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I’m Sarah Westall. I have Andy Schechn coming back, and I’m going to have him back every few weeks here now. Because what’s going down worldwide is a fight for power over the global financial system. That’s what’s happening. And we have to stay on top of things on that. And what I’ve been doing a lot of, I’ve been talking to people behind the scenes. I’ve spent the whole weekend, like 616 hours with a really high level strategic banker type this weekend and learned a lot. But once I can understand and put some sense to it so that you can learn, I’m going to put more information out there for you.
But, and I said a lot today as well in this interview, but I’m learning that the world, there’s a fight for a global financial system, right. And I also got to say, the QFS, I, anybody that talks about it, they have no clue what’s behind it. They’re just blindly talking about how their sources have talked about this, you know, quantum financial system. I would simply write that off as them not knowing, don’t listen to anybody that doesn’t really understand finance and don’t, or at least haven’t talked to people or haven’t put it in context of it.
They’re just hearing from others that there’s going to be this great thing that’s such B’s. I can’t even tell you how B’s that is. The more I learn about the qfs, the more I don’t trust it. And that there, it’s not what people think it is. Okay. But on a positive note, there are financial systems being worked on. It will replace what we have today. The question is whose system’s going to win out and not win out? And I mean, that’s what the fight is. And maybe there’ll be multiple systems that you end up having. I don’t know, because it’s all up in the air right now.
But a few really good things is that they’re realizing that we need to get more money, even the bad guys. Everyone’s realizing we need to get more money to the people. And this populist uprising is happening because the people at the bottom are not getting access to money and we need it. So even the ugliest, most evil people in the world realize that’s a problem because they don’t want that kind of uprising. That’s a positive thing. And then the other thing that we’re realizing, or that I’m realizing, talking to people, is that they’re all have come to the conclusion that gold, it needs to be a gold backed currency.
So all the systems that I’m hearing have some kind of gold backed element to it, whether it’s 40%, like the bricks, or 100%. I’m hearing all sorts of different things thrown around. And that means for you that if you own gold and silver, that will be readjusted overnight to the true value of what it is, it it’s worth. And it also means if you accumulate, you will be safer off. It is an insurance. It’s just so important that you have it. Especially the more I learn, because I believe gold will be the currency from everybody that I’m talking to.
And Andy, that’s why I’m going to have them back like every few weeks here, because we are going to really talk about this and I’m going to keep doing my investigative journalism when it comes to banking systems, I want to understand what’s going on and I’m going to bring everything to you that I can. Because like I said, that’s all the turmoil we’re seeing worldwide is because of that. World War one, World War two. All of that had to do with the change of. Not all of it. There’s other agendas all the time. There’s multiple agendas.
But the overarching agenda by the most powerful people in the world is the monetary system. And that’s why we’re seeing if it didn’t affect them, they would calm everything down in there. We wouldn’t have this kind of turmoil. It’s because of that that we’re seeing it, and they’re all fighting geopolitically for power. So anyways, I have Andy Shekman coming back to help keep us all informed and to have these conversations. And if you want to get more gold and silver, which I highly recommend, contact infoilesfranklin.com. comma, tell him that Sarah sent you and you will have access to his private price list.
List, which are the best prices in the country. They don’t publicly put them out there because that’s not good business practices. So you will have access to it. They’ve never had a single customer complaint. I haven’t heard a single customer complaint on my end, so I highly recommend it. It’s who I use to buy my own gold and silver. Okay. Infoilesfranklin.com. email them, tell them Sarah sent me, and you’ll get access to their private price list. Okay. Here is my friend Andy. Hi, Andy. Welcome back to the program. Nice to see you. Sarah. You look awesome.
Thanks for having me. Well, thank you. I wanted you back because we got to keep. Right. I think everything that we’re seeing right now, and this is what I’ve been telling people, everything we’re seeing right now has to do with the monetary reset, whether we’re talking about wars, we’re talking about all this weird stuff. People are geopolitically at a very big, you know, chessboard. Everybody’s maneuvering to control the monetary system on a world wide level. As this thing resets, that’s what’s going on. And we’re seeing all the instability that flows from that. It happened in world War one and world War two.
We’re very, there’s a lot of parallels to what’s going on right now to World War two. And I think it’s because, I’m pretty sure, I know it’s because of the instability in the monetary system globally. Sure. Couldn’t agree more. Yeah. And, and there’s questions on what globe, who’s going to end up controlling the overall global, worldwide currency. We have the BRICs that have been working. They’ve seen this for years, decade. They know this. Everybody knows this was coming. Right. And, and so we have the central bankers working on their own version. We have, which likely could be cryptocurrencies or, you know, cbdcs, government cryptocurrencies.
And then we have the BRICS. And I also think the central bankers might be doing a backdoor thing with the BRICS. They’re almost, like, hedging their bets. What do you think about that? Yeah, first, to your point, it is much like World War two. At the end of World War two, the dollar took over for the pound sterling as the world reserve currency, and it was backed by gold. The dollar was where countries could exchange their dollars for a fixed rate of gold at $35 an ounce. And that ended when Nixon closed the gold window in 1971.
And then the agreement that we had with the Saudis to value oil globally in dollars and to reinvest the excess into us treasuries, called dollar recycling. Well, you could argue that ended a few months ago when the Saudis said, listen, we’re not going to sell oil exclusively in dollars anymore. We’ll still take them, but we’re open to taking other currencies. And now we’re in this Bretton woods three phase, if we call loosely the petrodollar being Bretton woods two, where it’s about, I would agree with you, a marriage of commodities and transparency that would be blockchain. And I think that that is a very obvious place to draw the parallel between here and at the end of World War Two.
It seems that we are very close to crossing over this global rubicon. A new system, a system that is one that has more faith and confidence, because this is a system that used to be backed by gold, and now it is a system backed by nothing but the faith and the confidence and the credit of a country that is insolvent were at 123% debt to gdp. There’s never been a country that’s really come back from this level without hyperinflating or defaulting. We’re a country that’s lost much of our faith and our good graces with our foreign creditors around the world, whether it be through weaponization of the treasury market from a country that is, by many people’s estimation around the globe, tyrannical and hypocritical.
And, of course, all of the craziness that we see here at home, surrounding elections and the immigration system, the judicial system, the wokeness, the lawlessness in the big cities, all of this stuff is not lost on the rest of the world. So I would agree with you first and foremost, that we are very ripe for a reset. We are ripe for some sort of a change. We are a country when we talk about trust. We’re creating $100,000 in debt per second, and that’s a trillion dollars every three months. It took 200 years to do it the first time.
The trust, the faith, the confidence, the credit, all of these things have been severely compromised. And that’s a nice way of saying it. And so, yes, I do agree that when you piss in the punch bowl enough, no ones going to drink that punch bowl out of that punch bowl ever again until we can inspire, reinspire confidence and trust and legitimacy. This is where you find a marriage between the transparency of blockchain, the immutability of blockchain with a hard asset like gold. When you realize to your point that the central banks are behind this, well, you have the bank of international settlements that seems to be all over the place, whether it be reclassifying gold as a tier one asset, or also standing behind Project Enbridge, which is the new cross border payment system that the BRICs have adopted that will allow countries to trade their central bank digital currencies back and forth with one another, including the proposed new unit settlement currency, which was agreed to in principle.
According to Delma Rusov, the former president of Brazil and the head of the BRICS new development bank, all of this stuff will become much more clear over the next two and a half, three weeks as we get to this meeting at the end of the month in Russia. But, yes, I agree with everything you just said, wholeheartedly. We are close to some form of a change, of a reset. And that’s not really, I think, that far fetched any longer. When you look at what’s happening to, to monetary policy across the globe, I mean, whether any of the G seven countries are drowning in debt, and they all are suffering the same fate, it seems, with immigration, with money creation, with the problems that have to be addressed.
By suppressing interest rates for so long, we’ve created distortions and misallocations of capital and resources that we’ve gone too far past the ability, I believe, to fix without taking some sort of a massive step, some sort of a reset, some sort of a change. And this won’t change with our current political leaders. They’re both singing the same playbook of the Federal Reserve. Low rates, a weak dollar, more debt, more inflation, and ultimately, this has to end in some form of a new system, some form of a reset. I even think Trump understands that perhaps better than the rest.
Even Vance, his running mate, says maybe being the world reserve currency isn’t such a great idea. So where does that lead us? Well, you look at the west. Kristalina Georgieva, the head of the IMF, has talked about gold as no longer being a barbarous relic, as being something that would be akin to a world reserve currency, in a report that they wrote last year, called the gold as an international reserve comma, a barbarous relic. No more question mark or her statement recently that a CBDC peg to something that isn’t pegged to something is just fiat. And if we look at what is proposed and agreed upon in principle, according to Delmarsoph, which we’ll find out real soon, the BRIC settlement currency, the unit, is 40% gold, back, deliverable upon demand, and traded over Project Umbridge.
A marriage of commodities a la gold. Which is what? The only other tier, one asset as redefined. By who? The bis, who is also behind Project Enbridge. Project Enbridge has the four countries. China, Hong Kong, Thailand, UAE. They’re the ones who developed it. Well, the fifth country, who is now a full participant, none other than Saudi Arabia. And, you know, dollars are not compatible with this new system. So indeed, we are this close to a new system. Whether it’s announced in the next three weeks or not, it’s happening. If you take the world’s gdp and look at the countries that comprise the world’s gdp, 99% of those countries have a central bank, digital currency in development and or operation here in the United States.
Lael Brainard, the number two economic policymaker to the White House, modern monetary theorist, worked at the treasury, was number two under Powell at the Fed. She’s now advising Biden. She developed the CBDC while working at the Boston Fed with MIT, when Biden fast tracked its development by executive orders. So all of these things that you just said very succinctly, much more so than I can, are true, and they are happening. The question is, what does it look like? How does it play out? Does the west beat the world to the punch by revaluing gold? By revaluing to a level that would reliquefy the treasury, allow us to pay off our debts.
You see, every $4,000 increase in the price of gold would add 1 trillion free and clear to the treasury for them to do with what they want. Janet Yellen doesn’t even need congressional approval to revalue the price of gold. She’ll just instruct Jerome Powell to do it. It’s been done before over my shoulder. That’s exactly what Roosevelt did. He confiscated gold, devalued the dollar by 40%, made gold worth 40% more, reliquefied the system. And when you have Senator Cynthia Lummis from Wyoming saying, we should revalue the gold that is being held by the Federal Reserve on behalf of the treasury to fund a strategic bitcoin account, which Trump says he would like to do, and use the growth in that to pay off our debt, how far away are we from this realization? The same thing is being said by the head of the Dutch national bank, who is saying, yes, we should revalue the gold that we hold in order to offset our liabilities.
My belief, 100%, and I think you nailed it, is that all of the central banks are buying gold at a level the world has never seen before, ever. And every single month, theyre setting new records in acquisition, the first six months of this year, the biggest ever, only outpacing the first six months of last year, I do believe that all of these central banks, who are not only massively accumulating gold and have been for several years, quietly, privately, opaquely, are also repatriating their gold, bringing it home, because the doctrine, the white paper on the unit, says that the gold that will be used to comprise the new unit tokens will be held within the borders of the countries that possess it, eliminating another problem, and that is the unipolarity of it, where here everything has to be held at the New York Fed or the bank of England to access the Comex and the LBMA, and you have to trust the West.
Venezuela said, give us back our golden. We don’t want to do it, said the bank of England. That’s a problem. They are addressing the problems inherent with this unipolar system, moving towards a multipolar system where countries trade with one another over Enbridge, free from the swift interference, using the integrity that will be built up in their own ecosystem and their own monetary policy. But if they want to settle in something different, if they have enough digital yuan or groupy or real or whatever currency that they’re using over Enbridge, they can take the settlement token, which will be gold backed and deliverable upon request.
This is a new system. It is one where gold will go higher than anyone thinks possible, because it will be used to not only reset the system or revalue the price of gold and reliquefy these treasuries, which are massively in debt across the whole g seven universe, and it will also be used to back a new system where instead of making it redeemable for you and me, like you could in 33 and walk in with a $20 gold certificate and get a coin, it will just be immutable and be able to see the veracity of it.
To guarantee that the politicians have some sort of a tether to reality, to fiscal responsibility, the ability to possess it, probably not. But indeed I think we are moving in that direction. A system that will be backed by blockchain and using some sort of a commodity backed system like gold, which is the only other tier one asset tied to it, to guarantee that no one pisses in that punch bowl again, by inflating away the system the way that all politicians have done since the beginning of time. Yeah. So I’ve kind of said, okay, I’m tired of not really knowing what’s going on.
So I’ve been doing a lot of. I put on my investigative hat and started talking to bankers and people who are working on alternative systems. One thing that I’ve learned, which is what you have been saying for years, is that gold is going to back this whole thing. And everyone, from what I understand, the world is moving to the realization that we need to use gold to back whatever system we’re going to do. And that there’s multiple factions going on trying to. And that’s what the wars are about, is they’re trying to take control of this system.
They want their system to be the one in place, because that’s the one who controls the world power. One unifying thing of all the systems that I’ve been looking into is they all want to use gold to back it. And the interesting thing is that they have been suppressing the value of gold and silver even more, which is another topic of conversation. But they’ve been suppressing it while they’ve been buying it up, trying to use that, and correct me if I’m wrong, buying it up as much as possible so they can pile up their reserves as their backing of this new system.
So that’s the key to everything. That is the key. And you hit it on the nail on the head there. That is the key to understanding everything. There is no greater tool of misdirection than price. And you know, people don’t have the time to open up the hood and look and see that it’s actually a squirrel on a wheel chasing a nut to make the car go. Car looks great from the outside till you open up the hood. And that’s exactly what, what the rest of the world see. The world is wise to the game that the west has been playing.
One of the most consequential lies of history is that Karl Marx put forth an economic theory or doctrine he did not. He put forth a totalitarian religion. This was a rape of the body of Christ. He said the ultimate objective was to destroy Christianity. Those were his words. And Khrushchev bragged about it. We’ll take America without firing a shot. Hi, I’m here to impoverish, enslave and murder you. They were actual communists. That is all. You can see we have to say both ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing all over the place. And that game that the west has been playing is rehypothecation of assets.
It’s a Ponzi scheme. In other words, the commercial banks, at the behest of the central banks, have unlimited funds and have been able to distort the real value of these hard assets. These hard assets are not commodities like we are led to believe. They are monetary assets that reflect the frailty of the currency in the system that they stand behind. Problem is that they have blurred so much the reality that gold and silver are monetary metals and actually do stand behind the system in the respect of its valuation. When we talk about something that’s easy to understand what I mean by that, I’ll just give you a little interesting tidbit as it pertains to what I mean by backing the system.
This is probably as clear as it would get. In 1970, $1 million was equivalent to 1700 pounds of gold. Today, $1 million buys you 27 pounds of gold. And so is it that the price of gold went up or is it the dollar that we value things against has gone way down? What was when you were a little girl babysitting, when you were twelve or 13 or 15 or 16 years old? What was a dollar 20 bill worth? What was $100 bill worth? Whats it worth today as an adult and a mother? Whats it worth? Its worth a whole lot less and less by the day when we talk about gold is not going higher, the currencies are being debased more and more and more and more what the west has been doing in suppressing the price of gold and silver, to maintain this illusion of supremacy of currency and a bond market, to keep the illusion going, the game going, enriching the bankers who want us all to think that the only road to retirement is paid with dollar bills and mutual funds and stock certificates and loans in order to buy our house and our cars and live beyond our means, further enriching the elite, the bankers, the 1%.
Theyve been doing that specifically knowing that gold and silver arent just commodities. But they are the canary in the monetary mine shaft. And so what you see is the very wise and now motivated and now coordinated and now sophisticated and now very wealthy countries of the global south, that for a long time or third world are now uniting in a realization that this is how you win. You beat the west not through cruise missiles and war drums, but through draining of all of the strategic commodities through the backdoor. Because these exchanges give you the ability to stand for delivery.
And when you look at, for example, the London metals exchange in terms of silver as an example, its easier to understand. They trade 20 millionoz of gold today. They will tell us on the LBMA, the 140 year oldest commodity trading hub in the world. And they trade 200 millionoz, 192 millionoz of 290 millionoz of silver per day on the LBMA. But the funny thing is that they say those numbers are ten times understated, which in essence, will tell you, because they only post the final settlement numbers, that they’re trading 2.9 billionoz of silver per day, which is 90% to 95% paper contracts.
That’s 3.5 times annual global mine supply. And would tell you they’re trading 200 millionoz of gold per day. These numbers are so far away from the amount that they actually have in the vaults, it gives them the ability to depress and distort the price and incentivize people to think, yeah, gold and silver don’t mean anything anymore. And blur the real value of the currencies that we are holding. Our life savings and that continue to be eviscerated year over year over year. Go back to 1970 in that example I gave you, and you don’t even have to look at how much the gold weighed per million dollars.
Just what’s the value of $100? In 1973, my father bought his first Corvette for $6,000. A stingray convertible Corvette for six grand. That cars 130 now. So did the car get more expensive or the dollar become worth less? And by distorting the value of gold and silver, where silver can be just above half of what it was priced at in 1980, because it has so many strategic uses that the military industrial complex and the elite dont want us to understand, especially as it relates to the value of currency, that they suppress it. And it worked for a long time.
The fly in the ointment now is that all of these countries figured this out and theyre coordinated and they are sophisticated and they are motivated, and they are standing for delivery, draining the exchanges, which will allow them to back a new system by commodities and more likely gold. And the way to show the immutability because we have been anything but forthright in the way we conduct all of our affairs and far from transparent, is to marry that ideology with blockchain technology and say, show to the whole world. Here it is. We have nothing to hide. We’re backing our system.
We will no longer make the same mistakes and fall into the same traps and pitfalls that all of the, the politicians and monetary economists have done since the beginning of time. And that’s how you would transition to a new system that would inspire confidence immediately. And I think you’re right. This is where we’re going. Well, I would like to see all these black projects not be funded anymore if we could have more transparency. I don’t know if that’s maybe a naive utopian world, but I, I would say that there is a strategic element where they’re saying they’re weighing out the differences.
They’re saying, should we keep this suppressed so that we can buy, knowing that they’re buying too, so we can still beat them. I mean, I think they’re playing a very, very dangerous game trying to suppress it. And that’s what you articulated very clearly is because they’re suppressing it for their own means to accumulate gold to back this new system, they’re allowing the other guys to do the same things. I don’t know how that’s going to end. It probably won’t end well. I mean, we’re going to have some wars here and there’s going to be some very difficult times ahead as that work, the power structure works itself out.
Well, it’s interesting, you said, because there was a very interesting interview and I don’t know how I would have answered that before I heard it. I remember last summer, I was living here in Florida. I was in my swimming pool on the raft with my Airpods and listening to podcasts to prepare for my upcoming week’s shows. And I listened to everyone, including you and Bix Weir did a very interesting interview, three part interview with a man named Jack Serman who is 72, three year old guy that’s been at the US Mint since its founding in 1986 and is the person who developed the Sil Briegel program.
And I was blown away in listening to it. To your point, could we be stockpiling? And he for 20 202-021-2022 and most of 2023, the silver american eagle was as rare as hens teeth. And the prices or the premiums on them nationwide were as high as 1516, $17 over the price of silver. And as one of only 27 us mint authorized resellers. The mint has meant the world to me. And I would tell people, dont do it. You cant buy it. Its too stupid, its too expensive. You cant buy it. Youve got to buy silver bars or something else.
I hated saying that. And then I hear this interview and Jack says to Bix, look, he said, I was approached by my superiors. Now, who would his superiors be? Well, that would be its the Treasury Department. It would be Janet Yellen. Janet would have said to him this. He said, I was told to only, first of all, the Silver Eagle. When the mint was founded in 1986, the charter, the law, that’s law says that they have to make and produce as many silver eagles as is demanded by the public. Period. That’s law. Well, he admitted, I almost fell off the raft when I heard this.
He said, I was told by my superiors to make just the smallest amount of silver eagles he could possibly make without creating a massive public outcry. In other words, they told him, do not make what were supposed to do, just make just enough to not have them come storm the gates with picks and axes and pitchforks. And then he said, I used to be on the other side of the table, Vix. I was an authorized participant, meaning he worked for one of the big bullion banks or one of the companies that would buy large amounts, the primary distributors.
And he said, I know how that works. He said this would have been at the end of 2021, towards the end of it. And he said, they told us, the distributor said they’d take another 36 million silver eagles and we only gave them twelve. A third of what they wanted. Again, illegal. Right? So what the hell were they doing with all the silver? Where was it going? Why was he told to do that? Are they stockpiling it? Do they understand that it’s not an industrial metal, it’s a strategic metal. It is needed and it is depleting and is decreasing.
Where did all Saddam Hussein’s gold and silver go? Or Gaddafi’s? How about the 12 billion in gold the Ukraine sold when they funded the war at the very beginning? Where is all of this stuff? And why haven’t we updated Fort Knox in the better part of 70 years? The holdings we haven’t audited? Why? And so there’s a lot of mystery shrouded in all of this. But, yeah, I would hope, as crazy as things are becoming and as transparent as it is becoming to me, that this is the road that we are heading down, that they would have at least been smart enough to especially, you know, in a world where you can create money like that, you know, they’re too stupid to fund FEMA, for God’s sakes.
We’re being told that FEMA’s out of money. I’m living in Florida and the biggest hurricane, the fifth biggest on record is bearing down on the coast tomorrow. But FEMA’s out of money, right, because they’ve spent it all on illegal immigrants. In a world where you can create money like this, you would think they would have at least had a, the hollow gesture of stockpiling things like that instead of blowing it all across the globe the way that they are. Theyve given 180 billion to Lebanon instead of letting the people in North Carolina suffer and starve and die.
You will wonder, are they smart enough to have at least decided that, yeah, this is where were going. We better stockpile gold and silver. And to your point, the only way that I think that they can alter things would be to beat the BRICS and the Chinese to the punch because one of the other groups is going to issue a system pegged to gold. I do believe that we’ve already gotten validation of that from the former president of Brazil and the head of the new development bank, Delma Rusoff. This is no small fry. This is a very influential, important woman who has told us in principle we’ve agreed to it.
Well, it’s 40% gold back. So how close are they to issuing it? Well, the BRICS meeting is in two and a half weeks. Does that mean that the west will beat them to the punch or they better hurry up? If so. But yeah, I think that is where we’re going, Sarah. And it will have profound impacts on everyone’s standard of living. If they beat us to the punch, which will precipitate or necessitate some sort of, of an event as the world dumps dollars and treasuries because they no longer need to own them? Thats a big deal, I guess.
Well see how it all plays out. But it is coming to a conclusion of some sort here pretty quickly. Well, Im hearing behind the scenes of everybody that Im talking to and the bank that gold backed is what all these systems they want to go towards. I think that the central bankers, from what I understand, and these big families, theyre hedging their bets. Theyre infiltrating the bricks. BRIcs have multiple factions, that’s my understanding, because they know that they need to. Everybody, you’ve been alive for a while too. These people just want to survive. At the end of the day, they are going to bail.
Jump. Shit. And they’re looking just like bankers fund both sides of the war. They’re looking to save their butt, if any, what goes down. So they’re hedging their bets on all different systems, almost positive. Well, I mean, to your point, the bis does have western influence as well, and they are behind the, standing behind the technology of the project. Enbridge. It very well may be the case, but at some point, I think it’s every country for themselves. At some point there has to be some event that precipitates this and I guess we’ll have to see how it all shakes out.
But yeah, there is no question that we need to have a gold backing, because the system just doesn’t work. It’s been proven over and over and over and over and over again. You can go all the way back to roman times and it’s the same story every time. Every currency that is not pegged to something inherently dies. It goes back to its intrinsic value of zero. And if you go back to the very beginning of a gold backed system in either the United Kingdom or the United States, you will see 180 years, roughly 180 years of no inflation and exceedingly high prosperity.
The highest prosperity in terms of increase in prosperity the world has ever seen. So this naive notion that you can’t have gold backing of a system is one that was fostered by the elite and by the bankers. It’s not true. The west went almost 200 years with no inflation and increasing prosperity. And then comes the Federal Reserve in 1913, and the dollar has had its ass kicked ever since. And it is worth virtually nothing in comparison to what it was worth back then. Yes, the more things change, arguably the more they, they stay the same. And history does rhyme.
If you do not understand the problems associated with history, you’re doomed to make the same mistake. And I do believe, as diabolical as these idiots are, they understand the only way to make a system work is to peg it to gold and use blockchain technology to show the immutability. And this will also no longer necessitate the need for it to be convertible by the average Joe. Like this was into gold, because de Gaulle proved that convertible currencies convert. And Gresham’s law, you pull out the good money, which just leaves the bad money. Well, if you have a system where there’s only one form of it, but it shows the immutability for everyone to see on a public ledger that is audited independently by all of the parties.
And that’s the genius of the settlement currency that the brics have come up with. Instead of having a unified currency, everyone has their own system, their own monetary system that they have to keep in order in order to trade with one another. The trade will be in local digital currencies, the settlement for those that want to settle in energy or in commodities, or they just have too much in the way of one country’s central bank. Digital currency will be in a common settlement currency that will be pegged to gold. And you can’t mess with it. The deliverable aspect of it will be to the banks, to the countries, but not to the average Joe and Jane, at least not at first.
But it is a very intriguing system, one that I think we have come very close to the end of this keynesian experiment. And you’re right. I think that the big money understands this, and this is why you’re seeing the central banks accumulate gold at a level no one’s ever seen in over 100 years. One hopeful thing that I’ve learned through all my talking lately is that most are the big players. All these systems are all realizing that the money’s not getting down to the average Joe and Jane, and that that’s causing a big revolt mindset. It’s the popular pushback that everybody’s seeing across the world, and that they need to get the money isn’t flowing downstream, it’s being stopped along the way.
They have everything they need, but they don’t like it. The middle people keep jamming it up. They want it to get down to the average person. So even if the bad guys system, this is a hopeful thing. It’s like, even the bad guys know they need to get more money down to the people. And I think that’s a positive thing. So no matter who wins, we’ll be better off, I think, at least for a short amount, you know, multiple decades, once this new system comes in place. But I think the other thing, and you talked about a lot today, is that gold and silver is remarkably suppressed.
So when this new system comes into place and it gets readjusted to what its true value is, you will be rewarded having that in your hands. It’s not just insurance. It’ll be reevaluated at what its true value is. Yeah, and also, to your point, what you mentioned about money doesnt make its way down. What youre speaking of is something even more diabolical in economics. Its called the cantillon effect. And the cantillon effect is, if you think about its very interesting thought experiment, that money does make it down to the people, but it could take a couple, two, three years.
When you look at all of the money creation that has happened, the Cantillon effect says that the people closest to that money have a disproportionate advantage. In other words, very, very wealthy. The hedge funds, let’s say, well, they can borrow money when money was very cheap at next to nothing, and buy assets. See, the wealthy have big bank accounts, but that’s not where their wealth is hidden. Their wealth is hidden in assets. So the wealthy get all of this money creation and they buy assets and they’re assets because of the inflation. See, money creation is inflation.
Its not rising prices. Thats a symptom of inflation. Inflation is inflating the money supply. As you inflate the money supply, the people closest to the spigot, the elite, the 1%, they have access to it, they will take it and buy assets that go way up in the inflationary environment, and that by the time it trickles down, the inflation is so high that a gallon of milk and a dozen eggs cost three times what it did a few years ago. So the poor, and the poor and unfortunate, they have a disproportionate disadvantage where they don’t have assets, they’re not going up in value.
And the cost of living is the wealthy have made so much damn money in the increase in their asset prices, they can care less about a gallon of gas costing more, or eggs or milk costing more. And the cantalon effect is very real and it is very diabolical. And you’re right, that’s why we see evisceration of the middle class. You have very poor who are struggling to get to work just to fuel their car and to buy food and put it on the table when they get home. They’re so exhausted from working so hard because the cost of living has gone up so much, they may have to take on another job, work two or three jobs, and their dollar isnt going as far where the wealthy, all of the assets they bought, stocks, bonds, gold, real estate, you name it, gone way up.
And so they have that disproportionate advantage. And its also very divisive. It creates other problems, social problems in and of itself. And this is something that probably wont go away anytime soon. You will just see a larger widening. You know, it’s the middle class and the small businesses that have been the backbone of the success of this country. And the sad part is watching it all eviscerate. And so really the best way to beat them at the system is to do the best you can. Easier said than done, but do the best you can, even if it’s little by little.
Accumulating assets. Assets will feed you, and liabilities will eat you. And the wealthy understand that. So, yeah, this system is inherently rigged for the one in 2% and everyone else. It’s going to be tougher and tougher and tougher because inflation is not going away. We have unfunded liabilities of nearly $200 trillion, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, government military pensions, and almost a $36 trillion debt. And the information that we’re being told is so full of crap, it’s not even funny. We were told after the B’s, I mean, the BLS should be the B’s. They magically erased about a million jobs for 2023.
Sorry, we were way off all those times. We told you the economy was great. Don’t tell anyone. We revised them well. Now they tell us that 254,000 jobs were created. I think that’s the number. Let me just look real quick here. I think they said it was 254,000 jobs were created in September. Right? And oddly enough, right before election. That can’t be political, right? The number was. What did they tell us? I think it was 254,000. Well, it doesn’t even matter. About 200. Oh, here it is. It was 254,000. I got it right. The largest monthly increase since March.
We’re told, you know, 203,000 more than the month before. And they were great month. But what they didn’t tell us, which is just so pathetic, get this. Of those numbers, we actually lost 458,000 non seasonal jobs. Those are like the college kids working in lawn care and grocery stores. Go back to college, right? Go back to school. Those jobs are gone now. We lost 458,000. But guess what we added, and this is the pathetic part about it all, about the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the crap that they give us on inflation, unemployment. We added 785,000 jobs to the government.
The government, who doesn’t produce anything. The government has no profit motive, so therefore, it’s always inefficient. Businesses do well because they have a profit motive, so they have to be efficient. The government doesn’t care what the hell they waste their money on. Jobs were created in the month of September. That is the largest surge monthly in government workers on record. That’s because these activists who have. I’m sorry. I know that they are mean. Well, they don’t want wars. They don’t want all this stuff, but they have. They’re so clueless when it comes to economics and how things work.
And they just think you can create. They have no idea what it does to the country or to the cities and to the communities. When the government grows and you don’t have functioning businesses, they’re anti capitalism, so they’re anti business. And it’s like they just are so uninformed and ignorant. And these are the people, and they’re very emotional. They’re very driven. I’ve been watching these guys, too. They’re so driven by emotions that that’s what’s causing that kind of stat that you’re seeing. Yeah, it is. And there’s a whole line of thinking called wave theory wave and Elliott wave that all centers around human emotions.
And when you add divisiveness into it and economic turmoil, that emotion gets very dangerous. I mean, we’ve added, just in the last three days, 345 billion to the debt. And these are numbers that took years to do down the road. We’re now doing it in three days, $345 billion. It’s a disgrace. It’s a complete and total disgrace. And over the last four years, the debt has grown by $4 trillion, or 14%. Yet the GDP, the growth of the country, is up 1.5 trillion, or 6%. In other words, the debt is outpacing economic growth by three times over the last four years.
So our debt is accelerating past our ability to pay for it by three times in the last four years. And this will, this is why you must own gold, period. This is why you own gold and silver, because it is wealth. And the currency from underneath us is being destroyed. And they understand that. And this is the only way that you will ever pay off the debt is through inflation. And this is why the people theres this backlash of people saying, no, it has to be tied to gold or this same crap will happen over and over when I come on your show and tell people to buy gold and silver.
Sarah, its not to get wealthy. It is wealth. And this is being proven by the biggest money in the world who knows the playbook. And your listeners need to understand that. I hope they take action. I’ll tell you one last thing. I have to run pretty quick here, unfortunately, about ten minutes. But I’m from Minnesota like you. I spent 50 years there. I didn’t deal with hurricanes. The worst I ever had to deal with would be a blizzard. And that was psyched when that would happen. Would load up on food and, you know, sit and watch tv and not go to school.
But now there’s a hurricane coming? And I live on the east coast, so supposedly it’s not going to be as bad. And in the southern part of the state, but yet we’re not anywhere near Tampa. We’re on the whole other side and south of it. And I went home to Costco yesterday, couldn’t even get within quarter mile of it. The lines were at least a half a mile down the street in every direction. And then we went to the local grocery store, Publix, where there’s one on every corner in this state. I’m not even kidding you.
They were out of eggs, they were out of milk, they were out of water, they were very low on toilet paper and paper towels. They were virtually gone with meat. And we’re not even in the target. And people should understand this in a metaphorical sense, in terms of preparation. When it becomes obvious to everyone that the shit’s about to hit the fan, whether it be a real hurricane or a metaphorical hurricane, as Jamie Dimon said, we should all be prepared for, excuse me, battling a cold. If you’re not prepared, you ain’t getting any milk and you ain’t getting any eggs, and you’ll be lucky to get meat.
And I use that in a metaphorical sense in terms of preparedness, whatever that means to you. Precious metals, home protection, whatever that means to you in terms of being prepared, you need to do it, and you need to do it in a proactive fashion, because the people who are now going to publix, they’re screwed. And good luck trying to even get in the door at Costco. So that’s what I’m talking about when I come on your show. Okay, so how do they go? I know you have a private price list, which my listeners get access to.
How do they contact you? How do they get access to the private price list? And start making sure they don’t have much. I don’t know how much time they have. I don’t know what the system is going to go over slowly or if it’s going to be overnight. It’s one or the other in it, but it’s going to happen. That’s my favorite. People need to prepare. Go ahead. That’s my favorite term, logarithmic decay. It’s been happening little by little by little by little by little by little by little, then bang, all at once. And that all at once will happen on a Sunday night.
Mark my words. Just like I’ve always said that. What did the Nikkei crisis do happen on a Sunday night? Monday morning, you wake up. You’re, if you haven’t prepared, you’re screwed. And it’s hard to try and sound the alarm without sounding of self interest, of talking one’s book. I’m not. I’m simply, you know, the things that I’ve said. I’ve talked with you as long as I’ve talked with anyone. In terms of podcasts. I remember doing a podcast with you in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic and everything that I have said to you has come true.
Just about almost all of it. The Brics, Saudi Arabia, gold’s revaluation, all of these things. I’m not a soothsayer. I’m not a magician. I just had the ability to pick up on all of the crumbs that have been dropped along the way that most people would look at and say, well, that’s interesting, that’s interesting. That’s interesting. And in and of themselves, they are putting together, they’re scary. And I will tell you that we are running out of time. People need to own gold and silver. They need to mitigate their exposure to the dollar and to the banking system, traditional assets.
Now if you haven’t watched the great taking by David Rogers Webb, go on YouTube yesterday and watch the great taking by David Rogers Webb. It’s a free deal. You can go to his website, I think it’s thegreattaking.com dot. But go and you can buy his, get his book for free. It’s much easier to have watch the hour long YouTube. He narrates it, it’ll blow your damn mind. And these are the things that I’m talking about. But for your listeners, please have them send us an email@infoilesfranklin.com. dot Sarah sent me. We will treat them very well and we will give them the best prices that they’ll find just about anywhere in the country.
And we’ll give them that special price list with no obligation. It behooves them to put their phone number down because a lot of times people say, well, we didn’t get that from you. Yeah, we sent it to you. Spam filters coming from any corporation oftentimes will stop them. And so people may not get what we send them. We can text them, but there’s no obligation or any questions that they’ve heard here or any of the other interviews we’ve done. We’re running out of time. I do mean that the us mint is already out of 110 ounce gold eagles.
They will not make any until next year. It’s getting hard to find any backdate, anything. It’s just 2024. And typically in good times and in normal times, when we get to Halloween ish or to Thanksgiving, for sure, all the mints are sold out of product. And they say, well, there’s nothing until next year. Well, you put that in conjunction with the BRICS meeting and the biggest selection of our lifetimes, and what the hell are you waiting for? This is important. So, yeah, we will treat your people very well and give them the best prices. Infoilesfranklin.com super important in the subject line to say, sarah sent me, and I promise you they will not represent the first customer complaint.
We’ve never had one in going on 35 years, and I’ll make damn sure that yours aren’t the first. Thank you so much, Andy. I so much appreciate it. And you’re going to be coming on every few weeks now as this is heating up, because I’m telling you, I’m doing a lot of research and talking to bankers, and this is happening, so people need to really get on top of it. So thank you. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be associated with. You are a lovely person inside and out and have such courage to say the things that you do and the way that you do it with great respect.
It’s something that means a lot to me. So thank you for that kind gesture. I look very forward to picking up where we left off, and we’ll probably be able to discuss what happened at the BRICS meeting at the end of October in anticipation of a few days, perhaps from the next time we talk, being the biggest election of our lives. So. That’s right. Buckle up, everyone. And I just want to say a prayer for everyone here in Florida. All those have already been affected by the hurricane in North Carolina and the rest of the country.
But what’s coming to Tampa seems to be very frightening. So my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone, and I look forward to picking up where we left off. Sarah, you stay well. You too. Talk soon. Thanks. Bye.