EXPOSED PT 2: Fed Gov Involved in Multinational Money Laundering Trafficking Ring Shawn Taylor

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➡ The text discusses a fight against evil forces that have been attacking society for years, pushing a liberal agenda and promoting harmful practices. It also talks about a product called Body Align, which helps with sleep and pain relief. The main focus is on a long-term investigation into a drug and human trafficking ring linked to political officials and other authorities. The investigation reveals a complex, multinational criminal organization involved in money laundering, drug trafficking, and human trafficking.
➡ The text discusses how local areas are being filled with outsiders, leading to a shift in political power and an increase in corruption. It suggests that this corruption is linked to human trafficking and child exploitation, with those in power either participating or turning a blind eye for personal gain. The text also highlights the role of mental health issues and personal trauma in perpetuating these problems, and criticizes institutions, including schools and courts, for failing to address these issues. It ends by suggesting that societal indifference and inaction can be seen as tacit approval of these crimes.
➡ The text discusses the issue of unreported crimes, particularly those involving children, and the lack of proper investigation by law enforcement agencies. It also highlights the role of money laundering in covering up these crimes, with involvement from high-level officials and agencies. The text suggests that stopping the flow of this money could help to expose and halt these crimes. The importance of individual research and accountability is also emphasized.
➡ The speaker criticizes the two-party system in America, arguing that it’s corrupt and doesn’t effectively address issues like poverty and healthcare. They believe that politicians are more focused on maintaining their wealth and power than solving problems. They also express frustration with the lack of action on serious issues, such as child trafficking and healthcare corruption. The speaker advocates for term limits and campaign finance reform to limit the influence of money in politics.
➡ The text discusses the challenges in politics, including moral compromises and the lack of transparency in passing large bills. It highlights the importance of negotiation, but criticizes the crossing of moral boundaries. The speaker also expresses concern about corruption, and emphasizes the need for public education to identify and combat it at all levels. Lastly, the speaker appreciates the support and encourages continued prayer and action.


This is a fight of good versus evil. Evil has been attacking us for many, many years. They’ve taken God out of the schools. They’ve moved in this progressive, liberal agenda that makes, you know, tries to make pedophilia okay. Tries to make turning kids transgender okay. You know, this. This is. This is another part of the attack on our system. Like I said, this is a multifaceted attack on our country. And yeah. Cause that’s one side of it which is just kind of, you know, normal people. But we can at least. You can at least rationalize some of that, but you can’t rationalize the child trafficking.

Just a quick break from the program to share a really amazing product that I have am offering now on my under shop. And this is Body Align. You can get the sleep patches if you’re having problems sleeping, like so many people in the country. Try this. Since I started using these, I have slept through the night without waking up, which is amazing. I haven’t done that for a long time. Usually wake up a couple times. I’ve been sleeping through the night. So try this if you’re having a problem with sleeping. They also have these amazing pain relief patches.

So if you’re having problems with pain, do this because it helps with fast acting, relieves your pain. It’s called the Body Relief patch from Body Align. They also have this overall wellness band which has over 300 frequencies from everywhere, from getting your vitamins and minerals to reducing stress and anxiety, just overall wellness. So go to sarah under shop or you can go to a sarah. So either link works, but you can always go to sarah under shop and see all the options that they have. Hi, Sean. Welcome to the program. Thank you. And I appreciate you having me.

I really do appreciate it. Well, you’re doing a hero’s work, so I really admire the work that you’re doing. And can you tell people, I mean, you were up to last Friday, you were the chief of a police department, and then you had to leave because you got too close to the situation. And now you’re doing. You’re continuing your investigation, but not there anymore because it’s not safe. So can you talk about what it is that you uncovered? We talked to Mark Fincham, the senator, and he had some interesting things to say as well. I mean, this goes all the way.

It’s multinational, isn’t it? This drug and cartel and human trafficking ring that you guys have been investigating? Yeah. So this Case actually started about 14 years ago, 15 years ago, when we were investigating DTO, Drug Trafficking Organization in Tennessee. And that DTO had ties to major political officials as well as judges and district attorneys and things like that. We began investigating it then and continued it through the years. We had picked up different things throughout the years on this case. It had made major nexus points down on the border around Brownville, Hidalgo and places like that.

The organization was moving not only narcotics, but they were also human smuggling and things of that nature. And had. They’d been investigated, but nothing had ever happened to them with the previous investigations. We continued the investigation and I ended up retiring once before, I guess it was about 2019 when I was at a police department and we’d uncovered local corruption there. So they shut the police department down to keep us from investigating further. And so at that time I opened up my own company and began doing consulting for attorneys and things like that. And what we found doing the consulting is there was a lot of cases that were being gone after civilly that ended up tying into what we found to be a complete criminal organization, not only throughout the state of Tennessee, but throughout the United States.

And it ended up being a transnational money laundering and drug trafficking, human trafficking operation. And basically I ended up going to work for another municipality in Tennessee as the assistant chief of police. We were asked to look into several things that had to do with corruption locally, not only in the municipality, but things that attached to what was uncovered in the investigation that tied back to the municipality. When we did that, we ended up finding that there were district attorneys, judges, other members of the local government, state government that were elected officials, appointed officials that were involved.

About, I guess about a year before I went back for law enforcement. There was a lot of stuff happening with the, the private side of the consulting. And I ended up having my home shot up. Had about, I don’t know, I’d say probably a dozen to 16 rounds, something in my house, vehicles and outbuilding, you know. So that was our. Yes, ma’am. We were, we sure were. But you were just lucky to not get hit. Yes, ma’am. And we actually had bullets hit the neighbor’s home, several neighbors, homes. And one of our neighbors had one of the bullets come through and land in their tanning bed.

And you know, everybody was, you know, by the grace of God, everybody was okay, yeah. And you know, when you have something like that, either you’re going to, to just stop and not do anything else, or it’s going to light a fire under you. Yeah. And I know if they did this to me, they were doing so much worse to other individuals. That’s right. And, you know, I took an oath, and I believe in that oath. I believe in this country. Even though the past four years have been absolutely the most criminal, probably the largest criminal syndicate that there’s been in this country and that’s been running it.

And, you know, you do believe that the criminal syndicate that you have uncovered is the same syndicate that’s been running this country for the last four years. I believe that this is a multifaceted attack by adversaries, a foreign adversary that is including with members of our government. Yes, ma’am. And the money, and the money laundering, the child trafficking, the human trafficking, the narcotics trafficking, the fentanyl, all of that ties together. You know, the fentanyl is coming out of China. China’s utilizing the cartels to move the fentanyl into the United States as well, as is the human trafficking.

Tennessee is a hub because we have numerous interstates that go through our area to get to other parts of the United States, plus the waterways, plus for the flyover state. So we are a main nexus point in the United States for this. When we did the historical research, we ended up finding other governors and other law, other officials, whether appointed or elected, that were involved in this as well. And, you know, people scoff. They’ve given me, one of the local reporters, given me the name conspiracy Copy, because I’ve been, you know, I’ve been out there and I’ve been telling it.

I’ve been saying for the last two and a half years that Tennessee has become one of the main human trafficking hubs and child trafficking hubs in the United States. And it has, you know, you don’t have a city boom the way that Nashville has, where they don’t bring in that type of criminal activity and people don’t. Yeah, they don’t realize that. And you gotta, you know, people don’t understand unless they got a lot of industry, right. Like Austin has boomed, but they’ve brought in a ton of big tech companies have moved there. So I guess that’s a little different, right? Well, yeah, we’ve had a lot of industry move in, but the problem is with that industry, what we’ve had is we basically had, I guess the best way to put it is investment companies that have come into very specific, key locations within the state of Tennessee in very specific counties, and they are paying cash for, you know, let’s say 10 homes on one street, 10 homes on the next street, and Then what’s going to happen is they’re going to take and buy two more homes on each street and pay $50,000 more than the asking price for each home.

And what that’s going to do is it’s going to drive up the comps on the other 20 homes that they have. That company is quick deeding it over to a. Another company for like $10. And then that company is going and getting artificially inflated loans through banks that are tied to banks like Toronto Dominion, which of course we know is tied directly into the CCP and to the cartels. They were depositing up to $1 million a day in cash and no reports were being generated to send to the financial side to alert anybody to this money laundering.

That makes sense. Yeah, it’s, it’s an easy scheme to launder this money through real estate. Yeah, absolutely. But what people don’t understand is it’s, it’s, it’s a way to be able to launder the money that they’re also making through the human trafficking, child trafficking, sex trafficking, the narcotics trafficking and all that, because they’re showing all of this money that’s actually artificially inflated. They’re turning these places into rental houses. How many illegals are they bringing in and putting into these areas? So what they’re doing is they’re flooding the local areas with people from, with that are not from the area.

And it’s pushing out your generational families, which is creating a geopolitical shift. And all of a sudden you’re seeing these uni party people being put into office, like these DAs and things like that, which are helping cover the corruption and they’re not prosecuting it. And because they’re, they’re blackmailed or making a ton of money, I mean, they just don’t care. I mean, where they’re making a ton of money, I mean, you know, my husband asked me earlier today, he’s like, how is, is it that there’s so many people that are involved in human trafficking or sex trafficking and with children? You know, how is it because a good person is like, come on.

I mean, really? Because it’s hard to imagine that somebody. And that’s where I say, well, we think it’s blackmail and we think it’s money and. But then you get to the point where, like, it must be a spiritual war because it just doesn’t seem like there could be this many people. You just nailed it. You just absolutely nailed it. This is a fight of good versus evil. Evil has been attacking us for many Many years, they’ve taken God out of the schools. They’ve moved in this progressive, liberal agenda that makes, you know, tries to make pedophilia.

Okay. Tries to make turning kids transgender. Okay. You know, this. This is. This is another part of the attack on our system. Like I said, this is a multifaceted attack on our country. And, yeah, because that’s one side of it which is just kind of, you know, normal people. But we can at least. You can at least rationalize some of that, but you can’t rationalize the child trafficking. You know, it’s like, why, you know, what is wrong with somebody that they would be in a position like a judge or a DA that would support this, you know, because they have to talk publicly one way and do something else behind the scenes.

So they’re really bad guys. Yes, absolutely. And, you know, money and power create corruption. And the simple fact of the. Of the matter is, is there’s so much more money being generated through human trafficking than narcotics that they have more money to pay off the people in power. And when people get well, when you have places like Nashville, you have places like Las Vegas that are pushing this. This transgender pedophilia narrative, trying to make it okay. It’s the people that think that that’s okay. You have people that I believe a lot of times are victims themselves of being molested, people who haven’t dealt with things in the manner that they should have, people who don’t know God, people who don’t know Jesus Christ.

People that have no moral compass, essentially. And you have to remember, there’s a lot of those people, unfortunately, there’s a lot of victims out there that have never dealt with their personal situation. Because let me tell you, if you had victims out there that had dealt with their personal situation, I can promise you a big pharma would not be making the amount of money that they are on drugs. That have to do with mental illness. That’s right. Okay, so we have a mental illness problem that we are not dealing with, which was, what happens when you have something, an event in somebody’s life? They end up becoming a repeat offender.

If you have a divorced family and the child is younger and the family gets divorced, there’s a higher percentage of divorce in the future for those children. Right. Because they don’t have that good moral compass with mom and dad. So if you have a child that’s been raped by a guardian, by a neighbor, family member, teacher, or anything like that, that child has now become a victim. And then if they don’t deal with that. If mom and dad don’t take them and get the counseling that they need, if mom and dad don’t take and bring them into the church and teach them about God, teach them about morals, teach them all of these things, then that child is kind of stuck there as a victim of about that age.

And they don’t know how to deal with things properly because they’ve never been taught how to deal with it properly. So they end up becoming an offender themselves. So we have that problem, which is the supply problem, but then we also have this tying into the tops of our institutions and our political apparatus. And you uncovered that, and that’s where it got dangerous. Yes, ma’am. So what we have found is I’ve got to be very careful on what I say and how I say it. We have individuals that are partaking and are involved in child trafficking, child sex trafficking.

Also. You have to remember there’s, there’s, there’s an element of slavery there and putting these children into work camps like chicken farms and things like that, where they’re also making money off of them. We’re not even getting into the organ harvesting. You have individuals who are being paid off. And a lot of times, even if they don’t partake in the sexual abuse, they don’t want to know about it. They don’t want to hear about it. The only thing they want is to be able to get a name once in a while to say, hey, you need to drop the charges, not charges or dismisses charge or this or that.

And they get that with a fat cash, you know, a fat cash payment or it’s run through. What we are finding is a ton of shell companies, tons of NGOs. NGO is absolutely. That’s where they really like to do is. Yes. And we’re finding a ton of those tied to numerous political officials. And the other thing that we’re not even. Nobody’s even really scratched the surface on is let’s get into the privatized prison system. Let’s get into the privatized courts, like the drug courts where we had here in Nashville, where we had numerous girls that were basically being trafficked through the drug court by the judge, by attorneys, and several of them have ended up dead and they mysteriously were suicidal.

They considered about suicide or an accidental death? No, I don’t think so. We have some schools that are supposed to be Christian schools that are covering up the molestation of students at these schools. Are the students are trying to report it to the school because it’s happening at home or it’s happening elsewhere and the schools are not doing their due diligence and following through with their obligations, reporting it to law enforcement. Well, that’s true. And I saw that locally where there was a school that I reported something to and nobody wanted to say anything because they didn’t want it to reflect back on their kid.

The board didn’t want to talk about it. I’m like, these girls are being raped and you guys won’t even talk about it. Yeah, it was really bad. So I saw that personally. But that was more like everybody was afraid that it was going to come back on their own kid. And they didn’t want to. They didn’t want that. I mean, people are that petty. Like they’re. I was appalled. Yes, absolutely. But you know, what ends up happening is in today’s society by people not dealing with it. What it does is that almost is a softening technique.

We call it a softening technique in law enforcement. When we’re doing interviews, interrogations, you know, we’re sitting across from somebody who’s just murdered somebody and we say, hey, did you murder this person? They’ll be like, no, I didn’t hurt them or I didn’t. They softened the words. Okay. And what I’m finding right now is you have the movies, you have television, you have music, and then you have parents or schools or people like that that aren’t acting, which is actually a type of softening technique, which then if nothing happens and the child doesn’t see anything happen, what does that say? Well, nothing happens.

Nobody cares. Trouble. So it must be okay. A quick break from the program to share with you Masterpiece. This is amazing. It’s gentle, you can use it every day. And it gets out microplastics, it gets out heavy metals, it gets out aluminum, and it works. They’re the only company I have found that actually are doing studies to prove that their stuff works. It gets out graphene oxide. It is amazing stuff. It’s only 52.99 and you get a two month supply. I buy this for my entire family. I get boxes of 10 and I send it out to all of my daughter, my son, my husband, even my parents.

I give this to because I want everybody to be protected from the pollution that’s everywhere. Which makes this so amazing isn’t just its very small zeolite that takes that heavy metal or that pollution out of your cell, but it also has marine plasma, which is the most nutritious, dense element on earth. And it really gives You a dose of nutrition and you can feel it in your cells. You can buy this with the link below or go to sarah under shop. Well, it says it gives a message to the kids that do it that you’re okay to do it.

And the kids happen to. Nobody cares. No. And then they don’t end up getting the counseling they need. They end up falling into a very, very bad system of pharmaceuticals. Yeah. And end up doing things that they would have never done had they not been victimized. And then let’s say they were victimized, hadn’t been dealt with correctly. Had they received counseling, had there been accountability, maybe their life would have turned out a whole lot better. So every person that turns a blonde eye to this is an accomplice of some sort. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

And if you’re turning a blind eye, you’re not part of the solution. That’s right. If you’re an adult and you’ve heard something and you’re in any kind of position to be able to do anything you. You need to, otherwise you’re part of your accomplice. I think. Yes, yes, absolutely. 100%. And, you know, that’s what we’re finding a lot of, is a lot of people aren’t reporting this. And, you know, but then the other thing we’re finding is there’s a lot of law enforcement agencies, especially here in Tennessee, that are not following through and doing their due diligence on investigations that have to do with things like this as well.

When we took over from the former administration, I think we had about 25 to 30 cases that had to do with some type of something like this from the past three previous years that weren’t even being investigated. You have a lot of agencies that are not doing their due diligence and investigating this. We have a place up in northeast Tennessee in Johnson County, Tennessee, where there was a guy who was actively raping women, children and all of that, videotaping it. He owned a construction company. Here we go back to building into homes and things like that.

He owned a construction company and he opened up shell companies. And from what we understand is he was paying off local law enforcement and officials to cover up the crimes he was committing. Well, so now we’re talking local here. How far up. And you actually got to the top of the state levels, but how far up is this going? Is this going to federal levels a week? Because this is the. It seems that the last four years we have been occupied by a mafia right. That’s just extremely corrupt. Is this circle that you found, this ring tied to the top of the dnc? Is it tied to the un does it go up that high? What we have found is we have found the money, which is a transnational money laundering operation.

We know this without a doubt. So if it’s transnational money laundering operation, that means anybody in those countries are going to be involved. We have found people within the federal level, all the way up to different members of the White House in the past that have been involved in some way, shape and or form. We have found key members in very specific investigative agencies and or agencies that document stuff that have to do with banking that are covering things up. They do not want us following the money. The reason they don’t want us following the money is because it’s going to give us all the ties.

If we start stifling the money flow, all of a sudden you’re going to be stopping a lot of things that are happening because these people don’t have the money to be able to pay off whoever they need to pay off. So if we’re going to take money. Yep. And that way their infrastructure will crumble. And that’s the thing that we’ve been trying to do. That’s what you need to do. You need to cut it at the root by cutting off their money supply. And you believe, I mean, that’s why you’re protecting yourself right now. You guys are getting close, aren’t you? Yes, ma’am, I believe we are extremely close.

We were close enough that when we ran some information through the financial database, that we were immediately kicked out of that financial database. And what we were running was being audited. And within weeks of us running that information, the DOJ hit Toronto dominion with a $3.1 billion fine. So that means that members of the DOJ somehow are involved. 100% and 100. And do you think that with a new DOJ coming in that they will be looking at this and starting to prosecute? You know, I 100 believe in Cash Patel. I 100 believe in Tom Holman. I’ve spoke with him before, I’ve briefed him before, and I believe in them.

I believe in Donald Trump. I hope so, because we need this. I mean, we need to do what they say they’re going to do. Yes. Have the confidence to do it and have the protection to do it and then do it, you know. Yeah, that’s it. That’s it. You know, and this, you know, I Was talking to some people the other day that were kind of high, that are kind of high up. And I told them, I said, everybody’s making this out like it’s going to be the most difficult thing to do. And I said, this is the easiest thing to do.

I said, you know, number one, we know where their assets are at right now with one part of this, which is the housing industry, where they’re buying up these single family homes in these key cities. Okay? So this is CCP money and this is cartel money. This is where we utilize asset forfeiture and we seize the assets from them so they can no longer borrow money on that asset. So right there we’re already starting to stop the money flow and then we start working it from that area to the next area to the next area to the next area.

Because if they don’t have the assets to borrow the money on and to be able to launder the money through, guess what, you’ve just plugged up one hole within the swamp. You know, we’ve got this going, we’ve got this going on with ActBlue as well. When we started looking into smurfing in the state of Tennessee, we found that Justin Jones, who’s one of the state representatives, had 422 donations come in through his website, which he uses ActBlue as his website, as his company that takes in his donations. And we had 422 donations come in on one day from 422 different people.

And on that exact same day, supposedly 422 people that gave to Justin Jones gave to Maxwell Frost down in Florida the exact same amount of money. That’s a mathematical improbability that 422 people decided that I was going to give Maxwell Frost this much money and then I was going to give Justin Jones this much money. That’s mathematical improbability. When we started investigating that, we found that the addresses, the phone numbers and things like that hadn’t been good for several years on a good percentage of them. So you have to ask yourself, where is this money coming from? How is it entering the system? Well, when I started digging into the CEO and the CFO of Act Blue, what I found is homes that date all the way back to I think 2002 that were worth maybe 400, 500,000 that you may have a 20 million dollar hard cash sale on.

Think about that 22 million coming in for a $500,000 house. They’re just moving that money, okay? That’s where we end up Finding a lot of the money is going through this real estate. But then when we dig into ActBlue, we’re finding other things that end up tying into like the population control incount in New York. We end up finding these NGOs and non profits that Kamala Harris are tied to 100%. Nancy Pelosi is tied to 100%. And then I can never think of her name, Letitia James, she’s tied to it 100%. I have one non profit that’s tied to that 100% that ties directly to ActBlue with these, this nefarious money that’s coming in.

And you know, a lot of this stuff that we have ties right back to Maricopa County, Arizona. Maricopa County, Arizona is, I mean I literally have, and this is not an exaggeration, I probably have about 300 different ties back to Maricopa County, Arizona. And. Incredible. But you have to do your history, you have to do your historical research. If you remember, you remember Sheriff Joe, Sheriff Joe was in there doing the right thing and he was making a difference. But boy, did they spend a lot of money to get him out of there. Obama wanted him out of there, Soros wanted him out of there.

And they got him out of there because they had to have him out of there. You know, if people want to dig into, go ahead. You know, people need to start doing their own research. They need to start looking at stuff they can look at things like you can get a membership to things like Intellus and these things like that to do your own research. Start researching these people. Start looking at their, their businesses, start looking at their, their NGOs, start looking at their non profits, start looking at their mortgages, start pulling deeds, start pulling property deeds.

You’re gonna. And the Democratic Party has thousands and Thousands and thousands NGOs that they fund things through and probably the Republican Party does too. So all of, let me tell you, cleaned up. I have, I am not a, I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. I am, I believe in the constitutionalist. That’s what I say I am. Yes, ma’am. And I am a constitutionalist and I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and he’s the one who’s made me. And you know, he says I’m a sovereign being and I am. And so I don’t believe.

I don’t like having a two party system because our founding father said we couldn’t have a two party system and it be able to maintain. They were 100% correct. That is right, yep. They are 100% correct. And so what we have to do is we have to get another party because we’ve got the uni party now. Okay? That’s the Democrats and the Republicans that are coming together that are making all of these hundreds of millions of dollars that are helping assist. These are the people who are trying to block people like Cash Patel from getting put in as a director of the FBI.

These are the people that are trying to stop the appointments that President Trump has. There’s a reason they’re trying to stop it because their money train is going to stop. That’s right. See, that’s what we have to be honest about that. And the American people will be more behind that than the blind, like, blind support for the Republican Party without talking. I mean, it’s just like this cheerleading for the Republicans or the cheerleading for the. You can’t just blindly cheerlead. You have to be laser focused on issues and accomplish things. That’s a fact. And how many times have the Republicans seen criminal activity? And they’re calling it out.

They’re calling it out. They’re calling it out. They’re doing this. They’re on TV yelling about this, and they’re yelling about that. But at the end of the day, you never see them take it any further than yelling about something. And the reason they don’t want to yell about it is because when you live in a glass house, you don’t throw stones well. And it just becomes stupid. It’s like you’re rooting for two teams, you know, and you just want to be part of this. Rah, rah, rah. It’s like, yeah, I don’t even. Just stop. I want you to solve these issues.

I don’t care. You know, when we’re talking about serious issues that impact people, we’re sending billions of dollars overseas, and the people in North Carolina are getting peanuts and they’re suffering and nobody’s helping them. I don’t care what party you’re part of. Get it done. Yeah. And, you know, I’m glad you brought that up, because I just came through that area. I literally, within the last 24 hours, came through Asheville, North Carolina. I came through the Appalachian area of Tennessee. And I’ve seen the devastation. And this is after majority has been cleaned up. But let me tell you, the devastation there is absolutely horrible.

And we want to talk about child trafficking. Let’s talk about the state and the Department of Children’s Services coming in and trying to take these kids from the parents because they don’t have a place to live. But yet you’ve got. You’ve got our. You don’t have a house anymore because you’re. It’s been. So we’re not going to give you any money to help you live, but since you don’t have a house anymore, we’re going to take your kids. It’s like, can you imagine? I mean, I would. Some of the things that happen to people, I just.

I would probably be in jail. Like, I just had a friend of mine whose kid got. They gave him the COVID booster because he said he’d take it, but the parents didn’t want it. They said it’s his choice. He’s his body. And they didn’t care what the parents think. I’d be in jail if that happened because I would go into that school. I’d go ballistic. Yes. You know, I was talking with some of RFK Junior’s people about, I don’t know, I guess about a month ago, and I cannot wait. That’s one of the appointments that these people are hating the most because it’s going to hit so many pocketbooks of the corruption, it’s not even funny.

And people don’t understand. There is corruption everywhere. If you look at the healthcare industry, the fda, all of that, it is nothing but corruption. We need law enforcement just for the. That side of everything to go into the hospitals, to go into the pharmaceutical companies to stop all of this stuff from happening. We need. And then the doctors who are doing good work and sharing good information, they’re suppressed and pushed down. They can’t speak. And so it’s this criminal enterprise controlling the money train. And anybody that even, you know, I just. It’s incredible. Yeah, I love that you brought that up, too, because, you know, I got to spend some time with Dr.

Ryan Cole. I don’t know if you’re familiar with Dr. Ryan Cole. And he was going after the COVID stuff and just listening to what he’s going through for just telling the truth to hear about, you know, the absolute absurd way that the government is coming after him for telling the truth. Well, that’s like, you know, William Macuses. He. He is just on my show, and he is. He was in Canada, and I hope he comes in the United States. But they’re using his treatment protocol at John Hopkins and other places because it’s really effective. They could use it in stage one, but they don’t use it till stage four because they want to use the expensive stuff first.

That’s the pro they won’t even approve it. Unless that was. They only approved it to be able to use later because they want to make sure the gravy train comes. But he’s being person in Canada. They’ve shut them down. Just a persecuting. Why would you persecute a successful cancer doctor? 90, and he was curing people. 90% cure rate with people who were written off is going to die. It’s, you know that. What is going on here? What kind of world are we in when that happens, you know? And why do we have. Why do we have nonprofits called the National Population Control? Okay.

Why do we have these things? These are things that actually exist. And people are like, oh, he’s a conspiracy theorist. Well, you know what? Give it to. Give me 15 minutes. Let’s see if it’s a conspiracy. You know, we got doctors that are out there. You know, we got doctors that are out there that have been trained to treat the symptom, not the issue. Okay, well, if you just treat the system, that means that the issue is going to be able to progress further and further and further, which you end up going into a terminal illness.

That’s. People don’t want to discuss that. Yeah. If you never get to the root cause, you’re, you’re, you’re just. It’s going to turn into a nightmare. Well, gosh, I love what you’re doing. You are part of the solution. That’s what people need to support. With people like you out here fighting and working hard to be part of the solution, you need to be supported. And so when the politicians don’t support people like you, it makes me furious. And so I just had this show with Steve Stern. I don’t know if it’s going to air before or after this.

And I was kind of hard on him. I’m like, I don’t want to be a rah rah for Republicans. I want to be a rah rah for people get crapped on. And I don’t want to have any more politicians in there that don’t support solutions like this and that because the people in this country are so tired of what we’re dealing with. They get. They hear the, the north tennis or the North Carolina stuff, they hear the Ukraine stuff, they hear the trafficking, they hear all this. And we’re just, we’re tired of it. Because a normal person who can manage this stuff would stop it.

Anybody who’s like, has some kind of goodness in them would not allow this, these kinds of things to happen. You don’t have to be the most competent person to stop some of this. It’s just incredible. No, you don’t. You know, you know, I’ll tell you what we need is we need term limits. We need to limit the amount of money that’s able to come in for elections and things of that nature. They need to make it so that anything that is a business, anything that’s a corporation, anything that’s a non profit, anything like that cannot give more than what a common person can give.

Okay, we need to limit that. Under Obama, they made them, they upped all that stuff. Yeah, we need to get, we need to do away with this dark money and these political packs and all that. Because I promise you, if we had term limits and we were keeping those people in there for only so long, that’s not going to allow their moral compass to get turned around quite as easy. Well, they get, they start having the compromises they’re compromising and then giving away favors. And you do this, I’ll do this. And that’s part of politics anyways.

I mean, let’s be real. But when you do it and you give away your soul, that’s where moral morals have no compromise, which, where we have to stay. But. Yeah, but you in politics, you have to negotiate and you’re never going to get everything that you want in a bill. Right. And you, and if you, even if you have two really great people that mean well, you’re still going to have to negotiate because you disagree on stuff. Right. So that’s politics, but it’s the compromising your morals. There’s red lines that you can’t cross. Like I’m not going to support human trafficking no matter what.

Right. Yeah, it’s, it’s just, it’s, it’s absolutely amazing because what they’ve done is they basically polarized everything so there is no middle ground anymore. There is no more coming together to try to figure something out. Now it’s hide something and tack it onto somebody else’s bill. So it’s 30,000 pages in and nobody knows what they’re actually signing. That’s what it is. Yeah. These huge bus bills, right? Yeah. Yeah. That’s not okay. No. And that happened in Minnesota where they had like a 900 page bill and they actually passed it because they had a trifecta. And this is one of the things I was, why I really didn’t like walls is because they had, because he was supportive of this crap.

They had this trifecta and so they put push through this 900 page bill that Republicans didn’t, they didn’t even let them see it. And then because the Democrats had control, only a few handful of Democrats saw it. The rest of the Democrats just believed their own party and signed it. And none of the Republicans were even allowed to see it. And it passed. Oh, that’s one of those Nancy Pelosi bills. If you want to see what’s in it, you got to pass it. That’s exactly what happened. But it was a whole, it wasn’t just healthcare. Healthcare.

That’s a bad enough. Right? That’s terrible. But it was like all sorts of stuff. I mean, I’m ready for a new America. Any worse than this? Yeah. I mean that’s just ridiculous. But thank you so much for doing everything that you’re doing, fighting these, this traffic, getting to the source of these problems. It’s horrifying knowing that our leaders and people who you vote in office and you’re being duped, half the country is being duped and they actually believe the people that they’re voting in are give a crap. So where can people, can they support you? I know you’re, you’re in, you know, you’re not working, you’re in safer conditions right now.

I mean you’re working but you’re not where you were before. So how can they support your efforts because. Or can they volunteer? Is there anything that people can do? You know, I will send you a link that you can post with, with the video here. I’m kind of changing some things around so I want to make sure I give you the correct link and so I’ll send you a link that you can, you can post here. We’re trying to get some things up and going to be able to help explain how some of this corruption works.

So we’re making some, some videos to put on a website so that people can watch these videos so they can understand and break things down into a level that they can explain it to their neighbors, to their family members, you know, explain it around the water cooler and things like that. And it’s little things that you can start looking for at your local level, your county level and your state level. And we’re posting videos to be able to educate people so they can start identifying corruption at the lower levels. Because it starts at the lower levels and then it just gets bigger.

So if we start taking it out the lower level, then we’re, then we got a chance. Well, thank you so much and thank you for everything you’re doing. I really appreciate it. We all appreciate every. I’m going to speak for everybody. Really appreciate that you’re putting your butt on the line doing what’s right for other human beings and for this country. So thank you so much. And I thank you. And, you know, everybody just continue praying. There is so much power in prayer, and it. The bowls are about to turn and all the prayers that we have put in, they’re going to pay off.

It’s coming. People just need to hold on and they need to keep praying. That’s right. Thank you. And. And do what they can. So thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you.



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