Tuesdays With Mike | The ExeQution of John No Name McCain LIVESTREAM STARTS AT 8:00 PM EST

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➡ Mike and Ron host a show on the Untold History Channel where they discuss various topics. In this episode, they talk about John McCain, whom they refer to as McStain. They discuss McCain’s involvement in the Russia hoax and his role in trying to overthrow the government. They also mention a ship named after McCain’s father, which was ordered to be hidden during a Trump speech.
➡ The text discusses a collision involving the USS John S. McCain, a US Navy warship, and a Liberian tanker near Singapore and Malaysia in August 2017. It also talks about the political tension between President Trump and John McCain, with both refusing to mention each other’s names. The text further mentions McCain’s military family background and speculates about McCain and Hillary Clinton wearing ankle boots to hide GPS monitors, suggesting they were under house arrest. Lastly, it discusses Trump’s retaliatory nature and the cryptic posts by ‘Q’ hinting at McCain’s execution.
➡ The text discusses a series of posts predicting the return of John McCain to the headlines and his subsequent death. It suggests that these predictions were accurate and that they were made by a user named Q. The text also criticizes McCain’s actions and legacy, including his involvement in the Keating Five scandal and his military service. It ends with a discussion about a symbolic event involving Melania Trump planting an Eisenhower sapling, which the author interprets as a message about McCain’s connection to Eisenhower.
➡ The text discusses a person named Keating who was seen as a villain while senators escaped blame. This person was part of a globalist organization and known for his aggressive behavior. He played a significant role in starting the Iraq war and supported confrontations with North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Russia. He also supported Hillary Clinton and was involved in the overthrow of Ukraine’s government in 2014. The text also mentions his connection with ISIS and his role in covering up the 9/11 conspiracy theories. The text suggests that he wanted to be president in 2008 but was overlooked for Obama. The text ends by discussing his relationship with Trump and the possibility of him being executed.
➡ The text discusses suspicions of election fraud in 2018 and 2020, with claims of inconsistencies in voting patterns. It also mentions theories about political figures being replaced and the public not being fully informed about certain events. The speakers express frustration with the slow pace of revealing these alleged truths to the public. They also speculate about future events and the potential outcomes of ongoing situations.
➡ The speaker discusses how people often misinterpret information, using the example of followers of Q and Christianity. They express frustration about misinformation and the lack of independent research. They also discuss historical events, including the treatment of POWs and the influence of figures like Eisenhower and Henry Kissinger. The speaker suggests that the government has manipulated public opinion to create a dependent society and encourage anti-gun sentiment.
➡ The speaker discusses the connection between mass shootings and the use of strong medications like Prozac, which can affect the brain. They also emphasize their willingness to discuss various topics on their channel, as they believe everything is interconnected. The speaker appreciates Mr. King’s time and looks forward to future discussions. They also express a desire to reconnect with a person named Dennis, who they had communicated with ten years ago.


Live, everybody. Welcome to Tuesdays. Tuesdays with Mike and Ron on the untold History Channel. And hopefully, we will not be having the same technical difficulties that we just had. Anyway, Mike, good to see you, brother. Hello, Ron, always. Yes. I was looking really forward to today. We kind of discussed some stuff last week, and Mike came up with a fantastic topic for today. So I am really, really looking forward to this. One of our favorite people. Yeah, I don’t even say his name. I do not say this person’s name ever. So what’s going on here? To make sure the.

This is. I want to make sure that this is live on here. Okay. Yeah, we are live. I just. I didn’t see anything on the screen, so I just had to make sure that it was working. Working properly. So. So, yeah. So tonight we are talking about no name. For those of you who are not really familiar with the Q team, that would be. I. I can’t stand saying this guy’s name, but John McCain. So that’s probably the last time you’re gonna hear me say it. I refer to him as is McStain. I do, too. That’s my name.

So somebody says that you’re becoming a rock star, man. Well, you know, people hear me, and then they get addicted. What can I say? That’s right. That’s right. I. It’s fine. You know, what I’m realizing is that, you know, you got an audience that likes to read and an audience that likes the videos. And, of course, there’s overlap in between. So on the back end, I’m trying to. I’m trying to hook up a show with you and Ken O’Keefe. Have you ever talked to Ken? No, I never spoken to him. I’m familiar with him. Yeah. Good guy.

Do you know Dennis wise? I spoke to him once, or we communicated by email once. Yeah. I really want to get ahold of him and interview him if possible. I just don’t know how. So if maybe we can talk about that. I think it might be on Twitter. I’ve looked. So, yeah, I’ll see if I could dig up his old email. It was many years ago because we. We independently came out with our. Our flagship works. Mine was the bad war, and he was working on the greatest story never told. And they parallel each other so.

Well, they came out about the same time. Then years later came Europa. Sounds like you have a. Sounds like you have a television on in the background. Well, you know what? My fan is a little too fast. Let me slow that down. The ceiling fan, I think that’s what it is. No, it actually sounds like a television or something. How’s that? Better? No, I don’t hear, I don’t hear the sound anymore. It just sounds. Yeah, I had the ceiling fan on full blast. Gotcha. Okay. Okay. Well, anyway, I’m showing his newest show, the, the masonic victory of world War two.

Basically, it’s like five and a half hours. And I showed the first 2 hours last Friday or a week ago Friday, the next 2 hours this past Friday. And I’m going to show the last bit of it this coming Friday for the watch party. And it’s. Man, I tell you what, I’ve, there’s, there’s stuff in there that I’ve never seen before. And, man, you want to tie just like, I mean, it’s just, this is like, it’s like curl your tongue stuff. I, this is stuff that I’ve never seen. And, you know, it’s just, you know, it, as I watched that, it literally was like everything that you said in terms of world War two being, laying the foundation for world government, it’s just, it’s, it makes perfect sense.

You cannot refute it. Yeah. You cannot refute it. So. But we’re not here to talk about that tonight. We’re here to talk about McStane. And so I will let, let’s see here. You want me to share the screen with the. And then we go through that? Yeah. Okay. So, yeah, I did this piece. I did this piece last week. People really liked it. Let’s see. This is what I want. Okay, here we go. So this is the. I’ve increased the size a little bit, so it’s easier to read. Let me see if I could do it a little bit more.

That’s a little bit better. Here we go. And there’s sugar. There she is. All right. Well, the interesting, I titled this article Trump and the execution with a queue of John McCain. There’s no question he was executed on orders from Donald Trump. And with this particular case, it’s Q not only told us in advance, but he later appeared to, to boast about it. And as far as I can tell or infer, John McCain would be the very first deep stater to be, to be taken care of. Okay. Because he went even before the various executive orders were issued and before the Insurrection act and etcetera.

And I think Trump just had a special hatred, an animosity for the man that he couldn’t wait, so he got rid of him early. Well, I wonder if that hatred didn’t rub off. From some of the military men who probably had held him in equal or if not more contempt for how he handled a lot of the Pow stuff from. From being, well, his. His fake war record, the stolen valor, the songbird. You know, he gave information in order to get preferential treatment while he was a prisoner. He was no war hero, all that. Yeah. So certainly there was a animosity in a part of the military, but with.

With Trump, there was. He continued to provoke Trump early, early on, and he was really, really at the forefront of the Republicans who were stabbing Trump in the back. And at some point, Trump just got sick of it and took care of him. And this was facilitated by the fact that with McCain, they didn’t have to set up sting operations or put executive orders in place and everything. He was really the point, Mandy, for the Russia hoax, or one of them. Yes. So that was treason in the making right there. That didn’t require any special executive orders on extreme corruption or human rights trafficking or voter fraud.

That was an attempt to overthrow the government. United States. McCain was the one who took this phony dossier, this invented report, which the Hillary Clinton campaign paid for through various buffers, and they came up with this report that Trump is being blackmailed by the Ruskies. They have film of him with prostitutes, and he paid the prostitutes to pee on a bed that Obama had slept. Just ridiculous, absurd stuff. But McCain gave it credibility. He took the report and he personally walked it to the FBI. So anybody was involved with that early Russia hoax, that was. That was treason.

That was a conspiracy to overthrow the government early on. So they could. They had opened themselves up to be taken care of and taken out long before we get to the executive orders and, you know, any other power grabs that Trump made. So that’s what enabled Trump to do it. Now, if you go to the first headline in that article, it’s actually from the New York Times. Maybe you can leave it on screen and minimize it right here. Okay. New York Times. That’s May 30, 2019. Let’s not upset the president. The White House tells the Navy to hide the USS McCain.

A ship was named after McStain after his death, after his dad. His death. After his death. They actually named the ship, I don’t know, as a battleship or whatever. I was his father. I thought it was his father. The USS McCain. The USS McCain was. Was in commission long before he was, and that was his. That was based on his father, who was an admiral. His father. His father was an admiral. So they didn’t do another ship after McCain. No, they didn’t. They didn’t know. There is no ship in the navy named after John McCain. The senator.

There is a ship named after his father. This the admiral. Yeah. Okay. Well, that ship was in the vicinity in Japan, and, uh, Trump, they ordered the ship to be sent away. Didn’t even want it in the vicinity. And when some, um. This is right from the New York Times article. When several sailors from the McCain, wearing uniforms that bore the ship’s name and insignia, turned up at the event to hear Trump’s speech, they were turned away. The service member said. So they had apparently uniforms that said the John McCain, but that name is not to be spoken or read.

So they even turned the service members away. So evidently, this New York Times article must be mistaken. It says the White House directive to hide a Navy destroyer named after Senator John McCain. Yeah, that was. Yeah. Well, if I’m not mistaken, that ship. That ship was. That ship actually collided with another ship over in the South China Sea or somewhere in one of the ports over there in the, in Southeast Asia. There was. I’m almost positive that, that, that the McCain was involved in a ship to ship collision. Oh, that’s interesting. I wonder if that’s a calm.

I wonder if that’s a calm. I’m gonna look it up. Yeah, yeah. USS McCain, USS John S. McCain and Alnik collision on five. Funny. At 05:24 a.m. on 21st August, USS John S. McCain, a United States Navy warship, was involved in a collision in the liberian flag with the liberian flag tanker off the coast of Singapore and Malaysia, east the Strait of Malacca. So. And then this is the, this is the John S. McCain that was. Yeah, I believe. I wonder if that was set up. One of these sicilian messages that the Q team is fond of sending out.

Yeah. And this, it happened on the August 21 of 2017. So it was well within the time of when Trump was in office, right? That’s right. So he was already at. You really at war with McCain. Right. Even though the ship is named after his father. It’s, it’s, it’s John McCain, and we’ll talk about his father in a little bit. Um, okay, so his grand. His grandfather. His grandfather was also an admiral, if I remember correctly. Yeah, that’s right. Yeah. I’m not aware of any overt criminality on the part of the grandfather. I could be wrong, but certainly father.

The father was a scumbag, too. Yeah. So, yeah, the grandfather, I think the grandfather was an admiral in World War Two. The father was the admiral. Was an admiral during Vietnam. And then McMillan. McCain was just a jew, was a junior officer. Right? The war hero, right? Yeah, yeah, the war hero. So this, but this is deeply personal between certainly the military operation, but also Trump, because, you know, McCain was really never stopped. I mean, some of these other clowns like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, of course, they hated Trump, too, but, you know, they did their dirty work on the down low.

Okay. And they knew to keep their mouths shut. McCain was provocative. You remember when they had that vote on repealing Obamacare? Oh, yeah. He was the one. He made the big spectacle of being the last vote, putting his thumbs down, embarrassing Trump. I remember taking the knife at him. So he didn’t even conceal it. All of the other Republicans at least knew to not overtly go after Trump. You know, but, but McCain kept coming at him because he’s an arrogant scumbag, but he didn’t know who he’s playing with. And Trump, now, this is, this is interesting.

This is where, and there’s so many cases of this on so many different issues. You’ll see Q, the cube posts and Trump speeches or Trump tweets, they just mimic each other and they parallel each other. Q would never use the name of John McCain. In fact, I’m not mistaken. It was like, I, how many met 30 times. He mentioned no name. Q would only say no name. It was mcCain. Let’s check it out. Refuse to say his name. Let’s see. No name. There are no name. I see 28 drops with no name. That’s right. And actually, I came up with 35 posts, some of them mentioned in multiple times, with about 70 total mentions.

No name, including one saying he was guilty of treason and another one saying he was in a panic. So Q had a particular obsession with no name. He may be the one character mentioned the most. In all the posts, Q uses the term no name. Trump, on the other hand, would say, would we don’t like to say his name or he would order the ship sailed away, things like that. But Trump never used his name either. Right? And it’s interesting. Here’s a couple headlines from after McStain’s death. New York Post. Trump signs bill named after McCain, doesn’t mention him.

New York Times. Trump talks for 28 minutes on a bill named for John McCain, not mentioned McCain so in life. And he refused to mention his name and even said, we don’t like to say his name. So there’s the perfect parallel. Q and Trump, total disrespect. We won’t even use his name. And I’m reminded of the movie the Ten Commandments, the old sixties Technicolor film with Charlton Heston when, uh, when, when he turns against the pharaoh and he wants to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt. The pharaoh is so disgusted with him, he decrees that his name shall never be spoken.

Right. He has no name. Utmost disrespect. And, and this is, this is Trump. Trump and Q, in life and in death will not say his name. And they make it a point to let us know that. And when he died, he was buried in that wrinkled flag. That’s not an accident. That’s. Military doesn’t make such mistakes. They do not. That’s, that’s, that’s flag protocol. No way. He was denied burial. He’s a war hero. And his daddy, his granddaddy on Arlington National Cemetery, that’s where he should be. Okay, this is actually, that’s his flag right there. And you can tell.

Um, and actually, let me, let me do this. I’ve got a picture in my article. It’s, it’s, it’s more defined. Okay, let me, let me see. And then go back to. This is it. How far down is it? Just keep going. This should come up. There it is. Look at that. Look at that. So there’s, there’s this, there’s the ship. They ordered it to sail away. And here’s the flag, horribly wrinkled. I think they did that for Bush senior as well. They, they did, yeah. And for those of you who don’t know if a flag is wrinkled, put it.

When, when the military does anything like this, they never, ever have a wrinkled flag. That is an amp, that is a, that is a cardinal sin. Yeah. Especially for a so called war hero. Okay, so wrinkled flag, name not mentioned. He’s buried at Annapolis, not Arlington National Cemetery. What’s up with that? Okay, so clearly this is decreed by Trump. Now, at about the same time that McCain is starting his bullshit with Trump and that in that ship, at the little accident, uS, McCain, both Hillary and McCain are seen wearing ankle boots. There’s mcCain. There he is.

It’s on his right foot. A few weeks later, it’s on his left foot. And people noticed this on Twitter. They said, what’s going on? You have to respond to it. He says, oh, my 1ft was getting tired, so I had to move the boot. Why are you going to take the boot off your so called injured foot and put it on a good foot? Doesn’t make sense. He’s busted. He’s concealing an ankle device. He’s already under arrest. This is late 2017, and this is Hillary, the same moment in time. There she is wearing an ankle boot, ostensibly for a broken toe.

Story goes, she fell going up the steps, somehow broke her toe, and then she had this open boot for six weeks. And the press started mentioning that. Boy, that’s we. That’s weird. She’s got an ankle boot on for six weeks. So then she took it off and she started. She shows up on a broken wrist. So they’re moving these GPS monitors around. There’s no question. Already under arrest. And if you recall, one of Q’s earliest posts was, Hillary Clinton has been detained. And the naysayers to this day say, oh, Q says she was arrested. When did this happen? Well, at the same time, she’s wearing that ankle bracelet.

Q said detained, didn’t say arrested, didn’t say incarcerated, said detained. So that’s house arrest. And of course, by now, they’re both, they’re both gone. By the way, did you know Trump came up with a new name for Hillary? She doesn’t crooked Hillary anymore. Yeah, yeah. It says, we don’t refer to as crooked Hillary anymore. From now on. She’s beautiful Hillary. Beautiful. I’m thinking, like, what she’s laid out in the funeral home. Oh, boy. Yeah. So these characters have been taken care of, you know, 35 separate cue posts. I want to say something real quick, real quick about Trump, because a lot of people don’t understand that.

They say, oh, well, Trump just says the stupidest things and he’s divisive and all this other shit, like, and he attacks people. What? Just, if you think that, watch what he does. He normally talks very graciously and he builds people up. He talks with, you know, he edifies people, even people that he doesn’t like, until they cross him or attack him. And then he responds because he’s extraordinarily vindictive. But he never, ever, ever attacks anybody without being attacked first. Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. And that’s why he, I mean, I mean, he still went after people like, you know, the Ryan’s and the McConnell’s and so on, and they, but they’ve all gotten their just desserts.

But again, they were, they were attacking him behind the scenes. So it was. That bothered him, too. But with McCain, the public element of it, it’s like, okay, you want to call me out publicly? So, you know, he had, he had to be taken care of. Now, q forecast the execution of John McCain. Clearly. Okay. Of course the posts are cryptic, but then when you put them all together and you look at retrospect, you understand what he’s, what he’s saying. You see that particular post there on the screen, 1706. That’s from July 25, 2018. And it says, no name returning to the headlines.

Just out of nowhere, he come back to the subject of John McCain saying he’s going to be returning to the headlines, and there’s a picture of him with his hands up, which would be, you know, comparable to someone being arrested. So that, that’s, that’s the first indicator that something’s going to happen. He’s telling us, he had already told us that he’s faking cancer, by the way, because when McCain started to feel the heat comes up with a little blemish everywhere, this way everybody could feel sorry for him. That was his way of trying to get out of what was coming to him.

So there’s the first indicator, no name returning to the headlines. That’s July 25. And we scroll down a little bit. Okay, now, earlier, going back to June that same year, in Q post 1649, Q repost a comment from another anon commenting quote, please do not let no name off the hook. He’s a disgrace to veterans across the great country, needs to be held accountable. Now, more than likely, Q is interacting with, you know, co conspirators with these posts going back and forth. But Q responds to this poster says, again, no name. Action. Every dog has its day.

Enjoy the show. Keywords dog and day. Oh, this is McCain dies on August 25. Okay. The following day, the 26th, is when all the headlines died, because he died in the evening of the 25th and the 26th. I mean, you remember just wall to wall tributes. I think USA Today had like a 50 page insert or something. It was sickening. It was nauseating. Nauseating. Going, going to the grocery store and seeing his picture plastered everywhere was just, it was, was nauseating to me because I don’t watch television. So I just, well, you couldn’t, you couldn’t escape it.

I remember the day after his death. That’s all. The media just went full blast. August 26. August 26 is national Dog day. He called it. And not only did he call it, oh, here’s another prediction from August 11. No name, republican departure soon. This was after the other post saying, no name is returning to the news soon. Departure soon. And then Q post 2083, he reposts his earlier post where he said, no name. Action. Every dog has his day. Enjoy the show. And then he adds a new post, gloating, what are the odds? So there it is.

Q told us the exact day of his death and his national dog day. And then you see the headline below. Actually, not a headline. That’s the. Well, though, those were. This is just an example. That’s. That’s just three newspapers. But it was every city in America. I remember here in New Jersey, all the papers. He must have been on the front page of every newspaper in America that day. National Dog day. Every dog has his day, August 26. And then he comes back to gloat about it. What are, what are the odds? So, yeah, there’s no, there’s no doubt about this one.

Okay, well, and you actually, I think you have it on here where the. You want to cover this now, or do you want to wait until we have the. This one right here. Yeah. Kasich. Yeah. Yeah. Let’s hear case. It’s John case. It’s a little slip up here. Congress, though. It’s like, actually, I need to. I need to stop this. I need to reshare the screen with a. I need to share it with audio. Oh, I was able to hear it. Oh, you were? Okay. All right, here we go. Congress, though. It’s. It’s like 24 hours since John McCain was put to death.

And look at this. This circus of a hearing. Congress. So he is. He actually said it’s been 24 hours since he was put to death. That’s right. He slipped up. Megan, McCain made a comment. Oh, they can’t kill my father again. Right. I did see that, yes. Where does this go? Sorry. I just. I have a new computer, so, guys, I’m. Forgive me for having issues here. I’m trying to. I’m trying to do this the right way, and it’s, uh. I’m. I’m having a failure. So apologize. I just. I’m learning new. I’m learning the new system.

So apologize for the hiccup. Okay. Where were we here? Okay. Now, it gets better. As far as I know, I’m the only one who picked this up. But the following day. Now, on the day. On the day. On the national dog day, the White House flew to the flag at full mast, and the media is going nuts. So then they finally lowered it, but it was like a whole day of refusing to lower the flag. Okay, and now the day after when. National Dog Day, August 27. And now McCain’s body is being transported from Arizona to Washington, and Trump continues to disrespect his dead nemesis, and he sends Melania out there to plant an Eisenhower sapling.

And you see the headline right there? Melania Trump helps plant Eisenhower oak sapling at the White House. And this is very odd. Everybody’s in mourning. They’re still talking about John McCain, and they’re criticizing Trump for the way he’s. Continues to disrespect them. And there’s Melania out in her dress in high heels, burying an Eisenhower sapling. The significance of that is that Eisenhower, McCain’s father, he was made by who? By Eisenhower. And this son of a bitch is part of the COVID up of the USS Liberty. Yes. Totally connected. Globalist. Yes. Eisenhower, admiral, gave him the star.

So he is a creation of Eisenhower. He’s a sapling of Eisenhower, and by extension, so was the senator John McCain. So this is your sicilian message. We’re burying the Eisenhower sapling and we know about. I don’t like Ike. And it’s a rectangular hole for a round thing. It was very strange. It’s. It’s almost like you’re burying a body. So that, that’s the significance of that. So again with the comms. And anyone thinks, okay, you’re reading into stuff now. You have to look at the pattern. Everything is messages with Q. And Trump was still seen it to this day.

You have to interpret everything as some kind of hidden communication. So she literally is burying McCain right there. There’s Papa McCain. Admiral John McCain, the traitor and father to Senator McCain, was wholly made by President Dwight Eisenhower. And now the sapling John McCain was being buried. So this is just beautiful stuff. Hutter communicated all this to us, entitled son of the admiral. Okay, this is. Well, this is my. I said, you know, if anyone thinks Trump was being too hard on the guy, I thought I should post McStain’s illustrious resume for people’s review. Oh, yeah, let’s go through this.

Lest anyone think that Trump went too far in beating the stinking putrescent out or carcass of this dead jackass, a quick, bulletproof review of McStain’s record. Thank you for saying McStay’s. Why didn’t you say his name? Record of infamy in is in order, entitled son of an admiral who graduated fourth from the very bottom of the class at the Naval Academy, crashed four Navy planes, reputed to have started a five ship fire while hot dogging it, killing many sailors. And that is actually called the forest, the forestall fire, which is he was doing. So he was basically, like, starting the jet.

And he did it in a way kind of like you would do if you were, like, showing off. Like, if you try to pull a wheelie on a bike or trying to do like a, you know, a spin out in a muscle car or something. Basically, that’s what he tried to do. And as a result of his trying to hot start his a four, he fired a Zuni rocket, and it basically started the forestall fire. And, I mean, I don’t remember how many guys were killed on that. Almost four or five. Quite a few. And almost immediately, they took him off of that ship, the transport.

They relocated him to another ship. I would imagine his mates wanted to kill him. Yeah. The phony war hero gave information to his vietnamese captors in exchange for preferential treatment in the 1990s, obstructed efforts to locate and repatriate american prisoners of war from Vietnam. One of five crooked senators of the infamous Keating five scandal. You want to give a little bit of a kind of a brief summary of the Keating five? Scandalous. Yeah. William Keating, big savings and loan financier, and he had five senators, prominent senators, were. He was a heavy donor to all of them.

And when he got into a big. A bit of trouble, they all went to bat for him, and they were all essentially on his payroll. There were four democrats. I forget that. I know John Glenn was one of them, and Keating McStain was the only Republican. But that was a big deal. It was a big scandal. These five senators trying to make charges and investigations of Keating go away for him, and then they. You realize he was a big funder of them all, but it just came and went and whitewashed, you know, and McCain continued to be a hero, but it was a big deal for.

For a while. And it just seems that Keating was cast as the bad guy, and the senators just got off, you know, the Senate and even discipline them, but so. Well, okay, so moving on. He was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, which is an absolute globalist organization. Attendee of secretive globalist Bilderberg meetings, known for his bad tempered, foul mouth abuse of fellow senators, usually conservatives. A fanatical, bloodthirsty warmonger, key player in starting the disastrous Iraq war, advocated for direct confrontation with North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Russia. Saved Obongo care from repeal just to embarrass Trump, a favorite puppet of George Soros.

And the fake news stirred up the overthrow of Ukraine’s legitimate government, and that would have been in 2014 with the Maidan coup. An admirer of Hillary Clinton helped her in 2016 by refusing to endorse Trump and attempted to overthrow Donald Trump during the Russia hoax. And the one thing that I didn’t see in here is that there’s a picture of him. But you did have the picture about him going over and meeting with the ISIS leaders. Yeah, actually, um, you has that one posted as well. Yeah. So he’s a, you know, he’s an ISIS guy, which, of course, was CIA Mossad front because that was one of his major projects, was to, to overthrow Assad.

And there’s just so much more that I’m sure that I missed. One more that I’d like to throw in there is when a writer for popular mechanics put out a debunking of the 911 conspiracy theories. Wrote a book. McCain wrote the forward to the book. Of course he did. These people were. Of course he’s a 911 cover upper. Now, I will say, I will say something that I heard about McCain, and I can’t believe I just said his name that I can’t verify this, but it comes from a fairly reputable source, which I can’t, unfortunately, I can’t name.

But my understanding is that he begged to be president. He literally was on his knees begging to be the president in 2008. But the, the powers that be, I think they wanted a, a black president. They could get away with a lot more, which they did. And, you know, and I say this with all due respect, you know, it’s such a tragedy that Obama was the first black president. I mean, because there’s so many, like, the fantastically amazing members of society that are black that could have that, that I would absolutely, you know, admire and love to have as the leader of this country.

And the fact that it was Obama, the first one, it just, it just makes me, it makes me sick. This just makes me ill. And the first, almost. The first almost. Well, maybe not the first homosexual, but certainly we got the first trainee, first lady out of that deal. Absolutely. Sure, they had quite a chuckle at that behind closed doors. Thousand percent. But yeah, he lay, he laid down for Obama. He was probably, was probably ordered. You know, we, we’ve tapped, we tapped this guy 20 years ago. So he took one for the team, the new world order team.

He did. And, you know, and I actually kind of think that there was a, that was probably a little bit of a mistake by the, by the nwo crew because had they had McCain come in there by, by having Obama as president in 2010, that’s what started the tea party. And the tea party is what really kind of, like, led to the, to the major conservative movement. Had McCain been in there, there would have been no tea party. Yeah, that’s true. But I, I mean, ultimately, you know, these little hiccups that we see time to time throughout history.

They never amount to anything. The only way was the military. So sooner or later, the military have to take matters 100%. It was coming. Absolutely. Yeah. But I mean, actually, their plan was, was solid. Eight years of Obama, eight years of Hillary. Right. Okay. And what thwarted that wasn’t the tea party. It was, it was totally the military blocking enough voter fraud to enable Trump to. That’s correct. And they never thought that they had that capability, so. But, boy, what a nightmare. Eight years of Obama and eight years of Clinton with this guy McCain assisting it, aiding and abetting it all along.

There he is with George Soros. Big admirer of George Soros, Time magazine coverboy. I don’t know how many times that alone is evidence of what he, what he really is, by the way. There he is with Madam Hillary. I mean, they were, they were besties going way back. They love him. You know, it’s really quite astonishing how in 2008, like, republicans can even put a guy, republican primary voters even elect a guy like this, because these, these are indicators that are right in your face, that he’s beloved by the Democrats and the media, that that’s all you need to know.

You don’t really have to even dig too deep into his record, but this guy probably, I mean, you got to rank him with Eisenhower as the most puffed up Republican in terms of the love showing to him. I, Eisenhower was endorsed by the Washington Post in the New York Times in 52 and 56. And there were only, there were only a handful of astute people saying, hey, what’s up with that? Why do they love ike so much? Okay, but, you know, we know. So, so that’s, that’s the deal. McCain. I want to wrap this up with an interesting threat from Trump.

Now, remember, Q repeatedly threatened McCain. Words like treason, panic, etcetera. Every dog has its day. Now we go back to that parallel. And this is like when, when people, when you study Q q ology or qanonology, it’s not just the Q posts. You have to correlate them to the. What Trump says over a period of years. This is why, you know, for someone who’s just, who hasn’t been following this from the very beginning, it’s very difficult to get an appreciation of it all because there’s so much. But this is like, some of the most telling evidence is how Trump and Q just mimic each other.

And it’s not just q following Trump, because oftentimes it’s Trump following Q. You see? Correct. October 2017, is a headline story. Trump warns McCain, quote, be careful because at some point I fight back. And this is a quote from an interview with Plant. I guess that’s Chris Plant used to have a radio show. He was taking shots at you again, he’s talking about McCain. Plant said, you heard what he said yesterday. Senator McCain said. And Trump responds, yeah, well, I hear it. And people have to be careful because at some point, I fight back. Trump said, I’m being very nice.

I’m being very, very nice, but at some point, I fight back, and it won’t be pretty. Every dog has his day. Every dog has his day. That is a, that is a very beautiful thing. Yeah. Yeah. I, you know, the thing that really sent it over the edge for me was the, was the, the Kasich thing when he slipped up and said that it’s only been like so many hours since they put, since they put McKeen to death. And then when, and then his daughter, of course, you already mentioned it earlier where he or she says they can’t kill him twice.

So, I mean, those are, whether those are freudian slips or slips of the tongue or what, you can’t, you can’t ignore those. Yeah. No, absolutely. You know, again, it’s just an accumulation of pieces of data and everything, everything, you know, there’s just, there’s no question he was, uh, exactly. It was executed, unfortunately, you know, because he had to go so early in the game. He will, he’ll go down his history as, you know, whatever he is, war hero, senator, or maybe not, maybe posthumously. Some of his dirt will come out. Right. Well, and he, when he went out, it was, that was when his.

I, did he say that he was running for reelection or did he announce that he was not running for reelection? I don’t remember in 2018. Whose Senate seat was that? Was that, you know what? I think, I take it back. I think the Senate seat in 2018 was Jeff Flake, not McCain. Well, if Flake was the other one from Arizona and he resigned to. He resigned. Right. But I think he resigned. You told us a bunch of Republicans are going to be resigning. Correct. And he also told us that Arizona was important and I think because of the human trafficking.

Well, let me, let me tell you what. I’m, why I’m, why I’m bringing that up. Because in 2018, it was Martha McSally who was running against Kirsten Cinema. All right. Well, and they were, I believe they were running for Jeff Flake seat. Well, Doug Ducey was the, was the republican governor who ran and won he won re election in Maricopa county and he won Maricopa county by 300,000 votes. Right. All right, well, down, valid in a, in a, in a, in a, you know, in a non presidential year, if the people are going to come out and vote for the governor, the people are going to vote for the governor.

They’re typically going to vote for the same party for the senator. Right. All right. Ducey wins Maricopa county by 300,000 votes and Sinema wins that county as well. Yeah. Now, I can understand. I understand that not every single Republican is going to vote for the republican governor and then the republican senator. But 300,000, that’s like way off. Yeah, that’s an impossibility. But 2018 was an enormous fraud. Everyone talks about 2020 because that’s the big show. Presidential election, 2018, massive fraud. There were so many seats out west, California or took days, weeks to count the ballots. It was the same thing.

Well, yeah. And when did Trump sign the executive order on election fraud, election interference? That was 2018. 2018 was allowed to happen just like 2020. Correct. And so many governors races across the country, so they have allowed maybe hundreds of races to be stolen, not just the president. And I hearken back to a race in Alabama. There was the, the judge, Rory Moore. Correct. Wanting to get some ultra libtard with a homosexual son. I mean, in Bama. Okay. And the libtard won in Alabama, right? No way. Leftist, marxist Democrat won in Alabama. Not a chance. No way.

Okay. Now, if you recall, months later, there was a hurricane that was, that was coming up the coast. I forget the name of the hurricane. And Trump pointed on the map. He says, yeah, we got a really bad hurricane coming. It’s going to hit Florida, it’s going to turn west, it’s going to hit Alabama. And everybody started mocking and making fun of him because every meteorologist says, alabama, no, it’s coming up the east coast. I don’t know if you remember that got a lot of press. Even Colin Powell jumped in on the act because Trump then doubled down.

He says, no, it’s, the storm’s gonna hit Alabama. And this went on the late night comics were making fun of him. And now they’re saying, well, you know, he’s so arrogant and insecure. He can’t just admit he made a mistake. He’s doubling down and tripling down, saying that this hurricane is gonna hit. Alabama was calm. Dorian was a major stall. Hurricane Dorian. Hurricane Dorian. And I believe Dorian actually is a character from a novel involved with perversion. Yeah, but it, but it stopped over, like, bahamas for like two days. It’s like it just like paused there.

It didn’t go anywhere. It just stayed there. Yeah. I think the white hats might have engineered this one. You got comms there. You got Dorian. I forgot the novel. Some, some 19th century novel. Dorian is as a notorious pervert. And just the way it stopped. But he kept saying, it’s going to hit Alabama. He was insistent on it. All these things mean something. Every misspelling, every, like when he uses the term little, l I d d l apostrophe, Trump has denigrated so many people as little. There’s little Bob corker, little Adam Schiff, little Ben Sasse, the senator.

Nebraska had to step down. Little Mike Pence, little George Stephanopoulos. I did a whole article just on the use of the term little. And at first, you know, the press is making fun of him. You know what, why is he doing this as childish? Does he know how to spell on people? But little. There’s a little Lidl Kids foundation right in Adam Schiff’s district. It’s right on their website. They specialized in pediatric touch therapy. They teach you how to massage little toddlers. Here’s a question from the audience. How can President Trump not have all the McStane corruption not come out? My father served as so many other have, without the knowledge about his corruption.

These men and women think he’s a hero. And that’s true. That’s true. What they, that they think he’s a hero. And I agree. I agree. I feel, I think, I think all members of the military and society at large actually are entitled to know about all these, especially about someone like McCain. So, but I think when it comes out, it’ll all come out. It just might be less of an outrage because he’s been dead so long, you know. Right. The ones were portrayed as still alive and about to get their just desserts like the Biden’s, the Obamas, the Hillary’s, they’re all gone, too, but they’re keeping their Personas alive.

Yes. I think the truth will come out on McCain. It just won’t, it might not outrage as many people because he’s been gone, what, six years now. Right. I agree with that. And I think that there’s a lot of people are just so fed up with everything that’s going on. It’s, you know, by the time that a lot of this stuff comes out, it’s probably going to be anticlimactic in many ways. But that’s not to say that it’s not going to be important. And, you know, keep in mind that, you know, I think when Q first came and posted, it was, you know, 80% has to be remain, you know, secret and then 20% will be made public.

And I mean, the boards went absolutely in. They went crazy, like, no, no, no, no. We need way more, way more releasing of information. And that was when Keith, like, all right, well, we listened. It’ll be 60 40, but 60% is still going to be, have to, have to be remain private. Um, because I don’t think, I mean, do you think he’s speaking about, um, of the ongoing operations, what’s going to be revealed or about. That’s a good, I think it’s going to be, you know, that I think it’s all encompassing, you know, and then let me ask your take on this.

When it, when it says that the end isn’t for everybody, how do you interpret that? Um, my, my hunch is, is that it means that, uh, we’re, we’re going to get to a stage and that’s where we are now. Where the shit is just so unbelievable that, you know, even people who follow Q, you know, you know, when I start talking about Biden’s dead and he’s in a mask, I lose people. You lose even Q? People. Yep. So I think he’s saying the end is not for everybody because none of that stuff doesn’t come from Q.

It does. Talk about a great movie consists of great actors, things like that. But, you know, Q never said anything about people being killed and then replaced. We have to kind of infer that from other data, but that is not for everybody. And I don’t, I don’t disagree with that. I, I actually, so, so that’s, that was kind of the take that I initially had, and I still, and I still do believe that that is true. But somebody else said, well, maybe the end not being for everybody means that a lot. Not everybody is going to be around, that there’s going to be, you know, people will not make it to the end.

And I like, oh, that was interesting. I hadn’t thought about it from that perspective that, you know, there’s people that aren’t going to make it because either they, you know, they, they took a shot or they are sick because of an illness or something that has happened where they become collateral damage in the, in the, in the war. I don’t see a mass killing event or anything like that. I think the accused said steps have been taken to protect the safety of the people. I mean, these is, as far as I’m concerned, these, the dangerous are, the dangerous players are all gone.

The only, the concern now, the delicate process now is to reenact everything for the normies in such a way that they can accept. It’s time consuming, it’s frustrating and gets, it gets on my nerves after a while, to be honest with you. You almost want to say, enough with the games. It’s getting childish. But the zero zero on the clock is represented. By November 5, the plan was Trump two terms. One overtly, the second one covertly. So something’s gonna break very soon. Very soon. We’re only like, what, 80 days away. So, yeah, I was doing the math.

I mean, 994 months out of 96 are gone. But it was a 96 month plan, an eight year plan. Had to be this way. So. Well, and I view, you know, when I talked about POTUS will be insulated, at first, I was like, okay, that means he’s going to be in a mountain. He’s going to, he’ll either be a Cheyenne mountain or he’ll be like, in Air Force one. Something like that. But I. Then I’m like, wait a second. Maybe that means that in this four years when he’s no longer the quote unquote president, now he’s insulated from all this stuff that’s happening.

So that’s another possibility of him being insulated. Yeah. Is that is actually, he’s actually said both of those in different ways. Trump is clean of all this, but there’s also post about, you know, his protection. So, you know, so, you know, we, you know, one of the things that I really, that really, I struggle with, with people who talk about Q and they don’t understand it. They say, they. I look at it almost like. And I don’t mean to, I don’t mean to disparage christians, but I almost look at it like, you know, kind of, you know, in Christianity, you’ve got the Bible, right? Well, people read the Bible, and then they interpret the Bible, and then they say things about the Bible.

And when people who don’t necessarily go to church, they hear this and they assume that this person that’s talking is speaking for all christians. Right? So when you’ve got a cue, a person who’s follows Q and he’s saying he or she is, are saying things that aren’t on the boards, they’re actually injecting their own thoughts into it. People then hear it. And what happens is that they assume that that’s what Q said, but that q never said that, and so then they get a bad taste on their mouth. Oh, well, that’s just a lie. Or, you know, so, so there’s, I mean, there’s a lot of stuff that has to be kind of corrected, you know, in reference to q when it comes to that stuff, people, because people don’t do their own research.

They just listen to other people. So that’s always been a frustrating thing for me. And then there’s characters who, you know, our infiltrators, and that’s, that’s their whole purpose is to, is to poison the well, you know? Right. So, but, yeah, I mean, so, so there we are. That’s McStane. Yeah. McStane was a, was a colossal douchebag. And, you know, I, I know we kind of very briefly touched upon the thing about the, the Vietnam veterans who were the pows who were still over there. He did. And it’s. There’s a, there’s a, I don’t know if you can still find it on YouTube or maybe, bitch, you don’t.

But you. There’s a video out there of McCain in, in, like, some sort of a hearing where the, where people are, like, yelling at him because he won’t do anything. And, and these are like, family members of their, of people that are men who are still considered pows in, in Vietnam. And McCain got up and walked out. Yeah. Just got up and walked away. He just, he literally would not. It was very rude. He made one woman almost cry. Yeah. But I remember that. That was like my early days of getting red pilled. Yeah. These hearings.

And they put the two war heroes up there. Exactly. These naive people. They really thought they were gonna get some justice because they got two war heroes out there. They’re both fake. Kerry put in for his own purple heart, had some scratches on his butt or something. But they, I mean, it was perfect. That’s why they were there. And they railroaded it. There’s nothing to see here. No pows. And that’s a point in history, which is like, what, only 25 years after the end of the Vietnam War? Yeah. Men would have been in their twenties, so easily they would still be alive even if it was rough conditions.

They’d only be in their forties, fifties. Right. Yeah. And that’s no question that Henry Kissinger, you know, just washed his hands of these men, picked up his Nobel Peace prize. And we’ve done that after every war. Korea, world war two. Yeah. And the korean ones. You know, there are american troops who fell into soviet ants after World War two. Yes. Soviets came, they liberated the POw camps. They picked up some Americans. A lot of them never returned. They went to the Gulag, our great noble ally. Eisenhower knew that. Yep. So. And what about the, what about the, what about the ones that Eisenhower knew were in North Korea that were in chinese detention camps or whatever? He repeated it.

He repeated his treason as president. So what he did as general, he did again as president. And don’t think the military doesn’t know that. So that’s the Eisenhower sapling. Perfect. Since we have just about a minute left, give a brief, just kind of a brief synopsis of what you think the, the lie is or the misconception of. Since we’re talking about Eisenhower and you know, we, I know we did a whole show on this, but just give just like, just a little like an encapsulation of what you think the military industrial complex thing is and why it’s not what everybody thinks it is.

That it was a good warning by Eisenhower, but it was actually a bad thing. Yeah, I did a whole lengthy article on that. First thing you got to realize about that speech, farewell address where he warns about the military industrial complex. This wasn’t any like change of heart late in life. 1st 1st thing to understand is he didn’t write the speech. Most presidents, though the speech writers were his brother. Milton Eisenhower was an FDR Labor Department official when the Labor Department was infested with commies. As left wing as you can get, a lot of Republicans saw him as a liability because he was so close to his brother.

Eisenhower referred to him as his most important confidant. That’s Milton Eisenhower. And the other speech writer was Malcolm Moose. Total Kami Pinko, globalist, president of multiple universities, Carnegie foundation. So these guys are far left wing marxist globalists warning us through their ventriloquist act, through speaking through Ike, the military industrial complex. What they’re really warning about, there is no nefarious conspiracy of defense company CEO’s and generals getting together to foreign policy is determined from the Council on Foreign Relations. Yes. Okay. And trilateral commissions, contractors, they get rich. And then there’s generals who like, you know, war, but they’re nothing.

It’s council violations and CIA military industrial complex that they were warning about is patriotic elements in the military. Like a patent, like an Eisenhower, or like in more contemporary times. And Admiral Rogers in the Q operation. That’s what they’re concerned about. Industrial, another term for business. Wealthy businessmen like Henry Ford, Robert, Robert Welch, Ross Perot, somebody coming out of left field with a shit ton of money getting together with the military, like Trump. So that perfect Q Trump military industrial complex, that’s what they were worried about even back then. They knew that these patriotic elements of the military existed and it was the only power on earth that could overthrow the new world order.

So that actually kind of leads me to maybe a potential for another show. And what that would be is how the government over the years has slowly and methodically turned convinced law enforcement and other people that are in the government that patriotic Americans are actually the enemy. Yeah, because, I mean, because you look at the FBI and they say, oh, well, if you’re flying the gazan flag, you’re a terrorist, or if you’re flying the Betsy Ross flag, you’re a terrorist. Right? And because in a shit hit the fan scenario where the military would rise up in an overt coup, it would, it would, it would degenerate into a russian civil war or spanish civil war scenario, which means one element of the military, your Eisenhower’s, your marshals, your Colin Powell’s, that bunch versus the patriotic element.

But then it’s also joined by the irregular forces, like your antifa on one hand, versus your, your good old boy militia types on the other hand. So that, that’s what those situate, this is what Q saved us from. So when they attack, yeah, you know, patriots and gun owners, etcetera, it’s because they always have seen them as a potential auxiliary to the patriotic military forces. You know, one of the things that I may want and what Eisenhower and Moose could not have foreseen when they talked about military industrial complex, they’re thinking of a good old fashioned coup.

Okay, what we see going on now, I don’t think anyone could have envisioned something where you, they’re just surrounding everybody, technically, legally, by the book. So, but that’s what they meant by military industrial complex, patriarch elements of military. And then of course, patriotic citizens with guns too, as part of that. Absolutely. Well, I mean, you look at the, you know, you read that, that clip or that quote. Actually, um, here, I’ll just read it real quick. I’ll find it. It’s my favorites. The, uh, um, from, um, what’s his name, Bill Cooper, when he wrote about, um, uh, it was in his book called the Secret Government.

And he says here, um, he says, social welfare programs were put into place to create a dependent, non working element in society. The government then began to remove these programs and force people into a criminal class that did not exist in the fifties and sixties. The government encouraged the manufacturer and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. And this is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity which would lead the american people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms, using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients. In a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire for these people to open fire on schoolyards, thus inflaming the anti gun lobby.

And this plan is well underway and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the second amendment, and this is that. He wrote this in the early nineties and then he, and then he talked about how all the, all the people that were involved in these mass shootings were all on like super high doses of Prozac, which was the very first SSRI. So, I mean, and you look at all the kids, all the people that are involved in those sort, you know, those events now, I mean, almost every single one of them is on our, you know, hardcore, you know, medications that just totally play with your brain.

So, I mean, it’s just, it’s disgusting. And you know, when I talk about my channel and I’m talking about, you know, there’s nothing that I’m really afraid to tackle, whether it be religion or medicine or military or geopolitics or whatever, because they’re all interconnected. Every single thing is interconnected. Yes. And they, I mean, they all work, they all work together towards the same goal. And, you know, some spokes of the wheel look different than the other, but yet they are still this, they are still the same length and function as the same purpose of the, as the other spokes.

Anyway. Well, mister King, that is it for tonight. We are about to over. So appreciate you putting the time together for this and I’ll let you ponder on what my, on my, my thought was, and, you know, but I trust your judgment to, whatever you come up with is going to be excellent. So. Because you always, you’re second to none, so you clearly you were everybody’s favorite and you are becoming a rock star. When I get, when I organize this thing with, with Ken O’Keefe, I’ll make sure that you know about it. And I would really like to find out if you can, if you can get a hold of Dennis’s information.

I’d love to see if, I’ll see if I could dig that up. Maybe there’s an old email. I don’t know if he has a same email. It was like ten years ago, we communicated, but, but I’ll see what I could do because he knows my name, so you might. Yeah, he would know your name a whole lot more than mine. And you probably know people who do know of him and who might know how to get a hold of him easier than I would. So anyway, on that note, guys, listen, everybody, thank you for, thank you for everything.

Appreciate Mister King’s time and your time as well. And we look forward to seeing you next Tuesday with Mike and Ron. Have a good night, everybody. Okay, thanks.



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