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âž¡ The host of The Common Sense Show, Dave Hodges, encourages listeners to vote and influence others to do the same. He warns of potential civil disruption if Donald Trump wins the election and suggests that food could be used as a weapon. Hodges also promotes a website offering long-lasting food supplies. He discusses the influx of migrants heading towards the U.S. border, speculating that they may be aiming for sanctuary cities like New York, and mentions the significant financial impact of the migrant crisis on New York City.


We have the latest Kamala Syop here, and it’s just amazing what these people are doing. I mean, they’re sabotaging their own country. It’s this abject reason we’re going to expose it right here on The Common Sense Show. My name is Dave Hodges. I’m the host. We’re the show, freeing America, one enslaved mind at a time. Well, countdown is here. The final countdown is here. And you may have voted, but are you doing everything you can do to get people to vote who might sit there and who care about voting? Get off your butt and do your job.

I’m serious. When you’re out somewhere, you’re in church, wherever you’re at, hey, did you vote? You need to. Your life depends on it. All you can do is deliver the message. You cannot control the outcome, but you can make people think, maybe I should go vote. And of the 20 people you say this to in the next two and a half days, maybe you’ll make a difference. Maybe half of them. Maybe one of them. But you got to do your job. We are brought to you by the best horrible food in the world and with what’s coming, the total chaos that’s coming.

If Donald Trump manages to beat the steel, OK, if it is too big to rig, you are going to see civil disruption like you have never seen. And I mean, we’re talking we’re talking natural disaster level. We’re talking shells emptied in three days. You need your food. Do you really want to take the risk and to control you? Do you think the left is going to use anything or everything? The answer is everything. They’re going to they’re going to use food as a weapon against you. So what should you do? Go to and do what other Americans are now doing in large numbers.

There are specials there. There’s bonuses there for the three month kit. And this is really what you need to have minimum for every member of your family. Go to for twenty five year shelf life food. Taste great. Two thousand calories per day and lots of diversity in the food so you don’t get sick of eating the same thing. Go to before it’s too late. And we’re talking we’re within days now of a potentially being it too late. That’s something I’m going to show with show to you. This is absolutely incredible. I’ll let that speak for itself in the very beginning and then I’m going to narrate some things.

Which could be as large as two thousand migrants. Follows at least a few others just this month. Which I’m saying they’re coming now because they’re worried about what will happen after the November election. So large here again. A asylum seeker is headed towards the U.S. border traveling north on foot through Mexico. And for months we’ve heard that the border is now more secure than ever with new restrictions in place not only to limit crossings but to restrict who can seek asylum to only those who come in through an official point of entry. And that makes the purpose of this caravan quite strange.

Why would thousands of people journey to America if they can’t stay once they arrive unless their goal is to arrive in a sanctuary city like New York. Mexico newspapers report at least four thousand migrants are already on the move and thousands more are leaving other Mexican cities. This has many fear asylum in the U.S. may be cut back. Well it’s probably manufactured. It’s somebody in the organized crime level or maybe one of these cartels that say hey this is the time to come. There’s also an interest of the would be migrants that are coming that they think that things are going to change.

This Venezuelan migrant saying whoever wins should not close the doors to us and should give us support because we are all going through a bad time. He likes so many others fleeing an oppressive government and looking for a better future. New York City has spent more than five billion dollars on the migrant crisis. The city projects combining the last two years and this fiscal year it’s already spent 2.3 billion on just housing for migrants with much of that going to hotels. We know from the history of immigration enforcement in the interior that people are allowed to come into the United States under sometimes a species asylum claim.

And they don’t want to be found by authorities after that. So previous to all these sanctuary cities in the United States people who got arrested were the majority of people who were then deported. Now you’re upwards of 10 million in the last three years. It’s going to be a very difficult challenge. Here’s why Audible is a great side hustle because thanks to this free app available. We’re going to hold that party. Create a private business and. And we’re going to I’m going to narrate some here. I’m going to go to a fact sheet that I have.

And if you caught that those were firsthand statements from authorities from people on the ground that are watching this travesty take place. And in effect if you didn’t understand what was going on. Let me just tell you if I’ll just read to you from here. Let me what sources be the best to bring up here. But I’m going to read to you. A synopsis. And thanks to our friend Michael for bringing this to our attention. What you just saw or heard was on the ground recordings a few days ago in southern Mexico where 150,000 migrant illegals are heading to the US.

Biden and Harris worked a deal with the Mexican army to hold them back. So as not to see the pre-election optic of masses storming the southern border prior to the election. What we just demonstrated the masses are now on their way from southern Mexico heading north. They all want to get across the US border before Trump takes office. Many heading to New York City and other sanctuary cities where at present time they can’t be deported. Now smugglers are earning up to 13 billion dollars a year smuggling illegals into the USA. Now some people express the opinion that any hotel owner that houses these should be subject to arrest and incarceration and fines.

Because this is a scam upon the American taxpayers. But they are determined to disrupt Trump if he manages to get election. But they’re also determined to overwhelm the majority of Americans by eventually putting them in the minority class to where these people always vote for one party. It’s the elimination of the two party system and any semblance. And I say this with hesitancy, any semblance of choice. Listen, I know both sides are rigged. MAGA is not Republican and Republican is not MAGA. Republican is Democrat, Democrat is communist. I get that. But there still is a choice because Donald Trump’s on the ballot.

If this is allowed to continue 150,000 here, a quarter of a million there, a hundred thousand there. And with the birth rate being five times what it is for American citizens of all races, what does this tell you? But there’s no such thing as replacement theory. It’s racist to talk about it. Well, it’s sheer mathematics to ignore it. And here we have Biden and Harris, the border secure. And here they’re plotting against border security, but using the election as a marker and the transference of power obstacles against Donald Trump if they lose. Could it be any more clear we’re dealing with traitors? Now, you could share this story with people.

I’m not going to vote. Or I’m kind of thinking I’m going to vote for Kamala. You need to talk about this. Ask them, do you want to pay for other people’s college loans? Do you want to pay to house these illegal migrants and they get cell phones? Twenty nine thousand dollars jobs. And if it wasn’t for illegal immigrants in government jobs, added the jobs report, the last report would have been in the negative. And that was still 88 percent under expectation. I just shake my head at the stupidity of America. Here you have one more talking point to carry forth in the final days before the election.

We are happy to bring this to you. Remember, we’re introducing a new series on our TV show, Hips, Hiding in Plain Sight, Exploring Mysteries, Hidden Fruits, somewhat a little geopolitical at times, but mostly not. Mostly just really interesting, but still important information I think you need to know. And would you like to know about carburetors that go 200 miles a gallon on a gallon of water? You should. You should. It’s a great show. The And yes, we will still continue putting programming on the geopolitical. Now, the Hips programs are going to be completely commercial free.

And we’re going to probably try to do three, four or five a week. Hiding in plain sight. Check it out. We’re going to start publishing right after the election. The We’ll see you over there. [tr:trw].



Spread the truth

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