That was my last show that I did on Alex. He got 12 lawsuits filed within a week after that, within a week of that, within two weeks of that show. Congratulations. All of that stuff was. Was taken down. And so obviously we exposed this, you know, really deep situation that was going on. Just a quick break from your programming so I can give you a little information about Masterpiece. They are the masters at removing toxins and heavy metals and aluminum and microplastics out of your bloodstream, out of your body. We are being bombarded with this crap from all over the place, and we need to get it out of our bodies that you are more susceptible to every disease imaginable when that’s in your bloodstream.
And I like Masterpiece. That’s the company I endorse. Why? Because they’re the only company out there that’s actually doing trials to prove to you that their product works. It removes graphene oxide, it removes aluminum, it removes microplastics and all sorts of toxins. You can try yours today as well by going to sarawestall.com under shop or with the link below. Welcome to business Game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have a really esteemed group of doctors coming to the program, and they are from the Healing of the Ages conference. I have Dr. Artist, Dr. Group, Dr. Ely and Dr.
Schmidt coming to the program. Four doctors, and they are. They’re not MDs. I think they’re better than MDs because they’re really looking beyond, you know, a medical doctor. People know. I’m not super happy with the medical community because I think they have turned into pharmaceutical reps for big pharma. And they’re not really looking at the source of issues. They’re looking at symptoms and solving symptoms. And I don’t think that’s about. That’s healing. And so we have four doctors who are looking at sources and trying to figure out healing and that’s what’s so great about them. But we’re also looking at transhumanism and some of this crap that’s being put in our bodies.
That’s kind of the big point of the show. And this nanotech. And they’re going to talk about that. And there are solutions that are found to. To get this crap out of your body. Break down those building blocks so that it doesn’t work. Right. That’s what we’re looking for. And that, you know, that’s why I’ve been talking about masterpiece. So getting out that graphene oxide, aluminum, the heavy metals, they have other solutions as well. I highly recommend that you watch their conference. It’s healingoftheages.com use my code Sarah, and you’ll save $50 on their presentations. You’ll get all their solutions, their PowerPoints, everything.
Highly recommend that you do that for everyone, especially if you’re not feeling well. For my gosh, you got to do. You got to keep looking. And there’s always hope. We talk about at the end how there’s always hope for this. If you are someone who’s being targeted, you don’t have to suffer. There is hope. Look for ways to detox these elements out of your system so they can’t affect you. And look for ways to absorb and change the frequencies. I’ve been talking about that as well. You know, I have my sleeping pods that I’ve been trying to share with you.
The masterpiece of detox. Now we got these guys with all their solutions. There are solutions. Just keep working on it. And we will find ways to make together. We will learn how to get past this horrifying nightmare we’re in. And it starts with all of us realizing that there’s an issue which we’re going to talk about, and then working together to come up with these solutions and then sharing it with friends and family that there are. There is hope we can get past this. And that’s what I love about these guys. People who are actually putting their ass on the line, being out in front talking about these issues and not having the courage to do it.
So I hope you go see it again. Healing of the ages. Use code Sarah, and you’ll save $50. Okay, here is my excellent discussion with four esteemed doctors. Dr. Artist, Dr. Group, Dr. Ely, and Dr. Schmidt. Hi, everyone. Welcome to the program. Thanks for having us on. We’re so excited to be here. Well, I’m excited to have you guys here. I have four amazing doctors, esteemed guests who are blazing trails not afraid to take on these serious issues. And I’ve been saying it’s almost like the hand of God. You realized, oh, my God, these people are really doing what we think they are.
And there are professionals and smart people around the world who are stepping up and saying, I have no choice but to solve some of these problems and figure it out. And I think you guys are a big part of that. So I’m excited to have you here. First of all, you have this amazing conference going on, and I’ve had many people contact me and say, you got to talk to them. And so that’s why we’re talking. What is your conference? And give us an overview. All right, so everybody, we’re excited to be here. Sarah, thank you for sharing this.
This actual platform of ours that we’ve created, nurtured, loved. For the last year and a half, We’ve put on two conferences called Healing for the Ages. September 2023 was Healing for the Ages 1.0. This is actually 2024. We just had in September last month, the Healing for the ages 2.0. Healing for the ages 3.0 will be next year. You guys can look forward to that. However, there’s something unique about Healing for the Ages. Many people around the world right now are sharing this Twitter post with me about RFK Jr announcing some help us. We’re creating a Make America Healthy Again platform.
I just want to remind everybody, I love the fact that so many people are concerned about health, but if you’re not actually listening to people who have sat at the bedside table of people and helped nurture them, to coach them back to health, why are you listening to anybody else? You should actually be listening to natural healers, holistic doctors, chiropractors, nutritionists, herbalists, dietitians who actually know something about healing people. I don’t know why you’d want to tune to politicians, lawyers who have never done it in their whole life, but you should be looking to people who have done it personally.
With thousands of people around the world for the last 20 years, the four people you see on the screen have been healing Americans literally for a combined hundred years in practice. There’s nobody else leading this kind of charge with that kind of resume. So I just want everybody to know Healing for the Ages is a platform that we have created. Can I ask you one thing? Because I agree that that’s, you know, we have a serious issue, but isn’t there a the government, politicians with the vaccine laws need to be changed. That needs so freedom. People need.
Can I Step in on this one. Can I, can I, can I grab 42 USC 300 AA? If anybody wants to blow their mind, go and type in United States Code 42 USC 300AA 1115 and dash 22,1122 tell you point blank, you cannot sue the pharmaceutical industry when they murder or injure your child or yourself. Then they add with COVID this layer of additional protection with the PREP act. And the only way to penetrate those protections is to prove willful misconduct, something we’ve all been talking about for the last four years and launching grand jury initiatives and things like this.
What gets just so under my skin, Sarah, when we’re Talking about the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury act, is that it says it in the name, what it’s about. It’s a vaccine injury act, but yet everybody goes out there and says safe and effective, safe. And it’s, they’re telling you what it is. And you know what the Dash 15 clause is in that law, Sarah? You know this horrible law. It is the only law that has been put on our books since slavery that allows and puts a price on a human being’s head. Dash 15 says, mom, if you take your baby in to get them injected with these cancer causing chemicals, this MRNA and plasmids that we’ve all uncovered, all of the nanotech that’s in the damn shots, if you elect to get your baby in there.
Because how else are you going to get her into school, right? How else are you going to get your baby anywhere in society? You can’t even go to a preschool without getting them shot. Then if something happens to that baby and that baby Dies, Sarah, the Dash 15 clause says we’ll give you $250,000 for your baby’s death once we drag you through the wringer of having to prove, not in a court of law, but in a separate thing that is not legal, called the vaccine Injury compensation Program after and you can’t attend, mom, by the way, if your baby’s killed, you can’t go into that room.
It’s an attorney that you pay for with a bunch of people called special masters that get to decide whether or not the damn shot killed your baby or not. And they say it did, you get $250,000. And if they say it didn’t, you get kicked out of court and told that you’re an anti vaxxer quack and you need to leave. Sarah, you’re right. We’ve got to change this and change this fundamentally immediately. We can’t pass this on one more generation. That’s right. So that’s the government politician. That part. But as far as who we listen to, we need to listen to the people that actually have aren’t pharmaceutical reps.
We need to listen to the people who are about healing. Right. 1,000%. Actually, I was invited. I was actually invited to attend something called the 11th hour just two nights ago in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was actually intended to be a small 100 persons with Donald Trump, President Donald Trump, invited by Eric Trump and Dr. Ben Carson. Well, Trump’s team took over this a week before it occurred and actually took over all registration and then made it not a private meeting with the likes of me and others that were actually asked to attend and instead turned it into a rally.
I still went, even though there was thousands in this room with Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson. You know what I was really angry about? After attending this thing for six hours, not a single person said a single word about needed change in the federal health agency’s mandates around vaccines, medical tyranny, bribery from the CMS and COVID 19 hospital protocols. Nobody mentioned the need for change around pharmaceutical lobbying power in America and their control. Nobody said a word. And I was like, oh, my God, what in the world have we all been entrenched with for four years, which has been medical tyrannical deceit called COVID 19.
For four years, we’ve been clamoring for a savior to get us out of this mess of mandates, lockdowns, vaccine injury, hospital protocols, bribery, and not a single politician said a single word about medical tyranny, medical freedom, informed consent. And I was like, oh, my God, this platform is like a political theater. We need help, America. Well, obviously they’re medical tyrannical efforts. It’s really, it’s. I retweeted a dad who has three kids, whose mom was a pathetic mother and left, and he’s in taking responsibility for his kids. But they forced him. They were vaccine free. They forced him to get his kids vaccinated.
The kid, the youngest one, had 17 shots at once and overnight he’s now autistic. This is the, this is the one that was just out. The, the. The one in Tennessee. Yeah. This just happened. This is, this is appalling. We if. Would. Could you imagine, Sarah, a kid being infected with 17 different bacteria or viruses at the same time? Obvious how he went from this lively, beautiful kid who. He’s so beautiful, but now his brain and his. He’s autistic. It’s infuriating. And I. There’s a there’s a place and a time for righteous rage. And I think we’re there when we’re talking about this particular topic because you just ruined that child’s life.
You just ruined that family’s life. The amount of money that they’re going to have to burn through to get some semblance of inadequate care is absolutely ridiculous. The burden that that puts on the American taxpayer. The pharmaceutical industry never has to pay for any of this stuff because it’s our tax dollars that go in to the payouts from the Vaccine Injury Compensation program and that’s the only ones that they’ll even admit happened. Right. This is a system that has been designed to make sure that less than 1% of all real vaccine injuries get reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting system and that those that do get reported don’t get to the Vaccine Injury Compensation program because there’s always some way, some technicality to throw it out.
And why? To protect an industry that is not only taking from the American taxpayer to develop their new shots, but also never has to pay the American taxpayer and then is held harmless when they actually kill our children. This, if you can’t be outraged about that, then we really can’t have an intelligent adult conversation on this topic because children are being murdered. And that’s not a far fetched statement. And that’s something that I stand behind personally and in everything I do. We at the Energetic Health Institute were the first school to put together a vaccine education course.
And I got told by everybody, Sarah, don’t do it, they’re going to kill you. They’re going to do this, they’re going to do that. And I’m like, listen, the reality is if we don’t do something about this, they’re going to kill us all. So we have to start talking about this. And if we’re going to be too afraid to talk about this, then shame on all of us. Well, I was teaching at the University of Minnesota at the Carl the business school and I had Sherry Tenpenny on in 2016 questioning vaccines. I did that and I wasn’t asked back to teach again.
And, but I don’t, you know, whatever, because this is a bigger issue than me being able to teach at a school or any of these universities who are teaching BS to their students and are too afraid to take care of their people, of the people of this country. And that we’re more beholden to big pharma and money coming in than doing what’s right. And that gets me, and I know you guys are all on board with this? That gets me to the number one issue. I say there’s two number one issues. There’s the world financial system, which I’ve been writing about in my substack.
But there’s the second one, which I did a 10 part series on. And you guys are doing so great going further with all this and the detail and the science. And that’s the control grid, the mind control, this transhumanist agenda, that’s very real. And if you want to believe Yuval Harari, which I think we need to at least listen to what he says, In 10 years we will no longer have free will. It’s very serious. What do you say about that and how does your conference bring this to the attention of people around the world? I say we let Dr.
Group answer that. I’ll answer that because Schmidt is waiting in the waiting room if you want to bring. Yeah, I’m barely able to hold myself back on this topic because in 2016 I started looking into what big pharma and biotech companies were doing with lipid nanoparticle technology and nanotechnology. And I was like, what is going on? I’m looking at these patents, I’m looking at all this stuff about nanotechnology, quantum dots, graphene oxide and all this. This was in 2016. And I started saying, you know, of course, with all the, you know, we were back in 2016 going against 5G and, you know, we were already getting hints of the transhumanistic agenda and all this, you know, human 2.0 and all these future smart cities and all this other stuff.
And it’s not hard when you actually start reading the DoD documents and the Army War College documents and when you start putting all the pieces together because they have these organizations siloed so nobody really knows that’s working in the hydrogel technology department, what they’re doing in the EMF department, what they’re doing in the magnetic warfare department, what they’re doing in the telecommunications industry. And I came out and exposed all that in 2018, actually, on the Alex Jones Show, May 2018, talking about they’re going to have a pandemic. We got to stop calling these things vaccines. They’re bioweapons.
And they’re going to inject everybody with this stuff. And after that show, I was completely taken offline everywhere. That was my last show that I did on Alex. He got 12 lawsuits filed within a week after that, within a week of that, within two weeks of that show. Congratulations. All of that Stuff was, was taken down. And so obviously we exposed this, you know, really deep situation that was going on at the time. And we’ve all been working ever since then to try to educate as many people as we can. I was one of the doctors on Trump’s Covid task force.
And what, you know, as we were behind the scenes working on that, giving this information to the people that we were giving it to, we had this information and we were sharing that information. And you know, what most people don’t realize is that operation Warp speed was one thing, but at behind the scenes what was happening was operations, telecommunications upgrade. You know, they don’t even need to upgrade the 5G towers anymore because they have 5G capabilities and all the routers and everything else. And when you start looking at the fcc, the Wide body area network and the Medical Body area network, they’re saying, oh, this nanotechnology is going to be such a good thing because it’s going to help us detect and we can look at your blood pressure and we can send these little micro robots in and eat up your cancer and all this other stuff, just like they always do.
But to me, like you said with the financial system, this is one of the biggest threats to humanity because we watch what they do. EMFs are electromagnetic fields from WI fi. And your devices can impact your health, potentially causing headaches, fatigue and anxiety. If you do not take measures to protect yourself, even more serious conditions like cancer can develop over time. But you can protect yourself from these dangers with EMF protection devices. From my friends at Fix the World Morocco. Using cutting edge research materials, their products like the sleeping pod and phone card absorbs and also changes these harmful fields into frequencies that will harmonize with your body.
People who suffer daily often state that they can feel an immediate relief from the ongoing EMS bombarding their body. You can learn more or buy yours today with the link below or@sarawestall.com under shop. They being the dark forces that are running the world. Rockefellers, Rothschilds, you know, where it trickles down. World Economic Forum, Harari, the Ray Kurzweil, you know, Bill Gates, you know, all these individuals that are really like, what the main goal is is to control. They don’t care about money anymore pretty much because they have all that they want, full control of humanity. Is that going to happen? I don’t think it’s going to happen.
But when, when, when Covid happened and everybody ran out and got injected, we were saying, look, this is something much bigger. Brian came out. It’s a eugenics Project. It’s a depopulation project. When Brian came out with the venom information, everybody was like, what? What’s going on? What’s that? You know, when I came out with the urine therapy information with which is what we’ve been using and these different types of technologies that are so kind of like conspiracy theory, like woo woo kind of stuff. Our main mission has been to just educate people to wake up and to start understanding this situation.
Because we’re all about the root cause and that’s what we look for. When we started, you know, we all went to multiple, you know, conventions after Covid and 20 doctors would get up on stage and each doctor would be talking about spike proteins. And they would be like, oh, this is, this is the protocol for spike proteins. Then the next doctor would get up there and say, oh, spike proteins. This is the protocol for spike proteins. For two years after Covid, everybody was confused. What do we do? What do we do? We’re asking the question, okay, where’s the spike protein coming from? What is the root cause of the spike protein? And so we start looking at, identifying and researching all of the vectors that they’re using.
By working backwards, let’s say they create a human 2.0 cyborg. Okay, how, let, how are they going to do that? Well, they can’t do it with the, they can’t have a half human, half cyborg because we know, because the studies show that, that 5G causes double strand breaks and DNA. Oh, well, how are they going to strengthen the DNA? That’s where all the snake stuff comes in. Look at the Time magazine 1999 cover where it shows a snake saying the future will be a half human, half reptilian. It’s not like they’re not telling us that. And even the ancient.
We showed videos at the first ages conference of ancient temples that were 2000, 3000 years old. Where in the temples, it shows the merging of genes between snakes and humans. And they’re trying to warn future generations not to play around with that because once you start changing the genetic code and you start implementing some of these snake codes in there, that’s when the human can become resistant to the frequencies. That’s why they use snakes and wild boar, the only two animals, the genetic codes that can handle that amount of frequencies. So they had to do that.
Interesting. So we’ve been uncovering frequency. Just to ask you, just to throw this in. In my research, it doesn’t matter. 5G is one method of delivery you can deliver with any way that you can get the Frequency to them because there’s microwave, there’s 4G, there’s 5G, there’s. Now they’re talking about 6G. There’s scalar, there’s even sonar, there’s even. It’s some of the worst. They’re actually extremely low frequencies. Elf so there’s a multifaceted range. Multifaceted. But these are activating frequencies. And this is what we wanted. This is what we teach at Healing for the Ages. There you have to have the building blocks in the body to be able to assemble the nanotech and to be able to activate the genetically modified yeast and E.
Coli and get them producing the bacteria you have. That’s where it all starts coming together. So what we start talking about is the importance of one, understanding that you’re dealing with bioweapons. Number two, how do you neutralize those bioweapons? And that really starts immediately with grounding, with getting your body grounded. And then number three is now, and this is what we just did at the most recent conference. How do you start getting these building blocks out? And that begins like everything with prevention. How about we start by teaching how to not put it in your body in the first place? So I gotta, I gotta tell you, Sarah, this, this, this is a nightmare situation.
And it’s a nightmare situation because you have a lot of smart people in their own silos. And what’s really special about Healing for the Ages is we look at it all. We don’t just say it’s this one thing. Because all of us got tired of dealing with the white coats out there and the PhDs. We were all in the groups with the Nobel laureates and everything. And you could see very instantly, I remember being in a group with a bunch of Nobel laureates when this started. And I’m in this group and I’m listening and watching the conversations.
I’m excited, pinching myself, going, oh my God, I’m talking with the smartest people in the world. And then it became immediately obvious within a couple days that they have no clue as to what is going on and they have no understanding about how it all integrates. Because the common refrain from all of these people, and I just read it from the, from Dr. Pierre Corey today, I just read it on, on Twitter that they are, after four years of this nonsense, they’ve now deemed it okay to start re evaluating their position on vaccines. What do you mean? Re evaluating your position on vaccines? How about burn it down with a blowtorch? The entire industry, after what you’ve seen, what was immediately apparent, Sarah, was that every single one of them, every single one of them said I support vaccines, I just don’t support the new MRNA and the new adenoviral vector platforms.
You don’t get to pick and choose. And you know why you don’t get to pick and choose? Because you haven’t even read the ingredients in the 1.0 version of this. You don’t know the history and how this trace backs to to eugenics movements, most notably Hitler and the Third Reich. You don’t understand the history or the development. You don’t understand when you talk to people and they go I don’t know what operation Paperclip is. You go, you are so out of the picture right now that I can’t even have an intelligent adult conversation with you because you don’t know your basic history on how they were going the Hitler.
Just so your audience knows, Operation Paperclip is alan Dulles bringing 1600 Nazi scientists into this country and implanting them in the dark areas of our government and saying continue your eugenics work. Now they had two things that they had settled on in Nazi Germany on how they were going to control the world. Number one, mandatory vaccinations. Number two, what Dr. Artis revealed, control of the waterways. You control the water. You make sure people are getting things injected into them every single year. You are guaranteed to be able to mind control that population. And that’s where MK Ultra was born in this country.
And if we’re going to have an honest conversation about this, we better start getting into some of those uncomfortable topics that nobody wants to talk about or we are doomed. Did you know that water, you know, because we’re so much made of water, you know the trend, the structure of water changes based on what’s. You’ve seen those experiments, the emoto inside Institute, how the structure of water changes. If you have hate or love or whatever and there’s scientists that done. There’s a lot of scientists I’ve talked to that have done experiments where they change the water.
They take a vial, ship one to Europe, have one in front of them and the vial changes in Europe and here. That’s quantum, right? Energy quantum. That was Luke. That was something Luke Mon was doing before he was murdered. Just thoughts. Rather not even. You don’t even have to say it even just written words or thoughts. Well now and this was all pre Covid I was covering all this and so then with all the waterways and this is what got me thinking is you have that in your water and then all the waterways, you have all these thoughts and everything being subjected into us fear and everything else, it goes into the waterways and everything else you’re talking about goes on.
And then that becomes part of our biology because we’re sharing the water. It’s incredible how much more we’re connected than people realize and how that waterway concept is a bigger deal than what people realize. Well, we did something pretty interesting. You know, the four of us, we. We looked at that really hardcore last year and. And we came up with a methodology for people to take any tap water and completely clean it, wipe the memory on the water and then allow it to be restructured. And we call it homebrewed holy water. But it’s something that every single person can do.
And it. The setup is really not very exp. And we have a group right now doing some additional testing on it to confirm that. We have indeed increased the bond angle to 120 degrees and are creating hexagonal water patterns, hexagonal water patterns that are actually in the Star of David pattern that actually increase and improve cell communication and cell signaling. And we just learned a couple weeks ago actually create organized DNA and protect the DNA on another on a quantum level from what? Yuval Harari and these wackadoodles, these wackadoodle eugenicists. Can you imagine if that’s the water that gets into our waterways? That’s what we’re talking about.
And the next, you know, we’re connected with. With. That’s how we evolve as a species. Right? That’s the evolution. But now we got to solve this. First there was a IEEE diagram. I had hope in Tevan to scientist researchers. He’s a military engineer and they got one from the IEEE conference and that they’re doing now a bioengineering and IEEE combination in their IEEE conference. And one of the slides, it was kind of jaw dropping to me to see this, and maybe if I can get it, I can put it up. But it showed a normal human, natural human, and then a synthetic human down to the individual cells.
And I knew this was a thing, but to see it mapped out in a diagram of where they’re going was to me was jaw dropping. Well, you know, that’s what we’ve been tracking with our microscopes for over a couple years now. And we first started seeing quantum dots, and then we started seeing the silks and the fibers start to develop and then the rectanas and the antennas in people’s bodies. And just recently, in the last few months, we started identifying synthetic red Blood cells. The question we kept asking ourselves is where, what is producing all these messages? What is producing this hydrogel, these, this peg 5000, these snake venoms, these synthetic red blood cells? And just I would say three months or so before the Healing for the Ages conference, we got access to the Department of Energy’s believe it or not, it’s the Department of Energy that figured out gene 1616, which is the death associated protein 6 linked to the Department of Energy, producing over 470,000 pathogens over the last 20, 30 years that have been for sale, available for sale.
And the big, big, big kicker behind this is what we were saying last year, but we didn’t have proof behind it, is that the main Trojan horse, like what is producing all these bioweapon compounds in the system, the majority of them in our opinion, is being produced by weaponized brewers yeast. That’s what they use the Department of energy with cesium 137. And so ultimately though, we, we go back, we’re, we’re about. Can you explain that though? I mean, because yeast, it creates bread, it expands. Expands, right. And so they’re using it to expand it and build it in our bodies.
Yeast is one of the brewers yeast. The reason why they use it is because it’s the easiest form of yeast to create changes in the genetic code. And we have, we have research that they’ve genetically modified brewer’s yeast to produce hydrogel, to produce snake venom, to produce plastics, to produce metals. And as a matter of fact, the study, you can type this in on Google and synthetic red blood cells, they’ve been working on that for military uses for when soldiers get shot and everything. They can do a blood transfusions. They’ve been working that for 100 years.
Just like a stem cell. It’s almost like a stem cell, but just for material. I mean, for anything. Can’t be programmed to do anything. They. Yeast can be. And yeast is resistant to ph. It’s resistant to. Think about, think about that. The plan to get everybody addicted to alcohol and sugar since the 1960s to eventually feed the bioweapon. And the bioweapon yeast is in bread. You got everybody eating the bioweapon every single day. They had a directive by the USDA that came out in 2019 or 2020. I shared it at the first Healing for the Ages conference where the USDA’s recommended feeding all animals organic.
It was even approved for organic animals supplement all animal feed with brewers yeast. What were they doing? They were infecting all the animals, including fish, farm raised fish, pigs, chickens, beef, everything, remember the whole farms. What is the biggest issue that people, that people are having right now that we’ve been seeing is liver toxicity when the liver’s gone. And ultimately, ultimately, in simplicity, let’s just get back. All disease, all conditions, all negative health conditions. The root cause of all conditions is nothing more than a toxic external environment and a toxic internal environment, okay? That’s, that’s been 100% proven, you know, you what, where you live, the toxic people around you, all that and toxic internal environment, okay? There’s really two things that cause disease, okay? And poor health.
Poisons and decisions, okay, because you’re making decisions of who you’re hanging out with, what you’re watching on tv, whether or not to go to the medical profession or treat naturally. You’re making decisions on your spiritual. Like everything you do is really time and decisions, right? I mean, decisions, what you’re going to eat. So if you can boil all health conditions and disease down to two things, poisons and decisions, what’s the opposite of poison? So if we, if we wrap this whole thing like EMFs and gluten free and you know, gluten and GMO foods and metals and, and you know, the whole conglomerate of all this together, it’s really, even if it’s nanotech, it’s still a poison.
It’s something unrecognizable by the body, right? What’s the opposite of poisons? Detoxification. Getting rid of the poisons in your system. The issue that we found is that they’re attacking the liver because the bo. Most people’s livers right now are not functioning more than 10% and they don’t even know it because the medical can’t hold on. So by attacking the liver, then your body can’t detox on its own. Absolutely. The liver, this is what people don’t know about the liver that filters all the blood. It’s associated with it. It’s the first part of your immune system because it signals the spleen.
It performs over 500 vital functions. It’s connected to your gut. It detoxifies all the poisonous substances that come in. It processes your protein, metabolizes your fat, regulates your hormones. And they’ve been attacking people’s livers for a long time. But there’s. The medical profession has no testing for gut because you know, first of all, it has to come into your gut before it gets to the liver. So they attacking the gut, then the liver people are infected with parasites and chemicals and Heavy metals. It’s really those four things. Gut liver, parasites and chemicals and heavy metals. So it’s what we’ve determined after looking all this other stuff, because we’re always like, well, what’s the simple way to help people and not confuse people is cleaning and healing the gut, but targeting the bioweapon, the yeast and some E.
Coli and killing those so your microbiome can come back to a normal state and you’re not producing all these things on a regular basis. On a daily basis with 36 different types of venoms have been identified in people’s stool and many other things, and they’re going into the blood. So we’re trying to get to the root cause of it. Killing the modified yeast, getting rid of all the parasites in the body, the synthetic and biological parasites, getting rid of all the chemicals and the heavy metals and the nanotechnology and the system. But the big thing that we keep coming back to is the liver.
The liver is your main organ. It’s the only organ that can regenerate. And the importance of doing continual liver cleansing and supporting the liver, because a good functioning liver, the liver that’s functioning above 80% can save your life. And there’s many. There’s much evidence behind that that, you know, regardless if you have cancer or if you’re being, you know, bombarded with all these chemicals from the food, the air, the water and everything else, it. The liver cannot break it down. It goes into the bloodstream, it goes into the tissues, it goes into the fat, it goes into the organs, it goes into the brain and the body starts breaking down.
And that’s why we’re all getting fat, right? I mean, that’s why everybody’s getting fat. Everybody’s getting fat. I have some people in my family who are medical doctors and they’re telling their older than I am, and they’re telling me that as bad as the medical doctors are now, the new generation is actually worse, even worse. Their education system just let that sink in. But one thing that’s been happening in that I’ve been seeing, and this has been really disturbing for me, and your conference is so refreshing because of this, is that I’m hearing people, I don’t know if they’re plants.
I don’t know why they think this way. Maybe people naturally can think this way, but I’ve actually even heard a doctor tell a whole room of targeted individuals who are suffering through attacks. You know, they’re. They’re the people being experimented on. I’ve been hearing that there’s nothing you can do. There’s nothing we have not figured out. There’s nothing you can do. You’re going to have to deal with this. You know, I mean I’ve heard them tell people this, but you’re finding things they can do. We are learning. We can get out the building blocks of this nanotech and we can recover.
Who wants to take over, right? There’s always something you can see. And I think there’s been so much people jumping on bandwagons to push a product or push or get their name that they are pushing things that are just chasing the symptoms like the spike protein. That’s a pharmaceutical model to chase the symptom. Right? We want to get to the root cause and that’s what we’re doing. And with the first big conference we took funds and we purchased an amazing microscope. And now we also have people now that are helping us with all of the studies and we were able to show like, here’s the facts, here’s what’s happening in your blood.
Here’s, here are the God given remedies that help remove graphene, that gobble up all those 36 venoms. We could actually show people and then they have the information and the knowledge and do with it what they want. So there are answers. But to have that scientific backing, like here are your answers. It’s been so powerful for the, especially for those people, like, oh, there’s nothing you can do. Like absolutely there’s things you can do and here’s the proof. Is there anything worse than that? Is to tell people there’s nothing you can do and, and, and to ever say that and never give up.
Even if your solutions aren’t 100% effective, they are being shown that they are effective. But let’s say they’re not right now, we will eventually figure it out, right? I mean, don’t lose hope. We have promising solutions. In your conferences. I recommend everybody watch this conference because for nothing else to see what some of these solutions are. First to understand the problem, but then to see the solutions. Right? But to lose hope is Stop, people, stop. Right? You’re right. You said it. We can never lose hope. That’s, that’s when, that’s when the bad guys win. That’s when the biocompatins can just completely take over.
You lose hope, you stop researching, you stop learning, you stop going to trusted people. You might as well just give it up and just say they’ve won. There’s always hope. There’s always hope. Always. So I, I come from a little bit of a different perspective. So growing up, I was partially raised by hippies and they never trusted the government. Like, if the government said this or, you know, government entities wanted to do this, they’re like, well, we don’t trust it. They’re don’t, you know, don’t trust the man. And so I was always raised like that. They, they didn’t feed me like any of those packaged cereals.
Like we have to make our own cereal. What’s in this? We don’t know what this blah, blah, blah is. So it was normal for me to like not trust all of that. And I think that’s, that’s one of the hardest things for people to swallow now is that there’s a lot that they can’t trust and there’s many things they’ve been doing for years that have been bad for them and they didn’t know it. And on top of that, there’s dozens and dozens of more bioweapons being introduced every day. So it feels a little overwhelming for some people to say, what can I eat? Where can I go? And, and we take that confusion out.
Here we can identify them. Here are natural, easy things that you can incorporate into your life. Just one little change, like the holy water can make a world of difference. You start feeling better, you’ll want to do more and more. So it’s not as difficult as it may seem, but coming from my perspective, like, I wouldn’t trust any of those things. You know, we didn’t do vaccines with our kids or any of those. No. You know, we never ran to Tylenol for a fever or anything. Like, we just didn’t do any of those things. So now seeing people who’ve lived their whole lives doing those things and believing the commercials, it’s, it’s a little bit more difficult.
But it’s usually they come to us with like a deer in the headlights and something has gone wrong medically, health wise with them. Like they’ve had a bad experience in the medical field. And I’m, I’m speaking for all of us, but who hasn’t for me? But like, you know, something horrible has happened and they’re desperate. So with those people, like, you just have to bring very gently and say, you got this right, there’s always hope. And here are the things you can start doing right away. And they’re easy. And most of them don’t even cost anything and be like, get your feet in the ground.
Don’t wear shoes when you go outside. That’s Such an easy thing to do. And if you do it on a regular basis, you’ll feel the difference. You’ll feel the difference. Grounding makes a huge difference. I’ve seen those studies on the videos. It’s amazing. Where can people, and I know artists, you don’t have, Dr. Artists. You don’t have that much time left. And I want you to wrap it up for us. Where can people watch this amazing conference? And they need to. I gotta tell you before you say this, I’ve had so many people tell me, Sarah, you gotta watch, you gotta interview these guys.
You gotta, you gotta. Because you guys are putting solutions together. And again, I am so thankful that there are smart people who have kind of seen the hand of God. Oh my God, they’re really doing this and coming forward, putting yourself on the line and saying, I gotta be part of the solution here. So where can they watch this conference? Yeah, everybody needs to go to healingfortheages.com and you need to purchase the replays. Do you have a code that’s been given to you to help your audiences get a discount? No, but I’d like one. I could share it in the intro.
What’s your normal code? Sarah? We’ll get you Sarah. S A R A H. Yep. Good. Go to healingforthages.com at checkout for the Healing for the Ages 1.0 conference, which was September 2023, or the Healing for the Ages replays for 2.0, which was September 2024. Use the code S A R A H to get a discount. You actually get all the video presentations. But beyond that, you actually get our actual PowerPoint presentations that you get to log into, download. That has all of our doses, all of our research backed evidence to support what it is we’re claiming are going to be the antidotes.
The medical testing, the articles, all of it is yours. It’s all yours to download, keep you don’t miss anything. And then there’s a workbook that comes with it. There’s a free EMF guide that you have access to to help understand how to on your own, protect you and your family from the onslaught of EMF poisoning, which is being used by your WI fi routers in your home, by your computers, cell phones, all smart devices. I don’t know about you guys, I just learned from a guy this last week at a conference. He walked up to me, he goes, hey Doc, do you know that America didn’t have the money to actually get all the 5G towers in operation? Telecommunications with 5G capabilities.
We didn’t have the funding to be able to do that. So we. This guy tells me we were tasked with making sure we created little bitty 5G antennas that are now embedded in everybody’s homes in America that has a wifi router. Not a joke. All of you out there, I want all of y’all to go do this with me. He then told me that he was tasked by Qualcomm and other companies in the last four years to install 5G antennas under every 16th seat in every professional sports arena in America. So now there are 5G antennas mounted underneath every 16th chair in American professional sports.
And I looked at him and went like this. Well, the collegiate stadiums are bigger. And he goes, it doesn’t work with metal benches. It doesn’t work with metal seats. The professional stadiums all have plastic seats for this very reason. So at every game you go to in the future in a professional stadium, I want everybody out there, lift your seats and count how many seats are between every 5G antenna. This is. And then look at the massive amount of propaganda, marketing, and money being funded into professional sports right now. Holy crap. Well, they need the five for the 5G to work.
They need it. That thing. If the telecoms got their act together and weren’t supported by this evil agenda, they could create a frequency that works for telecommunications and resonates with their bodies and resonates. You can do that. But, Sarah, they’re not going to and we’re not going to. No, I mean, the amount of pressure applied to be able to do that is going to be gargantuan. And we got to be able to put them on their heels and really into some nooses before that we get to that point. And then they’ll want to change their time.
Yeah, I said that, too. Maybe need to be developed that. But do you know what this is? But yes, do you know what this is? What is that? This is something I pulled out of my truck. This is a permanent GPS locator 5G. And every vehicle has that right now. And especially the electric vehicles, which are just cancer cars. That’s all those are. But you, if you want to be free, this is the kind of stuff that you got to be aware of and know how to pull out of your vehicles. And this is something we’re going to be talking about in the coming months at Healing for the ages that there are so many ways.
Like I was. I spent three hours. Two weekends ago, I spent three hours on Microsoft’s, you know, Internet. We have. We use Microsoft Office like Most people do. I wish there was a Patriot solution that I could use for something like that. But what was interesting was when they add something in in their terms and conditions. A new way to steal data, a new way to check your keystrokes, a new way to do they just turn everything on. You have to log in to turn things off with all your phone, with your computer, with everything. I paid for my computer, but Bill Gates thinks he owns it.
I paid for my cell phone, but whoever owns frickin Apple now says that they own it and that I am beholden to them. And I’m the fortunate one that I get to pay to have this kind of convenience in my life. Folks, we are so far off the reservation it’s ridiculous. And if you want to come find a reservation that suits you well, go to healingfortheageages.com where you get to remember that good people still do good things in this world. Very good. Thank you so much for joining us. And I really. And thank you for putting your ass on the line for humanity because that literally is what you’re doing.
And I really appreciate it. We appreciate every single person who doesn’t leave us out there on the battlefield alone too. That’s right. Thank you. Yeah, we’re grateful for you, Sarah. Grateful for your audiences. God bless you all. Thank you all. And we hope that the efforts we put together and the research we actually enjoy doing that is overwhelming to most minds on earth. We hope that you benefit and hope that you see value and find value in your own homes and in your own life personally. And we’re not about just creating fear and, you know, negative emotions.
I mean the. Even though we talk about this, this stuff which is good for people to understand, we’re really about giving people hope and educating people and how they can change their life, identifying things that they need to identify or rectify in their lives and giving people easy, cost effective solutions that will say that have been tested and proven with hundreds of thousands of people that will save their lives and save their family’s life, even free solutions that will do the same thing.