Hidden History: How Do Egypts Pyramids Galactic Technology Tie to Rise of Christ Consciousness?

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➡ Brad Wozing and Honey Golden discuss the hidden history of Egypt’s pyramids, suggesting they were power generators connected to the rise of consciousness on Earth. They believe these pyramids, along with other ancient sites like Machu Picchu, were built using advanced technologies and are tied to Earth’s energy grid lines. They also discuss the discovery of a 60,000-year-old pyramid under the Grand Canyon and the use of radar to reveal structures miles beneath the Giza pyramids. The hosts argue that these findings challenge our understanding of history and the capabilities of ancient civilizations.
➡ The text discusses theories about ancient technologies and civilizations, suggesting that pyramids were used for power and healing, and that ancient texts describe advanced technologies like anti-gravity and energy weapons. It also mentions a global event called the “mud flood” that supposedly caused massive destruction and population loss. The text questions mainstream historical narratives and encourages open-mindedness towards alternative theories.
➡ The text discusses historical events and theories, including the 5th century church in Constantinople, the concept of reincarnation, and the discovery of a pyramid under the Grand Canyon. It also explores the existence of pyramids and sacred sites around the world, their different forms, and their significance. The text delves into the existence of ancient civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria, suggesting they were real and had different societal structures and values. The text also encourages maintaining an open mind about these theories and the importance of personal spiritual growth.
➡ The text discusses the concept of Christed consciousness, which is linked to a rise in global awareness and vibration. It suggests that our bodies are transitioning from carbon-based to crystalline-based, which aids in aligning with this consciousness. The text also mentions the existence of beings like Lemurians and Galactics, and the potential for humans to develop universal gifts like healing and creation. Lastly, it hints at a coming age of disclosure, where hidden truths about various topics will be revealed to further our awakening process.
➡ Colonel Chuck Sellers, a former Deputy Commander of Delta 4 Force, shares his experience with a product called X39 patches. These patches helped him manage his degenerative back disease and knee problems, improving his mobility and reducing his pain. The patches, which were originally developed for Navy Seals, are said to activate stem cells, reverse aging, and burn calories. They can be purchased at catchthelifewave.com, which offers a 90-day money-back guarantee.


Hidden history show you divine lions and lionesses. I’m Brad Wozing. I’m joined by Honey golden to cover off the true reveals of Egypt’s pyramids and how galactic civilizations and technology are tied to the continued rise of Christ and consciousness across Earth. Right now. It is absolutely remarkable what is happening and also how these power generators, reactors that go down miles into the earth under pyramids from Egypt, Machu Picchu and other places around the world are tied to our ascension. We look forward to seeing you in the live chat. Welcome back to the Sovereign Soul show all you find.

Lions and lionesses, we stand for love, levity and liberty. I’m a Reiki master of nearly a decade practicing quarter century here with the lovely spiritual, intuitive healer and partner of mine in ascension mastery, Honey C. Golden. What a day. How you doing, honey? Hi. Oh, my goodness. How’s it going? This is exciting. So exciting, so exciting. Because once again, until it hits mainstream, it seems to be like conspiracy, conspiracy no matter how many books are published and whatnot. For all those of you in the audience joining us, we really deeply appreciate you being here because what we’re going to cover here are again, this is the real truth revealed of the Egyptian pyramids as power points on Earth’s grid lines, sacred sites, Machu Picchu and how that ties into the rising Christed consciousness sweeping the planet right now, including our galactic family, free energy, the disclosure of actual technologies which have been hidden from us and that ancient and quantum being brought back into the current.

And by the way, everybody, Honey is also the. Was for a long time the host on YouTube of Hidden History. So I can’t think of anybody better to have on here. We just crack this live stream and get going right after it. Have I kind of covered it off enough at the moment? Okay, awesome, awesome. So if you don’t, it’s just so fun because it’s like, finally. Go ahead. No, we have a delay. We do. Yeah. Well, it’s finally like it’s cracking open. You know, the hidden history that has been hidden for so long. This is going to crack it open.

It’s a massive find. It’s a massive find and it’s actually going to change religions as everybody knows it because in certain religions, oh, it’s only 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 years. That’s it. They still have never accounted for very few of them for the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad Gita, going back 25, 000 years, to the sacred text, to the temples that have been found in Indonesia, going Up to five miles underground and like, oh, this is a one off, we got to cover it up. They still have not publicized. August 2022, the United States Geological Service as well as the United States Park Service acknowledging a 60,000 year old pyramid under the south rim of the Grand Canyon.

And yet here we are, Alex Jones picking up story Ariel Proletariat. It’s going off over the channels today on the Egyptian pyramid discoveries now published, now recognized, now sweeping the planet on what these incredible architects have done for us. And everybody’s saying there’s no way in our current human race, in our society as we know it today, we could have made these. So I’ll, I’ll let you drive honey, and I’ll show images and you go, you go ahead because you are so tapped in on this information. Sure. So the pyramids were created with sound mostly and if you can think about the rocks and stuff.

So like at Machu Picchu, how they’re so close together you can’t even slide a piece of paper in between the rocks. That’s because they were almost like giant marshmallows and they were able to float them across basically through the sky, so through the air. And also they were able to make them malleable. Now the pyramids were not malleable, they were just floated. So I don’t think that they were nearly as squashy. But also they were using lasers at this point. This was a power station and it had a beautiful golden crown on it. Yeah. And underneath was Mercury and it was basically an enormous power station.

So this would have covered a massive area. And nowadays we talk a lot about Tartaria and I believe that most of the cathedrals were also massive power stations, but not nearly to the magnitude of a pyramid. So very powerful. And what we’re going to show you here right now, coming up on the screen in a moment is an image. By the way, this goes to Project Unity. And so thanks for bringing that forward as well as Greg Reese just did a report on it coming up here tonight. So they found is over two and a half miles below the surface of the Giza pyramids using radar.

And I’ll show you the study where this has come from. Right. We’re talking about all different types. We know there’s side scanning radar, there’s lidar, there’s sonar radar. Right. With submarines, people going after, you’ve got satellites, satellites that in space now for a long time have been able to look at your eye from space, from all those miles up under the dome and determine do you have brown eyes, yellow eyes, a little bit of hazel? What’s going on here? So this is the synthetic aperture aperture radar Doppler tomography reveals details of undiscovered high resolution internal structure of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Now right after that report they were showing. Let me go to this one, I’m going to pull that out. This is what they were originally seeing on the top of the surface. So for those of you who are just following along here, right, so we are talking about the Giza pyramids in Egypt right behind the Sphinx, there’s one of them, there’s kind of, you can see the shiny capstone which used to be covered in gold and then had perfectly beautifully polished white marble beneath the capstone of that pyramid. And so they’re using that tomography scan to say, hey, there’s some really interesting resonance signatures here.

What they’ve been able to do with that scan is also determine, as Greg Reese just showed it on report teaser is these are actual vibrations coming from up to three miles in the Earth underneath the Giza pyramids. So we’re going to show you here exactly what they have had a rendering as to what it is. Now imagine at the top here those, it looks like five stories of images right above it that’s inside the pyramid. So this is one of those Giza pyramids and this is a CAD drawing of the pyramid above ground at the very top of the screen.

And below it, These pillars extend 648 meters below it. Pillar 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. And each one of those pillars they’ve disclosed have spirals around it just like an energy coil. Now for those who have been to the pyramids, I mean you look at you already, we already know that they have disclosed that the mathematical symbols for light speed, the speed of light for PI and the Fibonacci sequence are all over the pyramids. They’re perfectly aligned mathematically to both the stars in the sky. And now on Earth’s ley lines. As everybody is realizing now, what we’re looking at is below that 648 meters there is a sheet and then there are these other massive coils which spiraled.

Again. This is an autocad drawing rendering from the tomography through that non invasive satellite imagery and radar that is scanned it and then you have these massive cubes of granite. Then they’re sitting on top of the bedrock of the planet. So three miles down, all of this is happening. It is gargantuan. Each one of these pillars is a mile high. Itself, Each one of these massive pillars per pyramid. So what we’re looking is just all of this for one of those Giza pyramids. And there’s the three, three pyramids that they’ve shown. And it is absolutely so powerful.

So just bringing everybody up to speed here on the magnificence and beauty of what is finally being disclosed. Honey. So we have to remember that most of the societies that have come before our society were more advanced than this one. So that’s important to remember because we couldn’t build that right now. There’s just no way. And also they were tremendously abundant. So when you look at your, your power lines outside your house and you see those little coils and they’re way up in the air, those are also collecting electricity. When you fly up in a plane.

This is the hardest one for people. When you fly up in a plane, there’s no way that it could carry enough fuel to get it where it’s going to go. There would be no room for passengers. So it gets you up in the air and then it is feeding off the ether and then it gets you down. So that’s how airlines work. All of these like structures are repeated. The spiral is repeated all over the place. And the spiral is even like the rainbow bridge as you go out into the astral plane. But they knew all this stuff.

There was a lot more knowledge that wasn’t hidden back then. And they were using lasers, lasers and they were using sound and they were using levitation and they were basically liquefying the rock to a certain point. Yeah, Yep. Well, it’s also amazing is all of the evidence which still surrounds the pyramids. I mean they have glass sand that has been crystallized into glass that it dates back three to 5,000 years. And the only way that that could happen is from weapons fire, lasers being fired. And, and when you look at the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita.

I read the Bhagavad Gita in 2016, the end of 2015. 16. And again you, they’re literally describing that you have flying discs 25,000 years ago that fire these bolts of lightning and high heated energy and are causing these massive explosions including mushroom clouds in the sky. So you have anti gravity, you have Stargate portaling. And that’s another thing we haven’t even touched on here and, and would only do a little bit based on the time we have with this show today and the ability for. You have, and you also have different races right. In the Bhagavad you’re talking about blue skinned people.

You have people who are hybrids. I mean, incredible. And then also in India and all across the planet, there’s the great big black pyramid in Alaska, in Squamish, British Columbia, like you mentioned, with Machu Picchu, which again, I’m wearing my, you know, Machu Picchu amulet bracelet is turquoise stone from the bottom of the Amazon rainforest. And I did the three and a half day trek from Cusco to Ollanton Tombo and you know, camped overnight each night in the rainforest or at the top of the Andes mountain peaks and did that trek as a nice spirit walk with Shaman Puma back in 2006 or seven.

And, and absolutely remarkable to realize that now all of this information, the tomography on Giza, what they’re doing, they’ve likely got this already mapped out and they have been purposely whole withholding it from disclosing to us. They have these massive caverns. I mean you can go and remote view this in Machu Picchu, only onto which is along the trail, the Inca trail, Machu Picchu and all of these other magnificent sacred sites. So honey, what, what do you pick up as to why, why Giza over our history, whether it’s been Indiana Jones or it’s been other movies of our time and in our culture, in Western Western civilization the last century or so, why are so many people tapped into Egypt? Pyramids, even though we have pyramids all around us, like I said, Squamish bc, Alaska, pyramids down in Colorado, pyramids everywhere.

Pyramids sunk off the Indian Cokes. Why Egypt? What do you think? Well, think about Rome. And so that was all the same society, the Egyptian society, the Roman society and the Tartarian society. The, the pyramid is older, so it’s older than those beautiful cathedrals that you see. So that was a little newer form of power station. And it also was a healing center. But they’re patterned after those pyramids. They’re using aspects of those pyramids to get power and they put their spirals up in the air, whereas in the pyramid they’re down below. So they’re doing different things with Earth energy as well.

Obviously. Yeah, but a pyramid would cover a vast, vast area for power. And it also, it feels like to me what I’m getting is it was more like a Tesla tower, like it was broadcasting the power. So you didn’t need a power line. Whereas with the Tartarian technology, sometimes you were using power lines like they were using power lines. And I’ve seen them coming down the sides of the buildings. Yeah. So the Middle Ages never really existed. You know, we didn’t have a dark Middle Age time. That dark time was when the population was obliterated, basically through the mud flood.

So it is more. It speaks more to like Atlantis, the pyramids, that was more their technology. I’d like to go back there for a moment on the mud floods, because sometimes we throw things out that we’ve become so aware. It’s just part of our lexicon. Right, Yeah, I totally agree. And. And, you know, it’s interesting because I had that as a note written down, and then I typed the note to myself, gotta remember, about the mud floods. And the moment I just finished typing it into my text file, you said mud floods, you know, tapped in.

Here we go. I guess. And when we’re talking about mud floods, folks. So think about this. What we’ve just covered, right, which they have just said unequivocally exists, that up to three miles below these pyramids of Giza, below the sand, below the crust, we have these incredible structures where each one of these is 648 meters long, perfect vertical column, seven of them that we can see here, rising up to the base of each pyramid, which is exampled here with these kind of like five kind of columns inside it with kind of green structures. Look like something out of, you know, China.

Just reminds me of it. Like, you know, or sentry towers. Right. If you’re going back to the. The army, like sentry towers, these interesting nodes, power nodes come off it, and then below that, 648 meters, then it stops. Then there are these, which turn into these perfect eight pillars that then go down another mile and then they go on to that. And below them are these massive gargantuan granite, perfect square cubes. And then you’ve got bedrock. So it’s nearly three miles from the surface of Giza down to the bottom of each one of these underneath. So to bring it back to the mud flood story, just share with everybody who might not be aware of it what that is.

Yeah, So I always get from my higher self, it happened around 1797. And what happened is we had a liquefaction event. So beings that knew how to create chaos with frequency basically liquefied the soil and a lot of things sank, including a lot of the people. Okay, So a lot of people passed away at that point, and it took them until around 1850 to repopulate. So a lot of the buildings, you can see that they have like doorways that are covered up or they have Windows that are half covered. St. Louis, Missouri, Kansas City, everywhere. Venice, Italy.

Yep. Florence, Italy, everywhere. And some of them, not all the countries were hit as hard I noticed with the mud flood. But the United States, massively, Russia, things that are on this side seem like they were hit a little harder with the mud flood. And I know that the Sphinx was recreated. So. Yeah, because they didn’t want people to see some of the other pyramids that are also out there in Egypt. They wanted to create a tourist attraction. And the pyramid of Giza has no markings inside of it. So that one is a true pyramid. It’s very old.

But I think that the Sphinx is, you know, I’ve seen the pictures and it feels right to me that it was recreated. It’s been proven actually that the stone is from different eras of time. I mean like 10,000 plus year spans different compared to all the dust storm and the erosion that’s happened to the pyramids around it as well as, you know, the chamber where the head of the Sphinx is, it goes into it and then also the noses were cut off. When you look at Persia, look at all these pillars and these beautiful other temples around it, the noses of the faces are smashed off.

Honey, it’s a, it’s. Well, I think that’s where a lot of the moors came from. That’s where they’re like genetic line came from. So darker skinned people with broader noses, they were breaking those noses off so that they could say that it was lighter skinned people because they were. I mean think about Hitler and what his supposed aim was. Right. That was kind of an aim of the elite for a long time. And Hitler actually that’s going to be a very interesting discussion because he was creating his own money so he was doing some good stuff and then all of a sudden he was the bad guy.

So. And he was denying the central bank. Interesting. Yeah. So that all needs to be revealed at some point. He could have been replaced. Who knows what the actual story is there. But it feels very muddled to me and not correct. When we look at Gaddafi and what they’ve done and all the reveals come out in that, you know, here’s somebody that they propped up that and I don’t know the Hitler story and I, some of those things are new to me. But the thing I, I would encourage the audience is maintain an open mind. Right.

Yeah, you can still have our deep emotional connections to it and generationally. Yet once again, you know, the disclosure here is. Hang on a second, like Bishop Jim O’Connor has said multiple Times, right. You know, his order has access to all 777 books of the Bible. He’s confirmed, he’s like, listen, on the day that Yahshua, Jesus Christ was murdered, killed on the cross, all these flying discs showed up. It’s there in scripture, it’s written. And multiple witnesses saw that. Right. So the event of the actual history that we have been told, which has been compressed. And again, the 5th century church in Constantinople and they had that assembly and what does it, what does Catholic mean in Latin? Go look that up about being in agreement with this is the way it is.

So we can bring everybody together and declare that this is how it is. Plus they removed reincarnation from it as well on in the 5th century. Yet all those texts are there the same thing in the Buddhist temples and the Himalayas, which other have other amazing pyramids and power reactors. And once again, there’s still that press release out there for any, you know, individual. Like I said in the beginning, the United States Geological Service and the United States Parks National Park Service confirm there is a pyramid underneath the south rim of the Grand Canyon in August of 2022.

And it’s they believe, 60,000 years old or older. So that immediately takes out anything of the re legion that’s been taught to us that, you know, like man was created now and that’s it. Right. We’re not. But honey and I aren’t saying here, like don’t stop believing in religion or spirituality or whatever it may be yet. It’s not. Things aren’t always what they seem and maintain that open mind because the evidence is there otherwise before we move forward. Yeah, and ultimately the answers come from within you, especially when you’re clear, when you’re not attached to stuff.

So that’s important. The Christ consciousness is coming back and we’ve been told of this time. But how is it coming back? It’s coming back because we carry a piece of God within us. So it’s coming back and the consciousness is growing inside the body. And you know, I have like a lot of discussions with the soul. That was Jesus and that wasn’t the name that he actually used. I don’t think comes through as a definite no. And also I think his brother is the one who died on the cross. Cross. So there’s a lot of stuff out there that we don’t even know if the original was completely right.

The all the original stuff. And we don’t know. I mean we do know that it’s been rewritten over and over and over again by Men. Yeah. And they had motives for that. But there’s a whole massive story there. And I actually think I’m gonna do some shows on that, but. Awesome. Yeah. Why sacred sites? So let’s go back to the pyramids here as well. Pyramids, sacred sites, ley lines. What’s the significance there? And what do you get as we shift the conversation into Atlantis versus Lemuria and. And why. Why? We have different types of pyramids. We have the typical perfect triangular pyramid, like Giza.

We have stepped temple pyramids like you would see, you know, down in Chichen Itza in Mexico, and then in Olianton Tombo and in Machu Picchu. You know, those pyramids are very different. And then Lake Titicaca, and it has its own. And again, there’s Pyramid Lake in California before the entrance into Death Valley. Right. They literally don’t hide it. There’s a pyramid. It’s out there. It’s in the lake. It’s. But why. Why the different forms of pyramids, too? What’s your take on this? I think that’s different societies, a lot of it. So we have pyramids here, and they are a mountain.

So they’re massive, they’re 10,000ft and beyond. So if I’m driving down the road, I could say, oh, there’s a pyramid, there’s a pyramid, there’s a pyramid. There’s a smaller pyramid. And they’re all perfectly shaped pyramids. And then they also have, up in these mountains I’ve seen what would you would call kind of like the Sphinx, like that shape. It’s almost like it’s hollowed out at the front of it. Like it was a pyramid, but now it’s like been bombed or something. But it’s missing the head. Yeah. It’s like been sheared off. Yeah. And there are pyramids.

Like, if you go down towards Gunnison, there are pyramids down towards Durango. There’s a thing that’s called Chimney Rock. Yeah. Oh, Chimney Rock is on the reservation rock. Yeah. Like, come on. That’s like another sphinx. I’ve. I’ve seen multiple chimney rocks now on the reservation. This is 2021. When I was riding down there on the bike, the National Park Service had opened up a brand new visitor center of Chimney Rock. And to me, I felt that’s a National Park Service attempting to make sure overall, not every Park Service in tour guide. Right. Is of the deep state, but trying to make sure that they in.

They control access by the people to the site. So they’re not finding out Other stuff that’s going on underneath the site, at the site. But they can’t stop you from seeing the objects flying around in the sky above Chimney Rock. Right. Or Sedona and all those other beautiful sites. Even the Grand Canyon too. Yeah. And a lot of these, these were the grid patterns in this area and some of them were pulling energy away from the original grid pattern. So they weren’t in the highest good. But Rome was worldwide and then Tartaria was worldwide. Like these things intermixed.

Yeah, sometimes. But the Roman Empire is what I would call it was older and to me it’s like Atlantis reformed. Wow. So that you know, that was a big thing. Like Mount Olympus really existed. Atlantis really existed. Lemuria really existed. And the two of those, Atlantis and Lemuria destroyed each other. Yeah. And one was trying to be good and kind and then Atlantis got corrupted. Talking to an old soul from Lemuria right here. So yeah, absolutely. Now a couple of things I just want to acknowledge a few people in the chat before we continue because I also want to bring in dragons and tap into a little bit more about Lemuria versus Versus Atlantis.

Yeah. We also see a knower in the oceans. So we have Cygnus 40 49, thank you very much for being here and says there is a video making its rounds claiming it’s from 1795 released by the Vatican. The style of people look steampunk. So I don’t know the video being referred there. Referred there. Moccasin27 says hello Brad and Honey from Norway, good to see you both again and everyone in the chat too. Mox and 27 thanks. Ben Durock said there’s probably an army of gatekeepers hiding the real Egypt info. I definitely get that as true. And Speaking of True, Sunshine 9 is there Libyan desert glass? Yes, that’s definitely the weapons fire we’re referring to.

And true. Kels from Denver, great to see you back in here. Said great to see you and catch you live. Hugs to you. And in Rome you literally walk down centuries. Yeah, you definitely do. So Sunshine 9 and Clojo, they’re all in here as well. Lots of great activity in the chat. A couple hundred watching, 200 plus right now. So thank you. As we return to Dragon Slimuria Atlantis. Slightly different timeline phases here as well. But I mentioned Mount Olympus is real and floating in the sky and here’s what I get from that. You know you everybody is very much aware of anti gravity technology so it can float in the sky.

So therefore like we’ve seen in Some. Some of the disclosure events from the film industry, like the Marvel Avengers movie, they have their floating aircraft carrier, right? They’re floating aircraft carrier. We can go anywhere. So then think about how things could be retold and reshuffled through the societal lens and the biophysical lens of those at that time to be retold to say, like, oh, this, this is where the kings were or the demigods and they floated up in the sky. And then you have Marvel Avengers showing you, well, it’s an aircraft carrier, but it, you know, has propellers and some anti gravity.

But then our ship is anti gravity, but it doesn’t have propellers and it’s got an ion engine on it. Anyway, think about how powerful that is. And also bag of agita, those timelines as well. Anti graph. Spaceships, portals, hybrids. All right, so. So do you feel in your research the Lemurian people were good, another light. And I’ve heard many times as well, Atlantis people were good, another light, but then corrupted and taken over. And. And we’ll hear from you. And I’ll also talk about a little bit of facts that are out there right now. Undisputable. People could find the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico.

School. Yeah. So Lemuria, I had not a ton of lifetimes there, maybe like 20. But it was definitely more serene, definitely more about spirituality and it was merged with nature. So Lemuria was more organic and didn’t. They weren’t doing science experiments. And that’s what got Atlantis into trouble. And they also wanted things from Lemuria. So there was a crystal that was stolen along with a princess. And there’s a story about that. But I got that it was true. And I also got that she actually sacrificed herself, herself to blow up. She used the crystal to blow up a huge portion of Atlantis.

So. And they were red, red crystals. But Lemuria went a completely different way. And they also have still been around in different vibrations. Like they were under Mount Shasta for a while. So some of them, a lot of their civilization got obliterated in that war, but they’re still here, you know, so that’s important to know too. And just like the ets, as we vibrate higher, we will be able to see them. Yeah, yeah. The Essenes and Yeshua in his time. Since part of this is about the rise in the Christ of consciousness across the planet, what would you say about this not being with respect to a biblical time of one noted religion? All right, what is it about Christianity over anything else? And why there’s something called Christed consciousness, but we don’t see it anywhere else.

Do you know where I’m going with this? What is it about the Essenes that were so powerful where they wiped them out? And we have this. Everybody remembers this man. They don’t so much remember Mary Magdalene and the others, but definitely. And also validate that yes, this man was here. Now we’re talking about a rise in consciousness and vibration to tie it back to the Galactics and then also Lemurians who are still here with us. How would you be able, if you’re just sitting in a coffee shop for a few minutes, tell them having somebody’s like, what, what is this Christ of consciousness thing? What does it have to do with Galactics and our vibration? How would you message that to somebody? Well, with all of this, I would talk about it as the crystalline, because your body is going from.

And it’s happened already. So you’ve gone from a carbon based body to a crystalline based body. And that is going to help you become Christ aligned. Crystalline Christ aligned. And what did Christ do? He was a mystic, but he knew the laws of the universe. He was one amazing soul. And I’m not going to reveal everything that I know at this point, but he was an amazing soul who knew how everything worked. And Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary also knew how it worked. So these were souls that came down together to do, to basically help create ascension.

But because the density wasn’t allowing them to move through it, they weren’t able to get ascension to happen at that point. And that was the whole point of it. Now those gifts are going to come in to people all over the place, because those were universal gifts. It wasn’t that he knew everything about how to do it, how to heal people, how to create very easily, how to part the sea. Right? He knew how to do that stuff, but he knew it because he knew the laws of the universe and he believed that he could do it.

So that’s the biggest thing. Like if you see a monk in Tibet and he’s levitating, he knows the laws of the universe. He knows that. He just needs to believe that he can. And he needs to believe it not just in his conscious mind, but also in his subconscious mind. So all of his cells have to believe that it’s possible for him to lift off the ground. And that’s basically where we’re at. Like, that is a Christed thing. To be able to do that, to bend a spoon is the same. So think about the gifts that come in the Marvel movies and Know that you probably have at least one of them because yeah, join look at spoon bending.

We also. And people have seen many videos of that. It’s absolutely awesome, you know, to have somebody up in the apartment go and pull it off and. And then teach you how to do it. It’s really incredible. Yeah. But when we look at dragons, new Lamura Sunshine 9 by the way in the chat says Keoni Hanale of Wahala Botanicals is a great reference to interview regarding MEW and Lemuria. So thank you for that. You have them get in touch with us. Fantastic, thank you. Dragons and angels then. And we had a question here as well in the chat.

Is there a tie to it by Cygnus49 Is there a strong tie between dragons and angels? I see dragons as archangels in etheric stream to consciousness. They’re very, very real, yet not yet quite physical. Ascended dragons maybe? I would say absolutely yes. Yeah. And they work together a lot. So dragons kind of got pulled into being part of God’s army a lot of the time. So a lot of those battles that happened there was an angel riding a dragon, you know, so. And that’s in the physical. And an angel can pop into a person. Like if somebody is maybe like using drugs and they’re fairly open, like their body has been kind of cracked open and an angel can pop in and can give you a message.

And this happens all the time with an NPC or somebody that has been abusing some sort of substance. An angel will pop in and give you a message. They will pop in and assist you in some way. And angels were created to be an army. Now their whole role has shifted at this point because we don’t need an army anymore in the astral plane. But they’re still guardians. I mean they’re really helpful. They help all these ghosts that have been hanging out lately. And they, you know, if you ask an angel to help you with somebody that’s like a poltergeist in your home, they will, they’ll help you.

So they’re amazing. And they’re kind of re reorganizing themselves just like we are. We’re changing right now, definitely. So we look at the size and the scope of just this one discovery once again. Right, Discovery. The through the imaging of if people are just new. The synthetic aperture radar Doppler tomography which has revealed the details of the undiscovered high resolution internal structure of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Now again, this was a submitted report in 2022. What I find also interesting about this. August 2022, same time, USGS National Park Service third time saying this on purpose.

Oh, there’s a 60,000 year old pyramid below the rim. South rim of the Grand Canyon. Yep. What and from. So this has been around for several years and only just making its light in the last few days of what’s going on here and below them. So I’m curious as to where you feel things are going to go from here. Honey. Great setup question with this disclosure. I mean incredible. In the last 24 hours, the JFK files and this and some other things as well too. So the three massive timelines just came together recently. And what I get when I ask like my higher self, what does this mean? I get everything everywhere all at once.

So to me that means that everything will go through the disclosure all at once. So we will be bombarded with disclosure. And whatever tickles your fancy that’s gonna help you further your awakening process is going to be the thing that you’re attracted to. Whether it’s the catalyst of politics, the catalyst of history, the catalyst of religion being exposed expose like whatever it is the catalyst of the ets. That’s going to be what you’re attracted to and that’s going to be what elevates you further and further on your journey. That’s what I personally feel is next is the inner Earth beings, including reptilians to insectoid and other races as well.

And the honeycomb Earth story very quickly coming out here as well as galactic to just tie it all in. Right? Because because to me they don’t want people to be in fear. I’m talking about the white hats are good, amazing, awesome. Well, at this point in time question what else is there? So then you’re also demanding though. Okay, well let’s move to free energy. If we already have it, then let’s do that. Okay. It’s already here. We’re in a national energy emergency. How power perfect is that? The national energy emergency, which included for existing. That’s exactly what he said in when he signed that executive order.

He goes national energy emergency for existing and other technologies. So pretty awesome. And that’s kind of where we are right now in a beautiful age of disclosure. So thank you so much honey, for being here. How would you tie it off for the rest of the individuals? Thank you to for, for where we’re going before we have our ascension mastery next week, I would say try and enjoy the ride, enjoy all the things that are popping up and say oh, I knew about that. Oh, that’s Fun. Now they’re showing us this and start to be really grateful about the reveals because that’s going to bring more and more reveals and also that’s going to bring on the systems that we’ve been waiting for.

Yeah, absolutely. Cool post link below the description. Honey and I both lead the mastering ascension to master ascension. There we are. We have our Q A coming up next week on Tuesday twice live with us, an incredible group around the planet. Thank you, honey. Thanks very much, everybody for jumping on this prom too. And send out great light to the white hats and everybody around the world for ascension. Thanks, honey. We’ll see everybody later. Bye, everybody. Thank you. Bye bye. Hey, dear soul, if you know anybody who needs deep healing has pain, hard time sleeping. Stay tuned for these messages from Colonel Chuck Sellers, a former Deputy Commander of Delta 4 Force.

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