So it was super effective right in the beginning. I mean, it really nipped trafficking in the butt. And to put this into context, at the peak of the Biden administration, over a one year period, our government has taken 128,000 migrant children. Those are children 0 to 17 that have came to that border without a parent and then were basically trafficked into America. Under Trump’s last year in office, only 16,000 arrived and not one was trafficked and delivered to a random stranger in America. He was contacted by MVM Inc. That was the company who actually got the first contract for the row hotel in New York, the 5000 migrant person hotel.
Magically, this NGO is the first NGO that gets these contracts to, to, to migrate to transport these migrant children. So while at the mbm at the hotel, the row hotel in New York, these guy was just thrown into chaos. It’s a, whatever, 40 story hotel. He’s like, you’d be getting a call and you know, we got, we got a fight broke out on the sixth floor, on the 18th floor. Two minutes later, it’s like a woman was just raped, you know, stabbing, cuts. It was just absolute chaos. So you can imagine what happens to children in those environments when you’re around literally gang members and killers and rapists and thugs.
Like, not a good environment to be a stringent child in. And the horror stories just went on and went on. So then I gotta interrupt you for a second. Yeah. Are these kids being trafficked and they’re being kidnapped, or in some cases, are the parents selling the kids? Both. And I’ll break all that down for you here in a second. Before we get started, folks, make sure you hit the pause button. Okay? Go down below, there’s a rumble link. Go over to rumble and follow us over there. Qfs1776.com is without question the holy grail of what’s to come.
Okay, T shirts, you got to get yourself decorated. This way, people will ask you what is xrp? What is the quantum financial system? What is this? What is that? And you send them where the qfs1776.com where they need to immerse themselves because we’re going to burn down this system down to the ground and out of the ashes will rise to Phoenix. There will be nothing to go back to. Believe me when I tell you that. Also our telegram groups down below if you want to learn what’s coming and you sort of a little scared, I understand.
Believe me, I was there too at one point. And if you need more than $10,000 worth of XRP or a million dollars worth of XRP, you come see me. Send me an email at QFS 1776@gmail and we’ll get you as much as you want. Gold and silver. Welcome to carminesgold.com. don’t waste not even a second looking cheaper prices just don’t exist. How important is it for you to own gold and silver right now? What does it mean to me personally? This. There’s an economy that’s about to crash beyond what words can explain in five words. I’m going to educate you on gold and silver.
Are you ready? You need to own some simple. Well, good afternoon folks. I met this gentleman on one of my favorite live spaces with M the wonderful Maze. And I’m sure a lot of you guys were know know exactly who Maze is. I’ve been her spaces many, many times. We hope that we’re going to get her down to the Quantum Summit in Cape Canaveral as we win this war. You saw the markets react three hours before, you know, it was even clear that Donald Trump had won the election. The crypto markets reacted as a whole. The ISOs, the Bitcoins, the ethereums, literally just things started going because they realized El Commandante, el Capo di Tutti copy is about to step back into the ring.
And this gentleman is a very interesting young fellow. He is an incredible award winning documentary movie writer. He talks about the little ones in the tunnel. So we’re going to try to keep this conversation down on the low so that we could use it for YouTube where we have most of our eyeballs. He happens to be a bitcoin maximalist. I happen to be an XRP massive maximalist. We can always figure out how to, you know, get along without, you know, fighting a little bit too much. But the reality is I believe what I believe. I’m very strong and I’m really not enamored with the number of the Bitcoin versus the number of XRP because of Bitcoin went from 49,000 to 103,000 and XRP went from 49 cents to $2.92.
So if you had your money, XRP, mathematically you would have made five times instead of making two times. And people who have listened to me and have gone through my international brokers where people normally own airplanes, like, you know, jet aircrafts that cost like, you know, 15, 20, $30 million. That’s where these guys go shopping, have listened to me and have made a tremendous amount of money. So with that said, Ryan, tell the people who you are. Why did you get involved with basically traveling around the world making these incredible documentaries? And I want to talk to you also about the quantum financial system and bitcoin.
We’re either going to bump heads or I’m going to convince him that he should sell all of his bitcoin and he’ll become an XRP maximalist. Highly unlikely. But anyway, welcome to the show, brother. Hey, man, thanks for having me. It’s honored to be here. So it’s hard to really talk, especially if it’s gonna be on YouTube, because everything that I say is about to get your, your show shut down. So what we’ll do is this. We’re launching melcarmine.com and that’s where the stuff that he talks about is going to be. Where it’s going to be like, you know, $6.5 and 89 cents.
That’s the price. Okay. Price tag for a monthly fee and you get all the uncensored content. Please continue. Yeah, so I, I started in the crypto space in 2014. Yeah, well, 2014, I had a friend that we bought some bitcoin together, but I didn’t really understand it, you know, I didn’t even have it. He bought it. I just gave him 500 bucks and we bought a couple Bitcoin and then Mt. Gox got hacked. We lost all that. So then I was in class one day and a gentleman came into class and he had brought in his bitcoin miner and he was showing the teacher.
But I had, I had slept through the exams that day. So I was like the only one left in class. My open book and like, trying to like, make sure I pass this test, you know, and he came in and with his bitcoin miner. So after I finished my test, I was. He was showing the professor and I was like, oh, you know, what is that thing? And he’s like, oh, it’s a bitcoin miner. How does it work? Because I plug it in. I go, what do you have to do? He goes, nothing. I just plug runs and it makes me Bitcoin.
What’d you pay for it? I paid 400 bucks. How much does it make you? It makes you 50 bucks a month. And I’m doing the math in my head. I go, and how long can that thing run for? He goes, well, it’d be good for about two years guaranteed, but about four years is the goal. But after a certain period, it starts making a little bit less because the, you know, the hardware gets older and the difficulty goes up. I said, I was just doing the math. I go, I think something like an employee. I go, where do you get those at? He goes, oh, you can build one.
You can, you can buy one. He goes, but you don’t want to mine Bitcoin. You want to mine Ethereum. It’s the future. And I was like, oh, what’s a theory? I mean, he’s like, you know, I tell everybody this and blah, blah, blah, and they never do it. Just waste my time. But if you’re serious and you get the equipment, let me know. I’ll come over and I’ll. I’ll show you how to build it. Or you can come over my house and I’ll help you build it. And I was like, well, can I order it online? He’s like, yeah, you can order from Newegg.com and I was like, here’s my phone.
I was going to download the app and let’s just do this right now. So he put all the stuff in a cart, ordered it, and I was out at his house like four days later and I built my first Ethereum mining computer. And back then there was nobody on. There was not the sailors, there wasn’t the breed loves. There wasn’t any. Anybody really. There was. I forget the gentleman’s name. He, he. I just met him down in El Salvador. He. This guy was live trading and I was just watching him and you know, there was so many people in the markets were so tiny back then, right? Like where Bitcoin said, like, you know what a trillion or $2 trillion market cap right now back then it was probably at like, you know, like a $300,000 market cap.
So when you have like 100 people or 200,000 people watching your live stream and you go to trade, right? Just because these people are seeing you trade, they’re going to take that trade with you. So there was such low liquidity that this guy was just Making money hand over fist. And I just got addicted. I got hooked into the crypto space. And then I know I was buying XRP when it had like couple zeros there before the, before the one, you know, that was 2015. The Dogecoin I bought in 2015, the $20 worth was worth like $100,000 during the super bowl, right? So it was such small little amounts of money that I was throwing into things.
But I had my, my. When I first put my first computers together, my first single computer, it was one with that had two hard two graphics cards. It was like the first time that people really started to mine with multiple graphics cards, right? And I built one and it was mining me three and a half coins of Ethereum a day, which was about $7.50. It was costing me about $3 in electricity a day. And to me, I just seen it as an employee, right? I never wanted to sell any of my ethereum. I just wanted to mine and I’d work overtime at work to pay the electricity bill, right? And then I just kind of went down this rabbit hole.
I built one computer, then I built two, and then all of a sudden I built a second one. But again, there wasn’t the tutorials and stuff online. So I couldn’t figure out I was making less. I was mining. I built two of the exact same computers computer. I went from mining three and a half coins down. Now I got the second one running. I’m only mining six. I’m like, what the hell? Why am I. Why am I not mining seven? You know? And there was none of the difficulty explanation explaining videos out there or any of that garbage.
So I built another one and another one, another one. Next thing I know, I got five of these computers running in my house and they run so hot. Back then we didn’t have any like the reducing, the overclocking, or the liquid cooling or any of that cool jazz. It was hot. And I had an upstory upstairs condo. But when I started building, it was like December of 2015, so I could just open my door wall and I was like, oh, this is brilliant. Like I might be spending, you know, $200 in electricity, but now I’m not paying $70 a month in just electricity to heat my heat my condo.
This is a win, win. I’m really making out. You know, I was sauna out of it, right? Oh, yeah. My gosh. And then I remember it was like the first week of April. We got warm weather and I was staying at my girlfriend’s house for A couple of days and I came home and it was probably like 40 or 50 degrees outside and I walked in my condo and it was like 102. I was just like, it was so, like such a heat wave. I was just like, oh my gosh, what did I do? You know, I thought I messed something up or now it’s just how those graphics cards run.
So my girlfriend despised it. You know, at one time we were actually hooking up and my, my alert went off and one of my computers went down. So I ended up leaving her house and she was so pissed at me that day. I’ll never forget that. And I didn’t know back then. I was like, I got an alert, my minor stopped running. It was just like, like it just reset or something and didn’t connect back. You know, it was nothing important. But I flew out of her house thinking my computers are on fire. I was like, these, these are my lifeline.
So I mined thousands of coins of Ethereum back in the day and yeah, made a lot of mistakes, man. I, I, you know, I thought, you know, not your keys, not your crypto. I didn’t really understand how wallets work. So I thought it’d be smart to like decentralize myself and put my crypto on multiple exchanges, you know, that’d be a brilliant idea. Well, yeah, you know, Polon X back in the day, they can pull. When our government in 2018 started to get really strict on their regulations about US exchanges, they basically pulling next to one of the companies was like, we’re not going to apply.
We’re not going to comply with these tyrannical rules. Like, this is crypto. F you, we don’t need to operate in your country. We’ll leave. And they left the country and what they did is they sent out an email to everybody saying, hey, you got so many weeks to get your crypto off their exchange or we’re going to basically going to take it. Well, they didn’t take it. I knew they weren’t going to do that. What they did is they at the worst part, absolute bottom of the bear market of 2018 when, when a Cardano went down to a penny and a half.
Like the day that Cardano was a penny and a half at that exact point in time was when they converted all of my crypto into usdt, right? And they sent me an email. But at this point, I had taken a bunch of money out. I had started a company. I was busy working, you know, building this clothing line I built at the time was the Second fastest. Well, at the time when it ended, it was the, when I closed it, it was the fastest growing EDM clothing line in America. And I was just getting into three countries and my idea was to start a business because I was always better at, at running a business and mining fiat than I was at, you know, running mining equipment and mining these crypto coins, right? Like, I just, it’s so common.
I don’t say it’s so complicated, but there’s always freaking something. And it’s a graphics card, it’s a riser, it’s a cable, it’s a cord, it’s a code. It’s so much shit goes into mining that I was just like, I can’t do it. So anyways, I put my crypto on three exchanges. So I go into the 2020 bull run, right? And I’m like, like a kid on Christmas, I’m like, I got all this crypto on Polon X, man. I’m just waiting to cash and I’m like, I don’t even want to look at it because as soon as I look at it, I’m trying to sell it or trade something.
I know I got a shit ton of Cardano xrp. What else? I have a ton of eth and yeah, they converted it all. So I opened up my wallet at the peak of the bull run thinking I’m ready to retire. And to find out I had like, you know, like 15 grand in there, so. And then, then it gets worse. A lot of my ETH was on Cryptopia Exchange. That’s where I was really shitcoining back in the day. And I was buying everything, I mean, every single possible coin that blew up in this 2020 Bull Run I had pretty much bought in.
Like I bought a full ethereum worth in 2023 or sorry, in 2017. So I thought I was like sitting high on the gosh damn hog, man. And then obviously Cryptopia, I learned already Cryptopia, their government took over their exchange and froze all the assets. And there’s like, you can get, you know, get reimbursed, but back then it was all, you know, email only, no id, no documentation, accounts up. So, you know, trying to like convince this foreign government that they’re going to give you millions of dollars worth of your crypto back doesn’t, doesn’t really seem to fly too well.
So I learned a lot, a lot about what not to do in the crypto space. But it’s, you know, it’s the only space that you can take absolutely Nothing and, you know, turn yourself into almost a millionaire. Last bull run at the end of the 2020 Bull Run, I was one of the most bearish people going out of that bull market because of the indicators and things like the. It was mainly the bitcoin dominance. That almost is like the perfect indicator that tells you exactly when a bu altcoin season starts and it’s almost to the t when altcoin season ends.
So I just, I. And, and it might be wrong this year. It’s always, it’s always something different. But I just was. So I had this in my head that this is my indicator. This is going to happen. This is going to tell me everything. So when I, when it started giving those signals, I, I called the top at 63. And then I, we went down to 59 and I said word for. I said, we’re going to come back up probably like 61 or 62. And then it’s going to fall off a cliff and the bull runs over.
I didn’t predict the next wave back up to 69, but I predicted that. And I told everybody, I said, you don’t ever want to hodl shitcoins going into a bear market ever. It doesn’t matter what you think, it doesn’t matter what you. What anybody’s telling you. They’re going 80 to 90% off. It always happens. And you’re going to get, you’re going to get wrecked. So instead of doing that take, take your money, convert it into USDT and do something with it or wait till the bear market. Buy back into the bottom of the bear market however you want to move your capital.
But don’t let your ass just sit there and get wrecked like everybody else. Make moves whether it’s trading up or down. So I wanted to do a little trial with everybody. So I said I’m gonna, I’m gonna. At the time I cashed out 20 grand and I used that to build a studio. Cause I was like, my YouTube business, I’ll buy back into the bottom of the bear market and take this investment. And I’m again always better at mining fiat than I am crypto. And I said, I’m gonna leave a thousand dollars in there to show you what a person can do with a thousand dollars who wants to trade or how, wants to make some moves.
And I started that and I got that thousand down to like. I got wrecked a few times going in that peak where it was going up because I was so short, just a couple hundred bucks. And then I said, you know, What? I’m so bearish effort. I’m going big. I put it all in on some shorts when Bitcoin was at 59,000, and the next day it fell off a cliff. I turned a thou. I turned a thousand into ten thousand in less than ten days. In thirty days, I turned ten thousand into thirty thousand. By the time we hit that last bottom peak where we went up, I had turned it into like 67,000.
But the last super bearish part, I was too bearish too long, and I lost like 7. So I was left with 60,000. And when we broke back up above 29k, headed to 1669k, something told me that we’re going on our ripper again. I said, you know what, Maybe this is it. So I just happened to put about, like polka dot. I put like, probably like 10 or 20 grand into polka dot. I put something to like Cardano all these coins and they all freaking basically rallied up to the top. And then at the. When everything else was at its top, I pretty much found a new coin called Cadena.
And Cadena was only like A$39 at the time. So I ended up falling in love with this coin. I sold everything I owned all into Cadena pretty much at its bottom. And that fuck. And that sucker took off and went all the way to $28. I ended up turning that thousand into like $569,000 in less than like 120 days. And I just. And I did it all live trading with everybody on my show. So it was like this big, like. I don’t know, I wish I would have sold that top. I wish I would have been not as bullish as I was because I ended up watching that 560 turn back into like 40 or 50,000 by the bottom of the bear market.
But, you know, at that point I had basically. Once we started to go down, I started to convert everything into bitcoin when bitcoin was around 20,000. And I moved all into bitcoin between 20 and, you know, the 16,000 mark there. And I’ve been all in on bitcoin ever since. So, you know, it’s been. That was probably one of the best decisions I ever made, was just going all into bitcoin because I don’t have to worry. I don’t have to play any games. I’m super busy. And I just have my money in an asset, you know, if it only gains me 10 or 20% a month.
I have bots that run now that trade 24, 7. They can’t make a losing trade. So I generate plenty of passive income, and that’s what funds all my operations and how I’m able to go and, you know, rescue these children and get involved in these child trafficking operations. Well. Unbelievable. What an incredible story. Let me tell you something. I know I’m interviewing you, but I got to tell the story because it fits my brother. My brother’s name is Fortune. He called. He was ready to call me. He didn’t, because his wife, unfortunately owns his balls. Okay.
And we don’t talk because of his wife. But anyway, needless to say, it’s a long story. Family feud. I got more than most, believe me. So, anyway, long story short, he was going to call me to help him set up miners in his basement in Wyckoff, New Jersey, when X. When. When. I’m sorry, when Bitcoin was $20. And I’m a. I’m a money machine. I know how to make money, okay? That’s what I do. And had he had called me and put his pride aside and tell his wife to sit tight, don’t say anything, relax, okay? And he would have called me in.
I would have had his basement, you know, up to 180 degrees, if you know what. Oh, bro. At $20. Oh, my gosh, man. Okay. And that never happened, unfortunately, because his pride got in the way. His wife owns his balls. And. And so, long story short, I got into silver. Silver was like a slow boat to China. And all of a sudden, my wife said to me, it’s not bitcoin. It’s going to be xrp. I sold my X. I sold my silver. I went to the bank and. And then when the money cleared whatever I. Because the money has to sit there for, like, two months, believe it or not.
Cash money, right? They said, come back in two months and we’ll allow you to do $2,000 a month wired, wherever you want. I said, okay, we’re ready. Ready for what? He goes, I want to buy some xrp. We got to send the money to Lithuania. I forget the name of the exchange, okay? And we’re going to get our money back. Ever going to see our xrp? None of that stuff like, oh, no, no, no, that’s not allowed. So we took the money now from Costa Rica, wired it to the United States so that we could make.
Make the transaction. What an incredible it’s been. And we purchased at that 002, you know, that was our first purchase. We bought $50 worth. We bought 12,500 XRP. You know what I mean? Where are you on XRP? Are you hot on the fact that we are scalable to multiple billions of transactions per second? That’s already been proven. And odor, who is an inside guy who sits on the board, has let all of these breadcrumbs out. We believe. Do you believe that, you know, we’re going to be part of the, this quantum financial system? Do you believe that this is the biggest transference of wealth? Where do you see xrp? I don’t think you hate xrp, but I think you’re more hot on bitcoin.
Yeah, I just don’t, I don’t follow any of that. Honestly. I’m not, not positive or negative. Yeah, I just, I don’t, I don’t have time to look into all that stuff. I just, you know, bitcoin’s going to appreciate at, you know, 20 to 73% per year every year for the next, you know, 100 years. And I, with those gains, I’m more than happy with just being where I’m at. And that’s all I really, really talk about now and work on and, you know, watch. I just got back from El Salvador and watching what they’re doing with bitcoin down in El Salvador, and, you know, XRP definitely won’t be.
Won’t be there. It won’t be traded or used in El Salvador for anything. So they’re pretty strict on the regulations that they’re putting into place. And bitcoin is there, is the future. And they’re. They got Max Kaisener who’s just like the most anti, you know, shitcoin guy out there. So, you know, and the only thing I don’t like about XRP is, you know, that their, Their, their connections to the World Economic Forum, the fact that they were promoting Kamala Harris’s campaign, I just can’t get behind people like that that seem like, you know, maybe it’s the best.
They thought it was the best interest move for their business at the time. But, you know, I’m not willing to sell my soul to anybody, and I’m pretty rock solid on that. So if anybody associates with the World Economic Forum, I don’t really. You’re not to get into a pickle with you, but from what I understand that the World Economic Forum has been completely, totally restructured to reflect the new world that’s coming, which is this, you know, debt forgiveness. You’re. I’m sure you’ve heard the fact that Donald Trump wants to get rid of the irs. He doesn’t want anybody who Works for tips to be taxed.
He doesn’t want senior citizens to be taxed. It seems that we’re moving towards a debt jubilee, like where he says many times we need a level, monetary, level playing field. And I think that’s where we’re headed as he makes his transition back in. You know, I would love to see you come down to the Quantum Summit as one of our speakers, specifically talking about the little ones. We’re going to have several sheriffs on stage. Sheriff Mack, as a matter of fact, who I just interviewed. I’m sure you know who Sheriff Mack is. He is actually in talks with Sheriff Wayne Ivey, who is the sheriff of Brevard county here in Florida.
And they want to bring another sheriff on stage as well. You guys will be a perfect fit, for example, to talk about the little ones, you know. Do that in a heartbeat, man. Heartbeat. When is that summit, though? March 8th and March 9th. We would love to do that. Yeah, I’ll be back in town. Yeah, it’s in Florida. Cape Canaveral. Oh, perfect. I used to live in Fort Myers. Oh, perfect. You’re not that far. Cape Canaveral. We’re at the Radisson Hotel. We’re going to have, you know, a complete, you know, sold out crowd. We’re expecting every bit of about 900,000 people.
It’s a big deal. It’s a big hoopla, it’s food, it’s, you know, wedding style food, it’s karaoke, it’s a gala dinner, it’s the dancing DJ. It’s going to be 40 speakers coming in from all over the world. You’ll be one of them, etc. It’s a big, big deal. Oh yeah. Is it one day event? Two day event? Two day event, eighth and the ninth. Oh, yeah, being. I’ll do that in a heartbeat, man. Actually, if you guys are interested too, you can screen one of my documentaries too, if that helps you guys and you guys want to, you know, we could probably maybe do that maybe a day in advance or maybe if anybody wants to stay into extra innings.
Yeah, or an event. Absolutely, I would love to do that. Absolutely. Yep. For sure. That’d be. That’d be a blast. And actually I’ll have another one that’ll be out before. That’ll just be releasing like the month before that. So might not even be a month before that. It might be coming out right kind of in the same time. So. Yeah, we could definitely. Yeah. I’ll tell you some things when, when the recording button is not on that I’m not allowed to share with you, with the audience, at least not just yet. That you’ll. You’ll get very excited, which you’ll know that this is so big that you’ll have plenty of eyeballs on this thing on a global level.
So is it. It’s a pretty big undertaking that my wife would be taking on. We have a healing center called Staying Alive a mile down the road from the Radisson. Staying Alive is spelled with two E’s. And we have all kinds of miracle stories of, you know, literally the body healing itself because the body wants to heal. The body wants to live thousands years old and beyond. And people are literally in getting in. People already in remission from stage four. That letter that starts with a C and ends with an art. A lot to mention here.
And we have a lady that literally was on her DeathBed, operated on nine times. Who is there now. Her name is Donna, and she was in rough, rough shape. And I could tell you that she. She came in with a walker. She should have been in a wheelchair. She got rid of the walker four days after being in the system, walking, like, no problem. Bubbly, incredible attitude. And now we’re doing these open houses once a month. And she comes in on stage, does, you know, a testimonial. Absolute success story. She hasn’t driven in months and months and months.
Long distance. Like, over a year, actually. She got in the car the other day from Titusville, which is about 30 minutes from where we’re at in Cape Canaveral, and drove for the first time. 30 minutes. And she’s delighted with the. I mean, look, the doctors opened her up, they did the chemo, all that stuff. It didn’t work. And here we are. Is a frequency. Okay. That allows the body to heal itself from every disease known to mankind. Are you guys doing the sound bath there? Is that what you guys are doing? We actually have a. It’s funny you say that.
We have a sound bath event coming up here in the next couple of weeks with gongs and all kinds of. My wife is in charge of all that stuff. Yeah, we’re doing that as well. I’ve just been barely scratching that rabbit hole. I’m so interested in that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, That’s. Yeah. And if you want to come down a couple of days early, we’ll. We’ll give you a couple of hours in the system free of charge, so you can get to experience it and tell your audience about what it is we have. Oh, I’ll make the baddest ass Promo for you guys for that? For sure, dude.
I’ll do that in a heartbeat. By the way, we have a lady by the name of Julie who’s a multimillionaire. She lives down in Brickell in Miami. And typically, millionaires know how to find the really good bargainers. I wanted to. We’re one of the cheapest healing centers. And she went on her own. And I’m gonna let you get back on track here. I’m sorry. I’m more interested in this, man. Keep going. Yeah, but she did it on her own. She went to an independent lab. She sent in a blood sample. They did the study on her for telomeres.
I’m sure you know what telomeres are, right? The telomeres. 8.29 to 10.09, which means the telomeres are going the opposite way. Your telomeres are your body clock. When the telomeres get shorter and shorter and shorter and shorter and they disappear, you’re dead. You disappear when they’re getting longer and longer and longer and longer. That means we have age reversal technology in Cape Canaveral. Wow. Yeah. That’s what we have. And how often do you need to come and do this? Was there for a month. Every night for a month. She did the study on her own. She’s so excited.
She came back for another month. Her brother, who had prostate C ends with an R. Okay. Reversed that completely. Okay. He stayed in the system for three months. His face was half paralyzed from three strokes. His face came back to normal, speech was slurred, could walk properly, walks properly, talks properly, and today he’s in the gym working out, bodybuilding. I mean, we got stories that will blow your mind, bro. Staying Alive.com with two E’s. You watch the testimonials down at the bottom. It will blow your mind. Well, next question is, where the hell did you get that badass chair that you got behind you? I didn’t get myself one of those things.
Sweet. Dude, that’s a long story, man. I had a chair that needed rephrase. The guy wasted my time. And after six weeks of wasting my time, I told my wife. Short story is, my wife says, hey, what do you want to do with the chair? I said, forget about it. Just tell him to go in and tell him, today I’m going to spare his life. And so she went in and said, my. My husband today is going to spare your life. He’s not going to kill you. And so we took the chair and we went to go try to get it Reupholstered somewhere else.
They couldn’t do it either. And they were selling these chairs, but they weren’t so sexy like this one. They were straight. And I said to Karen, who owned the rustic furniture over there in Sarchi, Costa Rica, I said, can you make me the original one? Because I’m sure you probably have a picture of the original one. Because I said, you copied this from somewhere. She said, yeah, I was in Fort Lauderdale. And she says, my husband’s sitting in the chair. As a matter of fact, I have a picture. Boom, there’s the picture. I said, can you make the one in the picture? She said, yes.
I said, here’s 500 deposit. Let’s start the process. Let’s go right. And this chair has got a story like. Then I, then I moved back to the States. The government of Costa Rica confiscated the chairs they wanted to because they like the chair. The import company was giving me a bunch of trouble. Importing, exporting company. They tried to steal my chair. It cost me $3,000 to build it and it cost me another $3,000 to bring it here. But my attorney said, don’t you dare not bring that chair to. That’s how you got your start. Because that chair stands out like a sore thumb.
She goes, don’t you dare. My, my, my good. My good friend and attorney. I got a bunch of attorneys that watch my show. But anyway, long story short, I got the chair and it was like amazing. I was dancing, you know, the day that I got the chair, I was like dancing. I made a little short video. That’s an awesome story, brother. That’s really cool. Yeah. So let’s continue about the kids. This is where it gets dangerous. I want you to take the cart off the, off the, you know, tracks. Don’t hold back, not even a little bit.
Not even a little bit. Tell the story, get it as gruesome as you needed to get it. Tell everybody what you saw, how much you saw, and how gross it really is. Please. Thank you. Let’s start at the beginning. Then we got about, about 35 minutes to really unpack this. So it started about two, a little over two years ago now when I first kind of got into the, the political landscape. And at the time I’d. It was full time crypto and then YouTube demonetized my videos. That pissed me off. And I just kind of just had an axe to grind against these suckers.
Then I kind of got into the political landscape. I started to produce a show for Kyle Seraphin. He’s an FBI whistleblower. So I immediately probably wouldn’t have had access to the people I did. But because of Kyle and because of LFA TV giving me a job, people started coming to me with their stories. And one of these stories was this gentleman named Carlos and he had worked at these NGO facilities. These are the NGOs that are actually trafficking the children. So when you hear our government say that they’ve lost 323,000 children, what that means is that they were at one point in our either an HHS intake facility or one of these nongovernmental organizations.
Now the non governmental organizations are long term care facilities. So if these children come across the border without a parent and they have nobody, they don’t have any relatives, they don’t have anybody, somebody has to take care of this child until basically we can find them a sponsor. Normally under Trump’s administration, these children would went back to the country they came from and then been placed into a system in their home country so that they can actually get adopted or somebody can actually take care of them. We’re talking about, we have 180 different nations where children are arriving at our border from.
So to put that into context, that’s most likely close to 400 different languages. If you talk about all their broken dialects in these third world countries, majority of the kids that show up, we honestly don’t even have a way to communicate with them. So the system that, what Carlos told me was that he was basically trafficking all of these children all over the country for these non governmental organizations that under the Trump administration, he said that it was obvious when you would go to reunify a child because under Trump every child that came across that border had to be separated from the adult that they were with.
We did an instant DNA test which took about 45 minutes and then maybe it took a day, you know, maybe they were backed up, whatever. But the child was separated not because they wanted to separate families, which is also a really good deterrent. You know, most parents don’t want to be separated from their kid when they’re in a third world country or another country and they don’t speak the language. So it is part of a deterrent. But what we, the results came in from the first round of all the children that they were testing and it come to find out that about 47% of the adults that were claiming to be a parent were not the adult, which means that they were trafficking the child.
So it was super effective right in the beginning. I mean it really nipped trafficking in the butt. And to put this into context, at the peak of the Biden administration, over a one year period, our government had taken 128,772 migrant children. Those are children 0 to 17 that have came to that border without a parent and then were basically trafficked into America. Under Trump’s last year in office, only 16,000 arrived, and not one was trafficked and delivered to a random stranger in America. So Carlos tells me that under Trump, when he would. He would take these kids to reunite them with their parents, be a baggage claim at an airport, or actually at their home, you know, when the child seen the parent, he said, you could just tell, right? Whether even if it was an aunt or an uncle, like, the kid was excited, it was hugs, it was emotional.
And he goes. It was hard to not cry because you could just see how the joy and that kid’s face versus what we. You know, the environment that he was kind of just in. And then he goes, you know, within the first year of the Biden administration, maybe I’d see that every once in a while, but a lot of times it was just like, no hugs, no nothing, no excitement, just grabbing the kid by the arm and then just off they went. And he goes. And you could tell that the kid would be looking back at me when he’s walking away, like, you know, like the kid didn’t feel safe.
And he goes. And it didn’t take very long before he started to realize that he was moving and trafficking all these children all across the country for these NGOs. And finally he, you know, he told himself that he couldn’t do it anymore, and he quit. But the NGOs, there’s so much money in the. In these NGOs, that he came from a town in McAllen, Texas, where, you know, most people work at a gas station, they make minimum wage. You know, they’re lucky to make three or four hundred bucks a week, which is really hard to live down there, even though things are a little bit cheaper.
When he was working at these NGOs, at his peak, with all the overtime he was getting, he was making almost $25,000 a month, which is insane money for people like that, right? So the money is very high. So after a couple weeks of not working, you know, he started to realize how quick he was going to run out of money. And he was contacted because he somehow got onto this list of, like, all these NGOs and the networks, they share the employees emails, and if you get fired from one, they’ll pretty Much hire you another, especially when you’re bilingual and you speak fluent Spanish and you’re, you know, a dedicated employee.
He was contacted by MVM Inc. That was the company who actually got the first contract for the Ro Hotel in New York, the 5000 Migrant Person Hotel. They’re also the military contractor who was doing work for the CIA and the DoD in the DoD in Afghanistan during the Iraq war. Magically, this NGO is the first NGO that gets these contracts to, to, to migrate to transport these migrant children. So while at the MBM at the hotel, the RO Hotel in New York, he said it was just, he thought it was going to be a little bit better because it’s going to be adult and it’s going to be more controlled and organized.
And he’s like, I was just thrown into chaos. It’s a, whatever 40 story hotel. He’s like, you’d be getting a call on, you know, we got, we got a fight broke out on the sixth floor, on the 18th floor. Two minutes later. It’s like a woman was just raped, you know, stabbing, cuts. He’s like, it was just absolute chaos. And one time I found this 12 year old came up to me and the 12 year old was drunk and he asked if Carlos if he could help him and he said, help you? He goes, well, where are your parents at? He goes, I don’t know, I haven’t seen them in two days.
The parents left and just left their kid in this hotel. 12 year old and the kid was just randomly walking around drinking and in random people’s rooms. So you can imagine what happens to children in those environments when you’re around literally gang members and killers and rapists and thugs. Like not a good environment to be a strainer child in. And the horror stories just went on and went on. Let me ask question, I gotta interrupt you for a second. Yeah. Are these kids being trafficked and they’re the, they’re being kidnapped or in some cases are the parents selling the kids? Both, both.
And I’ll break all that down for you here in a second. So that’s kind of like the story with Carlos. So Carlos comes out and becomes a whistleblower and says that he’s trafficking children. And this was in like November of 2022. Fox News covers a story on it and they basically punt the football. They just, they call the NGO and they go, hey, we’re telling you that you’re delivering kids to random people and blah, blah, blah, blah. And the NGO just basically goes, hey listen, HHS is the person who’s supposed to vet the sponsor. We’re just doing our job.
We’re just delivering the kid to the sponsor. It’s not our job to vet him. And basically hungs up. And that’s kind of like how the story ended. So fast forward. Savannah Hernandez did a few stories on it, but nothing really happened. So this is probably the beginning of 2023. And I interview Carlos and he tells me that I can come. He’s like, in this interview, it’s three hours, because I just couldn’t get enough of these stories because it’s horror story after horror story talking about a girl on a. On a train or a little boy. This one story that he said really stuck out for him, and it’s worth.
Worth covering here. He says, in these NGOs, when he’s moving these kids around, right? Like their job as the quote, unquote escort is to keep the kid happy by any means necessary. You want to buy him ice cream, you want to buy him pop, you want to buy them pizza, you want to give him an iPad, you want to rent movies on the iPad for him, he just basically has a company credit card. And the job is to keep that kid happy because he’s only with the kid while he’s transporting him. So they want to make sure that that kid’s happy whenever they drop him off wherever.
So there’s no scenes or there’s nothing crazy going on, right? So he said this kid was really strange because he was 12 years old. And he goes, all the kids, you know, you’re buying ice cream, this. They’ll talk to you, they’ll open up. They’re, you know, eventually they warm up to you after a while because you’re with the kid for basically an entire day or two days. And he goes, this kid was really quiet. So I finally take him to his aunt. We get to his aunt, and I hand him over to his aunt and his dad.
He goes, you know, I don’t know what’s the matter with him. He said, he’s really quiet. It’s not like. Like these kids. And then pulls him aside, he goes, I tell you a story. So, you know, let’s just call him. Let’s just call him Pedro. Let’s just say Pedro was. They had separated. Pedro. Pedro. So Pedro was coming with his mom, his sister, who’s 13, and they made this journey. On the journey, the mom ended up getting, because she was pretty, ended up getting taken by the Mexican cartels. So she had got robbed coming through the Panama.
And the daring Gap. The, the, the cartels over there took everything that she had. So she had no money, she had two kids. And you have to pay to get through these cartel networks. They just don’t, they just don’t move you for free. And if you’re going through their territory, you’re going to pay. So the mom didn’t have money to pay. So the cartel said, well, you can come work for us. And they’re basically in the red light district, meaning we’re going to pimp you out. And in exchange we’ll guarantee that your children get safe passage to America.
So the mom agreed to go work for these cartels and work off the debt for the children to get passed. The kid and the boy get put onto a car on a train car with six cartel members. The six cartel members have their way with this 13 year old girl and they savagely rape her to the point where she passes away. So his sister, he watched his sister on a train car with Mexican cartels get savagely raped to death. He watched his mom get kidnapped by the cartels and then he’s delivered to America and he’s put into the system for months before he ends up making it to his aunt.
So that’s the type of violence that we’re talking about. I could tell you 100 more stories of similar situations just like that. So that’s how I kind of met Carlos. Now he tells me these stories and he tells me and it’s the end of crazy. I’m still blind, blind. And he’s telling me that all across America we have these facilities that are holding migrant children. A Walmart that has, you know, up to 2, 000 boys between the ages of 13, 17, another building that has 600 girls between the ages of 0 and 12. And he’s telling me all this and he can see the look on my face where I’m just like, okay, yeah, you know, it’s crazy, man.
See, it’s interesting. I’m surprised that these things are open, you know, and I’m kind of throwing out the comments. I’m surprised things are open and, and nobody’s doing anything about it. He goes, you know what, you’re not the first person to say that to me. And I’ve told everybody this and nobody takes me up on it, but if you want to come down here, I can take you to him and show me, show you them. And I go, wait, what do you mean you can take me to a place where there’s kidnapped migrant children right now that want to go Home to their parents.
And. And I say that because another story was a little boy runs up to him because he was always in and out of these facilities, right? He’s picking up kids, taking them. And while he’s waiting there for the kids to get ready and get all their gear and stuff, he’s talking to all the children that are running around, and this one boy comes up, Carlos, Carlos, can I. Can I use your phone to call my mom? And he goes, call your mom? What do you mean they got phones over there? Why don’t you call. No, Carlos, they won’t let me call my.
Call my mom. What do you mean they won’t let you call your mom? Well, you know, I was with. Let’s just say Timmy, and we were at his house, and I got in a fight with my mom, and he told me that we could go to America and play video games and get all this stuff that he’s seen on the Internet. So, you know, I ran away from home. My mom didn’t know I was coming here. And I just want to go home, Carlos. I just need to call my mom so I can go home. And they weren’t letting her call it.
Call his mom. Because after a child crosses over that border, they become property of the United States government. Our government owns these children, and under no circumstances are they to go home or are they to return back to the re. To the. To the facility after they’re getting delivered to a sponsor. So we’ll get into all that. But that’s how I know that there’s kidnapped children in these facilities. And Carlos doesn’t mean I come down there. So I’m like, okay. I call up my boss and remember telling her on the phone, I’m like, hey, man, I think I got this.
I think I got the biggest story in the world. Can I. Can. Can LFA cover my cost to go down there? And he’s like, how much is it? I’m like, I don’t know. You just go down for a date. I’ll probably be 500 bucks. I’m going to fly in and out, film this and. And get back. He goes, yeah, yeah. You know, I said, well, how about this? There’s not a story. I’ll cover it out of my own pocket. He’s like, no, no, you don’t have to do that. If you think there’s a story, you know, we’ll back you go down there and see what you got.
So I ended up talking to Carlos a little bit more Instead of going for one day Ended up booking for four. And I just didn’t tell my boss because I was like, screwed. I’m going to pay for it anyways if I come back without a story. So I might as well just try to get as much information as I can. And I’m glad I did because within 15 minutes of, of the airport that I landed at, he was able to take me to five of these facilities. One was a Walmart that holds boys between the ages of 13 and 17.
Another one was a Southwest Key facility that holds girls between the ages of 0 and 12. That facility also has a giant, basically like a giant pole barn if you will. And in that pull up barn is cribs as far as the eye can see. 60, about 60 to 80 cribs and just screaming babies. And then after that you had another building that held boys between the ages of 0 and 12, another one that held girls. This was 200 between the ages of 13 and 17. And then the strange ones are always the mixed boys and girls, although always 13 to 17 in puberty and in smaller facilities.
And that one had a hundred. So I went around and I droned the bigger facilities. I wanted to catch the children being moved in and out of these buildings. And I saw every, I didn’t see any like damage or anything crazy shit like that, but I seen that the children in these facilities and they’re, they have it like security. So when we pulled up to the Walmart for example, and you gotta think of Walmart, it’s an old Walmart that is closed down. We always wonder why the hell they’re letting these people rob and loot these stores.
It’s because the buildings are much more beneficial and much more profitable if you put gosh damn migrant children in them. So that’s kind of the pretext of what got me to Texas. And then I thought I was honestly coming back with a story so big that it was gonna be in Nazi Germany. When people seen that I had drone footage of these children locked in these concentration, in these migrant child concentration camps. They were gonna be fricking out and it. And I broke the story with Ann Vander still and Michael Yawn. Then they ended up getting under redacted and Infowars.
Infowars Alex Jones ended up giving him four hours. Like he. They just said, come in, take over my show for the entire day. You guys can run the show and the floor is all yours. So that’s what happened. And it just, it, it fizzled at first and it kind of went away. But from that Point on, I would been pretty much on this mission. I would say, by God, because every time I try to walk away or go into a different direction or focus on anything else, he would bring me another whistleblower, he would bring me another informant, he’d bring me another story, and I kind of just, I just stayed on it.
And you know, our government, Kyle turf and calls it the, the laser pointer theory. And he says our government is so good, it’s like a cat chasing a laser pointer. When they want to distract you, they just shine the laser pointer in a different area and everybody runs like little minions just over that. And he goes, but the, the cat will chase the laser pointer around the room every day, all day, 24, seven for its entire life. And it’ll never attack the hand. And he goes, you got to start thinking like, where is the hand and what is the hand distract.
What is that laser pointer distracting you from? So that’s what I really started to say, just, okay, I’m going to report on other things, but I’m going to kind of always come back to this child trafficking. And then after two years of just screaming at the wind, I met my partner or one of the gentlemen. I made one film series with the Treason series, which was J.J. carroll, and I heard him talking about the boulder and I went down there and I watched this woman with a six month old infant crawling through 18 rows of razor wire to get into America.
And it wasn’t like the razor wire was there to deter these people. It was literally designed to corral them so border patrol agents didn’t have to work. And all the migrants would cross at one point. And then these migrants are waiting on a text message. So it’s not like they’re just voluntarily coming to America. A majority of them are coming through the CBP1 app and they are getting invited. So they’re sitting in Mexico waiting just to get this text message. And once they get it, they’re able to come to America and apply for asylum. So this girl, I got the text message and she had to cross the Rio Grande with her baby.
And then she hits this muddy river bank. And our government has set up rate like the Constantine of the big Rose, but it was 18 of them after one after another. It was like a real life version of Saw. And the only way to get to the other side of that bank where the second she gets there, she gets everything right there. It’s going to hand her shoes, clothes, food, everything. And going back home means you’re going to get raped. And Molested by the cartel. So there is no going back. The only way is to crawl through that razor wire.
And now imagine having a six month old infant baby who’s screaming, who’s wet the ground, slippery, it’s muddy, it’s clay, it’s a bank in bank on the side of a river. And now she has to weasel her way through this concertina Royer. Now granted there’s people that can’t be for her. So it’s kind of matted and there is a little trail, but she’s doing it with this child who she has to kind of like put under her stomach because he can’t reach out. And you know it’s shiny metal. That kid’s gonna be trying to grab everything.
So she’s trying to like, like army crawl through this mud and dirt with this infant. And like you can see the tears running down her face. And she finally got to the end point where she could stand up there and she had to weasel away through a few little other spots to finally get through. But I filmed that and I saw at that moment I just knew to myself, I said, nobody who loves America or loves this country, who loves humanity, would ever allow this to happen or design it this way, which is Greg Abbott. So I came back at that point and I was just like, Greg Abbott, this fricking traitor, he’s a scumbag.
He’s, he’s not stopping the flow of migrants. He’s not doing shit. He’s delivering. He is carrying out the next part of the operation for the gosh damn cartels. And I finally meet this guy named JJ spent 24 years in Border patrol, law enforcement officer lives that border, knows more about that border than almost anybody in America besides probably Tom Holman and a few others. So when I met this guy and I hear him saying the same thing I am, this is treason. These are traitors. And this was all by design. I immediately like same day I pretty much, first time I heard him, contacted my friend who sent me the video, got him on my show for an interview.
And after that interview, I pitched the idea, say hey, you want to make a documentary? How would we do it? And I laid it all out. He goes, let’s, I’m in, let’s do it. So we like literally 15 days, 20 days later we were on this journey, spending $100,000 to travel across the country and make this documentary series. What is trees and hashtag invaded? And the idea was, we’re going to take you on this journey across America and go to all of the major hot spots, not just where it’s busy at the border, but where they’re shipping them to in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia.
And the. And the stuff we uncovered was so mind blowingly shocking. I mean, I was. I was. I. I met this junkie because I went undercover and slept out there with the homeless people in. In Philly, or I was going to sleep out there, but I didn’t actually stay the night out there. But I spent almost two full days out there with these junkies and I. I seen how they lived. And they got this new drug called Tranq. And it’s. I could tell you horror stories, but I was watching a dude shoot up, tranq into the neck of another dude right in front of the cops.
This girl, she wore my undercover glasses, and she went into the drug house to go buy crack or whatever, Whatever cocktail she was. Trank, crack, meth, dope, whatever you want to call it. And she’s like, hey, can I. Can I. Can I basically shoot up in your car? And I was like, well, the first question is, can I film it? And then. Second question is, no. Or my answer would be, no, I’m not going to get arrested. But, you know, you’re welcome to do it outside. I can film you outside. And we’re. And she just. We’re happening to be walking by a cop.
And she grabs cop. She goes, hey, am I allowed to do my drugs in his car? He’s not going to get in trouble, is he? Cop looks, me goes, open air, drug zone. They’re welcome to do whatever they want. And I was like, no fricking way. No fucking shit. You’re going to let this girl shoot up dope in my car? You’re not going to fucking do anything? Nope. All right. She jumps in my car, and I watch this girl shoot up. I watched her put four grains of salt. Literally, it was so tiny I could not even film it.
And this is the drug called Tranq. Then I watch her take this little. It looked just like this, but basically, like, they’re little vials. They’re these pink vials, and it’s filled with cocaine to the max. Like, this is a. If you dumped it out, it’d probably be a line of cocaine as wide as your finger, like a big fat line. And she dumps the whole thing into this little metal. It almost looks like. Like those things that you’re. It’s exactly what they are. Like. Like the candles come in, you know, those little tiny little metal tins.
They have little wax candles. She Puts four grains of salt in there, and then she dumps the whole thing of cocaine in there. And I go, what do you. She goes, oh, it’s. They call it speedballing. I said, well, why are you. Why are you mixing all of that cocaine in there? And she goes, well, because I’m afraid that this is. This brand is Bugatti, because the drug dealers stamped their. Their drug. She said, this is Bugatti. And I’m afraid that if I. If I don’t put all the cocaine in there, I’ll fall out, meaning I’ll.
I’ll basically be incoherent or overdose. My body can’t take four grains of salt. And she does that, does this shot, and she’s a zombie in 30 seconds. And I was just like. She went from being like, having a conversation, talking, you know, able to tell me about her life to just like. And she. And she’d wake up for a second and they got to the point after, like, 30 minutes of letting this girl just not out my car, and she’s not coming to. I’m like, hey, girl, like, you, you know, like, you can’t talk. I’m sorry.
I’m going to go out and, you know, investigate and film some other stuff. So, you know, and she. I’m okay. She reaches into her purse and this is like a. Like a bag of just drugs and needles and clothing and she’s homeless. This only thing she has with her, she reaches in there and somehow magically finds this syringe, pulls it out, and it’s filled with blood, right? So it’s like a syringe where she started. And when they put the needle in, like, they pull back on the syringe to make sure they’re in the vein and the blood shoots in it.
So she had. Did that, and then she’d only done like, half of it. She goes, this is cocaine. And then she takes this rest of this syringe and shoots up the rest of this cocaine. And it was like a freaking, like, snap a finger. She’s back to reality. We’re having a conversation. I’m just like, holy, what in the are these drugs that these people are doing out here? And then we drove around, and at 5:30 in the morning in Philadelphia. Well, at 5 in the morning, they call him what it’s called, the street walker. He walks around the neighborhood, he goes, D block, D block, D block, D block, D block.
And he’s announcing where the freaking drug samples are going to be giving out that morning. And then that at 5:30 in the morning, you see the entire city of Philadelphia in this one area. Kensington and Allegheny. They look like they’re gosh damn, like the zombie apocalypse night of the living dead. And they’re. They’re. They’ve been doing drugs like in the movies. Just like, dude, I swear to the T, dude to the T, every single drug addict, because they can’t function without their fix in the morning. So that’s their morning fix. That’s what gets them high enough so they can go steal and rob and loot and do whatever they need to do to get their money to get their next high.
So, yeah, I just. I learned a lot about the damage that’s being done to our country. You know, in. In San Diego, I found the prostitution capital of the world. This one street where you turn down and there’s like literally 100 escorts. And some of these girls were 18 and pretty. Some of them were just hideous. But the fact of that there was so many out there because, Greg, Governor Newsom changed the law that says now that the cops can’t arrest a woman for basically loitering in her bikini, which is. Or in her lingerie. So these girls can wear whatever they want out there.
They can loiter on the streets and they don’t get arrested or charged. Because he changed the law that said it was racist because the majority of the escorts that were getting picked up were black and Hispanic. So it’s only fair that we changed the law because that way it’s not racist. Right? And now the cops can’t arrest these girls. The cops can’t do anything. The cops are basically hands tied. And it’s just the degradation of our gosh damn country. So to bring it back to the children, I just got sick of kind of having these conversations and people looking at me like I was crazy because that back then there was no.
They didn’t make the announcements that there was 85,000 missing children. Like, none of this was out there. So I always tell people that our government’s running this child trafficking operation. They just wouldn’t believe me. So finally I met JJ and in the process of filming that documentary, I. We ended up. I was already working on the trafficking stuff, and then JJ wanted to interview Carlos, who was the guy I met. Once you interview Carlos, you can’t not interview Deb. You cannot interview Aaron. These are all of the whistleblowers that came forward, and we ended up really having enough to tell the story, which is my first documentary, which was hashtag, what is treason? Hashtag trafficked which you can buy at this is treason.com.
if you use promo code mata50, you’ll get 50% off and you can get both documentaries for five bucks. So we put this documentary out and it’s like a huge hit. Everybody that watched it said it’s the greatest documentary that they’ve ever watched. Even redacted. I mean, it was really a masterpiece the way that this was. My editor was able to stitch and help me tell this story, but it didn’t move the needle right. And I knew that from the beginning, but I thought that originally we were selling invaded for 999. It was just a one time.
You got invaded for the 999. But we were like, okay, let’s throw in Traffic. We’ll give them two documentaries. We won’t raise the price. So technically we’re kind of giving Traffic away for free. But it wasn’t enough to entice people to buy it for it to move the needle, because you need millions of people to see this and need them all to see it in a short period of time. So there’s a ton of public outrage. And so that led me to going and saying, okay, screw it, I’m just going to fund this next one on my own pocket.
No partners, no strings attached. It makes me a lot lighter. I can do things for a lot cheaper without having to pay for two Airbnbs. And you got to have connecting flights because you’re flying in at different times. And it was just super hard and expensive to do it with two people. But I could do it myself for a lot cheaper. So I financed Next one for $25,000 out of my own pocket. And I just went on another mission to tell this story. And that is Operation Amber Alert. After that released, it went pretty viral. In the first 24 to 48 hours, it had over a million views.
Everybody was starting to talk about it and people started to request it in Spanish because there’s a lot of these people that are coming are Spanish. So I said, okay, I found a guy that could translate it into Spanish for me with his AI software. And he did it. And I released it. 24 hours later, I’m contacted by the Attorney General of Guatemala. So we talk about this number of 450,000 missing children right now, or 450,000 children have been trafficked into America to be dead nuts on. As of October of 2024, it’s 451,000. Sorry, 452,000. 121 children have came to that border without a Parent, our government has taken custody of these children and then they vetted the adult that they’re going to.
They delivered them to this adult. And now they cannot find 340,000 of them. As of December 15th, which was yesterday, that was the last official number that I heard from Tom Holman. So 350,000 children have gone missing. And I get contacted by the Attorney General of Guatemala because out of that number, 48 to 42% are coming from Guatemala. So to put that into context, that’s roughly around 200,000 children came from one country that has a population of 18 million. That is over 1% of their entire population. Their child population is only 7 million. So out of the child population, talking about a number around 3 to 4% of their entire child population in the last four years has been kidnapped and trafficked out of Guatemala and brought into America.
I thought I was going down there just to hear about the child trafficking stuff, which is mainly what I got from the Attorney General’s office. But what I also uncovered was that USAID and the State Department, Anthony Blinken, were in the process of staging a coup in Guatemala. They rigged the 2023 Guatemalan election. They installed an illegitimate president. The party that they, that this president ran on is actually illegitimate itself, which our government also had played a role in establishing and built in creating this illegitimate political party. Then they install this illegitimate president. And then in Guatemala, their laws are really unique.
They can’t just open an investigation into election fraud so that people have to, to, to report it. And then in the first 24 hours or five days roughly, she had received over a thousand complaints of voter fraud. So she has to look at that. And then once, once she looks at it, she puts a presentation together and she has to go to Congress and say, hey, here’s the reports that are coming in. Here’s the evidence that we have. Would you guys approve or allow me to investigate? And they have to take a vote on it. So 160 or 108 out of 160 Congressmen, they don’t have a senate there.
Voted to. Yes, we see this fraud. This is obvious. I could show you in 15 minutes. It’s so obvious. And we want to let her investigate. So those 108 people, four days later, Anthony Blinken, being the Gestapo, he is, he runs our State Department, suspends all of the visas to all 108 congressmen that voted to allow this Attorney General to investigate, then froze all of their assets in America, then went a step further and froze the assets of over 400 friends, family members, and relatives of these congressmen in Guatemala. And it gets freaking crazier than this.
So our government’s involved in rigging an election as they’re lecturing us on democracy Now. What also is happening in this period of time is I could show you probably 20 different politicians in America that were championing the same thing. And it reminds me exactly what happened here in 2020 when they rigged our election. And then that transition period, all we heard about was the peaceful transition of power. Peaceful transition of power. Peaceful transition of power, right, because they wanted to make sure that Trump didn’t use the military to go grab those voting machines and actually get to the bottom of this.
So then they pay their rent, a riot mobs to stage a protest out in front of the Attorney General’s office for 180 days after the election because they wanted to put pressure on the then current president to actually terminate and fire this attorney general. They wanted to put all that heat on the previous president, so when the new one came in, there was nobody who could investigate him, and it wouldn’t look like he was the one who did it. All of that failed. We have videos of our government just basically bringing in truck trailers. And he’s like, if you had a trailer that you put your snowmobile in, your quads in with the door that kind of folds up and folds down, like the door would fall down.
Just mobs of. A lot of them are gringos, white people, all of a sudden, magically in Guatemala out there holding signs like. Like, we’re pro democracy. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s bizarre. But that, that didn’t get Lincoln down there. So on April 12th of 2024, and I have the, the letters here from the Attorney General somewhere. Let’s go grab them. They’re out of my other desk. But these are letters that the Attorney General had sent to Ken Paxton, right, Saying, hey, Ken, basically, we’re here to inform you that we have reports in intel that are coming in that children in Guatemala are being kidnapped and they’re being trafficked into Texas.
Your government’s obviously aware of this, and they’re being housed, or they’re being processed migratorily, and then they’re being housed in these. These facilities and warehouses, these child centers. And we’re getting reports that these children are being raped inside your facility. And Texas is aware of this, and you’re still allowing it to operate. And the crazy part is it’s being funded with the American taxpayer dollars. Then he goes on to Say we’re in the process of investigating these five NGOs that save the Children, changing the way we care. And there’s a eclipse or ellipse, there’s five of them that I don’t have at the top of my head, but basically says that we want to, we want to do a joint investigation and target these together.
Gets no response. And right. Ken Paxton, supposed to be on our side, gets no response. So then on the 25th, she raids these, these foundations. The main one she raids is Save the children. So 10 days after, Anthony Blinken’s on a flight to Guatemala to hold a press conference with this illegitimate, corrupt president that they just installed. And he tells the president in front of everybody, you know, I really like what you’re doing with your anti corruption campaign. And his anti corruption campaign was he ran his presidency on, once he got elected, he was going to get the Attorney General fired.
Almost just like Fannie Willis ran on her, her campaign that she was going to, you know, get Trump so obviously has an ax to grind. And then he tells him that, you know what, there’s a lot of opportunity, there’s me a lot of money coming into Guatemala. But, you know, if you don’t fix this corruption problem, if you don’t get rid of this Attorney General, right, maybe you’re not going to get all that money. And it’s literally exactly what we saw with Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. The Ukraine, he flies to Ukraine, holds a press conference, says if the prosecutor’s fired, not fired, you ain’t getting the money.
Well, son of a bitch, he’s fired. Right? So you can see exactly what our, what our government is up to. And then, but why with the children, right? The question is why with these children? Come to find out, guess who’s, and who, guess who was elected chair of the board to Save the Children foundation in 2017. Jill Biden. So the president’s wife, it says the board of directors is a chair of a foundation that has best been rated for safe, for trafficking children. And then you start digging. Oh yeah, then you start digging into it, man.
And you realize that Save the Children is the head of the snake. They were working with Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s wife, in 1985. And we’ve always heard these stories about these tunnels, about these, these massive child trafficking networks that’s delivering children. You know, you hear these parties like John Podesta and they’re ordering these kids in Pizzagate. And it’s always this conspiracy theory. Well, they, they’ve talked about it. But the people that are around Donald Trump, that even Obama has ordered these kids, there’s keywords pepperoni, pizza, hot dog. And it seems to be, in my opinion that I think when we get to the bottom of this, we’re going to see that Save the Children is that, is that link.
They’re international, they’re in almost every country, they’re heavily funded with our tax dollars and they’ve been connected to Obama, they’ve been connected to Clinton, they’ve been connected to Opry, they’re connected to Jeffrey Epstein, they’re connected to Disney. Right. And you know, my partner says the best, when you start to paint a picture and let’s say the picture has 100 dots, right? And you’re painting that picture, once you connect about 80 dots, right, you got a pretty good idea of what that picture is. You don’t need to connect all 100 to know what that picture is going to be.
Right? So we, we’re connecting all these dots right now and it’s starting to paint a picture that’s pretty elaborate. And that picture seems to be that Save the Children is the head of the snake and that they’re at the bottom, the forefront of this blackmail, child trafficking, pedophilia operation being ran by our own government. Because Mayorkas and Xavier Basara have created this public private partnership with the Mexican cartels and HHS and ORR have created this public private partnership with these NGOs and together in this quasi public private partnership, they’ve turned Guatemala into the child kidnapping traffic capital of the world, where over 200,000 children have been kidnapped out of their country in the last four years.
And then America is now the child trafficking capital of the world where we’ve delivered over at least 340,000 children to sex offenders, pedophiles, to strip clubs, to men that had their address as a strip club. We cannot find these children. And these children are living in the most horrific conditions. For example, one 7 year old girl was chained in the man’s basement for two years while she was savagely raped every day. This man allowed seven to ten men to come in there and violate this poor little girl seven to 10 times a day for almost two years.
At the end of the night, when he would take his plate of food down to the basement and basically throw it on the floor, he would rape her. And then after he raped her, he would smoke a cigarette and he would put a cigarette butt out on her arm. Why? Because he wanted to make sure that if she was ever freed, every Time she looked down at her arms for the rest of her life, she would be reminded of how he savagely raped her every single night for two years straight. Where did. He’s crazy psychopaths come from, Dude, Seriously.
I don’t know. I know where they should go, though. Listen, here’s the thing. The Quantum Summit is going to be mostly about pro crypto. But thank you, because there’s. The Lord works in mysterious ways. The Lord leads me to the chair. The Lord leads me to a picture that I take in the sky with the XRP logo. I send it to a friend of mine. She sends me a picture, the face of God right next to the XRP logo. It’s amazing. Then you come. You need to come to the Quantum Summit. I. I demand that you.
You come. I demand that you come. And I demand that you bring Carlos with you. And Maze. I want Maze to be there. The amazing Maze. Even though this is pro crypto, we have just decided right here, right now, on the air, guys, that this is going to be about the kids as well as it is about the quantum financial system. Because without the kids, we don’t have a future. And we have them. I’ll be there. Anytime you give me an opportunity to talk about these kids, I’ll be there, brother. Because it needs every single one of us.
It needs patriots like you that are willing to say, hey, this has nothing to do with the children, but we’re gonna. We’re gonna dedicate a part of it and give me that stage, man, and I. I won’t let you down. I appreciate that opportunity. We may not agree on the xrp, but we will at some point. I promise. Hey, brother, I got no problem with xrp, man. You stack whatever you want, whatever makes you happy. I absolutely love what you’re doing. It needs to be exposed. And maybe you. You’re not going to get the kind of mileage you want to get on shows like Infowars.
Maybe you need to come down to the Mel Carmine show. Because I. I’m a. I’m a soldier in arms. I’m here to fight the Lord’s battle. And you got me moved, man. You got me moved. God bless you, brother. That’s what. That’s what. That’s why I’m on this journey. I tried to stop this about five times, and every time I wanted to leave it and go somewhere else, God shut that door and he opened and delivers me another whistleblower. He just like, nope. This is what I put you here to do. This is your mission. You need to go save these kids.
So I don’t have a job right now. I quit my job. I am all in 100 self funded to go and save these children and I’m not going to stop till we get these migrant children freed. So I appreciate it, man. What are the name of your documentaries? Nice and slow. Please send me all the links so that we can put them right at the top here. At the bottom of the video you’ll see all of his links. I’m going to make sure that my wife is the one that edits this video. This because this has to be absolute, pure perfection.
And links, his links are going to be underneath his video etc. And also underneath in the description below the names of the docudramas. Again, nice and slow. Where they could buy them, how they can fund. Is there a GoFundMe or gifts and go that they can donate to you. How do we do that? So the first documentary series in this is an easy way because you get something by by purchasing these and supporting our work is www.this is treason.com and you can find both of my first two documentaries. What is Treason? Hashtag trafficked and what is treason? Hashtag invaded there.
My second film is Operation Amber Alert. It is pinned to the top of my Twitter. It is free. My Twitter is at Ryan Matta Media. That is R Y A N M A T A media. And then I also have a GiveSendGo which is GiveSendGo.com forward/Operation Amber Alert. It’s the same as our documentary. And then I also have a couple of the donation links which are right there on my Twitter page. You can click the little button next to the subscribe button and I’ll show you a Venmo and PayPal and a few things on there as well.
Well, brother, please tell me you’ll come back because I want to do a part two of this but I want to do maybe an hour and a half the next time. I want to go more into depth. I want to. I want people to really understand what you’re able to see. Is Carlos able to travel? Where’s Carlos from? Carlos is super busy. He’s doing a bunch of other things. But I can probably get another whistleblower to come forward for sure. If you guys got a spot for her, I can get. Actually Deb worked in the HHS spot.
We will make. We will create the spot. That’s not a problem. Perfect. Yeah, I’ll get you guys another whistleblower down there for you as well. And then Maze as well too. I can probably talk Maze and to come. I know I can talk Maze into coming. So. Yeah, well, if you’re going to be there, she’s going to be there too. And I want to get, I want to, I want to come back on your live spaces with Maze and get the word out to let. People are going to be down there. Let me, let me tell that me from that too.
So every Thursday, me and Maze do a child trafficking space. So if you guys are not busy on Thursday nights at 8pm, come join me. And May is on Maze’s Twitter, she goes by maze at Maze Love 14 over on X. And if you guys go to been to any Twitter space, if you haven’t been to a Maze Twitter space before, you know, Mal can tell you there is nobody in the game that host a better space than Maze. He was almost like born for this. She is so talented and so good at what she does at managing these spaces.
So if you guys want to have a good time on Thursday nights, come join us. That’s where we’re trying to bring everybody for the child trafficking topics. Because everybody wants to get involved, everybody wants to know what to do. I mean, but we’re all on our own path and we’re all fighting things. But I mean, at any time I’m always, There’s like five leads that I don’t have time to dive down. So if you guys got extra time, you want to help me save these children, I can give you names, I can give you an address, I can give you locations, I can give you so much information that if you start to dig in and unpack, you’re going to find crimes and you’re going to help expose these scumbags that are trafficking these children.
So if you guys got spare time, come join us on Thursday nights. Yeah. Amazes spell M A Z E, right? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Perfect. So, yeah, I’ll be there. I, I’ve been on many, many of her spaces. I, I have a great time every time I go. I don’t get to go to all of them, unfortunately, I’m a busy guy like you. But I will try to be here this coming Thursday. I’m traveling to California. So I’ll be joining you from California. Let’s go, brother. Yeah. So let me just pause, guys. This was an amazing interview.
I, I did the best that I could do and I, I didn’t interrupt him. I used to be really as bad as Alex Jones when it came to interrupting, but I got a lot better than Alex Jones, but he’s still a much bigger figure as he’s been around longer. But anyway, needless to say, get this out there far and wide. It deserves to get out. If you’re watching this, obviously at this point, you’re watching it on Rumble, you’re not watching on YouTube. This video will get shut down on, on YouTube very, very quickly because they are part of the problem.
And El Commandante Donald Trump is going to stop that problem. And he’s got soldiers like me and this guy. We’re going to get behind that, that effort and we’re going to stop it and we’re going to aim our planet, reclaim our country, and we’re going to get these kids all saved up, you know what I mean? Because we need to. If we don’t do it, God is going to give us exactly what we deserve. Thank you. 100. God bless you, brother. Welcome to carminesgold.com don’t waste not even a second looking cheaper. Prices just don’t exist. How important is it for you to own gold and silver right now? What does it mean to me personally? There’s an economy that’s about to crash beyond what words can explain in five words.
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