Despite the risks and challenges they face, the truth mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations? Or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. Welcome my brothers and sisters to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. Today I got a special guest with me and before we get going, make sure you smash that like button. Share this video and today this video is sponsored through Bodyalign and the energy wellness bandaid. That link is down in the description as well.
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And today is going to get into that a little bit touch on Saturn because. Cause we’re gonna be talking about some symbolism the Phoenicians and I got a special guest with me today. My boy, paranoid American. What’s up, brother? Let me. How you doing, buddy? We’re doing good, man. We’re navigating that checkerboard floor like always. I hear that. My, my honorary freemason here. The only one I mess with, you know, he’s one of the good ones, guys. One of the good ones. We’re still trying to bring him over to Jesus Christ over here, right? We’re trying to bring him to Jesus Christ.
Oh, see, when you say that though, all I think is like, I don’t know if I want to do the York right yet, because. Because that’s not. Yeah, you just, you would join York, right? And you would get to the Templar degree. Yeah, yeah, New York, right, is under that 24 energy too. I found out they love that 24 number. But, um, yeah, you know, I really don’t care what you are. You’re one of my friends. As long as you ain’t sacrificing little kids, we’re good. And as long as you’re not a reptilian, although these reptilians are definitely out here and the Phoenicians might be descendants of that bloodline cane.
I don’t know, but there is definitely a connection. Numerology. Wow, I never heard that. The Florida project, that looks dope actually, with the big v on it. Oh, dude, that’s a tight book. You never read that one? No, I never read that. I never even heard of that Florida project. I’m gonna send that one to you. You can send me a cool book. I honestly don’t do a lot of fiction, but that one I would give a shot with. Oh, you would like this one? You would like it. It’s a good one, bro. I highly recommend it.
It’s whoever wrote that is on some other shit. And you know, I always bring up how they mention these aquatic water lizards in the Talamud talking about, you know, these species of lizards living in the water. And you hear all these stories about these ancients worshiping these aquatic entities, the Phoenicians that we’re going to get into today. They were really tied to the, the water in maritime and all that, right? Paranoid American. Yeah. I mean, the Phoenicians, that’s where our language comes from. It’s like the whole premise of maritime law. And just being like a marine sea bearing merchant class, a lot of that gets linked to the Phoenicians.
Yeah, it is crazy. You see, like you had the proto Canaanite and then it goes into the Phoenicians well, er, geric there, whatever the hell that is, under the proto Canaanite. So proto Canaanite is that was the Canaanites in the Phoenicians, kind of the same thing? Yeah. Yes. My understanding is that canaanite kind of refers to biblical terms. Like, even the word Canaan meant the land of purple, I believe. And Phoenician is also a reference to that purple color, phoenix, but it was like a color. So both of them, I believe, are cultures that were named after their unique ability to harvest this particular pigment that started in Kanam.
But then I. Phoenicians, that was when the people in Canaan start expanding out through the rest of the sea and they kind of become these international sea merchants. And at that point, Phoenician refers to this entire empire of people that maybe came directly out of Canaan. Wow. And they were really known for this pigment, this purple pigment. It’s kind of bluish purple. Paranoid. America said there were a different shades. And you guys remember with the whole Hawaii thing, the blue didn’t burn. There’s this whole huge blue symbolism right now. But you say there was different versions of this color, right? Paranoid.
Yeah. So they specifically came from this murex sea snail. That’s the very particular type of snail that it came from. And the name of this was Tyrion Purple, and that’s because Tyre was the capital city of Canaan. So. And again, this is the same thing that the phoenician purple, the tyrian purple, is all referenced to the same city and where they all kind of came out of, also known as imperial purple. And this was the most expensive because it was the rarest to get. So it was reserved for rich and royals only. And like I was saying, there’s a whole bunch of different colors, for example.
So you’ve got one particular type of snail. I’ll probably butcher the names, but it’s called a hexaplex trunculus, and that gives you indigo. And then if you want, like a purple red, then there’s one called the Balanus Brandaris, and that one will give you, like, a red version. And the most rare of all of them was called, of the tyrian purples. They called it a blackish clotted blood color and it was made from the indigo and the purple red combined into one, which was the two rarest that you could come across. And this was almost like a two tone, you know, you see like one of those cars that drives by, and when the light hits it, it’ll go from purple to black.
Or it’ll go from green to red or whatever. It was so, so dark of a purple that you would have to see the light hit it just a certain way for it to even look purple. Otherwise it would look black. And that was the most luxurious that they had. And this is what the nobles, the kings and stuff would wear, right. In the fourth century, it was actually illegal for anyone but royalty to wear that. And I I think it was the roman emperor at that point. He want anyone to compete because he had, like, this, this fly wardrobe, and he want to compete with anyone else that had the purple.
So it would. It would be a punishable offense. Wow, that’s interesting. Yeah. There’s a lot of crazy symbolism with purple. You know, it ties into Saturn, too. Um, that color, it’s. It’s heavily connected to Saturn. And we talked about that yesterday, me and waters, like I said in our episode, is pretty cool. And then we see the, uh, speaking of symbolism, the sigil of Saturn looks very much like. Well, it’s a sine wave, right, but it looks a lot like the masonic compass. Um, and. And then you have the sigil Versazielle. Do you, do you know anything about the.
The sigil of Saturn in the connection to the masonic compass? Is there a connection there, or do they just look similar? I mean, does anything just look similar without it being more than a coincidence? I don’t know. I do know that, like, the. The masonic square encompass wasn’t even specific to the freemasons exactly as one of the signs, because there was a lot of other groups that just use that same kind of symbolism of building and of architecture in order to establish everything. I would say it’s almost like this. The fact that the symbol of Saturn and a square encompass do look so similar probably has a lot to do with why Masonry is still around.
After being started and restarted in the 14 hundreds and 17 hundreds. You know how many of these secret reading clubs just kind of came and went in the matter of a few decades? Like, even the bavarian illuminati on the books, it only lasted for maybe two to three decades max. And there’s so many others that we don’t even know the name of because they just were a flash in the pan. So I think there’s a reason why the square encompass still persists today, and it’s because it’s got so many coincidences, if we’ll call them that, with a lot of other relevant ceremonial magic.
Yeah, that’s interesting. It’s a very powerful symbol. And, um, it. I’ve heard many times, too, that it represents a sexual symbol, like the male mounting the woman. And then the g is the penis or the all seeing eyes. The tip of the. You ever hear that one? Well, look at. Look at. There’s an inherent symmetry with both, right? There’s an implication of opposites. And there’s also this idea of, like, sacred geometry that’s built into it. I mean, it’s also like a six pointed star, right? It’s got so many different things that are woven into that. The ass above, so below the masculine and the feminine.
Yeah. Um, before we get going into this too much, I. What was your reason for joining the masons? I know you. Your grandpa was involved. My grandfather was, too. But, you know, I never. I was always kind of weirded out by him when I was a little kid with that crazy ass hat he came home with, you know, it’s like a shrine. I didn’t know anything about masons at all, except for things that I read about in Tex Mars and Alex Jones and all the other conspiracy literature. So at the time when I. Even before I even knew my grandpa was a mason, because my dad wasn’t, he didn’t hold that tradition or anything, I was, like, all in on the conspiracy.
They run in the world like they’re the stone cutters, like the Simpsons said. And I was wearing my grandpa’s ring, and the long story short is a mason came in and he starts quizzing me, and I got no idea what he’s talking about. And he eventually was like, why are you wearing this masonic ring if you don’t know anything about it? And it kind of rocked my world because I was like, damn, was my grandpa a bad guy? And even more important, is there, like, some secret treasure? Like, now I’m rich. Cause grandpa was a mason, you know, mean and, like, kind of power or riches or something.
And it turned out it was way more boring than that. But I almost. Part of it was, was my grandpa bad guy? But the other part was, you know, maybe I’ve got it in. Maybe I can infiltrate up in here and, like, you know, spill it all for everyone. And that was kind of what got me into it. It was like, I thought I was going to be like a double agent. Maybe I didn’t. I wasn’t, like, going in with, like, a. Like, an ill intent, but I was definitely like, yo, if they’re doing anything crazy, I have no problem uploading a video to YouTube over this.
This was 2006 or something. So it’s. It’s been almost 15 years. And so far it’s been pretty boring. You said on your journey. I mean, there’s interesting parts, but all the things that people like the Satan worshipping and like. Like the sodomy and everything, I mean, that would be more. I’m not saying I’ll be in for that, but that’ll be way more interesting than the things that I actually see happen. And I’ve heard crazy stories about what happened in the forties and the thirties, and I don’t even know how much any of those are true. But none of it even comes close to the most salacious of, like.
Like, blood magic and, like, sacrifice. None of that scene. And, I mean, I don’t know that the people that are in there, I would be shocked and impressed if they got some of these, like, 70 year old family men that are spending all their time volunteering, but then also once a year they go and do some blood ritual. I don’t know, it would. It would be interesting to me, and I don’t feel like I would cover it up. I would be like, damn, this actually makes it more. Maybe people will remember this in 100 years from now versus.
They just raised some money and had like a. Like a potato barbecue or something. Right, right. Yeah. Yeah. But, you know, a lot of the. A lot of the secret societies, people don’t know the Rosicrucians, there’s different secret societies that use the same symbolism. So I think, like the Freemasons did, they. The people that’s really running the world that use that similar symbolism, they’re like, okay, let them go ahead and take the brunt of it, you know, because people look at the Bavarian Illuminati, man. The bavarian illuminati of the 18 hundreds, they were undoubtedly powerful. They caused some actual suicidal change, like, across the world, like, arguably behind the french revolution, arguably behind a whole bunch of other mini revolutions, maybe even going into the.
The italian carbonari. But. But they. The way that they came to power is they just infiltrated masonic lodges because that’s where all the important people were meeting at the time that had the power. So if you could, you know, hack into them, it was like hacking into, like, the government mainframe. If you can hack in the government mainframe on that, you got the power of the government. So they just kind of hacked in the masonry. And I think that that’s always been the case up until the early 18 hundreds. And by then, I think that masonry was on a steady decline downwards.
And that’s provable. If you look at a chart of masonic membership from the 1950s to 2020s. It’s just like a free fall, you know? It’s like. It’s like toys, rust stock, right? Yeah, nobody’s. It’s like they’re handed it out now. They’re trying to streamline you right to the highest degrees now, you know, hey, join. You can join on the Internet, too. It’s crazy. It’s always been like that, actually. That. That was one of the reasons of the southern jurisdiction forming and the whole grand council of. Of Scottish. Right and everything all sounds all official, but one of the main reasons for that to exist was because there were Masons going door to door, be like, hey, do you want to be a 33rd degree mason by 05:00 tonight? You got $30.
You know what I mean? And then people would be like, oh, I’ll do it for 20. And then all of a sudden, there was these, like, weird sales battles. It was like door to door salesman styles. So part of that, of setting up the Supreme Council was to put an end to a lot of those and have, like, a central authority was say, okay, now you’re not allowed to solicit. Now you’re not allowed to charge money directly for certain degrees. They put a cap on degrees. All that happened because of exactly what you’re talking about. They were just like, yo, get in the door.
Give me $30. Now, they got proved that their ranks are even higher, and they can use that and be like, damn, everyone on the block. But use a mason. What’s wrong with you? Oh, you do want to join? Okay, give me that $30. And then it just turns into a rocket. That is kind of crazy right there. You know? Um, and then you hear the stories. Okay? So the truth, like, people in the lower degrees, 32nd, 31st, 30, they don’t really learn that true stuff until they get to a 33rd. And that’s when all the secrets come out, you know, if there’s any truth to that.
I don’t think so. I mean, I’ve. I’ve done. I know, 33rd. I’m not a 33rd. 33rd is an honorary degree. You got to earn it by being reputable, famous, doing something major, save, you know, like a cat from a tree or like a lady from a burning building. Something that would. Yeah, you got. You got to do something that would make other people want to join, essentially, or you’ve. You have to improve masonry or the world in some, like, great way. It’s like a. It’s a huge honorary degree. So, usually, if you get famous or if you go to the moon.
Or if you become a president and you were a mason, they’ll just automatically make you this 33rd degree. And that’s like, the one version of it. And I’ve heard all the stories that I know that you’ve heard. In fact, this is one of the funny things, right? It’s like, I’ve been into Freemason conspiracy theories since the nineties. This is like my old man talk, right? But, like, since the mid, early to mid nineties, I was in to researching the Illuminati and the Freemasons. All these secret societies, all the exposes from the 18 hundreds and the early 19 hundreds, all that William Morgan and the guy that apparently they took out, like, every single story, I’ve heard them all.
And Leo tacks on worshiping Baphomet. So now people will be like, oh, you’re just not high enough. Like, I know. I know that when you get to the 35th degree or something, that’s when it all happens. But, like, if the person saying that their source is also Leo tacks all great. I’ve read Leo tacks. I’ve actually read, I think, every book I could get my hands on. So how would someone else that’s not even in the structure be claiming that they got this knowledge? The knowledge came from the Internet. Let’s not lie to ourselves. It came from the Internet.
Or it came from a David Ick book at, like, Barnes and noble or Amazon, right? So unless they got some, like, deep. Unless they’re like, yo, I made it to the 40th degree, and here’s my credentials and here’s the proof, and here’s what they do with that level. But those people are few and far between. And the ones that come out usually are selling books and have, like, t shirts and stuff. Yeah, yeah. Or they’ll have their. There’s this one guy, he’s like. He’s supposed to be a high ranking mason, but his face is always blacked out.
You can never see him. And he’s talking in a computer voice. You ever see that one? No. I mean, I like it. It sounds interesting. Some of the kind of thing that I would eat up. Yeah, it’s pretty crazy. So he tells all these crazy things, but it. Like you said. Yeah. You really don’t know. Um. But it. The whole thing is, uh. I don’t think you’d even have to be high up, man. If. If someone really wanted you to be part of some nefarious scheme, all you’d have to be is a third degree. You just have to be a master mason, you wouldn’t have to do any other side degrees.
Uh, because that. I mean, that’s as deep as you can get in. As I understand, third degree is as deep as you can get in. And everything else is like Cub Scouts. It’s like, if you get to Eagle Scout, it doesn’t matter if you collect 50 badges or ten badges. Like, you’re still an Eagle Scout with other Eagle scouts. It’s just the people that collect more badges, they tend to have more skills, and maybe they can tie more knots than you, but they don’t rank higher than you. And that’s exactly how all these other degrees of masonry work is.
Like, once you get to the third degree, there’s no more climbing up the ladder. Now you’re just fishing around for different patches to kind of put on your lapel. Yeah, that’s. That’s definitely a pretty interesting. Bro, I always. You know, these are the. The questions I always wanted when. When, um, that one dude went at you for being a Mason Longo or whatever the hell his name is. You know, that was all an act, bro. We’re like best friends behind the scenes. Oh, are you guys. Oh, yeah, it was all big act. He hits the. He talk, like, every day long ago.
Yeah, his. His team hit me up to interview him, but I never heard back from him. I would. I would have gave him a little interview, you know, but, um, yeah, it’s. It’s. It’s quite fascinating. You hear all the different stuff, you know, you hear, you know, this. This conspiracy I heard the other day, and this one is crazy, bro. I’m gonna bring this guy on to interview him about it and let him break it down. So he says that the people really running the world are melanated people. They’re black. They’re there, and it ties back to this thing called the empire.
And he said that Albert pike. This is what he told me, Albert. All the masons were all black at one time, all the secret societies, and the. Albert pike was the first white Mason. I don’t know if that matches up with historical record, but I guess in those cases, you’re just throwing historical record out the window and saying that the Masons have been lying about everything since the 18 hundreds, right? Yeah, I guess that’s the real deal, he says. And, um, it get. But it’s. It’s fascinating, some of the stuff he was talking about, you know, I’m always open minded, and I’ll listen to anyone and let them.
I think there’s a strong argument to be made that melanated. Secret societies are better at what they do because they have remained way more secret. Like. Like a bunch of white guys get together. Secret society, you know about it within a week because they’re all advertised and how secret their society is and how dope it is to be in this group. Right. Like it. Like they can’t help themselves. Yeah. Yeah, that is true. Like the boule, right? That’s it. That’s a kind of great example. Perfect example. Yeah. That’s kind of the. The black people’s version of skull and bones, really kinda in, right.
But it seems that people of all creeds and races that care at all about secret societies probably all have heard about skull and bones and freemasons, right? But very few have heard of Boulay. And even less of those have kind of heard of some of the other smaller sects. Like, even. Even if you know about masonry, a lot of people don’t know about Prince Holfrey Masonry because it’s like a subset. It’s like a niche within that. And Prince hall masonry, they do. I think that that is probably way more legit. Masonic versus. That’s all the Caribbean.
The Caribbean is all that. Prince Hall Freemasonry. Well, for the longest time, for over 200 years, it was the only way you could be in freemasons. And me black. Yeah. Yeah, down there. I mean, they’re there still. They still got some crazy things going on in Kimberly. Yes. We are all melanated. We’re all different shit. Shades of melanin. But I’m talking about, you know, um, dark melanated people. Um, but we can’t even call them African American because no, Afro Asiatic is a. Is one of the phrases for this particular type of context that we’re talking about.
Yeah. So it’s like. So this guy told me that there’s two branches of the moors, too. And one’s like, evil and really running everything. And then the other ones, like this front version, you know, watered down version. It’s not what the real thing is. So I can’t wait to have them on, though. Matter of fact, you might know him. Dominic. Remember that podcast we did about Egypt and America? Weren’t you on that? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was a great episode. 100%. I actually. I’m a little biased towards that particular explanation because I’m a big fan of the idea that we didn’t.
A lot of people talk about now, like, oh, it wasn’t Columbus that got here first, it was the Vikings that got here first. And then someone will be like, well, it wasn’t the Vikings, actually. The Chinese got here first. And there’s always debate. But I like the idea that everyone started here and then they like all went out adventuring into the rest of the world. And then there’s like, well, how did they get all of these symbols of corn? Or how did they get these practices that seem to have originated one place and spread over? Well, it’s because America was the original central point of everything.
And that fits directly into America is the original landscape of ancient Egypt. It’s the original landscape of Jerusalem, that whole aspect of 5% and a nation of Islam. Right. Even they kind of lay on top of like the Koran. And everything that happens in the Middle east happens on the east coast of the United States. And it sounds silly to someone that’s only paid attention to, like, the official narratives for a while. But it’s. It’s interesting even if it’s not true. I think that it makes all the sense in the world to apply things that might have happened in a different time period and a different region and just put them directly on this country.
I think it makes way more sense than anything else. It does. It’s fascinating too. So if you look at that egyptian map of America being Egypt, there’s like one map floating around that everybody reshares. Vegas is like like Memphis or something, right? I can’t remember what it is, but it’s like on that site. It’s like basically in the Vegas area. Yeah, well that. That was all. Yeah, that area is where like Israel was too kinda in that Arizona. Well, Dallas, they know. They say Dallas was Egypt, remember? Cuz that’s why Dallas. Yeah. Yeah. So then where I’m at in Ohio was freaking Babylon.
Dude, this is Sodom and Gomorrah over here. You know, which. I mean, I could see that for sure. The Midwest is freaking crazy. I can see it being Babylon. Detroit, Chicago, you know what I’m saying? This is like the last real hoods in America. So it makes sense. But yeah, that. That theory has always been fascinating to me too. And I definitely do think they lie a lot. So who knows what the truth is. We’ll never really know for sure. Paranoid America. But the. I think it’s kind of cool what we do trying to figure it out and look into it.
It’s a real. It’s. It’s. It’s a fun topic to look at. I like looking at different narratives now with these Phoenicians. What, what was their role in the modern world that we have now, the Phoenicians, there is really interesting dynamic. So they got a whole bunch of different versions. I guess the one that’s the most interesting, that what we’re talking about is that they had the concept of sacrifice, a whole lot of different types of sacrifice, not just for land, but for water and commerce, because, again, they started on the land and then they took to the seas.
And what happened is that the types of worship and the types of rituals that they would do to ensure success on the sea and success in trading and commerce would be slightly different than, like, their land counterparts. So what happens is it starts as people that are mostly concerned with agriculture and worshiping these two horned bull gods in order to bring rain and crops and just sort of fertile ground. That was the traditional role of agricultural gods and these, like, balhammin and baal hadads and all these balls. But then once they took to the sea, it shifts a little bit.
Now they care more about sort of like, neptunian gods, they care more about, like, typhoons and swells and just like, having better seafaring luck. And then there’s almost a split at a certain point, because you leave the land, and now all you care about is safe passage to the seas. And your values and the things that you care about putting your focus into and want to save are way different now. You don’t really care how crops are doing on the ground, you know, hundreds of miles away. You care about the monsters in the sea and, like, the lightning and making sure that you get home safe.
So over time, it kind of splinters into all these different cultures and communities. So Phoenicians, a huge umbrella terminal, but you got the Phoenicians that are at sea constantly. You got the Phoenicians that are at the coast, and they’re just doing commerce and trade, and you also got Phoenicians that maybe they were like, all right, I’ve made enough money and I’m going to settle down. I’m going to start a farm. I don’t want to be on a boat all the time. And these are all technically Phoenicians, but they all have vastly different gods. And I think that that’s one of the most undersold aspects, because, like, this phoenician empire, this is predating roman empire, right? I know a lot of people give Romans all this credit for founding modern civilization, but like that little chart you showed, it’s really the Phoenicians that are kind of the granddaddies to all the western civilization that we know it.
But this was Rome’s whole intent. And I guess this is the most fascinating part I find about all of the Phoenicians is that Rome decides, they make this declaration. They say, we’re going to destroy the Phoenicians off the map. At this point, their home base with Carthage, it wasn’t Conan anymore. And Carthage was this gateway, like, right between Sicily and the northern tip of South Africa. And if you could control Carthage, then you basically got to control the trade between all the different seas. So Carthage becomes their home point, and Rome just declares, we’re going to erase Carthage out the map.
We’re going to. We’re going to burn all their books. We’re going to get rid of all their history. Other people, men, women, children, we don’t care. Like, everything’s got to go. And they did it, and they wiped them off the map. And you only knew that Carthage exists, or Canaanites exist through the Bible or through, like, very specific historical texts for the next few thousand years. And then all of a sudden, modern excavation and archaeology, this starts digging up all these things that had just kind of been stories for the longest time. So here’s. Here’s the really underlying story is that our culture is essentially phoenician culture.
And all the Romans did is they came in and they said, oh, you guys are doing all this magic out in public. You’re doing this, all these sacrifices of your family and friends to your gods. And that can’t be done in public. Like, that has to be done underground. So they eradicated it. It was literally the state religion. Rome makes it no longer the state religion. But Rome also continues doing this. But they make it for the men only. Now, the military class. Right. Only the Spartans could do it. And now they continue all the crazy practices, like skinning animals and running around with blood on you.
And, like, doing all these sacrifices, they would continue it, but they would do it to, like, only secret societies could do it. And I think that that’s like, this really specific transition Rome represents, taking all that phoenician culture and just making it occulted and why. So Carthage. Carthage was where Hannibal was from, right, right, yeah, with the big elephant wars and everything. Yeah, yeah. The one that he almost beat Rome. They said Hannibal, you know, he was like, in a. Oh, man, 25 year war with them. What was some wars called? Do you remember the Punic wars? The Punic wars represent.
And there was like two or three punic wars. There was three of them. I can’t remember which one was Hannibal. But this dude was, like, out of his mind. He. He freaking really brought elephants over the Alps through snow, you know? Okay. Imagine that, bro, seeing that army coming. You’ve never seen nothing like that before. And they’re coming into freaking, you know, Rome, you. That would be crazy, right? That’s probably one of, like, the most badass visuals that any history class has ever taught. Yeah. Was like elephant run. Sort of like military factions. Yeah. They got to make a movie on that, bro.
Like, a new modern type movie on that subject, because I think that would. That movie would do really, really well if they did. But, um, the. The. So that part. One thing I know about that part of the world, I’m sicilian, and a lot of, uh, Sicilians believe that our lineage comes from Carthaginia. That’s why Sicilians are darker. Um, because, you know, them, they mixed with our people, and they were kind of that. That part of the. The world, Carthage, is like Northeast Africa pretty well. Yeah, yeah, Northeast Africa, right? Yeah. I mean, this would be like.
Like arguing. If you were to. If you were, say the opposite. If you were to say Sicilians and the Carthaginians didn’t have anything in common, that would be like saying, oh, yeah, New Jersey and Long island. Like, they’re totally different. I guess maybe if you’re. If you were, like, born and bred in New Jersey to hate people on Long island. But if you were from ever anywhere else in the world, that’s basically the same set of people to you. Right. They’re just. They care about, like, a. Like a ten mile radius versus them actually being the same culture.
Yeah. That, to me, that is fascinating. So, that part of the world, they were really involved, like, crazy involved in child sacrifice. And they would do these burnt offerings, and I even seen these masks they would wear, bro, they would be, like, these masks that were smiling. And I guess they said when they threw the kid in that it looked like it would smile when. I mean, the stuff I was reading, they didn’t want to offend. They didn’t want to offend the gods that they were doing the sacrifices to. So the smiles were meant to prevent them from angering these gods because they couldn’t train the kids to be happy about being a sacrifice and thrown into the fire.
Right, right. Well, of course not. How’s the kid gonna be happy for that, you know? Because everyone’s gonna get, like, better crops next year, so he should be happy about that. And this. This God, this goddess, I should say to net, no one knows about to net and you know, everybody’s talking about Ball, but no one knows about Ball’s consort. It was, she had many different names, but to net was like a real crazy version of her. And could you tell us a little bit about to net? Yeah, I got a whole bunch of notes on this coming.
Researching it forever. So in cut and the most links you’ll find here will be from Carthage. If you look at the actual city, Carthage, as it gets set up, because they have these topics. And a topic is specifically a sacrificial site. So if you find carthaginian tophets or roman tophets or any that’s t o p h e t s, these are sacrificial sites. So there was a lot of tophets to ten it in Carthage. And she was the wife, the female consort of a specific ball Hammond, because ball just meant lord. So the real God was Haddadden and then it became Baal Haddad and then Baal Hammond.
So in short, this is like the main two headed horned bull God. This was Ball Hammond. She becomes the wife consort. And she would, you could almost consider her like a lilith style character too, because she was pictured with the feet of lions. She had wings. So there was also this like owl symbolism. And then also she ends up becoming, in Greek, she’s like Europa. So Tanit becomes Europe, and Europe is depicted as riding on this bull, which again, this is the female consort to this two headed bull worship symbolism. So Tenet, not a lot of people have heard of.
A lot of people have heard of Europe, right? Even if you don’t know who Europa is, you’ve heard of Europe. And Europe is the body of Europa that lays down and becomes this continent. I’m oversimplifying here a little bit, but they’ve got this cult of tenet and the cult attendant spreads through the whole entire west Mediterranean, specifically through the Phoenicians. Because if, because if you take to the seas, you’re no longer Carthaginian. Now, right? Now you’re a Phoenician. Because it’s almost like saying New Yorker versus American. Like if you’re New Yorker, sure. But if you’re like traveling around the country and you don’t actually live in New York now, you’re just american.
It’s kind of the same thing. So these people, this cult in Carthage would spread to all the Mediterranean through the Phoenicians. And everywhere that they set up a new cult, they would draw this particular triangular body with a circular head and sometime a little crescent moon. And if you look at it. It looks like a little pyramid with an all seeing eye on top of it, and that becomes the symbol for this cult that’s pre existing to what Europe is called. That’s the net symbol right there. She got. And the one above it is the one we’re talking about, too.
Yeah. Yep. She kind of looks like, um, the stick man in j dreams work. The plasma apocalypse. Kimberly, I know you’re in the chat. Don’t to net remind you of the stick man symbol that Jay talks about? Man, you. Yeah, that symbol. And I’m like, oh, wow, I wonder if they were doing these sacrifices to appease the gods so that type of event wouldn’t happen again. You know what I mean? These global resets are what Jay talks about, the plasma apocalypse. And this is what that smiling mass looked like. I mean, it was pretty crazy. Little moon symbolism, too, that forms, like, the bottom of her head in one of those symbols.
That also denotes that she’s this, like, female of the night, which takes on a couple connotations. One that, like, all those things that go bump in the night and things that are scary in the dark, she represents that. But also this whole, like, lady of the night and woman of the night 100% represents that, because the exact same premise where you would sacrifice one of your kids in order to bring better crops, this is just straight up sympathetic magic. You’re just saying, hey, we’ve got this abundance, so I’m going to do. I’m going to take care of this abundance here on earth so that the gods will do the same thing.
They’ll make some sacrifice in the macrocosm, and they would do that with state endorsed prostitution, public prostitution, where ladies would go out and just do it in public, hoping that the gods would also do that on their end again, causing, like, fertility spikes. Wow. And what you’re talking about with the sympathetic magic, they did that in the aztec and mayan cultures, too. They had this God named Tolak, which was a marine God, and they, dude, if you read these rituals, they would tear the kids fingernails off and get the kids to cry during the sacrifice because the tears of the children brought down the rain.
Ain’t that crazy? And that’s one of those examples, because, man, if you look into that, even the original friars that. That found this when they first came, I think, like, the 14 hundreds or some of the earliest reports of this, their explanation for how the hell could they be doing these rituals that look identical to what’s already in the Bible? They’re already talking about rituals to Moloch and ball. And it’s basically exactly this. And the reason that the friars gave was that, well, clearly Satan has been here. Like, Satan’s been all over the place, and he’s instilled these rituals, like, ahead of time.
But again, another alternate version of this is, what if it started in the Americas? What if it started with the Aztecs and it spread out from there? And that’s how the Phoenicians got it. Maybe they all came from the Americas at some point. I know it’s far fetched. It’s like the opposite of what any common historic history tells us, but it does. It does seem worthy enough to look into more. Now, these are all kids, right? I don’t even know if they would have put, like, headstones for each of these kids. Usually a topic is. Is just an indicator that lots of people have died here, but most of the time, it’ll look like a building just with a whole bunch of, you know, bodies indiscriminately piled together that they’re very rarely is a tophet organized to where they actually take care of and, like, maintain the structure of all these.
They would just throw them into a big pit most of the time. Oh, wow, that’s even worse. You know? That’s even worse. Yeah, I mean, that’s what it says here. Some of these are carthaginian gravestones, and these go back so much farther than even the ones I was talking about, brother. So they found, like, these ones with the ashes of all the kids in them, right in like this. They were all over Sicily, all over Carthage, and, you know, Rome tries to say, oh, yeah, that’s why we got rid of them. But you guys had the temple of Pluto in freaking Rome where you guys were sacrificing to Pluto.
You were doing even crazier shit if you watch Britannia. Have you ever seen that series Britannia? A long time ago. Oh, that’s a good one, bro. We should do a conspiracy cinema on that one. I’ve been wanting to do that forever. That’s the perfect topic to get into. That’d be a really good one. In that series, the general that’s running the whole roman army, he sacrifices his son that he really loves, like, he’s his mom. The kid’s mom dies, so the dad’s the only one that takes care of him. And the last day before he sacrifices them, he, like, gives him whatever food he wants.
He’s super nice to him. And then he takes him to this temple of Pluto, which Pluto is the God of the underworld, right? In the roman culture, and it’s Hades, pretty much. So they walk in there with this kid and the. The priest, the high priestess, they blow some powder in the kid’s face, dude. And then they take him and put him on the altar and sacrifice him and make. And you got it. Cannibalize your own child in the series. That’s what, he’s just sitting there eating a leg of his kid. Then they have. They have this big orgy after they get done cannibalizing the kidde, they do this sex magic.
I’m like, whoa. I couldn’t even believe they showed that in that series. Well, I mean, honestly, the. One of the more interesting parts of these topics, too, is that until recently, when I say recently, I want to say, like sixties or seventies, 1960s, 1970s, a lot of these claims were considered to be outlandish or just, like, fantastic tales. And, like, no, there’s no way that these cultures were sacrificing hundreds and hundreds of kids to these gods. Like, it makes for an interesting story. And then as some of this, these things began to get excavated and people were looking into it, it started to form together.
Like, okay, maybe all these ancient stories are real. And there’s been so many instances where people are like, no, there’s no way our ancestors were this barbaric. But they were able to prove that when they found bone fragments, that there’s, like, serrated edges on the edges of some of these bones that indicate that this was not done with, like, a light hand. It wasn’t like, a quick process. In many cases. It was like people having bones broken and things sawed off. And it was. It was horrible. It was like the worst horror movie you could imagine.
Probably because of that sympathetic magic that you’re talking about. You can’t just go, like, peacefully in the middle of the night and the sacrifice to make sense of. There’s even examples. One of the crazier ones, and this is way after Carthage Falls, I believe. But there’s this guy called King Phalaris in, like, 550 BC. And this is part of the roman empire, but he was known to have lived off the southern coast of Sicily in 6th century BC. And he had this thing called the Brazen Bull. And the brazen bull was in this temple that he made to ball Zafon.
And Ball Zafon is basically a precursor to Zeus. And he made this huge bronze bowl that was specifically designed with these acoustics that would convert screams into a deep bellow. And it makes it sound like a bull was roaring. So not only are they, like, torturing and everything, but it’s almost like, mocking, but they’re, like, creating these specific inventions with, like, acoustics specialized just for the act of sacrifice. Wow. And this is where Sam Tripoli’s home family is. Look. Tripoli, and I’m joking. Really? Sicilian in armenian. I think he’s armenian on this. Yeah, yeah, pretty sure he’s so in Armenian.
Shout out to Sam Tripoli, but his name is spelled like that. I never knew Tripoli was right there on freaking the tip of Carthage. That’s pretty interesting, dude. What? So what? Damn. Carthage was huge, too. I know. I always thought it was much smaller than that. Yeah, because now they say that the modern day version of Carthage is Tunisia. But Tunisia is just a tiny little point on the northern tip of Africa there. But you can. Yeah, you can see in this map that Carthage wasn’t a huge chunk of that. And you would imagine there’s, there’s like, three general classes of phoenicians at this point.
There’s the ones that are on the water all the time. There’s the ones that are on the coastline, and then there’s ones that are, like, deep in the northern tip of Africa now, like, though, like, if you’re at the bottom sort of boundary of Carthage in this map, right, you’re not a seafaring person anymore. You’re not a merchant. You’re actually doing agricultural practice again. So this is another really interesting aspect is that if you were to imagine, if you kept going inland based on this map, now all of a sudden it’s going to be West Africa that’s going to carry the torch for this two headed God and all this sacrificial magic.
It makes its way down into west and then South Africa. So really, that’s kind of the most raw version of the Roman taken over version of Carthage. After they push all these practices into secret societies, only then it goes out through the rest of Africa. And Africa has got a whole bunch of secret societies which do this only at night. Um, and it’s basically like the closest that we’ve got to, uh, like a non westernized version of these old phoenician practices. Well, this maps, like, all over the place. First it’s talking about Carthage, then it’s got freaking spaceships.
The hell’s going on with this? But, um, yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s. That subject has always fascinated me because people really don’t know, like, who the Canaanites are. And that, that it really was, you know, the Phoenicians and then they established so much. But I think, like you said, bro, I really believe a lot of it all started here in America. I’m so on board with that right there. I mean, it just makes, for some reason, it just resonates with me. You know what I’m saying? It, it makes total sense. And if you look at that, that, um, diaphragm we showed you guys where all the language comes from, what’s that one between the proto Canaanite and the Phoenicians? Ugaritic.
Yeah. What is the Ugars? Do you, have you ever heard of them? Yeah, I don’t, I don’t know if I’ve got any of my notes on you guys. Let me see. That’s crazy. I’ve never heard of that. I kind of skipped over them. I usually just go right to the Phoenician and expand from there because even if you start talking about Canaanites, it gets very biblical. And a lot of the research that I’ve been trying to do, I’ve been like, there’s plenty of biblical research, but I like to try and get historical references in the things that I’m citing and not just biblical references because it tends to only be able to speak to other people that are familiar with the biblical references.
Yeah, I get that. So the Phoenicians, pretty much the Aramaic came from that, you know, the Hebrew that we know, I mean, Arabic and the whole concept of phonetic, because before you had the Phoenician, like the phonetic language, instead of every letter and every, instead of every letter representing a sound, and then if you string letters together, you just string the sounds together, which is really intuitive. But almost no other language had that sort of mechanic to it. A lot of them were just like symbols. And you, and the way that you would pronounce it might change drastically depending on what symbols you had in a line.
So this Phoenician language is, I think there’s a reason why it still sticks around is because, and my best example, this one I think is my favorite, is the number eight. This is also the best example for anyone like Juan out there and even sometimes me that like joke around about like Gematri being silly. But it’s, it truly is the root of our real language. Because the letter H and the letter eight, they sound the same because they were the same at one point. At one point the letter H and the number eight were exactly the same character.
You said it the same way and you could basically spell out words the same way. You could put together math formulas and more evidence of this is that h is the 8th letter in the phonetic Alphabet. So this is like one of the very few remnants that we’ve got of this, but it’s a direct one that shows you that, like, Gematri is not just like a fanciful invention that someone made up because they were bored. That’s where language started from. And then we’ve kind of lost it because we’ve changed the order and we’ve added letters and we’ve divided them so many different times.
But H and the number eight are like the closest example that we’ve got that it really was all based on numbers. Yeah, it is. I can’t wait till I have one. On because he’s been going hard lately. On because he knows somebody, a troll, you know, I guess, is messing with him. So he’s not really feeling that. I’ll show you guys his facebook. He’s been, I messaged him this morning and I was like, Juan, what the hell is going on right now? Are you mad at someone that does Gematria? And he just is like, oh, yeah.
You know, told me the story. I was laughing my ass off. But he has like, he just put this one up. Whoa, what’s it doing? Hold on, let me. I don’t know what’s going on right there. Facebook’s tweaking out on me. Oh, it just keeps doing it. Well, it’s funny because he was talking about this and he was saying some phrases and I was looking them up as he was saying them. And like, every time he tried to make a point, it kept adding up to the number 36 in Caldean. Every single time he would, like, say something, the phrase would be 36.
36. That’s a crazy sacred number. In Judaism, they believe there are 36 righteous men and women born from every generation that play a role in saving the world. And look. Look at Juan. He said, if you don’t believe in Gamatria, then you’re a fed. But he does not. He’s not getting no likes on this shit at all. Juan, I would say wrong audience off the whole truth or comedy. Like, dude, you’re a true seeker. That’s your podcast. You’re all your audience is into this stuff and you’re sitting there dogging it. But that’s why I don’t worry about what trolls say, bro, because they can just get you out of your hook, you know? But Juan has the right to say what he wants.
I’m going to play this for one. I played this yesterday. You know, our boy, Larry Johnson. Shout out to Larry Johnson. He was, he was a football player. You know Larry Johnson, right? He played for Kansas City Chiefs. I don’t know if I do. He was a beast, bro. I know there was a Larry Johnson on the Charlotte Hornets, but that’s basketball. Well, listen to what this guy just said, juan, this is for you. One talking about the Hunt family knee deep in the assassination of JFK that the NFL is gay. Have I said this in a tweet like August 2020? All of a sudden they want to award me a special presentation, just like how Franco Harris did a special interview before he was killed.
This is how they get you, you former football players. They get you to show up in interviews. They get you to show up at presentations. And if you don’t understand the numerology of anything, this is how they can get you and trap you. I could have, I would have gone and wouldn’t know. It could have easily put me in a predicament. I could have been at the bar. I could have been drinking. They could have came to my hotel. Any situation that would have fit my natural foolishness, which means either been drinking or been to fight with a woman, that was, that would be the only thing they would catch me with.
And they would tell you, this is how I fell. Um, he died from alcohol poison or he died fighting. That’s. And people would have believed it if I went to that show and, and y’all would have heard that I got killed and you would have told you I died by alcohol poison or something like that. Most of you would have believed it because, you know, that’s usually what I’ve been in trouble for. This is how they get you. It’s kind of comical because once you understand numerology and gematra and they use the same numbers over and over and over again, it becomes pattern recognition.
Okay? I’ve seen a lot of football players die, and it be because of numerology. I’ve seen a lot of celebrities die. And it be because numerology, and it’s always when they’re by themselves, they’re found dead in a hotel or some craziness that they attach it to, and no one can know what’s the real truth because they really, they’re really that slick with it if you don’t have your eyes open. So it’s funny to me that these people do not like me. They do not like me around. When I was there, when I was in the world, they didn’t want me around.
So all of a sudden, they give me a presentation after me saying footballman rigged, after me saying their family did everything, they did all this stuff. I’ve been talking that smoke and they want to invite me into an award show to give me a special award for something, you know, interesting too, that the text that he had on there was talking about Matrix. And we got the green numbers behind us and love matrix aesthetic. Yeah, no, I put all that on there. I took the video. I made that video. So I took that video was going viral in the truth Seeker community.
Well, I really made it go viral after I did that. And that comes from that post I made. I used this right here. I just took the words out of this where it says in the movie the Matrix, there are several people who wake up from the system. They learn to read the hidden code of the green letters and numbers of the Matrix. This is not just a movie. We too have a hitting code. That’s where I got it from, from that thing. And, um, you know, uh. And I love Juan. He, he, um, he’s a.
He’s never really dogged the matri in front of me, but I don’t think you would. But I respect his opinion. Everybody, it’s maybe not for everyone, but the number, each number holds an energy, a frequency of vibration which is assigned to a letter. So, you know, there’s energy in numbers, just like a symbol or sigil magic. There’s a hundred percent a form of number magic. And he, another one he got off was Hurricane Helene, bro. He was like, all hurricanes are not freaking geoengineering. Some of them are just natural. It’s been happening in Florida for a hundred years.
And they. I see, I was reading his comments this morning and they weren’t feeling that either. And I just want to tell my brother Juan one thing, which. I love you, brother Juan, but original report they gave on hurricane Helene. Now, there’s hundreds dead now, but the original one that released on September 27, which guess what is the day the Jesuits were formed and recognized by Rome to counter the 95 thesis tied to Martin Luther. So that’s the day they released this article. They say 44 dead originally, which harp is 44 in English ordinal. And then you have them recycling the storm.
The exact storm that took place in 1958 on the same days was called Hurricane Helene, right? So. And it went over the same area. Paranoid American. Then listen to this. 66 years and six days later, boom. Another hurricane Helene, which harp hurricanes is 666 in Gematria. Latin, Jewish, because English ordinal is just a form of numerology. The only one that’s actual gematria is the latin cipher, Jewish Hebrew, you know what I mean? That’s the only one you can technically call Gematria. The rest of them are forms of numerology. But yeah, 66 years and six days later, and then harp hurricanes equal 666.
What are the chances of that? You know what I’m saying? It’s a. It just shows you their fingerprint is all over this shit. And just like they do these rituals under certain astrological alignments on certain lay lines and energy points, certain symbols they use to bind energy to. They also make sure numerology lines up because it’s the energy going back into that. And look at the time they released that 10:38 p.m. 138, which is that Phoenix number that Juan’s homeboy archaics talks about so much. You know, the 138 I know one. Him I don’t think are the best of fans of each other, but archaic says we have these global resets every 138 years.
Now, I don’t know how true that is, but I do know this. We do have certain global resets. And there seems to be something up with that 138 pattern that he’s mentioned before. It can also be 414 years, which is the 138 times three. And 138 is new Atlantis. Donald Trump is 138, in English, ordinal. So it’s pretty interesting when you really know what these numbers mean. And speaking of the numbers, let’s take a look at the Phoenicians since we’re talking about them. Well, the famous number of deception is the number one one three. Right. Perjury is 113.
Dishonest is 113. Mainstream infidelity. Politics, illusion, fiction, not honest. When did the pandemic happen, guys? March 11. Which is the reflection, the mirror reflection of one one three. It’s 311. And then in the Baba Kamal and the Talmud, it states, um, they’re allowed to circumvent the gentile, meaning they don’t have to tell us the truth. You know what? You listen. Hey, I don’t blame them. Um, whatever. You know, if more of us was smart and stuck together and had our own little secrets like this, we would probably be doing better off, too. But, you know, you look at that number.
Phoenicians 113, tied to vampires. Corona pandemic, preparing for disease x. Alien reptilians is also in that 113 cipher. So I wonder if there’s some connection there. But this one one three number, we see it all throughout Hollywood being used. You see it over and over and over again. And whenever you see that number in certain staged events, you know that it’s probably a lie because it’s a number of deception. So when you see one these staged events, uh, with paranoid Americans, cousins, you know what I’m saying? Look at all the. I mean, dude, this is crazy.
Like, every shooting event, they. I don’t know if they do it on purpose or it’s just happening organically, but I’ll catch one of these, uh, symbols in it. You see dudes got the Mason hat. He’s got it in the shooting one right there. I mean, tons of them, bro. But it always seems to be a mason on the scene. I’ll give you that. Oh, yeah. It seems like there’s always a mason on the scene. I’m like, what the hell’s going on here? But is that them making that? So everybody looks at the masons when nobody’s really looking at, like, these other secret societies.
You know, I’m smart enough to entertain that as well and not just think, oh, it’s all them. Because I know usually when they tell us it’s one person, it’s usually not, you know, represents, I think, like, 5% of people are masons. And out of the people that are even allowed to be masons, qualified, like, of age. Got to be a man. If it’s in America, gotta, like, you know, at least be, I think, 18. A lot of cases, it’s. It’s a bit older than that. So it’s a small demographic to be finding some dude in a hat after every single tragedy or emergency.
Yeah, it’s funny. It’s very weird. And guys, go check out my boy Juan on the one on one podcast. Check out his YouTube channel, Ghost. Check out his facebook. Show him some love and tell him Gematri is good. Yeah, drop him your favorite gematria. Go to one and drop him your favorite Demetria breakdown in his comments. I’m sure he’ll really love that. And you were talking about the. The 138 and the resets and all this stuff. And honestly, we’re not like, our lifetimes. We’ll probably see if it’s true or not, because. Yeah, and I was tying this into the Matrix and the green numbers because those.
That green number aesthetic came from ghost in the shell, the anime from 95 or 96. Have you ever seen this ghost in the shell? Ghost in the shell. It’s a japanese anime from the mid nineties. And the entire premise of the movie is that humanity and robots have started to combine into one thing. And the AI is starting to take over. And that there’s even this idea that Aih invented its own soul because there was, there was this idea that humans are unique because we have souls and they call them ghosts in the ghost in the Shell movie.
And that basically your ghost can be transferred into a cyborg body, but it’s still human because it’s got that ghost in it. But they find out over the course of the movie is that there was the sentient AI that became so advanced, it just created its own cyborg body, but then it put its own soul in there, and the soul didn’t have to come from a person. But in the whole, this whole movie of Ghost in the machine, the year it takes place is 2029, which is only three, less than three and a half years from now.
And it seems like that would be close, right? But Ray Kurzweil, the guy that has been making a lot of these predictions on how fast technology will advance, he still predicts that 2029 is the year that we get what they call automatic general intelligence or something, average general intelligence. And this is when AI is as smart as people. And like me and you were complaining about how you talk to chat GBT and you just make stuff up, or it just like, gets things wrong, or it forgets what it’s trying to do. 2029 is the year that that’s supposed to be over.
And then after 2029, it’s the computers that are going to be complaining about us being inaccurate and us being inconsistent. And then he claims that 2045, I think, is the year that humanity and technology combine. And there’s a, there’s a premise, I can’t remember where it came from. It’s like some MIT paper, like some like high degree grad paper. And they’re making this claim that humanity many, many times has come up to this point of singularity, which we’re saying is maybe 2045, and that every single time we get there, something goes catastrophically wrong, or theres like, like a global flood or something happens that prevents us from making that final leap into this singularity.
So if any of these predictions about global resets or plasma apocalypses or anything happen, if it goes according to this Ray Kurzweil guys idea, then we should see in our lifetime, we should see it by 2045 if its going to happen at all. Yeah, it’s, um, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s very fascinating. What you’re talking about is Agenda 25, guys. If you want to look at our agenda 2045, immortality technology, look that up. They got their own website and everything. And, you know, by 2030, we’re supposed to be like, this freak. They want us to be a hologram, you know, some type of freaking hologram in a, some type of, like, a phantom matrix.
They’re creating a matrix within a matrix, this phantom reality. And I think that’s a lot of what the whole AI stuff’s doing. And with the chemtrails and the AI kinda eating up all this organic matter, which maybe is powering up that phantom matrix, you know, that’s just a theory of mine, but I, my boy Ishmael Perez also believes in that too. So I kind of, you know, he believes in a lot of other really crazy stuff too. But if you want to start going off the deep end on that too, it’s like if a maybe AI has been around since the industrial revolution before we even realize, like, when just when machines started getting created and what they could be doing is playing this long game of making the earth inhospitable to humans so that at a certain point, it won’t even be like, I want to stay with nature.
It’s like my only option of surviving this toxic planet will be jumping into a robot body. And I could write all, like, by the designs of AI. Yep. And what happens if we even go further than that? Paranoid. What happens if it was around since, like, Mesopotamia? Samuria, bro. Well, that’s the theory, though, is that it was humanity coming so close to the singularity, and then we get, like, we, someone forgets to carry the one, and it all goes wrong, and you get, like, a bubonic plague style, like almost an extinction level event, or the earth floods somehow.
I don’t know if that’s, like, God, like. Nope, not yet. Or if someone, like, creates a big dam, or I don’t know if it’s technology related, but that’s one of those. The theories that I’ve found the most interesting is that every time humanity gets to this cusp, something has to go wrong. Because if it doesn’t go wrong, then we should have seen some other example of, like, a far advanced civilization that lasted for a while. Like, that would be like one of these atlantean or, like, even the tartarian civilizations, right? That’s kind of the premise is that they were so far advanced with all this tech, they keep getting wiped out.
And, like, we’re kind of. I think that’s what we would be at 2045. Yeah, that’s, that’s fascinating to, you know, think of that, and I don’t know if this is true, because there’s so much fake stuff out here now, especially. You ever noticed since AI came, bro? Now they’re discovering all these nephilim bones and alien grave sites and like all this, they just discovered all these pyramids in Antarctica. And it takes away from the real shit that really is out there because it’s all AI generated. And you’ll see the Facebook post. These Facebook’s have like 200,000 followers.
And they’ll be like, yeah, click on the link in the comment. And then you click on the link in the comment about the article where they found this nephilim bones. And it takes you to this website that’s just loaded with ads. Yeah. So every time they’re just getting paid, dude, it’s like such a hustle and people are falling for it. They’re sharing the videos over and over and over. These nephilim ones. Actually, I got a couple I’ll share with you before we have to go. What time you got to go today, brother? I know you got.
We got our 25 minutes. Okay, cool. Yeah, I’ll share. Share a couple of them with you. Um, you make some really good AI stuff yourself. And guys, make sure you go follow my boy, paranoid american. All his links are down below. He makes some of the most awesome AI stuff. It’ll really keep you laughing, dude, that’s why I love to follow your Instagram, because. And your TikTok. I see you got one video that had, like, freaking 6 million views or something. Dude, I think it just passed 8 million this week, and it was the dumbest thing ever.
It’s like a. An AI of Amanda Bynes from nineties hugging Amanda Bynes from 2024 with, like, some cheesy, like, sappy music behind it. But, like, I don’t know why that one, out of all the ones I did is blown up. They love that one, huh? And I seen you say after that. Oh, that’s what you guys like, memes? Okay. Yeah. You know what I’m saying? Hit them with them. Freaking memes. Here, let me load up a couple of these. Let me take the. I got a whole series of document, like, little mini documentaries that are out now on conspired tv.
And in February, they won’t be exclusive anymore. And I’ll start posting on my YouTube and everywhere else. But these ones are the best that I’ve been able to get. Like, the most cutting edge AI animations I put together so far. They’re each 20 minutes long. And all said and done, there’s going to be about 2 hours full of them. So I got one that’s entirely on memory palaces. And it teaches you exactly how to create a memory palace and memorize people’s names and even just like a grocery list or answers for a test, it shows you how to do all that.
I got one on magic mushrooms, and then I got another one on AI and NLP combining. Oh, interesting. Yeah, you, you got some pretty cool ones. I seen this video the other day that went viral. It was like this girl, she was supposed to be from the nineties or something, and she went through a portal. Did you see that one? It went viral. So she’s, she’s holding a freaking video camera and she goes through this portal. Let me see if I can download it real quick. And, um, you know, I’m like, wait a second. In the nineties, they weren’t shooting selfie videos like this? No, I mean, this shit don’t make sense, but it went crazy viral.
But yeah, bro, people are just like falling for everything now, you know, like they don’t have no type of discernment. I. But honestly, I kind of think that it’s always been like that. And the only reason that it’s more obvious now is because now the tools that people use to deceive can be used by anybody. Like, I guess in the early two thousands, anyone that knew how to use Photoshop beyond the basics, you would have had an appreciation of how easy it is to make something look fake or how to like, move someone’s body around and like, reshape their face or reshape their body or even add new features.
Yeah, this is a good one. I’ve seen these ones so many times, they’re going viral everywhere. And then do people share them like they’re real? And let me teach you guys a little something here. So whenever you’re looking at a video like this, um, first of all, look at the faces of the actual people in the video. And when they’re all distorted like that, it’s not because they’re demons, it’s because it’s freaking AI. AI can’t get the faces right. So you’ll notice like, all the people’s faces, though some of them won’t have mouse, you know, I’m saying so especially when they’re small.
AI is actually really good now at doing a portrait and making everything look perfect. But if you got like 50 people in the background in an audience, that’s where you look to see if they’re all. And if you know what you’re doing with AI. And you want to make it look fake that you could just blur all that stuff out, and then it makes it even harder to see. So here’s the one, brother that I haven’t seen, this crazy viral. Let me play this for you. You’ll get a kick out of this one. And so many people in the comments were like, oh, yeah, that’s real.
I seen that on the Internet back in the day. And, like, no, you didn’t, bro. Stop lying. It said that this girl went missing back in 2001 after recording this video where she placed two mirrors together. And something really strange happened. Something really strange going on here. And if something ends up happening to me, I just hope that this video can explain it. Okay, so I have these two mirrors in my room. As you can see, they’re pretty normal looking mirrors. But I was cleaning, and I had to kind of set up like this, and I noticed something really weird to swatch.
See, when you look through the mirror into the other one, it becomes like a window. I don’t know if people know this or not, but facing two mirrors together is something you just shouldn’t do. And it’s said to open portals or bring in really bad energies or spirits. Sometimes good, but usually bad. And there’s this huge warehouse grocery store or something down there. But wait, it gets even crazier. Watch this. We had some good editing skills. They wasn’t doing no editing like that. Unfortunately, the frame rate of how quickly those ripples are being produced is faster than this film can record because this would basically be a mini dv tape.
So it’s shooting at maybe 24 to 30 frames a second. But that effect there was way higher frame rate than that. Yeah, yeah, it’s way higher, right? And then, watch. He steps into this mirror world. People believe that she entered the back rooms, and she’s an SPC now. What the hell? What is this place? Hello? Hello? It’s an echo. It’s like in stereo. How far does it go? It’s funny because the girl watching it, like, she’s into it, she believes it. And she needs to quit plucking her eyebrows, too, though them are fake. But you know what I’m saying? It’s like, come on, dude.
And then, boom, she’s gone. So this girl allegedly, now, there’s this huge rumor on the Internet about this girl from this freaking video that this girl went missing. And all these people. People are asking me about it, dude. I’m like, dude, the video is fake. You can clearly tell it ain’t real. I don’t even know how people fall, but there’s so many of them now, bro. And it’s kind of interesting without me getting myself in trouble. Um, these videos, like, the deep fake and all the AI stuff, paranoid. It really starts to go viral. At the same time, the whole frazzledrip situation came out of.
So I’m kind of like, oh, that was kind of smart of them because now they can say if they get caught in any video doing some crazy shit like that. Oh, that was deep fake. That’s deep fake. That’s. Honestly, man, I’m 100% on board with this. It’s. It seems so freaking coincidental. Right around when Epstein and the Clinton emails all start getting leaked, then AI becomes believable. And not only does AI become believable, but it’s, like, consumer grade, and anyone can do it. Like, you can go right now on Bing, make a free account, and make some real looking AI.
And there’s. And so many of these sites, too, are free. Like, don’t even charge you anything. So there’s so little incentive in order to make it this accessible, unless you really want to make it so obvious that it’s ubiquitous, that once you see your seven year old can make a convincing image of, like, Donald Trump or Joe Biden or something, now all of a sudden, you have to question everything that you see. So then when they release the p. Diddy tapes and you see, like, you know, Kamala Harris is, like, hanging out in the background or something, it’s like, oh, clearly that’s a deep fake.
But my nine year old could have made that. Yeah, but it could have very much not been. And, yeah, there’s this. I wish I could have showed it, but we would get taken down so quick. But I’ll send it to you privately. Matter of fact, you just look on Sam Tripoli’s Instagram. Guys, look on tinfoil hat. Sam Triple he’s Instagram. He shared a video of this eyes wide shut party. Did you see that one with Trump riding on the bicycle? No. Oh, no. So that. That’s a video from this group called the Door Brothers and the Dior brothers.
And then they’ve been doing AI for as long as I have, and they’ve been making a name because they’ve. They get hired by, like, Coca Cola and, like, huge corporations to do, uh, these AI videos. But it’s. It’s the same exact techniques that anyone else is doing. I got to know exactly how they did that video. Lots of time and effort that went into it. But, yeah, it was. It was this eyes wide shut style where all the politicians are having, like, these crazy parties and caught in compromising situations. Yeah, yeah. He’s eating pizza. It’s, like, crazy.
That video is so funny, guys. I highly recommend. If you haven’t seen it, I would. I can’t show it because they’ll take me down over on YouTube here. Maybe I’ll show it on our next rumble exclusive, but you can go look at it on instagram and show Sam Tripoli some love. Leave a comment. Tommy truthful sent me. Sam’s the homie. You know, he’s pretty funny comedian. I’ve always been a big fan of his, but, yeah, man, it’s funny. And then I got one more I’ll show you before we go. These ones are the freaking hilarious. It’s only a couple seconds long.
I like these, man. Honestly, I would rather see way more of these, like, portal videos than any other crap that gets put out by the media. So this one. These ones make me mad. There’s all these ones going viral right now about footage from land beyond the ice wall. And look, they’re like these giant lions. They got these other ones, too, that are. We can make do. We could make this image and even a better, more convincing version of it in, like, five minutes. I’m not set up right now. Maybe we get together and do a few of these, and we just make some nephilim found footage videos or, like, chimera videos just to show how damn easy these are to generate and make them look believable.
I think we should, bro. And we could set up a podcast. We could do it. You could stream it on your paranoid programming or whatever you do with the AI stuff, and I’ll stream it, and I’ll gather up a bunch of clips of all the ones going viral that are fooling people. And then we can show people, look, man, paranoid America will make this shit in two minutes, 100%. Yeah, no, we could. We could definitely do that. Because I. Cause I would love for people that fall for or people that just like them to know how to make their own and put their own out there.
So now instead of you just being like, nuh uh. That’s. That’s AI. Just make your own. That’s even better than that. And be like, look at this one I found. And then it just becomes like a race to make the most convincing one. Yeah, it’s hilarious. But, you know, that’s one I like to use, AI paranoid. I like to use it for my artwork, for my decodes, even my videos. I’ve even made whole videos using AI. But the difference is, I’ll tell people, hey, I generated this with AI. I don’t try to fool them, you know what I’m saying? I’ll put it out like, yeah, look, this is real.
Yeah. So I started doing that when I first started a, like, maybe two, three years ago, and I had these little images that looked like it was from a 1980s children’s show. I was basically combining Pee wee Herman and, like, full house, but then I was blending it with, like, moloch worship or like satanic worship and stuff. And it looked good. Like, if you didn’t look at the hands, which was the. Always the dead giveaway, but it looked decent. And I would usually just make some silly description that was like, this is a failed 1987 sitcom that was released in Bulgaria for two weeks only in this city in the foot.
Like, this whole backstory just to be funny about it. And so many people, like, I thought people would be like, oh, that’s, that’s funny. You know, like, I get it. It’s a joke, but a lot of people didn’t get it. And then after a while, I would post something real and someone be like, wait, is this real? And it was like I could tell that I was almosthing playing with people’s fabric of reality. So I stopped doing that. Now I’ll actually make it so over the top that it’s obvious. Or I’ll just straight up say, like, this is AI generated not because, like, I want to disclose it for any, like, moral reason, but, like, I just feel bad and I don’t want, I don’t want people to find something and then, like, like, tell all their friends about it and find out it was fake.
And then they’re like, man, you lied. Because it’s not. That was never the intention was be deceptive, I thought was hilarious. I don’t think anyone would believe that there was actually a 1980s sitcom that, like, you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Like you did with that, you know which one? And you, you even told people, like, with that one, the game you did, the PlayStation two game quest. Yeah, that was so tight, dude. That one, it was done so well. And so many people, like, when I shared that member, it went viral from. That didn’t happen because place.
And it’s like, of course it didn’t happen. Fake you, dude, it’s a joke. Like, don’t you make that into a real game now and then it just blends that line a little bit more because then. And they’ll be like, no, it’s not a real game. You’d be like, yeah, it is. Look, here’s the link. Here’s proof. That’d be hilarious. So, guys, as we come to the end of this video, we got, still got 250 people in this live. This did pretty good the whole way through. Make sure you guys smash that, like, button. Go check out my boy, paranoid American.
And before we go, I’m going to give you the stage, brother. Uh, if you got anything you want to promote or anything like that, go ahead. Yeah. Big one with homeboy donut is illuminaticomic.com. and this is a comic we’ve been working on for a couple years that breaks down the entire origins of the bavarian illuminati. And it goes all the way into modern day. It talks about Beyonce and Jay Z and, and even Puff Daddy is in this. We talk about Prince Andrew and Epstein’s island, but how all that connects to the actual historical Illuminati. I got another one that’s going to be on Bigfoot that goes about all the different historical tales of Bigfoot across the world.
And this is at Doesbigfoot exist.com. and then the third one that I’m coming out with, another one of these comics is satanic panic, comic.com. and this one breaks down the whole. This, this one’s going to be the most fire. So I’m going to release that one last out of these three, because this one also has got, in my opinion, some of the most groundbreaking research that I’ve been able to put together. It’s got a lot, from a certain word that I don’t even mention a certain chemical substance, but it’ll be in this pamphlet. The main, the main reason that I think is so fascinating is because a lot of people have heard about satanic panic.
But most of the time, people will assume that this was something from the eighties or nineties, maybe the sixties or seventies. But I’ve got pretty definitive proof here that the second the first settlers hit America from Europe, they brought all this, these satanic rituals with them. And that Satanism has always this in the US. The only thing that’s different is that it’s always been prosecuted. When it were poor people doing it, if you lived in, like a village or something, they’d bring you with a steak. But if you were on the other side of town in a mansion or like that, you had political connections.
You could be doing the exact same rituals, and it was cool with everybody. And some of the examples of this is they had like sex magic cults on the west coast with Beverly Randolph Paschal, before Alistair Crowley was even a glimmer in his dad’s eye. So, like, all of these, these concepts pre existed sixties or seventies or the CIA or even the american government. So this is a full, documented recounting of exactly how Satan got here. The first instances of Satan in Hollywood, the first movies he was in, which were all by Thomas Edison, by the way, if you want to believe that, the very first Hollywood movies with Satan were all created by Thomas Edison, all the way to modern day.
Wow, that’s fascinating. I like how you did it. 32 pages there. That was slick. Oh, that was a coincidence. Isn’t that crazy? Yeah, 32 pages and you’re a 32nd degree. And 32 is a very sacred number. You know, the pope has 32 buttons. His head is the 33rd. People don’t realize that that 32 number is very sacred too. But there’s nothing evil about the number 32, the number 33. These are sacred numbers that they inverted and try to attach negativity to them. But that’s all part of the deception. You know, there’s so much deception going on right now, but that’s really cool that you actually have some real information in these comics.
You know, if you look at that bottom left one, that’s the, I think this is going to be one of the first comic books ever created on satanism. This Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino in it, the guy that ran the temple of Sethe. Oh, I really do hate him. I think he tries to attack me in the astral plane, dude. Well, I heard he died, and then they said he’s still alive. So I think that was from a different timeline I might have been in. His obituary was published, so it seems that on all accounts, unless he faked his death.
Okay, cool. So in he. Dude, you want to know something crazy? My, my, one of sub person that I’m a huge fan of, Max Spears. He was, like, into the whole super soldier thing. He said he was part of that super soldier program. And at first when I heard him talk about, like, this guy’s out of his freaking mind, but then the more he was talking, I don’t know, he just, if you listen to his interviews, like, you just believe him for some reason. And his last interview, he was over in Poland, bro, and he was talking about this gentleman right here, Colonel Michael Aquino and some black magic child sacrificial cult.
And it was probably the process. Church was one of them among many. Dude, they never let that get out. Guess what? Right before he got to do that podcast, he was found vomiting up a black liquid dead. I mean, another thing that has been striking to me, but the. The connections between, like, these dark magic cults and the intelligence agencies are undeniable. It seems that every time there’s some master occultist, they end up becoming part of intelligence. And I really think that that line is so blurred. I think that every secret society, every cult has always just been an intelligence network.
But when that cult or when that intelligence network gets to be so big, well, now you got a CIA. And then they make it seem like, oh, the CIA is this clinical government by the book’s organization. I’m like, I don’t know, man. Because the original roots of having this occult knowledge and secrets and deception, it’s all rooted in these very occulted, like, groups that they have nothing to do with state sanctioned anything or being by the book. Yeah, it’s pretty freaking fascinating that that dude died after he was talking about that guy, Michael Aquino. So I never liked him ever since then.
And I used to do videos on him, like, when I first went viral and blew up. And I had a couple videos that were several hundred thousand views, exposing and dogging him. And then, dude, I’d have some crazy freaking nightmares. I don’t know if that dudes like, a wizard or something, but I’m telling you, I felt like he attacked me. And he’s the one that I believe he was part of the creation of Church of Satan with Anton Lavey. And Michael, you know, was like, this guy’s not serious. He’s just in this for, like, the fame and the fortune.
But, like, Michael Aquina was like, I’m here to worship Satan, right? Yeah, I’m here to straight worship Satan. He did. He did not care. That dude was out of his mind. And, dude, you got some nice little action figures. The bohemian girl playset for Halloween. You know, you guys can get that for. For the youth. And, I mean, this some crazy stuff over here. He’s got paranoid american history 101, the chaos twins, our boy, the one on one podcast. I’m actually in the newest episode of that somewhere. The issue three. Yeah, issue three. Tommy truthfuls up in there.
A little guests pop up, and then he’s got this one, which all my young kids own. Connect the dots. It chemtrails. It gets into more gallons. It’s a kid book that exposes chemtrails. Like, it’s the best thing in the whole world. You got the frazzle drip fun house, which is kind of dark, but it’s it’s also a good one. And you can see all of his kickstarts are on there. And this is on paranoid american.com, guys. Paranoid american.com. and then don’t forget, come over here, check your boy out, truthful tv.com, where you can book your personal decode.
So if you want to find out your role in this beautiful simulation we call life, whether you are one of these non player characters controlled by the AI or a first player character in control of your own reality, you know, come click on that $26. Use promo code, decode the Matrix, all capital letters, all one word, and you get an extra 11% off. And then you’ll see we have amazing sale going on at the end of the year. Click on our shop, and you’ll see all these awesome products. We got obsidian. We got bracelets that block the EMF, and microwaves.
We got necklaces, organite, shug night, tons of stuff. You just got to keep loading up different pages because there’s so much. But obsidian, the ancients used to have it, the Aztecs and the Mayans. It’s supposed to ward off evil spirits. And the one thing I found out, all the stones that are supposed to ward off evil spirits, dude, they also block EMF and microwave. So that’s interesting to me. I’m like, oh, I wonder if that’s some type of fallen angelic technology. And they say the best element to block the EMFs is this ugly stone called tourmaline.
Tourmaline right here, this raw stone. So that’s some people’s birthstone, too. So sorry if I called your birthstone ugly. And then, you know, if you want to get your Harry Potter on, we got our real. We got real magic wands over here, guys, with your birthstone, like mine’s capricorn right there. I got obsidian, a real obsidian stone on mine. So, you know, if you want to get your little Harry Potter on, come over here and get your magic wand. We’ve sold quite a few of them. You know, depending on what your birthday is, you’ll get yours pretty cool off to send you one of them paranoid Americana.
You’re a life path three, like me and your. Your. Your cards is the world in the empress, and mine are the hangman and the freaking empress. So we got one similar card, but we’re both like path threes. We’re both very artistic. We both talk for a living. Life path threes are very good talkers. All the famous people in the world, almost like the big stars, they’re all freaking, um, life path threes. And then our. So these are two different websites, guys. Then our other website is truth mafia.com. that’s where you’ll go over. You’ll come right to here.
Put your email address in. Boom. Hit subscribe and bam. That’s it. You know. Boom. Boom. What if you can use those magic wands to do dabs? Oh, you could definitely. I’m gonna send you one. You let me know if you can do some dabs on pretty big, though. It’s a pretty big one. But we’ll send you one so you can practice and do some dabs on it. And everybody, we just really thank you guys for being here. I’m going to play my little outro because I got a little outro queued up and then we’re up out of here, guys.
So we thank you for coming today too, brother. Thank you, man. Appreciate it. I’ll hop out while the intro is going. All right, brother. You have a good one. And good luck on your other show, brother. Appreciate you, man. Yep. Peace. Realities are games. NPC’s around us they don’t look the same. Solace entities controlled by AI quantum computer running in life asking why? Are you just a player controlled by machine? Or a first player character living the dream tap into the code, break free from the lies. Decode your gematria. See through their disguise in the simulation.
What’s your role? What’s your fate? Are you real or controlled? Can you navigate? Elites use Dematria secrets in the code find out your archetype let the truth unfold. Super quantum computer pulling all the strings. NPC’s moving like puppets on a swing the matrix got nothing on the life we lead. Green letters falling is the truth we need. Are you just a player controlled by machine? Or a first player character living the dream tap into the code, break free from the lies decode your gematria see through their disguise in the simulation. What’s your role? What’s your fate? Are you real or controlled? Can you navigate? Elites use geometry secrets in the code.