I think you would just do it, right? A quick break from the program to share with you masterpiece. This is amazing. It’s gentle, you can use it every day. And it gets out microplastics, it gets out heavy metals, it gets out aluminum and it works. They’re the only company I have found that actually are doing studies to prove that their stuff works. It gets out graphene oxide. It is amazing stuff. It’s only 52.99 and you get a two month supply. I buy this for my entire family. I get boxes of 10 and I send it out to all of my daughter, my son, my husband, even my parents.
I give this to because I want everybody to be protected from the pollution that’s everywhere. Which makes this so amazing isn’t just its very small zeolite that takes that heavy metal or that pollution out of your cell, but it also has marine plasma which is the most nutritious dense element on earth and it really gives you a dose of nutrition and you can feel it in your cells. You can buy this with the link below or go to sarah westall.com under shop. Welcome to business game changers. I’m Sarah Westall. Before I get into this amazing discussion I have with Sam Anthony of YourNews.com I need to tell you we gave away the Love pod, the free love pod on November 30th.
Gary Greer won it one out of my almost 48,000 substacks subscribers. So congratulations Gary on this and if anybody doesn’t know about the Love Pod, I highly recommend and you watch my previous interview with the Love Pod guys and where we’re talking about the new age, bringing in the new age. This is amazing and it’s in a wonderful opportunity as a Christmas present. It’s only $200 plus a data package but it turns nine devices, it’s a runner turns nine devices into satellite devices. So if the grid goes down, all of your stuff is still up. All you have to do is make sure that you have some kind of backup generator for your batteries, for your phone and for this and you are still in you, you know, and can communicate with anybody else.
But it also modulates or changes the WI fi so that it’s not damaging to your body. And I’ve been saying this for a while, you know, telecom really should have these things on all the telecom satellites that are all the telecoms towers and it should be changing the frequency. That works well with our body. But this does it and so it’s really amazing because it doesn’t. It changes WI fi so it harmonizes with your body. There are certain frequencies that don’t hurt us. Those are the ones that we should be using. The other thing is it’s a distributed mesh network.
So the more people that’s on it, the faster it is. And before it has enough people on it, it uses the existing network, it uses satellites, it uses StarLink or the local 4G network and then once it has enough of these little mini towers in the area, it becomes its own distributed mesh network. It’s so amazing. You got to read about it. It is the future of distributed. It’s a feature of telecom really or of networking and it’s going to change how we live and work. And it’s also way more secure. They don’t steal your data.
It’s like having a vpn but it’s also more secure from a grid down situation. Much harder to take this down and it works with our bodies. So you got to look into this. It’s a wonderful Christmas present and congratulations to Gary Greer for winning it. So if you want to get one like Gary does, go to the link below over to sarawestall.com under shop. And one more thing, if you are interested in investing in YourNews.com which is something I’m invested in, I have shares of this company. I believe it could be a future Facebook or future major company and I really do think it’s being set up to be that.
And it’s a distributed news. He’s going to explain it, we’re going to talk about the news of the day, but he’s going to explain how it’s a distributed news environment and it’s so great. It’s the people taking back the news, taking it away from the CIA, Mockingbird media and doing it at the local level. If you’re interested in investing in this, I’ll have the link below or you go to sarah wessel.com under shop and this is a really great conversation with Sam Anthony. He has a background in finance and he understands how to build these companies and he has relationships with so many people.
I’m really enjoying these conversations. I’m going to have him on about once a month to talk about because he’s on the forefront of what’s going on in the headlines. He gets to see everything. So we’re going to be talking about the news of the day and we’re going to be doing that about once a month and hopefully you’ll look into it. It’s YourNews.com. okay, let’s get into my conversation with Sam Anthony. Hi, Sam, welcome back to the program. Sarah, glad to be here. Glad to be here. Well, we just got done talking about something funny before we get on this.
But you, I want people to realize you have YourNews.com and you are at the tip of the spear seeing all the headline news coming into your site worldwide, national, nation, national wide, nationwide, statewide and local. But we’re going to talk about some of the nationwide and worldwide news stories that are going on. So people can just see how just by going to your website, scanning some of the national stuff, scanning some of the news in your own state, in your own city, keeps you up to date on what’s going on. But I want to share my screen here.
And we are going to talk about what some of these things are right now. Okay, so we got the, the pardoning of Biden’s son, which is a big no story. I mean, he never said he would do this, right? And then he does it. And then we have, well, I want to get back to this because I want you to dive into the Trump tariff thing. That’s a big deal. And then we have, and this is a big one, too, nearly 700, 000 criminal illegal immigrants roam free in the U.S. data reveals that’s a big deal.
What do you think of that, Sam? Well, we all knew it. I mean, they were letting everybody in. As you know, as a matter of fact, if you were a criminal, you were even more welcome. Okay? So this should come as no surprise to anybody. Now the problem is it all has to be cleaned up. This is a mess. And to me, you know, the, the Biden administration allowing all these people to come in which broke the law in place, this is a treasonous act. I mean, how do you let 700, 000 people that are known criminals come into your, into your country knowing full well that they’re not here to help the American people? Right? They’re here to.
Well, they’re running from their own situation. They’re not there for political asylum, which maybe some of them are, but very small percentage. And I, because I know some of them that, you know, not some of them. It’s like I’m in the know with criminals. I’m not, but I mean, I’ve known some people have come through the border who are criminals. And I there. A lot of them aren’t political asylum. That’s different, right? Completely different. You know, but these people. Now, keep in mind, I see all the stuff coming in and, you know, it’s, you know, it’s.
If it’s bad, if it’s bad, it’s news. Right. There’s no such thing as good news because it doesn’t get reported. Right. So all this stuff you see, sometimes I get tired of looking at it, but you’re just thrown away at all the stuff coming in. But here’s, here’s what makes matters worse. Did you by any chance talk to Mark Fincham about that story? I am next week. I got Senator Mark Fincham on Next Week with Sean Taylor, and we’re going to dive into it. He was caught up because, of course, he won his Senate election in Arizona, and he’s coming on next week and we’re going to talk about that story because I know it hasn’t gotten enough press across the country.
Well, when you listen to Sean Taylor, ask him the question about who’s the largest customer to the cartel, and he’ll tell you it’s the United States government. So what they’re saying is all that money is we’re paying all the, what do they call them? The, the, the mules, the cartel. You can’t come across the border unless you’re with a cartel. We’re a cartel member, so we’re paying for all these people. Isn’t that crazy? The fact that the people need to be. Have a cartel member bring them over. We’re putting people into such a risky situation. That’s why the children are.
And women, young women, probably older women too, are being raped. Probably men, too. You know, they’re being raped, gang raped. And there’s kids that get raped 20 times along the way. This is not, not, this is not exaggeration. This stuff is happening. Yeah, it is happening. And all those children, you know, Mark, you know, Mark is, was a, you know, was a police officer. He was in law enforcement. And he was telling me that those, what are they, 350,000 children. He says they’re most likely not even Alive. He said they’re mostly used for human. For organ donation.
Like they’re going to take their organs. You know what I think? And I told Dave Hodges, we talk all the time. I, I am so angry that these people who hurt children. When Jimmy Boots, Detective Rothstein, Nixon told him to take out the snuff film directors. This was back in the 70s, he said, I don’t want to hear any qu. Any. I don’t want to hear anything about it. Just go take care of it. There were 13 snuff film directors in the country. He went and they just. I’m sorry, I’m going to say it like it is.
They just went and took him out. They killed him. 12 of them. They couldn’t get to one of them. They just took him out and no questions asked. I don’t even know what. I don’t even know. Want to know. But just get rid of them. That’s what I feel like needs. It’s a war. And when you’re fighting a war with known criminals that are hurting little kids, I, I don’t. We just have to get rid of them. Listen, I, I agree with you. This is where my frustration lies like everybody else, because all the stuff that’s been happening over the last four years, I’m sorry, the last eight, you know, when Trump took office in 2016, they went on a witch hunt after him, manufactured crimes, and then prosecuted those crimes like they were actually real.
I know. And so you get to the point where when facts don’t matter anymore, we all have problems. So you get to the point where you just had enough is enough. And by the way, if you ever looked at the map, the county maps, it was almost 90, 10 for Trump, it’s because most of America went, enough is enough. When is this going to end? And by the way, Joe Biden, the only reason they’re letting these people in, you have to form a conclusion, because I have no, nothing to validate this. But why would you let all these illegals in? Why? And there’s only one reason that they’re benefiting monetarily.
They’re benefiting monetary. That’s the only logical reason. That’s all I need is logic. Well, the irrational reason, because these people aren’t real. They’re not always rational. I think that this is to take over the country. It’s to take down the, Burn down the country so they can build it back up for that global control. And they need to take down the United States. It certainly could be it. That could be part of It. He certainly doesn’t give a rat’s ass about any of those people. He doesn’t care about his own people, so he doesn’t care whether those people live or die.
But yet you gotta understand that when you’re missing 350,000 children. And according to Mark Fincham, which of course he doesn’t know, but he says that most likely they’re. They were sent off for organ harvesting. That’s a big business. So there’s got to be kickbacks on the other side. Coming to Joe. That’s right. Because that’s right. Has to be. Nobody would ever allow this. Well, and anybody that does that, I mean, our justice system is so broken. This is the problem with having a broken justice system. It’s so broken that I don’t. Do we want them to have to go to court and just get off because they’re paid off by a bunch of criminal judges in a criminal justice system that’s broken? Or do we go to war against the worst of the worst? If it’s a gray area, fine, send them a court.
But the people that are snuff film directors or organ donators or human trafficking, you know, they’re killing and torturing children in mass. I don’t think we mess around. We can’t afford to mess around. It’s war with these people. That’s where I’m at. Because we have known for years now. I’ve been starting to. I have for over eight years, I’ve been covering this human trafficking thing. And every year I watch hundreds of thousands of children being abused and killed and harvested. I. I’m done with it. The system isn’t working. They need to take these people out. I.
Well, here in the United States or it. You know, really, to me, I think the massive problem is Mexico, because not only do they do all the human trafficking through there, but they also bring in all the fentanyl, and fentanyl kills more people than anyone in the United Any. Anything. That’s true, but I wouldn’t say it’s Mexico. I would say Mexico is just as guilty as the United States is, and so is China, who’s facilitating that drug trade. Right now, China is taking advantage of the fact that we’re a bunch of morons and that we don’t care about our own people.
Mexico is. Is in the middle Sandwich. Mexico. I almost think Mexico is least guilty of the three because China’s more powerful and the United States is more powerful than Mexico is. So I think Mexico, when they did, because I have a family that’s from Mexico. My husband’s from Mexico. When they went hard after the drug traffickers, it got ugly. It got worse. They have an agreement behind the scenes that you guys will leave the people alone, we’ll be clean, and you just stay in your own lanes. And that way they appease the American government and they appease the Chinese government.
It’s awful. It’s horrible. It hurts the Mexican people in the northern cities immensely. But I think they’re less guilty. Although I don’t say they’re not guilty because are really guilty too. But I would not pass on the United States and the Chinese blame, I think is greater. Well, okay, no, I agree with you. What I’m saying is, is that now you have Trump in office, so you have our southern border, which all these people are coming through, and all the fentanyl comes through there. So whether or not it comes from Mexico, from, from, you know, from China into Mexico, into the United States is irrelevant.
That stuff needs to be shut down. But if you get rid of the cartel, you’ll have, those problems won’t exist anymore. Now, now, I don’t know how you would do that, but I would imagine it can be done. Well, General Valley and his group, which he came on my program, actually it was during the censored comp. I think it was the censored conference, maybe it was my program. And he, he had a plan, it was a nine day plan to go to war with the cartels, to clean this up, to save these children. We would actually, this is what I’ saying it needs to be war.
We can’t screw around with going through a broken justice system while hundreds of thousands of kids are murdered. We need to go to war with this cartel, shut it down and make sure that our children are protected. The children of the world, the South American kids. I don’t give a crap where these children are from. We do not facilitate this stuff. General Vallee’s plan and the other generals that are involved, they need to follow that. They gave them a plan. It’ll take nine days, go to war at the cartel, clean it up and save hundreds of thousands of lives of children, period.
Get it done. Get it done. Okay, so I’ve been saying it forever. You want to fix the problem? All you got to do is, you know, start messaging Mexico saying we’re coming to invade you. And if you decide you want to fight back, it will end badly. But it’s not Mexico. But wait, you’re missing what I’m saying. You’re not going after The Mexican people. You’re going in there to squash the cartel, but if they use their armies, you’re just going to tell them, look, not only are you all going to die, okay, but if you don’t do anything, we will make your country the most prosperous place on planet Earth.
Well, no, but I don’t even think you need to do that. I think Mexico can be worked with. I know some of the people on the. You know that, Aaron, work with the government. I’m telling you, they can be worked with. You do General Valley’s plan. You side with the Mexican army and they help take it out too. They don’t want it either, of course. They’re infiltrated up to the hilt. We’re infiltrating. You use that plan, you get the Mexican army to work with you and you take it all out. Okay, so I would be on board with that is.
No, you wouldn’t. It doesn’t really matter. Somebody needs to do something is all I’m saying. Because this is just getting out of hand. And by the way, I don’t remember who the last president in Mexico was, but I do know there was an article published that he received $100 million from the cartel as a bribe. Well, he probably did, but they all do. In fact, a lot of the. He was the best one in years and I’m not, I’m not kidding. He was the best one in years. They’ve been trying to get him in it. It broke the one party control and now they went back to that.
I don’t know if this new president, if she’s just a puppet or not, but I can tell you if they stronghold the Mexican government and they, they, there’s going to be factions. There are going to be factions here. We’re dominating, we control it, but they strong arm them. I think they can get the Mexican government and army to cooperate and be part of the solution. Well, I think it would benefit them. It would benefit us. Absolutely. You know, here’s the thing. I don’t make that decision. Well, neither do I, but I can act like I’m all tough and I, but it’s, I’ve been.
I’m sick of it. Eight years of covering this, I’m done. Stop. I would come in and clean house. I would do General Valley’s plan and be done. Yeah, I’m in agreement. And you know, I think they, you know, I would assume with the intelligence we have, they have to know where all these cartel people are. We have drones, right? Airstrikes. Nobody even has to get hurt. I mean, this could be done relatively quickly, like he said, in nine days. Now, if you get their government involved, then it’s going to be leaked back to the cartel and.
Well, maybe, yeah, it doesn’t matter. I think you would. You would just do it, right? And then make sure they’re on board at some point. I just. You have to clean it up. The Mexican people would be very happy overall that the children are not being damaged. They’re not any different than the American people that have brains. They don’t want it either. No human being in any country. In China, in whoever you think is our enemies, China, Russia. Those human beings don’t want children hurt either. The good people of the world. No, they don’t. And on another note, a quick break to remind you that you need to protect your assets.
We’re in a period of financial instability. The markets, the entire world is resetting. There is an attack on our dollar. We will be seeing change like we haven’t seen in maybe hundreds of years. The whole geopolitical chessboard is shifting around and you want to protect your assets with gold and silver. The central bankers are accumulating gold and silver like never before. The prices have been manipulated and suppressed. It is never more important to secure your assets by getting into gold and silver. And I use Miles Franklin. Why? Because they are the best in the industry. They give you the best prices and they give you the best service.
Many companies out there charge you premiums over 10% and they do not give you anywhere near the service that you’re going to get for Miles Franklin. If you tell them Sarah sent you, you email them@infomouslesfranklin.com tell them that I sent you, Tom, Sarah sent you and they will give you a private price list. What you see on the Internet is not what you can get. If you email them and tell them that I sent you and you want access to their private price list because they can’t advertise these prices to the world because it’s their compet advantage.
Okay, make sure you send an email to infomilesfranklin.com and tell them that Sarah sent you and you want access to that private price list. Okay, let’s get back into the show. Once you clean out the cartel, it’ll bring prosperity to people. And all the people here that are illegal will go back home because there’ll be opportunities for them there. Well, for sure, and there will be some struggle. Arizona’s economy is largely based on the criminal activity of the cartel and certain other Economies are, but that needs to be cleaned up because in the long run you’ll be more prosperous.
Exactly. Yes. And it needs to be cleaned up, so. That’s right. Well, Trump already said that he was looking to clean it up. Well, I sure hope he sticks with his word. Let’s talk about the other big story because I think this one’s even bigger being on. I mean, as big as that is, and it is trust, Tara. Trump’s tariff threat against brics nations brings de dollarization efforts into focus. I think the world economic shift, the reset, is the biggest issue facing today besides the control grid. And that’s a whole nother topic. And you being a financial guy, you’ve worked in Wall street, you’ve worked in finance for most of your career.
I know this probably hits you pretty hard and you have some insight into this. I personally think this is a, I think it’s a threat that’s not realistic. I mean, you can’t do this without hurting the United States. But tell me what your thoughts are. Well, well, I think this all stemmed from them saying they’re no longer going to use the dollar. Correct? Isn’t that what this is from? Well, I think that, you know, the, this is why the BRICS countries and, and rightfully so, the central bankers are going in, giving them loans and then they were using the resources in that country with the Western, the western industries, companies, multinational companies would come in, utilize those resources at a steal.
Pretty much the loan would be taken out by the country itself and then the people of that country would have to pay off the loan of which the western multinationals and got most of the goods, got most of the profits and then the country is pretty much left in shatters. I mean, we have been, the central bankers have been abusing. You listen to the economic hitman, right? His stories. They’ve been abusing their power for decades and these countries are pissed. And so they want to get out from underneath the dollar. The only way to keep the dollar as a reserve currency in my mind, without people wanting to get out from underneath it, is to become responsible human beings and not use people and allow them to utilize their own resources in a way that’s mutually beneficial for everyone involved and not take advantage of them and stop weaponizing the dollar against people that don’t have very much power.
Until we do that, there will be people in the world that will do everything they can to get out from underneath the dollar. And so we have to deal with that. If we want to get to a point where you know if we want the dollar to be safely the world reserve currency. Although we have some issues with the dollar losing its value too. Right. In an enormous way. And I, I did listen to. Who’s the gentleman? The new President of El Salvador. What’s his name? Do you remember? I don’t remember his name, but yeah, he’s, that’s okay.
I was listening to him. He spoke at cpac. He’s good. Don’t ask me, don’t ask me when. And he was just explaining, you know, how the Fed prints all the money and the money is backed by the good faith and credit of the US Government, but that’s not what funds the government. It’s the treasury bonds that fund the government. And he said, and who buys all the treasury bonds? It’s the Fed. Okay. So it’s like they’re funding themselves with their own way. It’s basically a Ponzi scheme, he said, and eventually the whole thing is set to collapse unless somebody fixes, fixes it.
And it’s kind of scary. Well, and the BRICs are using the note. They know the dollars on its last legs if it’s not fixed. They’re using, they’re, they’re seeing this as a window up opportunity to get out from underneath this game that the central bankers have been playing and, and to have more prosperity. But any time in history, whenever there was these great resets, it wasn’t resets but like World War I and World War II were really about the dollar taking dominance. That was their plan. There’s a, it’s so well documented, the British pound lost its world reserve currency and the dollar took over during World war.
World War I got about halfway there and World War II cemented it. And that was really what was going on behind the scenes from the central bankers. Plus they were making money on both sides and everything else. But so it’s not going to be any different. There’s a lot of money made in chaos. Right. So they’re making this money in chaos and they are there. And these guys know that this is our opportunity to get out from underneath the dollar. And so there’s all of these. That’s why I think it’s one of the, it’s one of the two biggest issues facing the world today is because the chaos is, I mean Trump said something very important.
He said if we don’t maintain world reserve currency, we will turn into a third world station status. I don’t agree with him because I think there’s other means that you can do it by using like the Global Gold Monetary Fund and some other things. But he’s very right. If we lose the world, you know, reserve currency without shoring up our own financial system, we will turn into a failed country, no question about it. Well, and so this is why. Look at the people he surrounded himself with. I mean, you can’t get much smarter people than that.
Right? I mean, all the people that he’s brought on. So the first thing you want to do is you want to get rid of the regulations and you want to start cover cutting government. And my hope is that he takes out 80 or 90% of the whole government, which then you have way less weight, way less burden. You could start working on the debt. I’ve always said that there’s absolutely no reason we should ever have to pay that debt off. That debt is, it’s, first of all, you know, if you read the Constitution, it says that only the, you know, only the government can coin money.
Yet we push that off to private central bankers who are now coining our money for us. So the whole, if, if that whole thing is illegal, why should we be paying them interest payments? Because most of that debt is interest payments. You realize that, that we created. Yeah, they don’t even, they shouldn’t even own it. We put the money down to create, if you want. Look, you know, the 1913 act for the Federal Reserve. They, these private bankers didn’t even put money into it. The government itself put the money into it for them to own. So they didn’t even put a dime into owning the entire western financial system, which they benefit from.
Oh my God, in a huge way. And so all the interest payments is basically free money. Let me ask you a question. Do it. Yeah, they didn’t even do it right. It just made out of thin air. And it just puts everybody, it enslaves everybody is what it does. But without even putting the initial investment in, in the first place. Yeah, that screwed up. So, so work. It would be like somebody funding you and you’re not having any skin in the game, but you’re able to reap all the benefits from, and control everybody and everything. Yes, yes.
That’s what they’re doing. And so that’s why everybody. And the Fed, I mean, come on, we have. The only reason that they’re able to continue this game is because the average person isn’t smart enough to understand what the game is. If everybody understood what was going on, it would end today. It’s ignorant. That’s allowing them to do what they’re doing. Well, keep in mind, it’s the mainstream media that’s been able to dumb down the population. Okay, well, and let’s talk about that. Go ahead. Because that’s. That’s exactly why you’re in business. Well, exactly. I mean, you know, I’ve told you before, I never thought the media was ever lying.
I always said, why would they lie? I know. It’s funny, because I’m in the business, and 20 years ago, I agreed with you. I mean, I was immoral. I have a partner that used to tell me, the media is not telling you the truth. I’m like, why would they lie? And then when Trump was elected, you know, you’d have to be blind and deaf to not know their life because they just manufactured stuff and just ran with it. And so that’s when my eyes opened, because then I realized, well, what else are they lying about? Right? Because, you know, you.
I didn’t really know any of this at the time, but since then, you know, people get a little more educated. You start to find things out. I start listening to Rumble with shows like yours and shows like Sean, and you start to go, oh, my God, that was happening back in the 70s. What is it, Operation Mockingbird or is that what it’s called? Fault? Yeah, okay. Where the CIA infiltrates the media, and then they start feeding them the stories. So basically, you know, the. The reason we’re in the mess we’re in today is because there’s no independent journalism anymore.
It’s controlled by six companies and a couple hedge funds, which everybody knows, but you have billionaires controlling the narrative, and most of the billionaires are liberal. And on top of that, it’s very obvious that they’re taking their talking points directly from government to, you know, to push their agenda. Well, that’s why they. You know, our founders said it’s like going sheep to the slaughter if we don’t have free speech. But essentially, if you drowned out the noise of the independent journalists and only the mockingbird, CIA media and the propaganda is what people hear were essentially sheep to the slaughter.
Exactly. It’s exactly what they were saying. So, look. And by the way, they did a really good job for a long time, because I was in the dark. I never realized it. Right. I’m sure. And I was part of everybody else, but the Internet and people like you, Sarah, are the ones that woke everybody up, because you’re going, hey, look over here. This is actually the real truth. Let me prove it to you. So this is why you guys are the next mainstream media. I mean, you already are. Your reach far exceeds the mainstream media. Sean.
I was on Sean show 10 days ago or last week or. Right. Well, no, was. We taped it the day before Thanksgiving. Right. So Wednesday, he, he was pulling up the numbers for the mainstream media for different shows. I don’t remember who, you know, but, but whatever the shows were, you know, big names, he’s right in the mix. I mean, he’s like, like he’s not that far off or in some cases, bigger than the people that are getting 20 and 30 million dollars paychecks. That’s right. And so same with me, like, if you look at, I’m heavily suppressed, I think I’m more suppressed than Sean is, especially on social media.
But if you look at my numbers on the video platforms, it’s the same thing. And there, you know, there’s big names that are getting less than me, and it’s incredible. And when we sued Google, you know, for taking us all down, they, there’s 15 of us together. We had, together. We had bigger numbers than that and mass. The mainstream media combined. That was in our lawsuit and we proved it with the numbers. It’s, it’s all going to change. There’s a reckoning coming. And, and I’ve been saying this forever, but, you know, people used to tell me I was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs 20 years ago today.
Today everybody’s going, man, you were right. You know, and now they’re going, are they still printing that thing? But, but they’re working really hard to still censor and suppress us. That’s what we’re kicked off everywhere. Are we talking about, are we talking about the tech giants? I would assume we’re talking about. I mean, the big tech is working hard to keep us down and we, we have to figure out, you know, ways around. You don’t have to, Sarah. It’s all coming to an end. And that’s coming about what you’re doing? Because I, I think, well, that it’s.
Forget me. I mean, I’ll tell you, but the censorship with, with YouTube and Google and Facebook, I, I don’t think I said this on the last show, but my gut tells me that Trump’s going to open them up to lawsuits. Well, it’s okay. So we have a thing called the Second Amendment. And if you’re not, and if you’re censoring, you’re breaking the law. And I don’t care if the government told you to break the law, you still did it. If I tell you to go kill somebody and you kill somebody, are you in trouble. Well, and they have to.
Trump’s speech on censorship was absolutely excellent, is one of the best things I’ve ever heard. If he just fixes that. It’s a foundational issue. You can’t fix anything else if you don’t have free speech, because people can’t learn about what the issues are. The whole world is changing because people started opening their eyes to what was really going on. If people go back to sleep, because that’s what they’re trying to do, they’re bringing in all these mainstream Mockingbird media and putting in places in these big tech platforms and propping them up, and they’re trying to regain their control of the system.
And then people like me are being heavily suppressed because they cannot have more people wake up. And they’re not winning because people organically want to listen to authentic information. And people are smart and they’re learning, but people are also. A lot of the masses aren’t up to that point yet, so they can’t critically think. The schools have done them, dumbed them down so much. So they still, like, how many a half. How many people still believe January 6th was an insurrection? You know, that was pure theater. A lot of people still believe. So I would say 10%.
I would say it’s even higher. 12. I don’t know. I still get people. Should I show you the map? But, but, but I’m just saying I think it’s higher than what you think. I’m in Minneapolis, so I see a lot more people. I think if you’re in a conservative area and you only talk to conservative people, you get a sense that it’s. It’s better than it is. I think that there’s a lot of people that still believe it a lot more than people realize. I, you know, I talked to Mark Mitchell from the Rasmussen Report. We.
He was on my show, and I follow his work, and I’ve asked him, and he’s the pollster that really tries. He really tries to get a pulse on what’s really going on. And he’s saying it’s higher than what people are saying. I mean, it’s these people. Truly, the propaganda works on these people. I know a lot of people in my own, Like, I don’t hang out with them, but the. My friends and friends of friends and family, friends and all these people, especially in my area, who truly still believe the propaganda, and it truly is that way.
How old are they? Some of them are older and some of them are younger. It’s not an age thing. It’s across the board. Okay. The younger ones are worse than. Well, not really, because, like, my mother works with these. She’s an 80. She’s 80. And she still has some friends at work. And she socialize with half her friends. Truly believe the crap that they’re hearing. They only listen to pbs. They believe that’s the greatest resource. I’m telling you, it’s not as rosy as the conservatives, I guess. I. We don’t allow liberals here. So I. I don’t know.
It is. I don’t mean to burst your bubble. I’m just. And I have these arguments with Dave Hodges, too, because Dave is like, what you’re saying. I’m like, I. No, it’s not. I’m in a. In a liberal area. And I’m telling you, it true. These people truly believe. I have family members who are their kids. Actually, these are the kids of one of my sister’s kids. They truly are in this boat. You know, by any chance can you see that? You see the little blue areas? Yeah, but those are the big cities. Okay, but you’re in the thick of the blue.
But all the red is. Doesn’t believe that. Yeah, but the red is the. The last. It is the rural areas and the more heavily populated areas are blue. And they truly believe that. I have people that I know that live in New York, they’re shifting. They’re kind of like, not as hardcore because they’re realizing, wait a minute, something’s not right. But they still. I’m just bursting about. I don’t want it to be that way. Okay. I’ve been working at it for years. I want it to be that way, but I know it’s not as rosy as people think.
Let’s see what happens in this next four years. Okay? Because if eggs go back down to a normal price, okay, like a couple dollars a dozen, if gasoline prices go below two bucks, of course, I don’t know what your state taxes are. By you, I would assume it’s. I’m in Walls. Walls is my governor. So it’s just a joke. Yeah. Yeah. So they’ll try and keep this. But eventually when you all leave and you come down to Florida, you could drive all our home prices up. And, you know, my two best friends from high school that I grew up with, I was in the middle and they were.
One was two houses down, the other was three houses down. We were together every day. We graduated high school. We’re the same age. They both moved to Texas. Yeah. So, I mean, it’s just Sometimes you got to vote with your feet and you got to leave. You know, if you have too many people there that are just crazy, you got to get, you got to go someplace else. I mean, imagine living in a world where everything that you believe in, somebody’s exactly against. And as we were talking earlier, I believe everybody needs to get exactly what they deserve.
So, you know, if you really want these things, you should be able to get them. If you believe that censoring free speech is good, well, then don’t you think it’s our obligation to censor you? So you feel good about the censorship that you wanted, you wanted. I always say this about Bill Gates. You wanted to depopulate. Great. Let’s start with you and we’ll call it a late term abortion. Very late term abortion that we should have done earlier because it’s a little less ethical, but, you know, whatever. So it, like I’m saying, it’s all coming to an end and we’re going back to the tech giants.
I think he’s going to open them up to lawsuits. I think there’s going to be class actions on this. I think over the next 10 years, they’re pretty much going to bankrupt Google and YouTube. I mean, bankrupt them. Now, keep in mind, I don’t have any, I’m not privy to any information, but based on what he’s saying, there were crimes that were committed on the American people and there were some people like you, like Sean, and other people that were on YouTube that were making big money that all of a sudden went to zero. Well, and it was worse than that because the psychological operation against people like me when they not only took us off YouTube, but they took us off the Google search and they unpersoned us when they have a monopoly, it is, it’s worse than being just getting fired from a job.
You know, people like, oh, you just got fired, go get and do something else. No, it’s worse than that because now you are, you aren’t allowed anywhere. It’s like getting fired and then not being allowed to, to go to your neighborhood community center or something. That’s what’s like with LinkedIn. LinkedIn is really bad because I got kicked off LinkedIn and they for, for promoting products because I don’t sell anything promoting unregulated or illegal products. But they won’t even tell me what product that is. Right? I’m like, well, you at least got to tell me. What happened is I posted an article that was true about the fda and then I said, this is true.
I quoted everything they said. Even the title is a direct quote. They didn’t like it and they realized, okay, and they put it back up. Next thing you know, a whole slew of my post gets taken down. They took down my channel because of it and said it was I’m promoting unregulated or illegal products. Well, what product is it? You have to at least tell me. Well, they won’t even answer that. Right. But beyond that, this is why I’m saying it’s more insidious than just getting fired from a job or something. I. LinkedIn has a monopoly over the professional world, Right.
So if you want to get a job, you need to post yourself and network on LinkedIn. For the most part, I don’t need to because I have my thing going and I’m fine. But it still affects my job. If I want to see a professional, a bio. A lot of people’s bios are only on LinkedIn. I can’t even see their bio. And so I have to have people help me. I’m a journalist. I’m trying to write articles, do things. I can’t even do my job. They’ve kept me from doing my job. It’s worse than just getting fired.
Can I ask you a question? Yeah. Could you place a value of damages for that? I mean, I, you know, the psychological damage for years of doing this on top of, like, I could probably maybe put a financial thing on it. You know, let me hear it with Patreon. Kick me off. Let me, let me hear. I would say it’s probably a good half a million a year. I don’t make that now, but. Okay, good. At least a half a million a year. And so far, plus the psychological damages of not. I probably would be bigger than that.
Right. If I wasn’t by now, it would probably be even more than that. But, you know, it’s. It’s significant money, but it’s asking for a reason. But when the White House pushes for them to be open to lawsuits and that starts taking place, people like you are going to come out of the woodwork and you’re going to ask for punitive damages of 50, $100 million because it’s fairly realistic, you know? Because. Yes. Okay, wait, there’s probably a 10 million of you. You starting to understand this? What I’m saying is It’ll take about 10 years to go through the courts.
It’s going to be in the trillions of dollars. Well, I don’t think. And they’ll get bankrupt. But the thing is, is that people like me who’ve been on the front lines, we deserve some kind of retribution I don’t expect. I’m to the point where all I want is free speech to be reestablished for the sake of humanity. I’m not. I realize that the money thing is, is something that can be used as a way to fight a lawsuit and so bring it on. But for me, because I’ve been fighting this for so long and I led the, you know, ninth Circuit case, I’m to the point where I just want it for humanity’s sake to free up for my children.
And it’s not even a money, it’s for me, it’s not a money thing. It’s a humanity survival thing because we have big issues. But you, hundreds of thousands of children being trafficked, that can’t be helped because Google’s covering for them. You know, it’s, the blood on their hands is enormous. And this is why I keep saying there’s got to be consequences. The consequences are going to be financial. What will end up happening is their, their accountants are going to run the numbers after they’re 10 years into this and go, this company doesn’t exist anymore. If you guys don’t cut a deal, then there’ll be a deal cut.
But let me tell you how that deal is going to work. The people sitting on this side are going to go, we don’t give a rat’s ass whether Google exists or not because I don’t own any stock in your company. So if you’d like this company to still exist, all management step down. We bring in all new people. Those people are all going to be, you know, conservatives. Maybe Elon Musk will come in and buy Google and YouTube. I don’t know if I like that idea, but go ahead. But here’s my point is you have to start somewhere with damages to the point where the whole ship’s going to sink.
And now let’s reorganize and we’re going to get what we want. It’s the only way to do it other than just bringing in military and taking everybody out. Well, I hope you’re more, yeah, you’re more optimistic than me. I think Elon Musk’s X needs to be fixed too. I think the censorship is probably as bad as it was before. And their algorithm, if he’s truly means what he says about free speech, then his algorithm needs to reflect that and it doesn’t. Right now they’re propping up mainstream characters and it’s not what, what people think it is.
I’m very disappointed in X. I would like to see them walk their talk. If they walk their talk, then I would support it. They need to walk their talk. Be who you claim to be. That’s what I expect out of everyone. Be, be who you claim to be, Elon Musk. Be who you say you’re going to be. And if you’re not, then, I mean, why should we, anybody in the world, why should we support anybody who doesn’t be who they claim they are? That gets back to Biden. He said over and over and over again he wasn’t going to pardon his son.
And then he does. Exactly. So the Elon Musk thing, I mean, if I had a direct line to him, I give him a call and ask him why he’s not doing what he said he was going to do. But that being said, I wouldn’t even know what it is because, I mean, I, I’m not one of those people that’s on social media. What did somebody tell me that you’re going to be, what do they call it when they, when they, you know, they blackball you on social media? You know, they, you know. Well, I’m like thinking to myself, well, go ahead, I’m not on there anyway, it doesn’t matter.
I, I don’t do anything on the Internet other than what I have to do. Everything I do is real life. I don’t watch people play a game. I go play. It’s healthier. I think so, but it’s mentally healthier. You know, I’m on, I’m on LinkedIn for business. I say nothing on LinkedIn, I post nothing. If somebody says something nasty to me, I do nothing. And eventually I will when I’m ready to shut it down. But my whole, that’s what my whole family does. My kids, my husband, they’re just like hands off. Because it’s just not, not mentally healthy to engage in a, in an unhealthy system until it’s healthy.
And it truly is a community of exchange of ideas where we working out, where we can work out issues without the extremes being promoted and creating a very toxic environment. Until it is to that point, I don’t want my kids engaging in that. Yeah, I think the Internet has its pluses and it has its minuses. Certainly information exchange is definitely a plus, but people use it for bad reasons and obviously that’s a negative. So it’s, to me, I just stay away from it. I mean, I’m also the older generation, so, you know, unfortunately, I Just, I don’t get any information there.
I’ve never been on a dating site. I’ve never done anything. You’ve been on your dating site? Well, you, Are you married? Well, yes. But wait, that’s good. You haven’t been on a date. Everybody I was in my 30s and 40s and people around these. I know never, I never did any of that stuff. I wanted to meet somebody. I would, I would just go, you know, to the local bar and have a beer and start talking to people. That’s the, I mean, there’s nothing more real than actually sitting down next to somebody and having a conversation.
That’s. Everything on the Internet to me is just fake. You know, I can’t even imagine. Thank God. And I run, and I run a tech company and, and by the way, I do want to share something with you because we were talking about the media. So the media is, I said the, you know, the last time I was on your show, the media is not going to survive and it’s never going to happen. And it’s not because they’re lying. Which, you know, it doesn’t help the cause. It’s because it’s an antiquated product and the only people watching, you know, cable news are the 70 plus crowd and listening to radio on the dial.
So it’s, eventually that’s going to be gone. What’s going to replace it is you. So you’re already the mainstream media. Okay, now from the, from the media giant that actually replaces that entity, which is all the mainstream media will most likely be a global media giant by zip code. So we’re talking a hyper local news platform. It’s got to be a platform which allows millions of people to be able to contribute to the narrative and post their own news, views, opinions and classifieds, along with a monetization model like YouTube where people like you can, you know, post a video or an article and share in the ad revenue and a self service ad platform where people could buy their own ads, that that’s where everything’s going.
And what I, what I’ve been saying is, you know, I was skeptical on Trump, not because I didn’t think he was going to win by a landslide. I just feel like if I’m going to cheat in the election, I’m going to do it and win. You’re not going to stop me, okay? Because I own the Justice Department. So I was really shocked that he actually won. They allowed him to win, you know, because if, if I’m playing poker with you and I cheat on every hand you’re not going to win. So obviously it had to have been a landslide.
I think, I hope they. It’s not just some people are saying it’s a Trojan horse. I don’t think so. I think there’s such a populist movement right now to change what we’re in that if he doesn’t do some of these changes, I think we will have a revolution. I hope so, Sarah. I mean first of all, I hope he does everything that he says. But the revolution thing I don’t think is ever going to happen. I, I think those days are old, you know, are outdated. You know, it, it’s. People don’t really. No, no, no. Not shooting her.
But I think we will have a non violent which we’re kind of doing now. But if he doesn’t do anything, I think people will just come in and take it over. I just don’t. He’s going to do everything. Yeah. Just trust me. I just can’t. This man’s on a mission. He can’t not do some of it otherwise. And his censorship I, his censorship speech, if people haven’t seen that, that was what to me, that was one of. That actually brought me to tears, you know, because you were a. Everything that I’ve done. Yeah, yeah, I’m telling you that was.
And just that. And I tell other people who are anti, you know, that are questioning up. If he just does that, that can save our country. He’s, he’s going to do it, sir. I keep telling you now my prediction is he’s going to bankrupt Google over the next decade because the, the liabilities that they’re going to have to people like you, which you’re going to get involved in that class action lawsuit and the lawyers are going to tell you this case is worth this and they’re going to add it all up. I mean there’s going to be literally millions of people that want to be part of this.
It’s not good. That’s all I’m going to say. It’s very good for us because the, what will end up happening is that company will cut a deal, they’ll pay out God knows how much money, the stock will tank and then new management will come in and then you have to figure out how to fix the problem so it never happens again. What I’m doing. Yes, so what I’m doing, because I keep saying, look, what I do will ultimately be the next mainstream media. It’s bigger than me, it’s bigger than you, it’s not something I should own.
It’s something that the people should own. But it. I’m in the process of building it, and I’m doing this because I don’t want to ever have to have to go through this again. And not so much for me. It’s for my grandkids and their kids. And so. Okay, so this is really why what I do is so important, is because it has to be done. And if I don’t do it, who will? And so, you know, yes, you’ll. You might have people that do it for nefarious reasons. Because remember, they call them media moguls for a reason.
Information is power. He who controls all the information has all the power. And that’s the problem you have with the tech giants. I’m on my way to building a tech giant. What I do will ultimately be the next tech giant and the replacement of the legacy media. Well, I love the local stuff that you’re doing. It is a proven model and nobody’s doing it. And we need to get it done. But you get. Right. I mean. Yeah. And so how can. And you’ve raised a lot. Like, Sean’s helped you raise a lot of people, but you still need money.
Sean’s awesome. Sean and I have been friends for a long time. I. He’s awesome. And. But people need to. If you want a good investment, this is it. I really think, because no one else is doing it. But you have your act together. You have the financial background. You have so many connected people that are working with you. And I mean, you’ve connected me with so many people lately. I just think it’s the real deal. So how can people invest? And you talk to every single person directly who wants to invest. Can you talk about this? When they put money and I call everybody and say thank you, I think it’s the proper thing to do.
I know it’s going to start to get out of hand soon because as you start scaling up, like, you know, when I say I know everybody, I mean most of the people in this space. I know. I mean, I’ve been texting General Flynn today. Okay. So he. I want him on the. I shouldn’t say it because I’m going to surprise him with it when I talk to him this week. But I’m bringing people on who are part of the movement, who are big players in this movement. I’m not going to institutions. Like, when you raise capital, the.
If you do it properly, let me tell you who has all the money. It’s the institutions. Okay? We’re talking family offices, hedge funds, private equity firms. They get this money and they need to spend it. You can’t just have it sitting in the bank earning nothing. They’re looking for deals. So if I call you and you own a private equity firm and I say, sarah, you know, I’ve got this deal I’m doing, you’re going to go, what is it? Okay, that’s what they want to know. So once you find out what kind of deals your firm buys, then I, as a, as a deal collector, let’s say, I would then say, well, this is a biotech, so Sarah don’t like those.
I’m not going to, to bring it there. But this one is, fits right in her wheelhouse. Right. And so I’ve decided not to do that, not to go that route. And the reason is, is because the issue we face now is there are six companies that control the legacy media. And in the 80s or 70s used to be. No, I think it was in the 80s there was over 400 independent news outlets. You heard me say that before. Today there’s freaking six. You want to know why we’re in the mess we’re in? That’s because when you hear Sinclair Broadcasting all saying the same thing on every local channel, well, it’s all because it’s centralized news pumped down from one individual who’s promoting the narrative, which is the mockbird media, which is connected to the state.
Yes. And you know, for all we know, that message came from the White House, which then went to Sinclair, which then went. We don’t really know that. But ultimately that’s got to end. It’s got to end. So what? I mean, for the sake of freedom. I mean, for the sake of our humanity. Yes. Else we decentralize the news business and we democratize it so we don’t fact check a thing. You know as well as I do, if you start lying to your audience, eventually you’re going to lose everybody because everybody’s going to find out, okay, last thing you want to be is a journalist who lies because nobody will ever watch your stuff.
And if you are monetized, you will make absolutely nothing. Okay? Nothing. So the, the whole marketplace will basically just disown you and you will be gone. That’s how it works. So what we do is we’re bringing on local news reporters all over the United States. And I think I told you this, but I’m going to tell you again because I’m very excited about this. There’s almost a half a million people on LinkedIn that call themselves freelance journalists. That number 10 years ago was less than 100,000. It’s grown. It’s all basically, most of those people were people that were part of the downsizing of the legacy media.
I decided to kind of bypass them. It doesn’t mean I won’t take them. But I know that when I saw that study, 97% of the legacy media, which is radio, TV and print, vote Democrat. I went, well, there’s your freaking problem right there. So why don’t I just call all the problem back over to my platform so we can create another problem? No, I’m not doing it. So what I decided to do was communicate on LinkedIn with the student journalists because the students journalists really don’t have any. I mean, they may call themselves liberals, but at the end of the day, they have no freaking idea.
Until you get into the real world, you start paying taxes, you got kids, the gas prices. I mean, you’re nothing until journalists don’t know. You just want people who are, who, who want the truth and student journalists still want the truth. You’re gonna love this. And by the way, Sean doesn’t even know this yet, but you know how James O’Keefe, like, he’s training people how to be investigative journalists to go out and break these stories. Basically what we’re going to do is I’m going to take those journalists, those student journalists, bring them over to our platform.
Now the, the presentation that we give to them, you know, the marketing campaign is, you know, get real world experience, you know, while you’re in school. Get monetized as well so that you have a portfolio you could show your next boss. Does it doesn’t read like that. But guess what? They’re not going to be in next box because nobody’s hiring by the, in the next two or three years. You really think there’s going to be jobs available from FOX and CNN and ABC and. No, it’s so basically come to me. I’m not going to say come to me where you’re never going to leave, you’re going to stay here forever.
But that’s pretty much it. This is where it’s all going to go. So now what we’re going to do your Hotel California. Except it’s not negative. You said that. That’s what came into my mind. Keep going. So now Sean is coming on my content advisory board. Board. Okay. And Sean is a journalism major. Are you a journalism major? No, I’m business. And type and business. Okay. I’m computer science. I’m an engine computer systems engineer and business. Okay, well, here’s what we’re going to do. I got to talk to you about what I’ve done in the past.
Yes, I want to hear it. So what we’re going to do is have like zoom meetings with all the different journalists where they, we’re going to give them tips, teach them different tricks. But I’m going to, I’m certainly not qualified for this, but somebody like Sean is. So we’re gonna do a training. Oh, that’s hundreds of thousands training people. That’s great. Yes, that’s what I’m saying. I mean, how it’s gonna go, I really have no idea. This is just in the infancy, but trust me when I tell you people, you know, the marketplace is so massive for what we do, nobody has anywhere to go.
And you know, this is like I tell people, this is so easy to build because, because it’s like going fishing without a fishing pole. People are, why don’t you have a fishing pole? Well, the fish jump in the boat. I don’t need one. They just come right in. All these people need a home. They need a place to tell their stories. They need a place to be able to show their real world experience. And this is what we provide. We put the power of the press in the hands of the people. I believe in. I, yeah, I believe in what you’re doing, I’m involved in it and I really appreciate what you’re doing.
And people can invest best if they also believe in it and want to help the future and bring this to the next level. And I know you’re working with all, with great people. Where can they learn, how can they invest in this and anybody doesn’t. You can do a big hedge equity firm can invest or individual people can invest. Yeah, so what? Well, where can explain on that. So the, what we did was something called a equity crowd fund. So it’s still run through a broker dealer, but like we talked the last time, you know, nobody got a call from Silicon Valley about eBay or Amazon or Facebook when they were in their infancy, because that all goes to accredited investors and 99% of the population is not accredited.
So you basically, it’s just the 1% that can participate. Well, equity crowd funds are set up so anybody can participate, which I love. Which means I could actually talk to a private equity firm and they can make an investment in this and I could talk to somebody that can only put in a couple hundred dollars. It doesn’t matter. But we’re focused not on any institutional players. I want all the little guys. My interest is in putting this in the hands of the people and distributing it to literally thousands. You don’t want blackrock, you don’t want State street, but you don’t mind having $100 million company come in and help, right? Or.
No, actually, it depends on who it is. But. But most likely when you get to that level, you know, those types of monies are going to come in, but it’s going to be. It’s going to be strategic money, maybe for, you know, specific types of content or something like that. You know, I. I haven’t got to that level yet. Right now we’re in the building phase. What I want to do is bring on 3,000 news reporters. I think, see, you’ve gotten another. Just 50 this week. You told me, so I. At least I think I see.
I think you’re the future. I think you’re a. A fledgling, like a beginning. You’re getting in in the beginning of a Facebook, is what I’m saying. Somebody. You’re going to be massive. And so if people get in on an opportunity. I can’t sell investments, but I can tell that’s my background, business. I. I taught entrepreneurship at a university. I can see when there’s a good opportunity, and this is one of them. Sarah. What I do is inevitable. It’s going to happen whether you like it or not. It’s coming. So it needs to be us. I just happen to be the only player.
So the next step is let’s take those 170,000 journalists, the students, and let’s bring them over here and give them a home and get them working on truth. Tell us what’s going on. Well, that’s going to be Sean’s job, not mine. Okay, that’s great. Well, Sean will be good, because Sean’s his. Even if you don’t agree with his politics or with his religious background. What I love about Shawnee is a friend of mine. I know he cares about truth and honesty and integrity. Those are the nut of what we need in this country for it to flourish.
And then you can believe whatever you want around that, but you gotta have those characteristics. And then we used to be like that. If people had those characteristics, we. Those were the people I. We all hung out with. And then we didn’t care anything else about what year your individual beliefs and stuff is. As long as you’re honest, you have integrity, and you tell the truth and you’re a good person. You know, those things, those transcend everything. Yeah, we’re not going to tell the journalist who to vote for. We’re simply going to say, if you’re writing a political story, keep your opinion out.
Well, tell the truth. Tell them, here’s what happened, here’s the facts, and let the public decide. Okay. That’s it. That’s the truth. Yeah. Okay. So I’m going to have the link below. They can check it out. They can figure out how to invest in this thing. And you know what, Sam, you’re going to be coming back on a regular basis. We’re going to be talking about the news of the day, just like we did today, and talk about things. I love it. This, I always love talking to you. I have really great conversations. So. I appreciate it so much that you came today, Sarah.
I love being here. The, you know, the, and just the, the website is YourNews.com. it’s hyper local in every city in America. We do local and national news everywhere. I’m going to be on with Sarah every month, talking. I, I enjoy this a lot. I’ve told you that before. But we’ll end up fixing this problem. What I do is important. What you do is important. And just for your audience. I always explain this like this. I’m not in the news business. I’m in the platform business. Just like if, if, you know, we own a football stadium, we don’t play.
We just own the stadium. We’re in the stadium business. All the players are people like you that come in, which are the draw. And then we sell all the popcorn and the hot dogs and the beers, you know, which would be the ads in our case. But that’s it. That’s how you make money. I mean, you have to. People get upset with me about doing ads. I’m like, well, how am I supposed to pay for my mortgage and my food? That’s how you do it. And it’s like, stop it. It. And in fact, if you want to support us, maybe you should support some of the affiliates that I am advertising.
You know, it’s like, come on, guys, stop it. So when you see one of those people on the bottom, I think they’re bots or there’s somebody to undermine us because, come on, who’s that dumb? No, I agree. Yeah, the ads don’t really. I mean, they never bother me, but yeah, it’s as something has to be sort of supported by something, otherwise you don’t exist. And somebody who’s like, doing this, I don’t take money from anybody, and I’m independent and all this stuff. It’s like, come on, who’s. Who’s really paying for you and giving you all those donations doesn’t.
Who’s your big donor? Exactly. Come on. You can tell based on who they’re beating up all day long. So, anyways, I thank you so much for Sam for coming. I really appreciate it. You have a wonderful Christmas. This. Oh, yes, you too, by the way. I mean, first Tuesday at noon, right? That’s when we’re doing this. That’s when we’re doing it. Yep. So I learned the next day. 12 night time. 11 years. Yep. Okay. Okay, good. Talk soon. Have a moment for Christmas. You too. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.