Mysterious Fog and California Wildfires Both Contain Dangerous Elements w/ Dr Robert Young Hazen

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➡ The article discusses the impact of nanotechnology and its potential health risks due to the introduction of nano-sized particles into the body. It also highlights a study conducted by a hair analysis consultant, Will Houghton, on a product called Masterpiece, which showed significant results in releasing toxins from the body. The article then introduces a new trial for Masterpiece, which involves hair testing to monitor changes in body chemistry. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of detoxification, especially in the current environment where exposure to harmful substances is high.
➡ The text discusses a study conducted on a product called Masterpiece, which involved a placebo-controlled group and a non-placebo group. The study aimed to test the effects of Masterpiece on the participants. One participant, despite being in the placebo group, showed improvement due to changes in his lifestyle. The text also discusses the importance of using high-resolution electron microscopes to observe nanometer-sized particles, emphasizing that many claims made about nanotechnology are inaccurate due to the lack of proper equipment. The study results, represented in bar graphs, showed changes in the levels of various metals in the participants’ urine after 120 days.
➡ The text discusses the placebo effect and the process of detoxification, particularly in relation to heavy metals in the body. It explains that while placebo groups usually show little change in their metal levels, detox therapies can significantly increase the expulsion of these metals from the body. The text also mentions a product called Masterpiece, which has been effective in removing heavy metals due to its negative charge that attracts positively charged metals. Lastly, it emphasizes that lifestyle changes, such as improved diet, can also aid in detoxification, but the process is slow and can take up to 30 months for significant results.
➡ The text discusses a study that tested the effectiveness of a product in removing toxins, particularly heavy metals, from the body. The product was found to be successful in eliminating accumulated toxins within four months. The text also discusses the presence of harmful substances like heavy metals, graphene oxide, and organic carbons in fog and wildfire smoke, which can cause health issues when inhaled. The product is suggested as a solution to remove these harmful micro and nanoparticulates from the body.
➡ The text discusses the harmful effects of nanotechnology, specifically graphene and aluminum, on human health. It suggests that these substances, found in vaccines and other sources, can cause serious health issues, including autism. The author also mentions a study that offers a solution to these pollution-related problems. Additionally, the text talks about the presence of Mac addresses, typically found in electronic devices, in the human body due to the accumulation of certain substances, and how a product called Masterpiece can help remove them.
➡ The article discusses a product called Masterpiece, which is a combination of marine plasma and zeolite, known for their health benefits. The company offers a discounted package that includes two hair tests to check your mineral levels and three bottles of Masterpiece. They are currently facing scrutiny from the FDA, but maintain that their product is safe and beneficial for both humans and animals. The company also emphasizes the importance of understanding that many health issues are due to chemical and radiation poisoning, which their product can help alleviate.
➡ You’ll learn how to take care of your health better than any doctor, gaining knowledge to be your best self. We all need to improve our health and thinking, and the first step is to remove the harmful substances in our bodies.


Foreign picture. It’s about 500,000. That’s magnification. Yeah, it’s a whole nother world. That’s right, yeah. And so they’re looking at micrometer size things and, and they’re talking about them as if they’re nanometer sized. In the nanotechnology world. In the nano world. Nanotechnology, Sarah, not to cut you off. No. So that we’re all on the same page. What we’re really talking about are things that are intracellular capable and things that are getting into layers of the body that micrometer things never have before. And with this new poisoning that we are seeing with this nano sized poisoning in the last 30 years is the reason why we see unprecedented health risk factors.

Everything else. Yeah. Hi there, my name is Will Houghton. I’m really sorry I can’t be on the show tonight. Matt did ask me, but unfortunately I’ve got prior commitments and so I’m just making a quick video for you guys. So I am one of the longest serving hair analysis consultants in Europe and I conducted a study for Masterpiece sea mineral zeolite and the results that we got were quite staggering in the, in the amount of toxins that were released over the 120 days for a majority of the live clients. We as hair analysis, as a hair analysis set up and company have been doing this for over 13 years.

And we know what happens to clients when they start taking supplements. Lifestyle changes, dietary changes, toxins start edging up, minerals start going up in the right direction, ratios start getting better. What we saw for a majority of the live clients with the Masterpiece trial was they had dramatic changes in toxic mobilization, meaning that they were releasing lots of toxins that are usually very, very difficult to get out of the cells. And they Masterpiece had the ability to really change body chemistry very quickly. I, as a hair analysis consultant and a long standing one who does this every day for over a decade, was very excited by those results as a majority of the live clients that had toxic mobilization didn’t get any side effects and they didn’t get any symptoms.

And so that was the staggering bit for me. I mean, there’s lots of ways to detox these days, but these clients seem to be detoxing effortlessly while feeling better. That was the outstanding bit for me. As I say, we do have ongoing trial as well, a much larger trial which Masterpiece are willing to do and full credit to them for actually putting their next on the line and actually willing to test every client now that gets involved with Masterpiece and to actually purchase the hair analysis to actually see the difference in their own body chemistry. But the initial trial for me as a consultant was really exciting.

The products has managed to move difficult toxins like iron and manganese, aluminum and lead very quickly out of the cells. And all those toxins are linked to all sorts of horrible diseases, whether it be Alzheimer, for definitely for manganese and for aluminum and for lead, but also massive amounts of inflammation in the body. And so that early trial for me was incredible. And so I just want to pass that message on again. Sorry I can’t be on the show, and hopefully I’ll catch you guys soon. All right, bye for now. Welcome to business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall.

I have Matt Hazen, who’s the CEO of Masterpiece, and I have Dr. Robert Young coming back to the program. We’re going to talk about the studies that they’ve been doing showing dramatic decreases in all sorts of heavy metals. We’re going to go through the charts. They’ve been looking at a lot of different heavy metals. They had another study that they’ve been doing. They also are releasing a new trial that you can get involved in where it’s a hair. They’re testing hair, and they are be able to tell what your levels are. And then you can try Masterpiece.

This for new customers, you can try Masterpiece and then also do another test. And they’re using that as a much larger trial. So for new customers, you get. You get a really good reduction on the cost of the product. And he’ll explain it. And then you also get two tests. And then for existing customers, if you want to get your hair tested, you also can do that as well. So I’ll have the links below for that, and then I’ll also have the link below to get Masterpiece in general, or you can go to sarah under shop.

But I highly, I mean, I highly recommend this. I mean, with the fires going on, with everything going on, and the soils that were, even the organic soils are finding pounds of this nanoparticulates. The fog. He, Robert Young actually analyzed the fog and he found graphene. He’s the only one I know that has went through and studied what’s in this fog. So you’ll be able to hear about that as well. It’s never been more important to get this crap out of our system. I buy a whole box of it and I give it to my kids and my family.

I just want to make sure everybody’s on it. So I hope you take this seriously. And if you are not a current Customer. It’s really a good opportunity to get involved in this trial and get some product at a reduced rate as well. So those links will be below as well. Okay, let’s get into my conversation with Matt Hazen and Dr. Robert Young. Hi Matt and Dr. Young, thank you for rejoining the program. Well, thank you for having us on your platform. We appreciate you and all that you’re doing. Yes, it’s wonderful. It’s always good, Sarah, to get to be with like minded people talking about the issues that our world is truly facing and more importantly the solutions to these issues that we’re all facing.

That’s right. We have two bigger problems. We just need to focus on the solutions in a professional manner and just keep focused and don’t let anybody derail you and people are going to disagree, but you got to focus on, keep trying to figure out the solutions and you guys are doing that. I’m really impressed because you keep doing trials and you keep proving and trying to make sure that to show people and to prove to yourself that this is actually working. Can you talk about that, like how you started and why you are doing this, why you’re.

Why that’s an important. Because I know every time I talk to you talk about the trials and so I think, think people need to understand that. About two years ago when we started off, Carolyn Mansfield, a naturopath out of the United Kingdom came to me, said she’d been working in a COVID vaccine injury clinic. They tried everything they could think of trying to figure out ways to remediate the poisons and the heavy metals and the forever chemicals that were in people. Graphene oxide obviously and hydrogel that was in their bodies. And asked, told me that out of all the products she’d seen, she believed in her heart that masterpiece would be the best tool.

And if I would like to keep her name private and she would perform the study for us. At that time we were brand new and we went all in. The results were so amazing from the initial pilot study with which was only three test subjects. But we showed that we significantly improved the intracellular, the blood, the most important part of the body. Within 35 days we had dropped the levels of hydrogel, of graphene oxide, of other microplastics and of the heavy metals that we had tested by about on average 65. And so we knew that that was a big step forward in terms of providing a real proof and efficacy that we had some ironclad evidence that we have a product that was all natural and what we really Liked is it showed to have no negative harmful side effects.

So we decided that we needed to keep on pushing and finding new creative ways since we didn’t have any other companies out there that we could look for that could role model this type of improving their products. You know, all these companies stick real hard to how they’re going to market their products. And so we, we knew that that wasn’t all of our fancy marketing. When we truly in our hearts knew we had something that was special, we knew that wasn’t going to cut it. We knew we better get our self protected. So we decided to do a 24 people level one human study which involved hair testing for heavy metals, urine testing for heavy metals, as well as blood testing for different markers like D dimer markers.

And we pursued that, got the baseline levels. And what we learned, Sarah, in our current study that we just completed is that with half the people in the study being jabbed and half not and different areas of the world that they lived in, what we found was these people all, we all have high levels of things that you don’t want in our body, such as aluminum, you know, arsenic, lead, mercury, there’s a lot of other metals, you know, so many microplastics and forever chemicals to name and especially this MRNA junk stuff that this bioweapon technology that’s really destroying the planet as a whole right now.

And so what we learned is amazing. I cannot wait for us to show the charts and graphs. But we entered into what’s called a blinded randomized placebo controlled study. So we had six people that were at the beginning placebo. They were placebo with a saline solution. And keep in mind Masterpiece is mineral water. So we provided them a placebo that tasted almost identical to Masterpiece. And it was in Masterpiece. So we knew we were going to get some really strong placebo effects from that because they really believe they were on Masterpiece. One guy took it upon himself to not do what the study criteria was, which was change his other habits.

Because we wanted to test only how Masterpiece worked. And so he changed everything in his life, but lo and behold, he was placeboed. And so we could actually see improvement. Which was nice because interesting when we’re talking. Yeah, so when we’re talking about now, it wasn’t the same level as Masterpiece. It wasn’t even close. But it was very noticeable. No, but that’s good because then you can see if you change all your it and become much healthier with your habits. Does that help more or the same or all the way that’s a great amount of information.

I have the charts if you want to talk from them. Do you want to look at them? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And so, and it is important and just before we get going any further, our world, whether we’re testing the air, whether we’re, whether. And I hope that we get a chance today to briefly talk because Dr. Robert Young has done what nobody else in the world has done. He has gone to the black fog. He has taken samples. He has observed those samples underneath. A high resolution transmission electron microscope, the most capable leading edge technology to this day that we can use to observe things at that nanometer size.

There’s too much talk in the truth or movement from various microscopists that are claiming to be experts, that in their equipment, none of their equipment, none of them has a nanoscope or an electron microscope. And so they can’t keep enough. Right. Because when I think people talk about this is driving me nuts. Okay. Being honest, you just hit a trigger point for me. And I’ve been talking about it. They claim to see nano and they’re only magnifying by 200. Some of them are magnifying up to 2,000. But you still can’t see nano at that scale. No, not even close.

I know. The magnificent, the magna. So let’s look at it. Yeah. When you’re, when you have a compound microscope, that’s like having a gun and then claiming you can go shoot Europe from America. It doesn’t happen. You can’t. It doesn’t magnify down. It’s not. You only see the size of a red blood cell, which is a micrometer size. That’s 7.5 micrometers. You need like thousand. Right. To begin seeing it. That’s a Robert question. But I will tell you the images that we have of the black fog, as well as masterpiece. As well as masterpiece put with graphene oxide, which is a compelling picture.

It’s about 500,000. That’s magnification. Yeah. It’ whole nother world. That’s right, yeah. And so they’re looking at micrometer size things and they’re talking about them as if they’re nanometer sized in the nanotechnology world. In the nano world. Nanotechnology, Sarah, not to cut you off. No. So that we’re all on the same page. What we’re really talking about are things that are intracellular capable and things that are getting into layers of the body that micrometer things never have before. And with this new poisoning that we are seeing with this nano sized Poisoning in the last 30 years is the reason why we see such unprecedented health risk factors.

Everything else. Yeah, well, I want to just compare this because people are seeing information at 200 times compared to 500,000 times or even 2,000 to give them that. They’ll see some 2,000 and they’ll call it nanobots and things. It’s like you can’t see nanobots at that level. I mean, compared to your 500,000. Now, in my studies, in looking at electron microscopes that you can start seeing now, you can’t see detailed structures, but you can see over like you could probably see a bigger nanobot at 20,000 times, but that’s still 10 times what the highest that some of these people are looking at.

And it doesn’t give you the detail, but it gives you overall, like a bigger look at a nanobot, for example. Yes. And what’s so funny is that me and you are talking about this Sarah, and we have the goat and dawn of our era at microscopy. Well, I know that’s kind of funny. He’s just listening to us. But, you know, I’ve done some research. I’m not an idiot. I come from a science engineering background. I’m like, this is not that hard. If you don’t magnify it enough, you can’t see it. It’s not that big of a deal.

But I know the world is different down there. When can you. I said 20,000. That’s based on my research that I saw where they’re claiming when I went to sources that are selling electron microscopes. When I go to those sources and look and they talk about what you need and what is capable at different levels, they’re saying you can’t even start until 20,000 times. What do you. Have you seen, Robert, like when you’re doing this work? Well, if you’re using a compound microscope, I mean, you can increase the magnification, but you don’t necessarily increase the resolution.

And so the more you magnify, you know, the detail goes very, very fuzzy, such as what’s behind me. I mean, you can see more detail, but you’re looking at a micrograph that’s at a million times magnification at a high resolution, at 0.1 to 0.2 nanometers. So we’re looking at subatomic, atomic and subatomic levels. And you have to be in the, in the least 500,000. And if you want to see even more detail at high resolution, using a high resolution transmission electron microscope, you know, is where you have to go. But the better the resolution, the higher the price, you know, of these, it’s just you can magnify things, but you lose here again, you lose the detail.

And if we’re looking at. And then you have to incorporate spectroscopy with that. So using directed energy x ray spectroscopy to identify the electron signatures, all you’re doing is then guessing if you don’t combine those two technologies together. So it’s not just seeing the construct of what you’re looking at, it’s also identifying its electromagnetic or electron signature to determine what you are looking. And that, that, that’s, that’s a, that’s a specialized field which is just not available unless, unless you’re talking to, you know, Berkeley University or if you’re talking to. That’s right, USC or university levels where they’ve invested anywhere from 5 to 10 million dollars into this equipment.

And so you either. Go ahead, I was going to say, you either know somebody or you own one. It’s a, you know somebody. It is. So when you’re seeing people put out stuff that they’re seeing in nanobot at 200 times magnification, what do they even, I mean, is it even. I mean, but I see now, I think it’s makes the whole industry at this whole nanobot in your body and stuff. It starts to make the real scientists who have access to this and we’re studying nano sized stuff, it makes the other people not look serious. Right.

I mean, so you have a whole field of, of nanoscientists, of the whole industry. They’re like, these guys aren’t even serious. This is a joke. That’s a big point you just made, Sarah, because that is exactly what’s happened to, let’s call it the truther movement with all these amateur microscopists that are trying to put out videos that go viral and whatnot. The real research experts that are in labs, if they ever do look at them and hear them talking about stuff at 400 and 1600 magnification and they’re talking about nan this and nano that, they just go, oh, here’s the next idiot.

They laugh at us. It’s a laughing stock. And so it makes you look stupid. Yes. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I know. It makes them look stupid. The true experts. Yeah, absolutely. And so if we want to get back to the charts of this study, you’re about to get freaked out. Well, let’s look at this. I’m going to bring up the charts. Okay. Hopefully whatever order this is. Can you see it? Yes, yes, absolutely. And so what these are, these are each individual bar graphs for each individual metal that we tested for in urine. Now, we took a baseline or beginning number with each test subject, a test.

And then after 120 days, we did the second Test, the final test. So the red line, all those red lines are the placebo group. All the blue lines are the non placebo group. Taking Masterpiece. And so what this shows is the range of change after 120 days. And so the placebo effect is very real. It helps about 30%. And what we see is a beginning number. And then when we see the difference between the first baseline number and the second number, that gives us a range of how many more metals is either leaving that person’s body in the hair or that the levels have gone down, which would show that they are, they’ve eliminated metals.

So placebo groups don’t usually have any of their metals go down. They almost always go up just a little bit or stay the same, unless they’ve been poisoned recently and they’ve had an acute toxicity, in which case you could see the heavy metal go way up. Well, but also if somebody changes their diet, like you said, you’ll start seeing them go down, but it’s not as quickly. You’re right. Right. And in that case, when someone improves their diet and what Will Houghton would, would attest to, because he’s been looking at these charts and graphs daily for 15 years.

And he’s our analyst on the hair test and our results. And he will say if he can see the human body push out and get rid of heavy metals in the urine or the hair by a 10 or 20% shift, that, that’s a big victory for that person when they’re doing things like infrared sauna, improving their diet and putting alkaline raw fruits and vegetables into their diet, making those changes. What we’re seeing with masterpiece is that you see. Now I want everybody to think about the fact that you have accumulated stuck heavy metals and various other car things that you don’t want in your body.

We all have them. When we begin a brand new detox archelation therapy, what we see is the levels of the, of what is leaving the body. See, when we’re testing hair, that’s outside of the body, when we’re testing urine, it’s outside of the body. The body has chose to give up, in this case the heavy metals, which is a good thing. Right, because we’re getting them out of the body. So we love. You will always see an effective detox therapy, which is what Masterpiece has proven to be now in multiple human studies. And what we see is those levels.

Masterpiece grabs that graphene oxide, that scary picture that was behind Robert Young right there. He hasn’t told you yet, but that’s at a million magnification of the brain, the black fog that’s been in Los Angeles and other states, that is destroying the health. That picture is graphene oxide. In that, you can see the hexagon structure. It has a positive magnetic attraction to it. It’s positively magnetic. And what Masterpiece does is it looks a lot like it. Although it’s a natural mineral, the difference is it has a negative charge. And as we know, magnets, opposites attract. And that’s why Masterpiece has been so effective in removing these heavy metals.

So what we seen was the placebo group had basically no change. That’s why there’s very little red on those graphs. But when we look at the blue, those are people’s levels going way up, which means they’re getting. They’re purging out these toxins, which is a great thing. You start feeling better, thinking better, sleeping better, and then all of a sudden, those levels dump down as the body finally gets to clear it out. We don’t normally see any change, Sarah, this is big. We don’t normally see any change from people who haven’t made any changes in their life.

So to see movement of these heavy metals leaving the body, whether the levels go up or down, is an awesome sign in what we’re looking for. So when you’re analyzing this, you want to see the stuck trapped metals move and the range go way up, because it’s going to go up at first, and then it’s going to go way down. But either way, it’s not where it was at the baseline. So what else can. Can you tell me? Why is the red small? That’s where you start. And then the blue. That’s. That’s the placebo people. That is the placebo people.

Okay. Yes. Why is the higher. Why is it so the amount. Yeah, yeah. The. The height of the blue and the red is the signifier to how much their levels moved. Because when. When levels go up, it means they’re dumping out of the body in the urine. And then once they clear, they’ll go way down, and they’ll be a lot lower than they used to be. So we want to see the more. The more movement, the taller that bar graph is. So when you see all that blue, really tall, that’s people’s levels going really fastly out of their body.

And getting in, purging the tox, the heavy metals. So that’s a good thing because you want to see it in the urine. You want to see high amounts in the urine. That means it’s getting rid of it. Yes, absolutely. But we’re getting high amounts. So the hard part is, is that you’re going to constantly see stuff coming out until it’s. Until you’re in an environment. Yes, but, but the baseline number, it doesn’t matter where the baseline number starts. If you’re taking an effective detoxing product like masterpiece at the beginning, those levels are going to go up as your body is releasing them.

And then once you get to the point where they’re cleared, they fall off pretty quickly and then they stay pretty low. But yes, you have some come in, but your baseline at that point will be a very low level baseline. Are you very little heavy metals? So that would be at like 340 days, like twice this. You’d start seeing them go down. Do you have. No, no, no. When do you start seeing it go down? In normal lifestyle changes, such as improved dietary habits and things like that, you won’t usually see where the body has purged out a lifetime accumulated of toxins until bare minimum a year, it will says, up to about 30 months before he sees the real hardcore ones coming out, such as iron and different things like that.

It just takes a long time. That’s what I’ve heard too. Yes. Because it’s in the deepest rest. Yeah. Your body has been trying to deal with all these toxins its whole life. It takes them into the inner distressful fluid. It pushes them out to the tissues, the fat, it accumulates in your fat. And so it’s completely unprecedented. And people who are true experts in this field that have been looking at these levels daily for 15 years, such as Will Houghton, says that this is something he’s never even come close to seeing, certainly. And nothing that he even imagined could be possible.

So as far as removing it or also. Yes, at the speed. Yes, removing it. The speed that were removed. Well, yes, yes, yes, yes. I mean, yes, We, Yeah, we don’t. We didn’t want to tell people how high the levels were when we first got the initial baseline, because in this study they were a lot higher per average than they were at the be. At our first initial pilot study, the study that was before that, and it had only been a year and the levels were already like 30% higher. Where you’re like, hold on, you mean in one year, your lifetime? My lifetime of 45 years.

Accumulated toxins went up another 30% in just one year. That’s how, that’s how toxic and polluted our environment and food and things that we’re ingesting is. And so I don’t know if we, if we can show the other chart, Sarah. Yeah, but what it shows is amazing and I hope I give it credit by explaining it the right way. And then I definitely want to pass the baton to Robert so that he can make it probably make a little bit more sense if I’m not being real good. But this is the same exact study participants. The red line is the placebo group, like the last graph.

The blue line is our non placebo group taking masterpiece. So when we see the red line, we see now this is the average range. So what we took was all five placebo people and we took how much their levels changed and then we took it by an average. We added those five numbers up the amount that they changed and then they divided it by five. And simply put, we got the average amount of change that someone gets when they’re taking a placebo. And so what we found out was pretty. What we, what we found out was masterpiece gets out all the metals amazingly, except for nickel and tin.

I don’t know why, but it doesn’t seem to attract too well to nickel and tin. So we can’t claim that we have any proof to be able to take out tin and nickel. But if we look at the aluminum, aluminum is a pretty. Well, it’s, it’s one of the most toxic, detrimental, man made when it’s especially in man made form, things that we deal with, as well as arsenic, as well as lead, as well as mercury. Do you have graphene oxide in here? No, it’s not. No, no. They, they keep it very hard. There was only one place in the world that did graphene oxide testing and that.

And they got rid of the deep state. Got rid of them. Oh, that was. So we did an interview. That was the guy in Germany. And you were trying to test and do a study. Yes. Okay. Yes, yes. And so what we seen with aluminum in particular was that in only four months we were able to that quickly. In only four months we were able to purge out the lifetime of accumulated toxins. And then it started doing the final clearing. We had a lady who started off at the level of 40 for aluminum and went down to 1.

Wow. Her lifetime accumulated aluminum accumulation was gone within four months. Now that was our best result, but we had the majority of our participants still pushing out huge Amounts of aluminum either pushing it out still because the level will go up when it’s really getting out of the body and you’re peeing a bunch of it out. And then once you’re cleaned up, those levels all of a sudden are almost non existent because you only have the new stuff coming in to deal with. You don’t have the old stuff anymore that you can test. And if you look at like barium, arsenic, bismuth, you’re talking about some very lead mercury.

Of course, thallium’s a big one. When we’re talking about these type of heavy metals. If you look at like palladium, if you look at platinum. Okay, these are all causing everyone problems. How about with the functioning of their body? Yes. So, okay, and look at the uranium, which was very interesting because recently, Sarah, there was allegations that we had a toxic amount of uranium in the Masterpiece product, which coincidentally when that was made, we had third party testing that proved we had virtually none. Actually it was one of the least amount of trace elements. Everything has trace element, trace, trace amounts of stuff.

And so what we were able to show, look at the amount of uranium that we got out compared to the placebo group. Isn’t that amazing? Yeah, that’s pretty amazing. It’s amazing. So. Well, let’s talk about what’s in this fog because. And then I want to talk about the Mac addresses. That’s an interesting thing too. So let’s talk about this fog. I mean, what is going on? I mean it, it actually has graphene oxide, has a whole bunch of stuff in it. Yeah. And kudos to Robert Young for taking the time to do what he knew no one else was gonna do, which was actually get in there and test the stuff and publish on it.

Be willing to put his neck out there once again publishing material like this, which no one else would ever publish material like this. And I, I should, I shouldn’t speak on any of that because that was all his work and I haven’t even had a conversation with him about. So let’s. What, what did you find in this and where, where is this all happening? Yeah, well, yeah, being in California, you know, testing, testing fog water with compound microscopes. But to really look at this and identify it, such as what you’re seeing behind me, which is, which is a component of fog water, which is aluminum.

And this is what aluminum looks like at 500,000 times magnification under a high resolution tems microscope. But what we found in central California, we tested fog in Southern California. We tested at Berkeley San Joaquin Valley. And we also got samples from Texas and from overseas too as well. And some of this work is, has been published and some of it is now being published as it relates to the contents of this. What we found in, in San Joaquin Valley is ammonium nitrates, organic carbons, graphene, graphene oxide. And what we found in Southern California, specifically on the coast, that would be Pacific Palisades, Pallet Palisades and also Santa Barbara, we found in the fog nitrates, organic carbons, graphene, graphene oxide and also ammonia.

So these are things that are, that we’re finding in, in this. And, and here, here again we’re using directed energy x ray spectroscopy to identify their, their signatures. And, and we’re now testing the, the wildfire smoke. And it’s here again, the toxins in that are quite significant. You’ve got heavy metals, you’ve got microplastics, you’ve got everything right, that’s burning. You’ve got nitric oxide. Yeah, everything that’s burning. Aluminum tires. What are you getting out of tires? Because car tires and rubber and all sorts of stuff. All of that, you know, goes airborne. And the particulates that are concerning are, you know, affecting the quality of, of the air.

So air quality indexes at 2.5 are showing a lot of those particulates. And of course, I’ve looked at that and identified specifically benzene, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, heavy metals, which would be mercury, lead, nanotechnology, graphene and aluminum, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, you know, and, you know, so these are, these are when, when you have a combustion of organic materials, including vegetations, you, you start getting a lot of these particulates out because it’s, it’s not just in the air, it’s in the plants. And that also goes airborne. So the main chemical pollutants that are being found in, in the fog that are being found in the wildfires is benzene, which is a known carcinogen, formaldehyde, which is a toxic gas, nitrogen oxides, which is problematic in itself.

The heavy metals I’ve mentioned, lead, mercury, cadmium, the nanotechnology, graphene ferric oxides, aluminum, and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are all carcinogenic. So these are formed out of incomplete combustion. So these are the things that are in the air. And when I studied the PM 2.5, the particular material 2.5 refers to the size of the particles, 2.5 microns. So people can relate that to inches. One micron equals 1 25,000ths of an inch. So this is very, very small. The problem with this is it transfects. It goes into the lungs, it goes into the interstitial fluid and then it transports into every organ.

So the risk factors for respiratory disorders goes up. The risk factors, you know, for those who have preconditioning exist pre existing conditions. So if you have asthma, but currently, today it is not safe to be in Civic Palisades. It’s not safe to be in, you know, Los Angeles county things obviously we’re looking at the Santa Monica for example, Malibu for example. The air is not safe to breathe. And if you have any, you know, pre existing condition, then you have to even take even better care. And this is why, you know, I can’t overemphasize the fact you need something which hasn’t existed until now to remove these micro and nanoparticulates.

Because nano doesn’t come out of your body easily naturally either, does it? Because my understanding is that our gut has these follicles and I mean we just can’t get. It’s too small, the follicles are too big and they can’t, it transfects. It’s, it the size of it goes right through any membrane. It goes right through the cell membrane, it goes right through the tissues. The only thing the body can do is push it out in what is called the colloidal connective tissue. And that’s the, that’s the, from the interstitial fluids to the connective tissue, the fatty tissues.

So when we’re talking about toxicity being released through the utilization of a broad spectrum, and I, I use that word, you know, on purpose to, to express the fact that we’re seeing this broad spectrum helator that can adsorb and absorb nano and micro particulates into its body. And I have the electron micrographs to show that, show how it works, that it is taking in aluminum. It is taking and it’s, it’s connecting with it because of its surface charge, which is called zeta potential. That’s why the product is called masterpiece Zeolite Z. The Z refers to its electrical charge, zeta potential.

And that’s all been tested. So that surface charge in order to be effective has to be a negative surface charge. So when we’re talking about a magnet, we’re talking about the negative charge on the surface, not the positive. Because these particulates of graphene and ferric oxide, FPOs, the forever chemicals, PFOs, PFOA microplastics, these carry a surface charge which is the opposite polarity of the particulate, you know, which is the main one, which is zeolite. You know, it, it is a hexagonal construct that has a negative surface charge and it literally grabs and attracts through electromagnetic attraction.

It collects it into its net. And since it’s indigestible material, it then is removed through normal channels of elimination. So it comes out through the pores of the skin, it comes out through urination, it comes out with defecation. It actually comes out into your hair. This is why we are testing urine. This is why we’re testing interstitial fluids. This is why we’re testing hair samples. This is what has been shown by Matt showing there is an increase of elimination out of the orifices and into the hair or into the urine manifested. And we’re measuring that, we’re measuring that.

So we know it’s working, but it’s, it’s working far beyond, far beyond our expectations. Could you imagine what this means? Well, that’s Sarah, for an autistic child who has, who has a brain full of nanotechnology of graphene and aluminum that cannot electrically connect. The neurons are dysfunctional. Can you imagine what’s going to happen when you change that internal environment and when you remove these toxic elements? That’s right. That’s what we’re seeing reversal. And I have, and I have a study, a peer reviewed study that’s coming out I hope very soon on the solution to the pollutions related specifically to autism.

Wow. Because we had, I had proven, I had proven this up, I had proven this up in the 90s, at the turn of the century. And this has been suppressed, suppressed, suppressed because everything is tied to things that we didn’t even understand or know. That’s right. So we didn’t understand that vaccines are not vaccines. They’re weapons of mass destruction without, I mean fire is a weapon of mass mass destruction. We’ve already seen the devastation of that a lot less than leaving radioactive residues. But the bottom line this, there’s no such thing as a safe inoculation. And the transfection that’s going on since they’ve slowed down on the inoculation is coming through the fog.

These inoculations through the mosquitoes, it’s calling, it’s calling, called flying syringes. And the air that people are breathing, they’re breathing in the very thing that’s contaminants are contained in what happened in the last two and a half, three and a half, four years by the name of whatever they want to Call it, you know, bird flu to influenza to HIV to Ebola to coronavirus. This is all a front. It is a total scam, a total manipulation. And we know it because we’re looking at this. And Matt said it, he said, we can’t find people to test graphene.

You have to do it yourself or you have to do it secretively with a university or someone or friend that has the same concerns. And yet they’re trying to protect themselves and their own family. Because we already know it’s happened to several people that we’ve worked. That’s sad that people can’t test for it, otherwise they get killed. I mean, that happened. Matt was on the program before. I. We’re in a really sad situation where we can’t do these things. And the. And then when you tell people that they’re deer in the headlights and they just keep moving on, it’s.

It’s pretty incredible. I want to talk about the Mac address that you guys are finding in the body. And you have a study that you’re doing, you’re working with David Ike, I believe, to do a doc. You want to document it and show people that there is, there are indeed Mac addresses in people’s bodies. And first of all, tell us what a Mac address is so people know and then what. How you’re finding it and how you’re removing it. Yeah, yeah. So Mac address is identifying signal that you would usually see on a computer or an iPad or your phone, which is Mac.

It’s not a Mac like Macintosh, Apple. It’s. It’s actually a technical term. So people know. Yes, it’s Mac. Yes, absolutely. And so our human body should not be producing Mac addresses. That would be pretty much unnatural. And so it was a little weird when Bill Gates and others started issuing patents, I believe, starting back in 2014, for owning any previously human body which had been genetically modified. See, I can’t patent you, Sarah. You’re natural. I can’t patent a tree and I can’t patent a cucumber. But if I genetically modify a tree or genetically modify a cucumber, or in this insane example, which is too sci fi to, you know.

But it’s our reality now. It’s not natural for a human to have a Mac address, but if you do, in theory, you are owned some type of way by one of these various places. Now, what we have seen through a famous documentary called the Blue Truth Documentary, which was done by Dr. Pedro Chavez, who has been guiding us and showing us his exact way that he did this so that we can simply rinse and repeat it to bring validity and credibility not only to his documentary but to this one that we’re building upon his work. And this will be called the Blue Truth documentary.

I’m sorry, blueproof documentary instead of Blue Truth. And what we are going to do, I believe it happens this week. It would have already happened a week ago, but we had some important charts and graphs and things that had to get put together for the study. So it took Carolyn’s Mansfield’s time. But we’re going to walk about 30 people into a open field which our Bluetooth scanner will show has no Mac addresses in the field or in the area. And then we walk the people in from about 200 yards away and then most of them to all of them such from the work that we’ve already been doing will show a Mac address and an unknown specific Mac address to their body that comes from the over accumulation of graphene oxide, lanthanides and other things that are internal hardware usually for a computer that they are putting into the geoengineering chemtrails.

And well, you know, I did a video where I walked through Dollar General, which we know all those products are made by BlackRock and Vanguard and State street or whatever their name is. They’re investors in it. And yeah, and I, and I, well, yeah, they call the shots, right. So I turned over the Old Spice, the Dove, the Suave. I just went through the aisle. It was a minute and a half long video and everyone I turned around, I showed him the two components to the MRNA delivery system that they would want to look for, which was one EDTA and two polyethylene glycol.

So any type of peg for polyethylene glycol with a number behind it, there’s different EDTAs. And those are the two things that they encapsulate the this, the missile, this, the bioweapon, which is graphene oxide and few other things in. And so we’re going to walk one by one in the field with three angles on Carolyn Mansfield screen. So there is no way to, you know, fake this as people will try to purport later since they don’t want to do this work and they just want to try to put down our work. And we are going to take everybody that has a Mac address that signs up on the spot for our weight for our study.

We are going to give them free masterpiece. We are going to invite them back to the field once a month until they don’t have Mac addresses. But what’s really cool about this. Just little bit of sizzle here for everybody is in our just completed study we took out 16 of the 23 people agreed to meet Carolyn out in the field. And from her investigative work in London that we’ve done quite extensively, she’s gone out three long days to do this. Most everybody unfortunately has a Mac address. Has an unknown Mac address. Now what was really neat with our group is that out of the 16 people, the three placebo people all had Mac addresses.

Now with this, they still had their Mac address for sure. Yeah. Now in the 13 people who had been taking Masterpiece, only two of them still had a Mac address. Now that’s like taking chains off of people. That’s like taking ownership papers out of Bill Gates’s hands. Yeah. And that also means that not only graphene oxide, but everything else that screws us all up up and is destroying our planet and destroying the best of what people are with this lead and this terrible amounts of mercury and all these disastrous things that are in huge amounts in all of us.

We know that we get virtually everything we’ve tested for, which is 45 different things of 40 of forever chemicals and heavy metals. And with the exception of tin and nickel, we’ve proven to drastically, significantly unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Get and remediate and mitigate these things out of the body. I know with arsenic and again, 10 or 20% of a change in your body levels means that you’re starting to chip away at your health. Right. So you know, you make a change and it takes a year to really see all the weight come off and see all this stuff happen to you.

Well, 10 or 20% get you there real quick. Well, we’ve seen a 526% difference in arsenic. We seen a 165% difference in aluminum. Wow. So we’re seeing levels that have never been seen before come out of people and mobilize and move out of the body in ways that we haven’t seen before. Well, let me ask you, you have the ability for people to join a trial, a hair test trial? Yes. Can you talk about that? Yes. They have to be new. Yes. They have to be. Yes. Every last person out there needs to understand their health and needs to understand how to be empowered with the right knowledge and where to go to get that knowledge so that they can be their own doctor.

Just like hypocrisy said, you know, smart man’s be your own doctor. And I don’t know his perfect words, but to that extent it’s Very true. And so what a hair test is, is it’s the gold standard and how to look at your mineral levels. Right. Because we’re all water and minerals. And so understanding your mineral levels and which ones you’re deficient in or not is important. But also these toxic metals which are destroying our health. And so what we see is we get to. If anybody goes to our website and it’s not peace like P, I, E, C, E, there’s no I.

Well, I’ll have a link below, right? I can have a link. Because it’s easy. Yes. So if anybody go. Yes, please. Thank you. Okay, touch the link. And you are. If you have not taken Masterpiece before, we are grateful and glad to offer you a 300 discount for you to get two of the best gold standard hair tests available in the world, which you’ll use the first one at the beginning. And a part of those two tests, we’re going to give you three bottles of Masterpiece, which will last you a little more than four months. And then you take your second hair test.

And then we provide you a comprehensive summary detailed out. It’s about 15 pages long. Will Houghton does that, not us, and provides to you all of the results. We give you a $600 value for only $333. And we. The only thing we ask is that we want to use your results, keep your information private, of course, along with all the other results. And we want to use that to be able to show people, and more importantly, publish to protect the future of Masterpiece and human consciousness support. At this point, we’re dealing with our second attack by the fda.

We’re on our second one, brand new attack for absolute nonsense. What is this? And we have. They are asking all kinds of personal business questions that they don’t have any rights to because they’re trying to put together something obviously there. It’s a list of about 30 questions that they just expect me to butt in, you know, give them a bunch of answers to. It’s like, well, you know, it’s product compared to all these other things. And they’re just going after you because Zeolite’s fine and C Minerals is fine. They’re leaving everybody else alone that sells Zeolites.

They’re leaving everybody alone that sells the C Plasma. But it’s your combination of the fact that smaller, but so it’s different that way. But still, they’re leaving everybody alone. If they were serious, they wouldn’t be doing. You know, it’s just obvious. And you’re a great person yeah, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. And you know, it’s all about the synergistic effect of everything. And so marine plasma by itself and c, plasma by itself are wonderful mineral supplements that can be beneficial in all types of ways and should be in everybody’s protocol. And zeolite is a master binder, that’s what it’s known as.

It has the highest magnetic negative charge out of any natural thing, any natural mineral that we know of. And so they’re both amazing. But when you put those two amazing things together, we see an unprecedented formula performing in unprecedented ways and it didn’t take long for it to scare the dickens out of the whole system. And you see the FTC and we see the FDA and we see the Health Canada and we see, you know, well choreographed hit piece smear campaign and you know, and hey, we should probably say, guess what? That only happens to companies and products that are flying over the right targets.

Yeah. Barking up the right trees and shaking the right bushes. That doesn’t happen for no reason, folks. So you have a very, very affordable product that is the most gentlest detox product. My kids drink more Masterpiece than you can imagine. My, my breastfed precious babies. I have five kids. They are my young two, my other three year old. They live on Masterpiece. There’s countless pets, our, our beloved senior citizens that are in our world losing their mind. Get them on Masterpiece. If you live in these areas, how about animals? What, how can they look? It’s amazing because when your animal has in, in months time, like what we’ve shown with our human clinical studies to have significantly less levels of all these harmful things, they’re just like us.

They act better, they feel better. So do you give a dropper like a drop full? I mean it depends on their body size, you know, like, like a third of what I get. Or can you put it in their water or do you put it right in their mouth? Isn’t it nice how our, our beloved animals, they, if they take, they use any chance they can to get attention from us. So you know, with my dog, I, I try to put the eyedropper in his mouth and, and he does it so I’ll give him an extra drop.

And you know, so you can easily put a drop in their water if that’s the east best way for them to take it. It’s mineral watered, it’s very healthy structured mineral water. So they love it. But I would, you know, depending on your animal, just put a drop in their mouth. Make it easy on yourself. Yeah. So my dogs, they’d probably love it. They’d probably want more. Well, you guys are so awesome. I really enjoy having these conversations, even though, I mean it’s important. These are important conversations, otherwise we wouldn’t all be doing this. And so I’ll have links below.

I get a box, when I order, I get a box of like 12 and I send them out to all my family members and I just, that’s what I do because I want to make sure my kids are on it. Yeah. So, well, thank you so much for everything that both of you are doing and thank you for, you know, I’m coming speaking for my listeners, I’m speaking for everybody that knows what you guys are doing and putting your, your lives on the line and your reputations on the line to do something that you believe is important for humanity.

So thank you so much for joining the program. Thank you, Sarah. You know, with the conditions of fogs and wildfires and chem trailing and bioweapons disguised as vaccines, I mean this is the solution to the pollution. And if you look behind me, you’re seeing high resolution TEMS microscopy of the product zeolite Z C plasma. It’s hexagonal instructional structure, it’s multi dimensional. And what you’re seeing on the other side, you’re seeing it as it attracts and takes up these nanoparticulates right into the body. Wow. And so we see this happening at the nano level, not at the micro, at the nano level.

So I can personally state this is a safe and effective way to remove poisons from your body. And remember this, if you don’t remember anything else, remember this. You are not sick. You don’t have a disease. You’ve been poisoned with chemicals and radiation. And if you have the understanding that we’re giving you here today, you can change your life and you can save your lives of all the yourself and all those who you love and care about. And that’s what I’m interested in and that’s why I’m involved. Because this is a product for this time and for so many reasons to restore, you know, the life, you know, fluids and improve the quality of and the quantity of life for everyone who lives on this planet.

And it’s not just humans, it’s animals as well. Well, thank you so much. Thank you, Matt. Thank you, sir. Can I give a Special thanks to Dr. Robert Young. Yeah. He has been unfortunately never changed his stripes. All he did was do a cancer, a study on cancer and show that proper living and thinking and truth had was the way forward in getting rid of cancer. And he became as character assassinated and targeted as anybody alive here on earth. And he still stands for the truth. He’s still doing the research and the expert detailed work that no one else is doing.

And without him, we would know a lot less and we would be in a much different position to be able to change things. And so to him, I know on behalf of humanity and millions of people out there that, that say it to him, that I. I see what they say to me just. And thank you. Thank you, Robert, so well, thank you, Matt, and thank you to the team that you’ve put together at Human Consciousness Support. And thank you, Sarah, for, you know, allowing this information to be. Be shared with all your. Your friends and family and associates and podcasters and connections.

We appreciate it very much. And, and hopefully if you watch this video that you will share it with your friends and your family members and anyone that you love and care about or anyone that you know or maybe anyone you don’t know. This needs to be shared with everyone. Everyone. And so thank you for, you know, allowing us to speak freely and for sharing the truth. And God bless you. Thank you. Awesome. Awesome. And if you can afford a hair test and you can afford that study, you will learn the information and know what you are deficient in.

You will know exactly what you need to do as your own great doctor that loves you more than any doctor you’ve ever seen. And you will have the knowledge that you need so that you can have your best version. Because we need you just like you need me. We all need each other. We all got to start feeling better, thinking better, doing better. We got to bring back our critically thinking selves. And the way to do that is to get out the root cause to begin with, which isn’t any silly Forefront Vanguard disease. It is that we have too many poisons in us.

Well said. It well said. Thank you so much, guys. Sa.



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