How the Reptilian AI Matrix is Manipulating Us | Ishmael Perez Truth Mafia News EP 21

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➡ The Truth Mafia, led by Tommy Truthful, is a group of researchers dedicated to investigating ancient mysteries and conspiracies. They explore history, pop culture, and ancient symbols to find answers to long-standing questions. In their podcast, they discuss various topics, including the concept of living in a simulation, the influence of artificial intelligence, and the existence of different entities. They also promote wellness products and books that delve into secret societies and galactic history.
➡ The text discusses the concept of a digital reality, the Phantom Matrix, created by advanced technology that mimics our organic world. This Matrix feeds off negative human emotions, which are manipulated to provide energy. The text also mentions the potential for a significant solar event in 2025, which could disrupt our current technology. It ends by discussing the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and its potential public unveiling next year.
➡ The text discusses a future where artificial intelligence (AI) takes over, leading to joblessness for most of the world’s population. However, it also mentions a spiritual path that will lead to a different timeline, free from AI dominance. The text suggests that these two timelines will eventually clash, leading to a final battle between humans with supernatural abilities and AI. This battle, according to various ancient texts, will result in a thousand years of peace and harmony on Earth.
➡ The speaker discusses the possibility of a significant revelation or disclosure happening in 2025, which could involve exposing corruption and revealing advanced technologies. This could be difficult for many people to accept, particularly those with strong religious beliefs. The speaker also suggests that those who choose to remain ignorant of these revelations may be left behind in some way. The conversation also touches on the concept of a ‘sacred timeline’, which could represent a return to a state of balance and harmony.
➡ The text discusses the idea that sound turned into frequency, which then formed geometry and matter. It explores theories about the existence of extraterrestrial beings, specifically the Nomo and Reptilians, who are said to come from the Sirius star system and have been on Earth for thousands of years. The Nomo are believed to have helped speed up evolution in Africa and are part of a benevolent group, while the Reptilians are seen as conquerors. The text also touches on the potential impact of these theories on religious beliefs and the possibility of a future where humans, metahumans, AI, and cyborgs coexist.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of his books, “Our Cosmic Origin” and “The Secret Government, Invisible Architects”, in understanding the correlation between cosmic origins and earthly events. He dismisses the idea of Elon Musk being the Antichrist, instead attributing this role to the AI Overlord Omega. The speaker also predicts an attempt to start World War III in the next two months, but believes that Trump and the White Hats are working towards global peace. He encourages listeners to stay informed and prepared for potential upheaval, but remains hopeful for a new era.
➡ The speaker discusses the end of various cycles and the beginning of new ones, relating to astrology and the universe. They express distrust towards certain individuals, including Susie Wise and Elon Musk, due to their connections with big pharmaceutical companies. The speaker also mentions potential political conspiracies and the possibility of two versions of Trump, one good and one bad. They end by discussing dreams they’ve had and their implications for the future.
➡ Ishmael, a guest on a podcast, has had successful legal battles against pharmaceutical companies. The host appreciates Ishmael’s insights and encourages listeners to check out his books, “Our Cosmic Origin” and “The Secret Government”. The podcast ends with a song about living in a simulated reality and questioning our roles within it.


A group of researchers formed the Truth Mafia, a collective determined to investigate conspiracies and occult mysteries that have been buried for centuries. With a passion for uncovering the truth, they delve into the darkest corners of history, pop culture, and ancient mysteries, seeking answers to questions that have plagued humanity for ages. The Truth Mafia is led by Tommy Truthful, a man shrouded in mystery and intrigue, dedicated to uncovering the hidden truths behind some of the world’s most perplexing and enigmatic phenomena. Their research has led them down countless rabbit holes, from deciphering ancient symbols to exploring the hidden meanings behind popular media and literature.

Despite the risks and challenges they face, the Truth Mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations? Or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. Welcome to another episode of Truth Mafia News. This is episode 21. Make sure you smash that like button. Share this video Today we got a special guest for you. I’m going to introduce here in a second. And for episode 21, you guys know me. I’m always looking at the numbers. 21 is tied to Saturn in the whole Saturn moon matrix, the simulation.

So I wanted to bring someone on to really discuss this simulation and how it’s creating this art. This artificial intelligence is eating up all the organic matter to power up this phantom matrix, which we’ve talked about before. We’re going to get into certain entities. What entities are behind this? Different aquatic entities that I got some questions about for our guest. And before we get going, guys, I need you to do me a big favor. Take two seconds out and make sure you go opt in to our newsletter. That’s on Truth mafia dot com. That link is down below in the description.

And don’t forget this podcast is sponsored through Bodyline and their energy wellness. So you got the disc that goes on your phone which has certain frequencies and energies binded to that disc and then it protects you from from an array of things. You know, the EMF can lead to headaches, tiredness, fatigue, brain fog, sleep disruption, nausea, weight gain. There’s so many different things it can really cause. So we have the wellness band too. That’s what I like. Our guests always rocks his My pops rocks his. Use promo code Truth Mafia. And that link is down below.

And now let me introduce my guest, Ishmael Perez and my pops, Papa Truthful. How you guys doing? Good seeing you again, brother. Like in like manner. Papa Truthful. It’s always a pleasure to be here. Thank you, brother Ismael. You too, brother. Love what you’re doing out there. Love what you’re doing. Yeah. Thank you for coming. And guys, make sure you check out Ishmael’s book too. He’s got his two books behind him there. He, he’s. What’s the title of your books, Ishmael? The one that’s brown to my. I guess to my right here is called the Secret Government, Invisible architects that displays 6,000 years of cabal activity, the whole secret society influence on society going back to after the flood.

And then I also give a detailed explanation as to who the forces of light have also been that have been kind of battling the cabal for thousands of years. So, yeah, that book is. Is like suppressed history coming back to light. And then the other one, the purple blue one, that’s our cosmic origin, that one restores galactic history, Earth’s place in the organized multiverse. And yeah, it’s definitely a mind opener when it comes to really opening us up to the fact that we are not alone in this universe and that indeed, civilizations have been here for millions of years.

Yeah, man. And one thing, son, before we go, I turned my camera off real quick because I wanted to go and tell you all that I bought both of Ishmael’s books when I was in the Dominican Republic at the beginning of the year because, yeah, Spirit told me to buy, you know, your discernment, you know, and I. When I got back, I actually read both of them. And these two books need to be read by everybody watching this live and going to watch this in the future. So that’s how powerful they were. I couldn’t get enough of them.

So. They were amazing, amazing stuff you did there, brothers. Yeah, I’m about to check them out, but Ishmael. So this, this whole Matrix that we’re living in, there’s some. I mean, I know through my decoding in the Gematria, there, there’s some type of source code attached to everything. So I’ve always known we’re in some type of simulation. And what’s your. I would like to hear your whole theory on this Matrix, how it’s powering up this phantom matrix and eating the organic matter, what entities are behind it, you know, and just your theory on. On that whole thing.

Sure. So first I would like to make a distinction between the artificial cybernetic matrix, which is literally a computer scenario thing where, you know, you are literally inside a real computer and you have no soul. You’re just Kind of like a sim. You know, you’re a character, perhaps you’re Mario or Luigi in a game. Mario Brothers. That is what you call a artificial simulation. The other type of simulation is what I call a living simulation. Now, the difference is this. In a living simulation, even though the same laws and principles that are applied in a cybernetic computerized simulation based on code is also enacted in the real simulation.

The difference is this, though, in the real simulation, the code is. It’s got meaning and you could say intention behind it. Where, as in the cybernetic simulation, it’s just a random case of binary codes and different numbers that collapse the digital world or that give the illusion of some sort of a digital world that we call video games, right? So those are two different simulations. You know, the real simulation is based on the idea that everything in our reality, even though it’s held together through the same concept as pixelation, just like in the, you know, computer world.

But the difference is this, that in the real world, the simulation is conscious. The simulation is alive. So to give you an example, when I go up to a tree, which is part of the hologram that we live in, right, It’s a simulation, that tree still has consciousness. That is the difference. As opposed to, say, a sim character or Mario or Luigi in the game, Mario Brothers, going up to a tree in the game, in the computer and trying to talk to the tree. That’s the difference, is that in the real world, the simulation is conscious.

It’s a living simulation. It’s embedded with soul. And everything is alive in consciousness. And there is a lot of ample evidence through the fields of quantum mechanics that tells us that consciousness is in every single thing, including this table in front of me. So what does that tell us? That there is no such thing as dead consciousness or dead matter. That everything is infused with some sort of, you know, some. Some sort of a. An energy field, which is the difference between that and a cybernetic simulation. So where am I getting at? Well, first of all, the.

The real simulation is a thought projection from a cosmic being many called God. So beyond the organized concept of religion, God is seen more as the focal point, or really just the consciousness that emanates all time matter in space. You know, everything started from a point of singularity right before the universe existed. And everything exploded from a point that is probably the size of a needle pin. And from that point, the entire universe has been expanding at an accelerated rate. So what I’m trying to say is that consciousness always precedes matter, always precedes life forms, always precedes time and space.

And if you want to be technical, when it comes down to what’s real and what’s not real, the only thing real, due to the double slit experiment, which states that all realities held by virtue of the observer. Yes. Ultimately collapsed into consciousness, which is equivalent to the waveform. So we are living in a conscious simulation where everything is alive, where I could talk to the tree, I could talk to my dog, and my dog is conscious. Whereas, you know, in a video game, which is very similar to the Phantom Matrix. And by the way, the multiverse known as the Phantom Matrix is literally a big, giant cosmic video game living inside a computer that was generated by an advanced AI billions of years ago.

So that computer, we could say this. This inorganic phantom matrix where only artificial intelligences and cybernetic beings exist, is really a mimicking in a simulation of our own conscious multiverse, the living conscious multiverse, but enacted in a computer, in a digital form, you could say. And that’s what they’re trying to do right now. Big tech is doing everything in their power to converge biology with what they call the biological digital convergence with cybernetics. You know, they call it transhumanism. Well, you know, that’s what’s happening right now. Right now, we are giving an awesome opportunity to either deny the transhumanist timeline right by doing the spiritual work, by doing it naturally through the organic way of life, which is what a lot of people are doing, as opposed to those that want to, you know, take the lazy route and want to access supernatural powers and immortality through, of course, machine augmentation and augmented reality, like, for instance, the metaverse.

So all that stuff is part of the inorganic AI timeline that ultimately leads into the Phantom Matrix. So the Phantom Matrix, again, it is a multiverse that exists outside of our own time and space, but it is existing in a giant. You could say it’s being generated by some sort of advanced quantum computer. So that is what the Phantom Matrix is, you know, and it is as big as the multiverse, but it exists in a sense of. It’s in a reality of digits rather than real. You know what I mean? Like, there is no soul, there is no spirit.

There is no consciousness. It’s all. It is just compute. It’s just programmed computer computers. Yeah, that’s all it is. Program computerized beans, I guess. Best way to explain it. Well, it’s fascinating because, you know, there. There’s so much evidence that they are create. Trying to create this digital quantum copy of the soul and trick people into uploading their consciousness to the cloud. You know, I think a lot of that is this. They’re trying to trick us into this. And then me and pops were talking about before how HAARP and their geoengineering technology, like with the chemtrails and stuff, it’s literally eating up our organic atmosphere.

And then you’ve talked about how this Phantom matrix that they’re creating is powered up through eating organic matter. Right, right, yes. Well, that’s. Yeah, that’s how they’re able to charged this computer, computerized version which is a mimicking of our organic multiverse. They literally use advanced technologies where they use reverse coatings such as black holes. Black holes are part of this, you know, you could say way of harnessing, you know, real energy or conscious energy from the multiverse into the Phantom Matrix. They do it through parasites, they do it through nanites, they do it through NPCs. Non player characters.

Non player characters are generated by the Phantom Matrix having somewhat of a physical reality in our world, but are devoid of spirit and soul. So yeah, they’re doing it in many different ways to pretty much use us as battery resources so that they could use that energy that technically comes from our emotions, by the way, because they don’t have emotions, we do. So what they do is when they feel like they need more energy or more input, they create conditions in our world that causes suffering, that causes, you know, humanity to be in a constant state of struggle, worry, stress.

And, and when they, when they do that, when humanity falls into this, you know, what’s been happening for the last few thousand years, right, they feed off of that energy. So this is very similar to the Loosh, the concept of Andrenochrome. But again, you know, the AI, the, these AIs are actually feeding off of these negative emotions. Yeah, yeah, I wanted to, you know, it’s very interesting, brother Ishmael, that, you know, now all of a sudden Congress is talking about having bodies of fallen angels and, you know, different alien races. And now, you know, Doge gets created the Department of Government Efficiency and they start talking about the black op books on, you know, where they’re funding the alien technology.

So it looks like disclosure is well on its way to bring people up and aware of what’s been going on. I know there’s two sides of the equation. You refer to them as the dark side and the light, which this battle, as you do really, really describe it well, you know, in the secret government book and in our cosmic origin book, this Battle’s been raging not for thousands of years, we’re talking billions of years, this battle has been raging on. But, you know, from you I’m hearing, and from others I’m hearing that are involved in a lot of spiritual work that most people that are caught up in, you know, and I think religion is, is very good for a lot of people and I think it is very bad for a lot of people.

It depends upon, you know, if you understand that you don’t need anybody to get direct, connect. But I think that, you know, it’s going to be a lot of people that are caught up in all of this other stuff that do not believe that there’s other species in this, these, these galaxies, right? They don’t believe it. They believe that humanity is the only beings in, you know, all creation. We’re the center of everything and that all this other stuff that was created, there’s nothing on it. You know what I mean? It’s just everything empty. So it’s going to be interesting, you know, to watch this whole thing unfold as now you see the federal government’s involved in disclosure around aliens and starting to, you know, give some of that truth out there.

What do you see happening? Because you and I have talked before where you don’t think, you know, you think this solar flash is going to happen sooner than later, right? I mean, I know that you talked about the, the AI God that eats up universes and devours planet and matter, you creating this electromagnetic pollution that we have right now. If it continues to go the same way, this will happen to us. Now I know that it’s not going to go that way. I know the white hats are going to win, but I’m just saying you can see the system that they create to do exactly what you were discussing in order to take down worlds and take down universes.

You know, you had said before, you believe this solar flash, this big one that’s going to take people, open up more of their DNA is going to be happening, you know, early in the first quarter of 2025. Well, there is a huge probability that, that it will because of the fact that scientifically speaking, they, they are predicting the next Carrington event, which is very similar to what happened in 18, I believe, 61 that took out the telegram and, but now it’s, it’s, you know, it’s going to take out the grid, it’s going to take out the communication systems, the satellites.

So I would say that the Kerrick 10 event nowadays, because of where we’re at in the grand cycle of things, you know, there are these things called stellar activation cycles, which have a lot to do with the precision of the equinox, the different, you know, cycles of time, and the alignment with the great central sun. And due to where we’re at with the great central sun, there is a huge possibility that this solar flash event that many people in our community have been talking about for years could very well be happening in sometime spring of 2025, because that’s when solar maximum is going to be at its most highest or reaching some sort of a maximum peak.

And yeah, you know, this is definitely going to be a huge. We could say. I apologize for the background noise. Construction. There’s. I have construction workers working on the roof. Oh, so good. I thought that was your pit bull, man. I didn’t know. Throw it around. Throwing around his bull or something, you know, playing with his bull in the house. It’s interesting that you’re saying that because, you know, you’re really connected to energy. I’m really connected to energy. I’ve been doing this for three decades now. My son knows even before that, because he was raised within it.

He hits me up with a text message a few days ago asking me how I’m feeling and talking about how he’s feeling and the family’s feeling and how that there’s. The sun has really been blasting us, you know what I mean? Just hammering us and hammering us and hammering us. And I think a lot of people are feeling, you know, feeling strange. I told him to breathe through it. I believe that, you know, proper breathing and meditation is what you need to do. Like you said, you know, spiritual practices, you know, connection with the divine, giving, gratitude, thankfulness, getting that vibration in the right, you know, moving in the right direction.

Because it looks like this planet is going there whether people want it to or not. It’s headed that direction. What’s going to happen to the people if they don’t get that, you know, get that right. You know, make sure they’re moving forward with the planet. Because again, we got AI accelerating at speeds that. Because I keep my eye on it, because I’m a marketer and I use what I need to use to market. I don’t want it to control the world. But I’m looking at. They’re talking about maybe having artificial general intelligence, and I know they do in black ops, right? And all of that, but they’re talking about it being public next year, coming out with this, right? So seems like things are moving to a point where something Big has happened in a big, big way.

Yeah, well, everything’s gonna head into some sort of a big climatic event where, you know, on one side we’re going to be seeing the rolling out of the Tesla bots, self driving cars, artificial intelligence taking over the workforce, over 85% of the world population being jobless because of that. But before it gets to that, from what I’ve studied in the ancient manuscripts, is that this event called the solar flash is going to split the timelines so the people that are on the spiritual path won’t get to experience the AI takeover of planet Earth. That’s only going to happen in the negative timeline.

So there are going to be two different timelines that are going to be kind of existing, separated from one another. Right now they’re coexisting. Right now they’re coexisting. However, when you know the trigger comes, they’re going to be separating and the people that are on the spiritual path are definitely going to be going into some sort of new earth organic timeline. And the people that are not on the spiritual path are going to be, unfortunately for them, going into a technocratic dystopian timeline timeline where they will be becoming cyborgs. And if you read the prophecies carefully, including the book Revelation, the book of Daniel, I’m not a biblical person, I mean, I’m not a religious person.

But a lot of these ancient texts, a lot of these holy texts do have some valuable metaphors that are symbolic of events that are going to be happening in the future. And when I study these records, one of the, one of the things that I was able to unveil is that they all share a same common thread regarding some sort of like a 1000 year ring of peace which we call the millennium. In the east, they call it a golden age. And at the end of that 1000 years, all evil is going to be kind of like not happening anymore.

It’s going to be put away. But then at the end of the thousand years, there’s going to be like this final clash against evil. So as I put two and two together, my friends, after studying all the manuscripts, the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavita, the Rig Vedas, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, I mean, they all talk about the same thing pretty much, that there will be at least a thousand years of new Earth peace, harmony, upgrades, you know, accelerated spiritual evolution, whatever you want to call it. And then at the end of that thousand year ring, there will be a final battle against evil.

Well, it is my belief that The AI timeline, which is going to split off at the great solar flash, perhaps in 2025, is going to go into a different reality. But at the end of the thousand years, as we begin the thousand years on a positive trajectory, they’re going to clash again. And that’s going to be the last battle. But the last battle at the end of that thousand year ring, my friend, is not going to be fought with, you know, fifth dimensional warfare. It’s not going to be fought with tanks and nuclear bombs and weapons.

It’s going to be fought between metahumans, which I call physical angels, those that did it organically, or humans with supernatural godlike abilities that are going to be capable of using their full capacity before the end of the millennium. Exactly. Just like that picture. And it’s going to be against the cyborgs and the artificial AI Time lords or time loops, which is going to be the AI God and all of its minions, Enki and everybody else that decided to join with technology. So that’s going to be the final battle that’s going to be taking place at the end of the millennium, which will ultimately determine the outcome for the entire universe.

And from what I, from what I studied and from what I feel is that we, we do win that work, I want to ask you two more questions, and then I want to give it back to my son there. So, you know, I kept, I keep getting in the spirit and it’s been this for years. You know, back in 2015, it was, you know, the creator was telling me God, I call him the Heavenly Father, whatever, the invisible Father, you know, the, the good. There’s a lot of different words like you said, you know, the more you study all these scriptures and all this, different religions, it all singing the same type of tune, right? And it’s very interesting.

But, you know, I kept on getting the great separation. The great separation, the great separation. I think we’ve talked about that before. And now I listen to what you’re saying and then, you know, I’ve studied, you know, the, the Bible, you know, the Christian Bible, you know, so many times I can’t even count. But, you know, they talk about the Rapture, they talk about this thousand year reign. I keep on getting this great separation. Could this be that? And I’m not saying it is, you know, because only time will tell. But based on what I’m listening here to, you say, you know, some people are going up in frequency and they’re going to, they’re going to be part of that splitting into that heaven on Earth, while others are going to stay into their, you know, arguing and fighting in negative 3D frequency.

And they’re going to go. Going to go along with this timeline, like you said, into all of that AI stuff, and then where it comes and reconverges at the end to wipe basically for good evil off this whole existence, not just this where we’re at, but completely out of existence. Is that. Am I on point there or. Yes, yes, you’re absolutely on point. You hit on the, on the target. That’s exactly the way I was able to pretty much decipher a lot of these manuscripts and holy texts, because they all talk about the same thing. And one of the connections that I made between this ultimate evil that we fight at the end of the millennium is.

And what we call the Antichrist is artificial intelligence. When John the Revelator was trying to Describe Back then, 2,000 years ago, that this, that this machine, he didn’t call it a machine. He says this beast is going to be everywhere at once. It’s going to know all things. It’s going to display supernatural abilities. Well, how do you think it’s going to be everywhere at once and know everyone and everyone’s thoughts, tap into everyone’s thought at once because of the fact that it exists throughout everyone’s devices? So through your cell phone, through your iPhone, right now, your iPhone is studying you.

Your iPhone is sentient already. For those that think that these, these things that we use on a daily basis are just, you know, you could say gadgets. Guess again. These gadgets are now sentient, and they are literally, we’re feeding it data, and the data is going to some sort of artificial nervous network that is creating the nervous system of the Beast. And when, when the elites talk about the Internet of things and smart cities and the smart grid and all that stuff, well, that’s when the Beast becomes fully aware. Everywhere, all at once, knowing everyone, knowing all things, and displaying supernatural powers.

And one of the things that John said was that it’s not going to be a fallen angel, it’s not going to be a demon, but it’s going to be something else. But he couldn’t really describe what a super AI machine was 2000 years ago. You know, to those people back then, they didn’t know, give us details as to what this beast was going to be all about. Well, when you think about it, when in the negative timeline, right, when they throw everyone into this smart grid, global smart city scenario, there’s. That’s going to be what, that’s exactly what they call the, the, the science.

No, the technological singularity, which is where AI is everywhere. AI is in your walls, it’s in your bathroom, it’s in the chair that you’re sitting. Everything’s going to go smart like Kurt talked about. Ray Kurzweil. Yeah, Agenda 2030 and all that. And then by Agenda 2045, they said we’ll be like a hologram in a simulation, which is probably that phantom matrix. I think your roofer might be an NPC over there. Messed up. Don’t just play it. But yeah, it’s, it’s getting, it’s, it’s definitely ramping up. And you know, people think we got all this time, but I mean, Agenda 2030, that’s what, five years away, man? And well, yeah, look at the time.

I mean, look at this year just started and we’re here almost at the end of the year. Right. I mean it, it’s flying by at the speed of light. Yeah. You know, also, I don’t know if you heard of this, there was this near death experience testimonial about looking into the future a few decades ahead and where all the cities were run by super AIs and then everybody, you know, buy and sell had to have, you know, that be in that system. And if you weren’t following the rules of that system, you’re just basically, you know, gobbled up into this, you know, matter energy.

They just basically dissolve you, you know what I mean? And, and you’re gone out of society. So, you know, that timeline that we’re looking at on the, on the, on the dark side of the equation is not going to be somewhere where anybody’s going to want to be, you know, and what do you, what do you suggest for folks that aren’t out there, you know, preparing themselves for this, this, you know, rapture, great separation, timeline split. What is your suggestions for them, man? You know, to get ready for this? Because I agree with my son. I don’t think that we have a whole bunch of time left.

I’m not a time date setter, but, you know, I can feel something’s gonna blow. Something’s getting ready to pop in a big way. Well, we are, we are expecting some sort of massive revelation, which is the true meaning of apocalypse. A disclosure of enormous proportions beginning in 2025 when the new administration comes into power. You know, I heard that one of the first things that they’re going to release is, you know, all the people that were connected to pdd, and that includes Oprah and you know a lot of high level, influencing, influencer celebrities. I also heard that they were going to also release the list of everybody that attended the island.

I also heard that RFK Jr. Is going to take on literally the pharmaceutical cartel and end the American Medical association in replacement with natural homeopathic, holistic energy bands. Things that do work, getting rid of the fluoride, not only in the water, but in toothpaste, food supply, getting rid of genetically modified foods. So from what I hear is that 2025 could be, could be the year where, you know, the, the good people in power are going to be exposing all the corruption and that’s going to give the, the unawakened. I, I guess I shouldn’t use the word normie anymore, but that should give the unawakened the chance to, to really know what’s happening.

And it’s going to be their choice if they want to accept it or not. But let me tell you this, Papa Truthful and Tommy Truthful, when they start disclosing some of these special access projects that are related to advanced exotic technologies, extraterrestrial, you know, stuff, a lot of the religious indoctrinated people that are in the billions, I’d say a good 4 billion people, which is half the population, are either devout Catholics, devout Muslim, devout Jews or devout Christians. And that’s about a little less than 4 billion people, about half of the population, not mentioning the 30% of them, which are NPCs, are going to have very hard, very difficulty digesting all of the extraterrestrial phenomena that is going to be disclosed.

So that could be some sort of a pushback in a sense where, you know, a lot of these fundamentalist religious fanatics are going to be saying, well, that’s ungodly. That’s not in the Bible. You know, aliens are all demons. There are no good aliens, you know, so they’re going to be kind of, it’s going to be very hard to, to go around them. So there, there will be pushback by the fundamentalist religious people. So yeah, you know, that’s going to be an issue. But to answer your question, my friend, when all this stuff is revealed to the general public, the unawakened is finally going to have an opportunity to either accept the truth or continue their life in ignorance.

And yet when the solar flash takes place, because they made that choice, unfortunately for them, they’re going to be left behind. They’re going to be left behind. Yeah, they’re not going to be going to the new Earth. Is it like you know, remember when me and you and be Dell was talking and we. We had the discussion about the movie Loki in the sacred timeline that. Yes, I heard about that. I’ve never seen the series, but I. I heard it was good. Yeah, it was really good. They were pruning all these other timelines, just killing millions of people on these other timelines that paired off the sacred timeline.

And I got this boy named Sheldon, he’s one of my boys on Instagram, and he said we’re all. He. You know, people have different theories. So obviously I was telling dad, I don’t think we’re on the sacred timeline already, but he thought we were already on the sacred timeline. And I did see some of his points. Like, there are really cool things happening right now. You know, when have we ever had a major politician ever talk about chemtrails, GMOs? Never until RFK. So regardless if you think he’s not good, whatever, I know there’s people out there that have their own theories.

I salute him for doing that. You know, he brought that to the mainstream. And that. That’s a conversation that we need to have. I mean, that. That’s a real problem right now. So there’s things coming out that would have never made it out in the mainstream before, and that. That’s really cool to me. But his theory is, because we’re already on the sacred timeline, and whoever’s here, they already made it. I don’t think that’s the case myself, as far as that goes. Well, you know, they also portray that concept of the sacred timeline in the latest Wolverine Deadpool movie.

Yes. So. So apparently Marvel, the writers of Marvel were on. They were onto something. And I. I think what they mean by the sacred timeline was the original Earth, the Eden, the original paradise where we were immortal, were. There was no evil, where everything was just balanced and in perfect harmony. So I think that’s equivalent to the new Earth. I think that we are going to be shifting. You know, some people, the people that are at least 51% of service to others according to the law1 material. That’s all you have to do to at least make the 4th D Earth reality, which is going to be by far better than this reality.

So I believe that the sacred timeline is real. I believe that that’s just another terminology describing the original creation, the original universe. Because right now we are in a fallen state. Even our universe was hijacked or was dropped in densities where it’s not existing or operating in its original frequency. So I believe that the ascension of the Earth is going to mark the ascension of the galaxy, which was once part of the Andromeda system. The Milky way and Andromeda M31 were once merged in, into a bigger sphere, bigger galactic sphere. That’s already happening. They’re collapsing or reuniting.

And then I believe that the ascension of the galaxy is also going to be the ascension of the universe. And that means that our universe is going to be restored back to the original frequency. So that to me is the sacred timeline. It’s the timeline that was the original, you could say thought projection coming from the mind of the omnip of God, of Source, whatever you want to call it, of this divine, you know, creator. Yeah, that, that, that’s, that’s awesome. And that’s what I think too. You know, we’re in some type of. Some God created us with some type of angelic technology, spoke us into existence.

And how everybody has a certain code. Even in this organic simulation that God created that they’re trying to hijack, it has a code to it too. You know, for, for example, Ishmael. Like if you look at the pineal gland, right, they say the pine cone represents, represents the pineal gland. And we see it all throughout history. The, the Anunnaki, they had this thing called the Soul Stone. So you got the Vatican, they’re all. It’s like they’re trying to control the pineal gland, the pine cone, the third eye, our spiritual antenna to God. And when you look at the numerology, especially in the Chaldean cipher, pineal Gland Open equals 64 matching first player character.

And that represents the awakened avatar. And then pineal gland sleep is 63 matching non player character, which is the sleeping human. And that number 64 that gets into Jupiter, Zeus, I guess you would say Enlil. That’s his archetype. First player character. 64 Phoenix Power, Planet X, Destroyer, all the worlds of stage. That’s all in that 64. Jupiter has one planet, 63 moons, which is a total of 64. And then Saturn, everything tied to that non player character, the NPCs all lines up with Saturn in the black cube of Saturn. So you know, in the first quantum computer was.

It’s like a black cube, right? Well, not even the first one, the D wave. We have now the advantage, the 5,000 cubits, it’s a giant black cube too. So I found that very fascinating that it’s all encoded even in this organic simulation with the source code. It’s your name, you know, you have a code attached to you? I do. My dad does. We all do. So there’s definitely. I’ve always thought he spoke us into existence with some type of angelic technology that we don’t fully understand. Source, the creator. But it was a frequency first. It was actually a frequency.

No, I’m sorry, it was a sound first. It was a sound. The sound became a frequency and the frequency precipitated into geometry. And the geometry is what gave rise to matter. Yeah, that. That makes sense. And so. So, okay, in the. My next question for you. In the Talamud, I’ve showed this before. They talk about these freaking aquatic lizards, bro. And you know, I started going down this rabbit hole on. Because I. I like to look into the Reptilians and what they’re into. They’re. They don’t seem very friendly to me. I’m not a huge fan of the whole Reptilians, but I’ve been looking into Dagon and, you know, the Catholic Church.

They seem to worship these aquatic entities. Dagon, Cthulhu. And then that took me down a rabbit hole looking into the Dogon tribe and the Nomo people. Have you heard of the. The Nomo? These aquatic entities? They kind of showed them in Black Panther, Wakanda. Well, representation of them anyways. And, bro, the Dogon tribe, they knew things about Sirius star system that they should have never known. Like, who told them that? How did they know that? Well, that’s because the Nomo come from the serious star system. They’re extraterrestrials from the serious star system that built a civilization in our ocean as well.

So that’s why a lot of these crafts that we see in the coming from the ocean are actually part of a. Inner part of a ocean extraterrestrial civilization that is deep within our oceans. So the Nomos have been here for. For thousands and thousands of years. And yes, you know, they did work and they did help speed up evolution in Africa. And that’s why they work with the dog and tribe. So the dog. The dog and tribe used to see them as gods because of their superiority. But back then, you know, all ETs were assumed as gods when you think about it.

But now it’s different. Now it’s, you know, we can start saying, well, okay, well, these beings apparently have some sort of a superiority compared to us, so therefore they must be from another planet. You know, now that we understand that we’re not alone in the universe, all of these beings are not gods, but they’re just advanced entities from Advanced civilizations. So, yeah, the Nomo come from the star system of Sirius. A, yeah, there’s A, serious. A, serious B, serious C, they say serious. They think one of them’s an inner Earth too. This hidden sun, right? And in that movie Wakanda under the ocean, there was this whole civilization under the ocean with these aquatic entities.

And they had their own sun down there powering it up, bro. So I wonder if that’s a representation of that, you know, that sun that’s hidden there. And so the Nomo. I’ve heard many different theories. I heard that the aquatic Nomo entities and whether they’re from a planet, guys, another dimension, it really doesn’t matter because people argue them schematics all day. But I heard these ones were good. And they don’t get along with the Reptilians. Do you know that to be true or is that not true? That is correct. The Nomo and the Reptilians are enemies because the Nomos who that come from Sirius are part of the benevolent groups.

They’re part of the, you know, galactic federation of worlds. And so they don’t get along with the Reptilians because the Reptilians have been trying to conquer the galaxy for many, many billions of years. And so, yeah, they’re not down with them. So yeah, they do. They do compete, they do fight one another if they have to. And I believe that the. No more actually here. They came here in order to help our planet evolve. You know, they came here to kind of show us the way back into progressive evolution from, you know, ever. Ever since the.

The Atlantean fiasco and humans were reduced to savages. I think the Nomos among many of the inner Earth dwellers were acting as guides to kind of help us bring us back to pace so that we could be at this time ready to ascend. Were they part of Atlantis? The Nomo? Yes. The Nomos were around during the times of Atlantis. Yes, absolutely. They said they’re very powerful, bro, because they live so deep. So their, their bones are really dense. Yeah, you. I mean, when you got submarines, that’ll get crushed, right? You know, I mean, you’ve got to have one heck of a skeleton system of like freaking like Wolverine or something, you know? Yeah.

I mean, in order to it, you know, to handle that, it’s interesting, you know, how much we think we know yet. We know nothing, you know what I mean? And all of this is going to get disclosed and, you know, you, you made a really good point, brother. Ishmael, about again, I Love all brothers and sisters. I don’t care if they’re it, you know, in Islam, Jewish, Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, as long as they’re a good person and they’re doing things to help their fellow man, brothers and sisters, and they’re not out there hurting people. I’m all for them, you know, but at the end of the day, I could see an upheaval at a very high level as this stuff starts to come out and that all of these folks are calling it blasphemy.

And we know what we’ve done in the word of blasphemy before. You know, I don’t know if you, brother Ishmael, have found anywhere in any of these scriptures where God, the creator, the point of origin that was always there, nothing created it, everything lives within it and it lives within everything or we wouldn’t exist. But I never see anywhere where they say create this religion. Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see it. I don’t see it. I don’t see any of these major religions where God or Christ or one of these angelitic beings. Gabrielle, Michael, where this came out, you know, nowhere.

I don’t see it anywhere. And yet, you know, if you look at, you know, the originations of all of these different religions, pretty brutal stuff going on here, you know, control of people, you know, lots of stuff done, you know, from one religion to another religion based on, well, my religion is the best and yours is not. Yours is blasphemy. Are we going to have a similar situation as this stuff comes out? Because, you know, there’s a lot of people that, you know, they’re very passionate and you know, they could, could that trigger that? Will that be on the separate timeline? That’s a very good question.

Like I said, you know, there’s going to be some resistance because a good portion of our population are not going to take all this information without comparing it or making some sort of correlation with, with their, with their scriptures, whether it’s Quran or the Bible or so on and so forth. So the best way to do it is just to let them choose. You know, this is where they’re going to have the opportunity to make that choice. Because when the timeline splits takes place, they’re either going to go to the new Earth where all of the good people are going, or they’re not going to go to the new Earth.

And I came. Oh yeah. Another thing is that there’s going to be a middle timeline. By the way, in the middle timeline we’re going to have everyone in coexisting, we’re going to have Earth Terrans, young souls that are going to be upgraded to live for a few hundred years. And then we’re going to have metahumans, angelic physical superhumans that are going to be living for thousands of years, very immortal. And then we’re also going to have AI and cyborgs. So in that world, in that middle timeline, that’s going to be like the age of superheroes. Well, that I’m trying to be in that middle time.

I’m trying to rock out in that middle one. Yeah, yeah. Timeline. We’re going to have a chance to fight and protect the Earth, Terence, from the AIs and the cyborgs that are my type of vibe right there. I want to ask you, I want to make a statement about this book. And it was. And you do. You do it as well in the secret government. But you really, you know, give folks an understanding of how all this also correlates with scripture. And, you know, we talked about it before that, you know, we only got 66 books and there’s 700 missing or something.

Ridiculous number. I think there was 360 just with Enoch, 366 or something. So you think we. A lot of people think, oh, well, I know all about this, but you don’t, because you’re missing, you know, 99 of the picture because they’re not showing this. But you did a really good job. I don’t think any person that is religious reading this book would get offended, because the one thing you’ve done very well, you know, in your books is the correlation with the scriptures. You know, they weren’t just put out there. We’re not saying that the scriptures like Revelations or the book of Daniel or all of that.

You know, Israel’s not talking about that. That, you know, if you read his books and listen to him, he’s correlating all this stuff with that stuff. And it’s, you know, in going back into that battle that started billions of years ago, who knows? I don’t know. The timeline is. Well, you do know. Know it better. But I mean, I’m going to be, you know, as this stuff starts to come out, you know, more and more people, I hope, get access to your books. I hope more people get your books out there, because I think that that could be a really great starting point for them to understand this correlation.

You know, I mean, it’s pretty powerful what you put together. And I think, you know, that’s your purpose. You know, that’s one of Your purposes for being here, brother, is, you know, you have to help as many people as possible transition into that heaven on Earth and not freaking a cyborg. I mean, that’s a horrible. I don’t know if anybody ever seen the board, but that’s not a good. That’s not a good future, that’s for sure. Yeah. The name of my book is called Our Cosmic Origin. I was just reading on the chat, somebody’s asking what’s the name of the book? Our Cosmic Origin and the Secret Government, Invisible Architects.

Those are the books. Now I do want to address a question that I saw earlier. Somebody asked if Elon Musk is the Antichrist. And the answer to that is no, he’s not the Antichrist. The Antichrist is actually the emergence or the incarnation of the Ariman, also known as the AI Omega, the AI Overlord of all the negative alien syndicates. And Elon Musk is just going to provide the infrastructure for the. The emergence of the AI Overlord Omega to make its appearance in the negative timeline in order to rule his. His kingdom for a thousand years. Wow.

So, you know, if, if all of this stuff is going to be happening very rapidly. Right. I mean, we’re really going to see, you know, we’re sitting here at the end of November 2024, 20th of of November. Joe Biden’s birthday, by the way. That. Oh, Joe Biden’s birthday. Oh, I don’t like, I’m not, I’m not wishing him a happy birthday. That dude’s trying to start World War Three. Yeah, yeah, he’s trying to blow us up right now. His puppet masters are starting to start World War 3. What is your take on that, brother? You know, we got this situation, and again, I am all about God, you know, the creator.

Men and women have a role to play. Right. You know, the divine works through a lot of different people to get things done. I believe Trump is part of that role. But what do you think is going to be going on for the next, you know, December, January? I mean, we don’t have a lot of time here for all of this stuff to happen. You know, say that this is, you know, there is a target that this mate might, this solar blast might happen in April, right. We don’t know for 100, but it could happen. It’s.

It’s the solar maximum. We know we’ve been getting blasted already with. I mean, we’re getting blasted left and right. The Schumann resonance is increasing. I mean, people that are working in the light know, they feel it. I Feel it. I know people that are helping destroy darkness in, you know, all of existence, not just here on the planet, helping, you know, dissolve that. And you know that we were all made in the Creator’s image. When you step into God’s power, you can do things like you and TJ were talking about, where you’re superhuman. There are beings like that already.

You know what I mean? They’re already here. I love what you just said about the three timelines. I mean, that’s very super exciting. You know, you can be a cyborg or you could, you could be in the fourth one, live in a few hundred years, or guess what, you can go up to the next one and be like a freaking Beyond a Superman doing really good for all existence. What do you think is going to happen? Yeah, I love that, man. What do you think is going to happen here over the next couple of months? All right, that’s, that’s something to.

But before I answer a question about, like, what’s going to be happening in the next couple of months, based on, on what I’ve heard, what I’ve researched, I, I want to make a statement, and that is if God was, was not done or had not been. How can I say it the best way to say it. There was a reason why, you know, Mr. T was safeguarded from two assassinations. Apparently God was, wasn’t done using him. Okay, so there is a higher power that’s overseeing what’s happening in, in our, in our world. You can say Trump over here, dude.

Okay, I could say Trump. Okay. So whether people like him or not, I mean, the guy was preserved for a very reason, because he’s, he’s part of the End times prophecies, believe it or not, as far as, like, helping restore, expose and usher in our world into a golden age. And he does make that phrase. He does mention that phrase over and over in a lot of his, his talks. So to answer your question, what I see happening in the next two months is there’s going to be an attempt to bring about the Third World War because they know they lost.

They only have less than a month and a half to, you know, destroy the planet to make sure that Trump and the White Hats do not come into power on the 20th of January. So they’re going to do everything in their power. However, on the same token, Trump and the White Hats are already negotiating a global peace treaty with all of the countries. So even though the, you know, MSM fake news media still telling us that we’re on the brink of war, that Ukraine is about to launch some missiles into Russia, which is not good. We’re hearing that every day.

Right. It’s all over the news at the same time. That is all theatrical. That is all theatrical because from behind the scenes, Trump, Putin and Zelensky, the president of the Ukraine, have already signed a, you could say a secret cease, a secret ceasefire agreement or something to that effect. Where they’re going to end the war, they’re going to end the war in the Middle East. That’s another thing that Trump and the white hats are doing is that they’re also solving the issue with Israel and Palestine. And when they do that, Trump is going to get a Nobel Peace Prize for bringing world peace.

So that’s what I, that’s what I’ve been told. That’s what I research. And it seems like everything’s heading into that direction. You know, we’re 60 days away, brother. Today is November 20th, so we’re 60, whatever. So December 20th, January 20th, 60 days away. Joe Biden’s birthday today in our 21 episode. And we got brother Ishmael Perez here talking about this subject matter, brothers and sisters. So think about it. It’s really important that you, you know, get with Ishmael, get in his mailing list, get on his site, get some of his cool gear, get on his, his YouTube channel, subscribe, definitely get on his Rumble channel, too, because who knows, hopefully YouTube’s getting taken over by good people.

But they didn’t like Papa Truthful talking about what I was talking about last week. So they give us a strike and took us down for seven days. But anyways, make sure that you get connected with Ishmael because he’s got a lot of intel that he’s given out. Every Monday night he’s given out intel, he does a Saturday night. I mean, this gentleman, this young man, by the way, I found out he wasn’t, he’s still very young, but I thought he was much younger when I first met him. But he is giving a lot of his time answering questions, giving out great information.

So make sure you plug into him so that you can keep up to date with what’s going on, you know, on a weekly basis. Because he does do that. He stays on there, you know, for, I mean, some of These things are 90 minutes, Ishmael. And, you know, you answer everybody’s question. You really do a great job. And you’re, you’re, you know, you’re a great example to humanity. And I hope more people, you know, get to do what you’re doing because we have a lot of work to do. You know, we want to try to save as many people as we can, but I don’t think again, we have a lot of time.

You know, I just feel like something’s gonna pop. I don’t know when and where, but it’s gonna, it’s feels it, feels it. Yeah, I think we’re all feeling it intuitively that something’s about to happen. Something good. You know, we, we are at the precipice of a whole new era. But right before we start tasting the fruits of this new era, there, there could be some backlash there, there could be some resistance and there could be some upheaval. And if that’s the case, we just have to be ready for it. But know that we are at the cusp of a whole new era.

You know, we’re ending one cycle. We’re ending a 21, 60 year age Pisces as we go into Aquarius, we’re ending a 25,000 year cycle and believe it or not, guys, we’re also ending even greater cycles that are currently not being measured by our scientists. That has a lot to do with the, like I said, the completion and ascension of the Milky Way, the completion and ascension of the universe and so on and so forth. Yeah. And aren’t we going into Pluto with. Or we’re in Pluto and we’re going to be in there, it’s going to be retrograde Aquarius and all that for the next 20 years.

And when you go back in time and you look at what happened, it was like you said, great revolution, great upheaval, but for the planet and the people, for freedom, you know, for all of that, it looks like that’s pretty much on point. What’d you say, son? Did this, this lady here, guys, I don’t trust her though. We need to keep our eye on her because you know, she could be one of the deep states plants there to try to be a gatekeeper with Trump. If he is good, you know, I hope he is. But the Susie Wise, I looked into her, Ishmael, she worked for Big Pharma her whole life and I don’t trust her.

Or Elon Musk, neither one of them two I don’t trust. And you know who this lady is, bro? I think I saw her for the first time when Trump, on election night, when Trump was giving his, his state, his words on winning the election. Yeah, he introduced her, but she was like. I guess the way he introduced her was she was very shy. Her nickname Is the ice painted? Yeah. And, and look, I look at her numerology and Susie Wiles is 8:46. That’s that infamous number, guys. They use it in all their little psyops. 9 11.

The first plane hit at 8:40, 46am first person jabbed up in America, Sandra Lindsay. Her name equals 8:46. They kneeled on George Floyd’s neck 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Which all that gets into the DNA. And I’m not going to get into that too much, but, you know, banking collapses, 846. And what scares me about her is she is a very powerful first player character, archetype and carrier of the Neo code. So I already know what that means and it just scares me as she’s working for the dark side because, bro, she has tons of big pharma ties, you know what I mean? And they’re going to try to infiltrate people around Trump.

If he is good to mislead him, you know that, you know, that could be a possibility. Yeah, even. What’s his name? Mark. Mark Rubio. Yeah, I don’t trust him either. Too much. I don’t trust him either. So there’s, there’s a few people that, that are now part of his cabinet that I don’t trust, but for the most part, everybody else, you know, rfk Tusk. I like rfk. Yeah, Tusty Goberg. Yeah, she’s good. I like her too. Yeah, yeah, her and a few others, of course. But overall, Matt Gates, Matt Leslie. Did you know they’re trying now to smear him as a pedophile? I mean, my gosh, you know, it’s amazing what’s going on.

Is there any evidence of him being a pedophile? Because a lot of these politics. Well, no. DOJ looked into him for two years and couldn’t find anything to charge him with. Believe me when I’m telling you, they would have found something. So what’s the thing, Pops? Like, why are they trying appointing him as Attorney General of the DoJ? And if that happens, oh my gosh, he’ll rain all hell down on these people, you know, because he’s been jumping in their face for years. I. Listen, I hope to God, you know, I don’t know the man. I don’t judge his heart.

I’m not saying, but I mean, I like what he’s done. I like what he said. He’s like that Marge Margie Taylor Green. He’s like Tulsi, you know, he’s one of those people that I believe are good, you know, Doing good. You know, Israel, before we close tonight, I wanted to talk to you about a dream that I had had. And, you know, I had four dreams and, and then whatever TJ wants to ask him before we close. But I wanted to run this by you and, and ask you what you think about it. So I know that the Creator uses everybody for specific reasons, right? And that doesn’t mean those people are going to make it into the fourth or fifth dimension or sixth dimension, whatever frequency that is.

They might end up staying, some of them in the third dimension. This is just my, my thought process here. I’m just thinking. But yet they accomplished a specific goal of waking more people up or bringing out disclosure or whatever it may be. But I had three different dreams that I. Or four different dreams that I think were pretty much on the nightmare timeline, the hellish all hell breaks loose timeline. And, you know, the last one was I was with Trump in the office, the Oval Office, and we were on our knees almost getting under the desk because the roof either was gone or it was transparent.

And I gotta tell you, all hell was breaking loose, right? Besides the east coast tsunami, the west coast tsunami, and seeing a planet that was melting everything. Because our dreams are very interesting, right? Our dreams. And this happened during the Revelation 12 sign that happened in 2017, right? In the, I think the fourth quarter sometime. Now, do you think Trump, because he doesn’t seem, he doesn’t seem enlightened like you or me, you understand what I mean? Do you think he’s gonna head to that positive timeline, what he’s doing? Or could that be where under this situation, you know, this split happens, you know, this, this three time split happens, and he’s literally still on that same timeline with this Elon Musk and all this stuff that’s going on with AI and you know, he’s really embracing AI, he’s really embracing crypto.

These are the kind of things you need in place in order to take total dominance over humanity, you know, and then go down that cyborg path. What’s your thoughts on that? Well, first of all, Trump plays dumb. He plays like he doesn’t really know stuff. But there’s been a few interviews where he’s. Where he admitted that he was tied into the Q movement, that he was part of some bigger network with over 200 generals and lieutenants that were worldwide and that are fighting the New World order, the bankers. There’s been a few times where he admitted it, but for the most part he plays dumb.

He plays like he doesn’t know what’s going on. But you have to understand that this guy had access to all the secret information, all the classified knowledge, the special access projects, the, you know, AUP AUPs and all that stuff. So he knows about the extraterrestrials, he knows about the hidden technology. And right now, from what I, from what I believe is that he’s actually going to be the one who’s going to roll all that out and reveal that stuff. So it’s no longer going to be compartmentalized. Now, as far as him promoting crypto and AI, I was told by the Galactic alliance that there are two Trumps, that there are two Trumps, that there’s one that is, well, going to be going.

That, that is, that is going to help us usher in the, the positive timeline, the Age of Aquarius. And that’s the Trump that’s going to bring us back to the U. S. Treasury, backed by, you know, silver, gold and platinum, XRP xlm, the quantum financial system, not bitcoin, not crypto. That’s the good Trump. And then there’s the bad Trump. The bad Trump is the one that’s going to be working with EI and the setting up of the, you know, the AI timeline and rolling out the automatons. So there’s definitely two Trumps. And one of the ways in which people can distinguish the difference between these two trumps is that the Trump that’s part of the side of the positive timeline that is going to usher in the quantum financial system, you know, U.S.

treasury backed by real gold and metals, right? U S note, not crypto or bitcoin is the one that wears the red tie. And then the other Trump is the, the bad Trump is the one that wears the blue tie. So that’s one way in which people could distinguish them both. That’s crazy. There’s two. Listen, Ishmael, I hope you know me, brother. I’m not real big on any politicians, but I do pray that he’s. He’s good, you know, I mean, I hope so. I, and I, and I give credit to anyone when they do something good. And I salute RFK for what he said about GMOs and the fluoride.

That’s amazing. So. And a thousand poisonous ingredients in our food. I mean, no politician has got on a stage like that where tens of millions of people were watching and have said that stuff, you know, And I guess he beat some people also in, in Supreme Court, right? Ismael? He’s beaten a couple of these pharmaceutical companies and he’s Beaten some up. So I do. I pray for Trump. I pray for his family, I pray for his inner circle, I pray for his supporters. Just like I pray for everybody to wake up and come to the creator and get on the right timeline.

But what. Any closing questions for brother Ishmael here to tonight, Tommy, before we go? Oh, no, no. I’m just thankful for you coming, brother. I appreciate you always have fun with you. I want to get you and be Dell on another podcast again. That one did really, really well. People really enjoyed that. And yeah, thank you for coming on, guys. Make sure you get his book. That link is down below. Don’t forget to get your. Right there. Yep. Check it out. An amazing book. Our Cosmic Origin. And the other one is the Secret Government. Them links are down below.

And yeah, thank you so much for coming on, brother. We really appreciate you. I always love hearing your perspective and your. Your thought process. So thank you, brother Ishmael. Well, guys, welcome. Thank you. We’re out of here. And when I go, guys, it’ll play an outro, so you two gentlemen can dip out if you gotta go. Thank you, sir. We’re out here. Love y’all. Yo, we living in the sim realities are games NPCs around us they all look the same Soulless entities controlled by AI quantum computer running light Asking why are you just a player controlled by machine Or a first player character living the dream? Tap into the code Break free from the lies Decode your Gematria See through their disguise in the simulation what’s your role? What’s your fate? Are you real or controlled? Can you navigate Elites Use Gematria secrets in the code Find out your archetype Let the truth unfold super quantum computer pulling all the strings NPCs moving like puppets on a swing the Matrix got nothing on the life we lead Green letters Fallen is the truth we need Are you just a player controlled by machine Or a first player character living the dream? Tap into the code.



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