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And, you know, that’s not the kind of thing that, you know, we see Richard Mack standing in front of advocating. Obviously, he is a Mormon. So, I mean, this stuff is just pure propaganda BS, and for a weak-minded person to read it and believe any of it sucks. That’s all I can say. What are you seeing in your area, though, Sheriff? Are you seeing a lot of these problems? You know, we had COVID, we had to go through that, but now people are kind of coming out of that. And do you find that your population feels good about deportation and feels good about it? Think of the issues that the CSPOA stand for, and where do we stand from a community point of view? Well, let me talk about COVID here.
Sure, please. COVID, we weren’t really affected by it. The people from Blaine County, I saw a lot of their license plates over here, recreating. I guess you could say we were affected in one way. We had a sign up in our local gas station store that said, no masks allowed. None of the bars or restaurants had any tables taken out of them for their stupid social distancing. There’s nobody running around here with masks. But if you just traveled over to the next county, you would see that, you know. You’d even see the lone person in their car with their mask on, and pretty ridiculous.
I drove up to Kootenai County, Coeur d’Alene, which is in north Idaho. And for a Taser instructor refresher class, it was in 22, I believe. Yeah, 22. And I was kicked out of two restaurants for not wearing a mask, and I ate at two others without a mask, and they didn’t say anything. So it was kind of half and a half up there. And I refused to wear a mask, staunchly anti-mask. We don’t have a law that they can’t make you wear a mask. They can’t force you to take a vaccine either, and they can’t do anything to you for it either.
So, yeah, very anti-vaccine as well. Pro-choice in vaccinations. Because even the COVID is bad, but I also believe that autism comes from too many vaccinations when a child is an infant and young. Yeah, it’s too young. Their immune systems aren’t developed enough yet to be able to handle the assault. And I get that people should be able to choose their own choices on vaccines. Some are for, some are against, and I support agency, Sheriff. Yeah. Remember when measles was just like a flu? You know, when I was growing up, that’s the way it was. It was just like the flu.
Now they act like it’s a pandemic if, you know, somebody has the measles. Oh, we got to vaccinate. Well, no, just let them get sick, get better, get the antibodies. And the sooner the better. Yeah. It’s a little bit crazy. Go ahead, Jack. We don’t, we don’t have flu anymore either. You know, it disappeared. It’s now COVID. Yeah, everything’s COVID. They said there was no flu and there was just COVID. Now there’s flu and COVID. And then the question is what’s coming next, Sheriff? Yeah, the bird flu. They want to kill all the chickens. Yeah.
And white Americans let them do that. I mean, why? So what they’re doing is they bring those PCR tests, which are highly unreliable. They bring them into a chicken farm and they’ll sit there and test till they get a positive. So now you got a positive, which you’re going to get with those PCR tests anyway, false positives. And then they give them a choice. We will, the FDA, your USDA, whoever does it will either buy out all those chickens. We’ll give you market value for them and you kill them all. Or if you don’t, we’re not going to let you sell them.
So they always just kill them all. They create this false shortage in the market and they’re doing that in Pennsylvania right now. And if they’re not very careful, what happens is you have birds that don’t have immune systems because you kill all the ones and then the, you know, the few birds that they don’t kill coming out of the new, I don’t know. I don’t know if I say crop of birds, the new generation of birds. Then they don’t have near the amenities. And if you’re not careful, they don’t pass them along. And then we just get the six.
We continue to kind of create our sickness. We live in the sick care world when it comes to birds, right? But you notice that the bird flu only happened to cows and chickens. Not the rest of, you know, why didn’t it affect badgers or, you know, or snakes or even eagles, you know, or any other birds. Like you didn’t see it going over to any of the Blue Jays or Robins or anything else, just chickens. Like, I don’t believe that. Yeah. Yeah. Strangely enough, we only eat chicken eggs for the most part. Yeah.
Someone says in the chat, have you ever noticed that the only animals that end up with these kinds of diseases are the ones that you need to eat? Yeah. One of our commissioners raises quail for the eggs. And his quail, you know, I’ve heard anything about quail. Yeah. Around here, he quail eggs. And I’ve had them. They’re pretty good, but you got to crack tuning many of them for an omelet. Yeah. Well, another thing is, you know, we just learned that eating eggs as a youngster, you know, from birth on improves your IQ dramatically.
And new studies showing that, you know, the control study, people, children at 88 and ones that were not given eggs, given some other protein, had a 14-point difference in the IQ, you know, as they began to age. And, you know, you got to take this all into account because putting fluoride in the water, for example, is definitely a neurotoxin. Not only that, it causes cancer, especially in young boys and a variety of other things. And then it actually ruins your teeth, dental fluorosis. Do they have fluoride in your water, chef? Negative.
We have a tone wall. However, yeah, when you’re just talking about the teeth, over in Bruno, they have a natural fluoride in their water, so it comes up in their well water. And a lot of people over there, their teeth are yellow because of it. Just not good for you. Yeah, too much fluoride. They also have lower IQs as a result, and I can keep going down the list there. It’s crazy town. Yeah. It is. And so I would expect that those eggs, everything has a multiple target, you know, it’s like these two called chemtrails.
You know, there’s multiple things that they do. Well, I got the sunlight, they drop strontium, barium, aluminum, all these things are neurotoxins, but they also destroy the crops and make it possible for less growth of food, et cetera. And then there’s nanotechnology in it, so everything gets to have multiple jobs. [tr:trw].