Well, then produce the evidence. If you don’t have that evidence, then you have no jurisdiction. That means control over I and whenever I use the word I in my communications, Sarah, that applies to every man or woman. I don’t speak for every man or woman in this world, but the truth always does. This is why all the work that I’ve done, I’ve been trying to wake people up to the power of. Once you understand who you are, we must have the correct conversation first. I don’t give a rat’s ass what these people believe or what their opinions are.
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You can learn more or buy yours today with the link below or@sarahwestall.com under shop welcome to Business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have my friend Christopher James coming back to the program. He’s always a breath of fresh air for me to talk to because he’s just sees the world for what it is and tries the best to be the best person he can be. Not that other people aren’t. It’s just, he’s, his mind is just expand, you know, broad, and he thinks about a lot of things. And I like the fact he’s really into common law.
And I like that because I’m more of a libertarian. I just, people should be allowed to do freedom. I’m into freedom. People should be allowed to do whatever the heck they want as long as it doesn’t hurt others. And he keeps talking about as long as the trespass. If you’re not trespassing on others, that means you’re not harming others. And so he just, from a common law standpoint, trespass is the most important thing. If someone’s not trespassing on someone else, they should be allowed to do it, period. And why that isn’t a thing. That and contract.
So if you have an agreement with somebody, put a contract with somebody as an agreement between two parties, you have to be held to that too, because you agreed to do something with somebody that and trespassing. And if we just did those two things and are you harming others, it would be so much better. And I talk about, I did this big expose on the Tate brothers and I don’t care they’re into pornography. They’re into all these things. I don’t like the fact that they’re being promoted big time to young 1112 year old boys. But that being said, I don’t care if you’re into pornography, I don’t care what you do.
But once you start trespassing on others, hurting others, like they did with defrauding men, stealing everything they got by lying to them and defrauding them, and also teaching other young people how to be pimps and then explaining what a pimp is, a pimp in a pimp, if somebody’s consenting to it, it’s fine. But if it’s a human trafficking situation with 1516 year old girls and human trafficking is a very understood situation where you lure people in, you control them, you set up a control structure. They’re fear and they’re manipulated. And you do this lover boy method.
They laid it all out and they have this PhD program which is pimp and ho degree. They laid it all, it’s a classic human trafficking model and it’s trespass, you’re hurting somebody. So if you haven’t seen that one, look at it from last week. We exposed them, but we did it all in their own words, all coming from them. It’s an important thing to see that the factual evidence is overwhelming because they expose it themselves. They said it themselves. And in a court of law. If you’re the one talking about it, you’re the one, you know, you are already admitting to your own guilt and so much it’s incredible.
So take a look at that. And anyways, this show is absolutely phenomenal. We talk about all his attacks by Health Canada. He’s being attacked for bringing in masterpiece because it works. This stuff gets out graphene oxide it gets out aluminum, it works, it’s gentle, it’s really safe. And you can get it for $52.99 for a two month supply at the link below or at my shop. We’re going to talk about this and what he’s dealing with. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Health Canada is trying to get rid of the supplements. It’s like making vitamin C illegal because it helps people.
It’s so crazy. And so we’re going to talk about that. But he also, what Health Canada has done, he’s going after them for the COVID nightmare, you know, where they weaponize the cold and the flu and force people to get these vaccines. So he talks about that and then we talk about all these other current events. He talks about the UN Pact for the future. We talk about what the, you know, how that was to replace the World Health Organization, how it’s illegal or they’ve baked it into their, their bylaws or their amendments, that if you fly into a country with COVID they claim with COVID or any kind, not just Covid, but any kind of disease that they declare is a pandemic.
They can force vaccinate you or put you into an internment camp. We talk about that. It’s nuts. And then we talk about how the world is just upside down. You know, the people who are trying to help people do good are being persecuted and suppressed and people are doing bad are being protected and lifted. So we’re in a backwards world. So anyways, this is a really good show. And you can get a link and see his stuff with the link below. Warrior calls calm and I have the link below. Usually he airs a show live every Thursday night.
And so you can watch that at the link below. Okay, let’s get into my discussion with my friend Christopher James. Hi Christopher. Welcome back to the program. Hello Sarah and all my brothers and sisters in the United States. It’s a pleasure to be back. Love. Yeah, I love it when you’re here. We always have such interesting things to talk about. That’s pretty important for the world. And you are working on some things with Health Canada now Health Canada is not, is not really your friend lately, are they? I mean, they nailed you on selling masterpiece. Well, let’s just back the truck up a little bit, shall we there? As I like to say, there is no man or woman called health Canada.
This is what people need to understand. I don’t speak to fictions. I don’t speak to make believe words on a piece of paper. I only speak to a man or woman so what we have is correctly, we have people that are acting for a service corporation. That’s what all governments are called. Health Canada. And they came, they approached me, or they sent a communication, a very disturbing, a trespass communication to me on August 18. And ultimately, what some woman that was acting under the health minister, that’s mark of the Holland family. He oversees all the agents and officers of Health Canada.
They felt that they. It was their duty to tell me that I’m not allowed to speak about masterpiece and that I’m supposed to cease and desist all my actions from advertising it. I mean, I don’t sell it directly, as you know. It just. It all gets sold out through the United States, through the affiliate program. But they wanted me to cease and to remove everything from my webpage and then explain to them, you know, other ridiculous things, why it is that I’m doing what I’m doing. So I’ve been waiting for a while for this to happen.
I knew that this was going to happen. They came after masterpieces, we know, back in, I think it was April or May of this year, when they blocked it from coming into Canada. And at that time, we had a conversation. Matt had asked me if I would step in and write some communications to Health Canada. And I said to him, it would be like, you know, it’s like me dealing with two fictions, human consciousness support, which is the name of the company that Matt created for masterpiece, and then Health Canada. And I said, it has, you know, so it’s just going to be a shit show, pardon my French, for everybody there.
So I said, just give it a little bit of time. I said, I know eventually they’re going to come after me. So they have, because the heat is really turning up on them for the incredible results that we’re seeing with masterpieces. I’m sure you’ve had Matt on here and recently describing the horrific things that were happening with the lab, with the man that was murdered down there, and the problems he’s been having with the FDA. Again, another corporation, people there that are blocking this natural product that is of this earth, that is proving and showing immense results.
Can I ask you. Yeah, well, before you get into that, now it’s zeolites and it’s marine plasma. Does Health Canada allow zeolites to be sold and marine plasma to be sold? Well, again, health. So now we’re going down to jurisdiction. I know, but what I’m saying is it’s just such. It’s such benign things. Yes. And that hasn’t hurt anybody, anywhere that. It’s like saying you can’t sell vitamin C anymore because it’s helpful. I mean, it’s. That’s how benign this is. It’s just the zeal. It’s a smaller. But it’s never been blocked anywhere in the world. No, it’s never caused any wrong or harm.
It’s never hurt anybody. It’s never been blocked anywhere in the world for any reason until right now. Because it’s actually working. That’s right. That’s right. And people need to understand. This is great. I love talking with you, Sarah. This is the conversation you and I just had, just this last couple of seconds. This is what the people at Health Canada wish to engage with, all of us. And this is what I teach people. You don’t get into that conversation with them. Who are you to administrate this property without right? Have you got a verified claim that I trespass causing wrong or harm? Have you got a verified claim that masterpieces cause wrong or harm to one man or woman? No.
Well, then produce the evidence. If you don’t have that evidence, then you have no jurisdiction. That means control over I and whenever I use the word I, my communications, Sarah, that applies to every man or woman. I don’t speak for every man or woman in this world, but the truth always does. This is why all the work that I’ve done, I’ve been trying to wake people up to the power of. Once you understand who you are, we must have the correct conversation first. I don’t give a rat’s ass what these people believe or what their opinions are.
They’re a service corporation. They’re supposed to provide good faith in duties and services. They’re supposed to be there to protect the property of man. That’s what all governments worldwide were originally created to do. But as we see, they’re not doing that. And when you can see on my website, I’ve put all the communications up that they sent to me, and today the third notice went to them. And tomorrow they will get the tacit agreement. And a tacit agreement basically is very powerful in law. Even the lawyers know this. If someone does not respond to your three communications where you’re making a claim stating that something be true and they acquiesce, or they don’t even provide the correct evidence to counter that, then what you have is a tacit agreement in place.
And that tacit agreement is powerful in law because that shows that the other side has acquiesced. They’re agreeing with your claims. That’s why this is so huge. Because when they came after me, Sarah, for the masterpiece, I’ve been waiting. As you know, I’ve been on the. I’ve been on front. The point for the last. Since it came out five years ago with COVID was a lie. So I’ve been waiting patiently in the wings soon as they came after with masterpiece, well, I used the opportunity now to drag the lie. Covid-19 has never been isolated, purified, and we’ve hit them, as you’ll find.
And please everyone, go to my website and download the documents. What’s your website? Warriorcalls.com. it’s right on the front page that I’ve put it top and front. You can see the live stream I did last Thursday. First and foremost, right. Right off the top of the broadcast, I walk through people with a notification. Why this is so important right now. The entire world’s going to see that they’ve not produced the evidence that Covid-19 was isolated, purified, which simply means we were lied to. It never existed. And now you’ve got the FDA in the United States is passing Mpox vaccines.
You’ve got Health Canada passing more vaccines to come out to the public. And there stopping an incredible product like masterpiece from getting. It’s incredible. Let’s talk about what Covid-19 we all know colds exist. Whether you want to say it’s a toxin or whatever, we all know that colds exist. We all know that the coronavirus was the way they described colds all over the years, right? So we know colds existed. We know where there were colds that winter. But what they haven’t done is isolated that specific virus they claim was what nailed us. And, you know, I got to tell you, it looks like other than certain areas, like where zilliondez in certain areas where they might have did something else, it looked like they really weaponized the cold and said, the cold’s gonna kill you.
And then the flu. Cause the flu went away. And then they changed the protocols in the hospitals. And then the vaccine is what, we don’t know what has been hurting so many people. So it looked like they just made it up in the sense of making it up that the flu and the cold were suddenly worse than it was, other than in certain areas, which they did something else, which I wish people could figure that out, too. Yeah, it was. That’s why you’re saying it’s b’s. Yeah. Well, you can just look at the World Health Organization, the chart.
They always have the influenza the flu, you know, worldwide and up until 20, what it was, 2021 or 2020, you would see every year there were millions of cases of influence and no big deal, like every other year for the last hundred years before. But then all of a sudden when they rolled out this whole Covid narrative, it completely disappeared. The flu disappeared all of a sudden. Now, Covid-19 was the only thing that was existing in this world. And that’s why people need to understand we’ve been lied to. It’s very, very serious. And again, on the viruses, there are no viruses as the great Doctor Robert Young has proven, not only him, but the top virologists around the world that are surrounded with Christine Massey and the fois.
This is what people need to understand the entire, hold on 1 second. What the no virus is. I think that debate needs to go on. Just because one doctor, I’m going to be honest here, just because a couple doctors say it. I think the debate, there needs to be a healthy debate on what the mechanism of that is and what a virus is because when they say there’s no virus virus and all these other doctors says there is, there needs to be a healthy debate about it. The problem is they’re not allowing the debate. And, and so I, I don’t want to say there is, I’m just going to be honest.
I don’t want to say there isn’t. I don’t know if it’s toxins. I know we all get colds, so we know something is happening. So what is that mechanism of delivery of what’s going on? Right. They’re not allowing the freaking debate. That’s the problem. Keep going. No, so you’re right on. So how, I would have just twist that a bit. It’s the methodology, right? We don’t have to get into whether viruses exist or not. If they have isolated or they have purified something, then they’re able to prove to people that there’s a virus. But this is what goes back to day one, Sarah, is that the evidence is in spades.
Never in the history with all the pharmaceuticals, all these labs and medicals have them. You just drill down and you read the methodology of how they supposedly isolated, purified it. It doesn’t do that. It always compromises. That’s why I say there are no viruses. I guess I should put it the tag of it. There are no viruses that have been isolated, purified, end of point, right? Luke Montinger, the, you know, the guy that run the Nobel Peace Prize or whatever, he told everybody, you know, a year before. He says, my God, he said, you know, we haven’t isolated anything in his entire career.
So this is the, I’ve heard that from science. So what they do need to do is they need to start having those debates and saying, and then what the hell is it? And, and maybe if we’re not isolating, let’s isolate what we can. Let’s start to define this. Let’s have these debates. But they won’t allow that because maybe it will generate into, okay, this really is what it is and this is what a virus is. Or maybe it won’t, but having the debate and actually, why are they shutting all these people down and not allowing them to have that conversation? Like you just said, the Nobel Prize winning virologist said the same thing.
We haven’t isolated this stuff, so why, and then, you know, I asked Ian Mitchell the same question, he goes, you know what? You’re right. I would be open to having this debate. He believes there’s viruses, but he also admitted to that and said, I would be open to the debate. Why aren’t people open to that? But that’s right. You know, and why are they so careful to shut that down? Yeah, that’s, that’s the alert in my mind. Yeah. Doctor Tom Cowan, God bless him, and Doctor Andrew Kaufman, Christine Massey and Luke. Not Luke, but there’s another top virologist, a couple of them that are part of their collective.
They put it out two years ago. They put it out to the entire medical community. Please come to the table. Let’s have this debate. Let’s have this talk. It’s really not much of a debate, Sarah. If someone’s going to come for and say this virus exists, then all you have to do says, okay, it exists. Show us the methodology where it was isolated, purified. Show us where that evidence is, that verifiable proof, where they shown that this virus exists. I do believe, yes, there are things that are going on in our body that are not normal or whatever, but the words, because you’re getting a cold, you’re getting a cold.
So maybe it’s a toxin or something. And, you know, I spent, I spent, when I went to the red pill Expo, Andy Kaufman and I spent a lot of time together. So I got to know him as a, you know, on a personal level, he’s really a guy, but, and he’s smart, but I don’t think they’re the only, I mean, the debates need to happen, and I have a feeling they will change science as we know it. And that’s what they’re scared of. It might not be the way they see it, but it sure isn’t the way that we’re dealing with it now.
And they’re afraid for science itself to change because they have a stranglehold on it and so much of the industry is based on it. Yeah, the corruption and death. Right. See, the pharmaceutical companies will be finished. Right? And all these doctors, or they’ll be changed and the doctors are going to be looking at liability because then the light’s going to go on with everybody. Wait a minute. Bob or Susie gave me Xmyz medication here for something that didn’t exist. There was some. That’s what I’m seeing. The evidence is mounting on how we’re able to clean up our interstitial fluid in our bodies.
Masterpieces. A very big role in that. Like I say, Doctor Robert Young is incredible, the work that he’s done. Well, the pharmaceuticals will be forced to address the mechanisms that are causing it instead of what they’re addressing now. And that’s always what happens in science, is when, when an idea is challenged and they figure out more the detail of really what’s going on, it changes the how they deal with it, and it takes that chance. So whenever you’re afraid to have things challenged, that’s the red flag. There should be no fear in challenging something that is legit.
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It doesn’t get more serious than this. So that elevates that red flag to massive, massive attention for everybody. We need to bring this correct conversation out into the light, because, look, if I’m wrong, I’m going to be the first man in the world that’s going to just. I will beg for forgiveness. But I know the truth that I stand upon the evidence that I’ve acquired and that I share and I put, you know, my actions in play. The world needs to see and understand the simplicity of what we’re talking about. Because all these wars and things that we’ve got going on, all the stuff with P.
Diddy now, all these, we’ve got massive destruction. The weather modifications that’s going on, the massive flooding, all this stuff that’s going on, Sarah, is being done by design to keep mankind completely confused. As they ramp up the war, as they ramp up all these various Trump being assassinated three or four times, they’re trying massive theater. Yeah. I think it’s fear. Yeah. Now, the massive extinction event, I don’t think Covid, their vaccine shot, became that. I think maybe they wanted it to be. Maybe it was an experiment. I don’t think. When I talked to Steve Kirsch, he’s saying that we’re finding about 15%, uh, what do you call it, side effects, the death, which we know happened, and then the side effects, which was about 15, I think that’s what he said, about 15%.
And then there’s a bunch of lurking side effects that are going to happen. So I don’t think it was the mass death they thought, but they’ve also inserted things, you know, Doctor Anna, she’s a Machalko matchalytec. I always pronounce it wrong and people have corrected me so many times, they told me, and I had, it sounded phonetically, so I really apologize. Apologize. Doctor Anna. But anyway, she’s been doing a lot of work and showing the nanobots and the nanostructures in the blood, and so that was all coming, and you can’t deny that either. So they’ve been doing, they’ve been playing as one big experiment with people.
So I don’t see it as an extinction level event, as maybe in a big experiment and then a fear event and a bunch of theater and chaos and what the heck is going on? Well, I see it, like I said, with the reason I say the word extinction level event is that we have not seen all the death and destruction that’s coming from it. I mean, I have clients that come to me for my firefly technology that helps people with their immune systems and overall health. And just in the last month, Sarah, it’s been heartbreaking for me.
The average client that came into my place here is telling me that they’ve got between twelve and 24 people that they know that have died. The deaths are still continuing from these jabs. And when I say extinction level event, I’m talking about the pure of mankind, our body and how it’s been made up. It has been compromised now it’s been forever changed because you can’t get this stuff out of you once it gets into you. No one’s proven that yet, right? We’re trying to minimalize it, figure it out. We will. I’m sorry, we will. Right now.
We will. We have to. Yes. It’s the fight. Because if we don’t, then it’s only going to perpetuate further death and destruction. And that’s what I’m saying. You know, I’ve showed the stuff on the United States military. They’ve got, like, 14 frigates that they’ve got to keep back because their military has been decimated because of the Covid-19 that they say, right. It’s very, very serious what’s going on in our world. And that’s why I say, when they rolled this out, this just wasn’t about, you know, taking out mankind. They’ve debilitated all these. The great powers of the world, you know, that are supposed to be protecting and serving the people.
Like I say, the US military is heavily compromised right now. And then you’ve got that end of it. Then you’ve got the upper end where the people that are running the show are also very corrupt, as we know what’s going on. So we’ve got a real mess on our hands here, Sarah, worldwide. And that’s why we have to have a simple conversation. That’s why that courthouse, I always hammer it home. If any man or woman, once we get into that courthouse in the correct capacity, and the people see that, they see a man entering that courthouse or a woman, and they’re moving their claim, their court outside of the bar, a legal society, and they’re seating a jury of their peers and broadcast it to the world.
Like I said, light doesn’t fear, or the truth doesn’t fear the light. So walk it out to the light, broadcast it, show it to the world. And very quickly, like my notice that has gone to mark Holland, that’s the minister of health, Canada. It’s exposing very simply, very honorably and very quickly that, number one, we’ve been lied to. They don’t have the evidence. Covid-19 has been isolated. Number two, they have no jurisdiction over we the people. None of these people do. They can write whatever codes, rules, facts. Because up here in Canada, they’re trying to shut down the supplement market.
There’s over 3000 different supplement suppliers. So they need to see that they tried to do that in the United States and people are pushing back. But in Canada, you guys don’t have the same infrastructure. You guys don’t have the same freedoms that we have. So they’re actually able. So a supplement company selling vitamin C is shut down. I mean, Canada is. I’m disappointed in Canada. Without going too much farther. Go ahead. Oh my. Remember, we’re talking Canada. Sarah’s talking about the service corporation Canada. The people in this country. Yes, I’m absolutely disgusted in, there are millions of us that are trying to do something, but they don’t have these foundational truth, Sarah.
They don’t understand law. They don’t know who they are. And that’s why everyone’s freaking out. Justin Trudeau gave $5 billion last week to the UN again for this UN pack. And when you read it as doctor Sherry, Tenpenny and many other people are screaming about it. Exactly. It’s like they’re going to be able to kick in your doors, take you out if you’re not vaccinated. All just, it’s horrific. It’s completely draconian. And this is what people need to simply understand words on a piece of paper. Do not control any manner. Woman the american people know this, right? They fought and died to, you know, let’s talk about that.
You impact a little bit. It is really draconian. And Canada gave him $5 billion. I mean, and I, you know, the Biden administration is supporting him too. It’s not like, it’s like a full blown support structure. What, what is in it that, you know, what are some of the details? Well, like I said from, for example, the World Health Organization tried to pass the world pandemic treaty back in May. It failed. And everyone was like, oh, this is great, or whatever. Nope. They passed in the background, I forget it was 170. I think it was nations in the background.
They passed the amendments to the regulations and what those amendments said, that is whenever the World Health Organization declares there’s another pandemic, that if you’re on a plane somewhere, and you land in one of those countries, they have the right to force vaccinate you or put you in internment camp. This is what people need to understand. And then it filters down in every country. They start locking down all the masks, all starts to come back up. They’re already doing it in Canada, up here in the hospitals. I’ve had a couple of people whose family members wound up in the hospitals, you know, last resort there a couple of weeks ago.
And soon as they got in there, they were pushing the impact vax on them. They were forcing them to wear a mask. And then they were asking what their vaccination status is. So this is what they’re all ramping up, because what they’ll start doing, as you probably learned in the past, in Canada, they were turning people down for surgeries if they weren’t vaccinated. Many people have died because of it. It’s horrific. And that’s why. Yeah, well, and also Team Canada came out with our health. Canada shows that three to four times more death for the vaccinated than the unvaccinated that came out in Canada.
And they claim they’re not worried about it. So three times to four times, three to four times more death from the vaccinated population than unvaccinated. We’re talking with COVID Unvaccinated population. And they’re actually moving forward with this legislation. Legislation. I mean, that’s not enough to wake people up. I don’t know what. Oh, I know. Well, the FDA put it. The FDA put it right in their, their, you know, their, their public paper that they put out last week. They said the people that are vaccinated can possibly die from this new vaccination from Mpox that they passed or, or have severe repercussions, so to speak, with their health.
Like they’re telling people right there, well, they had to take this thing. Yeah, but they also say in that warning that those around you could die, too. Did you see that? They warned of the shedding. They warned of the shedding because these are self replicating vaccines. I think that’s what they officially are, because they’ve been working on the self replicating vaccines for over a decade. So does that mean this was one of those self replicating vaccines? Because why would they put a warning saying those around you could die, too? That’s right. Well, I’m sure you’re familiar with Doctor William Mackus up here in Canada.
He’s actually over in. Yeah, he’s over in Japan right now. He got invited over there. And if for people that aren’t following what’s going on in Japan. Japan is being forced in October. The government’s passed. It’s called Rubicon or Rubicon or whatever. And it is a. It’s basically like this mnrna on steroids. It’s basically literally reprogramming and re changing the DNA. And people’s like, they’ve proven this. And this is what the japanese government has approved to be unleashed on the people. The average jab there is eight. The average what? The average man and woman in Japan has been jabbed eight times.
Oh, my God. With this stuff, with the prior vaccination schedules. And now they’re going to start to roll out this. So they invited Doctor William Mackus and Doctor Mark Trozzi, another great man up here in Canada. They both went down there and they spoke to parliament now, showing them why they cannot do this. I mean, I cannot believe that it’s even gone to this level now that they’re. They actually put it out the public. But that’s amazing that they’re allowed to speak in parliament because I don’t think Macus would be allowed to speak in parliament or in our government.
They haven’t or Canada far. Yeah, they. He’s too explosive. He’s great. He’s one of the top cancer doctors in the world. But when you said that they have an average of eight shots, are you talking the COVID booster shots or eight vaccines in general? Okay, because there’s a Covid boosters. Yeah, Covid vaccines that came out and the boosters all combined, they’re up to eight. And I still know people here that are getting them. And that’s why, you know, the three to four times rate coming out of health Canada, I’m surprised that came out, but they couldn’t.
It’s too hard for them to hide all the data. And that needs to get out there because I’m surprised. I mean, people should be up in arms and in the streets. Why are they not, when this is the kind of information that’s out there? I don’t understand. And our congress is still ignoring it. And according to Steve Kirsch, he went to the Congress and he said that he asked and asked questions and where people are at, he said, the sad part is the majority of Congress believed that the COVID program was a success with 15% side effects.
All the people that have died, we know that the flu thing went away. I mean, how at this point, with all the evidence, Chris, how could that be? I know. You know, when you hit the nail on the head when you’re talking about, you know, why aren’t the people up in arms? That’s a very, very important question. Well, Sarah, it’s because the people don’t know. People don’t do what Christopher and Sarah do every day by paying attention to what’s going on. Your vast majority of people, unfortunately, all they care about is their football or their hockey or their social life or their Netflix or whatever.
It’s not getting out through the mainstream media. And what Trudeau just passed. Rebel News is one of the semi quasi independent news organizations up here. They’ve had their license stripped from them. They’re not allowed to be a broadcaster now anymore. This is what Canada’s done to them. So when you ask, like, Rebel News, even though I’m not totally on side with a lot of stuff they do, the foundation. Foundation of what they do is phenomenal because they’re trying to bring exactly what you’re talking about. They bring these points out to people now they’re going to be taken out at the knees and they’re not going to be able to broadcast anymore.
And I’ve tried to tell Ezra, you don’t need a license, Ezra, to do a damn thing in this world. This is what people need to understand. It goes right back to the Health Canada telling Matt at masterpiece that he doesn’t have a license with them to sell this product into Canada. We don’t need licenses from you people. In the event that something happens, there’s a trespassing, wrong or harms caused by a product, that’s when Health Canada should be stepped in. But a product that’s got, you know, marine plasma, over 80,000 documents on the medical, you know, websites or whatever, and then zeolite as well.
I’m the same with that woman’s name, Clintopia. The specific type of zeolites. There’s 40 different types of zeolites. Masterpiece uses the most premier one, Clintypio. Whatever it is, it’s just those two elements that are in masterpiece. So. Exactly. If something that that is doing is causing wrong or harm, why aren’t we seeing this? All we’re getting is drilled down. Drilled down threats, Christopher, we’re in a backwards world. This is not causing harm. This is really helping people. There’s no proof of that. The things that are really causing harms, they’re protecting. They’re doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing.
They should be protecting those. You know, I just did an expose on the Tate brothers where they were. They’ve been recruiting 15 year old girls. It’s the definition of human trafficking. He explained it. We people need to understand what human trafficking really is. And they’re still promoting this guy. He had over 40 million social media followers. And they. I don’t care if people want to get into porn. I don’t give a crap what they would do with their time. But when people are harmed, that’s when you step in. Being a libertarian minded person, constitutional, I’m really pro freedom.
It’s. The harm is when you step in, you can do whatever the heck you want. I don’t care. As soon as you start harming people, you’re done. And they are not living up to that harm set. They don’t care. It’s all flipped. People who are trying to bring out information that is helping people that’s good are being suppressed. And the people who are doing bad control, harming people are the ones that are promoting and funding. Something is seriously wrong here. Yeah, well, that’s why people need to understand that these governments are not buying for the people.
These are corporations that were created a very long time ago by the very same group of people that have rolled out these poisonings that are behind every single war, every single mass catastrophe that we’ve seen in history. These people, these groups have been around for a long time. It’s no longer conspiracy theory. Now we can spend hours, days, weeks, months. We can go down a million rabbit holes, Sarah. And we can educate everybody, but we don’t have time for that. That we have to simply bring forward what is the most powerful truth that we can bring forward.
That is simple for people to understand, that can show them the solution moving forward and everyone can get involved in the action. For me, it’s Covid-19 you show people that that was a lie, and then you show them the second shoe to drop that. That public courthouse. We the people, have a right to access it outside of the bar and move a claim against any other man or woman that’s trespassed, causing wrong or harm. It’s that simple. Who is the man or woman at that courthouse that’s going to stop Sarah Christopher from executing our God given right to seek the administration of justice? Those people there have to come forward and claim that Sarah Christopher property.
Otherwise, they have no business to trespass against our property, which is our filing our claim. See, it all comes down to that courthouse. They’re blocking enormous truth worldwide. It’s not just the COVID You look at the massive financial theft that the Bidens have done or whatever it’s off the charts. You don’t see any accountability. I saw a great clip last week of a man in the United States. He was ripping a strip off George Bush. He was on some panel or whatever and he was going right at him about the millions of people that they killed in Iraq.
There were no weapons of mass destruction and it’s just like one theater after the next, you know, that they roll out and all. We forget about 911, we forget about, you know, we have a duty and obligation to hold these people accountable that caused all this enormous wrong and harm. We have the evidence. Look at architects for engineers, what, 3000 architects and they’ve come forward. You think that would wake people up? That why are all these architects saying that was impossible for how those buildings came down? Civil engineers and things? Yeah. They were all coming forward as structural engineers.
Those are the ones I’m talking about. Yeah, yeah. That’s what they do for a living. That’s what is the structural engineering. And they’re coming forward and saying, this is B’s, guys. That’s right. William Mackus exposed pedophilia at the AHS. That’s a builder, health services at the highest levels of the executive. He’s got these people nailed with pedophilia that they were involved in. He’s given that to the RCMP. They didn’t do anything. What happens with Macus when he’s exposing the billions of dollars of theft that’s going out in Alberta now? He’s railing on them about obviously, I don’t know for people who don’t know.
But Health Canada, about three weeks ago, maybe a month ago, they put out, they want all COVID vaccinations destroyed that people have in supply, all the doctors. And Maccis is like they’re destroying the crime scene. See, this is what they’re doing. They’re getting rid of all the evidence because that evidence is going to prove that what was in those vaccinations had nothing to do with a resumed right pandemic that never occurred. It’s very serious. Always get rid of the evidence. And what happened to William Macus? He has the police show up at his door. You think they’re there to show up and get a statement from him to work with him? No.
The board of physicians out in Alberta made a complaint that he’s harassing them. When he’s standing there with the verifiable evidence, the pedophilia that’s occurred, the billions in theft and fraud, the death and destruction from these jobs that are rolled out and the police come to his house, the RCMP, to threaten him. Well, I’ve been doing pedophilia, cover human trafficking coverage since 2016, like I’ve been. And I go on and off because it’s too hard for me to do it constantly. And the evidence is overwhelming and you can’t make inroads. It’s unbelievable. That’s why I say everything is flipped right now.
The people need to take it back. We just have to take and local, because we can at least protect our local environments. And if these nut bag psychopaths want to run something globally, fine. You know, I don’t think it’s fine, but at least you’re protected locally. Yep. And that’s why my communication, you know, circling back to Health Canada, it’s very important that everybody download and read that. Why? Because that same document, Sarah, every man or woman can use that when you’re engaging. We were just talking about at the municipal level, the state or provincial level, or the federal level, you’re able to have the conversation with these people correctly.
First and foremost, I require you to produce the contract, the obligation you rely upon to jurisdiction over me. I don’t have a contract with Health Canada, with Canada, with the United States, with the IR’s. You can go on and on and on. That’s the first shoe to drop. Produce the obligation, because contract makes the law. If there’s no contract that’s in place, then you better produce a verified claim. That means another man or woman’s coming forward. That whatever actions I’m doing on my end, be it masterpiece or anything else, that I’ve trespassed. You always use that word.
Trespass covers everything I’ve caused wrong or harm. Produce it. Where’s that? Oh, they don’t have that. All that leads then, Sarah, is what? That these people that are acting for service corporations believe that Sarah and Christopher and all our fellow men in this world are property. And then they can put pen to paper, they can do all this theater, passing all these codes or rules or statutes, how does it get away? The whole notion of us being property is slavery, which is violent, violates international law, too. So how are they able to violate international law by making us property? Because people don’t know who they are.
They don’t understand the difference between legal and lawful. This entire. You know what I mean? The whole thing is bullshit. It’s bullshit. But that happens. That trespass happens right when we’re born, Sarah. That’s what I’m saying. When they create that legal person, people don’t know that. And then you’re conditioned your whole life. And by the time you’re in your twenties or thirties, you think you just, like I said, when I look back at my twenties and thirties, I go, oh my goodness, I was so ignorant. I did. I had no idea what was going on. Just think if those young, you know, people had that truth in their hearts, their minds and soul.
Did you see what happened in Portland last week? I should send you the clip. There was a council meeting and about 200 people showed up and they all read en masse together. They put them. I’m getting goosebumps telling you this. It was powerful. They laid into them about Gaza, the genocide that’s occurring to their councils to stop that. There are things they’re doing. Doing. That’s what the people need to see. They gathered en masse and the council just basically stood up and there’s nothing they could do. Because normally if one man or woman’s at the, at the podium and they’re doing their turn to speak or whatever, we see the police come in, they arrest them, they get them out of there.
They can’t do that when there’s 200 people doing that. And that was so powerful. I was so proud of the people in Portland. They were calling for the immediate, you know, addressing of what’s going on in Gaza. The death and destruction, the United nations to not accept anything. What do you think? What do you think? Because I. I just. It’s so obvious that it’s ethnic cleansing. They’re clearing them out, murdering them out, getting them out of there so they can redevelop the area. It’s. So. It’s their plan. They said they’re going to do it and now they’re implementing exactly what was on their plan.
That’s right. But then you have our mass media talking about how all these people who are trying to get that genocide to stop as terrorist sympathizers and anti semitics, it makes me so angry that they’re gaslighting people into thinking that just because the jewish situation happened back in the second world war and it was bad, there was all this killing, and you can argue what really happened there, but I’m sorry, there was concentration camps, there were people that were killed. No matter how you look at it, that atrocity does not justify this one. No matter how it’s two different things.
Yeah. This service corporation, Israel, is off the charts. I mean, they’re attacking Lebanon, they’re attacking everybody. They’re off the rails and nobody is reeling them in. People need to understand that JFK, back in the day, he went to Israel, he wanted access to their Dimona nuclear facility. Why? Because he found out that they were making nuclear bombs there. They were not allowed to under international law. Of course. Kennedy got killed, you know, a few months later. But that was for multiple. They got, they got many things when they killed, you know, Kennedy, they stopped like them for all.
They didn’t like it for many reasons. Right. But this is what the people need to understand. And the people in Israel, they’ve also been injected with these vaccinations. They are, they are being used as fodder again. John Lennon said it in the best, back in 19, I think it was 75 or 85. He was on one of the talk show hosts. He says the world is run by psychopaths. That’s exactly what it is. Because they’re going to use whatever they can sentiment wise. Because the whole anti semitic stuff is. I don’t care if you’re jewish. I don’t care.
I don’t even think that should enter into the conversation. Conversation. Why are we even bringing it up? I just care about what’s actually happening here. And so it’s, it’s so asinine that they’re even talking about what religion somebody is or whatever I want. No, you’re killing people and ethnic and cleansing. I don’t care that you’re jewish. Yep. The foundation again, they use Jewish as a broad paintbrush to plaster all the Jews. And it’s not, it’s not the jewish people. I’d be mad if I was them. Well, they are using us in that name. Stop it. That’s right.
And that’s why you’re seeing these massive protests that are going on in Israel right now. They’re livid with Netanyahu, but the mainstream media doesn’t show you this stuff. This is what I’m saying. The problem is, you know, there’s so many people that don’t even know what bitchute is. You know, they’re just too caught up on their cell phone and it’s a rumble. So this is the problem we have. But, you know, we’ve got to go through this. This is the real, I think it’s going to get very, very serious, you know, and like I said, Justin Trudeau is out there speaking with the prime minister of the UK last week.
Again, they reiterating that they fully support using long range ballistic missiles into Russia. If one of those missiles goes into Russia, Sarah, that has the United supply from the UK or the United States. Justin Trudeau’s put Canada on the nuclear hit list. We will get nuked. If everyone thinks that this is just going to be some fluff thing that happens, you’re seeing it building and building and building and building. My position is author of the 30 years of research I’ve done. They’ve pushed this narrative so far. They need this massive global chaos on every aspect of our life.
They’ve got to take this world down to bring in this new reset that they want, but they’re losing ground on it. And that is why we’re seeing the paces quickening. That is why we’re being attacked on multiple fronts. But the double edged sword is the people that were ignorant, Sarah. They’re starting to wake up now. It’s just slow. But they’re starting to finally see, as you’re saying, it’s not making sense. Yeah, I know. Slow is an understatement. A little slow. Yeah, I know. But, you know, the nuclear threat is actually more real than people realize because they’ve come to.
The real is. There’s a few things that scare me about that. They believe they can win a tactical nuclear war. There’s documents showing that, and there’s a whole argument on that. And then they’re also putting out information that when a nuclear blast happens, it doesn’t pause for a thousand years for that area to be polluted. Because if you look at Nagasaki and Hiroshima, where the nuclear bombs went off, they’re cities thriving again, and there isn’t a problem with nuclear waste. Right. And same with Chernobyl, that when you go there, you test that environment. And so they’re using.
So they’re not. That’s not scaring them off like we’d like it to. Right. It almost would be bad, better if it lasted a thousand years, because then they wouldn’t be tempted to use it. So those two concepts are pretty scary. Yeah. Our world’s in a very serious place, Sarah, right now. And that’s why the truth is always the first casualty in war. And that’s why the work that we do, you know, it’s not an I love me thing with me and you. But, you know, we are lights to this world. We’re trying to bring the truth very powerfully, very simply forward to people so that they can see what is going on, so that we can find this way to come together en masse and stop it.
And there’s only two options. Either we get into the courthouse properly outside of the bar, and the world sees this evidence laid. Blair, and we get the warrants and arrests out for people because it still works on the common law side. Or it’s going to be kinetic and it’s going to get very physical. They’re going to turn it. Look what happened when the COVID first came out and they were locking people down. People were freaking over toilet paper at Costco. What do you think they’re going to do, Sarah? If there’s a nuclear bomb drop somewhere? Oh, it’s going to be God forbid.
And this is what we have to do all in our hearts to try and avoid. America is without a doubt, the greatest country in the world. It’s history. It always gives me goosebumps when I say that, because the american people, they were truly a light to the world a very, very long time ago. And they need to understand the lies and the deceit that’s occurred that’s subverted their understanding of what they truly believe, and that the constitution isn’t looked at what it’s supposed to be for. And that you’ve got people that are running your country outside of it at some very, very high levels that nobody sees behind the scenes, seen no longer conspiracy theory, because we see this massive attack on mankind, not only United States, but worldwide.
So that’s why the truth has to be brought out into the light. And I’m going to do everything. And as I said, the truth does not fear the light. Right? That’s why I’m standing. I say to everyone in the world, have one man or woman come forward. Who’s going to come forward and claim that I’m their property. They got a contract with me that I’m property, or they have a contract with any service corporation or any role they’re acting in this world, that I’m property. That’s the first question that the conversation everyone needs to have. Because when you recognize that no one’s going to come forward and answer yes to those three questions, then you’ve just been taught now, lawfully, that no words on a piece of paper, Sarah, or no other man or woman control you unless there’s a contract in place.
It’s that simple. That’s the foundation. I like the trespassing thing. Have you been trespassed? Have you been harmed? That’s right. That should be the ultimate of everything. And the only thing that really matters in a free world. Yep. Is that we love each other, we never trespass, and contract makes the law that simple. You and I have a right to do in a free world, we have the right to do anything we wish to do. We’re able to travel however we wish on the public roads. We don’t need a license for that. God forbid, if we do get in an accident, that’s what insurance should be there for.
And God forbid if you know someone’s drinking or driving, that’s what the police are for, to take that man or woman, get them off the road, get their property impounded or whatever. That’s what they’re there for because they’re trespassing, they’re hurting. That’s right. Others, it’s not that hard. Yeah, that’s right. So when someone love what you say. Go ahead. I was gonna say I love what you say about the. The truth doesn’t shy away from the light, because if I welcome the truth, I. Yeah, come on, bring it on. Challenge me. And if I’m not telling, if something’s inaccurate about what I’m saying, I want to know, too.
So bring it on. Yep. That’s why I say it’s not about Christopher James, it’s not about Sarah. It’s not about all of us wonderful people that are trying to bring these truths forward. We are bringing forward a truth, and we want people to destroy that truth if it’s not true. And that’s what you drag out into the light, and that’s what this evil fears, right? I’m standing out there in this arena in front of mankind, the entire world, and I’m saying these three questions that we talk about proper to true. And secondly, Covid-19 was never isolated, purified.
Bring that evidence forward because that’s all the world needs to hear. Once they understand it did not exist and that we relied to. And then they see all the death and destruction, then the wheels will start to really turn. People will see, how do we hold these people accountable? And then it circles back to that courthouse outside of the bar, because then you realize that’s all been set up to block the truth from coming forward. If the bar and these lawyers worldwide were worth their weight in gold, oh, they would have had a field day with all this corruption that’s going on, for God’s sake, they’d be busy forever.
The ones who aren’t looking at it, they’re like, ah, this is a land, you know, what do you call it? A windfall. I can just work forever. But it’s crazy. That’s what I’m saying. Thing is upside down. It really is inverted. And that’s why we’re saying it’s a satanic thing. Well, I mean, it’s hard to argue that. I’ve never really been really into that until you start seeing. Well, everything is inverted right now. Yeah, I don’t know if I’d use the word inverted, Sarah. I think the way I look at it is that everything is being shown to be true.
Now we’re finally recognizing that. Oh, you think so? You think of it as a positive? I think it’s totally, I see it as the, it’s inverted meaning that the truth is being suppressed. The, or they’re trying to, like when you, when they’re, they’re promoting the evil ones, suppressing the truth, they’re allowing people to hurt people and they’re suppressing people who are trying to not hurt people. I mean, everything is backwards. Yeah, but maybe it always has been. And now where that’s coming to light. That’s what you’re saying? That’s what I was meaning. It’s always been this way.
We’ve just been ignorant. We’ve. Because it’s always been little tiny drip drips here and there. Oh, the odd guy has a problem in core here. Something’s gone wrong here, but not like we’re seeing today. It’s full on across the spectrum, from finance to food, to your health, to the court systems, to the governments, to your. At the municipal, it’s everywhere. Property taxes, it’s everywhere. I’ve had so many calls in the last month because for people that don’t know the CRA, Canadian Revenue Agency, in Canada here they have 60,000 employees. Our military has 67,000. Right. People are being attacked like you wouldn’t believe right now by the CRA.
They’re coming after everybody hard. CRA is so people who aren’t in Canada. Yeah, Canadian Revenue Agency. It’s like the IR’s in terms of revenue, it’s the same thing. Same, same head of the same snake, right. End of the day. And I showed a clip last week again, I showed it years ago, but I brought it up again. There was a woman that worked for the IR’s and back in the day, and someone put out a bet that if someone could come forward with 50,000, prove it, that the IR’s was legitimate and what, their taxation was legit and lawful, that they would give them $50,000.
And she was like, wow, this is a gift for me. Right? She’d been with the IR’s for like 15 years or something. So she started to delve into it and dig into it. Well, then she found out the truth, that it’s all basically massive corruption and fraud. And they locked her up in jail for it, et cetera, of course, and she’s out. But that’s what I’m saying. Truth is finally coming, Sarah. We’ve been ahead of this game for many years, most of us on point, but we’ve got, this is the biggest task is bringing the people up because, you know, I’ve been sitting at bitchute at 19,163 or 93, something like that, subscribers for six months.
Well, it hasn’t been there for. Yeah, at like 32,000 forever, too. But, you know, rumble is moving up. Yes. And my substack’s moving up. I’m trying to get more people. Twitter x is not what people think it is, and that’s really a sad commentary. I wish it was, but at least people are on there. But if you’re in a box, then it’s creating an illusion. I told people who weren’t kicked off YouTube in 2020 when they had the Internet apocalypse or something that was still there. All that happened is they were kept, it kept them from building their other platforms.
They stayed in a box. They’re getting very few views, and it screwed up their ability now. Now they’re way behind after, you know, they realized they should have jumped on it then and now. And I think the bad guys figured out that doing that is more effective than letting people go. Because if you totally kick them off a platform, they go and find different ways to build up. Whereas if you keep them on and you just put them in a box, then they won’t go elsewhere and they won’t be effective either. So that’s what they’re doing.
Yeah. This evil worldwide has been preparing for this moment for a very long time. So we can understand, people can simply see the technological advances we’ve had in this world that are off the charts. It’s incredible. I mean, what you can do with your cell phone today, you know, we’re all connected in a wonderful way. It’s cool. It’s incredible. But people don’t realize that. They’ve also had to realize the theater that gets rolled out, right. That people are actually visually seeing, they’ve thought of all the, that’s where they bring in their codes, the rules or statutes, you know, the theater, governments around the world.
It’s. Satan is brilliant and what he’s done in this world, there’s no question about it. And he’s got his grips on the consciousness of the mind of man right now. And that’s why, you know, mankind has got to find a way to break through. I really believe we’re going to have to have an intervention, Sarah, like an intervention that we’ve never seen before because you think, you think our messiah like Christ coming back intervention? Is that what you’re saying? Or like, we need to step up? What do you mean by an intervention? All of the above could be off world.
You know, this Christ consciousness, you know, something just cracks it because it’s just incredible. Yeah. You know, I do believe that these beings, whatever they are, they are here. They’ve been here for a very long time. And we’ve seen, I’ve seen tons of photos with, you know, UFO’s that were attacking military installations when they were trying to send missiles or bombs up. They disabled them. It’s all out there. So it is my hope that God forbid that if anybody tries to send a long range ballistic missile somewhere to cause that death and destruction, that that will somehow get prevented and stopped.
I don’t know why it didn’t get stopped. And Hiroshima, but hopefully we’re not going to. And I just feel in my heart that the japanese people were looking at world war two again. They’re going to be dragged into this thing again because they’re supporting Taiwan. You’ve got NATO that Japan is part of telling Japan that they’ve got to send their troops to the Ukraine, which is already happening. The United States, Joe Biden has sent a total of 60 billion, billion dollars to Ukraine. Justin Trudeau, Joe has done 13 or 15 billion. It’s insane, the money that’s going there.
And yet you see Joe Biden have any money for the hurricane people? Oh, we had a limit. With no more we can do what? Isn’t that crazy? What do you think about that now? This is happening right now as we’re recording this. So I’m putting this up on a Wednesday, we’re recording this on a Tuesday. What do you think of the strike now at the ports? Because that could take down the supply chain. That’s a big deal. Exactly. It’s perfect. Quickly timed. That’s not just happening by coincidence. It’s incredible. It will. Yeah. So we’ll see. We’ll be monitoring that.
I hope they step in like when Reagan did with the airline controllers or something. That will take down our country. Yeah. At least for a few weeks. I mean, I don’t. Until it gets back up. It’s that important. It’s a major infrastructure. Well, anyway, Christopher, where do people reach you? You are a phenomenal source of information. You can reach me at a warrior, not a lawyer, a warrior calls.com. all my information is there. And please try and join me every Thursday night at 08:00 p.m. eastern standard time. I do a live stream, it’s in real time, of what’s going on in our world today with the events and I share and show with people.
I love tick tock. I absolutely love tick tock, tick tock. I guess the algorithm, it really knows what I like looking at or what is important to me, and it feeds me enormous, very verifiable, incredible truth from around the world all the time. So I really love to show the short clips because you’re really starting to see, you know, the people push back against Netanyahu and Israel worldwide. He’s being admonished everywhere in the world. But this is all talk. There’s got to be a physical force that goes in there to stop this. If JFK was alive today, oh, the US military would have been in there already.
Now the US military has been sent over to Israel, but they’re not there to stop anything. They’re there to proportion and to further attack if they’re going to go after Jordan or whatever under Israel, the IDS command. So it’s very serious. It’s like the japanese young soldiers being sent to Ukraine. These good, great men and women are being used for fodder for some other wars. And I hear there’s a huge, what do you call it? They’re leaving the military and Canada’s happening, and I’m starting to hear rumors it’s happening in the United States as well. People, they’re not going to abide by this.
What do you call it again? When they’re forced to go on inscription, right, to go into the military. People are not going to put up with it this time. We’re not going to allow it. Right. Because I’m curious. Go ahead. No, I was going to say I’m curious as to TikTok because it’s allowing certain information. I know a lot of people whose accounts have been suspended and kicked off, and so it’s allowing certain information and feedings and then not allowing other information. So we have to be careful with TikTok just like all rest of them. Oh, of course.
Yeah. But it’s allowing some good information through. So that’s interesting. Yeah, it’s great. Like these people you see, like the irish parliament, I mean, they are livid of what’s going on in Gaza. You don’t see people like that standing up and they’re, you know, we talk about it again, you look at the Belfort, you know, act that was created how Israel came about to creation. You know, your own very President Eisenhower, you know, he’s back in the day. He’s on screen there telling everybody, you know, the Zionists wanted all of Palestine like that. He says, well, we couldn’t give them all a Palestine.
You got to take a step back. Wait a minute. Who are you to be giving land that people have been there for thousands of years? Who are you to be carving that up and giving that to another group of people? Now, see, they, it’s like a dagger in the heart of the arabian peninsula there. And this is what’s caused all this conflict. It’s all done by design, right? Order out of chaos. So it’s been drip, drip, drip, drip, drip. But now it’s off the rails with going on. I mean, I cannot believe the world is standing by and allowing this.
I mean, they’re talking 200,000 palestinian people have been murdered, killed or displaced, and no one’s, we don’t have a single well. And Netanyahu went in front of Congress and said, they’re the most moral army in the world, and they haven’t heard a single civilian. And then Congress gave them a standing ovation for that. That’s what I mean. You want to see american? Tell them all the american people out there wear the criminals. Are you arrest every man or woman there that stood up. And then they threatened Johnson, threatened anybody that said anything wrong or tried to protest or do anything about Netanyahu, you could be fine, blah, blah, blah.
There is where the enemy lies. Right? It’s these people that are in. Are there good people in Congress? Absolutely. Just like in Canada. There’s great people that are in parliament government, but there’s a minority of them, and they’re being completely snuffed out. They’re being completely marginalized. This evil has got a lock and control over it. And unless we find a way to hold these people accountable, I’m saying we got to have the accountability, the hope in the world, but all the hope in the world is always going to deliver death and destruction. We have to have that action where there’s accountability, where we actually stop this evil.
I agree. Well, the people who were, they saw through the COVID a lot of them now can’t see through this Israel thing because it’s this, it’s the same media was turned against them. It’s really a sad commentary. And I just don’t know why they can’t see through, why they’re so captured, why their minds are so captured with this. Because they get, they believe the lie that the anti semitism, anti semitism and jewish thing that should be removed. It shouldn’t even be a thing. It should be what the acts and behaviors are that’s going on. Yep. You know, I just watched last obvious.
I don’t know why that’s not obvious. Well, it’s the consciousness of the mind of man. It’s been corrupted, Sarah, for the last hundred years, slowly but surely. And we’ve got to a point now where we don’t have any real men. It. Well, we do, but we don’t have it like it used to be a hundred years ago. There’s a great movie on Netflix that’s got Matthew McConaughey on it that just came out. It’s called West Jones or something like that. You should look it up. I just watched a little bit of it last night. It’s beautiful, right? You see, you’re seeing the true essence of every man and woman in this world, where they stood shoulder to shoulder against when there was evil that was stealing their corner, stealing their land, or destroying the United States.
It’s an uncomfortable, incredible, incredible movie that he’s done right now, and that, I think, is coming at a very important time that people need to look back to that to understand who we all are to each other and why we need to stand up collectively together and stop this. Well, and see, that’s probably the beautiful part of what it means to be, you know, what it means to be a man or what it means to be a woman. Strength of character. What’s happening with, like, the Tate brothers is they’re pushing them up as strength of character, and it’s backwards.
It’s bastardized. That’s not what strength of character is. It’s not about using others, and they’re using some good messaging, twisted in with these guys that are horrible people. And it’s really skewing the minds of these young boys. They have boys as young as 1112. I had people from England contacted me saying, yeah, a lot of the boys who are eleven and twelve are watching, watching this stuff. And so they’re just polluting these young minds by twisting it. Whereas to really show the strength of character, it’s strength coupled with humility and confidence and love and not wanting to hurt another human being and how that is powerful and how that is strong and how you can have a strong partnership with man and women.
Men and women can have strong loving partnerships and that. And it doesn’t diminish being a man and it doesn’t diminish being a female. A woman. And they don’t. That’s what’s lost in today’s culture. Yeah, and porn has done an incredible job on destroying the family unit. Again, you talk about the young minds. There’s no filters. I mean, any teenager with a cell phone, they can get onto any pornographic site. So they’re seeing how women are being treated in these videos, right? There’s no romance. There’s no nothing. It completely destroys the entire bonding, the entire relationship, so that when they do actually get with a woman, right, they’re gonna.
They’re gonna apply what they’ve seen. This is supposed to be the good thing of how we do things. Whatever. Like I said, we’ve gone so far past the Rubicon, as you were talking to earlier, it’s. It’s terrible. That’s why the mind is the most precious thing in this world right now. If they get control, the consciousness of the mind of man, which they’ve got a good grip on right now. Now this evil, it’s over for mankind, Sarah. We will not come out of this, because they will just continue like this Rubicon new drug that they’re rolling out in Japan.
If they start injecting that into people and they’re able to further program us. You know a lot about the programming that’s going on in the world today. I mean, mankind’s in a real. In a real, real bad position. So we have to shut down the program. The program is the mind. Manipulative. The frequencies that people don’t see, we have to shut that down. And people who understand it, scientists, engineers, and others who understand it, need to step up and not be afraid, because it seems like it’s just fantasy, Sci-Fi and it’s not. It’s just not. It’s not.
Okay, well, thank you, Christopher. It’s always a pleasure having you here. I really appreciate it. Well, I love being with you, Sarah. I love my brothers and sisters to the south of us. I love mankind worldwide. And that’s why I hope to God we. We can drag this truth out into the light. As I said, the light does not fear the truth. And, pardon me, truth does not fear the light. And it’s a very important time in our world, Sarah, and I’m so glad to be standing shoulder to shoulder with you right now. It’s going to get very kinetic, I think, in the next couple of months here.
So, everybody, please do all you can. Download that document, please. It’s not an I love me thing. That document educates you in three pages, very simply, of the correct conversation you can have with anybody to stand your ground that nobody can administrate over you without. Right? You have every right to do anything in this world. Providing you don’t cause any wrong or harm trespass. I love you, Sarah.