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➡ Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show, discusses a document dump that reveals deceit and deception. He criticizes the CIA for releasing improperly labeled and faded documents, which he believes are fraudulent. He also talks about a weight loss method discovered by Dr. Gundry involving medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Lastly, he delves into the history of Lee Harvey Oswald, suggesting that Oswald was involved in various CIA operations and was falsely portrayed as a communist.
➡ The text discusses a theory that Lee Oswald, who worked in the Texas Book Depository, was set up to take the blame for President Kennedy’s assassination. The author suggests that Oswald’s identity was fabricated to make him appear as a KGB agent, and that the recent release of related documents implies this without directly stating it. The author criticizes the quality of these documents and believes they are part of a larger cover-up. He encourages the public to become more knowledgeable about the Kennedy assassination to prevent similar events in the future.


Hello, America! Dave Hodges here, host of the Common Sense Show. We are the show that is Freeing America 1 in Slave Mind at a Time. Thank you so much for joining us. Really good to be with you. And we have more information on the document dump, so we’re going to just focus on one thing at a time. And the document dump that went on today, or actually yesterday by the time you see this, really speaks to deceit and deception. And it’s something that Jim Diugenio’s team has actually exposed already. And I don’t know who the CIA thinks they’re going to fool, because anyone who’s an experienced researcher will immediately see through this.

Wow, this is big. This is big. We will have it sometime in the summer. I’ll lay out for you exactly who done it, why it was done, and what ended up happening to the who done it. Now, we don’t have information on two of the teams in Dallas, but we do have information, a lot of it, on the team that was on the grassy knoll. Yeah, we have it, people. There’s no question. So anyway, we’re going to debunk the CIA release today. I find it to be extremely deceitful. And thank goodness for the work of Jim Diugenio’s team, because we can nail this as fraud.

And not only that, the documents they’re releasing aren’t labeled properly. Most of the print, or a lot of the print, is faded. You can’t read it. It’s, in some ways, meaningless. But the things you can read are the things that I’ve already caught as deceptions. We’re going to get off, we’re going to get to that. And like I said, I got to break this down in bits and pieces. And I know a lot of people don’t care about this, because they’re too young to really understand the importance, how history changed, how people died that didn’t have to die because this president was assassinated.

I mean, all the tragic things that are there. The coming out party for the deep state, where the entwined mess that Trump is uncovering right now, and how deep the deep state is. Oh, wait till we show you some judicial disclosures we have in our next segment. You’re going to be, you’re like, holy crap, you got to be kidding me. Except I wish I was, we have the proof. But anyway, we have the proof here too. Before we get to that, we have a sponsor. It’s going to help you lose weight. It’s Dr. Gundry, world renowned cardiologist who lost 70 pounds in his 60s and kept it off because he discovered this.

I want you to pay attention. It’s called caloric bypass. Okay, and four hours after you eat dinner, your body switches from nutrients we get from food to score stored glycogen we have in our bodies. Once you get to about eight to 12 hours of fasting, the body shifts to burning fat for energy. Fatty acids are released, ketone bodies take over in a process called ketogenesis, you start to lose weight. But there is a caloric bypass that you can take that comes into play that really can commandeer this process for you to lose weight. And this is what Dr.

Gundry has discovered something called medium chain triglycerides or MCTs for short. If you take them in the middle of that fasting period, you can extend the fat burning in your body. It really is tremendous free video describes it. And all you got to do is go to the healthy slash Dave. That’s the healthy slash Dave. Okay, let’s break this down. The CIA in two different releases yesterday tried to make it look like Oswald was a KGB agent. No, no, no, no. He was groomed to defect to Russia to give a little info on the U2 spy plane situation in which Gary Francis Powers will later be shot down because of the exchange of this information.

And Oswald was part of this deception. Let’s go through it. He goes to boot camp. He is tagged as someone who will be a good intelligence agent. Unfortunately, he failed his marksmanship test twice, three times you’re out. And so there’s some question about whether he really passed on the third attempt. To me, that’s irrelevant. He goes to a base where they’re doing U2 spy plane work. And there he’s taught to speak Russian. You heard me. He’s taught to speak Russian. He then says, I’ve got to go home and I’ve got to leave the military because my mother’s sick and I’m the only one that can care for her.

He goes home to New Orleans for one day. And then he suddenly defects to the Soviet Union where he spends two years and we don’t know a lot about the two years we have stories but I really have a hard time verifying them. What we do know is he married while he was in the Soviet Union, the niece of the deputy director of the KGB. That’s correct. Now, he should be on the surface tagged as a traitor when he comes back to the United States arrested, but he’s not. The State Department gives he and his suspect Soviet wife free passage back to America and they’re settled at State Department expense.

It’s because he was working in the defector program which about 100 Americans defected the Soviet Union under the guise of we want to be you because we’re communists and here’s info we can give you. And they were hoping to get more info back so they could pass it on to their superiors in the CIA. And this was a CIA program. That means Oswald had to have been on the CIA payroll, which a lot of people believe he was. I will say this. He was whatever agency they wanted him to be in at the time they wanted him to be in it.

Let me give you an example. When he’s arrested at the movie theater in Dallas, following the assassination, his wallet is searched and they find Lee Harvey Oswald. But they also find the naval intelligence ID with the name Alex, I dealt with his picture on it. He was all over the place. We also know from the memoirs passed on and most of them destroyed. But some survived from David Ferry, who had an association with Oswald at Lake Pontchartrain Springs, Louisiana, where Oswald participated in the training of Cuban refugees for the Bay of Pigs invasion. That’s a CIA operation.

Also, Operation Mongoose was birthed there and Oswald was there at the time it was. Operation Mongoose was the plot to combine CIA and mafia forces to assassinate Fidel Castro. Bobby Kennedy went to his grave professing the belief that his brother, John Kennedy, was killed using Operation Mongoose strategies. Interesting. So Oswald was in on the inside of this for a very long time. Now, it is true Oswald went to Mexico and this is where the Eugenio’s team comes in. They tried to make it look like on the CIA records that Oswald was meeting with KGB officials. That was not true.

That cannot be verified. There’s no documentation to even support that. So we have two elements here. One, we have Oswald defecting to the Soviet Union, but allowed to come back in and paid money to settle. Should have been arrested as a traitor. We know he was involved in the Bay of Pigs operation. We don’t know to the extent, but we know he was present with the people who were involved. So we have to assume he was a participant in that event. Well, there’s more. He protested to give himself a communist identity. He protested the American interference in Cuba.

He formed a committee called the Fair Play for Cuba. And this was given as a label by the Warren Commission. This guy was a diehard Marxist supporting communist Cuba claims. And no, the Fair Play for Cuba had one member, Lee Harvey Oswald, and where he screwed up. And this actually came out in the Jim Garrison trial against play Shaw, who was accused of participating in the assassination in John Kennedy. And the case fell apart on a technicality. But what’s really interesting about this is that when Oswald was protesting, he was in front of 545 Camp Street.

And on the flyers, he was handing out 545 Camp Street was listed on the address flyer. He had Oswald made a big mistake. What was 545 Camp Street? It’s where guns were gathered and sent out to Lake Pontchartrain Springs prior to the Bay of Pigs invasion. Isn’t that interesting? He was protesting against interfering in Cuba. And there was the guns that were going to go to the Bay of Pigs. How many coincidences are you going to buy? They were manufacturing a communist identity for him. They even set him up with a gun. What we know is in 1963, you could walk into any gun store, use any name, no one checked an ID, and you could purchase firearm.

Instead, he orders a firearm, the Italian Mannequin Carcana, that’s implicated. That’s not the gun that was used in my humble opinion, but they implicated it in the assassination and the Warren Commission. And it created a mail order record directly to Lee Harvey Oswald. Yeah, when he could have just anonymously bought a gun in Dallas and had no gun linked to him. Again, they’re creating the MO to set him up as the Patsy. It’s that simple. Oswald goes to work in the Texas Book Depository, and Kennedy’s route to where he was going to a fundraising event was changed.

He was supposed to go down Main Street. And by the way, I know this from personal history. My uncle, my mother’s brother, owned a tool and die store on Main Street. He didn’t like Kennedy very much. And he called up my aunt Edna and said, where’s Kennedy? He’s supposed to be coming down here and been standing outside waiting for him. And she goes, oh, you didn’t know he’s been shot. They took the parade route off a Main Street. They turned right on to Houston, then on to Elm. And the limousine carrying Kennedy was going 14 miles an hour.

It was the lead car windows were open. How many Secret Service violations did I just mention right there? And I happened to just go right in front of where Oswald was working. His identity was manufactured, and the release of these documents coming out are not coming out and saying directly Oswald was controlled by the KGB, and this was a KGB hit. But it strongly implies it. And see, it’s real clear to me that from the very beginning, when they knew Kennedy was going to be killed, they had to pin it on somebody. So they pinned it on Oswald, gave him a communist identity, and he would, of course, be a KGB agent because they’ve manufactured that identity, particularly with his defection to Russia.

Wow. You see, if you didn’t have people like me, or like Jim Moors, or like Jim Diugeneo and his great team, if you didn’t have those people, you know what you’d have? Nothing. You wouldn’t be able to decipher this and really figure out what the CIA is trying to accomplish with the release of these documents. I said, first of all, there’s going to be a lot of nothing burgers, and here there are with all the faulty printing, the faded words, the unlabeled documents. You’re not even sure what they’re talking about. And you get lost in the morass.

And I’ve gone through some of these online. They’re terrible, terrible quality. But what they are letting you read is the suggestion. It was probably the KGB. And in a time when the left wants war with Russia, exactly. Do you see the psy-op that’s going on there in my humble opinion? This is my opinion. But the document suggesting the KGB, working with Lee Oswald, is a total joke. It’s a total fabrication. Oswald was on the CIA payroll. Oswald carried a naval intelligence ID card. Oswald met with FBI agent James Hosty several times before the assassination in Dallas.

Start doing the math. Start doing the math and you see the massive cover-up that’s going on here. We’re going to continue this. This is interesting. I’ll do about one a day or one every other day. And some people will say, oh, I don’t care about that. It’s old history. Let me ask you a question. Those of you who are conservatives and love America and your patriots, would you like to see Donald Trump avoid another assassination attempt? Would you like to see him complete his term in good health? Well, this is one of the ways that you can help.

The more knowledgeable the public becomes about this event with Kennedy. The fewer avenues of assassination are open to get John Kennedy, regardless of who’s behind it, because the people will be sophisticated in ways in 2025 and 2026 and 2027 that they weren’t in 1963. And even though there was a stunning lack of electronics and video evidence and so forth with the assassination, we still have blown the Warren Commission out of the water. It’s total nonsense. It’s total fabrication. Imagine what we could do today. And by the way, I’m hearing from Bongino’s people that the FBI is looking into Butler County and a lot more is going to be coming out.

I won’t spoil it. I have an idea of what it is. I think if you really want to follow this accurately, you’ll follow Doug Hagman’s work on this. He’s been escorted out of Butler County twice by the FBI before before Trump took over. Yeah, that speaks volumes, doesn’t it? Anyway, I thought you would appreciate this filed away because there is more to come. But we have a huge scandal we’re going to report on next. At least I believe it’s a scandal. Some people will say it’s just the right of free association. Shut up Hodges and mind your own business.

I’ll let you decide. To me, this is a big deal. Stay tuned. We’re the Common Sense Show. I’m Dave Hodges. Make sure you sign up for our TV show, the And we got something coming out that’s an adjunct to what we’ve already done on the pyramids, but it’s exclusive to the We’ll be posting that tomorrow. [tr:trw].



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