Untold History Channel – What is coming this week



âž¡ The speaker plans to focus on the Progressive Era in the upcoming week, providing eight two-hour long audio lectures. These lectures will cover the period from Reconstruction through to World War II, aiming to shed light on this historical period which the speaker believes has significantly influenced current issues. The speaker will also be recording a live show with Mike today instead of the usual Tuesday schedule.


Hey guys, good morning. It is Monday, September 16th, and I am doing this recording briefly just because I want to give you guys a little Direction on kind of the channel that I’m gonna for the next week while I’m gone First of all, I am gonna be recording the show with Mike today, and I’m probably gonna do that live so Tuesdays with Mike will be actually Monday with Mike today And it’s gonna be at same time eight o’clock Eastern and I’m gonna be uploading A few Basically, they’re lectures on the progressive era kind of an overarching Like an overarching education Of the progressive era, I believe there’s going to be eight And I want to say they’re all roughly about two hours long.

So It’s really stuff that you’re going to have to just listen to it’s not video intensive. It’s all audio So there are things that I found because I want to really delve in deeply into the progressive era Uh, you know basically from like reconstruction all the way up to to and through the progressive era up until 1940s until world war ii I kind of want to go back and really illuminate that period of time in history because I feel that so many of The ills that we experienced today are really are derived from that period of time Um, you know building blocks and one thing built upon another so anyway Just a very short video just to kind of give you guys an idea of what i’m gonna be doing over the course of the next week And I look forward to seeing you when i’m live.

All right. See you guys soon



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