You’re seeing this everywhere now. And she can’t answer questions. She sounds like a buffoon. She’s uneducated. She’s unprepared. She has no track record. She is a disaster. And the more she goes out, the more damage she does to herself. And I think, be quite honest with you, the old man who’s in the basement, Biden, he’s throwing her under the bus too, by coming out with that garbage statement. The reality is that I think there is some infighting inside the Democratic Party. I don’t think he wanted to be forced out, which is what happened. He got forced out.
He got removed by force, okay? Whether it’s a clone, whatever it is, it’s a story, it’s a movie that needs to play out. But he got forced out, whoever this thing is, and he’s throwing her underneath the bus by making such statements like that. Gold and silver. Welcome to Carmines Gold dot com. Don’t waste not even a second looking. Cheaper. Prices just don’t exist. How important is it for you to own gold and silver right now? What does it mean to me personally? There’s an economy that’s about to crash beyond what words can explain in five words.
I’m going to educate you on gold and silver. Are you ready? You need to own some simple. America has always been the greatest country in the world by many factors over. America is about to get much greater than people can even fathom. Even my mom, who’s 83 years old, who’s awake like you can’t believe. Yesterday I had a conversation with my mom. She said, mel, we’re not going to need money in 30, 40 years. And guess what? She’s right. 30, 40 years, 50 years at the very outside, money is going to be gone. Why in the world you’re going to need money when you have technology that can give you anything you want? America right now had to go through this transformation, this awakening, if you will, because it had to be done.
And the way Trump did it, even though a lot of people got impatient and walked away and said, this is nonsense. Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. There’s a lot happening behind the scenes, believe me. Even people like Patrick David are now saying, oh, yeah, I have a source that told me that a high high. And then, you know, Patrick bet David half a billion, half a billionaire has a high, high source. And he’s very credible as far as I’m concerned, in the military told him Biden’s been dead for a long time and he’s out there publicly saying this now.
So folks, pay very close attention. We had to go through this transformation. We had to go through this great awakening because we had to shake America up so that it could be the example that it could be at its fullest potential. And its fullest potential, it is about to shine. Like you cannot even imagine, folks, the things that are coming under Trump. Trump is not going to take advice from people like Sean Hannity from Fox News or other people who have ill intent for the United States of America, okay? Sean Hannity says all of the right jargon, but when he makes some of the recommendations and some of the people that were literally put in the White House and even Donald Trump says, I made a mistake by listening to some of these people.
He didn’t mention him by name. He should have, as far as I’m concerned. You know, you’re starting to see exactly what we all wanted to see, which is Trump making his rounds on, you know, the ragtag army newscasters, okay? And he started with the bigger ones, you know, Patrick David being one of them, obviously Joe Rogan, etc. I don’t know if he’s ever going to come down to Mel Carmine’s level, but we’ll see. You never know, right? If he sees me and he says, Mel Carmine is so simpatico and he’s a unknown and he’s really small, let’s make him big.
Believe me, Donald Trump is the kind of guy that would do that. I’m the kind of guy that would do that, too. So I understand that kind of wavelength, if you understand. So I’m a little bit all over the place here. But you have to sort of bear with me. There is a, you know, a correlation to the story now, as far as I am concerned, okay? The reason why it had to happen this way is very simple. People were never, ever going to wake up, even though there’s people that still can’t see it, okay? And it’s Mind boggling.
The people were never going to wake up unless we took it to the extreme. And we have taken it to the extreme. Kamala Harris is a fucking joke. Every time she goes out on an interview now on Mainstream People, people are. These are supposedly outfits that are supposed to be allies of the Democratic Party, and they’re throwing her underneath the bus, left and right. You’re seeing this everywhere now. And she can’t answer questions. She sounds like a buffoon. She’s uneducated. She’s unprepared. She has no track record. She is a disaster. And the more she goes out, the more damage she does to herself.
And I think, to be quite honest with you, the old man who’s in the basement, Biden, he’s throwing her under the bus too, by coming out with that garbage statement. The reality is that I think there is some infighting inside the Democratic Party. I don’t think he wanted to be forced out, which is what happened. He got forced out. He got removed by force, okay? Whether it’s a clone, whatever it is, it’s a story, it’s a movie that needs to play out. But he got forced out, whoever this thing is, and he’s throwing her underneath the bus by making such statements like that.
And Donald Trump, the ultimate troller. I mean, he is the PhD troller of the year, okay? He’s a double PhD troller. Literally knows how to milk that cow for all the milk it has. First with McDonald’s, now he’s riding in the garbage truck. I mean, the guy is absolutely brilliant. That’s who you want running the country. Too bad he’s not, you know, 15, 20 years younger. But it doesn’t matter. See, the technology to make us all younger, it’s coming. Okay? Now, do I believe that the med beds are going to be free? No, I concur with Jason Scherka.
We’re still not at the free stage on this planet, okay? It’s 30, 40, 50 years away, still for free. Now, do I believe that they will be reasonably priced? Yes, I do. So I believe there might be some, you know, extremely low, low prices for senior citizens. Absolutely. But nothing is free. We live in a monetary system. The monetary system, the last time I checked, has not gone away, okay? And we’re about to see things unfold, folks. They’re going to mind boggle the mind. And I can’t wait to see the expression on some of these normies and some of these people that said, oh, nothing’s going on, nothing’s happening because it’s all going to happen.
Donald Trump is coming back with a vengeance. Okay, first, to put America back on track, like I always said, and I’ll repeat, the very first things to do is close the border. The second thing he’s going to do is going to open up the Keystone pipeline. The third thing he’s going to do is there’s a mass exodus of all illegal criminals in our country that they let in in droves, thinking that these criminals would vote for the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party would rise. Absolutely insanity. This is what these people are. This is who they are.
This is what they are. This is what they thought the outcome would be. But the outcome is about to backfire on them big time. Donald Trump is going to go after his enemies. Donald Trump is going to wipe everybody out. I don’t think. You know, taking out the trash and him. This garbage statement couldn’t come at a better time because we are about to take out the trash in a ways that you can’t even imagine. And Donald Trump is going to be very efficient. And I think this time his two sons and his daughter are going to have a lot to say as to who comes in the White House.
And I do suspect people like, obviously, rfk, who’s going to be confirmed here. Obviously, I think Elon Musk. These are the right choices, folks. If he was to ask Patrick bet David to take a role, that would be a right choice. Okay, in whatever capacity. If you would ask Mel Carmine, even though I don’t have any experience, but hey, I’m quick on my toes, man. I can figure out fast, faster than you can think it. Believe me, I would love to be the guy in charge of the torture chambers before you kill all the cabal, because I got torture methods that even make even Donald Trump pretty damn proud.
Believe me. Things that no one’s ever thought of and they would be begging to be put out immediately. But no, I would torture them for at least six months. But people say, mal, you want to be better than them now that they made us suffer for decades and we’re gonna just let them. Boom, one bullet, lights out. No suffering. No. They should suffer a little bit. I’m sorry, guys. I. I know that I’m gonna get a lot of comments down below that are gonna disagree with me, and I really don’t give a. Because I’m not here for a popularity contest.
I’m gonna speak my mind. If you don’t like it, don’t let the door hit you in the butt. Now, folks, I will tell you this what you’re going to get to experience in the next four years is going to dwarf what he did in the first four years with all the distractions, all the lawsuits, all the Russia, Russia, Russia, all the bullshit, all the nonsense, all the lying. Okay? So many distractions, unnecessary. Can you imagine if instead of them going after him, they were behind him, how much more he would have been able to accomplish the first four years? But what’s coming after this? I believe you’re going to see an Eric Trump president.
I believe you’re going to see a Trump Jr. President. One of those two is going to be the president, or maybe both of them, who knows? At different times, because we have to go down this path of Trump to fix the planet entirely, that it never goes back to what we just witnessed for the last 50, 60 years, 70 years. These people had it in for us, man. They really did. They stopped at nothing. They bribed companies to put poison in your foods, your, your shampoos, your shavers, even the little blade that you shave with, guys that’s got that little thing that makes your, your skin slick.
It destroys your testosterone, you know that, that little stick that it’s got at the end of the blade. I pop that son of a out because I’m on to their game. When I say they stop at nothing, they stop at nothing. And all these companies, all these CEOs, they’re guilty as charged as far as I’m concerned. They. They are guilty of crimes against humanity of epic proportions. And they should be taken out, too, as far as I’m concerned. Every newscaster on cnn, like this lady Brzezinski and Joe. Good morning, Joe. Okay, I say it’s good. Good night, Joe.
Boom. One in the head. They should all be gone. No negotiations. Will Donald Trump get rid of the Brzezinski and Good morning, Joe? I hope so. I hope so. We need to set an example. We need to create a new movie now that we tell the story and how the story ended so brutally for these people that no one would ever dare try it again. You understand? You get it? You got. I’m telling you, things are about to rock. The cryptocurrency market. Forget about it. It’s going to be going through the roof like you can’t imagine.
Yesterday got confirmation. A friend of mine calls me. I made a really short sound bite. 28 seconds. Got like 8,000 views, 9,000 views on here on Telegram. It just started to grow like crazy in like two hours. And she said, mel, you’re right. I said, what am I right about, I’m right about a lot of things. They, she supposedly had a call with all these people who are saying, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, we’re all rich, it’s going to happen tomorrow. And they said, nope, everything’s going to happen after Trump gets back. Yeah, I wonder why I heard that before.
I’ve been saying that ad nauseam forever. If anybody remembers, I’m sure you guys didn’t get a sudden attack of amnesia. I said nothing is going to happen. No one’s going to become a billionaire under the Biden administration. No one. Absolutely no one. Now my pat myself on the back maybe a little bit, but let me tell you something, I have a peripheral vision of how this thing is going to go down. And when it’s all said and done, yes, the flying machines will be in place. Yes, the med beds will be in place, yes, the life extension technology is going to go through the roof.
A thousand years of life extension will be here in under five years. So if we could get to 200, 300, we could definitely see a thousand years. If we get to a thousand years, we’re going to see probably immortality. That’s how fast technology is going to move. I know people can say, mel, you’re out of your mind. No, I’m not out of my mind. You know what I am? I’m a learned person. But I wanted to learn what I wanted to learn, not what the teachers want to shove down my throat, which I never used. That’s another thing that’s going to go bye bye.
The school system is going to go digital and we’re going to teach your kids some real shit for some change. And maybe only three hours a day. They don’t need to stay in school captive, okay, concentration camp of the fucking government to brainwash your kids into what they want them to be. And then after 3:00, send them out. After 2:00, whatever, send them out, let them go play with each other and let them go frickin play in the dirt and exchange some germs. That’s the real vaccination. That is the real vaccination. It’s called building an immune system.
Naturally, the body is amazing. The body could do everything. It could heal itself. Just like when you come to the E Systems in Cape Canaveral. You got a problem, you come there, you hang out there for a week, that problem disappears. Not because the machines are medical devices, no, because your body is magical. Do you understand why we’re having a quantum summit, folks? Do you get it? Because it’s going to be a quantum celebration. It’s going to be a quantum party that people are going to talk about for decades to come. We’re trying to get the best of the best for you speakers.
We’re going to have about 30, 32 speakers for sure. And we’re going to talk about everything. Flat earth, you name it. Talk about, you know, growing some real food. Talking about how maybe the White House should think about bringing in Jim Gale and people on the level of Jim Gale into the White House so that they could consult with rfk, make sure that all the trace minerals get back in the dirt so that we could eat some really good stuff for a change. It’s all coming. It’s all coming. And all the naysayers out there and all the negativity, oh, it’s never going to happen.
Nothing. Oh, the Democrats are going to be in charge forever. No, they’re not. They’re not going to be in charge. I’m still in Costa Rica. If you hear an owl outside my door, that’s exactly what it is. Be flying back today. But anyway, guys, listen, stay positive, influence the right kind of people. Let’s keep America back, you know, going in the right direction. Don’t let up. Letting up now is not going to help. Okay? Vote early. Okay, I understand it’s only a black pen, but you guys can correct me down below if I’m wrong, but it is only a black pen.
Okay? When you vote and make sure you take a picture, make sure you save it and make sure you challenge the system. If you think your vote went the other way, economy going to get back on track or prices, the inflation going to go down by 50, 60, 70% again. Yes, I believe things will get back to some kind of normalcy in about, you know, maybe a year or two. Okay? But no, nothing is going to be free. Why would they give you free med beds? Because you want it to be free or because you’re hoping for it to be free? Because you have no money.
Listen, I’m not making fun of you because you have no money. I feel sorry for people who have no money in America. Nobody should be broke in America. Nobody. I don’t give a shit who you are. Everybody should have a million dollars in their freaking bank account. If you live in America, minimum. Everybody should be, you know, have a side hustle. Besides having their full time job, everybody should strive to be an entrepreneur in America. America is the greatest land ever. I know you guys want it to be free. There’s a lot of people out there that have stopped looking for opportunities, have stopped looking for jobs, because it’s going to happen tomorrow.
Going to happen tomorrow. We’re all going to be rich, Mel. Well, then tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes, and next week comes and next week goes, and next month and next three months and nothing happens. And everybody is spreading. These are lies. These are the lies that people are out there spreading, keeping everybody hopeful to the point where they believe it so much that absolutely, with every fiber of their being, tomorrow it’s going to happen. And because they believe it with every fiber of their being, they stop looking for opportunities, they stop looking for jobs, and they’re broke.
And now they’re selling their XRP and they’re selling their silver, they’re selling their gold to survive and should never be put in that kind of situation. This is America, the land of opportunity. That’s why everybody comes here. That’s why. I am an immigrant from another country. I came here for the opportunity. I didn’t come here because I wanted a job. I don’t even like the way that word sounds. It hurts my ears, to be quite honest with you. A job. Go get a job. It’s like if you shoot me with a gun, you’ll do less damage to me.
When I hear, go get a job, I say, my mom, go get a job in between pizza shops, like, go get a job used to hurt me. I don’t like the way it sounds. What? So I can listen to someone telling me what to do, how to do it, when to do it, when I could take a bathroom break when I can’t, you know, take a vacation, when I can take a vacation. Somebody who dictates to me, I came here to be my own boss, and I am a boss. I’m about to become a bigger boss.
You know why? Because my cash flow is right. My cash flow is straight. Got to keep that cash flow coming in, guys. Act as if it’s never going to happen and keep that cash flow coming and stay healthy and I guarantee you, you’ll get wealthy. Did you hear what I just said? Act as if it’s never going to happen. Keep that cash flow coming in and stay healthy, and I guarantee you they will call your number. Those, Those are the people, the people that I just categorized right there. Those are the new billionaires of tomorrow. Not the guys who are so hopeful thinking that it’s going to happen tomorrow and then nothing happens tomorrow.
Oh, the med beds are going to be free. This is going to be free. That’s going to be free. No, this is America. America. There’s nothing free. The monetary system is here still. When a monetary system goes away, because technology can give you everything for free, okay, that you would normally have to buy, that’s when the money’s going to disappear. Not before. Folks, wake up. Smell the coffee, please, per favore. You know, I love every single one of you out there. I really do. And I want the best for humanity. I’m here fighting for all you guys like you can’t believe.
Every day Amber and I fight, and we fight because we know that it’s worth the fight. America. Americans are worth the fight. We’re going to set an example. America has never really been great, to be quite honest with you, based on what’s getting ready to happen now. Okay, not that it’s not great. It’s great, but it’s never been great like you guys think it is. Yes, there’s opportunity here. Yes, it’s a wonderful country. Yes, yes, yes. But the reality is it has never reached its fullest potential. We’re about to dwarf everything America has done by a factor of a thousand.
The world is going to be in shock to see what America is going to be able to accomplish this time around. When I say it’s going to dwarf what we accomplished 30 years ago, 40 years ago, 50 years ago, you have no idea. You truly, truly don’t. I have a vision of what this country is going to be. And this country is going to be the model to follow. And look, not to get off track here, but look at all of the breadcrumbs. I’m talking big sized breadcrumbs. They look like slices of bread almost. Okay? That’s how big these breadcrumbs are.
For crying out loud about Nesara and Gesara. Look at all of the anomalies that are happening right now. Trump saying that taxes are going to go away and he’s maybe thinking about shutting down the irs and all of these things that are. I mean, literally, they’re right in front of your face. And, yeah, we need to clean the atmosphere. We need to clean the dirt with. With rfk. How many times have I said that on videos? And now they’re talking about doing it. Now they’re talking about actually making that shit manifest for the first time ever.
Guys, I’m not here to pat myself on the back. I don’t really care if I sail off into the sunset and you guys forget my name in two weeks when it’s all said and done. Really, I might think about doing that. Who knows? This is not about the limelight to me. This is about me being the best soldier I could be to lead an army of people to make sure that we win. And you guys should all have the same mindset. All the good men need to stand up. All the good women need to stand up.
If you got testosterone and women got testosterone too, okay, stand up. Fight for your country, Fight for your people, fight for your family, fight for your friends, Fight for your block. They thought America was going to go down without trying to fight back. They made the biggest fatal mistake of their entire political career. And they’re about to face music that they know is coming. This is why they’re fighting as hard as they are, folks, because they know, and I’ve said it in other recordings and I’ll say it again, some of these people are going to get on a jet craft and going to try to disappear and get plastic surgery and try to go to countries where the extradition laws are blah, blah, blah.
They don’t realize the laws are going to be in the Sarah Gesara law and everything’s about to change. And they’re going to be extradited right back because there’s no room for criminals on this fucking planet. And we’re going to get rid of your ass. It’s all coming. And the only thing you could do now is we don’t. Look, we don’t want to be patted on the back from you guys. Mel, you were right. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow. And bow down to us. That’s not what we’re here for. We’re here to make sure that what happened here is never, ever, ever under any circumstances going to take place ever again.
And we got to make sure that all the I’s are dotted and all the t’s are crossed, make sure all the commas are all in the right place. Because we don’t have the luxury of having this evil shit rise up again a thousand years from now or 2000 years from now. So we got to make be very, very efficient in doing our job. It’s going to be wonderful, folks. It’s going to be absolutely wonderful. Nesara gesara. Whether they call it that or they call it something else. I really can’t deal with the fact though, really, that you guys get triggered with the word nesara gesara.
I really don’t understand why it sounds so hokey to you. Hokey pokey. You know what I mean? It’s not hokey pokey, man. Okay, go read the document. Qfs1776.com. Watch all the videos. Number nine is not a video. Number nine is the actual original document of Nisara Gesara as it was presented to Congress in 1958. Go read the document, soon to be an ebook. For those of you who will attend the quantum summit1776.com in Cape Canaveral. Quantum Summit 1776.com Go look at all the food you guys are getting. Wedding style food. It’s going to be biblical. Even, even Sheriff Mack is going to be there.
Nino Rodriguez was friends with Sheriff Mack is going to be there. Sheriff Ivy is going to be there also, which is. He’s a good sheriff here in Brevard County. He’s good friends with Sheriff Mack. Very, very good friends. As a matter of fact, I got to call Mr. Mack and tell him to nudge him. And I need an answer from Wayne Ivey here shortly. We got the some of the who’s who of the who’s who coming down to Cape Canaveral. This will be the final Quantum Summit. There will be no more Quantum Summit after this, folks.
I don’t believe so. I don’t think there’ll be a reason to. I can tell you that there’s a lot of people that I thought would never come that are literally on a cusp of saying, yes, Mel, I’ll be there. Because they realize even just the networking aspect of if you’re in, you know, a networker, if you are a entrepreneur, if you are a podcaster, etc. The value of just networking and meeting the people face to face and exchanging contact information is priceless because that person that you meet at the Quantum Summit may have the keys to a door that you’re trying to get to and they can open that door wide open for you.
The value is off the Richter scale. Some of the swag that’s coming is going to blow your mind. I believe these will become collector’s items. I really believe that. T shirts, jackets, all kinds of stuff that will print. Hats, very, very original. You won’t be able to get them anywhere else except for Quantum Summit 1776. And that shrag is coming soon. Hopefully within a month we should have all that shrag available so you could pre order it and have it waiting for you when you get there. Okay, the pool party with the hors d’oeuvres is going to be absolutely mind boggling.
Now let me stop talking about that. Let me get back on track here, folks. I can tell you that even a lot of normies have woken up through this process, millions and millions of them have, okay? Because they started to scratch their heads. And you got people like you who are educated, who realize that that’s a low hanging fruit and say, let me go talk to this guy. He’s asking questions. He’s asking the right questions. And you turn them around. You know why? Because they realize they have kids and the future of this country belongs to our kids.
And if there’s no future in this country, those kids are some of them, a lot of them, millions of them, maybe tens of millions of them have come to their senses because they had no choice. Because they realized that Democrats want to burn this shit down to the ground. If you don’t think that this Democratic Party borderline communism would shift over to communism faster than shit goes through a goose, you’ll be making a mistake. You’ll be making a huge, huge, huge mistake. I feel sorry for people, people who are going to go out there and actually vote for Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris is a disaster. She’s got the IQ of a fence post, according to Mel Gibson. And he’s right, that might be a stretch. I think you might have able to have a better conversation with a fence post than you can with Kamala Harris. Folks, don’t forget to vote early and tell everybody to vote early. Do it now, do it today, do it tomorrow, okay? Because I’m going to tell you right now, there is going to be chaos on the fifth. And you don’t want to get caught up in the chaos, okay? You want to vote now? Okay? The red wave has already started.
This wave is like 8,000ft high coming at them at 8,000 miles an hour, and they don’t know how to handle it. Okay? There might be some chaos. There might be some, you know, crazy stuff might be happening on the 5th, okay? There might be maybe release some of these terror cells that they have around the country. Chinese, Venezuelan gangs, etc. Mississippi, 13. Okay? I’m just trying to not think of this negative stuff, but you got to think of everything. What if they do a shootout at a place where everybody’s standing in line, okay, And a bunch of patriots die? Think about that, okay? So be safe out there.
And if you are in a place where you’re concealed carry, first of all, if you’re concealed carry, you should carry every day like Mel Carmine carries every day. Right now I carry two guns. Soon it will be three. Because in a situation like that, you better be able to throw a gun or two to people that are around you that you trust. Say hey, they’re shooting at us. Let’s shoot back. And people that know how to shoot, obviously, guys, we’ll leave you at that. Go vote. Go vote. Go vote. Let’s get Donald Trump in. Let’s move.
Welcome to Carmines Gold dot com. Don’t waste not even a second looking cheaper. Prices just don’t exist. How important is it for you to own gold and silver right now? What does it mean to me personally? There’s an economy that’s about to crash beyond what words can explain in five words. I’m gonna educate you on gold and silver. Are you ready? You need need to own some simple. Time is of the essence as the walls are closing in. This crash is visibly in motion right now. Don’t kid yourself. The only way to preserve wealth is to become your own central bank just by owning gold and silver.
The banks that are going into survival mode are currently stacking gold and silver like it’s going out of style. You, you have the same opportunity. Instead of keeping your money in paper, which is worthless, again, this is not financial advice. Going into survival mode is everything. Preserving your wealth and positioning your family to thrive in the near future is paramount. The time to take action is beyond crucial. God’s money cannot be faked. It’s got intrinsical value. It’s got plenty of usability. And because the crypto game could be extremely complicated for most, this becomes the only way to preserve your wealth in the current times we live in.
The price manipulation that has occurred over the last 150 years is about to come to a full stop as we move into an extremely different world. And the true value of gold and silver is going to shine like never before. The people who vividly see what happening have moved into panic buying right now. The people who get it, who are positioned for wealth preservation, who are accumulating every week, every month, stand to change their course of history for 100 generations to come. Buying gold and silver from Carmines Gold.com at unbeatable prices is the best decision you’ll ever make.
I’m going to end by saying this. This is my opinion and not financial advice. This crash is knocking on the door and it’s clear it’s here. We can fill any size. Order $500, $500,000, and yes, even $10 million, your best option to preserve wealth. If you don’t understand cryptocurrency is gold and silver, do it now.