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➡ The text discusses a theory that there were attempts to assassinate Donald Trump, with the Secret Service being compromised. It suggests that these attempts were part of a larger political conspiracy, with connections to BlackRock and the World Economic Forum. The text also mentions that Trump is planning to shift the economy to the gold standard, which is causing banks to hoard gold. The author believes that Trump is aware of these conspiracies and will take action against those involved.
➡ The article discusses a conspiracy involving the ‘Deep State’, the FBI, and the Secret Service, suggesting they are trying to cover up attempts on Donald Trump’s life. It also mentions the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop and its potential impact on the election. The author praises Doug Hagman’s investigative work and draws parallels between the Kennedy assassination and the alleged threats to Trump. The article ends by promoting a newsletter from the Common Sense Show.
And I’m shocked that they’re even giving him the time of day because he ain’t singing the company song. And I’m entitling this piece that we’re going to develop here. Will the real crooks please stand up? And yeah, there’s a pun there. Thomas Crooks is who we’re going to talk about, but we’re going to talk about the similarities between this case and the Kennedy assassination. And it is undeniably the same. It is absolutely incredible. No, we don’t have a limousine going into Dealey Plaza, but the Mechanics and the M.O. it just unmistakable. We’re going to get through it.
And I can tell you, folks, the threats on Donald Trump are nowhere near extinguished. And this is something that we really, really need to explore. All right, we’re brought to you by Noble Gold. Why Noble Gold? Because your economy is folding. Tropicana, major producer of orange juice, going broke, facing bankruptcy. The housing market is beginning to show signs of collapse. You got money, you’re going to be able to pick up houses on the dime cheap. Good luck trying to rent it. Who’s going to have the money? We are seeing massive unemployment. And the Democrats are saying Trump is stimulating this depression by firing all these federal workers.
Actually, no, we’re saving federal money here. No, that’s not true. But the massive unemployment very much is true. The economy is in free fall. The dollar’s on the edge of collapse. And from everybody from Ray Dalio to Jim Rickards to all the really knowledgeable and highly respected economists are saying the same thing. This collapse could happen tomorrow. It’s going to happen on a Friday. I guarantee you that it could happen today. But this collapse historically happens on Fridays, and we wake up on Monday and we lost our money that’s in the bank. Dodd Frank 2010 says they don’t have to give it back.
They can close prematurely and keep your money. That’s right. Thanks to Dodd Frank and the the Obama administration, that law was passed in 2010. I don’t know how they got away with it. Because it’s unconstitutional. The banks are buying gold faster than you can shake a stick at. And Sarah Wessel and I were talking. I thought there were a thousand banks at a risk for closing. Sarah told me yesterday her research said it’s 1600 banks and another thousand that are on the watch list. Whoa. We’re in big trouble. We’re in big, big, big trouble. I’m going to talk about how much trouble in the next presentation.
I’m going to say this right now. Everybody from Warren Buffett on down are saying, Lynette Zhang, I heard her say this yesterday. Get your money the hell out of the bank. Leave operating capital. Buy as much gold and silver as you can. Get your retirement away from the bank because they’ll steal it. You can’t start over. And you and Noble Gold will put it under your name. You’ll own it. It’ll be backed by gold, a precious metal so your asset will appreciate. As the dollar dies, gold will rise. Davehodgesgold.com is where you go to get help.
Davehodgesgold.com and today’s the day where I’ve closed the deal on something. Money coming in. Ain’t going to the bank. Read my lips. Ain’t going to the bank. Ain’t going to the bank. Dave Hodgesgold.com I’ll send you a pre information packet. Put your email address in. We are in desperate times. Well, here we go. There’s one thing the mainstream media is leaving out regarding Doug Hagman’s work. And Doug has come on my show and we discussed this. We absolutely discussed this with absolutely no holding back. And, and Doug was telling me stuff before it broke publicly. And because he knew he could trust me not to ruin his investigation by divulging things.
I did not divulge anything until Doug said, okay, it’s time. This is why people come to me with information. And if you ever get in this line of work, people, the minute you betray a confidence, you are done. I mean, they say good news travels fast and bad news travels faster. That’s true. And in this business, your reputation means everything. And over the years, I have built up trusted sources, military intelligence. I’ll just give you example. Doug Thornton, my broadcast partner in the Doug and Dave intel report. Okay, this man’s enormously talented. He’s intelligent, he’s articulate.
He’s decorated combat soldier, fought in Fallujah this guy’s a man’s man, benched over £600 in his youth. This guy is an incredible specimen. Now he told me things when he was at DHS I couldn’t reveal. You can say this, can’t say that, Dave. And I’ve been lucky that I have these people around me because I feel like I’m in a cutting edge of getting info for military intelligence industry. Many times even some of the suits in the government I hear from. Wow, you’re contacting me. Yeah, this is, I’m telling you right now, I know what happened with Trump on July 13th.
I know Doug Hagman knows. And here’s what’s being left out. Doug and I did a show when he was still with DHS and he was coming in anonymously under the name of Wrecker. And some of you say, oh yeah, that’s right, you did. Davey was very clandestine and we couldn’t identify him. Just what he did. And Doug and I said we had looked into this and I had gotten the same information he had. And he said that we’ve had meetings at DHS and we’ve talked about major assassinations, like a presidential candidate, a president, you know, that kind of thing.
And they said here’s what we know. They never want to do a Kennedy assassination deal again. Too many videos, too many cell phones. People are sensitized to the BS of the government because no one believes the Warren Commission. It’s the biggest art of fict. It’s in any library, I think what is a 26 volume set. It’s all BS and the public knows it. And they know that what they were, what were told about Oswald, complete lies. So they said they’d have to do a mass casualty event. In other words, a dirty bomb, whatever would be something goes off.
Your intended target would be your the person for assassination. But you might kill ten thousand, a hundred thousand people to get to that person that hides your intent. Oh, it’s just a terrorist act. Oh, sorry. Trump was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yeah, it’s now come out that Thomas Crooks had an accomplice. Thomas Crook was never a main assassin. The guy couldn’t even make the JV team for his high school shooting firearm stuff where they have shooting competitions. He couldn’t even make that team, he was so bad, he was terrible. And then I’ve read Doug’s interviews.
Doug has interviewed just about everybody that’s been in this kid’s life, from his college academic counselor to college instructors to high school instructors to guidance Counselors to neighbors, something happened here because this is not the kid. No one buys the narrative that knows him. I can tell you in two words what happened to Thomas Crooks. MK Ultra triggered by key words to put himself in that position, to become the obvious target. And there were probably in all likelihood, and I’m sure Doug’s going to find this as well, other shooters, we know that there’s at least one now, other shooters that were there, but some didn’t shoot because they were compromised.
We know that one did shoot from the water tower. That’s a fact. MK Ultra can produce Manchurian candidates and it ain’t hard to do. And the technology is so refined now, they don’t need the LSD that we learned about from the 60s. They don’t need any of those techniques. You can do it with ultrasonic frequencies, what we call hemisphere frequencies, and you can entrain the brain to follow it. And every emotion we have has a different frequency. And the CIA has had over 70 years to perfect this. And we know that some of the school shooters and mass shooters in public have their roots to MK Ultra type sources, including the Buffalo shooter a few years ago.
Yeah, he was groomed by an FBI agent when he was online playing games. Doug and I covered that in some detail. They wanted to blow Trump up. That’s what Doug said would happen in a major assassination. I think he probably said that as long as about five years ago. This is when he was up in Portland fighting against Antifa. We did an interview from there. He was away from home for weeks. And we talked about, yeah, this is really bad. If Trump gets reelected, this could be really bad. And I said, well, how do you think it would go down? And he simply said, this mass casualty event.
Well, Doug had this nailed. Doug found, and we talked about this on my show openly, that there were probably two vehicles. We know he knew of at least one that was armed with a bomb. And something happened and they weren’t able to execute the plan, so they had to go to a plan B, which was a Kennedy style assassination. And now the narrative is falling apart. It’s interesting too. The FBI is working with the Secret Service and they’re still covering up the events of July 13th of last year. Doug himself and his team of six investigators has been escorted out of the county twice by force and told not to come back.
Doug is, let’s say, made a connection with someone who, let’s just say this would have been able to operate a vehicle with a dirty bomb in it. And Doug and I covered that extensively. Sometime in August of last year when we did a couple of interviews together. And Doug’s right on the money with what he’s finding. And I told him I thought he was in a great deal of danger, but because we made it so public, they couldn’t make him a target. Donald Trump was the victim of a well planned orchestrated hit with Secret Service compliance.
No, the Secret Service wasn’t shooting at Trump. But one of the ways that you kill a leader of any stature is you compromise their protection. For example, it happened in Dealey Plaza. When Kennedy’s motorcade rolls into Dealey Plaza, he’s in the lead car. You can’t do that. That’s a violation of Secret Service protocols. Even in 1963. The top is down in a hostile city where Adlai Stevenson was chased down the street by people who hated him because the Kennedy, Kennedy group was for civil rights. And Texas at this time was historically anti integration. It was a hostile city.
So the top of his vehicle was down. There weren’t Secret Service agents on the vehicle as there should have been. The 113th Regiment of the National Guard from San Antonio was supposed to be on the grassy knoll. They were not. They were called off by General Lemon, who basically compromised the Secret Service. There’s windows open all through Dealey Plaza. No, no. The Secret Service supposed to by law do a walk through and they tell everyone, do not open any windows. You might not like what comes back at you, but that’s what we see. We could go on and on and on.
The vehicle when it turned from Houston onto Elm, it was going 14 miles an hour. Another violation of the minimum speed limit of Secret Service. And they were supposed to go down Main Street. And this fooled my uncle. My uncle had a tool and dye shop on Main street about two miles from the assassination. And he thought Kennedy, he didn’t get the word that they changed the parade route three days before. And the man who made the change was a guy named Cavill. Who’s that? The brother of the deputy director of the CIA that was fired along with Allen Dulles by John Kennedy for the botched obey of pigs invasion that, that Kennedy ordered not to happen.
Then Dulles, the fired CIA director, became the director of the Warren Commission’s press releases. He controlled the flow of information. I mean, this is absolutely nuts. But Kennedy’s team, his secret. His Secret Service team protection greatly compromised that day. They didn’t have a chance to save him. It was like shooting ducks in a bathtub. So what we know is Secret Service was compromised. This was a political hit. Same thing happened at Butler we’ve talked about how did crooks get on the roof, how did he carry something that was holding a gun and no one bothered to inspect him yet they were inspecting everybody else.
And then they compromised the Secret Service on the day of Butler by putting in DEI people and private contracted people and DHS people who their training for a Secret Service to protect a presidential candidate was two hours of online training. It’s a joke. It was destined to happen. And then the Secret Service didn’t do their job at mar. At Trump’s golf course. When the second assassination attempt happened, they should have walked the perimeter of the golf course. They should have been ahead of the President as he progressed to the golf course when he was playing around to golf.
They didn’t do any of that. It was only the brilliance of a Secret Service agent who saw the attempted assassin. And then there was no security perimeter. The guy escaped. Everything was contrived and coordinated within the Secret Service. And I’m wondering if we’ll ever get down to the truth. Dan Bongino has now been appointed to be the deputy director of the FBI. He was an ex Secret Service agent, highly respected and he did congressional testimony. He goes there was nothing right about this protection. So it was supposed to be mass casualty event. As Doug said know Homeland projected in his meetings.
They had on assassination profiles but they had to go to plan B which was the JFK style assassination. And that didn’t go well, but they almost got it done. Millimeter off. We wouldn’t have President Trump right now. Doug Hagman deserves a journalistic award. He’ll probably laugh at me saying this, but he does. He’s risked his life, he’s exposed things that still aren’t in the mainstream media, some of which I just talked about. And now his work’s really getting attention because it’s so thorough. Doug, when do you think they’re going to cover the attempted car bombings? Yeah, exactly.
Believe he has traced it to an individual in Arizona. Beyond that, I’m not qualified to speak on that any further. But other than what I just said, because I’m 99.9% sure I’m right on this and this other part needs to come out. I believe that if Trump is assassinated and God forbid, in the name of Jesus, God forbid, but I believe it’ll be a mass casualty event. And I mean a big one, a really big one. The deep state and the globalists that control them are desperate. They’re being defeated at every turn. And the only thing that’s slowing it down are corrupt federal judges that need to be impeached and imprisoned for compromising their oath of office.
I know that Ogle member of Congress is really leading the charge against these corrupt judges to get them impeached. This is not over, people. Trump is not safe. And that’s a fact. And you know who’s covering this up? And this is what’s really disturbing to me. What’s covering this up is the FBI. They’re blocking the investigation, that they’re the ones that have interfered with Doug, the ones that deported him from the county. And Doug keeps coming back. They can’t stop him. He hasn’t done anything wrong. And everyone in Crooks’s life says we do not believe this narrative.
And I’ll leave you with the big one. Isn’t it interesting? He ends up in a Black Rock commercial. Was it through Black Rock that MK Ultra strategies were induced? Didn’t have to be. And I don’t know if that’s true, but you sure have to ask the question, because who was the creator of ESG, BlackRock and what’s ESG about? A lot of it’s about DEI. And what’s Trump destroying DEI? Trust me, Trump knows more than Doug Hagman about this assassination. Doug, I’m not demeaning your work. It’s fantastic. It’s award winning. But Trump knows. And the reason I say that is because he’s crushing DEI at every turn.
He knows DEI was used to compromise the Secret Service that day. And DEI comes from BlackRock. Thomas Crooks had an association with BlackRock. And BlackRock’s policies tie directly into the World Economic Forum where. Where their CEO, Larry Fink is a prominent speaker and close friends with Klaus Schwab. Yeah, try that one on for size. And now that the economy is crumbling under the old fiat dollar system, Trump is going to convert us to the gold standard and probably some other basket currencies as well. And you’re saying, oh, I’m beginning to see it. Because, see, BlackRock and their two cohorts at State street and Vangu control 93% of asset management in the United States.
These businesses today are going. And Trump is going to enhance that. And anyone who wants to succeed is going to get off this corrupt system and get on to the new gold system. This is the direction we’re going. The banks know this. This is why they’re hoarding gold. People, this is. These aren’t coincidences. I mean, out there, they want you to believe there’s no such thing as a conspiracy. Like two bad men would never get together to conspire to rob a bank. It’s ridiculous. BlackRock I believe I know they’re connected already peripherally to the assassination attempt on July 13th.
I think it’s a lot more and I know for a fact that Trump is not going to sit still for this. He is absolutely going to crush the people involved. Cash Patel has no control over the FBI. How long has he been on the job? What, a week? Dan Bongino has no control. That’s about to change. Heads are about to roll and most of it is due to the stellar work of Doug Hagman who stayed on the job, kept this alive, didn’t let him bury it, and no Warren Commission kind of findings is now going to be able to cover this up.
The genie is out of the bottle and we have enemies within Secret Service, FBI. And watch out, you FBI guys, they are coming for you. And the reason that Tulsi Gabbard’s nomination was so opposed is because this has intelligence connections to it too. I’m telling you right now, Deep state organization, the Atlantic Council made up of seven ex CIA directors, the creators of the Hunter Biden, it was Russian disinformation. You know, you get the idea. You remember the Hunter Biden laptop, okay, that came from the Atlantic Council. Then they conspired to have the 51 intelligence agents say this is Russian disinfo, which really changed the course of the election.
Biden would have been done had Hunter’s laptop really come into prominence before the election. This is Deep State stuff and they’re in trouble and they know it and they’re not going to go away quietly. And people say, well, Trump, he’s really kicking butt and taking names. The man was almost murdered three times. Oh, there’s the third time. Car bombings possibility on July 13th. But then when Trump was speaking at Long island after that, four hours before his appearance at Long island, authorities found a car with a car bomb in it. Oh, but it wasn’t connected. But it was in the same area and could have killed anyone between the car and the speaker stand.
That’s three attempts an official cover up of the connection between the Long island car bomb discovery, dirty bomb, I should say, and the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on that day. It’s all coming out. And we learned from the Kennedy assassination and all of those years I put into that coming to fruition because I think I was uniquely equipped to evaluate how good Doug Hagman’s work was because of the work that I did on the Kennedy assassination. I did presentations for years and years and years and I was connected to some of the top researchers of that day, Jim Mars being the most notable.
Jim and I were friends brought to me by the late Bill Pollock, my mentor in this business. And Jim and I just kept doing shows together on this over the years and he was the most knowledgeable guy. And then I’ve been really lucky. I’ve got to interview Jim D. Eugenio today. He is now, I would say, and Jim, don’t get mad when I say this, but I look at you as like the second generation of Jim Mars and you’ve brought your own unique contributions to the Kennedy assassination. These people have made it possible for us to understand how to dissect what happened to John Kennedy.
Also how it applies to Donald Trump. People used to ask me in the 90s and I’d go speak at a Lions Club or some school and they’d say, well, this is over 30 years ago, Dave, Why? Why would you be concerned about this today? And I said if we understand how this assassination was carried out and it was largely enemies within and their allies, I said we might prevent another assassination down the road. Because we live in a society where coup d’etats replace presidents, then that negates all elections and then we don’t live in a republic form of democracy any longer.
And that used to be my standard answer. Boy, did those words ever come to roost with Butler County. Absolutely, positively, and this is how I can understand how there was a plan A, car bombs and a plan B JFK style assassination. And I’m telling you, a lot more is going to come out on this. I know Doug is not done and now he’s protected because he’s in the light of day of the mainstream media. Sorry folks, we ain’t gonna believe the car accident, the carbon monoxide poisoning. We’re not going to believe that and you know it.
Doug, great work. I’m not surprised. I’ve known Doug, like I said, For 15 years and I have to tell you, consummate researcher and the world now is finding out how good this man is. We’ll see you back here next time. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter at the common sense show.com and then you go to the newsletter link all we need your email and you’ll receive a recitation of everything we do in the previous 24 hours and people say, dave, that’s so convenient. Love it. I just have to get the email and I know what you’re following.
And I hear this all the time. Over 50,000 people are taking advantage of this service. It’s completely free of charge. All you got to do is go to the common sense show.com and put in your email.