Exploring Healthcare Insurance Medical Freedom Alternatives

Spread the truth



➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including the importance of understanding the Quantum Financial System and investing in XRP, the benefits of Impact Health Sharing as an alternative to traditional healthcare, and the upcoming Quantum Summit. It also introduces Dr. Randy Shannon, a health expert with a unique approach to analyzing health through face, tongue, and fingernail analysis. The text also criticizes the current healthcare system and insurance companies for their high costs and unethical practices.
➡ The text discusses the high costs of healthcare and insurance, and how these costs are often unfairly distributed based on income. It criticizes CEOs who take large bonuses while many struggle to afford coverage. The text also mentions the lack of transparency in healthcare costs, with unexpected bills often surprising patients. Lastly, it touches on the impact of the pandemic on healthcare, including the shift towards telemedicine and the silencing of opposing voices.
➡ The speaker discusses the challenges of high healthcare costs, including expensive premiums, high deductibles, and restrictions on doctor choice. They found a solution in a company that offers affordable rates, encourages healthy living, and allows freedom to choose any doctor nationwide. This company also provides transparency about where your money goes and supports ethical practices. The speaker emphasizes the importance of medical freedom and the ability to choose your healthcare provider, whether they’re in the naturopathic or medical field.
➡ Impact Health is a healthcare sharing company that offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional health insurance. It provides significant savings, with a high retention rate due to its affordability and convenience. The company uses a patented process for electronic billing, reducing costs by bringing hospital bills down to fair market value. It also offers benefits like covering children up to age 26 and stopping billing at the third family member, making it a great option for large families.
➡ Impact Health offers a service where you can connect with a doctor and get your questions answered quickly. If you’re a new member and need to visit a doctor, you can advise the office to connect with Impact Health. They can negotiate bills with doctors and give you the freedom to choose your preferred doctor. They also offer a wellness credit that reduces your deductible if you engage in health and wellness activities like gym memberships and taking supplements.
➡ The naturopathic doctor in the article believes in the body’s ability to heal itself with the right help. They offer a unique service of analyzing the face, tongue, and fingernails to identify which organs are in trouble and then create a plan to help them recover. This service is available to anyone, regardless of their location, through their website. The doctor emphasizes the importance of choosing natural healing methods over synthetic ones.


But before we get started, folks, make sure you hit the pause button. Okay, go down below, there’s a rumble link. Go over to Rumble and follow us over there. Qfs10076.com is without question the holy grail of what’s to come. Okay, T shirts, you got to get yourself decorated. This way people will ask you, what is xrp? What is the quantum financial system? What is this? What is that? And you send them where the qfs10076.com where they need to immerse themselves because we’re going to burn down this system down to the ground and out of the ashes will rise to Phoenix.

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How important is it for you to own gold and silver right now? What does it mean to me personally? There’s an economy that’s about to crash beyond what words can explain in five words. I’m going to educate you on gold and silver. Are you ready? You need to own some simple hi, Elisa V. Here. Did you know that medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United states, accounting for 66.5% of bankruptcies. In fact, in 2022, 17% of adults with health care debt either declared bankruptcy or lost their homes due to it. We can all agree that the healthcare system is broken.

Well, there is an alternative that I want to tell you about. It is Impact Health Sharing, which Yahoo News is calling the disruptor in the $4.6 trillion healthcare system. With Impact Health Sharing, you can choose the doctors, clinics and naturopaths that you want. With less restrictive guidelines, medical bills are reduced to their fair market value and premiums are 30 to 72% cheaper than competitors. Plus, Impact Health incentivizes healthy habits like supplements, gym visits and therapy. Call 844-275-1056 and use the code Melcarmine for a free quote today. Good day everyone, and welcome. My name is Elisa Valentino, better known as Elisa V.

The queen of High vibe from my podcast, the High Vibe show. And today I have the honor of sitting in for Mel Carmine. I’m sure you’ve seen a few of my guest appearances already. And going forward I’ll be here to help you meet with some really interesting people, experts in their fields and very insightful discussions on some of the most intriguing topics of our time, including the upcoming Quantum Summit, the Quantum financial system and Quantum Health. And your thoughts are incredibly valuable, so please leave your comments below. We’d love to hear your thoughts on everything. And please see the description box for more information on the Quantum Summit.

Two tickets are going fast, so be sure to register for this amazing event. It’s happening March 8th to 9th. And I’m honored to be one of two emcees for this landmark event hosted by Mel Carmine and his esteemed wife Amber, which promises to bring together the most influential minds individuals shaping the future of science, health and governance. And you know there’s going to be some amazing contributors including Collaborators Aligned and the with the Envision Trump RFK administration and they’re going to be presenting initiatives aimed at revitalizing America’s health and agriculture by restoring essential trace minerals to our to our soils.

So seeding is limited. We only have nine hundred and seventeen attendees that are able to attend this event. And you know, after, after 10 days before the event, tickets are not going to be sold anymore. So for more information, get your Tickets now at quantum summit1007.6.com. Now, without further delay, let us begin the conversation and I’m thrilled to introduce our guest today, Dr. Randy Shannon. Hello Dr. Randy. Hello. So excited to be here. I’m and I’m so proud of you that you are emceeing that event and hosting this show. So you just have so many amazing things going on.

So super proud of you. Thank you so much. And I want to tell everyone who may not be familiar with you a little bit about you. You know, Dr. Randy has over 20 years of experience in nutrition, longevity, anti aging and stress related health issues. She is also recognized as an authority authority in natural health and her extensive research and practice in addressing over a thousand so called incurable conditions have equipped her with deep knowledge and expertise. Dr. Shannon’s unique expertise lies in her face, tongue and fingernail analysis, a technique that provides an accurate insight into a person’s systemic and physical health.

So we’ve got so much to talk about today Dr. Randy and I’m so glad you’re here. Amazing. I’m super glad to be here. You know the face, tongue, fingernail Analysis, by the way, just for the audience, you do not come to me. So I look at all of those body parts, you send me the pictures, and then I have computers and I blow it up. So that’s how I’m in 50 countries, or, I’m sorry, 18 countries in all 50 states. So nobody comes here. There’s no walk in clinic. So a lot of times people think, oh, she’s in Miami.

I can’t. But no, you actually can. Everybody can. Yeah. It’s amazing what the world of technology has done, you know, on. On, like to just help us to close the distance gaps, you know, to help people be more efficient and to allow us to help more people. Right. Because my practice is also, you know, in. My coaching is also virtual. So I see people all over the country, too. So it’s. It’s really amazing what we’ve done. And of course, today what we’re able to do, you know, be in the same studio together doing a show like this.

So I want to, you know, take people on a little journey here to talk about the state of health insurance, health care coverage, where we are, and then, you know, talk about what the future looks like and quite frankly, the present. You know, what. What is starting to happen already in this industry. So tell us a little bit from your experience. What would you say is going on? What’s the state of the industry? I’d love to hear some stats, if you have them, about, you know, costs and how it’s affecting people and their finances and just a little bit of an overview for our viewers.

Yeah, it’s. It’s actually pretty crazy. People would be shocked by some of the things that I’m going to share here. I work with many doctors, and one of the doctors that I had a conversation with said that him and his whole pre. The whole group of doctors had been billing a company that has a. A blue cross in their symbol and a blue shield in their symbol. I’m not going to say the company’s name, though, but they have been billing them for an entire year and none of those payments were covered. And so they’re now going into litigation with that company.

Another story where a guy did a procedure, a doctor, over three years ago. It was signed off on approved. They put the money in his account, and then just a few months ago took the money back out of the account. And when he asked them why, they said, oh, well, that was never approved. And he said some words, and you’re darn wrong that that wasn’t approved. How do you think that the money got in my account, somebody signed off on that, the procedure’s done, the client’s long gone, and they still took the money. So now they were going into litigation.

And then you have CEOs of all these major companies. You know, your, your rates, your monthly rates are super high. And why is that? Well, there’s a lot of things ethically that they’re covering that we don’t think are ethical that’s kind of been shoved down our throats over the last few years, and they’re gouging their clients to cover those procedures. Yeah. So give me an example, because we could talk freely here. So what, what, what are people paying for or getting billed for? I should say that, you know, some of these things that don’t even affect our personal lives or things that we want to do or even ethically and morally feel are right or at least align with our own beliefs, let’s put it that way.

Right, exactly. Giving drugs to kids that are minors that just totally mess up their minds. They don’t know if they’re a boy or a girl or which one they want to be. And the actual surgeries, the actual mutilating surgeries of changing who they are, what they are, removing body parts off of boys, body parts off of girls, and just, they’ve had them all confused. And then however you feel in the abortion issue, I do believe it’s murder. It is life. You can see it literally on slides and, you know, super magnified where there’s an explosion of light that takes place when the sperm meets the egg.

That’s life in any form. That’s life. And so also your dollars are covering that. So if you’re going to church and you’re, you know, praying and you’re believing in God, and it’s says, thou shalt not kill, you’re contributing to it, whether you know it or not. And so then these CEOs are taking $25 million bonuses. One of them took a payroll of like 1.2 billion plus, and people were screaming out. And so he had to backtrack. And I guess he’s paying some of that back, but he’s still going to walk away with a huge chunk of money.

So when you’re paying that outrageous fee of 2,500amonth, 3,000amonth to cover your family, and it’s not even great coverage. You know, you, you, you have it because you feel good, like, for that what if situation. And I get that. So you don’t want to get rid of it, because what If. But you’re actually paying for all of those things. So healthcare is definitely getting disrupted right now because of that dinosaur system. And so. And you know, this may sound like a silly question or. But how do we know that that’s all included? Like, how, how. Like how do we know that they’re charging people for all that? Is that because the insurance companies are covering that in general? Like, in other words, if someone goes in for one of these procedures or they believe that they want to do this to their child.

How. How does that. Is that. Because as a pool, this is being covered. So now everyone in that pool is going to get their amount. Okay. Okay. People are in groups. Just like when you get car insurance, you get a really low rate at first, and then all of a sudden it goes up and up and up over the years. It’s because people drop out of the pool. And listen, you can go straight to the Minnesota website, Minnesota Blue Cross Blue Shield, and see it right there. They don’t even hide it. That the fact of what.

Of what? That what they’re. What they’re doing to children, et cetera. Yeah. And you know, listen, most of these people are super poor. They’re not coming a lot of times from a wealthy family. So, you know, when, when you pick up insurance, one of the first questions they ask you is, how much money do you make? And then they base their fees on what you’ve got in your bank account, which I’ve always thought was a scammy system. Stay out of my business. It’s not your business. If I’m a hard worker, then, you know, I should still pay equal.

So either balance it out, but don’t gouge me and punish me because I work harder. I work 15 hours a day by choice versus somebody who might work three. Yeah. So I shouldn’t be punished for that. You know, if, if I. If people need to think about it like this, because there’s a lot of people that will say, well, but I like to contribute. Okay. If I’m studying in college, I heard this story once. If I’m studying in college and I am, like working around the clock and I’m getting tutoring and I’m doing all this stuff to get an A.

Yeah. And then somebody next to me parties, doesn’t study, et cetera, and they pull a C or a D, should I give part of my hard effort labor to get that A that I got over to the CD student? No. So socialism, It’s a great example of socialism. Yeah. Because I’m the one Doing the grind. I’m the one who put in that extra effort. But don’t punish me because I did that. Yeah, yeah. Okay. It was choice. There’s different personalities. Yeah. So. So now we have a little bit of a sense of, like, why everything is so expensive.

Right. When we didn’t even talk at this point, which I’d love to get your view on when it comes to the hospitals. Right. Because we know that a lot of people today, because of the high cost of insurance, health insurance, they are afraid or fearful that some, you know, some terrible thing can happen and they want to have it in case there’s a catastrophic event. Right. They need a surgery all of a sudden, or they have appendicitis or, you know, something happens where they’re going to need tens of thousands of dollars in whatever this procedure medical intervention is going to cost.

So let’s talk about the hospital. So I know, like, from my own experience, and actually I have a friend, she had torn her acl. She went in, she did all her due diligence to make sure the doctors were covered and she was going to be okay to have this, you know, sur. And then she gets her bill, and her bill is huge. So she calls up and they say, oh, well, the anesthesiologist wasn’t on, you know, on your plan. And that’s what. So talk to the f. The idea of how do we. How do we go into a hospital? We think we’re going to pay a co.

Pay. Things are going to be covered, and then they’re not. What goes on there? What’s. What’s, like the little game that’s going on with that whole scenario, man, there’s so many things in that. One more stat I wanted to throw out before I did answer that was in July of this year, over 40% of small business owners were late or couldn’t pay their rent because of health care costs. So outrageous. But then when you look at like, if. If I had. All my kids are grown, but let’s say everybody was still at home. I had, you know, let’s say I had four, five, six, ten kids, okay? Every one of them is going to have a deductible, which means what happens if they all had to go to the hospital in the same year? God forbid.

Right. Then I got to pay that deductible in every single one of them. Right. That’s outrageous. Yeah. And these deductibles are ridiculous, too, you know? Right. Let’s say it happens overseas. Am I going to be covered? Probably not. I even have some clients that had one of these big companies go from Idaho to Montana, had an emergency in Montana, and they were told, that’s not covered. Wow. So then, you know, you have all these different specialists. Go here, go here. You know, there’s never just one doctor anymore. Then you got to have individual drug plans. There’s just.

Or they don’t want to cover the chiropractor, or they don’t want to cover the dental and the vision. Or maybe you don’t want to go to the hospital. Maybe you don’t want to be exposed to everybody in the waiting room. So there’s, you know, no telemed. And, you know, ever since the lockdowns, more people preferred to not go in there and get exposed to anything. Although now we’ve seen so much footage that those places were virtually empty even. I got in my car in Miami and went to one of the hospitals just to see. And it literally was a ghost town, so I had to go see it for myself.

And sure enough, all those news reports were correct. It was a ghost town. People were not in there. They were at home. So did they have help at home? No, they didn’t have any kind of a teladoc at all. It was either emergency or nothing. Yeah, and I know you were. You spoke out about a lot of that, too. During the lockdown. You had your, you know, you said. And at the time, you were a Fox affiliate. Correct. You were. You were on there. Yeah. And that came to a. A halting, screeching stop when you were.

Yeah. You were speaking out. I had been doing that for eight years. And then I started talking about that thing over there. Wasn’t really talking about it being here in the States, but over there and on a Saturday in March, same month as the lockdowns, they called up and said, that’s it. The show’s over. Like, really? Yeah. So, yeah. Point is, they didn’t want opposing voices out about that, which was horrendous. So they got my parents, my siblings, you know, so much of my family took it, and my voice was taken away, which meant a whole lot of other people that would have heard a different story couldn’t hear it now.

Well, yeah, exactly. Exactly. And, you know, that’s what we’re. I think what this show is about. We’re trying to also give, you know, what are those. What are we looking at in reality when it comes to health care? Because health care insurance, because everyone feels they need to have it. Everyone does what they can to get it. I know in my case, right. I’m a single mom. Um, I have two, you know, two college age daughters. They, they’re girls, they’re women. You know, they have issues. Whatever, you know, they want, they, they. We don’t know what’s going to come up.

Is it, is it a skin thing? Is it a, you know, whatever. You have to make sure that they can be able to go to the doctor. And I was, you know, for me personally, I was paying close to $2,000 and it just was becoming really prohibitive. And I have to tell you, the, the, the deductibles were like, like you said, they were so high. $5,000 each. So I knew that at that point I couldn’t have been the only person dealing with this. You know, I’m a sole proprietor. So it’s not like I work for a company or I’m part of a group or, you know, and, and I’m sure a lot of other people are in this position, but again, there’s that emotional fear.

You know, we’re healthy, we’re doing well, but what if. Right. Okay, everybody could pay a doctor bill for, you know, a couple hundred dollars if you have to go. But what major problem. So I did also want to ask you another question before we kind of move on to see if there are some alternatives to this. What, what about restrictions? Like, that’s another issue, right? Like how many times you either change your insurance or you, you have to find out like, oh, I’ve been seeing this primary for how many years. You know, I have a pediatrician that knows my children and has, you know, been there.

I have a gynecologist, you know, or an OBGYN that I really love. And then you get insurance and it’s like, oh, no, they’re not covered. So if you want to continue with that, that provider, you’re going to pay right out of, you’re going to pay out of pocket and otherwise you’re faced with that situation, like, I have to change, you know, change and go to someone that I don’t even know. So what are some of the other restrictions that people are dealing with when it comes to the, the big insurance providers? Yeah, well, the deductibles per person.

That’s a big one. That’s, that’s a huge one. And then, you know, being stuck in a network where, you know, listen, what if, what if I live in Washington state and I, I heard through the grapevine of this amazing heart doctor in Florida and I wanted to go there. Well, they can’t they absolutely can’t. They’re stuck in that with that group of doctors. You know, they have high co shares, co pays provider fees. All of those things are super high. The high monthly premiums like you mentioned, you know, the five thousand dollar deductible, that’s per person, you know, so some of those are, you know, huge.

So what I did is I found a company where all of those things that I despised, all of those things that were archaic and dinosaur ish and scammy. Yeah. Are completely thrown out the window, gone. So, you know, I found a company where I’m encouraged to be healthy. Who’s doing that? With those other companies? It’s always drug, drug, drug. Well, and not only that, like, like you, right. You’re a practitioner who practices in the holistic and naturopathic space. But I don’t like, you know, I like that space as well. I, you know, I want to be with naturopaths and people who can help me get well in a natural way.

And you know, with my former insurance insurances, because I’ve been with a number of companies through the years. That was again an out of pocket thing. So I mean, and I don’t know if you can answer this, but what’s the deal with why when we have health insurance, we have to stay within our state? Do you understand? Because I don’t. I know that like you’re limited, right. I live in New York, I gotta pick doctors in New York. Right. And you’re saying that, you know, what if you make a good point? What if you want to see the best surgeon for a particular issue that you’re having and that person’s in, you know, Illinois, you can’t go.

I mean, you can go, but you’re gonna have to pay out of pocket. You’ll pay out of pocket. And so, you know, the company that I’m with, I pay 150amonth. I didn’t even pay that with Blue Cross Blue Shield when I had them 30 years ago. I was at like 5, 600amonth then. Now I pay 150 and I got everything 24, 7 Teladoc if I want it. Okay? If I don’t feel like going into an emergency room and I still want to talk to a medical doctor, I can, they’ll be on the phone with me in five or 10 minutes.

I have dental, I have vision, I’m encouraged to be healthy. You know, they get like, if I go to the gym or I take supplements, which I do, I take plenty of things, you know, Every single day. I’m a naturopathic doctor. That’s my world. And so I know we can’t live a long life without them. So this company says, okay, we’ll let you deduct up to a hundred dollars every single month off of your deductible. So it’s not off my monthly payment, but it is off of my deductible. And so, like, in theory, you know, it’s.

It’s coming down $100 a month. So maybe 10 months from now, if I actually needed to go use the policy, because we just have these things in place for that what if that we keep mentioning, then it would be less off my deductible. So the monthly payment is just $150 a month. And, you know, when you pay a car insurance bill, you know, or your current healthcare coverage, that money goes. And there’s no transparency. You can’t see where it went. You can’t see if it went to the CEO or a transgender or any of the above.

There’s usually two sets of books with those companies, okay? And that’s a crooked system in and of itself right there. But, you know, with mine, I don’t really plan on using it. It’s the what if? Plan. And so somebody else gets to benefit from that, and I actually get to see where and who that went to. And it’s a company that’s ethically based, so they’re not supporting all of those things that go against my conscience that are egregious. I am a believer. I do love God. I do praise and worship him. And so the other stuff goes completely against every cell in my body.

So this company is actually on board with that. Another huge, huge attraction. They have the lowest drug pricing in the industry. So if you do have a prescription drug, my goal is with my clients is to get them off all prescription drugs because it’s synthetic, and the body doesn’t like synthetics. But if you happen to be on something this company has the lowest in the industry, and you literally can go online and see the pricing. I can see this pharmacy, another one a mile away, another 1.2 miles away. I can see all that pricing, and I can say, okay, I want to go to this one.

It’s in a better neighborhood. It’s a little bit safer. I want to go there, and I get to choose my physician and my facility. Again, if I think the Kansas City chief has the best doctor on the planet, I can get on his calendar and go, so I’m not stuck. And you Know the beauty of that? I had a friend who was in another state, had cancer many years ago, and I was just becoming a doctor, and I said, listen, if you want to come to Florida, I’ll help you from the natural side, and you can still go through whatever you want.

He was adamant about getting chemo, et cetera. Okay. So he, he asked his insurance company, would you cover me? And they told him no. And he was dead eight months later. It’s, it’s so, I mean, we could have a whole show just on the travesty of people dying of cancer, which just shouldn’t be anymore anyway, but. But with this insurance. So. Okay, so obviously I’m familiar with this because I heard you talking about this and this was right at the. I was at my wit’s end with this $2,000 a month thing. So I want, but I want the viewers to understand, like, it sounds a little too good to be true.

It’s 100. You’re paying $150. You could go anywhere in the country, any doctor. So what we’re talking about, and I want you to name the company and talk about it, but what we’re talking about really is medical freedom to choose who and where you can go for your treatment. You’re talking about what about now? The types of providers. You can go see anybody you want, whether they’re in the naturopathic area or they’re in the medical, the medical field. That’s. It’s just wide open the net that you can cast over anybody you want it, you want to see.

Okay, so that’s wonderful medical freedom. How is it possible? And please tell us who the company is and give us a little bit of information. But how is it possible that we’re able to pay such low premiums and keep them at such a low deductible? And by the way, what you didn’t mention, which I will say is that these deductibles are family deductibles. So we’re not looking at the per person. Right. I mean, that’s what really appealed to me, too. So tell us about the company. Tell us more now, specifically, because it’s a wonderful alternative. It was for me.

It’s saving me when I did the math, it’s saving me $15,000 a year with two, you know, daughters in college. I can’t tell you how important that is. Yeah, yeah. The company is called Impact Health. You cannot get them unless you’re affiliated with somebody like me and now even you. So I would want them to call you directly. And it’s very inexpensive. When somebody comes on board with us, it’s a. Listen to this 98% retention rate. People come here and don’t leave because they love it so much. And it is considered a health care share. And some people went, I don’t want to hear that.

But the thing is, is the, it’s. This is the new model of that. But explain a little bit for the listeners what is the difference between health insurance companies and health share companies? Because I had no clue that this even existed. And it’s. The concept of it has been around for a while, 40 plus years. Yeah. So it’s not a new concept. The old versions also dinosaurs. You, you had to go to the hospital, pay the bill, come back with the receipt and turn it in. That’s the old way. Our company was started by a guy by the name of Phil Chrysler and executives and a vice president of those former companies.

And they said there’s things about that that we don’t love. So they came here, they started this over five years ago, I think going on six years ago now. And we’re projected to have tens of millions of clients, customers within just the next few years. So it’s very short. I mean, it’s growing. Just like, you know, Uber took over. Yes. The taxi industry and Airbnb took over the hotel. Things change with technology. This is no different. And so you go to the hospital, you show them your card. You see if I have mine here. I believe I do.

I should have had it ready. This is my card. And I just give them that. And on the back is the phone number. It’s an insurance card. So we call it healthcare sharing. So you would hand. They’re gonna. Even if you’re like on desk door being drugged and they still go, do you have insurance? And you say, yes, I do. And you give them the card and then they will communicate with the company and everything is electronic billing. You’re not. You do not have to pay them. Yeah. The hospital and Impact Health will deal with that bill.

And so the beauty of this is they are a 501C3. And so by law, the hospital has to come down to fair market value. There’s no gouging here. And so they come down to fair market value. I’ve seen 500 and I’m going to round this $540,000 bills with $525,000 shaved off. That was the cork. Wow. I’ve seen it. So what’s in there? You know, like that’s it. Like what’s in there? What, how do they shave that much money off? What is it? Mind boggling payroll and the $25 million CEO bonuses. That’s what’s in there. Wow. So we’re eliminating that because we’re a 501C3.

We have a patented process. We do electronic billing. They’re gonna, impact’s gonna reprice that bill and bring it down to something that is fair to everyone. Very. We love, by the way, chiropractors. And this company gives you up to 50 outpatient visits per year. So if you’re a chiropractor listening to this or somebody in the mental health and you’ve got someone that only comes maybe three or four times a year, they can come 50 now. And it’s also good for the whole family. And you know, remember, the family has one deductible as opposed, as opposed to one per person.

So people that are in the Amish world and the Mennonite world, where they. And the Catholic world, I don’t know if the new Catholics, but the old Catholics, my, my mother’s mother passed away after the 13th kid. So I mean, they had lots of kids back in the day. They’re all covered. We stopped billing at the third person. That’s, you know, another important key here. We don’t ask about the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh. If you have five kids, you’re, you’re paying just up to the third person in the family. So that might be mom, dad and your one child.

And then the other children fall under the same price, the same deductible, etc. And we will cover those kids all the way to age 26, unless they’re already married. That’s unheard of also. Yeah. So normally they got to go away, they got to pick up, let’s say they go to college, they got to pick up the insurance. There’s, you don’t have to. With Impact Health, that covers you. Right. All the way through college, especially with the, the, the, the, the ability to go, you know, out of state with parents that their kids are going out of state to college.

Right. So you. Right, you’re covered. Yeah. Which is important. A lot of, you know, a lot of kids are going away, especially if you have a few kids, you know, one’s going here, one’s going there. And that’s never, that’s such a key point right there, at least because, because that’s why colleges mandate for them to be covered because, you know, their current providers, if they’re an out of state Student are not going to be covering them. But this stuff. Yeah. So let me ask you, you know, I know from my own experience, right, you call a doctor, I mean, before you even tell them what you want, they’re like, what insurance do you.

Do you have? Right. That’s like the first question they ask. And you have people in the offices who are, you know, they’re hardworking people, but they’re very, they’re just by the book. Like, this is how I’m trained. This is what I’ve been doing for the last 20, 30 years. And I can’t think out of the box. So you call them up and you say, oh, well, I, you know, my provider is Impact. Let me give you the information. And they say, we don’t take that. How does. Because that was, that was my fear, you know, like they’re going to say they’re so in this kind of myopic way of looking at it that it’s either these doctor, you know, these plans that we accept, accept and you are not one of them and they’re not even open to the idea that you’re trying to explain to them.

It’s not insurance. You know, like, how does someone kind of get around that? What’s the way to bypass this robotic way that the offices have? Well, let’s say I’m a brand new person. So if I sign up today, I got to be signed up today for it to kick in on the 1st of next month. Okay, so let’s say I want to get a physical or some blood work. Impact will actually take that name and number of your PCP primary care physician. Okay. Or whoever it is, they’ll take that name and number and they’ll call on your behalf and set up the physical and the blood work.

And this is mind blowing. Never been done in the history of time. I don’t know how this is ringing, but hold on just a second. Is that me or you? I don’t think it’s me. I can’t even see it. It’s not ringing on here. I apologize. Okay, no worries. It happens. It’s not showing anywhere on here. So what you’re saying for that first visit, but let’s just say I don’t even, I don’t even. That’s wonderful that they will call and they’ll help set up the appointment and they’ll even pre pay. But let’s just say you wake up one day and your kid, you know, has a fever, you’re nervous, whatever, and you want to go to the doctor and this isn’t like your primary visit.

It’s a sick visit, and you call and say, oh, I change providers. You know, I use Impact Health. And like, I’m sorry, we don’t take that anymore. How. What. What’s the procedure or the process to get these people to, you know, get them off that track and focus on what you’re telling them. Okay, so Impact, and I apologize for that. I couldn’t even see where it was coming through. And I have on airport mode. But Impact, when they call and they set that up in advance, they actually also pay that doctor. That’s what I was starting to say.

They pay that doctor in advance. That’s. They’ve never heard of that. So now the doctor says, oh, and they pay him very well. I think it’s like, don’t quote me, but I think it’s like $600 for a physical, which is a darn good price. Doctors aren’t used to even getting that for a physical. So it’s fantastic money. And on average, the Doctors get paid 30 to 40%, from my understanding, more than they would normal. So that little procedure right there, how they do that, that eliminates a lot of doctors saying, I’ve never heard of them. Okay, I’ve never heard of that.

And also, at any point, you can connect Impact Health with a doctor. If they have questions, we have literal questionnaires and, you know, little forms on the site where if a doctor has a question, they just fill out their information and Impact will call them back, typically within 24 to 48 hours. Okay, so does that answer that question? Well, it does. In terms of. How can I say? Like, when you first start and you’re, you know, with Impact, and you want to set up your wellness visit, but, like, if you don’t even get that far and you just signed up and all of a sudden you got to take your kid or yourself to the doctor and they just see Impact.

What’s the best thing to advise them to, you know, the office to do so that we bypass this? It’s not on my list of provide, you know, of insurance companies. Okay, so you’re calling up and you give them. And they can be in that system in about five minutes. And. Okay, so. And like, you know, if they don’t feel like making that phone call, whatever, then they can. They can choose to pay that bill and then turn it into Impact. And Impact will, you know, negotiate with that doctor. And if they won’t negotiate, then they’ll pay that bill.

But you also have freedom of choice. So if I have a doctor that’s saying no, I’m not going to take them flat out. Well, I mean, I have no love affair for that doctor. I’m going to go find another great doctor. There is a lot of great doctors. Yes, yes. So, exactly. So you’re not, you’re not just. Right. Exactly. You’re not just limited. We have choices in this. Thank God we are America. Like, if you were in Canada, it would not be like this. You’re going to have months and months to wait. And actually, I feel like that’s where they wanted to go in this country.

They’ve just made it worse and worse and worse. The other guys, and wait, you know, oh, you can’t go out of the group or you want to use that doctor, but he’s not in your group, well, then you got to wait three months to get scheduled with that specialist. And you know, that’s not health care. Have, you know, you got a cancer and now they tell you you got to wait three, three months to get into that guy. Yeah. So, you know, and cancer. And that’s with anything. Yeah, that’s, it’s. I mean, we look at the worst case, cancer, but that’s with anything.

If you’re suffering or you have a problem, you. You want to be able to take care of it on your time and with the people that you feel confident can help you with that issue. And unfortunately, that’s, that’s not, you know, that’s just not the way it is. Most times you’re limited with who you could see. And so. All right, so I can tell you, and I’d like to share with everyone, my $2,000 went down to 697. And where I had the $5,000 deductible per person, I now have 2,500 for my family, for the three of us.

And like you said, I am loving the health and wellness credit. That goes against the total deductible because I go to a gym. Right. I have a gym membership like you, you know, I take supplements, I take a lot of health and wellness products. So, you know, $100 a month is, is a really nice number to be coming off. Right. Because at 2500, I’m taking 1200 off, you know, at. By the, you know, by the end of the year if, God forbid, I need to hit that deductible. Let’s see, what else can you, what else can you tell everyone as far as, like, how do they get in touch? How can they get a free quote? How does that whole process work.

So you should have a link that you’re going to put up at your site or wherever you’re going to put that. We want you to go to her link because it will allow you to get a free quote. And here’s the somebody that I was talking to, they said, oh, I don’t want to. I said, I’m not taking your name, I’m not taking your phone number, I’m not taking your email. I just want your date of birth. I’m just going to plug that in and I will have an instant, instantaneous quote. And I’m not asking you, hey, how much money do you make, right, to gouge you on your plan, right? So it just literally goes by the date of birth.

So I’m. You’re going to give the name. Is it a phone number I’m giving out? Yes. So I know that we have an 800 number that they, that anyone interested can call. And we have a code too. We’re going to use the code Mel Carmine for this for anybody. And you know, I would strongly suggest if, listen, if you have insurance that you’re happy with, you know, great, it’s working for you, but there’s so many people now that are struggling that, you know, saving hundreds of dollars a month makes a huge difference, especially as everything else is going up, right.

Every time we go to the supermarket, it’s more expensive, you know, so being, you know, being able to at least explore and be aware of what the options are, you know, there’s no harm in that. And, you know, if you use Mel Carmine as the code, you’re going to call, you’re going to get free quote and then you can decide if this is something that, you know, makes sense. And I know when I inquired about this, I actually got right on the phone with someone from Impact and they were, you know, I was able to make an appointment, you know, schedule a call.

They were very helpful because, you know, it’s true. Everybody has their own individual situation, their own challenges, their own, their own desires of what they’re looking for, what they might be afraid of or worry worried about. So you want to get those things answered and do due diligence. I was fortunate because I have an accountant who, when I told him initially, he’s like, no, that sounds too good to be true. I, I don’t think it’s going to make sense. You just try to figure out how to pay the, the insurance. And I said, well, wait a minute, what if I, what if I, what if you told Me what you’re concerned with.

What if I go to them and ask the questions? And he, I was lucky enough to have this guy vet everything. He went through all the videos on the site, he gave me specific questions. I drove everybody craz crazy. But let me tell you something. We unturned like we went and asked every possible question that I felt really confident and I feel very confident now. My experience over the last few months has proven that. So I would say, you know, to anybody, maybe call the 800 number, right? Get a code. I’ll give it out. Code. I think we’re using 8442751056 and mention code Mel Carmine.

And we’ll get you straight. You’re going to talk to either me or Elisa direct and we’ll get you that, that code. And if you’re throwing a website up as well, once you have this up, that’ll be right under the description or in the description and you can just go right there and input your information. It’s literally just a date of birth. Yeah. And again, 844-275-1056 and mention the code Mel Carmine. Yeah, Yeah. I just think, you know, with today, the way things are going, people are getting ripped off. Many people don’t even realize why they’re paying so much and hopefully they got some insight today, you know, to, to question, you know, is this, am I doing what’s best for me and my family under whatever scenario they’re in and that there are alternatives? You know, and at this point I just think that the more we can take our health, our decision making and put it into our own hands and make choices and not just be left with, you know, directives on how we need to do this and how we are supposed to do it.

You know, those days are gone. I was like one of the first people with Uber saying this will never work. I am not getting in a car with a stranger. I’m not putting my kids. And you know, it’s like every, everything. We’re sometimes fearful of things that are not part of what we’re doing. But if we have a little bit of an open mind, we start to see that there are alternatives. And I do hope that we brought, you know, to our audience today some food for thought to be able to see that if you’re struggling, if, you know, if your business, your small business is struggling to pay for health insurance, that you don’t have to feel like a victim in this whole thing and you can feel a little empowered.

So once again, Dr. Randy thank you so much. And again, we will have the number and the links up in the description for anyone who wants to find out more. And how do people get in touch with you if they’re interested in naturopathic care? Yeah, if they just want to, you know, get scheduled, they can go straight to my website. The body can. Because why? Because the body can heal itself. It just needs help. And you can get scheduled for a face, tongue, fingernail analysis. I look at all those body parts and I can tell you what organs are in trouble.

And then we put together protocols to get those reversed and get you back on track. And cancers are some of my favorite clients. Diabetics, anything. Kidney. I love, love, love the kidneys. There really isn’t, you know, anything that I don’t work on because there’s certain rules to the body that are the same for every single person. And it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white or Asian. It literally doesn’t matter. And some people try to say, oh, but you know, this person, they get this disease. No, everybody does. They just call it different things in different people.

So there’s different rules to the game. And it all. The whole truth is in the face, tongue and fingernail analysis. And that’s. I mean, I’m biased, but I’m one of the rarest kind of naturopathic doctors on the planet. Definitely here in the States. But it doesn’t. I don’t care where you are in what corner of the world, I can do an analysis for you. So you just go to the website, thebodycan.com forward/schedule. All the pricing is there. They all come with multiple appointments. So you pay up front and then you don’t pay again. So. Yeah, yeah.

And especially with what you do, you know, it gels so nicely with imp, you know, with impact. Because people can choose how they want to be, how they want to be helped, you know, and what products they want to put in and not just get the little brown bottles, you know, of synthetics that so many of us have been told are the only way to go when it comes to, you know, healing and getting better. Well, I want to thank you for being here today. I want to thank the audience. And please, you know, give this a thumbs up.

Subscribe. I know, you know, Mel loves to work those algorithms. And if you give a thumbs up and you like this and subscribe, it’s going to help and get the word out and what we’re talking about here to more people. And till next time, we’re wishing I’m wishing you a high vibe day and we’ll see you soon. Bye, everyone.



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