let me see here. They say that money doesn’t grow. Let me see if I can find this here and see if it is what I think it is. Because I, I think this is. Yeah, I think this is it. So I’m only going to play, I’m going to play this from about 10 minutes in, but, you know, come on, where’s my mouse? Here we go. Let’s do a recap on this section because this is where the system begins to rob you and I on a massive scale.
Much of our taxes are not used for schools, roads and public services, but to pay interest on bonds that the Federal Reserve bought with a check drawn on an account that has nothing in it. The Federal Reserve is committing fraud. But here’s one of the biggest secrets of them all. Before the establishment of the Federal Reserve, there was no need for personal income tax. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 and that very same year the Constitution was amended to allow income tax. Do you really think this was just a coincidence? Ask yourself how much income tax you’ve paid over your lifetime.
Much of it has been silently siphoned away into the hands of those who own the system. Yes, this system has owners. Who they are is an even bigger secret that we’ll get to shortly. But first we need to understand the mumbo jumbo of the so called debt ceiling. It’s all based on a huge paradox. Now this is really important. This is probably going to be about two or three minutes and I’m gonna let it play. But this is, this is. And this is one of the things that JFK understood and that’s why he printed the silver certificates.
So, but here, here we go. There was interest due on that bond and there was interest due on every one of those loans that the banks made. That means that there is interest due on every dollar in existence. Let me ask you something. If you borrow the very first dollar into existence, and that’s the only dollar that exists on the planet, but you promise to pay it back plus another dollar’s worth of interest. Where do you get the second dollar to pay the interest? The answer is that you have to borrow that one into existence and promise to pay back with interest as well.
So now there are $2 in existence, but you owe four, and so on and so on. The result is there’s never enough currency to pay the debt. There is always more debt in the system than there is currency in existence to pay the debt. Therefore, the whole system is impossible. It is finite. It will come to an end one day. What would happen if the government stopped borrowing to do deficit spending? Are the payments on those treasury bonds going to stop? What would happen if the public stopped borrowing and going deeper into debt? Are your house and car payments going to stop? No.
There is a payment due every month on the principal plus the interest on every dollar in existence, and those payments do not stop. If we stop borrowing, then no new currency is created to replace the currency that we used to make those payments. Whether you’re making a payment on a loan or paying tax to make a payment on a bond, the portion of the payment that goes to pay off the principal extinguishes that portion of the debt. But the debt also extinguishes the currency. Currency and debt are like matter and antimatter. When they meet, they annihilate each other.
If we just pay off the principal only on all the loans and bonds that exist, the entire currency supply just vanishes. So if we don’t go deeper into debt every year, look what happens. The whole thing goes into a deflationary collapse under the weight of those payments. Politicians and pundits alike talk about balancing the budget, paying down the debt, and living within our means. They don’t understand that that is deflationary. It is impossible to do under our current monetary system without collapsing the whole economy. This is why any talk of a debt ceiling is not only ridiculous, it’s delusional.
The system is designed to require ever increasing levels of debt just to continue. All right, so I’ll, I’ll end it there, because that’s a good place to stop. But the, the point, the point he’s making here, and he’s absolutely right, is, is that, you know, how many times you guys heard about, oh, well, we, we’ve got it. We’ve, we’ve, We’ve got to extend the debt ceiling. We have to get. We have to extend the debt ceiling. Oh, you know, if you don’t extend the debt ceiling, the system basically collapses. So all the talk of debt ceiling and blaming, you know, all the conservatives are this or the Democrats are this or the.
Whatever. It’s all political theater. It’s always been political theater because there’s no other alternative other than to continuously extend the debt ceiling. You have to, because if you didn’t, then you would stay, it would stop. So it’s just, it’s a, it’s like a political football that they toss around and make people, you know, for theatrics, make it look like they’re actually doing something. But I don’t remember how we got. Yeah, can kicking exactly. I don’t even remember how we got into. Gotten talking about this because it really didn’t have anything to do with the but. Missile crisis.
But, but it’s, but it is, it is relative. Let me kind of go back up here and look, I know because we were talking about Ukraine and how they’re. And you know, well, the money that was going over to Ukraine. I’m sure a lot of you remember the whole, the situation with Sam Bankman Fried and ftx. Well, FTX was a crypto exchange that was set up by Sam Bankman Fried, whose parents were very good chum buddies with Gary Gensler and the whole Democrat establishment. They were professors at Stanford and they knew what they were doing. I just find it very interesting that it was, you know, the, the guy who really started that.
And I’m, some of you guys are, I’m probably, I’m, I’m probably repeating myself from things I’ve said in the past. But I think it, it bears repeating at this time just in case there’s new ears. That when, you know that when the, the thing that caused FTX to really collapse was the fact that Elon Musk hold, they call him cz Binance, his initials are CZ and he owns Binance. And Binance is the largest crypto exchange on the planet. And Elon told CZ to get his money out of, get his money out of, out of, out of the FTX exchange.
So he did, but when he did, he pulled it all out all at one time. And that essentially caused a run on the FTX exchange. And by causing a run on the FTX exchange, what it did was it caused a whole lot of people to lose a whole lot of money. But that was a funneling operation to send money out to Ukraine, launder it by putting it into the FTX exchange, buying crypto and then sending that back into the pockets of politicians. That was the whole scam. So when, when and Elon Musk was the one that stopped that.
I, you know, I don’t know how many people know that, but that was. Yeah, that was really the, the, the, the doing of Elon Musk behind the scenes, so. Which I think is, you know, knowing what we know now, how can you say that it, that it wasn’t that, that he, that wasn’t being done in coordination with, with the good guys? How do you know? You just, it’s, it’s, it, it kind of seems obvious to me, but that’s, that’s just me. It has something to do with one of the reasons that JFK was killed. Yes, he wanted to end the Fed.
He did well. And that’s. He wanted to, he wanted to get rid of. He wanted to get rid of. He want. He. That’s when he was starting to print the silver certificates. So. Yeah, I am too. I’m, I’m anxious with a list of who got kickbacks. I want to see that as well. See, we’re counterfeiters. If we put her own money. Well, kind of. But I mean, you know, if you go back and you look at the Constitution, we were never supposed to relinquish that. That was. Congress had control of who was responsible for printing the money, and they delegated that to the Treasury.
But that, you know, but that, that was a government institution and, you know, there was. There is no need for the, for the United States to borrow money from a private bank. There’s just no need for that. We have our own money. And, you know, prior to, you know, between the Civil War and the, you know, the end of World War I, right at the beginning, right about the time that the Federal Reserve was coming online, a dollar was a dollar, it pretty much stayed stable. I think, you know, when they started printing the money in with the Federal.
When they started using the money from the Federal Reserve, it got, it started to go. That’s when you started to get in. You know, you started to see things go up with inflation little by little. It was, it was very incremental at the beginning, but things did start to go up a little bit. But when you got into. You really didn’t start to get into the. Let’s see, I think when, when gold. At the beginning of 1981, I think gold was like, I think it was like $300 an ounce. Well, it was $20 an ounce in 1920.
I mean, you can buy, you can buy a, what they call a Saint Gaudens coin. I think it’s Saint Gardens, and those are no Saint Gardens are actually the, the silver coins. A silver eagle, I think, is what it is. You can buy a silver eagle, and those things are like, I mean, you’re paying for basically an. An ounce of silver right now. Which. Or an ounce of gold right now. Which gold went above $3,000 the other day? I don’t, I didn’t see what it was today, but I don’t know if it held above 3,000, but still worth a lot of money.
I mean, but. And that’s not true, actually. Gold isn’t. What’s. Gold isn’t worth $3,000. It. It literally costs $3,000 to now buy the same piece of gold that in 1920, it only cost $20. So it’s not necessarily that gold is worth more. Gold is the gold is the stable gold. Gold is the. Is the. That’s the thing that’s stable. It’s the dollar that is worth less, not gold that’s worth more. So. But anyway, I wanted to ask you guys, you know, redirecting the conversation back to. Back to the movie. Excuse me. Did any of you catch the scene where he talked about reading the book? Reading the book.
The. The Guns of August. That was very interesting. And if, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the book the Guns of August, it was essentially. It was essentially telling the story of how World War I got going. And essentially he was drawing the. He was drawing the parallel of. Thank you. And I appreciate that. He was doing the parallel of how when, you know, when all the orders went out and they couldn’t be rescinded, and, and because all the orders went out and on, all these troops got mobilized. I mean, the first. I think the first country to mobilize was Russia.
And then, I think the French mobilized. And then, I mean, it was, it was all. All these countries began to mobilize their military. And in fact, it was the. It was the Germans that were the last. They were the last country to mobilize their army. And they. The whole point of that was he was. He was trying to draw an. A parallel to the outset of World War I, to the potential of this war, you know, of the war that could have started. If you listen to. If you ever go back and have heard the Benjamin Friedman speech, he talks about a war, a third world War.
He talks about another war coming. But so does the, you know, so does the Pike Mazzini letter, you know, the Pike Mazzini letter, which is talking about, you know, the, you know, the three world wars that they needed to ultimately have control global Control of the population. And, you know, World War I began in 1914. It was, they say the cause was as a result of the Archduke Ferdinand getting shot and getting assassinated. I certainly, that played a role and that, that, that was one of the, that was one of the precipitating factors. But I think war was already on the minds of the people who wanted to push the war onto Europe, and the war was going to happen anyway.
That was just the kind of. It wasn’t a false flag because somebody actually did die, but that was the event that they used. But then there was a second war, World War II, and that was like, what, 20 years later. You had almost 20 years later, because it started in what, 19, 1939. So it was like 25 years later. Well, when World War II ended, it was 1945. When did this take place? This was 1963, I believe. I believe the Cuban Missile Crisis was in 63. Is it 63? I’m drawn A. Drawing a blank here. Let me see here.
Maybe I’m, maybe it was 62, because October of 63, that would have been right before he, he was shot. Is my thing taken forever. Let’s see here. 62. Okay, so it was 62, October of 62. So it was basically a year that, it was a year before he was killed, before he was assassinated. And he obviously. Yeah, 62. Thank you, guys. He obviously wasn’t, you know, Kennedy made, He, I mean, he made enemies across the board. He, he, he was, he made enemies with them, with the, with the, you know, with the CIA. He made enemies with the military, the Mafia, the, the, obviously the intelligence agencies and, and the, and the, you know, like FBI.
He made enemies with, he made enemies with Israel. He made, he made enemies everywhere. There was so many people. The Mafia, exactly. The central bankers. Well said. I mean, everybody, everybody was pissed off at Kennedy. So I still contend that it was very likely Israel was the primary thrust behind pushing for the Kennedy assassination. And I think that the CIA took the bullet in a way to deflect from it being Israel. From Israel being the prime instigator. Oh, what was the deal with Turkey? Okay, so the United States, when World War II was over and they started, they started doing.
They were developing missile technology. They had the Jupiter missile system. And let me pull some information up on that. I’m glad you asked that. I intended on looking that up before I went live. And I got. Excuse me. I don’t know why I’m sneezing so much tonight. All right, let me just go ahead. I’M gonna kill this and start it up again. I am not allergic to cats. No. That’s funny. Jupiter missiles. Okay, so the Jupiter missiles were a series of medium range ballistic missiles or what they call MRBMs, deployed by the United States during the, during the late 1950s and early 1960s.
They played a significant role in Cold War geopolitics, particularly in the Cuban missile crisis of 62. The missiles were developed by the United States army and later transferred to the Air Force. They had a range of about 1500 miles. They had a warhead of about that was like 1.4 megatons. And they were installed in Italy and Turkey basically to counter the Soviet threat. It was essentially the, the, the Jupiter missile was, it was like the, it was the Pershing missile before the Pershing missile came online. But they were, they were nuclear missiles that were put into Western Europe or Eastern Europe, whichever one you want to call it, to counter a Russian invasion.
You got to remember that had Russia ever decided to invade Western Europe, they would have overrun everything very rapidly because they outnumbered the Allies or the NATO. They, the Warsaw Pact outnumbered the NATO forces. Let me see here, let’s see here. What was the ratio of armed of men and machines, NATO versus Warsaw. Let’s see if that gives me something here. Okay, so for active personnel, and this is basically estimates during 1980s that would have probably been at the height. So the active personnel, NATO had 4 million. And that’s basically every, every country in NATO and Warsaw Pact had 6 to 7 million.
So it was a, about a 1 to a 1 and a half to a 1 to 2 ratio of, of, of men. Tanks you had, NATO had 25,000. Warsaw Pact had 50,000 plus. So that was a one to two ratio. Armored vehicles 60,000 to 75,000. So almost one to one but still give the edge to Warshaw pact. Artillery was 10,000 to 30,000, so it was a one to three ratio. Combat aircraft was 8,000 to 13,000, so it was about one to one and a half. Helicopters was 4,000 to 5,000. So almost even their naval, naval vessels was 1500 to 2000.
So it was like one to one. 1.3. And nuclear warheads deployed. We had, it was 12,000 to 11,000, so it was basically one to one there. And then it says the Warsaw Pact had numerical superiority, particularly in tanks, artillery and ground forces. NATO had technological and logistical advantages including superior air power, training and precision weapons. Nuclear weapons were roughly balanced with both sides relying on what they refer to as MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction to deter a Full scale war. Naval superiority depended on the region. NATO dominated in the Atlantic, where the Warsaw Pact had a much stronger Baltic and Black Sea presence.
But if World War three was going to be fought, it wasn’t really going to be fought in the Baltic or the Black Sea. It was going to be fought in the Atlantic. So anyway, that’s just some very, very. That’s very quick stuff that they talked about that I found just by doing a quick search. But, you know, the. There are several people in the movie, you know, characters. The. At the very beginning, I’m not sure if you remember when the guy who was playing Bobby Kennedy, he said, I think we should bring in Dean Acheson. And I just thought that was, you know, I, I thought that was really, really interesting that he said, hey, hey, we need to bring in Dean Atchison.
Dean Atchison. Oh my God, what a freaking, absolute dirtbag piece of shit. He was the Secretary of State under, under Truman. Under Truman. He was, he was, he was Truman’s Secretary of State in his second term, or actually his first, his only term that he served, that he was elected to. So from 49 to 53, he was. He was. Under Truman. He was. This is some of the, this is some of his key contributions. He was. He helped design the Marshall Plan. The Marshall Plan was basically the plan for America to completely rebuild Europe in their own image, in the image of America.
The Truman Doctrine, which advocated for containing communism, starting with United States aid to Greece and Turkey to resist Soviet pressure. He was involved with the formation of NATO. He strongly supported United States intervention in South Korea to stop the communist expansion. And he helped define the United States approach to the Soviet Union, leading to the long, long term containment strategy. And if you know anything about what, you know, the containment strategy, it was all what they did. They realized that they were not going to be able to defeat the Soviet Union militarily because they had too many numbers.
So the best thing they could do is to focus on a thing of containment. Well, knowing what I know now, this is all fucking charade, excuse my French, is all charade. This is two fake enemies looking, having the appearance that they wanted to go, you know, go at each other. But Dean Acheson was basically a freaking communist. I mean, for all intents and purposes, everything that he, you know what? That’s. I should really curtail the use of that term and call it, call him what he really was. He was a globalist. He was a globalist. He believed in, you know, he wanted global, global governance.
That’s what he wanted. So he, he subscribed to all the same policies that guys like FDR and, you know, all, all the political figures of that day that advocated for that stuff. Well, you had Atchison, they brought in Atchison. And, and, and, and then he had, and you heard what he said at the very beginning. He’s like, well, because he was at that first meeting and he said, you know, the, the Soviet only recognizes, you know, one thing, respects one thing, and that’s force. So, but he said, you know, your first step will be to, what do you say your first step will be? To try to get them to withdraw the missiles.
You know, if you can, if you can have a political solution, that would be ideal. But if that’s, if that’s not going to happen, then what you’re going to have to do is you’re going to have to invade the island. And if you invade the island, then what’s going to happen there is that they’re going to, they’re going to attack Berlin. And then he says, then, then at that point, we’re going to honor our treaty, treaty negotiations, defeating the Russians per our plans, which, as Kennedy rightfully said, well, those plans call for the use of nuclear weapons.
And you know, I mean, you know, Kennedy, there’s, there’s. Kennedy did not want a nuclear war. He just didn’t want a nuclear war. Let me see here. I’m gonna look at some of the comments here. Climate change. Thank you, Lynn. I appreciate it. My, my cat is beautiful. I, I had to put him out, though, because he just was, he was all over me. You know, the one thing about, one thing about him, he’s, he is, he is the most finicky eater I have ever. I’ve never had a cat that was more finicky than him. He just, you put something down for him and he’ll sniff at it, maybe look at it a little bit, and then he’ll look at you and start crying that he wants more.
Something else. I want something else. So I just, I’ve gotten to the point now where I put food down and if they don’t eat it, well, tough. But then they, he is, he’s kind of, he’s, he’s funny because I was sitting at my desk earlier today and I heard this kind of, this crash and he had gone up or. I have several different types of dry food out for them so they can eat during the day if they want. I know there’s multiple philosophies on free feeding cats. I know. But anyway, these guys are always hungry.
It’s a losing battle no matter what. But in any event, I heard this crash and he literally was like, he wanted. I think the food didn’t. It was like one of those dispensers and there wasn’t enough food. He’d eaten all the food that was in the bottom of the dispenser and it was kind of stuck. And he literally pulled that thing off. I have, like, on a little, like a little shelf or whatever, and he. He pulled that thing off and it. He knocked the whole dang thing over. So, I mean, he’s. He’s very determined, but he’s.
He’s an awesome, awesome cat. But anyway, I digress. Let’s see. Comments minded. But I don’t understand why we give up our children’s lives for some, Some curry. How about I keep my kids? I don’t know. Where’d you. Where you got the. I’m. I’m lost on that there, Ed. I’m not really sure I get that one. But, but you know, everybody. Almost. Almost every single person in the cabinet of, Of Kennedy, they were all like. They were all globalist. McGeorge, Bundy, Dean Rusk. Let’s see, the secretary of defense. McNamara. Yeah. I mean, you know what you want.
So McNamara. McNamara, I think, was one of the only ones who stuck around after Kennedy was assassinated. He stuck around and he was. He. He remained the Secretary of Defense for, for lbj. And then when he got done with that, you know where he went. Does anybody know where he went when he got done with that? Without looking it up, if, you know, off the top of your head, do you know where. Where or McNamara went? I’m trying to see if you guys, if anybody knows. No, he didn’t go to Ford. He. He was. I think he came from Ford before he became Secretary of Defense.
Oh, okay. He. Yes, exactly. No, he. He was. He. I think he was at Ford prior to working to coming for the government. But after. After he was done with his duties as Secretary of Defense, he became the President of the World Bank. So, yeah, I say here. So he became president of World bank in 1968 through 1981, focusing on poverty reduction. Well, we all know what that means. Whenever they’re doing something that is where it’s like a war on poverty, that just means that they’re just increasing the poverty. He’s later criticized. He later criticized US Foreign policy, especially in Vietnam and Iraq.
Rich. He’s the one who freaking foot all that shit. Yeah, failing up. Exactly. Failing upwards. But, yeah, he was. He he was, he was a, he was a piece of shit. I’m, I’m no fan of, of, of McNamara and he was the one who, McNamara in a way is the one who led to the creation of the F14. So that was, you know, he didn’t create the F14 but he tried to force the, the F111 onto both the as, as a, as a kind of like a combination fighter bomber to go for both the Navy and the, and the Air Force.
Well, the Navy, after testing it, they didn’t want the F111. Ultimately that’s what led the Grumman to come out with the F14. And that was, and of course then that, that became the air superiority fighter that took over for the F4. And talk about an amazing aircraft. I love the F14. My favorite, probably my favorite plane ever and will always remain my favorite plane. So the, but yeah, anyway, magnumar, it was a douchebag. So, so that mean all these guys, they were all cfr, they were all Council on Foreign Relations. In fact, let me see here.
How many of JFK Cabinet were CFR members? See, many members of JFK’s cabinet were members of this Council on Foreign Relations. Dean Rusk, Secretary of State Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense Douglas Dillon, Secretary of the Treasury Luther Hodges, Secretary of Commerce Robert Kennedy. I didn’t know Robert Kennedy was in the cfr. Attorney General, some sources suggest honorary or an indirect affiliation, but not an active CFR member. Okay, now that makes a lot more sense. Other high ranking CFR members in JFK’s administration. McGeorge Bundy, who is the national security adviser. John McCloy, presidential advisor and Arms Control Negotiator Walter Rostow, Deputy National Security Advisor George Ball, Undersecretary of State, Ava Harriman, Assistant Secretary of State for Eastern Asia and Pacific Affairs.
So yeah, so there was, there was a lot of people that were, that were on that were CFR and CFR was essentially the CFR was created in what, 1919, 1920, just after just post World War I. And the, the, the CFR was, was very instrumental in kind of like dictating foreign policy for the government of the United States. It was, it basically was the Global Director of what was, what was going to happen in the world. That was what they, that was what the CFR’s job was. I don’t know if you, if you guys have ever heard or seen the, the clip of Hillary Clinton when she said oh yeah, I have to go up to New York to get my, my order, my Marching orders.
But now I don’t have to do that anymore. Let me see if I can, let me see if I can find that clip too, because that was really. Yeah. Not that I like hearing Hillary Clinton, but let’s see, let’s see if I can find that. Yeah, here we go. Mindset about how America will use its power to safeguard our nation, expand shared prosperity and help more people in more places live up to their God given potential. Potential President Obama has. That’s not the one I wanted. Let’s see. See, maybe this is it. So let me say it clearly.
The United States can. Yeah, that’s not the one. All right, well, how would it, I’m not going to try to, I gotta, I don’t know, I don’t even, I don’t even like looking at her. So even if it’s her or not, but whatever. Do I think she’s gone? Is that the question? You think that hag is gone? I don’t know. I, I’ll tell you this. It’s interesting to see pictures of her or videos of her or the, or somebody purporting to be her. She, it’s, it’s like every time you see her, she either looks old or haggity or, or young or, I don’t know, short, fat, thin, whatever.
She’s, there’s always, it’s always something different, right? And there’s a, and there’s a, an account on X or ever that, that, you know, that she, that she allegedly posts on. But is it really her? I don’t know. I don’t know. But, but there definitely is, there’s definitely a legitimate question as to whether or not it’s actually really her. But I mean, you know, I’m sure, I mean, how many of you guys remember seeing a picture of Bill Clinton at the 2016, what was it? The, the, the DNC when Hillary was, was made to be the, the, the nominee.
I mean, he looked like he was on death’s door and that was what, nine years ago? I mean, come on. So, yeah, I know. I, I, I can’t disagree there, Ed. Real special Ed says. I’ll say. So does Trump. Sometimes he really is orange. Sometimes he’s thin. Yeah, it’s, it’s, I mean, I can’t deny that there are times when you think that, you know, I, man, I don’t know. I do not know. I don’t have an answer for that. I have no idea. And something that I, if I can’t say definitively one way or the other, then I Generally am going to leave it alone because I don’t know, I can’t, I can’t answer with authority or I can, I can guess, I can guess that, that he may have, he may have somebody.
But I, and I do believe body doubles are real. I absolutely believe that body doubles are real. So. But I also think that while body doubles are real, I don’t necessarily think that the, when you get somebody to put, if you’re going to put Trump into a situation where he’s going to be speaking to the media at length, I don’t believe that anybody that, like any. I don’t believe that is a double because you can’t have somebody that doesn’t think like Trump does and put him in front of a camera because you don’t know what you’re going to get.
Trump’s just going to say, okay, thanks, and move on. They’re not going to put anybody other than Trump’s brain in front of the media, in my opinion. So whether or not there’s a body double and the guy looks different, I don’t know. I think it’s possible and highly likely, especially since, you know, there’s been so many attempts on his life. So somebody. Yeah, I’ve heard that Ed somebody is as his big brother, because he ever saw the. Some. We’ve never seen his brother or something like that. And I, I have heard that it’s, that it could potentially be his brother.
It’s probably, it’s that it’s, that’s probable or possible. I, you know, I, I don’t know. I, I hate using the word probable, but possible is more accurate, I think. But I don’t know. You know, you know, Trump has always had an enormous amount of energy. I mean, he only sleeps like, what, three or four hours a night. And I mean, he’s always going, oh, I know. I understood what you were saying, Ed. I got it. I didn’t think you were saying that either, but I have heard that. Well, okay, you’re so says. I’m saying Trump is an idea.
Okay, let’s run with that for a second. I, I don’t know if I agree with that 100%. I think Trump is much more than an idea. I think Trump is an individual who possesses certain strength that very few people have. You know, I mean, let’s, you know, in certain ways, I tend to think that it’s possible that he was groomed for this role. I mean, a lot of people talk about how, you know, he was identified very early on. You know, he got to be kind of buddies with Nixon. But I mean, if you and, or he met Nixon anyway and then what.
Apparently Nixon kind of tutored him a little bit. But, you know, he’s, his life has been very squeaky clean in many respects because they, they, if, if they knew that he was going to be in this position there, they, they would have had to have done everything they could to make sure that he was, he was squeaky clean. You know, the, I, I, you know, some people think he’s racist and I, you know, I, I categorically reject the notion that he’s racist. I don’t believe he’s racist at all. He is, you know, these, he’s done way too many things, you know, for the black, the black community for, for them to label him as racist.
But, you know, they’ve done a, they’ve done an effective job at, you know, pounding that into the heads of, of people to, you know, and, and putting out news stories. But yeah, no, there’s, he is, and he’s not racist at all. I mean, in fact, he’s, he’s probably more at home working and being around common people than he is being around elite people. I mean, the dude grew up in Queens. And I don’t know if you guys have ever heard the, like, the, Dan Bongino, how he describes like the different boroughs. Let me see here. Let me see if I can find that.
Let’s see. I’m actually going to put this into, into the other thing because I can’t, it’s not giving me any results that I want here. Let me see here. Sorry. I’m doing this, I’m doing this on a search. People in the five boroughs. Let’s see if that pops up. Dan Bongino has, okay, yeah, here you go. This is perfect. I wish I could actually find the video of him describing this, but this is, this is true. So Dan Bongino has occurred, occasionally discussed the characteristics of people from the five boroughs of New York City. Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island.
And for those of you who, who don’t know what that means, I’m, I’ve never really been to New York, but, but, but the, the boroughs are basically counties, if I understand it correctly. For those of you, New Jersey. I know you, I know you could tell me if I’m right on that, but those, it’s, those are, it’s like instead of the, instead of New York City being in one county, it’s like New York City has five counties. That’s the way I understand it. This is often with a mix of personal anecdotes, political commentary and humor. While he doesn’t have a definitive list, his general take aligns with common stereotypes and cultural traits.
Each of each. And here’s a general breakdown of how, of how people from each borough are often described. So Manhattan, they’re described as hustlers and elites. They’re fast paced, high energy, career driven, you know, home to Wall street media moguls, high powered professionals. And it’s a mix of old money elites from the Upper east side and downtown, creatives in SoHo, Greenwich Village, and often seen as the center of the world, leading to some arrogance. Then you have Brooklyn. Well, Brooklyn is the hipsters and the old school New Yorkers. Once dominated by working class families, now a mix of gentrified hipsters and longtime residents.
Neighborhoods like Williamsburg are known for trendy cafes, art scenes and tech startups. Still blue collar, tough as nails communities. In places like Bensonhurst and East New York, there’s a strong sense of pride and neighborhood loyalty. And Brooklynites don’t really leave Brooklyn. Queens, the most diverse and down to earth. The most diverse and down to earth in New York City. Home to immigrants from basically every corner of the world. A mix of middle class homeowners, hardworking families and small business owners known for being practical, no nonsense sense and neighborly people. Mind their own business, but help but, but help when needed.
And they’re, they’re less flashy than Brooklyn or Manhattan and more grounded in community. Now one thing that he says in here, one thing that he says that is not listed in this is he talks about how Queens. I’ll come back to that in a second. So the Bronx is tough and resilient. The birthplace of hip hop, Yankee Stadium and deep cultural history. People from the Bronx are often described as tough, street smart and resilient. Histor struggled with crime and economic issues, but has a strong sense of pride and loyalty. And then you’ve got Staten island and those are the outsiders and conservatives.
Often called forgotten borough. Staten island is suburban and much more conservative than the rest of New York City. Many, many residents there like firefighters, cops, city workers, and they commute to Manhattan. It has very much an us versus them mentality towards the rest of New York City, often feeling overlooked. Okay, but, but Queens, what he says about Queens is, is that Queens has, and, and correct me if I’m wrong here, Jersey, correct me if I’m wrong. But, and this is according to Bongino, he says that cream Queens, the, the people in Queens have this kind of the in this inferiority complex with all the rest of New Yorkers, it’s like they’re the bastard stepchild.
They are. You know, they, they have like this attitude where they have to prove to everybody that they belong. And he says that’s Trump. Yes, he has to, he feels like he has to prove that he belongs. And he’s had that chip on his shoulder forever. So. And, and that, you know, that kind of motivates him and pushes him to do the things that he does. So again, that’s not, that’s not me talking. That’s, you know, I used to, back in the shoot 10 years ago, I used to listen to Bongino every day. In fact, there was, I don’t know how many of you guys ever listen to Bongino when he, when he first started his podcast.
But you know, he used to play a lot of like interesting little clips, you know, sound clips that he had. Him and producer Joe. Well, I was the one that sent a lot of them to him, a lot. And he would always, and he actually, he say, rod P. Ron P, I need this, I need this, I need, I need this sound. I need this sound. And you know, so I think the one that was the most famous that I ever sent him was Ma the meatloaf. And then he ultimately made a shirt out of that one.
So I, I thought that was kind of funny. But anyway, but the, you know, so, so Trump, Trump kind of, you know, he, he emulates that, that, that stereotype of kind of like, you know, people from Queens being inferior and having this chip on the shoulder that they have to prove themselves to, you know, that they actually belong in New York. So, so I’m right. Yes, yes, Jersey, I’m right. They are, they’re almost Long Island Queens you’re talking about. So, but let’s see, I brought my dad, 92 year old dad, a book about Brooklyn, first birthday.
Brooklyn, right. Yeah. But anyway, well, the point is that Trump is, you know, he has a certain, he has certain characteristics and traits that may be good, maybe bad, but he is a master at snatching victory out of the jaws of defeat. I mean, he never loses and you can’t really find dirt on him. There’s nothing that he’s done in his life that is, that could be considered like really, really, like, like horribly bad. So I don’t know, I’m just, I’m, I’m kind of convinced that, that he was, like I said, he was chosen for this role, identified for this long ago.
You know, I don’t Know how many of you recall when I had Dave Von Kleist on, I interviewed him about the, the documentary 911 in plain sight. And he told a very interesting story to me one time about how he and the gal that he was working with, what was her name, Joyce Riley, they were invited and in fact it was actually said on the invitation they were strongly, it was strongly urged to come to a meeting someplace down in Texas where they went and it was like a, like a hotel gathering, like a conference room or whatever.
And they, these, these people identified themselves as, as basically a military operation that was working behind the scenes to, you know, basically take the country back because it had been hijacked and had been hijacked for quite some time. And you know, and even, even my king talks about that. You know, he talks about like a, a special military unit that goes back all the way to, well, you know, into World War II. You know, I talk about when the VENONA intercepts were released. So there’s, so there’s always been this element that has operated kind of behind closed door, you know, behind the scenes very clandestinely that is, that are American patriots.
And with the advent of the Internet, the, all of the technology with you know, cell phones and all this other stuff, I mean, this is kind of what Joe N. Talks about in his video. The, the. The plan to save the world. It’s like once they, once they put all this net, this, this, this net into place, now they have the ability to strike back because they were just as trackable as everybody else on the planet. So taking all that, all that into consideration, Trump at the time, it’s like now he’s, now he’s ready to go.
And that was when they, that was when they ran him. He, they. They thought that he might run in 2012, but he didn’t. But in 2016 it was time. And that was when they pulled the trigger and that was when they began to do, to work this plan. And, and this is, this has been something, you know, if, if you subscribe to that, it’s been something that has been in, in place and planned for, for decades. So whether that’s true or not, I can’t say. I tend to believe there is a lot of validity to it.
But the, let’s see what say a, if a plan, why all the crap happening around the country near fires account a plan wouldn’t good guys know? Well, maybe Mel. But you know, there are certain things that have to go on in order to wake people up. And I don’t Say that I don’t think anybody really wants there to be collateral damage. But, but, you know, I mean, you know, things happen. And I don’t, I don’t, I don’t mean that in a cold hearted, callous way. Not at all. You know, there’s, there’s been lots of events that have occurred in history where, you know, there’s massive amounts of destruction and I can’t really say.
I don’t know. I don’t know. The new, The North. North Carolina floods. Yes. Fires in California, Lahaina, you know, just so many good things. But, you know, I remember there was a, There was a story about World War II where the British actually had intercepted, they had the, they had the German Enigma and they had intercepted a plan for the Germans. They knew the Germans were going to be bombing the city of Coventry, I believe it was Coventry. And they actually allowed the bombing to occur even though they knew the planes were coming. They allowed the bombing to occur because they didn’t want to give the Germans any idea that their codes had been broken.
So they literally, it was, it was a matter of, you know, what was the greater good in their mind. And the greater good in their mind was to allow the city to be bombed and people to die so that they could continue to receive traffic of, you know, be, you know, that was going on between, you know, parties or be, you know, around the German military. So, you know, I, I don’t know. I don’t know the answer. But, you know, there’s, there’s, there’s a lot of different things that happen out there that we cannot explain. And, you know, I don’t even try to, I’m not even gonna try to explain it.
That’s because I don’t know. So. But anyway, well, guys, I’m an hour and 15 minutes into this. I didn’t really think I was going to be going that far, but I hope you liked the movie. I really didn’t see a lot of questions about the movie, but I did want to make, I did kind of want to point out that, you know, how surrounded JFK was by all these, you know, you know, a lot of the, the people in the movie that were, that were, you know, like, you know, his friends there or his, you know, his cabinet members.
They were all. A lot of them were, A lot of them were, you know, they weren’t, they weren’t. They, they were, they were globalists. They were globalists. Oh, one last thing I did want to touch on as Khrushchev, you know, Khrushchev was the. Khrushchev took over after Stalin died. And I don’t remember what year Stalin died, but it was the. I want to say it was the early 50s and Khrushchev took over. And when Khrushchev took over, he was not nearly as hard line as. As Stalin was. Stalin was very brutal, cold. He was. He was paranoid.
He just. He just was. I mean. I mean, he was. He was just a. He was a brutal dictator. Khrushchev, when he took power, was. He was also. He was hardliner, but he wasn’t nearly the hardliner that Stalin was. And he actually wanted to have better relations with the United States. And murderous is a very good word. Yes, bsm, a very good word. But. But Khrushchev was. I think Khrushchev was. He. He didn’t want to have war with the United States. He wanted to have better relations with the United States. And he was never really the same after.
In fact. Let me see when. Let’s see here. Nikita Cruz. Yeah, let’s see what. So he came to power in 1953. They had the destalinization in 1956, Cuban missile crisis in 62, and then said that he. We were gonna see. No. And then in 1964, he had downfall and removal. So it was like two years after that. So he faced opposition from hardliners in the Communist Party and military. In 64, he was ousted in a party coup led by Leonid Brezhnev and retired. He spent the final years under house arrest writing his memoirs. So Brezhnev, who was much more of a hardliner than Brezhnev, wasn’t as bad as Stalin, but he was much more of a hardliner than.
Than Khrushchev was. And anyway. Yeah, but a lot of people feel like the, The. The fact that he wasn’t willing to stand up to the United States with the. They felt like that the. The Russians didn’t really come out on top with the. In the Cuban Missile crisis. They felt like. They felt like that was. That was a loss on the. On. On the world stage. So. But as I said, his legacy and impact. He ended Stalin’s terror, but his leadership was seen as erratic. His key with missile crisis miscalculation was seen as a major embarrassment.
He played a major role in the space race and pushed the Soviet for. He pushed Soviet global influence, and he was remembered as a bold but flawed leader. These policies were often inconsistent and unpredictable. So. But a good friend of mine, actually, he. He. He got to meet. I think that was one of Khrushchev’s granddaughters. And, you know, the. Apparently behind the scenes, he was, he, he wasn’t, you know, and in terms of a family man, he wasn’t as bad. But Khrushchev, as he rose to power under Stalin was he. If they, they would have like these quotas that they would like, they have to, you know, certain amount of people that they’d have to like, do away with, you know, kill, you know, in, in Stalin’s reign of terror.
And he always would like, he’d always go above and beyond. So if like, let’s say the quota was like 5,000 people for the month, then he’d go like 7,000. He would always do more than what was asked of him to show his devotion because he was power hungry. But once he actually got into power, he was, he was, he was very much. They called it erratic here. So, yeah, I would have said, you know, Jekyll and Hyde, but that’s, that’s kind of who he was. So thank you. Real special. I appreciate that. I could pick your brain all night as well as in the chat.
All right, guys. Well, yeah, he did like his vodka. That is true. Tell me a Russian that doesn’t, though. They all love their vodka. Keeps them warm. So. All right, y’all, y’all enjoy your evening and your weekend. And I will, I’ll see you when I see you. So I will, I will say this. I got a call from Ghost earlier today and apparently he is, he has a. A family member. I think it’s a. It’s like, it’s an in law of some sort, like a sister in law or something like that. But this, this, this individual is on their.
They’re not doing very well and I, I think basically they’re saying death is imminent. So he is, he’s getting on the road early to early tomorrow morning to head up to. He said he’s got about a 12 hour drive to get to where he’s got to go. So he may or may not be here on Monday night. If he isn’t, I will have something. So even if I kind of come on and do it myself, I’ll, you know, build. There’s not going to be a shortage of stuff to talk about. So. But anyway, on that note, guys, thanks for kicking it with me here tonight and you all enjoy the remainder of your evening and I look forward to seeing you when I see you.
So have a good night, everybody.