Is Trump bringing the US through a Bankruptcy Reorganization? Planning for Reset w/ Andy Schectman

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➡ The text discusses the idea that the U.S. is undergoing a financial restructuring, possibly transitioning to a gold-tied system. It also introduces a new weight loss peptide, retatrutide, which is said to be more effective than other products on the market. The text also mentions potential financial mismanagement and fraud within federal agencies, suggesting a need for a financial reset. Lastly, it promotes a gold investment company, Miles Franklin, which helps people who have been defrauded by other gold IRA companies.
➡ President Trump, known for his business acumen and experience in bankruptcy and reorganization, is believed to be restructuring the government to benefit the United States. This includes cutting unnecessary spending and focusing on domestic interests. Some speculate that he is preparing for an economic reset, possibly transitioning to a financial system tied to gold. However, these actions, while necessary, may cause discomfort among some segments of the population.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the transition to a digital system, including the potential for increased surveillance and loss of privacy. It suggests that while tracking government transactions can increase transparency, tracking individuals could lead to a surveillance state. The text also mentions the idea of a digital ID, which could be used for various purposes, but could also be a tool for control and tracking. The need for legislation to regulate these new technologies and protect individual freedoms is emphasized.
➡ The text discusses concerns about government surveillance and the misuse of technology for control and dominance. It highlights the potential dangers of advanced technology like Google’s Willow chip, which can process data at an incredibly fast rate. The text also mentions the issue of political indifference and the need for more empathy in politics. Lastly, it talks about the questionable practices in the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), where the amount of gold and silver contracts significantly exceeds the actual physical gold and silver available.
➡ The article discusses the shift in the global gold market, with a focus on the increasing importance of physical gold over paper contracts. It suggests that the U.S. and Eastern countries are moving towards a gold-backed currency, while Europe is becoming less relevant. The article also highlights the potential for gold to be revalued much higher, which could provide a significant boost to the U.S. treasury. Lastly, it criticizes Europe’s focus on social issues over technological and educational advancement, suggesting that this could make them obsolete in the long term.
➡ The U.S. needs to restore trust in its economy by bringing back tariffs and involving major banks like JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Citibank. The idea is to expose European banks to a huge problem of having massive amounts of paper contracts and no ability to get gold and silver without driving the price up, which could bankrupt these banks. This would benefit countries accumulating gold, like the BRICS nations and the U.S. The U.S. could finance its debt by inspiring confidence through gold redeemable, blockchain-based stablecoins, which would support the treasury market. However, this could have severe ramifications on Western European countries.
➡ The speaker warns about companies selling overpriced gold and silver coins, especially quarter ounce gold coins and one to two ounce silver coins, which are often sold at prices much higher than their actual value. These companies often mislead customers about the potential value of these coins, causing significant losses for the buyers. If you’ve bought such coins at inflated prices, the speaker encourages you to reach out for advice on how to handle the situation. The speaker condemns these practices as deceptive and harmful to consumers.
➡ Andy is passionate about helping people avoid scams, especially those targeting the elderly. He and his team provide advice and assistance to those who have been affected, aiming to put them in a better position. He also predicts significant changes in the gold and silver markets, suggesting that these metals could back a new system in the future. Andy appreciates the opportunity to share his insights and looks forward to continuing his work.


You know, there are people who will tell you that the United States is actually a corporation and that there’s some obscure legal documents that support this and that he’s essentially running a bankruptcy, a reorganization right here, right now in front of us to dissolve the unnecessary parts of the business, the corporation before restructuring the system. I don’t know what it is. If I had to guess, he’s restructuring the government in a plan to transition away from the current financial system. Maybe transition to one that has a gold tied to the system. Just a short break from the program to share with you an amazing peptide to help you lose weight.

It’s stronger than Ozempic and why it’s because it not only reduces your appetite but it also burns fat. These other GLP1s on the market, they do not burn fat, they just reduce your appetite. This one retatrutide is stronger. It’s considered a next generation peptide because of that. And man, does this work. I’ve been using it for two and a half weeks and I’ve already lost 11 pounds and I cut my dose in half because I was losing weight too quickly and that kind of freaked me out to be honest. And so I also am taking this 5amino 1 mq in capsule form.

This helps by making sure that you lose fat, not muscle. And so in conjunction I’m using both of these. This will work whether you have this or not and I am telling you it’s amazing. If you are interested in getting this, I have the link below or you can go to on the shop. You can use the coupon code Sarah to save 10%. If you have questions about your own use, you should either consult your doctor or you can join Dr. Diane’s tribe. And I have a link below to that. It is only a dollar for the first week.

You can ask her any question you want and get all your answers to this. How to take an injectable and there shouldn’t be any fear in doing that. It is easy and straightforward. Go to under shop or use the link below and remember to use coupon code Sarah welcome to business Game Changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have a handy shechman coming back to the program. I’m going to ask him. I just did a substack about bankruptcy. Is Trump putting us through a bankruptcy reorganization? Because it sure looks like it. He just posted last week that eight different federal agencies are going to be axed.

Carrie Lake is running the Know America Out Loud media organization and I think it’s a 900 billion or I’m sorry, $91 billion federal institution and she’s just axing it to the core too. It seems like he’s putting us through a bankruptcy reorganization. And I’m going to talk to Andy about this. And then you have MUS doing the DOGE and they’re finding all this waste and abuse. They’re saying that 80% is probably waste and 20% is fraud. But they’re finding things like contracts that are still being funded like non stop and nobody’s tracking it. And you know, and we, we’ve heard about, you know, Katherine Austin Fitz finding that 22 trillion that’s missing and then Donald Rumsfeld finding the 3 trillion.

I mean just trillion. And then we have Stacy Abrams having what, 1.3 billion go to her NGO and it was just this fraudulent NGO. I mean it, they keep finding this which was just so important that they’re finding this stuff even. No matter what you think of Musk, no matter what you think of this is something that’s really important to do for our country and shoring up these organizations. And so we’re going to talk about it, what’s really going on and then he’s going to talk about the gold, the lbma. It, it is. They delisted the comex, delisted the lbma.

I. This is a crazy talk. What’s happening. We’ve never seen anything like this. And so you hold on to your hats and I’m going to have them back weekly because there’s so much moves in the economy. It really looks like the, the, the world economic system is going to be resetting soon and they’re shoring up our federal government to get ready for this new system. That’s my assessment. And we talk about it and we break that down. But before we get into this, I want to talk to you about something I’m really proud of. I’m really proud that, that Miles Franklin and am proud that I’m working with a company like this.

Miles Franklin is helping people who are being defrauded by these gold companies. People are taking their IRAs and they’re losing half, 60, 70% of the value of their IRAs because these companies are defrauding them. We’re going to talk about that at the end of this a little bit. So if you’re somebody who has been defrauded by an I gold IRA company, I mean if you take your life savings and it, you know, it’s valued at a million dollars and now it’s worth 400,000 and you invested it back when silver and gold were at you know gold at 1800 now it’s at 3000.

That never happen. You are being defrauded and Miles Franklin has a system now to help you get out of that. And if you’re looking for a gold company to invest in to preserve your wealth you want to work with somebody who is on the up and up who do not do things like this, who do not, do not have practices like this. You can bet that you’re going to not be paying higher premiums that you should be. It’s very competitive and you’re not going to be taken advantage of. That’s why I like working with Miles Franklin.

But if you’re in a situation or a friend of yours are in a situation I set up a form Miles Franklin fill out that form. I am hand sending it directly to Andy. If you are somebody that’s in that situation fill out that form anyways if you’re interested in investing those are going directly to his people. I like this. You can also email them info and@miles and tell them Sarah sent you. But I like this form because it’s making, I’m making sure that everything’s getting to them, it’s not getting lost in the translation and that you are being directly taken care of and I get to see all of it as far as making sure that they get it.

So if you have been one of those people who have already I can’t believe how many people have already sent in saying that they are been taking their life savings has been you know lost that kind of stuff. If you’re in one of those situations I am hand sending them to Andy. So again Sarah Miles Franklin and just tell us your situation and even if you are interested in buying gold and silver you can fill out that form and I get them directly to him as well. Okay, let’s get into this really incredible conversation with Andy Shetman.

Hi Andy, welcome back to the program. Sarah, how are you? Crazy times it’s just, it’s crazy. It’s good to good to be here but lots to talk about. The world seems to be spinning at a faster clip these days maybe than in years before even which is crazy to say because I didn’t think the world spun any faster than it possibly could in 2020. I it just non stop coming at me and coming at all of us and the some of the things that would be national headlines for weeks is doesn’t even make a blip. Right.

I mean it’s just incredible. I put out a substack last week questioning whether Trump is putting us through a bankruptcy reorganization because he announced. Well, it just seems like it. But he announced eight different federal agencies that are going to be axed. And, and then I also saw a clip of Carrie Lake, which was another organization that, you know, she’s in charge of the media. What is it America Out Loud. One of the that, that it’s almost a billion dollar agency and she’s just gutting it. You know, to its core. It seems like a bankruptcy reorganization.

To be honest, when I’m watching the cannot that we shouldn’t be shoring up our books anyways. I mean this should have been occurring before now, but it sure seems like your back’s against the wall and they’re just slashing and burning and doing a bankruptcy. What do you think? I think that they need to, I mean, look, this would align with a lot of what I’ve talked about for quite some time that the excessive spending by the government and mostly money printing, which, you know, I, I have this feeling Cliff High was talking about that in his, in his data set that, that Elon Musk will, will come out and say something to the extent that they found far more money creation than we’ve been led on to believe.

Just like these computers that he found that really aren’t linked to anything that are making payments to God knows who. But yeah, I mean the US System has become unsustainable and is this a controlled demolition which would be needed before a reset? What better guy to do this than President Trump who has been dubbed the master of bankruptcy and reorganization From a, from a, you know, business standpoint, he’s done it what like six some something times himself. Yeah, I mean, look, you mentioned that this is an angle you wanted to talk about. So I started thinking about it a little bit and you know, part of it is I think aimed at weakening the global globalist institutions that use our tax dollars.

And it seems a lot of them for international agendas that don’t, don’t benefit the United States at all. Like, you know, the U.S. agency for Global Media, the World Economic Forum, even the way that he’s importing gold into the United States and breaking away from the lbma, which I hope to talk to you about here in a little bit. All of it signals and the word that I use last time we talked was American centric, but it’s nationalism, it’s self reliance and we’ve had no oversight and we’re in trouble. Look, a trillion seconds ago was 31,688 years ago.

We’re nearly 200 trillion in debt. So something has to be done. There are people who will tell you that the United States is actually a corporation and that there’s some obscure legal documents that support this and that he’s essentially running a bankruptcy, a reorganization right here, right now in front of us to dissolve the unnecessary parts of the business, the corporation before restructuring the system. I don’t know what it is. If I had to guess, my guess would be that he’s restructuring the government in a plan to transition away from the current financial system, maybe transition to one that has gold tied to the system.

And a lot of the things that we’re seeing with gold right now, let alone its stratospheric rise, but it’s importing into the United States the massive influx into the comex and what we see happening in relation to the lbma, it just tells me that maybe he is working towards a alternative economic order. Well, wouldn’t you think the getting shoring everything up like you would do in a bankruptcy organization, cutting it to the core is what you need for an economic reset anyways for it to be on stable ground? Absolutely. I mean, get rid of the unnecessary things that don’t benefit this country.

And that’s the one thing that I think has endeared him with me and with a lot of people who at least are open minded enough into allowing him to some time to make these moves, is that he’s doing things to benefit the United States. When you see all of the money that was spent around the world, like lbgtq, opera in Ireland or you know, all of these things around the globe that, or even here domestically, like you know, finding the effect of meth on squirrels or all of these things that they’re just blowing our hard earned tax revenue at.

Yeah, I mean a lot of that just needs to be cut. But even cutting a trillion dollars from the, from the budget, still, we’re still in a very difficult position. Much more needs to be done. And there are those that would argue that a reset must happen. And if you are going to reset it, you might as well at least get it lean and mean first. Get rid of all the excess, show the excess to get people behind it and then embark upon your restructuring. And, and if anyone knows how to do it on a large scale, it’s him.

Well, and you can’t argue that this isn’t needed. I mean anybody who has any kind of business background is loving what they’re seeing. I mean, I, I don’t know anybody who doesn’t go, this is exactly what we need. Even it, no matter what you think of Elon and the transhumanist stuff and anything else with. I know that Israel is a big issue and all these other issues, you can’t argue that this is not needed, this complete, you know, rehaul of the federal system. Yeah. I mean, there’s issues everywhere that to me are distractions. Like, you know, I was listening to Cash Patel the other night and talking about how we’ve just forgotten that President Trump was nearly assassinated on live tv and we move away from all of it was like, it was like, you know, when, when the special counsel said he didn’t prosecute Biden because he thought he was too senile and couldn’t handle it, you know, mentally fragile.

Yet the guy still ran the country for six months. That just disappeared. All of the things that came out just vanished and disappeared into the ether. These things need to be brought to the surface and we need to focus on the United States before anything else. And I think that’s been lost in all of this. And he’s bringing it back. We were not considered the prosper for this country to be prosperous and safe. The last administration did everything they could to make us not prosperous and not safe and not prioritize American interests. And I think that is what he is doing.

And you wonder, is there a larger agenda at hand? And part of me feels that there is. Look, we’re so far across the Rubicon that things that are going to seem somewhat shock and awe ish have to happen. I mean, there are very few things that we can do that won’t be somewhat uncomfortable to a portion a segment of the population. It has to happen because we’ve disrespected the privilege of being the steward of the world reserve currency for a long time. And we’ve disrespected the privilege that the politicians have that, you know, the trust that we’ve given them to, to be stewards of our tax dollars and represent the United States the way that they should.

Logically, we’ve deviated so far from that that they’re going to have to be some, some substantial moves that shock a lot of people. It wouldn’t surprise me if ultimately this is what he was trying to do. A controlled demolition to reset the system, to transition to a new financial system, one that is based upon sound money reshoring. A lot of these assets that we sent around the world and ultimately reshoring manufacturing and protecting our border and building up the infrastructure. All of these things that if you think about it, it’s just criminal that we have gone so far away from those priorities.

So, yeah, I think that if you don’t question everything now, Sarah, we haven’t learned anything, and I think even his intentions need to be questioned. Yeah, we see what he’s doing here, but is it part of a bigger agenda? And if you told me it was part of a reset agenda, I would believe it 100%. Well, and that’s where it gets into the question that I have. Excuse me. That you, you have to do what he’s doing, whether you like, whether he’s doing a reset and bringing us into something nefarious or not. What he’s doing is what we need, Period.

End of story. And so you, you want to support this process, but I want to ask you before in the lbma, I want to talk about what Cliff High is saying, and this could be very plausible too, that they have been printing so much more money than we realize, because part of the banking system is when they want to fund a project, and this is what my sources are telling me, is that when they want to fund a project, they just overnight, you know, because if you put a million dollars into a bank, they can take, and I know they’ve changed the ratios now, but they could take that million dollars and turning into 10 million DOL dollars.

Right. And then if you do that over and over between banks, you can generate your billion dollars that you need to fund a project. Right. And that they’ve been doing this so much that it puts it out of whack and they can’t track that money, otherwise it would hyper inflate the dollar. That’s correct. That’s part. So I might. Yeah, my puppy’s biting my heels. That’s okay. And so that’s the whole concept of the fractional reserve system. You deposit. Yeah. But if they do it too much, then it would hyper inflate the dollar and it would undermine the currency.

And they’ve been doing it so much that they can’t disclose how much they’re doing it because of that problem. And that, that’s what Cliff is saying is going to come forward. What do you think? Yeah. And they lie about, they lie about the measurements of inflation, they lie about the money supply. They used to publish something called M3, which was the broadest measure of the money supply. They stopped publishing it, saying that it’s archaic that no one uses it anymore, but it just makes it harder to see how much money has been created. But you’re right.

In a system that has no transparency, you have no idea how much money has been created. That’s part of what Elon was saying. Put all the money creation and all the debt obligations and the gold holdings and all of what is being paid out and coming in on a blockchain to inspire that type of transparency. And in a system that is fiat, if you do not have trust, you have nothing. And that’s what makes the dollar what it is, is the fact that it’s always been trusted. You know, and some would say it’s the dirtiest shirt or the cleanest shirt in the dirty laundry hamper.

But we’ve gone a long way towards squandering that trust that we’ve been given by our foreign creditors. And net net as a result, since 2014, net net, there’s not been one new treasury purchased by a central bank. There’s been more central banks selling than buying since 2014 because we’ve squandered that trust. So, yeah, these things I believe are all very much possible. And these are the kind of things that you would want to be brought to light before you reset the system. To say this system lends itself to fraud and to mismanagement and to corruption, and nobody trusts.

And here it is. We’ve just. We’ve just found it. So this is what we need to do to transition to a new system to get to the other side. And that’s maybe why they’re doing these things. Let me interrupt here for a second. That the blockchain tracking of our government funds and our government transactions is necessary. It brings full transparency. Where it needs to stop is tracking us. So we say 100% of the government should be tracked, but we as individuals should not be. And making that clear distinction. Because what people are freaking out about is they’re using this process to turn us into a completely tracked society.

Right. And tracking us as citizens. And we do need the government to be completely tracked, but we need the people to be free. And do you think we’ll be able to make that hard distinction? I hope so. I did. I did an interview with a very smart man and he said to me, that’s exactly what is happening. That we are being turned into a surveillance state, that, you know, that we have found ourselves even as good as he is, that he’s still beholden to people pulling the strings above him and that we are transitioning to a surveillance State.

So he’s broken away from the CBDC and he’s broken away from the irs potentially, you know, even going as far as saying we should abolish them. These are, you know, ways that we’d be tracked. But if we transition to a system that’s all about stable coins, which you keep hearing more and more and more about, when I, when I interviewed Judy Shelton, you know, she talked about issuing 50 year treasuries and have stable coins issued off of them. And if we move to this digital system, you know, like Trump for example, said, well, we need to have the digital ID in order to inspire election integrity.

Okay. If you look at when he came out and said that and look at X, all of the responses were universally great. Oh, it’s about time. You know, we’ve been screwed before. But you know, you, you read some of the who’s got the patents on the digital ID 2020 and it’s a scary thing. It’s Rockefellers and it’s Bill Gates foundation and I think it’s called Sarna, I think is the name of it. They’ big vaccine Corporation. And the patents in essence tie your physical ID to your passport, to your banking information, to your medical records. Are we going that far? And if you have stablecoins issued by Tether and USDC and by Ripple Labs, you know, that inspires somewhat of confidence because it’s not by the government, but the government controls the on ramp and the off ramp.

Those three institutions are not decentralized. And so you have centralized system that is masquerading as something more decentralized that the government can control the on and the off ramp. So I do believe that in general we are moving to a surveillance state. I mean there are very few things that offer you privacy anymore. And well, don’t you think we already are? I mean essentially Bill Benny on, you know, years ago, you know, Snowden did his NSA whistleblowing. I had Kirk Wiebe on, I mean we talked about this years ago that we, they can pretty much track anything.

I don’t know if, you know, back in the day I, you know, I’m from telecom and the organization that I was part of was called Enterprise and we built up 90% of the Internet. I mean that’s what we were doing. And I got promoted a lot and I was responsible for all the systems development design for the Internet base of that organization. And during that time, after I left, I spent a lot of time thinking about, not after I left. I think it was before I left, I wrote A paper on why we needed a customer ID across El Telecom.

This was in the early 90s and because I thought that I wasn’t thinking like what they’re thinking now, but, but it ties into it because I was thinking of how all the disparate databases and how you could manage a customer and be able to tie it to everything we needed. Because I got really into data, data modeling and data analysis and stuff back then and how a customer ID telecom was needed. And so I understood it at a very deep level what that one ID would do. And this is essentially what they’re saying they want to do across the world with the digital ID to get on the Internet.

And to me, it scares the hell out of me because I know the power of that at a deep level because I spent a lot of time thinking about it and that if you have a digital ID to get on and off of being able to do any kind of work on the Internet, they have access to everything. They can manage you and control you and can track you in a very seamless, effective way by having a digital id. Well, and, and, you know, the truth of it is, Trump won’t be here forever. Let’s hope that the, the current administration in its form, whether it be Vance or someone else, would follow up and, and, and continue his mission.

But, you know, another government could come in, another administration and, and say, well, we’re going to do CBDCs right now and tie it to the digital ID that you all have for election integrity. Now, you can’t spend money without it. And if you didn’t get your vaccine, what are you doing at the grocery store? The authorities are going to come and they’ll take your card and tell the author. I mean, you can go down that rabbit hole of freakiness as far as you want and, you know, it wasn’t too far removed. We’re not too far removed from this.

Lael Brainard, who I’ve spoken, was the number two in charge at, at the White House for the Biden administration, who, who developed the CBDC while at the Boston Fed with MIT and worked at the Treasury. I mean, this is the path that we were heading down. Now, thank goodness we’re moving away from that. But the question I guess I would ask is that, you know, once you get a digital ID in place, how hard would it be to, to go back and say, we, we’ve decided this is something for national security, we have to do, blah, blah, blah.

I don’t know how easy it is to sidestep or to Overwrite an executive order. I don’t know that, but I would simply just say that, yeah, I think as good as he is, as good as he is doing to re. Establish the integrity of this country, to re. Establish our culture, it appears we are transitioning towards a surveillance state. And maybe if we just want to give him the benefit of doubt, maybe he looked at it, looks at it the way that you did, not from a standpoint of what it could possibly do negatively, but the positive benefits, at least in terms of election integrity.

So. Well, that’s where they’re moving away from cash. And that’s where like what Bill Benny said years ago, he’s like, we, because we are already moving scary into this direction. They need to get people like Bill Benny and people that have that, that knowledge and say, okay, we need to be able to, the systems need to have, and we need engineers that understand what these systems do and say you can track metadata and you can do these specific things, but any of these other actions cannot be tracked. I mean, we have to get to legislation to the algorithm level where we start telling people you can do.

And legislation needs to get to that point because in a society the actions that we do as people are legislated now. Algorithms are those actions. Right? And we need people to start understanding that specific types of algorithms are not okay. Specific type of actions in an algorithm is not okay. And that you can do this, but you can’t do the rest. And that’s where the law needs to go. And, but we need people who are more astute to be able to get to that level. Does that mean. But I think you’re giving, you know, I mean, the cynic in me would say you’re giving the government too much benefit of the doubt because so many of the things that we found out, like all of our pictures being, I don’t give them any data mined by the NSA during the pandemic.

Like really, they needed to look at our pictures to make us safe. Or any of these things that we find out that, you know, Snowden talked about or, or, you know, wiretapping, all of these things that they, they did under the guise of national security that we find out after the fact. Like, for example, you know, Nomi Prince did a wonderful expose on the digital ID and she, she pulled out a internal memo that was not meant for release, but got it through the Freedom of Information act by the irs. And basically what it said was the IRS was commenting on the technology of the CBDC and said, you know, although we don’t would never intend to do this.

We see how it could be used in a manner that would be penalizing for people who own it in terms of not allowing them to use money, shutting off their money, taking money out, you know, so well. I think we have to peel back what they can already do because they have full blown reign over everything and are tracking us on every little detail already. And so we need legislation to go through to peel that back is really. That would be great. Let’s just hope it stays back. Because once you open Pandora’s box is what I’m getting at.

I think we’ve already opened it. The next administration may not be as, as, you know, as. That’s right, American centric, as President Trump appears to be. I find the whole thing frightening. You know, one of the reasons I’ve always liked gold and silver is because it’s analog in a digital world. But, you know, everything seems to be moving towards that digital transition. And you know, it’s funny, I talked about the Willow chip, I don’t know, several times over the last few months. And when I was at the conference, I was just at. Cliff brought it up.

You know, this Willow chip that Google has already prototyped can do in five minutes what the fastest supercomputers in the world can do currently in 10 septillion years. That’s 10 to the 21st power. And that’s so far out. I didn’t even know what it was. I had to Google it. It’s one with 21 zeros after it. And so it’s huge. And it takes ten septillion years to do what the Willow chip can do in five minutes. So when you talk about the advancement of technology and the ability to surveil and the ability to, you know, use AI to develop patterns, that’s almost like you’re getting into the Tom Cruise movie.

What was the name of it? Where they would basically. Yeah, they could, they could tell if something was going to. Yeah. Yes. And that’s what it feels like, you know, just using probabilities and, you know, I know we’re getting a little bit out there, but when you see the. And now China has just come out with a new chip that’s faster than the Willow chip. The advancements are, are accelerating so fast that there’s something to be said for having some semblance of anonymity and privacy. And exodus, if you will, from the Matrix, which seems to be getting bigger and bigger all the way around us, even if the intentions seem to be pure.

I think the advancement of technology would lend itself, you know, power in the wrong hands. You know, it’s like a nuclear weapon, it’s a deterrent. Or is it, well, is it, is it a bad thing if in the wrong hands, period? But you know what I mean, if we’ve learned anything is no matter how many good people there are, there’s enough nefarious people in positions of power that you can’t trust it, period. And that we’re always going to be on the fight against the people who have this urge to dominate and control others. And that’s who we need to protect ourselves against.

No matter how altruistic your senator or somebody is, there’s always those other people who are looking to control and narcissistically control you. It’s just the reality of the human nature since the dawn of time. Right? I mean, that’s the way it’s been. Well, and, and there are people that just, they just don’t give a, about anything that we think is important. And I, I keep going back to that Little boy, the 13 year old cancer survivor. Half of the congress sat down when this kid was being given an honorary secret service award. Or the poor mother whose daughter was slain by the, by the illegal immigrant.

Half of the congress sat down. I mean, there are some things that should just be, shouldn’t be political. They should just be about the good of this country. And that’s really the problem. I mean, that’s the draining of the swamp that we need to get rid of. These people don’t care about this country and have priorities that are way, way skewed from what we all grew up learning is the way to be. Well, think of how strong that cult is that they can’t even look at themselves and go, this is bad, you guys. We have to at least stand up for this.

I might disagree with them on everything else, but we have to at least look like decent people. I mean, that’s. How could you talk to your daughter or your son after that? On the phone? Dad, Mom. You didn’t stand up. What were you thinking? I mean, could you even look in the mirror? Talk to your kids, talk to your friends you’ve known your whole life? I mean, I found it to be so repugnant, maybe worse than anything I’d seen in the four years previous. And we saw lots of bad things, just, just how vile some of these people are.

And at that basic level, that human level of doing the right thing for a mother who’s grieving or for a little boy who’s fought that fight to not stand up and say, right on, you know, I mean, but not even one of them did it. That’s the power of the cult. I mean, if it’s at that basic level, then what happens when they are, when they’re. When they’ve been conned into believing it’s for a greater cause? That’s the part that’s frightening. So, yes, to answer your question, I do believe, even if his intentions are pure, we are transitioning to a surveillance state, like it or not.

And that’s why doing all you can to at least find some semblance of privacy is great. It’s becoming harder and harder to do, unfortunately. Let’s talk about the lbma. What’s going on there, because I know there’s major moves there, and it’s just another crazy fact that we’re. This economy is resetting and these kind of absurd moves are happening at lightning speed. Yeah, well, you know, we talked a lot about how all this metal has been leaving the lbma and it was originally under the guise of the Trump tariffs and what’s called exchange for physical, where the big players in the United States can send their COMEX contract to London and exchange it for physical.

And this is something they’ve done forever back and forth, and it caught them off guard. I think we saw 25 million ounces or so of gold delivered here in the past few months from London. We’ve seen just in the last month, over 80 million, 81 million ounces of silver leave the LBMA. That’s a third of all the silver they have that’s available. India continuing to import massive amounts of silver from London. Everyone is standing for delivery. No one ever did. And, you know, the LBMA is an exchange that has long dominated, along with the comex, the global gold and silver price discovery.

But the lbma, and in terms of gold and silver right now are trading at 90% paper, 10% gold. In other words, they have. In terms of. Let me just give you the exact numbers on. In terms of gold, they have in gold, 279 million ounces that they say they have on paper, of which only 36 million belong or are available to be delivered. The rest belongs to ETFs in the bank of England. 240 million ounces. But there’s 380 million ounces in spot contracts outstanding, 380 million ounces in deliverable contracts backed by 36 million ounces of gold.

And in silver, they have 800 million ounces of silver. They claim about 780 after the last bleed down or less, of which only 270 million is available. The rest belong to ETFs. And so they have 270 million ounces of silver, yet they trade 2.9 billion ounces of silver contracts per day. That’s three and a half times the annual global mine supply, or 10, 11 times 10, 11 times more than the contracts they have. And so there have been some theories floated around and one of the theories is that Trump is furious at the European aristocrats and that he thinks they’re behind not only the color revolution that we’ve seen over the last four years here in terms of the wokeness and the lawlessness and all of these, the departure from reality along with any election interference that he believed happened, he thinks they’re to blame for it.

And the rumor is, and this is a rumor, I can’t substantiate it, that he’s going after the bank of England, he’s going to stick it to him first. He got all the gold sent back under the guise of Trump tariffs and the Basel 3 regulations which go into effect here in the U.S. banks which kept getting delayed, delayed, delayed July 1st. Some of that’s possible as is the potential for arbitrage where they could buy contracts at $80 an ounce cheaper than in New York, buy it in London, sell it in New York, for even shipping it here, that cost of 80 bucks an ounce, you make a lot of money in huge amounts, but it’s much more than that.

And we’re draining the exchanges. And so as a result of that, some very, very brightening, interesting, potentially frightening, interesting things have happened. And, and it’s because this paper to physical ratio has become so extreme with far more contracts than physical. The physical deliver, the physically deliverable gold is, is becoming far more important than the paper. Not just in on comex, but in Asian and Middle Eastern markets as well. In Dubai, in Moscow, in Shanghai, they’re all standing for delivery and their exchanges are all immediate delivery exchanges. And so when you realize that the LBMA and the London OTC market set gold and silver prices, they do the AM and the PM fix.

What we are seeing is a detach, a detachment from this physically backed pricing mechanism and distrust in London’s ability to fulfill physical deliveries. So over the weekend the COMEX just stopped issuing LBMA futures contracts. They delisted it, which is a very interesting thing because what it signals to me is that they are break, they are really separating from the lbma. They didn’t have a choice. The banks in the United States have gone long and the banks in Europe are massively short. And if you cut off this liquidity spigot, this pivot away from the western gold markets will happen like that and move towards a physical settlement system like in Shanghai or Moscow, which could immediately blow up these, this huge derivative, unallocated gold scheme.

And I’ve been saying all this stuff long before that. This is potential because this is where net importers never have been. And the amount of gold coming in is so far off the charts it’s crazy. And then you see them delist these contracts. Something is happening big. Okay, I gotta tell you, the central bankers are run out of Europe, right? So if he wants to, if we want to become independent, we have to decouple from them. And I think the power I’m going to give you, my Sarah’s high level bird’s eye view, the eastern, Eastern governments, China, Taiwan, you know, that area is, it’s is really building up.

Europe is undermining their entire future. They’re not investing in AI, they’re, they’re doubling down on this lunatic, you know, transgender stuff, which I where it’s, they’re taking less than 1% of society and making them their, you know, the priority, their mass immigration. They’re undermining their future, right. So they’re making themselves obsolete in the long term. Eastern countries are building up and the only way that we are going to be able to keep compete worldwide is to decouple from them and start competing with the east who have been focused on education. Education, education more so than, I mean we’re like stupid when it comes to education.

And we still think that people who get focused on technology are nerds. We still teach our kids that which is stupid. You know, the Chinese, their biggest, Their kids were asked what they want to do. They want to be astronauts and scientists. Our kids want to be influencers. I mean it’s stupid and we need to get past this nerdy thing. And so if we want to compete worldwide, we have to compete against them, not Europe, because Europe has already made themselves obsolete. That’s my bird’s eye view. And I think it’s very astute actually to your point.

Physical demand, de dollarization, a new multipolar world, a gold multipolar world that is moving to alternative exchanges like in Shanghai, which has the volume in Shanghai, the cumulative volume in Shanghai futures and settlement exchanges have surpassed the comex. And so you’re beginning to see the world move to an exchange that is immediate delivery. Here’s your money. Here’s Your, your, your gold. Let me give you, just read something to you here. The London Bullion Market Associate Associ association released their latest London silver vault data Today that shows 128.5 million ounces of silver were withdrawn from London silver vaults over the last three months.

Of the 722 million ounces of silver still remaining at the end of February, London vaults hold approximately 525 million owned by ETFs. That leaves under $200 million. The 128.5 million ounce withdrawal of silver over the last three months represents removal of approximately 42% of London Silver Vault holdings not owned by the ETFs. And so look, it’s taken seven, eight weeks. We keep seeing it challenge 33. Now silver’s this close to 34. And you got guys like Jeffrey Gundlock who, who is a, a bond king, a bond nerd for using the word nerd who said gold’s going to go to 40 or $4,000 easily soon and that there’s at least a 60 chance of a recession here in the United States.

Things are accelerating and gold and silver are becoming very important in at least it appears in the way the United States is looking at what’s coming next. Because they want to get something. I think that that’s really important to focus on right now. They’re, they’re, but they’re doubling down on things that are real and this is real. And I want, I want to talk to you about obviously we’re moving towards. Everyone’s talking about the gold being a backed, you know, gold backed currency. We have the BRICS doing that. We have the United States talking about it.

They have the United States talking about reevaluating the gold from 42, whatever it is, $42 and something cents an ounce to market value. What would that do to the price of gold? If we do two things. We back our currency by gold and maybe a basket of other kind of commodities and it gets reevaluated to current market prices. Well, I mean it’s interesting, I think that you could see it revalued much higher. The United States used to have a 40% gold backing. And that happened. I don’t remember what year it was. Maybe in the 50s they passed a law that was 100 gold backing.

They moved to 40% gold backing. That was until, until de Gaulle started bleeding all the gold from us and Nixon closed the gold window. The Swiss used a 40% gold backing. The new BRICS currency use the BRICS proposed settlement currency that Delma Russoff, the former president of Brazil and the head of the Brakes New Development bank has said they’ve agreed upon in principle 40 gold backing redeemable by central banks upon demand. 40 is the number. James Rickard, who is no dummy, who, who has been employed multiple times by the CIA and Washington to run simulated financial war games has come out and said a 40 gold backing is what he thinks would be plausible.

If you take the total money supply in the United States, that which we know of, and you take 40% of it and divide it into the, the 8,330 metric tons we supposedly have, that hasn’t been audited since 1953, it comes out to roughly just over $12,000 an ounce. Now it’s not that crazy. I mean, Bitcoin at 100 grand. Why is twelve thousand dollar gold, what, all of a sudden buying? Why is that crazy? If they did that, what happens is, is that the treasury, that gold belongs to the Treasury. They issue what’s called gold certificates to the Federal Reserve which is basically an IOU on fiat money.

They have no claim on the gold that the treasury owns, but they will issue those certificates to the Fed who then immediately would put in essence work out to about 12 every one, every $4,000 increase in the price would give 1 trillion free and clear to the treasury general account based upon the number of ounces we hold. So at $12,000 an ounce, the US treasury would get an injection of $3 trillion free and clear, just like that, that they could add to their balance sheet to start working off the debt, to start inspiring confidence or as Judy Shelton says, to back U.S.

treasuries, which no one wants anymore. Remember net net, no central bank buying, new buying since 2014, they would want it. So now you collar it to gold, make it redeemable in gold. You, you inspire confidence. You peg it to a blockchain to show immutability and veracity. And that gold, which now is just giving you $3 trillion injection to the treasury general account would be great if they just marked it to market. You get about 800 billion into the treasury general account. Well, you would make it immediately have value and then you do the transparency and overnight the United States would be viable again.

I mean, it wouldn’t be this joke where nobody can trust it. It’d be like, okay, this is something we can really trust. And the first thing that you would need to do, Sarah, is first get as much of it back so you don’t tell them why you’re bringing it back. And that’s the trick, the tariffs. The second thing you would need to do is get all of the banks in here in the United, like JP Morgan and, and bank of America and Citibank. You need to get them long. Now the rumor is they are going long, or at least in London they’re on the other side of the ledger.

I can’t validate any of this. I’m just telling you that would is the rumor that they’re going long. And then you expose the bank in, in Europe that you are angry at to a huge problem of having massive amounts of paper contracts and no ability to get the gold and silver without going into the open market and driving the price to the moon in order to cover those positions, which will bankrupt these banks. It’s a systemic event, just like that. And it would benefit all of the countries who have been accumulating gold. And these are all the BRICS nations and now the United States.

Europe hasn’t been buying gold. Only the ones in Eastern Europe have. The ones that may join brics, like Turkey, like Hungary, like Poland. These countries, which are NATO members, some of them which are Western, have been Western allies, seem to be hedging, like Hungary. Hedging. They’re stealing some stuff away from the west so it would benefit the central banks. Everybody Europe is, is gutting itself out and except the eastern part and the people that want to join brics, all the rest are, you know, the Western European countries are undermining their future period. I think they’re destroying themselves.

And it’s as if that’s. Yep. It’s as if you had been advising the Trump administration. I believe they understand this and they’re the first administration not only perhaps, perhaps understand it, but the moves they are making signal this. Now, look, I don’t know what they’re going to do. I’d be the first to admit I don’t know. But everything they’re doing would signal that they’re preparing to inject gold into the monetary system to reestablish confidence and trust in the US treasury, because if you don’t, we’re in big trouble. We cannot finance our debt just by printing money.

That leads to hyperinflation. You have to sell Treasuries. The only way to do it is to inspire confidence. Gold redeemable, blockchain based, et cetera. And then Judy says issue stable coins off of it. Those stable coins, every time you would purchase a stablecoin, it would buy more Treasuries, which would then support also the treasury market. That’s happening right now with the StableCoin Market Tether, USDC and the Ripple One and the others, they’re all backed by US treasuries. So every time you use tether to transact throughout the crypto ecosystem, every time you do that, it’s backing the treasury legacy system.

Well, if you take it a step further and say now you’re going to get a lot of demand off of Treasuries collared to gold, redeemable and then issue stablecoins off of them, you would have all of a sudden the ability to finance our debt with immutability, with confidence, with transparency and reshore, all of this gold and silver and get the banks who have been shorting it here in the west, get them on the right side of the ledger before you let the price spike to the moon. And I guarantee you that you’re not going to get pushback from the brics nations on this.

They’ve been the ones buying it all. And so it puts us and the BRICS on much stronger footing than it potentially would some of the Western European countries, which it could have some severe ramifications on. And, you know, and look, they’re not happy with us. France is saying, send us back the Statue of Liberty. Really well, they’d be speaking German if it wasn’t for us. So when you talk about stupid where we are, these are crazy, crazy times. And I think we have to think crazy right now, as crazy as this, because we’re too far down the rabbit hole, too far across the Rubicon of indebtedness and loss of faith and confidence for Trump not to do these kinds of things.

That’s right. And God bless him if this is what he’s trying to do, because it appears to me that if he, if that is what he’s doing, he’s doing it in chronological order the way that I think it has to be done now. What his ultimate motivation is, only time will tell. Well, and I think the reason why France and Canada and all these things, it’s because of their control over the media. They don’t get to hear anything. And so all the masses are hearing messages 247 that skews their understanding of the world. They’re in like this bubble world of what the.

Of what’s really going on. And so they’re. It’s kind of like Covid on steroids, you know, where half the country was thinking that Covid was this real deal and they were scared. That’s what they’re doing with Canadians. That’s what they’re doing with the people in France, they have a complete blackout of other voices like ours. And so these people are just living in this multi, you know, this different universe. It’s. Well, and that’s why they’re so argumentative and divisive and angry, because they deem themselves to be incredibly well read. They just read the wrong. And if you’re reading the wrong stuff all the time and you think you’re well read, well, who are you to tell me otherwise? Because I know this stuff.

I study it day and night. Yeah, you’re, you’re reading the wrong stuff, leading you down the wrong path. And that’s why they’re not open to any. That’s right, you know, any pushback. So I’ve always said this to you. God bless you for what you’re doing. You are opening people’s eyes and, and have for a long time. You’re courageous and, and, and, and you’re well read. And, and that’s evidenced by, you know, you know, by the people you have on your show and the comments I see. And, and talking to your, to your listeners would all, would all say that they would all agree with what I just said.

Well, I appreciate it. And one thing I want to say is that I’m honored to be working with you. The more I realize how you’re helping people out. And I think we need to talk about this as we end the show that there has been so many people that have been taken advantage of by different gold companies, and I am just so proud that I’m working with a company that’s helping people get out of that mess. You’re one of the only companies that are just standing firm of integrity and saying, we will help you. You know, because there’s these companies that have taken people’s entire life savings and they’ve bought in gold and silver, and even though the gold and silver has gone up, they’ve lost like half of their life savings.

Things. Or more. Or more. More. And I see it all. I, I spoke about this at the conference I was at this week and probably got 50 people that came up to me, half of them in tears with their statements, and they pulled up on their phone and could hardly breathe and, you know, fighting with their spouses in front of me. And it’s, it’s honestly, you know, and I really wish I, I had the ability to say the names of the companies. I don’t, because I can’t do that from a public place. But I’ll tell you what, what they all do.

And it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s really to me very evident that they all started here somewhere and then splintered off into other companies because the MO is exactly the same. It’s the weirdest thing. And first of all it’s all on IRAs, almost entirely IRAs. If they sell some to you off the IRA, that’s fine. Which is the height of despicability. These are, they’re preying on people who do not have the ability to, you know, go back and, and make up what they lost. They’re, they’re older folks, they’re your parents age or my parents age. They’re folks who, who see a high paid spokesperson, a Hollywood actor or whoever it may be that is saying I buy gold, I buy gold from blah blah blah and, and, and, and what is happening is criminal.

This is a federally non regulated industry. It’s why I left my company in Minnesota when I moved to Florida where we’ve had a satellite office for 15 years because it’s the only state that mandates licensing and bonding and background checks and, and the things that create us a, a level playing field if you will, a fair playing field. The one good thing about Minnesota. But anyways keep going. Yeah, it’s one of the few positive things and you know there are detriments to it as well. And, and the detriment is that almost all the companies in the country won’t work in Minnesota as a result of it.

And so there’s fewer choices for people to have metal delivered into the state. But the point of it is simply this, the MO that these companies have and if, if you have, if this resonates with you, reach out to us and I’ll mention in a minute but the best way to reach my company whether it be to get our price list which for a myriad of reasons we, we keep close to the vest but I promise you will be as good or better than anywhere in the country. And we can even do better than the price list sometimes because we only update it twice a week.

We won’t be undersold and, but, or questions on anything you’ve heard here or questions on what I’m about to say. Info at Miles Franklin. Sarah sent me, Sarah Westall sent me so that we can track it and we’ll make it a good experience whether just be about getting price of our, our inventory list or any questions related to IRAs, precious metals or anything we’ve talked about or this. And the this is, is that these companies all do the same Thing, they sell quarter ounce gold coins from mints that are reputable, but coins that are limited edition nonsense that I’ve never heard of in 35 years and 12 billion in sales coins like, oh, I can probably even tell you the coins are always quarter ounce gold and one, one and a half or two ounce silver coins.

The gold coins you would have paid between 800 and 1200 for now, even at 800, 8, 16, 24, 32. So if you paid 800 bucks for gold coins at any time up until, I mean today, you paid way too much. And if you’ve paid 900 or a thousand or 1100 or 1200, you’ve been screwed, completely and totally ripped off. That’s 4800. 1200 times four is 4800. And today gold is at what, 2900, $3000? No, today gold is at $3030. Right. Okay, but still 3000 bucks. Yes. I mean 800, that’s like 1800. That’s a good 40% more than what you should be paying.

The highest price quarter ounce gold coin I ever sell, ever. And I think it’s the best quarter ounce gold coin to own is the quarter ounce American eagle. And you know the most that would cost you is right around 10% over the price of gold. So you’re talking, you know, do the math. It’s, it’s $300 over per ounce. You’re talking, divide that. So take three, 300 divided by four. Yeah, you’re, you’re right at 800 right now for a brand new 20, 25 quarter ounce gold eagle. But this is at all time highs today. These are people that have bought over the last couple years and gold was up 40 plus percent since then.

These are people who are buying at $2,000 gold and paying 8, 900, $1,000 a coin. I’m sure they’re much higher right now. These are just the people who I have been talking to hundreds. And their IRAs aren’t showing that gain either. No, they’re not. And then when they call them, they give them a bunch of nonsense. They show them, well, this is really what it’s worth and you have to hold it for three years. And they are ripping these people off, Sarah, Honest to God, to a level that is horrific. And they’re losing 50, 60, 70, 80, 90% of their IRAs.

That bad. That bad. And the silver coins, they’re paying between 60 bucks on 1 ounce up to 120 or 30 on a 2 ounce coin. The most you’ll ever pay for a silver eagle. Right now. Right now is under $5 over the price of silver and these people are paying double the price of silver and they’re being told that it represents something special and that they’re unique. When I tell you that it’s the most horrific thing I’ve seen in 35 years, I’m not understating it. If you’ve bought quarter ounce gold coins and and they’re all up above 3,500per ounce or higher or 1 ounce silver coins at 60 an ounce or higher, please send us an email at info.

Miles Franklin we will tell you what to say they can do. Sarah west so hold on. They can google do, they can do those who don’t have the courage to come on your show but they’ll just get a spokesman and screw their reputation. They don’t know about it. They don’t know how bad they’re getting. They’re screwing the public. These people are criminal and literally ought to be, ought to be put in jail. They should be concerned. Well, I set up a form. Sarah Miles Franklin oh that’s right. And then they fill that out and, and I have been hand sending you that comes into my and I look for them and if somebody has an issue like this, like all those go towards you.

But if somebody has an issue where they’ve gotten hosed like this Ira, I have been sending them directly to you and you’ve been saying you’ve acknowledged me because we want to make sure that you, you are getting taken care of. So when it comes to this I am on top of it and so are you personally. And then if anybody else is looking for gold and silver just because it’s a really important thing to have in your portfolio right now, you can still fill out that form and it goes directly to your people or they can email still and say Sarah sent me.

But for people who have an IRA specific issue or half that, you know these kind of horror stories, I am personally hand sending them to you and you are getting them directly and that means the world to me. I mean the world. Let me, let me read you one that I got just, I’m going to give you some of the prices. The first order was purchased in June of 2022. Gold spot was 18, 2520 and they got a quarter ounce Canadian gold Buffalo. Now I’ve been working with the Royal Canadian Mint for 35 years. I’ve never heard of a quarter ounce gold Buffalo.

Never from Royal Canadian Mint. Never. So there are special coins that they can commission the RCM to make for them. They bought 220 coins at $639.24 a piece. So this was in 2022 with gold at 1825. So 6.39.24 times four, that’s 2556.96 an ounce. With 1825 -1825.2 they paid a $731 per ounce premium or roughly 40%. But now that the economy or the gold has gone up by 40% they still didn’t see that gain, did they? They’re not even there because this industry will bid anything above spot or melt for those because no one wants them.

How about this one? Same time silver at $20.96. I don’t even know what the hell this is. A 1 ounce Malta Europa the bull bought 1989 of them for $30.78. They paid a $10 premium for those coins. That’s 50 freaking percent premium. And then she, there’s others like quarter ounce gold, rose crown guinea with gold at, at same price. She paid $737 a piece for them. 737 times 4, 2948 with gold at 1825. And then let’s look at, she just bought some here in March. A quote. A quote. They’re saying that that coin right now is worth 71364 times 428 54.

So that quote was on 3 7. They’re saying it’s worth 28 54. And so that puts it, or excuse me, 28.54 announced. So that’s $500 under near or 300 under sorry, 200 under current spot. But gold’s up from 1825 to 3050. So they’re making people pay a fortune. And then when they ask what it’s worth they’ll put it, they never go up to. They haven’t been going up. And then they’re giving them an undercutting what it’s worth. So they’re just completely hosing these people over. So gold is up $1225 an ounce and she’s not even up.

And then on the Malta Bull, the Europa they say it’s worth 3164 right now. And silver is at 3411 as we speak. So you know, and she bought it at 2056. So gold’s up almost 60% and she’s still underwater. Every single one of these companies, they all learn from the same creep somewhere. They’re all of them. There’s about five of them. And they all do the exact same thing. Now one thing I can do you. Do for you is I can send you an article that you can publish that was written by the Washington Post that exposes some of these names and some of the names are listed in this Washington Post.

Please do that. And I’ll, and I will send that to you right now so you can see some of them. But if you have, if any of this sounds familiar, and the weird thing is there’s like five or six companies and the only difference, some of them do high price proof coins, but almost every single one of them sells the same thing. Quarter ounce gold coins that I’ve never heard of and one to two ounce silver coins that I’ve never heard of. And they claim that they’re going to be worth a lot more that the rich people are buying them.

In essence, it’s the worst scam I’ve ever seen in my career. Call us. There’s no obligation. You don’t need to do anything with us. Us. We’ll tell you what to do. If you decide you want to do something with us, I think you’ll be glad that you did. Because what we’ve been able to do is make people whole, tell them what to do, how to do it, get them away from these criminal companies and put them in a better place. And if these criminal companies are listening to me, you’re not going to see anyone send me a letter saying, I’ll challenge you on Sarah’s show because there is nothing that they can say other than, you’re right, we’re screwing people because we can get away with it.

And what they do is their, their motto is, you know, if someone bitches, let’s just, we’ll pay them so that it doesn’t go negative on us. But for everyone else, these people end up dying because they’re elderly. Their, their children inherit, their IRAs. Have no idea. Yeah, they have no idea. These guys are total criminals. They should go down. Well, thank you so much, Andy, for doing that and for dedicating. It’s my pleasure. I’m sorry I get riled up over that. It really is heartbreaking. It is. It’s bs and if we’re going to be living our life, let’s do something good while we’re here.

I mean, what the hell, right? Yeah, no, you’re totally right. I, I couldn’t agree more. And it’s an honor to do that, an honor to work with, with your people. Please send us an email info at Miles Franklin. Sarah sent me. Any questions or if this is, if you’ve been affected by this, it’s worth your time and go take a look at your IRA statement. If you don’t remember who you bought from or what you bought, you fall into this trap. We’ll help you, Sarah. I love our, our weekly shows. I, I, I look forward to, to do this with you again soon.

I will say this, I’ll leave you with this. Honest to God, I’m, I’m, I couldn’t be more serious or straightforward and objective if I humanly possibly could. What is happening with the lbma, which appears to be, I mean it’s this close to a default. I mean it already is in default. If you realize that their T +1 settlement one day, T is trade, plus one is the next day. Settlement would be the third day. Give me my silver and gold. Now they’re T +8 weeks because the bank of England says there’s a shortage of trucks and manpower.

Really? And what’s happening with comex? Massive inflows becoming a net importer of gold and silver and delisting, delisting the LBMA futures contracts on comex. And all of the talk with Judy Shelton and Scott Besant who, when he was a the hedge fund advisor, his largest holding was gold. Talking about going to Fort Knox. All of these things. I’m telling you something big is coming for gold and silver. Something big. I can’t say that enough. There’s just no other explanation. These things don’t happen. And what is gold the Only other tier 1 reserve asset in the world? As I’ve told you since 2020, something’s going down with gold and it’s going to back a new system.

I’m convinced of it. It, we’ll see if I’m right or if I’m wrong. But either way, something bigger than anything I’ve ever seen is happening with gold and silver. And I love that you let me say this stuff on your show. I’m very sincere about it. I’m happy to talk to any of your listeners and as is my staff about it. But just thank you and it’s an honor to help you, your listeners and, and be part of just a little part of what you’re doing and I look forward to doing it again with you real soon.

Thank you, Andy.



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