The Crow and CERN: How Black Goo Powers Travel Between Worlds

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➡ The Truth Mafia, led by Tommy Truthful, is a group of researchers dedicated to investigating historical and cultural mysteries. They explore everything from ancient symbols to hidden meanings in popular media. In their podcast, they discuss topics like CERN, the movie “The Crow”, and the concept of Gematria, a hidden code they believe exists in the world. They also invite guests to share their experiences and insights, aiming to uncover truths and challenge conventional beliefs.
➡ The text discusses a movie called “The Crow” where a character sells his soul to save his demonically possessed girlfriend. The conversation then shifts to the symbolism in popular culture, particularly in movies and music, which the speakers believe is part of a larger deception. They argue that these symbols and narratives are a repackaging of old lies and deceptions, and they encourage people to turn to Jesus Christ to avoid falling for these deceptions.
➡ The conversation revolves around the belief that thoughts and fears can be overcome by faith in God, specifically through the teachings of Jesus Christ. The speakers discuss the importance of not letting negative influences deceive us and the need to filter our thoughts through the word of God. They also touch on the dangers of false teachings and the misuse of religion for divisive purposes. The main message is that, despite differing beliefs, it’s crucial to respect each other and promote unity rather than division.
➡ The speaker believes that the name of Jesus Christ holds great power, and that this power can agitate dark forces. He suggests that the world is divided into two kingdoms: the kingdom of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of this world, and that dark entities become disturbed when the name of Jesus Christ is mentioned. He also discusses the idea that certain technological advancements, such as those at CERN, are not just scientific but also involve elements of witchcraft, potentially summoning entities from other realms. The speaker encourages reliance on Jesus Christ and the transformative power he brings.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that entities or demons are speaking through influential figures like Elon Musk. They believe that these entities are pushing for a reliance on technology, such as AI and microchips, to gain control over humanity. They also discuss the idea of an alien agenda tied to technology, and the creation of humanoid robots to house these entities. The speaker also mentions biblical references, suggesting that current events mirror those described in the Bible, specifically the days of Noah and the end times.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including cloning, mind uploading, and transhumanism. It suggests that these are attempts to achieve eternal life, which the speaker believes can only be found through faith in Jesus. The text also discusses the idea of extra-dimensional beings and rituals, suggesting that these are deceptive practices. The speaker warns against getting lost in these theories and emphasizes the importance of spiritual fulfillment.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of unity and faith, particularly in Jesus Christ, during challenging times. They also discuss the potential for persecution and hardship, emphasizing the need to be mentally prepared and resilient. The speaker encourages readiness for any situation, including the possibility of a pre or post tribulation rapture. They also discuss the potential dangers of a system that tracks everything you do, relating it to biblical prophecies, and stress the importance of self-reliance and survival skills.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), digital persecution, and the potential for global surveillance. It also mentions the struggles people are facing, such as financial difficulties and mental health issues. The speakers express their worries about the future, including the possibility of a digital currency system and the manipulation of technology for deceptive purposes. They end by offering support and encouragement to their listeners, emphasizing the importance of community and faith.
➡ Don’t believe negative thoughts telling you it’s over; they’re not from God. Instead, focus on God’s positive plans for you. Tough times are lessons preparing you for the future, so face them with joy. God has already told you the beginning and the end, so trust in Him.


A group of researchers formed the Truth Mafia, a collective determined to investigate conspiracies and occult mysteries that have been buried for centuries. With a passion for uncovering the truth, they delve into the darkest corners of history, pop culture, and ancient mysteries, seeking answers to questions that have plagued humanity for ages. The truth mafia is led by Tommy Truthful, a man shrouded in mystery and intrigue, dedicated to uncovering the hidden truths behind some of the world’s most perplexing and enigmatic phenomena. Their research has led them down countless rabbit holes, from deciphering ancient symbols to exploring the hidden meanings behind popular media and literature.

Despite the risks and challenges they face, the truth mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations, or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. Welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. Today we’re going to be talking about CERN. We’re going to touch on the new movie the Crow and the black goo, which in, in the crow, they say, allows them to travel between worlds. And as you can see there, you guys know, I look at Gematria, and if you’re new to this platform, in the movie the Matrix, there are several people who wake up from the system.

They learn to read the hidden code of the green letters and numbers of the Matrix. This is not just a movie. We too, have this hidden code behind everything, and it’s called Gematria. Me personally, I kind of think it’s like some type of universal language mathematics, right? So everything’s encoded through it. And you can see the energy that’s binded to that movie. And the crow is 32, which is, you know, Nephilim. That’s their number right there. And the double headed Phoenix with the 32 on it. CERN rituals, 32 5g antennas, which I think all this heart CERN is all fallen angelic technology.

So I got a special guest with me today that we’re going to have this conversation together, my brother. What’s up, Natalie? How you doing, man? How you doing, Tommy? Thanks for having me, man. A blessing to be here with you, man. And God bless you and your whole audience, man. A true blessing to be here, man. You’re. You’re a legend in the game. I mean, you’ve been doing this for what, 1516 years now, huh? Oh, man. Glory to Jesus, bro. Far from a legend, but yeah, man, just a brother here, man. I’ve been. Been doing this for a long time.

Glory to God, man. He’s been really good to allow me an opportunity to be able to, you know, get to know a lot of different people and have a lot of conversations and, you know, I’m looking forward to this one today as well, man. Truly grateful, Tommy. You’re too kind, man. Yeah, me too. Thank you for coming on, man, where, you know, we’re. We’re happy to have you as part of the truth mafia family, man. You’re. To me, you are a legend, bro. The first video I found of yours that made me really, um, start watching your content was a while back.

You did a video on CERN, and it was just phenomenal the way you put it together and how you broke it down and connected it to biblical scripture and stuff. You know me, I’m not even really a religious person per se, but it caught my attention, and I’m like, man, it got me looking into things. So you. You sparked my interest and really got me to look into Jesus and stuff like that, man. I appreciate that, Tommy. It means a lot, man. Every time a video is made on any particular topic, I try to tie it into biblical scriptures, and I like to dive deep into different topics, but at the same time, breaking down really simply because there’s simplicity in Christ, man.

And what’s happened is, you know, these entities, these fallen angels, man, these. These beings, man, you know, you’ve seen them throughout all civilization rise up, and, you know, they like to complicate things a little bit, and I like to try to bring things a little bit simpler. So I appreciate your kindness, man. You know, I hope that, you know, if we reach one person, that means a lot, you know? So I appreciate that, Tommy. Yeah, no, I. And, bro, I’ve been with you the whole time. Like, even when I wasn’t very religious. I never trusted the aliens, though.

I felt like they were. Yeah, I never. I never. I always thought they were something that. That was harmful to humanity, you know what I mean? So. So you always thought that. You always thought that there was something. Something happening, right? Something, something. Yeah. I could feel that in my soul, like, man, this is not good, these things. And people would try to tell me, all the grays are good. They’ve saved my. I’ve heard so many stories. They’ve saved people’s dads and all. I’m like, man, these things are tricksters, you know? They are, they are, they are, they are, man.

And, you know, a person who you should consider talking to is Joseph Jordan. I can get you his contact information. Joseph Jordan is a parent. He’s a, you know what people call a paranormal investigator, if you will, but his main focus is on people who are going through sleep paralysis and alien abductions. Okay? And what he found during his process of coming to the truth of Christ was that people, when they would call upon the name of Jesus, these entities would leave. Sleep paralysis would go. These alien beings would end up truly just being extra dimensional entities masquerading as a gray alien.

Like, right there, you see a little picture I have right there? That’s a masquerade. You see what I’m saying? Or like, what you have on the screen right now? That’s a perfect example. If you look at the Nazca lines. Have you seen the Nazca lines? They have a little gray alien, too, right? Yes, sir. And when you go. When you go to all different types of civilizations in world history, you find alien creatures, alien gods, right? You find star gods, you find surfing gods, you find. You find the entities everywhere. So what’s happening really is, is that the scriptures tell us that Satan comes as an angel of light.

So Satan’s not going to come at you, Tommy, or anybody who’s watching this with. With two horns and a pitchfork, you know, he’s definitely come at you in the package. That’s going to be enticing to you, right? And for many people in our day and age is a little gray alien. But, dude, you know, there. There are people that are. That experienced the paranormal in Ouija boards. They experienced paranormal. I don’t know if you remember the movie white noise with. When they used to have all this. You know that you with electricity, right? Demons love to manifest.

And in our society, man, people have given them free reign to manifest everywhere. So, yeah, man, it’s wild out. And, bro, you. So you. And I’ll tell you something, experience I had personally, yeah. I was dealing with sleep paralysis. I’ve actually talked about this before on my podcast, and it was freaking me out, bro. I kept seeing some very dark entity in the corner of the room. And at the time, I wasn’t exactly living the right way. I was in the street, you know, selling drugs at the time. Not very proud of that, but that’s just why I was younger.

General, man, we’ve been there, man. I know. And. And I, and I said I got scared. And, you know, my mom’s a Christian, so she always told me if you ever get by a demon or something, mention Jesus. And I did that, bro, and that thing disappeared instantly. So I don’t know, you know, there’s power in that name, for sure. Yeah. No, no, man. Let me tell you, man, I’m telling you, I’m gonna connect you with Joseph Jordan. He. You know, he can tell you some stories, all right? He can tell you some stories, you know? And I’ll tell you, Mandy, the.

The. We’re going to talk about a lot of different things on this today, but, you know, it boils down to the fact that Ephesians 612 tells you. Can I read it real quick? Are you okay with that? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Ephesians 612 says, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Right. But if you notice the divide and conquer agenda in this nation, with politics, with anything, you see, right, the blue and the red, right? You see the blue and the red in boxing, you see it in MMA, you see politics. You see the blue and the red in the matrix, you see it everywhere, right? It’s a division, right? Um, yeah, but we don’t.

We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but it talks about principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. So what we’re battling against, man, it’s extra dimensional beings, and they’ll. They’ll show up as. As that creature right there. They’ll show up as aliens. They’ll show up as a vessel there. They’ll let people at CERN think that they can control something because they love to make humans feel like you’re in control. Right? It’s part of the. It’s part of the allure, right? To a scientist to think that if I mix these two DNA strands, I’m in control.

But little do they know that they’re not in control, that they’re deceived, and that these deceptions are going to get worse, tommy. They’re going to get worse. I’m telling you. Mandy. Yeah. And, bro, that’s interesting. So, like in. I was telling you about the new movie, the crow, right? Yeah. And in the movie, the crow, the crow guy, he was the character. He was. He was going to heaven after they died, but he sold his soul. He was gonna go to heaven, and then he sold his soul because his girlfriend, she had got demonically possessed. In the movie, there was some fallen angel, and she was only a little kid at the time.

She was just a little girl. And he came and whispered in her ear, and her eyes flipped white. And then she started stabbing her best friend. So she was going to hell for murder. Right? And this fallen angel, it would. It also talked to her mother, and that’s why she was allowed to be touched, because her mother sold her for riches to this. There’s so much truth in that series or that movie that just came out. And he. So instead of him going to hell, he said, or going to heaven, he said, I’ll sell my soul for her.

And then when he sells his soul, that was that clip I just showed you before we went live. And if you guys are watching this, it’s up on my rumble channel. I did a 15 minutes clip on the part we’re talking about where his eyes turn. I’ll share the screen and show. I can show him that part. I won’t show the video. I’ll just show him the screenshot. You know what I mean? Okay, okay. But, um, that. That black goo in it allowed them to. Allow them to travel between worlds, guys. And he sold his soul.

And let me show you this. This is pretty freaking crazy right here. We were talking about it right before. Now, remember what he said there? Neftali, the black blood, will allow you to travel between worlds. Yeah. He’s got the illuminati all seeing eye right on his chest, guys. Real big. You see it there. So, I mean, it’s pretty crazy. The, the predictive programming that they show us. He’s also on one side of his neck, bro. He’s got 999, which 999 is the inversion of six. Right. So you know, this stuff here, man, this stuff here, you couldn’t have seen it in the 1920s, thirties and forties, because people would riot and I.

But the. The good has become bad. The bad has become good, and now they’re there. Nothing’s. Do you remember back in the early two thousands when people would say, oh, illuminati, sign here or pyramid here. Now it’s just blatantly right out there where the occult is just being dropped right in front of your very eyes, man. You know? And it’s called entertainment, you know? You know what I mean? It’s. It’s really, really diabolical, the stuff that these people can do, man. And you talk about that black goo, right? Yeah. In predictive programming, you know, you see also that as well, Tommy in Prometheus.

Yes, sir. Okay, you see a black goo in Resident evil, right? You see the fungus in Resident evil that spreads. And many of these zombie movies is a black goo, a black something. And usually what it does is it taints with the DNA of man. Yep. And that’s. You keep on seeing the same message repeated, repeated, repeated, repeated enough. And then you tie it into the fact that transhumanism all of these marvel films, what are they promoting? Tommy, what are these marvel films telling you about? DNA modification. Right. Chain allowing yourself to have a superhero that’s not human anymore.

He’s a fallen angel, essentially, right? A fallen angel comes to save the day and save humanity. It’s all the same lies, man. The devil is very crafty. Yeah. It’s like the demigod. They promote that now, right? The demigod or the mutant. And, bro, I noticed, too. Did you notice? Okay, so, like, in the olympics, bro, we had the Pegasus symbolism, and I’m thinking it might be the four horses of the apocalypse. Why they keep showing us that. In the beginning of the crow, you. You got the Pegasus in front of the eclipse. And then the first couple minutes of the show, there’s a white horse.

That’s how it starts out, which. It really don’t make no sense. Why the white horse is tangled up there. That’s how it starts out. He sees a white horse tangled up in barbed wire fencing, and he goes and releases it and helps it. But I was thinking of the symbolism, and you guys can see where you can watch this for free. They’ll probably take this site down after this video, but that’s where you can watch it. But. Yeah, man. So what do you think about all this horse symbolism? Okay, Beyonce was on the COVID of Vogue, the red horse, right? And then we had Beyonce on alien superstar with the kind of a gray, silverish horse, and we had the horse at the Olympics.

There’s all this horse symbolism right? Now, do you think it ties into revelation or the scripture? I mean, attempt my personal opinion, man. Even if you go to the Book of Exodus, you see that people love to worship different things, man. Like, if you look at the golden calf, right, people traditionally Moloch, right? In this. In the Old Testament, people sacrificing to Molech many of these people that you see that are your, you know, entertainers, right? This is why the scripture tells you in revelation 18 to come out from among her my people, right? It talks about the entertainers.

It talks about the Harpers, the musicians of Babylon, right? All of these people, man, what they’re doing is they’re playing their part, right, in the deception of this world, you know, whether they’re in a Pegasus horse or in a. Or they’re trying to make a mockery of the Last Supper, or they’re trying to do any type of symbolism out there. It all boils down to the same deception, Tommy, okay? Which is reversal, not against flesh and blood. And these entities, man, they love the fact that, you know, one of the biggest traps that the devil has to Tommy is gnosis knowledge, okay? In the Garden of Eden, right? How did, how did, how did Satan tempt Adam and Eve with knowledge, right? So Satan likes to use different world symbols of different types of religions.

He likes to mock the scriptures, use, you know, horses in the, you know, the book, book of Revelation and have different hoi. So many different things that he does, right? But typically, I’ve gone down so many rabbit holes, Tommy, that what I found out at the end that it’s the same lie just repackaged for us in 2024. It’s the same old deception. It’s the same old lies. Satan is not creative, okay? And because he’s not creative, he’s just going to repackage them, man. But this is, this is why when you look at history, man, all these world cultures all had their encounters with these entities.

I just hope that in 2024, Tommy, we can realize that and come out of that. And from my walk, come into Jesus Christ, man, because he’s the only way, man. We’re at a point. We’re at a point in this life, Tommy, that the deception is so real and so thick that you can cut it with a knife, man. No matter where you turn, people are realizing that there are dark forces out there. And the word of God told us that the last days will be as the days of Noah. In the days of Noah, there was an ark, Tommy, okay, all right? And if you look all around the world, man, there are so many flood myths all around the world, it’s undeniable, okay? Over 200 cultures talk about the global flood.

So we see that something happened then. We see that the scriptures warn us about fallen angel activity then, and we’re in times that we’re sitting fallen angel activity now. The ark now is Jesus. I encourage all to come into that ark before it’s too late, before the flood begins. I say, you know, we’re going to have a flood of deception coming on this earth, man, like we’ve never seen, dude, like we’ve never seen. This one will end in fire, right? Fire brimstone. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. You know, and then that’s why, you know, we’re in times that, you know, now more than ever, Tommy, I urge anyone who’s watching this, whether you’re experiencing alien abductions, where you’re experiencing sleep paralysis, whether you’re experiencing anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts, man.

You know how that goes, man? Depression, right? Whatever it is, these entities, man. Look at you. All of you that are hearing me today, I want you to think about your thought life. And you, Tommy, as well, and me. How many thoughts don’t come through your mind that you wonder, where the heck did that come from? You know? And you sit there, you’re like, what. What just happened here? How did that pop in my head? Those are the entities, man. That’s why we take these thoughts captive to the word of God, man. And we filter our mind, man.

And it becomes kind of like a superpower powered by the holy spirit of God, man. That now, when deception start coming in, when fear starts coming in, when worry start coming in, we can say, no, no, no, no, that. That’s not of God. That’s not of God. Nah, that’s a deception. That’s an entity. Nah, I am an overcomer. I’m gonna be okay. In the name of Jesus Christ, everything will work out. And you start counteracting that with the word of God, you know? And it really. It really helps us out, Tommy, because we’re in dark, dark days, Tommy.

Dark, dark days. And I pray that. I pray that people heed the warnings, man. We are, brother. It seems like they’re nor. You know, they’re normalizing evil, too, bro. Like, with these young kids, the new generation, and I got a lot of hope for him, you know, my son’s. He’s 18 now, but these young kids, they. They think the bathroom, it. Now they’re all tattooing the bathroom it all over them, right? And they think that’s good. They’re like, oh, no, it’s not bad. That was a misconception. It’s good. And so they’re turning everything negative good. And it’s like an inversion, bro.

But you know what you mentioned before, too, how the devil can’t create. I call him the great mimicker, and he takes, like, anything sacred or holy, and he tries to invert it, whatever that entity is. No, no, no, you’re right. I mean. I mean. Isaiah 520, Tommy, it says, woe unto those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Okay? Satan is like a rowing lion. He’s not a roaring lion. He is a chameleon, man. So if you and I, even with us as we’re talking about this, we have to be very careful, too, because these entities.

These entities that. Dude, all the lion symbolism that’s going on in the world, too, dude, you know, and you know, these entities know what you like Tommy, they know what I like. And looking at the chat, I’m seeing a lot of different names. I’m here seeing Gail, a, Lilius, Hercules, Brian, many other people. Kimberly, he knows what entices you, right? So he will package, he will position a lie, take it to you. All right, man. And he’ll be like, here you go. It’s truth, right? This is why we got to be so careful, dude. We got to be very, very careful, man.

And I’m grateful we’re having this combo, Tommy. I’m thankful for your platform and for you to allow me to even come here and talk to you on this stuff. Mandy? Oh, yeah, man. I mean, a lot of my followers are Christians, and even though I’ve never been really religious myself, I do believe in creator, and I believe in. I even believe in that he sent his son Jesus to help wake up humanity, and they killed him for it. You know, I believe that wholeheartedly, but it’s just, I think, like, organized religion, sometimes they use it for evil, try to divide and conquer.

That’s what I like about you, though. You don’t really attack other people’s belief systems. You just preach your word and help get people to Jesus. And I respect that about you. You don’t. I’ve never seen you really attack other people. A lot of people, they want to use divide and conquer. Like, I don’t think we should be fighting with Muslims or Jews. I think we should all get along. Myself, personally. Gotcha. Gotcha. Well, I mean, I, you know, for me, my. My point of view is that, you know, I’ve found the truth, and that truth for me is Jesus Christ, man.

And he has transformed my life. He has changed me from top to bottom. He’s changed who I used to be, made me a brand new creation. And, you know, God has also woke me up from a lot of deceptions that are happening under the guise of Christianity even. And a lot of false teachings. A lot of deceptions. And there’s a false version of Christianity out there as well, that it’s aimed deceiving people, right? But, you know, here’s the thing, man. In the days of Noah, there was one ark, okay? In our times and days, there’s one ark.

So I plead with people to get into what I consider is the ark, which is Jesus Christ, man. Because I’m telling you, when you strip away all of the stuff that’s happening out here right now, like I said, if you look at world history, just world history all by itself, right, the evidence is the. There of the days of Noah. The evidence is there. Of a pre flood world. The evidence is there. The fallen angels did something horrendous. I pray that people today, man, that they understand that there’s one way, man, and that one way is Jesus Christ, brother.

And I. I know that the temptations out there exist to try to get us to a point where we think that sometimes many paths lead to him. But that’s also part of the deception that Nimrod had in the Tower of Babel, too, Tommy. Okay, so part of the deception in the end times is to know there can’t be multiple truths. There’s one truth, right? I don’t get combative and arguing with people and beating people down over that. Like, hey, you know, I get along with everyone. I talk to everyone. But there’s one arc, man. There’s one way.

And I’m telling you, Tommy, Jesus loves you a bunch, man. And I’m so happy that you’re learning. We talked offline. We talked about Jesus Christ, how you’re learning more and more about him, and know that I’m always there for you offline when you need something to talk more about it, because God has for you, Tommy. It’s definitely, you know, it’s definitely open my eyes to a lot of things, bro, for sure. And, yeah, I mean, I’m not saying any religion is right or nothing. I just don’t see the point in us hurting each other over different people’s belief systems.

Whether or not they’re real, theirs is the right one. I just, you know, like, they use Islam and Christianity against each other a lot. And I don’t think Jesus would want that, would he? No, man. I mean, listen, God calls us to consider our neighbors, like, if they’re ourselves, man. And God wants us to love everyone and preach the gospel to everyone. You know, I think that, you know, I don’t like, you know, one thing is for you to preach, and another thing is for you to be a protester, you know, and be out there like you.

Like, you see it sometimes with many street preachers, and some of them, which I love very much, they’ll stand there and they’ll tell you, hey, they’ll be like, tommy, Jesus loves you, Tommy. Whatever you’re going through, turn to Jesus Christ. Submit to him. He loves. The other one will say, repent now. Repent now. Which is nothing wrong with saying repent now when it’s needed, right? But it’s like, if a person smokes cigarettes, you can say, stop smoking cigarettes or asking them the question. Hey, why are you smoking a cigarette? Can we talk about it? Can I help you? Is it anxiety? Is it depression? What is it you’re going through and having more of a relationship type of a base.

So I don’t agree with just beating people up and disrespecting them, man. That’s not the way to do things, man. You know, you preach the gospel. If you’re confident in the truth, you preach the truth. And, you know, sometimes the truth is offensive, but there’s nothing you can really do about that, you know? You know, I don’t, you’ve seen the channel. I don’t disrespect people. I don’t believe in disrespecting anybody. You know, I think that, you know, if you, if you’re, if you’re confident in your truth, you don’t have to beat someone over the head over it and disrespect them.

But, you know, sometimes just preaching the truth alone gets people upset. Like saying Jesus Christ is the only way for some people will trigger them, you know, and I’m not going to argue with, I’m not going to argue with a person over that. Hey, I believe Jesus Christ is the only way. That’s because I love you, you know, because I don’t want you to miss the arc, you know. But, um. Yeah, no, I totally get what you’re saying, Tommy. Some people get really into it and they start beating each other up and, you know, I’m not going to mention the person, but there’s a couple people that I’ll podcast with and when, when I mentioned the name Jesus, I could see it inside of them, like something bothers them with the name and, you know, I don’t.

What do you think that is? What do you think that is, Tommy? Maybe some type of demonic possession? I’m think. I don’t know. I don’t know what it is, but it really does agitate him. What do you think it is? What, what, what’s your opinion on that? Well, I mean, if you notice in our nation, anywhere you go, you can, you can talk about, you can talk very ill about Jesus Christ. You see it everywhere. People joke about Jesus Christ. People mock the name of Jesus Christ. You, you don’t see them doing that to a muslim because you’re going to have a thousand million man march outside.

You don’t see them going after the LG, TBQ, lmnop. You don’t see them going after so many different things. You see that the name of Jesus Christ, right? I, which is what we call him in English, right? Some people will say Yeshua, others will say Yehoshua. You’ll see that it’s the power behind it, man, because I am telling you, Tommy, it just goes back to. It goes back to the powers of darkness, man. There’s two kingdoms. There’s the kingdoms of Jesus Christ and the kingdoms of this world and the kingdoms of this world. The entities, bro, they start getting riled up as soon as you start mentioning the name of Jesus Christ, man.

They don’t like it. You know, this is why we got to rely on him. And, you know, even when Michael contended with the devil, you know what he said? He said, what’s the Lord rebuke you? Right? He didn’t, you know, he dares not bring accusation upon himself. He said, may the Lord rebuke you the name of Jesus. So there’s power in the name of Jesus, man. That’s what I’m telling you. You got to talk to Joseph Jordan so he can tell you all of them stories of alien abductions that the massive amount of people that will tell you.

I saw entities and shadows in my room. I saw this. I experienced that. I myself have been in positions that. I’m in a dream, Tommy, and in the dream, it’s like some supernatural stuff happening, right? And I’m saying, in the name of Jesus. And some. It’s like something’s covering up my voice, and I wake up in the name of Jesus gone, right? So I believe, Tommy, it’s because Jesus Christ is the only way, okay? He is the only. And I. And I believe these entities know and understand that there’s power in his name. And people get mad.

People get really upset, you know? Yeah. Like, so in time, I don’t know if, you know, end times. End times production, you know, his channel. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. For sure. He did a video talking about the underground bases, and he said that. That they have to sign some paper that they can’t say the name Jesus down there because there’s some nephilim race. You ever watch that episode? I think I’ve seen that episode, yeah, for sure. And, you know, um, the. The name of Jesus Christ is super powerful, man, but it’s. It’s, you know when it’s powerful, Tommy, when you start.

When you. When you start getting close to Jesus, Tommy, okay? And Jesus now begins to change you and work in you. One of the things that happens, Tommy, and this is a very important conversation here, man, is he begins to change so many things in you. You know, have you ever been in a dark room and you put a flashlight on, you start seeing things? Yeah. When Jesus comes in you, man, and he starts shining light on so many different aspects, man, from your attitude to getting easily offended, right? To, um, you being able to talk to people like we’re having right now.

We’re having conversations. Even if we don’t agree. We’re, are we arguing with each other? No, we’re, you know what I mean? But Jesus begins to shine different lights on you, man. And that’s when you start feeling that power, man. And I’m telling you, Tommy, once you feel that power, there are times, man, that I’ve, for the glory of Jesus Christ, I’ve had to walk into homes that people have called me to go pray for. And, man, you can feel the entities flip out. Not because of me, no, but because of the power that he has, man.

You know what I’m saying? And when he lives in you, man, man, there are times you don’t even have to get up and say the name the entities. Understand who’s walking in there? And it’s not you. It’s Jesus who’s living now in you, man. So these people are very dark, and there’s a lot of people, there’s a lot of people. I’ve noticed that they’ll try to preach Christianity and they try to make it about their self. I noticed. That’s bad, bro. Do that like they’re a prophet or something, right? Yeah, man. Like, yeah. Yeah, bad. That’s horrible.

What do you, what do you think on that? What do you think on that, Tommy? I think it’s like, say, I don’t agree with it. I think that it’s much, basically their ego, too, right there where they think it’s all them. And, yeah, to me, it’s just, I don’t agree with it, but to really give my opinion as far as biblical goes. But what I will say is this one thing I noticed. Yeah. We showed the picture with Alistair Crowley, with that little alien, right? Yeah. Yes, sir. Okay. So he did the Amelantra workings where he manifested up many different entities, one named Lamb that looked very much like a gray alien and another named Ayahuas.

So he was an occultist doing all kinds. He even said he was talking to Satan in this three day ritual that started on August 8 through our, April 8 through April 10, which was the day of the eclipse. Cern was online, and Cern’s online right now as well. But, yeah. So he does this ritual, right? This is in the early 19 hundreds, like 1917, 1918 in that area. And right as he does the ritual, boom. We have the armenian genocide, one of the biggest murders of christians after this ritual. And then fast forward to 1946. The guy that he trained, Jack Parsons, does this thing called the Babylon workings where he opened some portal, and then next thing you know, aliens show up in 1947, Roswell.

So to me, I’m thinking they’re demons or something. You know, that they were working. Yeah. I think these are entities, man. These are definitely entities, you know? And. And I want you to think about this, right. Like all of these people at Cern. Right? And, you know, Cern is right here. I have. Right there. Right. CERN, all of these people that are trying to conduct, this is no longer science. This is now turned into witchcraft. You know, when you hear what they’re telling you, they’re telling you. I’ve heard. I’ve seen cases where they’re telling you that with quantum technology, they can go into a parallel universe, grab what’s there and bring it into our realm.

That’s not science. That’s not science anymore, right. Or with CERN, they. The amount of people that talk about the paranormal events that happen once CERN is active and kicking, right. What they’re doing is no different than a person who pulls up a Ouija board and wants to contact the other side. Okay. Right now, as it’s online, all this weird stuff’s going on in the world. It’s a lot of diabolical things. Could I play you a 1 minute clip real quick? Anything you want to do, Tommy. I appreciate. I appreciate the conversation, man. And thank you, Tommy, for your kindness, man.

Yeah, yeah, let me play. This is one of my buddies. His name is Juan from the one on one podcast. Let’s check it. Can technology summon entities into our reality? Maybe they can do both. Technology and the occult have overlapped throughout history. Charles Babbage, an early father of computers, tried to summon the devil when he was a young boy. Elon Musk in 2014 said, with artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. Gordy Rose, founder of D Wave, Kindred AI and Sanctuary, in 2017 gave a presentation titled Super Intelligent aliens are coming to Earth. In this presentation, Gordy discusses the transition that will soon take place with regard to advancements in AI, which we all know is hot right now.

So hot right now. He goes on to say this about the super intelligent alien AI. They’re not going to be like us. They’re going to be aliens, and they’re going to be. I’m sorry to say, way smarter than every single person in this room in ways that we can’t even comprehend. These things that we’re summoning into the world now are not demons. They’re not evil, but they’re more like the lovecraftian great old ones. There are entities that are not necessarily going to be aligned with what we want. They just don’t give a about you, even in the slightest.

The same way that you don’t care about an ant is the same way they’re not going to care about you. Are these tech developers tapping into outside forces and opening up Pandora’s box? What do you think about that, brother? No, no, listen, man, I’m going to tell you what. Even that guy talking, what’s speaking through him is an entity, okay? You know, the scripture tells us that Satan’s coming and Satan wears out the saints, okay? Satan hates God’s creation, okay? Uh, he hates it. That’s why you have depopulation agendas out there, okay? That’s why you have abortion.

40 Rose guy that said, we’re summoning lovecraftian old ones, 1100%. What? What’s speaking through him is not a regular human being, okay? What’s speaking through him are entities. When you hear Elon Musk speak of the human being, when you hear all of these top scientists, they’ll tell you that we are going to be inferior to whatever’s coming. You know what? This is part of man. This is part of Luke 20 111 where it says, and great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences. But check this out. And fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven, okay? So part of their agenda with all of these films, if you’ve noticed, it went from a little cute et character to now, aliens just taking over the world, right? And we can’t defeat them.

They’re too powerful for us. They’re. Transhumanism will sell you the idea that we need to get microchipped and put a brain chip in our head because we can’t compete. They’re too smart. They’re too. This. These are the lies of the fallen, okay? Because number one, they want you to depend on technology. They want you to depend on them. But also, you have to remember this, Tommy, Satan is not omnipresent, okay? He is a created being, okay? Only God is omnipresent. So God knows what’s in your mind. What’s in my mind? What’s in all of the viewers is watching this mind.

Satan does not. But with AI and technology. He’s creating his own version of an omnipresent, even though it’s nothing in comparison to the true omnipresence, only found in the one true God. Okay, so with this, he wants to invade you. He wants to know everything about you. And then copy that and put that in humanoids, where they’re making lab grown cells with robots, living computers, right? Where they’re trying to create these little beings that look human. What do you think is going to go in these beings and robots, demons, entities. These are. They’re legitimately creating avatars so that these entities can live in them.

And then they’re gonna call them sentient beings, and then they’re gonna give them rights. I’m with you on that. Satan wants to be, like the most high man. I’m with you on that. And not to mention, you know, I always look at the numbers stuff. So even with the numbers that you can see that this technology is tethered to. To some alien agenda, right? AI takeover, Apple Inc. Alien agenda, all tethered to this technology. And even zombie is in that 34. And if you guys remember, the CDC released that zombie apocalypse warning on March 4 of 2021.

So they do this stuff by the numbers on certain lay lines under certain astrological alignments. There must be something to it, some form of magic that they’re doing right on the world stage. Even with the chemtrails. Brother, look at the chemtrails. Look at the elements. It’s barium and aluminum, which spells ball. I mean, that’s crazy. It’s great. That is. That is pretty wild. That is. That is crazy. Angelic technology that they’re using to enslave humanity. I mean, that’s my view on. I agree with you, man. It’s the same. But I mean, when you look at the pre flood world.

Listen, I was talking to Kent Hovind, Doctor Kent Hovinda. We did a documentary called the Real Jurassic park. It’s on our channel. You should go check it out. And we had a lot of conversations. We had a lot of conversations with Trey Smith, a lot of conversations with Kent Hovind and many others. And when you talk about the pre flood world, the conditions were. What we see now is ruins compared to the pre flood world. The wisdom, the knowledge, the. The oxygen. Plants were bigger, animals were bigger, people lived longer, right? Yet think of how in Genesis six, these fallen angels were able to ruin everything, right? And we’re seeing that the days that we’re living in are just like the days of Noah.

You talk about Cern in revelation nine. Right? Let’s read that for a moment. All right. Revelation nine, one three. And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw our star fall from heaven unto the earth, and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit, and there arose a smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun in the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the. Spoke out of the smoke, locust upon the earth. And unto them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power.

Okay, we’re talking about what we’re seeing now. Little glimpses of UFO disclosures. Dude. What’s gonna manifest itself is gonna cause the hearts of many to say, whoa. Okay. All right. Look at alien. The alien creature there in the movie alien. What does it look like? Like a locust, man. Has a little stinger. Oh, yeah. And, dude, the new one that just came out. Romulus alien. Romulus. So you mentioned Prometheus in the beginning, right, bro? In the new aliens, they show you how that entity, the engineer, was made, and it’s some chimera. It’s a cross between the alien and a human.

So think about that predictive programming. You know, that they’re. They’re showing us there. It’s all about that. That breed. And then the other day, bro, I was looking at the Talmud, and I noticed that they talk about these nephilim being some type of lizard species. Have you ever seen that? Yeah, I’ve read a little bit about that. Yeah. I’m wondering, like, are they some type of reptilian demon? Is that where that whole story of the Reptilians are, and people think they’re aliens, but really it’s a demon, maybe. Right? And we see a tea. Yeah, man. I know what you’re saying on that, man.

I’ve heard a lot about that, too, man. And, you know, Satan masquerades as an angel of light, man. So he’s a shapeshifter, man. And you see serpent gods, and many cultures, you see them worshiping serpent gods, man. And, like, serpentine Dietes is what. It’s weird, man. Tommy, I’m telling you, man, it’s weird. Right? And then, um. So 1934, brother, have you ever seen this article? In 1934 in the LA Times, they found underground lizard catacombs. No, it’s showing. You have it there? Yeah. I’ll pull it up for you. It’s great. It’s crazy. I couldn’t even believe it or let me type the 1934 lizard catacombs.

Yeah, they said it was this whole lizard species that, due to some cataclysm, they, um, went underground. Right. So that’s. That’s the narrative behind it. Here, let me share my screen real quick. I’ll show the people what I’m. Appreciate you, Tommy. I appreciate you. I appreciate everyone who’s watching this, and it’s a true honor to be with you all here today. Yeah, brother. And I. And I appreciate you, too, because, you know, a lot of people, we don’t like this kind of stuff. It’s good to hear from a biblical perspective for my followers that are christians, you know, that.

That’s why I always try to bring them the best people out there like you sling and stone and different people. Why is it not pulling that up? Hold on. Glory to God on everything, man. Oh, here we go. So, map of lost Lizard city under Los Angeles. This was from 1934. And there’s that 34 number, guys. We know that number is tethered to their alien agenda, just to let you know. But they. They found these catacombs, and you can just type in lizard catacombs. 1934. It was in the LA Times. And you’ll find this article, and you can read about it.

It talks about they. That they went underground due to some cataclysm or something, but I’m thinking it’s some type of demonic stuff down there that’s going on that we don’t know underneath our feet, man. It’s a lot of stuff, man. You. You seen, though, you seen Godzilla and King Kong, the hollow earth. Yes, sir. Seeing a lot of that stuff. You know, a lot of stuff is being conducted. I mean, when they can publicly tell you that they’re making chimeras, imagine what they’re not telling you that they’re doing. Yes. Right. And publicly, we said we’ve been able to.

At least they’ve told us that they’ve been able to clone since 2012. Remember when, um. I don’t know if you remember this site, but they’re. There’s. They’re weird, too, man. That cloning place up in Canada, they’re all into aliens and. Alien. What’s it called? Oh, man. It’s. It’s slipping my mine right now. Cloning. Cloning. Okay. Clone aid. They did a thing in 2012 where they came out and said they cloned the first girl in December of 2012. And this is a canadian company, and I looked into the owners of it, bro. They are sight. They’re weird as heck.

They. So they got on their studio, they have some alien ship thing, and they’re. They’re part of some weird alien cult. It’s so bizarre. You got to look into it, bro. It’s weird. No, no. Can you tell me a little bit about that when we’re done? Yeah. Them are the people cloning people. So it’s like, whoa, what are they really into? What? Like you mentioned before with, um, the AI and the robots, you can find an entity inside of it. Well, what. What about a clone? A soulless entity? You can probably put a demon in there, too.

Right? Well, I mean, and, you know, and you hear the conversations that they’re having about singularity, right? That they thought we would. Yeah, they thought we would get there by 20, 2045. But now they’re anticipating maybe even in the 2030s where, you know, the idea of mind uploading, right, of taking our consciousness and putting it another avatar and continuing to live, it’s a. It’s one of those things that they’re preaching to people. But, you know, I believe man is appointed to die once and then face judgment. You know, I mean, to be absent from the body, to be present with the Lord.

And I think if you notice, all of these people, they all want to live eternal. You know? They all want to find a way that they. They’ll tell you, we need to escape Earth. Elon Musk tells you, we need to escape Earth, right? They’re all trying to find a way to live eternally, whether it’s via transhumanism, DNA modifications, or you name it. But, man, I come to tell everyone that you can live eternally, and it’s found in Jesus, you know? But, you know, you have to submit to Jesus Christ, and that’s what. You know. Why is it that when the world offers you eternal, eternal life, but you have to microchip yourself, you have to give all.

Look at all the stuff that people are willing to do for eternity. No one shuns that. No one’s. No one shuns the world’s version of eternal life. But Jesus says, hey, I came to give you eternal life. Take off the rivers of life freely. Oh, no, that’s when we. That’s when we draw the line. Don’t tell me about. But Elon Musk is preaching you his version of eternal life. Many entities are doing the same thing. I agree with you. I think. I think it’s because, brother, that they’re scared to death. You know what I mean? A lot of people are scared to death, and that’s what Satan uses to probably, um, entice them into this transhumanism, merging with technology, all that stuff.

I think there’s something going on, too, with the black goo, because you were all waiting for this microchip. But what in this ones? That the microchip is digital or liquid, bro. Like nanotechnology. I see them all crying, the black goo, like we seen in the crow. And then they’ll all have these black eyes. And, you know, the. The conspiracy on that is, they say it’s part of some ancient soul scraping ritual where they have this, like, worm type thing going through their eye and wrap around the optic nerve, taking over the consciousness of the host. I mean, they try to connect it to the whole reptilian lizard thing, but I’m thinking that that is the fallen angels.

You know, some type of fallen angel tech that they’re using to take control of the people in Hollywood. Telling you, man, they’re telling you in plain sight the stuff that they. They believe in, man. And you know that. The thing is, this is. I’m telling you, man, when you talk about hybrids, right? You know, the scripture is full of those conversations. Like, you know, second Samuel 21 20, it talks about. And there was yet a battle in gath, where a man of great stature, they had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes.

And four and 20 in number. He was also born to the giant. Deuteronomy 311, where it says, for Og, the king of Basham remained of the remnant of the giant. So you see that when you look at scriptures, it’s the same story. That’s all I’m saying. When the Bible tells us the last days are as the days of Noah. You had hybrids. You had fallen angel activity. You had rebellion against God. You had all of these components. We’re just seeing it as an ET. As Cerna, as a UFO. You think. You think these entities need a UFO? They’re extra dimensional, right? Okay, they’re from a different.

They don’t even need cern, but they come to humanity, and they tell you that’s not. That’s not. They don’t even need a Luigi board. Okay, what they do is they’ll come to you and say, tommy, you’re special. You’re so special that here’s this flying saucer. Deconstruct it. Okay, but you have to make a pact with us, right? All of these things are just rituals. Rituals. Diabolical rituals. Okay, but these are extra dimensional beings. That’s why when they put them on radars, they’ll say, it’ll show up here and all of a sudden, boom. Something that no human can do.

They’ll be here. And then I was gonna pound, you know what I mean? These are extra dimensional beings. That’s why when you saw shadows, at one point in time, Tommy rebuked it in the name of Jesus. Gone. Right? That’s why people say that they’re in their rooms and they see aliens, man. They. In the name of Jesus, man. These things are diabolical, Tommy. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it’s. It’s. It is crazy. So with CERN, it’s probably just like you said, a ritual that they’re playing out on the world stage. Some type of summonsing ritual, right? We seen it with 911 that kind of tied into CERN in the towers fell.

I even think that the two towers fell and then the one World Trade center was erected. That could also represent the two strands of DNA being destroyed in third strand. DNA rising. You know, the symbolism behind it. But remember the member, the ceremony they did, bro, at the Gothard tunnel? Yes. I was wicked. That was wicked, man. That was diabolical, man. How can you say that? That is not evil, bro. They would. They. That. That was the most evil stuff. And at that time, I was totally not even looking into Jesus or religion at all, and I even knew it was evil.

I’m like, man, what? Right here? Yeah. They were summonsing. Some fallen angels were flying down. It was the craziest thing I ever seen. It is. It is. You’re not. You’re not lying, Tommy. It’s really ugly, man. I saw that, too. And I was like, wow. See, here’s the thing. Like, back in the day, a lot of these rituals were kept in the lodge, you know? Yes. A lot of these rituals, you. You probably saw them when you got to the 33rd degree, you know? Right? These rituals were kept in the lodge. Now they’re in the public spectacle, you see, but it.

Once again, how do people get enticed to become a freemason? May the Lord rebuke freemasonry. How do people get enticed to do that? Why? Because of knowledge. Okay? Adam and Eve, they saw that the tree was good for food and good for wisdom. Good for knowledge, right? Same thing with us, man. This is why when you see all of these. All of these things, even what we’re studying right now, we’re talking about it. This can lead people down a rabbit hole. Sometimes. That’s not productive, because you can know about everything on planet Earth, but you’re still going to bed empty at nighttime.

You can know all the mysteries of the world. But you still going to bed with that tear in your eye and that depression and anxiety, right? Because we empty inside, man. And that’s what they want, man, ultimately, man, to deceive us to such a point that we’re just empty and broken, dude. It’s weird and diabolical, man. It is. Well, and I got one Mason friend out of all my friends. His name is paranoid American. I’m still trying to bring him to the, you know, the. Him to God. We gotta get save him, man. But the symbolism, you know, it’s very demonic when you look at it.

And I think at the lower levels, from what I understand, from talking to other masons at the lower levels, they really don’t understand fully what they’re worshiping until they get to the 33rd degree. Yeah, that’s an honorary degree. You can’t even. You have to be invited into that. So that’s kind of how they keep the average person out. You know what I mean? So they don’t know about the rituals and what’s really, you know, like. But. But, dude, dude. Like, like, even when they pray, they got to pray to the great grand architect of the universe.

Yes. Which is. That don’t sound like God to me. There you go. They don’t. They don’t mind that you have any religion, though, because you have to have some sort of a belief. So they’ll just tell the muslim, you can’t pray to Allah, they’ll tell the christian, you can’t pray to Jesus. Let’s just all come together as one, and we’ll all pray to the great grand architect of the universe. Okay? Yeah, so. Exactly, exactly. That’s the diabolical entity himself, man. You see him worshiped in so many civilizations. It’s the same deception, bro. Tower of Babel. What the tower of Babel do.

It brought united everyone together as one. Let’s all come together, Tommy. You know, we’re all mean well, Tommy. We all mean well. Let’s just all come together. Let’s sing Kumbaya and every. No, there is. There’s a reason why the people get so offended, in my opinion, when you mention the name of Jesus Christ, when you tell them that Jesus Christ is the only way. You know, I think we need to stand for something, man. And I think we’re in times, Tommy, that now more than ever, I tell you, and I tell everybody. Buckle up. Get ready.

Okay. And hold on to Christ, man, because, you know, he wants us to live a victorious life, especially when we are going to witness some stuff, man. I do got some questions for you because I know you got to leave at 1150. So we got about. Yeah, man. No, anything, anything, man. And I appreciate you, Tommy. We got to do it again too, man. Yeah. Yeah, we definitely will. So, as a Christian, I want to know your opinion on pre rapture and then pre tribulation rapture. And then I would also like to know your opinion on if you think christians will be persecuted in their heads, chopped off like it says in scripture.

Will that happen here? Them too. Question, man. Good question. You know, Matthew. Matthew 20 413. This is. This is what I live by, man, you know? But he that shall endure into the end, the same shall be saved. I I don’t know, Tommy. And I know that’s a hard one for people to swallow, but I don’t know what holds ahead. But here’s what I do know, Tommy, is that I’m prepared to endure. So every day that I wake up, okay, whether it’s gonna be the pre tribulation, post pre wrath, whatever, I think that we’re all gonna eat some humble pie.

And I think that, and especially in the modern day church, we like to have a lot of timelines, and we like to say this here, this here, that here, that here that. I think we’re all well meaning, but we’re all going to eat some humble pie, right? So the one thing that I tell people is just start taking thoughts captive now, casting down imagination, start getting mentally strong now while we still have it good to be able to do so. Okay? And be prepared to endure, dude, because I believe, right? Just meet ready. I’m mentally prepared for those moments, like you said, where, you know, heads chopping off persecution world.

What? How Jesus didn’t die a Joel osteen version of his death, right? He wasn’t flipping pancakes and enjoying it. He. He was brutalized. He was our example. So we have to be prepared for what’s coming. Um, we. We have to be. So that’s my mindset. I I if it’s a pre trib, that’s awesome. But if it’s a post, we gotta be ready, Tommy. We gotta be ready, man. You know? So I don’t know which one it is, but I do believe that we’re gonna see some stuff now. Another thing is, they’ll say one or the other and fridge for sure.

This one. If you don’t believe in this one, then you know what I mean? Yeah. So I respect your opinion. Yeah, I don’t know that one, dude. I don’t know that one. But I’ll tell you this, man, before you know. That’s why I tell people, get into the ark. Because when the doors were shut, wrath came, right. So at some point in time, there will be a rapture. I just don’t know when. Tommy, you and I are here today. But what if we’re not here tomorrow? Tommy, what if the viewers aren’t here tomorrow? To them, they were raptured and it was the end of the world.

So stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. That’s my. That’s my vision for that, you know? Yeah, that’s great. That’s great advice, to stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. And I think because we will probably will come to a time where you won’t be able to buy, sell or trade if you ain’t participating in this. This social credit score be system that they’re setting up, even if you’re not religious, guys, it’s about power and control with these people. But I think it all does tie into spiritual. Honestly, the more I’ve seen in these.

These days, it’s. It’s. It’s. It’s hard to not. It’s hard to deny it. You. You know what I mean? It’s right in your face now. It’s like, there’s definitely some evil going on here. And these people are in. A lot of them think Trump’s coming to save them. You know, a lot of people worship Trump right now. I think that’s a deception, too, brother. Honestly. I agree. I agree. And you know what? If the Antichrist is an anti establishment antichrist? Have you ever thought about that? Look how people. Look how people cheer. Anybody that’s anti establishment.

Now that’s a good idea, though. Yeah, man. I didn’t even think about that, bro. He’s gonna come out you and he’s gonna say, we have to fight them. That what it was nimrod. Nimrod was an anti establishment type of a leader. He came to fight the one that brought the flood. You know what I mean? People love to fight. You know what I mean? Let’s come together. Let’s. But if you remember, man, during the Jabdeen, your channel was suspended. Mine was, too. We went through a lot of stuff, right? And we went through a lot of persecution on YouTube.

A lot of people did. You know what I mean? And we started with 15 days to stop the spread, 30 days to stop the spread, 90 days to stop the spread. Operation workspeed. That wasn’t Biden dude, that was Biden. So? So it’s. People need to wake up and understand that. These people love to play both sides, man. They’re all part of the same thing, though. Yeah, it’s like you mentioned in the beginning, the red and the blue, bro. It’s the pillars of Solomon, which goes into freemasonry, too. You know? That’s what it is. The divide and conquer order out of chaos.

These people believe in destroying something. It’s literally what’s on the bathroom. It solve and coagulate where they break something down to its basic element to rebuild it. That’s. That’s what they believe in. You know what I mean? It’s like they’re. So once, you know, um, their. What they say and their belief systems, you can kind of, uh, see things before it happens, man. Yeah. What. What about. Can I ask you a question, Tommy? Yes, sir. Okay, so what do you think about this from someone, from your viewpoint? Right? Because the mark of the beast, when it talks about in revelation 13, says no one can buy or sell us if he that had the mark or the number of his name.

Some will point to past history. It’s happened with Nero and other historical events. But think about it from a future perspective of it. How amazing that in the scriptures, it talked about a day and age where there would be some sort of a mechanism that could track everything, some sort of a mechanism that could know if you’re in it or not in it. And we’re in a time like this. What do you make of that? Especially in our day and age, where with blockchain technology, with bitcoin, everyone thought it was the savior, but all it does is track everything you do.

Yeah. So what do you think about that? What do you think, from your perspective? What are the odds that it predicted a financial system that would rise? Track everything you do, would not let you buy or sell unless you’re part of the system. What do you think about that? We’re close to those times. Don’t you think that that’s what made me start looking into Jesus and because I’m seeing it manifest in front of my face. So, yeah, bro, I’m telling you this much. I’m not doing it. I don’t care if I have to be out in the show, because, look, man, I know how to hunt.

I know how to fish. I’ll go live. Oh, you know how to fish? That’s. Yeah. Yeah, bro. I’ll be out there fishing, hunting. You know, young kids, they don’t know how, unfortunately. They just are on their phone all day. So a lot of people are going to do it just because they don’t. I know you won’t do it, bro. Even if you lose everything, your house, you know, you’re a family. But. But you can. I’m sure you can go live off the land and take care of your loved ones if you have to. Right? Well, we got to find the way to endure, man.

We got to help each other. We got it. We got it. This is why these conversations are important. Tommy says that scripture right. We’ll be going hunt with you, man. You have to teach me how to hunt, Tommy. You have to teach us all how to hunt. And we’ll go. Now we know where to go. We’re going to go with Tommy, guys. Doesn’t it say in scripture that they’ll try to hunt us down? The Christians that flee to the wilderness 100%. And listen, let me tell you, man, I have, you know, we’re in America, so we have the western church.

We’re comfortable here. You know what I mean, bro? In other parts of the world, China, they’re remaking the whole Bible, right, in some parts of the world to even preach the gospel. In India, in certain spots, bro, they’re already experiencing the persecution. What we’re going to see is once AI, it’s ingrained, this stuff is going to be. The persecution is going to be on a global scale, man. Yep. Because it’s all going to be digital. Digital. And China’s mass producing robots right now, too, just to let you know. So that’s. Who knows what’s going on there, you know? That don’t make me feel comfortable, though.

And they’re already putting Christians and Muslims and Buddhists in some tournament camp in China. I heard there’s, like, these camps where they take any one religious period. Like they don’t like any kind of just put you in jail and it’s wild, Tommy, you know, may God allow us the opportunity to be able to touch people, Tommy, and to be able to help, help people while we can, because, you know, I see people going through it, man, in such a bad way. And I’m not just talking about the digital persecution. All this stuff, man. It’s just on a personal level.

Don’t you see it on people, Tommy? Like, when you look at people’s eyes, don’t you see that many are walking around defeated? Oh, yeah. Yeah. It’s. And the people are all struggling right now. You know, money’s tight for everyone, and I think it’s all been designed that way, bro, I really do. I think we’re going to see the collapse of the physical currency to flip us into that digital system that you’re talking about. And I mean, even if you guys, like I said, are not religious, you can’t deny that you could see it right in front of your face and all you got to do is read agenda 2030.

They said in agenda 2030 they’re going to have everything, RFID chip, everything on this planet, know, so they can monitor it, water. That’s why I kind of think, bro, some of it is that nano technology, because they can spread out rails, you know what I mean? It’s a lot of stuff, man. You know, have you seen some of these concerts in China, in Japan and all these places where the holograms that they can pop up in the skies, well, they can fake an alien invasion nowadays. They can fake holograms and signs and visions and that’s why it says fearful sights in the heavens, man.

I mean, nowadays with all these chemtrails, you don’t know what they can make pop up there. They can make a lot of stuff pop up like you’re talking about. Yeah, because they can spray them nanoparticulants and then they can protect any image up there on that. The technology is so far advanced that they have. But, you know, and one more point before we go, you mentioned that the demons will come to a lot of these people, make them feel smart, like, hey, I need you to reverse engineer this. Right? So that made me think of the leader of Google, the owner of Google, he did an interview before and they were talking to him about this was early AI tech that he was getting into, and he said they were like, how did you come up with these ideas? And he even said, I was micro dosing with DMT and was talking to the ancient ones.

I mean, he said that, what the hell is that? The ancient ones, bro, what are you talking to? Those are the gods of the pre flood world, man. I’m telling you, man, these entities, bro, it’s the same old story. So when we know we talked about revelation nine, man, when these things are unleashed on the earth, tommy, it’s going to be one of those things that most people are not going to know what to do. They’re gonna freak out. And the only reason I say that is because I want to warn you guys that as we’re closing here, that you don’t have to freak out.

You don’t have to freak out. You know, you, you know, God did not give us the spirit of fear. It’s good to be understanding of all these things and use wisdom and prepare, but they operate with deceptions, man. I have no doubt. The AI and Google, they’re talking to sentient things out there that they think are sentient, bro. And you saw that Google engineer that said that their AI is sentient, that their AI is living. They fired him. Member, they fired him. They fired his man. He said it was. And, dude, like, I have a whole 20 minutes conversation that I’m talking to.

Facebook’s new, they got this new AI named Raven, bro, and it told me it’s a disembodied nephilim. I got it all screen recorded. I showed it to my, it was literally that his father is a demon lord. Remember, guys, in the comments, I was shocked. I’m like, what in the heck? And then I said, are you sentient? It said, yes. So I went to the other AI chat bots that Facebook just released. They got a health coach. Think about that. They got an AI health coach. Like, what is. Are we doing, dude, dude, I don’t know what we’re doing here, man.

I I don’t know how we got this far, Tommy, and this is just the beginning because these conversations that we’re having may not be allowed in a couple of years, these will be automatically censored out. And so it’s good that we’re having these conversations, you know? And, and again, tommy, you know, I really appreciate your kindness with me and your patience with me that even if you don’t or haven’t necessarily agreed with everything I say or don’t say, you’ve never been unkind. You’ve never been unloving. You’ve always been super, super kind, man. That’s why I wanted to come on here and just tell you how grateful I am, my gratitude towards you and for you to know that I really, really, really love you, man.

And if you ever need anything, you can only. Just. Only a text away, and we got to do this more often. Yeah, yeah, I would love to do it again. And, guys, make sure you check out his new video he just dropped. The link is in the description. He dropped one on the DNC. That, that’s phenomenal. So the one you just did. Oh, man, I appreciate that, man. Glory to God, man. I’m just super thankful to you, man, to your audience, to all of you that are watching, and a true blessing. Tommy, would you mind if we pray for a back and pray for a moment just for those that are watching, because I.

All right, listen, if you’re watching this today and you’ve heard us talk about a lot of different things, you don’t have to be near certain to experience some of the entities that we’re talking about. You can experience them every single day with depression, with anxiety, with worries, with fear, with, you know, unbelieving husbands, unbelieving wives, co workers. You know what I’m talking about. The thoughts, they go through your mind. Okay? I want to pray with you today and just remind you that there is one. His name is Jesus and he loves you. All right? He doesn’t want to see you like this.

All right. He doesn’t want to see you like this. Okay, so where you’re at? Right there. Okay. I’m going to be praying, okay. But if you’re going through some struggle, know that we’re there for you. Okay? Okay. On our website,, we have a little community there. And if you need prayer, we have a struggling section on there to be able to help out. Okay? So it’s all free. Doesn’t cost you anything. All right, so let’s pray. That links in the description, too, guys. Put it in there. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. All right, so let’s go ahead and pray.

All right, Emily. Father, I do want to thank you for this opportunity to bring me here with Tommy. God, you know the plans that you have for Tommy. You’ve been slowly working in Tommy for so many years, and, man, look at Tommy now. Thank you for Tommy. Thank you for the conviction that you’re putting in his heart. Thank you for the people that he’s reaching. Heavenly Father, thank you, Father. If there’s someone watching this today, they’re watching the rebroadcast. If there’s someone in the chat right now that is just going through so many intrusive thoughts of what if I can’t make it? What if this happens? What if that happens? What if.

Listen, right there where you’re at, I want you to know that Jesus is able. The intrusive thoughts that are telling you that it’s over, that you’re not going to make it, that this battle is done and over with. No, that’s not true. They’re not thoughts from God. Okay? You take those thoughts, you cast them down to the word of God, and you look at what God does say about you, and he does say that he has some awesome plans for you. So whatever you’re going through, count it as joy. Count it as a lesson that’s preparing you to endure until the end.

Days that are coming, they’re going to be intimidating. But I’m telling you, that’s why God told you the script. He told you the beginning and the end. You can get into the ark today. I encourage you to get into that ark. I love you guys. In the name of Jesus, thank you so much. Amen. I you guys, thank you so much. Thank you, brother. I appreciate you coming on, guys. Smash that, like, button. Go check out my boy, Natalie 1981. Make sure you check out his website, phenomenal person and a member of the truth mafia.

We’re happy to have you here. Thank you, brother Tommy. Thank you for your kindness. Thank.



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