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Right, so talk about it, uh, over three weeks ago. Here it is. It’s happening. Uh, now I still believe that we will see probably our U. S. Marines go over the border on some instances. Right. And work with the Mexicans and maybe even actually in some independent operations. That’s, that’s very possible. I don’t, I don’t believe it’s going to be, uh, you know, we’re not going to take down Mexico, uh, because it seems like Mexico is going to work with us now. All right? But we would have, I firmly believe that we would have gone in and just like we did the Mexican American war back in the, you know, early 1800s, mid-1800s or so, we would have gone in and basically gone all the way to the halls of Montezuma like the marines sing about, and to the shores of Tripoli, Right? So the Barbary pirates, the Libyans.
All right, so all the way, all the way back then, the marines were like, kicking butt. So we’re going to see potentially some very significant conflict going on in Mexico against the drug cartels. I believe that the drug cartels will go underground because the drone situation that’s going to start and is already starting. There is a, I guess some video out there of CIA drones. They’re saying, CIA flying drones over Mexico to hunt for fentanyl labs. So finally, the CIA, or at least the wing of the CIA being utilized. Because when I, when I worked for the CIA and I worked overseas for ca, Their drone program is absolutely phenomenal.
So I, I firmly believe that we’re probably going to use CA drones to go in. We’re going to use military drones to go in, probably from different services. I don’t know who’s going to head this up. I don’t know this is going to be more navy, more army or what. It looks like it’s going to be a combined force. We’ll probably see The Navy, actually US Navy start to work with the Mexican Navy to stop the flow of drugs, you know, through maritime interdiction. So you’ll probably see, you know, SEAL Team six type seals, probably there from San Diego are going to get involved, be on different 40 platforms, uh, that will go in and start to interdict, uh, some of these vessels.
Now we know that the drug cartels have tunnel systems, so there’s gonna have to be underground monitoring systems that are going to start to come in. I, I just did a show with Nino Rodriguez and he said that they’ve been unearthing or finding, you know, dozens of underground tunnel systems, some as big as, you know, you could drive, you know, Humvee on, on each side of some of these tunnels. It’s crazy. And, you know, they’re fighting those and they’re probably interdicting into those tunnels. Now the military has some, some very substantial because I work for, when I work for CA, for the, uh, SEAL Team 6, I was a demolition expert and uh, we had some significant capabilities for tunnel systems.
Right. And those have been developed, I’m sure quite substantially. And I talked to some of my friends many, many years, decades ago, really at this point, and they were telling me how much things had advanced. I’m sure they’re like incredible now. So basically you fill the tunnels up with a, a type of gas and then you run basically a charge all the way through that tunnel and it blows the hell out of that tunnel. All right? And so this is probably coming from the Mexican cartel. One of the reasons why Hamas had hostages and one of the reasons why, when we had, when we went in to get Al Baghdadi, the reason why he took hostages with him running down his tunnel systems is because they know that the, we want, you know, flood those, those tunnels with that gas and, and basically annihilate them.
That’s not going to happen. That’s not going to work with the drug cartels, right? They’re going to be annihilated. There’s nothing, there’s nothing going to stop that. So this is, this is coming for the drug cartels. So the CIA using their drone program, which is extremely, extremely. And when I work for those drone programs, they did, you know, flyovers for us in different places like Yemen, Afghanistan and many, many other places that I worked at when I worked for the ca, doing basically protective details, they had very, very high tech weaponry on them. Not all of them, but lots of them.
So we have drone capability that can basically cover nonstop, day through night with different capabilities, IR Infrared. Thermo. Thermo. So heat signature and so forth at any time. At any time. And this is what’s coming for the drug cartels. It’s happening now. So 7th Special Forces Group, our army special forces group is training, you know, Mexican marines. Will we see, like, I believe, like I’ve said, seal team six and delta force groups actually doing surgical strikes depending on the target? Yes. All right. Very, very, very, very possible. So this is, this is moving to very quickly to the next level, and it’s going to be pretty substantial.
It’s going to be ongoing war. It’s not going to happen. It’s not going to be like, you know, a few weeks and it’s done. This is going to take the better part of the rest of this year to really hammer down on this. You’re going to see, you’re going to hear about some amazing stuff. You’re not going to all the details, of course, because you want to give away our capabilities, but you’re going to see some amazing things happen. So the u. S. Military is also flying drones around the border, but isn’t encroaching at this point into cyber Mexican territory as much as the CIA.
So obviously the CIA has some other kind of, you know, relationship with Mexico. The CIA, you know, works the state department angle of this. CIA has been down it in Mexico, obviously, for quite some time. There’s been protective detail. The groups that, you know, I used to work for have been in Mexico have been down in lots of, you know, you know, Central and South American countries working. So, uh, it is, it is an ongoing situation. They’re probably, you know, agreements and so forth that they’re working those agreements. They’ve been utilizing them for some time, so it’s easy for them to start to do that.
And we’re going to continue to see that, you know, it’s, it’s going to be quite substantial. You know, some of the things are going to start to happen. Conducting an airstrike on fentanyl labs would probably cause catastrophic fatalities on the Mexican cartel’s part as they are often inside homes in urban areas. So these can be surgical, and they will be surgical. They were surgical strikes in, in Pakistan, in Afghanistan. So they have the capability of very, very surgical strikes. But if it gets like, really hairy, that’s when, you know, you’re going to send military groups in and they could, I would, I would say, depending on the relationship that we’re going to start to build with the Mexican military, if we can trust them, because we trained Afghans and ended up the, the Afghans actually turn against American military on some of those operations.
So we know that the Mexican military is infiltrated by the gangs, the cartels. So they have to be very careful going forward. You know, how much they trust these guys if it comes to the point where, and which it did unfortunately in Afghanistan to the point where they start to restrict the tax emissions they do with the, the Mexican government and well, with the Mexican military if they, if they, you know, end up being, you know, a problem in some way, you’ll see more surgical strikes from military units and like I said, maybe even cross border incursions by the Marines.
Of course, you know, we have the Marines that are all along the border almost now setting up National Guard, setting up. They’re going to need some really good crack troops down there guys, uh, because uh, Mexican cartels will probably strike back and these guys need to be ready to duke it out, duke it out pretty hard. And you have really good, you know, weaponry and of course, you know, the drone, you know, will give them insights on, you know, what’s happening, movements and so forth. Potential strikes that are coming over the border. A lot of this information is going to start to be shared.
You know, groups will be uh, you know, on you know, good radio comms and so forth with each other. Working all that stuff out, I’m sure is ongoing process right now. So we’re going to see that it’s, it’s, it’s moving that direction. I said it over three weeks ago and here we are. It’s, it’s on. All right now let’s move up to Canada. I strongly believe that we’re gonna, we’re gonna probably kick ass in Canada, guys. Right? Canada is, is not playing ball. I, I think they’re very compromised. I think we’re going to go in and basically start to hammer those guys on a major, on a major level in, in Canada.
They’re, they’re drug cartels and so forth. I think are Chinese backed, uh, Mexican backed, uh, they have Mexican backed cartels working in Canada like Vancouver, Canada. Chinese have bought a good portion of the, the, I guess Vancouver, they have a very, very strong control over the, of some of those areas. So we’re gonna see I believe a strike and strikes into Canada. Uh, a lot of people don’t believe this is going to happen. I think Canada is very compromised. And I know the people of Canada are disgusted, incredibly disgusting unless they’re living in Ottawa with their government.
But the rest of Canada is, is just completely disgusted with their government. So that’s going to be unfortunate because the people of Vancouver are probably going to get hammered. Right? Uh, not all the people, but there will be some serious, uh, involvement I think, in some of those areas. So the fentanyl flow is coming from Vancouver. So obviously Trump knows that he’s, he’s given, you know, the Canadian government the option to start to clean up their game. I think the Canadian government and the politicians, uh, the corrupt politicians in Canada are benefiting just like in America, uh, from the drug cartels, uh, you know, and their money and so forth.
I had, you know, I’ve had many people come on. Sean Taylor has been on for years talking about the drug money coming across the border through Maricopa county in Arizona and going up into different counties and states to basically, you know, turn voters and election fraud and all kind of crazy stuff, guys, especially in Nashville where he was, where he was based as a, a deputy chief and they discovered a lot of stuff. The Bureau of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation gations came in, basically seized all their stuff. So extremely corrupt in a lot of these governments, guys.
Even, even though Tennessee is a, is a red state, you have corruption in a lot of these in pretty much every state and you have massive corruption I think on a very, very high scale, obviously in Mexico and in Canada. So yes, we’re dealing with the corruption here in our own country, but we have to stop it also in the countries that are on our borders that are allowing these drugs and these cartels, Chinese and Mexican, to run their fentanyl, which is killing a hundred thousand people. You know, in America, it’s got to stop. So this is the way it’s going to stop.
We’re going to basically start to go after them. So, uh, the, the Canadian, uh, Mounted, uh, what is it? Uh, the, the Mounties, the Canadian Mounted Police, uh, are corrupt. Uh, they’re allowing this, uh, this fentanyl to come, come through the border, guys. So you may, we may see strike against Canadian units and unless they start to clean up their, their act, Trump is going to come down hard on them. The basically, you know, starting your, you know, taxes and so forth. Uh, that’s going to be, uh, that’s coming for Canada. I promise you that they’re not going to do anything, they haven’t done anything that the drugs coming across in these, in these vessels that are coming from China are not being stopped out.
So the fentanyl flow to the United States is going to continue until we really take aim up into Canada. So we, we basically Then, you know, tariffs and, you know, shaking, shaking Canada’s, you know, corruption to its core. But it’s not going to have any effect. They’re, they’re, I mean, they’re. The, the people, the, the politicians are just puppets, right? There’s, there’s deeper elements that are involved. These guys can’t do anything. They are not going to do anything. So we’re gonna have to get involved. Uh, and that’s what we’re going to see. So the port, uh, D.C.
ports, uh, British Columbia ports, are outfitted with Chinese cranes, and they have been under US probe since March of last year. So this is, you know, they have technology in them that basically will allow them to, you know, pick up, you know, containers and basically transfer them. I think some of these containers are loaded with fentanyl and they’re not searching them like they should. And this is one of the problems that we’re seeing at these illegal groups, drug gangs and criminal activities can use these ports because the Chinese have come in and basically they have outfitted the crane systems completely in Vancouver.
Now, they don’t completely own Vancouver. It’s Vancouver. Obviously, the port system is still owned by Canada, but Canada, like I said, is letting this, this, these illicit drugs come through because they’re benefiting from it, right? The corruption in can in Canada. Politics is beyond belief. It needs to be cleaned up. Canadians aren’t gonna be able to do it. Canadians are like the, the softest, nicest people in the world. And the military is basically completely compromised. All right? So they’re going to be. They’re gonna have to get spanked, in my opinion. Uh, so all this, all this tough talk from Canada, uh, you know, you know, dissing, uh, you know, our hockey teams come up there, they’re dissing when we say that the Star Spangled.
We sing the Star Spangled Banner. They’ve been, they’re continually dissing it. The people of Ottawa, right? So Ottawa, just like the people of dc, just like the people of San Francisco, just like people of la, are completely compromised by the deep state. They’re puppets of the deep state because they pay them, all right? They wouldn’t be able to exist without handouts from the deep state. So this is something that Ottawa has a very, very major problem with and so gonna have to get spanked, right? It’s gonna, it’s gonna have to come. I mean, what. There’s nothing else we can do.
They’re not going to do it, so we’re gonna have to do it. And this is the talk of making Canada the 51st state. Because I promise you, if we have to come up there and we have to, like, if lives are going to be lost to, to like, you know, make Canada stop, you know, this drug trafficking, we’re going to own it. We’re going to own it. Right? So that’s, that’s going to come for Canada. And I promise you, Canadians aren’t going to do anything. Like I said, they’re very soft. They’re not going to do anything.
They have their guns taken away from them. They let their guns be taken away from them. So it’s going to be, it’s going to be, uh, very difficult, uh, for Canada, uh, and the people of Canada going forward. So we have. The port of can of Vancouver is under pressure to deliver for Canada and it’s, it’s rocked by corruption. They’re not, they’re not going to be able to deliver for Canada. They’re, they’re completely controlled. So outfitted. I’m gonna share the screen real quick. They’re outfitted, uh, with this, with these cranes. Uh, and these cranes are basically Chinese made and they’re, they’ve pretty much compromised the Vancouver port facilities.
Chinese crane manufacturer has a stranglehold, stronghold stranglehold, I would say, in B.C. container terminals. It’s unclear what the Canadian government is doing about concerns raised by US Officials. Nothing. Nothing. This was raised back in March. They’ve done nothing. And then Trump says, we’re going to tear up the hell out of you. And now there’s, oh, yeah, we’ll, we’ll send the, you know, Canadian Mounted Police to where they’re part of the problem. They’re part of the problem to like, go to the border. Okay. So they’re gonna, like, you know, make sure along the border that the, uh, drug supply goes through.
That’s what they’re gonna do. British Columbia’s major shipping container terminals are outfitted with cranes manufactured by Chinese company that has sparked national cyber security probe in the United States. So we’re moving on a year that this has been ongoing. So what’s happened? Crickets. Right? And Trump had to come in and basically because they didn’t think they’re gonna have a problem with it. They think Trump was going to get in office. They thought that all the lawfare, they’re going after Trump, he was going to be in prison for the next 300 years with all the lawfare they’re throwing at him.
It didn’t happen. And they thought that their corruption, as far as, like, the Chinese, you know, you know, systems that basically, you know, digitally control our, our election systems was going to work. It didn’t on the level that they thought it was. So this is, they’re scrambling, so they’re, they, they can’t in one month. This is basically just kicking the can down the road. Canada is not going to do anything about this. All right? So while Canada had still has an existing agreement with the U. S under the five eyes, it would behoove Canada to work with Americans to identify, disrupt and mitigate any efforts by the Chinese to install software and critical Canadian infrastructure such as these cranes.
So Scott McGregor, a retired military and RCP RCMP intelligence official. Right. Royal Canadian Mounted police. Probably one of the good guys back in the day, but he’s, he’s retired now. I don’t know. Is, is he still in there? Uh, is there anybody good in there? I don’t think so. So this is nothing new. This is a continuation of hybrid warfare efforts conducted by the Chinese. All right? So if they want to move illicit commodities through our ports, through human resources, I. E. Transnational organized crime networks, they also have to have the technology. So with these cranes, they have the technology to assist in and support them.
So this is something that’s going on, guys. It has been going on for a year. It’s been pointed out to the Canadians and they, they have done nothing. They’ve done nothing because they didn’t think they needed to. And now they’re getting caught with their pants down. All right, and uh, just like those, uh, uh, Illuminati, uh, little, uh, groups that get together at what, what is it? The Stanford. I don’t know what Stan. It’s Stanford and it’s Harvard. I think it’s Harvard Skull and bones, where they lay in a coffin. They have a bow on their private parts of the men, and then they tell their, their history of sexual conquest up to that time.
And this is how they basically, uh, you know, injure themselves to each other because they share these secret things and it’s basically, well, we got dirt on you now. We, now we can use you however we want. So they go through these initiations that the Canadians, I guess, go through the, these initiations. And they’re part of the club. Part of the club, basically. Illuminati. There’s so many different clubs out there, but they all work for the same purpose and that’s world domination. So exposing all these different groups, you know, shutting them down is going to be a process.
So exposing them, this is the way we do it. We talk about it. Unfortunately, you know, some people like Bill Cooper, who used to talk about this stuff. What was it, uh, that. That one book that he wrote, A Pale Horse, A Pale Horse Comes or something like that. He talked about all this stuff, and of course he, I believe, died for that. Like, sheriffs came. Sheriffs came to him, uh, in his Arizona, uh, home and basically said that he pulled out a gun and so they shot him. Yeah. Yeah, right. So, uh, another. Another corrupt, uh, group of, uh, you know, police force.
Not all of them, of course, are corrupt. We have good constitutional sheriffs out there. We need to identify them and we need to support them. But the corrupt ones, we need to identify them and expose them. All right, so Royal Canadian Mounted Police are extremely corrupt. There has to be, uh, an extreme, uh, from the Canadians. And I promise you, they’re not going to do it. They’re not going to do it. Canadians. I. I talked to Canadians over the years. There’s, there’s some feisty ones, but you’re. You’re a rare breed. Canadians are going to get spanked.
Right? And you have to be. And, you know, you have to be because you can’t. You. You did the, the one, uh, you know, trucker convoy into Ottawa and basically they beat the hell out of everybody. They had some Ukrainians come over, put on some uniforms, police uniforms, come and beat everybody and then seized all their bank accounts. So Canadians are screwed. They have a. Have a government that’s extremely Nazi, and they’re. They’re going to do whatever we’re going to do. And the only way to stop the Nazis is basically to, you know, go kinetic, all right? And that’s what’s going to come.
So the kinetic activity is about to start, if it hasn’t already down in Mexico, and eventually it’s going to start in Canada, too. All right, so what else is coming for the people that are criminals? So Juan Osavan has been on my show, just recently, talked about, well, last couple shows that he was on, he’s talking about how these criminal groups that are in America are going to start to be, you know, taken to, uh, Gitmo. So I have a friend that basically was telling me that he knows the guy that did the one has been talking for a while now about these concrete, like, ties or whatever that are out in the.
The bay at Gitmo, so that FEMA ships that are normally used for, you know, hurricane relief, they’re basically people, you know, that have been devastating their homes. Didn’t have that where I’m at We had to go pay for our own hotel rooms. But there’s these ships basically that are supposed to be like a cruise ship where people go on and they have their own state rooms and so forth. Well, those state rooms are going to become prison cells for a lot of these Deep State actors. And they’re going to take those ships down, basically sink them into the bay so that a Cat 5 or Cat 6 level hurricane can’t do it, can’t move them all right, so these, some of these ships can hold, you know, 20, 000 plus people.
I guess from what Juan is saying, that’s a lot. So they’re gonna have a lot of those ships down there. These famous ships are finally going to be used for something good. And that’s what’s coming for a lot of the Deep State. So who in the Deep State is going to be going on those ships? Now I’ve talked about how I believe now they built, they’ve upgraded the, the facilities down in Gitmo and I believe there’s underground facilities as well. They haven’t disclosed that yet, but I believe they can actually submarine people into a tunnel system.
Will they ever disclose it? Probably not. The worst case, people probably going to get transported by these subs and have been I believe into these underground facilities. So there’s a lot of that and there’s more, I believe. Well there, we already know there’s more out in Guam, probably Diego Garcia, probably up in the Canary Islands. I’ve heard there’s some. And then all the way up into some of the. I don’t know if it’s Iceland or Greenland. I think it’s Iceland where they have, you know, basically they built a large facilities to house a lot of these Deep State actors that are basically going to start getting round up.
So who will be the first round? And there’s tens of thousands. Now Juan has said there’s. And he said it several times. He said it on my show. He says it on Nino shows. He has said that there’s over 800,000 sealed documents. And in these sealed documents you can have like up to 99 people in each one of those documents. So one is saying that there’s upwards of 3, 3 to 5 million people that are going, going to be held accountable. 3 to 5 million. And this is. These are, you know, numbers that I’ve been talking about as well.
And you know, through my remote viewing and so forth, I’ve said these numbers. I said well over a million, probably 2 to 3 million. That’s what I’VE been seeing. So he’s saying it could be upwards of 5 million and that I think that’s highly possible. When you start to look at all of the different people that are involved now, it will be. I will. I believe it’s going to be military. They’re going to get involved first. We’ll see. You know, people like General Milley be basically brought back on active duty and then held for treason charges and then sent and executed.
So he’s not going to take up any space anywhere. You’re going to have other people, military types that are going to be executed for treason, too. So. And then some of them will, will go. Some of them will, will go long term into some of these cells down in Gitmo, maybe one of the ships, maybe some of the cells on the island itself, maybe in some of, some of the underground, uh, facilities. So we’re going to see a lot of the military bad actors, you know, rooted out very quickly, I believe, for obvious reasons. Now some of these people have been involved in directed energy weapon use with the chem trailing.
Do you guys know that chem trailing actually comes from commercial aircraft? Lufthansa pilot, basically several months ago, said he quit because they were, they were telling him to, like, you know, hit the switch on the, you know, chemtrail stuff, and he refused. And so he, he basically walked away. He said, you got to do it. And he’s like, I’m not gonna do it. So he quit and still alive. I don’t know. So now Southwest Airlines, I just heard from someone that had, like, over a billion dollar contract to do chem trailing. Southwest Airlines don’t fly. Southwest Airlines anymore.
All right? We have to, like, strike back at some of these companies, guys. All right? Southwest Airlines has been doing chem trailing, all right? And I just saw that Southwest Airlines, for the first time in its history, was, was cutting people. So they, they must have saw the, the cutback in the, you know, downsizing that’s coming within the economy. And they, they got desperate, you know, so they’re like, we’ll. We’ll do some of the chemtrail stuff if you’re going to pay us. Now Southwest, which is, which is strange to me, they push back on the vaccination program.
Maybe they, you know, struck a deal. We’re going to push back and look like the good guys, but we’ll do the chemtrailing, load up our planes with it, and we’ll hit the switch when you tell us to. Right. So this, this is going on commercially. It has been for a long time. All right, so that’s, that’s one of the things I believe is going to be, you know, first wave of people being prosecuted, military, you know, that’s involved in these different programs that does the weather modification on a negative level basically to, you know, harp and directed injury weapons and so forth to cook up these hurricanes to basically burn down, you know, like Lahaina paradise and of course Pacific Palisades just recently.
So the people that have involved in that, in the, in the U. S. Military are going to be held accountable and they’re going to have a special place in hell, uh, after they’re executed, many of them. So that is coming for, I think, the first wave. Right. So those, those different, you know, people that are involved in those, you know, programs. I drove, I drove up here, I’m in Nashville right now. I drove up here and they were chem trailing the hell out of Georgia, Southern Georgia. So you guys in southern Georgia, I wouldn’t be surprised if you get some kind of, uh, medical massive flooding event like just happened in the area where I’m at in Clarksville and so forth here in Tennessee, they had a levy, a levy broke from massive rains that came in and at at least 14 people.
And they, I think the governor said there’s going to be many more that they’re going to find dead. Kind of like the same thing that happened, uh, in North Carolina. Uh, they still haven’t identified or found thousands of people. The same thing happened in Lahaina. There were thousands of kids that haven’t, haven’t been, that are gone, completely gone. And the FBI came in there. The corrupt FBI came in there, said, no, no, no, no, no. It was like maybe 99, 100 or something people that died and that’s it. Right. So whole families were killed and just wiped out.
So there’s, there was like, you know, they wanted people to come back to the schools and they did online learning and then kids that would come back to come back to the schools. So a thousand kids were unaccounted for. And there were, there are videos. I remember there were videos I did shows with Olay demigard where we’re looking at school buses, school buses that were running during that time frame and going to a certain area. And so I think they basically took these kids and either, you know, they’re on, you know, protection deep, they’re being protected, or they’re gone.
All right, so that’s, that’s incredibly discouraging, you know, how many people have actually died in Pacific Palisades, probably a lot more than what they’re letting on. And that’s usually the way this is because people are burned into ash by these directed energy weapon guys. The temperature is so hot they melt porcelain. You ever see, you’ve seen where all of these, you know, homes are and there’s nothing left but ash. Think of all the bathrooms that are in those. Normally a home fire burns at about 1500 degrees. It takes like 3, 700 degrees to turn porcelain into ash, guys.
So that is incredibly high temperatures. Juan Osavan said that, you know, from the chemtrailing and from basically the chaff that they were dropping to basically cause a massive windstorms that, you know, took the moisture out of that area so that when it hit it with direct injury weapon, it would really burn heavier. And plus the chem trailing drops in, you know, aluminum and it drops in the silver oxide and so forth. Aluminum oxide, silver oxide. When the director, the microwaves hit that stuff, it’s explosive and massive heat comes out of that, guys. So that is one of the things they use.
So the people that are involved in that, they’re going, they’re going to be executed, right? So we don’t need any space for those. But a lot of the people that are involved in those are just. I just flew the plane. Well, then you’re going to get life, all right, because you knew you were involved in something and so, yeah, you’re just following rulers. Okay, life for you. Maybe, maybe some of those idiots, if we can prove that they’re, they knew what they’re doing and they did it anyway, then they get the death penalty too. So that’s, I think that’s some of the first wave of people that are going to go.
Some of the second wave, of course, will be many of the politicians that haven’t have been involved. Now there’s different waves of this now with the Biden administration basically stealing the election. So you’re going to see massive numbers of people that are going to basically go to jail for most of that. It’s treasonous. But I don’t know if that’s going to get the death penalty. Maybe a few of them, maybe a lot of them, I don’t know, depends on how, how they pushed this or, or how much involvement there was. If people died and people knew that people were going to die and they saw that people were dying, they still did a program.
They’re going to go, bye, bye. All right, that’s, that’s a given. But if they’re like Stealing votes and stuff like that. Probably going to get, you know, 10, 15, 20, 30, whatever years. All right, so that’s where you’re going to have these ships basically that are sunk in harbor out there are going to, you know, hold massive numbers of those people that are involved in that in every state. All right, so you have that involvement. That’s like a wave of people. And then of course, you have the COVID The COVID lie. All of the people that are involved in the COVID lie.
The people that push that, the pharmaceutical companies that push, push that, they were involved in that. Of course, Fauci, he’s done. I think he’s already been taken care of. But they’ll still have trials for these people, show trials, so people can see. And people are like, okay, they’re taking care of business. They’re. They’re doing the right thing. You’re gonna see this stuff soon, guys. I think within the next several months, you’re going to start maybe even less time frame than that. Uh, you’re going to see massive numbers of these people being held for these different things.
And then you’re going to see the people of the COVID So you have stealing the boat, you have the military that have been doing for long term, you know, these directed injury weapon usage and all the stuff that goes with the harp and, you know, hurricanes and that. If you’re involved in one of those things and, you know, people die, you’re gonna die. And, uh, if you’re involved in election fraud and people, I don’t know died from that, you can prove that people die from that, you’re going to die, too. And then we’re going to go into the vaccination stuff, all right, The COVID bioweapon and then the COVID you know, vaccination program.
So you’re gonna see a lot of people die for that one, guys. A lot of people. And, you know, there’s still going to be a lot of people that are going to live on those ships for a long time too. And probably some of the island, you know, fortresses, they’re gonna have to turn. Turn those into fortresses so no one comes and tries to rescue them. It’s gonna be crazy. All right, so that’s. That’ll be another wave of people that are gonna imagine how many people are involved in that and how many people are gonna, like, you know, some of these doctors, nurses and so forth that knew they were killing people.
They’re gonna die. Right? So then we move into phase three, and it might it could be, you know, some of these people are gonna, like, you know, the. The more involved and the worst cases in all of these programs are probably going to go first, but some of these will be like, you know, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I think in. In rapid succession. You can’t do them all at once. Just imagine, you know, all the military people that are going to be arrested, have to go through trials. That’s a lot of people right there. And then think of all the people involved in the.
The corruption with a lie and so forth of election stealing. Look at what they did to Tina Peters. All the people involved with that. Just one person. So Colorado, Colorado, all the people that are going to be involved and gonna, like, you know, treason us, right? Whether people died or not, you’re basically trying to destroy America, take over America. So that can have massive negative consequences for America. And it did for four years. So I think. I think some of those people are going to die, too. Guys executed. So that’s. That’s another wave. Like I said, imagine all of the, you know, Gavin Newsom, you know, we just saw recently that Cuomo, Chris Cuomo is trying to come back and be mayor of North Carolina.
No, dude, you’re involved in killing people in your state. You’re gonna die. You’re gonna freaking die for Covid lies. All right? So we’re gonna have people like that go, you know, so mixed. You may have people like Cuomo that’s involved in election fraud and Covid, you know, killing people. Like, he put all those seniors in those nursing homes, and he knowingly, you know, signed executive orders from the state of North Carolina to send people that were sick in hospitals into those nursing homes which killed thousands of New York seniors. Right? He’s gotta go, all right. He and everybody was involved in that, is gonna go, all right, so election fraud, COVID 19.
And then another biggie is, which is going to be huge for us, I think, going forward, is all of the immigration invasion. All right? So look at all the stuff that’s happened over the last four years. Look at how many people that are probably going to be executed for treason. People that are going to be put in jail for long periods of time. And they should be. They should. And I. I’m super on with executing these people guys, because what’s going to happen, you put mafia guys in penitentiaries, and they still run the show from the penitentiary now.
I think that’s why a lot of them are going to go to these islands. So there will be no communication with These people for the full time that they’re in prison, that’s the reason why they’re going to these isolated places so that they can’t start this again, right? So I don’t know how they’re going to be, you know, coming out of there like 30 years ago. We have to like deal with this stuff again in 30 years. I don’t know. I don’t know, guys. That’s something that needs to be taken into account. And maybe these people just live the rest of their lives in these prisons.
I’m all for that, right? I’m not all happy about anybody dying. But they tried to kill us and they have killed us and they need to be held accountable for that, right? So it’s going to be a massive, massive, you know, takedown of a lot of these people. Uh, so. Unbelievable, unbelievable. Some people are saying, you know, that there’s not going to be, uh, any, anyone that’s going to be held accountable. That’s, that’s, that’s ridiculous as right. There’s going to be millions of people that are going to be held accountable and I think there’s going to be millions of them executed, quite frankly.
And then millions of them probably spend the rest of their lives in, in these prisons. All right, so this is coming. Not pretty, right? Not pretty. But it has to happen. It’s, it’s, it’s crazy. Now we, we have to have a resolution with this. It’s going to take time. Just think of all those things that I outlined. You know, the, the military using all these high tech weapons against, against us. That’s, that’s one thing. Uh, and how, how many people are involved in that and what level. Uh, and so have to break all that down. And then of course the election fraud, the people are involved in that.
You have to break all that down. You know, the people. So wow, it’s going to be, it’s going to be crazy. And of course, you know, Covid, you know, all the people involved in that and on both sides, the bioweapon and of course the actual injection and, and that’s another thing that I, I remember. And this is, this has come out from a lot of people that whistleblowers. Bill Cooper talked about how there was going to be some kind of bioweapon that came out and he was talking about that, I think like the 80s or something like that, some great way back.
Of course they had to shut him down. It’s like, don’t tell them we’re not ready to show it because they have to show us what they’re going to do, of course. And then they do it, right? So they weren’t ready to show it yet because they’ll give people too much time. They show us like, you know, like a month or so before they’re gonna do it, you know, like they did the Agenda 21. They had it all in there. That was like months before they did it and that was it. So we got to look at it and we’re like, what, what are you guys planning? And then bam, you know, it’s, it’s honest.
And then we look back on it. It’s like they were talking about this, you know, and it’s too bad we didn’t know about it. Now how many of us that they were doing the monkey, Monkeypox, we came out massive on that stuff and it never happened. This is how we stop them out. We have to like, you know, have a massive awakening of some of these, uh, attempts that they’re going to use. Now another, other things are they’re doing right now, and I believe they’re close to it, is having massive earthquakes and massive tsunamis that will distract quite a bit.
And that will be another way that they kill a lot of humanity because they’re just like psychopaths like that, right? They just love to kill us off. Just love to kill us off. That’s why we have to get at them and stop them from killing us. We, we have to take them out before they take us out. Right? All the people involved in all these programs, 9, 11, you know, Lahaina Paradise, Pacific Palisades, Hurricane Helene, Hurricane Milton, all of these different, you know, you know, generated deep, state generated weapon systems that they’ve used against us. And I’m just talking about the US we can go over to Europe.
Those guys have been hit by this stuff too. Massive flooding, massive. All kinds of crazy stuff going on in Europe too, right? So we’re not the only ones that get hit, guys. They’re not the only ones, right? So Europe’s going to have a massive come to Jesus moment too for a lot of his politicians and military types that are involved in these programs as well. Well, all right, so lots of people are going to go into holding cells and you know, they’ve already, I think, gathered up a lot of the criminal element, uh, within, uh, United States and Europe needs to do the same thing.
Uh, criminal elements that were going to be involved in riots. I think they’re still coming, but riots and terrorist activities in America. So you’re going to See a lot of that get exposed. So some of those people have already gone to Gitmo, so maybe trials are already happening for them. We knew that you were there. We have communications from your handlers, and you were brought into the United States to bring. Perform these attacks on and on and on and on and on and on. And you were part of gangs that basically raped, killed, and sold and all kind of crazy stuff.
Execute those, right? Don’t put them in a cell for life. That’s. We got to pay for that. No. All right, Execute them. If they were basically. If they already have raped and killed by. Get them out. All right, boom, you got the. You got the goods on them. Do the trial. Execute, right? Execute, execute, execute. That’s what we used to say before we went into. When I was in Seal Team 6, before we went into. In the door to kill terrorists, it was like, execute, execute, execute. And then, boom, the door goes. Snipers shoot and we’re inside and we’re like shooting the bad guys, right? So we.
It’s time to execute, execute, execute. Guys, let’s go. Let’s. Let’s get this. Let’s get this show on the road. We’re so close to this. We need to be fully involved in this. If we’re not fully involved in this, like the Canadians, they’re going to walk all over our ass, right? We have been engaged. We’ve been involved, and we’ve never stopped over the last four years. And now we’re seeing the result of being involved and being engaged and talking it, sharing it, and going after these. All right? So it is go time. It’s time to hit. It’s time to blow those doors and go in and root, clear that room, all right? And then the baddies that are still left, they’re gonna do their trials and they’re gonna go away, right? Where they get executed or spend the rest of their lives, I hope.
And these cells, that’s what we’re going to see. All right, Remember, how do we. How do we deal with this stuff? So, you know, I promote the life wave. Get the life wave. You go to Michael kjco.com get the life wave. You know, got all kinds of patches. I call them, those stickers, uh, little stickers go on your body for 12 hours and, uh, the calm your nerves. Uh, you know, people have lots of anxiety these days. The eon patch is great for that. Of course, x39 is the mother of all those, so we’re the x39 patch.
It’s going to get a lot. A lot of great results for you guys. And if you want, a lot of people are going to need to have new employment going forward because a lot of these deep state corporations are going to go away. Like Amazon and Facebook. They’re going away. They’re gonna be broke up, Is going to get broke up. So even, even, you know, those guys have even talked like, you know, we. We probably won’t last forever. Look, and people are like, well, why wouldn’t you? Well, they weren’t. Back in 2001, Amazon was just a book company, right? They all.
They did sell books, and now they’re selling everything. CIA basically hooked them up, right? You move these products through your stores that are gonna compromise people’s health, and we’ll. We’ll make you the number one retail retailer in the world, right? So that’s how these things work, guys. And some of these agencies and the people in those agencies, of course, you know, they get pulled into, you know, trees and charges as well, right? And shut down those, those agencies and good stuff that we got in those agencies, like those drone operators, right? We’re gonna, we’re gonna utilize them going forward.
All right, that’s all I got. Lots of love to you guys, and I will see you guys next time.