The Most Valuable Intellectual Property in the World

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➡ The article discusses the potential impact of a financial market crash on Bitcoin and the introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) as a solution. It also highlights the role of Reggie Middleton’s patents in the cryptocurrency space and their potential to disrupt the implementation of CBDCs. The article further discusses a product called Nanosoma that can stimulate the body to produce its own Vitamin C and regulate other bodily functions. Lastly, it delves into the legal challenges faced by Reggie Middleton and the importance of understanding and resisting the control grid being established through CBDCs.
➡ Reggie was working on a blockchain mortgage deal with the Jamaican stock exchange when the SEC accused him of fraud. Despite these claims, none of the token holders felt defrauded and even started a petition against the SEC’s actions. The SEC froze Reggie’s funds and seized his assets, leading to a legal battle. Reggie is now appealing the case and the community has set up a complaint documenting the alleged corruption of the judge involved.
➡ The speaker shares his experience with Reggie Middleton’s Veritasium platform and the subsequent investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). He praises Reggie’s vision for a decentralized platform that promotes equality and freedom. However, the SEC accused Reggie of securities fraud, leading to a tense conversation with prosecutor Jorge Tenieros. Despite Jorge’s aggressive tactics and attempts to convince the speaker that he was defrauded, the speaker remained supportive of Reggie and his platform. He also mentions the SEC’s intimidating tactics towards other potential witnesses, causing fear and reluctance to come forward.
➡ The speaker believes that the government and corporations are unfairly targeting Reggie, a man who has been wronged for years, in an attempt to seize his valuable patents. Reggie has sued Coinbase and USDC for $350 million each, but these cases are currently on hold due to his lawyer’s death. The speaker also suggests that Reggie’s patents could revolutionize the crypto world by removing barriers to entry and reducing the control of central bankers. However, they believe that powerful entities are trying to maintain control over Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, possibly using them to introduce Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).
➡ The discussion revolves around the potential of digital currencies like Bitcoin and XRP, and the role of Reggie Middleton’s patents in this field. The patents could potentially prevent governments from controlling digital currencies and tracking every transaction. However, if the patents fall into the wrong hands, they could also be used to facilitate this control. The importance of supporting Reggie Middleton and his patents is emphasized, as they could be a key factor in maintaining freedom in the digital currency space.
➡ The text discusses the potential misuse of power by the SEC, citing a case where the SEC was accused of falsifying evidence. It also mentions the financial struggles of a man named Reggie, who was allegedly targeted by the SEC. The text encourages people to support Reggie and the cause for free cryptocurrency, and to raise awareness among senators and representatives about the potential for a controlling digital grid. It also mentions initiatives such as letter writing to senators and congressmen, and a judicial complaint against the actions of a judge and lawyer.
➡ This text discusses the importance of standing up for freedom, particularly in the context of cryptocurrency. It emphasizes the need for people to make their voices heard, support the cause, and not be discouraged by misinformation. The text also mentions the significance of Reggie Middleton’s patents, which are aimed at promoting free markets, not constraining them. Lastly, it encourages joining the official Veritasium Telegram group for more information and warns against scam groups.


Let’s say that the equity markets crashed 60, 70, 80%. Then bitcoin would go with it. In the hegelian dialectic, that’s the disaster. That’s the emergency. Our financial markets are going to pot. We need something that, you know, so people can put food on the table, so people can go to work, so, you know, people can do. So what they’re going to come in and say is, here’s a CBDC. It’s a digital money, just like your dollar. Now that the financial markets have blown up, we are, we, the government, are coming in with the solution. Okay, so with Reggie Middleton’s patents in the way, with Reggie Middleton’s patents in the way, they can’t do that.

Did you know that our bodies stopped creating its own vitamin C millions of years ago? Unlike most animals on this planet, our body does not create our own vitamin C. We need to consume food to get what we need. The problem is, our body still acts like we create our own vitamin C. But this is where the power of nanosoma comes in. It not only triggers your body to start creating its own vitamin C again, it also triggers your body to turn on all 48 nuclear receptors. This enables your body to start to regulate its vitamin D levels, your thyroid, and so many other amazing things.

The testimonials from those who have been using this product is absolutely incredible. You can learn more by with the link under shop if you want to first see studies and testimonials that are quite amazing, sign up for their newsletter. You will be amazed. Again, use the link below or go to under shop to learn more or to buy. For some customers, save 10%. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have a team of people here that are representing Reggie Middleton and what’s going on with his situation. I have a witness that claims that the SEC coerced him.

I have people who wrote dossiers for his court case. I have the official pr guy for Defi Reggie because it’s such a sensitive, dangerous situation. These people are speaking up for him. And a lot of people in the crypto space believe that Reggie Middleton’s patents are the key to cryptocurrency, the backing of crypt, and to cbdcs. And they’re impeding their ability to actually implement their control grid via a CBDC. That’s why they’re going after him so hard. They’re going after are all the cryptocurrency entrepreneurs, the ones that were doing this for the freedom of humanity, to create a distributed money system so that we get out of the clutches of these central bankers.

And Reggie Middleton’s patents are the, and they’re going to say this in this video, in this interview, Reggie Middleton’s patents are the most important property, the most valuable property on the planet right now when you’re talking about digital currency and central banking. And that’s why they’re going after them hard. And that’s what they’re going to explain to you, what’s going on and the tactics they’re using and why it’s so important. And we’re going to talk about bitcoin. Is bitcoin a Trojan horse? See, I tell you, that bit can’t, can’t be used for a CBDC. And we’re going to talk about that.

Why can’t it be? And how can it be a Trojan horse if it can’t be used as a CBDC? He explains how they are. They may be using it as a more of a psychological campaign to be that, even though it can’t be a CBDC. So we’re going to talk about that. And this is an important interview. I just, I hope you guys can recognize what interviews or what conversations are really important for all of us, for humanity. It’s almost amazing I’m having these conversations because they’re so important. And so I hope you take the time to share these, to communicate with others.

We need more people understanding this so that we can debate it, we can educate, we can inform ourselves if we really want to keep ourselves from bringing in this control grid that they’re trying, this CBDC control grid, this whole control, absolutely everything that we do grid. We need to understand what’s going on. We need to support the politicians that are trying to fight this and trying to bring in more freedom and trying to bring in a pro human system. And that means we need more people who understand it and can communicate it and can do the research.

And so I have the telegram channels and the Twitter channels so that you can do the research yourself. You can follow their Telegram channel and you can inform yourself as well. So please look at that and please get involved. I think the more of us who do, the better off we’re going to be. And before I get into that, I want to remind you about my substack. I’ve been posting all the mind control and fifth generation series there. So if you want to watch the whole thing, my subscribers are able to watch it. It’s a less expensive way.

$8 a month and you can watch a series or you can still get it on Brighton. And that that helps support the platform and pay for the editing of the series. Joining my substack does too. Maybe in the future I’ll have it be free for a few days again. It’s so important. I’ll probably be doing more of that. It’s cutting edge. People aren’t focusing on the targeted individuals. They aren’t focusing on what this fifth generation warfare really is. It’s really what we’re living through right now. And it was really timely. I put it out right before, right around 4 July.

And then now we’re living through all this stuff, which is fifth generation warfare. And what is fifth generation warfare? It’s different than previous warfares where previous warfares were a focused attack on military state’s military for a narrow political agenda. This is bypassing all that and going straight to you. It’s going straight to the mind of you and controlling the situation and manipulating you directly to achieve their agenda. That’s what we’re dealing with. So if you want to see that and support my substack, go to sarahwestall dot i also have a lot of free stuff there as well, so I really appreciate everybody that supports the channel.

So Sarah Westall, that okay, let’s get into this really important conversation that I have with a team that represents Reggie Middleton. Hi, everyone. Welcome to the program. Thank you, Sarah. It’s nice to be here. Thank you for inviting us, Sarah. Well, we have a pretty interesting time that we’re going through where the crypto entrepreneurs across the board, the good ones, really the ones that we’re trying to create free cryptos, are under assault. And the powers that be, the central bankers or the powers behind the whole banking system are trying to take over these inventions. And Reggie Middleton is one of the entrepreneurs have some pretty important inventions that they want, patents that they want, and there’s a couple lawsuits that are going on to enable, they’re using the system to help the powerful bankers take these patents.

We have a judicial complaint, or you guys are going to talk about this. We have a judge who is seemingly very corrupt, and we’re going to talk about that. And then we have an SEC, the SEC lawsuit, who is also committing fraud and trying to coerce, and I don’t know if there’s any blackmail, but coercion to try to get witnesses to say things that aren’t true before we get into this, we’re going to dive into that whole scenario. But, yak, can you tell us who’s all on the call today? Yeah, we’ve got Riz, who’s essentially our PR media chap in house.

Token Holder. Very token holder. William, who’s assisted substantially and is also token Holder. We’ve got Trey, who can speak firsthand about the SEC tactics in trying to coerce witnesses to give testimony against Reggie Middleton and his companies and obviously myself. We’re all token holders. None of us are us attorneys or legally qualified in the US in any way. We’re all laypeople. And what we’ve done is prepare a couple of documents. The judge’s complaint concerning the hall versus Middleton case and a dossier, a research dossier in relation to the SEC action against Reggie Middleton and his related companies.

And why are you so passionately involved in this? Why is this so important? I guess it stems from my desire, uh, to see truth and justice, uh, and fairness and equity. Uh, in a nutshell, uh, Sarah, that. That makes sense. That’s why I’m you here. Okay, so who wants to start on what is. William, did you want to start and kind of take us through the timeline of what has happened and then we can get into some of this? I think Riz was going to do that. Oh, I’m sorry, Riz, you do that? Sure. Yeah. Well, essentially, Reggie has invented peer to peer capital markets.

So an attempt to free markets, essentially, loans without banks, trades without exchanges and contracts without lawyers. And he invented this back in 2013. 2014. Excuse me. He’s premiered this on CNBC and the Kaiser report. Back in 2018, he introduced the world’s first peer to peer gold denominated mortgage on the blockchain. And then from there, he was working on a deal with the jamaican stock exchange. And I’ve later learned there’s a memorandum of understanding for this. And just as it seemed like that was happening, the SEC attacked Reggie or targeted him, had all these claims of fraud against him.

And oddly enough, none of the token holders have felt that they’ve ever been defrauded. Nobody’s ever stepped up and said as much, as far as I know from there, another case. Hold on 1 second. Sure. They’re accusing Reggie of defrauding all their token holders and the token holder is stepping up saying, no, we weren’t defrauded. There’s actually a petition. Pretty much, yeah, there’s actually a petition that was in place where I believe there’s about 2200 signatures right now against the ICC’s actions. So, yeah, I think there’s, and then they started a very fair fund where people that felt like they were defrauded could regain or be made whole on their investment, which was clearly stated as a purchase of software, prepaid fees for services and products.

So there’s a glaring difference between that very fair fund where I think only 175 people actually applied for that. And again, there’s 25,000 wallet holders and only, and we’ve got a petition going again with 2200 plus signatures. Well, and the thing is, when you’re dealing with people, the general public, they’re just going to sign up because they’re like, well, we’ll see what I can get. And so even if you have 175, a lot of them are just signing up because they want to get money and they don’t even know what they’re signing up for. You would think so, but it’s still such a small percentage for sure.

One of the reason, so one of the reasons Sarah and I, and I delved into the very Fairfont right from the get go and uncover some things, but we discovered that, that if you people didn’t. Well, people didn’t want to file the claim because they didn’t want to show support for the SEC, but within the actual judgment on that, the token holders were to claim, could claim that money, but if they didn’t claim it, it was just going to go to the treasury or to the SEC, because if you. It was under a certain amount of money.

And so, and the fact that we discovered in that analysis that we didn’t have to return our tokens either. So it was kind of like, why would. Yeah. And why did they go after this whole situation in the first place just because they wanted to take it down? Well, let’s put it, let’s put it real straight. This is the attempted theft of the most valuable patents in decentralized finance. They underpin everything of value to value transfer. That’s why they want it. And so if you look at what has happened with the law fair coming through, if you highlighted the steps and the actions and the fraud and the things that were committed between these two jurisdictions, they have to go hand in hand.

And I would even say the hall case is tied to this because I firmly believe that Paul got a telephone call from the SEC to do what he’s doing against Reggie. There’s support there. That’s my allegations. The first part I don’t discount at all, but you can see where people would know that they could get their money back with the very fair fund. Keep the tokens and then fight to get the justice that we need. There was no harm to anybody in the money that we received. It wasn’t like, oh, we were defrauded. So we want return of our funds.

No, it was, if this doesn’t go, if we don’t take this money, the SEC will just use it to go after other cryptocurrencies too. It fills their coffers. It’s worth mentioning, Sarah, that not one person actually filed any complaints for fraud with the SEC. Not a single person that I’m aware of. So they initiated it essentially is. There was nothing that happened. They initiated. This is your, your view? There was nothing that happened. They initiated this story so they could take it down and steal the pets. Well, from what I can tell, they may well have an operation may have been set up in order to justify the action.

Now again, this is speculation, but we’ve done some research in the matter and some company sprouted up from nowhere, started obtaining information from veritasium regarding the enterprises and from what we believe, and again, it’s all speculation, this information was fed through to the SEC so that they could justify their actions and wouldn’t be, wouldn’t appear to be initiating their actions on their own initiative, should I say. So? Have you brought us through to today? Can you finish doing the timeline? And then. Yeah. So the JCC was actually the beginning of this and they essentially froze Reggie’s funds, his company funds and seized his assets, all the 98 million tokens, leaving only 2 million in circulation.

And then they settled. They didn’t settle. It was a consent judgment where Reggie neither agreed or denied the claims. And again, someone else may be able to speak better to this, but from there it led into another case which I believe derives from this one. Because as William pointed out, there was a shareholder in Veritasium, very small, I think was less than 1% of a shareholder. And he was the one that started the second case by suing Reggie. And throughout this case, basically Reggie’s lawyer at the time failed to. Failed to submit evidence in a timely manner.

And he, he basically. Reggie was punished for this and was unable to submit any evidence in his defense. And he never knew because Reggie was on my show and he never knew the timeline. Yeah, that’s correct. So, yeah, that, that last show that you did touches on this case. And from there she forced his asset, force his patents into bear taste in the company without any payment for it, and seized or restrained the company funds and then held Reggie in contempt for defending his patents against invalidation by an IPR challenge or petition by Coinbase in the patents and trials and appeals board, which was denied.

So he successfully defended them, but because of it, he was held in contempt. So that case, I think he’s essentially being fined a million dollars, which he has to pay to veritasium the company. And from there, the company has to pay the shareholder almost $500,000 in legal fees. So that’s where that case, it kind of is. And then Reggie is appealing that and we’ve, as a community, set up the complaint, which, again, if anyone is interested in looking at it, you can check out my ex profile. There is a link to the complaint there. And then from there, the dossier was just released.

And again, it’s bringing us where we are today. And that documents the corruption of the judge, right? Correct. There’s two issues. There’s a corruption. There’s two cases, the corruption of the judge and him protecting his patents. And then there’s this SEC case. Can somebody speak to the SEC case? Yeah, I can certainly do that. The SEC, following a two year investigation, which began literally weeks after the closing of the ICO, the initial coin offering for the very tokens, a two year investigation that looked into every nook and cranny. And Reggie and his legal advisors complied with countless subpoenas and both informal and formal requests, and provided mountains of documents and information in order for the SEC to conduct their investigation without notice.

So it was made ex parte. The SEC filed a complaint and an emergency temporary restraining order so that they could freeze the assets of the company. And they also applied to freeze Reggie’s personal assets. But the judge disallowed that aspect, but allowed everything else. So this was done without notice, so that Reggie’s lawyers appeared minutes before the hearing and was handed a three inch bundle of documents to plow through, and was only allowed to make all representations and given virtually no opportunity to go through the documents in the way that I’ve been able to. As a result, they were granted their emergency temporary restraining order on the.

On the, I would say, false allegations contained therein. After that, numerous applications were made by Reggie, by Reggie’s attorneys. Sorry. In order to challenge the temporary restraining order. And, of course, a complaint. Indeed, Reggie himself filed a very comprehensive rebuttal of all the allegations contained in the SEC’s complaint, along with voluminous array of documents to support that rebuttal. Notwithstanding the judge. I mean, basically, it fell on deaf ears. The judge seems to have relied heavily on the SEC’s arguments and, of course, the two expert witnesses that they produced. So, in a nutshell, he wasn’t really given a fair shake.

In that respect, I’m not. Okay, so we have someone here that was coerced or they tried to coerce. Can you tell us your name and what. How the SEC tried to coerce you in this case? Sure. Hi, Sarah. It’s good to. Good to be here. Thank you. Yeah, I’ve known Reggie for quite a long time. I’ve followed Reggie and his financial boom bus blog from the early days, and I was involved in moving money into the housing market in 2007 and zero eight. So when I saw Reggie say that the housing market was in trouble, I thought, man, this guy’s crazy.

He’s out of his mind. The housing market is the safest market in the world. And then, lo and behold, two years later, late 2008, the housing market crashed. And so, from a standpoint of credibility, Reggie Middleton has a good grasp on what’s going on in the macro, and he’s got a good understanding of how humans operate. And so in 2017, when I saw that he had an initial coin offering coming out, I got involved, and Reggie and I have had a relationship since then. And what impressed me most about Reggie and his ideas were he didn’t want to slant the needle one way or the other.

He wanted to make a platform that created equal opportunity for everyone around the world through a decentralized platform. So I got involved in the platform, and I got to test the beta for the veritasium platform. I got involved very early in some of the things that Reggie was doing, and he was very successful. The code was really eloquent, and it did exactly what he said it was going to do. So fast forward to 2019. I got a telephone call from Jorge Tenieros, and it was on my personal cell phone. And so I couldn’t understand how, you know, a prosecutor for the securities and Exchange Commission got my cell phone, my personal cell phone, but I can only ascertain that he downloaded the email records between Reggie and myself and then got my personal cell phone number.

So we had. He called me up and I didn’t answer. And I listened to his message, and he had quite a long message about what he was doing. He said he was in the initial stages of prosecuting or investigating Reggie Middleton and the veritasium platform for securities fraud, for selling unregistered securities. So I decided to call him back, and when I called him back, he answered immediately. He gave me his personal line at the office, and we had about a 40 minutes conversation. And I’m familiar, I’m an entrepreneur and a businessman. I’ve run several successful businesses.

So I’m familiar with the way that prosecutors are supposed to go about their business and they’re really supposed to ask questions and not make statements. In other words, if you’re a prosecutor and you have a suspicion that certain people are breaking the law, then you’re supposed to ask questions of witnesses that lead to the conclusion that they are breaking the law. But Jorge took a very unusual, I say unusual stance, a very aggressive stance when he called me. There were several times during the conversation that he made very strong statements against Mister Middleton. For example. For example, there were several times during the conversation where he said, you have been defrauded, and let me tell you why.

And then he would go on and make the case that I was defrauded. And so I got to the point where I just stopped him in his tracks on the defrauded thing. I said, listen, I’m not defrauded. I said, first of all, I’m a businessman, and I signed a disclosure statement when I exchanged value for the Veritasium tokens stating that I knew that they were utility tokens which gave me access to the veritasium platform. And, you know, I’ve been watching the way that things have been unfolding on the control grid that the government is putting up around us for quite some time now.

I personally believe they’re trying to control our food and our money and, you know, where we’re allowed to travel. And I am a libertarian at heart, and so I thirst for things that are freedom and sovereignty. And so Reggie Middleton’s platform is actually one of the things that I think scares the powers that be the most. And the reason it scares them is because it allows the common people to rise up and have power that they don’t have today. And so I think that that’s the reason that they got so aggressive with the SEC and basically took them down.

They succeeded in their effort. So Jorge and I had about a 40 minutes conversation. I described why the veritasium token was not a security, and I’m a layperson, so I really don’t know the law that well, but I came to know the law pretty well in my efforts to defend Veritasium after this SEC took action against him. I was the one that spearheaded the beginning of the very dao, which is a collective, loose collective of people who believe in Reggie Middleton and his platform. I was the one who spearheaded the no action letter. We hired Jeremy Hogan, who you may be familiar with, who did a lot of blogs on the XRP case against the SEC.

And we filed for a no action letter against the SEC, pleading with them to tell us exactly what we held. Because in the settlement with the SEC, the SEC did a very poor job of describing to the token holders what we held. So getting back to the conversation with Jorge, he tried to get me to become a witness for the SEC again. He, at the very end of the conversation, he described the prosecution that they’re, that they’re going to unfold against reggie. And he said that again, he tried one more time, I think he tried three times to convince me that I’d been defrauded.

And then he made a plea to me to be a witness for the SEC against Mister Middleton. And I told him that I had no interest in being a witness against Mister Middleton. I told him that I thought he was wasting taxpayer money and effort of regulatory body going after somebody that was innocent of the charges that he was alleging. And what did he say to you when you said that? What did he say? Jorge was really aggressive, but I think he knew that he was beating his head against a brick wall. And so he really kind of tailed off at the end and said, okay, thank you for your time.

He really didn’t. He made one big last push during our phone call and then it ended there. Did they try to coerce others? And do you, have you talked to him? I’ve tried to find others that have talked to Jorge Tenieros, but in my efforts, we have a telegram channel with over 3000 members and I know a lot of the veritasium token holders. And I relayed my story of my interaction with Jorge to them, and none of them had had the same interaction. From my understanding, there were a couple of hundred people that the SEC had telephone numbers for.

But I’m the only one that I know of that actually had a long conversation with them. Sorry, go ahead. Perhaps I can assist. Because, because of the fact that I’ve been doing the complaint in the dossier, I’ve had the opportunity of communicating with at least two, probably three now potential witnesses, one of whom is extremely afraid to come forward because of the intimidating and aggressive tactics that were used against him during the course of the SEC’s investigations. So I haven’t pressed him for an actual affidavit. As such. There’s a couple of others that may well be prepared to step forward, but I’m sure there’s many others that are just too afraid to step forward and speak their minds.

Why are they so fearful? Why did the SEC make them so fearful that they are afraid to talk? I can answer that question. There’s an individual that I won’t name, but there’s an individual that was supporting Reggie in the Vader platform that he put out there early on when we were doing beta testing. And the SEC contacted him and threatened him and his family with loss of their assets and prosecution if he continued making videos. So if you can scare videos. So basically, they were censoring him, telling him to shut him his mouth 100%. Otherwise, we will destroy you.

That’s what the SC basically threatened. They threatened to destroy his life and his family’s life. Yes. And set the DOJ. And set the DOJ on him as well. Wow, they must really want these patents, huh? So like William said, sarah, they are the most valuable, I would say not, not just in DeFi, but in worldwide trade and finance. We’re talking about trade fi defi, governments trading between one another. Reggie owns the most valuable property in the world. And I’ll tell you the SEC action, the SEC was the pit bull that they sicked on them for the first round.

The CEO of Coinbase is a part of a group called Coppa. And Coppa consists of organizations like Coinbase Square, Jack Dorsey’s company, Mark Zuckerberg’s meta, and theyre all multi billionaires, very famous people. And they all got together and formed a group called Coppa, which is what theyre calling a cryptocurrency defense fund or a bitcoin defense fund to defend against everything. Bitcoin. Well, that group, part of that group came and tried to invalidate reggies patent at the inner partys review, which is the internal court for the USPTO, the US patent office. And so it’s my assertion, and this is conspiracy, but it’s my assertion that the government tried and failed to crush Reggie because he has a spirit of a lion.

But the corporations then stepped in and tried to intercept his patents at the USPTO. And Brian, the CEO of Coinbase, failed miserably. And now they’re doing what I call law fair. They’re stepping in, and I believe that they’re paying off Judge Schechter in New York, in New York state. Course, I believe that they are conspiring with Mister Hall’s attorney firm, and they’re going after Reggie, who’s a man who’s been wronged for the last seven years by the government. Now they’re trying to do it to him. In the corporate field, and it’s disgusting. I can add to that.

Sorry. Reggie actually sued Coinbase for $350 million, which led to this IPR challenge. He also sued circle or USDC, which is a stable coin for $350 million as well. So what happened in those cases? Well, his lawyer unfortunately passed away. So both cases are currently stayed. So, yeah, they can be reopened, but, yeah, they’ve been without prejudice. So they can be reopened and they can be negotiated. There are very prominent, high profile people who are supporting bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. How does that tie into this? And are they supportive of Reggie and his patents? Can anybody speak to that? Well, all I can say is that currently they are.

Just a few years ago, if you recall, bitcoin was described as rat poison squared. And Jamie Diamond, I think, issued a warning to his own employees threatening them if they bought bitcoin. That was publicized. And as a result, I believe the price of bitcoin dropped dramatically. It so happens the same day we subsequently find out his own firm, through whatever networks, was purchasing bitcoin near the bottom at $3,000. But now, of course, we’ve got the advent of, what, eight or nine exchange traded funds that are controlled by the very same people. And all of a sudden now bitcoin is popular amongst not just the corporates, but also the politicos.

They all have now become crypto friendly, whereas just a few short years ago, like I said, it was described as rat poison squared. So I wouldn’t be surprised if Charlie Munger starts purchasing bitcoin from beyond the grave. Okay, so what is going on there? Because I have pretty prominent people who talk to me in the crypto space that say that Reggie Middleton’s patents are eventually going to run the whole crypto thing, the whole crypto world. And. And other people say that they’re using bitcoin as a means of bringing in cbdcs, which I don’t think they can use bitcoin and without rewriting the whole thing or forking it off a lot, but maybe as a way to teach the people and then, I don’t know, both.

So what do you think is really going on? I can try. Well, to further to the point that was just made, I believe JP Morgan also owns a large share of consensys, which is a member of the Ethereum foundation. Hold on. JP Morgan actually has a digital arm called Onyx, and they sold onyx to Consensys. Oh, my mistake. So they’re in bed together, but in a tertiary way. Thank you for clarifying that. The point I was trying to get to was before Ethereum launched, is when Reggie introduced his peer to peer capital markets, or defi. Two years built on bitcoin, and then Ethereum came about and got a free pass from the SEC.

So it seems from my point of view that there’s a full circle there. And they attacked Reggie because his patents underpin Ethereum and they’re foundational to Defi. So that was actually the point I was trying to make, is that it’s interesting that Ethereum gets the free pass here. And why do you think that is? Because I think they’re using Ethereum to steal Reggie’s patent and they’re using open source as the guys to do it. And if Reggie’s patent actually went forward, how would that change mankind? How would it change life for us? Like, use it openly? And what will you guys, what will it do? So the average person can understand? His goal was, was free markets.

His goal was, was removing the barrier to entry and allowing, you know, the twelve year old girl in Africa to be able to trade like someone on Wall street. So removing that barrier of entry and removing the middleman to transactions and the central bankers would no longer have control of banking, essentially, yes. Right. And so that’s the nut now in the way with Ethereum being used and through bitcoin and bitcoin, would they maintain control in this current situation? It looks like that, yes. I mean, they seem to have taken control of bitcoin through their exchange traded funds.

And it’s also clear that they’ve assimilated control of not just Ethereum but a number of other projects as well. Because there are certain other leading projects that don’t seem to be facing the same difficulties and challenges that Reggie has had to face and veritasium have had to face. So clearly, veritasium is not one of the favored few, but his patents are. His patents are what they want, correct. Are the patents what they would use for their own cbdcs as well? They may well do because it affects cbdcs. It touches on virtually everything. Sarah. So those patents are foundational? They’re foundational.

So the SEC commenced their actions on the 12 August 2 and a half weeks later, on the 30 August, hall launched his action essentially for ownership of the patents and was able to succeed as a result of the failures on the part of Reggie’s former attorney. They term it office failures. But in a nutshell, the former attorney, Sheridan England, failed to comply with a court order in which he was required to make certain filings for discovery and evidence, etcetera. As a result of those office failures, the judge ruled that Reggie could not file a defence as such, or at least call any defense witnesses and would not be allowed to challenge the plaintiff’s evidence, essentially blaming Reggie for the.

For the attorney’s fault in failing to comply with that order. What’s noticeable is that when the judge, when representations were made that Reggie didn’t know of the time deadlines involving the filings concerning that order, both himself and his other attorney, a patent attorney, Carl Brundridge, filed affirmations confirming that Reggie was unaware of the deadlines. And essentially, Sheridan England’s own affirmation confirmed the same thing. Because despite being asked to be specific as to what dates and times Mister England advised Reggie of these deadlines, he was unable to be specific at all, which is contrary to what attorneys normally operate under.

You normally make attendance notes whenever you speak with a client. You make notes of the time when the call took place and what we’ve said and specifically how long that lasted, because attorneys charged for their time. So it’s inconceivable that he didn’t know exactly when and for how long he had any discussions with Reggie concerning specific dates when he allegedly advised Reggie of these deadlines. But the judge allowed him to get away with that explanation. Yeah, it’s amazing how many bad attorneys show up when you have important cases. It’s just incredible. Which. Go ahead. Sorry, I was interesting in it.

Go ahead. Sorry. I’m not so sure it was a case of bad attorney because he deliberately failed, deliberately and intentionally failed to file the. To make the appropriate filings in accordance with the order. So much so that Michael Rand, who was the court clerk, called Mister England and reprimanded him for his ethical misconduct. And it was only following that conversation that England called Carl Brundijob and explained what had happened. That was on the 16 February 2022. And it was well past the deadline dates. And that’s when Carl Brundridge and Reggie Middleton found out that the appropriate filings had not been made, despite England representing to Karl Brundridge that the order had been complied with.

So it’s not a question of incompetence. It was deliberately not filed. I was being a little bit sarcastic with that, but no, I just wanted to clarify that. No, that’s great. Because one of the other things here. Yeah, one of the other things that happened is that Sheridan, he laid his pencils down and some associated that with that he was quitting the case. I think he quit being a lawyer. Why? Because evidence shows that a couple of attorneys from CN’s, from Carl, Reggie’s old law firm, went and took over his old office. It’s the same address.

He’s not in there. So let me ask you, would Reggie’s patents get in the way of them creating the cbdcs that they want to create? Definitely. Definitely. But then, but then we’re talking about the government, aren’t we? Or the bankers that own the government. So at the end of the day, they could bring in legislation or force Reggie to sign over patents or grant a license in relation to the cbdcs. But essentially the patents cover cbdcs as well. Yes. So would. How could they use, you know, there’s, there are people out there saying that bitcoin is a trojan horse to bringing in CBDC.

And as bitcoin is written at the moment, I can’t see how it could be used that way. I mean, to track every single thing. It can obviously be a digital currency, but not the digital currency to track everything that we do without them writing more. How do you foresee them moving in that direction with what they have sitting right now? And how does Reggie’s patents tie into that? If you don’t mind, I’d like to take that on. Ripple actually has a CBDC platform to introduce CBDCs, XRP. XRP, correct. And that also infringes on, on Reggie’s technology.

In fact, Reggie just got a new patent in Japan that specifically touches on XRP’s cross border payments. So to answer that, I believe it might be through XRP or it might be through it be through bitcoin. It’s going to be through another one. Probably. Probably the XRP or Ripple. Okay. But they have to get through this hurdle of Reggie and his patents and these amazing things that he has going on. And how can people. Okay. Thinking deep about this and, you know, the problems that we have of not wanting the government. I see. I don’t think there’s a problem with having digital currencies.

Right. That’s what we’re all here for. And we’re already 99% into digital currencies. Just in the regular, you know, the us dollar is 99% done in digital. Right? I mean, we know that. But how do we stop them from doing the whole CBDC that tracks absolutely everything that we do and controls everything that we have and can just shut us off at any moment because they don’t like what somebody is putting up in a video. Sir, I think I can take that one. The government typically acts under the hegelian dialectic. They create a problem, the problem blows up, then they come in with a solution.

I think the answer to your question is what they’ve done with bitcoin. I was an early adopter of bitcoin. I was using it in 2012 to buy a hammock. I have probably the most expensive hammock in the world. I bought it for five bitcoins. So hopefully you have a whole bunch of bitcoins now and you’re doing really well, but keep going. Well, I’ll leave that for another discussion. But yeah. So, as an early adopter of bitcoin, I can tell you that there was excitement, there was electricity in the air back in 2011 and 2012. There was this new paradigm coming out.

We were going to get the government off our back. We were going to be able to. Bitcoin’s idea, it goes more than just number go up, it goes more than just value transferred. It’s a humanitarian thing. It’s the way that humans communicate, it’s the way that sovereigns communicate with other sovereigns, and it allows us to throw the yoke of government off and carry on with our lives in ways that are meaningful. And I think that that’s what drew me mostly to Veritasium was Reggie was describing the original ethos of the bitcoin white paper. However, since then, to your question of whether bitcoin is a trojan horse.

Yes, 100%. I believe it’s a trojan horse. In 2017, when we had the blow off top, it was because they brought in the futures markets in mid December and the financial markets shorted it to the ground. We lost 90% of our value. The futures markets can only do so much to an asset like bitcoin. So again, it was brought up during this conversation that they later brought in the ETF’s. The ETF’s have now tied bitcoin to the equities markets one to one. The inflows and outflows are definitely tied to how the markets will perform. So if the markets go down, guarantee you bitcoins going to go down.

The patents that Reggie Middleton holds are the counterweight to the financialization of bitcoin. And what I mean by that is that the patents that he has brings all digital markets back to him. So if the governments were doing something untoward, which was against humanity, was trying to control us, trying to say where we can spend our money, how we can spend our money, what jurisdictions we could spend our money in, I believe Reggie’s patents give him the power to say, no, you’re not going to do that. But they can’t do that right now. Hold on. They can’t do that right now with bitcoin without writing a lot more software or attacking other stuff.

They can’t do it with bitcoin right now. Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide, this revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan. Scientific investigations reveal that Lela’s technology not only enhances blood health and circulation, but also neutralizes the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields, expedites wound healing, and elevates ATP production in human cells. Embrace the extraordinary benefits of Leela’s tech as recognized and utilized by world class athletes, esteemed functional medicine practitioners, and leading figures in the field of biohacking.

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It’s a digital money, just like your dollar. Now that the financial markets have blown up, we have, we, the government, are coming in with the solution. Okay, so with Reggie, with Reggie Middleton’s patents in the way, they can’t do that. So it’s not built bitcoin per se. It’s just going to crash with the rest of the market and then they’re going to come in with something else that can. Okay, that I can, I can understand. And Reggie’s, because I can’t understand how they could use bitcoin other than for that some kind of. Right, it’ll be CBDC.

Completely different than bitcoin. Yes. Okay, so then Reggie’s. But Reggie, that’s why we. What I, why I’m having this conversation is I want people to understand why it’s important to support Reggie and what this is all about. So now Reggie’s patents then can stop this and can it 100%, I believe they can. It can stop it, but can it also facilitate it, is what I’m hearing. So how do we distinguish a difference and how do we support the right avenue? I don’t know if I can act directly. I can go to. And I might have just lost my train of thought.

I’m sorry, Sarah, I interrupted. Yeah, I lost. You want me to re answer our question about how the. What I asked is what I’m trying to frame up is why Reggie Middleton’s patents are so valuable and important for this whole fight that we have right. For the whole CBD, the control of every aspect of our life, and how Reggie’s patents can help stop that, but I think it can help facilitate it. That’s why they want the patent so bad. So how do we support the right actions in the right fashion, as a person listening to this and understand the difference? So you’re saying that supporting Reggie is a support for freedom.

If we allow them control of the patents and allow them to introduce their CBDC, then effectively we’re destined for slavery. So the choice is freedom or slavery. So if they get hold of these patents, could they develop another method to doing it? Regardless of Reggie’s patents, it’s going to be very difficult for them to avoid the patents because they’ve been very well constructed, should I say so? They’re fairly comprehensive. They touch on not just decentralized finance, but traditional finance and other areas involving AI. Okay, so then how do his patents, his methods of operation, keep them from implementing their complete control grid? Well, they do have to apply for a license from Reggie in the first instance to be able to issue their cbdcs.

And Reggie would have the power to say yay or nay, or at least dictating what terms the CBDC has set up. So he has enormous power in that respect. That’s kind of crazy. Okay, so then what? But what if they did get access to these patents? How would they use them to. I mean, is there any way we could stop them using it to control every aspect of our life? I know I’m asking some hard questions, but I’m not. So, Sarah, I don’t know if it’s the patents themselves, because Reggie’s technology is already enforced. It’s already been working.

People are using it every day. And so if Reggie still control it, nobody actually controls the patents right now. They’re enforced. They’re working. And so if. If Reggie owns it, Reggie would have that power to control. So they either have to remove him and just let it go with impunity and, you know, for them, or they themselves want to capture it so they can control every aspect that Reggie now controls. And that’s probably what it is. Okay, so these are, these are, this is a method of what they really want for their cbdcs. Now, getting off of that a little bit, what do you recommend people to do? Because, I mean, that’s what we’re, that’s the big enchilada.

We don’t want that. We don’t. We want the, what bitcoin promised in the beginning. Right. We want what Reggie came out with. So how do the people out there, what do they support in order to. Because I don’t think it. The, I think cryptos could still be the answer. Right. They’re going to move to digital, full blown digital. We’re almost there anyway. And if not, they’re going to do it in different ways. So how do we support the. Who do we support? How do we support the correct actions to help ourselves so not be slaves? What is your answers to that? I can take a part of that.

There was actually a case recently, the SEC versus detbox, where the SEC was called out for falsifying evidence to issue the temporary restraining order against deadbox. Detbox reached out to some senators. JD Vance was one of those senators, along with Tom Tillis. Katherine, I’m flaking on all the names right now, but there was five. Thank you, Cynthia Loomis, and there was five of them. And they all wrote a letter to Gary Gensler and made it public. And in that letter, they actually, I have it right here. To quote it, they. Regardless of whether commission staff deliberately misrepresented evidence or unknowingly presented false information, this case suggests other enforcement cases brought by the commission may be deserving of scrutiny.

It is difficult to maintain confidence that other cases are not predicated upon dubious evidence obfuscations or outright misrepresentations. So that’s, quote, a quote from the letter that JD Vance wrote to Gary Gensler signed by the other four senators. Now, this is a direct correlation to what happened to Reggie. We claim that they used falsified. They falsified evidence to issue the temporary restraining order against Reggie. And we’ve proven it in this dossier. Can you repeat what that letter said again so that we can hear it again? Sure. Starting midway through. It says, regardless of whether commissioned staff deliberately misrepresented evidence or unknowingly presented false information, this case suggests other enforcement cases brought by the commission may be deserving of scrutiny.

It is difficult to maintain confidence that other cases are not predicated upon dubious evidence, obfuscations or outright misrepresentations. So what do you think of JD Vance based on that letter? What is he trying to say? Well, this, this added to that case being thrown out, as far as I’m aware of, he was supportive. It sounds like he’s supportive, saying that there’s a lot of corruption here, definitely. And that this is. Sounds like it’s kind of B’s. That’s very interesting. And the community. Sorry. And the community actually rallied together and wrote a letter to JD Vance and the four other senators asking for them to look into this case, because it very well is the exact same thing.

And they’re calling it out. They’re calling it out. We’ve shown. We’ve shown direct parallels in the dossier between the debt box case and the veritasium case. And it’s virtually the same tactics used by the SEC in debt boxes. They’ve used in the veritasium case. We’ve been trying desperately to get the attention of the senators and House representatives that will support our cause, along with the media and people such as yourself, Sarah, so that we can expose the corruption that’s taken place both in the SEC proceedings and the hall case, so that judicial case as well. But the problem is that as a result of these cases, Reggie has been crippled financially.

He’s on the poverty line. He’s destitute. And despite that, despite knowing that the judge in the hall case made awards punitive damages against him without any compensatory damage, issued a punitive damage award of $1 million, money that Reggie doesn’t have. In fact, the judge was potentially holding Reggie in contempt unless he repaid $132,000 that he used to fund personal living expenses for himself and his daughter. And to fund the defense against the IPR challenge from Coinbase, she made him pay it back to the company, even though he paid those funds out of his own pocket. So quite how that works, I’m at a loss.

But unless he made that payment, then he would have been held in contempt of court and possibly facing jail time as a result of that. We approached the token holders in the telegram groups and we raised the money in order to be able to keep Reggie out of jail. So there are a number of issues concerning the hall case that they’re all covered in detail in the complaints, in the actual complaint document. There’s a short, simple presentation that’s been hosted on Veridao. Veridao dot IO legal. So that you can see for yourselves exactly what’s happened in that hall case alone.

And if you agree with the position, then you can submit a complaint. Anybody can submit a complaint whether you’re in the US or not. Any person can submit a judge’s complaint, especially token holders that have been directly affected as a result of these actions. So Reggie’s in a position where he’s financially destitute. He’s not in a position to be able to legally defend himself. Otherwise we’d be back in court going for the SEC and seeking to vacate this judgment, this consent judgment, which effectively they secured because Reggie was over a barrel. He had absolutely no choice.

But the judgment does clearly state that he entered into the final consent judgment without admitting or denying any of the allegations contained in the complaint. So the problem, we need him to keep fighting, right? We need to keep exposing this, we need to keep showing this because. And holding out. And people need to support this because this is one of the key things they’re going after to create their control grid, correct? Yes, exactly. We’ve set up a fund, a legal fund for Reggie so that people can donate to that. Because ideally, I mean, me personally, I would like to go for the CSE, but XRP spent, what, 200 odd million dollars to in their action against the SEC.

Okay, they’re worth billions, but at the end of the day, it costs them 200 million to achieve some measure of success. They got the award of, was it 8 billion fine. Reduced down to something like. I know it was about 200 million, so it was worth it for them. But unless you’ve got a spare 200 million knocking around, you know, justice is for the rich. Unfortunately, I know, 86% of patents are stolen, correct? Yeah. And so they’re just going to try to go after these things and. But these things we don’t want them to have access to.

So what, in closing, what would you want people to know? Can I, can I add to that before we go? There’s two initiatives that the community has started and one of them was a letter writing initiative to the senators and congressmen, women. This is. You can actually copy and paste the template that’s on my x profile at sovereign Riz. There’s a few articles that touch on all of this. If you want to read all of this, you can read it there. And so, yeah, that’s one of the initiatives. Please write your senators and congressmen. The other one is the judicial complaint which touches on the, you know, the actions of the judge and to a lesser extent the lawyer shared in England.

So those are the two initiatives that we have. And like Yak said, the community has a fundraising effort with donations and silver rounds that are being produced. And, yeah, that’s essentially, you know, our initiatives to help. And I’ll have the link below and have it so people know where to go. And so just send me that, you know, at the end of the show, if somebody can send me that. Sure. Who are the senators and representatives that are fighting this fight for humanity? Are we seeing them step up? I mean, those five senators stepped up. There’s now a blockchain caucus, if I.

If I understand that correctly. And then, of course, you’ve got both sides of the aisle now supporting crypto for their campaigns, presidential campaigns. So, I mean, there’s a lot of interest, there’s a lot of support, a lot of misunderstanding. So misunderstanding is very strong. But is there, how many of the senators and representatives understand that people don’t want this control grid and are trying to fight that while bringing in a. A free crypto kind of idea? Anyone want to take that on? I mean, I think we need to make them aware. So you think it’s more of the nobody knows, or are there senators that are acting.

It sounds like JD Vance made it very clear. Those five senators are like, okay, we understand. Are there others? There’s bound to be others, especially now that they’re all becoming crypto friendly. And it’s election year, so there’s bound to be many others that will support the cause for crypto. Whether or not they’re genuine, it’s difficult to say. But at the end of the day, you can only assume that they’ll stand by their words. It doesn’t always work that way, but we can try and hold them to task. But the people really need to stand firm, make a stand.

They need to make a stand and support what we’re doing, support what Reg is doing, because this isn’t just about crypto. This is about our freedom. It doesn’t just involve the crypto community and the veritasium community. Ideally, we’d like all our crypto colleagues to stand alongside us, but it’s. But it’s bigger than crypto, so it concerns all of us, all of humanity. So do whatever you can. Contact your representatives, your congressional representatives. File a complaint if you support the complaint as it’s written. And make yourselves known. Make your voices heard. This has to be done. People are confused because there’s a lot of information about JD Vance being connected to Peter Thiel and that these guys are actually technocrats bringing in the whole control grid that they are the ones.

But from what you’ve seen, is that the opposite or what are you seeing? Well, I know about certain conspiracies that are floating around currently and conspiracies end up being fact. You know, I mean, conspiracy theories turn into fact, but all we can say is that JD Vance led this letter addressed to Gary Gensler. So on the face, it would appear that he supports the cause for cryptos and free cryptos for the free cryptos, not for the CBDCs. So it’s interesting. I don’t know what the answers are here, but I can say that I do know there’s a big operation to disenfranchise people and to get them to not fight and to just think everybody’s bad.

And so when I hear this is the first time I’ve heard this, that’s actually hopeful. People need to know what the truth is, and this is key. This is a really important case and really, this is really important. And I think Cliff high talks about Reggie Middleton’s patents are going to end up being the cornerstone of our whole money supply. And I think one way or the other probably is true. I think one of the misunderstandings that people have is that Reggie’s patents are going to stifle or constrain crypto or projects or even affect their own personal transactions.

But in the end, it’s the opposite of that. He built this to bring in free markets, you know, and I believe that even the DeFi that we see now is not even being used correctly. So where can people learn more about this so they can really dive in and understand what this is about? Because we need more smart people to understand this and to support this. Well, we’ve got a, we’ve got a very down website, but it’s currently under reconstruction. The best thing we can do is send you details of our telegram group so that people can join.

It’s not just, it’s the official Veritasium telegram group. So be very careful because there are a number of scam groups operating out there with all sorts of tricks and devices to try and con people out of their tokens. Please don’t fall for it. We will send you details of the official Veritasium channel. As I say, it’s open to everybody, not just veritasium token holders. Anybody and everybody can join us. And in terms of supporting the Reggie Middleton legal fund, we will give you details of that so that people can donate freely. Riz has already mentioned about the promotion that we’ve running in connection with the sale of silver rounds.

1oz silver rounds. And I would add that I believe we’ve achieved a world record. Somebody bid and it was accepted. $14,000 for the first 1oz. Silver. Very 1oz of silver round. That in my understanding and the research that I’ve done is a world record. And we’ve contacted world Guinness Book of Records to see if they will enter it. But for the very first silver round. Yes. $14,000. Good for you. Well, thank you so much. Thank you for fighting, for doing what you can. And for coming onto the show today. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you for having us.

I’d like to add that a lot of this information found on the Telegram group. Which we encourage you to join. Can be found on my x profile as articles. So if you go on my profile and look at our articles. They’re all. They’re all there with links to everything these gentlemen are talking about. Perfect profile. It’s overeignriz on X. Okay. And so say that again. And then also send me the link at sovereign Riz. All one word on X. And I’ll send you the link to that as well as the telegram link. Okay. Okay. Well, thank you so much.

I really appreciate it. Thank you for having us. Thank you, sir.



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