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Hey, we’re brought to you by a tremendous product here. Let me grab it for you here. Keeping in the box right now. Nanosoma liquid. It’s a spray and five sprays once a day. Although when I was really sick a year ago, it was five sprays every hour in the hour. It’s all natural. You can get away with that. There’s no chance of repercussion and it turned my life around. I was told, Dave, you have strip lung lining from RSV. They’re probably not coming back. Now, this product raised my immune system functioning and you can see all about it.
I want my health back.com slash Dave Hodges and it worked for me. Worked so good, but I’m doing things now. I haven’t done in 25 years. I want my health back.com slash Dave Hodges to find out more. Don’t forget to look up the Metasoma gel. You rub it on sore joints. You’re not gonna believe what it does for you. I know cuz I’m walking testament. I want my health back.com slash Dave Hodges. Alright, we have something that is I have been talking about this. In fact, it was about six weeks ago. I said with regard to noble gold and you can go to Dave Hodges gold.com and see that.
Let me tell you something. I said paper gold was gonna be worthless. And people, they were the paper gold crowd that was mad at me and I don’t blame them. I’d be upset too, but don’t kill the messenger. I’m just telling you that they did fractional reserve banking practice. The nine for one deal. You you buy one. Well, they get to create nine others and then loan them out on the market and monetize them and stuff and it ain’t going well for them because they’re losing their gold base. The banks are pulling their money out of the London repository.
In the bank of London, COMEX is overflowing with hard gold and there’s an old saying, if you can’t hold it, you don’t own it and I said that and people just said, hold this, Dave. Big middle finger, you know. Okay, well, I’m sorry. I’m just trying to warn people as you buy gold as a hedge against inflation or a collapsed dollar or whatever you’re buying gold for an investment that’s going up and up and up. Don’t get the paper and I told you this going on two months ago. Okay, now, here’s what we know. COMEX is not monetizing paper gold anymore.
It’s over people. It’s over and I told you this day was coming. I’m going to tell you it. Noble gold is where you need to get your hard gold assets. Now, all you got to do is go to Dave Hodges at gold.com and put in your email address and you automatically get something sent to you that describes in detail. Okay, and this is a public service announcement. Noble gold is not even scheduled to be an advertiser for a while. This is what I’m trying to give to you to help you. I feel like Jerry McGuire.
Help me to help you. People were just pissed at the paper. I’m sorry. I’ve said this for gosh, 15 years. Don’t don’t believe in holding paper. If you can’t hold it, you don’t own it. Sorry. I’m sorry. I was trying to sell it on your own. We only coop some of your losses because always be some enough dumb enough to buy it and that’s a fact. But if you want to have an appreciating asset, one that’s going to go through COMEX, which is necessary for gold out of the country. Don’t mess around with this any longer and don’t store your gold anywhere else.
Find hiding places. But I’m telling you right now you’re taking a chance. Keep your own gold and make sure it’s real gold. I’m Dave Hodges. This is the common sense show. We’ll see you back here next time. Thanks for watching. [tr:trw].