Tuesday With Mike | Jacob Schiff – The Man Who Shaped U.S. History

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âž¡ The discussion revolves around the influence of Jacob Schiff, a financier who significantly shaped American history. Schiff’s influence, which began in the 1880s, laid the foundation for the dominance of Jewish influence in the United States. He is considered the most influential figure in shaping the United States into a globalistic society, both domestically and internationally. The discussion also mentions other influential figures like Bernard Baruch, George Soros, and Henry Kissinger, but Schiff is recognized as the trailblazer.
âž¡ Jacob Schiff, a significant Jewish leader in the late 19th and early 20th century, played a crucial role in shaping American history. He was a key figure in the financial world, leading firms like Kuhn Loeb and serving as a director for major corporations. Schiff also had a significant political influence, notably preventing a bill that would have limited Jewish immigration in the 1890s. His descendants, including his granddaughter Dorothy Schiff, who owned the New York Post, also held considerable influence.
âž¡ The text discusses the influence of the Zionist movement and the influx of Eastern European immigrants in America, particularly Jews, who became influential in various sectors. It also talks about the role of Jacob Schiff in weakening Tsarist Russia and promoting the Galveston Movement, which aimed to settle Russian Jewish immigrants in the south and southwest of the United States. The text suggests that these events significantly shaped American history and politics.
âž¡ The text discusses the influence of Jacob Schiff and his associates on American politics and organizations in the early 20th century. Schiff is linked to the creation of the NAACP, the establishment of the Federal Reserve, and the political downfall of President William H. Taft. The text suggests that Schiff and his associates used their influence to manipulate economic and political events to their advantage. It also implies that these actions have had long-lasting effects on American society and politics.
âž¡ In 1912, a group led by Bernard Baruch recruited Teddy Roosevelt to run for president, splitting the Republican vote and allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to win. This led to significant changes in America and the world, including the establishment of the Federal Reserve and World War I. Jacob Schiff, head of the American Jewish Committee, was instrumental in these events, including the selection of Wilson as president. The text also discusses the influence of Paul Warburg, considered the father of the Federal Reserve, and the impact of these events on the political and economic landscape of the time.
âž¡ The discussion revolves around the historical influence of powerful individuals on American policy, the importance of understanding the origins of current situations, and the role of independent research in forming opinions. The speakers also highlight the unique position of Donald Trump as a leader not influenced by external forces, and the potential for change under his leadership. They recommend reading certain books for a deeper understanding of these topics.


All right. We are live there. Mr. King, how are you doing tonight? Hello, Ron and Untold History family. Appreciate that. Ron Partain, Untold History it is Tuesday, December 3rd. Hard to believe it’s already the 12th month of the year. We got less than 30 days left until 2025. So it’s, it’s this year has flown by, flown by. So, but tonight, guys, we are going to be talking about something very interesting. You know, you all know how I love to go back and talk about more of the foundations of how we got the foundations that ultimately created the world that we live in.

And that’s the historical component that not a lot of channels like to discuss. And I feel it when you go down that road and you see some of the things that have happened, it makes today’s things make more sense. Would you agree with that, Mike? Oh, yeah. Everything, everything builds on the decade before it. It’s like, it’s, it’s like math. You know, you, you don’t learn calculus in kindergarten. You learn, you know, you learn how to count to 10, and then you learn how to add, you know, add, and then you learn how to subtract. And then those things build on division and multiplication and, and it just, you know, things start to expand.

And, you know, and, you know, what we’re trying to do is go back and show you some of the elementary stuff that happened back in the, you know, the 1800s that created the foundation for the more intricate, intricate and sophisticated operations that have been run against us and are still running today. So with that said, tonight we’re going to be focusing on the, the man, Jacob Schiff. You want to give a little history on there, Mr. On Mr. Schiff, Jake the Snake Schiff. You know, we’ve, remember when we talked about Bernard Baruch, we said he was like the George Soros of his day.

Yes. Only on steroids, right? Well, similarly, you could say that Schiff was the Bernard Baruch of his day, also on steroids. I actually rate him in my article. I give him the MVG Award, the most valuable globalist in American history. I mean, certainly we had some big players, but this gentleman here, for his ability to project his influence into the future and lay a foundation, he, I think a very strong case could be made that he was the most powerful man in American history. Absolutely. If not, if not the most powerful, certainly one of the most powerful or most influential in terms of shifting us from a or laying the foundation for shift, shipped and shape shifting us from an isolationist country into more of a globalistic society, a globalistic society.

So yeah, yeah, the foreign policy front for sure. But then also domestically, I mean he has had his hands and everything. Right. Because this whole new world order Mafia, their influence is pervasive. Yeah, it’s, it’s foreign but it’s domestic, economically, culturally, morally, everything. And he had his hands on everything. And perhaps to say he’s the most powerful might not be completely accurate because there were others, but certainly the most influential because he laid the foundation and without the foundation you can’t build upon it. So people like Baroque and Rockefeller and Sorrows, etc, you know, they, they wouldn’t be able to build unless you had that foundation.

And, and it’s actually referred to proudly by, by Jews the, the Schiff era. And that goes from 1880 till his death in 1920. He was building enormous influence. That’s 40 years, Bernard. Baroque was about 40 to 50, Soros is going on 40 to 50. So these are one man dynasties here. And you could almost say that a shift passed the baton to Baruch for another 40, 50 years. And then after Baruch died, maybe another 10, 15 years after that comes sorrows. So those might be the big, the three biggest Jew moguls. Would you say that? I, I, I’d say that Kissinger is in there too.

Well, Kissinger is more of a high level operative and not one of the owners. The owners would be that class of Schiff Warburg. Yeah, that makes sense. That makes sense because right there the right hand man, the strategist, the top counselor, but still Kissinger would be subordinate in the scheme of things to David Rockefeller. Sure. No, that makes, that makes, that actually makes a lot of sense. So yeah, it’s like I remember the Godfather movie. You had the don and then you had Robert Duvall who was like right there at his side counseling him. Immensely important player, but not the don.

This guy would be considered a don, a mafia don for sure. So this basically I’m just saying I took from your article here and talking about here that the, the power after geopolitical course of history, either for good or for bad is generally confined to a very small group of men. When assessing this demonic phenomena we call the New World Order. All roads eventually lead to the Jew Rothschilds of Europe. But who do you think was the most powerful Jewish mogul, sub mogul in American history? It’s the most important historical question because he who is able to guide the historical course of the mighty United States automatically influences the world.

Not a truer paragraph was written. Yeah, upon first thought this question Seems almost like asking, who’s the greatest baseball player of all time? Was it Cobb Wagner, Ruth Garrick, DiMaggio, Williams, Mays, Mantle? There’s so many deserving candidates that it appears almost impossible to say with absolute certainty. And then here’s where you get into your mbg. The Most Valuable Globalists. And I took it out of a paragraph form and I put it in a more of a bullet form because I think it’s. It stands out. But, you know, some of the guys you have on here, Paul Warburg, Bernard Baruch, Adolf Oaks, William Paley, Eugene Meyer, Arthur Arthur, Hayes Sulzberger, David Sarnoff, Jack Warner, Carl Lamel, Henry Morgenthau, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, Sumner Redstone, Michael Eisner, you know, and I wonder if people know who Summer Redstone is.

Yeah, well, many of these, most of these aren’t exactly household names. Some of them more so than others. And, you know, and I’ve. I have so many ideas on the back burner that I never get around to. Well, but I’ve always wanted to do a book. Sumner Redstone is the guy who created mtv. Mtv, well, he owned Viacom, which at one point was on cbs. Mtv. He had his hands and everything. And now his daughter Sherry Redstone, if she’s really still around, there was like a bitter infight between the family. But yeah, he was, he was.

He’s huge. I mean, Viacom, that was him. And then MTV corrupted a whole generation. Nickelodeon even, that they would instill the propaganda in Nickelodeon for the little kids. Very, very nefarious stuff. Parents wouldn’t even suspect it, that their kids are getting brainwashed by something like Nickelodeon. But he had his hands in that. Adolf Oaks, of course, bought the New York Times, which was a Republican newspaper in 1896. And then be. And his, his daughter married a Suzberger. And it’s still under the control of that family. That’s 135 years. New York Times. I mean, these are all huge.

Even someone like Carl Lamel, people aren’t going to recognize that name, but he’s one of the founders of Hollywood. We know how big Hollywood is. And Morgan thou. Morgenthau is the guy who’s really responsible for the, the, like, rebuilding of Europe. Yeah. And the, the decimation of the German population, actually. Fortunately, his plan never went fully into effect. He had a genocidal scheme known as the Morgenthal Plan for Germany. And there were just people in the American government even who were just. This is too much. Paul Warburg, of course, the Father of the Federal Reserve. Yep, huge names.

But even a guy like Warburg would be considered subordinate to shift. SHIFT came before him. A Warburg married into the Shift family, and one of the descendants is, well, Felicia Schiff. Warburg married a son of Roosevelt. John Schiff married one of Al Gore’s daughters. So they, it’s similar to Europe. They used to marry with the aristocrats. You talked about that and I saw that. We’re going to, we’re going to talk. We’ll touch upon that here in a little bit. That’s interesting. Yeah, so. But, yeah, no, he started wielding his power in the 1880s, so. And that’s a time where, I mean, there was Jewish influence in the United States, you know, throughout the 19th century, but it wasn’t really.

I mean, it was there, it’s always there, but it wasn’t this powerful, this dominant, that he kind of built the bridge from Jewish influence to, by the time he died, to absolute dominance. And he’s part of that click that owned Woodrow Wilson. So I, I gotta, I gotta give the award to him simply because he laid the foundation. And without him, a lot of these other guys who came later on, and we’ll get into this in the presentation. You’ll, you’ll, you’ll see what I mean. He was the trailblazer. And the final analysis, the MVG award would have to go to the financier or money lender, Jacob Schiff, with Baruch not far behind.

Jacob Schiff washed up on America’s shores in 1865, shortly after the Civil War. And during the 1700s, his Schiff ancestors had actually shared a home with the legendary Rothschilds in Frankfurt’s Jewish quarter. So in the scheme of things, he himself may have been subordinate to the Rothschilds because the Rothschilds came first. But yeah, they shared a home in the 1700s together. So this would be. But definitely, you know, the Rothschilds didn’t really have a direct presence here, but they, they had their, their front men, some of them Jewish, like, like August Belmont, chairman of the Democrat party in the 1860s, and then later on Schiff.

And then they had their goy front men like JP Morgan, total Rothschild puppet. Was. Was Baruch was Jewish? Yes, yes, absolutely. Okay, so, so how did Baruch and Schiffs, how did their paths cross? Well, Baruch originally came from South Carolina, I believe, and then ended up in New York, a big financier. And he started becoming political, oh, about the turn of the century, early 1900s and the big three. Now we’re, we’re on the eve of the, the historic election of 1912 which changed everything. McKinley was president, not McKinley. Taft was president right in 1908. And they want, they wanted him out because he turned out that he was being.

He wasn’t really a progressive like Teddy Roosevelt. And he resisted pressure from these, this, this click to start putting sanctions on Russia. Russia’s already back. Oh God. Still Russia. That far back. Oh, yeah, yeah. They wanted the czar dead and they needed. And Taft wasn’t having anything. He politely told Jacob Schiff. No, we, we looked into this. It’s not as bad as people say. And we’re going to have good economic relations with Russia. And that’s when really they really went to war. But this click. Schiff, Brook, Warburg, they went to work to that end. They recruited Teddy Roosevelt to come out of retirement, run for president again, split the Republican vote.

We all know that story. And that’s how Wilson got in. But these guys were all hooked up in that effort. Stiff Warburg and Baruch. And this is such a critical moment in American history because we’re on the cusp now. All they got to do is get their boy Wilson in there. And then the following year, Unlucky 13, Federal Reserve Income Tax. 1914 comes World War I. 1916, Balor Declaration. 1917, the US enters World War I. League of Nations. The whole, the, the final construction of the foundation was erected during this period by these men. And then Schiff dies in 1920.

And then I, I would say the top American don at that point becomes Bernard Baruch. But he lived long enough to see this, this transformation of American society. Yeah, he died in what, the 50s? 20. Schiff. Schiff died in 1920. No, no, no. Was he in the 60s? I, I know he, I know he basically had full access to the, to the President going back to starting and with Wilson and all the way up through, all the way up through Eisenhower. He wasn’t welcome one. There was that Republican run in the 20s, but then FDR came back.

FDR? Truman, Eisenhower. He made Eisenhower. Sorry, Laura, he made Eisenhower. He was a young, he was a young nobody officer in the 20s. And how does he becoming friends with a guy like Baruch? They’re going on hunting trips. Eisenhower, George Marshall. Yeah, so, so he, he’s huge. But Schiff, you know, it’s like anything else. You stand on the shoulders of those come. Come before you. But it all goes back to Schiff without his work from 1880 to 1920, a guy like Baroque or even Warburg, they couldn’t Wouldn’t be able to build upon it. That’s why he’s just so, he’s so big.

So big. Yep. Is it for. All right, let’s see here. So on to number the next one. Chef went on to head the firm Kuhn Loeb and from his base in New York he was the foremost Jewish leader from 19 or from 1880 to 1920 in what is now referred to by Jewish American historians as the Schiff era. He served as the director of many important corporations including the National City bank of New York, Equitable Life Insurance Society, Wells Fargo & Co. And the union Pacific Railroad. Schiff, who made his fortune from interest bearing loans was the main player behind the Hebrew Free loan Society in 1892.

An organization which issued interest free loans only to Jews. Imagine that we can do. We, we could do interest to everybody but no interest to Jews or to our fellow kind. I should say. Schiff’s descendants exercise some power and influence in their own right, though nothing like the patriarch did. Schiff’s grandfather, Dorothy Schiff was the owner and publisher of the New York post for over 40 years. Once she claimed to have had a relationship with Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Interesting. And there’s the home in Frankfurt, the SHIFT Rothschild home. They shared that home. You can bet they were plotting even back then the world even at that time they were becoming wealthy.

There’s Dorothy Schiff, his daughter who was a big a media mobile in her own right. She owned the New York Post. And there’s Karina Gore. She marries the son of shift John Schiff. Well that would be his great grandson, I think. And there’s Al Gore. So proud. That’s Al Gore’s daughter. That’s Al Gore’s daughter. And that’s Shifts I believe. Great grandson, grandson or great. I think great grandson. Yeah. Very, very interesting. I, you, it’s, you know, I, I hate to, I hate to, to apply the guilt by association, but it’s kind of hard not to and especially in these circles.

Well, when you, when you see what Al Gore represented in the global warming hoax and how, you know, essential that was to promoting world government, which is what SHIFT and world. So it’s not just people together in a photo. I mean sometimes you could take a photo out of context and sometimes you have family members. Doesn’t mean they’re on the same page with everything. But in this case it fits because Al Gore is a total one worlder, you know. Right. So this was like a marriage among. It’s just very similar to how these elite Jews in the 19th century, so many of them married into European nobility, particularly their daughters.

And so now they started having common interests with the very same aristocracy that they were subverting. So a lot of these European aristocrats thought they can get in bed with these mighty Jews and have a, it’ll be a good alliance. They got the money and we got the empires. They’ll fund us, they’ll fund their wars, whatever. Ultimately, you know, be careful who you go in business with because they’re all gone except the British royal family. But they even they were subservient. Yep. Well, let’s see here. I mean, so it’s not merely that Schiff wielded enormous power, but rather the fact that his actions, more so than anyone else’s, fundamentally altered the course of American history.

Schiff was really the first true Jewish mega mogul of the whole United States. The Judah Benjamin had previously run the Confederacy as the first. Schiff, more than anyone who followed him, was able to leverage his power into eternity. That is why the most valuable globalist award must go to him. Let us review Schiff’s impressive scorecard of destruction and then the first one you have listed here. In 1897, Schiff, the Trojan Horse. Shift’s most history altering accomplishment would have to be the role of Trojan Horse, which he played in the late 1890s at a time when Jewish influence in America was relatively minor and Jewish numbers were very yet small.

It was Schiff’s cajoling of the outgoing US President and former New York Governor Grover Cleveland and his and that prevented the massive wave of Jewish immigration to America from being shut down. The bill, the Immigration Bill of 1897, would have required immigrants to pass a literacy test, something that Russian Jews would not have been able to do. After passing both houses of Congress, Cleveland’s veto induced by shift, saved the day for the incoming communist and Zionist Jews of Russia. Wow, this was just enormous because you know, they were, they were always attempting to kill the Tsar, even back then.

1881, they murdered Zar Alexander on the fifth attempt. They blew up his carriage and that triggered waves of anti Semitism in Russia and Eastern Europe. So surprise, surprise, they weren’t welcome anymore. Right. A lot of them wanted to come here, but there are a lot of folks here saying no, no, no, let them stay. So he intervened. He actually vetoed a bill. And that is so huge. And here’s a quote from a Jewish historian, Lawrence Epstein. Well, it is staggering to consider the alternative course American Jewish history would have taken had this measure passed. To which we might add.

Well, this is me talking. It’s equally staggering to consider the alternative. Of course, American and world history would have taken had the measure passed. So all of these people came here. How many of them became immensely successful in the professions? They formed the basis of the Communist movement in the early part of the century, the Zionist movement. Then they took over the Democrat Party. How many Jews today can trace their ancestry to this wave of Russian, Eastern European immigration that came here? Because it is veto. A lot. Certainly the overwhelming majority and the whole Hollywood gang.

Most. A lot of. A lot of them were born over there and they came here. So that’s what I mean by Trojan horse, because the old story, the Trojan horses, the. They got. They got inside the walls, and then from inside the walls, they could overtake everything or everybody was asleep. And. Yeah, it’s. I mean, that’s. And really, if you look at. You know, I’m not really a big fan of Abraham Lincoln, but there’s a quote that’s attributed to him from, like, 1937. He said, shall. Shall we be. Shall we be overtaken by some. By some foreign army? Or could some former army drink out of the Ohio? No, never.

If destruction be our lot, we must be its authors and finishers. Basically, we, as a free nation, we will either. We’ll either live in freedom or die by suicide. Yeah. Subversion is always more dangerous than a foreign threat. Right. And I close this portion I wrote. His role as a Trojan Horse above all other deeds in and of itself would be enough to qualify for the mvg. Right. Because of what he brought in and their descendants. So this is. So there’s such. Such an enormous event in American history that. Yeah. People don’t appreciate, but Lawrence Epstein certainly does.

Yeah. And there’s a. There’s a poster there. It shows the Jews in the United States at that time. Relatively rare, comparatively speaking. But look how well dressed they are. They were affluent and they have their arms outstretched to European Jews beckoning them to come home, come over. And that’s what they did. And they came and they lived in the crowded 10 minutes. But in a single generation, you know, they’re very ambitious. So the next generation became political and doctors and lawyers and wealthy businessmen. And even the first generation formed many of the street ranks of, like, anarchists.

The ranks of the anarchists and the Communists. So this. This was a big. And it all. It wasn’t just the Jews, too. There were a lot of southern Italians who were anarchists and Reds, a lot of Slavics like Leon Siglos. I think he was Polish who murdered McKinley. You know, they, they all came during this, this period because of this veto by Grover Cleveland who was basically the only Democrat president from. Elected from 1860 until, until Wilson. It was all like a solid run of Republicans back then. They got this guy in and he delivered well.

Yeah, because the. Well, with Reconstruction they basically, they essentially forced. The Republicans were almost a one party juggernaut throughout the entire portion of Reconstruction. Well, it would have continued all the way up until 1940 if they didn’t rig the election in 1912 and then they brought on the Great Depression. So that, that’s how Roosevelt got elected in 1932. Right. But that, that element, the Democrat Party. Right. They had this leftist globalist, communist influence in it. That, that progressives. It wasn’t the whole party. Right. It really was. Kennedy was knocked off the upper echelon felt. Yeah, the upper echelon of the.

Yeah. So your next point, you’re talking about in 1905 where Schiff weakens Tsarist Russia and 1905 for those, for some of you, I’m sure you’re going to talk about it here, but the. Everybody talks about the Russian Revolution of 1917 and that wasn’t the first time that there that the communists tried to attempt to overthrow Russia. The first one was 1905. Schiff hated Christian Russia with a passion. He worked ceaselessly to overthrow the Romanov dynasty and replace it with Jewish red communists. Toward that end, he personally financed and sold bonds on behalf of about 50% of the entire Japanese war effort during the Russo Japanese War.

As a result, the war ended with a Japanese victory and that’s how Japan got Manchuria, Russia. Russia’s loss also facilitated by Schiff’s boy, president and former New York governor Teddy Roosevelt, whose negotiating intervention clearly favored Japan over Russia. The progressive Roosevelt became president after the conservative William McKinley was conveniently assassinated by a Red. For his role in the victory for Japan, Schiff was personally awarded a medal, the Order of the Rising sun by the foolish Japanese emperor. We say foolish because Schiff’s gang and their Roosevelt henchmen were at the time already plotting Japan’s ultimate demise. A process which started with Teddy escalating naval moves in the Pacific with the Philippines, Midway, Guam, Pearl harbor and culminated with Franklin’s war and murderous atomic bombs of 1945 actually dropped under the.

Under Truman, four months after FDR’s death, Schiff’s Jewish agents in Russia skillfully used the humiliating loss of the Russo Japanese War as an occasion to launch a communist revolution. The bloody revolution of 1905 ultimately failed, but the czar’s regime was left considerably weakened. Many of the returning Russian POWs came home brainwashed after Schiff had arranged for communist propaganda to be given to them while in Japanese captivity. The final Bolshevik overthrow of Russia in 1917 will owe its. Will owe its success in large part to the damage done by Russia to Russia by the team of Jacob Schiff and.

And Ted the red Roosevelt in 1905. Interesting. That’s the. I didn’t real. I didn’t know that. Yeah. That’s. Without shift. There’s no. The Romanov dynasty would not have been overthrown first by the democratic socialists and then later the Bolsheviks over. Overthrew them. The 1905 was totally engineered by him and Teddy Roosevelt. They were the ones propping up Japan. They helped Japan. I mean, most of Japan’s navy was built in Liverpool. Okay. And they. They sicked them on Russia. And this is what they do when a war goes badly. They begin the internal subversion. And 1905 was very, very bloody.

Even though that revolution was suppressed, it was very destabilizing. They come back in 1917. And another thing, that the people who attempted the communist overthrow of Russia in 1905, Russia didn’t execute them. Russia just he. The Russia said, leave. Get out of our country. And where did they go? They went to Germany. Yeah. And so many came to Brooklyn. Trotsky and his boys. Yeah. Right. But. But. But Germany welcomed them with open arms. Yeah. So anyway, it’s just. I mean, history is sick and twisted. Yeah. Shifts Jewish agents. And Russia skillfully used the humiliating loss of the Russo Japanese war as an occasion to launch a communist revolution.

The bloody revolution of 1905 failed. I think I. I think I already read that, so my apologies. It got in there twice. But this is Teddy. You see that middle picture? You can barely see him. He’s in the background to. He’s in the center, just sitting down. Yeah, he’s right. He’s right here. Yeah. But Schiff had. He had open access to a Teddy. But that was the big project back then. Tear down the Czar. That was huge. Well, then, do you have the next one? In 1907-1914, Schiff runs the Galveston Movement. Not content with flooding the northeast with future communist progressives and Zionists from Russia, Jacob Schiff founded the fight and financed the Galveston Movement, an effort to settle Russian Jewish immigrants in the south and southwest of the United States.

Schiff himself described the effort as. In an article he wrote in 1914 Schiff wrote, the committee placed itself promptly after its organization had into common communication with the Jewish Territorial Organization, of which Israel Zang Wills is the head. And arrangement was entered into between that organization and the Galveston Committee, under which the former undertook to make propaganda in Russia and Romania for acquainting intending immigrants with the advantage of getting into the United States through Galveston, Texas, rather than to. And through the crowded and congested North Atlantic ports. That is very interesting. And this builds upon the earlier effort to get Grover Cleveland to veto that immigration bill.

So he veto the immigration bill. And now with the other hand, they start beckoning Jews in Eastern Europe and Russia. Come on in. I remember. So. So this is just. I mean, this is anecdotal, and it’s. You know, it’s. It’s not real, but there was. There’s a. The TV show or the miniseries called 1923, which is a Yellowstone prequel. And it talks about, basically, like, this guy who’s. He was a. He. Anyway, he had. He had to make his way back into the United States, and he had his. This gal with him, his. His bride, who was British.

And he. The. The ship’s captain was telling him what to do, and he’s like, don’t go through New York. Go through Galveston. And I. I didn’t really. That never hit home until I just read that paragraph. Yeah. Yeah. So that made a lot. That makes a lot of sense. And what that does is that also lets me know that that show is actually hitting on some historical accuracies, which I like. I like it when shows do that, even if it’s fiction. Instead of confining the arrival of Jews to just New York, New England, Pennsylvania and New Jersey area, Schiff’s clever scheme would facilitate the spread of liberal progressive plague to even more conservative parts of the country.

He knew exactly what he was doing. Yeah. Yeah. And that gentleman there, that creature on the COVID of Time magazine, that’s Israel Zangwell, who was part of this Galveston project. Okay. He’s the one who coined the term the melting pot. He was a playwright. Really? Yeah. So that. That’s his play, and it played on Broadway. The Melting Pot. And it was. It was praised by Teddy Roosevelt, Went to see it in Baltimore. So that’s how that demeaning term came about. You know, everybody in. In the melting pot. And you see a cartoon there. All nationalities. I mean, this is.

This is Kallargi stuff before Bend is his book. So. But that’s actually a cartoon mocking the whole concept of melting pot. So even. Even back then People were saying what you know, they were, they were up to. So Israel Zangwell of melting pot fame is, is one of Shift’s boys, one of his henchmen. Wow. Okay. Any, anything else you want to talk to about this slide? No, that’s about it. Okay. So the next one is. And I’m. The reason I’m reading these is because there’s, there’s a lot of detail in here that’s I. It’s really interesting.

A lot of time on this one. Yeah. The NAACP. So 1910-19-1914. Schiff and friends control the NAACP national association for the Advancement of Colored People in its most well known black American or is it’s well most American black organization. What is not widely known is that its founders were all Zionist Marxists. Early Jewish co founders included Julius Rosenwald, Lillian Wold and Rabbi Emile Hirsch. A black communist named W.E.B. du Bois was cleverly put up as the NAACP’s front man. In 1914, Jacob Schiff became a board member of the NAACP. A giant like Schiff on board, the organization was now ready for the big time.

Zionist money and influence has long dominated this civil rights organization which did not elect a non Jewish president until 1975. By design, Schiff’s Jewish controlled NAACP drew blacks away from the positive influence of the black American conservative patriot Booker T. Washington, a dominant black political leader who believed in America’s founding principles and sought to build bridges between white and black. By design, Schiff’s Jewish controlled. I think I got that in there twice. The liberal Democrat NAACP represents the opposite of what the Republican Booker T. Washington stood for which was self reliance. NAACP is an anti white globalist Marxist tool that serves to divide Americans while hurting racial radicalized black voters who they do not care about into the leftist political camp.

As a result, even today 90 to 95% of blacks blindly vote for Democrat candidates. And that is absolutely true. Well I, it not so much in this past election but. Well I wrote this like five years ago so it’s time to change. Yeah, but this is how, this is how they change from Republican to Democrat stuff like this. And he’s just the front man we Dubai, he’s got his own postage stamp. But the NAACP was, was Jewish Marxist. Totally. It’s. You read that and I mean it makes you believe that the Abernathy when he read that Israel Cohen’s thing into the congressional record in 1958, I mean you look at that and those words, even though, even though Wikipedia is going to tell you, try to tell you that it’s it’s, it’s a, it’s a fake and a fictitious.

I mean the manifestation of those words is, is, has come to fruition. Yeah. So I mean you can’t argue with the, with what the results are. So there’s a guy named Manning Johnson who was in the 50s. He was kind of like he, he was into this and then he kind of turned and he saw what was going on and he turned. So. And there’s been a couple of people recently, you know, in, in the last 10 years that also saw there was a guy named Chaziel Sons who was a kind of a, he looked like a, you know, somebody from the hood.

And he was in, he was involved in Black Lives Matter and he, he did a video. He’s like the movement has been hijacked. Yeah. And the news flash, the music, the, the movement was never hijacked. The movement was, was created originally the way it was supposed to be. Yeah. So it wasn’t hijacked. It was always that way. You just are noticing that it was, it was, you know, the, the nefarious creation. And then you have here 1907-1912, Schiff and friends set stage for creation of the Fed. The New York bankers had officially inflated the stock market with easy loans.

When the lending then was tightened, the bubble burst, stocks crashed 50% and bank runs followed. The globalist New York Times and the Wall street bankers used the panic of 1907 to make a case for establishing a European style central bank as Karl Marx envisioned. Several years later, Senator Robert Owen of Oklahoma will accuse the banksters of conspiracy. The panic was brought about by a deliberate conspiracy for the enrichment of those who engineered it. J.P. morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg all declare that the lesson of the pain of the panic is that the US needs a central bank.

Nine months before the planned crisis, Jacob Schiff warned in a speech to the chance to the Chamber of Commerce that unless we have a central bank with control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history. How prophetic. I just, I can see the, the, the, the sarcasm dripping off of the sea. That was his Dr. Fauci moment. Yeah. Dr. Fauci, just, just be. I think it was during 2016. He says the next president will surely have to deal with a pandemic. How did he know? That’s how their prophecies work.

Absolutely. The following year, Shift’s boy Teddy Roosevelt appointed a bipartisan national monetary commission to study the cause of the panic. And make suggestions. The chairman of the commission was Senator Nelson Aldrich. What a shocker. Whose daughter is the mother of five Rockefeller sons, David, John iii, Nelson, Winthrop and Lawrence. And there you go, there’s the, there’s the ugly scene from the panic in 1905. You know, you didn’t have the Federal Reserve backup window, you didn’t have the FDIC back then. So people would lose their money. They make a run on a bank because it’s fractional reserve banking, which is intrinsically a scam.

So it’s very, very scary. There’s Senator Owen, he called it as a deliberate event and of course it was because you need, it’s the whole crisis reaction solution. And, and this is, this is what gave birth to the early movement to re establish the central bank which Andrew Jackson had killed in 1835. But they never went away with that. They were always plotting and scheming one way or another. But it was hard because Jackson’s legendary bank war made an impression American public. And it was part of our history at one time, right. Bringing back a central bank was a big no, no.

And ultimately when they did reestablish the Federal Reserve, they didn’t call it the bank of the United States or the central bank. They cooked up this benign sounding name, the Federal Reserve System, which is neither federal nor the Reserves. And it’s not a system. It’s a centralized, privately owned central bank that issues money, our currency at interest. But that, yeah, but their Schiff is part of, part of that gang, that group Schiff, Warburg Brook engineered this crash. He predicted it and we got the Fed out of it. And then I know I’m jumping the gun a little bit here, but you know, the panic of 1907 is what was utilized as the rationale to create the Federal Reserve.

And then the Federal Reserve, once it was, once it was actually in function, then they used it to build up the entire, the huge bubble of the 1920s which crashed with 29, which threw us into the Great Depression, thus even, you know, bringing all of this stuff back into the, you know, basically consolidating wealth for the elite. So. And they can just manufacture economic booms and busts that will affect the politics of the country, you know, but they sold it to the American public in 1913 that this will provide stability. We won’t have boom that booms and busts.

Yeah. So, okay, so the next One is in 1912, Schiff takes down Taft and installs Wilson. And you kind of, you kind of touched on this a little Bit earlier, President William H. Taft proved to be a constitutional conservative and not a big government progressive like his predecessor Teddy Roosevelt. But what really angered Jacob Schiff was most of what’s Taft’s refusal. Told told to Schiff in person to dampen trade relations with anti Semitic Russia by abrogating the Russian American Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 1832. According to Henry Ford sources, Schiff and his entourage left the White House saying this means War.

In 1911, Schiff and his gang succeeded in preserve and pressuring both house of Congress to kill the 1832 treaty with the overwhelming veto proof majorities that Taft could not oppose in order to oust the popular Republican Taft. In 1912, Schiff’s gang led by Bernard Baruch recruited Teddy Roosevelt to run for president again and a third party challenger. As a third party challenger. This maneuver split the Republican vote in two allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to steal the presidency. Just like, just like 1992 with Bush, Clinton and Perot. Wilson’s Jewish owned presidency would turn down to turn out to be disastrous for America and the world.

The fed, World War I, Prussian Russian Revolution, Jewish foothold in Palestine, depression of 1919-1920. And then here’s, here’s our pictures of Wilson, Wood Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt and William Taft. Yeah. So that’s what they did. It was this click that recruited Roosevelt just to, to get rid of Taft and spoiler. Because there was, there was no way that Taft was gonna lose the incumbent and the Republicans had this long run. The, the only way was to get to split the vote. And right. Even if Roosevelt won, they could, they would have still got the Federal Reserve with it with him in there.

But their main man was, was Wilson. All right, let’s move on to the next one here. This is a Benjamin Friedman shoot. One of the greatest heroes of the United States. Just goes to show you guys, not all Jews are bad. This guy was, this guy was Jew Jewish and he was absolutely an American hero. Jacob. Shit. I should preface that that he was personal secretary to Bernard Baruch. So he’s like right there. He’s not just somebody who’s writing about it, he was part of it. He witnessed it and it disgusted him. Right. I didn’t know that.

Jacob Schiff then came back to New York. He at the time was head of the American Jewish Committee. And in my father’s home, in the presence of many prominent men, they decided to get rid of President Taft. They also made plans to get rid of the Republican party and put it in their own party and their own President, they set up the National Democratic headquarters at 200 Fifth Avenue. And Henry Morgenthau Senior, there’s that name. Morgenthau was made chairman of the Finance Committee, but that was his. This is his dad. I was made assistant. I saw everything that went on because I handled all the books.

Jacob Schiff and the Jews started looking around for a man to put up as president. They got Woodrow Wilson, a rascal who wasn’t worth the powder to blow him to hell. Wow, I’ve never heard that quote before. That’s really interesting. Well, you know, he’s got this particular speech and others. You can find them. I don’t know, YouTube probably yanked them. You could probably still find them online. I have, I have his entire. I have the entire speech. I have the entire speech that he gave at the Willard Hotel. I have it on my channel. Incredible. Powerful stuff.

Yeah, yeah. I’ve listened to it probably 20 times in my life. Just, you know, just, just because every time I listen to it, I’m always like, oh my gosh, how did I miss that last time? Yeah. So. 1913, Schiff’s brother in law takes control of the Fed. Paul Warburg is widely considered to be the father of the Federal Reserve System. As its first New York branch chairman, it was Warburg who ran the new counterfeiting, loan sharking and market rigging operation, while an Anglo Saxon named Charles Hamlin provided the protective cushion cover as its normal chairman. But in the grand power schemes of things as powerful as future Council on Foreign Relations director Paul Warburg was and came to be, Schiff still outranked him, at least in America.

Schiff had already been well established in New York for 37 years before Warburg had even arrived from Germany. Warburg settled in New York in 1902 as part of the Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Where he was junior to Schiff. Schiff, actually the brother in law of Warburg’s wife, Nina Loeb, recalled that it was Schiff who called the crash of 1907 in advance as well as providing an idea for solutions such as problems in the future. So if Paul Warburg is the father of the Fed, then the old, then Jake is the old grandfather. Very interesting. And here’s Paul Warburg, father of the Fed.

His brother Max Warburg is running Germany Central bank and we know what they ended up doing to Germany in their early 20s. But this is a Jewish mafia institution right from the get go. Even though for years they had to have, you know, an Anglo Saxon front man. It wasn’t till Eugene Meyer was the first Jewish chairman. 1930. Ish. And he, he contracted, he contracted the money supply, exacerbated the depression, got Roosevelt elected in 1932 steps down as chairman and buys the Washington Post. It’s Eugene Meyer. He’s the father. Katherine Graham. But yeah, in those days they have to have a front man, but now they don’t.

You look at the, the last four Chairman Yellen, Greenspan, Bernanke, Volker. They say his grandparents were converts. They keep it and they keep it in the family. I guess so you know, now they’re open about it. It wasn’t till Trump came along he got rid of Yellen and he puts in Jerome Powell, who’s a white hat and ch. Targeted the Fed with destruction. There’s, there’s a question here. Can you ask if the takedown of the Titanic had to do with taking down Taft because Taft’s best friend, Major Archibald, but died on board and it severely depressed Taft.

Well, you know, there’s a number of like weird anomalies about the Titanic, enough to form like a reasonable hypothesis, but nothing like really solid to get your teeth into. The richest man in America at the time was John Jacob Astor. Yep. He died aboard the Titanic. And look into his background. His father was one of the original Republicans. That’s a Republican family. So this happened in 1912. Were they going to, were they worried that someone like Esther. Well, I don’t know. Astor was. Astor was invited. It was, it was John Astor. Who were the other two? There was a.

Two other big names but they, they’re Isador Strauss and Gee, who’s the third one? Guggenheim. But they were both big time Jews. I, I don’t see them as. Well, that. But my understanding, My understanding is that so. Yeah. John Jacob Astor, Isadore Strauss, Benjamin Guggenheim and Bruce is May the. Well, Guggenheim, Strauss and Aster, they were all. They, they were invited onto the Titanic by JP Morgan who at the very, he canceled at the very last minute. So that’s. Yeah. So given the timing, the year, these anomalies, it certainly smells very fishy. No pun intended. Correct? Exactly.

Yeah, it does. And then, you know, we, we learned from Q or something that we suspected. But According to Q, seven out of 10 plane crashes are targeted kills. Well, back then, how easy. How easy would it be? It was the ships, so. Right. Yeah, we’ll see if when these revelations come, if they go back that far, maybe we can learn something about the Titanic. But very suspicious timing and. Well, my understanding is that those three men would have been the Most outspoken and wealthiest people that would have stood up to the formation of the Federal Reserve because they understood the financial system.

So now whether that’s the truth or not, I don’t know. But I mean, you know what I say? Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. So anyway. All right, now we’re getting into some really fun stuff. The Red October Bolshevik Revolution 1917. And you know, I hate, no disrespect to you, I hate when they call it the Bolshevik Revolution because really what it was, it was the Bolshevik invasion because these people, these people were not Russian. They actually invaded Russia. So but digressing as the, as was the case during the Russo Japanese War of 1905, the chaos of World War I enabled the Communists or Bolsheviks to stage another uprising in 1917, leading the diabolical efforts.

With Jacob Schiff’s loyal agent Leon Trotsky freshly reestablished in Russia after having hidden in Brooklyn for the past decade, the Tsar had been forced to advocate earlier that same year. The Provisional government win would then be overthrown by the Jewish led Bolsheviks. The following year, Schiff’s agents murdered the Czar and his entire family. The reign of terror that the Soviets had then ushered in would plague humanity for decades to come. Scores of millions of and that’s so tens of millions would be murdered and it could never have happened without the tireless leadership of Rothschild, Schiff and their junior partners.

Soon after the revolution shift removed the Russian Empire which became the Soviet Union from his do not lend list. Yeah, that’s, I mean what they did, yeah, what they did to the, to the Russian leadership was just abhorrent. Now they, they say that Schiff supported the Provisional government and then when that provisional government was overthrown, he turned against the Bolsheviks. And we don’t know that that could just be face saving. But the important thing is without him there is, there is no overthrow. And so his, his actions dating back to 1905 enabled all of this. And it said that in, you know, they were, they were dancing in the streets of Brooklyn when they heard the news of the TSAR abdication in 1917.

Interesting. Yeah, that’s, yeah, that’s, that doesn’t surprise me. I mean, you know, they’ve been, they’ve been holding the grudge against them going back to the seven hundreds when they, when, when the, the Russo king basically came down and said look, either you’re gonna adopt, you’re gonna adopt Christianity, you’re gonna adopt a major religion and stop all this, you know, baby killing and all this other stuff. So yeah, anyway, but that, I mean that was the Russians who put the old Khazarian empire out of business, which was a Jewish empire. And Benjamin Friedman gives a good speech on that too.

So there he is, number one global gangster in U. S. History. Awarded by real news and history.com the great Mike King has. Has stamped his. The standard disapproval. Exactly. Very interesting, sir. That was, that, that was, that was very well done. I’m glad, I’m glad we went and touched upon a lot of that stuff. That’s, there’s, there’s so much there that we could probably even do a deeper dives on. But you know, I, I truly believe, like you do, that it’s imperative that we go back and look at the origins of how we got here. It’s, it’s not necessarily.

I mean, we can’t fix that, but what, what we can do is we can, if, if we do expel all this crap that we’re dealing with, then it. What, what do they say is like they, you know, these people have been kicked out of like 180 countries over the course of the. Of a. So it’s like I heard it said that if you’ve been kicked out of 150 bars, are the bars the problem or are you the problem? Yeah, and understanding this too, also it gives you a better grasp on appreciating just how vast and deeply rooted this global cabal is and therefore how almost miraculous to see that we’re, we’re pushing back on it and defeating it on so many levels.

And remember, Q’s very last post or second or third to last post said end the endless 1913. And then you have Donald Trump with all the Andrew Jackson communications right in your face. So, so, you know, somebody here has asked us we should do a show on George Soros. I would, I would actually argue that what we might do is we might do another show just kind of refreshing everybody’s memory about Bernard Baruch and then following that with the show about Soros. Yeah. Because basically those are the, those are the, those are three big people who have had a tremendous influence on American policy.

Yeah, it’s quite astonishing when you consider the most powerful men in American history and usually for the bad, hardly any of them are politicians. They really aren’t politicians. They might wield some power for a period of four years, but the exerting their influence for decades. And that’s real power. President’s nothing. Yeah, well, the presidents are owned and paid for. But see, that’s one of the things about Trump he’s not paid for. He’s not people. He, people can’t buy him. True. But let’s not forget he’s got the full force American military behind him without which he would never be able to take, take on this force.

The only, like Q says, the military was the only way. That doesn’t diminish Trump in any way because you still need that, that quarterback. And I don’t think there was anybody else who could have fulfilled and played the role that he did so effectively and was critical. So it’s like the man in the moment. I mean they had the machine in place talking about the military, but it was like a great football team. They got linemen, linebackers, wide receiver. Got into that quarterback and they went out and got him. Gotta have it. That’s the best analogy.

I could compare it to Shohei Ohtani, baby. Shohei Ohtani. He’s, he’s a Shohei Ohtani. Yeah. Of the political realm. But that’s just, that’s just me getting a little Dodger humor in. So. But anyway. All right, brother. Well, you have any final, you have any final thoughts? Because we’re, we’re at the hour mark. Well, if people found this talk interesting, this is the book to read this because this relates, if this is the cabal that shift was part of going back 250 years, crash course NWO 250 years ago’s conspiracy in one hour. You can get this at Amazon.

Mike S. King, he’s got several books there. Yeah. As well the Q operation book, there’s another one out there about Japan. The problem, this is the plague and this is the happy ending, the secret plan to save humanity. And it’s amazing you read the Q post. It’s all that is stuff. This, that us old timers, us old mercher, anti new world order guys have been talking about for a long time. And it’s all of it’s in the cue post. It talks about all these guys. It doesn’t mention Schiff, but it mentions the Rothschild family, mentions the Federal Reserve.

They’re all going bye bye. Actually, in my view they are bye bye. Now we’re going to see the reenactment when Trump returns with his boy, the bulldog Cash Patel at FBI leading the attack. So that’s going to be interesting. I’m very excited to see how that plays out. So guys, definitely go check out Mike’s website, realnewsandhistory.com there. He’s got a whole bunch of PDFs on there. But if you really want to get some of the books that he’s talking about. Those are. They’re. They make great Christmas gifts, especially now as. As people start to open their eyes and start to wake up a little bit.

Those are great gifts for people, you know, helps them kind of like, maybe digest some things. And another good thing about a book is, like, if people are reading a book, they can’t argue with the book. Yeah, they can’t argue with the book. It’s like, you know, the very best way for people to learn about information is for them to do their own research. And when you do your research and the research, you know, brings things up, you can’t refute that research because it’s there, so you can’t argue with it. Whereas if you’re trying to convince somebody that so and so is bad and they’re just going to say, oh, no, that’s just your opinion.

Well, they. They don’t know what you know. So the best way to do it is to plant seeds and let. And have them go look it up. And when they look it up for themselves and they see, oh, damn, he’s right, or they’re right, you know, that has a tremendous impact on shaping the mindset of getting them out or shaking them up and getting them out of the, you know, this. This world that we’re in. So, anyway. All right, well, everybody, thank you for tonight. Appreciate it. And appreciate you, Mike, for another great show. And we will be back next week.

What is it? I guess it’s the 10th. So we’ll be back next week and with another awesome topic. So until next week, guys, everybody have a great night. Good night.



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