Decoding Lies Intentions Analyzing Personality Health Profiles by Frequency w/ Sharry Edwards

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➡ Leela’s quantum technology, backed by over 40 studies, offers groundbreaking advancements in health and wellness. It enhances blood health, neutralizes harmful electromagnetic fields, speeds up wound healing, and boosts ATP production in cells. The technology is recognized by world-class athletes and leading figures in biohacking. Additionally, Sherry Edwards, a woman with a unique ability to hear hundreds of times better than the average person, discusses her life’s work documenting the impact of sound on health.
➡ The text discusses the power of sound frequencies and their impact on health, relationships, and even agriculture. The speaker has developed a method to analyze vocal prints, which can reveal health issues and potential treatments. They’ve had success in helping people with various health problems, including nerve damage and depression, by using specific sound frequencies. The speaker also mentions the potential misuse of this technology, emphasizing the need for it to be used in a pro-human way.
➡ This text discusses the potential health risks of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from devices like Wi-Fi and how EMF protection devices can help. It also talks about the future of medicine, including the use of frequencies for healing and diagnosis. The text further delves into political issues, discussing the authenticity of politicians and the potential for dishonesty in voting systems. Lastly, it emphasizes the need for transparency and trust in the system.
➡ The text discusses a man named Van Miller who attempted to assassinate Trump. Using a computer program that analyzes voice frequencies, the author suggests that Miller is lying about his intentions and motivations. The text also discusses the fear and stress caused by the recent election, particularly among immigrants who fear deportation. The author believes that truth and integrity are crucial values for improving the current situation.
➡ The speaker discusses various issues, including the neglect of DACA kids, the misuse of resources exemplified by a SWAT team being used to capture a squirrel, and the development of a free program to help people understand their weight management issues. They also express their hope for a more compassionate government and their excitement about a bioacoustic program that uses voice analysis to identify health issues.
➡ Rife technology, a digital method, is effective in treating conditions like cancer by eliminating harmful pathogens. However, it doesn’t contribute to growth or construction. By combining this technology with other methods, we can fully understand and utilize its potential. This is the future of medicine if we choose to embrace and develop it.


Oh, I see. 9% of the time she tells the truth, whereas Trump tells the truth 90% of the time. Is that what you found? Yes. Okay. And it was other people. The guy running with her waltz and people talking about Obama talking about her, which was a big lie. Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide. This revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan. Scientific investigations reveal that Leela’s technology not only enhances blood health and circulation, but also neutralizes the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields, expedites wound healing and elevates ATP production in human cells.

Embrace the extraordinary benefits of Lela’s tech as recognized and utilized by world class athletes, esteemed functional medicine practitioners, and leading figures in the field of biohacking. Explore a range of transformative products from the heal capsule shielding you from harmful EMFs, to the quantum block allowing you to infuse frequencies your cherished possessions. Dive into the realm of innovation and wellness@Sarah shop or by following the link below. Welcome to business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have one of my favorite people on the planet, Sherry Edwards, coming back to the program. I absolutely adore her and what she does.

She has a special skill, her brain or not her brain, her brain might be special too, but her hearing is mutated. She, she can hear hundreds of times better than an average human. And she talks about how she developed this, you know, how what, how she was born this way or developed it and how she’s been analyzed by many different people. And then we talk about what, what she can do with that and how it. She can hear the entire matrix around us and we break things down this fantastic. A lot of people don’t know, people who’ve been watching my show for years might know this, but she’s going to talk about some new things you haven’t heard.

So make sure you watch it. But people who are new don’t know what her background is. And so you think, get this weird woman talking about sound. It’s like you got to hear her background. It’s really quite incredible. She’s not weird. She was born with this beautifully weird. I mean, she was born with a mutation that allows her to hear this whole matrix. And then she used her life work to document this from a health perspective. She has over 500,000 data points on how this affects our health. And absolutely fantastic. I think you Guys will absolutely love her.

And then we talk about how she can hear, what she can hear and what the special gifts are. So make sure you watch the whole thing. But before I get into that, I want to talk to you again about Masterpiece. And masterpiece is amazing for detoxing heavy metals. Aluminum, graphene oxide, microplastics out of your system. I just bought a whole box of ten for my family. I keep going through these because it’s so important. It is. They figured out how to make a zeolite very, very small. Working with the top labs in the world. Dr. Robert Young is involved as well.

And they are also coupling it with marine plasma so that it’s highly, the most highly dense, nutritious element. And basically they pull out the zeolite, pulls out the aluminum or pulls out the heavy metal and then inserts the marine plasma. So your cells just get a boost of nutrition at the same time. It’s incredible stuff. And what I also like about them is they are spending time actually doing the research, doing the clinical trials proving that this works. So if you are interested for yourself or your family, go to the link below ogadocera and you can try it yourself.

It’s only $52.99 for two months. So it’s not a bad price. Okay. Sarah okay, here’s my fantastic discussion with Sherry Edwards. Hi Sherry. Welcome back to the program. It’s great to be here. I have exciting news. Good. I we don’t have your camera, but that’s okay because we have you and your one of my guests favorite. Before we dive into some of the more analysis that you did, there’s a lot of new listeners who and even the listeners who’ve been around for a while haven’t probably heard your background and some of the interesting things about you to the degree that I know because I’ve had so many conversations with you, you can hear hundreds.

That you’re born with this ability to hear hundreds of times better than everybody else. Can you talk about that? Like what, what is your gift? I think my ears are mutated and I think that happened because I was raised in Appalachia without electricity, without running water, without any kind of sound interference. So my ears developed differently. So that allows me to vocalize things differently. And my ears hear things that are beyond the hearing of normal humans. Maybe not beyond, but it just that yours gets covered up because of all the electricity and stuff. And there’s an interesting story about this because I could do this When I was very young and when Ruth Montgomery came out with her book Aliens Among Us and Strangers Among Us.

Yeah, I thought that’s what’s really wrong with me, that I can hear these sounds from people and tell what they’re thinking. And I wrote to her, and that was before the Internet or anything else. And I said, is it possible when somebody walks out of their body because they don’t want to be here anymore and a new person walks in that they have different traits and because nobody could figure out why I could hear so differently. And so she wrote back a little postcard that said Sherry Edwards when she was 5 years old or 6, she, when she and her friends found the cigar shaped cylinder in the woods, she agreed to share her body with the use of sound for the benefit of mankind.

I didn’t know this woman and I had just written her publisher because you couldn’t write to a normal person because the Internet wasn’t here yet. But she was suggesting that I be in her next book, Aliens Among Us. Now, I don’t think anybody would recognize an alien unless they saw something like was on the movies because if there was aliens here, they’d look perfectly normal. They would just have traits that were abnormal. And my hearing is very abnormal. I am a mutant and I hear sounds from people. Well, okay, you do you really believe? Well, let’s talk about what your mutation is.

You’ve been tested too, by military labs. It’s not like you’re just making this up. There’s a PBS special about it. You can hear hundreds of times better. Can you talk about some of these studies showing your that this is real? And then let’s talk about what it is that you can do, because it’s absolutely fantastic. Well, the more than studies, there’s videos about it. Miracles of non medicine is one. A sonic apothecary is one where they talk about the labs that have tested my ears and also write Patterson Air Force Base tested my ears. There’s something called a sacculus that dolphins have, but humans don’t.

And my saculus is activated. So my hearing is more or could be akin to a dolphin. They’ve not taken my ear apart and I’m not about to let them. But. So yours is activated in ours are dormant. Yes. And so I’m so surprised that they haven’t tried to figure this out more. Maybe they don’t want people to be able to hear this, what you can hear. But do you believe there’s more people or do you think that’s part of the Psychic kind of abilities too, that people might have some of this low level hearing. They don’t realize visualize it.

That ties into being able to hear things differently than others. We can teach people to hear it. We have an article called if you can moan, you can tone. But I think people could hear this. The ancients could hear it. But all this electricity and garbage and sound that’s going on around us taught us to tune it out. But if we really reinstitute it, I think we would be more akin to each other, have more empathy. And I think other people could do what I do. I was just looking to see what it was because I didn’t want to be schizophrenic or be called that.

My aunt called me schizophrenic because one time she was answering something and I said, oh. And Georgie said, blah, blah, blah, blah. And she turned around, she said, I thought it, but I didn’t say it, you little witch. And it really scared my family and it scared me. And I. I cheated with it. If I was taking a test in school and I didn’t know the answer, I could just ask the teacher a question about what I was asking and they would think the answer. Write it down. That’s awesome. It was an advantage for a long time.

It’s not an advantage in my marriage because I’ve had to learn to sit on it because my husband has no privacy. Oh, yeah. It would be very disruptive to a partnership. Yes. That’s interesting. I’ve talked to him and he absolutely adores you. Very protective of you. It’s kind of cute. So he’s kind of grown to be different. He probably realizes that you do that. But think about being with a partner and having no privacy, whatever you’re thinking. I think it would be great in the beginning to have that if somebody knew it up front. But not having any privacy is really, I think, a detriment.

Think about what would happen if everybody in the world had to tell the truth. Well, is it hard? Because you can’t always think good thoughts about your partner? Like you will have a negative thought. A, you know, you just don’t want to be around them at some point. Nothing about them. You absolutely adore them and love them. But it’s not always positive thoughts. We’re human. Yeah. Or when they start thinking, oh, your hair looks really bad, or your breast thinks, you know, you’re not. You don’t look as good as you used to. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It’s very hard for me to be in crowds Because I just pick up everything.

Oh, so do you. Are people. But are people suffering? Is that what you’re feeling like? Because I would think that there’s so much suffering. People are scared right now. I think they finally got over this hump of this election. But people are really afraid about their safety, about their money, about their health. A lot of things that you’ve been talking about. And I’ve taken on the task of helping them with their health by using this very unusual talent to know what is going on. Yeah. And you can hear somebody’s whole profile. Right. Because we are the SO math matrix.

We literally are living in a matrix. That’s the definition of what the universe is. It’s a math matrix. Right. A frequency in sound. Well, we found out that the frequencies of your voice are a holographic representation of the frequencies of your brain. And I’ve just worked the last 40 years to try to break that down. We just had a young man and his mother brought him to us, or brought us. I don’t know how to say that because she just told us about him. She didn’t bring him to us. And I was able to talk to him.

We’ve lost our offices because of COVID And so it’s really hard for me to explain what is going on, but she was very interested in what was going on with his depression. He couldn’t walk. And I was able to hear from his vocal print that he had been damaged through vaccines and that he wasn’t processing gaba. And so we’re going to put him on GABA by a nutrient and see what happens. And also from sound, when we find out something, if we give you the frequencies for that substance, like calcium is the note of E. So if you’re not using calcium, well, we have a whole matrix to look at.

And a lot of people who have cancer have calcium and stress. So we’re able to look at that and give you back information about what’s going on. And it’s all coming from my ears. My ears hear the sound from you is called an otoacoustic emission comes out of your ear. And then my voice is mutated also and it allows me to sing a pure tone so we know we can identify what the frequency is. Then we give people back the frequencies to entrain their brain. It gives information and also has a way to. I can’t say cure.

To help your body cure itself. I went to NIH years ago and we showed them how we could help with pain at arthritis and hands. And they said to me, don’t tell people you could do this. Don’t tell them you can diagnose and cure at the same time. They won’t believe you. But a week or so later, they asked me to apply for a grant, and they called a special director’s grant. And so I did. They wanted to know how I was doing this and all that. And then they got back to me and said, oh, you’re not eligible.

But within a month, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. Oh, am I allowed to say that on air? Some. Some pharmaceutical company came out with, we can tell whether or not you’re going to get Parkinson’s by your vocal print. And they had in there everything that we were using, the computer programs, applications that we were using. And I thought they just stole all this. And so I’m going to create my own computer programs. It was a wonderful thing that happened because now we can share it all with the public, and that’s what we’d like to do. Well, you have over 500,000 data points.

Even putting this whole health matrix together, it’s absolutely phenomenal. It’s a wealth of knowledge and information. I am just so enamored with what you’ve been doing and working on your whole life now. It’s been decades of putting this information together and what it means for humanity as you’re going forward. What are some of the most fantastic things that you have encountered in this process? Because you’ve shared some amazing stories with me that have not come out online because there’s just so many things you’ll be talking about. I’m like, oh, I wish I would have captured that.

It was so incredible. So can you share a couple, you know, things that you’ve run across that you’ve done or heard, or to help people understand the power of this information, we just put a booklet together to show the depth and breadth of what we do. And we’ll send it to people if they want to get in touch with me, just sherryedwards at Gmail, Sherry with an A, and I’ll send them that booklet. But in there, we put some of the most fantastic cases. One was Dr. Russ Rudy, and there’s two things about him. He came to us on a little scooter, and they told him he had Ms.

Go home and die. And we did his vocal print. He didn’t have Ms. According to his vocal print, but he did have damage to his spine. And I told him that that’s what it indicated. He said, I didn’t have any damage to my spine. Well, Two days later he remembered a skiing accident and we started giving him back the frequencies to re establish the nerves in his legs. And it took from Thanksgiving to the next May to regrow his nerves from his waist down. And he’s still out practicing medicine. Now that’s impossible. That can’t happen. It can happen because of the way that you talk about the difference between analog and digital, which is different than rife.

Rife is a digital, which breaks things down. And you do both analog and digital, right? It’s a full, full matrix. Yeah. Analog builds up the body. Yeah. And so you need both. Go ahead. Thing that happened with Dr. Rudy is he had a car accident and he worked in the emergency room so he needed his hands and the, the airbag had crushed one of his hands and caused his little finger not to work. He couldn’t bend it. And it showed up on his vocal print when he came in for a recheck. And so we gave him the, the sounds for it.

We have it on film and it’s available on our websites. You can watch him begin to use that little finger again. And one of the most amazing things it said was that he had the frequency for troponin in stress. And I said, when you had your accident, did they check your heart because you have an indicator of a heart damage? And they said no, but he had it checked and sure enough he had the troponin, which meant his heart was damaged. It was a biomarker. So it’s very diagnostic in what’s going on. You are frequency. Think about what Pythagoras and Kepler and all those people said about the movements of the planets make a sound and our soul hears that sound and tries to match it by frequency.

And when it doesn’t match the frequency of the movements of our environment and the other people around us, we get sick. And so what we have found is a way to monitor what’s going on in your brain that’s making you sick and try to entrain the brain to bring you back to optimal form and function. We can’t say we heal people, although there’s a lot of people out there beginning to say it because we have so much data now to prove that this happens. It’s so amazing. And it goes beyond health. You were talking about agriculture and how we can grow plants.

And I mean, it’s just, it’s incredible how what the power of this is and understanding. I think this is the future of understanding of what we are and where we’re going. And it’s the beginning of it as people start to embrace it and understand it and capitalize on it in a pro human way. Because I know that there’s a lot of black budgets that are utilizing this information from a weapons standpoint against us. But there’s so many. Our future is actually so bright when you realize this is what we can do. EMFs or electromagnetic fields from wi fi and your devices can impact your health, potentially causing headaches, fatigue and anxiety.

If you do not take measures to protect yourself, even more serious conditions like cancer can develop over time. But you can protect yourself from these dangers with EMF protection devices. From my friends at Fix the World Morocco using cutting edge resistance materials, their products like the sleeping pod and phone card absorbs and also changes these harmful fields into frequencies that will harmonize with your body. People who suffer daily often state that they can feel an immediate relief from the ongoing EMFs bombarding their body. You can learn more or buy yours today with the link below under shop.

Well, two exciting things come out of what you just said. One, think about space travel and one of the things they’d have to take was all these different medicines and whatever. Think about just taking a frequency in trainer to space and okay, you have this, we’ll give you this frequency. We don’t have to have all the medications. One of the big things we can do is help set a bone really quickly and set it right. Somebody needs to tell Elon Musk what we can do because this is the medicine of the future and the medicine of space travel.

It is. What’s kind of like the camcorder. What did the doctor on Star Trek had? He just had his little thing and then they. Yes, yeah, we can do that, especially with things like a broken bone, because we know the frequencies for a broken bone and then the bone heals really quick when we give up the frequencies. Well, how much does, how much does it reduce the healing time? By? More than half. And we have several videos about that and what we’ve done with people who’ve crushed their legs. It’s in a video called Miracles of Non Medicine and it’s for free on our site.

If people want to pull it down and look at it, it’s all the doctors who’ve worked with us. Another really exciting thing that you brought up is we did an evaluation of Kennedy and his voice, his Dysonia and we sent it off to several people and they, some of them got back to us and I’m excited about the idea that he’s going to be helping make health better and take it into the future. We want to help him, but we see an avenue for this becoming so normal that you go to your doctor, you get your temperature taken, your blood pressure, and your vocal print.

Yes. Because you can analyze everything that’s wrong with somebody by that. So you also have the talent of. And we talked about this earlier. You can hear what people are thinking and whether they’re telling the truth or not. Right. And there’s. What you’ve told me in the past is that there. There’s frequencies that we can hear, and then there’s another frequency that you hear that our ears can’t hear, and that one tells you if somebody’s lying or not. Yes, absolutely. And we give away that software so people can do this for themselves. That’s one of the reasons I followed the election all the way through.

And one of the things that Kamala failed to get across to people was that she was authentic. She is not authentic, but they recognize that with Trump, that he is very authentic. And no matter what, people liked. Yeah, people liked it. But we were also in a state in this country where things were so bad that she had to be really charismatic and get past all that because they’ve gotten to the point where the platforms supersede the person almost, you know, where they can create this whole fabricated propaganda around somebody. But the state of the country is so bad, the.

The economy, that the people. She needed to have charisma and be authentic to win. The whole propaganda machine was not going to work. It worked in the past. It worked for Biden. He wasn’t charismatic and quit telling lies. But they plugged up so many of the cheating holes that if you look at what happened in the voting, almost every state, it was equal 48 to 52, except two places. One was the District of Columbia. And this is where all the politicians are. And when you look at what’s going on with the District of Columbia, and they only have three senators or representatives, the vote was 6% Republican and 94% Democrat.

Wow. Now what. What are they afraid of? Because they know Trump would come in and revamp the whole place. It take away a lot of their jobs. Their jobs, their backdoor money, their lives. Yeah. And you trust the results because. I think it’s probably more reflective, what the country really is. I’ve been trying to feel what people are thinking and all over the place. So I think this is a more reflective result of the country. But I do know that they’re able to cheat with the systems and everything else. So I actually think it was probably more of a landslide than what was shown, but they knew that the country was on edge and they couldn’t fake another one without.

I mean, it was just too obvious. They made it a lot closer than it was. The. And, and I, I think the Washington, D.C. 94% to 6% is absolutely incredible, actually. It shows you where the government, the deep state, really is at. Well, they’re afraid of Trump. Look at what he’s going to take away. They’re going to have to tell the truth. They’re going to have to treat everybody equal by the law. They’re going to have to clean up their act and quit trying to make everybody bow down and follow what they want, not what’s for the good of the people.

Can you tell when you have one of those deep staters on? Because you can never tell. I think an average person can’t. They seem like they’re good, but can you tell when they’re lying? And it. Yeah, I know you can. And. And that’s what we want to share with everybody, is it? Almost all of them. It. When we did an evaluation, it was 9 to 9% for Kamala and the other was for Trump. So an evaluation. How did you do that evaluation? Okay, here is Kamala talking. Is she telling the truth or lying? Oh, I see.

9% of the time she tells the truth, whereas Trump tells the truth 90% of the time. Is that what you found? Yes. Okay. And it was other people. The guy running with her waltz and people talking about Obama, talking about her, which was a big lie. And his state. Doesn’t he live in Massachusetts? I can’t remember where he lives. He’s on Martha’s Vineyard and things. Yeah. So that. So that went 61% for Kamala and 36% for Trump. That’s really upsetting. What do you mean? What you mean Massachusetts, going in that direction. So I’m looking at a map online and it’s 61% of people in Massachusetts voted Democrat, 36% voted Republican.

And I think if we look at these states and we evaluate the states where it wasn’t quite equal, we can tell where the lying states are and the lying states, governments and the lies people were telling in their advertisements. Well, also the lying, but also the cheating. I don’t think all the cheating has been fixed. And as much as you can’t talk about the Dominion systems, and maybe it’s not the company’s fault, but we know I have computer science background. It’s not that hard to hack into these machines. Those machines have not been fixed and all the problems around that has not.

Have not been fixed. So I don’t know if you. Without having custody, you know, chain of custody on where the, excuse me, on the voter versus the end result, which they refuse to do all that stuff can be. It’s not hard to fix it. It’s just they won’t fix it. And until they fix it, it’s hard to trust it. We did two evaluations of people who were whistleblowers and came forward and said these Dominion machines are compromised and they were telling the truth. Both of them. That’s right. And the thing that really frustrates me, they won’t fix it.

They claim it’s legit and shut up. These are all fair, but yet they. But they won’t fix it. They won’t do the chain of custody stuff. And unless they fix it, you should not trust it because it’s too easy to cheat. It’s way too easy. And the average person doesn’t understand it. And so they can snow people over. But the fact that they refuse to fix it is what worries me. And it’s not just the Democrats. It’s all sides. And until you fix those issues, how can I have trust in the system? And people should be asking those questions even though Trump won going forward.

I mean, these basic things need to be fixed. It’s not too much to ask. It’s not too much to ask that we trust the system. We trust that you’re not lying to me. Right. So. But go ahead. So people can do it on their own. They don’t have to swallow this crap. Well, but this, yeah, that’s. They can hear that they’re being lied to, but the fixing of the problem is something that we should all demand and we shouldn’t. We shouldn’t have to have that shoved down our throats where they’ve refused to fix something. Okay, but let’s talk about the guy that assassin tried to assassinate Trump, the third one.

There was some weird. Van Miller was his name. And there was some interesting things I’m going to bring up. See if I can bring up the chart here. He tried to deny all of it. He’s not telling the truth. He was so scattered. He was really convinced himself that if they. He did this, it would be the better for the future. People can look at this really tall red line under G sharp and that’s future position for anything physical. So the computer gives you a printout. I’m just reading from this because I, I wrote the program as part of a graduation requirement when I was in interpersonal communication.

But he’s thought this through. That’s the yellow. He’s got C, E go yellow, D sharp, information yellow and B yellow for intellectual, for other people. The note of B is usually other people. But his highest interest is in preserving the future. That really big red line. And this is the software that people can have. And we give you videos on how to use it, we give you textbooks on how to use it. And it’s free and it’s on our site. is the site where you can download this or write to me. I don’t want to put any more work on Sarah, but she probably could put this up someplace for people to download.

I’ll put it on the episode page on my website. So if they go to sarah and look for this episode, it’ll be there. A link to this or the links. It’ll be a link in the description if I can get it soon. But the guy’s guilty. That’s what you’re seeing. Because when I watched his interview on or his talk, his plea on YouTube, he, he seems like he’s a good guy, but he’s full of crap. That’s interesting. The guy’s guilty and there’s something. He’s being. It looks like there’s money that went in his direction to do this.

Yes. Wow. Okay. See, this is what people. This is what’s so mind blowing is you can listen to somebody give such a nice plea. And I think lawyers and judges and people in the system that are used to working with criminals, they’re used to people lying like this. So it’s not unusual, but the average person isn’t. Isn’t used to it. He’s such a good liar. Yeah. So I don’t think that’s a psychopath or sociopath, but he is such a good liar. His words were very convincing. And people can lie with their words, but they can’t lie with the frequencies of the voice.

It’ll tell on you and tell people what’s going on. I’ll send. Put a link to his video as well. Him telling, talking about it. Because people will know what we’re talking. If you watch it, you’ll be like, I kind of like this guy, but he’s lying to you. So that’s, that’s the hard part about this. And that’s why it’s such a mental trip when you, you’re around people you like. Like Obama, he’s a likable character, but he’s lying to you. All that. He’s very charismatic. Some the best con men, con women are charismatic. Liars. You like them.

That’s why they can con you. He and Hillary Clinton are two of the biggest liars I’ve ever seen. Wow. But you must have suspected something of this guy or you wouldn’t have asked me to do his voice. Well, Cliff High sent me a message and said, sarah, something’s up here. Can you. He asked to have me connect with you. And I’m like. And then I listen. I’m like, yeah, this is weird. And then you did it and I got it back to him. And it was. It was a good little triangle there of getting information. And it’s hard because when we’re in this industry, it’s so nice having people like you that help us, to guide us, because we just don’t.

It. It’s. It’s hard for us to know when people who to trust. Who. I have so many people. It’s like a fire hose of people coming at me. How do I know who to trust? And so you have to look at actions. That’s why I am not people. I know I’m not. I grew up in a Christian environment and I tend to. I have Christian values, but I’m not super religious. But I find solace in people who are. And the reason why is because to them, truth is really important. And. And so I like people that have those values, whether it’s Christianity or some other religion where truth and integrity and how you hold yourself is really important.

And I find myself. The people that I have as my close friends and stuff, have those kind of backgrounds and have those values because then I can. I don’t. We just trust each other. You end up in enjoying. They have integrity. You enjoy being around them more because they’re just better people. And a lot of times it’s. A lot of times it’s Christians or people who are born that or. Or another. Another kind of upbringing like that. And they’re authentic. That’s why. That’s what it is. Yeah, they’re authentic. It doesn’t necessarily have to be that. But I find myself, you know, what do you call it? Attracted to them because we.

On the same frequency. Because they are authentic. Yeah. They can’t. As part of their core, who they are, they don’t want to lie. They want to be truthful and real. Because no, deep down, that that’s what you can trust. Yeah. Somebody who’s authentic. But the computer program doesn’t tell you a lot of new stuff. It just confirms what you already know. Interesting. Well, the other thing is the mob. People like. Well, it does. Just because you’re Christian, you’re not. It’s like, I agree. Because look at the mob. We’re Catholics, right? And they’re the mob. So it’s.

It’s, you know, that. That’s why the Catholic Church or the Church really struggles, too, because they’re so infiltrated with bad guys. But the people who truly believe it is what I’m talking about, truly believe in. Not necessarily the religious stuff, but the religious stuff, but the principles behind it. Being a good person, telling the truth. That’s what we need in this country. That’s what everything. If you want to turn something around, those are the principles and values you need in order to turn something, a situation around. Right. I think this election proved it, and it stressed people out so bad that that’s why we decided to give away this program, to help people over that stress.

My undergraduate degrees are in interpersonal communication. I can see where all the lies were really taking a toll and causing people to fight with each other. Well, here’s a computer program that’ll tell you the absolute truth of what’s going on, and that’s why we made it free. We can’t afford to do that, but we had to do it for the sanity of the people. This election made people crazy. It did make people crazy. And, you know, my daughter just texted me. She’s upset because there’s a couple people she works with that are really upset, and they believe they’re DACA kids, meaning that they came when they’re little and they believe that they’re going to be shipped away.

And it’s a really sad situation. People who are. They pump so much propaganda at these people to scare the heck out of them that they now believe that Trump’s going to take away their rights, they’re going to be persecuted, and that it’s going to go back to slavery. I mean, literally, people are scared because the propaganda was so intense for these people. I didn’t watch a lot of it, so I wasn’t affected because I don’t watch mainstream media. I’m not in that left bubble. But those people that are. They’re scared. I can tell you that after the assassination attempt, Trump really turned around a lot of things because he felt like then that he had God’s mission and he will do whatever he does with kindness.

Is that what you Thought you can hear it in his voice. Yes, he’ll do the right thing, but he won’t do it in an evil way. You know, that’s good. That’s what we need because hurting some of these people like my daughter in law was born in Mexico but came when she was six months and lived here her whole life. She’s a great person. She’s now in school getting her doctorate in chiropractory again to be a chiropractor. And she’s just a great person and she’s. Those people are scared because they. But it wasn’t her fault. She came when she was an infant, right? But now she’s gone through the legal process of becoming a US citizen because you know, my son’s a US citizen so she’ll be, she’ll be fine.

But a lot of the people that came when they’re children that and, and some people want this like hard nose that you know what those. And I know we weren’t going to be talking about DACA’s people but I’m going to because I had someone reach out to me years ago. This was, I don’t know how many pre Covid and they were saying that the DACA kids are all being ignored. They’re the. Even the Democrats don’t want. No one wants to talk about the DACA kids because nobody wants to solve the problem. They want the problem for the politics.

Like the immigrants look really bad. The ones that are coming over that are that we don’t want here. And then the Democrats didn’t want to solve the DACA kids because they want to be able to point and say that they’re racist and not dealing with all these kids that have issues and no one would solve their problem. And I remember there’s this whole lobby group and I was talking to him and stuff and so there’s. That’s the kind. And I like the fact that he said he’s not going to do it in evil fashion because there are people like that who we do need to take care of.

Whereas having a stream of illegal immigrants who could, you know, who are raping people like women and children are coming over, they’re being gang raped, you know, 12 times a day. That kind of environment needs to be cleaned up and that’s what they’re allowing. Plus, you know, military age men coming from all these different countries. Meanwhile we have legitimate good people who we want to take care of. Kennedy is going to bring civility back to the government. Watch it happen. I hope so because that’s what we need, we need to have compassion and we need to be real people.

We need to deal with so many things on a, on a, on a human level. And. But we have serious issues. It’s like the, the squirrel issue. The squirrel is so stupid. Squirrel. The peanut, you know, where they took it, it’s so stupid. And it’s a kind of a trivial issue because it’s a squirrel. But that, what makes it not trivial is they had a SWAT team of 10 people to come in to get a squirrel. I mean, they, they had, they used the resources of, of these well trained, expensive team to come and get a squirrel when.

I mean, it’s just so ludicrous. Why didn’t they give it to a petting zoo or something? Why’d they have to kill it? Well, they, they claim they thought it had rabies, which is B.S. i mean, that’s just a, that’s a total PR B.S. because they were living with these people for. Since it was a tiny little baby. It’s, that’s total B.S. but the fact that they used a SWAT team, I mean, I just. Come on. They did that on some people too, you know, with guns in the early morning. Yeah. Yeah. Well. And I think they used, I think the example because they’ve been doing it on people.

You’re right. They’ve been doing it on people all over the place that were totally innocent, you know, did nothing. And they. Next thing you know, they got this SWAT team in them. So I think that’s why this went viral is because it was so, so ridiculous. The fact that they could point out a squirrel as being the most innocent, trivial thing and they did this. It was, it’s the most extreme example they could come up with. It’s like, I’d like to. Would you be embarrassed if you were part of the SWAT team? I’d like to see their voice and see what their med.

Their motivation was for that. I’d really like to dig into that. I know we have, but I have something really important to share with people. Yes, let’s, let’s move on. What do you got? When all this stress was coming around about the election, I thought, what else stresses people? What could I do to help them? So I took all of our volunteers and we have about 2,000 now volunteers. And I took their voices apart and I looked at the people who complained about being fat. And I’ve put a computer program together for people that their voice will tell them why they’re having problems with weight management.

And in the beginning, we want to make this free for people. And so people can go to Sound Health Portal and they can go to biomarkers and then to weight management and it will give them a printout of their voice of what’s causing them to be overweight. Is it thyroid? Is it temperature? Is it nutrition? Is it exercise toxicity, inflammation? And we want to present that to the public in a way that will help them reduce their stress. I think, I think you should have. Because you, you are trying to fund your thing. I think people should have to pay a couple dollars for it because to help fund the work that you do.

That’s my opinion. And maybe we can talk about that. And I know it’s free right now and maybe people can get. Go and get it now, but I think in the future I think we should do something where people are actually paying a little bit, not a lot, but a little to help fund what you do. Because I know that you’re always, you’re doing so much great work in this carving pass and everything else. And you give away so much free. I’d like to see people start to. And weight management’s important from helping with other diseases and stuff, but at the end of the day, it’s still a vanity thing too.

It’s important, don’t get me wrong. It really is. And I think people can pay you a couple bucks, five bucks or something to analyze what’s really happening with their bodies. I think it’s needed because they’re being ignored by conventional doctors, by weight loss people, by supplements. They are being seen as a revenue stream, not as somebody who really needs help. That’s right. That’s right. And you kind of analyze me. And what I want to do is do a show with you where you analyze me on. And I don’t. The world gets to see why I struggle to lose £20, but.

And I have, I keep going, I lose something. Something works for a little bit. And then I’m like, it’s just hard, right? And. And so we’re going to analyze me. We’re going to analyze, see, get a couple people who are substack subscribers and do it for. And show people how it works. I think that’ll be a fun experiment for people to see and important. And I think it’s very important that we be able to set up bioacoustic centers in every community. And so I didn’t tell you this, but I’m just going to offer it now. Anybody who wants to open a center, we’re going to train people two for one.

So that people can do this really inexpensively and we can get it out there to the public. There’s millions of overweight people. We have a ready made audience. Clients for people who want to train to do this so they can get in touch with me just sherryedwards at gmail share with an A or go to our site and say yes, I’m interested in this. Please send me information. Let’s put ourselves back to optimal health and let’s put that health responsibility back into our own hands. So no government official can come in and say no, you can’t have that.

That’s right. That’s what we have to. I mean that’s, it’s. But I am so excited about what you have, you know that I am, I am in awe of all the. Like you have a 500 over 500,000 data points. It’s just incredible. And more than anybody in the world, you’re absolutely fantastic. I adore you and what you do. So thank you so much for joining the program and we’re going to have you on soon because we’re going to go through my profile and a profile of a couple other volunteers. We don’t have the volunteers yet. And figure this out.

That is great. The secret is I can hear it. And so we test it out. Nobody else has this ability to hear and speak these frequencies. That’s our secret power. Well, and can you speak it because you can hear it? Like you said, your voice is mutated to your toning. Is that because you can hear it whereas our voice, we can’t hear it. So our voice isn’t going to modulate. It’s kind of like if you grew up in Europe, you’re going to have an accent, a English accent or a Scottish accent or a southern accent. You acclimate to what you hear and because you could hear this, your voice acclimated to it.

Yes, my voice creates pure tones. Alfred Tomato says what you if you can’t hear it, you can speak it. And so we did some studies with that and found out that what I’m giving back to people are pure tones. And Albert Roy Davis says that’s what heals your body, not sine waves, that kills pathogens and garbage. So we have all this in a kind of a booklet form for people of what’s really going on and how math is really medicine. Well, and it’ll help people understand the rife technology too because rife is more of a digital versus analog and how the difference of one kill.

That’s why it works so well on cancer and things because it kills the pathogens, but it doesn’t build up and construct, doesn’t build. And so the combination of the two is the full understanding of what this is. That’s what we train people with and that information. And I just think it’s the future. So I’m going to keep going. It is, it is the future. It is if we embrace it and build it and use it. So thank you so much, Sherry. I really appreciate you joining the program. It has been awesome. Thank you.



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