Spread the truth



➡ Dave Hodges, host of The Common Sense Show, discusses various issues including high utility bills, political bias in the media, and attempts to silence political discussions. He mentions a conversation between Elon Musk and Donald Trump, criticizing attempts to disrupt it. Hodges also accuses the media of lying about event attendance and poll results, and expresses his belief that Trump, Musk, and Putin are standing against the world.
➡ The speaker believes that Mexico is a threat and supports Trump’s re-election to counteract potential cheating. They criticize Kamala Harris for her plans to increase taxes and potentially harm Social Security. The speaker also encourages listeners to spread their beliefs, comparing them to Jesus’s disciples, and suggests that the country is facing divine judgment. They urge for repentance, revival, and the re-election of Trump, emphasizing that these actions are crucial for survival.


Hello, America! Dave Hodges here, host of The Common Sense Show. We are The Show, Freeing America, One Enslaved Mind to Time. Thank you so much for joining us. Make sure that you share this work far and wide. We need to wake up a slumbering nation. We’re at 84 days and counting. I put a 19 in front of that, and that kind of tells you where everything is going, doesn’t it? But please, share far and wide. We need to stop what they want to do to us. This is the global imposition of America. Well, we’re going to talk to you about one of the most unique interviews I ever heard.

And I wouldn’t even categorize it as an interview. It’d be an insult to interviews. But it was one hell of a conversation, and I was riveted. I don’t have time for stuff like this to go on for two hours, but I was riveted. And I walked away with some very, very, very firm opinions based on what I heard. And we’re going to tell you all about it right here on The Common Sense Show. We are brought to you by a great product. 60% of Americans cannot afford to pay their utility bills. 30% can’t pay at all.

The other 30% on top of that are struggling, and they’re doing things like skipping meals, whatever it would be. They’re doing it to save on energy. And their homes are uncomfortable in the summer, the winter, too hot, too cold. But they’re too under the gun to do anything about it. We had a shock ourselves. Our bill was $230 higher than normal. And higher than normal when we have hot days here in Arizona. The utility companies are ripping us off. And you know what most of them are? Most of them are Democratic donors. If you look into it, you’ll find the Shell corporations that some of their benefactors have, and they just donate like crazy through Act Blue.

That’s right. They do it illegally the way they’re doing it. So what I’m telling you, there’s an answer. One of the biggest causes of a high utility bill is negative electricity. If you plug this device in right here, don’t waste This is what we call this. Plug this in. It straightens out negative electricity. Now, people often ask me, Dave, how much will I save? And I say consumer. You’ll save in proportion to how bad your electrical situation already is. The globalists and the people that profit from this hate this product because it works.

Money back guarantee 66% off. You’ve come at the right time. This is a good day to buy this. It’s a good day to save money. With utility bills that you can afford. Go to don’t waste That’s don’t waste The link will be in the description box. If you’re listening to this on social media. Well, I listened with great. Attention. First of all, let me. You know, let me just say this. I’m going to cover this later. Trump said a couple of days ago. The media is the enemy of the people. And we’re going to develop that theme later today and later segment.

And he’s right. He’s right. Number one. Let’s talk about. The leftist side of things in this country. They tried to assassinate. They tried to blow the head off Donald Trump. With inside help. Listen. You think I’m the only one saying this. Maybe you should step back. And look at someone who was in the secret service, Dan Bongino. And look at what he say. We’re have different sources, but we’re coming to the same conclusions. They tried to blow Trump’s fricking head off. Number two. They are trying to disallow him to run for office with kangaroo courts and bogus charges that are nonsense.

Most of it having to do with election integrity. Number three. They can’t have an event of which eventually over 100 million people will have listened to the discussion. It wasn’t an interview. It was a discussion between Elon Musk and Donald Trump. And man, are they on the same page. Elon Musk for commerce secretary. What? Oh yeah. We get a guy that understands finance and business. He would be tremendous if he would take the job. And that’s a big if. But I would offer it to him if I were Trump. There was a DDoS attack against Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

It’s not my judgment. It’s what Elon Musk says going on. Now here, the lying media, the MSNBC liars, the CNN liars. Seriously liars. You know, I wonder how they go home to their kids and have a normal family life with the lies they perpetuate every single day. Can I give you another example? MSNBC covered Kamala Harris and Tim waltz’s appearance in Phoenix. And there was a strange odor. And the cows all gathered for this event, but the people didn’t come out in as great a numbers as they said. They said, here’s the line to get in to see Kamala Harris.

Now with Trump, you know, that lines three, four or five hours long, right to get in. Okay. At a church I used to go to in Phoenix, Trump appeared a few months ago and I had relatives that went. Yeah, it was a five hour wait. So they go really fast on camera and make it look like, Oh, wow. There are so many people there. I slowed down the MSNBC recording and I counted 241 people. Yeah. That’s an overwhelming line. And they went so fast. You couldn’t have kept up unless you go frame by frame by frame, which I did now.

Here’s the deal. They said that it was a packed arena. That’s a lie. It was not a packed arena. There’s some CGI going on, but also to the entire upper bowl of the arena was empty. It was closed off. It was a packed arena below. There had been a few people sitting above and they made some mistakes. There were people that took videos there, not the mainstream media. And we see them and there was no one in the upper. So don’t give me this. It was a packed building. Trump hasn’t gone to a gathering like that and not having it entirely filled.

So the mainstream media lies. And here’s what they said about the D dos attack. It wasn’t a D does to tick. It was an overload of the server. How do they know that? How do they know the capabilities of Twitter? They don’t, they don’t. And then the EU tried to stop it by claiming censorship rights over an interview or a discussion between Elon Musk and Donald Trump. What a load of crap. Seriously. I could not believe what I was hearing. The Europeans telling us what we can talk about, not talk about on X.

Big middle finger to the EU, which is controlled and most of the leaders come from the world economic forum. So let’s review. They’ve tried to kill Trump. They’ve tried multiple times in the courts and also tried individual actions to keep him off the ballot. Can’t beat him in a fair election. They’ve imported millions of illegals, tens of millions to vote, to try to turn the election in Kamala’s favor. And then finally, they try to interrupt the biggest political event. And it will be the biggest political event of this year. Now they’ll never have Kamala in an event like this.

And I’m sure Elon Musk would be happy to help her. I came away from that with profound respect for him. I already respect him. Highly intelligent, very successful, but this man wants a free and fair America. I’m absolutely convinced of that. He would invite Kamala on. She won’t go. She hasn’t taken one unscripted question since she became the front runner. And by the way, how’d she become the front runner through cheating, which is what the Democrats do. They disenfranchised the 14 million people who voted for Joe Biden. And Biden admitted yesterday, he was forced out.

They told me I would affect the races of other Democrats. And then on top of that, they’re lying in their polls and I’ve gone through and I’ve discussed in previous posts about how they’re not using representative samples. And they’re only doing samples to get the results they want in the polls. Welcome to America and the left. This was a resounding success. And I had people contact me, Dave, I can’t get on. I can’t get on because they were having the DDoS attacks. And Elon Musk came on and talked about we’re having a DDoS attack right now, trying to prevent us from doing this worst case scenario.

We have fewer people and we’ll play it for you later on. Well, fortunately, it looks like they overcame that. And the people that wanted to get in got in, but this is how the left works. This is how they were. They don’t want to hear the truth. They don’t want their people to hear the truth. They don’t want you to hear the truth. So they try to block an event. I’m going to tell you right now, Donald Trump gets in. It’s Donald Trump against the world. And it’s Elon Musk against the world. It’s Vladimir Putin against the world.

America will largely stand alone. Trudeau is owned by communist China, as is Mexico. Mexico is your enemy. Are you ready to go to war? We have to make Trump win. I think 80 to 20 to overcome the cheating that’s going to go on. Later today, later segment, we’re going to be covering Kamala Harris and the new lies that she’s telling in her campaign. This woman wants to destroy you with the rollback of the Trump taxes and the imposition of the new taxes. You could pay as much as 400% more. They’re going to hurt Social Security.

You can’t have this and survive as a nation. We will not survive. You have to be a missionary of the truth. Can you imagine the 12 disciples? They knew they were going to be martyred at some point. They knew it. But it was made clear to them. If you don’t go forth and spread the word about Jesus, the truth about Jesus, humanity is doomed. You have the same mission. And yeah, you should also be talking about Jesus. But usually if you talk about Jesus, talk about in relation to saving this country, this country is morally reprobate.

The Lord has taken his hand off this country and we’re under judgment and for good reason. It’s now up to us to have repentance and revival. And then you need to spread the word about why Donald Trump needs to sit in the Oval Office. Many of you don’t realize you’re fighting for your life. [tr:trw].



Spread the truth


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