Friday Night Watch Party – The Big Short

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âž¡ The text is about the movie “The Big Short,” which tells the story of the 2008 financial crisis. It follows characters like Michael Burry and Mark Baum who predict the housing market crash and profit from it through credit default swaps. Despite their financial success, they are not proud of profiting from the crisis, and the story ends with the economy collapsing and banks being bailed out. The text also explains complex financial concepts like subprime loans and collateralized debt obligations through simple analogies.
âž¡ The text discusses the aftermath of a financial collapse where $5 trillion disappeared from real estate, pension funds, and savings, leading to 8 million job losses and 6 million people losing their homes. It also mentions the roles of various individuals and their reactions to the crisis. The text further delves into the causes of the crisis, including government actions like repealing the Glass-Steagall Act and reducing the federal funds rate. The author also discusses the current state of the market, expressing concerns about its stability and the potential for another crisis.
âž¡ The speaker believes that we are on the brink of a significant shift in wealth, possibly due to the rise of digital assets like blockchain and cryptocurrency. They suggest that this could be a form of justice for those who have manipulated the current financial system. However, they also express concern about the potential misuse of digital currencies, such as the creation of programmable money that could control spending. The speaker also discusses how major news stories can often distract from other significant events, using the example of a data breach at 23andMe being overshadowed by other news.
âž¡ The text discusses the idea that major events or news stories may be timed to distract from other significant happenings, such as executive resignations. It also explores the value of gold and silver as a means of preserving wealth, as these metals retain their purchasing power even as the value of the dollar decreases. The text also suggests that silver is a finite resource that cannot be replaced in manufacturing and electrical uses, and once used, it cannot be reused. Lastly, it touches on the potential of electricity and the possibility of it being a free resource, referencing Tesla’s philosophy.
âž¡ The speaker discusses the value of silver and gold, and the importance of owning physical assets. They also emphasize the potential of digital assets like cryptocurrencies, and the need to understand how they work. They warn against leaving assets on exchanges due to potential risks, and encourage investing in digital assets for future gains. They also mention the instability of banks, suggesting that physical and digital assets can provide more security.
âž¡ When you store items in a bank’s safety deposit box, the bank owns them if it goes bankrupt. People often don’t realize this and mistakenly believe their items are safe. It’s suggested to diversify your assets, including having some in cryptocurrency. Also, buying silver in large amounts is cheaper, and old coins can have more value than paper money.
âž¡ Investing in cryptocurrencies, especially meme coins, can be profitable but also risky. The highest return on investment (ROI) in the crypto space was from meme coins, with an ROI of 1800% in June 2024. However, it’s important to only invest what you’re willing to lose, as the market is highly volatile. To succeed, you need to understand the market, identify patterns, and possibly use tools like bots and artificial intelligence to stay ahead.
âž¡ The text discusses the potential of investing in the stock and cryptocurrency markets. It emphasizes the importance of understanding market trends and the technology behind cryptocurrencies. The speaker shares their personal experience with Bitcoin and XRP, and encourages others to invest, comparing the current state of the crypto market to the early days of companies like Amazon. The text also touches on the history of the stock market and the concept of options trading.
âž¡ The text discusses the importance of understanding global economics and the potential benefits of investing wisely, using the example of a man who sold land for a significant profit. It also suggests following the trades of successful investors, like politicians, to increase chances of success. The text further emphasizes the importance of learning and understanding investment options, even though it might be confusing at first. Lastly, it touches on various topics including the value of Trump coins, the possibility of starting a crypto channel, and the importance of discernment in the face of changing times and challenging beliefs.
âž¡ The text discusses two movies: “The Big Short,” which tells the story of people who predicted and profited from the housing market crash, and “Margin Call,” a fictional tale of a bank that sells all its assets before they become worthless. The speaker compares these stories to current events in banking. They also mention being busy catching up on tasks after being away, adjusting to a new time zone, and planning to do something over the weekend.


You know, welcome back, everybody. I guess that didn’t work. I wondered if that was maybe gonna happen. I think that movie’s too new and anyway is what it is. In fact, let me try one thing here. I didn’t even think about this, but let me see if I can find. Let me see if I can find, like, a synopsis of it that might be able to play. Okay. Welcome back to serious spoilers today. All right, um, let’s do this. I did find something here that I think will work. Uh, yeah, movie got wiped out. Mel. The only copyright issue got to it, and very, this is very.

So the same, same sort of thing happened when we, when I was doing, uh, Europa. So I guess I just need to not play anything like that. It’s just too risky. So. But I did find something here that I think is going to work. Give me a second. And I’m going to, I’m going to go ahead and play it. It’s like about a ten minute video, like, spoiler. And I wanted to get live here pretty quick because I got a. Well, I was watching it, too. I was about, I think I was about 30 seconds behind, and then I got a couple of text messages and I said, hey, it just stopped.

So anyway, I I just, I jumped in here live without even kind of checking because I wanted to, I just didn’t want to leave people hanging. But I did find, it looks like I found one that’s going to be a. It’s about an eight minute video, and it’s going to explain it. So let’s see here. It is downloading right now, and I should have it here in. It looks like it’s done. All right, here we go. Present video file welcome back to Serious spoilers. Today I will share a movie based. Okay, I’m gonna go ahead and let this play.

And this is just the, this is just a spo, an explanation of it. So let’s go ahead and do this here on true story from 2015, titled the Big Short. Spoilers ahead. Watch and enjoy. Jared Bennett states to the audience that the world of banking is extremely boring. Things changed when Louis Ranieri created a plan for mortgage backed securities to ensure bigger profits with lower risks as everyone was paying their mortgages. This was big for bankers up until 2008, when the global financial crisis hit. Then it adds that a small group of individuals saw this coming.

We meet hedge fund manager Michael Burry in his office, conducting an interview with a young analyst. Burry says his wife told him he needs to share more. He discusses having a glass eye since childhood due to losing his real eye to an illness. We see him as a child playing in a football game and being ashamed when the eye falls out. Burry continues rambling on about how the tech bubble burst in 2001, yet the housing market went up. He hires the analyst on the spot and instructs him to get him a list of the top 20 selling mortgage bonds.

The scene shifts to a counseling session where Mark Baum enters and takes over the session by complaining to everyone about an encounter he just just had with a retail banker regarding his banks overdraft policies and how he is screwing over working people. Baum despises people working in big banks, especially after his brother committed suicide after getting screwed over. He later calls his wife Cynthia to express his anger, which she is used to hearing about but still thinks he should quit his job. Baum then takes a cab from another man. Bury does his homework and reviews the list he asked for.

He discovers that the housing market is being backed by subprime loans in which clients are providing fewer returns, and then decides he can bet against the housing market and profit off of it to properly explain what a subprime loan is. Then it directs us to Margot Robbie taking a bubble bath and drinking champagne to explain that subprime means shit and that the banks created them to add more mortgages to their plans. Burry then goes to multiple banks starting with Goldman Sachs to express the idea that the bonds will fail and to create a credit default swap market.

Thinking the bonds are secure, the bankers roll with his bet. Burys boss Lawrence Fields is distressed by his plan for fear of what itll do to their own business. Bennett learns of Burrys dealings and then meets with Baum and his team of investors Danny Moses, Porter Collins and Vinnie Daniel to propose to them the idea of the credit default swap. He explains that all the bad bonds can be put together into cdos, collateralized debt obligations. Then it brings us to Anthony Bourdain to explain CDO’s by comparing it to making a seafood stew from a bunch of fish that didn’t sell too well.

After Vennett leaves, Baum and his team consider taking his words seriously. We meet young hopeful investors Charlie Geller and Jamie Shipley, waiting to meet with someone from JPMorgan Chase. However, they don’t get far without having an ISDA agreement. Discouraged, they then find a pitch from Venant on how the housing market is a bubble. They decide to jump on the credit default swap bandwagon and bring in retired trader Ben Rickert to help them. Since they are too inexperienced to pull off the trades they need in order to profit from this. Moses and Collins go to a neighborhood to find foreclosed houses.

They encounter a renter that worries about being evicted with his son. Moses and Collins enter a home with a past due notice paper in the kitchen and then a home with an alligator in the pool. Burry is confronted by fields for his betting. Thinking that his plan will fail within six years, he and another investor demand their money back, but Burry refuses to give in. Baum and his team dig further into the housing market, meeting with a real estate agent, two mortgage brokers, and even a stripper to learn about what sort of loans are given to particular customers, leading Baum to realize that the market is indeed a bubble.

By early 2007, it is reported that mortgage delinquencies have reached a new high. Baum and his team are told to give up their swaps by risk assessors. Baum has Daniel tell them to fuck off. The two meet with Georgia Hale, an officer for standard and poors, and grill her over giving banks aaa percentages on subprime loans. She defends herself by saying the banks would default if they didn’t get those ratings, and Baum criticizes her actions, but she fires back by noting that he and his team own multiple credit default swaps. Bennett tells Baum and his team to pull out of their trades as Gellar tells Shipley the same thing due to mortgage defaults going up, Shipley and the team both express their respective negative views.

Rickard tells the guys as Bennett tells his guys to go to Las Vegas to attend the American Securitization Forum. Both groups go to Vegas for the forum. Baum spends his time grilling the bigwigs for their dealings. Shipley meets with a girl he knows named Evie, who works for the SEC, and asks her if the SEC investigates mortgage bonds, to which she says no. Burry becomes increasingly morose as he continues to learn that bonds aren’t going down and that the whole system is fraudulent. Geller, Shipley and Rickert then plan to short aa tranche. They make many deals with many bankers, but as Geller and Shipley celebrate, Rickert reminds them that eventually the market will collapse and millions of people will be hurt from it.

The realization hits the two deeply. Bam meets a businessman named Mister Chow in a casino and learns that he has created synthetic CDO’s, which is a series of bigger and bigger bets on faulty loans. Bam slowly but surely realizes the economy is going to collapse. We then get Richard Taller and Selena Gomez to explain what a synthetic CDO is by comparing it to people making bets on Selena winning at blackjack because her odds are looking good until she deals a bad hand and everyone loses. By April 2007, everyone is preparing for the inevitable. Burry prevents investors from withdrawing their money.

Geller and Shipley go around to the press and the like to warn them about the collapse. Baum and his team are told to give up or sell their swaps as predicted. By the end of 2008, the market economy has collapsed. But all those involved in the shorts have profited immensely from the swaps, although none of them are proud of it. Several banks begin shutting down. Murray retires, and one of his analysts takes a new job at a 711. The man that Moses and Collins visited earlier is now living out of a van with his wife and son.

Gellar and Shipley have lost faith in the system. Baum mentions a bailout happening, which Vennett states is true, and that the banks saved their skins and blamed the bad things on immigrants, the poor, and even teachers. Daniel then tells Bam that they should sell their swaps, but Bam thinks it’ll make them as bad as the banks, though Daniel says otherwise. Bam then tells him to sell them all. The final text reads that $5 trillion from real estate values, pension funds, 401K savings and bonds had disappeared after the collapse. 8 million people lost their jobs, 6 million lost their homes, and that was only in the US.

Mark Bomb refused to say I told you so. And his team continues to run their fun together. Charlie Gellar and Jamie Shipley attempted to sue ratings agencies, but were laughed out of the offices. Shipley still runs Brownfield, but Geller moved to Charlotte to start a family. Ben Rickard lives with his wife on an orchard. Michael Burry contacted the government several times to see if anyone would ask him how he predicted the collapse. Okay, well, it didn’t like it, I guess it. It didn’t want to finish that either. So, anyway, I am waiting on my good friend to come back or to log in so that we can begin to kind of discuss the movie.

But, you know, I’ll just. I’ll kind of, kind of jump in here a little bit and just say that it was, you know, what they were doing. This is all. This is all planned. It was all planned. And I think I want to say the Bush administration had something to do with this. And let me. I’m doing a lot of this on the fly. I had. I had. I had some of it ready to go, but I wasn’t planning on. I wasn’t planning on rumble killing the feed. So let’s see here. What role did the government play in the housing market? I’ll just say the GFC global financial crisis.

Um, I see the government played a significant role in the global financial crisis of 2007 2009, which is triggered by a downturn in the, in the housing market. The government actions that may have contributed to the crisis. It says some government actions that may have contributed include repealing the Glass Steagall act of the nineties, which separated investment from retail banking, reducing the target federal funds rate to 2% in April of 2008, and monetary excess such as holding interest rates well below known guidelines, and the use of subprime and. Subprime and adjustable rate mortgages. And I don’t know if you guys saw what they talked in there, that he’s like, look, he was telling the guy who was like his mentor, like, look, as soon as these loans start to go in, as soon as the loans that, that are subprime get into the adjustable part, when the adjustable rate kicks in, then what’s going to happen is they’re going to.

It’s going to fail. And that’s exactly what happened. Everybody, everybody was saying, oh, well, you know, yeah, the adjustable rate is no big deal because all you got to do is just. Can just refinance it and then do a different one. So it’s like, it’s basically robbing Peter to pay Paul. They’re just trying to just stay ahead. But I, meanwhile, all they were doing is just, you know, monopoly money. And it ultimately, it, you know, it ran out. People just ran out of money. So that’s what happened. So here, I’m just waiting on my friend here.

And anyway, let’s see, I’m looking at the, looking at the comment section. People are dropping like flies out of the. Out of the chat. Bush started it. I think Bush definitely had a role. The subprime loans were intentional to hurt the lower. Well, I don’t think that they were. I don’t think that the subprime loans were. Were done to harm the little person. The subprime loans were done to stimulate money circulation in the market. Let’s see. That was. Just learned some things. Yeah, the. Hi, baby. What you doing? Let’s see. Black. I don’t know what that means.

Black belt porter. I don’t know. Miller. I guess those may be alcohol. I don’t know. So. Okay, here we go. My friend Angelique, she is here. There you are. Hello. Hey. All right, so I’m not listening to. Sorry about that. I think my I think this little one stepped on the keyboard and kicked and booted you out. So no problem. So sorry to have to do this a little earlier. The apparently rumble didn’t like the fact that I was playing a copyrighted movie, and so they. They kicked it up. They kicked it to the curb. But I’m looking at.

Looking at. I don’t know if you saw, I played kind of like a eight minute synopsis of the movie. And anyway, it just, you know, it just talked in there about how the. The subprimes, when it crashed, the government came in and bailed everything out, which we all know. Yeah. But anyway, I’m going to shut up and let you talk because I’ve been rambling here for about the last five minutes. You’re good. You’re good. No, I mean, that’s just what happens. I mean, that’s when think about what’s happening even now. Right? Everything is government. They want it all.

Government control. They want everything to be taken down. And we just see this. If you really pay attention, if you really see how the market works, I mean, okay, gosh, the market, it is going up. There is nothing holding it up. So when you look at the. Just look at the SPX, right, or the spy, it just keeps going up and up and up. There is nothing. People are having problems getting, my gosh, food, paying their mortgage, everything, just like back then. And we simply have nothing holding this market up. It is a simple matter of them saying, okay, let’s just add a zero.

I mean, think about it. Currency, it’s based on trust, and that’s it. There’s no asset backed anymore. Not that I don’t think it’s coming. I do. But it’s just. It’s simply a matter of what can we do to make this look good. And you guarantee, mark my words, they will tell us everything’s fine right before it hits. Oh, telling it. They’re telling everybody everything’s fine now. Yeah, but I mean, even more so. Even more so. It’s like they’re gonna really prop it up right before it hits you. Okay. Because I don’t disagree with that. And I think that, you know, we kind of had this discussion earlier today, because I’m like, you know, hey, what do I do? I’m trying to make decisions on what to do with crypto and other stuff.

It’s like I’m. You know, I don’t. You know, I had a lot of money in that market back in. In the. In May of 2021 when it peaked. And I mean, I was, I, I was like, man, I ain’t ever gonna have to worry about money again. And then what I did is I didn’t, I didn’t, I did some things wrong that I learned from this for this go around. But it, you know, I was in the penthouse and now I’m in the outhouse again. So, so now I’m like, okay, now I got to figure out how to get back up into the penthouse while still maintaining a lifestyle that’s semi penthouse ish.

So it’s, it’s not maybe that I’m probably embellishing a little bit. But the point of the matter is that I think, you know, there’s a lot of people that are going to suffer and struggle with when, when this happens. And everything I’m hearing, and I shouldn’t say everything because Jim, Willie, who I have a lot of respect for, doesn’t think that we’re going to have a major crash. And I disagree with that. And I can see how some people say that because of some of the information that’s coming out right now wherever, because we’ve never been in this situation before.

We haven’t. I mean, it’s. Yes, okay, 2008, yes, we had, you know, the global financial crisis. Yes, we had everything that happened with the mortgages. But when you look at all of what’s happening in our country and the world when it’s coming out, where, I mean, think of all the topics, if you will, right, we’ve got the vaccine insanity. We have what they’re putting in our foods. They have, you know, all the financial things on, you know, everything from silver being suppressed to what’s all going on in the gold market to the fact, again, the market just being propped up with nothing, all of the global stuff coming out where they’re saying, okay, this is what’s happening with, you know, whenever Obama put the, you know, x billion dollars on the pallet, right, all this stuff’s coming out, the p.

Diddy stuff, everything that they have been doing to us, you know, dare I have any conspiracy theories for how many years all of that’s coming to a head. And I don’t think that it would all be coming out the way it is without there being some type of plan. Not that there’s not going to be collateral damage, not that there’s not a ton of people that are going to get hurt, because there are, I think it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. But when you look at the potential of there being a soft landing because there’s a lot of smart people looking ahead of the game.

They’ve hopefully learned their lesson from back in 2008 and them just saying again, it’s going to be worse before it gets better. But I’m only speaking to that gentleman that is thinking that there’s a lot of people out there, a certain subset, that just think it’s going to end up being that soft landing and it’s just being okay. Now, again, it’s doesn’t look like that. How bad will it get? Yes, sir, I don’t think so. I, and I don’t mean to cut you off, not you’re good, but I tend to think that, you know, and he said this back in 2018, Jim Willie did.

He said that we are. No, what I’m about to tell you, he said in 2018. But what he said when he said he didn’t think things are going to get really bad, he said that, like the other day, like, like this week, so. But in 2018, he said that we were going to experience one of the greatest transfers of wealth in human history. And I agree with that. You know, you couple that with the executive order about, you know, people’s money being confiscated if they’ve, if they’re involved in serious human rights abuses. Okay, well, where is that money gonna go? Is that money gonna go to pay off all the debt? And if it does, okay, then what? Then if there, if there’s, if there’s more money on top of that to pay off the debt, then what’s gonna happen to that money? Is it gonna be, is it gonna be given back to the people? Is it gonna be.

I mean, what? I mean, I don’t know. I don’t know what’s gonna happen there. I have no idea. But I do tend to think that people are going to have to learn from the mistake because there’s so many people out there now, they don’t even know what the global financial crisis was. Oh, I know. It’s like they forgot that it happened. We have a very short memory, unfortunately, very short memory. That happens way too often. And I tend to think, in talking about the greatest transfer of wealth, I tend to think that the digital asset market is going to play a significant role in that transfer of wealth.

I’m curious what you have to say about that. Well, so there’s blockchain, right? So I think that is, you know, just the way blockchain works. And, yes, there’s some anonymity to it. There’s also not as much as people think there are. There are. I agree but it’s the process in which it’s happening. And with blockchain, unlike where it’s fiat, there’s just, there’s a certain. Just almost like a asset back. There’s a certain subset of an amount. Right. Whereas with us, this fiat and what the government’s doing, again, let’s just add some more zeros. We’re good. Whereas blockchain, crypto, you know, again, the digital assets versus actual hard assets, actual metals or what have you, there is a certain amount.

And I think that is one of the biggest things in the realm of not being like fiat, where it’s just, again, add zeros and who cares? So that in the fact that we are. It is. It’s digital. This is what the future is now. Can I. And I mean, I mean, I don’t want to interrupt you, because you’re on a roll there, but a lot of people are like, oh, well, I don’t want to do. I don’t want anything to do with digital currency. And I’m thinking to myself, I just. Anytime, anytime people say that to me, I literally, I just want to just hide my head and hide my head in my hand, because they don’t.

It’s like, do you not realize you’ve been using digital money? Yep. You’ve been using digital money for the last 30 years. What do you think that debit card is in your wallethood? Mm hmm. That’s. That’s a digital representation of money that’s coming right out of your bank account. Yeah. So, yeah, so, I mean, people have been using digital money and all this stuff. I do believe that there was a nefarious plot involved in this. I think that there definitely was, like, they wanted the CBDC so that they could control and now fed, now they wanted to make it so that they could program money that if you could only spend it at a certain time in a certain place, and if you didn’t spend it by a certain time, then it would become worthless.

So you were basically forced to spend it. I mean, there’s a lot of different things about. About programmable money that I know that the powers that be would love to have their head, wrap their hands around, but, you know, and I’m not, not trying to get into the, not trying to get biblical here, but, you know, the story of Esther, when they, they were going to. There was a plan in place to basically murder all of the Jews that were in captivity. And. And ultimately, what happened was, as the whole story got flipped on its head, and the very people who were supposed to be executed on the.

The devices that were created to execute certain people. Those were used to execute the people who were creating the plot. Yep. And I. And I tend to think that that is what is happening now. We are the. All these people who have been creating and fostering the furtherance of what we are in the system that we’re in now. Those very people, they’ve been doing it for our enslavement, but they are going to be the ones that are going to be enslaved, if you will. Absolutely. Like, what were they saying? They’re not going to be able to even walk down the streets.

That’s right. And they are. And they’re in the. Here’s the other side of it, is there’s so much happening that we’re not being, you know, we’re not privy to. There’s stuff happening behind the scenes that is just coming out little by little by little. And, you know, we’re finding out. But the things that whenever. By the time we found out about it, it’s happened long ago. And sometimes it looks like things that are happening right now happened a couple years ago, and we’re just finding out about it. I mean, think about it. What with that Diddy thing, right.

23 andme, as an example. Keep going. I have. Keep going. I’m dealing with something here. No problem. But 23 andme there, I think it was like all the executives all stepped down because there was a data breach with all of our DNA. And it’s almost like, I keep thinking, I don’t watch movies and I don’t watch television or anything like that, but there’s a movie out there where this, you know, older lady is like, you know, bring on the something, right? Picture in my head where it’s like, okay, bring on Diddy’s story. You know, and that had already been how long that heat that they were rating his house? What, weeks? Maybe in a month or so ago, they were raiding his house, and it just happened to show up on that day, the day that we could, you know, it would have been the biggest story that 23 andme had a data breach, and everybody stepped down, and all this, you know, so it’s always this look here, not there scenario.

Right, guys? And, yes, it is. They are coming down. It’s very interesting. You know, you were the one that told me about that 23 andme story. I hadn’t. I was unaware of that. And how convenient to maybe hide the diddy or hide all that with the diddy arrest, like. Like sacrifice this pawn when sacrifice this pawn to make sure that the. That the knight doesn’t get taken or that the queen doesn’t get taken. Right. Cause it’s very strategic. And, yeah, they, they play. They play. They play to win and they play dirty. Oh, absolutely. Anytime you see anything big come out, especially when it comes to anything Hollywood or anything that is, you know, all over the news, always look for something else because it’s always out there every single time.

Well, you know, you talk about. You talk about covering up a story with another story, and it, it really, it takes me back. I’ve talked about this before, but I’ll say it again for anybody who hasn’t heard me say it. On July 5 of 2016, James Comey came out and gave, listed out a litany of things that Hillary Clinton had done and then said, but no reasonable prosecutor would take this case. Well, the very next day, Philando Castile and Alton Moore were. Were shot by white cops in different states. One in one in Minnesota and one, I think, in Louisiana.

Yep. By the next day, there were riots everywhere. And by Friday, because the fifth was a Tuesday, so that. So everybody. So writing was happening on. On Wednesday or. Yeah, when’s. No, the police thing happened on. I actually, I don’t remember that. I don’t remember the exact timing sequence, but it mean it was right there. By Friday, the. The Dallas police department had been shot up and five. Five cops were dead. Yeah. By that. At that time. At that point, nobody was talking about the Hillary Clinton thing, and she was completely exonerated. And then at that, by that point, nobody even brought it up anymore because all the entire narrative had shifted.

And so what you’re saying, and this is obviously prognostication on your part, but it makes sense. All of those 2020 and me executives who stepped down, they did not want that to be a story. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Is it possible that they waited to resign until something came out that would have overshadowed their resignation? So it’s possible that the p. Diddy thing actually was real, and they waited until that day as an opportune time to. Yeah, okay. Not that they. Not that they resigned and then the 23 andme went to. Came out. So. Yeah, no, I honestly, I think it’s something where, you know, they couldn’t either.

Either they couldn’t hold it in anymore, or somebody found out in some other way. And some way or another, it came out. And not necessarily that those specific two things were even, you know, related in the fact of let’s do this instead of this, but something. There was something that was either going to come out. That’s just one of the coincidences, you know, which, there are no coincidences, but, you know, that was just one of the things. And, yeah, just let me, well, heck, I mean, 911, my gosh, the day before, how many, you know, what was it, 2.3 billion went missing or something to that effect.

And then the next day, 911 happened. I mean, there’s just, it’s always the exact same thing. It’s this happens and then we have like 20 stories that we’re waiting to release or this waiting to happen or, oh, my gosh, there’s now a shooting at a Yde school or whatever, some type of mass incident. And it’s, it’s, yeah, honestly. And even with those, it’s like, how is this stuff so perfectly timed? Please tell me every single time when they don’t want something coming out. But we’re just supposed to sit back and say, oh, wow. Just, you know, we’re going to read the, that morning’s headlines and that’s all we’re going to look at.

And the rest is history and we’re gonna forget about, we have such a, you know, short attention span and short memory. Yeah, it’s, it’s, it actually is kind of disheartening in some, in many respects because I feel like there’s so many things that are going on out there. Doc, Donna, Mike. Sorry. So I have a, I have a printer and a, is an old fax machine and it’s sitting right here. And anyway, one of the cats got, one of the cats got up into, into the cabinet and hit the, hit the send. Hit the send, a fax button and it’s on every five minutes.

It keeps doing this freaking thing and it’s driving me crazy. Gotta love the kitties. I love the cats. I mean, I deal with this all the time because they do stuff like that, but it’s just never when it’s live. And now I’ve got this annoying sound right here. No worries. I couldn’t hear it. Yeah, I know. I can. It’s not that loud. But anyway, I love my little, I love my little fur baby, so. But they do frustrate me at times. I can’t lie. You know, tell them exactly what to do and they can. I know, right? That would be great.

Well, so let me ask. Let’s go. Going back to the big short here. So the, the global financial crisis was caused by this. But I tend to believe that everything that happened with this, it was all done on purpose to bring, it’s like the it’s creating. Creating the crisis and making the dollar worth even less than it was initially. Because if you look at. If you look at the. I guess it would. Is it the dollar index? I don’t even know what the proper term is, but, yeah. DXY dollar index. Yeah, that’s. I mean, that’s one of the things to watch for.

Yes. If you look at the value of the dollar today. Commit. Compared to the value of the dollar 100 years ago, you know, $1 was a one or a $20. $20 was a 1oz of gold. Right. So now, I’ve heard this many times that, you know what? If you had 1oz of gold, that would buy you a really, really nice suit. Okay. So back then, $20 would have bought you a freaking awesome suit or outfit. Right? Yeah. Today, gold today, I think, is what, 20? And it’s 26 50 an ounce right now. See what it is right now, the 26 85.

Okay, so almost $2700. Yeah. So $2,700 will buy you a really nice suit and. And clothes. Right? It’ll buy. Awesome. Right. So the value is still there to what it will. Its purchasing power in terms of gold. But the. The value of the dollar has lost its purchasing power significantly. Gold retains. That’s why, you know, people who say, oh, you know, I want to buy. I want to get gold and silver. Well, gold and silver, you’re not making any money by buying your gold and silver. What you’re doing is you’re preserving the wealth that you have by buying that.

Because as the dollar decreases in value, the value of the metals kind of rises a little bit. But mostly what it’s doing is it’s preserving. It’s not saying that you can’t create wealth that way, but if you want to create wealth, you have to buy into speculative assets, and gold and silver are not speculative, correct. Yeah. And that’s the thing is, you know, and I do believe wholeheartedly that the. That silver suppressed, like, oh, my gosh. I mean, it’s supposed to be one 8th of the value of gold. It is absolutely not. And, you know, it is just something where when all of this comes out, whenever things.

Whatever’s going to happen, whatever plan they have up their sleeve in the realm of good or bad or ugly, it can’t be suppressed. So, you know, at all. I mean, it’s going to. It’s going to come out. You figure Elon Musk has been trying to find something to. I’m trying to remember where I read this, that he’s trying to find something that can take the place of silver when it comes to. I mean, we have our solar panels for. For manufacturing purposes. Yeah. Just because it’s so conductive. There’s nothing that can. That is as conductive as silver is.

That’s right. And it’s still a finite amount. So we have, you know, we have a product and a metal or whatever that is just. You can’t replace it. Nothing works as good as it does. And, you know, the fact that he’s been trying to get something else to work with it and he just can’t. I. Because there isn’t anything. Sooner or later. I mean, look at all that. I mean, again, how much. How much is in each solar panel? In each, you know, cell phone and everything else, we’re going to. Everything, you know, electronics and we’re always using silver and the.

And the batteries, you know, and the world that we’re coming into is going to be heavy electrical. Heavy electric. It’s. I mean, the electricity usage is going to basically, I don’t know, maybe quadruple. Yeah. Now, there’s that part of it. Now, here’s one other thing about silver, by the way. Once you use it, it’s dead. What do you mean? Whenever you can’t, like, you know how. You know how some of these people go into the houses and they get the. What is it, the copper that they still. Out of the houses that are being built or whatever? I, you know, the.

All the. The conduit and everything, they’ll go in and steal that because they can, you know, either melt that down or do whatever. Yeah. Yeah. With silver. Really? I didn’t know that. Once it has that electricity conducted, you know, or, you know, through it, or once it’s, you know, used for whatever it’s going to be used for, it’s. It’s there. There’s no. Okay, I’m going to turn back and, you know, remelt it down or what have you. So that’s not. It just doesn’t do that. So at least for. Not from whatever I, you know, from what I understand, there’s.

It’s. Again, you use it, it’s dead. So there is a finite amount. And once all of this starts happening, now, the other side of that, when you look at the fact that what has been hidden from us, and again, this is part of. Yes. Conspiracy theory. Where’s my tinfoil hat? But you’d make a tinfoil hat look good. There’s this, you know, there’s this thing where the electricity is all there. Look at these look at. What is it electroculture, where people are putting these rods in the earth and then it’s helping their plants grow more? And all the stuff that we see that have happened in the past.

Well, that’s the Tesla philosophy. Yeah. I mean, they didn’t kill Tulsa for, you know, for nothing. God forbid we actually get anything for free. But if you really start researching what electricity and what the possibilities. What did I read the other day? Something like a small piece of land or whatever. I can’t remember the exact quote in Texas or whatever could literally power the entire country. And I can’t remember what the exacts were on that. I’d have to look it up again. But in other words, the electricity is there. Yes. There’s a, you know, getting it to us, that’s one thing.

As far as the know, structures that have to have that happen. But beyond that, it’s not this. Oh, my gosh, your electric bill is going up because of, you know, it’s just so much more expensive. And we can’t do this. We can’t do that. Yeah, you can. And so that part of it, when it comes to. Okay, silver, while still will be used and being able to, again get it into the houses and get it into the businesses and everything else. Yeah, there’s that, you know, realm of it being used. But I think, on the other hand.

Okay, yeah, right. We put copper into the ground and we are able to use it for, you know, in other words, we can do other things with it, but it still is a finite amount. There’s still the fact that we’re going to use it and need it and, you know, it should be worth so, so much more. In fact, usdeck I used to take screenshots back before they changed it. And it actually showed back then. Yeah. It actually showed back then what it should be worth. And it was. It was in the thousands. I have to look.

Well, okay, so right now, the gold to silver ratio is 83. Okay, it’s 83 to one. So 1oz of silver is. Is 83. Takes 83oz of silver to make 1oz of gold. All right, well, so if you did that to, um. If you. If you made that ratio to be one to eight, would you just, um. Um. Times that by 30? Yeah, one, eight. The value of gold. Yeah, it should be. That’s easy. You’re making it too easy. So, uh, divided by eight. So that’s $337 an ounce of. Yeah, that’s what it should be. Yep. That’s what silver should be.

Yeah. And it is I mean, and it’s crazy how it just keeps going down and staying down to nothing. It’s insane. Well, and that’s. That’s predominantly, as I understand it, because of the naked shorts that they’re doing where they. They don’t actually have the silver. There’s selling the silver multiple times. That is true, too. That that is happening, unfortunately. That’s why, if anybody. Man, you are. If you get it in your house, own it. If you don’t own it, you don’t. You don’t have it. I. That’s the way. I mean, I’m not gonna say that. I’m not saying that.

There’s not some people out there, some companies out there that might. Yeah. Might be legit and might be, you know, they’ll hold it for you for real, and they’re safes and everything, or their faults, but I personally, I don’t trust it. I just. I will not. I want it in my hand. I want it in my hand, period. End of story. And it’s something. And same thing with my crypto assets. You know, I mean. Yeah. I don’t hold them in my hand because they’re there. It’s a digital representation. But the cold wallet. I have them in a.

I have them in a wallet that’s in my possession at all times. Yep. So I. At all times. At all times. So I do not let that go at all. The. Even if you. If you travel, you take it with you because you don’t know. Okay, so let’s talk a little bit about that. I know, you know, obviously, this isn’t financial advice, guys, and we’re. That’s not what. That’s not what this is about. But again, I. I just want to, you know, the vast majority of the people who watch my channel are. I don’t say they’re old, but they’re, you know, it’s probably in the.

The bell curve is probably, you know, 45 to 65. That’s kind of the age range of people, most of the people who watch my channel. So these are people that are going to have a little bit of money, maybe have some money to invest or maybe have a little bit extra, or maybe they’re struggling because everybody’s struggling right now. But I will tell you, I’m not saying to sell all your silver and sell and sell everything, but I’m telling you, you. If you don’t have some of your money into the digital asset market or the crypto market, now you’re, you know, do what you want, but you are going to regret it five years from now, if you haven’t had some, if you don’t have some form of exposure.

And I tell the story, if I’ve told it once, I’ve told it a hundred times, I was gonna buy a $100 worth of bitcoin in 2010, and I. And when it was a penny, a $100 would have been 10,000 bitcoin. Yeah. Okay. That 10,000 bitcoin today would be over $600 million. Yeah. Okay. So it doesn’t, it’s not like you need a crap ton of money to do, to put into that and, you know, and quit thinking that crypto is satanic and it’s going to be the devil. And you know, that. No, the technology is not, is not good or evil in itself.

It’s the people who are controlling the technology who make it to be good or evil. True. Very true. Yeah. And that’s the thing is, I think on top of. Yes, you have to get into digital assets. And I, you know, they say, for example, XRP and XLM are going to be the, what do I want to call it? The cash app, if you will, how it’s supposed, how it’s going to be transferred, for example. But I think even more, not more importantly, but definitely important, probably equally, is to learn how that works, whatever that looks like for you.

Google it. I mean, it’s not hard to find. Find out what’s going on, find out how to do it, how to do it properly. What’s the difference between, you know, going online and say, doing, I don’t know, coinbase or something versus having a cold wallet? Like you were just explaining where you have it in your hands per se. Right? What does that look like? How am I supposed to hold digital assets in my hand? Well, okay, it’s called a cold, you know, learn what that is. Because in the other, I mean, the other side of it, there’s so much out there.

I mean, my gosh, there’s digital art, there’s digital documents, there’s actual, you know, nfts, which are non fungible tokens. There’s so much out there that is digital that you can make money on, that you can invest in. You don’t want to just go in and have no clue and just start throwing money out there. I mean, what is defi. What does that look like? Right. You know, how is it exchanged? How is it stored? How is it managed? You have to know this stuff, and it’s hard for some people. And to your point there, I think the older we get the more of what everything that you just said.

For the most part, I agree with, but I think that you can kind of dumb it down and just say, look true, go, just trust me on this and go put a $100 into XRP and just, you know, and then get it off the exchange and put it into a wallet on your phone. And that’s, that, that is not a difficult thing to do. That’s, and that’s basically that shows are going to cost you a $100, you know, and you might not get all hundred dollars, but, you know, that’s just something. So you have some sort and don’t, don’t leave it on the exchange because leaving on the exchange, all the people who were in FTX, they found out the hard way of what leaving assets on the exchange is going to do to your money.

Yeah. You know, and I remember, you know, I remember that FTX, FTX was being sponsored by base or they were sponsoring baseball. It was, the FTX logo was on every single umpires patch and it was in, it was in the, all the baseball stadiums. That’s only about the only thing that I really ever watch is baseball. So outside of like political and historical videos, so baseball is my escape. So I was very, I paid very close attention to that. And I was, I actually, I never put any money into FTX, but I, I was, I looked at FTX as almost like a sure thing because it’s like, well, how are they going to be advertising on bait in baseball if they’re not like legit? Right? Yep.

And that, look at, look at the fact that banks who are, you know, you go into a bank and you’re like, oh, this is a huge bank. What was the bank of America? I believe it was pretty sure it was bank of America. I’d have to go back and look. But they closed, what was it, 33 banks in two weeks in July. I mean, as somebody who goes in a bank, you’re like, okay, I’m going to put safety deposit box, let me take this. Whatever. Put it in a safety deposit box. Well, do you know that before you leave that bank, when you have that in the safety deposit box, you just signed over the fact that if that bank goes insolvent, they own whatever is in that box.

Done. And you signed it over to them and people don’t know that and they think that that’s being safe and it’s not because they’re, you know, too big to fail is not a thing anymore. No. And in fact, the, one of the things that people don’t realize is that they did the bailouts in 2008, but they made it to say that the next time was going to be bail in. Yeah. People don’t know. If you don’t know what a bailing is, go look at Cyprus. What was that, 2014? I think so, yeah. The one they did, the bail ins at Cyprus.

There’s. Hold on here, there’s a couple of questions I want to get to. I’d rather have gold and silver. Fine, have gold and silver. Again, Avery, I’m not telling. I’m not. I’m not telling you to get rid of gold and silver. All I’m simply saying is have a little bit of crypto. Just a little bit. Diversify. Yes, just a little bit. I’m not saying to go out and just cash out everything and buy it. If you want to hold gold and silver, that’s fine. And again, I thought I made it clear, gold and silver are not necessarily money makers.

It’s wealth preservation. Whereas the speculative assets that are the crypto, crypto, those are the things that are going to multiply many fold the value of whatever. Whatever you have. So that’s. That’s kind of where I was going with that. Let’s see. PayPal revealed this week it’s going to use crypto. Of course it is. What happens to XRP if there’s a blackout? Well, a blackout, it’s not going to be in perpetuity because if we have. If we lose electricity and it’s gone forever, we got way more bigger problems than worrying about XRP. So. So this is. How do you buy spot silver? You can’t buy spot silver unless you’re buying it.

Not unless you’re buying it from somebody who’s just trying to sell it. If you’re buying it from a dealer, there’s always going to be a. They have to make their fee and it’s not based, it’s not in the price of the silver. So there, if you’re buying it from a broker, the broker’s fee is what you’re paying for. So the cheapest way to buy silver is to buy it in like large amounts. If you buy a ten ounce bar or 100 ounce bar or a kilo bar, when you do that, then you save a little bit of money because you’re buying a larger amount of silver in one piece and they’re only paying, you only have to pay the fee on the piece, not the entire value of the silver.

So can I speak to that, Ron? Go ahead. Yeah, please do. So a couple things I think that person’s asking, just how do you do it? How do, where do you start? Right? So if you have no idea how to, you know, purchase silver whatsoever, whenever you say spot silver again, yes, they all just like the market makers. Some, they have to make their little cut. So there’s that. But you can, here’s my biggest thing on it. 999.999 pure, right? That’s one thing I always tell everybody. Right now, with everything going on, get silver rounds, don’t get.

If, you know, if you’re getting the coins, do silver rounds, don’t get the collectibles. Just because at some point, if we just have to melt it down, who cares about collectible if that’s where it’s going? We don’t know what the future looks like. And yes, you are right. Whenever you have the, you know, the big ten ounce bars, I do tell people how or the, you know, bigger bars, if it’s ten ounce or whatever it ends up being, I tell people just because of what’s going on right now to get the 1oz silver rounds again, don’t worry about collectibles.

But I say that because if this ends up going to where it explodes, yes, it can be a moneymaker, even though, yes, you are completely right. Wealth preservation. Do your silver rounds, but also get fractionals. What if this does blow up? I want to, if I’m not mistaken, and I saw this in passing and I didn’t save the link, I’d have to look it up. So please forgive me if I’m incorrect, but I saw somewhere where I believe it was rich dad, poor dad, Richard Kiyosaki, I believe it was that had. And again, this was massively in passing, but I think he had 10oz in his hand and he said, if this, you know, whenever this hits or when this takes off or something to that effect, I’ll be able to buy a house with this or something.

Yeah, you’ll be able to buy a house with this or something to that effect. So it is absolutely possible. And that being said, if that’s the case, can you imagine even taking a 1oz coin and walking in trying to get groceries? Yeah. That’s why you want to buy what’s called junk silver. Okay. Junk silver is us coinage, pre 1964. There’s that, the mercury dimes, mercury dimes and Mercury quarters or pre 64 quarters. They aren’t 100% silver, but they’re like, I think they’re like 70% silver, something like that. Yeah. After 1964, they went to an alloy and it was more nickel based nickel and copper.

And all of the silver content was removed from the coinage, so. Right. Except for the half dollars. Half dollars. The half dollars had. They had. They still had a little bit of silver, but with each passing year, up until I think it was 67 or 68, they kept dwindling the silver content down. Yeah. But by 1970, any coin that came from the United States was basically zinc or whatever. And you know what? Honestly, silver or, you know, junk coins. Copper, copper, pennies. The reason they stopped using copper and pennies is because the price of copper exceeded a cent.

Exactly. So they had to use, they had to use a metal, which is zinc, which is cheaper than the penny. So if you have a penny, if you have a real copper penny, that copper penny is worth like, what, four or $0.05 now? So. And if you actually have old change, don’t get rid of it, hold on to it, because that actually will have value much more so than. Much more so than. Than paper money. But if you want to have. So this is going to be worth a little bit more than get yourself to barter with.

Get yourself some mercury dimes or some quarters for some pre 64 quarters. Yeah. Save all your, all your coins. Save them, save them. And look at all those ones that people have that if you have time on your hands, you can find those coins that have like, double stamps on them or whatever. There’s a big, you know, market, if you will, for the coins that are, you know, messed up a little bit. And they have, you know, things all out there everywhere that explain, look for this, look for that. That, you know, three legs on the buffalo versus four.

They messed this up or not up. So those have, that’s, that’s when you started to get into what you talked about, when you said, like, the ones that are the collectibles, those are the more, no more numismatic. Let’s see. Somebody says, I bought a ledger, Nano, but I don’t have a computer to set up the passphrases to set it up. Crypto XRP is intimidating to me. I don’t know how to start. Okay, so I’ll tell you. When I first, when I first started this process, I had, I didn’t know. I knew nothing. And I basically became, I was self taught.

I, I just, all I did was I looked at, for almost a month straight, I just watched nothing but crypto videos for 8 hours a day. That’s all I did. And sometimes I’d watch them multiple times just so that I could, like, see what they were saying. And after a while I started to figure out, oh, okay, this goes with this, this goes with this. And it just became a thing where I started to understand more and more and more. Now I understand it a lot more, but I had that foundation that I built myself by listening to people, and it didn’t cost me anything to go to YouTube and watch videos.

That’s free. So. And the vast majority of the information that’s out there in terms of learning is free. You can buy into some programs wherever they will give you, like, some of the. Some of the plays to make in. Within the crypto market ahead of time. You know, when that nobody. There are people out there that are scouring the projects looking for, like, the next hidden gem, and there’s a ton of them out there, but there are people that are out there looking at it. And the meme coin space right now is big, and I don’t think the meme coin space is going to go away anytime soon, but I don’t think the meme.

I’ve got about 10% of my assets in the memes, but that’s only because the meme coins. Of all the different classifications within the crypto space, the second highest return on investment category was real world assets, things like XRP, Ethereum, stuff like that. Okay. Yeah. Basically stuff that’s going to be involved with. With. With Defi or decentralized finance. That’s what DeFi means. The one that was worth the most or had the highest roi was the meme coin space. Now, have I told you what the. What the RoI on the meme coin space was back in June for the.

For the year 2024? No, it was 1800 percent. Nice. Beautiful. So that meme coin is your doge. It’s your pepe’s, it’s your, you know, things like that. Well, but it’s just like the stock market. You know, if you have these blue chip stocks, they’re going to go probably a lot slower, but it’s more solid, whereas you have these other things. I mean, whenever pot and CB. What is it? Not CBD. CBD, yeah, CBD stocks and everything. One of the first ones that came out, pot was the ticker symbol, right, right. But then you had, like, hundreds of them that came out.

How do you know which one of those are actually going to move or not, even though? New up and coming thing. Exactly. So, you know, the more speculative, the more you know, that’s why you put a percentage in something that’s a sure deal ish, because it’s really not ever really sure and then you put a percentage in something that meme coins that, you know, you can actually possibly make a lot more, but know it’s a little more risky. It’s just how it works. And I have one with the meme coins that I have. When I, when I find something that’s kind of cool that I want to put some money into, generally what I’ll do is, you know, I won’t put any more than, you know, maybe somewhere between 20 and $50 onto a meme.

And that’s all you need. Because if that. If you get it before it. Before it moons and goes up, like 10,000%. All right, well, you put, if you put, let’s just say for easy math, you put $100 on something and it goes up 10,000%. Well, that if you put that hundred dollars and it goes up 10,000%, your $100 becomes $100,000. Yep. Exactly. Absolutely. You don’t need large amounts of money to make a crap ton of money. If you catch it at the right time. Yeah. And then what you do is once it. Once it moons and once it goes up to a significant amount, that’s when you sell it, and then you put it into something that’s stable, like a stable coin, and then you have more money to reinvest into newer projects.

So it’s kind of a, you know, a perpetuating thing. A lot of money that can be made in, within the crypto space. So. But again, I do not advocate for, for people who don’t know what they’re doing in crypto. I don’t advocate for you to put all your money into it. Maybe, maybe in orbit you and 100 or $500 max, because whatever you put in there, you have to be able to. You have to be willing to lose it. And if you’re not willing to lose it, then don’t do anything. And it’s extraordinarily volatile, and most people are, most people are emotional investors.

They see it coming down and they’re like, oh, my God, I got a sell, sell, sell, you know? Yeah, but if you look at what the, what the extraordinarily successful men in this world have done is, they buy when everybody else is selling. Yes. When everybody else is buying, yes. But that, that’s a, that’s. You have to look at. You have to know what you’re doing. You have to be a contrarian. You have to know what you’re. But even, but even if you guys just, you know, got a. I went on what trading view for an example.

Right. And just, you know, went in free charts. Yes. You don’t get all the bells and whistles necessarily, but you can pull up a, you know, a crypto, know, the ticker that you’re looking at, make sure it’s the right one. That’s very important. But look at what it’s priced at. Look at the chart. Understand that charts kind of got, they breathe, right. It’s kind of up and down and up and down and up and down. Look at the price is where it gets stuck. Look at what’s called. Just lost it in my head. Basically, whenever the market’s going up, you have higher highs and higher lows.

Higher highs and higher lows. You don’t mean Fibonacci? Not Fibonacci’s. Oh my gosh. Price structure. Sorry. So it’s price structure. And the price structure is simple. When it has a higher high and when it comes back down, as long as it doesn’t go lower than the previous low, then it’s a higher low and then it gets a higher high and a higher low. And as long as it is doing that, as it’s moving, well, it is going up. That’s one of the simple, that’s one of the biggest things in charting, for example, is just watching that.

So even if you just did something where, let me just pull this up. I have, you know, because I don’t have all the bells and whistles and it is just a free version. Again, know your tickers, but watch and see how it’s going up. And you’ll see a lot of these that are out there where it just kind of starts going up and all of a sudden shoots way up and it looks like a pump and dump a lot of the meme coins because it shot way up and then it just tanked. Well, start getting them before they shoot up.

And then once they’re up there, then you can see on a chart, okay, this is up x percent or I, you know, you know, the numbers. Okay, you can get out before it actually comes down. There is, it needs some liquidity and that’s another story. But it’s doable. Exactly. And, and, you know, the best thing for you to do if you want to get into stuff like that is to get yourself into a group of people. Get into it with a group of people who are doing that exact same thing. Because there are a lot of, there are a lot of ways for you, there are tools out there if you know what to look for.

Most notably is what you want to do is you want to find out, go to things like either Coinmarketcap or Coinmarketcap or Coingecko, and you look for like the new coin listings. And you check on the new coin listings and see, do they have any list, do they have any major, major exchange listings yet? You know, are they listed on exchanges in the United States? They list on exchanges around the world. Are they on some primary exchanges, secondary exchanges? You know, maybe some, you know, so you find those and then you look at their price structure, and based on the price structure, you can tell if it’s a pump and up, you can tell if it’s, if it’s, if it’s something that’s going to have some long term value.

You could just look at the history of these things, and not every while, not every single chart is going to be exactly the same. You can detect patterns and the patterns are what you want to look for. So, and I know I’m probably talking over a lot of people’s heads right now, and I, that’s, I get it. I’m not trying to, but I mean, that’s just the reality of the situation. The point I’m trying to make is just that you can find people out there that are, that can, that can help you with this if you want to go, if you want to get that deep into it.

And once you learn how to do it, then you don’t need anybody else. You can, you could, you can actually know what to look for and you can get, you can be way far ahead. But a lot of people, what they’ll do is they’ll use bots, they’ll go into telegram and they’ll use a, they’ll use a bot on telegram to help them. It’s like, hey, as soon as something comes up, a bot will recognize that artificial intelligence. And a lot of the guys that are in crypto are using artificial intelligence to their benefit to get ahead and be way far ahead of the normal, of the regular people because they’re using artificial intelligence to their advantage.

That is true, again, a little bit more potentially over the head. You know, potentially there’s a little more to it where they, you definitely have to learn, but it is doable if you have the time to start looking at this. I mean, there’s, you know, there’s companies out there, I don’t know, like ghost trades, where they literally teach people step by step by step. You know, there’s companies out there that do that. And it’s just something where, like you were saying, once you learn, once you understand the market. You understand what to look at how things work.

You’re pushing buttons. You’re literally pushing buttons and looking what the numbers are. Understand your greeks, for example, and even the options market. And they tell you what’s going on within the market, what’s going on within the trades. And all you do is look for premium, which basically look for money, if you will, in the options. And, okay, a little bit here, a little bit here. I’m up. They see me, I’m down, and it’s a beautiful thing. And when you can learn how to do this type of stuff where, again, you’re just pushing buttons, it’s amazing. And you don’t have to do a thing where you.

It’s all you do. There’s people out there that they just, you know, they just get a little bit here and there. Hey, what. What’s an extra thousand bucks a month gonna do for you, right? It’s very, very doable. You just have to learn. I, um. So when I first started crypto back in 2000, I guess it was, uh, by 2019, um, that was when I was. It was before. It was before COVID hit. And I remember I got myself. I think I had. I was able to buy two bitcoin. Bitcoin, I think, was like three grand or whatever, and I bought two bitcoin.

And I had. I quite a bit of stuff. But when. When bitcoin jumped up to, like, thirty five k, I sold all my bitcoin into XRP. And XRP was at, like, XRP was at $0.16. So, yeah, it happens. I did pretty good on that trade. But since then, you know, all those. A lot of those things. I sold things off. I didn’t take profits. I had to use stuff to live. And, you know, I lost a lot of that. So I’m not sitting nearly as pretty as I once was, but I. I’m still sitting a whole lot prettier than.

Than many people who haven’t, you know, even dipped their toe in. And I’ll tell you that. I tell you this, guys, if you think that you’ve missed the boat, that you’re too late, you are not. It is. It is still. It’s not even like the game hasn’t even started yet. We’re still in the. We’re approaching game time, but we’re still in the warm up phase, so. And if I can use a baseball analogy where it’s, you know, we’re not even in the first inning yet. Yep. Absolutely. Yeah. There’s. There’s so much that’s about to hit. Think about that, guys.

This is. Yes. We had the last. What? What is it? 2009. Whenever I think bitcoin came out. So there was 2008. It was at eight. Okay. Yeah, 2008. Ironic, right? We’ve had this started, but it’s almost like that’s the test run. Right? That was the. Okay, can we do this? Is this possible? Is there going to be anybody behind this now they found out. Oh, yeah. This may be this. I mean, it may. Dare I say, it may be something where. What was the stock market? That may go away because it is fiat and it may be all digital completely.

Was the stock market. When did this. When did stocks actually come into being? It. Stocks came into being and, like, stocks was like, the 16 or 17 hundreds. That was when the stocks. That was when stocks actually became a financial instrument. True. Because I remember them saying that the digital asset space, specifically blockchain assets, they are the first. That’s. That’s the first new, um. The financial instrument to happen in, like, hundred and, like, several hundred years. Yeah. I think it was, um. Button. Button. Wood. Button. Wood agreement was Brett. Bretton Wood. Bretton woods. And that was when they went off the gold standard.

Bretton was in, like, 1948, I think. No, correct. That’s Bretton woods. But there was something. I want to say. It was like, 17, almost 18 hundreds, where it was called the Buttonwood agreement because it was, like, signed under the buttonwood tree or something, if that’s the name of it. Don’t. Don’t quote me. But. But that was. Yeah, again, that was almost 1800. And then Wall Street, I believe it was around 18. 1518. I’m sorry. Yeah. 1815, 1817, whatever. Whenever, you know, New York stock Exchange actually opened its, you know, Wall street, everything. So you know that.

And then you also have, you know, all the other exchanges. You have the Tokyo Exchange. That was almost 1900. I think she. I think it was in the 1870s or whatever. So it’s been around for a long time. I want to say that stocks came into play and they were first traded. I want to say Amsterdam. I want to say it was Amsterdam. Yeah. That was in the 16 hundreds. Yeah, I want to say it was. It was someplace in Europe. Amsterdam. Or Amsterdam. Or possibly it was Amsterdam. Okay. Yep. So I’m. My memory does work.

My memory does work. Yeah. Well, somebody says, I was just thinking that crypto is a way better investment than the stock market. Well, yes and no. You know, it’s. Okay, so the stock market and the crypto market are both speculative. They’re speculative. What you’re doing is you’re buying speculative assets with crypto. What you’re doing is you’re really, you’re buying the technology behind the actual token. The token is just the manifestation of the technology. And, you know, there’s something called tokenomics, and that’s just basically all the economics behind that specific token. And I mean, there’s a lot of little nuanced things that I’m trying not to speak, in a way, I’m trying to speak it dumbed down so that everybody can grasp it, but, well, the other side of that, too.

Let me finish this thought real quick. We’re talking about the stock market. We are living in a time right now when you actually can. It’s like you can buy Amazon stock in 1995. That’s literally what. There are some. There are some investments out there right now that are basically akin to buying Amazon or Apple or Microsoft in the mid nineties when they were just in their infancy. Very true, very true. And that’s what. And the other side of that, too, when it does come to the stock market, you also have something called an option, and that is where you control that asset without having to buy that asset.

So if a stock is trading for, I don’t know, $300, you can probably spend, and that’s per share, literally $300 for one share. You can probably spend dollar 300 and buy the option and control that share. Granted, you have to do buy the hundred shares, but $300, you can buy 100 shares of an option. And you just have to know, you know, all the other nuances around it. But essentially, you’re controlling that asset. And it’s equivalent to say, you know, going up to somebody’s house and saying, you know, I see the for sale sign in your yard, not sure I want to buy your house.

I think I want to buy your house, but here’s $5,000 earnest money and can you give me, you know, three months time to see if I want to buy your house? And you think it’s going up in value? Because let’s just say you kind of heard through the grapevine or you think, or whatever, just like we’re, you know, just like the gentleman in the big short that we were just watching, heard something, figured something out, and all of a sudden he was, he was going to go in to make money off of that. Well, what if you found out that there’s going to be a PGA golf course happening right behind those houses in that little, you know, cul de sac? So you just see someone that has a house for $200,000.

And you’re like, I think I want to buy your house. Right? Because, you know something is coming, right? Think something’s coming. Yep. And then all of a sudden, they break ground. Well, guess what? You have that contract, which is what an option is. It’s an option contract that says, I’m allowed to buy that house. So if someone comes up once they break ground and says, hey, I want to buy your house, they’re going to say, yeah, angelique controls that asset right now. Go ask her to the. It’s so funny that you say that, because there was a.

This is quite, quite a long time ago that I think this guy retired in the early, early two thousands from Ups. But, I mean, he was really smart with his money, and he bought some, just some property that was kind of in the middle of nowhere. But he knew. He knew because he paid attention to, like, like, plannings and whatnot. He knew that there was ultimately going to be a freeway that was going to be built right adjacent to that land. And. And as a result, that land would ultimately go up in value so that you could put retail stuff or potentially residential houses and projects on those.

And, you know, I think he bought, like, I was. I want to say it was like 100 acres up in this, up in this area, and it was. I don’t know, it was. It was cheap. I think he spent like $50,000 on this hundred acres, but. And then he sold it. He sold it, like, you know, 15 years later, he sold it for, I want to say it was like $5 million, I believe. I mean, you know, just insane amount of money. And that’s what he retired on, you know. Yeah, that’s why it’s, you know, it’s.

It’s. Global economics is really important to pay attention. I mean, well, my gosh, perfect example. Look at our politicians. Sorry, but it is what it is. I’m sorry. They don’t make $200,000 a year and become millionaires in a few years for nothing. They see what’s coming down the pike and they trade accordingly. You don’t have the Pelosi index for nothing. I just gotta say, if you want to be successful, just. Just follow. Follow the trades that Nancy Pelosi makes. Exactly. You know, they see what’s coming down the pike. They’re not, you know, and they legislate what’s coming down the pike, so.

But, yeah, I mean, it’s. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. If you pay attention to that kind of stuff and just, again, learn and understand what, you know, all the, you know, options do have a lot of moving parts to them. But once you understand, once you understand the charting what they’ll kind of look at, it can be a confusing. At first, I get it. It’s not going to be overnight, but it is absolutely doable. And it just takes that, I don’t know, stick to itiveness, for lack of a better term, to just really understand that. And just the other side of that, too, is do demo accounts, do something.

Just, you can write that stuff down on a piece of paper and say, I think this is what’s going to happen, and you can do it. And again, when you can control an asset instead of having to buy it, that’s huge. And you can make the percentages of Roi that you make on that better as well. Absolutely. Well, listen, I told you that I would keep you at about an hour, and that’s kind of where we are right now. So I. Angelique, I want to thank you for taking the time to come on and giving us some of your wisdom about just the markets and whatnot.

And I pride myself on my channel to nothing is off limits, and especially the finance stuff. You know, history is important, but. But history encompasses everything. And I try to, and I try to intertwine everything into my channel, whether it be health, medicine, money markets, you know, geopolitical events, political events, local events, you know, I mean, all of it, it’s all intertwined. It’s all interconnected. So. Yeah, let’s see here. Do the Trump coins have any value? When you say Trump coins, what do you mean? Yeah, you should. Talking about the. The cryptos that are. That are Trump kryptos.

There’s a lot of different Trump coins out there right now, and a lot of them are just collectibles. Yeah, there might be some out there that are real. In fact, I think there are a couple. Not very many, but there are a couple out there. Yeah. So, you know, again, there’s. There’s some. There’s some things out there. You know, I guess probably what I should start doing is maybe I should start doing, like, a crypto channel based on the. The stuff that I learned from the guys that I do it. And, you know, maybe just, you know, charge $5 a month for that content because I’m.

I have to. I’d have to be careful with how I did that because I. Not something that I could just give away because I. He. I paid him a lot of money for it, so. And I wouldn’t want to just. I just can’t give that away, so. But I know that a lot of people would benefit from it, so. But anyway, you know that if you guys have any interest in that, let me know again, it would. It wouldn’t be anything crazy, you know, less than a cup of coffee a month. So I think. I personally think it would be worth it and then some just.

I agree. I agree. But everyone needs to have that information. Yeah. Well, anyway, thank you again, Angelique. And, you know, you are welcome back here anytime you want to talk, because I know that you’re not just a pretty face, that you are, you know, you are also a firearms instructor. I am, if I remember correctly. And. And you are. Well, I mean, that alone, like, takes you to a level of cool that is, like, unfair, unfathomable. It’s fun. It is so fun. And I. Yeah, we. You went to the range today, didn’t you? Yesterday. That’s why I went to the range yesterday.

Had a lot of fun, just, you know, just with the instructors and, you know, for you close friends, and just went out there for about 4 hours. It was a blast. Awesome. I’m jealous. I’m jealous. I live in the. In. In the communist state of California, so, you know, we can’t really. Do. I. But you know what? And I’ll end with this. It was really interesting. There was a. There’s a case out here in the 9th circuit that was. A decision was rendered, I want to say, in, like, may, where this guy was a. This guy had committed a crime, and he wasn’t supposed to have a weapon, but he got caught with one, and then he sued.

He sued to have to have that overturned, and he’s like. And this lawsuit got sent to the. Got sent to the 9th circuit, and the 9th circuit found in his favor. Well, they’re gonna do an on. They’re gonna do an en banc panel. Well, guess who came out today and wrote an amicus brief on behalf of the guy who was the felon? Who? ACLU. Wow. You gotta know that the. When the ACLU comes out in. In favor of the second amendment for a felon, you gotta know that the world is getting crazy. I was just gonna say there are so many weird things that are happening right now that you would just.

It wouldn’t have happened before at all, would. Same. Yep. I agree. Yeah. It’s. Things are changing. I. I’m very, very. As much as. It’s going to get worse before it gets better, guys, I am so excited for our future. There’s. I am too amazing things that are happening behind the scenes. Not that I’m more privy than anybody else. You can all find them. There’s so, you know, some. But in your line, in your line of work, you do meet people who know things, who kind of maybe give you a little heads up here. You have a little bit more intel than the general person, but that, you know, that still you have a little bit of an edge, but not an enormous edge.

Yeah, not enormous. And just enough to where I can say, okay, I think this is real. This isn’t even. You just have to have discernment. That’s the biggest thing. Because there’s a lot of things that are going to be. I mean, I just saw the other day, and I’ve been saying this for years, and I know this is disgusting, so apologize. But I’ve been saying it for years, where they had, I mean, there was 2030 different news articles of people finding human remains in McDonald’s. And it just came out recently where the FBI, I think it was a plant or something like that distribution plant in Detroit or something where it’s like, okay.

It’s like, well, hello, it’s there. Toilet green. You know. Exactly. They always tell us what they’re doing. They’ve always told us people. Exactly. Exactly. So it’s like, you know, there’s a lot of crazy stuff. Have discernment, but at the same time it’s findable. And also know that there’s going to be things that are going to come out that are going to challenge every one of our beliefs. Just like, you know, with human trafficking, it cannot possibly be that evil. But yes, it is. And there’s probably 2030 different topics that there’s information out there on that is just going to blow your mind.

So just have an open mind anytime you want to come back on to talk about some of that stuff, you are welcome to come on because I know we could just put my tin foil hat on. We’ll have some fun. Absolutely. For sure. Hey, thank you, Angeli. Appreciate your time, seriously. And everybody, I hope you. I apologize for the thing cutting off today. It wasn’t my fault. Well, it kind of was my fault, but it wasn’t my fault. I shouldn’t have played anything that was copyrighted. So, you know, that’s, that’s my, that’s on me. But I think it might be constructive to.

To come back and do another one of these. Maybe next week if you. If you’re available and go with the play. Play. The one about, I think it was called margin call. Do you’re familiar with that one? Yes, I’m. I am, but I have not seen it yet. Okay, so I’ll find a good video that kind of gives it like a. Like. Yeah. Like a 1010 or 15 minutes summation and, you know, that. And then we could talk about that, because it’s a little bit that. That the. The big short was about the several individuals on the.

On the retail side that saw what was coming and bet against the housing market. The margin call is a. It’s. It’s a fictitious story of a bank who sees what’s happening and sees all their assets gonna be basically become worthless and their company’s gonna fall apart. And so they sell everything while it still has value. And so it’s. It’s basically on the other side. It’s. It’s the banks that are. That are trying to get over, and they. So it’s what you see happening right now with the banks. Exactly that. Yes, absolutely. So. So, anyway, that’s it, guys.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will probably be doing something tomorrow because I. There was a bunch of stuff that I wanted to do this week that I just couldn’t because I was gone the previous week, so I’m still playing catch up, and I’m. My body’s barely just acclimated now. So, anyway, to the time zone thing. So we’ll probably see at some point this weekend. And until then, guys, have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the remainder of your evening chat soon. And thank you, Angelique. Absolutely, sir. Okay, bye.



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