I haven’t seen the smoking gun. I’m hoping it’s not true. If it’s true, say goodbye to RFK Jr. and the medical reforms. We have a criminal medical establishment. They’re Dr. Mengele incarnate, and their minions fall into line or they lose their licenses. And I thought Donald Trump was going to clean this up. I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m confused. I don’t want to believe he’s part of it. But I’ll tell you what, just in case I’ve got the nanosoma products, I got my nanosoma gel right here. I put on my joints so I can do my workouts.
I did a full body last night and no pain because I premedicate with this. Rub it on. Just looks great. Stem cell production. You want to find out more about how this works along with the nanosoma spray that I give credit to for rescuing my lungs from strip lung linings of RSV. When I was told by professionals I respect, they may not come back. You could be in a lot of trouble. Three months later, I was better than I’d been. And the workouts I do to get me there are possible because the nanosoma spray and the metasoma gel that stops the inflammation.
It has stopped it cold. I’m so used to looking at my knees when I would have a day working out and they just, no more. You can have the same thing. Go to myhealthback.com slash Dave Hodges. We’ve got more on the vaccines and what’s going on with this. It’s a corollary to what we did in the last segment. This is really, really, really bad. And this carries over into destruction of our food supply. I will explain as we go through this. Now, there have been people, Dr. Mercola was one of them and a guy that I have a lot of respect for and he’s paid a heavy price for just doing his job.
But the bird flu is here. We now have one state with an emergency. Birds are dropping dead like crazy in Louisiana. Something is happening there. It could have already been started. This is an implantation. We told you we’re going to have grid down. We told you we’re going to have a pandemic. We told you that they’re going to try to start a nuclear war because they’re not going to transfer power. And Mike Johnson’s part of them. How the hell did he get to be Speaker of the House? All right. First of all, you’re going to hear the media promoting this hype.
Don’t believe a word of it. The media, the biggest advertisers for media are the pharmaceuticals. Absolutely incredible. Okay. Here’s what we’re going to get. We’re going to get bird flu has now been weaponized and you’re going to see this is going to come out in a lot of sources. I’ve got it. I’ve decided to go forward with this in the evening hours here and tell you I’ve been told bird flu has been weaponized. It’s human to human and it really has been for six months. I reported on the possibility with a case in Texas six months ago.
And I said, if it’s, this isn’t real, it soon will be. Well, here we go. Okay. And then the, you’ve got the weapon injections that are coming, uh, EMF 5g radiation. And I’ve covered this recently when I heard that this was coming, I said, well, let me tell people what the vaccines are doing now. You are hooked to a communication system. If you’ve been vaccinated, they can turn you on and they can turn you off. They can induce diseases through frequency modulation and release. They can do any damn thing they want if you’ve been vaccinated.
But I did tell you, there is a catch to this nicotine products. Don’t start smoking. Don’t vape. Okay. Or the patch. Okay. Take nicotine medication, anti nicotine medication that releases the fibers that destroys them with the self-assembling worm, like nanotechnology in the MRNA vaccines of Moderna. And I’ve covered this here recently because I thought I might have to come forward with this and I wanted to present a solution for you, not just fear monger. Now this is a reason to fear monger it’s, you should be frightened with this, but I’m telling you nicotine is a really good counterbalance to this.
A recent Japanese study has confirmed the presence of self-assembling worm-like nanotechnology. And I covered this before. Vaccine recipients can be controlled remotely with connected networks. This is a fact. All right. The Trump presidency is here. Is he going to give into this? Okay. Now let me share this with you. I mentioned to you at the top, we are going to see food shortages across America. This MRNA vaccine that’s coming for the quote bird flu, which has already been weaponized. We are going to see massive amounts of euthanasia for farm animals. We’re already seeing some of it with cows and chickens, right? We’re going to see a hell of a lot more and we already have inflated food prices.
People are skipping meals. 27% of America right now is food insufficient. What’s this going to do to it? We don’t have a stable source of food. We don’t have it. I’m going to throw something out at you right now too. Storable food still available at My Patriot Supply. Just go to preparewithdave.com. That’s preparewithdave.com. You better stock up. If you don’t use our supply, use something because soon I really predict you’re not going to be able to get your food. This is an excuse to not just lock you down, take away your civil liberties, and impose permanent martial law.
We said this was coming, didn’t we? It’s also designed to take away the food supply. If you behave, they may feed you. But what will they feed you? Well, I think we already have that information, don’t we? Wasn’t the World Economic Forum through the United Nations quite clear? No meat, no dairy. And you’ve got the C40 cities across the country. Well over 100 now have signed on to the no meat, no dairy. Grasshoppers, aquatics, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. And this food cannot sustain you. And it’s by design. Folks, we’re in a spiritual war.
And who do you think I’m going to say is responsible for this at the baseline? Yeah, you know, Satan’s servants. What we call fallen angels, Genesis six, verse four. And have you noticed other people are catching on to this? Let me read to you from another section in Genesis. That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked. That’s what’s happening here. And the righteous should be as the wicked that be far from thee shall not judge all of the earth do right. That’s pretty much telling me what’s coming.
Now, one more. First Corinthians 10, 13. There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to man, but God is faithful. Listen to this. Who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able. God will never take you beyond what you can handle. She got to be in his grace. But will with the temptation always make a way to escape that you will be able to bear this. That’s First Corinthians 10 through 13. So in Genesis, they tell us bad stuff is coming. In First Corinthians, they’re telling you, but God will deliver you.
If you’re looking for the solution, I just mentioned storeable food. You should get water treatment and we’re looking on see if we can market something because you’ll ever have any trouble getting standing water. Will it be safe standing water? That’s the question. But the other thing is you need to get your storeable food, food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine and tools. You need to get that and you need to get it now because this is a plan that’s unfolding right now in this moment. We can’t get away from these people, can we? Well, people, entities, shall we say? If you didn’t check out my three-part series on repressed technology and where this is leading us, well, you should go back and review that because it links right into this, every bit of it.
Anyway, I want to thank you for joining us. Make sure you follow us. Please share. We have a nation to wake up just when we thought happy days were here again. Same song, second verse. [tr:trw].