And as hard as these satanic minions are at work trying to get rid of us, it’s not so easy because we have the spirit of God in us. That’s my belief. Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Leela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide. This revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan. Scientific investigations reveal that Leela’s technology not only enhances blood health and circulation, but also neutralizes the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields, expedites wound healing and elevates ATP production in human cells.
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We start talking about alien, alien and what the possibility is in our world. With that we talk about human consciousness. We go there and it’s really a fun conversation and I hope you take that journey with us. You know, we are, we’re trying to figure out where the science really is. We’ve all been lied to that I don’t know if we’ve been lied to. Is it just that people who’ve been teaching it didn’t know either, you know, and there are scientists that have been working in the background on black projects who’ve known that the science is different and they keep perpetuating it.
And we, we need the opportunity to be able to explore and learn differently and not be suppressed. And I’m telling you, there’s too much evidence that we live in an electric universe. You know, everything is frequency and vibration. I’ve had Sherri Edwards on. Sherri Edwards is an absolute treasure to humanity and people like her. You know, I gotta tell you, the Tesla files, those are amazing. MIT took them and you know who managed them? That was Donald Trump’s uncle. So I think Trump knows more than what people realize and it’ll be very interesting. I had a show with Dark Journalist many years ago, back in 2018 or something talking about Trump’s uncle and I think you will find that fascinating too.
Maybe I’ll put a link to that. It’s long been deleted off YouTube but you can still get it on Believe on Odyssey and even an audio but fascinating conversation I have with Todd Callender and maybe it’ll open some of your eyes on what the actual operations are with COVID and different things. He’s a very interesting person. But before we get into that, I want to talk to you again about Masterpiece and the fact that you need to use this. Please consider using this for detoxing your body. It’s working to get the graphene oxide, the heavy metals, the microplastics.
People are seeing a good results from this. It’s only 52.99 for a two month supply and you can get it with the link below or at my shop page. The other thing that I want to share with you is this wellness band which gives you 300 frequencies and you put it on and people are feeling a difference. I actually this is Bodyalign. I like their sleep patch. I use it every night. It helps me. I’m noticing a difference. So if. But if you’re using, you know, like the Lela Q things like that you. It depends on what you find.
That Lew is another quantum service. I just absolutely love if you. Everybody has these Black Friday things. So if you are interested in learning about these frequency devices and different things, I think you need to do layers of it because we are being bombarded in a soup of EMFs. So I will have the link below to this and my shop page. You can also look at the Leela Q stuff that they have lots of Black Friday deals going on at Le Q. This is something that people might really need. My sleep pack is helping me sleep.
Look into that. These are great Christmas presents. Okay, let’s get into my wonderful conversation with Todd Callender. The great Todd Callender comes back to our program. Welcome back, Todd. Thanks. Thanks for having me. I don’t know how great, but thank you for the kind words. So happy to be here. Well, I had to use that word because you, when I said great earlier, like I don’t know. And so I had to use it and just rub it into you. Killing me, man. But okay, we have some serious things to talk about. But you have to laugh once in a while.
You have to be light hearted, otherwise it’s too serious. Right. I mean for sure, for sure. So let’s. What do you want to talk about first? Let’s talk about the, the banking system, where that’s at. It’s going to go into all different tangents. I believe that from everything I’ve studied over the last hundred and some years, every time there’s any kind of global economic change, war goes along with it. So this whole war stuff is a backdrop of big geopolitical power changes that they are. They’re trying to maintain their power. Can you talk about what you’ve seen? Because one thing that really, really sparked my interest about your and I know you’ve been in the financial world for decades here.
Yeah. Is that you don’t think there’s going to be a global collapse or to the same degree you think that there’s a shift going on that’ll keep us from being, from collapsing. Can you talk about that? Well, there’s a lot of ways to look at this. There’s the good and the bad. So let’s go with the good part for my lord at least 20, 30 years. Deutsche bank was the leader in the world at issuing derivatives as the issuer of these securities. And they’re just bets. They’re bets on bets and sometimes bets on bets on bets.
That’s right. Yeah. And the reality is this, Sarah, that when governments, it’s really not governments. When central banks, which are not governmental entities generally. That’s right. Very few of them are. When they issue new currencies, when they start handing out money for the purposes of inflation or for the purposes of hiding where they’re putting money, they’re getting it into the system somehow. It doesn’t just show up. Right. Some of it goes in terms of this country borrowed X billions. But there are lots of other little pots of money that go to other places. They call them heritage funds and they might go to Bill Gates Foundation Woo.
Donations were fantastic. We just got $100 billion, whatever. And then that money is utilized to effectuate the owner’s global policy. So you have heads of state or national policy and that’s driven by the global policy. They tell their pre chosen, pre sold selected winners who run nations what it is they’re going to do and that’s how policy unfolds. A bunch of think tanks and whatnot. But there has to be some place, some way that you can effectively enter that money into the marketplace. And the derivatives have been a place where that happens. Money goes to systemic banks or the heritage funds go into derivatives directly, one way or another.
It’s really kind of like money laundering where they are able to put the money into the system and disguise it as being legitimate funds. So everybody’s been deeply concerned, the systemic banks in particular because they have a bunch of this contagion had a bunch of contagion on their balance sheet and thinking oh crap, when this stuff goes wrong, what’s going to happen? And we saw that actually happen in 2008 with a change in the accounting rules, international financial standards. So hey. And the beginning of it in last year, last spring with Silicon Valley Bank. Go ahead.
That accounting rule, you’re right about that. But that accounting rule in 2008 effectively made mark to market, made these banks, AIG in particular, who guarantee that’s an insurance group who guaranteed all these banks that they had to recognize the losses in their books. You mark to market these worthless derivatives, worthless security, like oh crap, here’s what the real picture looks like. And so that was a huge correction. But all of a sudden that all bounces back and now we’ve got these record soaring markets. Well that comes from the stimulus, right. They’re adding money into the system in various places.
What I wanted to say about the derivatives is that they were all parked on the balance sheet of Credit Suisse some years ago and really it was last year, early this year, the Qataris effectively ate them, they stuck them, they acquired Credit Suisse and it’s their own rules, it’s their kingdom. They can do whatever they want to. What accounting rules apply or don’t apply are there. They effectively remove that contagion from the marketplace. So that’s the good news. That’s a big deal. Giant. Yeah. A giant thing is like an avalanche waiting to go announce for that avalanche doesn’t look like so bad.
At the same time, all of these unfunded liabilities. Right. Everybody thinks that the Social Security Administration is a savings plan. It’s a trust fund. It is not, it is a system of transfers. They are taking tax from people working and they’re paying it away to pensioners. So those are called unfunded liabilities. And what happened with COVID the pensioners all died. Right. Who were the first ones to get the shots? Bill Gates said we have to give it to the blacks and the indigenous. And then what happened to the care homes? Right. They, they knocked out a whole generation of liabilities and they’re still telling them, they’re still saying that it’s good for the elderly.
Exactly. And so what do we see now? A peer reviewed paper that was, I think thrice buried that says that 74% of the people autopsied died from the COVID shots. From the shots, not from COVID One way or another, they attribute their deaths to the shots. And what was the mean age of that group? 70. They’re 70 years old. So that’s exactly the target. So you think it was an operation to. Part of the big operation was to clean out their liabilities. Yes, it’s always a banking operation. And so now, you know, we saw under Obama where they changed rules in the National Defense Authorization act where they gave themselves the power to confiscate everybody’s island IRAs and pensions and give them some IOUs.
So if you take all of their money and you give them an iou, they only live an extra couple of years. Big deal. You spend a couple dollars, in the meantime, you got all their stuff. Right. So now what we’re seeing is that being fully integrated into the international system by and through the OECD, the Organization for Economic Cooperative Development is the one world regulator. While America slept, 183 nations adopted something called the common reporting standards, which requires financial institutions, that’s banks, broker dealers, trust companies, anybody that holds money for others has to report everything they have and know on their clients.
And they provide it to this automatic exchange of information portal that is the OECD’s giant information sharing matrix where they track back every penny, dollar, ruble, yen, asset, every asset back to a living, breathing, natural person. That’s why people, you know, they talk about using trust as a joke. They don’t have any value. You can’t hide money anywhere in the world because of this. And it’s been in place since January 1, 2016. The reason I raise this issue is because now I’m seeing in the international context, the OECD is requiring nations, even teeny little nations, to disclose their pensioners assets.
So Sarah’s got a pension, she’s 70 years old, and she’s drawing her meager $200 out of it per month or whatever. And now the OECD is saying, we want to know about that. Why would they possibly care about that on an international basis? Because they intend to either reduce that liability confiscated or otherwise deal with these unfunded liabilities that are not just a function of the United States of America. All of these pensions that are government oriented are systems of transfers. That’s it. They’re taken from young people and they’re giving to old. What’s happening to the rates of young people, what’s happening to the birth rates around the world? It’s dropping right off.
Exactly. And that’s part of the world depopulation plan. So really what it is they’re doing in the international economic setting is they’re lowering the size of the market to match the lowering size of the people. So aside from all of that context, I think that there’s a lot of things behind the scenes that we’re seeing in terms of relationships amongst Mr. Trump, Mr. Xi, Mr. Putin in particular, added Mr. Modi to that group. There isn’t going to be a World War 3 because we’re already in it. We’ve been in it for the last three or four years.
Well, they’ve escalated it to a new level with. They have. Look, Mr. Trump has a very short period of time before he actually assumes that position officially. I think he already has it, by the way. But do you really think Mr. Putin is going to have a nuclear holocaust? When you have a Mr. Trump entering office who’s setting policy and saying, my national security policy, I’m going to say it again. National security policy is to do business. It’s for each country to have a strong economy, strong currency, and to trade, not kill each other with bombs.
So Mr. Putin, Mr. Xi, already know the light is at the end of the tunnel. And wouldn’t it be a saving grace to all of these countries if they didn’t have to spend so much money on defense, they could plow their money into commerce. So I don’t see momentum for war other than the bureaucracy class, the permanent bureaucracy, that’s who really controls all governments. And they are controlled by the owners and always have been controlled by the owners. In the days of old, that was the person whispering in the king’s ear right now, it’s a set of permanent bureaucrats.
It’s people stuck in an old paradigm. Right? I mean, that’s what I see, people. But the. But, but, but, but. Hang on the top Layer of that, right? The, the, the permanent executive class of the bureaucracy. They are the ones that are trying to cause this war. Why? Because they’ve been caught. Their great giant criminal enterprise has now been discovered. It’s out in the open. They are also guilty of demicide. They know that they’re going to get prosecuted. They don’t have a choice but to start another world war. A nuclear holocaust would be great to get rid of 7 billion people, cover their tracks, they’re golden.
So you don’t think this is really. You think it’s not, it’s not the financial reset that’s in the background that’s causing this? You think it’s the COVID and the exposure of the human trafficking. It’s just the whole perfect storm, right? Well, they always. Everything that these people do, if you can call them people, is dual use. There’s always a military ancillary use. There’s always, there’s always at least a dual use, if not. So if you’re, if you’re downsizing the liabilities, you’re downsizing the economy, you’re downsizing the population, all at the same time to avoid that mismatch, right? A few people, all these assets make money worth worthless.
So they have to change that paradigm. But at the same time preparing for a different future. That different future is where, you know, everybody’s not bombing each other all the time. I think that also would signal that humanity is nearing the time where we’ll actually be allowed to leave the prison planet. But that’s always what made me wonder. You know, Elon Musk, I guess, must have been read in at some point because he was very ambitious. We have to populate Mars and do this and that, and they put a couple dollars into doing that. But also that fades in the background.
Why? Because it doesn’t matter if there’s more than 8 billion people on this planet, if you can start exporting people to other planets. So I think that that technology exists, right? It really does. It’s so. Well, I had people on my show, I had people on my show that are working on it that told me we could get to Mars in three days. This was back in 2016. The problem they were working on was being able to stop. They couldn’t stop yet. They could get there in three days, but they didn’t have a good mechanism to stop.
But that was eight, nine years ago now. That was anti gravity. Anti gravity technology has been around a really long time. The Navy published their patents in 2017. All of this stuff, it’s been around a long time. They’ve had it for a very long time. They’ve been exploiting it for a very long time and not cluing anybody in. And I have a little bit of inside scoop on that because Colonel Phil Corso, who was the guy at Roswell that held up the balloon and said, yeah, it was just a weather balloon. Well, I have his memoirs.
His son is my client and I have the benefit of having read his memoirs and his diaries. And anyway, all of that is very real. You know, the whole stuff’s all very real. Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard. And. But the people that I was talking to, because I had the. My son went to college with Gwen Shotwell son. They knew each other, they were going to room together. Right. I, they all just, it was all happening on song. We didn’t, I didn’t know. And so I inquired and I interviewed her. But because of that I got together, I was able to interview some other scientists that were working and they were telling me that they’re using the plasma energy.
The plasma energy, which is the zero. You know, people call it zero point energy, but it’s a plasma energy for that’s what they’re using to. So it’s beyond just gravity, it’s also the plasma energy. Sure. Combination. Right. But they told me they couldn’t stop yet, but, but they probably. Other, other groups probably can. And that was nine years ago. So I’m sure. Go ahead. Let’s also keep in mind that for scientists and the rest of us, everything we think we know is wrong. It’s all been a lie, including the fact, Sarah, that the speed of light is not constant.
And now in the scientific circles is they’re coming to understand they’ve been lied to this whole time. Such a thing as a photon. There’s a rigorous debate, it’s about 50, 50 as to whether photons actually exist or if everything really is just electricity, including us and all of our surroundings. And the electric function of frequency. Yeah, it’s electrical universe. Electrical universe, yep. And Nikola Tesla talked about this a century ago. He said, you know, our existence is a function of frequency and vibration. And I think he well demonstrated that. And what I’m curious about in relation to that is that when he died, all of his science and chess, full of experience and whatnot notes, was handed off to who? The FBI confiscated it along with mit, MIT guy and Trump’s uncle.
Oh, there we go. John Trump. That’s where he appears. So how long has he known about this? How Long has he known about all the awful stuff. And you know, I’m just tired of being lied to, I can’t tell you that. And having to relearn things. But we’re learning pretty quickly because it seems as though there was a scientific class of people in pre chosen in certain areas and you can find them in certain pre chosen universities. They’ve been studying this for a long time as scientists do. They write papers, you know, post doctorate thesis and things of that nature.
If you take the time to read them, it’s pretty much all there. You just have to actually know what it is you’re looking for. Just a quick break from the program. Are you worried about the government overreach and about the freedom crushing CBDCs that are threatening to be put in place that will take away our freedom and our independence? I am too. You can have a hedge against all these economic uncertainties by investing in gold and silver. They have been holding the price of gold and silver down and it not only is a hedge against these uncertainties, it’s also a good investment.
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So I’m a pilot. I’ve flown airplanes halfway around the world and back. I follow a heading, I know what the distance is, I know what my fuel burn is. All of that is based on spherical Earth. Having said that, if you look at all of the trajectory like I did my undergraduate at Patrick Air Force Base, which is a support base to NASA. My calculus professors were rocket scientists and we used to practice our calculus too by doing the trajectories of rockets, okay? Imagine that. All of which were based on a flat Earth. All of the trajectory of artillery and from air to surface missiles over 80 or 100 miles is based on a flat earth.
An assumption. So if the earth is truly round, then all of those numbers would be way off. So what I’m trying to say to you is that from a scientific and personal point of View, the Earth is both flat and spherical at the same time. Those are mutually exclusive, and yet they still exist in the same environment. Okay, why? Why? Well, one can only conclude, at least the only conclusion I’ve come to is that this is some form of an electrical simulation. And I think that Elon Musk had it right. And he said this. I think he arrived at this conclusion maybe a year or more ago.
And he said, you know, odds are very high. They weren’t a solution. If you look at this just from a technological point of view, Moore’s Law, right. Things get faster and smaller by 200% every six months. So the technological advances over the period of time, from the creation of the steam engine to now is a few hundred years. If humans have been around for 5,000 years, imagine the technological advances that would have happened over 5 billion years. So he’s saying we can now create a simulation that you can almost not tell you’re in right now. You can smell it, you can touch the field, you can see it.
So if we have that technological capability over 300 years, then how many times have we been in this simulation? Is his point that it’s impossible that we’re not in a simulation? Is his point. And I can’t disagree. I don’t know if it’s impossible, but I could see the only way that it could be flat and wrong at the same time is for it to be a simulation, because you can create whatever you want in that. Okay, Minecraft, great example, right? Yeah, yeah. You make your little thing, you go on a journey and the journey goes on.
You find another place, but you wouldn’t know it’s round. And this is the other part. They’re shooting laser beams across the ocean and hitting the other side, which is impossible, with curvature. So there’s really compelling evidence on both sides. That’s right. That both are true at the same time. Which of course is. They’re mutually exclusive. It’s a possibility. And yet it is so. Well, the simulation, you’re right, we pretty much have almost. Because I have people that have come on my show like nine years ago talking about hyper realistic holograms, which have come a long way since then.
Yes. And they also, if you put yourself in a bodysuit, you have hyper realistic holograms, or you even have the ability to pump into your brain the vision. Like if you’re on Mars, you have something on Mars you can pump to your brain so that you actually see it as if you’re on Mars itself. You put yourself into a suit where you feel. And now you have a hologram. Now you’re in a simulation, and you don’t know you are. I mean, so we could. That’s current technology. Now, wait, that’s the current technology we know about now, right? So 1947 is when the Roswell incident happened.
And when Colonel Corso was instructed by President Eisenhower to go and say, hey, this is a weather balloon, he was also instructed to give all of that technology to the defense industry. The only proviso was at some point, this has to benefit man in the future. So our defense industry has had this technology since 1947. Do you think they sat around. Well, I know scientists that have been involved in projects to, you know, to reverse engineer that stuff. So I know people who’ve done that. I also. Jim Ross sign. Detective Ross. And he was telling me, he goes, Sarah, Area 51 is not where it’s at.
He goes, if you go farther, I don’t remember, it was west or whatever, but it’s around that area, but like 40 miles away. That’s the true base, and that’s where they have. Everything’s going on. So you know what I’m talking about. Yeah, I know what you’re talking about. Yeah. Anyway, this. This is. You don’t want to talk about that. So this is part of his handwritten notes is what I’m trying to say to you. So it’s not. It’s not just. I’m not, you know. So. Okay, so it’s not speculation. I’m just telling you the truth. No, no.
That’s awesome. Okay, so we know that there’s another base that’s not Roswell, that’s farther away that where everything’s happening slowly. Well, there’s more than just one, right? There’s probably a lot of them. Okay, now let’s talk about this. This is going in a different direction than I was expecting, but this is fun. Let’s talk about the multiple dimensions, because I’ve had people on who are experts in all different areas over the years that talk about beings from other, you know, other planets and things and other souls. I’ve seen the autopsies, and then. That’s crazy. And then I’ve had people tell me that, Sarah, that doesn’t exist.
It’s really other dimensions. And then I’ve had people tell me, yeah, I don’t know. And then I’ve had people tell me that it’s not only other dimensions, it’s other dimensions in other solar systems. So it’s a combination of all of the above. I don’t know. And I’ve even interviewed Paul Hellier, who. The late Paul Hellier, who was. Yes, of course, Canada. He’s the highest person that’s come out, any government official. I’ve had him on my show. And he. He flat out talks about it, that this was. There’s a whole. What do you call it, a coalition of species that are coming together, waiting to talk to us when we’re ready to talk.
Yeah, well, I think that’s also one of the reasons why we’re not going to have a nuclear event. They’re not. They’re not going to let it happen. And so, like, let me share a little anecdotal story from Colonel Corso when he was at White Sands Missile Range in. In. Yeah, New Mexico. And they spot this. This vehicle fading in and out, Right. This is from his memoirs. And it’s fading in and out of our reality. So he closes the range and he goes down there and he understands that this thing is there at some point, you touch, feel it, and the next second it’s gone.
So that would go to your dimensional stuff. The other part that was kind of interesting that he wrote about, I have no reason to doubt it, is he had an engagement with one of these creatures beings, and they couldn’t get their craft in and out of our dimension with. While the radar was operating on the missile range. And in fact, as you go through his studies and memoirs, you come to find that actually the one in Roswell was shot down, that we’ve had this electromagnetic radiation ability as weapon systems to down these kinds of things. But I.
I don’t know how they figured that out. But anyway, the point of which is that this being needed him to turn off the radar so he could. He could leave. The point of the story that I find fascinating, and I think we are on the verge of at this very moment, is that the being says to him, just in parting, just like two sentences, the parting one was a new planet, if you can take it. And that’s haunted me from the day I read that many years ago. A new planet, if you can take it. I think we’re at that very.
What does that mean? What do you think that. I don’t know what that means, but in my world, I think it means that we have lived on this prison plant, this occupied planet, for thousands of years, and we with overlords that have enslaved us and used us in every manner possible. How is it that we haven’t solved cancer? When Professor Brzezinski saw that 40 years ago. Right. Cancer. Curing cancer. Yes. Every kind of cancer. 100% success rate for 40 years. But we, but we’re still raising money to cure cancer. Well, and chlorine dioxide. There’s so many different.
Yes, okay, this is the point. This is exactly the point. So we have been used and abused and held as livestock for a very long time. Is there a point when the livestock realizes it rises up and says, no, we’re taking, we’re taking the farm for us. Did you see that, that cartoon? I first saw it on Sean’s program Sut, where it was the bunch of cows sitting in the thing and the cows standing up on a, like a little, you know, speaker thing saying we are being used as, you know, they’re gonna slaughter us or whatever.
And the slaughterhouse is right next to him. And they’re. And they’re like, oh, you’re just a conspiracy theorist. I have it, but it’s beautiful. Yeah. Nobody will ever do that. And thank you for saying that. Also from the perspective that people keep saying, I’m worried about World War 3, dude. Really? How many dead, injured, wounded do we have? Because our governments. Yeah. In 1994, agreed to kill 7 billion people and then did it or tried to. And now we have verifiable results. You know, Dr. McCulloch got a lot of them, has been saying for a long time, these things are bioweapons.
A lot of other learned people. Okay, so if they’re weapons, that means they’re intentional and they were intentionally given to us for what purpose? Right. I take the word, I take them at their word. In 1994, they said, we gotta kill 7 billion people, we gotta lower the population. It became official US policy in 1980. What happened immediately after that? Oh, the vaccine industry was given indemnifications and immunity. So. And then we start looking into the shots. I’ve got a team. This is all they do. And you’re like, holy crap, they have been poisoning us for a very long time.
And it’s like time delayed things. And this is where Lisa McKee, one of my researchers slash paralegals, found a database in the Department of energy of 470,000 man made pathogen by our government for sale. So do you think we’re just hard to kill? I think we are God’s creations. And I think it’s not going to be so easy to get rid of God’s creations because God is ultimate, God is supreme. And as hard as these satanic minions are, you know, at work trying to get rid of Us, it’s not so easy because we have the spirit of God in us.
That’s my belief. Well, I think consciousness has something to do. Like we kind of. Consciousness is what creates and they can’t. Yes, that’s right. So we are creative. The double slit experiment, is that what you’re referencing? Yeah. They can’t just kill it because we are creative beings and so we can. We can think. I know it sounds out there, but we can think ourselves out of these problems. Why should that be out there? Why should that be? It’s out there to most people. They aren’t ready to accept what we’ve just been through over the last four years.
Given that we’ve come to understand that our government isn’t here to help us, they’re here to kill us. We’re going to now doubt anything. Right. That’s what I’m trying to say is my mind is mighty open to possibilities because everything I knew up to the, you know, it changed me as a person for sure. And I. I had the foundation before because I did so much work trying to. I talked to the Electric Universe guys, I talked to. I mean, I was going into all this scientific direction and then Covid happened. So I had the foundation and time.
And time. But that. I wasn’t ready. I’m a different. Like I told Dave Janda yesterday, I wasn’t. I’m a new person now because that is a whole. I. It was like, oh, my God, the hand of God touched us and said the. This is. I mean, instead of it being theoretical, it was real. Yes, well, yes, absolutely. And this is what I’ve been saying for some time, even at this moment in time with Vladimir dropping an ICBM on ikea. And I’ll explain why that’s interesting. Even with that happening in the background, I think we are undergoing a collective near death experience.
Because it takes shock. It takes that kind of shock to wake people up out of the stupor and recognize, holy cow, we really have been lied to all this time. Imagine what if you put yourself in the shoes of somebody whose job it is to shake people and go, wake up. How would you do it? And you and I have been working on this for years together, trying to get people to recognize these shots of poison. Don’t do this. How hard was that? You know what I mean? It was. You would tell people things and it was deer in the headlights and.
But they’re coming. Because it was too traumatic. It was too. Exactly. It was too much. Exactly. And so. But it worked. Right. But it Worked. They’re like, holy crap, that’s for real. I’m sick. Okay, there’s an ICBM that could have been nuclear tipped that landed in Kiev yesterday, last night. Right. Vladimir stuck some conventional warheads on there and he sure as heck didn’t need an ICBM. Right, that’s. ICBM’s are from over oceans. Right. What he did was demonstrate to the world, oh, by the way, I could have touched Miami or D.C. or anybody I wanted to.
He’s sending a message. You damn right he is. And then they cut the cables under the sea, which I believe for good reason that NATO relies upon for their comms, amongst other things. So you basically. When did they do that? Did they do that? Yes. Yeah. That is the day before yesterday, I think the. The was it. The Norwegians intercepted a Chinese ship with Russian people on it, Russian military who had just cut the cables within the last 48 hours. Okay. So. Right. And so my point is that it could have already been the press of a button if it was going to be the press of a button.
It’s the. It’s the middle. Not the middle. It’s the top of the bureaucratic class globally, because they’re in every government that are trying to make this thing happen, because they’ve got a mission to kill 7 billion people and cover their tracks so they also don’t get killed. So that’s not working. When you have. At the end of the day, it boils down to this. It boils down to public sentiment. And I think in many respects that this goes to your consciousness thing. Right. If humanity doesn’t agree consciously that this is a good and just thing, we won’t do it.
Kind of like Americans not giving up our guns. We’re not giving up our guns. They can’t take them. There’s no public support. Support. Yeah, we just won’t, period. We just won’t do it. And, and I think this is what the consciousness around the planet is right now. We’re not doing. Yeah, but why are they doing. Okay, because they have to. But why are they doing the Gaza choice? Why are they doing the Gaza thing? Because just not just yesterday. And this is going to air. So it’s two days. Because this is airing tomorrow. Just yesterday, the UN, 14 out of 15 countries voted for a ceasefire in Gaza.
The one country that vetoed it is our country, the United States. And I like, owned. Well, we’re owned by Israel. Right. Okay, well. And we know. And the reason they gave for. Not for vetoing it is because they need to release the hostages. Those hostages were taken. I noticed October 7th because they stood down for six hours and allowed it to happen. So the whole premise. Oh no. The military exercise or whatever they. For a long time. The whole premise is based on a lie. It should not. It’s. They were involved in it. So the. So the whole thing is based on that.
To, to do this ethnic cleansing and this genocide. And it’s a genocide when it’s not a real war. What’s this? Yeah. And, and we. It’s our tax money and our support that’s causing it to happen. Now this isn’t a, this isn’t a. Against the Israeli people. This is against a government. I don’t want people to hound a group of people. I think it’s a government at a state level. Okay. Really important to say that. Thank you. Yes. And we should be able to have open discussion and debate about what government. Governments do, period. Don’t shut me down because I’m debating what the Israeli government and the US government is doing.
This doesn’t mean I didn’t dislike the people. That’s why we built Cloud Hub, by the way. So you can have that conversation for sure. Okay, so what, what’s going on there? Right. Okay, so you say the collective consciousness. Well, why collective? Go ahead. Okay, fine. Well, you know what I mean, it’s not working in that direction. Well, how could it be? Because we don’t have a consensus at all. I mean, I, I know some really important people who I very much respect and, and it doesn’t matter what Israel does. They’re sticking by. They’re not even Jewish.
But I mean, I have friends. I, I don’t understand, sir. And I have friends who are Jewish are saying that this is not right. We can’t do this. My point in saying that is that there is no consensus on this. I mean, I’ve had more. Yeah, I’ve had multiple Jewish people and I’ve talked about. I’ve had Jewish people come on and talk about it with me because I feel more comfortable doing that. And so we’re not bashing Jews. They’re Jewish people. We’re talking about what the government’s doing and they’re talking about it very objectively and seeing the same thing I am.
But yet we have Christians who. And I talked to Christian. I’ve had Christians who’ve. Who’ve done a 180 with me who I’ve like, Come on. I’ve taken them along the way and I said, if you’re. This is not you have to ignore 90% of what Christ teaches in order to support this. Isn’t that so? Big brainwash operations. Isn’t that so? That’s right. So. Well, and they’ve come to that conclusion. They’re like, yeah, this is not. Okay, go ahead. But let me add this. Let me add this. It. That I find it interesting that the US has effectively been Israel’s military, that we are the executioner.
So I’m not pinning this on Israel. I’m pinning this on the nations that agreed to kill 7 billion people. But who was tasked with that job? U.S. military. Right. All of Covid. Operation Warp Speed was a US military operation launched in 2016, not 2020. So. Well, that’s when. That’s when the PREP act went through too. Yes, that’s right. Yes. All together, 2016. Yeah, I wrote a book. Yeah. Sherry Tenpenny on it on back in 2018 or something, talking about the PREP act before all this went down. Yeah, yeah, trust me, it goes back 50 something years.
Well, I’m sure it’s beyond that. Yeah. I actually wrote a book about this with Dr. Jerome Corsi, and we lay it all out legally. What happened? When did that come out? It has not come out yet. Okay, so it’s coming out. Okay, it is coming out, but it’s based on my testimony. Testimony to the Croatian Parliament in. You have to come back on. You guys are gonna have to come back on to talk about that book. Well, we will. We. But it lays it all out. Right. Here’s how they did it. And I actually wrote this book to be a prosecutor’s guide as to how.
Who did it, how they did it. Go get them. So that’s. That was the thought process. But anyway, my point is this, that the US Military has been the executioner of all wars. They’re bank of wars. All wars are bankers, force. That’s right. That’s what I was saying earlier. Okay, so given that is. Is the US in Gaza or are we the ones doing this? We’re supplying the weapons, so what the heck? Well, they buy. Israel buys weapons from all kinds of places. All I’m trying to say to you is that there is not a consensus inside the United States government, certainly not inside the United States military, or the US Military would be prosecuting that war.
They’re not. It goes back to that. Why are we all against this or not against this? Because there is a serious divide amongst humanity as to how they look at that. Is this just. Or not just? You’ve got a whole lot of people that prescribe to the whole theory that Israel can do no wrong because it’s mentioned in the Bible. That’s what it is. I think it’s a Christian manipulation brainwash thing. And if you were a true Christian, you’d sit back and say, okay, did Christ. This isn’t what Christ taught. This is. No, no. And by the way, I don’t know if you, if you know Frank Zelenko.
He was. I know I got to be friends with him. Like, I talked to him when he was in the hospital and stuff. God love you. Yeah, Tremendous man. So Frank was awesome brother. And, And Frank was the guy that actually made sure everybody got their stuff. 6,000 patients, frankly. Guy on the phone. Did you get it? Here’s where you get it. How do we get it? He was the logistics master, hand and glove with his brother Zeb. And Frank is a treasure. He’s a. He’s. To me, anyways, he’s absolutely brilliant. He’s very, very Jewish in his belief system and outwardly so.
And he. If you hear his intellect as he goes back to historical references, you know, 5,000 years ago and forward, he gives a lot of insight, but he agrees also. It’s a good example of a Jewish guy says, hey, you can’t do this. You know, this is not. This is not humane. And by the way, I was. I was on a call just like this one with a lady in Tel Aviv when all of that happened. And she said, well, I asked her, I said, well, what happened to the ready reserve Israeli soldiers? Everybody’s an Israeli soldier.
Everybody is armed. She says, no, they took the weapons away. Whatever was September last. And, well, what about the cameras? What about the fortifications? You said, no, they were all removed. Cameras turned off. They were all removed. This is while the gunmen are roaming around. And it was way more than seven hours. I think it was 11 hours that they allowed this to happen. So let me give you a frame of reference. Most people have heard of the Vietnam War. Well, did you know that that was predicated on the Gulf of Tonkin incident where North Vietnamese boat apparently fired on the U.S.
that never happened. It’s declassified. The CID. It never happened. They made it up, but used it as the pretext. It’s a false kill. Millions of people. And so go ahead. So what I’m saying is this belief system that we have, Israel can only be right. Whatever I think is also based on false predicates. We need to analyze things pursuant to the Golden Rule. That’s right. Teachings. Is this moral, ethical and legal. Or is it not? If it fails any one of those three problems, don’t do it then. It’s not Christian. It’s not Christian. And since Wynn is taking land and resources and ethnic cleansing, not ever Christian.
And since when is not negotiated inhumane? Not negotiating like we didn’t do in Ukraine. We never tried to negotiate when they all wanted to. Why was that ever crazy? Yes, exactly. But let’s get clear about this. Ukraine was usurped by Obama. Right. He’s the one that started the color revolution over there. Zelensky didn’t even speak Ukrainian. They made the guy. They installed him. And it’s been a US puppet since. What do the people there think of him? That would be an interesting. They tell you. I know the media won’t. Yeah. They might be scared to talk about it.
I got friends and staff there. They will not talk about it because they’re afraid. They’re scared. I do know that. That people in Israel do not like Netanyahu. Like 80% of them, they want him out. Exactly. People in Russia, people gonna get this in. I’m not a Putin apologist, but people in Russia love Putin. 80% of them love him. So it’s a flip. And so when people of your own. That’s because he took a country that was really struggling and made them finance. They’re the least indebted in debt, large company country in the world, vast resources they haven’t even touched.
Absolutely positive. They’re doing. And by the way. Yeah. And by the way, he. He made Russia great again, to your point. And Russians have a higher standard of living. There’s a lot of reasons why they. They like him. They do. And I gotta tell you, the man has honored the Minsk Accords. Right. Those agreements were struck with Ukraine by international treaty, international law. Those agreements were struck and he has stuck to them. We didn’t. It’s the other side. Exactly right. And they had 200,000 troops on the border and they were baiting him on. And our average citizen does not know.
Average person in this country does not. Because our media is so bad. It’s so bad. As you know. So they don’t know any of this stuff. I would also tell you this, that from the time the saber rattling was starting, Hollywood film crews were in Kiev. They were there. Like I said, I’ve got people there. They were there. And they’re doing their movie magic. And this kind of goes to your point, Sarah. Why would somebody spend so much money on movie stars, commercial media, professional sports? Why? Why? Right. It’s because it is to change the way we think and shape our focus and shape this collective consciousness.
That’s what it’s about. Why do we have elections? Because frankly, it makes us think that we’re a part of it. And how we think about it is what it is they. They negatively impact. I’ve known a couple people now who own professional sports organizations and they will tell you that before you’re allowed to own these things, you go through an FBI background check. They said it’s actually more of a CIA background check. And they said it is not just anybody gets to own these things. Why? Because you have the availability to shape people’s minds. Eighty hundred thousand people at a time in a stadium, much less on the television.
So it’s really control. That’s why we were so controlled. That’s why I am so suppressed, is because I’m not, I’m not toeing the line. But yes, it’s frustrating because we. Yeah, because this is what we need to do in order to get to the next level. And I want to tell people, the voting thing, I agree that it feels helpless. But locally now look at different cities. This is where I push back a little bit. If you look at cities all over the country of the United States, they have very different policies. There’s some cities that are 180 degrees difference from others.
Those are the people that are in office can make a difference. So voting does matter locally now. It does. It does matter. So when people say don’t vote, it doesn’t matter. It’s like, well, I would have you look at what’s going on in all these cities. And, and during COVID if that didn’t give you an indication that voting mattered. Exactly. Right. Wrong with you. Yeah. Because there was a big difference in my area than there was in Florida. And so it matters now. School boards, all that stuff. It matters. So there was a big operation trying to get people not to vote.
And they didn’t want you to vote at that level. I don’t know about the federal level. I gotta, I gotta be honest with you. There’s a lot of games being played. But that being said to not vote hoses you over in your own environment 100%. No one’s going to. Yeah, I’m with you. But then let us also recognize the one thing that came out of the elections for the presidency is that 20 million votes less happened this time around than they did in 2020. Where did those 20 million people go? Huh? It’s to your point, right? 20 million votes were fabricated one way or another, and this time they weren’t.
And you see what the result looks like, so. But I also wanted to say, as it relates to local situations, all law is local at the end of the day. Why? Because it is the people who enforce the law that matter. There is no law without enforcement. So when you have a problem, you know, in your city, who’s coming? Is it the feds? No, no, no, no, no. It’s Deputy Fife. You know who’s coming over. And this is why I talk so much about people. Get to know your law enforcement people. They. They’re in your church, they’re in your school.
They are people, moms and dads, just like you, and they have something called prosecutorial discretion. You know, when a cop pulls you over, it’s up to him whether he wants to give you a ticket or not. If you know, Deputy 5, what are the odds of you getting a ticket versus not? It doesn’t mean, you know that they’re going to let you get away with murder, anything, but you might get some deference and win. The order came down in New Mexico from the governor of New Mexico last year to confiscate everybody’s guns under a public health emergency.
That’s their secret. By the way, the sheriff in Albuquerque said, no, I’m not doing that. It’s always seven other sheriffs agreed. So, no, we’re not doing that. They forced the. They shamed the Attorney General of New Mexico, who was on the side of the governor. Yeah, you’re right. Even though the governor had the legal authority. Authority. Correctly. From a. From a pure legal perspective, she had that authority under a public health emergency. But at the end of the day, nobody was going to enforce it and think well, and thank Sheriff Mack for him winning his Supreme Court case back in the early 90s when they were going to take all that away.
So he kept that in place. Yep. And then. And then the sheriffs. That’s where the authority lies, is those sheriffs. It does. I don’t think so, man. To your point, it’s. That’s right. Okay. You are so much fun. I love interviewing you. You gotta come back with Jerome when you. That book’s ready to come out, because I gotta get that out there. Although Jerome’s the reason I was kicked off YouTube. Although he was. I don’t know if he was the reason. We talked about jfk and they struck it, and I don’t think it was. I got.
Because I might. My site was put. My channel was put back up for one day. And then they took it back down. And then they took my backup channel down. But now I’m in a perpetual. What do you call it? Where they do a look at your thing. Review. I’m in a perpetual review since August. So I’m like, well, this is. This is. I don’t have a channel. So I think that my whole channel’s in review. But I told them, I’m like, I’ve been following your guidelines. Why did you take me down? Because I only put the vanilla up there.
You wouldn’t have gone up there. Sure. Bring. For sure. Bring all of your people to Cloud. We’re launching Cloud 2.0 to be a brand new thing. Bring your people Cloud up. We’ll support it. And then they can come hear the truth, including all of this. I wanted to say also, Jerry did a magnificent job on his book vis a vis the JFK assassination. And I can assure you they didn’t want that. Because our government made a statement to the world. Right. The intelligence community made the statement to the world we are untouchable. We just killed our own president.
That’s what that was about. And if any of you guys get out of line, we’re going to do that to you. It doesn’t matter how much Secret Service you have. We’re taking you out. That was a message to the world that we, we are in charge. And by the way that happened was it nine months after the Communist Manifesto was read into the congressional record on January 10, 19, 1963, 60 years to the day later, Biden makes the Declaration of North America. That’s the disillusion of our nation. All of this is a plan. They’re following a playbook.
We have their playbook, and it’s completely predictable. And that’s why I say with some level of certainty, their playbook is so screwed up. We’re not going to have the financial crash. We’re not going to have a nuclear war. Mr. Trump is going to walk into that office. And then I pray that he’s serious about cleaning house. And more so I pray that he finds the strength that he needs from God above and remembers the most important part. Remembers this is God’s domain and that we don’t worship men, we worship God. That’s right. That’s right. Well, thank you so much, Todd.
And they can find you on your. They can find you on Cloud Hub on your channel. Yeah. And facts Choice. Right. V A double X choice dot com. Thank you for everything you’re doing. You’re absolutely. You’re a treasure. Pleasure. Thank you. You are. Come be a treasure with me. Okay. Okay. Thanks much. Always my pleasure. Thank you, Sarah. God bless.