Leaked Intel Report Mass Casualty Event Disturbing Evidence in LA Fires w/ Dave Hodges

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➡ The article discusses the potential disaster that could occur if the Oroville dam system in California were to fail, which could lead to significant damage and loss of life. It also highlights Lela’s quantum technology, which has been proven to improve health and neutralize harmful electromagnetic fields. The article then shifts to a discussion about peptides for weight loss and other health benefits. Lastly, it mentions a leaked memo from the Health and Human Services department, suggesting a potential mass casualty event that could disrupt the government’s order of succession.
➡ The text discusses a potential threat to the government’s continuity, suggesting that a leaked memo might be a warning of a planned event. It also mentions the possibility of a major terrorist event at a Super Bowl game that was prevented due to leaked information. The text further discusses the use of directed energy weapons and the potential for disaster capitalism, where crises are exploited for financial gain. Lastly, it speculates on political strategies and the manipulation of power dynamics within the government.
➡ The text discusses political figures and their influence, the potential for financial instability, and the importance of protecting assets with gold and silver. It also warns about the potential disaster if the Oroville Dam overflows, which could lead to economic devastation and famine. The text suggests that globalists will do anything to maintain power and that the entertainment industry is changing, becoming more decentralized.
➡ Dave Hodges offers a daily email summary of his work, which has over 50,000 subscribers. He also hosts a TV show and podcasts, which cover a range of topics from geopolitics to hidden history. He encourages his audience to stay engaged and share his content, emphasizing the importance of public pressure on politicians. He also discusses the changing landscape of mass media, criticizing its reliance on funding from sources like George Soros.


Foreign. This will paralyze the Trump economy. If the Oroville dam goes and he said we’re what, 40ft from topping right now? He said two major rainstorms, one huge rainstorm, it could be over. And so for those reasons that is a nation changing event. If the Oroville dam goes LA is not a nation changing event. It’s a tragedy of high proportion but it’s not going to bring down America. Something like the Oroville Dam. There’s not just one dam. Oroville is part of a system of seven dams in that same area. So it would be a massive deal and not only would it take out Sacramento, then it hits the American river and turns right and moves to the coast and it takes out everything in its past.

More prime farmland wealthy to do in south of the Bay Area. It’d be a disaster. So I look the coup de grace to make California cause America to fall will be something like an Oroville dam event. Experience the groundbreaking advancements of Lela’s quantum technology. Now backed by over 40 placebo controlled studies conducted by elite institutions and renowned universities worldwide. This revolutionary technology surpasses previous achievements as confirmed by prestigious organizations such as the Emoto Institute in Japan. Scientific investigations reveal that Lela’s technology not only enhances blood health and circulation, but also neutralizes the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields, expedites wound healing and elevates ATP production on human cell.

Embrace the extraordinary benefits of Lela’s tech as recognized and utilized by world class athletes, esteemed functional medicine practitioners and leading figures in the field of biohacking. Explore a range of transformative products from the heal capsule shielding you from harmful EMFs to the quantum block allowing you to infuse frequencies into your cherished possessions. Dive into the realm of innovation and wellness@sarawestall.com shop or by following the link below. Welcome to business Game Changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have Dave Hodges returning to the program. We’re going to be talking about a memo that he got or he saw it was leaked from hhs talking about a potential mass casualty event.

He’s going to explain it and then we’re also going to talk talk about some of the things he’s learned about the LA wildfires. It looks like if, like what we’ve said before, it looks like it’s very similar to Maui and some of the comparisons that he’s seeing some new information there. It’s just sad that we’re even in this situation. But I don’t know, we’ll just try to keep bringing you information as we learn about it. But before I get into that, I want to share with you peptides. I’ve been working with Diane Kaser, Dr. Diane Kaser to share with you peptides.

And I have a link below, it’s on my website. So if you go it’s probably still on the front page by the ways. I have a link below talking about two of the peptides for weight loss and it talks about the. The results are incredible. After 36 weeks your people are seeing 24% drop in weight. And now this is with. These are the trials. This is not Ozempic. These are with very little side effects. The worst that people are seeing is maybe a little bit of nausea and stuff. But these are natural peptides and it doesn’t have the same issues that Ozempic and and these other drugs have.

They’re natural peptides and they’ a big difference. So I have the link below. I analyzed two different peptides so you can understand the dosage amount that they found in trials, what worked and linked links where you can buy those. And then I also have links to other peptides that you can get for stress, for wound healing, for anti aging. And I’m going to be keeping to put these things together so that you can see the trials and the dosage amounts because this is like the biohacking world. They can’t. The place that we’re working with is of the best in the world at doing this.

But they are not, they can’t practice medicine. They are supplier, they’re a research company. And so you’re not going to get the dosages when you’re there. And so you have to look at the studies yourself and look at what the studies, what the recommended dosages are based on the results of the studies that have been going on all over the world. So we. I have links below to show you what that is and you can determine what you want to buy based on what the results of the studies have come out with based on the dosages.

And so it should be pretty straightforward on what you want to do. I do want to warn you, if you’re going to try a couple of these peptides for weight loss, don’t overdo it because it’s pretty aggressive. I mean 24% of your weight over 36 weeks is a lot. So I would really kind of hone it down and make sure that you don’t overdo these things. It’s unhealthy to lose weight too quickly and you don’t want to lose weight Too much weight. You want to be healthy about what you do. So take that in when you’re looking at this stuff.

Okay, so the links are below for all of that or you can go to sarah wessell.com and see my article or go to sarah wessel.com under shop and you will also be able to go directly to the Peptides. Okay, here is my conversation with my friend Dave Hodges. Hi Dave, welcome back to the program. Hey, it’s good to be with you. Sarah. We have some interesting information. You found a memo that or was sent to you that was leaked from hhs, which I don’t know why it wasn’t from dhs, which maybe we can talk about a little bit.

But you are concerned about this and think it is something that we should heed some warning on. Can you talk about what’s in this letter and who all got it? What is it and why are you worried? It was a more of a memo and it was sent to me by a known source whose spouse is well placed in state government. That’s all. Further, I can go with that. And this individual has given me really good information over the years and no sooner did I read it did I see James O’Keefe had a hold of this too.

He’s gone quiet on this as far as I know. And the memo basically had HHS declaring continuity of government on the day of the inauguration, January 20th. This is totally out of place. But before I get to that, I’ll say there’s something to this. Sherry. Excuse me, sorry, brain fart here. Sarah, HHS does not do continuity of government. DHS would do continuity of government. That’s right. So it seems weird that it’s coming from them. So there’s going to be an event and this was a memo that got leaked prior to the event. You know, preparatory announcement prepared for release at a later time.

And it’ll be secondary to whatever the event or events are. So we’re looking. They’re anticipating obviously a mass casualty event because it’s human health services. Continuity of government. I’m going to tell you where my mind went when I first read it. There was a show called Designated Survivor with Kiefer Sutherland. Yep. And a cabinet member was kept in reserve out of harm’s way. And in the show, the capitol got blown up. He was the hud, secretary of HUD and they said he was the lowest one. So they put him out and as a designated survivor. Exactly.

And that would be continuity of government. In other words, they’re anticipating not just dead People but because it’s continuity of government, they’re anticipating order of secession could be severely compromised. President, Vice President, speaker of the House, Cabinet members in order of appointment. They’re concerned the memo with HHS on that point and I was like holy crap. But I’m going to lunch. I’ll deal with it when I get back. Well, I read the memo though and I can’t, like I said, I can’t unread it. I come back and it’s gone from my computer. Now even if I was awkward and I deleted it, it should have been in my trash.

It was not. Huh. Weird. Okay. And I, and I do know that James O’Keefe has commented on this and he no longer is and I’m not going to speculate as to why he is solid as a rock. Paul Preston has some of this information too. We spoke two nights ago on this and actually did a show on it. So this is real. Someone is planning a mass casualty event in which high ranking government officials to be are going to be killed. It’s really clear that. Well, why was it HHS and not dhs? And is it as serious coming from hhs? Because DHS is where this kind of information.

I mean they don’t have that kind of. Go ahead. The way I could explain it is this. What we’re seeing is a memo that was to be acted on after whatever event was going to happen. So that would make sense. HHS might do continuity of government because of mass casualty including key government officials. It’s not a first mover notification, it’s an after the fact declaration is what we’re looking at. So you think that they’re plant part of the planning, that whoever created this memo is part of the planning of this. How many officials can they kill? If they kill all of them then continuity of government becomes a real issue.

Who does take over Obama? No, but there’s a, there’s a clear. There’s a civilian line of takeover too. My dad back in the 80s was he worked for the Army Corps of Engineers and if there was a nuclear bomb like a nuclear war, he was for a while there he would have been the civilian in charge as part of the Army Corps of Engineers. If the government. That was the succession. It was kind of weird. The damage is so severe they take liberty with the law and create their own secession. They could do something like that.

But that. Yeah, this, this is how I process this out. When Paul, Paul Preston and I first talked about this. This makes no sense. HHS Continuity of Government Day of the inauguration. No, it’s dhs. Then we start thinking no, this is an after event memo that got leaked accidentally. I believe someone on the inside has gotten wind of what happened and they leaked the information. Paul proceeded to tell me in our conversation that he had a source. And I’ve also heard this from somebody else. I heard this from Sam Arnold as well that they had us each new that there was going to be a major terrorist event at a Super bowl football game and the information got leaked to certain government entities and it stopped the act.

I believe the leakage of this HHS memo is serving that kind of purpose. I think it’s preventive and preparatory. That would make sense. Where you better pay attention. Yeah. We’ve analyzed this right side up and upside down. The fact that you have continuity of government with HHS is a huge red flag. So that means major event blowing up of the capital, whatever would be. And now continuity of government comes into play. I didn’t know if in that document, I don’t remember seeing it but I don’t know if they had their own order of secession. I didn’t see a restatement of the law as it’s written.

So I don’t know. This is why I think it’s open. If there’s a major event and a lot of people are killed, does the deep state take liberty with the order of secession? I think they’ll do whatever it takes. I don’t think they care about the rule of law. I think they don’t at all. I think the Democrats don’t. Right. Just in my state there’s been a flip of power where the Republicans have one more chair. And so they did a secret ceremony swearing people in so that they could be. They don’t have to show up the first day of government.

And they are doing. There’s a. One of the representatives. They have to do a special election. They’re trying to cram that through and they’re not going to show up until that’s there so that the balance of power gets back in their favor. They’re just simply not going to participate until they can fix the election in their favor. Yes. And, and so what I’m saying is that these are the kind of people that we’re dealing with. They simp. I mean they’ve, they’ve taken the red line and moved it really far. We used to have some basic idea of how you, how you govern and the.

While they’re pointing the fingers at everybody else saying they’re not doing it. They’re the ones that are cheating, stealing, rigging things, behaving in ways that are just absolutely jaw dropping and not that the other side can’t do it because I, you know, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see it on both sides but right now it’s coming from them and it’s unacceptable. Well, you have in LA the lady that runs water gets 3/4 of a million dollar salary giving press conferences, wearing an upside down cross. That’s right. You see stuff like that everywhere. We had a satanic display during Christmas time.

Yeah, it’s a coming out Christmas party for the, the New World Order and their satanic interests in la. There’s no question. I’ve seen the upside down cross a couple times now. Well that’s really interesting. I think we do need to be careful with what we’re seeing with I, I think that there’s more chaos now than we have seen ever in my adult life. What do you think with what’s going on with la? Well, I’ve seen videos now on X and I’ve seen enough of them from different angles. Rays of light being shot through the air, hitting the ground and you assume it’s from an aerial object.

So we could say possibly a drone. I didn’t see a drone. I think directed energy weapons are being used. Biden has even said in his demented fashion that some people had the right color roofs and so they survived. That’s actually in print now from something he said. Really? So he knows, he knows about the blue roofs. So we’re looking at directed energy weapons. The question is why? Okay, it’s preplanned. All these empty reservoirs that have been videotaped. That’s right. You have a city of 10 million people and you’re never going to have a toaster oven fire that’s going to burn down a house spread to a neighborhood.

You’re never going to have a natural gas explosion from a car or tanker that gets into an accident on a highway and you don’t have the water to cover it. I mean this was done purposefully. The policies, yeah, the policies over the years have put themselves into a position that if anything happened they would be sitting ducks. I published on X a military document that was back in the 70s on forest warfare and how they use fires to smoke people to win wars. And it’s California is sitting in as a sitting duck. All the things they talked about on ways they can take advantage of cities is in this document.

Yeah. And so, okay, they know, Sarah, they, they know. And this is pre planned and there’s multiple goals. And I’m going to go through the goals one by one, very quickly in rapid succession. The lack of preparation speaks to the goal. Now, the one goal, the obvious one, is disaster capitalism. Every time Newsom gets into a huge budget Crisis, let’s see, $50 billion in debt, now we have major fires. You have, you know, the Paradise Fire, Sonoma county fire. It seems like it’s about every other year he has to balance the budget, so he goes and gets federal money by starting fires.

That part I’m absolutely convinced of because you can’t have an event repeat so often without all the events being connected. The other thing that it’s interesting to me, and this will be a little more controversial, but I think it’s true. BlackRock determined in September that Kamala Harris could not win. And so they no longer needed to prop up the celebrities with their propaganda to influence young voters and so forth. And so they decided, okay, now we’re going to get that sob Sean Diddy Combs. Why would they go after Combs? He won a $20 million lawsuit against a company of which BlackRock was a major asset manager on a civil rights lawsuit.

They no longer needed him. So they went to the doj because, remember, you could look at blackrock, Vanguard State street as fourth branch of government. And they went to the DOJ and said, take him down, take him down. Even though they were doing the work for Kamala Harris, Take him down. Now, the fires, I’m telling you, there’s huge speculation. I read an analysis, and this was three or four days ago. The number of celebrity homes, percentage wise affected by the fire, as opposed to the general population. And the celebrities are way ahead per capita basis. And so the thinking is who might have videos for Sean Diddy homes that they don’t want the Trump DOJ to come in and find.

So let’s make sure we take down those homes, those videos, those notes, those pictures, whatever would be. That’s one conspiracy theory. Can I prove it in the court of law? No, but it makes sense to me. And this is the kind of blackrock activity that they engage in. Some people think that Kamala Harris was put up specifically because they knew she was going to lose. I mean, because she was so bad. I mean, it wasn’t. It was purposely put up because this is the conspiracy theory that I’ve been hearing is they put her up because she was so bad and that it would make her look bad and that they just so that Trump could win.

I could see where people might think that. I think it was a case of it’s too late in the game and you really can’t change that horse in midstream. We got to stay with. Even if it’s not Biden, it’s the vp. So we’re going to keep the establishment in place. I think it was victims of their own circumstance. Yeah. I think it was too late for them to make a change. They didn’t want an open primary because RFK is popular and so are other radical leftists like AOC Bernie Sanders. They didn’t want those names out there to compete against someone they knew they could control.

Kamala was an empty suit that would say and do what she was told to do. Bernie Sanders would be uncontrollable. So I think, I mean, Andy, Sarah, you could have ran and I’m like. And been better. I said, well, I could have ran and be. And talked about stuff I knew nothing about and still sound smarter than her. It was so bad there. You have to realize Trump still had to overcome about 20 million fraudulent votes. That’s right. I mean, that’s. I understand. I think. I think they thought at that time they could steal enough votes to win the election because they’ve done it before.

A quick break to remind you that you need to protect your assets. We’re in a period of financial instability. The markets, the entire world is resetting. There is an attack on our dollar. We will be seeing change like we haven’t seen in maybe hundreds of years. The whole geopolitical chessboard is shifting around and you want to protect your assets with gold and silver. The central bankers are accumulating gold and silver like never before. The prices have been manipulated and suppressed. It is never more important to secure your assets by getting into gold and silver. And I use Miles Franklin.

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Okay. Make sure you send an email to info miles franklin.com and tell them that Sarah sent you and you want access to that private price list. Okay, let’s get back into the show. That’s interesting. Yeah. So we’re just seeing them. Do you think that we. Because the chaos that we’ve seen so far has been so bad it’s worth, like I said, the worst I’ve seen in my adult life. How much worse do you think it’s going to get and are we. Will we get to a revolutionary type period or because one that. That calm that down? Yes, we will get to that level.

I think it’s unavoidable. And that’s what they want. Yeah. As a Christian, I pray that doesn’t happen. I don’t want it to happen as an American, but I can’t deny what I’m seeing. There’s another element in LA too that I should mention. It’s signed on now to be a smart city. It’s in print. Can’t deny it, can’t take it back. And they want it done by 2020 Olympics. So they want to revamp LA. This is Lahaina part two all over again. Okay. The rich and famous want their playground. They want the riff raff gone. They want their smart city, they want to be in charge of it.

So they get wealthy. That’s part two. But there’s a bigger overall picture. LA is not about starting a national revolution. LA is about not being LA and what the globalists want LA to be. And they’re willing to do what it takes, just like Lahaina. Okay, There’s a bigger picture and I’ll use the Oroville exam or Oroville Dam as the example of what I’m talking about. Paul Preston. I’ve been talking about the Oroville dam for over 10 years and it’s been dangerously close to overflowing. It’s the biggest earthen dam in North America and the spillway still is not repaired, so it can’t handle overflows.

And if the Oroville Dam goes, and it could go. If it goes, you’ll have a 50 foot wall of water initially coming out. It’ll be in Sacramento in under 70 minutes. It could kill up to 2 million people. But the real devastation, if that’s not bad enough, and it is of course bad enough, is the crops biggest rice producing area in the world. Now it’s gone from number two to number one. You’ll have famine locally, you’ll have famine internationally. You also have the nuts and berries and the fruits and all the Other stuff that will add to the famine and then 50% of our retail crosses I15 and if this Oroville dam goes, that retail is not moving.

And so then that’s economic devastation to the United States that stops Trump’s economic reforms in its tracks while he has to deal with that emergency. And Paul Preston and I did a show on this recently, I believe it aired yesterday on all our networks and what Paul said was right on the money. This will paralyze the Trump economy. If the Oroville dam goes and he said we’re what, 40ft from topping right now? He said two major rainstorms, one huge rainstorm, it could be over. And so for those reasons, that is a nation changing event. If the Oroville Dam goes LA is not a nation changing event.

It’s a tragedy of high proportion. But it’s not going to bring down America. Something like the Oroville Dam Coon, there’s not just one dam. Oroville is part of a system of seven dams in that same area. So it would be a massive deal and not only would it take out Sacramento, then it hits the American river and turns right and moves to the coast and it takes out everything in its past. More prime farmland, wealthy to do in south of the Bay Area. It’d be a disaster. So I, I look the coup de grace to make California cause America to fall will be something like an Oroville dam event.

Now I don’t know if you know this or not. Back in the 50s when we had continuity of government program with Dwight Eisenhower, in these DAMS they put ADMs, explosive devices that they could detonate and destroy the dams and stop a Russian advance coming out of Canada in Alaska. It was part of Cold War planning. I don’t know if those ADMs are still operable and Paul doesn’t either. But that might be another way that they could go on this. Sarah, it’s going to get this bad. I’m not listen, some people are thinking there and they’re overwhelmed by what I’m saying.

The LA thing they can buy into I think the Oroville Dam and it’s, it’s catastrophic destruction. I would invite people to go to my website, thecommonsenseshow.com and I have over a dozen years of articles and interviews with Paul on this and I’m taking this very seriously. And, and Sarah, at the end of the day we have to ask ourselves a question. What will the globalist not do to maintain power? That’s right. The answer is nothing. They’ll do anything. Do you think that they Will the celebrities will get better treatment than the everyday people or do you think they’ll end up having the same crappy treatment? The who? The celebrities in la? Yes.

I haven’t thought about that. That’s a good question because that will anger a lot of people. I’m just interested in how they’ll use that celebrities. Well, first of all, the celebrities will have the financial resources to bounce back. You look at the people in Lahaina, they lived on land that accumulated wealth over years with, with real estate appreciation. So when it came to replace it, they were all underinsured according to BlackRock’s management companies. Well, that’s what’s happening. You can’t rebuild. So on that sense, the celebrities will do better in a rebuild effort than will the average people because of appreciated real estate values.

That would be my answer to the question. But I, I honestly think right now that with Sean Diddy Combs going down and Trump’s in the White House, what do they need the celebrities for now anyway? Well, I, I think the whole Hollywood scene is changing, right? I mean we’re, they’re going down and, and you know, to be fair, the Internet, the Netflix, you know, all the, the, the movies aren’t a bit as big of a deal anymore and it’s really become decentralized. The whole entertainment industry has and so they don’t have the same power they used to have anyways.

I know, and I think that’s intentional because if you were disaster planning for a Trump presidency, one of the first things the Trump DOJ would do would get into Hollywood and stop the sex trafficking and that would negate their political control over media. And people that watch them, oh, it’s climate change. They’re not going to listen to that anymore. So I think that’s right on the money. I think that they fear a Trump doj. Well, they should. I hope. I hope they should. Well, okay, Dave, people need to follow you. Where can they follow you? Where can they watch your shows? Sign up for the Common Central.com Newsletter.

Just go to the Common Central.com upper right hand corner, click the link, put your email address in and you’ll get a 24 hour summary every single day to your email box of what we do. People love it. We have a glitch. People go nuts because they go down. Dave, I have to go through all your stuff now. And I love it when it’s in one email and they love it. They absolutely love it. We have over 50,000 people now subscribed. It’s taking off and people love it. That’s the best way to follow me. We also have a TV show you can sign up for.

And this is where I do the unusual Dave Hodges stuff. Not geopolitics. I do geopolitics there, but I do things like Mysteries of the Mind, Hidden Psychology, Hidden History. Oh, that’s. Is it like subscribe. Did they pay? You have to pay? Yeah. Okay. It’s. It’s a little over $4 a month. That’s not that bad. Okay. No, it’s very, It’s. We want to make it. We have to cover our production costs because bandwidth costs money, as you know. So now do you also have those, do you also have full length shows that people can watch somewhere else? Well, I do Rumble.

You have Rumble. Okay, so you have your short Rumble videos and then you have your long format videos on your TV service. Yes. And then where are your. And then you also have audio podcast. Is that the same as the Rumble videos? Sometimes, not always. Okay. But it goes out on. We’re on Red State Talk Radio, which is proliferated through California and radio stations and we’re also on Global Star Radio Network. They have outlets in Europe and as well as the United States. Those are our two major ones that we release to. And as you know, we’ve talked about this and to brag for just a moment, our podcast is ranked in top 1/2 of 1% by listen notes.

That ranks over 3 1/2 million podcasts. So we’re doing quite well in there and that’s probably our best calling card. But people like different mediums, so this is why I try to hit all the mediums with what we do. The one thing I want to say though, in conclusion here is we did a wonderful job and America should pat itself on the back for getting Donald Trump in office. We did a wonderful job of voting early, getting out in huge numbers, communicating with each other. We overcame a lot to get Donald Trump elected, but we’re not done.

If we do what we did in 2020 and stand down and expect Donald Trump to answer all the questions and fix all the problems, we’re going to be back to where we were in 2020. So you have to stay engaged. And people say, well, what does that mean, Dave? I can’t do videos and I don’t do podcasts. You don’t have to, it’s okay. But you could take the ones that you like, like Sarah show and you should share that over, over when you find something really of value and then you can keep communicating and then when people like me or Sarah say this is something that maybe the politicians could be pressured on, then do your part.

Just step in. 10 seconds, you know, 10 second email, copy, paste, send. You can be involved, but we’ve got to stay engaged, people, because if we don’t, Donald Trump will fail in his effort. He needs our help. Well, we need to pressure the politicians anyways and pressure, make sure that whoever’s surrounding Donald Trump and Donald Trump themselves is held to the promises that they’ve made and done pretty well this time around. Well, we’ll see. But we. It’s important. I don’t like his chief of staff, Big Pharma. Well, but that’s what I mean. We have to hold their feet to the fire and make sure they do because otherwise we’ll, you know, it’ll be four years wasted.

Closer to a globalist situation if we’re not really paying attention. If we’re not. Because the mass media won’t, they don’t care. They’re just. I don’t even know if the mass media is going to be in existence. I hope not. No. Have you seen all the resignations? Yeah, I know, it’s pretty. I mean, all the big timers are hit in the road. They all think they could be Megyn Kelly. Well, they are. I got news for them. They’re not even likable. You look at their ratings. The only reason they’re on the air is because they get funded by sources like George Soros.

That’s right. If they had to go based on sheer advertising revenue, based on amount of viewers, that’s their buy in. They’d be out of business. They’re going to be out of business. If they, if they actually have to work to get organic traffic, they’re not going to get it. Oh, my God. It’s not going to work. Like, like, what was it? Breakfast Joe. Yeah, Breakfast Joe. Come pick up my trash. You don’t belong on tv. Yes, that’s. These people are a joke. They are an absolute joke. And Donald Trump has destroyed them. JD Vance destroyed them in his run up to his part of the election.

He was wonderful with the mainstream media. I love J.D. vance. You know, if I ever wanted to hire someone to argue for me, that would be the guy I would go get. He destroyed them. And so many of the Trump people are good. They really are. Pam Bondi is going to come with two ax cutters and people better get out of her way. I mean, I love her. Yeah, we’ll see. I, I want, I’m, I’m not as convinced as you are. Because I want to see action. I don’t. Rhetoric doesn’t mean anything. I want to see what they actually do.

So I’ve seen some of what they’ve done in the past, but we’ll see. We’d see what they do in the future. You know what? Maybe you and I should be running the government. Right? I, I sometimes I’m wondering. I’m like, gosh, I should get in there, but it’s for me. They wouldn’t like me because I actually tried to do something. But anyways, okay. We’d say things politically. You’d be the president. It’d be very nice. And then I’d step to the podium, says, now I’m going to tell you how it really is. Sit down. This is how it is, and this is what you’re going to print.

And if you tell a lie about us, you won’t be allowed back here. I mean, that’s how we’d run our government. We’d be serious. I’d want to get stuff done. I’d be like, enough. Get stuff done. I’m tired of some of these things that are happening. That’s right. We, we should, we should have a ticket. So anyways, we’ll make Scotty Sacks the Secretary of state. Hey, thanks for having me on. Thank you so much, Dave. I always appreciate it when you’re on the program. Okay. Take care. Sa.



Spread the truth

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