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I’m going to produce a little bit more evidence than either one of us have talked about in the past that no one’s considering. Unless your name would be Nick Baggage. He knows. If you were a member of the Secretary, or, excuse me, The State Department 30, 40 years ago, you would know. If you were a member of The United Nations 40 years ago, 50 years ago, you would know. You would know what I would know. And you would know as well. If you were elite member of the Air Force, going back almost 30 years ago, you would know.
In fact, one of my best military sources knew some of these things firsthand. And because he wasn’t on board with mass civilian destruction, he was shown the door. He still stays in the shadows. I’m hopeful one day he’ll come out. But this is going to be a revelatory presentation. And let there be no doubt, although we have our man in the White House, we have great people behind him. Pam Bondi, soon to be Josh Patel. You look at the great people, RFK junior. These people are slash and burn. But it may not be enough. We may have to hunt these people down who are doing these things and eradicate them, because this is war.
It’s. And we’re talking national self defense. They are after your food supply. They are trying to starve America into submission. Oh, there’s other plots they have, too. This is one of the main ones. Henry Kissinger once said, if you control oil, you control nations. If you control the food, you control the people. My name is Dave Hodges. I’m the host of the Common Sense show. We are the show that is freeing America one enslaved mind at a time. Thank you so much for joining us. I want to talk to you about. This is pretty amazing. I want to talk to you about a dual opportunity with Noble Gold.
If you’re worried about just hanging on to what you got and maintaining value, you want to get your retirement out of the bank and back it with precious metals. Do you know how to do that? Probably not. Noble Gold does if you don’t want your assets stolen in the bank. Same answer. And then finally, if you’d like to move ahead as an investor. Oh, we have the answer. It’s really easy. It’s plain sight right in front of your face. Gold is going to surpass $3,000 an ounce before long. Silver is ready to explode. It is the primary mineral in a lot of high tech AI and that ain’t going away.
That price is going to go crazy. My friend Colin Plume, the CEO of Noble Gold, wrote a book. You can get it at Amazon. It’s called Silver is the New Oil. And he projects that more millionaires and billionaires are going to be created from this one aspect than any other in history. I agree with him totally. In fact, actually I was saying the same thing and we said, colin, we need to do a show together about this. And we did. And we’re going to do another one and we’re going to cover this as part of many other topics next week.
I believe it is March 4, a little over a week. All right, how do you get a hold of Noble Gold? How do you let them help you? Go to davehodgesgold.com, put your email in, I’ll send you out an information packet which reinforces and expands on what I’m telling you here. And then Noble Gold’s number will be there. Then you call them, say Dave Hodges said I should call because I’m worried about whatever your concern is. And they’ll say, yeah, we know Dave really well and glad you came. And they’ll answer all your questions, but they will never, ever, ever try to sell you.
You have to close your own deal, literally and figuratively. DaveHodgesGold.com is where you want to go. I’ve extensively researched weather modification because I saw the potential. I saw the potential as Dane Wigginton so adeptly covers with geoengineering, which is designed to destroy the planet and to create the false narrative of climate change. And I do mean destroy the environment. Dane is concerned as I’ve interviewed him a few times. He, he says that we’re on the eve of destruction. I think he might be right, but I went in a different direction with it and I wanted to look at weather modification as the ability to wage war, another element, a force multiplier as they call it in war.
And I’m going to share with you a compilation of research that I have done over almost two decades. On weather modification. Air Force owning the Weather 2025 is the sine quinon of this concept. I was provided this information as was open source intelligence. But I would never have found it without help. And I had help from very high level source. I was provided these documents. Air Force owning the weather 2025 as a force multiplier. The document covered the manufacturing of earthquake causing weapons which details how the Air Force has long planned to act enact earthquake, excuse me, earthquakes, hurricanes and other weather phenomena to bring a country to its knees.
This is directly from the document and I’ll show you excerpts of it in just a moment. There are strong implications that have come from multiple sources which speak to the fact that martial law, I. E. Continuity of government would be declared and the real agenda of a false flag weather event would be acted out. Okay. Then I encountered Nick Begich. Dr. Nick Begich wrote the sine quinon of all books on this, Angels don’t play this harp. And he presented 12 patents that prove the Air Force has the capability to alter weather systems. And if you have visual ability on this, and not just audio, you can see the COVID of the book displayed here.
Angels don’t play this harp. Advances in Tesla technology. Published in the 90s. I’ve worn my copy out. It’s just absolutely amazing. You can get it today. I think I saw this on Amazon recently. You can get it today for under $4. But it’s just as relevant then and now it’s the same. It’s so bad. Anyway, the 12 patents listed in Begich’s book described ideas that were originally controlled by Arco Power Technologies Incorporated, APTI for short, a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Company, one of the biggest oil companies in the world. APTI was the contractor that built the HARP facility.
Now let me just get into this very quickly. What is harp? You’ve seen the pictures, undoubtedly if you’ve been coming to these sites for any length of time. It’s an array of antenna that was originally located in Gakona, Alaska. Well, Nick lives in Gakona, Alaska, was able easily to gather information and this is when he discovered, as he did lit search, 12 patents that change the weather. Now we’re leading to a conclusion here with regard to our agricultural supply and the attack upon the food supply. So I want to make sure that you understand where we’re going.
We’re just not information giving willy nilly. Okay? Now ARCO sold harp. And you know what’s interesting though? Jesse Ventura went there and I just had this sudden flash in the old show conspiracy theory. Around 2010, Jesse Ventura’s team went to Gakon, Alaska and they were filming Harp from outside the facility. They were confronted by military officials. But wait a minute. This was owned by Arco and then they sold it to E Systems in June of 1994. So E Systems gets the support of the Defense Department. Wow. Pretty amazing. Now E Systems is one of the biggest intelligence contractors that works for the CIA and other defense intelligence organizations.
$1.8 billion of their annual sales in 1994 went to these organizations with 800 million for black secret projects like this. Often these projects are so secret Congress isn’t even told how the money is spent. Well, that’s hardly a surprise given what we know now about usaid, which I’m sure has their finger in this pie. I’ve not had, I’ve not found it, but I’m sure they do. E Systems was bought out by Raytheon, which is one of the largest defense contractors in the world. Now the only reason Raytheon would buy this is because it’s weaponized. That’s the only reason.
Raytheon is about war and war only. So this is very, very, very revealing. In 1994, Raytheon was listed as number 42 on the Fortune 500 companies. They have thousands of patents, some of which will be valuable in the harp project. The 12 patents that I mentioned as the backbone of HARP project are now buried among thousands of others in in the name of Raytheon. Now here I’m going to give you an example. Bernard Eastland’s U.S. patent number 4,686,605, entitled Method and apparatus for altering a Region in the Earth’s atmosphere, Ionosphere or magnetosphere? Oh my gosh. If you want to bring the planet to its knees, hamper with a magnetosphere.
Because this is what happens when you get into a full blown pole shift. And it’s thought that it’s destroyed the earth four times before and the Earth has had to regenerate itself with a few survivors that were left, usually nearer the equator. Wow, this is amazing. Okay, so let’s go down here and let’s look at what the Wall Street Journal had to say. In 1992. They reported that a Russian company called Elate Intelligence Technologies has weather control equipment for sale and uses the advertising slogan of Weather made to order. Igor Pergoroff, the director of the company, said Elate is capable of fine tuning weather patterns over a 200 square mile area for as little as $200 per day.
And this was from the Wall Street Journal. This was a news report. The article recounts an offer by the Russians to aid Malaysia. And I’ve reported on this many times. To create a typhoon to. To dissipate a palace smoke that hung over the country and still does, caused by burning large sections of rainforest in Indonesia and Sumatra. To quote from the article, Datuk Law Heng Ding, Malaysia’s Minister of Science and Technology at the time said his country would use special technology to create an artificial cyclone to clean the air. The following link that I listed in another article showed this very clearly.
Okay, this all came out of history, written into Air Force only. The weather 2025. Okay, now there’s more. My search of patents discovered this. An 1891 patent for a method for producing rainfall described as elevating confined liquid liquefied carbon acid gas into the upper regions of the atmosphere and releasing it through an explosion, resulting in the gas rapid evaporation, chilling the atmosphere, producing a cloud capable of rainfall. This sounds like chemtrails. I think this is the first generation of chemtrails. Now, it goes on to say a potentially early form, what would later be known as cloud seeding.
Now, when I was a kid growing up in Denver, we had cloud seeding in the 60s and 70s to produce early snowfall so the ski resorts could make more money. Okay, but I want you to look at the year of the patent. 1891. My math is right. That’s 134 years ago. How far have they come? In 2001, a patent was requested for a hurricane and tornado control device that described using audio generators to project sound waves through the edges of a weather system in a manner that would disrupt, enhance or direct its formation. USA Today reported that this product was never created.
That’s called a cover story. Experts said the invention would have consequences such as damaging the hearing of people that would use it. Okay. Excuse me. You ever heard of Agent Orange? It’s an environmental modifier that destroys jungle foliage to expose the Ho Chi Minh trail of resupply from North Vietnam to South Vietnam. There were several of these trails they listed as one. There were several. The soldiers that used the Agent Orange, the ones on board the planes that would disperse the chemicals were not immune. Many of them died soon after the war from cancer. So taking that example from the 70s and applying it back to what they say here, they would never use, the product was never created because it would damage humans.
Since when has that ever got in the way of a CIA project? And that’s what we’re talking about. Here. Never. Never. A patent has to show efficacy to be approved. In other words, the damn thing has to work. Obviously this worked and human safety has never been a barrier in military operations. Okay, I’m going to give you a technology aspect here too. This isn’t just about hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes and rainfall which works basically by moving the jet stream. We’ve seen the cloud seeding first generation chemtrail, but it gets a lot worse. And this is where one of the people I know left this project because of this abstract from Air Force owning the weather 2025.
I’m going to read directly this technology abstract is a submittal to the general public. The views expressed in this abstract are strictly those of the author. Do not reflect official policy. That’s called plausible deniability. So it does not reflect official policy, position or programs of the United States Air Force Department of Defense or the US Government. Distribution A Approved for public release Distribution Unlimited Document ID Number 800,062 Technology Abstract Title the Earthquake Weapon destruction Ultrasonic or acoustic weapons used to destroy runways, buildings and bridges Weapon will generate a very strong acoustic wave that causes structures to resonate, therefore to destroy them.
This has the advantage of being a destructive force that is not designed to kill people. Who the hell are you kidding? You mean to say that you’re going to invade a Chinese ghost city that has no one in the buildings? There’s no one walking on the streets? No fault lines are going to open up and swallow up people. No buildings are going to collapse on people below them. You’ve got to be kidding. This is why the one person I know left this. He said I’m not going to engage on unrestricted warfare on civilian populations. This is Nazi stuff.
This is out of the Third Reich and they’re doing this. I have more there any doubt here that I know what I’m talking about in this area. The Environmental Modification Convention or nmod. Formally the Convention of the Prohibition of military or other hostile use of Environmental Modification techniques. Oh, wait a minute. This doesn’t exist. Here’s what the naysayers say. Oh, just because they have a patent doesn’t mean that they would ever use it. And we saw that strategy in that USA Today article we just talked about. Okay, well they’re talking here about a convention on the use of weather war.
This is phenomenal. Okay, here it is. Techniques is international treaty prohibiting the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long lasting or severe effects. It’s. And by the way, this is directly from the CIA publication out of the let’s see if you can guess where it’s at on your own. CIA controls this organization. Okay. This was May of 1977 in Geneva and they entered into this agreement in force on October 78. The convention bans weather war, which is weather modification techniques for the purpose of damage or destruction. The Convention on Biological Diversity.
Oh, this is really big, people. When Ebola comes, this is the way it may start. The Convention on biological diversity of 2010 would ban some other forms of weather modification or geoengineering that members of the Biden administration who were doing it said the technology did not exist. Well, the technology did not exist. Let me give you three citations here. Four citations. The Convention of the prohibition of military or other hostile use of mil of environmental Modification Techniques from the United Nations. And this was retrieved on August 4, 2022. Okay. Author Jerosi/Joanna. 2024 A sleeping giant. The N mod that we just talked about.
Convention as a limit on environmental Harm, Armed Conflict and beyond. American Journal of International Law. So they’re talking about the legality of using weather war weapons against nation to nation. Oh, but the technology doesn’t exist. But we have treaties from the UN and from Geneva, international courts prohibiting such. And do you think that would stop darpa? Do you think that would stop the military industrial complex that had a hand in blowing JFK off the planet? 3rd Citation Unit Biosafety 16-02-2015. Welcome to COP10. And what this was was another treat. Preventing weather wars from occurring. And then citation number four, practice relating to Rule 76 with herbicides.
International Committee of the Red Cross 2013. And what they were worried about here was germ warfare being transmitted in weather systems that could be directed. And here’s how you direct it. This is how HAARP works. It electrifies the jet stream and thus causes it to move. So if you want to move a weather front that would maybe only hit Canada in the upper regions and you want to bring it into even into the deep south of the United States, all you got to do is move the jet stream. And it’s been demonstrated to be done by patent from Bernard Eastland.
From the North Pole all the way down into southern United States, drop down a huge freezing weather system. Remember the term Air Force owning the weather? 2025. Let me explain something to you. The year, in case you haven’t noticed, is 2025. We have more. The weather system that’s hitting the United States today is going to produce an estimated 280 records for low temperatures and snowfall in 27 states. This is an attack upon America. But the attack is not by Russia, it’s not by China, it’s by our deep state. They are going after the food supply. As I said early on in this presentation, crop yields in some areas of the United States are down as much as 40 to 50%.
I’ve talked about biological infestations in a piece last week and remember when I said this, this is really interesting. I said that we had three outbreaks that directly attack wheat, but it was only on government controlled farms. So if you had a non government controlled farm next door, you weren’t affected and you’re not going to tell me, then this is not contrived? Of course it’s contrived. You’d have to be a moron to believe that. These infestations now there’s also injection of of MRNA into the wheat supply. It’s a variation of MRNA into the wheat supply. I covered this as well.
That prevents wheat from growing, hence reduction of crop yield. Now bring extreme frigid temperatures. On top of this you have the destruction in many aspects of the food supply. Sarah and I are going to compare notes on this. That would be Sarah Westall. Hopefully next week she’s going to talk about how she sees it on a macro level involving more economics. I’m talking about how they’re doing it on direct intervention, weather modification. There’s no question this is going on. They need to put this country in such a state of disarray that Trump’s reforms don’t have a chance to gain traction.
His administration is a threat to the New World Order desire of creating a one world government. Those are their words. They’re not my words. It’s also their desire to depopulate the planet by 90%. Once again, their words. Allah. Ted Turner going as far back as the early 90s saying this when he was contributing $50 million in 1990s dollars to the United nations for this purpose. This is a fact. Now what are we going to do about it? Well one, we need to give this the exposure of the light of day and we’re going to be labeled.
Oh, you’re conspiracy theory. Well, I’m sorry, if you look at the presentation or listen to it, you heard all the documentation that I gave to this and the documentation I gave you was maybe 1,1000 of what I have available. I couldn’t make this a four hour presentation. So I picked out things that were relative to a general overarching theme with some individual applications and the case is overwhelming. There’s a war on the food supply, and you’re asking yourself, well, is there anything we can do? Well, okay, take this information and spread it far and wide. And then, of course, conspiracy theory label will follow.
Whenever you hear that term, you. You know that they’re trying to cover up what we’ve accused them of, and they’re trying to discredit the accusation, despite the amount of proof by the term conspiracy theory. And that’s what’s happening here. We need to overwhelm that assertion. And what we need, choice of word, was intentional, by the way. And we need to overwhelm them to the degree where this becomes mainstream belief, to change an attitude, to form a habit. Biologists tell us it takes 270 repetitions. So we need about 270 repetitions for the general public before they finally get it.
And then there’s the ten factor from Snark. Snark is an acronym for an organization that does research on how fads become massive trends and obsessions in America. And they say that when a phenomena reaches about 10% penetration into the population, that this phenomena just takes off and it becomes an obsession. We just need to reach 10% of the people. When you talk about the New World Order any longer, most people don’t raise their eyebrows at you. The ones that do are extreme, hopeless liberals. They get all their news from CNN or older baby boomers that just haven’t kept up with the times.
Pretty much everybody else has seen it and lived the effects of seeing it. And you don’t need to convince them that there are people that are trying to destroy America. And what Trump is doing with Doge is brilliant. It’s not just recapturing money that was going out the door for ridiculous things like transgender surgeries in foreign countries, transgender operas in what was in France. $70,000 for that. It’s not just that. It’s the idea that your money’s being stolen and used against you. It’s brilliant by Trump. He’s not jumping to the level I’m talking about here. He’s building a case from the ground up, and he is changing the minds of people where he sees that the people that have been running this government hate you.
They hate America. They do not have anyone’s best interest in mind except for their sponsors from the international cabal of bankers. And that’s where you really trace it to. And if you want to know where the seat of the power is, I will tell you economically, it’s in the bank of International Settlements with regard to controlling Health care and how long people live, and possibly introducing pandemics or harmful vaccines. That would be the World Health Organization. And the administrative arms would be the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. This is how it’s organized and it’s been around for a very long time.
A very long time. In fact, some people, like me, believe this is biblical, that we’re looking at the descendants of the fallen angels whose DNA survived. In Genesis 6, verse 4, it says, and they were there afterward. They’re talking about the Nephem, the fallen angels, and they were there afterwards, after what? The flood, where it’s presumed that most, if not all was destroyed. Human DNA survived. With Noah, fallen angel DNA survived. Remember, they were hybrids. They intermarried with Earth women. It’s biblical, it’s historical. This is what I think the seed of the power is. But if you want to reject the Bible and Christ, I suppose that’s your right.
I wouldn’t advise it. But you could go another route and you could trace these people back to the 1700s, the Rothchild family, the manipulation of information to control wars. This happened between Wellington and Bonaparte, and it manipulated the stock markets all through Europe, the investment vehicles, because it was thought that Napoleon. Well, did he win or did he lose? Well, they created the false narrative to influence the manipulation of money. And the Rothschilds gained control over the finances in Europe at that time. That’s right. They even helped fund our American Revolution. And some people believe that they were responsible for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln because he was sticking with the greenbacks, the dollar, and wouldn’t have his money compromised by the continuation of the First national bank, started by Alexander Hamilton, reluctantly approved by George Washington.
In the first administration of Washington, we moved away from it. And then there was the move to try to bring it back in the 1830s, where there was an attempted presidential assassination of Andrew Jackson, who stood in the way because he removed all the money from the Second National Bank. That would be the second Federal Reserve. Today we’re in the third. And he removed all that money and put it in the State bank of Maryland says, sorry, you international, you know what? So you’re not getting this. And then the coup de gras against America’s economic system was successful, with the Rockefellers leading the charge in America in 1913 with the establishment of what? The Federal Reserve.
What’s in trouble with Trump? The Federal Reserve may not continue. Ron Paul is going to be. And you take this from me, I know I have this on very good authority. Ron Paul is going to be leading the investigation of the Federal Reserve, it will not be Elon Musk. You can take that to the bank. And what else is going to happen? Replacing income tax that came in along with the Federal Reserve with the same people 1913 to create deficit spending possibilities and send the government projects they had no business putting money into. Gee, USA. Does this sound familiar? Over 100 years later? Yeah.
Well, they manipulated the economy to put us into debt. And who made money on the reconstruction from the planned depression in 1929? The rich. Who pulled their money out of the stock market for a collapsed the rich. What was the excuse that John Rockefeller II used for pulling his money out? Well, my shoeshine boy, he said, what stock should I invest in? And I thought it’s time to get out of it. That was a bunch of bull. It was planned. They knew what would happen. I have family history in this. I come from the Ford family on my mom’s side of the family.
Unfortunately, despite the fact that they were first cousins. Oh, Henry knew and he pulled his money out. And unfortunately for my family, they went from riches to rags overnight. And that would have included my mother when she was an infant. So this is his family history I grew up hearing about. I didn’t even need to read this in a history book. Ladies and gentlemen, we are the victim of a globalist cabal coup. It’s satanic in origin and I have developed that and other pieces. I may revisit that at some other time, but they are decidedly satanic and they’re the ones that are running the planet.
We’re getting resistance here in America to this cabal. His name is Donald Trump. Now, would you like to jump on board? Because not only is your life at stake, not to mention your standard of living, your soul is at stake. The Bible says very clearly our war is not against flesh and blood, it’s against principalities of darkness. I just identified for you some of the history of the principalities of darkness. You might want to share this far and wide because it’s going to take all of us standing up and I’m not a believer. We’re going to slip into tribulation, although we could.
What I’m a believer in is that we’re either Nineveh or Babylon. We continue down the road of cutting kids genitals off, doing what we’ve been doing in an immoral, hedonistic fashion. We’re risking God’s judgment that was bestowed upon Babylon. Or we could repent, declare Jesus to be Lord and go the other direction and be forgiven and spared judgment and become Nineveh. We have a choice. This is ultimately what all this comes down to. And when I talk about weather wars and banking manipulation, it’s just a different verse of the same song. It’s the same theme throughout history.
It’s evil versus good. You may have heard people like me in the alternative media saying things like, we’re in a spiritual war. That’s true. And this war is being fought on a physical plane. That’s also true. And what I’m telling you is when I say that there are individuals out there that want to destroy your food supply, that is also true. And they’re using Weather wars is one of the means to manipulate this goal. Believe it, because your life depends on it. We at the Common Sense show want no more than just to bring you the truth.
We try to provide you with solutions which really deviates from the infiltrators in the alternative media. And I got a news update on that. In our next segment, you’re going to go, holy crap, Batman. There’s really something here. Yeah, there is. There is. I have revelatory information out of US Aid that’s being thrown out there. And it’s about the infiltration into what I do now. Am I going to name names? No, I’m not going to get into a public pissing match. But I’ll tell you how you can tell. Sarah Westone. I’ve done shows on this and now we’ve got the proof from what Elon Musk has uncovered.
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