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➡ Doge has started an investigation into fraud and misuse in social welfare programs like SNAP, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The investigation has revealed that funds from these programs are being sent overseas to terrorists in Yemen and Somalia. This fraud is being committed through fake grocery stores and farm stands that launder funds from EBT cards. Doge is now working with an independent investigator to further expose these fraudulent activities.
➡ Elon Musk, on behalf of Donald Trump, is focusing on eliminating fraud in public assistance programs like Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and SNAP, not cutting benefits. The aim is to ensure the money goes to deserving American citizens, not to fraudulent activities. Meanwhile, Democrats are accused of spreading misinformation about benefit cuts. In other news, recently released JFK files reveal potential corruption within the U.S. government, particularly the CIA, which will be discussed in a later broadcast.


Doge has launched a new investigation into a new target and it’s producing stunning results and it really backs up to treason. There’s no question about it unless we think the hoodies are our allies or the people in Somalia that attack international shipping, including United States ships or our allies. This is shocking, shocking stuff. You’re going to want to see it. Hey, we are brought to you by Noble Gold. I just have one question for you. Very brief. Do you have your retirement affiliated with the bank? 401k? IRA? Do you have? Yeah. Well, okay, 660 plus banks are on the watch list.

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It’s a fact. Okay, I’m going to go right to the story here and I’m going to read some excerpts here from a report that’s coming out of what Doge has done. Okay, so this is now official government reporting. Some people won’t like the fact that this is being exposed publicly. Too late. It’s already out there. We’re going to start amplifying the message. Doge is going after waste, fraud, and abuse. I think we can add treason to that list now too. And I want you to hear this. They’re going after social welfare programs, including SNAP, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

We’ve already heard about Social Security. Paying people that are 300 years old, Social Security benefits. People who also have been alive longer than the country. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. It’s total fraud. Total when you encounter something like this. It’s amazing. Okay, so they’re calling this the drill down. And the drill down podcast first exposed this, but it’s now in print and it’s everywhere. All right, here we go. I’m going to just read to you directly. The United Council on Welfare Fraud. Andrew McClellan is among other things intergovernmental committee co-chair for an organization called the United Council for Welfare Fraud.

He’s investigated fraud in the food stamp program, including one bus several years ago that stopped a $100 million fraud scheme in South Florida. The group is made up of welfare fraud investigators from every state. So this is a broad based coalition. I think when you take very seriously what they have found, but they’re not the only ones that have found this. I’m just using this because I think they’re the best example. In 2018, GAI published a report on the fraud in the SNAP program. That’s a shame. SNAP is designed to help people that don’t have enough to eat.

We don’t want people to starve to death in our country. SNAP is good until it’s not. Okay, McClellan followed a source and he found stolen funds from the SNAP program. Listen to this. We’re being sent overseas to terrorists in Yemen and Somalia. It documented how criminals have gained the program to set up false grocery stores and farm stands for the purpose of laundering funds from EBT cards that are loaded each month with funds from the SNAP program. The bad news is that nothing much was done to curb the fraud. It’s the Biden administration. What do you expect? The good news is that Doge appears to be listening now and learning fast.

So this independent investigator that had done government contracts on fraud, waste, and abuse in other areas prior to Doge, prior to Trump is now being enlisted by Doge and say, tell us what you know about these organizations. We’ve already talked about they claim they have found fraud. Now, if something comes out to counterman that, okay, to conflict with that report, we’ll happily report that. It doesn’t appear to be anything. And like I said, this is being reported now in multiple sources. All right, let’s go on and we’re going to quote from Elon Musk here. He cites a stat that says there’s a half a trillion dollars in fraud going on.

McClenahan tells host Eric Eggers of the drill down podcast. According to the GAO’s own figures, there’s anywhere from 230 billion to 520 billion in fraudulent payments across the board. So the money is there if we just care to look for it. I’m going to step aside and digress for a minute because I’ve been covering this one judge and his conflicts of interest involving his daughter, which he should have recused himself in the case. We have the statutes for all judges say you can’t you have to avoid even the appearance of wrongdoing or conflict of interest. And when your daughter is working against the means of the US government by representing MS-13, ISIS, TDA to avoid deportation, they have a judge that rules on that very issue.

I think I think we see is clear case here. Okay, I digress there because I wanted to point out that I expect judges to step in here from the left. They’re going to stop this investigation. They’re going to order the stoppage of it. The continuation of the funds. We’ve already seen $2 billion in USA by the Supreme Court ruling with Amy Coney. I used to be a conservative Barrett and Judge Roberts. I’m compromised to the hilt and maybe this is why key documents aren’t coming out. These two supposedly conservatives voted with all the evidence we had a fraud contained in the $2 billion ordered the resumption of the payment of the $2 billion for fraudulent purposes.

That’s our Supreme Court. I’m not sure where we’re going to go for justice. The evidence here is very, very clear. $520 billion and we have multiple sources now picking up on this. It started with McClennahan. But now you’ve got multiple sources involved. Is there any doubt that this is true? I’m looking here at a couple of more facts here and it’s basically the same thing. OK, I want to give you a little bit on McClennahan’s background because he’s the first mover in this expose. He said that when I’ve investigated this, it was denied, denied, denied, shift the narrative, not give up the funds.

Excuse me, the paper that would show the funds. He said before my current role, I ran Florida’s public assistance efforts and program integrity. And when we exposed some of the worst case fraud and program history, the response was, well, yeah, that’s a problem in Florida. Well, he’s saying it’s a problem across America. Not only was the federal government sweeping the problem under the rug when this was first identified in the Biden administration, the G.A.I.’s report shows that states are rewarded when they kept their fraud rates artificially low. So states had an incentive not to report this.

I guess a really important point. I can’t believe they got away with doing this. Let’s take a look at the Farm Bill for a second. Until the 2018 Farm Bill states that states receive a bonus for expanding the program and getting more recipients on to public assistance. OK, Romanian organized crime was involved at EBT card fraud. In Minnesota, a network of Hualas, an informal Middle Eastern form of wire transfer system, reported that they allowed funds acquired from EBT fraud to be required to be wired to terrorists in Somalia. This is treason. Anyone connected to this is guilty of treason.

Somalia is listed as a do not travel to state. They’re declared terrorists. That makes them an enemy of the United States. If they were apprehended by our government, they could fall under the NDAA, which is what I think Trump should be doing with MS-13 and those groups. But they could be declared to be enemy combatants and they have no civil rights under the law. They have no legal authority to even be represented. They can be held indefinitely. I’ve been opposed to this since 2011 when Obama brought it in. But now it may serve a beneficial purpose because this is where these people should end up if we can’t get the cooperation of honest judges.

Where are the honest judges that are going to overrule these rulings? But the problem is, I don’t trust Amy Coney Barrett or Judge Roberts and that gives the people that support these programs an advantage in Supreme Court rulings. This is bad, bad news. Let me continue here. Going after the fraud and programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP is not the same thing as cutting benefits. So Elon Musk is drawing a line right here on behalf of Donald Trump. He’s saying, we’re going after the fraud. We’re not going after the institutions. We’re going after where the money is going.

The money should not be going to Somalia. It should not be going to Yemen to support the hoodies. It should be going to American citizens who are in need of public assistance. No one’s objecting to the program and the legitimate use of the money for who the program’s intended to fund. But we’re talking fraud. If we were going to France, we wouldn’t be calling it terrorism and treason. It would simply be embezzlement, misappropriation and fall under criminal statutes. This is fraud leading into terrorism because of who the recipients are. I’m going to continue with this. Politically, Democrats see a potential wedge issue if they can persuade large numbers of Americans their benefits will be cut.

So, hey, look, Doge is going after SNAP. You’re not going to get the money for your EBT cards. That’s not what they’re doing. And I want to emphasize this. This is a bold face lie put forth by the Democrats. They’re going after the fraud and they want to get the money back to put it to the people that deserve it. So anything benefits would increase. And by the way, this fraud is when it’s five hundred and twenty five billion dollars, it’s big enough to cause cutbacks. This is absolutely incredible. By the way, in a related issue here, and I’m going to develop this later, did you know that in the Kennedy files, the JFK files that were just released on Tuesday, did you know that many of the splinter organizations connected to the Deep State today, such as the Atlantic Council, do you know that they’re funded by the CIA? I’m sorry.

That’s in the CIA documents. You don’t have to believe me. You just have to look at what files are coming out. Like I said, I think the Kennedy assassination material will largely be a nothing burger. It won’t give us anything new. It’ll tease a few things, but it won’t directly implicate the CIA if they were indeed involved. Why? Because they’ve had the files for 60 years. Why would you not doctor them to basically save yourself a public relations nightmare and further investigation from outside agencies? So I don’t expect anything of value to come with regard to the JFK assassination.

But other things are coming out that are very, very, very interesting. And we’re going to talk about what I have found to be interesting in a later broadcast today. And I said we’re going to continue to do the Kennedy files as long as it’s newsworthy. And although we may not learn much about who killed John Kennedy and why from these files, we are going to learn about the corruption inside the U.S. government, particularly the CIA. Is the CIA involved in this? I haven’t been able to make the connection yet, but it is an avenue that I’m going to look at.

This is just absolutely amazing, folks. You live in a country that’s been governed by criminal enterprise. This couldn’t go on without federal government turning a blind eye to it or actively moving to cover it up or actively participating in it. I can’t say which one of the three is the most common. I suspect as we go deeper into this, we’re going to find all three elements are in play, but one will predominate. And I have a feeling it’s the blind eye that will predominate. People don’t want to be implicated. Anyway, there you go. Trump is not going after welfare.

He’s going after welfare fraud. And if he can catch some of that money and get it back, the welfare recipients will be better off. And so will we who pay the taxes. That’s it for the Common Sense Show. We want to thank you for joining us. Make sure that you sign up for our newsletter. And it’s really cool because it’s one stop shopping. You know what you get with it? A recapitulation for the last 24 hours. You say is everything you do. Well, except for what we put on the TV show, like our hip series is going exclusive to our TV show at the common sense show TV.

But everything else. Yes. Also, too, we appreciate your Patreon donations. Simply go to Patreon. Look up the Common Sense Show and you can make your donation. We do appreciate that. We’ll see you back here next time. God bless everybody. [tr:trw].



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