There’s zooms and there’s a 100% 90 day money back guarantee. T@catch the life wave.com the x39 there is nothing else like it. Help activate stem cells, reverse aging and rejuvenate your life at catch the life wave.com all right dear souls, we are back on the sovereign soul show. Myself Brad Wney with Canadian armed forces veteran Derek Noonan who has been chasing the globalists around the world, putting the cameras in their faces and just returned along with pastor Art Pavlovski from Trump’s inauguration Washington with a lot of updates as his security and his thoughts on the 51st state, what we’ll be doing as well as Norman Traversy joining us with Yayoi, Takamoto, Aquasi and Kalin, persecuted patriots and the members of the Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly.
Norman has great new news as well because we know that Canada Crown Corporation, headquartered in what was Washington D.C. up until January 19, is now the city of Washington. The Continental Republic of America has a sweet ring to it. Stay tuned, join us in the live chat and you can ask questions to all these patriots. We’ll see you then. All right, we’re live right now on Wednesday, January 22nd. I’m your host Brad Wozny. You know we stand for love, levity and liberty. Love is the greatest power in the university omniverse. Levity, like laughter’s best medicine, Readers Digest said.
And it’s all toward liberty libertas. We saw Liberation Day ago and this man, Derek Noonan, Canadian armed forces veteran, was there live on scene if you were on our live stream. He joined briefly with Pastor Archer Pavlowski and then they actually stopped all the cell phones. So thanks very much, Derek. He just got back home to Ontario last night, drove all the way down and back for the inauguration. This man has been a patriot behind the scenes. A lot of people you may not know and you heard in the Intro he goes right up to the globalist from Trudeau and all the other ones puts the camera in their face.
He’s part of the freedom convoy. He is deeply involved in the patriot movement and he is such a soft spoken heart of a lion and a, and a great bear of a man. Just right outside where I grew up, Brampton Ontario at the moment. Derek, welcome brother. Everybody can follow Derek and Facebook and X. The links are below the show and the broadcast. If you’re listening to this on the podcast later, it’s all right there. Derek Dunan’s Facebook and X and you can follow him around for his daily, multiple time daily live updates. Over to you bro.
Well first of all thanks for those kind words. Ah, you’re most welcome. You, you deserve it. It’s an honor. It really is. Thank you. That wasn’t and it was too bad on, on inauguration day because they, they had some heavy dampening devices there. You were, wasn’t able to use the phone at times. Lives were being shut down. It was, that was something that had a lot of equipment on site there. Yeah, well let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about security because people had thought maybe this is a shell game. The weather’s brought in with weather, weather modification, you know, from your service.
You know like hey if, if you’re going to be active maybe you can use smoke to get off the X or start an ambush. Snow maybe, maybe it was part of it. But some of the security precautions, I mean so folks don’t know, I can tell you from a source that we’re familiar with that when Derek goes to shot show the shot show he is very well respected in the circles of the vendors and whatnot there. So this is a man who knows what he’s talking about. So please over to you about the security measures. You saw my friend? Yeah, well actually I kind of start.
So we were driving down on Saturday and then the plan was we were going to the victory rally which was Sunday night and then the inauguration on Monday. So leading up to it I always do my research. There was a lot of talk online, a lot of potential leftist groups coming to ruin the inauguration day, counter counter protests etc. So we were driving down on Saturday and then I noticed that there was one that went on. There was a march that went on through the streets of Washington on, on the Saturday. So we arrived and then Sunday we, we actually left really early.
We had to get into the line to go into the Victory rally. But what I noticed was like right off the start so they they had a heavy, a heavy presence of National Guard. So they had National Guard from Florida and Illinois and I believe Texas as well. I wasn’t too sure. So now they, they were at the corners and they were only there for support. So they, they had, they, they did have military equipment Humvees at, at certain intersections, but they didn’t have any gear. No, no right gear. Nothing of that set. So, and, and unarmed.
So they were more, they were more there for, for support of the local, of the local police, which was another thing. So I noticed that D.C. police, there wasn’t as many D.C. police there. There was police from New York State and other states that were called in, called in for support, but there was more of them than actual D.C. police. So I knew that the mayor, the mayor of D.C. is definitely not a Trump fan, definitely not a Republican fan. So I’m not too sure if, you know, she tapped down the amount of their police in there.
But the crowd was. Oh, not one issue came up. Crowd obviously very patriotic people from all over the states lining up to go into the event then went off without a hitch. Real really well prepared. Kid Rock was performed. YNC Village People performed great, great speakers, lots of press people. It was, we were, we were really well embraced with our shirts. So they were really interested in our views coming from Canada. So I probably talked to many, many media outlets. Wow. Really? Yeah. And kind of going back to kind of how we, we started it was, is there was no counter protests at all.
Nothing. Nothing. Maybe one or one or two people with signs. There’s no group of counter protests. But now going into the inauguration day, so normally when, and I noticed this with, when we went to election night in Mar a Lago. So when Donald Trump leaves his, his procession or convoy vehicles that they have, what they do do is they wall each side of the road. So it’s concrete barrier with fencing on top of the concrete barrier all the way down. And I noticed throughout D.C. that they had started that on several streets and stopped and other streets they’ve stopped.
So I really think there, there may have been a security threat where it was going to be decided upon his route after he took the oath of office to the Capital center, which were going to be the, the inauguration facilities. They probably didn’t determine that till that same day. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, so there’s just a, a lot of tiny little anomalies there that in, in some aspects didn’t, didn’t quite make sense, especially with the cancellation of the outdoors. Yeah. So, well, we know about the Attempts on his life, but we don’t know how many more that we don’t even hear about.
One thing that I was glad to hear what happened was is his own personal detail, the, I, I guess you’d say the director of his own personal detail, he, he put in, he put in charge of actually his now Secret Service detail. I don’t know if you heard that as well. So the fellow from the assassination attempt. Yes. That helped pull him off the stage back in Pennsylvania. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. So I think I, I think on his abs like supporters of the Deep State are everywhere. Yes, Brutal. Yeah, we don’t know, we don’t know what’s going on.
Yeah. So if I could just add to this. Yeah, go ahead. If I may for a moment just to paint the picture for people in different countries. Right. Who might not have seen any of that. I also have your video from Facebook up, the two minute video of him going through so we can play that as well. And you know from a security standpoint, somebody coined it properly, like it’s like a shell game, right? Okay. It’s going to take place here. Okay. No, no, it’s going to be over here. Oh no, no, no, it’s going to be over here.
Stay tuned for more after these messages. Type of a scenario because of the threat levels. What we also saw were the acoustic technologies count barriers to the psychotronic. Psychotronic for anybody who doesn’t know. Right. You have voice to skull technology. You also have acoustic weapons like the L. They used L rods and other directed energy weapons on 2 million Australians doing their freedom convoy in Epic Australia just a few months right after the Canadian freedom convoy into Ottawa. And they, the cops used LRADs on them, long range acoustic devices which are typically mounted on Humvees or Range rovers and standing 4 to 6ft tall and then they, you know, fire it right at everybody, including microwave energy.
So the threats that everybody is more publicly aware of today is a lot more than you know, a sniper with a rifle on a roof or maybe somebody’s got a man pad or a, a SAM that they’re actually just gonna fire or a light anti tank weapon, rocket, a law right into a car, you know, and open up with a, a machine gun. And we’re not talking action movie stuff here, we’re talking like real life. You need to protect us. This man and what he stands for, the brand for making America great again, makes the planet great again, allows us all to return to sovereignty across every sovereign nation and or territories, what have you so I just wanted to paint that picture as to what you’re, you’re speaking about a little bit for people too.
Oh, absolutely. And, and they did have that type of equipment there. They did have the Humphis ready now also going into that weekend too, they added a lot of drone anti drone technology that were outfitted on his vehicles going forward from there. Well, let’s touch on the drone technology for a moment, Derek. People have, many patriots have seen videos from Ukraine for, you know, the last year or two where a drone with a little GoPro camera, its own camera attached to it, has grenades on it and it will go after soldiers and drop grenades on them.
Or the drones are also fitted with charges so that if it gets into a proximity of an individual, it will fly right into. And there’s also a swarm effect with drones from a security standpoint. So it’s nothing for an enemy, the deep state, to take 200 or 300 drones that all have a small charge on it, maybe a little stick of C4 that’s attached to it and then they’re also a proximity charge and fly that swarm of 200 to 300 drones right upon an area and pepper it and just blow everything up. So. Oh, for sure.
We are like unbelievable the security precautions that need to be taken with the technology these days that make it so challenging to interdict and counteract those effects. And then also secure, because you’re doing psd, right? Protection, security detail stuff. Get your asset, which is the commander in chief, President, the vice president, their families and then other members of office off the X and secure if that was ever to take place. I mean, holy smokes. Yeah. 100. And you see the drone technology that’s coming out of China, it’s absolutely incredible. But the other thing too is with drones, it’s also become low tech warfare now too, because you can just go to a simple, just go to Best Buy.
You can get a drone, you know what you’re doing, you can change that drone into enemy. They even have drones replenishing lines in Ukraine now too, bringing equipment. It’s, it’s, it’s just unbelievable what’s transpired. Yep. Yeah, well, thanks for that analysis. Do you want, do you want me to show the video and roll to that? Yeah, sure, yeah. Motorcade. Yeah. Because one of our people, Michael Jaco said he goes, I’ve never seen a motorcade like this before. And he, he used to do. Right. SEAL Team Six and CIA then protection. Yes, yes, for Ambassador. And he’s like, I’ve never seen this For a head of state ever, it was massive.
And you’re on the ground filming us. So everybody just bear with us because we’ve been having Internet issues the last few days. So I’m doing the stream yard onto the Facebook page for de and once again you can follow all him, or excuse me, all of him. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter X in the links right below here and also placed in the live chat for those of you awesome patriots and freedom lovers who have joined us here right now. So I’m on Derek’s Facebook page gonna click play on the two minute video of Trump’s motorcade leaving the Capitol as president here.
So you got a little sound there if he’s in the beach. That’s right there. There he comes. And hear Derek saying that’s him and the beast. Yeah, there he goes with the license 45, 47 on it. We saw after the, There you go. Put the flag circles on. So with the, with the motorcycles I counted pro he was in, he was around 30 to 34 vehicles. Hopefully we can zoom into the car. There it is, last car. Exactly two minutes. Wow. Okay. Oh yeah. Two minutes. Two minutes. All right, folks, that was it Wild. You can hear the commanding officer of the, of along that fence there.
It may not shown in the video though, but he had National Guard there and you could hear the, you can hear the, the commanding officer as the guy saluted as he went by. So. Nice, nice. Give everybody a little bit more history of your background and, and a little bit about what you’re doing now and following the globalist Eric, because we just had a bunch more people join us, join us during the play of that video. Yeah, so really, you know, I was very different person before the convoy. Very quiet business owner. You know, I just went about, you know, running my company and, and going quietly then, you know, such, the infringement on our, on our, on our rights and our, and our, just our, our general freedoms that was being imposed.
I, I, you know, well, before COVID I, I, I was expecting something because I could just tell by the way the false information was going out. The, you know, the, the false stories that they were putting out. You could just tell that they’re setting something up. And I knew that before a year I didn’t know, I didn’t know what it was or what it could be, but I, I knew it would, it was going to be something. So then, then it hit and then, you know, I, I kind of went to protests, I kind of marched along and I said, you know, we you know, normally when I’m attacked, I’m going to attack back.
And that’s really where it came from. So I meant it was probably, I’ve, I’ve heckled Trudeau probably over. I think I’m about 103 times, as well as other politicians. Have you done the Trudeau 103 times? I’ve heckled him 103 times. So I’ve been in his presence, like you said. I like to get the camera in place. I, I’ve, you know, I, I hit him hard on the facts, and this is what it’s about. So I’ve been doing that, and I continue to do that, and that’s just my form of, of fighting back and, and doing what I can to just the rage awareness on them and make their, make their lives a little bit difficult, and hopefully it just inspires others to do the same.
I meant, it’s, it’s unfortunate that, you know, our, our politicians are supposed to be, you know, elected, but they are employees of ours. But through this Trudeau administration, if you want to call it that, that’s 10 years. Trudeau and all his, all his MPs and all his cabinet ministers, they view themselves as rulers and, you know, don’t ask me questions. I’m going to do what I want. I’m going to put my ideology on you. I’m, you know, I’m not going to be pragmatic and managing an administration of the country and, you know, it’s going to be our way or the highway.
So, you know, we’ve, we’ve, we got to act and stay strong. I realize it’s, it’s wrong. Right. Whenever you, you know, I can live with myself not acting, knowing that it’s wrong and not doing something about it. I mean, I couldn’t, I can live with myself, and I hope others come to view that as, well, you know, you know, before, you know me, life have. May have been a little bit easier, easy before there, but you’ve got to look at your future. You got to look at the future of the next generations, and you’re gonna have to stay strong.
Yeah. There’s a, there’s a photo that came out which perfectly summarizes this point, with a little boy. It was a black and white photo. It was a year before convoy. There’s a little boy, black, white photo, holding his father’s hand, looking up at his father. And the title said, if you don’t stand up for me, who will? Question mark. Yeah, I’m like shivers up and down my spine because that, that summarizes it right there. And you’ve been doing this now mention your business, you were a business owner before all of this and you’re still going out there heckling the globalist satanic terror, basically, as I call them here on the show.
Transnational criminal terrorist syndicate 100. Yep. Cartel TRUMP signed an executive order that we saw publicly that took Major General Valley’s Operation Sinaloa that he wrote for the Trump team just a number of months ago and said, we are classifying the cartels and other organizations as terrorist organizations. Now is the state that the military and every part of the American war machine can go after legally, lawfully and under the law of War. Manual 2023 updated. And when Lee Dundas and I, I just shared this on a show with Derek Johnson an hour or two ago, she called me yesterday to catch up.
And I see this, she said, yeah, I heard about it. And I said, well, this is what Trump said word for word. And I read it to her. I’m like, and other organizations, if he’s going after cartels, wouldn’t Pfizer Johnson and Johnson Moderna fall into that category? I posted that and she didn’t miss a beat. Her words were absolutely right. They are the biggest cartels in America. In the world. 1, 100%. 100%, yeah. And that’s going back to what you’re saying. Like the, the liberals here in Canada, they’re basically a crime syndicate. They’ve enriched themselves every one of those 10 years.
The cartels too. The cartels, they, they’re, they are an instrument that’s been used by China, it’s been used by other cartels that they’re, they’re paid henchmen. They’re, they’re, they’re part of it. I meant they, they, they do behave exactly like a terrorist organization in a sense. They partnered with China for fentanyl. You know, there’s everyone, everyone seems, with warfare, they just seem to think it’s on the battlefield, you know, that that’s, that’s where warfare is. But no, and you’ve mentioned it many times here. No. And we’re fifth generation warfare now. And yeah, and these, these cartels, these cartels are more powerful than some, than some small countries in terms of wealth on the globe.
Yeah, definitely. Definitely. Well, transitioning back to your time that you guys were just in, you were there for the weekend, I think it was, was it Friday till Tuesday because you got to attend the victory party and inauguration, do you want to just tell people what that was like. Sure, yeah. No, yeah. So we, we arrived Saturday early evening, so we kind of got ready. We knew we’d have to get up pretty early to get in line for the, for the victory celebration, but we did. So. Yeah. So we, we had a lot of media interested in us being, being Canadians.
So while we were waiting to go win, it was cold, we were standing, it started to rain, then you had sun. But just the excitement of going in was, was enough to surpass it. We were meeting, we were meeting patriots from all over the U.S. other countries were there as well. Other media was as well. Oh, definitely. So we went in. Now it’s the hockey arena. So they actually kept the boards up, but they covered the boards in black. And then on, on the actual ice rink, they, they would be more of the vip. So, so media were there.
Trump supporters, donors, people that volunteered on the campaign, that they were all there as well as senators, some congressmen were. Congressmen were there as well. And, and then the, the whole bowl was full. So it was, it was sell out. It was a little bit, little bit over capacity. There’s. There’s some people that were standing there too. So it, it was, it was actually meant to be a victory party. So the mood was up, upbeat. You had Kid Rock that started it off, some really inspirational speeches and. Yeah, no, no, it’s. And they, they, it was also Donald and his family and the administration thanking everybody for their hard work.
So they said we made it. They stood through. Well, one thing in his speech, and I believe he spoke for about an hour and 15 minutes, so I had to divide it up and my lives were going down, so I ended up just having to film the last little bit. But he said near the end of the speech, he says after tomorrow you’re going to see an abundance, I believe he said, of executive orders and the, the families of the families and friends of the J6ers will be very happy. So I knew right there that, that he, they were definitely going to give the pardon.
And then we, we saw the extent of, of the executive orders and there’s a lot more to come. But leaving the who was big. That, that was massive as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the who everything. That’s pretty awesome. Goodbye. Goodbye. UN and you know, we saw the news today. No, no, no, no, please stay. Stay. The United nations like, no, no, no. And now Zelensky has asked for the United stations peacekeeping. United States peacekeeping force come in. Not the U. N. So, oh man, it’s amazing. And Norman and yay. Put Up. So I want to just put them here in the chat as well too.
Sure. On time as well. Everybody knows each other here. You’re always just going to come back. Well, I gotta get a different hat. I’m losing half my head. Oh, my goodness. Wait, you’re not ready. You’re not ready on time. Ah, there you go. The good switch up. Carbon. Excellent. Excellent. There we go. Fantastic. There you are. Nice. Hey, sorry, I just got home. Oh, no worries. Perfect timing. Thank you so much. Great. Great to have you guys here. So America is just enlightening the audience as to everything that had been happening as a result of the inauguration day and the victory day parades and what was going on there from a security standpoint, absolutely huge, massive security to a point where people have never seen anything like this for out of state before.
For good reason. Now we transit back to you guys. Canadian patriots, completely persecuted. If anybody doesn’t, I’ll do a very light introduction and turn over them for their introductions. But, you know, starting with the Ayoi, her husband is kidnapped. He’s a hostage. Again, the J6 is the same thing as being happening in Canada. Right. You have persecuted patriots from Pastor Arthur Pavlowski, Norman Traversy, all of us at different levels, many of them, some of those who have been kidnapped and held hostage in the jails as persecuted patriots, which you’re actually looking at. Yayoi has an ankle bracelet and on the weekends has to report and solely for her and her husband and other members of the Lakeshore Sovereign assembly in Ontario sending out letters to stop the vaccine aside upon actually in this particular case was upon a woman and her daughter.
The woman and her daughter saved, but they wrapped up and yay has not seen her husband Dan, nor spoken with him since November. So this. Yeah, it’s actually December 3rd. December 3rd, yeah. Go ahead and give us a little update on Lakeshore Sovereign assembly and we’ll go over to Norman and what’s going on with you now? Right. So. So we are like, you know, it’s not just us too. All Canadian, everybody, you know, under the cooperation of Canada, Ontario, everybody are actually that, you know, political prisoners. Right. Even though we are not in. Inside of the prison or whatever, we are all are political prisoners and.
And then we. He just, you know, happened to be inside right now. Unfortunately we are unlawfully arrested and then detained. And so we are. So Dan is trying to do the heaviest corpse, you know, try to just trying to make sure that we are acknowledged as natural men and a woman. That’s the route that he’s taking. But so far we are not sure what’s, what’s going on right now. But at the same time we are definitely in touch with our military contact informing everybody everything that we do. We are reporting to the appropriate authorities. And so Dan is actually able to call me, but they actually block the phone number.
So now we have to be creative to talk. Anyway, I went to visit him. So one of the agents say like, oh, you have the GPS thing so you can come in to see him. Even though I don’t have any restrictions. So now I’m trying to, to see if I’m talking to somebody and I’m trying to see if I’m able to get in because I want to see him. And we are also. You know what, I can’t really pronounce his name. So if I spell. Could you, could you pronounce it for me? Brad. So R A O U L.
So yeah, so Wellenburg, I believe so. He was, I think he’s the one who was assisting all the Jewish people and he, he suddenly disappeared and I think like yeah, so he was another political prisoner. So they have the Raoul Wallenberg center, so they actually deal with the political prisoners. So we are trying to get in touch with them to, to pull Dan out through that too. So we are, we are going to get in touch with them soon. I just have to report everything. And yes, it’s pretty, that’s pretty much it. So, and then, you know, next step is going to be the peace treaty.
Right? We already did the common law grand jury indictment to them. So I don’t know. Did I tell you that the, the judge got promoted? You can go ahead and you can share that with everybody as I show on the screen Truth guardians peace treaty which everyone is speaking of and the link is in the description in the chat. Right. So yeah, if anybody interested, you don’t have to be in Canada anywhere around the world, you are, you’re welcome to join our peace treaty. Because from what I’m hearing is now at the point of the law of war Manuals Chapter 18.
So that’s pretty much the last chapter. And then there talks about implementation and they also talks about the reparations compensations, all those, the grave violations. So those like a will willful killing. Then everybody that who violated the law war it now is the action time because that’s it. Like they already had enough opportunity to halt. That’s all we did. We reported and then demand them to halt the war crime and the opportunity to halt is done. That’s that’s it. So now it’s the implementation time. And so, yeah, so the, the judge that she, she was dealing with us.
So apparently after two weeks she got promoted to the Superior Court. Yes. It’s interesting timing. Throw those freedom lover patriots in jail and get a promotion as a result of that. And the only person I know outside of Lt. Col. Ricardo who has read all 1294 pages of the Law of War manual is Yayoi. Oh my goodness. Incredible. And also what you guys have put together with the assembly, so that TGP or Truth Guard link is below the description as well for everybody you see here and what they represent. And you can leverage this as well wherever you are too.
Very powerful. Very powerful. And then Norman, you, you know, you’ve been calling me the last two days, you have brand new news about China and Canada and what’s been going on. And you and Daniel seem to have been very busy running around Ottawa. I have the three page document translated that you provided. I haven’t read it because I just came. I sent you, I sent you a cleaned up version of it. I only found it yet. I found it online yesterday and it’s I. It’s in French and it was a jpeg and there’s a lady in France that actually.
Yeah, okay, there it is. I think I gave you the cleaned up version. Yeah, this is it. The cleaned up version. That’s right. Yeah. Okay. It’s the Declaration basically saying that we’re divorced from Great Britain. This was 1839. Wow. And this was done in, in Vermont. So a number of Lower Canadians, Quebecers went to Vermont. They had refuge there, they got together, they had delegates from different parts of Lower Canada, Quebec, and they elected a president. And this is their Declaration of Independence. And you’ll see, look, the funeral tenure or senior is abolished. All people, including what they called savages, had equal rights.
There would be juries. It’s a beautiful document. And all men over the age of 21 can vote, which is probably a good thing. Yeah, definitely a good thing. And I just want to make a note for the audience watching this live. So all this came into me between live stream I just did with Derek Johnson and then getting this up together and Derek Noonan on and then these other two awesome patriots, Norman and Yayoi. So what I will do toward the end over the next few hours, I’ll post a link of the actual screenshot of the original document in French noting the Declaration of Independence for the Free Republic of Canada reported to be.
What did you say? 1838 or 1839. 1839. And what happened was a number of Quebecers went to Vermont, they formed a congress, they. A provisional government. They had delegates, and they elected a President of the Republic of France, Robert Nelson. As you can see on the document, they then were going to invade Lower Canada and put in this provisional government. But the. The Brits caught word of it and they were arrested by the Americans and then sent back to Lower Canada. One of those people that were arrested is my ancestor, Toissant Traversy. So they threw him in jail and they were going to hang him.
And the reason I’m around today is because he had a lot of that Hudson Bay money and they find him a thousand pounds and banished him from Quebec. So he moved to Ottawa, right where I’m living now, at the Byward Market. So I found that document yesterday. Today my friend Danny and I went to the Federal Court and we had our three quo warrantos, which you’ve seen a number of times. We had our letter to the Judge Advocate General of Canada, and then we had our letter to President Trump, which was sent last August. So then to finish off the whole quaranto thing, we did a motion to intervene, which you’ve also got, Brad.
And the motion to intervene is in the case of. It was McKinnon and Levranos versus the Attorney General of Canada, stating that the Governor General should not prorogue Parliament until, I believe it’s the 25th. And now, because we’re in multiple countries. What does prorogue mean, Norman? Because we have. Okay. Which means suspend. Okay. It means to suspend Parliament so we would have no working government, which Trudeau had, if he gets his way, would suspend it. He would suspend it by using the Governor General. Now, apparently the Governor General has the power to prorogue Parliament as the monarch’s representative in Canada, because the monarch apparently has the right to prorogue Parliament.
Just dissolve Parliament. You guys stop playing now. Go have an election, which the monarch apparently has the right to do. But what I am saying is that we do not have a valid Governor General. And if we don’t have a valid Governor General, then no one can prorogue Parliament. And if we don’t have a valid Governor General, we don’t have a valid Prime Minister, we don’t have a valid government, period. So. So you found it. This is on the screen now. That’s it there. So the Federal Court intervention stamp today in Ottawa, Ontario, January 22, 2025.
This is a letter from Norman Traversy to the Chief Justice Paul s. Crampton at 90 Spark Street, Ottawa, Ontario. The motion intervene Docket T65 Citation Colon 2025 Strat Charlie 105, dated 2025, 118 under Special Case management. Now, I’ll just read this out because of people listening later on, or maybe driving. It says, from Norman, Sir, I represent a vast number of concerned Canadians and we wish to intervene in this matter. We have new evidence concerning the Trudeau administration, its lawful status and the fact that it is a def facto not a de jure government. We’re invoking Rule 13.01 of the Rules of Civil Procedure as a party intervention description of action.
We are filing this motion for intervener status in the case currently before the Federal Court filed By Messrs. David McKinnon and Ari Lavernos vs. The Attorney General of Canada, which was granted an urgent expedited hearing on January 18th of 2025. This latter motion challenging the Prime Minister’s decision to pro rogue Parliament as published in the Canada Gazette 2 extra volume 159 number and containing the Governor General’s PL proclamation proing pro Parliament to March 24, 2025, which all the Americans and everybody knows. Oh, Trudeau had a meeting with Trump. Trump starts trolling him about, you know, become the governor of the 51st state.
51st state, 51st state. And then Trudeau goes, I’m gonna. I’m intending to resign. The Canadian truth or American truth or media went crazy like Trudeau’s resigning. No, he said he was intending to and then it was, we’re just going to suspend Parliament till March 24 when we have a new election for a new Prime Minister of the Liberal Party to see what we want to do. So that’s the significance of that date, everybody. The letter continues on here before wrapping up. Reasons and basis for intervener status. 1. The applicants have an interest in the case based on their previous submissions, including in the Ontario Supreme Court dated August 15, 2024 would be the JAG letter that myself, Norman and Major General Paul Vallee assigned and the same information filed the Supreme Court on April 22, which was the very first letter of Corronto that argued that the current Governor General is not legitimately vested with the powers of that office and cannot there legitimately.
Prorogue number two. Finally, the applicant submit to the court that the issue of the current Governor General’s legitimacy must be determined as a condition precedent to any ruling which seeks to specifically address or contest the recent proroguing of Parliament. For this reason, the intervener’s application is useful and different from Messrs David McKinnon and Ari Lavernos submission to the court in this matter. And the third, the final point is the applicants submit to the that the actual and legal issue of whether or not the current person posing as a Governor General is actually vested with powers to prorogue Parliament constitutes the pith and substance to the matter placed before it by Messrs David McKinnon and Ari Lavernos and necessarily describes any action which may flow from its rulings.
We remain controversy and Daniel Ms. Robian and CC to President 47 Donald Trump. So there. Drop the mic again. Yeah, yeah, so there. And was there any response to that when you handed off for the intervener status today or they have to wait for this convening? You know, I said I wanted a response today and of course I’m talking to a clerk and she’s. I said no, take a look at this. Look at how important this is. This is the most important case in Canada and it needs to be addressed today. I went just after noon with Danny, my co signer and we’ll see.
They’ve got it. I’ve been there several times so they know me and they actually X rayed the document before they would accept it and then it’s stamped because I insisted on them stamping it. They were just going to take it and I said I need this stamp so I can prove that I was in the court with this document. So then they stamped it all here for people. I mean because every show we do this for people going I did not know that. Holy cow. So I’m showing you the website for the securities and Exchange Commission in the United States sec.gov and you when you can type in any government supposed government, right? Government governance.
Mentis to control minds. That’s the interpretation Latin and you can find Canada. So you have 445 corporate filings for the government of Canada on the SEC. Canada is a business entity and even tell you it’s registered Principal offices are located where District of Columbia. When you click that the headquarters of Canada are in Washington at the Canadian Embassy. They also have an office. They have an office on Albert street. I think it’s 365 Albert Street. Which is three blocks finance. That’s right. The CFO, the Ministry of Finance is Albert street and that’s also indicated right here on the sec.gov for trading all of you Canadians or.
Or Australians or New Zealanders or Brits or Americans up until Trump took the 47 office on a stock exchange and we’ve already covered many times thanks to Susan Brierly and so many more about the straw man that you’re easily, easily. There’s hundreds of millions of dollars to every one of you men and women and watching. And we even had Susan Brierly showed her very first bond at birth in 1964 for $97 million. It was $97.6 million. So they’ve been playing this whole shell game of, you know, government, corporate satanic stuff. And then sovereign man or woman, law of the land versus their admiralty law.
Also saw the comms on the 20th, right before the swearing in of 47 air quotes. Is admiralty law flags, gold fringe flags. And then no more. And then it was Washington D.C. january 19th and then reclassified the city of Washington on January 20th. No longer a city, sovereign state. Yes. Amazing. And Gulf of America, by the way, everybody’s pretty happy about that too today. So amazing. That’s incredible. So this is, I mean, this is the first time hearing about it and everyone else, I think too. 1838, it looks like there might have. And I am only saying looks like, because the document came in, it just got translated.
I haven’t looked at it. I trust Norman with my heart. Is man 25 year firefighter, paramedic. So I trust him, but I haven’t looked through it. But in 1838, it looks like we had our Declaration of Independence. 1839. 1839. Yeah. And we had a president and they called it the Republic of Canada. Wow, that’s cool. Got arrested, thrown in prison, and then they extorted a thousand pounds out of them in 1839. And he and his family moved to the Byward Market, which is about a half a mile from where I’m sitting now. And we’ve been there ever since.
And that’s why I’ve got a French name, but I don’t speak a word of French. Yeah. All right. So what’s also amazing about this is it’s likely Kevin Hoyt’s grandfathers, great grandfathers were all with them when they signed this in Vermont because he’s part of the Free Hoyts of Vermont. Great, great, great, great, great grandfather Harry Hoyt, Free Men of Vermont Minutemen fought alongside and their Continental Regiment in the Continental Army. Excuse me. Where your ancestors were messengers for George Washington under the 2nd Canadian Regiment under the Continental army, which eventually was disbanded at West Point, New York, which is then where General McInerney, Lieutenant General three star, Major General Valley two star and Bishop Jim O’Connor all attended U S Military Academy.
Incredible. So that really go speaks to General Valley’s point of all Canadians are American when he said that years ago. And then Yayoi who’s read the freaking law of war manual and has for years been, you know, going out there from a lawful sovereign perspective in common law with letters letting people know that, you know, there’s a corporate facade which is meant to enslave the people around the world. And they have been putting it up on their website. Lakeshore Sovereign assembly and TGP’s treaty. So I go to like to go to Yayoi and then Derek for comments.
Go ahead Derek. Oh, you want me to go first? Yeah, no, no. I was well aware of all of what Norman’s work, especially over the last little while. But actually more of a, more of a question for Norman, what do you think would be the next steps from that letter today? Norman, do you think they’re going to ignore it or what would do. Do you think at this point in time we would need the US intervention now or is there anything else that we can do on our end? I, I do think I will get a reply.
The federal government, the federal court ruled in favor of the two plaintiffs that this should be expedited. And in that ruling they said, you know, the Ministry of Justice has enough staff that they can obviously comply with this in time. So I with the intervener status, I wanted to get the rest of Canada involved. And as I stated in the document, I represent a vast number of Canadians. I’m not just doing it on my own. And once again, this is a form of quo warranto. Show us how this Governor General is going to prorogue Parliament when she has no authority.
Show me the authority. I’ve gone to the National Archives, I’ve done three quoantos, they’ve had three researchers, including the top archivist in Canada looking and they have not been able to find it any authority for this so called Governor General. So the whole thing’s a sham. And I think that’s that the Americans are aware of this and that’s why Trump is trolling and saying, you know, 51st state. Well, we declared our independence in 1839 legitimately divorcing ourselves from Britain. And I don’t think we don’t have to become the 51st state. We can just become the Republic of Canada.
Oh, I’m in 100 agreement with that. Constitutional republic is, is definitely the way. Well if you read I’ve sent that document out to a number of people and I find no fault with it. Except that it doesn’t give women the right to vote. But it was 1839, so. Yeah, it’s a beautiful document. Gives everyone equal rights. Trial by jury. Crown land is gone and it become belongs to the people of Canada. Except that land which is under cultivation. So if you’re a farmer, you own your land and it’s, it’s, it’s a beautiful document. It really is.
You know, if you could put links up. Brad, people can download the translation and the original. It was done today or actually last night. It was translated and I, I can’t tell, I don’t speak French, but I believe that’s a true translation of the original document. And it’s the first I heard of it yesterday. I didn’t know there was a declaration like that. Interesting. Oh, go ahead. Pardon me, sorry. Derek, is there any comment on the first nations in that document or. Yeah, the savages have equal rights. Oh, okay. Yeah, so I, I. Savage, whatever the French word is.
But you know, they didn’t. They, I, I think the term savages meant something different back then. And if they really thought they were savages, they wouldn’t give them equal rights, would they? No. Right. So everyone had equal rights. Trial by jury, you know, fair ballots, everything. It’s was totally set up to be free, republic, free of Britain. And you know, we’ve been trying for hundreds of years to get free of Britain and maybe now it’s time to show that we’ve been free of Britain for a couple of hundred years. The masses just don’t know it. Yeah, go ahead.
Yay. Yeah. So the Governor General, things like, I remember when I did this research about them, they’re saying that it’s just the corporate soul. So they, they’re pretty much the agent of this corporation of Canada and Ontario. They, they don’t have any legit authority, nothing over us. It’s. We are, you know. Yeah, yeah. As Stalin said, all power comes from the barrel of the gun. So that’s what they’ve got. They’ve got people with weapons. That’s it. You know, it’s just, yeah, trying. They’re, yeah, they’re just trying to intimidate and they just want us to just believe that they have the authority, but they can’t prove it.
You’ve been, you’ve been asking where’s the proof? Where? Almost a year. Yeah, right. Over and over again. And then for us too, we are saying like, where’s the proof? Where’s, like, yeah, someone, someone made a comment that if I was to get more Credibility on a podcast. I should be taking these quo Rantos to a court with jurisdiction. But how can I take it to a court with jurisdiction if none of the courts have jurisdiction? That’s it. They have nothing. And if they can’t prove it, all they can do is like, whoa, I can’t hear you.
Yeah. It’s like, yeah, you know what? You gotta have to prove it. That’s what we’ve been saying to. Whenever we are there as a special divine appearance, we’ve been asking. Right. It’s like, where is it? You guys don’t have it. We own our. Our name. So. Yeah. You know, you can’t just pretend that you’re a trustee. You are. You have our. You own us. You don’t. You know what I mean? I identify as a brain surgeon. Okay. I identify as a brain surgeon, and don’t you dare ask me for any kind of diploma. Right? It’s just ridiculous.
Yeah, yeah. They have nothing. So that’s all they can do. Right. Okay. So they work for me and then they’re gonna just arrest you. That’s what they did. Like, it’s just ridiculous. Well, it’s. It’s human trafficking. It’s servitude. Yeah. I think the people that have got your husband locked up will be locked up. It will come to them because just doing my job is not good enough. Right. You know what I mean? Especially. We put the truth to it, and then they still did what they did. So that was their choice. And then they. Everybody has their responsibilities, you know, it didn’t.
It didn’t work at Nuremberg, did it? That’s right. So you know what I mean? Yeah. But we try to save them as well. We. We say like, hey, we are letting you know we’re trying to assist you to halt. Because this is the truth. But they chose their path, you know, and. And to the point that. That big amount of pain and we just lost Eric, so hopefully they’ll come back on. Is coming in just right here today. I had Jason’s grandma, Cindy Lou Young on last night because there’s. Oh, yeah, you know, 18 or more political prisoners.
And Jake cried out on X and said, hey, Elon Musk, they’re still holding me and 20 other J.6 political prisoners hostage inside the Washington D.C. jail gulag. Those are also from around different parts of the states, too. Oklahoma. Other other jails and prisons are holding them prisoner. Even after the executive order on purpose, Milan Musk replied, here today. This will get fixed short. Sorry. Actually replied last night at 10:51pm this will get fixed shortly. So that effect is going to go throughout Canada and then the world too. But people you’re seeing here from Derek and what he’s been involved in and Yayoi and Norman, you can’t just sit down and, you know, watch a show and just go watch other people are doing it.
Like, we are all in this together from the standpoint where all of our voices need to be heard and all of us need to take a active, proactive and literally physically get off our butts aspect and doing something. No longer protests. You have all the documents and the filings sharing a huge part of it as well and keeping the conversations going on top of mind because my goodness, two years ago nobody had heard of Corantos in our circles. And now, you know, you’re hearing other guys, even like Benny Johnson and other ones that I’ve heard, they’re like, yeah, did you hear about the Coranto in Canada? Right.
Well, those were the people things that also worked with Norman, that problem. Yeah, they went to Australia and New Zealand as well. Yeah, yeah. So this communication and this conversations, not just this one in particular, but all the conversations are key for everybody to maintain it front and center. Because this also supports the right financial truth, spiritual truth, health and wellness truth, the enslavement versus sovereignty truth, the admiralty maritime law bar, British accreditation registry system versus common law and the divine natural law. Can’t subvert this stuff anymore. Right. Yeah. And It’s Rome Statute 15 and 25.
We all have individual responsibility to make sure the society and in the country and in the world are peace. So we are doing our part. You know, everybody can do their part as well. Yeah. I just hope most people, what you guys just said, you know, if we could get everyone to think that sovereignty and peace down the line, if you notice now distractions, we got to be focused on our sovereignty front most. You hear the tariffs and then these, all these politicians now are using the tariffs for their own. Their own political purpose or their own political vendettas.
And then people are going over there, and then people are going over there. No, everyone’s got to be focused on. They. They’re an illusion. The whole system is an illusion. We focus sovereignty and we got to keep going forward, but unfortunately, you know, people keep going this. We just got to keep preaching to them, letting them know. Yeah. Yep. And. And the key point of that fact too, regarding, you know, politicians using this, that’s also a way for people to record evidence of their crimes of propagating it when they’re faced with law and truth and then they turn a blind eye to evil.
We just had MLK day on inauguration day and two of MLK Dr. King’s famous quotes are to turn a blind eye to evil, are just as guilty of perpetrating the evil. And then his other quote on evil is about again. He uses the word men, this is back in the 60s and he said that the only thing necessary for evil to persist is for good men to do nothing. That’s it. One hundred and yeah, Yoi was a teacher for seventeen, eighteen years before she was fired for not taking the job. Make sure that children are safe.
I consider my children’s families are my family like I consider them as my Canadian family. I wanted to, I wanted to save everybody, right? Not just the children, but their parents because they need them and then my co workers, but you know, I just have to make sure that I tell them the truth and then what’s the law that they’re violating? And then actually well, my phone and the laptops are still seized. I’m, I’m contacting this, this pill police agent but he doesn’t respond back to me. So who knows, they might be contacting me and then trying to get assistance from me, but I’m not.
I, I have no access. They may be thinking going hey, yay, thanks for speaking up. I need your help. I can’t because I don’t have the access to it too well, hopefully, you know, somehow they’ll be in touch with me and when the healing time happens, I want to assist all of them. All of them. Beautiful. Beautiful. Yeah. So then let’s wrap up the final comments because you know, all of us have that everybody sees on the screen here, some more than others are persecuted patriots just because we see something wrong. You know, say see something, say something, right? These broadcasts in the airports and then, oh, weaponization of the government around the world, even posting memes and getting arrested in the UK and thought crimes across China and all this kind of stuff picked in pig farm, you know, that’s been going on since the 70s, which Norman and I know full well from the people who are a big part of bringing the truth to light, saying this is still happening even today.
And by the way, that’s the Epstein island of Canada, everybody where they’re taking men, women, children, getting them addicted, raping them, torturing them, dismembering and murdering them in areas of Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, just outside of Vancouver. And, and there are some very, very well known names in Part of that, but I’m not a lawyer, thank goodness. But I’m also not going to start putting out something I haven’t seen evidence on, but we’ve seen a little bit and it’s, it’s the most heinous stuff. And that is part of see something, say something. Stand up. Likely Dundas would say stand up, get after it.
She was the arc, the architect behind helping orchestrate the Canadian Freedom Convoy because she did it so successfully over in Thailand for that country. So lady will have last words. Why don’t we go to Derek and then Norman for followers and then over to Yayoi and she’s also speaking on a behalf of some other persecuted patriots that weren’t able to make it to our show. Aquasi and Caleb. Yeah, well, we’ve never been in a better spot than we are now. Let’s hope Donald Trump does what he does in, in the States, but we got to keep our frequencies high.
Always remember, always remember sovereignty, stay focused because our time is now. Pretty much this is it. It has. We have to move soon. Yeah, nice. Time is now. Love that Time is now. Absolutely. Yep. All of it. Great, great. Norman balls in their court as of this afternoon, it’s up to them to respond. I’ve done three quo rantos, I’ve National Archives, they haven’t got a leg to stand on. And if they do not grant me intervenor status, then I think that the, the whole procedure is null and void. And I’d like to get in touch with the two applicants for the original proceeding and let them know exactly what’s going on.
Like they, they don’t have to play in that sandbox. Right. So then I’ll just put it out there. If anybody knows David McKinnon and or Aris Lavernos, please have them get in touch with Norman through any of the Patriot channels in Canada. People is what I’m referring to as background channels. Or you can go to his gifts and go again everybody’s links below and place a heart on it. That and that will email him and he can email you back. And that’s GiveSendGo.com forward slash. We rise for Norman because, you know, he had $0.61 in his bank account on June of 2024 because he had never been paid his pension lawfully should have been paid.
And you know, they cut him off his disability last January, a year ago because he went to intervene in an Ottawa courthouse and the chief of police and a couple of other Ottawa police assaulted him. And then all of a sudden the Next day his disability was cut off. So giftsengo.com we rise, they fall. We’ll go to Yayoi, who also has gifts. Ah, yeah. So it’s again, it’s really nice to have all of you on, you know, on this, the right side of history with allies. We are doing everything under duty of care, you know, all peace, neutral.
You know, this is. And then this is the year. It’s the golden age. And Trump was mentioning about it’s all about common sense. That means common law. This is a common law time. We can focus on the creation and then, you know, keep the. Yeah. Vibration high like Derek mentioned it, you know, we can keep, you know, focus on the creation of what we want to make, what we want to do and what we want to accomplish. Right. It’s exciting time. It’s really exciting time. It’s the energy is very, very crazy. Crazy right now because of the six planets alignment and everything.
But you know, if you feel like you are kind of buzzing, don’t worry. This is exciting time. The universe is excited with us, you know what I mean? So thank you so much for everything and all your work. Excited to be here. Yep. Massive planetary alignment. Thank you so much to Yayoi and boy, you know, if anybody needs another example of a divine feminine warrior, look no further than yay, like Lee Dundas and a few other names like Lyn Scott, Hagerman, Boom. What great examples for the world and the planet and families going forward. And so I’d also ask people who are watching the broadcast or listen to the podcast, put out your prayers.
Right? Because we have to continue to pray and send out good vibrations. Call upon a great spirit, our Creator, to assist us across the world to calm the negative energies and help us remove the negative energies in this Aquarian Age, this golden age literally of the cosmos that we’re in. The planetary alignment on Friday is coming into place, which is amazing. And then as a result of that too, we rise. They fall like Norman’s Give, Send, Go says and the Facebook and the X account for. For Derek to follow him. Everything’s below the description. Also when this broadcast ends, it’s in the chat right now, but it will be below the description on the X account for the Sovereign Soul.
Show the documents that we just showed that Norman just came up with and put out there and Translated with Daniel, Ms. Robin’s assistance, the English translation of the French Declaration of Independence, the Free Republic of Canada from 1839. So that is about to be placed in the description when we end this show you’ll have that. Share that everywhere. Look through it. Talk about that. Because I’m hearing it for the first time as well. I mean, who knew? Why did we need a proclamation of acceptance for Article 11 of the United States, right? Articles of Confederation, November 15, 1777.
It was done down in Kevin Hoyt’s Vermont state. Yeah. Incredible. All Canadians are Americans. And what a tip of the hat. That’s the Trump team. And for amazing souls like you three here, I see it’s an honor to know you and peacefully fight alongside you with our voice and our weapons of information and divine mischief. Oh, heroically divine mischief. Yeah, exactly. So great. All right, ladies and gentlemen, stay tuned for a special message from Colonel Chuck Sellers, the former deputy commander of Delta Force. If, you know, we know a lot of people do. Are in pain or they’re having some issues, it’s got a little bit of Make America Healthy Again.
And by the way, what you’re about to hear him talk about, RFK Jr has been wearing for months, and it’s part of Make America Healthy Again. We’ll see you all later. Thank you very much. Please put your comments in the chat for these amazing patriots right down below the show as it ends, and then go check them out. Give, send, go tg Peace treaty, Facebook with Derek. You know, where we go, on we go. All is galactic, so let’s get after it. Bless you all. Thanks, everybody. Get her done. Get her done. Right on. Get her done.
Mahalo, nadigato. Hey, dear soul, if you know anybody who needs deep healing, has pain, hard time sleep. Stay tuned for these messages from Colonel Chuck Sellers, the former deputy commander of Delta Force. It is powerful and literally may help change your life. To revitalize energy, activate stem cells, and live younger. Reverse aging. I’m telling you. Did I. Michelle will tell you because she watches me. Okay? So, you know, you saw me, Brad, through that time when my back was so bad. You remember, we were here. You were here, and you said, this is. We got to do something.
My left knee is destroyed. I mean, it’s. It’s totally rebuilt and then five operations. But you have to tell about your back. My back is a. Is a. It’s a disseminated idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. DISH disease, which is a degenerative back disease that’s genetically passed down, but what it leads to is total calcification of the spine. And so jumping out of airplanes just made it come quicker. Yeah, I didn’t know that I had it until. Until 2002, after I been in the army for 24 years and jumping and all of the parachute jumping and the opening shock and everything did so when I was what 48 when I got out? Something like that.
And one application of the patch later we went to a rodeo on Saturday. Our first day literally we went to a rodeo on Saturday and it was maybe six to seven hours and he wasn’t slumped over and he couldn’t handle it. No thanks. It was like pretty incredible. That was the first day. That was your first day wearing them? That was the first day. That was the first day. Are you wearing x39 too or just ice wave? No, just waves right now. The way we did it. I just have, I’ve only done the ice wave. All I have used so far is the ice wave, the two patch thing and I, I’m doing it I just over three days now.
I find that where I needed I did try it on the behind the neck. The first day was here. What really would where it helps is I put it right on. Where it really hurts is my lower back across the pelvis and I put it on the find air and then down on my lower left leg down the top of the. So it goes through the bad knee. That’s it now but since I put these things on that’s how I feel. I mean I’m walking straight, I’m not limping. Hey you divine lions and lionesses, you amazing sovereign souls.
Look at this. Powerful, affordable x39 patches help regenerate your stem cells. These were developed for Navy Seals. Burns up to 500 calories. Acts like a wearable med bed on your body. So you get to wear your natural Wellness Daily. Order X39 now at catch the LifeWave.com There’s Monday to Friday phone support support so you can go there. There’s zooms and there’s a 190 day money back guarantee at catch the lifewave.com the X39 there is nothing else like it. Help activate stem cells, reverse aging and rejuvenate your life atcat Catch the LifeWave.com thanks for joining us on the program ladies and gentlemen.
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