And I like masterpiece. That’s the company I endorse. Why? Because they’re the only company out there that’s actually doing trials to prove to you that their product works. It removes graphene oxide. It removes aluminum. It removes microplastics and all sorts of toxins. You can try yours today as well by going sarawestdale.com under shop or with the link below. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. I have hope and tavan coming back to the program, and I do something different today, and I give them the floor to give a presentation of what they’ve been putting together.
I usually don’t like to do that because I like to do an interview and engage, not even an interview. I like to do a discussional type interview and really engage with people and get them diving deeper. And I do in this, I let them talk, and then we get into some deeper discussions. And I have to because some of the things that they’re presenting is so profound. And I want to challenge some of that stuff and get us thinking more from a larger cultural, how it fits into our larger cultural discussion that we have and what it really means to you and what it means to our spirituality and what it means to be human.
And some of the things, especially one graph coming from IEEE, which is the engineering organization, electrical engineering organization. It’s a graph showing a natural human function to a totally synthetic human function, all the way to the basic cells in your body. To me, that was jaw dropping to see that, because I haven’t seen something so concise put out there of how you would actually turn a natural human being into essentially a robot. And it’s almost as if, and when you see this diagram, if the thought was, how do we create a high functioning robot? But we can’t because we don’t have the ability to.
So let’s start with the foundation of a human being and change them to what we want them to be. And because we don’t have the ability to create the foundation, so they create, it’s almost like we’re the shell of what it is that they want to create and have for their functioning, whatever, for their robot, their cyborg, and completely removing what it is to be human and just, just using what we have as a synthetic shell to start with. It’s incredible what this one diagram shows. And they’ll show it later. You got to watch the presentation to find that.
I got to tell you, this presentation is long, so half of it will be on my substack that you can go to at Sarah Westall dot substack.com. and I am launching a locals, too, on Rumble. So I will be putting that present, half that presentation up on locals as well. And please sign up for that if you’re watching it on Rumble. Otherwise, everyone who’s already on my substack, that’s where I have my growing. I have quite a few followers on Substack there. Also, if you’re watching it on a platform, this show, on some platform, please like my shows, because in order for the algorithms to find this and to prop it up, you have to have more likes and engagement, and probably the audiences like me, you don’t have spend a lot of time engaging.
You don’t. You just watch a video and, you know, that was really good. And you don’t think to like it, make sure you like it, because that supports people like me who are trying to get past some of this, these algorithm challenges. And a lot of us just don’t like shows. And you got to do that. You got to like and engage in order to help us prop up. So especially on rumble, that’s what they use. So please like it if you’re watching there. And before I get into this, I want to talk to you about.
They’re going to talk about this at the end. This is their sleeping pod. They have brought back out for Brydian University. We had an EMF package that I did with Hope and Tavon, and they have the phone, the phone card, the pendant, and the sleeping pod, which I love. I sleep with this every night. And they brought it back out for Christmas. We’re going to do a Christmas special. So for $125, you can get all three, which is a great price for all three as a package. And this one is amazing. I sleep with it right here on my chest.
But they’re going to talk about how not only does it work for EMS, it works for, it transforms the EMF, so it’s not damaging for you, and it absorbs them, which is the most highly effective way to do it. If you just block it. This one work, blocking, because you can’t block everywhere else. What we really need is to, you need to transform with the field around you and also absorb the EMS. That’s the most effective method. I’ve spent days looking at papers to figure out what the best ways are to do it, because I wanted to show that when I did that, my fifth generation mind control series, they were part of it, part of it.
And I wanted, before I wanted to sell or engage those products with the series, their products, I wanted to make sure I understood the technology and that their application is really at the forefront of what was going on. And so I was reading papers, white papers, and most of us from computer science departments across the country, talking about how to deal with this. And absorbing and changing is the best way to do it, because if you block, the other problem with blocking, like aluminum will block a signal. And if you put aluminum, you know, it’s tinfoil hat kind of stuff.
If you put that on, it’ll bounce off. So it really does block. It’ll bounce off the aluminum, but it magnifies it, and then it can hit your body and people around you. And so you create more of a problem than you’re solving when you’re doing a blocking type situation. So that’s why absorbing and changing is so much better. But the other thing that they’re going to talk about with this, which I absolutely love, which is just as important, is that this is a grounding device as well, and has organite in it, and that grounds. So when you’re sleeping while grounded.
So like when you go outside barefoot, and it changes your blood cells, it makes you so much health. There’s so much research on what grounding does to your body, and we talk about it in this presentation as well. This grounds you, so you can sleep being grounded, or your pendant, you can just be grounded all the time. Your phone, it blocks the emfs on your phone. That is what probably why I feel so much better when I’m sleeping with this. I used to when I had a little bit more anxiety, because I have a pretty stressful job talking to people.
And it’s amazing, all this stuff I’m dealing with and talking about and a lot of it behind the scenes, and it’s like a fire hose coming at me. And so I get anxious about it and so I used to just, like, sleep with this right here on my chest. And I don’t feel that need anymore because I think my anxiety is a lot less than it used to be. And I just sleep with it right next to me. And I think this has a lot to do with it. But now that I know it also grounds you and you want to put it right on your chest for grounding, I almost wonder if, you know, that’s almost more important.
It’s just as important as the EMF, but it’s, it’s such an important element. So I recommend, if you’re going to get these, sleep with them right on your chest or in a pocket, and you can be grounded the entire night. This makes an excellent christmas set. So you get the phone pack, you, so you get the phone card, you get the pendant, and you get this as part of a set for christmas for $125. And so consider getting, you can even break them up. You can have three different gifts for people if you want to do it that way.
But this one’s my favorite, the sleeping pod. Okay. So the link to that will be below. And so remember, the rest of this presentation will be on my substack at Sarah wesselubstack.com or on locals on Rumble. Okay, let’s get into this presentation with Hope and tavan. Hope and tavan, thank you so much for rejoining the program. Hi, Sarah, and hello to everyone. Thank you so much for having us back. It’s great to be here. Hi, Sarah. Thank you. Well, it’s always a pleasure to have two people or people like you on my program who are fighting for the world, trying to expose it, and then coming up with solutions, which is what I love.
You guys are really diving into the darkness but then saying, okay, we have solutions, people, and we’re going to talk about that. But can you, you have a presentation that you’re going to be sharing with us. First of all, tell everybody, for those of you who still don’t know, you were part of my mind control, fifth generation warfare series that you were, you shared the tech part of it, the engineering part of it, and which was a big chunk of what’s going on. And we only could touch on the surface because there’s so much to this.
But you have been doing research and just a ton of stuff. So share with people what you guys are about. Okay, well, we are Pope and Tavan. We’re a married couple out of Morocco. We also are researchers and business owners. We have a business called Fix the World Project. Fdwproject.com, where we make EMF protection. It is our passion. We made it because we, too, are suffering from the harmful effects of EMF. And in our own way, our suffering put us on this path of doing all kinds of research. In addition to EMF protection, we also research off grid alternative energy, which is a larger project.
But we found that over the years of us on this mission that we feel is ordained by God for us. We found that these two things dealing with off grid energy, human beings being independently able to be able to work and function in this world, coincides with the agenda of trying to control the population and using EMF and other means in order to do it. So we found. So we wrote a book about this as a culmination of the experience at that time in 2017 called forbidden Tech. And that was a culmination dealing with the forbidden technology that we uncovered that we feel has been hidden, that is being revealed through, I guess, people coming across discovery still building and work on their own.
And the second half at that time was dealing with mind control, targeting people remotely, using the thing to cut the type of things that, globally, people are starting to find out is happening to us right now. That’s right, yeah. Okay, well, excellent. And you have a presentation. Do you want to give that right away and just dive into it? Because. Okay. We’re so excited about this one because there’s a lot of hope. There’s been some other wonderful people that have been doing some tremendous work, and we just want to lift them up like everybody else that’s trying to find solutions to help others.
So while we have to dive into some dark areas, that’s like, that’s the first step to healing, is to understanding what it is that’s hurting you so that you know how to protect against it. So, yeah, let’s go ahead and dive right in. Okay, excellent. You want me to share the screen? Yeah, let me. Let me share screen. You should be able to share it right now. Okay. Can you see it? I can see it. Okay, great. We like to name our presentations. So this one we’re calling weaponized frequency. Here’s a quick summary of what we’re going to talk about in this presentation.
We have more hope than we’ve ever had before for helping people to heal from the nanotech onslaught on humanity. Recently, there have been a number of brave healers who have shown tremendous breakthroughs in how to deactivate this nanotech in the body and how to detox it out of your body. And so it’s time for some good news. And here’s just a list of what we’ll be covering. Okay, we’re going to talk about what is the Ku band or 18 GHz. We’re going to talk about weaponized GMO yeast, yeast and its relationship with the 18 GHz. Molecular communication interception.
Also white paper wars, real world evidence under the microscope. Nanotech building blocks and putting it all together. Breakthrough solutions, quantum dots. And then the chelating the nanotech from the body. Grounding, turns off the nanoteche and grounding with organite. So let’s dive in. First we’re going to talk about this Cu band. Okay, so what is the Cuban. So cuban frequency is a frequency band like in satellite communications that spans from approximately twelve to 18 GHz era in the electromagnetic spectrum. It’s the most versatile frequency used for the Department of Defense, combat commands, services and agencies across air, land and sea has the largest deployed infrastructure and usage within the DoD.
It has the largest commercial satellite fleet worldwide across all satellite operators and is able to manipulate yeasts, bacteria, nanotech structures. And now this research, this research comes from doctor Edward group who was at a recent conference, healing for the ages. We’ll talk more about that conference later on in the presentation. So he was studying the Ku ban and the 18 GHz, specifically on how it affects nanotech and yeast and bacteria structures in the body. So who uses the Ku ban? NASA space station and Starlink satellites, television, satellite communications, terrestrial fixed box locations that connect to space satellites.
And just as an interesting little side note, if you look up the definition in an american dictionary for the word coup, it literally means a secret society of white men. That’s really. Yeah. And that’s just incredible that these, okay, it’s like they’re telling you, they’re telling you who’s doing this, right? So we’re tying this together with weaponized GMO yeast. So this was a big reveal at the conference, the work of the last 8910 months of this group of researchers and doctors. They have genetically modified yeast, or brewers yeast to produce toxins and proteins and put it in everything.
An operation from the CIA in the 1960s commenced to get everyone addicted to sugar, alcohol and white flour. This is to feed the bioweapon of GMO yeast to carry out their main nanotechnology systems. The nanotech in the body is being produced by the yeast. This is converting your body into a system that they can control through frequencies. So all the different studies done on yeast, it’s a test bed for CRISPR cas nine technology and gene editing. It’s used with graphene. They encapsulate graphene around the yeast in the human body. It produces diseases such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and turbo cancer and so many more things.
It can produce proteins such as spike proteins. It can produce venom inside of the body because they can program this. Okay. Yeast can produce heavy metals in the body. Yeast can be controlled by EMF. And yeast can produce microplastics in the body, and hydrogels. Yeast can also carry different nanotech inside of your cells, like a trojan horse. Okay, so let me ask you, so when we’re seeing all those fibrous things, is that from the yeast? Because yeast is something that grows. So they were trying to found a foundational element where they can get it to grow.
So are they, is that what they’re tapping into? Yeah, I think that the best way to say it is that the yeast is like the baseline that they’re using for all the other different nanotechnology. That’s their big secret. Also was mentioned in the conference is how there’s a relationship between the yeast as being the matrix from which you can grow these engineered bacteria cultures. And it’s these bacteria that have been programmed to produce these things, anything from enzymes to proteins. A lot of them contain robot or synthetic chips inside of them also. So it’s like the yeast is there, the bacteria feeds on the yeast, and then the bacteria can grow in its colonies, programmed to perform these functions.
And then when you’re in an environment, like an electromagnetic environment, as these things grow, they take, it’s similar to the film of the Tesla floresis, where you have the carbon nanotubes, because we’re talking about a graphinated environment also, where those fields create the template for these proteins to grow, the instructions for them to grow. That makes sense. I want to mention, too, that in this conference, which, by the way, this conference, the entire healing for the ages conference that just happened in September of 2024, is going to be streaming live for free from Brighton University on November 2.
So we’ll talk about that again. So please make a note. This is what we did. We said we have to see this conference because of what they’re going to be talking about. That’s why everybody under the sun is telling me I should. In the last few days, I need to talk to Doctor Ed group, and I’ve gotten connected to him. So I’ll have some of these people on and we’ll talk about it more. I think it’s really great that your, with your background, with your tech background and everything that you’ve been covering that, you can then connect this dot to the other dots and just kind of do the big picture.
You know, I covered in 2016, I had a scientist who actually discovered that CRISPR. And people, nobody’s talking about this, and I don’t know why, but it was an Austin, Texas University lab that discovered that CRISPR actually cuts in, like, 50 to 100 undesired or unknown locations all at the same time. So when they’re trying to cut something, it’s not precise. There’s, like, 50 to 100 other cuts that they don’t even know. It’s just happening all over the genome. It’s not a precise technology. Yeah, it’s not good. If I was your mother and you had a drug problem, I’d grab you by the ear and make you call and get help.
You can be in treatment tomorrow and start to get clean in seven days. Follow mom’s advice and call the detox and treatment helpline. Now write this number down. 802 8778. 802 877891. 802 877891. That’s 802 87891. Yeah. Yeah. Most of these modes, when they’re described, you assume. They make you assume that it’s precise, but most of them are not. And there’s always these unintended consequences. That’s right. And I just want. I just want to mention, because you said, like, you were talking about this before, and then it comes up again, I think that information is divinely inspired and that at the same time, a whole bunch of people on the planet, all over the place, are basically getting this wisdom sent down to us from the divine so that we can understand what’s happening.
So it’s like, you know, we wrote this book in 2017, way before COVID and it was about the stuff that we were working with for years before that. And then here we are in 2024, and we’re watching all these other brilliant, good people that are coming up with the same information that we discovered way back in their own way. Different work, you know? Yeah. But the difference this time is these are people, professionals in the field or parallel field, who are actually finding evidence of what was discussed under the microscope. So it’s no longer so much like maybe conjecture or coming to a conclusion based on research.
Now we got real evidence of what people are finding and, of course, the nastiness of 2020 and after that. So now all the evidence is brought to bear on what was said before. And so it’s all just. Yeah, so what’s happening? Yeah, what’s happening is the more and more a lot of people woke up. A lot of smart people woke up. And that’s what I told Mike Adams when he interviewed me about this series, the mind control fifth generation series. I said there’s millions of potential people to probably, you know, millions of scientists and engineers that can understand this.
And you know, I’ve said this to tat calendar too. We, we need people coming out who can help with these solutions because they’re there. But we need the help. We need everybody working together. We need people on the inside sharing what’s going on too, because it’s, it’s very difficult to always look at it from, from outside and not knowing what their intent is, always looking for actions and results versus looking at some of the source of what they’re doing. But these guys are getting closer to getting a lot of that evidence. I imagine there’s even more.
I mean, it’s hard to know unless we’re in the boardrooms with them while they’re making the decisions. But I think this is very hopeful because it shows that there’s more smart people all in sync who realize what it is that they’re trying to get accomplished here. Absolutely. Okay, so this is another slide from doctor group’s presentation. And this is the 18 yeast under investigation. And so what you see on the right are different cell cultures. And the whole study was about how they’re able to uptake nanospheres or nanotechnology when exposed to 18 uptake of 23.5 nanometer nanospheres.
Only adult yeasts are able to uptake the nanospheres at nearly 97% success rate. Spheres researched and used for novel drug delivery methods E. Coli, which is mentioned a lot in many white papers around the world, are able to uptake nanospheres more efficiently, rapidly in the presence of 18 GHz by permeating the bacterial wall. As soon as the frequency is removed, the bacterial wall closes and repairs immediately to its native form with the spheres contained in this quote from the study. Use of emfs to facilitate efficient transport of biomolecules, which these nanospheres were in this test. Diese and tracers and genetic material across cell membrane and drug delivery and gene therapy.
And I just want to bring back to remember Sarah, you know, you probably heard previously from either our presentation or others talking about like Washington State University, how emfs microwaves inherently trigger the cell walls to open and close, or the voltage gate channels, depending on what cell model people are referring to. They open the channels across the cell membranes. So in general, it just appears that microwaves will open up the cell walls of living organisms to allow things to come in and out. And these people are using these things to allow technology to get into, in this case, bacteria, to take in that technology and then to enclose it for later.
And with all this in mind so you can see how the EMF can control the bacteria. The yeast. Yeast is considered a parasite. There is something. The Department of Energy has a database of 470,000 pathogens that are patented and for sale to other countries. They have used GMO yeast to create all these different diseases from Zika, Marburg, dang, etcetera. So name any disease, and you can trace it back to the Department of Energy. And you have to ask, why does the Department of Energy have this and not the department of health? Because it’s technology. That’s right.
That’s right. There. There. And that’s what I’ve been telling people, too, is that this is an. It’s an engineering issue. And when Jiro Donnell says there’s a seamless integration of neurobiology and engineering, that’s what he’s saying. And it’s not from the health perspective. And that’s why medical doctors are so inadequately, like, they have no background in this at all. And so they just have no, the vast majority, there are smart ones, like doctor group and others in that presentation who are doctors who are saying, oh, my God, we got to learn this whole other field and then apply it to what we know.
But that’s what Giordano was saying, is that it’s a seamless integration between engineering and he said neuroscience, but it’s also a seamless integration into health biology. And that’s exactly what these good doctors have been doing. They know about the human body. They’re natural healers, by the way. They’re not like medical doctors. So they know about the human body. And they. Are they chiropractors or they’re naturopaths or both. There’s a group of them. So there’s naturopaths, they’re chiropractors, they’re research scientists. And so, basically, like, this one research scientist that’s working with this team, Maria Krissler. You know, she says in many of her interviews that I’ve been watching a lot of, is she had to learn all about this new tech that’s been introduced into the human body.
She’s been doing, this is her field. She’s been doing this professionally for a long time. So she knows what she’s seeing when she looks at stuff under the microscope. And she has an amazing microscope, by the way, that has some of the best pictures we’ve seen, and we’ll show some of them soon. But she says, now I have to go and learn all about quantum dots, nanotechnology, hydrogels, so that I can identify, because that’s what it is that she’s seeing. It’s a whole other field of tech and engineering, and that’s what they have to learn. But the nice part, the MDs, bless their souls, okay? And some of them are really working and getting out of that box, but they’ve been put in such a box.
And I know because I have family members and some of them are working to get out, but other ones, there’s. It’s such a struggle because their whole education has put them into this box, and so they can’t see this. And so it takes the natural pass and the chiropractors and the other scientists who haven’t been put into that box as strictly to say, just blow it open. So this is great because that’s what we need, and we need the engineer. You know, there’s a medical. There’s one medical school, I think, the University of Illinois, that actually put their medical school in the engineering department because they’re seeing the future.
And that’s where it’s going to go. Yeah. Yeah. That’s. That’s where it needs to go in order to understand this. Absolutely. So we’re just going in the dark projects. They’ve been there for decades. I know. So what we’re going to talk about in just in the next few slides is molecular communication, which is how our cells talk to each other. Right. But what is really being done, this is what the industry of emerging technologies is actually focusing and targeting. They are targeting the communications between yourselves. And there’s big conferences about this and tons of papers about it.
So this is communications interception. This is how they’re targeting the population. Several different kinds of communications, molecular communications, wireless communications, the communication industry in general, and also media communications. They’re intercepting the message. So, you know, propaganda and the lies and everything. So in the computer security world, you probably have heard of this, Sarah, the man in the middle attack is where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two parties. This is also a tactic that’s used in general by the intelligence agencies. So this is what they’re doing with the cells in your body.
They’re using nanotech to intercept the signals in your body. And so they call it microphage targeted therapy. They’re targeting your receptors in all parts of your body to intercept the signal of communication between your cells with signals they can control with nanotechnology. And that’s from the white paper called signaling pathways and microphages, molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets. And you could see from this graphic targeting this, targeting that, everything that they’ve been, you know, they’ve been studying this so that they can target the receptors in your body so they can intercept that signal. This comes from this.
This graph here comes from the molecular communications in nano networks, and it shows you. This paper describes where they use nanotechnology to intercept molecular communication in the biomedical, industrial, military and environmental fields. It also describes the communication between what they call nanomachines, which is how they get them to perform tasks through electromagnetic communication, frequency and sound. It also describes in detail how the nanotech encodes information, releases that information into the environment, which is then sent towards receivers in your cells, which could be other nanotech receivers or the receivers in your own cell structure. Then this is how the information is received with the help of chemical receptors and information.
It’s then decoded in the form of chemical energy, telling your cells what to do. Okay, so we’re just showing you some of the papers from the industry that describe this process in their own words. If you look over to the right, you will see an image above, and that is coming from this book here, nanotechnology applications for wireless communication systems. It’s like a college textbook that they’re using to teach the new and upcoming students about this field that are engaging in this world. And you can see it’s the same concept molecular communication used in wireless communications between a microsystem and another microsystem sending a signal.
So what they’re basically doing is they’re trying to intercept that signal through all different kinds of things. So let’s show you this conference that they’re having in the next few days in October. This paper is describing what they’re going to be talking about at this giant. What conference is it? Is it IEEE conference? Yes, yes, yes. It is an IEEE conference. So that’s electrical engineering conference. Yes, yes. Although we know that they’ve now merged it with the biomedical. It’s like a biomedical engineering community also. That’s my point. It’s called nanocomp 2024 and it’s in Milan, Italy.
So you can check out the website for it and see everybody who’s going to be there. But we’re mentioning this paper because the main people, especially Doctor Kildase, is going to be in there and they’re going to be sharing these points on molecular communication as one of the main bullet points. So we’re going to cite this paper out of 2019, and this paper is called moving forward with molecular communication from theory to human health application. And it’s available right now. If you type in the title on the IEEE website, you can freely download it and look through this paper.
It’s only eight pages, but it’s not easy reading eight pages. So you’re going to summarize it for us here. Yeah, that’s what summarized based on what we found with some illustrations here. But in general, like, what hope mentioned is molecular communication using the molecule biochemical processes to relay information in biology. It is a natural process that’s used in all life, and that’s what’s being hijacked for their agenda here. Advancements in wireless technology over the last hundred years. Actively researching molecular communication as a paradigm shift, using technology to communicate with human beings. And also remember, with all of these papers, the way they write them to get the academic community engaged and also the broader community to throw money at them, is to say how this can be used to better address human health.
For sure. It’s always about that, and it can be right. I mean, that’s not that. That’s not a lie. It’s just there’s always a dark agenda behind it. And so go ahead. Exactly. And so we as force, it’s like it’s done with the lie by omission. It was a weapon system first that was already tested out on people. That’s right. This is for your health. The dark, the dark projects are way ahead. And they put it into the, this, into the educational fields, and then they work on it and build it for other purposes. But so us as humans have to make some decisions and some safeguards.
We don’t want to not take advantage of this amazing technology to better ourselves, but yet we want to make sure it doesn’t take away our free will. It’s not a weapon system, it’s not all these other things. And so we have a, we have some major challenges with this tech. My number one challenge with this, I mean, I understand that things could be used to improve health, but I’ve never really known of these powers to be, you know, benevolent in the first place. So the other thing is that really concerns me is that you don’t have control over the technology.
They do. You don’t get the keys to this technology. They have them. So, you know, I don’t want anything in my body that I don’t have the keys over or the control over when it comes to this and that. And this is, and you’re probably not even a camp, but let’s say somebody is. It’s only for people that maybe are paralyzed or really have issues. Maybe there’s some benefits to them. I mean, we have some soul searching to do as a humanity and say, no, we don’t want this. And where do we want this? And do we want this? Right? I mean, this is where other aspects of human civilization need to come in and have these hard conversations, but right now they don’t even know what exists.
Yes. Yeah, good point. Right? I mean, they’re not even having these conversations. So, I mean, the question is, do we, and how far do you take it? Like, you know, I think about this a lot. It’s like we just want none of it. And it’s like, well, how far do you take the. None of it with the technology. The Mennonites and some of those groups have said, we want none of it, to the point where we’re back to the 18 hundreds. Well, I don’t want to live that way. So where is that point where our civilization wants to keep our humanity? Do you know what I’m saying? Where is that point? And it’s a collective thing where serious, honest people that care about humanity come together and have these conversations, but we’re not even having them because it’s.
We have to try to figure out what’s really going on still. Anyways, keep going. No, you’re right. Yeah. I mean, as technology advances and as I still believe that in general, the population, you know, you have, you still have a rising middle class in the rest of the world, you know, in these other pockets of the world, I do feel that there’s a push to try to prevent that from continuing on that trend. But what’s also happening is that it’s becoming more accessible for people to make things in their garages with all the machines and the tools that are made available.
So I think there is going to be a split as far as a population of people that would like to be, I guess, Luddites, I suppose, and those who are in the middle ground that realize that, well, can’t I, and most human beings can’t go from the way they’ve been living and talk on their phone to sewing burlap shirts again. And then you have those who are just purely technologists that will, if they could, have the machine do everything for them, including nefarious things. So, yeah, this is going to be a thing that’s going to continue on, especially when, if human beings are at the point where I, where a large number of the population acknowledged that free energy is real to the point to where there are some people using it in their homes and in their small communities and they’re doing a lot of diy, then at that point, what it means is that generally, when it comes to discussions, people won’t be able to use the excuse of, well, it’s because they didn’t have this or they didn’t have that or didn’t have these tools or they weren’t able to do this.
It was down to literally, as human beings, can we function in a world where we’re able to express our full free will? That’s right. How do we maintain our free will and then be able to decide what it is that we do and do not want? And that’s the discussions that we need to have, and we haven’t even gotten close to that yet. And can you do it with or without God? Now, we’re christians, so, you know, we answer that question for us. But I think a lot of human beings are still at that point, they’re still thinking about that.
I think you always, this is my, I’m, I believe in God, too, and I think you always have to have a good spiritual guidance. If goodness isn’t guiding you, whatever you think God is, whatever you believe. If we aren’t, if goodness and not harming others is not guiding us, then we don’t have civilization, period. I think that’s just the basis of civilization. So. Great. So what we’re going to do now is go into this slide that is going to show the merge of man, machine, nature and synthetic. And this is diving right in. Yeah. So what we’ve got on the left here is the natural system.
Do you see this dividing line down the middle? This paper that we just showed earlier, by the way, it’s, it’s one of the graphs in the paper, and there’s a lot going on in this graphic. Oh, so this is in the Ieee paper. Yes. Okay. This traffic comes from this paper. And these are the people that are putting on the conference, the Nanocom, in October this month of 2024. So we’re showing you what they’re all going to be talking about this conference. So you think about the time this paper was written in 2019 before, again, the unpleasantness after 2020.
So it’s kind of like a bright eyed, this is where we’re going with things. So now let’s fast forward four, four years later with the conference. And obviously, this conference is going to be, where is everybody with this molecular communication research? So we’re going to show you what the directions they were heading in back in 2019. That dividing line on the left is the natural systems. And then on the right you see the synthetically engineered systems. And on the left you see the body and its different systems on the upper section, what, the cardiovascular system, the microbiome, gut, brain, digestive system, the nervous systematic, et cetera.
A lot going on up there. And then it shows on that diagram how they zoom into the cellular level where all the cells are communicating with the bacterium, you see? And then they zoom in on that, on each cell and all of its system. What’s a constant is that you see all these little floaty, what are called molecular. The molecular communication. The communication molecules that are permeating all these cells. This is an incredible graph that is in nature. So then they zoom in with the arrow to the right, in the middle, the molecular scale, which is at that molecular scale, with that cellular level, with those information molecules that are in nature.
You introduce synthetic information molecules, synthetic mRNA, like the CRISPR type technology at that scale, you introduce it through different means and you scale back up. You notice on the right when you have MC devices, molecular communication devices. The things that are floating around now, they look like bacterium, but they got something else inside of them and they’re swimming around and they’re calling it devices. Okay, well, let me ask you. I mean, we’re going to get into some different levels of conversation here. At this point. If they change out all our cells to be synthetic and everything we are, no, they’re just using us as a foundation to create a robot that’s no longer human.
So, yes, it’s just, this is, this is how you would take a human being and turn them into a robot without having to create a robot. Robot, yeah, this is the robot that they want. And that’s what we’re. This is what this graph shows. It shows how to take a human being and transform. Yes. This is the most. This is the most crazy graph I have seen in a while. It’s a real doozy. It’s a doctor. Kill these special. I mean, this is, this is what you come to expect. This is an incredible, because this is the conversation.
This is what I was talking about. The conversation needs to be had. A, do you want to remain human? Do you want to keep your free will? And you’re right, I hope, when you’re saying it’s one thing if you control the technology, but the control structure will not be by you, it’ll be by other humans or whatever the heck they are. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The other. The other names for this. If people want to look into this whole body of information, they call it human augmentation. There’s a whole bunch of government documents describing the human augmentation studies and work that they’ve been doing primarily on military, think super soldiers, that sort of thing.
It’s also called bio digital convergence. That’s really big coming out of Canada. But you can look into that as well. Or just plain old transhumanism. Well, you see all that and you see it in pieces, but I haven’t seen something put together in such a clear fashion. That’s why these images speak. They speak a thousand words. Here, you know, you have the. Again, the molecular communication devices, they showed how they’re. They call it engineered cell communication. These cells are engineered, but they’re floating at that molecular scale with your body fluids and interstitial fluids, with your body melding with the natural processes in your body.
And notice how it also has the interface with electronics. So at that level of the molecular communication devices, that’s where you’d have something like a Arduino or Zigbee communicating with that. And then you scale back up from that to where these things at that cellular level created networks all throughout your body, from, from the head to the toe to your right hand that would have a wireless device. This is worse than, you know, where I have the matrix movie where at the end where they’re all in pods. This is worse than that. And let me explain why.
Because when you’re all in pods, they’re using your mind and your functioning in that world where they can take you over and stuff and they can manipulate you, but you’re in that world, in the matrix, you’re still essentially a free thinking, simulated thing, whatever that is. Right. But this is using your structure to create a robot that you’re no longer even a human being. I mean, this is, this is different than that. This is a step even farther from that last, you know, that pod scene in the Matrix. And I don’t think people realize that this is, this is probably the most intense thing I’ve seen.
And I don’t mean to sit and dwell on this. It’s just that it’s not, it’s not like you’re just in a simulation where you are a free thinking. You’re still, you still can be taken over and affected, but you’re still kind of this autonomous thing. This is like they literally just using a human being. They’re using the foundation of a human being to create a robot, because they can’t create a robot on their own. Well, yes. I mean, I think this image needs to be blasted and posted and painted and put up on every bulletin board and poster in every city, on every highway to bring into everyone’s consciousness that this is what’s actively happening.
You know, something I like to say when I’m thinking spiritually, like, the devil can’t create. He can only manipulate. So that’s what we’re seeing, just like you said, you know, it’s. They’re manipulating what’s already here as humans into something else. And this. This was done thousands of years ago, you know, with the flood and everything, there’s. That’s a whole other show. But we were more advanced. We were way more advanced in the past, so maybe that’s why that happened. That’s. It’s incredible. When you start connecting those dots, it’s kind of like yeast. Let’s get. Bring it back to ease.
Yeast is made as a foundation because we can’t grow. You know, we can’t. The bread that, you know, expands, and we need the yeast to make it expand. We can’t figure out how to do that, so we need to use a foundational element like yeast to make that happen, and because we can’t do it ourselves. And so that’s what they’re. I’m just thinking of different things. This is. This is an incredible thing. I got to put my articulation behind it. But you’re right, this needs to be plastered everywhere because you. It’s. It is evil taking over a human being because they can’t create it on their own.
They can’t create souls. Yes. They can’t create this living thing. So they’re just going to take what they already have. Well, let’s just take a human being. I can just see them talking about it. Let’s just take a human being because it’s already created, and then just make it into this robot thing that we need, that we can 100% control. We can totally eliminate the human being aspect of it and just use the foundational elements at the shell of the human to create what we want. Yeah, absolutely. No, no, that is a doozy. When we first saw that, we were blown away as well.
So now I’m trying to make a connection here between theory versus reality. So Tavan and I. Tavan’s an engineer. We’ve been working in this field for, like, 15 years. And so we’ve been reading white papers as part of the industry because that’s how scientists communicate, right? So white papers. But they’ve really been coming in hard in the last couple of years, especially after Covid discovering what’s going on in those shots and everything and what’s going on in the emerging technology industry. So I just want to tell you guys a little bit more about the history of white papers.
And maybe you’ve been getting slammed online by people that are like, here’s this long list of white papers. Read all this, right? And you’re like, overwhelmed and you don’t know where to start. But the thing about white papers is that you have to know how to read them and you have to check who funds them, who’s funding them. So white papers are how scientists communicate. So to control the narrative, you have to control the scientists. To control the scientists, you have to control the white paper publishing. So one publisher controls most of these white papers. This was from a presentation that Doctor Lee Merritt put on at the same conference, the healing for the ages conference, where she was talking about how at the beginning of COVID many doctors in the field were just getting flooded with all of these white papers, like, you know, on purpose.
And she said that it was just trying to confuse them. And when she. When she basically looked into one of the white papers, it had like 30 different authors on it. But she actually went and looked up all the authors, and only one of them actually were real people that existed. So there’s fraudulent white papers, and this was one of the papers that they put out in order to justify the COVID vaccines. Okay? So doctors are flooded with white papers to confuse. White papers are written for grants. White papers can be fraudulent. And white papers are usually behind paywalls, so you can’t.
They’re only the real good ones. The really good ones are only meant for people in the industry with access and membership in order to read. So here’s what she found. The white papers are. They’re controlled by intelligence agencies. The first white paper’s publishing editor in chief was Robert Maxwell. That’s Ghislaine Maxwell’s father. And he was known to be an actor, but he was like a triple agent. Yes. Yeah. Like, I think he was working for Mossad. The CIA? No, Massad, mi six or my five and KGB. He might have even been working for the CIA. I mean, this guy was.
So what is this was a super spy doing running a publishing a white paper for scientists? Publishing house? Yeah, I mean, if you just back up a little bit the way that white papers came to be was during World War two. A couple of these scientists said, we need a way to publish our scientific and medical documentation because we don’t know what the Germans and the Japanese are doing. So we need some way to, like, formally publish it. And the big publishing, that was Butterworth’s, and then they merged with Springer, and they created the first, like, white paper publishing press.
And then that press later on, it changed its name. The first editor in chief, it changed its name to Pergamon Press, which the first editor in chief was Maxwell, as we said. And Pergamon, if you look up what Pergamon is, that’s from the book of Revelation. It literally means the seat of Satan. That’s what Pergamon. Okay, these people are incredible. And I want to say one thing about Ghislaine Maxwell. People think that, you know, she was just Epstein’s girlfriend. Everything else, it’s like, no, guys. She was his handler. She was in control of him. It was the other way around, right? Yes.
Yeah. And, you know, I did a side presentation a while back called the Satanic Medical Industrial complex, and it goes into all of the symbolism and the history of the medical industry and what the symbols of the snakes up around the poles come from. So the fact that they’re naming the first white paper medical scientific publishing house that’s controlling the information and controlling the way that the scientists talk to each other. The seat of Satan is something to be said. And here, just so you know, so the Pergamon altar, it was a real altar. It was an ancient turkey.
It was a ruin in Turkey. But in 1878, they transferred pieces of this altar and they reconstructed the entire structure in Berlin. And so the interesting thing, this is it right here in the center, that’s the reconstructed altar of Pergamon. And then many political events have been held in front of this seat of Satan, such as Nuremberg. And here’s Obama in 2008 in Berlin at the. At the altar at the seat of Satan structure. So I just thought that was an interesting, you know, thing. So, you know, it’s a very. And I’m getting into a different topic here a little bit.
But when I see this, you know, we. Right now, we truly is a parallel to what was happening in World War two. We had communists versus the Nazis very much. We have the same thing. Nazis were really technocrats, and so we have the communists versus the technocrats right now, which is, you know, history is not exact. It rhymes, but it’s very similar to what was going on in World War two, with the backdrop of the wars, brought in the new financial currency, which was the dollar, became dominant at that time. Both World War one and World War two really brought that in.
That was the backdrop of it. So it’s almost as if there’s a repeat of history with other more advanced agendas going on. Clearly. But it’s very similar. Absolutely. And the reason why we’re putting this, we’re stringing this together in the presentation is that, you know, people can write about white papers. They. These are groups of professionals. There’s many white papers that are extremely useful. You know, you just have to. You have to know what you’re reading, and you have to understand all the agendas behind things. Right. So there’s. But it’s just. It’s theory and it is studies.
Sometimes it’s findings, right? But it’s still just that when you see stuff under a microscope, that’s like a whole other world of physical molecules and reality, as you saw in that one slide that was merging the nature with the synthetic, they’re drawing all of these different things, all these different components that independently work on each other. Right. So what you’re doing is you’re tearing apart all these different components so that now you have all these missing parts. So now that that network basically fails because it’s missing all these essential components. That’s exactly right. The thing is, is that detoxing, especially things like heavy metals, this becomes a lifestyle.
You can’t. This isn’t a silver bullet. It’s not just one. Happen very quickly. Yeah, this is going to take a long time. Well, they’re all putting. They’re pumping it into the water and the air. And, I mean, so as you’re getting it out, you need to. You need to just keep doing it and keep doing it. Yes. Yeah, yeah. This was the other thing that was that we wanted to highlight. Grounding turns off the nanotech, and that has to do with the quantum dots and the electrons. Sigon will explain. Well, it’s a whole other presentation on itself, actually, we have, in our show notes, we actually have the citation of the paper we got it from.
It was a pubmed paper, and that paper was just interdisciplinary, wherever they were covering all different types of research from other subjects around the world, dealing with what people were finding, patients were finding, or doctors who were operating on patients, finding what grounding methods and what they found in general. Basically, the voltage potential across the cell is called the zeta potential. This is the voltage that all cells have. Like, for example, blood cells have a negative charge on the outer surface of the cell wall. It’s the charge that develops at the interface between the solid surface and its liquid medium.
Simply put, it’s a surface charge of nanoparticles in solution. Like your blood cells, for example. Well, quantum dot surfaces are positively charged. In fact, chemtrails are positively charged. If you take a blood cell that is supposed to have a negative charge around it, and you make it positive, it will cause other red blood cells to clump together. That’s where you get the rulio. Grounding restores the negative charges around your blood cells and stops the blood for clumping. When you’re not grounded, you’re being immersed in chaos. You’re right. There’s a lot of evidence out there of video showing blood before and after grounding.
And they say if you do it for a month, like every day, put your feet out on the ground for 1520 minutes a day. A huge difference after a month. Yes, absolutely. Yeah. And, you know, there’s. There’s a lot of different products out there, too, because not everybody can run to the beach for grounding or do, or put your feet in the dirt. Like, what if you live in a high rise apartment, right? I mean, it’s difficult sometimes. There are different products out there that will ground you naturally. And there’s also this concept of sleeping while you’re grounded, which completely sets your body up to detox.
When you’re doing this grounding, it causes the cells to open up so that they can push the toxins out. So if you’re trying to do chelation or detoxing, if you sleep well grounded, that sets your body up to really get this stuff out of you. That’s fascinating. I got to look into that for people. That’s the products that allow you to do that. That’s fantastic. Yes. So now, here’s something that’s interesting. We’ve described our products and how they’re made and how they work in many different ways. But something about our products with organite is that it is actually grounding.
So, Tavana, walk us through that. So if we. If I use one of those sleeping pods. Yes. You’re sleeping well. Grounded. You’re sleeping while grounded. People can. Thank you, because I need to start sharing this. Okay. It has a. Has a grounding effect because our composite that we make has a very high surface area, so it absorbs a lot of the electromagnetic radiation, and that electrical charge would otherwise get pulled into our composite. Also, the experiments have been done with people, other people, and not just our composite that make their own organite that you’d find. They would take the microwave oven.
And not putting it inside, but just having it sitting on top of the microwave oven. I. And then turning on the microwave oven. If you have a little ion counter, like those little thumb ion counters that you can get the really cheap ones. Or if you have a nice Geiger counter, what you’ll find is that negative charges come off the orgone composite. Being stimulated by the microwaves that are basically happening inside the microwave oven. You still get, basically weak emissions of the environment. In this case, from the microwave, that composite. And it creates negative ions, the negative ions that you need, which is the grounding.
That’s a more amplified effect of what’s happening normally in the environment. That’s the only reason why you do that experiment, basically, is to show that these composites generate negative ions, weak negative ions that permeate the environment. So that’s why you feel relaxed and calm. When you have one of these pieces in your bed around your home or your pets, get near them and fall asleep. If I have my sleeping pod, if I’m sleeping and I have it next to me, is that just as good as having it on me? No, actually. I mean, the closer you have, if you have a touching.
I mean, I actually get. I actually feel the effect having it on me and touching me. Yeah, me, too. It’s almost better just to put it in the works. If it works next to you, it’s next to you. It’s still creating that field around you. But when it’s actually touching you, there’s something so, like, it’s where you get the grounding, probably. It’s just comforting, you know, at this point, we’ve got, like, four or five sleeping pods just scattered all over the bed. Yeah, the whole thing. I do. Yeah. You know, and I have one under my pillow.
And I have one actually having my hand, you know. You know, I have one right next to me. You know, I used to sleep with it when I was really anxious. I sleep with it right here, but I’m not as anxious anymore. And maybe because I have it right next to me, I don’t know. But I used to just, like, I just grabbed. Put it here, and I’d hold it when I was sleeping. And then now I just have it right next to me. But if it’s the grounding effect, too, I didn’t realize that I’m gonna have to move to figuring out how to put it in a pocket.
So, benefits of grounding in general, you know, with whatever modality you use for grounding, either direct scan, I’m not gonna talk about that, because we covered that. It restores electron balance in the body. The paper that we cited in the previous slide, it was actually cited department of industry article, actually. That was interesting. Your skin cells, when they touch the cells that actually touch the ground, that touch the earth, absorb electrons from the ground into the cell walls, into the fibers of your skin. In your case, the feet, you know, so that was an interesting study that they found.
It restores electron balance in the body. The nanotech harvests the electrons from living cells, lead to illness, but by grounding, it reduces inflammation, it boosts your immune response. And also from the photos in that paper, also showed that it shortens wound healing time. Like, it shows people’s sores. And then they had, like, a grounding patch over the sores, and then over a window of time, they took photos and how much quicker it healed compared to other wounds on this patient. Regular ground healing helps prevent and is treated for chronic inflammation and autoimmune. Autoimmune immune disease. And you have all kinds of grounding products that are available, people can get.
But, I mean, they’re all. They all work. And they were like, the grounding mass, the sheets, the wrists, ankle bands that are grounded, you know, the patches, the footwear, they have all shown to have benefit. Also, I’m a strong promoter of having sleeping in mattresses that don’t have metal coils in them. Also. Yeah, we switched to foam mattresses, like, a decade ago, and it’s. Yes, it’s never been the same. It’s been amazing because those coils are absorbing rf energy from the local environment. And every now and then, if we go to, like, a hotel or something and we sleep on our mattress, you can tell I.
Oh, man, I was like, I missed my bed on the second floor at a hotel. Yeah, it’s not good. Well, you guys are more sensitive, too, and I think people who have been targeted, and I’ve been working with some targeted people now and trying to figure out how to block some of the EMF issues, and their bodies become more sensitive, and then they are more easily targeted. So even if you remove some of the more advanced, heavy core, hardcore EMF signals and you block those, even the lighter ones make them feel horrible because their body’s so much more sensitive.
Yeah. Yes, yes. Yeah. And we’re bringing it back just for you, Sarah. It’s the Sarah Wexdal EMF protection kit. So, you know, we were talking about grounding. Think about your phone as well. Your phone is turning on the nanotechnology inside of your body, right? You don’t want to have your phone on your body. You want to have it on a grounding map. So a lot of people have been saying that because when you ground it, it cuts off that electrical supply to the nanotech, basically, yes. Right. So that’s why we made phone shields, so that you can ground your phone all the time on the back of your phone.
We’ve got the sarawestallium protection kit is a phone shield, a sleeping pod, and a pendant. I got, like, three on right now. But, you know, our pendants, you know, there’s a variety of different colors. So please go ahead. That’s just a limited time only. I’m not sure when we’re going to end that. Maybe a couple of weeks or so, but please get it while it’s hot. Here’s all of our different eMac protection products. Sleeping pods. Charge plates can be used in the fridge to preserve your food longer. You can set them on a table and set your water on top of them because the field actually helps to structure the molecules in the water.
But you can also use them to, like, put under your chair for grounding while you’re sitting at your computer. Right. You can also use the pyramids to sit. I have. I have all kinds of stuff right in front of my computer here. I got a charge plate. I have a pyramid. I’ve got one of our tiles around our electronics for grounding, but you can use them to grid your property as well. That’s Griffith garden, and they’re great for your garden and your plants. We do. We basically have, like, this garden of Eden in a desert because of this structure.
We do some permaculture methods, but we also use our organite to grid our properties so that we can grow all kinds of things here and food that we normally would not be able to grow in a desert. And, of course, our pendants. And these are our tiles that you can use for incorporating, like, EMF protection rooms. Like, if you have a bathroom, you can take a few of these tiles and put it into the tile work in order to create that field and, like, you know, make like a. Like a spa room or maybe a bedroom when you’re sleeping.
So we made some construction tiles for that as well. All of our stuff on our site, we’ve got tons and tons of testimonies and videos. We’ve answered every single question, and we’ve been asked many questions, many times. Overdose on our faqs page. And you know, our business has been doing really, really well. We have been very busy. We’ve had a lot of orders going out. So, you know, we got a little backed up there for a little while, but hopefully that’s taken care of because we had such a high demand because people are starting to realize that this EMF thing is really a problem.
And we’ve got some amazing testimonies from our customers about how they’re sleeping better, they’re dreaming better. They have, they’re having dreams again. You know, we also get emails of pain relief. Our customers, sometimes they like, we’ll recommend using a sleeping pod for rest that they said, no, we’ve used it to. This one person has surgery around their knee and they take the sleeping pod, they put it where they had the surgery and it’s gotten rid of their pain. So we love getting camera, my camera went off, but that’s okay. It’s just because we’ve done a really long show here.
That’s. We’re done. We’re done. You guys are awesome. You’re so excellent. I hope people get these for the grounding effects. I mean, I’ve been talking about the EMF protection. I hadn’t thought about the fact that it grounds you while you’re asleep, but you’re grounded all the time. I’m so happy you shared that. Well, we’ve had some interesting experiments with, with our organite, especially our sleeping pod. I gave it to, I know some friends of mine that work with Tesla research and they make Tesla coils and I had, I shipped them my, our sleeping pods and they were able to hook it up to their Tesla coil and they found that it acts like a, it’s called an RF ground.
And they had, like in their experiment, they’re right. They’re lighting little incandescent bulbs with the Tesla coil. And then when they had the organite sleeping pod in with the circuit, the bulb was, was lighting brighter. Do you have the, any written documents or a video of that? I think I have the video. I think they made a video. I’d love to see that. If you can give a clip and I can do a link to that to show how the sleeping pod actually grounds and it’s proof of this. That’s what I like to show people. Right? I mean, that’s what we’re trying to get to.
You know, these are the kind of experiments and then with the emails with the customers, I mean, it’s like Twilight zone sometimes. Yeah, I know, I can imagine. Probably feel so good right. That you’re helping people, and that that’s the most rewarding part. You know, we did it for ourselves at first. Cause we needed relief, but, you know, we were just. We were inspired by God. He’s like this. We felt. God said, this is what I want you to do, and to just be able to help people, that’s the most rewarding feeling in the world. It really is.
Yeah, it is. Thank you so much. This has been a kind of a jaw dropping conversation. That one graph was. Was really for me. And I’ve seen a lot, as you know. I mean, I’ve kind of seen the abyss. And then you showed me that, and that gave me a different indication of what it. Not that I didn’t already know they’re going there, but that. That, to me, is. It shows that they’re using the foundation of a human being to create what it is that they’re trying to create. And that, to me, is. Is at a whole other level beyond the Matrix movie, even.
Yeah, I know. But we got hope. I mean, we got people figuring it out. We got people realizing, consciously becoming aware of this. And as the more people become consciously aware who have the ability to make a difference, all of us have ability to make a difference, at least in our own families, in our own lives. And that’s where the hope is. But all these scientists and engineers coming forward and saying, okay, this is not okay, and they’re figuring out solutions, that’s very hopeful. Yes. That’s the next step, and I think we all can take part in that.
Absolutely. Well, and you guys are taking a big part in that and synthesizing and putting all this together. So thank you, you so much for coming on the program today. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you, Sarah. Thank you, Pamela.