And when and if they steal this election for Kamala Harris, and it will be stolen because she can’t win. But if they steal this election, I want you to see what you’re getting. Character does matter, and you can do character assassination. It’s pointless. But in this instance, people, we have seen such despicable character, despicable character flaws from the left. Well, you say, what are you talking about, Dave? Okay. Look into my eyes. Anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to give puberty blockers and cut the genitals off of kids before the age of decision, you are satanic.
You are evil beyond evil. And there’ll come a day when the Lord will tie millstones around all your collective next, and you know what’s coming next. I don’t know if I’m supposed to revel in that coming event, but it’s hard not to. And then some people throw at me, well, Kamala is a Christian, she belongs to the American Baptist Church. Why don’t we just call it what it is, the American Postate Baptist Church. This woman’s not a Christian. Judged someone by the fruit of their actions, not by their words. But anyway, I’m going to show you a clip here after the break, and it speaks for itself.
Who she is, and how she got to where she got to. And she really owes it all to one person, former NFL player, and then other people looked at her and said, well, she’s cute and attractive. And she’s, well, okay, she’s a useful idiot. And we can put her in a position to further our agenda. But she had to get on stage first to be seen. And we’re going to show you how that happened. And it’s simple. Now, honestly, at the end of the day, I don’t care because I know who and what she is. And I don’t need to go on character assassination.
We need to deal more with policy. And what the hell is wrong with America that they could even support someone like this. We need to focus our efforts there on what they’ve done to us for four years. But I’m going to put to death the criticism I have received mostly from leftist operatives pretending to be conservatives. And we’re going to put that to death once and for all. Hey, we’re brought to you by the best durable food company in the world, my patriot supply. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to have supply chain disruptions. Hamas, Hezbollah, the TDA gang, MS-13, ISIS, all the Chinese coming in 10,000 per month, all males, no women, no kids.
Why do you think they’re here? There’s going to be an extreme disruption to the supply chain, among many other things. But this is going to affect your food supply. And unless you’re a Haitian, and you want to enjoy going out and getting goose cats and dogs for your next meal, I’ll be talking about the legitimacy of that as well. Because verification from this comes from very good sources. We’re going to cover that later in a later segment. But the reality is this. And I want you to hear me and hear me clearly. If you don’t have food, water, guns, gold, animal, natural medicine tools, and of course, the Bible and Constitution for rebuild, you’re going to be up a creek without a paddle.
So let me help you. Three months, $300 off. They’ve never had a sale like this restaurant quality food, 25 year shelf life, 2500 calories per day. And you’re going, well, that’s a lot. Yeah, you’re eating to survive when you get into your storeable food. So you ain’t counting calories, you’re trying to put the calories in you to avoid famine. So what do you do? You go to preparewithdave.com. That’s preparewithdave.com. And oh, by the way, they don’t serve Springfield cats, dogs and geese. It’s a great company. I use them. And you’ll regret it if you don’t to preparewithdave.com.
We’re going to show you a clip here. What you’re going to see in this video is a young Kamala Harris, attractive lady, absolutely appearing to be gregarious on camera. But she is everywhere with Willie Brown. And what’s interesting is you’ll know she’s by his side when he’s making a political announcement. She’s accompanying him on, I don’t know, functions is what you would call it. And she’s not his wife, but he does have one. Here we go. Notorious for his flamboyant lifestyle. She closed fancy parties, fine women. There’s one of the fine women. His wife is in the background there, but there is his accompanying escort with this married man.
And fast cars after women. Political rally. Hmm. Look around. You see anybody familiar? This is Oh, my gosh. Well, the only wish is he could have gotten where she is. And he already said a few months ago, kind of funny. People I knew the pictures I had. Boy, that comic got buried in the media. I don’t know what pictures he has. And quite frankly, I don’t want to think about it. But there you go. The left hand side there are Willie Brown political announcement, not his wife. That’s her character people. Yeah, okay. Listen, I’m not into the pure character assassination unless it relates to fitness for the job.
Because therefore the grace of God there go I we’ve all fallen short of the glory of God. That’s true. But this is the character of someone we’re electing as she led him to betray his wife. She has betrayed this country. Anyone in their right mind that would purposely take away energy from an energy producing nation. It’s number one, a nation that needs energy to function energy that had people prospering. And now the lack of it is suffering. Although they’re now manipulating gas prices just in time for the election. Isn’t that interesting? But anybody would do that character wise with Willie Brown.
Is it surprising that she’s part of the team that did that to America? 82% of Americans are overusing their credit card beyond limit or dipping into their savings to cover basic living expenses. And who was part of that? The woman who encourages men to cheat on their wife, just like she’s cheating on this country. So you people who took me to task, made fun of me on other websites with my unfounded charges. Okay, all I got to say in the words of Vinnie Barber Reno. Welcome back, Connor up your nose with a rubber hose.
Hey, check us out at the common sense show TV for the very best and investigative reporting real problems real solutions that sets us apart. And we get five star ratings on the world’s major platforms. That’s the common sense show dot TV. We’ll see you over there. [tr:trw].