âž¡ The text discusses the power of people’s movements, like the Solidarity movement in Poland, in overthrowing oppressive regimes. It emphasizes the difference between a democracy and a republic, arguing that the U.S. is a republic, not a democracy. The text also mentions the ongoing efforts to restore the Republic in the U.S., and praises the Canadian truckers convoy for inspiring resistance against oppressive governments worldwide.
âž¡ The text discusses the issues faced by Canada, including the claim that it’s a corporation registered in Washington D.C., not a country. It also talks about the struggles of Pastor Pavlovski, who is fighting against censorship and has been labeled a domestic terrorist. The text also mentions the financial struggles of Canadians, with over 50% having difficulty paying their bills, and the government’s alleged attempts to suppress information and silence opposition. Lastly, it discusses a book by Pastor Pavlovski that was temporarily removed from Amazon, which the author believes was due to government interference.
âž¡ A pastor is struggling financially due to legal fees and a lack of donations. His book, which was briefly blocked from sale, is now available again and he encourages supporters to purchase it as a way to help fund his cause. The host of the show also urges listeners to buy the book as a meaningful Christmas gift, rather than spending money on forgettable items. The pastor emphasizes the importance of public support in their fight, comparing it to supplying bullets to soldiers in the trenches.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the current state of the Canadian government, expressing concerns about corruption and the need for change. He mentions a lawsuit that could expose hidden information and potentially bring down the government. He also talks about his book, which aims to expose the actions of politicians, judges, and prosecutors. Lastly, he discusses the influence of corporations and the wealthy on politics and society, suggesting that they are a significant part of the problem.
âž¡ This text discusses how 11 multinational corporations control many smaller companies, and these corporations are in turn controlled by BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street. The author criticizes these corporations for selling products in the U.S. that contain harmful chemicals and are illegal in other countries. The author encourages people to fight back by supporting a company that offers healthier alternatives and to stop giving money to the harmful corporations. The author also mentions a radio show that discusses these issues.
Prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. And accordingly, all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to write themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide, provide new guards for their future security. The world is waking up and this is the tipping point.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, Scott McKay here in Patriot Street Fighter. We have our two. Two of the three top Canadian patriots we’ve had here in Patriot Street Fighter. There are others out there. You saw the recent with Norm Traversy. I want to say this. Norm has been fighting against this machine just like Pastor Artur has have been arrested. These guys are making sacrifices like nobody can imagine in the state of Canada, the 51st upcoming State of Canada. And I want to explain to you in a second what exactly that means. However, I want to tell all of you who saw the show with Brad, myself and also with Norman Traversy.
Brad set up a GoFundMe and there wasn’t a whole lot of money that we funded him in the last six months to keep him fighting. But when we did this show last week, the Patriot Street Fighter Nation, you answered big time. And I think there was about $6,000 came in. And even that $6,000, the amount of money that Norman’s had to live on has been twelve hundred dollars a month. And, and it’s. That’s hard to believe yet this guy has pinned down the false government in, in Canada and proven even from the records, the record of the archives, that they cannot prove that they are a legitimate nation operating under the British Crown.
They actually still, the Articles of Confederation are still considered part of the United States. And Trump keeps trolling Canada or the leaders about becoming the 51st state. Many of you know Justin Trudeau. It wasn’t really Justin Trudeau. I got confirmation. Justin Trudeau was actually, is actually in Gitmo. You’re seeing an actor, but you’ve seen him with President Trump complaining about the 100 billion they’re going to lose, tariffs, all those kind of things. And he said maybe he’s just become the 51st state. You can be its governor. I’m going to bring this up really quickly. You can see here, Donald Trump just, just dropped out.
No one can answer why we subsidize Canada to the tune of over 100 million a year or. Yeah, 100 million a year. Billion, yeah, I’m sorry. 100 billion a year. 100 billion. You see where we’re sending our money, folks? We got soldiers that are dying on the streets. We have homeless people everywhere. It’s a travesty. And these clowns keep shipping money to other countries. He says makes no sen. Many Canadians want to become the 51st state. They would save massively on taxes and military protection. I think it’s a great idea. 51st state. So the fun thing here is that Trump is trolling.
And so that leads into our conversation today. Pastor Artur, Many of you know Pastor Artur Pawlowski has put up a hell of a battle since COVID You saw the epic video that went worldwide throwing the health department out of his church. They’ve arrested him, charged him as a domestic terrorist, throwing him in prison. Guards were bribed to have him killed out of his solitary confinement for 35 days. They would, they would not do anything. They wouldn’t take the bribes. And they protected him. The prisoners in Canada protected Pastor Artour. And I just realized his fight hasn’t been the last couple years.
It’s been two decades for conducting his church, feeding the homeless, feeding and the poor in the streets. And he’s had, I think 135, 300 something citations. Pastor Artur. 120 court cases. They’ve been after you guys forever. But now that this is, this movement is underway, you guys are winning up there. I mean, everything you guys are doing, you are winning. And now that Trump keeps trolling about Canada, there’s some, there’s a big story coming here. It appears to be. So how many, Pastor, Pastor, how many citations and court cases have they had against you in the last 20 years? Well over 350 citations and still counting.
Over 120 court cases, including criminal charges, provincial Queen’s bench, which is now King’s Bench, courts of appeal, multiple times. I’m still in courts, I’m still having three legal teams fighting for me. So the fight is brutal and people have to understand that this fight is to the death. Those people, they know what they’re doing. Some people are confused. They think that the politicians are incompetent. They don’t know what they’re doing. That’s not true. They know exactly what they’re doing. This is my friends, listen to me. I grew up in hell. They are doing this. You grew up where? You want the audience who doesn’t know you grew up where? Yeah, I grew up in Poland, behind the Iron Curtain, under the boots of the Soviets.
So what we are witnessing right now is a controlled demolition. The billions, trillions of dollars that are being sent to different countries have one purpose, to weaken our economy, to destroy our middle class. This what we are observing right now in the past few decades, because this did not start in the past four years. People have to understand they were working on this for decades, for decades. That’s why a person like me was targeted in 2005. So my fight did not start in 2020. My fight started in 2005 when our ministry became a little bit bigger.
We had seven locations and over 250 volunteers. When we got noticed by the mainstream media, which is a propaganda machinery and the politicians, until then, I have been taking care of the homeless for six years. No problems. Not once we had a problem with authorities or the police until we grew a little bit bigger, bigger and we were actually making a progress within the first three months in 2005, we took what was 600 people off the streets. That’s where we got noticed. You have to understand that all of this, the healthcare, so called healthcare system, justice system, educational system, all the mountains of influence, the banking system, all of that is rotten to the core and is completely controlled by very sinister, evil, psychopathic individuals that hate you, they hate your country, they hate democracy and they are actively creating two categories of people I hate.
Just by the way I’m saying this all the time now. I’ve said it openly for years. I hate democracy too. I want nothing to do with democracy. I want to get to back to a representative republic. Because a democracy described as two sheep and a lamb voting for what’s for lunch. But that’s why it’s not really 100. Correct. Because then you’ve got the Constitution and the charter of rights and Freedoms that’s supposed to protect the minorities. However, when the system is rigged, which of course it is, right now then you have no protection. Only those that the government wants to protect are being protected.
And you have the same thing. You’ve got the Republic, which is not working anymore, is under attack. They don’t care about the Constitution, they don’t care about your amendments, they don’t care about the Declaration of Independence. This is a global attack on liberty and the liberty across the globe. It’s not just America, it’s not just Canada. Look what’s happening in New Zealand. Look what’s happening in Australia. Look what is happening in France, Germany, England, Poland. Everywhere you look is the same identical agenda. Because when I was growing up, I grew up behind the Iron Curtain, but we were under the boots of the Soviets.
Regionally, it was a regional attack on our lives. Right now is a global attack on our lives. That’s why they are so afraid of a person like me. You know, I’ve asked myself that question. Why? Why I have become the first to be arrested from the Freedom convoy. It doesn’t make any sense. I did not come with a rig, I don’t have a big truck. I was not blocking highways. Why the Canadian government, the global. Because we’re not talking about Canadian government. They, they, they have nothing to say. We’re talking about the global elite, so called the wannabe Pharaohs.
Why they chose to arrest a pastor, a clergy. I’ll tell you why. Because it didn’t make any sense until you realize that I grew up on the other side of the Iron Curtain and I saw the methods that are being implemented as we speak right now. But also I saw the remedy when the millions of Polish people took it to the streets in 80, 81, 82, 83 under the solidarity movement, it was over for the villains. Because the message is so simple. The moment we, we the people, we the people say enough is enough, it’s over for the elite.
Let me make a point on that. That was led by Lac Walesa. Am I right? Yes, that’s right. Okay, so, so here you have. And this is why I think it’s important to talk about this history. As most people don’t know. I remember when it, when it was underway and when it all happened, the breakup of the Soviet Union, that iron fist was pulled off of nations certainly Poland hungry. And of course it swept all across Europe. The, the policy that the United States had for, for all the years post Kennedy with Russia. Well, Soviet Union was the policy of detente, which is containment.
And it was so effective that the Soviets rolled through Post World War II, 35 different. 35 nations, they rolled through and took over. That’s how well containment was working or detente. Reagan said our policy when he came in and said our policy is no longer detente, it’s rollback. We are going to roll back the Soviet Union. Now here’s the thing is that Lek Walesa was, was a poet and Lekwilasa, because he had a voice and he had the intellectual capacity to inspire the people, ignited a revolution of we the people in Poland that overthrew the Soviet authority in that area.
Which. And also, was it Vaclav Havel? Was that in, was that in Hungary? I think Vaclav Havel in his nation. Or was it Hungary or Poland and Slovakia? Pardon me, Slovakia. Maybe it was Czech. Yes, that’s right. Czech Republic now became Czech Republic leaders. Citizens. People wrote, got, got the nations to rise up and say, we’re done. You’re talking about a brutal machine. And they, and we the people in those areas, in those countries stood up and took down this, this, this communist tyrannical government and it spread all throughout Eastern Europe. But I, but I have to come back to this because it’s very important.
Pastor, the reason that I hate when I hear Donald Trump say this, it pisses me off because there is a, there’s an important distinction between democracy and republic. We are not a democracy. We never have been. The United States was built as a republic. Our founding fathers, they, they found democracy abhorrent. They, they called it mob rule. And you say, what do you mean? People think that majority roles. Let me explain why that’s a massive problem. And that’s why they, they classified a democracy as mob rule. They’ve always said it’s one step away from tyranny. Here’s, here’s what, here’s what majority roles can lead to.
The majority rules. You have five people, let’s just call them separatists, whatever you want. They want to form their own community outside of whatever government structure they’re in. They go to some remote place and this group of five is comprised of three men and two women. It’s hypothetical. After about six months, maybe a year. And they’re, you know, so obviously there’s, if there’s a marriage, if their marriages, there’s obviously a single person. Let’s say there are three bachelors and, and three bachelorettes. And they’re, they decide they want to create their own form of government. Well, let’s have a democracy.
Okay, great. Well, a year down the road, a couple horny guys say, hey, in our next meeting, one puts Forward a motion. Listen, you know, we’re men. We’ve got to, you know, we got to be taken care of here. And, and so there’s only, you know, two of you. So we, we’re going to propose we pass a law that men can have sex with women anytime they want in our community or the women have to provide this service in whatever way, shape or form. So let’s say they put it to a vote. There is the possibility that vote is three to two.
Three men vote against two women. And that is again, just like having a democracy as two, two wolves and, and a, and a lamb voting for what they want. What’s going to be for lunch today. So that being said, here is the difference between that democracy and a representative republic. We put forth a representative of, based on our constituency in, in this country. We have obviously a congressional district, for example, that’s constituency. They put forward one representation to go represent them in a voting capacity. Now, in this community of five with a republic structure, then you have two constituencies, the men and the women.
So somebody puts forward on the man’s men’s side that particular law they want to propose and it goes to vote. It’s highly likely you’re going to have one yes vote, the men, one no vote for the women. It dies right there because it’s a tie and the legislation fails. That’s the difference between a republic, a representative republic and a democracy. So again, I just, I’m throwing this out to the audience, Pastor Artur. But I always, and I do that here I’ve been for years. We are not a democracy. That here’s how, here’s in fact, when, when, when, when Benjamin Franklin came out of Independence hall.
When it. After they spent 19 hot, sweaty days into July hammering out our Constitution. And the story is, as he walked down the steps, Mrs. Powell said, what did you give us? Did you give us a monarchy or a republic? He said, a republic, if you can keep it. Back in the 40s, FDR shifted that whole, whole narrative around and they changed it to a democracy. They didn’t say democracy. This is the we are under how they switch things out, even in the Bible. I mean, there are things in the Bible that are in there today that weren’t there before 1776 or 1780.
That’s an education we just recently had here. They change this stuff and then we start repeating this stuff. All the newscasters throughout the entire media architecture always talking about democracy. If we, or working toward democracy, we still lose. Because look what the tyrants do under quote Unquote, a democracy in the United States. The reason this is critical is the restoration of the Republic has been underway for about 14 or 15 years. It’s nearly complete. And this is something you need to pay attention to. We’ve had Lieutenant Colonel Sandy Mirecki here, who is obviously a major part of the, of re, re establishing this monster movement that had millions of people before the feds came in about 12 years ago, started arresting people.
The military has guided this group to legitimately restore the republic using the Northwest Ordinance. They’ve done it all. 50 states military generals approved it. And, and, and that’s where we are today. It’s getting it restored, which basically has been, it’s now we have to re seat all of the seats. Brad’s participating, I’m participating, occupying, going through the process to occupy the seat of a Senate seat in Texas for the Republic as a placeholder. That’s it. Just as a placeholder. So we have people sitting in these seats. So then when this transition happens under Trump as they’re restoring the republic, then in conjunction with Nasara law, which obviously is underway now, there has to be 120 day period of time to conduct legitimate elections to, you know, as, as far as placeholders are concerned, they’re just there holding the seat as it’s filled, waiting for the next election.
It all fits in with Nasara law as well. So anyways, that being said, and you just saw what I brought up and I know I’m, I’m taking this over for a second, I’m going to turn it back all to you guys. But Trump keeps trolling Canada because Norm Traversy has proven the British crown has no legitimate authority to govern that nation. From back as far as the Articles of Confederation, that was one of the Confederate states. Canada, as they’re proving now, is part of the, the continental United States. If that actually happens and Trump keeps trolling this idea about Canada becoming the 51st state, you’re looking at a potential person who’s going to occupy the seat of that state as Attorney General here.
What better person would that be than Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who’s been persecuted by this very institution that is run by killers, by criminals. And we’ve seen, and I will say this and turn it back over to you guys. My hat is off to the Canadians. I have great love for your maple leaf now because you Canadians inspired this nation that has 700 million guns here. You inspired this nation to fight with your truckers convoy. That didn’t happen here in the U. S that was Canada that ignited that massive movement that came to the United States and of course is all over the world.
Denmark, you have the farmers coming out with tens of thousands of tractors dumping manure on government property there because they’re trying to keep farmers from being allowed to grow food. All kinds of crazy going on. So that’s the overarching reason why we’re here today. Thanks for being patient on that, guys. But so now it was fiery. If I can, if I can share the screen, I’ll, I’ll go to that, do a little bit of a setup. And then also what has just happened with Pastor Pavlovski recently and bringing this information to your audience right now. So it’s a blessing of you at the Patriot Street Fighter.
So per the show that we did with Norman Traversy last week is the Library and archives Canada Inquiry. 10 pages which confirm not a shred of evidence exists. There were three full time staff for two full weeks at National Archives in Ottawa trying to find any confirmation it exists. Now what we have shared many, many, many times and not just me, this has been for decades that Canada Crown Corporation registered in the Washington District of Columbia July 1, established as a corporation under the monarchy, not an actual country. And here are just a couple of the Nut and Bradstreet numbers is a for profit transnational criminal syndicate and terrorist organization cartel.
Let’s say that again. A transnational terrorist criminal cartel syndicate. That’s exactly what the Canada Crown Corporation is. And if anybody needs fact, just take a look at the recent Trudeau post yesterday where he has the wheat wreath which goes around the Canadian maple leaf. That is the communist wheat wreath of which David and Arthur Artur’s brother grew up in, in Soviet controlled Poland at that time. Poland, which is where my father’s mother and father had to flee during the blitzkrieg as the Waffen SS rolled over their farm fields and gunned them down, had them dig ditches and torched them to death.
Unfortunately, my grandfather and my grandmother and a few of the family could flee to Canada, which was a beacon of freedom for them as it was a beacon of freedom from Archer. Until we learn about all of this, what everybody should know who’s watching, just to the point that Scott was making as well, is that the USA Incorporated Corporation 1870 Organic act as the Crown Corporation of Canada, which I have just referenced here as well, are still registered and traded on the stock exchange. Look at what you’re all looking at here and you can do USA as well is the US securities and Stock Exchange.
This is the 2024 filing for the Crown Corporation of Canada with a business address headquartered at the Canadian Embassy on Pennsylvania Avenue for a foreign government with over 432 filings going back for decades. And then it there’s list before that from its original setup as a crown corporation in Washington D.C. so you have a city, sovereign state, Washington, D.C. those 10 acres which is the headquarters for a corporation which has all these subsidiary corporations of which they say the wilke amount of police is a law enforcement agency. Now, there’s good and there’s bad in every aspect of mankind that we have, whether it’s law enforcement, military, administrative, bureaucracy, seat not so much there, but there still is good people working for the greater good of mankind.
Right? But what we still have, as you mentioned Scott, about Canada, is winning. Yes, on an outward level it looks like there’s winning. But as Archer can tell you and as my grandparents could tell me, because my mother’s parents came from occupied France and came to Canada and my grandfather climbed in a Lancaster and flew it for five years of the air war over France from England to fight the Nazis there. So I literally have that in my bloodline of coming out. And as Artur says, we are lions. We do not bow. We eat jackals for breakfast and we are hungry.
So what we have here right now, people, is at the very last dying breath of the jackals. And the hyenas is there surrounded. This is when they lash out. We might have turned on a spotlight to the cockroaches and they’ve scattered a bit, but they are still waiting in the wings to bring a scorched earth policy to its knees. So right now, the people across the nation of Canada, even though they’re subdued with Christmas music and carols going on, have no idea about the absolute terrorism which was happening behind the covers. The euthanasia program, which is still going on.
The censorship was still going on. Which we’re going to go to Arthur, what they just did to him again, about the censorship, the fact that I still have my laptop turning on and scrolling around my screen and whatnot. They’ve seized my bank accounts, emptied my bank accounts without any court order or anything. No surprise, right? Just because I said here we tell truth and we divulge the stolen elections and the terrorism, the transnational syndicate and all of their minions that we know of. Now, Arthur’s case is the largest in Canada right now. Plus they still overturned his appeal to not be labeled a domestic terrorist and go back to prison.
Because he gave a 19 minute sermon at the Freedom Convoy at Coutts, Alberta, border crossing with Montana. 19 minute sermon, peace after the Lord’s Supper. So we have the Christ of consciousness on earth. He’s the representation of it at the largest part in Canada. There are other pastors like Derek Reimer in Calgary who are persecuted. Archer’s family continues. And he is the most heavily looked on and surveilled patriot in China right now. And this man is still standing up for everybody to fight. And I’ll let Pastor Archer tell everybody the massive censorship that just happened to him to fund his campaign for freedom for everybody with his brand new book Lions Do Not Bow, which was number one in Canada a month and a half ago on the shows that we did and other people have done for this man to raise money so he can continue his own battle.
And by the way, I did get the book passed through our tour. Thank you. Thank you so much. I mean, I want the people to know what’s going on. Over 50% of Canadians are struggling to pay their bills. We are talking about the controlled demolition. Across the spectrum in Canada, Alberta as it’s being viewed as the beacon of light according to some. We have the most conservative and the best government in the country. However, people are not paying attention. They’re being fooled. Those are con artists. Because Alberta has the biggest personal debt in the all federation.
Can you believe it? Albertans are hurting the most. We have the biggest defaulting on credit cards and housing right now, mortgages in Alberta. And the government that is viewed as the savior of Alberta wants to double the number of people in Alberta while the ones that we have already here are struggling to pay their bills. That’s how crazy this whole situation is. So while people are hurting, they’re raising taxes. And this is a horror movie and I don’t understand why people are not seeing it. The Premier of Alberta, Daniel Smith is talking about we need to access the federal tax of carbon while at this.
At the same time she implements her own carbon tax. It’s just. And people are not seeing it. So in one hand she’s saying we got to cut this tax, while in another hand she is hammering her own people with the same tax provincially. It’s insanity and I don’t understand why people are not seeing it. But going back to what is happening, the process is the punishment. In other words, they know lawyers are absolutely crazy expensive. They know a normal person, a normal family, but one church cannot fight them. I have launched the biggest lawsuit in the history of this Country.
And guess what happened? My allegations are conspiracy to commit crime. What happened? The first meeting in the courts. They all conspired together. They came like a pack of hyenas, pack of wolves, fighting us at every corner. A roadblock. They would even break their own rules. We, you know, when you’re filing a lawsuit, the other side has a certain time lines. They have to reply, they have to give you the evidence, they have to give you all those different things. But they said no. They said no. So we found them in default. And guess what the judge did, the crooked judge.
Well, nothing to see here. I’m extending their timeline so they don’t even follow their own rules. Because the whole job, the whole thing is to bleed us, to destroy our finances, to destroy our ability to fight them. And the book that within the first day has become the bestseller in five different categories, scared the Canadian government. Why? Because I am talking about this. I am exposing the crooked judges like Adam Germain. And they took this off Amazon for. For a period, right? They, they. So for a month and a half, Scott, the book was not available.
Can you believe it? While we send them the books. The books were there. The tracking number is showed. They were delivered. They have it. And yet the Canadian government stepped in and fought us at every corner because we were getting a momentum. People were buying the book. People were excited and they, boom, they smashed it to take the book down and kind of put it in oblivion. That’s what the whole thing is all about. Our finances are hurting. We don’t receive much donations. And I was telling the people listening with my wife, we have decided to donate all of this to fight for the freedom, for the future of our country and the future of our children.
So what the government is doing is even fighting the book, which we get only few dollars per sale. However, if you add thousands of books or hundreds of thousands of books, then suddenly it adds up. And they know that. So that in order to destroy a fighter and you know that in order to kill an army that has not been defeated, the only thing you really need to do is chop their supplies, cut their supplies. And that’s what the fight is all about. I just got the bill from my legal team, $20,000. And I said, like, I don’t know how to keep paying those huge amounts of money because I’m just a little pastor that feeds thousands of people on the streets of Calgary.
How am I to raise the funds? Eve even the book got blocked for a month and a half. The good news is that I don’t know what happened? My publishers do not know what happened because they kept asking and the Amazon. But finally, two or three days ago, the book got back on and it’s in stock. And for the people that want to support us, you can do it two ways. You can go to streetchurch cat, streetchurch ca. Especially now. S t r e e t church ca street ca. Okay. Or write to Amazon, for the American people.
And it’s in stock, it’s available and you can get it before Christmas as a gift. And also, I have to say. Sorry, sorry to interrupt you, but I have to say this. Look, folks, most, most my audience gentlemen know I don’t do donation calls. It’s just something that I don’t do for hardly anybody. Because I’m asked, when you do, I’m asked by everybody under the sun. You know, they want to come on, they want to raise money for anything, you know, the burial, whatever. I mean, they just, it just. They come at you by the hundreds, want to get on your show.
Would you promote my GoFundMe for, for stuff that just doesn’t matter in the grand scope of saving the country for their own lives? Yes. So I, I just don’t do it. It’s extreme. I turn away everything for that reason. Because somebody’s gonna get mad at you. But the two things that I just recently said, look, folks, we’ve got. If, if you’re not actually in this fight, like you’re doing something like these gentlemen are, there’s a way to, to be a warrior here. And being a warrior is not just being out there doing what these guys are doing.
It’s being part of the supply line operation. My great uncle was part of the Red Ball Express in World War II. Driving in the dark, chopping down trees in the woods to get supplies to the forces and things like that. He survived the war, but those are the things that people did. It was heroic. He’s considered heroic. My great uncle, grade McKissick. Here’s the thing. That’s, that’s what we’re doing here as, as we’re. We’re opening or building the supply line. People are going to blow so much money for Christmas on bullshit on. I’m trying to think.
I don’t even know what to get one of my friends. If they’re patriots, it’s easy. Don’t give them some piece of crap as a gift that’s going to end up in a closet, re gifted, thrown away. They don’t really care about it. You’re fulfilling the gesture buy the book. 25 bucks. Buy everybody who you don’t even, you know, you got to shop for. You don’t have to get them. Get them the fricking book. You know, maybe they’re. They’re not as passionate as you are. Get them the book. Because whatever else you get them in three seconds, they don’t care.
They forget about it. They don’t give a shit. So spend your money wisely for Christmas. This is a great way to support one of the. The most bravest patriots in Canada right now, folks. We’re going to win this war on all fronts anyways. I just had to throw that in there. That’s why I bought a book, because it’s my way to help you. Help fund you up there. I made a pretty good donation to. To Norm Traversy, because I can. I made a donation to him when he was on the show last week as we sat here to kick it off.
This is how we help them. People in Canada fight. Folks, listen, Canadians up there, they’ve shown the world that there are serious badasses up there, and they’re doing an amazing job. The truckers proved it at great massive sacrifice. Funds frozen, all their money taken. People have lost their homes over this, lost their property, are sitting in jail in Canada for fighting the same war we are now that we know they’re truly part of the Confederate States because it’s being proven in paperwork. This is out. These are our countrymen gang. They’re our countrymen. This is a way you can utilize the money that we use at Christmas to buy useless.
That don’t even. Doesn’t even matter. And whoever you give it to, most time, most oftentimes it’s forgotten. At the end, when the day’s over, that gift is forgotten. This one is one. It sits on a coffee table. Even if they don’t like it, they’re eventually going to pick it up and read the inside covers. They. This is interesting. I wonder what it is about. Stupid gift somebody gave me. And then they read it. They’re like, wow. And they start passing books around to get this message out. Anyways, I just had to throw that in her. Pastor Artur.
This is a way people can actually do something useful with their Christmas holiday shopping money. Yeah. Thank you. I. I want to tell you what my brother David has always been saying to the people. Listen, we are in the trenches. And when you are fighting in the trenches, it’s extremely hard to go out and get the supplies because you’re constantly being shot at and you have to Shoot back. We are in the trenches, people. We’re fighting. I have three legal teams fighting for the right. You see, I was offered to move to United States. I was offered money.
I was offered a church. I was offered a land. I could escape the hardship of Canadian gulags and go to United States and stay there before my big arrest. But I chose to go back because I believe that our children are worth fighting for. But we need the bullets. My brother David says we are in the trenches and we are willing to keep shooting at the Germans in quote. But you need to supply the bullets, and one man cannot do it. Look, even Donald Trump, as powerful as he is, as rich as this man is, when they were throwing the loafer against him, he was raising funds.
Because, you see, it’s illogical. One family cannot do it. Even if you are as wealthy as Donald Trump, you need the support of the people. If the people will not support us, we will bleed out. We will be destroyed. That’s why the military. That’s why the military is selective in their actions and movements through this whole great awakening. They are waiting for the people to wake up. Because could they go out there and create chaos and damage? Yeah. But there are too many lives lost if they don’t have the support of the people. Because the people who do not understand what’s happening will try to push back and revolt against moves that are being made by the military.
They’ll say it’s a, you know, a tyrannical takeover and. And all those kind of things. So the support of the people is absolutely critical in accomplishing anything, because that means there’s a whole lot less force that has to be used, because when the people rise up, those people that need to be removed from power, they’re not going to use their side, the heavy artillery of their side and their resources and human capital to fight back. Because the people that are their human capital that commit the crimes against we the people, they see what’s happening. The masses of people are rising.
They’re scared shitless because they know what comes next. They’re scared shitless. And people. When people rise and they don’t even fight, they run. They. They’re. And one thing you said about. You’re fighting the Nazis up there, my friend, you are. Most people do not know the Windsor family, the British Crown, they are not British. They’re German. So you’re. They were Nazis. This is a. They sold the whole world that here, that, you know, the British crown, the British fighting the Nazis in Germany. The family are Kazarian. Mafia, usurpers and identity thieves. They are not the authentic British Crown.
They bred and killed their way in. These are germs. The Windsor is a family name that they made up. So you actually still are fighting Nazis up there, Pastor Artur? That’s right. We just had a resignation of our Minister Freeland. Her father, if I remember correctly, was a Nazi. They just. Last year, they gave us. Right, they gave a standing ovation to an SS officer. I mean, in Parliament. Standing ovation, clapping. Standing ovation honoring a bloody murder. One of the worst SS that ever lived under the Nazi era. So this is our Canada today. We need to restore law and order.
We need to flip the tables just like Jesus did. You know, the Money Changers. Because they’ve used the money. You got to remember, they weaponized money against us. We need the funds to weaponize them against them. In other words, we need the bullets, we need the lawyers, we need the politicians. We need the ability to communicate the message with the people. And one of those ways was to write a book. Because in my book, I’m exposing the players. I’m exposing the politicians, I’m exposing the judges, I’m exposing the Crown Prosecutors. I’m exposing what they were doing and why they were doing it.
You know why they are so scared of my lawsuit is not because we are asking for tons of money. Actually, we’re not. You know why they’re so scared? Because a personal lawsuit enables us to get the information. In other words, we will be able to look under the rocks. We will be able to dig memos, phone calls, letters, all those different things we will have access to. And can you imagine Arthur Pawlowski having access to that information? Oh, my God. Everyone would know what’s going on, what happened, who did it, why it was done, who took what, who sent what to whom.
That’s why they’re scared. Because this information would take down this rotten Conservative government in the Province of Alberta. And also, of course, the Federal Liberal government with NDP coalition, which is the Nazis, the Liberals, and the Marxist, Communist, Socialist. The NDP is falling down. The government in Canada, my friends, I want you to hear this. The government in Canada is collapsing as we speak. Canadian government is collapsing as we speak. Now, the question is this, who is going to take over? Because I’m telling you, the players on the other side are no better. They talk better.
Yeah, they play. It’s like American Rhinos. They talk the talk, but they are completely sold out. Traitors. Criminals. Criminals, that’s what they are. We only have a couple Minutes left. We have a short show today, folks, only because of the timing. But the reality is, you know, I, I mentioned in the last couple of shows, a close friend of mine has had had dinner here in Dallas with one of Trump’s advisors. He’s close friends with this couple. And of course, the couple I’m talking about are close friends of mine. And at that, at that dinner, she can, she confirmed a lot of things we’ve been talking about in this operation going on for the last eight years, roughly.
But one of the things that she threw out there was that the Justin Trudeau that people saw with Trump and Mar? A Lago is not the real Trudeau. He’s in Gitmo. Right. Just like she confirmed the other people who’ve been dealt with already in this war. And so it makes me kind of curious on, you know, what, what strings are being played and maneuvered right there for the Canadian cause. But if that doesn’t show you that there’s, the government is collapsing, get all the minions, they’re going to keep fighting. It’s no different than the Joe, the whole Joe Biden facade for the last five years, because I saw when he marched about in 2019.
I’ve been at this for decades. And I’ve watched Biden, this buffoon for decades. Because when you do what I did and people like us do that, where geopolitics is your passion, you don’t forget this. You see this guy for decades, they march out this clout, this whatever. I’m like, who the, what they’re really going to try to, that ain’t Joe Biden. What the hell is going on? And then I saw Congress said nothing. People who’ve been in the guy’s presence for decades never come out and said, what the hell’s going on here? That ain’t Biden. Right.
And they didn’t because they were under the control, obviously, of the military. So they have switched players out, which means they are losing. But they’re the minions. They have got to get these minions. They have nothing else to do. You think they’re not going to fight to survive? Because if they don’t, they’re going to get MO Plain and simple. They’re all going to get MO. They’re going to be dealt with. So anyways, that being said, gentlemen, I appreciate you making a quick schedule change today so we could get this show in. Ladies and gentlemen. And also, ladies and gentlemen, Pastor Artur’s book.
Again, think about what I said. It’s the best way to spend money on the global battle against the tyrannical empire. Buy the book, keep guys like Artur in the battle. And I appreciate you all doing that. I’m honored that actually many of you answer that call. But I see no other way to be, you know, today, to be involved in this fight than to keep badass warriors on that battlefield. Keep the ammo coming. So that is street church, CA for Canadians. And you can go to Amazon here in America, order the book or order Christmas gifts for people.
Don’t spend it on streetchurch. CA is for everyone. It’s, it’s our website that people can donate from around the world, but if they want the book, Amazon, ca, it’s free shipping. That’s why I’m saying that ca because it’s, it’s free for Canadians and also for the rest of the world in America. So thank you so much, God. Thank you, Brad, for having me here. Be blessed, stay strong and thank you so much for your support. It means, it means a lot and it keeps us in a fight. And I’m telling you, we are willing to fight all the way.
This is not a half, you know, halfway through. This is an all the way or nothing, right? It’s life or death. That’s the only choices we’re leaving them with because the only, it’s a choice that we are willing to live with ourselves. So, Brad, thanks for all the work you’re doing, especially with General Paul Vallee, who’s fully versed and also submitting documents as well, on behalf of the Canadian people against their false government to bring them into the fold of the United States where they officially do belong. So we’ll see what happens moving forward. So I’m very honored by both of you guys, the sacrifices you’re making.
So much love to you. You get mad, mad respect here. Patriot Street Fighter, ladies and gentlemen, that is a wrap for today. So with that, we’ll say Patriot Street Fighter out. Love you guys. Gotta jump off. And I got KIRK Elliot, Scott McKay here. Most know me as Patriot Street Fighter or the host of the Tipping Point radio show. This is my public service announcement today. You know, we obviously are in a very good place in the world right now with what we’ve seen happen with the election. Of course, Donald Trump is coming back to take power and it sure looks like the world is going to change in a very, very big way.
Surprising to me that, that they actually were able to stop the rigging and he wins the election. So one of the things I talked about is that it’s very eerily peaceful. They don’t usually lose this way. So I. I’ve got my eyes open. I’m on guard for what they might try to throw at us or at him or all of us really, because they know. They know what’s next. Who’s they? Well, they is this. Well it. I don’t have to tell you. You know what? They are the one I want to talk to you about today.
Those they, the groups of they is this machine that was built, that was a seizure operation and a corporate acquisition monster that has been unleashed 30 years ago to begin gobbling up everything in sight in terms of business. And that conglomeration is. Is big business controlled by typically the wealthy oligarchy that runs the planet, I. E. The corporations. The true Antichrist. The corporation, as I’ve been recently informed, that’s the true Antichrist’s corporation. Now I can see it because we’ve seen the weaponization. Everything against humanity is being deployed from corporate structures, including the United States Corporation. So the one that really got my attention two years ago was as somebody was showing me this, this visual and it’s this pie chart.
And this pie chart has 11 slices of pie in that cup cut pie. And in inside of each one of these slices are the names of hundreds of companies that we all know. Consumer products companies that we all know. We grew up with them over the last 50 years or whatever. And so each of these slices has a grouping of, of a conglomeration of companies purchased by one other corporation. And there’s 11 multinational corporations outside of each corresponding slice of all the companies they own. Well, that’s not a surprise. You have Procter Gamble owns a bunch of these companies.
You have Kraft owns a bunch. Heinz. Oh, you bunch. Nestle owns a bunch. Coca Cola, PepsiCo. Did I say Johnson and Johnson, Proctor and Gamble, Unilever. You have General Mills. You have all these, this group of 11 that have bought up and control arrest. Okay, that’s not a surprise. What caught me off guard was when the question was asked to me, do you know who controls these 11? Like no. And their answer was BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. As soon as they said that, I’m like, well, you know how I talk. I’ll just leave it at that.
So I said okay, here’s what we’re going to do. They’ve been launching folks, these companies in America. Now that you’re starting to find it coming out, even at the congressional level and hearings, these companies sell us products in this country that are not legal to be sold in other nations or the version that they sell us here. For example, I saw Quaker oats, and you looked at the barrel of Quaker oats, you look at the back of it and you see like 13 different ingredients. I mean, what, what? Oats are just oats, right? They’re going to last forever.
You dry them out, you stick them in a box and they’ll be, they have shelf life. Ours has about another 10 or 11 chemicals in the oats. Look at a barrel of Quaker oats in Europe, you see 3. 3. Because everything else in those oats that are in ours are not legal to be sold in those countries. We are being bombarded with toxins, neurotoxins, carcinogens, and poisons, and damn near every single consumer product in this country. It’s an absolute assault on all of us. And so here’s the thing. We now have a way to fight back.
And we have a fight coming. Believe me, I know Donald Trump is what we’ve been waiting for to come back to power, to be start clearing the table and restoring this republic. But at the end of the day, this battle’s not over, it’s just beginning. Why? Because this country, and as the Constitution shows us, is a country that’s based on the control and power by we the people. Which means if we don’t exercise that power, somebody else will. And that’s what they did to us over the last 100 plus years. Taken full power away from us and now are bombarding us with all of these poisons.
Doesn’t matter if it’s in our air, in our water, in our food, in our home, consumer products, shampoo, laundry detergent. It’s everywhere. The disease rate in this country has skyrocketed in 35 years. It’s insanity. And they say take more big pharma drugs, that’ll help. It’s crazy what we’ve allowed to have happen. Well, guess what, the ship is now under our control. We get to turn it around. They’ve launched economic warfare on us all of our lives, and we’ve done nothing about it. But there’s obviously a rise now. We are in a great awakening. People are finally standing up, stepping up.
And the only question is this, are we going to win the fight? No doubt. The question is, how long is it going to take? As long as we sit back and keep doing the exact same thing that we’ve been doing for the last number of decades, it’s going to take a very long time to make this a better and greater country and world to live in again. Remember that constitution starts with three words. Massive. We the people. We’re not getting out of this this time. At least in terms of restructuring this planet to get back to restoring it to what Eden once was.
And we’re going to do it again. But it’s going to take you no longer supporting this crime syndicate. And so I’m here to give you an opportunity to check out an option where you can walk away from these big box stores because of the cheap prices like Target and Walmart. You remember they herded us into these big box stores during that period of time when they unl unleashed a bioweapon on the world and told us we needed to wear masks that do not work. CDC site will tell you they don’t work. But they programmed us and forced us to do something that you do to slaves.
And many people succumb to that. We certainly broke out of it. But the simple fact is that war has been conducted on us in many ways. People are fighting back. Well it’s time to put an end to this corporate machine. This massive machine that’s built by design to protect and enrich itself while it’s annihilating us. Well we’re going to launch and as I said two years ago, we’re launching our own economic warfare machine against them. It’s really simple. We are going to stop giving these killers our money because we found an alternative solution. A company in America does two and a half billion a year.
They’ve been doing it for 39 years, been doing it right. Never, not a single call to the poison control center in 39 years. And there’s 187,000 calls a year on top of that one aspect of that particular massive company, that’s an American company, American manufacturer, Patriot Company owner was number seven on Obama’s enemy’s hit list. And when they went after big big companies like this, he stood them up. He stood up against them. The rest of them backed down. He did. Now we have access to the the same owners $700 million beef operation with 60,000 head of cattle at any given time on 450 square miles of ranch land.
All grass, open range, grass fed cows managed by cowboys. No pens, slaughterhouses, cows climbing over each other’s crap, getting diseases, no antibiotics, no hormones. And we have access to the highest grades of beef which are high prime or high choice. And prime. That’s we have access to ship to your door for less than half the price of what they send Omaha steaks to your door for. And you know how those Steaks are. So anyways, a lot to talk about. It’s a lot easier for you to check for yourself. My job is to inspire you to stop giving your money to these killers.
Vote with your dollars. Direct them to an American patriot company manufactured here at home and start helping us bring down this machine. It was built by design to destroy us. Check out Operation Operation Tomahawk. We are taking the Tomahawk to their blood supply, which is our money. And we are going to return this country to a world where companies that are doing right by the people are the ones that actually survive and the ones that thrive. Check it out. Operation patriot street fighter help. We did not engage in conflict. That was out of line with our mission.
Is it disloyal? Is it sedition? Is it treason to oppose the hands of tyranny? Never. I will never send troops anywhere on a mission of that kind without telling them that if somebody shoots at them, they can darn well shoot back. I know not of course others may take. But as for me, give me liberty oh, give me death. A dark cloud is finally lifting across the world as US Military intelligence and their global partners are destroying the deep state criminal power structure that has ruled over our planet for hundreds of years. We are free with the God given right.
And we shall not yield that right to any power on Earth. Hi, I’m Scott McKay. The world is at and I am your host on the Tipping Point on Revolution Radio, where Every Monday from 8:10pm Eastern, we bring you the latest in this ensuing takedown of this global criminal empire. That’s an image of strength. You’ll get the raw hard truth here on the Tipping Point. So come join us Mondays, 8 to 10pm Eastern in studio B at Revolution Radio.