All right, so watch this, guys. And it’s crazy. In this, there’s these demons that trick people. They, like, possess them and get them to kill themselves or kill other people that way, that they go to hell. And the black blood is what allows them to travel between worlds. Listen to this. There is no going back from this. Listen, listen, listen, listen. Well, if there’s black blood, you will move between worlds, just like them. Go for the wrong things, right? You see the all seeing eye. I mean, he’s got so much symbolism on him. It’s crazy, guys.
Behind his ear is a spider web, which is really has eight points on it. It’s a representation of the eight pointed star, the star of Babylon. And you’ll notice whenever they’re traveling between worlds, there’s always water where they’re like a drowning. You remember Stranger Things when Eleven was going into the upside down. That’s where he just was. He was in the upside down and they let him come back. He was murdered already with his girlfriend. But, you know, it was so traumatic that when the crow goes to take you to the underworld, if something very traumatic happens and you love that person, it can sometimes a soul gets lost.
But it’s all about demonic possession, guys. Set. You know, I was born in Vietnam. Great little immortal music. I’ve lived long enough to see some of the greats play. They tell me that you’re quite dynamic yourself. They’re born with you. I look forward to hearing you play. What is it? With older. It’s all right, Sadie. It’s all right. What’s done is done. We’re looking for your friends. Have you seen Shai? No. You’re good there, Sadie. You wouldn’t tell me if you knew. Would you? I’ve killed hundreds of innocents like you in the centuries that I’ve been here.
It never gets any easier. I wish the murderers of Ray Princeton, the scum of the earth, would do. But they would all are ready to see you. Whereas people like you, those are the souls that he wants. That’s the deal I made. You go to home, so I don’t have to. Please. Please let me go. You can go. Watch, look, she gets demonically possessed, guys. And so they got to kill herself because killing yourself, you’re going to hell for doing that, right? And remember Doja Cat’s video where she’s in the tub full of black goo, and the demon reaches up and pulls her head underwater, and her eyes turn that? That’s her submitting to the demonic consciousness.
It’s her letting the demon take her over. They all know about this in Hollyweird. It’s in all their music, they’re showing you it over and over again, with the black goo crying from their eyes just like the crow did when he sold his soul. He sold his soul for his girlfriend because he found a video of his girlfriend as a little girl and this entity possessed her and was having her kill people. So that’s why she’s in hell right now, but her eyes were demonically possessed. See, he just absorbed her energy. Stop it. She’s gone.
You’ve traded her for a better life. That took a lot of courage. What you gave me was not a gift but a curse. I would rather have died. But that means you’re going to be with her. Get away from me. Get away from what? That woman, who was after her, who was she? A man? No, no, she’s just part of it. She just works for him. What are you talking about? Who? He was Vincent Rode, man. He used to have us over the party. I thought it was just an easy place to score.
She got so dark. He made it so dark. He’s got this voice, man. He borrows the sight, fights the darkest parts of your soul, and gives him a voice, and it just gets louder and louder until you do something evil. I’m still here. I never would have made a fucking video if I know what would have happened. What video? Where is it? She only had it on her phone. It says she had it in her. She didn’t want anyone to see it. I tried to warn her that she wouldn’t leave without you.
I didn’t even show you a long time. When I saw the way she looked, something was different. I tried to do something right, and I just fucked it up. I’m sorry. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no. What are they talking about? They’re talking about me. What are they talking about? I can’t tell you. What are they talking about? So, and guys, the movie is actually, um, you see how it’s a little out of focus here? That’s because, like I said, it’s on the bootleg site, so I apologize about that, but, um, you’re not gonna be able to see this anywhere else.
Now, in the opening credit, or the opening part of the movie, watch this. Remember, we just had all the white horse symbolism with the Olympics, and then in the movie, Those About to Die, you had the white horses, too. It was all about the white horses. And you got the, remember in the Olympics, it was the Pegasus. The Pegasus, look at this. That’s him as a kid with the white horse. They really speak through symbolism, and people don’t realize that. Now, watch this, guys. Now, this is the opening credits. Look, it’s a bridge. Look, a bridge between worlds.
So, the bridge symbolism’s in the beginning. Watch this. They got the freaking Pegasus, too, just like we seen at the Olympics. None of this is done on accident. You know, these cinemagicians are casting spells on the audience without their knowledge, programming, their subconscious. And you’ll see a lot of orange symbolism throughout it, too, the whole freaking thing. But, watch this. Now, he goes to the upside down. That’s that reality he’s in when he couldn’t cross over. That’s where he was, the upside down. Now, look here, guys. This is the other part of the opening.
He’s got the devil. He’s submerged in that black goo. Look, he’s starting up the curse sign, casting a hex on you. And he’s completely emerged in this black goo. Now, the black goo is the nanotechnology. It’s the graphene oxide. This is what allowed. It was in the jabs. This is what allows these entities, these demons, these reptilians, whatever you want to call them, to interface in our reality from the other worlds. And they just told you that. The black goo lets them travel between worlds. Yes, it does. It lets them travel between worlds. It’s a storehouse for demonic consciousness.
That’s what it is, a storehouse for demonic consciousness. It’s technology, the programmable matter. All right, here’s the Pegasus part, guys. I found it. It’s right in the beginning. Look, look, just like we’ve seen. It’s got the eclipse behind it, the Pegasus, and that’s metropolitan films. I mean, man, this thing is loaded for symbolism. I had to do this for you guys, man. I love y’all. Knowledge is power. Truthmafia.com. [tr:trw].