Somebody said, hey, Mike Jacobs in Dallas, down at the. You know, the jfk, whatever. And I was like, no, I was driving north. I’m like, I turned around, Goldie. Like I said, we’re going downtown, Mike. Jaco’s down there. I’m gonna go find him. And I. And I’d look for a while, but I find him. And then, Nino, one day, your video popped up walking around in the backyard of the house you were living in at the time, I think, and you’re laying it out about Hollywood pedophiles. I was like, holy. You know, he’s got it, too.
So surprised I’m still alive. Yeah, me too. That was like, you know, that was crazy about that video was like. That was like. When it was just. That was kind of. I feel like I. I kind of was the one that kicked the door open and hit the hornet’s nest, because nobody knew what was going on until that. That kind of video with. Along with out of Shadows, just. It just happened at the right time, and it just took off, man. And then now look at it, man. Look at, like. Look how everyone perceives these celebrities now.
Like, the adrenochrome. The point. The. The. You know, all these celebrities that are getting busted with Diddy parties and Epstein list. That was before the Epstein list even. Oh, yeah, that’s crazy. I remember when that came out, Mike, that Q drop. I actually stumbled into the Q movement. It started October 28, 2017, and it was probably late November, I think I stumbled at somebody had mentioned in a chiropractor office. I’m like, what’s that? Started rolling through that, and I could tell the world about. You want to talk about the validity of this information? And people say it’s a psyop.
It’s really. Why is it that all of us knew the name Jeffrey Epstein eight months before the entire world heard the name? Because we knew who he was because of them. And, you know, he landed at Teterboro. They picked him up. But you guys probably remember we were freaking dancing in the streets, like, holy, it’s on. They picked up Epstein and boom. But, yes, you know, just nobody had to. I also want to just. I. I want to bring awareness to the fact that if there’s no operation happening, then why is Trudeau stepping down? Why are so many CEOs stepping down? There’s.
There’s. There’s an obvious. There is no possible way Trump would even be considered. They would even consider Trump to be president again. It just would have never happened. The fact that he be. This is a very well strategized, organized operation, military operation, where they’re doing most of the stuff behind the scenes, and thank God that we’re smart enough to see it and we’re paying attention to it. And I think it’s because, you know, all of us here, you know, Jacob being a Navy seal, you being a former bodybuilder, athlete, myself being a fighter, I think we should have that alpha instinct, war instincts, man, that we could just.
I just see. I can smell strategy my way, man. Like, I know what I’m looking at. I know you guys know what you’re looking at. So we’ve been on this from the very beginning, and anybody who told me otherwise, I was always just like, oh, man, they’re just blind. They just don’t know. They’re just been sheltered their whole life. They watch msm. They’re just programmed. But when you. When you now with everything that’s unraveling, it’s pretty crazy to witness. And, And, And. And it’s kind of like, see, I told you so. I mean, there’s no reason.
There’s no reason Trudeau’s resigning. There’s no reason. All this stuff that’s transpiring right now, crazy to me, man. And. And it’s just so obvious. So I don’t know how you guys feel about it, but that’s how I feel, like we should all pat each other on the back. Yeah. I mean, we’ve been warning people for a while that, you know, we’re coming down to this deep state, you know, being taken down. This is their last year of, like, know, control, and they’re going to throw everything at it. I said, you know, five years ago, somebody asked me, is there going to be civil war? And I said, no.
But I see major cities under siege, and now we’re getting down to the wire, we’re like, we’re starting to see. I thought that maybe the limited civil war, but now we’re seeing. It’s probably going to be terrorist activity that’s going to hit these cities. And we just saw the beginning stages of the Deep State activity with those two attacks and NOLA in Vegas. Yeah. And I think I hate this. Go ahead, go ahead. No, no, finish your comment. I got something to throw at both you guys. Some surreal information I got came directly from one of Top Trump’s top advisors.
I want to tell you, but I want to hear what you were going to say. Oh, no, I was just gonna say, I, I, I, I just feel like the, the Deep State is actively infiltrating MSR alternative media and go. And I think it’s so obvious, man. And it’s just, I’m not throwing him under the bus. I love Sean Ryan, he’s a friend of mine, but I, I just feel like his show is used to like, really put this out there, man. And I don’t know if he was, but I don’t think he was part of it.
I’m not gonna say that because I love the guy and I think he’s awesome, but I just feel like, yeah, I mean, I think everyone can agree now. This is a psyop, man. I mean, this, this stuff is bad, you know, and I mean, yeah, he just happens to have right wing manifestos on them, you know, and of course, what better channel than to do it on Sean’s, you know, and like I said, I don’t put fault on him at all. I think I actually commend him for putting this information out there and then people like us can disseminate it and nick it and pick it apart and do what we got to do.
So Sean gets all the credit in the world from me that he put it out there. But when you really look at this, it’s obvious to me that, man, it’s getting real and they’re really, they’re going to be using these type of terror attacks as psyops against the American people and blaming our vets and people like that. So I think it’s game on. Yeah, I’d say. I saw your show on your channel with Josh Reed. You know, we did a, we did a roundtable with Josh one time. It was, it was really good, really informed guy.
And he basically talked about ISO preps that we in the military do when we go overseas. And I kind of, I, I was kind of feeling that too. You know, it’s like, is this, this, you know, veteran is not a veteran. He’s basically active duty, you know, takes leave and rents a electric cyber truck and goes on this Mission to like expose stuff. It’s like, this is stuff, you know, I was exposing, Kerry Cassidy and I were exposing 15 years ago. And so I, I guess these operations are still going on. Why would they stop? To basically send missiles in to kill.
Instant surveillance to keep the wars going so forth. I know these, I’ve been talking about this for a long time. These things have been going ongoing for quite some time. And you guys were, were talking about some of the stuff that was in that manifesto where he was talking about that. And I’m like, yep, that’s, that sounds. Right now. I’m. We’re, we’re still trying to figure out what’s going on with this now in that ISO prep thing where basically military guys, when we go overseas and so forth, especially special operators, we, we have. This is what I would say if I was in distress.
This is, this is all the information, my background. You ask these questions. You know, I’m, I’m, I’m answering the right things and so everything checks out. But if I say this, it means I’m in distress. And pilots and so forth, you know, get the same isoprep stuff. If they get shot down and they get captured, they basically, you know, pass this stuff. I’ve been through all these different schools and all this stuff for a long time. So when I saw that with his car that he said right in the beginning, my car is this. And it was not.
I was like, okay, it’s all suspect right now. And you guys talked about that. I thought it was brilliant. Yeah, he said he had a 2006 Mustang, but it was really a 1998 Mustang. I said, I don’t know anything about that stuff. So when he brought it to my attention, I was like, oh, that would make complete sense. Yeah, okay. Yeah. And then you could just pick it apart from there, you know, and then I, I don’t know about you guys, but I, I, and, But Scott, what were you gonna say? You, you were gonna say something about something.
You heard something from the Trumps people or something like that? Oh, yeah. Commenting on what you guys said, I look at everything with suspicion. How do we know that isn’t a setup Psyop completely coordinated just to show you, like the average person that still hasn’t woken up yet. These overt clues that every. You and I can see before they turn the corner. But some people, like, I think that might be a. I don’t know, I’m suspect. I suspect everything is anymore. But you know, when it, when it came down to, like we said this is a military operation.
I’ve been saying it from day one, since I started the radio show. And we knew that. And here’s how I knew 1,000%, 1,000% following these clowns since 1990 and, you know, elect politics and living that world. I did. When Biden walked out, I think it was 2019, maybe it was early 2019, and he’s basically declaring himself as a candidate. I remember looking at the tv, I was like, what? I was like, what the hell is this bullshit that ain’t Biden. Like, are you shitting? And then I’m thinking, this is nuts. And then days go by, there should be minimum, absolute, bare minimum, 300 people in Congress screaming Bloody Mary.
What the hell is that Biden? I’ve been serving with this hassle for decades. So I saw that. I’m like, it’s confirmed. And then the second thing was when 2020, you know, became stolen. I’ve had peace in my soul since Trump took power, other than BLM antifa, but you could see happening for the first time in the world. But when 2020 was stolen and it was moved, I’ve never had worries about Trump actually getting killed. I’ve never worried about any of this because it’s the first time in decades of frustration I have peace my soul. I can clearly see what this is.
It’s a military op. But here’s what’s really cool. So a close friend of mine is a very well known eye surgeon. Hey, guys. Pete Froze was his best friend, knows all these athletes and big time people. So he’s very well connected. He and his wife were here in Dallas. I think it’s probably pushing a month now. They were in Dallas and they were having dinner. Close friends. There’s another couple and the couple is one of Trump’s top advisors. I just keep her name out of it. And of course my friend doctor, Dr. Rick is. He’s been following all of us from day one.
Q movement, fought back in the vaccine with the hospitals, end up suing the hospital because they did what they did to him, because he, he was pushing back. And she gets excited about information. So of course he’s grilling her. Right? She’s with Trump quite a bit. I’m going to throw these out really quickly. My audiences have already heard this, I think last night. But here’s what she said. The first thing he talked about said that it is true. As Mike, we know, Hillary was executed at Gitmo December 31, 2017. That’s true. She said Trump was there to witness it said it was the worst thing he’d ever seen because she fought violently for a long time hanging before she died.
Biden was obviously dealt with in 2019. She said there’s five actors playing Biden. There’s six Donald Trumps, as you and I obviously know. There’s, you know, we know that she said that. She said that I’ll go to Trudeau really quick. So I don’t forget Trudeau. We’ve seen him at that point weeks, five, six weeks ago, meeting with Trump. She says that’s an actor. Trudeau’s and Gitmo and Trump’s trolling about, you know, that will make Canada part of the US it already is. Norm Traversy, Brad Wasney, General Vallee, been working with those guys a bit in the past, exposing that information.
The National Archives of Canada have now proven they have no, no power. British Council has no power. Control. They’re part of the original Articles of Confederation in the United States. So, and then she said that, that the IRS is going away. She said that all the income tax money people have paid in, it’s all coming back to us because it was built on fraud and it was illegal. And There was a 14 year old nephew sitting there, which Dr. Rick’s nephew is there and he doesn’t like Trump at all. And his parents are anti Trump. So Rick was saying, I’m going to be in so much trouble.
His parents are going to crucify me because he’s going to sit and listen to this stuff, hate Trump. But there’s one point that, that she said and I’m going to get to that in a minute because it gives you a huge ray of light to where we’re headed in the future. But he asked about property taxes. She said it’s all unconstitutional. It’s all going to stop. And I think he said property tax is going to come back as well. There’s going to go, we’re going to be, there’s going to be a 14% flat tax. I don’t know if that’s going to be on consumption or income.
I don’t think it’s going to be income because we know that that’s against the constitutional principles. Yeah, right. So she said she was in, she was in the Federal Reserve building two months ago. She said it’s been shut down for two years. She either said it was either empty or gutted. She said she confirmed that the White House has been shut down for four years. I’ve been saying that since 2020. I said Biden will never Set foot in the White House. And I was there in 2021, on tour, right in front of the White House. And it was nighttime, 12:30 at night.
The town smelled like stench because, you guys remember the streets of D.C. had 8 inches of water through all of D.C. i meant the flooding. They’re flooding the tunnels. It still smelled like sewer. We hadn’t even opened a bus door. And it’s like a vault in there. You could smell it. Wow. The town was dead. I spent a lot of time in DC in my years living in Northeast, doing business there. And I can tell you it’s vibrant. At nighttime, there’s people everywhere. Cars. I’m telling you guys, no cars, no people. And we’re standing in front of the White House, and I’m like, where is it? And my driver Justin’s like, right there.
I’m like, I don’t see. He goes, you see that flag up there and the flagpole with the light on it? Spotlight? I said, yeah. He said, that’s the flag on top of the White House. I’m like. And I was like, holy. Then I could see the outline of the White House in the dark because all the grounds are black. And, you know, his windows are really long, high windows, really thin. They look thin from a distance. One window, one had a light on. Everything else is black. I remember that. Yeah. Completely shut down. I saw my own eyes.
So. So was it shut down for a while or is it. I mean, obviously just like a few months or weeks or what? No, it’s been shut down since 2020. It’s still shut down. Shut down. That’s what she said. It’s been shut down for four years. Yeah. All the other stuff was all, you know, CGI video, Castle Rock, all that kind of stuff. Yeah. I know they’ve been using a studio. I know that for a fact. But I haven’t been to Washington, dc. I don’t know. I. I’ve just heard from people that I’ve heard from. Some people it’s still operating, and some people that it’s not.
So it’s. I don’t know. It’s a ghost town, dude. I’m telling you. I talked to people that. That are also there. It’s a ghost town. They. They blame it on Covet. So she also said that she. She said I’d get to the real. The one statement. It’s very exciting. But she said that the. The new treasury is going to be the. I thought she said Texas or there’s going to be a split between two. Because you have what? You have Reno. I don’t personally know the admiral up there, Mike. You know who Admiral Killian is, but.
But my close friend Rick DeCarlo is connected with those guys. And his. His right hand comes to the E Center. You know, Rick’s a. He’s got a pretty big wingspan, so he gets some pretty good information. She said that the Vatican is out of business. I think maybe like more than two years now. But she said it’s bankrupt, Vatican is out of business, and the gold has been repatriated. She confirmed that. We know. She said the same numbers. 650C, five cargo planes brought it all back. And Rick. My friend Rick DeCarlo said, yeah, he. She wouldn’t tell Dr.
Rick where it was. He said, where is it? In Fort Knox? He goes, I can’t tell you, but Rick DeCarlo said it’s in. Half of it’s in Reno. They’ve been flying private jets in their big ones into these massive hangars, into an area of reno Airport for 10 years. It’s been under construction 10 years. And you have this. This, you know, constant flow for the last couple of years, since that time, nonstop. And he said, and his people confirmed they’re bringing the gold in, and obviously where they store it, it’s got. It’s on the ground. Has to be so much of it.
That was a cool confirmation. She said the Department of Transportation is now going to be moved to Detroit. Michigan Department of Agriculture is going to be moved to Texas. And I think something to do with treasury is, too. And the coolest thing was this. And this, to me, is indicative of what we know to be Nesara Law being implemented. Even though all those podcasters that we know shitting on us for talking about it. That’s bullshit. No proof. Of course there’s not going to be proof. They can’t have any proof out there. But she said to the young man sitting there, I don’t know if he was, you know, interacting, but there’s a statement she made.
She goes, look, you’re obviously a very bright young man. My advice to you is just do really well in school, keep working hard, do well, and find something that you want to do in life that makes you happy. Find something you’re passionate about. Don’t worry about money. You’re going to have all the money you need. Just find something that makes you happy and helps people. Now, you start looking at this picture, obviously there’s going to be the repatriation of this massive wealth that’s on the planet. To start rectifying what humanity has been stolen in their spiritual track for like three to 400 years.
So she said this was a. This was an advisor to Trump, or who was this? One of Trump’s close advisors. He’s been advisor, close advisor for him, with him for the last. When is this all going to be public, though? That’s what I want to know. You know. You know what I think, Nino? This is my belief. When I first read Nasara Law 2019, I started talking about it 2020, in a radio show. They talked about everybody in the United States. And correct me where I’m wrong here, but everybody in the United States from 21 years and up will get like 11, 11,000amonth, every month for, like, life or.
It’s an astronomical number. And I thought that would be like an NBA ball player coming out of the ghetto, showing them with tons of money, and look what happens. Lives, right? So when you think about this, every person that’s working is going to have an immediate 30% raise when they kill the income tax. And so they can’t take it anymore. Now you take that. Mortgages. Oh, Nasara Law. All debt gets wiped out, all banking, institutional debts wiped out because it’s built in fraud. That’s Nesar Law. And in this case, think about, all of a sudden, anything you have financed, it all goes away.
Mortgage is all it. Think of the pay raise and the lifestyle leap, even though it’s only 30% given the lifestyle, but it’s a commensurate jump compared to the type of lifestyle they live. And what a way to start bringing it back at a pace where people don’t go apeshit. Right? Think of the economic explosion Trump keeps talking about come summer 2025, he said last year, it’s going to get better than ever. Right? We’re heading into the golden age. And all this is what Nasara Law ushers in. So anyways, there’s other bullet points I might think of during the show, but.
Well, I mean, who was getting them? So you’re telling me an actress was getting the medal of, or Medal of Freedom, that wasn’t Hillary? Yeah, no, they’re. You did look a lot younger. I will say that. I was like, ah, there are multiple Hillary’s. Look, I saw this in the very beginning, even during Trump’s presidency. I’m like, that’s Mike Pence. I’ve been following Pence. I’ve loved Pence as a, as a congressman in Indiana. And I said, before he became governor back in the late 90s, early 2000s. I said, this guy is going to be a great presidential candidate one day.
He’s kind of got this look, but he’s got white hair, he’s always tan. And he must hit a tanning bed or something all the time because he’s got the wrinkles. He’s got the crow’s feet. When I saw Mike Pence with Trump, I’m like, why is it now, now, follow me here. Why is it none of these people have wrinkles? No wrinkles. Biden, no wrinkles. This kind of Hillary, all of a sudden, her face was falling off during the election. No wrinkles. Elon Musk. No wrinkles. Come on, folks, look at this. All these people, no forehead. I mean, nothing.
And once I remember what better shape Hillary was in when she was getting into that SUV and she started having those spastic seizures. And I’ve always thought to myself, that’s somebody in very bad health. Like, that’s. You’re not just taking a metal. I think, what’s that? I think when they put her in the van, that was the last time we saw the real Hillary Clinton. I think you could be right. See, that’s why I think this holds water, because there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t add up. I’m just wondering now, I’m still one foot in, one foot out with this.
I’m just gonna say that. I’m just saying it. But what about when we do seek justice and we do want to see these people arrested and executed? Who the. Are they gonna execute? Their actors? Oh, tough. No, but who are they gonna get? I don’t understand this. I mean, are they never gonna be brought to justice? And just behind the scenes, I mean, the people want to see just play out. They’ll probably play whatever happen and they’ll just. In the past, this is we. So you. They could play real time, too. Could be like, you know, we just.
Even though it’s old, you know, they make a movie and sometimes they don’t release it for several years later. That’s it, Mike. That’s exactly what they’re going to do. They all have. They’re going to play this later. It’s analog. It’s all. It’s all done on analog. So they can’t say this was digitized because you can’t do that to analog. You can’t. You can’t change. And that’s what they’re going to do. Look, it comes back again. All the drops, 5,000 plus drops, we’ve read and studied. And when I look at these things, I tie them in. Really simple truth and transparency is the only way forward.
Military is the only way. It had to be this way. You look at all of these, and it fits in with everything, in my opinion. In fact, David, That’s a weird thing to say to him. It’s Nino. I’ve never called you David in my life. I don’t know where that came from. You know, when they picked up Hillary, the reason, Mike, and this is maybe theoretical, but what I learned or heard was the reason she was standing on that curb and almost went down. This is sensational, and I’m not buying into it as possible, but they were arresting her.
They were arresting her. That’s believable. I mean, why else would she go into that fit? I’ve never seen it. She fucking lost it. Here’s what it was she realized right then and there, fucking over for her. She knew it. They said when they opened that band or up Junior sitting back there, you know, in one of the benches. But. But she. She nearly passed out because I guess it hit her SG and on said that she went out like a coward. In his dark web research. She went out like a coward. But so now, here’s the thing.
It wasn’t out until hours. The media saw it, and they worried about her health. Hours later, outside of her daughter’s apartment, you see her walking down the street. Completely different. Hillary, total double Mike. Right? Completely. That’s true. Man. I can’t debate. I can’t refute this. It’s true. I mean, and I’ve heard she is the most evil person out of all of them. All of them. Like, I heard that her frazzled drip video made grown men throw up and cry. What she did to that little girl. Those were the. Those were the detectives at nypd. Hardened detectives, career detectives that most of them retired pretty quickly because of the psychological damage that they were throwing up, crying and.
And. And. And they’re all dead now. I think maybe 11 out of 12, if not all of them, are all dead now. Yeah, suicided. Well, yeah, suicided or whatever. So. Look, I. I’ve never. I’ve never doubted that the. The Q movement, although many people shared on it, ran away from it, won’t mention Q. I’m like, my whole freaking intro to my show, it’s all boom, all Q stuff. Like, I never took it down, you know, because it’s the only thing that’s ever made sense to me in 34 years. 30 years or probably. I hope. I hope you’re right about that.
Because, I mean, I’m still kind of. I don’t know, but I can. I want to believe this. Believe me, I do. I’m sure my whole audience does, too. And probably a lot of them do. I would imagine a lot of them do. It’s still got to come, though. Yeah. So it can only be by the military. So it hasn’t happened yet. Now what is going to happen, I think it’s going to be the attacks in the cities from these terrorists that have come across. Now, Brandon Biggs is. He’s talked about, you know, he saw Trump getting shot before it happened, and he, he actually predicted the, the actual NOLA and Vegas.
And he also said Nashville, but Nashville didn’t get hit. So he’s been very accurate. So he basically came out and said 10 cities, 100 guys, terrorists basically per city. And that’s coming soon. So usually it takes 10 cities. Or did you say 10? 10 different cities. I think there’s going to be a little bit more than that. I think some of the people that are going to be involved in it are obviously going to be, you know, Middle Eastern terrorists. They’re gonna, you know, hit Trump because they took out Soleimani. Trump took out Soleimani. So they’re going to like the payback.
And they know that once Trump gets in there, he’s basically going to come after them and, and finish the job. So they’re going to do a strike. So Iran. So Trump has talked about, you know, high rent, how Iran, you know, is probably going to come after him and try and kill him. I think that’s what’s, you know, we got coming, you know, with these tax in these cities. I also think the Chinese are going to be involved in it and the Ukrainians. So all of them have something to lose because it basically, it’s gonna. Because Trump basically, you know, took China down last time, he’s gonna, like, you know, finish the job this time.
Same thing. Ukraine is basically gonna. They’re gonna cease to exist when Trump comes back in. So all these, all these people have a, you know, they have to take out Trump. They’re part of the Deep State. Deep State’s paid him off. Deep State’s been paying, you know, Biden administration, if you want to call it that, whatever Deep State administration has been paying like upwards of $50 million a week to Afghanistan and that’s basically for training of terrorists that are going to come here. So what do you guys think? You know, Trump invited. Was it Xi Jinping to the, to the inauguration and he declined.
That, to me, was Trump. I think Trump did that on purpose to, to air that guy out or to put him out there on stage to show everybody, right. Probably what coming is from them. So, you know, he knew he would decline. He probably knew. He’s, you know, he’s wanted it for arrest or war crimes or whatever because of the drones, who knows what. So he invited him as like a cocky type of backhanded, like, slap, like, come on, come to my inauguration, I dare you. I think that’s what that was. And then Gigi Ping is like, you can go yourself.
I don’t think he, I think he’s like, no, I’m not going. And then that’s a calm right there. Like, you know what I’m saying? Like, that’s what I think. Great. Totally, totally. And so are the Chinese gonna be involved in that? You know, dude, it’s inauguration. I, I was all lined up to go, I’m not going now. It’s like after the, those attacks, the, the threat levels like escalated everywhere. Now I got in, I got invited to go, and I don’t think I’m going. Yeah, yeah. I just think, why, it’s okay. Why would you subject yourself to such, especially us.
We need, we need to be out here talking about this st. I don’t know. I want to, I want to get the best view from the TV coverage of it all. I’m going to derail the train right now. And let’s see where we can go from this point right now. Because I just remember one of the things that she told him. And when she told him, he was like, you’re not going to believe this. And he told me, I said, it’s exactly what I said. The following Monday after this happened, the whole world’s talking about it.
And I said, this doesn’t pass the smell test simply because, number one, if you are a cabal paid, you know, killers, you’re not putting amateurs up there, number one. And number two, if you drag them out of Pennsylvania somewhere, nobody misses that shot. I said it many times. There’s more. There’s more guns in the woods of Pennsylvania, the first day of buck season. And the largest standing army on earth. There’s a million high powered rifles in the woods and everybody’s a sniper. Nobody’s missing a standing target. 150 yards, you’re hitting that when you’re 12 to 14, when it, when a deer’s on a move, right? And I said, then, I said, I’m telling you right now, Trump being allowed to Stand up.
No effing way. The Secret Service now has full power over the presidency. And the man in the office, when they got to protect him, says, get off me. F yourself, you know, and go F yourself, President Trump. And you do not let him stand up. No way is he going to stand up, do this, take a bullet on another shot. She said it was staged. Yeah, the assassination was staged. I said. I told you. Now, this is, you know, this is what she said. And I believe it. I believed it from day one. And it just.
None of it made sense to me. It. There’s no, you know, you got a Secret Service agent that tries, what, Mike, 27 to 45 times to reholster her weapon, and she can’t get the damn weapon reholstered. Nobody’s that poorly trained, right? One guy that was shot, and I’m like, you. Are you silly? Are you serious? If. If that guy was shot, you think there’d still be people standing around? No, if he was. If. If somebody got shot in a stadium, you know how we all do the. You know, the stadium. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, how fast.
That’s how fast everybody would get out. Somebody got shot in a stadium, so no one’s gonna hang out. And then when they came and got the guy, they just, like, picked him up and put him on a cart and just took him away. I was like, that’s not the way that works. They would have treated. They were trying to work on him. But, you know, so if. If you still believe that, that’s okay. But there’s lots of. And from my point of view, from having been involved in, you know, moving people like that, protective details, he would have been off the X so fast, it would have made your head spin.
So I was like, oh, something’s wrong here. And then I started dissecting everything. And, like, you’re talking about Scott. No one misses that. That distance. So it was staged. So when you know that they’re basically taking the Deep State stuff, and they didn’t even. They didn’t even know that it was taken down until it happened. They’re like, how is he still alive? That’s not possible. So they probably didn’t even know until that moment because they had, like, you know, put options out and they missed. They. They lost a lot of money. All kind of crazy stuff, so they didn’t even know.
And the same thing that happened, I believe, in Vegas. So did the Deep State grab him and. And, you know, concoct that. That whole show, was that the same thing? It was Like a payback. You do this, we do this type thing. So we have to look at all the things that are going to come. And Trump getting in office is like a big, you do that and we’re going to do this. So we got to be heads up, I think. Well, I, I’m just reading now that there’s an Iranian Channel 3 and it put out that in the coming hours of world we’ll witness unusual scenes and developments.
Obviously, whatever it witnesses, we know it’s the three letter agencies using Iran as a proxy. So what I’m saying is, what I’m saying here is that they’re putting this out on Iranian Channel 3, but in reality it’s they’re going to blame Iran for whatever they do here. Right? So could we see this start? I, I, I, dude, guys. I mean the windows closing, like they don’t got much time to do much. I mean, and from what I understand, losing the president, losing the election, first of all, and first and foremost was like their jaws were on the floor, they were shell shocked.
It was like they didn’t know what to do. And then the speaker of the House came, came about and Johnson gets in there. They can’t delay J6, you see Kamala up there just like looking around like, I have to go through this. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I’m not supposed to be doing this right now. He’s not supposed to be president. Like they’re all in disbelief. So here we come to inauguration. What the hell’s gonna happen, dude? We’re there, we’re like, we’re in that whatever’s gonna happen has to happen like yesterday. Dude, you gotta talk at Orville Redenbacher.
Because right now is when it starts to count in my opinion. Because I, I, I’m fascinated by all of it. I’m looking to say, okay, the inauguration. Somebody said me the other day, I don’t remember who, but you know, this a different inauguration we’ve ever seen because this is not the inauguration run by the United States Corporation. This is run by, you know, the Restored Republic. Or not literally, but figuratively, this is being done a whole different way. So, man, I have no clue. Do you guys agree that whatever they do, they’ve got to do it now? They can’t.
Once he’s in there, it’s, I mean, but I mean he’s, he, whatever they do, he can still get in there though, right? I mean he can be sworn in in a bunker. So I’m confused on this. I guess game, set, match already or are they gonna just say, let’s knock over the chessboard and torch everything we’ve already won? This thing’s been won for a long time. Everything about it, the financial side is. I’ve been told this, you know, it was, it was wrapped up in 2017. Already won. Their slow walk in the movie to slowly wake people up.
I could be wrong. I hear the same thing from a lot of people. I just. Man, that’s just really elaborate, man. That’s like, I mean, look how elaborate it is. How they programmed us and made us believe all the, that should be unbelievable. All of our lives, pretty elaborate. They’re probably just, you know, using their weapons against them, you know, all of it. I, I still think they have cards to play. I do. I still think that. But, but here’s the question, guys, and I want your, I want to know what you guys think before or after inauguration.
If you had a, if you had to bet on it, man, if we’re at the roulette table right now and it’s red or black, and let’s say red, it goes to the inauguration. It happens after inauguration. Black before. Where are you putting your money? I’d say after you go red. Mike, what about you happen. Well, after, actually it could happen as, as late as February before the hits his fan. So, you know, and then it’s going to be, you know, the military. That’s when the military. So military still has to come out. We still need to go through like Juan talks about the near death experience.
We haven’t seen that yet, so. Yeah, but you think it’s gonna happen on Trump’s. I guess it has to happen on Trump’s watch now. Yeah, we, we thought that the stock market would crash before Trump, you know, came in office. I think it doesn’t crash for a while after he gets in office. I think it’s still going to go up. Crypto’s still going to go up. And then once whatever happens, and I could be wrong, could happen tomorrow. I don’t, you know, I’m just completely flexible. Remember the Federal Reserve chairman, I have my silver. It’s going to go up.
It’s going to go up at some point. So, you know what? Isn’t the Federal Reserve chairman stepping down? Didn’t he say he wasn’t going to step down? Wasn’t he, like, I’m not stepping down. I don’t care what Trump says. Now he’s stepping down. Yeah. That shows you there’s an Trudeau stepping down. Who, who’s pulling these guys Aside and saying, look, motherfucker, this is what time it is. This is what’s happening. Some. That’s. That’s got to be happening behind the scenes, man. Yeah. And then Panama Canal and Greenland. What’s next? Uk? Yeah. Yeah. I would hope so, because the UK is dancing.
They’re dancing. They’re dancing. They’re so fired up because they know their freedom’s coming, you know? You said what? You know, what would you bet? You know, here’s my answer. You know, I lived in Vegas for seven years and I never even put a quarter in a slot machine. The worst thing for me is to sit at a table, win money. I guarantee if I did in six months, I’d be living in a cardboard box under a freeway because I get addicted to shit like that. And I’m like, so my answer is, well, how much would I bet? I ain’t betting shit.
I’m sitting back watching because I don’t know. And I’m just. I just think. And I know I’m a tough one, man, but I’m just like, I’m watching a slow walking, you know, animal that is just, you know, getting people say, holy shit, is that a giraffe walking down the street? And Dallas, how does a giraffe get out? What’s the one doing here? Like, like, so you saw that, but you didn’t see this? You people are really freaking asleep. So I just think it’s. I think when it’s all said and done, the three of us, we’re going to be calling each other on the phone down the road in years from now.
Like, can you freaking believe that? Things that we see, that we learned, that they did to wake everybody up, that we bought into. I still think that Trump, she and Putin are still aligned. Somebody said to me, a guy out of Australia, he’s a, you know, SAS guy, and he said that he actually rolled around on the mat with Putin. I mean, he knows Putin personally. He’s in, I forget which. Which form of martial arts, but he’s rolled on judo, type of judo. He’s like advanced belts. This is the si. I heard this is, I don’t know, the sixth Vladimir Putin.
I can tell you. I followed, obviously, Putin since he stepped into the role from 99 After Yeltsin and, you know, become heroic. We didn’t know it yet, but he’s been heroic in that country. And this Putin has a different shaped skull. And this Putin, zero wrinkles, none. And he’s 20 years older. Like, no wrinkles. Wrinkles. I think that there’s just, you know, either C going on here, man, or whatever. Yeah, that’s. That’s what I see. Cloning happening. What’s going on here? I don’t know, but I agree. Yeah, it’s. It’s different. Different. Different Cat. That’s, you know, Putin now.
But the. Russia is. If we look at Russia, I mean, uh, we had, uh, you know, a lot of people that have gone over there, and I’ve talked about it, you know, Scott Bennett, you know, God bless his soul, he basically went over there and said they were good people. And the same thing with the. The Iranians. Yeah, the people are good, just like American people are good. But their governments, you know, who knows? So who knows, you know, what Russia will do if, you know, they feel threatened? Would they, you know, nuke. They’ve. I think they’ve already had that opportunity to.
To pull that, but to pull that trigger, and they’ve been. They haven’t done that. So I think we should, you know, be thankful for that at this point. So I think they’re, you know, I think Putin and Trump have a. Some kind of agreement going on. And I think Trump and, you know, Z may maybe they have an agreement, but there’s deep state everywhere. So what? How much control does the deep state have? That’s what we need to be looking at. And where do they have that control? And where is that control going to be completely annihilated going forward? If it’s annihilated in the United States, is it still operational in China? And then we duke it out with the Chinese, you know, so.
Or the. The UK element of the deep state, is that taken down? So it could be, you know, more operations that need to happen going forward. I have no doubt that Putin and Trump are allies. I know they’re both fighting the deep state. And I know while Trump was in office, I’m pretty damn sure he probably told Putin they probably came up with a brilliant game plan. And he said, no matter how much they push and shove, you don’t fire back. It’s like, I don’t know, it’s kind of like being the guy at the bar or something, where someone’s just coming up to you, talking to, pushing you, punching you, and you’re not allowed to fight back.
You know, you’re just like, I’m just. I’m waiting. I’m waiting. I just know that, you know, whatever. That’s just the best analogy I can use. But that’s what it seems like to me. He’s just taking it, taking it, taking it because you know, if he commits, we go into World War three nuclear exchange, then the globalists get exactly what they want. So I think Putin’s been holding off for ex, for America to clean up their mess, for Trump to finish this part of the operation and now they go into a new phase. That’s what I think.
Good point. Good one. Yeah. I think they, they got it all figured out. I think they know the moves they got to make. And I’m sure you agree with me, Mike. They, they moved. They tried twice since Kennedy, they took out Kennedy twice, they tried to move on this Kazarian mob and of course they failed miserably. What I was told number of years ago was especially with Nesara Law, Nesara Law was signed at gunpoint as one of Seal Team 6. If I’m not mist, Dr. Sanders said Admiral Killian’s the one that led that raid on the White House.
Nesara Law was signed in Congress. There’s only 15 people eligible to sign it. You say, how’s that possible? Because in the US Corporation they have all lawyers. In the original republic, you cannot be a lawyer and be in Congress. So, so there was 15 people that qualified in Congress side to sign it and they had to breach the White House and makes Clinton sign at gunpoint. And I heard it years ago and apparently Admiral Killian, as I’ve been told, was the one that had the gun to his head, forced him to sign the SAR law. Then what I was told was it was then GW Bush that was supposed to then implement it, bring it out, but again daddy’s his controller and he was going to kill that.
But there was supposed to be an announcement. Again, can’t confirm it, but it’s what I heard many years ago there was supposed to be an announcement. On September 1, 2001 at 10:00am Alan Greenspan was going to make a formal public announcement to the nation on the implementation. How are they going to implements Nasara law. And then when the attacks happened, Building seven, as we saw, is a perfect demolition, just like the other two big towers. That’s where the Nasara packets were kept and housed. And incidentally, who’s leading the operation of all that? That’s U.S. naval intelligence.
And now we have the attack on the Pentagon. And the part of the Pentagon, as you know, Mike, the part they hit, they had massively reinforced it and that part was the Office of Naval Intelligence. So they attacked the very institution that’s carrying out the implement meditation is an Asar law. They stole the packets Dropped the building. And we’ve. Because of that, we’ve had 25 more years. 24, 25 more years of hell on earth at the hands of the crime dynasty, the Bushes. So you know, through the course of that time that, that my opinion was the second time they tried to take down the third time, which is now they had to have it sink completely buttoned up.
Know every single move, cut off every exit. No, it’s going to play out like you said, Nino. There’s still, you know, there’s still moves to make, but at the end of the day, it’s. It’s that chess move that is called Queen’s Gambit. I saw a movie not long ago and there’s this young girl playing a. A chess expert who’s the janitor in a boiler room of a school she went to. She learned how to play chess. She’s a sense or she was a sensational chess player playing against this master as a janitor. And he taught her a lesson.
He’s making moves on the board and she. Now he’s got her like five to six moves prior to the end of the game. It’s too late. There’s nowhere to go. If she’s a good chess player and she’s a. An honorable one, she tilts her queen over on the chessboard and bows out. It’s. It’s called the Queen’s Gambit. You can’t win no matter what move you make. All exits are cut off. Don’t. He wouldn’t play her for a long time or something. He punished her. That’s disrespectful. You can clearly see it’s over. I think that’s exactly what this entire operations has been basically the Queen’s Gambit.
The other side is going to continue to play every single move that they got, thinking somehow there’s a miracle that they’re going to be able to win. That’s just my theory. I’ll say this, I’ll say that. Look what’s happening with this freeze America. You can’t tell me that’s not man made, first of all. So I know they still have some control of weather. Warfare is what I see here. Get the wildfires in California. You’re telling me we’re suffering a freeze, but yet there’s wildfires at the same time. This is, this is not natural at all. So I know that they’re still controlling the weather.
There’s trying to. They’re still trying to manipulate that at least I’m pretty sure. I would imagine that there’s going to be some terrorist attacks. You know, I do see multiple cities getting hit. That’s just common sense to me. I agree. But one thing I do want to bring up and then that you said is like, look at these. We haven’t heard from Obama. We haven’t heard anything. George Bush, where’s he at? He’s in quiet for years. Crazy. No, everybody’s silent since the election. This is the craziest thing. Not even since the election, bro. For, like, years, George Bush has been like, yeah, but aren’t you, aren’t you fascinated how there’s no shitstorm anywhere after the election? Look, not just Trump’s election first, when the Biden theft, all that.
I’ve watched elections, like, for decades, and it was really, when the Clintons came to power, they took politics into the sewer. Carville Clinton and George Stephanopoulos and Hillary. But since that time, every time there’s an election and Republicans win, the left goes apeshit, the Democrats go apeshit. You know, the person at loss goes apeshit. Look at, look at 2020, look at 2016. All of a sudden there’s an election. Trump’s declared that night blew me away. And it’s been peaceful and silent. Like, what the hell’s going on? That hasn’t happened any of the last five election presidential cycles.
What is going on? So it’s too strange to me. So you, you know, who, who runs that? That’s a military industrial complex. So there’s obviously still military elements that have control. I think a lot of those elements have been slowly whittled down, but obviously, I mean, we had, you know, you know, some people that have resigned their positions in the military recently. So who is still in there that have, you know, are part of this game? I had James Files on who basically was a Vietnam veteran that they pulled in and trained to be an assassin.
George H.W. bush was, was part of that team that trained them. George H.W. bush was there during the assassination of JFK because he was heading up. He was the head of the team that was involved in that. So James Files basically, you know, pulled the trigger. Had him on my show. He talked about it. He says, yes, we’re trained. And as one professional, you guys being professionals in your fields, I can look at another professional. I was like, this guy is trained to my level, so I’m still Team six level guy. And this guy is like me, and he’s a bad guy, but he doesn’t realize he’s a bad guy because he’s playing for the Deep state, which he thinks is the good guys.
So this is probably right now we have an element that’s extremely highly trained. How do you think that Ms. Will hit the Pentagon? Where did they come from? So, you know, we have uh. And the. How, how will those, you know, buildings dropped in the footprint directed injury weapons which are causing fires in Southern California right now cause fires in Lahaina and on and on and on. So who is doing that as part of a military industrial complex? Deep state. This is not, this is not done. We’re not done yet. We have, we have work to do.
Yeah. You think this. So you, if you had to, would you say that this lasts about six months to a year within Trump’s presidency before you get wrapped up or longer? Oh, it’s going to go a lot longer. But I think the, the majority of it, it happens. We’ll probably get some still a little tiny pin prick attacks maybe up to the inauguration. Maybe there’ll be a little, some hanky panky going on in the background of the inauguration, but it won’t disrupt the inauguration. I think it still goes through because they want deniability. They, even though they’re pretty much out in the open right now, they still want that deniability until the last moment when they’re going to like hammer us.
Like Kamala said during the, the certification, you know, this is the cornerstone of democracy. You know, she did a peaceful transition. She had to keep saying that because she knew what they’ve done, what they were, they were, they were responsible for all of this. And now she’s like, got to make it clear to the public like this is how you handle it. Good little angels. And you’re right, they’re probably going to pull the trigger right when Trump, Right. When he few a month after he’s in there to show see he’s the guy. Right. That’s the only move I can.
I don’t know. You’re right. Go play that. It’d be longer because as you said, Mike, I believe that too. There will be things that go on into the future. Because if you look at the Civil War, after the Civil War war and the north basically won the Civil War. There were, there were attacks and kind of terrorist attacks for the next 10 years. People in the south, all that. Yeah, yeah. I mean they continued on. They’re like f. That I don’t care if we supposedly lost or not. I’m gonna keep fighting. Although they’re disbanding the army.
That’s what a lot of guys did. Yeah. And, you know, we have a lot of stuff to like, you know, fix here in Florida or I’m not in Florida, but in Florida, where I live, they just try to like, you know, do investigation and, you know, are people culpable for the vaccination? Was there, you know, harm done there and so forth. And Florida’s like, no, there’s nothing wrong there. No one needs to be held accountable. So of course you have Ron Desanctimonious that puts the vaccination constantly. He’s like, yeah, you go to cvs, you know, we have it available for all those seniors, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
He’s comp. He’s. He’s compromised. Look at just that. That’s going to take a lot of time. And people taking on those people, you know, deporting all the, all the, you know, people here that are here illegally. And then you have. The terrorist attacks are gonna be happening. It’s. It’s gonna be a mess. Yeah. And that’s that and me being on the border. I gotta tell you right now, I am concerned about that because I hear and see things here, bro. Guys, I do. You’re always talking about it. Yeah, I live through it, man. I know what they’re capable.
I know what this just. I don’t know. Like I said, I’m surprised it hasn’t kicked off already. Me too. That’s how I know there’s an operation behind the scenes. Because it should have kicked off, right? Something’s. They’re being restrained somehow, bro. And I, and I, obviously, I don’t have the knowledge or privy. Attaining that information. But I got to tell you, from what I see, absolutely. You know, when you’re watching a fight and a guy takes a dive, or a guy’s holding back or, you know, whatever. I know what I’m looking at right now and I, I see this.
It’s obvious there’s a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes. And obviously we all talk to the same people. We’re all involved in the same circle. So we all know that, you know, we hear things. We all hear the same stuff. So I guess as this, these days unfold, weeks unfold, months, it’s all going to come to light in my mind. Yeah, I’m gonna pull something. The fog and stuff. We can talk about the fog. You know how that’s, that’s another operation I got going on. Yeah. People getting sick from that. So there’s. We’re not done by a long shot.
There’s. They still have, you know, stuff to Pull out. That’s mainly in the east coast, right? Or where is that? It’s all over the world. Even Germany was reporting that fog. And somebody was talking about how it was in Vegas for a little bit, you know, pretty much every, everywhere. So this is how they’re going to push the next virus. Almost everybody from every state was like, yeah, we got foggy. We have. I was like, wow. So it’s probably going to be the next virus. That’s how they’re going to do it. Could be, could be. They’re so people are talking about, they went and checked their, their filters and their vents black.
And really, they’re like, there’s no problem. So heads up, everybody out there. If you listen to this, you know, go check your, go check your filters right now. If you’re in all this fog stuff, I’d like to see somebody do an analysis on that, like take it into a laboratory and start saying, what exactly is this? And find out. Absolutely what’s, what’s, you know, what they’re, what they’ve embedded in. That’s scary, man. Because what if they are really going all in on this? They’re like, all right, just forget it. Kill everyone. You know, like, let’s just take it, you know, let’s just rid the population.
And I mean, who’s gonna stop, you know, if there’s stuff in this fog that’s, you know, gonna give us viruses or just. I don’t know. I’ve been hearing a lot of people getting sick, man, right now, trying to push the scare. There’s, there’s a big outbreak in India and they’re, they’re just saying that everybody’s just on pins and needles because the last, you know, pandemic. But of course, they don’t call it that, but, you know, so anything that comes up, they’re saying, you know, things would get out of control. But are they really getting out of control? So we’ll see.
But I think we’re going to a golden age regardless. You know, we’re going to go through difficulties and usually before the light, you know, shines bright, uh, you’re going to go through a little bit darkness. That’s what we’re going through. So it’s going to be tough. You know, stay, stay open minded, stay flexible, and you’ll make it through the other side. It’s always darkest before dawn and I know that. I think we can all agree that it’s eerily silent. Oh, yeah. So weird. It’s. It’s like we’re all in the foxhole. Like, okay, aren’t they supposed to be attacking right now? And we’re just waiting and it’s like, okay, it’s been days, it’s been weeks.
What are we doing? You know what I mean? Like, what’s going on here? You know, being in the foxhole. There’s no atheists in the foxhole, so. No. Yeah, about that. All of us. I got a question to ask you guys. I want to show you something here. I came across this a week ago and I went ahead and reposted this on X. And this is how. And here’s how I dropped this post. I picked it up off of X. And, and just what, what I’ve, what I put. When I dropped this thing, I just said, you know, I’ve, I’ve, I’ve.
I’ve stayed silent on these issues over the last couple years. And I’m just watching because truly, I don’t know really who’ I want to show you guys this, and I want you to give me your thoughts on what this really is. Because when you think one person is totally behind Trump and then you hear this and you’re like, WTF is going on here? Listen to this and give me your comments on this. I’m going to bring it up, then I’m going to play it and, and listen to this. Yeah. How can they do that? Right, Right.
You don’t understand people. I do. Rod should hold a press conference today and call for drums. Impeachment. That’s what I would do. That’s what I would do. I’m going to do it. I’m. I’m supporting impeachment. I was supporting impeachment. He must be removed. He signed. Jared must be prostituted. I want to know how money changed hands on Banner. I want a federal investigation. I’m filing a complaint with the FBI this afternoon. These people up. These people. Right, right. So. Right, right, exactly. Which is, which is why I’m for the impeachment. I want impeachment. I work very hard for it.
I’m not kidding. He betrayed Bernie, betrayed Rudy, everybody. So he has to go. He has to go. He has to go. Run again. You’ll get your brains beat in. Right, right. Which is good, unfortunately for Pat, because he’s easy to find. These pit ball. Let’s be very clear. Let’s be very clear. There is no Madden cocksucker. It’s one sentence. One sentence. So if you’re intermediate and he says that, you punch him in the mouth as hard as you can to make your point. It’s one sentence. We’re not stupid. There is no paperwork. You. He needs to be impeached.
He needs to be denounced and impeached. The greatest single mistake in American history. Greatest single mistake. He’s surrounded by morons, and he surrounded himself by morons. A good long sentence in president. Think about it. Other districts coming for him and he did nothing. You, you and your abortionist daughter, obviously, if you use any of that, I’ll murder you. Now, when I saw that, I was seeing. Isn’t that old, though? Isn’t that pretty old? It apparently is, based on the way he’s talking. We’re impeachment days. So how, how the hell, hell do you know truly who’s who here? Because Roger Stone has promoted himself as a huge loyalist Trump supporter, you know, reawakened tour, all this stuff.
And that’s why I say I can’t tell who’s who. That’s why I keep my mouth shut. Because I, I don’t know. Because, you know, the operations. Kazarian mobsters are the best infiltrators. They’ll make you believe who they want you to believe. That’s why I always say, I don’t know. People ask me questions like, look, do you sign NDAs? I’m not inside an NDA. I’m telling you flat out, I don’t know. So I keep my mouth shake. I’m always watching these people, like, boy, that’s really bad news right there that I just saw. That wasn’t staged either.
Like, holy. Who is he talking to? You know, I don’t know. I just, just saw that and I watched. I get. Who, who leaked that thing? I guess he was doing, I heard he was doing some kind of documentary and the film guy was there, this is what I heard, and that it got leaked. He leaked it out or something. But I mean, I don’t know, dude. I, I, that’s, yeah, trust but verify, you know, carry big stick, glass notes and perestroika. I’ve seen that before. I’ve seen that before. And that was a long time ago.
Yeah, I just heard Trump’s administration, I don’t know, was that the first or second impeachment attempt? So. Wow. Yeah. So now he’s like, like you say, it’s like a big Trump supporter. Always was, supposedly. And so now, now we kind of see that and, but are people still going to love him? Yeah, because they don’t, they don’t know how to distinguish between, you know, you know, good guy and a bad guy. They just Somebody tells them a good guy and they’re like, they run with it and it’s hard to like, you know, get them off that, that crazy train.
You know. I’m wondering if they’re doing things like this or not maybe that particular. But there’s aspects, the things that make us go like really like shouldn’t we be moving faster? My, my only inclination or explanation I have because I’m always looking to give that latitude is that my belief is if, if the things that they’re doing like this, like, like these slow walking things and, and it’s so ridiculous to you and I, but my opinion is that’s going to be biblical. We know this is a spiritual ascension track on this planet. That’s why we’re here.
We got stifled for hundreds of years. So are they doing things in a certain way because they’re, they’re focused on the spiritual consciousness of people to try to get them, you know, to walk through, to stumble, to wake up slowly to give them a shot, you know, at, you know, the ascension before the earth moves into fourth density and goes bye bye. And if they get recycled or they’ll get recycled to an incarnation, but it’s not going to be in, it’s not going to be here because this planet’s moving into its fourth density spiritual ascension position anyway.
So if you can’t, you’re not at the higher third density, you can’t survive the transition bye bye. And then you’re going to come through another third density experience and you hopefully learn in that lifetime. I’m just guessing, maybe they’re looking at it from a spiritual standpoint. We’ve got to do our best to reach every soul that we can. It’s not their fault. That’s how I give latitude to these people. Like these are dumber than house rats. How’s this possible? You can’t see it, but I always give latitude because we woke up in a matrix, they hit us in the ass, cut our food supply off immediately.
Steel room, bright lights, take us from mom, you know, Print us and all this that starts shooting in us. That was just the introductory first day, like wow, this is going to be a great life, right? They got every second of our lives. So I can see how people have a hard time. And that’s why I just always looking for that little crack, that clue like maybe this is why this is so ridiculous because they’re trying to rescue as many souls from the Matrix. Well you gotta, you gotta have the awakening. You people have to evolve themselves.
Us. Yeah, we could wait. I got to bow out. I got other engagement. But yeah. This was amazing being with you guys again. So great conversation. Let’s come back post inauguration, see what we think about what must have or what might. Absolutely. Yeah, I agree.