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I’m Sarah Westall. I have Larry Hancock coming to the program. He is a researcher. He, he’s researched the JFK assassinations, rfk, Martin Luther King. He really has done a lot on national security issues, the CIA. And he’s just a broad researcher but he’s different than a lot of researchers when it comes to the JFK files because he has all the Oswald journals and he really dove into that aspect of it and well, he’s delve into all sorts of it. You know, there’s so many people. He calls himself a document geek because he knows so much about the assassination.
But we get a different perspective when you start looking at all the details of Oswald and how well he knew this character. He wrote a book on it, the Oswald Puzzle and he’s written 14 books. But he’s going to talk about the documents and what’s new with what’s been released. He’s actually talked to his group. Him and his co. Co author has talked to Representative Luna and what her directive is and how she’s going about it. And he’s going to share with you some new things that came out with these documents and also his perspective on what all this means, why they did it, who was involved.
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Thanks. It’s great to be here. You have a very different approach to the JFK situation that is actually really fundamental with you have all the Oswald diaries and information and you just have a real depth of knowledge with these new files that I suppose they’re not new. There’s new information that has come out. Can you share what you found so far? Yeah, so far, we’re seeing a lot of documents that we had already seen. They’d already been released sitting at nara. Some of them had been online. I mean, we’ve looked at them. Some were just physical documents.
So we have seen earlier versions of all of these, but most of them had either one or two lines redacted, in some cases a whole page redacted. So we’re now seeing that it looks like most of the redactions have been removed. So that’s. That’s really helpful. But mostly it’s what they had redacted before were names of individuals mentioned by the FBI or CIA identities and sources, which they said, you know, we knew that, but we know enough now after three decades of looking at these things to. You give us a new name. And that can be really helpful.
But in regard to Oswald, I think we have not seen anything brand new on Oswald or anything at this point that. That essentially tells us something new. The good news is, for example, I saw a document last night that said the CIA was very concerned and didn’t understand how Oswald had been able to travel to Russia through Helsinki. Okay. Now, now we know from other documents that the CIA knows all about Helsinki and the KGB and the Russians there. So the fact that they’re confused about Oswald suggests they didn’t send him. Okay. It’s like, okay, a story for a long time is Oswald had gone under CIA direction as a CIA asset.
But here we find a document saying essentially they really don’t know how he got there and how he got there so quickly. And they also don’t know how he’s coming back with a Russian wife. And it’s like, well, okay, that kind of. That helps. You know, that’s. It’s kind of the reverse information. It tells us they probably didn’t have information on how he was going if they’re still confused as to how they got there and how he’s coming back. So you. Have you looked at or heard anything that Representative Luna has been saying? Because she’s saying that if anybody destroys documents she wants to do, you know, increase the penalty of law.
And, I mean, she’s just coming out there. What do you think of what she’s doing? Yeah, it’s interesting. And we’ve seen her activities in the UFO investigation that she involved. Was involved with. So we’ve kind of seen her work before, and she’s very open. I mean, she’s very aggressive and. And looking to go out and touch bases and collect new information. And you’ve talked to her, right? Yeah, that’s very important to us because quite frankly, we’re familiar, as I just said, with these 3200 documents that are now being released. We’ve seen. So we kind of know what to expect there.
And we know that’s not what we really need to resolve all the questions about Oswald or the assassination. We now know what was there at the National Archives. 3,200 documents, 80,000 pages, was given to the government a long time ago. What we’re interested in is what was given to the government, which is the good stuff. Right. We know there was an investigation by the CIA of whether or not its own people had been involved, whether or not the Cuban exiles that they were working with involved or the Cuban connection at all. We’ve got the documents that say that investigation was carried out at their Miami station.
We even know the questions that were asked. We don’t see the report that was generated by that investigation. Okay, so those are the kind of reports that you. That are. Those are the kind of reports that we need. We know forks. So are they. Do they exist? Were they destroyed? My guess is that they were destroyed, but then somebody would have to answer that they did that. You know, her point is. Okay, tell us that you actually destroyed them. There should be a destruction record. Mean when the government destroys documents, there are destruction records. There are destruction records on the Secret Service files that were destroyed only years ago by the Secret Service.
As far as JFK’s travels during the fall of 1963, was he at risk? Were they taking special precautions? They destroyed those records. They need to tell us why they destroyed those records. So when did they destroy those? I’m sorry, what? When did they destroy those? They actually destroyed those after the assassinations. Records Review Board told them not to. In the 1990s, they. They explicitly told them to destroy no more records and they destroyed these. You were saying that there’s a couple different groups working on this. The White House and Anna or Representative Luna. So what is.
What do you know about that? Well, so far, and I know people who’ve talked about talk to Representative Luna. She was. Is looking to collect new information to talk to people. It’s not just release things that we have and documents that we have, but go out and collect information. And she’s doing that as part of her oversight committee, Government oversight, the White House, essentially, the director for President Trump is simply to release documents that are already there. And that’s fine on jfk, but Two different things. Collect new information, release existing information. So the, the things that we want.
For example, Jackie Kennedy was interviewed by William Manchester. Right. Right after the assassination because she had authorized him to write a book on jfk. We know that Jackie and Bobby actually communicated to the Russians, this is documented, that there was a domestic conspiracy that they suspected and it wasn’t the Russians. We assume that that’s in the interview that Manchester talked about, that the Kennedy family has taken possession of and won’t release. We need to know what Jackie really thought about the assassination. So Representative Luna, if she really wants to go out and collect new information that might help us solve this thing and point to the right people, that’s what needs to be done.
The other thing is the President, President Trump or Congress could authorize new collections, but they’re two different things. Releasing what we have versus collecting what we need. And. And after 30 years, we know what we need. There are lots of us who have obsessed over this, and now we know what wasn’t given to the government and what we need. I interviewed James Rothstein, who claimed that he arrested one of the shooters, Frank Sturges, and then he had him for a few hours and they told him to release him. Are you familiar with that story? Oh, yes, I’m familiar with that.
I’ve. I’ve actually talked with him and am very familiar. Familiar with Sturgis. Yes, indeed. And. And Sturgis is. Sturgis was certainly among the click, as well as Hemming and other people in Miami that knew what was going on as. Whether or not they. As Hemming himself said, you know, I was approached, I got on the train. I got off the train before it went out of the station, you know, but there are people there that quite a few people heard what was going down. Sturgis is valuable because of that. So, yeah, I, I’m. For me, he claimed that he was one of the shooters.
One of the shooters, yeah. That’s questionable to me. One of the reasons it’s questionable to me, honestly, is I have heard a tape of Sturgis talking to his lawyer and telling his lawyer that he was going to be telling the press certain things, and after the press interviewed him, they should be prepared to sue for slander. Now, that tells me if you’re telling your lawyer that you’re going to make public statements that you expect to stew for slander, then we need to question you as a source. And I’m pretty conservative about my sources. Sure. Okay. So you’re not so sure what he knew or didn’t know, but he was there and he was part of it somehow.
Yeah, he absolutely knew in general what was coming down. I don’t know that he personally participated. Okay, so you’re not sure about Rothstein’s account? Oh, I’m sure. I’m sure he’s telling the truth as he knew it. I’m just uncertain about Sturgis. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah, because I have a. Ross signs very like straight, straight guy. He doesn’t, he isn’t. He says. I’ve used him on other areas too. Very. I, I used him in some information about the Bay of Pigs and so absolutely no problems with him, just questions about Sturgis. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, so what do you know about Oswald that the public typically doesn’t know about? Because you have all his journals.
He wrote a lot and the public really has never been exposed to that. I mean, what we found is that the Warren Commission needed to position Oswald as being violent, antisocial. We need to picture him as being this way because we could find no motive. The Warren Commission could find no motive. In fact, what they found and what you find in Oswald’s writing is he was a supporter of jfk. He was very concerned about economic justice, racial justice, integration. He was outspoken about those things. And when the Warren Commission had people interviewed who knew Oswald and asked him about jfk, actually he even said JFK was the only person who might be able to work with Khrushchev to avoid war.
So they weren’t a real bind. They, they couldn’t find a motive. He was, they didn’t have one. That’s right. So you’ve got to make him look something that he’s not. So in the book, we try to be objective from a biographical. Before we get going. Who’s we? Oh, David Boylan is my co author. Okay. David is, is another document geek. So basically so. But we worked off Oswald’s own writings. And the funny thing is the warrant commission had that. The FBI got it for them. They buried it in the 26 volumes. We’re not going to put it up front in the report.
We’re going to bury it in the volumes that they expected no one would ever read. But we read them. Yeah, you read it now. I’ve seen or heard about Oswald’s wife coming out and saying he’s a patsy event. First of all, when she was really in initially interviewed and under so much stress and under so much pressure, especially with a brand new baby, she was pretty much taking what people told her for granted. After A number of years. And after she had started talking to some people who’d really researched the crime, she totally reversed and said, now I understand that he was just set up as a patsy.
And I was. You know, what the people were telling me right after the assassination wasn’t correct. They weren’t giving me the story. And I believed them. They were feeding her what he was, even though he wasn’t. She didn’t see it personally. Absolutely. And they were shaping her questions. If you read her interviews by the Warren Commission staff, they were leading her like crazy. They literally were putting in her position of, of having her say what they needed to have her say. And, and we deal with that with a book. We, we talk at length about what she said privately versus what she said to the Commission.
And it’s also, when she was first interviewed by the FBI, there were some things that she knew like, that might have been legally actionable, like, wait a minute, are you going to charge me with something? And she, she didn’t know that she might not be tried as an accessory. So she was under really difficult situation at that time. But she, she has changed her mind definitely at this point, and so have her daughters. So they know he’s a pat, or they believe he’s a patsy and that he was never involved. Yeah, correct. Yeah. It took a while for them to get there, but.
And I, I think we’ve made the case pretty well, actually. One we do in the book is look at Oswald’s behavior right after the assassination, and it’s pretty clear Oswald did not even know how badly he had been framed. As an example, the police did not take the rifle that supposedly they discovered in the schoolbook depository and show it to him and say, lee, this is your rifle. It was found at the crime scene. Explain that. They didn’t do that. They didn’t take the bag that he supposedly carried it in. They didn’t confront him with the evidence.
And you can see that the night before his death, he’s still talking to his brother and to his relatives about things like getting new shoes for the baby for June. It’s kind of sad, isn’t it? It’s sad. The. An innocent man was framed. And for years people think it was him and he was just a new dad, a young guy. A quick break in the program to share with you is that the gold market, the silver markets are seeing huge movements not seen in our lifetimes. There is massive movements of gold coming off the comex, coming back to the United States.
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Okay, back to the program. Yeah, he was just a new guy and, and he was caught. He kind of. He trapped himself. There are things that he wanted to do. He had gone to Russia to see if Russian socialism and Marxism worked and he had found out it didn’t. Like he’s the first guy who ever staged a work stoppage in a Soviet factory. It’s like, this place sucks. I’m not working anymore. And embarrassed his boss, who was a good friend of his. He was a, he was a unique individual. He always wanted to find out for himself.
And he found out Russia didn’t work. And he wrote about that after he came back. And then he thought, well, maybe the way they’re doing it. I’m reading a lot about economic justice and health care and education in Cuba. I want to go see how they’re doing it in Cuba. And that’s what trapped him because his interest in going to Cuba set him up, set him up with some people that trapped him and framed him. He was just trying to learn. He was a kind of. He was an innocent person. So that’s pretty interesting. So what do you think is going to come out of this? Or do you think it’s going to be a big, nothing, limited hangout situation if it’s just a release of more and with less redactions, I think it’ll give us some negative things.
You know, things that were speculated about Oswald that we’ll be able to disprove, like he was a CIA tool. That would be good. It’s going to give us a lot of history, actually. I’ve already seen some things in there that are embarrassing about the CIA or the FBI. Like what? Nothing to do with the assassination. One is. It’s a letter from Arthur Schlesinger to jfk. JFK was, because of the Bay of Pigs, he had come to believe that the CIA couldn’t handle covert military activities. And he had already pulled that back from them in Southeast Asia and taken it away from them in Vietnam and was about to do the same thing for Cuba.
And he was really concerned if the CIA was functional. Schlesinger’s memo to him says it’s not. You need to take it apart. You need to put this part under State Department, this part under military, that this, you know, and Schlesinger’s mess memo was totally redacted up to now. So we knew he had been asked for advice, but we weren’t sure how serious he had come down. He really comes down hard on the CIA. And do you think that it shows. I mean, what do you think is the overall plot? What do you think is the reason that JFK was killed? Oh, I think we have a good sense of that.
We have a good sense of that from a couple of people who’ve given us insider views as far back as the House Select Committee on Assassinations. But I think, in short, the bottom line is there were a group of people, CIA officers and the Cubans that they were working with that had been trying to overthrow Castro since the Bay of Pigs. They had been on missions into Cuba, they had had friends killed, they were highly trained, but for three years, they had been trying to either kill Castro or. Or bring down his government. In the fall of 1963, within Washington, it became known that JFK was actually entering into negotiations with Fidel Castro at Castro’s request to essentially have a dialogue which could take Cuba neutral, get the Russians out, restore relationship.
This information was passed down to these people in Miami and in Florida. And literally they were told, you know, you’ve devoted your life to this. Your friends have been killed, and if these negotiations happen, you’re not going home anymore. It’s done. Castro’s in place forever. And you can imagine the kind of personal impact that would have had. These people already considered JFK a traitor because of the Bay of Pigs. They considered him a traitor because of the missile crisis when he had not invaded Cuba. This is strike three. And it’s not only strike three. They were told this was imminent.
In fact, the first representative from JFK was to be in Cuba for a secret meeting with Castro in November. And I feel that was the tipping point. There are other issues at a high level. Vietnam and there were a lot of people that mistrusted jfk. But this one thing was enough to trigger. Yeah, but you know that the, based on what they were able to do because there was a cover up at the hospital, there’s a cover up in all these places and that eliminates who. It’s not in a lot of ways because it had to be people close to who, who could actually do the COVID ups.
Right? So that means that the Secret Service and the CIA and all these people had to be involved because they, the other ones didn’t have the power to do those cover ups. There’s one link and, and, and I totally agree with you, there’s one link. All of those cover ups and we can trace them. Now. They started with calls from the President’s office that night. The President had calls made to Dallas that said, you will not charge Oswald with conspiracy. The papers were already drawn up to charge him with conspiracy. Those were torn up, called the.
Who made the call? Johnson’s political aide made the call from the White House and, and actually said, and if you don’t want to do this, I’ll put the President on the line and he’ll give you a direct order. The calls went to Dallas, they went to the, the Attorney General of Texas. Johnson started, Johnson started that suppression that night. He called Hoover that night and told, and that call to Hoover, actually we know it existed because it was on his call log and then it was deleted from his call log the next morning. Hoover issued that.
That day, the day of the assassination, he had told the FBI to follow all leads wherever they might totally open. The next morning, after he talked to Johnson for a second time, he sent out a message that says, we are investigating no one but Lee Harvey Oswald. No one but him. Okay? And within 48 hours he had issued an order to within the FBI to write a report presenting Lee Harvey Oswald as the sole assassin. Done. Once they did that, once they did that, they shut down all the inquiries which kneecapped the whole investigation. Kneecapped is exactly right.
And it all, it, I know it sounds like it involved a lot of people, but it involved orders from only one person, quite frankly. Johnson, Johnson and who and Hoover. And I think it’s telling when, when the autopsy doctor and you mentioned that was interviewed by the ARB, the records review board in the 90s. They were going over the medical evidence and they did something very simple. They said here, here are the photos. Show us the entry wound that you found during the autopsy. And he said, well, it’s not there. It’s not there. What do you mean it’s not there? Well, there must have been other pictures that showed it.
Well, these are the only pictures in evidence. And you were the autopsy doctor. And you know what he said at that point in time? Good luck in finding them. Good luck with that. I ran the autopsy. I can’t show the injury wound. And by the way, let me show you the special ring that President Johnson gave me for my service. Yeah. Yeah. So Johnson was intimately involved. Hoover might not have been until he was directed to do something and then he was. But he didn’t seem like he knew at first. And I do, I do believe that this is just me.
I always try to separate what I write, this history from speculation. I do believe that there was a link to Johnson from people in the conspiracy that Johnson was given some advance notice that his problems. Because he had a real problem with JFK. In the fall of 63, Johnson was about to be impeached by a congressional investigation over Bobby Baker and some things that had been going on by influence pedaling. And one of the people associated with Baker was very close friend of Johnny Roselli, whose name comes up as Johnny Roselli, was part of this CIA kill Castro plot for some three years and I suspect he was recruited into this.
And word was passed to Johnson that things are going to be okay. JFK is not going to be an issue for you. Just make sure you do the right thing when you’re offered the opportunity. And when you look at. It’s actually easy to tell that because for a certain point of time that fall, Johnson is visiting his lawyers every day. He even takes a Secret Service car at night and drives to visit his lawyer covertly. He’s on the phone all the time, worried. And then suddenly after one particular meeting, no more. It’s like life is good.
I’m down at the ranch in Texas and I have no more worries. Interesting. And that’s when he. Well, it did his investigation go away after. Yes, yes, it went away within 24 hours. What do you think too about the fact that the first thing that was signed was reversing the, the banknotes? I, I, yeah, exactly. I think that was when I mentioned there were some other issues in play that were actually Johnson had. Johnson had been in Vietnam. JFK had sent Johnson to Vietnam explicitly to start backing out of Vietnam and tell the Vietnamese president that we weren’t going to authorize more troops and more people.
When Johnson was there, he did exactly the opposite, really. He committed more troops and more people. He came back because he thought that was. Politically, he was in a real positioning game with jfk. He, he was pretty sure JFK was not going to have him on the ticket and he was going to have, maybe even have a fight with JFK over politics for the 64 election. And so he, he came back and again we’ve got the documents of him being told what to do and exactly doing the opposite. So he was already taking a much stronger position on Vietnam as being important to him politically.
And the saddest part of all that, not directly related, is that when the Gulf of Tonkin incident happened and later, and when Johnson was told that the Vietnamese had actually not attacked our destroyers, the North Vietnamese, Johnson totally disregarded it, ordered air strikes on North Vietnam and essentially escalated the Vietnam War all by himself. He just did the opposite of what JFK said. Gosh, there must have been a lot of infighting going on then. And then. But what do you think of the banknotes thing that the first thing they reversed was Kennedy wanting to issue, you know, separate banknotes.
I’m sorry, to what the banking situation where. Because he was issuing new banking. Oh, yes, yes, yes. I think what you saw with, with Johnson was Johnson knew where his power base was. His power base was with the establishment. JFK’s was not really. JFK was changing a lot of things. JFK just like pulling troops back from Vietnam. Basically what Johnson did. The night of the assassination, one of the first orders, basically, Johnson sat down with his political advisors and this is. I mean this is that same night that the President had been killed. And we know from those people what he wanted to talk about.
And he wanted to talk about which part of JFK’s agenda he continued and which part he did not. It was all about politics. It’s about I need to steal as much of agenda is going to do me some good and I need to get rid of things he’s doing like Cuba. So he didn’t miss a is. Yeah, Castro actually came back to him with that same author even we have the document. Castro says, if you have to actually attack me, send missions against me in order to be reelected so we can do this Deal. I’m good with that.
And Johnson totally ignored it. Johnson. Did he represent the deep state as we know it today? Oh yeah, absolutely. I just call it the establishment. I’m old school. During the 60s and 70s we called it the establishment. But establishment is the same thing as the deep state. The people that never leave, that never leave. And the politicians come and go, they stay and they, they just do what they want to do. Yep. And that what John Johnson was definitely. He tried to present himself as a progressive or you know, but at heart it was like, who’s going to do me? Who? Can I reply? Johnson created the dnc.
There was no DNC or rnc. There was no national committee. Johnson managed to come up with a way to centralize all the political donations so he could parse them out for his candidates. Well, that’s too bad because before that it was probably a much healthier situation. Much. Absolutely. Yeah. You. And now it’s. They’ve gotten to the point where they just run everything. Yeah, yeah. But that is Johnson. So if I don’t bring it, I don’t bring in Johnson as, you know, part of the plot. But let’s enable it. No, enabler. Enabler would be the right word.
So you think he was aside. He was just an enabler that knew about it and liked it, but he wasn’t a central figure. Right. I really. Okay. The reason I say that is there are lines of thought that literally say that Johnson ordered it personally. I mean there, there have been books written that he ordered it and he told one of his lawyers to make it happen or he tell one of his political aides to make it happen. And it’s like all Johnson, you know, he. Johnson, kill Kennedy. No, I don’t see that as credible. No, I think the people at Kill Kennedy were.
Knew what they were doing. They were organized. They had a team of people capable of going into Texas and performing military style ambush with multiple shooters. And they were connected to the CIA and Secret Service. Oh, definitely CIA, there’s no doubt. And they, they were. In fact, I suspect that these were the same teams that the CIA officers had been running into Cuba for three years, that, that had been organized to kill Castro and had practiced and trained. They were expert marksmen. So they just were. Actually I mentioned Johnny Roselli earlier. Johnny Roselli, during the Garrison investigation, went to Washington D.C.
and offered President Johnson and everybody in D.C. the evidence that there was a conspiracy. His spin on it was that Castro had captured these CIA operatives and somehow managed to send them back to kill Kennedy. Which of course made no sense at all. You know, like they were willing to sacrifice their lives to kill Castro and now, okay, I’m back and I’m going to kill jfk. But that’s because Roselli knew what had gone down and they needed to get ahead of the Garrison investigation. Because Garrison first, before he got started on anything, Garrison was focused on the CIA and the Cubans they’d been working with.
And he, he might have blown it up, but they got ahead of him. So do you think that this whole cover up is to protect the CIA? Essentially not. It’s to protect two things. To protect the fact that, to protect the CIA and the fact that if you do dirty covert things like assassinations, it can blow back on you. You can’t control it. It’s not just, it’s to protect that concept that you, you can, you can do that sort of thing with no risk. That’s an exposure in and of itself. It also protects the fact that the deep state, the establishment, whatever, has this knee jerk reaction to always steal the narrative and tell you with any national crisis what happened within about 24 or 48 hours.
Made up whatever they think is going to be a better narrative. As an example, when Martin Luther King was shot within eight hours the Hoover and the head of the Department of Justice went on air saying was only one shooter. There’s no conspiracy and it has nothing to do with racism. Like, yeah, okay, you know that. And we believe that. No. And later they admitted it. It was just to seize the narrative, prevent riots, calm down the public. But that’s a message in it of itself that you’re protecting, right? That what you’re told immediately is credible.
Don’t ask any more questions. That’s right. That’s, that’s exactly what they did. So why was RFK killed? RFK is a little bit different. All the, all these three. I hate it. I’ve written books on three conspiracies. They’re all a little different. They’re all. It gets complex. Rfk I believe was killed because during the Kennedy administration he had been very outspoken, actually not been outspoken against the CIA. He probably worked more with the CIA, against Castro than anybody else in government. But he had been very outspoken about certain foreign affairs that the US was engaged with. He was very pro democracy.
He was involved in, with several foreign governments, essentially supporting groups like student groups that are trying to out dictatorships such as the Shah of Iran. Okay, so I’m giving you a personal speculation answer on this one as well. Within 48 hours of RFK’s death. The police had testimony from a lady named Sandra Serrano who said that she had talked with people leaving the area who had stated that they had just killed RFK and they were happy about it. She described them. She actually described that to an assistant, Lada as well, before anybody else that she just happened to meet at the hotel.
Serrano actually identified or described the polka dot dress girl, if you’ve ever heard of that in context with Sirhan Sirhan. And Sirhan Sirhan admits that this girl was key in setting him up for the shooting. Within 48 hours, the FBI had a report of who the polka dot dress was. Girl was. They gave it to lapd. LAPD screwed it up. They went to interview a fellow named Khyber Khan, who was corrected with connected with the Iranian government and savak, which was their underground operation in the us. They went to the door, they interviewed him, and they didn’t realize that his daughter, who was the polka dot dress girl, was in the same apartment at the same time.
And they blew it. And they couldn’t. They could never locate the polka dot dress girl. So after some weeks at that, having, pursuing a conspiracy, never locating her, coming up with some other alternatives, they ended up polygraphing Sander Serrano after having given her drinks, which was illegal, and forcing her to admit that she had made up her story. The officer interviewing her absolutely knew that she had not made up her story because in his file he had the documents from this assistant LA District attorney who said he had talked to Serrano before she had talked to anybody else.
And her story was absolutely correct. She had not made it up. She had not heard it from somebody else. But this. This detective essentially got her to state that she got her story from somebody else and wrote this up knowing that it was incorrect and canceled all of the investigation of the polka dot dress girl on that one thing. So what do you think is the overarching reason he was killed then? I mean, we kind of have some idea on jfk, rfk. They were worried about him running for president, continuing maybe some of the JFK policy, continued the policies, continuing the investigation.
I mean, the one thing that’s disappointing about RFK to me is that the afternoon of the assassination, he made two telephone calls. He called the director of the CIA and said that he’d asked the director if the CIA had done it, which seems amazingly naive for Robert Kennedy, but, you know, he’s under huge stress. And the director said, who had just was new with the agency, said, no, we didn’t do it like how would you know? And he called a Cuban friend of his and essentially asked word to be passed to the Cuban friend that he knew that the Cubans exiles had done it.
Nobody ever asked RFK why he thought that or he never told anybody. So we know RFK had suspicions. Would RFK have pursued them as president? Maybe the problem is he had, he had that opportunity and hadn’t done it before. But yeah, there, there’s my thought is that’s one factor, that’s one consideration was somebody concerned he would do it again or in this Kyber Khan Iranian connection, which is my speculation that he had worked at overthrowing the Shah of Iran and undermining his power and getting him out of office and the Shah had declared him as a personal enemy.
And if RFK had become president you could pretty much guarantee that RFK would have taken the same attitude. So did the Shah have his secret service operating in the US do something? The only person would have that would have known that would have been James Engleton who was the head of CIA’s counterintelligence unit. And surprisingly what we have found is James Angleton had a set of materials related to the RFK assassination in his secret files that were destroyed. So they also killed Martin Luther King. Did they just get, I want to know what your thoughts on why they killed him.
But did they kind of get cocky like it was. They just got too much power and started just taking out their enemies. I mean and again I, again this is just me. So I’ll be straightforward. After, after two books on the King assassination at about five years on it, we feel the King. And when I say we, it’s my co author Stuart Wexler who worked this with me. We interviewed lots of FBI agents. We even interviewed the guy who carried part of the money which was the bounty to kill King from Atlanta to the clan people who did it, we, we see the King assassination as different.
We see the King assassination literally as this particular group, this clan, okay, the Ku Klux Klan group, which was considered the most radical in the United States, had tried to kill Dr. King over some four years. They had set off bombs. They had actually hired a gunman out of the Dixie Mafia contract killer to come kill him. They arranged to have him at a certain place. They couldn’t, they couldn’t come up with the cash. And the guy defaulted on the page. This is an FBI documents. The guy said no, you don’t have the cash, I’m not going to do it.
After several years at that they actually accumulated $100,000 in cash, and made that offer in federal prison where James Earl Ray was living, or not living, but imprisoned at the time. He knew about the offer. Bottom line, simple statement is Ray took the offer of $100,000 to kill King. Actually, we think he only the offer was in two parts. Part one was, we’ll give you $10,000 if you just get the rifle. You carry the rifle, you help us set up the shooting. Our people will do the shooting. You know, okay, just help us for $10,000. When Ray got to the apartment house across from Lorraine Wartel, he had the rifle.
He saw Dr. King come out on the window, out on the balcony from his window in the. The rooming house. And he took the opportunity not for $10,000, but for $100,000, the bounty that he was offered. Even his brother. We have an FBI document saying this. Would James have done this for $100,000? Absolutely. He would have done this for $100,000. No doubt about it. With him, it was always about the money. We wrote about Ray and why it is right that he was the shooter. The opposite way we wrote about Osborne and why it’s not right that he was the shooter.
You got to understand the individual and spend a lot of time totally different. It was just a completely different. Even though it happened around the same time, it was a completely different situation. So we see. We see that as different and James Earl. And that kind of explains because Ray did not do what he was supposed to do. He was not supposed to take the shot. Their people were in place. That’s why Ray ends up not getting the money that he was promised. He goes to Atlanta. We track him to Atlanta. He makes phone calls to get the money.
Nobody’s talking to him because he didn’t do what he was supposed to do. And he escapes by bus. Like this is a good escape plan. I’m going to the only person who ever escapes by. But. Well, Lee Harvey also took a bus, but that’s another. But. But he didn’t know he was. He just took a bus because he had something to. He was just taking a bus. That’s why he didn’t even know he was involved. Yeah, that’s different. That’s different. James Earl Ray had no options. But that point in time, he’d had to ditch his car because his car had been spotted.
He had called the people that were going to give him enough money to get out. They’re not talking to him. Actually. When James Earl Ray was actually in Canada, he was trying to get out to go overseas to Canada, someplace like Rhodesia. Okay. And later on he said, you know, if I just had enough money and understood what I was doing, I should have robbed a bank in Canada to get enough money to go right to Rhodesia. He didn’t. Instead, he got to England and robbed a bank there. And it was too late. He got caught at the airport.
What a fool. Okay. Where can people buy your books? You have a set of them, right. You cover all these different conspiracies. Where can they get them? They’re. They’re all on Amazon. Okay. And generally ebay. By this time, I’ve, I’ve written, I think, like 14 books. Most of my books actually are on a. Aren’t on the assassinations. They’re on covert operations, national security. That’s where I spend most of my time. For example, I looked at what happened after the Kennedy assassination and what Johnson did and looked at all the other national security things for like 40 years.
Johnson’s unique about what he did and did not do. But you got to have that perspective. Why is he unique? Why would you say he’s unique because he didn’t do what he should have done. The first thing that he should have done as commander in chief because the, the attack on a president was considered a preemptive strike, or it would have been. You know, it’s. Decapitation is the term for it. You take out the chain of command. Killing JFK put Johnson in command as the commander in chief. Yep. He took no single action to contact the Joint Chiefs, the defense community.
When, when he finally got back to Washington D.C. and the Secretary of Defense met him at the airport, Secretary of Defense said, all he said was, well, what’s happening on the plane? Back in a conversation with somebody on the plane, he’s reported to have said, I wonder if the missiles are flying. Well, but don’t you think that’s what, you know, fuels the conspiracies, that Johnson’s involved or did it. Johnson do anything? Yes. Yeah. So I, I agree. So he clearly had pre. Knowledge and he was clearly covering up, and that’s why his behavior is so weird.
And he was clearly not worried. You know, are the missiles flying? If you were worried, if the missiles are flying you on Air Force One, you have a way to find out. He didn’t, so. Yeah, absolutely. Right. What he didn’t do is what’s important. Well, thank you so much. This was really enlightening. I really appreciate it. This was a different perspective. Oh, I enjoyed. I, I do come up, but I do One thing I do like, if anybody reads the Oswald puzzle, about two thirds of it is pure Oswald. You know, a biography as accurate as we can be, full picture of Oswald as a very unique individual.
A third of it is our speculation on what he was actually doing that day, why it looks a little strange. And, and, you know, how he got framed, that’s a different story. But I always like to separate the two. Well, that’s, you know, and I, and I think it’s important that he’s cleared, his name is cleared, because it’s really sad when a, when a very innocent person is framed and smeared across history for doing something they had. Didn’t do. Sad for his family, for his daughters. Yeah. And. And a person actually with fundamentally good intentions. It, it strikes me he was talking to one of his best friends, George Warren Shield, and who was kind of progressive, he was very internationalist, and he and Oswald could get along.
Oswald couldn’t get along with a lot of people, but if you got along, if you thought like us Will did, you got fine. De Moore and Shield said, you know, Lee, you’re looking for something for a perfect society. You’re looking for economic justice. You’re looking for something that you’re probably never going to find. And he said, Lee said, I realized that, but I’m still going to keep looking. So I think that’s a really sad thing. Somebody with that attitude could get set up this way. Yeah, he was a. He was trying to find something better. Well, thank you so much for joining the program.
I really appreciate it. I appreciate your having me. Thanks again.