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They were preventing me swelling up. And I used the Nana Soma gel, now called the Nana Soma gel, and topically put it on the affected areas. Within weeks, I had relief today. Last night I did a hard leg workout. I feel no ill effects today in my legs, other than sore muscles, which is a good feeling. You know that story there, but there’s something else that I wanted to show you. I wanted to show you this. There’s even support for your animals. Look at this right here. This beautiful creature right here, our best friends.
Look at the skin damage here. Applying the Nana Soma products. Look at it here. There’s support for your pets. In fact, when I interviewed Sean McDonald the other day, the North American general manager for magic die call, he was talking about his pet and what he had done. So there’s now support for your animals. These products work by strengthening your immune system. They don’t cure anything, but they help your body naturally cure things. All you got to do is go to Iwantmyhealthback.com slash Dave Hodges. I want myhealthback.com slash Dave Hodges. In the last segment, I said we’re going to come forward with some information here to show you why you really need to stay engaged and stay involved.
Okay. The news of the day is this, is that the federal buyouts from bloated federal bureaucracies with unproductive, unneeded positions in people has now been resumed over the previous injunction against doing so. First of all, that injunction was illegal under article two, section two, the president has control over the executive branch. He can fund, he can defund, he can assign, he can reassign, and there ain’t nothing anyone can do about it except a corrupt judge, Judge O’Toole. Now in the last segment, I said the one thing you can do to help turn around America from a frightful future economically, politically, but mostly economically right now, as the president, as I pointed out, is getting blame after 22 days of presidency for the inflation figures created by the previous four years of purposeful mismanage it with the intent of destroying this country.
Well, that’s not a conspiracy theory. You can’t get this many things wrong and not have intent behind it. So what I talked about was I’m going to, I said, you have to stay engaged. That’s my major point from the last segment in that material. I’m going to give you an example of today of what I’m talking about. This Judge O’Toole, and what a great name that is because he is an old tool. I’ll tell you, he is a tool, a corrupt tool, a corrupt democratic judge, ignoring the constitution. But then all of a sudden the Trump people started to say, we’re going to launch investigations into this judicial activism that violates the constitution and we’re going to pry into every corner.
Are there kickbacks? Are there bribes? Is there blackmail? Whatever it is. And then the public started to express some outrage over this. What do you mean you can’t cut unproductive jobs, people that won’t go into the office? How many of you, my fellow Americans, could keep your job and not have to show up for work unless you started out that way and it was determined like you’re some computer expert, you can work from home. With those minor exceptions, generally speaking, if you got a job to perform, you need to be at a desk or in a cubicle, and you need to be following orders of those above you, and you need to carry out that job to the best of your ability and fulfill the time commitment and task commitment assigned to that position.
You wouldn’t keep your job for two seconds with that attitude. So why should federal employees be exempt from normal market behavior, market standards, employment conduct? Why should they be exempt? They should not. And all of a sudden we started to hear talk about we’re going to investigate these judges. And Judge, what a tool he is, came out yesterday and said, well, I’ve changed my mind. The unions that brought those lawsuits don’t have standing. Well, wait a minute. Let’s talk about this lying judge of tool. If they brought the lawsuit, before he made the ruling, shouldn’t he have determined if they had standing to bring the lawsuit prior to issuing the injunction? Well, of course, that’s what common sense dictates.
But the Democratic Party and common sense are mutually exclusive terms. And he went ahead and made this ruling and now he’s trying to create a fallback position. Well, maybe I should have considered this. And so therefore Trump, you can go ahead and fire the unproductive and the waste and bloated and abusive spending that the American people have had done to their tax contributions to our country. The judge still needs to be investigated. He needs to be held out as an example. Now he should be presumed innocent. He’s not in my mind, but across the legal board, he should be presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.
But when you see these kinds of fifth grade logic entering into judicial decisions that affect hundreds of billions of dollars of wasteful spending, you have to ask, what’s he getting out of this? We know the line items from USAID. A lot of it includes kickbacks. That’s what these judges need to be investigated for. Are they being bribed for some complicit behavior they wouldn’t want the tool would, you know, maybe not be guilty. But he sure as hell should get under the microscope. Now let’s go back to what I said in the previous segment.
I said the one thing that you can do to help save our country is to be actively involved. See, to me, if I wasn’t behind the microphone or on the camera or writing an article, I would be going and I’d be searching for everything about judicial activism that applies to what I’m talking about. And I would share it with all my friends. I’d share it generally. And you’ve done your job. You’ve created the pressure filled environment from which good people in government feel empowered by a mandate from the public to investigate these corrupt officials and judges.
And then we need to prosecute them to the full extent of the law when wrongdoing is uncovered. This is how we get our country back. Donald Trump can’t do it alone. And I’m going to give you a couple of examples of what I’m talking about right now. Gold companies across the board. By the way, I’m getting offers to advertise for other gold companies because they’re hurting like hell. Now I have an exclusive, my idea, agreement with noble gold. I think they’re absolutely the best. I am a customer of noble gold. So therefore, when I tell you these things, and by the way, you can find out more by going to Dave Hodges, gold.com.
I have to say no, someone even called my wife on her cell phone yesterday from a gold company and they’re based in Tucson and they wanted to talk to me about gold. They obviously wanted to hire me and can’t do that. I won’t do that. I can’t. I don’t want to. Noble gold is the best. But that shows you gold’s in trouble and they’re trying to recruit me because I’ve produced pretty well for noble gold. So modestly saying I tend to be a desired commodity for a gold company. If noble gold were to burn down in the LA fires, I’d have no shortage of offers with gold.
I’m not bragging. I’m just saying that’s a fact. Now, having said that, why is this a fact? This is what you need to consider. Gold’s at $2,800 an ounce. It’s going to plow through 3,000. Why aren’t people buying gold? The sales are down by 90%. And I can tell you why. And I’m not saying that’s what noble gold’s deal is. I’m saying across the board, everything combined. Some are better off than others. Some are doing okay. Some aren’t doing okay. Why? Because some people are just stupid. They react on emotion. Donald Trump got elected.
That’s all we need. Just sit back. It’s easy street. Do you want a margarita? Go back to sleep. It’s just fine. Oh, 2020 will never come back again. And the Democrats are permanently defeated. So we won’t have the communist influences in our government. Are you kidding me? That has to be the dumbest ass thing I’ve ever heard of. But that’s how people are reacting. Across the board and everything. Let’s just look at things like food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine, and tools. A basic survival kit for the breakdown of society or an economic collapse.
Why wouldn’t you be prepared? Going back to the colonial days, we had the Minutemen. We don’t know when hell is going to break out. But by gosh, we’re going to be ready because we’re going to train people to be part of a militia to defend their community. Why wouldn’t we do the same thing now? And I don’t necessarily mean just a militia, but I’m talking about taking care of your individual family’s survival. Food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine, and tools. The dollar could still collapse, and it may be too late for Donald Trump to do anything about it, but that’s the one man that can resurrect the economy.
But if you think that’s a 22 day job into your office, that’s ridiculous. But that’s what Chuck Schumer said, as I pointed out in the last segment. Donald Trump’s responsible for inflation after 22 days in office. Okay. Food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine, and tools. Why? Why wouldn’t you preserve what you have? Now, if you’re living hand to mouth, I get that, and I’m sorry, and I hope things improve for you. But on the other hand, we’re talking about people who have the ability to further enhance their safety and survival in the midst of any crisis.
And you don’t think the Democrats are going to pull crisis? Let me remind you, we have 8 million Godaways in this country. And with all the federal money thrown at an illegal alien over American citizens, illegals over veterans. Okay. Why would anyone refuse that? Why would they become a Godaway? Because they’re a terrorist. They’re a cartel member. They want to avoid discovery. They’re a murder. They’re a rapist. They’re a bank robber. Whatever it is coming into their past, they’re those things. And we have 8 million of them in our country. And then of course, I reported about 10 days ago, the interdicted ammunition shipments in large volume in Arizona headed north into the interior of the country.
Well, gee, who would that be going to? It’s not going to the National Guard. It’s not going to the Marine Corps. It’s going to the Godaways. The Godaways that want to kill as many Americans and disrupt our life. I fear attacking schools, massacring children. And as horrible as that sounds, it’s more horrible not to consider it. And yet America is not taking steps to continue to prepare for tough times ahead. Donald Trump’s managing in an absolute crisis. And because they’re kicking butt on Doge does not mean that all the other threats created by the Biden administration have been mitigated.
They have not been mitigated. And you need to do your part. You need to assume personal responsibility. In case you haven’t noticed, FEMA has been a joke, sending $59 million for upscale hotels for illegal aliens, why they have veterans living on the street in New York City. What’s wrong with that picture? So therefore, I come back to you and I say this, and you need to hear me and hear me clearly. Take responsibility for yourself and your family. Don’t expect Trump to do it all for you, or we’ll be right back where we were in 2020.
And this time, there’ll be no Trump to come and bail us out. Trump will eventually win, but he needs us on our side. And we need to be a mobilized, vengeful force for justice, willing to put people in Congress, corrupt judges in prison for the crimes they committed, and then try people like General Milley for treason and put him in Gitmo. Oh, I’ll have to notify my Chinese counterpart if we’d ever attack them. Yeah, thank you, Milley. So standing behind your soldiers, so you greatly increase the casualty rate. That’s treason. He needs to go to Gitmo.
We have to have a resolve as a nation. We’re taking no prisoners here. We’re going to enforce the rule of law fairly and apply our system of justice as intended. But the people who violated the trust of this country need to pay for it with their freedom and their assets. Do you not agree? Okay. Well, knowing that the bad guys are still out there planning to do bad things, like sending ammunition into the interior of the country in large volume, you know what the hell that’s meant for food, water, guns, gold, ammo, natural medicine, and tools.
And gold, I look at it and say, why would you trust the dollar? It’s in huge difficulty. Huge. Why would you trust it? You shouldn’t. So therefore, we all collectively, me included, I’m talking to myself as well as to you, but we need to be vigilant and we need to be prepared and we need to be vocal in our support for the policies of Donald Trump, which I’ve seen very little that I disagree with. I don’t, I’m not in love with Gaza. Okay. And I think they’re backing away from that because they realize the public isn’t either.
But if you look at everything else they’ve done, it’s all about helping you and me. This is the best populism I have ever seen in my lifetime. I think it exceeds what the great Ronald Reagan did. Of course, he had a trilaterals in his staff that he couldn’t totally overcome. Donald Trump, look at who he’s appointing. He’s appointing the disruptors to bring justice back to America. Do your part, America. Prepare yourself. I don’t need to be lined up with people with liabilities that could be compromised. You need to make sure your family is properly prepared.
This is your responsibility, not Donald Trump. And then you have a mandate to get involved. It’s going to take all of us to save this country. I’m Dave Hodges, sign up for our newsletter and it’s a everything we did kind of communication that comes to you by email once a day, late in the afternoon, early evening, depend on your time zone. And we go back over what we’ve covered in the previous 24 hours. That’s the commonsenseshow.com is where you go upper right hand corner in the newsletter link, click it on. And the only required field is your email.
And the very next day you’ll get an update of everything we do every 24 hours, even on holidays, even on Christmas, because the system is automated. The commonsenseshow.com join us over 50,000 people are partaking in this and they love it because it’s one stop shopping and it’s very convenient. [tr:trw].