But until he says, Jesus, we’re going to continue to be a nation under judgment, and I’ll explain that in some future broadcast. And it doesn’t come from Dave Hodges. It comes directly from the Bible. And if you don’t believe in the Bible, I’ll just say this. You have a choice right now. It’s repentance, or you’re going to get reckoning. And if you can’t see it in our nation right now, where what is it, four out of five people told a Harris poll, not that Harris, the real Harris poll, that they fear America slipping into total chaos.
Well, it’s foretold in the Bible, and all these things are coming true in the Bible that were written 2500 years ago. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to preach at people, but you need to wake up and look at what’s going on. We need to push Donald Trump to a discovery of Jesus if we want true revival. It’s not going to happen. Okay, because we don’t have natural problems. We have supernatural problems. And we have Satan at the root of all of it. And I mean all of it. And if you can’t recognize that, stay tuned because the light will surely come up, and you’ll see the truth for what it is.
You won’t need me to tell you. You won’t need your pastor to tell you. And by the way, good chance are 80% of your pastors are apostate. They’re not going to tell you anyway. They serve the 501c3 tax deductions, but they don’t serve the Lord because they refuse to talk about the issues. When’s the last time your pastor talked about baby killing? When? I really can’t remember. You’re in the wrong church. That should be your litmus test. Donald Trump has said, wow, he’s for abortion. That’s what the left is planning. Okay, because he said he believed in the three exceptions.
I’ll get to that in a second. And then there are people that say that Donald Trump is outlawing abortion. He’s going to cause women to die. He’s leading a national effort against it. That’s bullshit. Seriously, that’s total BS. The Supreme Court ruled it’s a state issue because it’s not a federally protected right. I’m so sick of the mis-guidance and the deception and the disinformation from the left on this issue. Trump has nothing to do with this. What he has said is, mother of the life, rape, incest. Those are his three exceptions. It’s a move in the right direction.
Now, Trump needs to be pushed towards Jesus. I’ll just leave it there because you can’t solve a spiritual problem which we have with physical solutions only. Well, there are physical things we can do. And I come on here, I talk about parallel economy and so forth, and I won’t go into all the suggestions and solutions I’ve tried to come up with. But we can do some things, but we can’t do the big thing. And the big thing that evil permeates the world, and they’re coming for you. Have you figured that out yet? All right, what we’re going to take a look at here is we’re going to take a look at the deception, continuing coverage, I should say, the deception of the Harris campaign.
These people that are running her campaign, I can see why Obama went out and got David Poof, who ran his campaign when he successfully ran for president. I can see why Obama did that. Because these people that are running Harris’s campaign in the present moment, they’re retarded. They’re low IQ misfits, probably chosen because of DEI, and they’re just stupid. And I’m going to show you something that’s going to make you laugh. First of all, I want to make you aware of one thing. We are fulfilling biblical prophecy. And I’m going to give you little snippets here and there.
I’m not going to give you entire sermons. Okay, I don’t want to turn you off. But I do need to get you to see the light a little bit at a time. And you can reject 5% of what I’m saying, and then go for the secular physical reality message and ignore the spiritual altogether. But I’m not going to leave the spiritual out, because it’s very much a part of what we’re doing. This is evil that we are up against. And both parties are guilty of evil. One’s a lot more evil than the other. But evil is evil.
And most of these people on Judgment Day are going to burn in hell. That’s a fact, because they won’t know Jesus. Okay, enough said there. I want to make this really clear to you. You can prep right now for the locusts that are coming. That’s a metaphorical reference to the Bible, because we’re under judgment. We have bad things happening on this planet. And it’s not due to manmade climate change with regard to industrial use of whatever. It’s due to climate change caused by I’m going to come after you and upset your ecosystem, says the Lord. There’s natural disasters, and there’s supernatural disasters.
And right now, we’re living through the beginnings of supernatural disasters. I’ll cover that more in a later broadcast. Are you prepped? Do you have food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine tools, the Bible, the Constitution for rebuild? Do you have that? Because if you don’t, you’re going to have a hell of a time surviving. Well, we can get you started with the survival food. And it’s so biblical what’s coming with our food supply, and it’s already underway. Six major foods not available widespread across the nation and very short supply, beginning with the main staple of the world, rice.
That’s 65% of the world’s that’s their that’s their main staple rice. Well, it’s now going into short supply, partly because of the war in Ukraine, and partly because of economic and political turmoil, and other rice growing areas. So may I suggest you get your storeable food right now, go to preparewithdave.com 25 year shelf life restaurant quality, lots of diversity in the food so you don’t get sick of eating the same thing. Go to preparewithdave.com preparewithdave.com. And, and you know, the bottom line is some pastors, like Mark Driscoll are doing a really really good job of telling people about what’s happening and what’s coming.
So they can be prepared. And that’s my mission is here to please be prepared preparewithdave.com. All right, I, I have to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, I just laughing at the Harris campaigning so far it’s all fake, it’s all smoke and mirrors it’s illegal felonious campaign donations from forest sources connected to the World Economic Forum the World Health Organization. We’ve covered that act blue we’ve covered that ad nauseam. Okay, they bust any illegals whenever they can. They get homeless off the street and give them some food and some money to go to Harris rallies. And then sometimes they don’t get those two tasks done.
And she’s just stuck out there with a rally. And they get the camera angle so you can’t see it. But sometimes they really really screw up, you’re not going to believe this when you see it. The Democratic Party announced this was a hugely successful speech in Atlanta. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the time or resources to go out and get the homeless and pay them to attend or bus and illegals. And so she’s just out here, open air. And let me just play this for you. I don’t care if you can understand her. Ain’t nobody ain’t nobody.
I thought to be present you should be somewhat educated him grammar but anyway, forget what she’s saying because you may not be able to understand it. But this speech is going on. What do you notice here. Do you notice anything at all unusual. Do you understand, look, look around. What do you see the camera angles purposely being narrow. Camera angles purposely narrow. But these dumb Democrats and this is why Obama has to bring in his former campaign manager David Plouffe. You can look that up. Look in the reflection people look in the reflection. What do you see here.
A smattering of people. Then look over here. It’s even worse. She doesn’t have 2030 people here. This is like when Biden tried to do a deal in downtown Phoenix back in 2020. And I remember Fox News 10 of which Carrie Lake was still a part of then her final days. They were down there covering it and the only people that weren’t the event the only people was the advanced team for the rally. Nobody showed up and they canceled it. They even said on TV, we can’t find anybody here other than the campaign workers. That’s pretty close to what you’re seeing here.
Hugely successful speech to 20 people to 20 people. And probably most of these people are Secret Service and her staffers. Her campaign is fake. It’s totally a facade, a media creation. And I used the analogy yesterday. Wag the dog and you’re looking at the dog right here. That’s it for the Common Sense show. Please share this far and wide. Give us a thumbs up. Make sure that you check us out at the common sense show TV solution based program. And I’ll tell you, people love it. We’re getting five star ratings on the world’s major platforms. [tr:trw].