Deep state bioweapons and Gavin Newsome connection. Russia warns on bioweapon labs in Africa

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➡ The discussion revolves around the skepticism towards vaccines and their potential side effects. The speakers express concern about the increasing number of vaccines recommended for children and the rise in conditions like autism and ADHD, which they believe may be linked to vaccinations. They criticize the lack of liability for vaccine manufacturers and the lack of tracking of children’s health post-vaccination. They also express regret for not questioning the necessity and safety of vaccines earlier.
➡ The speaker believes that vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccine, are harmful and may lead to conditions like autism. They argue that vaccines interfere with the body’s natural immune system and could lead to early death. They also suggest that society is being brainwashed into accepting vaccines and other medical interventions without question. The speaker advocates for a more natural approach to health and wellness, including the use of certain wellness products and patches.
➡ The speaker discusses the benefits of using patches for nutrient delivery, emphasizing that even if users don’t feel immediate effects, the patches are still working to improve health. They also discuss the concept of money and debt, suggesting that our understanding of these concepts is flawed. The speaker then criticizes California Governor Gavin Newsom for declaring a state of emergency due to bird flu in dairy cows, questioning the validity of this claim and accusing Newsom of not upholding his oath of office. The speaker encourages listeners to question narratives and take action against perceived injustices.
➡ The speaker discusses their dissatisfaction with government officials not upholding their oaths, particularly in relation to the Constitution. They also delve into their Scottish heritage, discussing historical figures like Robert the Bruce and William Wallace. The conversation then shifts to the topic of Israel and the belief that the Scots and possibly even Native American tribes are part of the lost tribes of Israel. Lastly, they discuss the COVID-19 vaccination, noting a lower rate of complications among Jewish communities.
➡ An ancient version of the Ten Commandments was found in Navajo Indian territory in New Mexico, suggesting a connection between the Navajo and the Houses of Israel. The text also discusses theories about RH blood type, suggesting it could be ‘alien’ blood. The conversation then shifts to bioweapons, with the speakers suggesting that outbreaks of disease are not natural but are caused by the release of biological weapons. They also discuss the use of chemtrails, which they believe are used for weather warfare and population control.
➡ The text discusses the use of venom in vaccines and its potential negative effects. It also mentions the use of venom in ancient Greek medicine and speculates about its possible use for population control. The conversation then shifts to the concept of biofilm in vaccines, which is believed to protect harmful spike proteins. The text ends with a discussion about a product called Cardio NF, which contains nano curcumin and fermented garlic, believed to help deactivate harmful spike proteins.
➡ The article discusses a new health supplement that uses fermented nutrients, including turmeric and curcumin, to quickly deliver benefits to the body. The supplement bypasses digestion and enters the bloodstream in seconds, making it highly effective. The article also emphasizes the importance of maintaining good health, especially in times of financial strain, and suggests that investing in such supplements can be a beneficial step towards better health. Lastly, it mentions ongoing specials in the store for these health products.


Jacob, with unleashing the tuition secrets, have Raphael Conquista with us again. So the bioweapon stuff is, you know, deep state. They don’t like Trump. They’re going to try everything they can to stop him. Bioweapons have been obviously one of their tools in the past. I don’t know how effective they’re going to be, whether this time probably going to throw everything at us that they can. What, what are your thoughts on it? Man? I think they have been. And we haven’t noticed until recently. If we really go back into like vaccine history, even antibiotics, we could spend, we could spend a whole show, Michael, just talking about antibiotics and how those really were the first real true, great bioweapon rollout.

Yeah. But, but the fact they really were. And because they’ve actually changed our genome, they we now. Matter of fact, Dr. Fleming, who won the Nobel prize for antibiotics, told all his colleagues at the Nobel Laureate at his speech, don’t use them. Wow. Yeah. So they have this. So who funded him? Was that the. The Rockefellers or. Oh, yeah, yeah. So, yeah. Well, he was like, you know, just a. Just how their racket works is when somebody discovers something, even if it doesn’t work, they buy the rights. Like large pharma buys all the rights from him and then they’re out of the loop.

So he’s just a research scientist. So pharma buys the thing and so they make a lot of money. And then while he’s out there saying don’t use it, he has no voice now because now pharma has moved on and they control the media and they’re promoting this like this is our now our infection savior. And of course we had all kinds of tools at the time that, that with just a little more research like we have today, natural, natural ingredients, things that are right in our store can. Can annihilate both acute and chronic infections. Yeah. Where there’s, you know, vaccines, if we look back all the way through time, smallpox, anything you can, you can think of.

Basically humanity was basically becoming, you know, through natural process, we were becoming immune to it. And then they throw in the vaccine, says, oh, we did it. But it’s never been that way. And I have to, I have to confess that it’s very sad on, on like our part that we didn’t recognize it earlier because now it’s like, I guess that’s typical. You being a warrior, could probably talk about this with, with people groups where it has to come to like a super emergency before we do anything about Anything. And here we are where vaccines. Like, it blows my mind that today the vaccine schedule for infants at 15 months is 27.

It’s unfathomable. One of those. I don’t need any of them. Not one. Not one. And, you know, through our show and, and through, of course, other. Other doctors that have been really, you know, stepping out about this, a lot more people now are seeing and they’re regretting like I am of having ever done any vaccinations or pushed any vaccinations on my kids. So what. What do you think, what do you think’s gonna be the turning point where people finally see that vaccines are a scam? Well, if they have. They’re not starting to ask questions. Just, you know, I don’t think you have to do a lot of research.

You just go, let’s see, my child needs. Needs two of these a month for the next 15 months. Really? Really? Otherwise my child will be, like, not healthy. Really? Really? Like, it seems that simple to me now. It’s like, it’s gotten so gross that it simplifies it for us just to go, really? We really need 30 vaccines by the. By the 16th month. Really? I think it’s like, insane. It is totally insane. And then, and then I think the second biggest thing for parents, grandparents and stuff is even if we don’t get into this argument about, you know, whether they work or not and all that stuff, the traditional baloney arguments that mainstream and the pharma wants us to be fighting each other over, is this question.

Like, they, they’re really good at track and tracing. You know, look at the vaccine charts, and they’re like, oh, you got to have 27 by 15 months. But there’s no tracking and tracing. And this is my second question to everybody. There’s no tracking and tracing for your child’s health after they get a vaccine ever. They have, they have this reporting agency, vaers, and so they say, well, if you have, if you have an adverse reaction, you contact your doctor. Yeah. He’s gonna say, yeah, that your. Your kid died because of the shot I gave him. Yeah, your kid has the.

He’s in the syndrome. He has autism now because of the shot I gave him. Can you imagine the liability? So bears is a joke because it’s because they don’t have any liability thanks to Ronald Reagan, unfortunately. I don’t know if he was seen all the time or what the heck happened to him, but they, they got him to sign an agreement that vaccine companies, once they come out, and, And I guess it’s child proof or whatever where they can give it to children. From that point on, they’re not. No longer. That’s why they push so fast to get kids to be vaccinated, to get it approved for kids who get vaccinated for COVID 19.

Because at that point, they no longer have liability. Right. That’s the perception that they don’t have liability. So it neutralizes those parents from like, oh, you know, you parents that have injuries. And almost 100% of our kids have injuries. Whether we recognize them or not intuitively, we. We really ought to recognize them spiritually, intuitively. We should know. When I think back, for example, Michael, on my. And my kids, we’re taking our kids in for this, well, baby visit. And then sitting there and. And what we would otherwise on the street. I know Michael would do this otherwise on the street.

If. If somebody approached his little kid and this kid was screaming, that would be the end of that guy. But somehow, mysteriously, we. We neutralize all of our fatherly intuitions, our instincts and our motherly instincts when we let this guy, you know, to a screaming child, we let him inject him with this stuff we don’t even know anything about. We have an ass go, this is like, this is one of my soapboxes. And I’ll just, I’ll rock on this one because I hate these people. This is pure evil. And over time and brainwashing, we’ve. Here we are now with biological weapons releases that are so profound that it’s like unreal, out of control.

And it looks like, you know, our only strength is just, hey, stay away from my space. Yeah. Autism is. Someone unfortunately had. Their granddaughter has really bad autism, they say in the chat. But if you go back, you know, this is one of the things that Robert Kennedy has talked about quite a bit. If you look at the autism rates and how they have significantly increased per the vaccination increases, you go back to like, you know, our time frame, 60s and 70s, it was 0.45 per 1,000. Yeah. And then 1 per 1,000 in the 80s, which is a massive increase, which is doubling.

And then today there’s 23 per 1000. So it’s a dramatic increase in autism rates. And what’s. What’s different? What’s different for kids? It’s the vaccinations, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And back to that, you know, tracking, tracing. So why. Why the experts even don’t even ask the questions. So here’s all these brilliant medical guys, right? The brilliant, right, brilliant statisticians. And nobody even asked the question, so how come these stats went up? Well, it must be, you know, your parents. So, yeah, it’s pretty stupid. We’ve gotten so smart. We’re stupid. And that’s, that’s partly why I’m sort of like in this place because of the quantum forensics test where I can get to see everything energetically.

I’m less interested in science. And don’t misunderstand me, I think we have some really beautiful science today. But I’m a little less interested because so much of it is fraud. We talked like six, eight months ago about the, the British Medical Journal. The editor said like 50, 60% of all medical science is complete fraud. And, and so here we are and it’s just marketing. So all of, all of what we think we know is hot air that’s just been marketed over time and, but not anymore. We’re not buying it anymore. And it’s a beautiful time as far as that goes.

It’s just a difficult journey and trying to awaken people because, because our egos are in the way. We don’t want to. As a dad, I don’t want to, I don’t want to say, yeah, I participated in my child’s own injuries. Yeah, my child suffering today, that’s a very difficult thing to manage, to deal with internally and, and really only being in the love vibration can enable us to do that. Yeah. So even someone was saying adhd, ADHD issues are very, very high now. And I think a lot of kids that they say have ADHD and they want to give them drugs.

They’re, they’re really just, you know, hyper kids and like, I mean, what kid isn’t hyper? But they want to, like, control them in school so they, they sit still and, and get, you know, brainwashed. So that’s, that’s a problem, I think with a lot of these, you know, vaccines and then drugs that they give kids and so forth. They really want to control the kids on a massive level. So autism, I looked at the symptoms. Social communication challenges, restricted interest in routines, sensory sensitivities, emotional regulation problems. You see a lot of, a lot of that with people that have autism problems.

They just start, they just get unwound real easily. Literal language interpretation, social anxiety and isolation, inflexible thought patterns and then exceptional abilities. This would be a positive one. But this is basically outlining the, what, you know, happens when autism takes over. Exceptional abilities and talents so they can really focus themselves. But all the other problems, emotional anxiety and, you know, wow. Just all those different things. You can’t, they can’t focus on certain things. It’s wow, that’d be really tough and knowing like we just talked about, if you get your kids like 72 vaccinations and then they come up with autism, you gotta like really look at yourself and, and say wow, maybe I was part of that.

Hello? Yeah. Yeah, well, if you’re on the schedule, I mean I, I hate to say this, but it has to be said. If you got your kid on the schedule, he’s gonna die far, far younger. If he had a, you know, a normal lifespan of 70 to 90, he’s probably going to die at 50, if not sooner. It’s going to be miserable because we’re seeing not just now. It’s really. Michael. It’s been happening from day one. It’s just been managed better until now. It’s almost like now they feel like they don’t have any restrictions because government, government today like really has no accountability.

I don’t want to talk about that. But, but so our, our children are being injured, like incredible. And I think even Elon Musk, thank God, somebody saying, hey, we’re at a negative population gross growth which means our race is going to expire if we don’t turn this around. And one of the things that we have to do as God’s kids is, is stop doing what the satanic beings that are trying to, they’re acting, they’re pretending to lead us are telling us to do. We have to get back and listen to what God’s telling us to do and, and, and take care of our own families and our own health and stuff nutritionally and relationally and stuff like that.

I have this quick thought about like these little, these downs kids where they’re like super intuitive. I think they’re almost like their, their inhibitions are kind of gone and so their intuitions tend to show up and they’re many times like amazing and precious and, and intuitive. Like we’re all that way, but we have all these fears and inhibitions so we should actually sort of become like them, more like them. Without getting vaccinated. Of course. Yeah. So the vaccination, obviously we’ve talked a lot about the, you know, the COVID vaccination, how unbelievably detrimental it is. Vaccine acquired immune deficiency is one of the biggest things that’s happening right now with the new, you know, COVID 19 vaccinations.

So basically it takes over from your own body’s natural immune system. So herd immunity is basically a thing of the past for a lot of people that have been vaccinated with COVID 19 and then the boosters and so forth. So we’re seeing a lot of people having issues, and I think that’s going to grow. I think in the future. The. We’re going to have. We’ve talked about this. Unfortunately, we’re going to see a serious die off for a lot of people. Now we, we talk often about, you know, the, the intuitive wellness products, how they can reverse a lot of this stuff and completely reverse it.

The. The patches, likely patches. But getting people to do this is. Is so freaking difficult. It’s real. And I see, I see people in the chat talking about it as well, giving it. I mean, my kids, I have to like, do you have your patches on today? And, uh, my daughter’s like real. And she got vaccinated. She got one vaccination because, uh, she wanted to do the concert. She’s in California girl, and she wanted concerts. Uh, and she wanted to go to school without having to be. Having to be, uh, get the. The test twice a week.

She was in college, unfortunately. So I pushed it, pushed it hard and she basically succumbed. She got real sick when she got the vaccination and she refused to get any more. Good for her. But still getting people to do. She’s used the patches and has had good results. But to keep. Keep people on the lifeway patches. And I know Denise, we have her link in here. People want to like, get the patches through her. She’s in my team. But it’s. It’s very difficult. Why. Why is that? I mean, there’s so much information out there now. You have to be completely closed and almost to the point of.

I hate to say it, but it is true. People that are. Don’t have information or can’t take information are idiots. All right, so what. What, what, what? Man, that’s such a good. That’s such a good topic because we see it. It’s just widespread. I think it’s. I. I think because we’ve been on this for. I’ll take myself, for example. It’s not. Not like I think I’m an idiot. I know I’m an idiot. No, it’s. It’s. It’s that the brainwashing has been so thorough that when we go into a little bit of confusion, number one, confusion disarms action.

So if we’re confused, we don’t do. We don’t do anything. We’re. And because we’re afraid. So fear is one of it. Excuses are always high. But I think the other one is we’ve. Part of the brainwashing is we’ve grown up in this culture, Michael, where we, we knock on the doctor’s door and he gives us an antibiotic and we feel better or he gives us a painkiller and we feel better. So we’re, we’ve come to where like we’re in this shortcut band aid mentality to, to, to care for our world, our health and our lives where everything has been easy.

We don’t have to go out and cut wood to stay warm. We don’t have to cut wood to cook. We don’t have to go out and shoot. You know, so everything has become so taken care of us. We go to church, we don’t have to, we don’t have to do any work. The preacher preaches, you know what’s supposedly true. The politician handle all of our, you know, our societal issues. We don’t have to do anything. So we build a stadium and we go watch football and basketball and all that stuff. And I’m not putting that down.

It’s just we’ve learned to not have to take care of ourselves. So I think right out the gate there’s a, there’s like, you know, 90% of us that aren’t sure what to do. And I think one of the problems today is that there’s so many voices. Like it’s so confusing. Even I get confused when I look at my email box. Like there’s just so much information, it’s overwhelming. But back to I, I agree. I think the reason we’re existing, the reason I, this is our life’s mission, it’s not just. And it’s really not about money. I, I’d have to say otherwise I’ll just go do something different.

It’s really about helping my, my, my people. My, my brothers and my sisters and my, these children that need us. We’re in a very desperate time. And Michael, you’re spot on. I think we’re going to see. They say that there’s like a billion people with this VADES vaccine induced autoimmune deficiency syndrome. And I, I say it’s going to be a billion. That’s only an eighth. We’re going to see, we’re going to see two and a half billion people die just from these shots. And all of the vaccine industry and all of the chemical aerosolization spraying, all of this attack on us is creating what’s called a pestilence or illnesses that the mainstream like super bugs like the mainstream can’t manage them anymore.

The, the poisons are too advanced for the system, the health system to help to manage. So we have had to go out and do this ourselves as God’s people. And that’s what we’re doing. Yeah. So, but I, as a recommendation, I’m like, you know, I think everyone should be using the nutrients that I use and that Michael uses and that for 20 years the quantum forensics test has, has shown in infection and in the life of patches and in the harmonizing the cell phones and the cell towers. I’ll show you guys some new images I promised a couple of weeks ago on spike protein, but.

Oh good. Yeah, it’s, it’s here. And I, I would like everybody get on the patch. And I talked about this. If I can just spend a minute on the patches. I’m like, everybody get on the nutrients, everybody harmonize your phone. But one thing I noticed in my practice, Michael, and even with, I asked Denise the other day after one of your, one of your meetings, I said, what is the fall off rate for the patches? Because that’s the, that’s the crowd of people that I’m really interested in is, is people that try it and then they stop using it because they don’t, you don’t feel anything or they don’t notice anything.

And I have to confess that I’m, I’m probably the top one of those. I’m, I’m generally not, I don’t intuit, I don’t sense other people’s energy really well, I have to test it. So when I started on the patches, I didn’t feel anything, like nothing. And so we’re, we’re trained to think that that doesn’t, that’s not doing anything. And I would generally agree with that. Except, except I get this quantum forensics test and we’ve talked about this so many times. Michael and I have done it so many times together. So I get to see energetically in the biophotonic dimension what the patch is doing.

And this would be my, my huddle, I guess would be the people that fall off using the patches because I get to see that it’s bringing photon coherence, it’s helping coherence to the brain, to the heart, to the prostate, to a female, you know, over uterine to kidney, to all of these different areas of the body, even in the genome, to the DNA of test spots that we use in clinically for 25 years. I get to see all of these locations light up to get benefited not just from the nutrition, but to also get coherence from the patches.

And coherence is such a beautiful thing. It’s. It’s just like Michael knows. Been doing. Doing this in, in his programs is this, this, this test where it reveals coherence is spectacular and you can’t feel it. It’s. So I told Denise even, like, so if you go and jump in the store, for example, you guys, and you get like, one of my favorites is the fermented beets, and you start using that every day, you’re not going to feel for maybe weeks. But the nutrient benefits are profound, and, and the remethylation is profound. And the same thing is true with the patches.

So, yeah, I just thought I’d say that because I’m one of those guys who probably would have fallen off the truck too. But because I get to test and I get this, this. This energy eyes. I get to see into our body’s dimension. I’ll like, never stop using it. And I. Everybody should try it. It’s so inexpensive, I think. And if you’re on a budget, use your credit card. Like, we’ll get into that later. I’ll. There’s. Okay, I’m gonna. I’m gonna just run off here for a sec. So I’ve told people so many hundreds of times, people tell me, I can’t afford it.

I don’t have a budget. I said, you know what, you guys, let me tell you. Let me tell you this secret. You remember the movie the Matrix, Michael? I think it was the first one. And so Neil walks into this room. There’s this little boy holding up this spoon in the air, and he’s bending the spoon. Remember that scene? Well, that scene. Yeah. Love that scene, too. I’m like, neo, can’t figure it out. So he’s kind of like us, the kids over there, going like this. And the spoon’s bending. And he goes, what? Did you do that? And the kid goes, I’m bending the spoon.

He goes, how do you do that? And the kid goes, like this. And this is, this is my point. He goes, you have to remember, you have to realize there is no spoon. All right, so now I’m going to connect this to like, when. When. When they announced into law this. This Federal Reserve bank thing and started printing money out of thin air. Listen, you guys, they print money out of thin air and they pretend to tell you and I that. That, oh, we owe all this debt. There is no debt because there’s no spoon, there’s no money.

And so we can talk another time about, like, how they make money and stuff like that, but when you have a credit card debt, there’s no money, you guys, there’s no money. So you. You can’t. There’s not possible for you to be in debt. We’ll get into the law fair at another time, but just. There’s no. There’s no money. Yeah. So speaking of lawfare, let’s go over and let’s talk about Gavin Newsom pushing the bird flu and what’s his relationship to massive vaccine bioweapons and lawfare industry versus his oath. Yeah. So he just comes out and announces, you know, oh, we got this bird flu in the cows.

And I’m laughing like, really? The cows? Fox News, right. You know, he’s talking, oh, yeah, we got bird flu in the cow milk now. So I’m declaring a status state emergency. And I’m, you know, I’m always asking questions like, why didn’t your emergency. It’s such a big emergency, why doesn’t it go out and vibe through all the whole world, like through all the oceans? It just California, whatever that supposedly is. Because I. We know California is a corporation. So his emergency, at best, only only applies to anyone who works in the state of California. Government doesn’t apply to anybody else because it’s not a geography, it’s a.

It’s a corporation. So. So if. Because he’s the. He’s the CEO of this California corporation doesn’t apply to anybody else. Right, right. So is there bird flu in the cows and no dead birds. Fascinating. And does he have personal firsthand knowledge that. Does he have in. In his possession, does he have personal knowledge of the existence of this supposed bird virus? No. So you start asking questions and the narrative goes away. But still they’re pumping this out. And I want to take everyone back to. I’d like to tell a little story about. I watched it again recently.

The California governor’s oath of office is amazing. So he’s standing in front of basically all these cameras with the Supreme Court justice, and she gives him this oath. And he holds up his hand, he puts his left hand on a Bible, and he swears this amazing oath. It’s really a beautiful oath, Michael. And it’s just all about the Constitution and God. And so then I asked the question. I think I asked Denise first, and I asked everybody this question. So from the moment he took that oath, one minute after the oath, can you name one time he’s ever done what he swore he would do? And the Answer is no.

So immediately he goes out and he runs business for some private, for profit corporation like selling vaccines, passing laws, none of which apply to anybody, at least not factually, not provably. So they would only apply to what? Nobody except those who believe the lie. All right, so his oath is this tremendous thing that our forefathers put into this ground that just completely gets disregarded, right, for this bioweapon sales. And I, I want to share my screen again real quick so I, I can show everybody some of these laws again and just remind everyone. All right, so here’s where he declares state of emergency California due to bird flu in the dairy cows.

I have to laugh because this is like it’s getting so stupid that all the dairy cows now have bird flu, but there’s none in the birds. Fascinating to me. So I guess it’s, you know, milk cow flu now or something. And of course, Washington sanctuary. Here’s another one. Washington loses half of wild cats to bird flu. He looks pretty healthy to me. So now the bird flu is not in the birds anymore. It’s everywhere else that the television says it is. All right, so we’ve looked at this before. U.S. code,001. Whoever falsifies, conceals, covers up with any trick, any scheme, any device, a fact makes, any material, false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation, or uses any electronic means or any writings, it’s a felony.

What do you think he just did? Here’s definitions involved involving acts or dangerous to human life that violates the criminal laws to do what? Intimidate or coerce a civilian population. This is, this isn’t under terrorism, you guys. Influences policy of government by intimidation or coercion or any of those tricks or schemes that we mentioned, all right, or tools of mass destruction. And if, if they conspire to do those together, and that’s what’s happening, it’s a conspiracy and then neglects to prevent those acts. So this is exactly what’s going on. And the point I want to make about that, Michael, is that everything that’s coming out of their mouth after he swore he would do an oath, he’s not doing the oath at all.

He’s doing everything but the oath and all of that, Michael, is part of this war on God’s kids. Back to the bioweapons. So I would encourage everybody to write a notice of termination. You don’t have to say much, just notice of termination for Gavin. New scum, I think as Trump calls him, and, and mail it off. You know, send them, hey, you’re you’re fired. This is not a recall. This is not a. A statutory recall. You’re fired. Get out. And then you owe me, you know, $50 million for your lies about the bird flu. So every time they open their mouth, I’m going to come back to you now, every time they open their mouth, you can catch them in a fraud.

And these frauds are felonies, you guys. Wow, man, I love your lawfare stuff. Oh, it’s so good. Thanks. Yeah, everybody loves, too. It’s good for us. We had a. Yeah, we should talk this way. All. Everybody should talk this way. So we had such a beautiful. Like, when I think about my. My great grandfather that we’ve talked about a little bit, like coming over here in 1739, hanging out in Philadelphia at the time of all this, this sort of like saying no to the crown and. And then ended up fighting with George Washington. They left us with this beautiful document that Gavin just swore he would follow.

And as soon as he walks away from there, like, he’s spitting in everybody’s face, face laughing at us, mocking at us, he walks out and does not one thing over several years. Rather than talking about bird flu, Michael, he should be talking about. I love this Constitution, you guys. We’re going to make sure everybody in government is following this to the letter or they’re going to jail. That’s what it should be like. And he’s. That’s what he swore to do. And it’s the only thing the guy swore to do. That’s the only thing, you guys. He can’t even everyone in California could vote for him.

And if he doesn’t swear to do that one thing, his oath to the Constitution, he’s not getting in office. And yet he goes out and they do. All of them, they do nothing. Nothing under their oath. It’s unreal. So talk about a deep state. It’s everywhere. All right, so do you have a heritage go back that goes back to Robert the Bruce, Braveheart guy? Well, we all kind of do. I’m going to share my screen again. Yeah, I’m glad you. I’m glad you mentioned that because I. I found this and I thought since we’ve been talking a little bit about this, I thought this would be really my thoughts, and I, I’ve done a lot of research on it.

Is, you know, the Braveheart guy, William Wallace, he really was a criminal, actually. But he did, you know, a lot of times, but I think he was like, right on the edge. Right on the edge. He was like a. He’s a rebel type guy, but he’s kind of a criminal. He pushed, pushed the envelope quite a bit. But I think that Robert the Bruce, basically, he came in and did it right though. Yeah. And you know, a lot of times it takes, you know, rebels to a criminal, almost criminal type to, to move stuff. And I think that’s why a lot of people, you know, identify with like, you know, Black Lives Matter guys and so forth.

They, they took it too far. They were, they were real criminals. I think that, I think that pretty much William Wallace was on that level, but it basically motivated the Scotts to basically stand up. Hey, he, he made some good inroads. I mean, if we really, you know, do this right, we might, might be able to do something here. And I think that’s really, I think, I think because I’m Scottish, so I, I, I do the research. That’s, that’s my main heritage, my DNA heritage. I’m mainly Scottish. So I, I think that the Scots have really made a massive impact on the world because when we had Scottish kings, I think they were the best.

I, I can’t disagree with you. I, I, this, this is very amazing that so the Scots man, I forgot offhand which tribe they are that they were from. But so in, in his sort of plea, these guys, you know, as king, like in the Braveheart. So King, King Robert the Bruce, the in mind to be the king of Scotland was writing to the Pope Michael in this, it’s called the Declaration of Abroth 1320. And this is fascinating since we’ve been talking about this now for a couple weeks, who really is Israel? Check this out. So he’s writing to the Pope and he calls him Holy, most Holy Father.

And I’m gonna kind of whatever we know and from the chronicles and books of the ancients and part of those would be the scriptures. We find that among other famous nations, our own, the Scots has been graced with widespread renown. That’s what you just said. We journeyed from the greater Scythia by way of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the pillars of Hercules and dwelt for a long course of time in Iberia. So Iberia, you guys, is Spain. It used to be called Iberia. And the progression is that these, these victors, these, these governors of cultures like we’re talking about, like Nome and, and the, the Rockefellers.

These guys rewrite history. So we don’t know who we are anymore. They don’t want us. Absolutely. Yeah. They don’t want us to know who we are. So. So they tr. They lived for a long time in Scythia, which is Caucuses, you guys. We talked about that. Right. So last week or week before that, where the Caucasians came from. And so he talked about Scythia here. And then they lived. They dwelt in Iberia among the most savage of tribes. It was probably mostly his brothers, but nowhere could they be subdued by any race, however barbarous. I think he’s talking about the Gentiles here.

Then he says, then we came. Twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea to their home in the west, where they still live today. You guys, this was only like a thousand B.C. or 1300 A.D. i’m sorry. So he. He knew who they were. I’m going to go ahead and come back to you now. Wow, that’s fascinating. Fascinating. I’m going to keep bringing some of this stuff. And so until we get to the US Again and understand that we are Israel. And there’s something fascinating about the distortions that we’ve gotten in Christendom about who Israel really is.

But he just pointed out the fact that obviously the Scots are part of the house of Abraham and Jacob, part of the tribes of Israel who. Who went into the Diaspora. So it’s really amazing. Yeah. So one of the things I found out my son brought to my attention is that the vaccination can be. They can determine who, you know, gets sick and who doesn’t. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of all the. All the groups that are out there that have had vaccination complications or have died from the vaccination, I’m talking COVID 19 vaccination. The. The lowest number are the Jews.

Really. Yeah. And you can look at that a lot of different ways. A lot of people want to jump to a negative conclusion, but I don’t know. What do you think? Wow, that’s fascinating. Yeah. Weren’t they. Weren’t they highly vaccinated? Sort of. They, like, hammered the Jewish community. And that’s one of the reasons why they want to do away with Netanyahu, because he pushed it hard on them. I remember I was. I was like. I was like, God, it’s like the Nazis are complete control of Israel, so they still hate Netanyahu because of that. And they’re still trying to get rid of them.

But, you know, when they’re in the war mode, that’s why they take us to. They take us to war when they. It looks like they’re going to get taken down. Yeah, they do the war thing. Yeah. Man, I haven’t. I haven’t heard that. And I. That’s very fascinating. It could be that it’s really. It’s really targeted because even, you know, if you look at ancient Israel as. As when they went into the land, unfortunately, they didn’t really obey God either. That’s why they got kicked out of the land. They were fighting and hating each other. They had division north, south, just like we have here.

They had civil war before they got, you know, taken into captivity. But. Yeah, so it could be, you know, that. That I hate to. That the. The. The folks that are running Middle East Israel are really in bed with all of the folks that are running Israel in America. These very evil, satanic people that want, you know, want a lot of death. And so I don’t, you know, I don’t know that the. That the. Those. Those Jews are. I don’t know any of their statistics, but that’s fascinating that they would be not suffering like we do.

That we are. Yeah. So somebody in the chat, Karen, Lucy K. McDonald, says, I had many clients. Original bloodlines, RH and they were just as affected. Most native tribes are the lost tribes of Israel. So what. What do you think about that? The native tribes. You think there are a lot of them are lost tribes? I do, yeah. Wow. Matter of fact, I think there was one Navajo. Navajo historian a couple decades back. He just described. They. They actually found the single most ancient 10. 10. 10. The Ten Commandments. They found a paleo Hebrew Ten Commandments in Navajo Indian country in Los Lunas, New Mexico.

I think it was. I. I want to say Navajo. Might have been another Indian tribe. And. Yeah, so this historian also talks that they were one of the. They were one of the Houses of Israel, also Issachar or one of those. Something like that. And they just get. They just came another direction. So many of the tribes went to Western Europe. Some of them came over, I think, through the northern route, like Siberia, Alaska and down. Yeah. Into the Americas. So fascinating. Very fascinating. So, yeah, I guess I was just looking at the. The art. What’s that? Los Lunas.

Los Lunas family’s from. That’s our Indian tribe. It’s Atleta. My grandfather was the mayor of Los Lunas. Okay. So Tracy’s like, wow, she just got a big hit. So I guess we’ll hear about that later. Los Lunas, their tribe, where they’re. Where her family’s from. So I guess they’re. I don’t know. So RH Is basically. It’s. It looks like the Jew. The Jews are very, very strongly Rh. And there’s been a lot of people talk about the Rh blood and how that’s kind of like uh, the uh, alien. Alien blood. What, what are your thoughts on that? Oh, wow.

That, that could be too. That really could be. I, I, you know, I think to, I think maybe to a degree we all have alien blood in us, but yeah, that’s a new one to me too. It really could be that there’s, I thought maybe it was more the, the, the eastern, which they are the Middle Eastern. The Eastern nations were more the gentile or the, the alien blood. But I think we, all of humanity is stained with the alien or the fallen angel bloodlines. So. But the Eastern were, are what? So in Christendom, the way I grew up, we were taught that we were the Gentiles.

And now I’m like, no, we’re not. We’re the House of Israel and the Gentiles are sort of the Asian block. And now we’re seeing the East Asian block versus the west, the Israel block in, in the coming war. And so it’s a bloodline seed line and, and family genetic line war. Fascinating. So, so what about these bioweapons? I guess, you know, we, we’ve heard of the biolabs in Ukraine and Africa. So Russia’s warning, obviously Russia came in and basically took down the biolabs in Ukraine because they were going to be targeted. Like we were just talking about, they can target genes and so forth through bioweapons.

And they got, they got wind that they were being, they’re going to be targeted. So they came in and basically took those biolabs down. One of the many probably, you know, reasons why they invaded Ukraine. But it seems like they’re, they’re, they just moved them down to Africa. We’ve talked about this on a couple different shows. We just had recently the, the head of bioweapon, you know, gen. The general was basically killed in Russia, uh, with a, I guess a motorbike or something was right by the exit where he came out of his building. He and his aide were, were blown to pieces.

But do you think that, you know, because he was basically outspoken about the bioweapon labs and how the west, NATO, US and so forth were funding those and they’re, they’re basically saying it’s happening again in Africa and now we’re seeing this new, you know, disease X that’s seems to be blowing up in Africa right now. What are your thoughts on that? Yeah, no doubt. About it. It’s all, no, like you and I’ve talked about this several times in the past. That, and I just want to remind everybody that there is no new outbreak separate from a biological weapon release.

You’re not going to get sick unless somebody wants you to get sick. Okay. From here on out in all of these events, okay, this is, this is all designed and all planned, but yeah, you’re, you’re spot on. These. Let me, let me take, let me bring everybody back to like my house. So I’ve, I’ve told you before, Michael, that we live sort of close to a ups, Amazon Air Prime Air base. Oh yeah, yeah. So it’s an old military base that the, that the Air Force gave to the city. And so Primair and UPS use it as their base.

And so they built these tens of millions of square foot warehouses around the base and these planes coming and going and the logistics. I love watching airplanes. I’ve always loved aircraft since I was a kid. And so I love watching these guys take off and land. And logistics are incredible. They’re moving stuff that you and I want and we’re buying and they’re flying it in and out. But you know what? It occurred to me, and I’ll show you this video in just a sec. It occurred to me that, that their logistics for UPS and Prime Air, their logistics are nothing compared to the aircraft chem spring that’s going on.

If I see 25 UPS planes and take, take off and land a day, I’m like, wow, that’s amazing. And there’s 150, 50 chem spraying going on in the entire Southern California area, you guys. The logistics on that, I’ve, it just occurred to me yesterday, it’s like, this is unbelievable, Michael. So, so the, the manufacturing of biological agents has to be tremendous for them to spray because they’re spraying like off and on all over the planet, is my understanding. But just in Southern California some days there’s 150, 200 planes, Michael, spraying this stuff. So the logistics, the aircraft logistics, maintenance cost and everything, it’s, it’s unfreaking, believable, staggering.

And so they have to be growing bacteria and wet and chemicals and stuff. They have to be raising this stuff. So somewhere. And I don’t think they can do it in the continental U.S. because I don’t know, just the oversight would be too strict. So they go to Ukraine, they go to Eastern Europe, they go to Africa. That has to be what’s going on. What are your thoughts on that? Oh yeah, definitely. You mean as far as, like the. The. The Kim’s brain? Yeah, I think that some of those jets like you’re talking about, they. They do.

We. We’ve had some pilots from Lufthansa have basically quit Lufthansa because they wouldn’t, you know, press the switch and release chemtrails during a. A regular flight, commercial flight. So it’s on a lot of these planes, guys, and that. That’s how they. They hide it in there. I think they’ve been using drones for a long time now. I remember being in Yemen and watching the skies in Yemen many years back when I was working for the CIA before the. Basically Yemen fell to the. The baddies. But he. They would rarely chemtrail the skies here. I mean, the skies are like, beautiful.

And I was like, wow, this is one of the. One of the last places they haven’t chemtrailed. And then they were, of course, they were having trouble with the rebels basically making advances. All of the Special Forces guys had to depart. And it was pretty much me, one other CIA guy and a couple of guys or case officers and the chief of base, if we were the last holdout. I remember seeing them starting the chemtrail, and the chemtrails became. Became more frequent. And then the rains came and they had flooding like they hadn’t had a long time, and a lot of people died a lot.

A lot of places had some problems. And then the Special Forces guys started coming back. So, Web, you know, weather warfare works, obviously, and. And sometimes in a. I don’t know if it’s a positive way or what, but, you know, today we’re. We’re bombing because. Because I left, I said, you guys, we’re gonna get. We’re gonna get kicked out of here. I. I had that. I had that intuition and sure enough, not long after I left, because you know how I bring good energy. So we built that base. We built that base up and all this.

All the Special Forces guys came back. And then I was like, it ain’t gonna last. And because I’m leaving, I’m going other places, so you guys are on your own. So. And sure enough, they. They got driven out of there. But now we’re bombing Yemen Now. Now, like, the Yemenis are, like, coming out and attacking us in, in the fleets and ships and so forth, going through there, through that area. And so now we’re bombing them. And of course, they. They got some kind of high tech, you know, either from Iran or Russia or some people have said China because they’re all, you know, together now because they’re fighting the, the evil empire, which is America now, and, and, and the UK and you know, we’ve, we’ve talked about this.

A deep state. So it is, it’s very interesting. So chemtrails, yeah, they’re, they’re real. Of course they can be used and whether warfare against another group like I’m describing, or they can be used to basically control or decimate a population anywhere. And that’s what they’ve been doing in the United States and in Europe and other places for a while now. So they now have a couple of mechanisms really. Unfortunately, it’s, that’s aerosolized chem spraying. And I’ll show you, you know, show you some spike protein in a second. But like, so they have the vaccine narrative and enough people have believed it that they can get the shot and, and spread these infections.

And it’s not, it’s, it’s not just a, a snake venom toxin in these shots. It’s, it’s, they’re randomized so that some of them have those kinds of chemicals. But in my experience, Michael, they all have biofilm and this, this is what we’re after. And they even have components that just, just before we go into the biofilm, you know, I’ve had Dr. Artisan and a group of doctors that talk about the, the venom in the shots. Now this is gonna be, this is gonna be crazy. But we can. I went to, I was in Nashville just recently and I went to the Parthenon and they have like a mock up almost 2 to specs of the Parthenon.

And then they have Athena in there, the largest indoor statue in the world, or at least in the United States. Not the world, but the United States indoor statue. And so she’s got like a bracelet with a snake and she has a big snake that’s right by her. Huge snake that’s right by her. And I was like, what is going on with the reptilian stuff here? And so I looked it up and they, there is evidence that the Greeks thousands of years ago, we’re talking 5,000 years ago or more, were using venom in medications all the way back then.

Now were they using it in a positive way or are they using it like we’re using it now in a negative way? I would say probably positive. And it’s been like a lot of things been manipulated and used for negative. What are your, what are your thoughts? Yeah, I, I don’t know. I think, I think any time the serpent appears, it’s it’s in a. And it’s in a population control way. Whether it’s emotionally, spiritually and physically in our health. It’s goes back through with this serpent seed line and what’s wrapped around the. The American medical association caduceus.

Yeah. And I, I think, you know, spot on to whatever degree they’re using snake venom. I even thought it’s. The possibility exists that. That they’re using other components in the serpents as. Or snakes as well, not just the venom, including growth of. Because reason I say that is because I. We know they can’t find virus. How they find virus is just sort of a baloney show. They. They make a soup and then the soup damages cells or bacteria. They call it a virus. They can’t isolate a virus. So they call all of these viruses and they never isolate any of them.

So it’s. All of. All of this is like a marketing, a major marketing sort of storyline is really what it is. A fraudulent, false storyline to sell this serpent thing, to sell the medications of the serpent, the technology of the serpent, and even the. The. The staining of our geno with serpent seed line. Yeah. And that’s really what we’re about is. Is. Is we’re about God’s people, God’s seed line, God’s nutrition, God’s way of living. Intuitive love, loving each other, loving other, our other brothers and sisters in mankind. Not about this destruction like the serpent seed line roams around seeking whom he may steal, kill and destroy from.

The key word there is may. We don’t want to be those victims. And that’s. I’m convinced that’s why Michael’s preaching. I call it preaching. But it’s, you know, that’s what your show’s about. Yeah. And so you look at these ancient God gods and goddesses and they have a lot of e. T. Stuff going on with them. You know, how they could like fly across the sky, materialize and all kind of crazy stuff and had incredible abilities and so forth. So maybe, you know, they did use it all the way, you know, thousands of years ago to use that as a controlling humanity by putting some of that, uh, in.

And who knows, maybe they had vaccines back then. I don’t know if they were like injecting people, but somehow they’re probably inserting some of these venoms in people. Snake venom. So. So maybe some of those gods and goddesses were, you know, doing kind of like what we see going on now with the deep state, you know, trying to control humanity and you know, Manage our, how, how large our populations are and you know, keeping us sick and dumbed down and all kind of crazy stuff. So. Yeah, well, you’re right. I think we go back to the Greek culture that you just mentioned and there was already like this division.

We’ve all heard of Hippocrates and he was the, he was the guy back in the Greek culture who is like natural. Your body can overcome the stuff naturally and let be thy medicine and do no harm. But he had this counterpart, this serpent counterpart. And guess what his name was. It was Democratus. That’s where the term Democrats come from, Democritus. And he believed in what the, the Rockefeller started bringing to America. Like you got to cut people up, you got to bleed them out, you got to put mercury in them, you got to put toxins in them to, to chase out the evil spirits.

And all this stuff was. And in early America it was called quackery because it was the mercury. And the bleeding was, was from quick silver, which is what mercury was called in the quack came out of that and it got reversed over time anyway. Yeah, you’re right. But there was a division all the way back into history. Good area. Yeah. And, and very much back to the biofilm. We’ve talked about this a lot. You, Dr. Artis has talked about this. His group, the biofilm basically protects something that’s very negative and that’s part of the vaccination plan to put the biofilms on us to basically protect the spike proteins that are getting in and causing all kind of issues and you know, hyper cancers and just all kinds of crazy stuff that we’re having problems with.

Now I’ve had a guy on the show, he talked about garlic and you know, inhaling the garlic, it’s like super potent. Now we also have that with the. And I’ve been taking this for a while and this is part of my routine, the fermented cardio nf. Tell us a little bit about that. It’s got Allison, right? Yeah, it’s got several types of Allison. It’s got Allison, it’s got garlic, it’s got bears garlic. And it’s very potent in its. It’s very potent per capsule. It’s, it’s on the bottle, there’s like 630 milligrams of sulfur blend, including Allocysteine, Allison and Alanin.

And and then we have that. We’ve also put that in the cardio nf. And I’m going to show my screen real quick about the cardio nf Michael. Oh, yes. Just found this amazing study. So here comes real quick. I want to share this. Fermentation stuff is like just always. If you get fermented stuff, you’re. It’s way over the top effective in a lot of different ways. I mean, you eat fermented foods. The Koreans are super much into fermented foods. I love the Korean food. But anytime you get fermented. Well, not anytime, but most of the time, definitely through the intuitive wellness products.

But when you get fermented stuff, it’s basically way, way over the top and you rarely can find it. This is, this is rare because a lot of, a lot of the products in the wellness store, you know, have fermented, fermented product in them. I’m gonna, I’m gonna spend a minute on the cardio. Can you see my screen? Yes. So this is the new, the new mantra, you guys, that they’re now saying that the spike protein is safe from the COVID 19 vaccine generated spike protein is safe, contrary to viral claims. So this is the new lie.

Now they’re saying the spike protein is safe. Oh my gosh. So a lot of people are going to leave. Oh my spike protein’s helping me. All right, so the spike protein. I want to talk about this new study. This is so exciting for the cardio NF, Michael. Nano curcumin inhibits SARS CoV2 spike protein induced cytokine storm and it deactivates the. It helps to deactivate the spike protein. Guess what the third ingredient in intuitive fermented cardio NF is? It’s nano curcumin. Wow, nice. So we’ve had this around now for many years, you guys, and as far as I know, we’re the only people that have nanized probiotic generated curcumin and nanized probiotic generated garlic.

And so what that means is that the bacteria, matter of fact, the specific bacteria is the Lactobacillus routeri, which is the bacteria Michael and I talked about a few weeks ago as being anti radiation bacteria. So we feed these nutrients and they have to be perfect to start with. They have to be coherent. They have to be without any toxins. And we feed these bacteria nano, we feed it curcumin and they eat it and then they hold it in their bodies bacteria. So that when we get it in our, in our cardio NF and we sip it, it goes into the bloodstream and to the heart, to the kidney, to the tonsil, through the eye, wherever the body prioritizes that it needs it in 10 seconds.

It’s, and it’s because of this nano capacity. So most people will get turmeric or cucumin and they’ll take capsules and they’ll eat it, which is great. But it’s not nanized and so the body is not able to do this. So when we do this for you by this fermentation, this is not just fermented food. This is feeding these foods to bacteria and then fermenting them bacteria. So then the nutrient is fully available, fully reduced and it’s to the body sites in 10 to 15 seconds. Once it hits the mouth, it never even goes through that digestion, never goes through the gut or anything.

It goes right into the bloodstream. So this is like a bombshell. We’ve been talking Michael, about the clay for helping to remove the, the venoms and other toxins and, and helping with the after effect of biofilm. But this is the first time that anyone that I know of has ever produced a nanized probiotic generated nanized turmeric or curcumin along with, with Allison and some other amazing ingredients like green tea. So this is the formula of the century. I’m in love with this stuff stuff and it’s why it’s in your store. I’m just like so stoking on that, finding that study nice.

And there’s. We have lots of specials, year end specials in the store right now. Seven, eight of them. Eight different specials that you guys can take advantage of because I know there’s. Unfortunately a lot of people are really getting hammered by inflation right now. I, I just saw a report where like 95, 95 of people’s income, most people’s income right now is going just to make ends meet. They don’t have like 5% left to like, you know, go out and you know, have a, have a night out or have a vacation or anything like that. It’s just, just over the top.

But your health is your health. If you don’t have health, you will, you will not have wealth, you will not have any money going forward, you, everything will collapse. So you know, do what you can. At least the, the minimum that you should do is eat healthy, as healthy as you can get. And then if you can get any of these supplement lines or the lifeway patches that’ll take you next level. So I, you know, the, the one a day. Tell us, tell us about the. I, I use that every day. The intuitive wellness want, you know, like what, the only, only thing you really need to take.

So I take that every day. I’m making sure I’m taking that. All right, I’m going to come back. I’m going to come back to your screen real quick for this. All right, so if you guys are on a budget, what you know, Michael just said to eat as healthy as you can, we could maybe talk about that. But one of the things, because we’re so contaminated now, at least get the clay and get the intuitive oceans and clean all of your food. You have to do that. Don’t even eat food without it. And then from there, if you can expand into like the harmonize your phone, get the patches.

Use Intuitive One. So Intuitive. Intuitive One is designed with a lot of fermented nutrients. They’re not vitamins and minerals per se, although there are vitamins and minerals in the fermented nutrients. The delivery mechanism is because it’s fermented and it has these superfood nutrients in it that are immediately bioavailable. There is no one a day on the planet that’s anywhere that touches this. And I think the store’s out right now for a couple more days. But yeah, get on the Intuitive One as your sort of boot camp. And then you’re getting every nutrient to help motivate life, to help sustain life and to help push your patches because it has that living copper.

Don’t even take a copper supplement unless it’s the intuitive one because I guarantee you it’s not from a living source. So now to your body it’s a heavy metal and the body’s like, no thanks. Now I have to detox my liver. I have to try to get this heavy metal out anyway. It becomes sort of a nightmare. So I’m like almost anti supplements except for the right ones. But Intuitive One is, is one of those. We’ll get more into Biofilm next time. It’s huge. It’s in every shot. It’s what was created by the antibiotic rollout one generation ago.

And I’ll tell you guys a secret of, of Alex Lemmings next week. Awesome. And definitely, you know, go to the store. Michael hit the hit the int Wellness link and that’ll take you into this store right here. And that’s where you can get those products. So J.comT of Wellness takes you into the store and then you have the, the product line. So click on them. Do I used to do this all the time when I was, when I was a young, very young man. 18, 19 When I was out on my Own. I, I got, I was always even I think the first time I started doing supplements and I used to make my own yogurt at 12 years old.

And I would take wheat germ and I would like, uh, I would bake it in the oven. Uh, and it was, I was just an anomaly back then. But I, I would go to a health food store and I would look at the supplement lines, I would read them. So what I love about, you know, what you have is we have basically each one of these products has lots of information in there. So go in and check out the products whether you’re going to purchase them or not. At least get to the point where you understand, you know, the, the level of, of you know, greatness that these products have within them.

And eventually maybe you’ll get to. If you, you can’t afford it, you get to the point where you can actually purchase some of these products. And we’re giving you specials. Every, every, every, every day they’re specials. So just come into, you know, one of these, one of these shows and look down in the description box, you’re going to see the special. So. And the special is basically when you purchase the products, the guys are the other end. Basically put that into your order so it works out perfectly. I’ve never had a problem with it, so. Right.

Yeah. Shipping will take care of you. Once you, once you order a special, they’ll read your order and put in the specials that are attached to your order. Yeah, absolutely. Specials will be. We’ll leave them till the first. So I guess to next week’s show, we’ll leave them up. Nice. Thank you. And we’ll. Then we’ll talk more about biofilm and inhalation. Different. Some, maybe some different therapies and stuff for the Allison and some other therapies as well. Yeah, and that’s, that’s what I like also about the, the fermented cardio nf because it has, it’s basically good for your cardiovascular system as well.

So very good stuff. Yeah, it’s a gem for this vaccine time. Absolutely. We, I know we talked a lot about vaccines. If you got one and you haven’t removed it, that’s on special too. So you got to get those out because that’s the gift. That’s the gift. It’s not a gift. That’s the curse that keeps on giving. You got to get rid of them. Yeah. And the videos about that are in the, in description boxes too. Metabody FX Detox, how to video with many, many body FX and intuitive oceans and then food detox. So those. Those videos that, you know, Raphael did for us, they’re in there, so you can watch those anytime.

Beautiful. All right, guys, lots of love. Stay in the love vibration. We’re coming up on the new year. Hopefully, this new year is going to be non eventful, but I doubt it. But you definitely want to be in a place where you’re gonna be. You’re gonna be healthy, depending on, you know, whatever they throw at us. Like, if you live in New Jersey, uh, definitely get your. Get yourself a radiological suit. I’ll talk about that in my next show. All right, guys, lots of love, and I’ll see you guys next time. All right? Love.



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