Spread the truth



âž¡ Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense show, discusses various topics including the importance of investing in gold and silver due to the potential failure of the dollar. He also talks about geoengineering and its potential risks to the human race, as well as the ongoing pole shift and its possible effects. Hodges criticizes the climate change narrative, arguing that natural cycles and technological interventions are more influential. He ends by recommending his listeners to protect themselves in these uncertain times.
âž¡ The text discusses a theory that Earth is being artificially and naturally changed, similar to the plot of the movie “The Arrival” where aliens terraform Earth. It also criticizes the concept of man-made climate change, suggesting that it’s a scam and that natural climate change has always occurred. The text also mentions the idea of “15 Minute Cities”, where everything one needs is within a 15-minute walk, and questions the impact on the elderly and handicapped. Lastly, it suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) may view humans as a threat due to our carbon-based existence.
âž¡ The text discusses the concept of transhumanism, the blending of humans and technology, and its potential implications. It also delves into conspiracy theories about secret space programs, the influence of powerful entities, and the potential for a mass die-off due to technological advancements. The author suggests that these theories might be linked to biblical interpretations and warns about the potential dangers of organizations like the UN and the World Health Organization. The text ends with a call to be aware of efforts to dehumanize and control us.
âž¡ The text discusses a theory that powerful entities are planning to control humanity, limit our freedoms, and potentially reduce the population. This includes controlling our diets, using artificial intelligence, and possibly using technology to extend their own lives. The author suggests that these entities lack compassion and may use fear to make people feel powerless. However, the author believes that faith, specifically in Jesus, can provide protection and hope against these potential threats.
âž¡ The speaker believes that what we perceive as aliens are actually interdimensional beings or fallen angels. This idea may be hard to accept, but he encourages listeners to consider it. He also emphasizes the importance of spiritual discernment, particularly through a Christian lens, in understanding these matters. Lastly, he urges people to prepare for potential challenges and to actively participate in their lives, as he believes this aligns with biblical teachings.


Hello America. Dave Hodges here, host of the Common Sense show. We are the show that is freeing America one enslaved mind at a time. Thank you so much for joining us. We have an unusual presentation and it falls into the hips category and I want to give one more example of the type of things we’re going to cover over at the Commonsensehow tv. So this is a unique opportunity to get some inside view of some of the things beyond and above what we do with regard to geopolitics. I think you’re going to find this to be very interesting.

Very interesting. Hey, we’re brought to you by Noble Gold and I wanted to just take a minute and just say you really need to get the gold guide if you don’t already have it. If you get the Noble Gold guide that I can make available to you at my site, these are the types of things that you’re going to find out. Let’s just focus here on the left hand column for a second. What is a gold and silver IRA and why is it right for you? And how do you want to own gold and silver? And what’s the benefit of diversifying into gold and silver? And I can answer a couple of those questions superficially right now, but I want to send you the guide to give you more detail.

But basically the dollar’s failing and unless Donald Trump goes to some kind of basket value based currency like gold, like silver, probably gold and silver, the dollar is going to fail and it’s going to fail quickly. We’re struggling just to meet the needs on paying the interest. And those of you that understand credit card debt knows what that means for our economy, we could go into freefall. That’s why you need to get this guide because it goes through all these things and more. And I’ll say this right now, they have the right to keep everything that you have in the bank, including your retirement.

Do you want to start over? I don’t think you want to start over. I don’t want to start over. And that’s why I can give this warning in good faith and then tell you how I deal with elements of this warning. Any investment carries an inherent risk and you should consult your financial advisor if you have one. And past performance can’t be construed with future expectation. Hey now I’ve said that and we give that in good faith. I have been an advertiser for Noble Gold for eight years. I’ve been a customer many times over for seven.

And there’s a reason why is I don’t trust the dollar I don’t trust the banks. And they should give a warning about what the banks can do to you like they did in 1929 to my mom’s side of the family when they went from riches to rags overnight. That can happen to you. And I don’t know if Donald Trump can stop it. I know he can rebuild it. I know he can pick us up. But do you want to lose what you have in the process? No, of course not. So go to Dave Hodgesgold.com that’s Dave Hodgesgold.com and I’ll rush you out a free information packet.

And I have to tell you, I don’t think you got a lot of time because the Democrats are going to try to burn down this country, literally and figuratively. By the way, they’re funding antifa now through third party sources like George Soros. Again, again, we live in really difficult times right now. You got to protect yourself. Dave Hodgesgold.com all right, we’re going to talk about something here that I really find interesting. Well, it’s interesting what we’re looking at here. It, it, it just never blows my mind. And I’ll tell you a guy who’s been really ahead of the curve on this and I’ve been lucky to interview him a few times.

And I’m talking about Dane Wiggington, great guy, really great guy and very, very good researcher. And he’s talked about geoengineering that’s intentional and putting the human race at risk. And he’s gotten a lot of criticism, always too extreme. Let me go back in time and I’ll talk about just a related issue for a second. The pyramids, oh, the Egyptians built them with ropes and pulleys. You can destroy that Myth in about 10 seconds of argument. And when Graham Hancock came out and he was talking about, hey, there’s more to this than we know. And Ben Carson, that’s right, the guy that was a surgeon general for Donald Trump, he came out and said these things too.

People just said they’re crazy, they’re lunatics, they should, no one should listen to them. And they’ve proven to be right. I mean, Joe Rogan’s fascinated by this and has Graham Hancock on his show a lot. And he should. Graham Hancock is fantastic, but he gets labeled by the establishment because the establishment’s involved in a cover up. The pyramids aren’t going to kill us. Geoengineering could kill us. And Dane Wigginton is correct. It’s deliberate, it’s intentional. And we’re going to talk A little bit about here about how this is very, very real. There is a natural mitigating circumstance going on right now on changing conditions on the planet that are being used improperly and bootstrapped to what appears to be a pole shift that’s ongoing.

Now, we know that earlier in the century that in North America they had to redo the true north alignment for airport runways and they had to adjust everything. And we’re adjusting GPS now more than ever before. So clearly something is going on. But it’s natural because it goes on in cycles and it eventually triggers an ice age. Some people say it triggers a lot more than that, that it really stops the Earth from rotating for a brief while. And since we’re going at about 10, 30 miles per hour, as I covered last week, can you imagine if it suddenly stopped and you’re driving 55 down a road and all of a sudden you’re going a thousand miles an hour? Oh, oh, that might not be good.

Same with structures. You’d have volcanic eruptions, tectonic plate shifts. We went into that last week. That could be the result of a full blown hole shift. And the thing is, I don’t know that we’re there and I don’t know that we’d be there for 100 years, a thousand years. Some people say we’re overdue. And I do agree with the fact that according to the archaeological data, we probably are overdue. It doesn’t mean though, that we’re going to go from 0 to 60 in 4 seconds and tomorrow it’s going to happen. But it’s interesting, it’s tied to the climate change green scam and they’re taking full advantage of this.

Every change that takes place, it’s climate change. Everything that goes on, if it’s a hurricane, if it’s a tornado, if it’s a bad rainstorm, you get hail, you get a record temperature. It’s climate change and it’s your fault. But you know what’s interesting? They’ve made CO2 the enemy yet. I just read through some NASA documents and they said if you wanted to live on Mars, you’d have to terraform it. That’s true. And how would you terraform Mars? And they say it right in the literature. You got to put more CO2 in the atmosphere. It’s good and it would make things grow.

Oh, so you want this carbon in the atmosphere? Yes, for Mars, but not here on Earth. Oh, no, it’s causing climate change. Actually what it does is it stabilizes the climate, irrespective Of a pole shift. Now, pole shift overrides everything. And I don’t think we can concern ourselves right now with the pole shift, other than the fact that I’ve mentioned. It seems to be in the very early stages. How fast it goes, we don’t know. And it will have some demonstrable effects, but we have technology that can make it a whole lot worse. And this is where people like Dane Wigginton come in with geoengineering.

So whether it’s the chemtrails or the harp, artificially motivated weather, whether it’s air Force owning the weather 2025, which I have on my website, I received a advanced copy before it was ever made available to the public about how to change weather and how to trigger earthquakes using HAARP technology. Briefly, it’s an array of antenna, and you bombard the ionosphere in a certain location, you move the jet stream, and you can do what you want with weather. With Earth, it’s a matter of reflecting electrical energies on certain frequencies and beaming them and boomeranging them with greater force back to earth on tectonic plates and fault lines, and then you can induce earthquakes.

In fact, I know someone who is a signatory of this, and he quit because he wouldn’t agree to earthquaking civilian populations, innocent people. And so they removed him and put him in a different branch. This is very serious stuff. And I will tell you what, this puts me in the mind of the 1997 movie with Charlie Sheen called the Arrival. You see? Yeah, I kind of remember that. If you’ve been around, you know, almost 30 years, watching movies you probably saw, it was very popular. The movie was about. And don’t think I’m talking about aliens here in the present, but it was about aliens that had come to Earth.

They had a machine that would basically make an alien person into a human being. And in the movie, they showed the machine that transformed them. And then they would assume key positions around the world, become government leaders. In this one case, in the movie the Arrival, the the head of NASA. And of course, it was just science fiction. The plot behind the movie, though, was the aliens came here to claim this planet, presumably because their planet would not be inhabitable, and they wanted to eradicate humanity, but didn’t necessarily want to fight a war. So what they did is they terraformed the planet, and the plan was to heat it up much, much, much, much more.

To eventually, like the frog in the boiling pot, humanity goes extinct, and these alien life forms would take over. Now, you know, in all these movies, that are involving aliens and demonic spirits and whatever. There’s always a happy ending for humanity. You notice that the good guys win in the end. The one production I can tell you about where that’s not true in terms of a happy ending. The Twilight Zone. The twilight zone, after 60 plus years is still probably one of the best productions ever in terms of stretching your imagination and making you wonder what could be that Rod Sterling was not concerned about happy endings.

And I think the happy endings are designed by the people that control Hollywood. CIA. Who controls the CIA? We’ll get to that in a minute. It’s interesting that Hollywood carries out CIA operative suggestions for films. We know that’s true. That’s no secret. That’s been known for quite some time. So when we take a look at this and you go back to the movie with Charlie Sheen and the Arrival and then transmit that situation to the present, I think it’s really interesting. I think it’s very interesting that we are looking at a situation now where we’re imitating art.

When Dane talks about the geoengineering, he says it’s artificially creating conditions on the planet that will make it uninhabitable. And the overriding pole shift doesn’t seem to enter into a lot of this at this time. I think at some time it’ll be the issue but like I said, it might be a thousand years in the future. None of us here may never live to see this happen. We’re just seeing the beginnings of gradual effects because we got to realign our GPS because we will have changes. I’ll give you example of the climate change people make. That’s just totally bogus.

The ice caps are melting because you’re driving your car too much. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is this is that when true north changes, the old ice caps are in a little warmer zone so they melt but new glaciers are formed. You never hear about that point. And let me just share something else. Fraud has already been established in this on a widespread basis. Back in 2008 the two primary institutions, research institutions looking into so called global warming is what it was called then, were caught committing fraud. There were email exchanges between East Anglia University in the UK and Penn State University in the United States.

And the exchanges went something like this. What will the world say if they know that the temperatures of the earth over the last few decades have actually declined a little bit and haven’t warmed up? And a hacker got into this, found these emails and exposed them and it was in the mainstream Media, they were forced to deal with it because it had gotten public. Thank goodness for the Internet and the alternative media because we forced the issue. Well, they admitted the fraud and said, it’s regrettable, we’ll go back to ground zero. But you know what’s interesting? Nobody from either institution was either charged with fraud or were they ever dismissed from their positions.

They retained their professorships and they kept right on doing what they were doing. Except that they changed the labeling. They changed the labeling to no longer are we looking at global warming. And it’s actually a pretty brilliant move. We are dealing with climate change caused by man. So it used to be we had to buy the fiction that the earth is heating up. No, that was disproven. So then they had to say, well, if you have a bad storm, it’s climate change. If you have an earthquake, it’s climate change. If you have a hurricane, it’s climate change.

If you have a record temperature, it’s climate change. Anything impacting the weather not done in 500 year and 100 year comparisons, which is the standard mode for comparing the climate then versus the climate. Now they say it’s climate change, but we see evidence of their definition of climate change predating by far the Industrial Revolution. So before there was ever a factory, before there was ever an automobile or an airplane, we had many of these anomalous effects with the weather. I mean, just look at the Carrington effect, right? Sunspots. Was that climate change? Yeah, but it was natural climate change and the injection of mass corona to the earth, destroying communications, telegraph wires and so forth.

That was in the 1850s. Yeah, it’s called the Carrington effect. You can look that up, predates anything we were really doing in terms of what they’re saying that we can’t do now. So their master plan is to take you and put you in an open air concentration camp called a 15 Minute City. They don’t hide it. What do we have? Over 100 cities in America today that have signed on to this are called the C40 Cities. And they don’t. They’ll let you travel. I think it’s once every three years on a plane not more than 500 miles.

You won’t own a car. You’ll have everything you need within 15 minutes. They don’t account for the elderly, the handicapped, which is scary. What are they going to do with them? Because they can’t walk to everything in 15 minutes. What good does it do if you’re on a walker? What if you’re on the second floor? There’s no ada. I mean, there’s nothing that they discuss there that’s concerning to me. I. You wonder why they’re promoting euthanasia? Yeah, you know, you know where that’s going. So when we look at these 15 minute cities, you will have no technology, nothing that emits carbon, but it’s the basis of life.

We are carbon based beings. See, when you produce AI, okay, synthetic based beings, silicone, we are carbon. But it’s the very thing that they say that we can’t have in the atmosphere. So does that mean that we are a threat to their idea of a civilized society that doesn’t promote climate change? It’s an interesting thought. They have carried it to the biological level. When they say that cows farting causes climate change, they’ve opened the door to move down the biological path to say that you human, are the problem. By the way, did you see that AI response recently? Someone asked about AI and they said, you humans are worthless.

Die. Did you see that exchange? It was pretty interesting. Mainstream media sure didn’t want to cover that, but we’ve seen the recording of that all through the alternative media. Okay, so let’s come back home here. The planet is changing somewhat and the planet is changing naturally and it is also changing artificially. And you say, wait a minute, Dave, didn’t you just say that climate change is a scam? The answer, Yes, I did. And you’re saying, well, how do I put it this way? You’re saying, well, which is it? It’s both. It’s both. I believe the planet’s being terraformed.

There is the race eventually to an ice age and it could mean the wiping out of civilization with some survivors. And the Hopi say we’re in the fifth world and it’s happened four times before and it’s going to happen again in this age. Although I don’t know that the data supports in this age. It could be a future age. And I do agree it’s coming there. And the Hopis aren’t along alone in this. I mean, the people from India and China have legends along this line. And I think it’s really important that we look at this and just say, yeah, it’s happened before, but we’re also geoengineering.

And if you think Hurricane Helene and its after effects was natural, I got swampland to sell you in the Everglades. It was not natural. If you think that the right angle turn that Hurricane Katrina made to ran smack dab into New Orleans, if you think that was natural, think again. And by the way, there was some on the ground chicanery too. Who opened up the docks, who opened up the reservoirs and the levees? Yeah, exactly. We won’t get into that, but I mean we know there was some funny business going on and we’ve seen weather patterns have very anomalous features that we’ve never seen before.

That’s the geoengineering that Dane Wigginton is talking about. And let’s assume for the sake of argument that we are living in a modern day version of the 1997 movie the Arrival. Let’s take a look at that for a second. What if that’s going on in a different form, you know, its own unique set of characteristics to terraform the planet to make it uninhabitable. Who’d want to do that? Well, this is where we got to take a leap into what we know is true transhumanism. Now we don’t see a lot about that right now. Do you remember Google Glass? Yeah.

Remember that? Okay, we know transhumanism is real. Real. And let’s go back in time in 1992 when I couldn’t talk about the secret space program and what I knew about it and some of the things that came out of Operation Paper Clip. And I wasn’t, it wasn’t wise for me to talk about it. Then I heard Vance Davis on the Art Bell show. First time I ever heard Art Bell ever was 1992 and Vance Davis was his guest. I did not know Vance and Vance was talking about transhumanism combining man and machine to achieve some form of immortality.

Now how did he know about this? Well, in the late 80s he was in the army but attached to the NSA. And they then were attached to NATO in Germany and they were told to do some rather esoteric occultic type stuff like the Nazi scientists did to try to derive new technologies. Well, they didn’t like that. And his entire outfit said, but we’re out of here, we’re done. And they deserted their post. They were caught, imprisoned. But the H.W. bush who was the president then didn’t want to have the exposure of a trial. So they let him go.

And Vance talked. I can’t believe they let him. They left him alone. I think of all the people that were associated with advance was the only one that spoke publicly and consistently. And what he described was melding of man and machine achieve immortality. This is almost 10 years in advance of the term transhumanism. And he didn’t use the term, but he wrote a book Called Unbroken Promises. You’re saying, boy, that’s. Did you ever hear of that book? No, no. He got it published, but everyone and their mother tried to block it because they didn’t want this information out there for the public to consume.

Well, in his interview with Art, he also talked about the secret space program. And I go, oh, this boy knows what I know. Because I could tell by what he was saying. And I also knew he was holding back a little bit too because he would go steps 1, 2, 3 and not go to 4 and 5. And I knew what 4 and 5 were and I knew he did too. But there was a reason he wasn’t saying it at that time. He became fully, let’s put it this way, he fully disclosed as he went on.

So I tried to get a hold of an, and this is in the days before the Internet and eventually I was able to get an email. Was it an email or voicemail? I think it was a voicemail to him. And lo and behold, his protege, one of his friends, Bill Pollock, who had connections with Air Force Intel, CIA and kind of moved away from all that, didn’t like what they were doing. There was a murder of two people that just said, I’m out of here. And he became an advisor to Vance. And later Bill becomes my mentor.

His wife, Annie Dio, became my news director on my show. So Bill calls me and he grills me for a couple of hours. And I said, bill, there’s things I can’t tell you because I don’t know you and I don’t know where this will go. But I know what Vance knows. And I gave him enough to. He thought, okay, he, he does know what he’s talking about. So the next thing I know, Vance gets a hold of me. The three of us become the best of friends. I’m not going to go down this path. I’ve talked about it briefly before, but we even did a thing with Enron before the collapse.

We witnessed the collapse, we know what was behind it, we know about the evidence planting and all that stuff. I’ll go into that at a later time. But we became very, very good friends and that we started to have seminars and we’d sign non disclosure agreements and astronauts and scientists and so forth would come in and tell their stories and we were trying to enlighten each other and we would meet at Placidus, New Mexico, where Bill was living at the time. And it was fascinating. I mean the stuff I heard about what the astronauts found on the moon from the astronauts themselves.

Was absolutely incredible. So Vance and I still are friends today. Vance was last on my show about six months ago. We’re due for an update, but he’s crazy busy right now with what he’s doing in the restaurant business and he’s trying to live a mainstream life now. He’s paid a price for his revelations. He truly has. Harassment was off the charts. But Vance and I have talked about the geoengineering often. And I’m going to take you back to what he told me about an origin. You heard me talk about this. Genesis 6, verse 4 says, and they were here afterward.

Who was here? Following that scripture in the Bible is a discussion of Noah’s flood prior to was the fallen angels that came to earth and took earthly women and had offspring with them. Interesting. Did the DNA survive the flood? The answer is yeah. In fact, Pastor Paul Begley always did a seminar for Paul on a conference he put together that was fantastic. Paul and I just have discussed this privately. That what I’m talking to you about here is the hot topic right now in eschatology with regard to scriptural interpretation of the Bible. It’s my belief, it’s Vance’s belief, and it’s Paul’s belief that this is what true about what I’m ready to tell you.

In Vance’s training with the nsa, he was taught that good forces and bad forces, they fought out in the universe and the bad guys lost and they were cast to Earth and they took earthly women. See, they didn’t call them the Nepham. They didn’t call them fallen angels and so forth. And this was a battle between, you know, the fallen angels and the devil and the good angels. And the third of the angels were caster. We didn’t get that out of Vance’s training story, but we got the basics. It was a secular version of Genesis 6.

If you go forward here. Why do we have wars? The Hopies have a saying. There is no tree with branches. So foolish to fight amongst themselves. That’s true. War is an aggression isn’t unnatural. But collective aggression against strangers where there’s nothing to be gained for the people. Fighting is really a foreign concept. How do you get people to do that? And then who benefits? The people that make the weapons military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about, the bankers that fund them. And then of course, you have the war and the continual resupply for profit and power and control.

And wars give you control. And then you have the cleanup and reparations and the molding of the world in the way that you want moving towards a one world government. And listen, fallen angel descendants tried the Tower of Babel and all these other things and God struck it down, says, you will not not have this. You start getting this. This is where scripture meets history. Because scripture is history. It’s the best history. It’s the best history book ever produced. Now coming forward, it’s my considered belief and I think the circumstantial and direct evidence that you can cite shows that we are going through a dramatic revolution in technology.

And it’s designed, excuse me, it’s designed to depopulate. And this is what Dane Wigginton said. He thinks we’re probably past the point of no return and we’re going to have a mass die off. And that’s pretty much what Dana said when he’s been on my show, is we’re headed for a mass die off. What form will it take? Well, I’d recommend that you go dive into Dane. It’s too complicated and lengthy and involved to get into in this one report court. But I think what he is saying has a lot of merit and I think we’re all in a great deal of danger.

And I believe it works like this. Fallen angels survived. They have the money. They have the power. They’re small in number. They basically control the minions that run government. They’re behind the U.N. you say, well, this a hell of a conspiracy theory. Has the UN done you any good? They want to disarm you, educate your kids, cut their genitals off. Okay, take your car away from you. Have they done any good for you? No. What about the World Health Organization? Well, they want to inject you with unhealthy MRNA vaccines. They want control of our health care systems, though they can enforce it.

They want mandated vaccine, passports to travel. I could go on and on. You start getting into these things, you start to say there’s a universality of effort here to dehumanize us, take away our rights. They want to strip us of our wealth. You’ll own nothing and be happy. We’ll control your diet and delete things that don’t sustain life, like grasshoppers and so forth. No meat, no protein, no milk and dairy. And going back to the C40 cities, they tell you directly in their literature, you can look it up. No meat, no dairy. And they’ve signed pledges to that effect.

So I submit to you, we’re going through a phase much like the movie. The arrival of planned depopulation and the emergence of the transhumanist world. With a few humans they let survive to be their servant class with no rights in very shortened lifespans. And they already have demonstrated, at least with their top minions, if they’re not fallen angels themselves. Life extension technology, you say? What would that be? Well, how long did Rockefeller live? Into his hundreds? How long did Brzezinski live? How long did Kissinger Live? About 25% longer than the rest of us. This is only the beginning.

This is only the beginning. And with AI, they don’t need us. And they’ve tried to soothe the fears of people that actually think and analyze. Oh, it’s okay, you may not have a job because AI, but we’ll have universal basic income. Have these people in their ruling mentality through the course of the history of modern era, have they shown any type of human compassion? Concern about humanity not having wars, not spreading disease, not giving you life, ending vaccines, have they shown you any compassion at all? Do you really want to trust that’s going to happen for any length of time? It’s the slow kill method.

It follows Sun Tzu. The best wars you win are the ones that you don’t really have to fight. You manipulate the circumstances for your victory and you’re saying, whoa, what side of the bed did you wake up on today, Dave? I’m just putting together what I have learned as I have gone through this. Dane Wigginton scared the hell out of me the first time that I interviewed him because first of all he’s rational, he’s down to earth, he’s very fact based. And I thought, man, here’s Vance, here’s Dane, and they’re coming at it differently, but they end up in the same place.

If you knew Vance Davis and could go up to him and said, is there a move to depopulate humanity and does it come from kind of really bad people? He’s had the experience of the bad people. Remember the occult? I hope you take this seriously because people say, okay Dave, you criticize people who never give you any solutions and at least people should try to give solutions. Okay, I agree and to me that’s one of the hallmarks of disinfo. Doesn’t mean if someone gives 10 presentations and they have one solution and it may not be very good, doesn’t mean that they’re disinfo.

It just might mean they’re not thinking out of the box to go to the next level. But when they’re consistently just trying to scare the hell out of you and don’t give you any way out and make you feel like you’re powerless, and you induce a condition called learned helplessness, where your actions don’t matter. Then I. And I recognize learned helplessness. I mean, I learned it as a therapist. I learned it when I taught psychology. And I recognize it very clearly, what we’re seeing here. And so I’m going to give you what I think is the solution.

And some of you will reject it out of hand because you may not be ready to hear this yet. And they always say the teacher appears when the learner is ready. Here’s my advice. You need to get to know Jesus. There’s a veil of protection he will cast upon you. Matthew, the book of Matthew in the Bible is very clear. He shall not depart from you, shall not depart from the faithful. That’s our protection. Because ultimately, when we take a look at Republicans, Democrats, that’s the intramural battle, the rich versus the poor, the elite versus humanity.

Underlying all of this. And with transhumanism is what? Okay, I’ll tell you. One of the things advance told me that he was taught is that these fallen angels wanted to take the human soul to get back at the creator. We’re the prized possession, made in the image of God. You take our soul, you take our essence. Our bodies are merely the vessel that walks us through. This natural life won’t go with you into the next life. At least I don’t think it will, now that I think about it. Maybe a restored version of it. But this is only the vessel.

The true essence of who you are is your spirit, your soul. And this is what they wanted to take, according to Vance, and that’s what he learned in his training. Well, they couldn’t figure out how to do it. So this is what Vance wrote in his book ten years before transhumanism became known. He said that they wanted to morph the human being to an unrecognizable form. The melding of man and machine isn’t that interesting? And we know that certain vaccines morph your DNA. You’ve heard that, but have you heard it in the context of which I’m presenting this? I rather doubt it.

And I think what you’re going to find at the end of the day is you’re going to find that Vance Davis is a revelatory genius. So is Dane Wiggington. And I’ve got decent analytical skills, and I think I have put the two together, and it forms a comprehensive whole. And I think the movie, the Arrival, on a broad basis, not the individual details of the plot, but on a broad basis that we’re being terraformed out of existence. I think this is real, but I also think we’re being scientifically evolved out of who we truly are. And you’re saying, do you have any proof in the Bible? Yeah, the Book of Revelation, if Jesus didn’t return for the second time, no flesh, a key word, flesh, not transhumanist, but flesh from human beings.

So if Jesus didn’t return for the second time, no flesh would be left alive. Now, how does this translate into the modern era? Oop. See, this is what’s going to separate me from Disinfo. I think Donald Trump knows all this. I think there’s no question he knows. From the things I’ve heard Elon Musk say about terraforming on Mars, he understands this. I know that Graham Hancock knows this. This goes kind of beyond his scope where he stays pretty narrow on the pyramids, but I can tell he says things that. And Joe Rogan’s beginning to get it.

There’s a reason why Tulsi Gabbert, RFK Jr attacking the medicines that destroy humans and produce chronic illness and kill us in shorter amounts of time, it’s murder. Our food supplies murder. Our vaccines are murder. Over time, it’s a slow burn kill. And this is what RFK is talking about. Tulsi Gabbard said things to indicate to me that she sees the true evil that’s going on. There’s a reason why you have this coalition. I think Trump has had a revelation from God. Now to say he’s a Christian, I don’t know that. I mean, I think those closer to him are better to make that judgment.

I’m not making it, but he has openly talked about God. And I think if I was shot in the face and survived and I was a presidential candidate, I might look at little divine intervention myself as an explanation. But the reality is, I think they see this. And what does Trump say Consistently? Climate scam, the green scam. He says this all the time. He took us out of the Paris Accords, took us out of the World Health Organization. Isn’t that interesting? Do you see why they’re so opposed to him? At the fundamental root of why we fight, it’s good.

The forces of Jesus. Onward Christian soldiers versus evil. The descendants of the fallen angels that co opt the leaders of humanity to lead us down this horrible path of war, disease, bad food, bad medicine in ultimate destruction, ultimate incarceration into 15 minute cities that already exist. By the way, I’ve done pieces on this, as you know, Tempe Arizona has one. Now, I’m not saying it’s bad at this point because they haven’t imposed all the things that the C40 cities say they want to do to you. I hope you find this revelatory. I do. I truly do.

And I don’t look at myself as the dispenser of the information in terms of being the originator. I’m not. I’m taking different things that I’ve learned through the years, going back 32 years, by the way. Vance and I. Vance lived in Mesa, Arizona at the time. I lived in Glendale, about 30 miles apart. And almost every weekend off and on for two years, I would go and visit Vance and his wife, who was actually part of the operation at one time. She’d take the kids and go elsewhere so Vance and I could have honest, frank discussions.

And there I bared my soul about what I learned and he did as well. And Jim Mars was brought to me during that time, too. Jim just wasn’t a Kennedy assassination guy. He was very much into the alien agenda. But I believe the alien agenda is not truly aliens from another planet. I think they’re interdimensional demonic beings that are the fallen angels cast out of heaven. I’ve given you something to consider, and for some of you, you’ll reject this because it’s not in your worldview, and you’ll invoke cognitive dissonance, as we all do when we encounter something new that really challenges what we think.

I do it, you do it. Everybody does. It doesn’t mean that you’re unintelligent or ignorant or anything else. It just means you’re presented with something new that you find shocking and it’s hard to process. So you go, bet it can’t be. But I would ask you to go back and maybe listen to this one more time and ask yourself, yeah, that part’s true. That part’s true. I have to tell you. When Vance told me about the book on broken promises and what I learned from it, I must tell you, and I’ll say this without hesitation, I must tell you, I didn’t believe it in its entirety, but I knew Vance was credible.

I had to see it over time to believe it. Unfortunately, and here’s my final solution, unfortunately for you, I’ve had 32 years to process this. I first interviewed Dane, oh, gosh, probably eight years ago. I’ve had time to process all this stuff, and I’ve come to these conclusions, and I’m pretty good at connecting dots. I telling you, you can speed the process up. If you know Jesus, if you know the Bible, you’ll have discernment you’ve never had before. And you may not be able to quote scripture and verse as regard to Vance’s book, Unbroken Promises. You may not be able to really understand the depth of what Dane Wigginton knows you know immediately.

But what you can begin to see is there’s the evil force and there’s the good force. And this is what we’re in competition against. And I don’t think Trump or any of the people in his administration are going to be totally pure of heart and pristine, because none of us are. We fall short of the glory of God. But I’ll tell you this, they’re scared and they know what’s coming. And they know what’s coming is extremely evil and devastating to humanity. And I believe it’s Satan’s plan. So I would hope that you would consider what I’m saying from a spiritual, Jesus based, biblical based philosophy and just say, you got to know the Lord.

This is your one true protection. Should you do things like gather storable food, food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine and tools? Yeah, you should. It would be stupid not to. God expects us to be a participant in the furtherance of our lives. He doesn’t expect that you’ll just sit back and life will be great and he’ll give you this universal basic income. No, we got to work for what we want. And that’s biblical. But I hope that this helps you maybe conceptualize what’s going on. This is way beyond the left, way beyond conservatives. Now we have to fight that battle because you have to fight the battle on the battlefield you’re on, and that is the present battlefield.

But it’s important that we understand what’s really at stake here. What’s really at stake? Donald Trump has given us a chance to fight against this evil, but it’s not guaranteed. His election alone doesn’t solve very much. It’s going to take all of us. We’ll see you back here next time. Thank participating. If you want to keep up with us on the Common Sense show, all you got to do is go to the Commonsense show dot com. Sign up for a newsletter. Just put your email in. I don’t sell your data. I’m not Mark Zuckerberg. And you’ll get a delivery to your email box once a day.

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