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But the fog here in Florida has been pretty, pretty severe. But not just in Florida. There’s been flog in many states. Many people have talked about. Even I did a show one time and someone in Germany said they’re having flogging fog. So it is, it is something that’s going on now. A lot of people are getting sick from this fog and I can tell you that I’m one of them. I like never get sick. I would say sick, but I got like this stomach thing going on. It’s like it’s been going on for a long time.
I did ivermectin, I did hydroxychloroquine. I’m, I’m like eating yogurt. I’m eating, you know, all real clean foods. But this thing is persistent and a lot of people, like I said are, have been complaining about the fog is like what is, what is going on? I think it’s this fog. So you guys know that I do the life wave patches. So today I found a way to put eon, which is one of the likely is supposed to be for inflammation and so forth and calm you. And I put another one called carine six fingers above my belly button.
And my, my gut has been good since then. Like all the other stuff I was doing, you know, it get a little bit of relief. But this has been a, this is pretty amazing. So you know, the lifewave technology, you know, I talk about it quite often, but yeah, there’s ways to, you know, overcome some of this stuff. We have to, we have to keep each other informed and work together to survive all the things they’re trying to do to kill us off. Right? It’s, it’s crazy. It’s crazy out there. Now we just saw RFK Jr confirmed he is probably going to go out to Fauci.
That’s my thoughts. He wrote a book on Fauci. He’s as we know, he’s pretty Much anti vax vaccine. But I think he plays along just so he can get in positions where he can make an impact. All right, so he was an anti vaxxer. He ran for, you know, president and they just destroyed him. The Democrat party came after him and destroyed him. He was, he was no longer be able. So he basically backed off and supported Trump. Trump told him, you support me and I’ll, I’ll get you in a place where you can make an impact.
So hhs little while ago he was basically. They had to get. It was 50, 50 because Mitch OConnell, you know, basically voted against him. Mitch is a lame duck. I think he’s done. Kentucky’s not going to vote him back in. Finally. We’re finally going to get rid of glitch Mitch and that’s going to be good because obviously he’s not working for the good team anymore. He hasn’t for a long time. But when Donald Trump was in office last time, he played along this time. And then when Trump was gone, he, he went against, he went with the Democrats because he’s a rhino.
And so now even with Trump back in office, he’s, he’s total rhino again. So he has to go. There’s lots of people that are going to go, guys, and one of those is Fauci. There’s enough evidence against Fauci. Even though we had Biden, Biden, you know, group, we won’t because we know that Biden’s gone. So we had the, the Biden Deep State using him or whoever that was as a puppet front man. They basically just destroyed America. And you know, one of, one of the ways we’re going to see it destroyed again is if we let these guys come back and start this vaccination, vaccination program.
The vaccination should be going away completely. So Trump, you know, has played along and said, yeah, I started the vaccination program. I remember we were in Sarasota. This was when Trump wasn’t elected by the deep. The deep state basically took him out and he was in Sarasota doing an event. I was there with like tens of thousands of other people. And he started talking about how he was the vaccination guy and everybody booed because Florida at the time was a sanctuary for non vaxxers. All right? And many of us moved to Florida to escape. Like I escaped California.
Escape from California. Remember that one movie, Escape from New York? So I escaped from California. You guys that are still there, I feel bad for you. But anyway, directed energy weapons being used against You. They’re like talking bird flu health issues and shutting down your food supply like they’re doing in New York. So we know these guys are coming after us and trying to eliminate us in. Florida is a great example, too. They drove a hurricane up the coast here and devastated the coastline. The west coast of Florida, where I am at, they’re tearing down homes all over the place now.
This is where I think, you know, I’m. I was. For a long time, I was supporter of Brian DeSantis, but, uh, no longer. Uh, I think he’s corrupt. I’ve said it for a long time, you know. You know, I’ve had Nino and Scott McKay. You know, I do the Three Amigos. I was doing a Three Amigos show with them long years ago. They’re both. You support Ron DeSantis. That guy is like the deep state puppet. And I was like, oh, no way. And they’re like, you need to look at him. So I looked at him and I’m like, geez, he is.
He is just as bad as anybody else. But he plays this. This front guy. So is Trump playing a front guy for us and. But he’s not good on the background. I think Trump is a good guy, and he basically plays all these different things, just like RFK Jr. So they can get in positions so that everybody’s like, oh, we can. We can accept that. And so that’s what they did with RFK Jr. They at least got him in. So now he’s gonna. He’s gonna unleash on them. And I think that’s what Trump’s cabinet is, basically.
Once they all get in Cash Patel today maybe, or the next day gets voted in, we’re gonna see a whirlwind of stuff come down all around. So here in Florida, we had Hurricane Helene come up the coast and is like, unbelievable. It didn’t even have to hit us, but it devastated us more than a. A Cat 6 hurricane would have. All right, so it. It flooded like crazy. It destroyed so many homes. It. There’s. There’s so many homes being torn down around where I’m at right now, it’s insane. And there’s a lot more that are going, like, across the street from me.
Two homes were. Were taken down on the same side of the street that I am. Two, one, two houses over, house taken down. I think the house next to me is going to get taken down, like the whole cul de sac down. From where I’m at, it looks like every one of those houses is going to be Taken down, up from where I’m at, there’s another house just got taken down. I go down across the causeway from my little isolate and in that neighborhood there are dozens and dozens of homes that are being taken down and more to come.
So they took three months to come in and clean our neighborhood. So everybody came in within days after the hurricane and we started tearing everything out, throwing away all the stuff that got ruined. Anything that was on, on the floor level, on the one, one story level, which a lot of homes are, you had to throw everything out. Everything. We had raw sewage that basically escaped from the, the sewage plant and just raw sewage all up and down. Everything was like, you know, if it’s electrical, it’s going and you know, if you had wall sockets and everything on a certain level, all of them are ruined.
So wires had to be replaced, sheetrock had to be torn out to about four and a half foot level in my place. And that’s, that’s the way it was in all the homes, all the homes up and down the coast. And like if you’re a first, first story home, that’s it. Your, your house is pretty much done, right. So most of the, most of those one story homes are done. I’m in a three story, which a lot of homes are now with the garages down below almost are, they’re raised up and there’s, you just drive in, there’s nothing there.
So a lot of homes in Florida are like that because of flooding and hurricanes and so forth. But if you’re a ground, ground, you know, ground level, one story home done. Almost all of them, without exception, all, pretty much all of them are done right. So they, they took three months to come in and clean all the stuff out. Like before we had a hurricane that came in and caused a little bit of damage and they were out like that week and they picked up all the refuge and all the stuff that had been taken out of and damaged and so forth in a week.
So we waited three months. Of course I didn’t wait three months. I wait, I waited about a month and I was like, I had a, I paid for a service to come in and take away all the stuff in front of my house. Cost a couple thousand. So the government in Florida and the counties and so forth let it lie. Now why would they let it lie? Because those people that came and started cleaning out their homes got frustrated and basically abandoned them with all the, all the piles because we had rats running around out there.
We had to like, you know, we had another hurricane that came in and blew open our doors. We had to, you have to evacuate. And after we had the last hurricane, we evacuated for that one. So we evacuated for this one, knowing that this one could be a massive one. And it, it came in, it basically died as it came across. So that worked out. Hurricane Milton, it was, it was a Cat five, looked like it was gonna be a Cat six or something. And at the last moment it died out as it came ashore. It didn’t cause hardly any damage, but we had to leave.
We came back, our doors were blown open. So there were some serious wins or a lot of, a lot of damage. There were like, boats had been blown up in the neighborhoods and so forth. It’s crazy, crazy stuff, guys. And so here we are with all this extra damage, more, more flotsam and boats in front of yards. All kind of crazy stuff. Down the street from me, there’s like a three story house and there’s a huge sailboat that’s still leaning against that house. Six months later, still on. That house hasn’t been removed yet. So they have all this damage.
Three months, they didn’t remove anything. And people started abandoning their house mortgages. Imagine paying a mortgage for a place you can’t live in and people start abandoning them. I think this is the intent, this is one of the intents that they want us to leave so that they can basically repopulate and reconfigure everything. Guys, this is, they’re at war. They’re at war with us and we have to like, learn to fight back. So this is what we do. We tell you guys, you know, what’s going on. Because if we don’t, if we don’t fight back, then of course we’re going to lose.
So now one of the ways I think that we’re going to win is Trump is going to take money from the Department of Defense and start up a contractor army. And that, those are my words. He says he’s going to have a contractor groups which are going to come in and help to move the, immigration, the illegal immigrants out of the country to round them up and put them on, you know, I don’t know, they’re going to build some, some places where they can put them for a while, tents or whatever, 10 cities, and then eventually, you know, evacuate them out of our country.
But like I’ve been saying, a lot of these people, illegal aliens that have, you know, slipped into our country about, you know, 10 million or more in within those groups are, you know, some very bad people that know how to fight. I just watched this one movie about the Somalia Black Hawk Down. It was like three different shows. Really well done. I had some Seal Seal Team 6 buddies that were in that, and they said that the Somalis came out and they were, they were pissed. They were pissed at the Americans because they had come after Adid, who they liked, and they blew up one of his compounds and they killed a bunch of people.
So the Somalis got pissed at Americans and then when they came in to do another compound strike on some more of Adid’s guys, the Somalis rose up and they shot down the hilos. Blackhawks were taken down. Some of my buddies are like, you were, you would drive down the streets and there would be women and children aligning the streets and behind them would be guys firing weapons. And they said all you could do is just shoot everybody. So it was, it was, it was crazy. 20Americans died. I mean, 80 something were wounded. They’re saying anywhere from 250 to 500 Somalis died.
It was, it was insane. But they, you know, had both sides. It was very interesting. Had both sides in that, in that show. I think it’s a Netflix show where they’re basically, they’re talking about, you know, the Somalis are like, yeah, we were pissed. And we were like, one wanted to, we wanted to fight the Americans. And they had basically the Rangers. And you can tell all these, all these guys were like young men, like 1820s, you know, very, very young men. Never had combat experience. They thought that America was the most uninvincible. And then they’re in, in these cities with, you know, everybody coming at them.
That could very potentially be what we’re going to see with these illegal aliens, right? Where they come out and they fight us on a massive level. So the, the Somalis, a lot of them, they had this one guy that was talking Somali guy and he was like, I had like 20, 30 combat, you know, you know, things. And these were babies. They sent babies to fight us. And I, I’ve been in combat. I remember the first time I was in combat. It was, it was eye opening and I had like, at the time, I had like 15 years into SEAL teams.
But when you’re a combat, it’s a whole different ball game. You can have all the training and you can believe your, your poo don’t stink. But when you get a combat, it’s, it’s a level, it, it’s, it levels the playing field, right? So I did, I did, you know, combat action in Panama and I remember the first night there were rounds. I could hear rounds cracking over my head. We were in this one position, and I got down, and I remember there was a Vietnam vet, a Marine, and he was just standing the whole time. And I’m like, what the heck? Why does it get down? And then eventually I was like, well, those rounds really are high.
So I finally stood up. But eventually I got to the point I’m running missions, and I could tell when the rounds were close, when they weren’t. I had no. I started having no fear whatsoever. When I was in combat action for years and years and years working with the CIA, I knew when a mortar went out the tube, I could hear thump. I was like, yep, that’s not gonna get close. And. And then one would. Some would go out, and I’m like, everybody run. Get in cover. So I just knew. So you’d get this, like, sixth sense when you’re in combat for a period of time.
But if it’s new, I don’t care how badass you are, I don’t care how. How well you’re trained. If. If we get these people that have come here from the cartels, Ukrainians are already saying that Ukrainians have been sending weapons to Mexico. Ukrainians sending probably weapons that we pay them to buy the Biden administration, and they’re sending them to Mexico. So where do you think Mexico. What’s Mexico doing to do with them? Well, their cartels in Mexico probably use them, but a lot of those been coming over the border, and a lot of people been telling me that.
All right, they said, this is low key, Mike. Don’t tell anybody I told you, but they’re sending all kinds of weapon systems across the border. Where do you think they’re going? Just right over the border? No, they’re going all out into America, guys. They’re going into our big cities. So President Trump has said that 17 cities are going to. We’re going to lose 17 cities. Juano Saban said we’re going to lose 17 cities. All right, what do you. What do you think that is? That’s because of these cartels that are there. So when hits the fan, we’re going to need people ready to go.
So Trump doing contractor building, a contractor army. I used to. I worked for Blackwater for many years. That’s where I got a lot. I got more experience as a contractor than I ever did in the military guys, because they sent me to the worst places, like send Mike, and I was like, he’s got. He can handle it. So I got the worst places always because, you know, when I was there, no one got hurt. All right, so they, it’s not going to be like that when hits the van here in America, guys. There’s going to be a lot of people, there’s going to be a lot of liberals are going to go bye, bye.
All right, because liberals think that it’s, well, let them, they’re, let the immigrants come. Let’s make this a sanctuary city. Even if they’ve done bad things, we look the other way. If they’ve raped and killed, who cares? Let’s, let’s give them a chance. So what do you think is going to happen? They’re going to get hammered. So right now you got. Kathy Hochul is basically being sued by the Department of Justice. Pam Bondi went up there and said, Florida girl, yay. So Pam Bondi went up there and said she’s holding them accountable for allowing the illegal aliens over US Citizens.
Illegal aliens that are causing all these problems and killing people and raping people. She had a, a mom that was there, a gold star mom that basically had her daughter raped and murdered by a known ms.13 guy that they had let over the border and they let him just run free in America and then he ended up like, he admitted that he had killed other people, so not just her daughter. So this is something that we have to definitely look carefully at and prepare for. So Trump doing a contractor army, as a contractor, I had a, I had a lot of free will or freeway freedom to do a lot of things where the military didn’t.
In fact, where I was in some of the compounds that I was at, the military guys would come up to my group, come up to me because I was in charge, like, can you guys handle this for us? Because we, we’re told we can’t do anything and we’re like, yeah, we’ll take care of that. We did. So there were a lot of times where the military couldn’t get involved guys, and they’re not supposed to get involved here in America. They have them down at the border because they’re handling the border, but here in America, that’s a problem.
So a lot of you guys, I know a lot of people said the military is the only way, right? There’s going to be a lot of problems with that going forward. I think there is a possibility if once this hits the fan, so to speak, these guys that are in all, all of these groups really start to hit it in these cities, then it’s going to be a little Bit too late for a lot of people. Right? Because then you got to like, gear up, you got to send people in. And again, you’re probably going to be putting, at this point, there’s not a lot of, a lot of people out there with combat experience guys.
And you’re. They’re going to go against hardcore killers. Hardcore, right. Probably. Ukrainians have been fighting the Russians, Chinese. I don’t know who they’ve been fighting, but I, I wouldn’t trust any of those guys either. But we have a lot of them that have slipped into our country. They’re military age fighting men and same thing with all kinds of different, you know, cartel groups that have probably sent, uh, their people over. Those guys do have experience fighting Mexican military and police. All right, so we’re going to see this coming. We’ve talked about it, everybody’s saying it. I can warn you only so much.
Just like many of us warned you guys not to get vaccinated. Right? But 70 to 80% of Americans still get vaccinated. So I can warn that these attacks are coming. But I don’t see a lot of movement now with Kathy Hochul and her little Democrat illegal, you know, and Gavin Newsom and all the other states that are allowing, you know, sanctuary states, not just cities, but states that are allowing all of this, all these criminals to come in and occupy America. The Department of Justice can only go so far. It’s we the people in those states.
So we should have multiple people going after the criminal activity that’s in our states. So Trump has given us the free reign to do that. He’s giving us the backing now. So all of us within our states, all 50 states should start to push back. Especially you guys in Democrat states, you should be pushing back really hard because those guys are incredibly ingrained. It’s not as hard in Republican states, but we still, even here in Florida, even in Texas, we have Rhinos, we have Democrats that are doing stuff that we don’t agree with, but a lot of people don’t even know about it because they’re very underhanded, they’re very sneaky, they’re very sly.
They. We have to be very vigilant going forward and that’s part of the stuff that we’re, we’re going to be seeing. So Trump’s army. So I think having been a contractor for very, for over 11 years, I would say maybe, maybe closer to like seven years, and then I went full time contractor directly with the CIA year, you’re going to see, you know, some good Things come out of the contractor groups. And one of those good things could be because we can’t start stand up militias either. That’ll draw too much attention. Although we need to be.
We can’t do that. All right, we have to be sly, just like RFK was. Junior was sly about, you know, oh yeah, vaccinations. He didn’t talk about it as much, but now that he’s in there, he’s going to, he’s going to rain fire on all of those groups. Those, those fisa, FISA and all those other groups have basically pushed the vaccinations. I think there’s enough, there’s enough information out there to support a big push to start arresting some of these people. And then it’ll start to gain some momentum and then it’s going to get pushed and it’s going to get pushed and all of us are going to be behind it and it’s going to happen faster and faster and faster.
Every single state, every single state where this happened, Florida, Texas, I don’t care what, what state it is, all the states did it. It’s going to be big pharma to be shut down probably, but not completely there. Now remember, big pharma does have good things. Vaccinations are not one of those. But that’s probably some of the stuff that Kennedy is going to clean out. Now we’ve heard from Elon saying that he can see that we’re going to have to completely remove some of these agencies. Now I’ve said for a long time the CIA and the FBI have to completely go away.
All right? Those two agencies have done criminal activity here in the United States and around the world that cannot be forgiven and they need to be completely removed. And he even said, you can, you can, we, you can, you can leave the weed or you can cut the wheat or you can pull it up by the roots. All right, which would you rather do? All right, so we’re gonna have to like completely pull it up by the roots. And so a lot of these agencies have to completely go away. All right? And that’s, that’s going to be something that we’re going to be seeing I think in, in the near term and then we’ll start to see arrest.
So the rest are coming at some point. But the, the weeding process of some of these agencies, like we just saw USAID basically just got weeded. It’s gone. Right? It got absorbed. The good portions of it got absorbed by the Department of State. But as the agency basically came and Took the, the lettering off the building where. That was in D.C. so it’s gone. And we’re going to see more of that in the future. Now have an amazing guest that’s coming on now, Mel Carmine with the Quantum Summit, 1776 dot com. We’re gonna be doing an event together.
Mel, this event that you have that’s coming, the event that I did with you last year was amazing. And this one is gonna like, be 10x that. It’s incredible. Well, you made it amazing, my friend. It wasn’t me. I mean, it’s really you guys, you know, and I, I always stress the importance of really everybody working together on the same team. Unfortunately, not everybody follows the rules. Right. As you know, I know that you’re a team player because you, you’re a Navy seal. You understand how to be on the team and how you rely on the team for survivability.
Not everybody understands those rules. Maybe everybody should join the Navy SEALs, you know, but I’ll tell you, another Quantum group, I mean, yeah, I pick good teams. I don’t mess around. So that’s why I like to be, you know, involved with you. So it’s good. Yeah. No, I love the fact. No. And I really will recognize publicly the people that really have stepped up, up when the Quantum. Quantum Summit will be at least equally as successful, Mike, as last year, if not more so. We have a few Hail Marys that we’re going to throw. In the end, obviously, we’re.
We were handed a very bad situation from the Democrats. You know, from an economic standpoint, I don’t think I have to drive that point home. I think everybody’s on board with that. Correct. And so, you know, it’s not as easy as, you know, people may think that it is. It’s really not. But, you know, you know, look, it will be what it will be, and what it will be was what it was meant to be. And it’s going to be perfect. And we’re gonna have fun no matter what. It’s who shows up that’s important, not who doesn’t show up.
Right. Absolutely. And, you know, like I said, the last one was phenomenal. And the speakers that you have, I see you have Sean Taylor. I’ve had him on a lot of shows. That’s great. You have a senator, you have a congressman. Yeah. You got, you got my Buddy Nino, my 50. 50 still, we don’t know yet. I got to reach out to him again today. There’s a private jet, if he wants one that will go and Pick him up and draw and fly him back as well. But, you know, it’s up to him. I know he’s got problems with his mom and dad, you know, with that.
That’s safe and effective. Yep. Yeah, yeah. That sucks. He told them not to get vaccinated. They did. And now they’re like, so you got Juan, you got Jason Sturka. So I’m looking Sheriff Mack, Thomas Aldouse, who wrote the Matrix. Who actually wrote the Matrix. Yeah, they stole it from him. Yep. Jan Halper Hayes. That’s going to be great. So my, my buddy General Tata is going to be there. Three Star General is going to be there. Yeah, yeah, he was there last time and he. Did he. God, I was. I was impressed with him. Yeah. There’s not a lot of generals that I’m impressed with.
He is definitely top of my list. Yeah. Really good guy. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. By the way, can I show off my swag a little bit? Am I allowed? Yeah, let’s, let’s, let’s. Let everybody see. Let me stand up here. Let me get a little. Wow, look at that. The swag that is going to be very unique to the Quantum Summit, I think will become a collector’s item, to be quite honest. Yeah, Yeah. I look forward to getting that. Yeah, that looks beautiful. Absolutely. What kind of material is that? It’s like a little polyester. It has to be because of the print.
It’s really. Yeah, it’s artwork on a T shirt. You know what I mean? Nice. It’s a little stretchy, little, you know, sort of like spandexy, but not really shiny. Right? Yeah, Yeah, I like that. I like that. Yeah, yeah. I’ll be. I’ll be wearing one of those. Yes, you will. Absolutely. Looking forward to it. Yeah, yeah. So you have a. You have an incredible lineup of speakers and, you know, this time you have. You have like lunch, you have dinner, you have a party and lunch for the next day, I believe. Yep. All you can eat, all you need.
Nice. Yeah. Unlimited. It’s like, it’s like a. It’s like a five star buffet on steroids with, like, wedding style food. You really should go check out the video. If people watch the video, which is a short video of the food that we were able to sample in advance before I signed my, you know, name to the contract. So, yeah, it’s. It’s pretty. No one’s gonna go hungry, let’s put it that way. You know, I like that. I like that a lot. So. Yeah, that poo party with the dj, that’s gonna be cool. Yeah. But, yeah, the food looks good.
And that. That gala dinner party. Wow. That nice New York strip, scallops and shrimp. Yeah, that’s good. Looking good, man. You did good. Well, the beautiful thing about the gala dinner is they get to hang out with you, Mike, and they get to hang out and. And ask you questions, literally sitting at the dinner table. That. That is absolutely priceless. Yeah, definitely. And I’m looking forward to that. All right. That’s one of the reasons why I love to come at these events, because I get to meet the people. So I’m. I’m here in these. You know, no one.
I don’t see anybody. I know they’re out there watching because I see the numbers, but that’s. That’s the way I get to meet and greet and hang out and take pictures, shake hands, and, you know, get some hugs. So it’s a lot of fun. I love that. Yeah, absolutely. Well, this is. That’s what this is about. This is about, you know, the quantum financial systems part of it. But we’re now painting a picture of what the future looks like. As a matter of fact, we just got some breaking news, just came in right now. Doge, which I call the Department of gesara.
Okay, okay. Yeah. Not Department of Government Efficiency. I got my own acronym. Right. The breaking breaking news, dog. Department of Gesara just broke into the IRS building. Wow. Take that sucker down. Yeah. That’s huge. That’s huge. And they’re literally. They’re literally this close, Mike, to. To really busting some heads and finding out who is responsible for $2.3 trillion missing. I believe that is at the treasury level. I mean, this is the big kahuna, but this is literally a small microcosm of what’s to come. Because you and I would probably both agree that over the last 70, 80 years, they probably stole in the quadrillions of dollars from the American people.
Yeah, I think so. Not trillions. Quadrillion. Right. Yep. Think about your birth certificate being. Being traded. Think about how much money they made on your birth certificate. And the straw man. Right. Just that alone, you will not need the xrp, I can assure you of that. The XRP is like chump change. I’m serious. So there’s got to be some retribution that has to be paid back to the American people and the people of the world, because, you know, monkey see, monkey do. Right? When the rest of the world sees the United States become very wealthy, very healthy, extremely wealthy under this president.
This president is not playing Let me tell you, they’re gonna say, hey, we’re not gonna sit here and you’re gonna dumb down our people with chemicals and, and bad food while the United States is getting healthy and wealthy. We want to be healthy and wealthy too. Monkey see, monkey do, right? Yeah, definitely. So, I mean, you’ve been, you’ve been a proponent of XRP for a long time in the financial quantum system. So once this kicks in, where do you see yourself? I mean, valuation wise? What, What? That’s gonna, what is that gonna look like? That’s a loaded question, brother.
And I’ll tell you, I’m glad you asked that question, but we might be here for a little while. I don’t know how much time I got a little time. Let’s go. No, it depends on what day of the week that it is and how I wake up that day. There are some days that I wake up and I say, maybe when this is all said and done, because I’ve done my, my, I’ve done my work, I, I, I was able to wake up, for example, 50, 000 people who told two people who told two people. Indirectly, hundreds of thousands of people have woken up because of my wife and I.
And I don’t take credit for that. I mean, I put it in the Lord’s hands. You know, the Lord put me up to this, and I’m doing the best job that I possibly can because I believe I am a soldier in this fight. And, you know, at the end of the day, it’s about, do I want to continue to be in the limelight? I mean, I’m really putting myself literally at risk because, yes, a lot of us, including yourself, Michael, you’re, you’re, you’re going to be at risk too, okay? You’re going to probably be a multi gazillionaire, and I’ll take, I’ll take some credit for that.
Okay? And so he’s a classic example of what we’re talking about so that we continue to stay in the limelight, or do we pick a humanitarian project to say, you know what? I like Rebels project in saving the horses, and I don’t want the government shooting the horses from the, from the helicopters and turning them into dog food. That’s a worthwhile humanitarian project, getting behind. You know, Rebel, here’s a, here’s a billion dollars or here’s $100 million, whatever the case may be, right? And so I’ve done my humanitarian work. Do I disappear maybe. Do I do maybe a podcast once every two weeks for 20 minutes, and I’ll drive around in an unmarked RV, no pun intended, and go visit Mike.
And say, Mike, do you want to tell your story on camera how you became a gazillionaire and that, you know, the best thing you ever did was listen to people like Mel Carmine. Not just Mel Carmine, because I’m sure that once you listen to Mel Carmine, you want to listen to 20 other guys playing make sure that Mel Carmine’s telling you the truth. Right? Yeah, definitely. So there’s so many variables in play, because you’re gonna have to understand there’s going to be so many people that are going to come at you and at me and a lot of people who have become fabulously wealthy who are going to come and say, hey, my daughter is dying from brain cancer.
Could you help me out? And my first question. My first question is going to be, if you could show me the doctor that can cure brain cancer, I’ll give you the money right now. Because there’s gonna be a lot of people are gonna try to tug at your heartstrings to try to get you to part with your money. And I’m not saying to not help people. Yes. That’s why we want the 6,000 patents released. We want to put the medical industry like you were live on my show. You’re just a little bit. We made you go live on my show half hour before I even came on because, you know.
But that’s how Mel Carmine plays ball. We like to cross pollinate. We like the birds and the bees. Nice. You know what I mean? And so the bottom line is this. There’s so many variables that come into play. You have to sort of put everything on the chessboard and seriously reevaluate. Part of me sometimes wakes up, though, and says, mel, the minute this happens, you’re going to do one humanitarian project, two humanitarian projects. A lot of people out there, you know, I don’t. I don’t think that anybody owes me a. A deal of gratitude. They don’t.
Nobody does. But I was here, put in a position. I did the job, the best of my ability, and the only thing I want to do from this point forward maybe is retire. That’s part. The other part of Mel Carmine. And just literally, you don’t have to shut me down YouTube. I’ll go in myself and I’ll shut myself down and say, thank you, I did my job, and sail off into the sunset, whatever that sunset. Then there’s a version. Option three. Do we buy, like, this big, you know, 7,000 hectares of land and bring in all like minded people and I’ll sell you like you know, you know, an acre of land and you can build your house inside Mel and Amber’s gated community and create our own little cocoon.
But God forbid that word gets out where that, that gated community is. We’ll have a tremendous amount of people out there. Hopefully we’ll wipe out poverty where that doesn’t happen. But we don’t. The people who are very needy are going to be literally camping out outside our walls and looking for a handout. Now we want to help a lot of people, but can we help people who have a drug problem? No. Can we help people who have a major drinking problem? No. Can we help people who have vices? No. Do we want to help everybody? Yes.
But you gotta start by looking in the mirror and saying, hey, I gotta get cleaned up, I got a problem. Then you can come back and say, hey, listen, I cleaned up, I’m sober for 12 months. I’m sober for 18 months. What programs do you have that I can learn how money works? How, what money is? You. What programs do you have that I want to become an entrepreneur, I want to be a business owner. And we’ll go and send you to the school of Grant Cardone or the school of, you know, somebody who’s been very successful in business, like Patrick Bet David.
Yeah, by them. Because they’ve done it right then. Yeah. So that’s, that’s what I love about quantum. So tell us what you think of what. I have ideas. What? Quantum is basically different vibrational frequency that we’re, we’re tapping into. What, where do you see as, what, what’s your term for quantum? What do you see it as? You mean the word quantum itself or the quantum financial system or the quantum healing system or the quantum food business is coming. I know, right? It’s like once you understand quantum. So tell us what in your, in your vocabulary? Well, if you watch the video, as a matter of fact, if you don’t have it, I could send it to you maybe and you could play it here.
There on your end. The original video that we did, the opening for the Quantum summit. Do you remember that one by any chance? Yeah, that was, that’s. That’s really powerful. Yeah, that was very powerful. Well, the one that we’re actually going to be doing now, which is going to be at the Quantum Summit part two. Makes that look like a Swiss cheese sandwich. Wow. Really? It’s twice as long. But I promise you won’t get Bored and you will not fall asleep. As a matter of fact, you might fall off your chair A little, little, a little, you know, foam would be coming out of your mouth.
That’s how awful it really is. But I could send that to you. It’s only four minutes and so change if you want to play for the audience this way they can sort of get an idea that we predicted this. Not that I’m patting myself on the back, I’m not. But we predicted clean food, clean air and here we are, rfk and I’ve been talking about it way, way, way before that video. Right? Yeah. And so let me copy that and I’ll send it to Tracy. Maybe Tracy can send it to you. Yeah, definitely. And I think you’ll be able to wow your audience.
I gotta find you here. Here we go. You know, I’m, I’m kind of like watching the markets a little bit. I just like wanted to pop over and see what XRP is doing. It’s, it’s, it’s zooming as you’re talking so. Very nice. Yeah. Had a little bit of a pullback from, you know, of course it went to all time highs and now it’s pulled back a little bit regrouping. I think we’re going to see a big push higher pretty soon here. What, what are your thoughts? I think you’re going to see the, the quantum financial system come into manifestation in 2025 this year.
But I, we’re off on the dates and nobody really ever gets it correct. I mean if we all had a crystal ball, we, we would know what the lottery to the Power ball lotto are and then we would be able to win the lotto. Right. But nobody does. So we can only sort of try and speculate based on geopoliticals and, and, and the news that’s going on out there, etc. But I think June, July this year, I really believe that there’s going to be a major, you know, increase in the XRP. Do I believe this is it? The 2025 will be the full manifestation of the quantum financial system? No, I think it’s going to go into 2026, I think it’s going to go into 2027 and I think maybe 2028, 20, 2030, maybe, who the hell knows.
But you know, see if you, Michael, right now, let’s say for example, you’re only worth $2 million and you go from 2 million to 30 million. Right. Could you weather the storm on with $30 million plus the two you have? That’s 32. Right. You could weather the storm pretty nicely for the next couple of years, can’t you? Yeah. Right. So that buys you a lot of time. That takes the pressure off. And now we’re basically in the driver’s seat. Why? Because we have the staying power. We have the, the, the stored energy, if you will. That’s real stored energy, by the way.
And so that puts you in a very, very comfortable position to be able to really wait it out and work on yourself. Because when you got $30 million in the bank, you could go and hire a personal trainer, you can hire a nutritionist, you can eat the right foods, you can eat the most organic foods. You could, you could do all the right things. Right. So that you get. And you can get to hang out in the EE system, which, which is our standard. You’re really, you’ve really done a lot with that. So tell us about the, the quantum healing, the EE system you have.
I know Jason Shirka’s going to be speaking. That’s going to be great having him there. But tell us what, what you’ve experienced. I know, I know. You have miracles. Yeah, we do. I mean, that’s. Put it mildly when I always tell the story, because your audience probably doesn’t know, but when you come to staying alive.com, one of our clients by the name of Julie, who lives down in Brickell in Miami, she’s got a couple of shackles, you know what I mean? And she got suspicious that this technology is much more than what we all think. This is an independent person.
I mean, we become really good friends. She follows my show, etc. But she took it upon herself with her own dime. And she took a blood sample and sent it to a lab in Texas before and after. And her telomeres went up by 23%. Let me put that to you in perspective. Okay. Stayed in there for an entire month, 12 hours. 12 hours a night, from 8:00 in the morning or 8:00 at night to 8:00 in the morning. And her telomeres went up by 23%. I think it’s like 8.29 to 10.09, something like that. So put it to you in perspective.
If you were. If she was 100 years old and her telomeres went up to 23, that means her, her new death clock, for example. Right. Is going to be 123. 23, right. Correct. So that, that’s. So that people can understand how huge that is. And that’s just literally, we’re literally at the stepping stone of being able to figure out how the human body works, what the human body wants, what the human body needs. It’s the body that heals the body. It’s not the frequency. The frequency is just supplied. And it’s your body that understands that language and your cellular structure that understands that language, and then it’s your body that does all of the heavy lifting.
Fabulous. Fabulous, Right? So that. Telling me a story, a study is laminated. As soon as you walk through the door, it’s immediately on the wall. You can’t miss it. Okay. It’s a picture of a telomere on it, and you could grab it, read it for yourself. There’s a name of the lab, there’s a telephone number of the lab. You could call them yourself. You could do your own study and find out if you get the same results or better. That is. That’s truly amazing. Yeah. So, you know, I want one of those systems. Once I. Once I settle down, I’ll probably get a.
One of those systems for my bedroom in my house, because I, you know, I’ve been to, you know, the. Basically, the person that bas made it, so she’s. She’s pretty fantastic. But just being in the presence like I’ve been in near yours, and I get so peaceful, and I feel like, so rejuvenated every time I’m around the. That. That system controversy brewing about. About that. And I could talk about it with you, but I can’t. I can’t really do it with Jason for other reasons. There’s. There’s lawyers involved, if you know what I mean. And we’ll just.
But, you know, the. The reality is the technology truly is real technology that works. Unfortunately, as much as we wanted to like Dr. Sandra, and there’s still part of me that really does like her because she’s. She seemed like a really cool person, unfortunately. This was presented to me, Mike, with all due respect, and I’m blowing the COVID really, literally on your show for the first time on any. Any show. I haven’t done any show about this. The reality is I knew about it nine months ago. Nine and a half months ago, somebody came to me and the story brewed in.
In Dallas, whatever, and I got curious. And when I get curious, you. I’m. Sometimes I’m from New York, like my hat says, and sometimes I’m from Missouri. Sometimes you got to show me, okay? And when I was shown the proof, lock, stock, and barrel, I said, houston, we got a problem. But I had to shut my mouth. Then months Later, Jason came to me and he said, hey, we got a problem. I said, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Okay. And we started, you know, but the reality is, I’m sorry to say, it looks like this is irrefutable evidence at this point that Dr.
Sandra, even though the technologies are real, the technology works. She stole it from a guy by the name of Robert Regella over in California. And it’s a long story. We could make pre shows on that alone. Oh, okay. Yeah. And it’s a shame that that’s the way the cookie crumbles. And as a. As an owner of a center, it puts us in a little bit of a stress situation, if you can understand that from a business, because we got a lot of explaining to do, Right. But, you know, we’re able to duck and weave and, you know, bob and weave just like boxers do and.
And weather the storm and be able to move on forward because the technology is. Is the important thing. And I’ll stress it again, the technology truly does work. So, you know, I don’t know how the dust is going to settle ultimately. It might take another two or three months to really understand how that whole entire cookie is going to crumble. But, you know, there. There’s just too many things that point in the direction that this is beyond a shadow of a doubt at this point that that’s what it is. Ah, wow. Well, hopefully it works out.
So, you know, I enjoyed the system and hopefully be able to, once. Once a quantum financial thing goes next level, I’ll be able to build some of my own systems. So. You will, you will. When that time comes. Yeah, we’ll. We’ll show you. You know, because really, technically speaking, did. Just to give it to you a nutshell, I don’t know exactly how, but from what I understand from Jason, I believe Jason’s telling the truth on this. She just tweaked the technologies just a little bit, just a little bit, thinking that she could make it her own, not knowing that the original inventor, from what I understand, had patented every single conceivable way you could possibly be patented.
So even her way is his way, and that. That’s where the problem lies. If you sort of could read between the lines, right? And. And so his technology, the original technology, is probably equal as powerful as Dr. Sandra. They both do the same thing. But, you know, somebody think somebody made $120 million and it’s not the original inventor, which is the sad part. Yeah. Wow. So, yeah, hopefully in the future that. That gets fixed and he can benefit. Maybe that’s how they fix it. Yeah. Instead of like everybody that has one of those systems. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jason will be at the event as well, and we’ll see. You know. You know, look, life is strange and a lot of money creates a lot of strange bedfellas. You know what I mean? And listen, I’ve chased the money myself. I don’t really have to anymore. I just, it’s a. It’s just a point now where we have to wait for the timeline to sort of catch up to where, you know, we’re already billionaires. But, you know, there’s things at play right now. And even though we got the right leader in place, things are not exactly where you and I would like.
We know that the XRP has got to be worth a ton of money because that’s the one that’s going to move all the money. You can’t move all the money with 2.39. Simple. Right? Simple. Right. We see the, the stock market, which a lot of us predict. I mean, it’s gotta. It’s gotta crash because it’s on thin air right now. Probably it’s going to go up more in the short term, but eventually it’s going to peak and it’s going to crash because it’s part of an old system and it has to make. It has to make way for the quantum system.
So what happens once that peak and that crash happens to, like, the crypto and all the other things? People that are still in that system are probably going to get hurt pretty bad. But is there going to be something for them to go into fairly soon? Easily. We all know there’s all there’s right now. There’s things people can be doing. We’re doing them trying to help people find it. Yeah, well, you know, I’m. I’m a proponent of business opportunities, and so are you. You know, right now, while we all wait, you’re trying to present business opportunities to your audience and you really would like for them to take that business opportunity because you know that if they put themselves and apply themselves, they could sort of weather the storm.
However long the storm is going to be another six months, or is it going to be another two years? Nobody really truly knows. Right. But if they would apply themselves, for example, in a business opportunity that you offer or a business opportunity that I offer, that would mean the difference between them, you know, surviving the storm or not surviving. I know people that have to sell their XRP to survive at like, you know, $0.49, $0.50, like, you know, three months ago. That hurts. Yeah. Okay. And so you don’t want to put yourself in a position, so you want to figure out.
And I know it’s hard work, and I know that we’re all battle tested, battle beaten, battle fatigued, whatever you want to call it. But at the same token, isn’t it worth it to be in a position where you have positive cash flow, you have a good, a serious business opportunity with a real company that’s not going to go under anytime soon because they’ve been around for a long, long time, for example, hypothetically speaking. And then you’re in a situation where you don’t have to touch your xrp. And you literally, you know, you were able to salvage your wealth, your future wealth, just by making one little carburetor adjustment.
But you and I could want it as much as we wanted for our people. But if they don’t want to pick up the, the hot coals with their own hands, that’s their problem. That’s not your problem. That’s not my problem. The only thing we could do is present the opportunity that, that’s funny. You say the calls with, with their hands. I, I saw this one video because my wife does this. I, I, Women have some kind of special super, superwoman ability. They can pick up hot things with their fingers. Yeah. Us guys will touch it. We get burned.
It’s like, I saw this, this, this little film where all these guys were like, they, the, the, the girl would come and she’d be like, and she flipped like a pancake or something like that. And the guy would like, look, and then he’d touch it and he’d like, burn. Right. That’s amazing. So you got to learn how to like, pick up the cold or the hot piece without getting burned. All right. Absolutely. Ladies are really good at that. Us guys need to learn, but everybody really needs to learn, you know, this quantum field. And that quantum field is going to help us not only survive but thrive on a, on a, a level that we can’t even comprehend at this point.
Yeah. Like for, I’ll give you a classic example. We put together qfs 1776. Com, the Holy Grail of what’s to come. There’s no question about. There’s enough education on that website. It is like a college contained in one website where you could go as a newbie. And it’s the most elementary videos in a chronological order. Right. And I’m never going to change my lingo. This is what it is. Right. And you can learn. But there are still people calling me, hey, how do you handle a wallet? Hey, can you help me out? I’m too old. I’m too this, I’m too that.
You know what, at the end of the day, you got to take responsibility for yourself. You really do. You have to put skin in the game. When I say you got to pick up the hot coals with your own hands, that means you got to put some skin in the game. Right? You got your wallet. We give you the videos. The most elementary video. There’s two on our website that are absolutely. We’ve had 75. We’ve had many 75 year old women who told me, hey, Mel, I’m not computer literate. I said, well, you’re going to learn.
I want you to go watch the videos two or three times when you get your wallet, practice, you can’t mess it up. And they did it and they were able to do it. So if they could do it, you could do it. There’s no excuse, right? But yet we still have people that want you to do it for them. We saw people that want you to pick up the hot coals and wait until they cool off and then give them the coals where they can eat the sandwich, so to speak. Right? And that’s not the way it works, you know, that’s not life.
So. And it puts us in a very bad position. I was ready to put somebody in position to where, hey, listen, I don’t want any money for it. If you want to provide the service of teaching people how to do their wallet or do it for them, whatever you can, somebody that I trust, obviously, and run with it, you know, but I don’t. We don’t have the time. We get 80, 90 emails an hour. Sometimes I wish I was making that up. Sometimes if you, if you’re sending me an email, I got to be sitting there waiting because it will get buried and then I’ll.
It will literally fall by the wayside. That’s how busy we. We’ve created a monster. And as crazy as it may sound, part of me just said that I want to retire. Part of me says, hey, while we wait, let’s get bigger. Yeah, yeah, no, so somebody, somebody’s at. There’s a lot of questions that are popping out here. So this, I’ve heard this from a lot of people. Trump could possibly revalue gold. So what do you think that’s going to do? I think JP Morgan, I think they’re going to take a lot of those people out in handcuffs and shut that organization blackrock down.
But what’s that going to do to the valuation of XRP when, you know these, these evil bankers and their banking systems are taken out? What, what, what does that do? Well, I firmly believe, Mike, with all due respect, that I’ve been steering towards that. When it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen wickedly fast because they truly don’t have much of a choice. It’s not like, okay, yeah, we’ll revalue the gold this week and we’ll revalue the silver next week and then we’ll do the dinars next month. No, it’s going to have to go in quick succession.
I, I believe. And it’s going to be wickedly fast. And people that have been listening to us who have not pulled the trigger, people who have been listening to us that believe it’s real, but because they’re afraid of the technology or they’re afraid of the hardware, wallets, or they’re afraid of this, afraid of that, are going to be kicking themselves in the butt really hard, Mike. And I feel sorry for them because it’s really not that difficult. Yes, you have to apply yourself. Hey, it’s just like going to school, right? Except this is the school of hard knocks.
This is the real school. Get used to it. This is not college. This is people doing it. People say, hey, I’ll teach you how to do it, or hey, there’s a video, go watch the video. Then you got to do it. Yeah, yeah, you gotta like get some skin in the game. You gotta, you gotta get involved. Yeah, there’s no school that’s better than the school of hard knocks. Agreed. Yeah, man, I, I, that’s how I became a seal. You know, Hell Week and, and Hell Week was just basic underwater demolition SEAL training. And then once I got out into the SEAL teams and had actual combat experience, boy, it’s a whole different, whole different ball game.
It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter how much training you get when, when it comes down to what we’re talking about right now, if you haven’t been working to do the right things and, and sometimes you get burned. I’ve been burned on a lot of financial stuff, but does do I like, oh ho ho, woe is me and give up? No, I keep coming back. What did I learn from that? What else can I do? So you and I have been giving people a lot of insight on what to do and, and how to be successful going forward.
So yeah, I, I hope They’ve been listening. We, we’ve done the, we’ve done a lot of the work for them. But yeah, they have to get skin in the game. Yeah. Well, here, here’s the reason why we’re having the quantum summit. And I think you’ll agree so far. And I’m again not to pat myself on the back. I’m not. Okay. But if you go back and watch my videos and, and everything I’ve said, just about everything. I mean, listen, I was in, in Dallas, not Dallas, Atlanta, at the opening of the XRP movie and digital asset investor.
He was in a circle of people. He bopped his head, he goes, mel, how many things have you been right about? I said just about everything. And he knows because he follows me even though he doesn’t acknowledge who I am. And that’s okay, Dai, I’m good with that. And he’s friendly, he’s a really cool guy and he’s a really likable guy. But I can tell you, I can tell you that I said the IRS is going away and it’s going away. I told you that all of these entities are going to get audited and they’re getting audited.
I believe there’ll be a day where you’ll see the SEC again. An independent illegal organization, Mafia corporation, Mafia franchise that was given to these people is going to go away. Why? Because it’s a separate thing. It has nothing to do with the government. If, yeah, you know, Gary Gensler was successful in being able to find xrp. A billion dollars. That billion dollars goes in Gary Gensler and all of his cronies pockets. They pay off some, some clerical, you know, whatever expenses and some rent for their building and they keep the money. So is that a Mafia organization? None of that money goes to the federal government.
So if that’s true, and it is, and you can go do your own homework. I told you, I’m putting my neck on the line here. And you can find that out for yourself. You say, well then Mel Carmine is right. Mel Carmine is absolutely right. This is a Mafia organization. Just like the IRS is a Mafia organization. Totally, Totally. Yeah. And I love the way you think because I think that way too. Well, that’s why we need to live in a gated community together. Yeah, I’ve been calling us up. I was like, yeah, the IRS is going away and CIA is going away.
The FBI is going away. And it’s like, there they are and now we’re starting to see it. Yeah, they’re coming after them. They’re Taking them apart right now. It’s beautiful to see, but the, the most important thing is when you come to the Quantum Summit and the wealth transfer is here, and we can prove to you that the people that are on stage are, are working behind the scenes with RFK into cleaning up the food. And we’ve called it years ago. And I sent you the video if you want to play it for your audience. It’s a, it’s an amazing video, which is the 4 minute video.
Sent it to Tracy. I don’t know if you have access to it as well, but she hasn’t sent it to me yet. So my producer, she’s not hot on this one, unfortunately. Okay. Tracy, if you’re out there, send them the video. Your audience will love it anyway. Well, I’m just saying it’s important that the people come to the Quantum Summit so that the people who got it right, that the IRS is going to go away, the SEC is going to go away, the Federal Reserve is going to go away. We might be right on what the future is going to look right as well, because we have a track record that we could point to and we can show you the videos that are time and date stamped.
Again, not to toot our own horn, but it’s all there. Right. So is it possible that maybe Michael Jacob, Mel Carmine, Senator Fincham, who is very pro crypto, by the way, and, and. And Representative Biasucci. Leo Biasucci. Okay. Is it possible that they can paint the picture of the future of what it’s going to be like? You better believe we will. That’s why you want to be at the Quantum Summit. I love it. And you know, you, you’ve done a really good job, I think, of bringing, you know, we’re talking quantum, you know, a lot of, a lot of stuff here.
But I mean, we, we have like, you got everything and you. Everything that’s cutting edge, you know, that’s all the speakers. You have speakers that are going to be touching on everything. Yeah, that’s what I love about. I love the last one. I was like, God, if you can do this again, you have a lot more people. And you’ve not only done it again, like I said, you’re 10. It. It’s like you’re 10 Xing after one time. But the last one was your first one. I was like, dang, you get it out of the park in your first show.
And now you’re gonna like, you know, 10x. It’s like, man, you know, and you’re, you’re really, you really hit the, the nail on the head. And maybe the next one, the next one probably going to be something completely different. Who knows? I, I don’t know. I’m playing around with a few different thoughts. Vegas, maybe a cruise. Yeah, that’s, that’s a great idea. You’re gonna need like a, like a even bigger venue. So I know you’re like, you up the venue capacity massively. What are you looking at this time? I, you know, we upped the, the. And, you know, these things typically book out, out.
And you probably know this from your own experience or knowing people in this business of venues, you could lose your ass and, you know, and we might lose a little bit of money on this one, to be quite honest. But, but the facts are that, you know, you don’t know until the last five days. Yeah. Before the event. That’s, I don’t know why. And I’ve talked to even Renee, who is the event coordinator at the Radisson Hotel in Cape Canaveral. She goes, mel, don’t worry about it. She goes, your tickets are probably gonna, you know, sell mostly in the last eight to 10 days.
And she’s probably right. Yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s cool. I mean, the, the speakers you have, everybody should be showing up. You would think, you know, Biden left us a mess. Yeah, he did. He left. Can I ask you a couple of questions if, if I don’t, if I don’t. If you don’t mind, Mike, not that I’m interviewing you, but maybe I am. What do you think is going to happen with the, with the Catch Patel coming in? Do you think that he’s going to drop the, you think he’s going to release the list of names on P.
Diddy’s. What do you call those parties? The White parties. Yeah, the, the parties, or everybody’s a little sexual. Yeah, I, I, I’m pretty sure that it’s not just going to be that It’ll be the, you know, the island, everything. You think all those names gonna get dropped, jfk, you know, we’re already starting to see a lot of stuff that they’re like, they found new files on jfk. I’m like, yeah, whatever. But all that stuff is getting released because, you know, it’s been hidden. And now that it can be released, you’re gonna have Epstein, you’re gonna have P.
Diddy, you’re gonna have all these people that are involved in that. And I think that’s going to happen very quick, very quickly, after Cash Patel is Approved. And that could be tomorrow or I, I think it could be tomorrow. Yeah. Tulsi, I understand. Just got confirmed. Tulsi Gabbard yesterday. And they just as we were talking, someone said that they, they were watching being sworn in. So he’s in cash. Patel, I think, is one of the last biggies. And once he’s in, he’s already said he’s going to, like, take apart the FBI. So is RFK confirmed yet or no? Yeah, he.
He was confirmed and he was just sworn in right now. Okay. Because you broke up. Exactly. You’re trying to say that. Anyway, are they spraying chemtrails in your neck of the woods? Because I know it’s been clear here for the last seven, eight days. It was, it was clear here, too, for a while. Yeah. Yeah, we were like several. I’d say like a week ago we were noticing, God, the chemtrails, like, out of control. But I noticed like yesterday and I think the day before there was nothing. And that was rare. What kind of damage do you think has been done over the last 35 years or so? 36 years.
As far as I can remember, they’ve been spraying at least for 36 years. A long time. What kind of damage has this done? Because, you know, humanity dying at 75 years old. 70 years old. 60 years old. Okay. I have a problem with that. Okay. We’re not supposed to be dying this early. What kind of damage you think was done? And what do you think is going to happen to these pilots? Do you think these pilots are going to go down to Guantanamo as well? It depends on, you know, the level of their knowledge of what they’re doing.
Compartmentalization. Compartmentalization. It’s probably, you know, heavily involved. And they were told it was for something else that was, you know, national defense or something like that. Not realizing it was. It was, you know, their spraying toxins or whatever they were spraying. I think, I think a lot of those were drones. I, I don’t think the pilots were involved because they were concerned that pilots would, would tattle. So I think they drone those things for a long time. Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, brother, I had a great time. I. I’m going to see you in a couple of weeks.
So if there’s nothing else, I mean, Elon Musk is doing a great job. I don’t know what his motivation is ultimate, you know, the end game for him, but it’s going to be interesting to see. Oh, absolutely. Yep. And yeah, looking forward to the Quantum Summit 2. And let me share the screen One more. One last time. In the description box, guys, are the, uh, how you can, uh, sign up for this event. I’d love to see a lot of you guys. So let’s. Let’s sign up. Let’s see you guys there. Unbelievable speakers, incredible food, hanging out together.
So it’s. It’s worth every penny of it, so. Well, they’re coming down to see you. Remember that. Not me. I’m not. I’m the least important guy there. No, you’re. You do a good job, too. I love your. I love your involvement, so. Yeah, well, I’m right there. You’re right there. Making. Making sure everything’s smooth, moving smooth. So you’re doing a lot of work. I know these events are. It takes a lot of energy going into it while you’re in it, and you. You probably take a nice little break afterwards, right, Mike? You have no idea. You can’t explain it until you do one yourself.
Seriously. Exactly. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. You can’t, you know. Oh, yeah. I got to go to hotel and give them the final count here. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. And then three more days later, as people are, because they’ll start. We’ll probably end up selling more tickets and booking more chairs in the next 10, 12 days than we have and for whatever we sold so far, which I don’t even know and I don’t really care to know. Awesome. So we’re just a little over three weeks away, guys, so don’t hesitate. You never know. This thing. Thing could very well sell out.
So it was. It was packed last time, and I bet it will be this time again. Yeah. If we get these two names that I’m not going to reveal here, I’ll let you know privately. If we get two names, it could turn into three names. If we get that third name, we’ll sell out in 12.2 seconds. 12.2. How old are you that. 12.2 seconds. Fast. Faster than the quantum financial system when you wake up in the morning. I love it. Love it. Yeah. All right, brother. It’s been. It’s been a pleasure having you on. Like I said, you know, well, if.
If we need to, we’ll do another one, like maybe a week before or a few days. Appreciate it. Yeah. So I’d love. I’d love to see a lot of. A lot of people I’m talking to out there right now. I’d love to see a bunch of them come. So I want to give them the, you know, the heads up that it’s, you know, still available. If it is so. That’d be great. Appreciate it. Super awesome. Thank you, brother. All right. Thank you. Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you guys next time. Stay in that love vibration.